Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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May Practically Boycotted By the
General Trado.
OnlB Attrnct-n Fnlr Blmro of Atten
tion 1'rovlHlons Untifljtnllr Irrcjju-
Inr CiUtlo StronRor HORS
Active nml Higher.
CnicAno , March 25. [ Special Tcleerom to
Tun DF.E. ] The wheat mnrkct opcnea
ntrong on the dry weather throughout that
part of the winter and spring wheat nrun
west of the Allcphcnlcs , cast of Missouri
and south of the line running through south
ern Illinois and Indiana. The signal servlco
bureau reports normal molsturu outsldo of
this territory. Dry weather rc | > orts from
the largo district around about Chicago arc
coming In , which are going a long way
toward neutralizing the reports of "splendid
crop prospects" so glowingly pictured in the
public press , though nobody claims that auy
damage has .vet resulted. The visible sup
ply decrease of 010,000 bushels was larger
thdn anticipated , and this had the effect oi
bringing out ttio llttlo follows. The big
fellows did not need any such news * to
fill them with courago. They arc ,
however , seemingly not doing much ,
and are letting the Impression go
out that' until the hugo hunk of
bear meat bitten off last wcok Is digested
they will rest easy. The strength shown
early did not last , that is so far as relates to
Way price. The trade In that delivery was
light. It is rapidly concentrating In July
nnd other Into futures. Hutchlnson an
nounced himself as favorable to the down
movement In May , which was tukcn to mean
that the "lemon had been sqUcc/cd dry" this
time , and that a break was now In order.
The prevailing bollcf was that on the dowp
grade the market would bo kept nctlvo to cn-
courntjo the renewal of trade In that month ,
in the hope that another crop of shorts might
bo again caught. As it is May is practically
boycotted by the general trado. Trade may
got Into that month again , but it docs not
seem likely at this writing. Cablet were
easier , nud all the American markets were
weak in sympathy with the softness that
developed hero soon after the opening. Now
York was conspicuously weak , and so was
St. Louis. All of the markets slipped down
rapidly and easily when Chicago
got weak , and reacted with palpable roluc-
tunco on Chicago rallies. The clearances
last week are shown to have equalled 013,000
.bushel * , the largest movement of any week
for the month. May wheat opened at $1.05
nnd July at 8'J c. This was < o better than
Saturday's closing price for May , and % c
better for July. 5lay sold off J c , rallied to
$1.05 , broke sharply to (1.03k ( some say
11.02 % ) , rallied to $1.04 , declined to $1.03 ,
reached twice nttcrward to $1.04 , and then
worked down to $1.01 } . The market held
around S1.01 } @ 1.02 for a while , and then
nettled to $1.01. The closing price was $1.01.
July sold off to SSKe , advanced to Wc.
worked down . to 88Jf c , rallied to S'J c , sol
down i to BSJ < c , later sold down to 8"ic , and
closed at STJ c. Hutcliiiison was the largest
buyer of July up to within an hour of
the close , and there was first class
general buying for that month. During the
last hour there was no disposition In any
quarter to bull ltand the wheat market went
down curly as compared with Saturday. The
closing shows a loss of 8J8'c in May and of
% c In July.Tho decline in May was accom
panied by astonishingly small excitement ,
which Is supposed to indicate that the open
interest in the May . deal has dwindled to
small proportioift. Trade in futures was
dull nnd without semblance of life or 'ac
The lower tendency of the wheat market
affected corn to a slight extent , and the in ]
urcaso in the visible supply was an Item in
fluencing values in the same direction. An
Increase of only 404,000 bushels was not par
ticularly bearish , being no moro. than was
generally looked for. The early season is
regarded as the most favorable argument in
tbo bear case , and the low level of the pres
ent prices , and the heavy consumption both
at homo and abroad , are the mainstay of the
bulls. The near approach of the opening oi
navigation , when the winter accumulations
in the public elevators may bo expected to
seek a temporary resting place in private
granaries , And will bo therefore out of the
visible supply , is also rolled upon to help the
lull side. The fluctuations were within u
J/c range , and the closing prices. wcro ncai
the lowest of the day , and show a decline oi
about } { o since Saturday.
Outs attracted a fair slmro of attention on
the regular market , ruling nearly steady
within about ao range. May was agait
the favorite around 25Jf@25Jffo though i
touched a point below tbo inside named
\vhllo July was quiet but firmer. The loca
etocka showed un increase for the week o ;
Eomo 04,000 bushels , . and No. 2 oats to go t <
store were dull around 24a Noinccla
features occurred , with seller March qulti
Provisions were unusually irregular. Ii
pork the fluctuations covered the wldo ran pi
of 40c , in lard of 17 } c and In short ribs o
l"J < c. ' The day's market averaged consider
ably higher than that of Saturday , but i
failed to command satisfactory support , am
the closings showed a material snrlnkagc
In pork the decline suffered was 15@'JOc , ii
lard 10c , and in short ribs 5@7J c ,
Cnicioo , March 33. | Special Telogran
to TUB UEB.J CATTLE Trade generally
opened slow. The run was larger than ox
pcctcd , hence the buyers were in no hurry t <
look the stock over , taking the matte
leisurely until late in the forenoon. Ther
was a largo per cent of common and tnedtur
tccrs among the arrivals , and this factalon
had a tendency to keep prices down. Thcr
were no Texans among the receipts. Whe
the buyers fairly got to work and' prices be
gan to develop there was llttlo or no chang
as compared with Friday. The scarcity c
prlmo'fat cattle helped to keep prices stron
on that class , and such sold up fully to Fr
day's prices , perhaps in a few instances
hade stronger. Medium and common grade
of steers wcro slow from the stai
to tbo finish and perhaps i
omo cases a shade lowei
Cow stock was , quiet and steady. There wa
nothing going on in the stocuor and feedo
trado. Choice beeves , M.OO@4.W ) ; medium t
coed steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs , J.GO3.00 ; 121
to 1850 Ibs , $3 30@3.X ( ) ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , f3.00 (
0.45 ; stackers and feeders , $2.30@3.UO ; cowi
bull * and mixed. S1.CUQ3.10 ; bulk , $3. ! > C (
Hoas Active , C@10o higher , bulk sollin
at H.OOM5 , with nlco light mixed an
prlmo butcher woiehts at $5.00. Light' sort
old largely at I4.95Q5.00 , with a fo <
InKO sort at $5.05@UO ! ; toward the close
part of the advance was lost. Into nrrlva
selling So below the early sales , yet aboi
everything was sold at onco. What was lol
was In tbo hands of speculators ,
NEW YORK , March 33. [ Special Tolesrai
to TUB Hia'.l STOOKS Tbo stock markt )
opened without special feature to-day. Tli
fluctuations were narrow the first hour , an
outslao of grangers tho. operations woi
principally these of the room traders. Wlill
most of the lUt opened steady or a shac
Better than the close last week , Jersey Cei
tral started ) ( better and showed gale
later. There was a slight upward tendenc
from the opening prices , excent Uurlingtot
which went off a point , followed by Atch
on , which dropped a fraction oelow the cloi
of Saturday. Tbo advance in the goner
llst'up to 11 a. m. wus' confined to 9a@ % pi
cent , except these mentioned ; and oven Uu
llnglon rallied to a point bettor than U
opening , and Atchison returned to the flr
price of the morning. The market at th
point was dull and the list generally stead
Toward noon u tinner tone prevailed , Jersi
Central attracted attention by advancing
per cent on the strength of the annual t
port , uud Oregon Improvement ou the otlu
hand lost l } ( per cent. A slight advance nil
along the list was followed by a few trifling
reactions , but at noon the market was
steady at about the prices of the morning.
Thcro wns n decided weakening In the stock
market the last hour , and the declines more-
than cancelled the early odvanca In the nc
tlvo list. The closing prices were lower
than on Saturday. Burlington wns the
weakest on the list , -showing n decline of
over 2 points , and closing at the lowest point
for yearn. Atchison closed 1 point lower.
Compared with Saturday's closing prices ,
Missouri Pacific , Northwestern , Rock
Island , Heading and Lacknwanna closed J {
to percent under , St. Paul lost } nnd
Union Pacific nnd Lake Shore \i each.
Jersey Central closed 1 % higher. The total
sales were 233,070 , Including Heading ,
85,800 ; Burlington , 8 ,100 ; Northwestern ,
17,500 ; Rock Island , 10,200) ) St. Paul , 10,400 ;
Union Pacific , 10,000 ; Lacknwannn , 13,900.
The folio wing were the closlnjr quotation * !
tT.B. 4s regular. . . iaU ) Korthern i ' * * \uwi * "in
U. 8.4acoiipon4 , . . .1.TIH donreferrod 6'l7f
U.fM'lsreKillar. . 107 % C.N. W K > 3S !
do preferred , VI7
PaclIlcBsoC SOJ . . .1W N.V. Central Kfl',4
Central IMcino. . . . 31 . , . . . 23'i
Chicago & Alton. , . 1M. llock Island
CIilcagollurllngton , M.&StP. . . 01'1
ftQulncr . " . . . . 00J ! Jo preferred. W)4 )
D.L. * . . , , . . . . ; St. Pnul & Omaha . notj
Illlnolrt _ , ntml..ira" . . . . ' '
109Oj {
Kansas , VTexas ; ; ; 12' ' | w7.Sti'V" ; , ' . ' . ' . ' ] I2U ?
LakcShore VM'i do preferred. . . . 25V4
Michigan Central. . R" Western Union M ? |
Mlsflourll'acifio . . . 67
MONBT o.v CALIEaiy nt SJ QS per cent ;
last loan 3 per cent.
STEIU.ISO EXCHANGE Dull but firm ;
sixty-day bills , $4. 5Jf : ncraand ,
CHICAGO , March S3. Wheat Weak and
lower ; cash , OSJ c ; April , OO c ; May ,
Corn Steady ; ca h ? 341 0 ; April
May , 830-lOc.
Oats Steady ; cash , 24J c ; May ,
Kyo May , - 3Kc.
JJarJoy NothlnR dolnp.
Prlmo Tlmoth j Jl.33.
Flax S1.G1.
Whlskv 1.03.
Pork Lower ; May , $12.85 ; July , 512.RO.
Lard Easier ; cash , $0.KiK ( ; May , ? > .
E'lour Steady ; winter wheat , ' 52.50(3.1.40 ( ;
spriup wheat , S1.45@(1.80 ( ; rye , ? 2.05@3.00 In
Dry Salt Mean Shoulders. ? 5.r > 0 ( > . ' 5.75 :
short clear , t0.60O.C2 ; short ribs. J0.25j ( $
Butter Steady ; creamery,17@24 > c ; dairy ,
Choeao Steady ; full cream choddais nnd
flats , 102f@llc ; Voung Americas ,
KKps - fresh , .
Hides Weak ; jioavy preen salted ,
ftj/c ; light green salted , 6Ji@Oc ; Rreenl@
; salted bull , 5 } o ; green salted calf , 6 %
; dry Hint , 7K@8c ; green salted kip ,
c ; dry calf , 7@8o ; dry salted hides.
Tallow Weak ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4o ;
No. 3 , 3 c ; cake , 4.V c.
c.Hecewts. . Shipments.
Flour , bhls . 5,000 5,000
Whcatbu . 13,000 28,000
Corn.ou . IfiO.OOO 157,000
Oats , bu . 119,000 00,000
Now Vork. March 25. Wheat ncceipts ,
0,000 ; exports , 10,783 : spot market dull ,
2@ : > 5fc lower , wcalc ; No. 2 red. S9@aiJ c
in elevator , 90 % < S02J cuiloat. OO ® 1) ! o f. o.
b. ; No. 3 red , two : ungraded red , llK@03c ) ;
options active , heavy , 1H@1 % " lower :
March closing at S ! 0-
Corn Receipts. 1U5.000 ; exports. 173,000 ;
spot steady and modcratclv actlvo ; No. 2 ,
42'/42 ' o in elevator , 43K@435 < c afloat ;
No. 3 white , 40c ; No. 3 "red , 41 @ 42c ;
ungraded mixed , 41043) ) 0 ; options dull ,
'fj@Mc lower and weak.
Oats Kecolpts , 21,000 ; exports , 20 :
spot , firm but dull : options steady but
quiet ; March , Sic ; April , SO e ; May , SO c ;
snotNo. a white , S3 } @ 'J3 c ; mixed western ,
Coffee Options opcnod barely steady ,
closed steady nt 5@15 points below yester
day ; sales,37,500bags ? March , $ IG.SO@10.95 ;
April , J1090 ; May. SloVJO@17.05 ; spot Rio ,
linn ; fair eareocs , $10.00.
Petroleum Dull but steady ; United closed
at 02c.
Eggs Dull and loxver ; western ,
Pork Strong ; now , $13.50@18.75.
Lard Weak and dull ; western steam ,
closing at $7.7K@7.40 ! ! ; March , $7.34.
Butter Dull nnd weaker ; western dairy ,
18@18c ; western creamery , 10@25c ; Elgin ,
2G@20X < 5.
Cheese Quiet but steady ; western ,
lil vorpool.Mnrch 25. [ Special Cablegram
to Tun BBB.J 2:00 : p. m. close. Pork
In poor demand ; prime mess , eastern , G5s ,
steady ; ao , western , 55s , steady.
Lara In fair demand ; spot nnd March ,
30s Od , firm ; April and May , 37s , firm.
Wheat In poor demand ; now No. 2 ,
winter , 7s Od , steady ; do , spring , 8s , firm.
Flour In poor demand ; lls 3dsteady.
Corn In poor demand tor spot , with a
fair demand for futures ; spot , 8s lOd , easy ;
March and May , 8s OJfd , cosy ; April , 8s
9J4d , easy.
Heceipts of wheat for the post week : Prom
Atlantic ports , none ; Pacific ports , 20,000
quarters { 'other sources , 20,000 quarters. Re
ceipts of American corn , 30,800 quartcjs.
St. I/onld. March 25. Wheat Lower ;
cosh , Oljfc ; May , 00 @UO c.
Corn Higher ; casb , 30o ; May ,
Oats Higher ; cash , 24c ; May , 2GMC.
Pork Bettor at $12.75
Lard Firmer at $0.80.
Whisky $1.03.
Butter Quletcasy and unchanged ; cream-
cry , northern roll , H@10c ; dairy , 20@23c ;
creamery , 23@2oc.
Cincinnati. March 25. Wheat Dull ,
easy tendency ; No. 2 red , 94@95o.
Corn Fair demand ; No. 2 , mixed ,
35o.Oats Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 2
Whisky Quiet at $1.03.
o Milwaukee , March 23. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 87tfo ; May , SaKc.
Corn-Dull ; No.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 , white.
Rye Active ; No. 1 , 44c.
Barley Firmer ; No. 2 , 0 _
Provisions Easy ; pork , $ u.25.
Knnnas City , March 25. Wheat
Weaker- ; , 2 rod , cash , 89o asked ; May ,
Ole asked ; No. 2 soft , cash , no bids not
offerings ; May , SO obld.
Corn StroiiKcr ; cash , 25 } c asked ;
May , 25 o asked ; No. 2 whlto , cash , 27"
bid.Oats No. 2 , cash , 23o asked ; May , 23c
Minneapolis. March 25. Sample wheat
lower ; receipts. 278 cars ; shipments , K
cars. Closing ; No. 1 hard , March , $1.10 ;
May , tl.ll ; on track , J1.10 ; No. 1 north
ern , March , 9So ; May , 08 c ; on track ,
$1.00 ; No. 2 , northern , March , 67c ; Moy ,
COo ; on track ; r" "
Chicago , March 25. The Drovers' Jour
UQlreports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 11,500 ; stronger ; beeves ,
f4.00@-l.50 ; steers , * 3.00@3.00 ; stackers one.
, feeders , f2. : @ 3.0 : ! ; cows , Dulls and mixed
8l. < 50@3.10 ; bulk , * 3.20@2.40.
Hogs Receipts , ' 1800 ; opened 5@10 <
higher , closing easy : mixed , $4.7005.00
heavy , ? 4.70gl,77Xi ( "sht , t4,75@5.10 ; skips
Shcoi > Receipts , 4,500 ; strong ; natives
m * 3.00.10 ; western , $1.10@4.70 ; lambs , (4.71
it @ 5.50.
10 The Drovers' Journal's special Londoi
id cable quotes prices steady at 12 cents forbcs
idre American steers. Supplies of American cattle
re tlo large ; general supplies light ,
tolo Ktumns Oitr , March 25. Cattle Receipts
lon ceipts , 1,000 , ; shipmentsnone ; market active
n- dressed beef stoori 5@10o higher ; cowi
nis active aud strong ; good to choice corn fed
fy.WS4.23 ; common to medium , t3.76Q3.75
stackers and feeding steers steady at ILGOc (
3 , 8.20 ; cows l.CO@2.BO.
a50 Hops Receipts , 3,400 ; shipments , 270
50 market actlvo and Co higher for all grades
50ol common to choice * , f i.lO@t.65.
or National Stock VarUu , Eaat St
bouts , March 25 , Cattle Receipts. 900
ir shipments , 100 ; market strong ; choic-
lie heavy.natlvo fleers , J3.85@4.40 ; fair to good
81 (3.00@3.90 ; mockers and feeders , t'J.lCXJ
IS 8.20 ; rangers , corn-fed , fJ.KKTjS.OOj grass
ISy. . fed , | 2. < xr@3.00.
y.oy Hogs Receipts , 2,500 ; shipments , 1,200
oya market higher ; choice heavy , and butch
a en' selections , t4.70@4.l , packing , Jl.70
re- 4.85 ; light grades , C4.bOA4.05.
reMT Wloux CUy , March 5.-C tUo-U COipt
130 ; dhtnmcnts , 2 < ; market steady ; fat
Meow , t2.7IK33.33 ; stockers , t300@2.80 ; feed-
ens , t3.25@2.85 ; fat cows , $2.25 < $2.GOi can-
ncrs nnd bulls , tl.001.75.
Hogs Receipts , 1,078 ; market opened Co
stronger , closed n little weak ; light nnd
mixed , H&3@4.G-3f i bcavty N.00@l.70.
Monday , Mitrcl , 23. 18St .
The cnttlo market was in a-very healthy
condition anil with moderate receipts and a
pooddcmnnd ; the pens were closed nt an early
hour. The prices paid wore strong Satur
day's prices. Tlio dressed beef nnd snipping
steers sold t n range of * 3.00@3.05 nnd the
cow stuff nt fcS.OOS3.00 but mostly nt 13.250
2.05. Feeders as well ns other kinds of cattle
tlo sold strong.
The mnrkct wai nctlvo nnd strong to 5o
higher. The demand wns good nnd the pens
wore cleared nt nn early hour. The bulk sold
nt M.CO@4.G5.
Only three lends were received but they
sold quickly at about steady prices.
Cattle . ' . 1,000
Hoes . 2,400
Sbocp . .j . 407
Prevailing Prices.
The following Is n table of prices paid In
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 'bs.$3.33 < ? J.OO
Prlmo steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 8.03 ( # 3.60
Native feeders . 2.75 ( < 3.00
Common to good cows . 1.50 @ 2.4J
Choice to fancy cows . 2.50 ( $3.00
Fair to choice uulls . 1.75 @i. < JO
Fair to choice light hogs . 4.00 OC4.05
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 4.00 @ 1.05
Fair to choice mixed hogs . . . . 4.00 W4.05
Fair to choice western sheep. . 3.80 @ 1.80
Fair to choice Nobruskas . 8.00 @ 4.15
Representative Sains.
Tlio "Week's Rcoortl.
Showing the number of cattle , hopt and
sheep bought , on this market by the differ
ent buyers last week :
Swift & Co . . . 2,421
George H. Hammond & Co 1'JbU
The Armour-Cudahy company 402
Steven , Hamilton & Co 730
Shippers and feeders 2,004
Local , 1J }
OmuhaPuckiiiK Co 42
Total 7,951
Armour-Cudahy Packing company. . . 4,870
Omaha Packing company 3,8111
George H. Hammond & Co 2,417
Swlft&Co r 1.738
Total 12,84i
Swift & Co . - . 513
G. H. Hammqnd&Co 40S
Armour-Cudahy Packing company. . . . 807
M. Donegan 21
Total 1.33C
lilvo Stock Notes.
Cattle strong.
Hogs strong to 5o higher.
No essential change in the sheep market.
The receipts of hogs , though light , were
eljghtly heavier than a week ago. On Mon
day of last week about half of the hogs sold
at $4.50 and the balance at $4.45 and 34.47Y.
The prices paid to-day were the highest this
This month promises to beat the record in
the number of cattle weighed. The largcsi
month previous was May , 1888. The total
number of cattle weighed during tbo first
throe weeks of the month of May was 22,582 , ,
and during the same time this month , the
total was 24,858.
A year ago plenty of cattle wcro selling at
& .00@4.25 , and oven as high as $4.40. Twc
years ago good corn-fed steers sold at range
of $4.25(81.80. ( They are only about $1 pot
hundred lower now , but it U that extra dollai
that tho'rtedors are sighing for.
Produce , Fruits , Etc ,
BUTTEH Creamery Fancy print , 24@20o :
choice print , 21@28o ; fancy solid packed , lit
( B23 ; choice solid packed , 10'IMOo ' , Dairy
Fancy roll , 17@10o ; choice , 15 ( < 210c ; good , IS
@ 14c ; low grades , 10@llc.
CHEESE Full cream Cheddars , choice , llj
@ 12kc ; full cream Hats , two In hoop , llrt (
13c ; full cream Y. A. , choice , 12K@Mc ; oil
grades and skims , 5@9o ; lltnburgor , 10@13c ;
brick and Swiss , 14 < u > 15o.
Eons Strictly fresh , lOo.
LIVE PouLTiiv Chickens , per dor , 13.75(3 (
4.00 ; ducks , t3.2.r ® : } .50 ; geese , 3.60@0.00j
turkeys , per Ib , 910o.
UKKSSED PouLTiir Chickens , per Ib , 9 ®
lie ; turkeys , ll@r.'c ; geese , Il@l2o ; ducks ,
10 ® lie.
VEAI/ Heavy grasscrs , 150 to 200 Ibs , 6@
Go ; inferior calves , 50 to GO Ibs , il < g > 5o ; me
dium to good , 70 to 85 IDS , -l(20o ( ; choice to
fancy , 100 to 180 Ibs , G@To.
VEGETABLES Potatoes , Colorado and Utah ,
GO@Q5o ; Wyoming , 50@55c ; Nebraska and
Iowa , choice largo , 25@30o ; common , 1tJ@23o ;
sweet potatoes , Jcrsoys , per bbl , fcJ.75@3.00j
boots , per dot , fiO@70u : carrots , 85 < @ 40o ; cab'
bago , California , per lu. So ; parsnips , per bu ,
SOQOOo ; onions , rod choico. 50 55c ; silvei
skin , G0@75c ; turnips , ViO@'i5o ; rutabagas , Si
radishes. a5dJ10c ; lettuce , 25@80o : cu
cumbers. $1.50@2.00 ; string beans , per box ,
I1.75@3.i5 ; celery , 25 < S80o ; spinach , 1.55Sg
1.60 per bbl ; pie jilant , per doz , 80o ; parsley ,
per doz , 25o ; soup bunches , 85o ; cauliflower
GAUK Mallard , per doz , $3.00@3.50 ; redhead
head , per doz , ? 2.50(33.00 ( ; teal , per doz , $1.71
S'J.OO ; common small , per doz , tl-00 < vtl,60
rabblU. per Uoz , 00c@ 1.00i Jack rabbits , PCI
doz , MKi < 3i50 ; Bquirrcls , per doz , l > 0c@$1.00
jack Btilo | , f I.OOftl.M.
I'er bbl , fancy Now York nni
Michigan , M.25 ! chok r-43.75 ; choice Mm-
sotirl , $2.50 ; coed , $1.75' < ? J.OO.
FOREIOK KnuiTS SIilftga prapcs , kegs. 40
to 65 lb , lOo per nu b nanii8 , per bunch ,
$ I.Kg3.00 ) : lemons , fancy now , OOq | o $ & ,
$3.73@4.BO ; owngc * . I os Angeles , $2.M ;
o , $3.50 ; N vo j t3.00i Hnnchito ,
Cn vxiti ! ani ES lldl ' .t muglc , choice , $0.75 ;
Bell & Cherry , choice , 50.50 ; choice Jersey ,
HIDES Green snltcdHNo. 1 , Sgr. o ; No.
2 , WSWc ; calf. 5 © : . c ; dry Hint , © .
URAX ( < Navloi , hunt ! picked , per bu. $2.10
@ 2 20 ; ( rood clcnn countrw , $1,03@2.00 ; oft or
poor sto6k. * 1.00l1.6g : Cnllfornln , $2.0v2.10. )
Cinsn Mlchltmn , nor bbl. $4 50(35.00 ( ; Now
York , per bbl , $5.00 30 ; half bbl , $2.75@
I'or bbl , 80 galchoice , $3.50 ,
per half bbl , $2.00.
POPCORN Per Ib , rice , l@lK ° 5 common ,
.IONET Mb frames , choice white , 15@10o ;
dark , 13@14is ! strained , 10@12c.
JELLIES lfJ4Yc ( per Ib ; preserves , 10@13
per Ib.
lAKD--7Jc In G01t > pkgs.
MtNcuMHAT C @ 7o per Ib.
Revised prices are its follows :
BAGGING Stark , A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
keng , seamless , U' c ; Lowlston A , seamless ,
19c ; American , seamless , l"c ; burlaps , 4 to 5
bu , IKgllc ; gunnies , single , 14c ; gunnies ,
double , 2.1c ; wool sacks , 40c.
TWINES Flax , 20c ; cotton , 18@22c.
DHIKU FIIUITS Pigs , in boxes , per Ib , 11 ®
14c ; dates , hi boxes , 7@lOc ; London Dchesa
layer raisins , er box. $5.00 ; Malaga loose
raisins , $3.33@3.59 ; now Valencia raisins ,
per Ib , 7 > u : California loose muscatels , per
box , $ l.bO@J.80 ; California Londons , IbSS ,
? 2.40 ; pitted cherries , 17c ; California pitted
plums , per Ib , 12@18c : dried blackberries ,
per Ib , 037c ; dried raspberries , per Ib , 22c ;
evaporated apples , C@7Mc ; California un-
pared evaporated peaches , 12 < ji > l4e ; ov'itp-
' -
currants ,
Jc ; citron ,
- , , . „ . - - . I > cel , 14c ;
California French prunes , 7J ( ? 511 } < c.
PICKLES Medium , In bbls $5.00 ; do , in
half bbls , $3.00 ; small , m bbls. $0.00 ; dofin
halt bbls , S350 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
In half bbls , $4.00.
Rovsriu CoFPKr.s Gorman , 2l ! c ; Mo-
LaiiRhllu's XXXX , 24Kc ; Ariosa , 21' c.
Corrr.KS Grocn Moebit , SSRSOo ; Rio ,
goodll $ < JU9c ; MnndiUilIng , 25l1.Wc ( ; roasting
Rio , 17lSc ( ; O. G. Java , 24(5203 ( : Java , In
ferior. SW@23o ; Rio , fancy , 21@22cj Santos
and Mnracaibo , 17lUc.
Sun MI Granulated , 7 @ 8o ; conf. A , " } %
OJjo ; whlto extra C , 7 ? c ; extra C , 7c ; yol-
lowC , Xo ; cut loaf , 8 @ 3c ; powdered ,
8) c ; cubes , Sc. '
HisnswAx cjiioico yellow , 20@22Hcj dark
colored , 13@14c.
Ton\cco-Plug , 2035c ( ; smoking , ' 1C@
SALT $1.35@1.40 per bbl
ROPE 7-lfl , 14c.
Mu'i.n SUOAII Bricks , ll@12c per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12@l8o per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , 51.00 per mil.
SUOAK SYKUPS 84@35c per gal.
WiMi'i'ixo PAPEII Manilla. 0 } o per Ib ;
straw , IJfQlKc | ier Ib ; rug , 2)4c ) per Ib.
TEAS Young Hyson , common to fair , \B ( < ii
25c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30 ( < ? 55c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , ! 22 < < 25c ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 40@05c ; Japancom
mon to medium. 12 ® ! Japan , choice to
fancy , oO@45c ; Oolong ; common to good , 25 ®
40c ; Oolong , choice to fanc.v , 50@70c ; Impe
rial , common to medium , 25@35c ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40@.50c ,
CitAUKcits47cjor ; Ib ; assorted cakes , 8
@ 15c per Ib , as per list. *
CANDY Mixed , lM@12 * > c ; stick , O ySllc ;
rock candy , lOJ CTMdufancy ; candy , 728c.
HOLLAND Hr.uni.vtssjoojoc. .
MACKCIICL Family , liiilf bbls , S12.5J ; No ,
1 , $13.50. '
Cot FISII 5) ) ® SHC.
STAHCII l@7 Tc. 1 '
NUTS Almonds'I0@13c ; Pecans , 18c ; Bra
zils , Ucj peanuts , < j@lUii.
Dry ( jifotljj. .
COTTON Fi.ANxr.LS Wper cent trade dis
count. 'UnblcacheU liL , 5 > fc : CC , 0-fc ! : SS ,
7Tc ; EE , 8 0 ; GO , ll c ; XX , lOJ e ; . OO.
llj c ; NN , 18) fc ; AA4l4c ; PD , luijc ; TT ,
10 } < c " ; YISc : BB , l c ; bleached , 20 , SJ < c ;
00 , I2" ! c ; 80 , 13Kc. Brown and slate , 50 , 'Jo ;
70,12 0 ; 90. lOc.
CAniETVAitPBibb , white , lOc ; colored ,
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
i c ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , W 0.
PHIXTS Solid colors Atlantic , Co ; Slate ,
Cc : Berlin oil , GJ e ; Garner oil , C@7c.
PRINTS Pink and Robes Allen , Cc ; River
point , 3jc } ; Steel River , 0 } c ; Hichiiioncl ,
CKu ; Paciiic , 7c.
PIIINTS Dress Charter Oak , 5e ; Ram-
ape , 4c ; Lodi , C o : Allen , Oc ; Richmond , tic ;
Windsor , ( i c ; Eddystone. OJ p ; Pacific ,
PuixTs Ixnmo BI.UI ; St. Leger , 5) < c
Arnold , GV c ; American , 6 } < jc ; Aruold C ,
long cloth , "Jo ; Arnold 11 , long cloth , lOj.jO ;
Arnold , Gold Seat , lO c ; Stclfol A , J2o ;
Windsor , Go d Ticltot , lU c.
GIXOHAM Pluukett , chocks , 7&c ; Whit-
tonton , 7J4'c ; York , 7.fc ! ; Normundi dress ,
8c ; Uenfrow dress , ) $ @ # ; Whlttenton ,
8c : CalcuiUi , 7c.
CVMIIIIICS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5s ; Stand
ard , 5o ; Peacock , 5c.
Housekeeper , S a ; Now Candidate , & } c ;
Berkeley cambric , No. GO , O o : Best Vet ,
44 , tij e ; Buttercloth , OO , 4 'e ; Cabot. 7 > c ;
Furwell , half bleached , 8J < c ; Fruit of Loom ,
8J c ; Green G. 6c ; Hope , i c ; King Philip ,
cambrlo , lOc ; Lonsdalo cambric , lO u ; Lens
dale , SKc ; Now York Mills , lOo ; Pepper-
ell , 42 in , lOKc ; Popperoll,40 In , ll c ; Pep
perill , G-4 , 15V < Jc ; Pcpperoll , 8-4 , ISlc ; Pepper
ell , 9-4 , 23o ; Poppeioll , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton , 4.4 ,
8)fo ) ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 < c : Triumph , Go ; Warn-
sutta , llo : Valley , Be.
BIIOWN SIIEETIXQ Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Xc :
Atlantic B , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , G > < fc ; At
renco LL , 4-4 , Go ; Old Dominion. 4-4 ,
Popperoll E , 40 Inch , 7J c ; Pcporol | 1,8-4. Ibc
Peppcrell , 9-4. 21o ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 23c
Utlca C , 4-4. 4 0 ; Wuchusott , 4-4 , 7c ; Au
rora H , 4-1 , 7c ; Aurora B , 4-4 , GJ c.
FLANNELS , PLAID RaftsmenMe ; Goshcn
; Clear Lake , 3Gc ; Iron Mountain
dice , iNO. v , yj , uiftu , ijuccuui
u. j ; Anawan , 32 > 4c ; Windsor. t .
FI.ANNKLK , Bfn C , 24-inch , 15V < ' Tc ; E , 2-t
inch , 21J < ; G G , 24-inoh , 20c ; H A'F , % , 5c
JRF , , 27c ; GX,25o.
DUCK West Point , 29-in , 8 oz , lOKc ; Wes
Point , 29-in , 10 oz. ] 2Kc ; West Point , 29-in
12 oz , 15o ; West Point , 40-ln , U oz , ICa
COIISKTS JEANS Aiidroscoggin , 7J/c
Kearsargo , 7a ; Rockport , 0/fo ; Cones
toga , 0 > fc.
TICKS York , 30-In. 12 0 ; York. 82-ln
13 o ; Swift River , 8q ; Thorndike , OO , 8 } o
Thorndike , EE , 8Jic ; . Thorndike , 120 , 9 > io
Tnorndlko , XX , IbqiiC/'ordla , No. 5,0 > o
Cordis , No. 4 , . . , .
DENIMS Amoskeag , 9 oz , l'a ' ; Everett
7oz , 13Vo ; York. 7 oz , IHJ c ; Hnvinaker
8 0 ; Jarfroy , XXJTlJ o ; JafTroy. XXX.lSMo
Buavor Creek , A A , 12o ; Beaver Creek , BB
llo ; JJcavor Creek , ( JC , lOo.
KEXTUCKT JE.vxtiTiMemorial , 15o ; Dakota
18c ; Durham , 27 oi Hercules , 18o ; LiOam <
ington , 22 > o ; Gottawold , 27 c ; Melville
25c. | ,1 '
CitAsn Slovens' jB. 6Ko ; Stevens' B
bleached , 7o ; Stovooa' A.7 > o ; Stevens' 'A
bleacned , 8 > o ; Stovuns' P , 7jfoStevons' ; P
bluacuod , 8 > io ; Stoveng' N , 9o ; Stevens' N
bleached. 0 > $ c ; Stovers' SltT ,
Druga Jandl Chemicals.
ACIDS SulphuWc1 , Jjfo ; citric , 58c ; oxalic
15a ; tartarlc , 4)orAm. ) ) carb , 14o ; alum , "y
@ 3o ; arrowroot , 30q ! balsam capaiba , G5ii
75o : borax , 10@13cf clilomol , SOc ; castor oil
tl.051.10 ; cream tartar , 8io ; corrosive sub
60o ; chloroform , 45 ( < $50o ; ext logwood , 12o
glycerine , 24c-gum ; arable , OOc ; gum cam
pbor , ! i5o ; gum opium , $3.15 ; morphia sulpli
$ a.GO@2.85.
OILS Bergaraot , $2.80@3.00 ; lemon , $2.00
peppermint , $3.00@3.50 ; wintorgrcen. $2.40
olive , $1.00 : quinine , 85@48o ; strychnia , $1.0
W1.10. _ .
Metal nntl Tuiner'B Stock.
Block tin , small pig , i. . . . , , . 'i
Block Un , bar . . . . , .
Copper , planished boiler sizes . ,
Copper , cold rolled . , . .1
Copper , sheathing . , . , i
Copper , pltts . , , . . . . . , . , ! i
Copper , tlata . i
Gal sheet Iron , Junlata , ' 6'J , 10 , and' 5
per cent discount . . .
Pat. plaulshcd Iron , 21 to 27 A. . , . , . . 10 ]
Pat. Planished iron , 34 to 37 B . 9 ;
Roofing , 1C , 14xCO. liashccts O.CO
Hoofing , IX , 14x20,113 sheets 7/0
Ro&flnp , 1C , 20x23 , U38bCCU ? ! ° °
Roonng , IX , 20x28,113 sheoU./ . 14 60
Sheet ( rjn No. JO , , 3-40
Sheit Iron No , 3.tO
Solder HQ10
Tin plate , host charcoal
10.10x14,225 sheets O.BO
IX. 10x14 , 2i5 sheets 8.S5
Tin plate , coke
1C , 10x14 , 225 shoots 0.25
Steel nnlls , per keg , 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg 3.75
Dimensions nnd Timber
13 ft 14 ft la ft IS ft 30 ft C2@2 ft
2x4 $16.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x0 15.00 15.00 15.00 Ifl.CO 17.00 20,00
2.8 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x10. . . . 15.00 15.TO 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x13. . . . 1500 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
4x8 8x8 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 20.00
No. i ; 4 and 0 inch , 13 and 14
feet rough $10.00fMO.BO (
No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 Inch , 10 feet , . . . . 17.00 ( < S17.CO
No. 3 , 4 nnd 0 inch , 12 nnd 14
feet 13.50@14.03
No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 10 feet. . . . . 15.00 ® 18.00
Is ! and 2d clear , IJ InchB. 2s. . 40.00(351.00 (
1st nnd 2(1 clear , I'/ and 3 inch ,
B 2s ; . . ' ; 47.oo@50.oo
Sd , clonr , IK Inch. s. 2s 43.00 a 0.00
3d , clear , 1J { nnd 2 Inch , s. 2s. . 43.00@40.00
B select ItfX nnd 2 inch ,
s.2s 87.00@33.00
1st nnd ' 'd , clear , 1 inch , s. 2s. . 45.00
A select , linch , s. 2s 88.00
B select , 1 Inch , B. 2s 31.00
1st com G Inch whltonino 34.00
2d " " ' 31.00
3d " " 2G.OO
D " " 20.00
Com 4 nnd G in yellow pine 15.50
Star" " " 48.00
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4
nndGinch 20.00
Llmo , etc
Qulnoy white Jlmo , best .00
English and German Portland
cement . - 8.40
Milwaukeeuml Louisville l.BO
Michigan and Fort Dodge , plas
ter 225
Blue Rapids plaster 1.95
Hair- 20
Sash , GO nml 10 per cent dis
count ; doom , blinds , mould-
Ings , 50 and 10 per cent dis
Tarred felt , per cwt 2.00
Straw boards 1.05
Poplar Lumber-
Clear poplar , box boards , 1C in i
sSs .15.00
Clear poplar , % In panel EO.K ( )
Clear poplar , jrf ? lu panel 25.00
Clear poplar , J In stock wide ,
s2 s. . . . . . .7. . . . . . . . . . 23.00
Clear poplar corrugated colling ,
% in 7 80.00
White cedar , G Inch halves 12
" 5J " nnd '
8 inch nrs 11
White cedar , 4 inch halves 10
Tennessee red cedar , split 10
Split oak ( white ) 8
Sawed oak ( white ) 10
Shingles , Lath , per M
XX clear 3.20
Extra * A * 2.80
Standard A 2.GO
51nchclear 1.000)1.70 )
Oinch , clear 1.75 ( < i > 1.60
No. 1 1.10gl.l5 (
California red wood , dimension
widths 4.50
Cypress , clear heart , dimension
widths 3.40
Lath 2.50
Ship Lap-
No. 1 , plain. 8 nnd 18 inch 17.50
No. 2 , plain , is and 1G inch 10.50
No. 1 , O. G 18.00
1st com , 12 and 10 feet 22.00
2d " " 19.CO
3d " " 15.00
Fence " " 13.00
Stock Boards
A 12-inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 nnd 16 st 40.00
B " " " ' 41.00
C " " " " SG.OO
D " " " " 25.00
No. 1 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 feet. 18.00
No. 1 " " " 14 nnd
1(1 ( feet 17.50@18.50
No. 1 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 10 , 18
nnd 20 feet 19.50
No. 2 com. 12 in. s. 1 B. 14 and
HI feet 17.00
Ceiling and Partitions
1st com. M in. white pine parti
tion 82.00
2d com. J in. white pine partition -
. tion 27.00
Clear % in. yellow pine ceiling. UO.OO
Clear % in. Norway 14.W )
2d com. % in. Norway 13.00
N 0.1 com. s. Is. 12,14 nnd 10 ft. 10.50
No. 2 " " . " " 14.50
No. 8 " " " " 12.CO
No. 4 " " ' "
( ship'ircull ) 13.00
Battens , well tuoing , pickets
O. G. tJatts , 2J Inch CO
O. G. Batts , Kx3 , B 1 B So
3 In. well tubing , D. & M. and
bov 20.00
Pickets , D. & H. flat 10.00
Pickets , D. & H. sijuaro 2.00
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
3O5 Soulli 13lh Street , Omnlm
A largo amount of money to loan on im
proved real estate In the city of bmaho. Those
tunds will bo distributed In sums to suit , but
largo loans arg preferred. Application may bo
made to
teE , S , 6ISBEE ,
First National Dank Building. Kcpresentlng
Capital 8400,003
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1880. 62,000
IIBN'UY W. YATKS , President.
LUVVI8 H. itKKI ) . Vice 1'resldent.
A. E. TOlJ/.AUrt ,
W. V. JIOI18K.
J.N. 11. 1'A'J'ltICK.
W. H. a HUGHES , Cisbler.
Corner 12th and 1'arnam Bis.
A General llanklnc Business Trasacte.d
We are constantly buying and selling choice
bonds tunned by
DlSTUiailS , BI'U.
Shall bo pleased to confer with authorities and
others baring such bonds for tiule.ns well a with
those who ma y deulre to buy. wo alt < o deal lu
We receive the accounts ot llanVers , Merchants
and others , deal In Foreign Exchange , and tran
sact any Lubinesb In the Hue ot Legitimate
S , A , KEAN & CO , , BANKERS ,
| OO Washlnaton Street. Chicago.
I 113 miOADWAY , NK\V \ VOUI .
Agricultural Implomonla.
Dcalerli Aericoltnial Implements , Wagons
Carriage * and bdreltf. Jonpt street , between ( th and
lOtfi , Omaba. Nebratka.
Agricnll1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages
\Vho1ctala. Omaba"Nebra > ka.
Wholesale Dcalen In
Agricnltnrallmplenieii Wagons&BnEgies
KM , COB , t < and ICTJontt itrctt. Omaha.
Manntacturon and jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Ra'ies , Flows. Etc ,
Cor.pth and Paclflo tteet , Omaha.
l. I10SPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
U13Iouglaiitreot Omnha , Xobrnika.
Boots and Shoos.
Mers of Boots end Shoes ,
1101 , lien , 1104 DonKlan itrcct. Ormlid. ManufactorTi
Summer urccl , Huston.
Cool , Coke and Llmo.
Jokers of Hard and Son Coal ,
ZOO South 13th ttreet , Omaha , Nebrnika.
SliipEc s of Coal a d Coke ,
211 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Orockorynnd Clnaswaro.
Importers and jobbers of
Crotey ; Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Kto. 1511 Kurnnm direct , new I'm ton building.
Commission and Storage.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties nmtor , ecu" . cbco p , poultrr , game.
111\ Howard Mreet. ijmnlin. Neb.
Dry Goods , Fornisning Goods and Notions
1102 and 1101 Dout'lns , cor. llth ttrcct , Omaba , Neb.
Importers and Jotters in Dry GoodsNotions ,
QenU' ( urnlshlnir Roodi. Corner llth and Ilaraer
Btrt'ets , Omaba , Nebraska.
Importers and jobbcn of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
317 South llth street.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre
Furnara fttrcct , Oronha , Ncbrneka.
Furniture ,
Cmaha Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions.
70i , 707,709 and 711 South 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th ana ix ; Ycnworth streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Sieel ,
SprlnKS , waeon Hock , hardware , lumber , etc. 1209
and 1211 JIarnuy streetOuiaha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
MctMs. rheet Iron. etr. Accnt * for llowo scales.
Miami powder nnd Ljmiui barbed wire.
Bnild rs1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' tooU and ItufJ.ilo si-ales. U04 DouElat
elrcct , Omaha , Neb.
. Wholesale Linnher , Etc ,
Imported and American rortlsnd cement.
agsnt fcr Jlilnaukco bjdranlle cement aod
( julncr white lime.
Dealer in Hardwood lumber ,
Wood carpets and parquet flooring. Sth and Dougloi
streets , Umaba , Meb.
AHKinds of BnildingMaterial at Wholesale ,
16th Street and Union Pacific Track , Omaha ,
Dealer in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Etc , Yards-Corner 7th and Douglas. Cornel
10th and Douglas ; .
Lumter , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner tth and Douglas Bis. , Omaha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmher ,
13tb and California Htrccts , Omaha , Ncbraika.
_ Millinery . . . and Notions. .
- - - - - - - - - - - " -
J-U-LJ-.U- > -I J JJ < ! * >
/ . OliDRFELDER & CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notion !
_ KB. 510 and tU South llth Hreet
Nptlona. _
Bolesale Notions aufl ForaisMng Goofls
Iffl anil ( Oi guntli lOtli itreet , Omaha.
, . , .
-w J--
Wholesale Refineil and Lubricating Oils
Ailo rea e , etc , Ooialin. A. II. Million ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry R nice took of printing , wrapping nnd wrltlu ,
paper. Hi > tci l attention xltcn to car load urd n.
B " to ra go , For ward I n g & . _ Co < m m I SB I on
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
lirauo bouie of tbo Ilcnncjr llugfT Co. Iluggleiu
wbolenle i > nrt retail. U08.1310 , lilt Uoraittcct ,
Opiubs. Telaptioue No. 1W.
H. HARDY A co. ,
- Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Home lurnlililnir Rood , cblMren'i earrlagci , U
UU farnaiu tuecv.
To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublir
and Liverpool ,
Cabin pasuuve tj and HA according to loca
tion of btateruuiii.Bxcurtilou ( tU to tW.
btecraKO to and freni Kuropo at Iwcst Kates
AUSTIN UALDWIN & CO. . General Ak'enti
_ , . , Klliroailway , New York ,
John Illecun. General Westeui Afcnt. I'll ' II i
uolph St. , Chlcugo. Harry I ! , iloorea anUTAo
11 , iUt'anu , ugfiits ut OuinUa ,
. . . . . . . . . . .
t ! ! - - ! - * I f- J H I I * IH."J [ ln "i ,
Burccuftn to Hc J , Joati \ C < v
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Stew '
Acenti for noitonltnbbtjr Bho Co , 1KO1IOI and 11 W
_ lUtncj Street , Omaha , Nebra a.
z ILKR ,
Lager Boer Brewers ,
Ml Motlh Kluhlccnth ttfctt , Om hii. K t > .
MannfaclDrcrsofGalyanizei Iron CoriiicB
\Vlnilon-c r find mrlMIc fkjl'chln. John Rpenotcr ,
proptletor. HW mul 111) ) tm\tt > loth urect ,
Office Flxturoa
Mnmifacturcrn of
Bani Offlco and Saloon Fixlnres ,
nnllf , SlilVhonnls. Hook C > C9 , Drug FIxtnrrN
C ! > < > ! > , rorlllloni. UnlllnBS.Oniintori' , llcornul Win *
Cooler * , Mirror * . Kto' ( nrlor * mil onlro , l'i.U nai73J
buuth lath St. . Omaha. Telephone 1134.
Pnpor Boxes.
J01IX L , WILK1E ,
Fropriotor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1317 Jq 1110 DouglM ilroct. Omith . Neb.
Mannfactnrcrs and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Oil rlotlilng nnd Icalhtr beltlnt. 1003 Knrniyn street
Sa h Doors , jjito. . .
Whel * ale manufacturer ! ot
, Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Branch ' /Dec , 12th nnd Imrd utrcot Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers' Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uouldlnc * . ftnlr-nork nml Interior lianl wood flnlila
N.K. corner fill nnd Lenvcnwt rth trict ,
Omnlia , Nob.
Fninp ? , Fipes and Engines ,
Steam , -water , rnllnAT nnd mining nppllc ,
KO , l nd l-'ariiiim tlrcel. Onmiia.
Steam and Wate : Supplies ,
wind mills. CIS and 12J Jonei St. , Omabl
O. K. Hots , acting tnannuor.
Boilers and General
Sheet-Iron work . , ( team pump * , nw tnlllj. 121J-U1I
rorthilrfet , Onaba.
Iron Works.
Carter & Son , Prop's. Manufacturers of all klndi
Steam Boilers , TanKs and Sheet Iron Wori
Works South JJtli and B. A M. cronlng.
Wrougntand Cast Iron Bui ding Wort ,
EDilner , brans work , central foundry , nfarblne and
blucKirolth work. Offlco anil worXs , U. r. IIj.
and mlntieot./Jninlm.
DetkralK. window Euardt , flower itandi.
etc. 1A ) Kurtli IWh ttrcet , Omaha.
Maal'rsofFireandBnrglarProtf&es ' ,
Vanltf , jail work. Iron shutters and lire eo.-Rpei.
O. Andrcen , prop'r. ( Xjr. llth and Jackton Bis.
Ironind Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and frrcenior banki , offlcei , itorcj.roililenccn. etc.
Improved awnlngr , locktmlth mnohliiprj and
blackim lib works. < UJ South l tb St.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Office Boom 24 , Onpo lte Eichnnito Dulldtni ; ,
StocK Yards , BOitth Otnaba , Neb.
OfOmana , Limited ,
rJobn F. IJojd , Superintendent ,
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The nnljr ronrttp tnko ftrDrs Molnct. Murahaltdwn ,
Ctdnr Itnpldi , Clinton , Dixoo. Cblcnvo , illlwau ,
and all polnti Unit. To the people of Nobraika , Cole ?
rado , Wyomlnir. Utah , Idalin. Noiucln , Oresinn , Wa > b
Ington and L'Hllfornla , It offers luperlor advunlagcat
not postlhlo br & 'iy other line.
Among n few of ttio numoroui polnti of superlorttT
enjojrj br tbo patroni of tbli road UetncCD Omnhai
nod ChlcHgo. are In tbrce trains a < l r of OAK
COACIIKH , which arcltie nnost wlilrli human art nnd ]
Ingenuity can create. Us PAI.ACK HIiKICPJNH OAHS ,
Ihe equal of nblch cannot be found clspwhero. At
Council Illuff , lljo trnlns of tlie Union 1'ncinc Railway -
way connect In union depot with thoat of tlio ChU
cato4 Nortbweitera Uallvrnr. In CblciiKo thu tnln ,
of ( bin line maka close connection with Iboso of All
other Kattern HIIBK. '
or Detroit , Coliimbu * . Indlananolla. Cincinnati ,
Nlngnrn ( nils. Uuiraln , I'lttnburK , 'Joronto , Jlonircali
Huston. Now York , I'hlla'laliililii , Hnltltnoro , Wrih'
Ington , and all polnti In the Bast. Aak for tlcit'tt Tls
tlio /
If you wish tbe best uccomniodntlon. All ticket
nxrmi aril tickets via this line.
n. nuoiirrr. B. p. WILSON ,
( jen'l llonafor. Uen'l 1'aas'r Aficnfc
ruiono , ILI8.
\Y.N. BAUroCIC.fli-n'l Wontcrn Agont.
L ) . K. KI5IIIAI.1.'HckctAKont.
( j , 1' , VtKAl' , City 1'uoi.cngcr Jgent
KOI F.irnam Street.-Onuilaa , Peb. I
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The llcst ll'julc from Oinalia and Council
UIutTd to
Clilengo , AND Milnanbce ,
St. Paul , Mluucapolls , Cellar Ilapldvi
Rock Islaud. Frccport , Kockford ,
Clinton , DiibiKiuc , Davenport , '
Klglu , Mndlson , JanosTllle ,
Ifclolt , ' WInoua , LnCroase ,
And all other Important polnti Knit , Nortlietit aa <
Kor through ticked , call on tha ticket avent al 1(01
I' rnamitrcet , In Ilurker llloc < , or at Ilnlou 1'arlHf
1'ullinan Sloepcri and the finest Dining Cari In th
trurMnrcruaoii tboniilu lluo of tbe Cblcn o.lU ,
waukea It SU i'aul lullwar. end eierr attention '
pala to inuenuert IT courtcoui emplojrei of
U. WII.I.KU. ileneral Uanaver.
J. r. TUOKKH. Aiilstant ( Icaaral XI n no nor.
A V , II. CAIirKNTKU , Ucuoral rn/.eii n t
( ilCO. K PBAFFOnU , Aiiltlant
and Ticket Agent.
T.J.Cti UKQ neralBuperlnt oil nt.
, ,
Itooiu 03 Traders' Uiillillnj ; ,