Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Condition of Affairs lu the
Btato Auditor's OfHoo.
An Explanation oftlio Motives Which
Prompted the Ilcciiicst For Tlireo
Additional ciorkg L
latlrp Gossip.
Tlio State Andltor.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March.2ri.-.fSpeclaltoTiiE
DEE. ] The salary appropriation bill pro
vides for three additional assistants for the
office of auditor of Rtnto. When asked about
the necessity for this increase of his clerical
force Auditor Uonton Invited the interviewer
to a soft , leather-bottomed chair , und , report
In hand , explained In iomo detail :
" 1 have asked for an insurance deputy ,
an Interest clerk and n recorder. For com
parison , lot us take the state of Affairs
Jiovombcr CO , 1831 , and November 30 , 18S8 ,
Tbo Insurance business doubled in that tlmo.
The number of companies doing business in
Nebraska Increased from ninety to 180 , and
there are now 183. Wo issue annually n cer
tificate to every local Insurance agent in the
state. Tlio number doubled in the four
years , and this year wo will Issue between
seven and eight thousand. Wo got a foe of
$2 for each certificate , and the fees of the in
surance department will aggregate (18,00(1 (
lor the year , There is a great deal of work
looking after wild cat companies. It is the
business of the auditor to leave his office and
prosecute such cases. With this deputy the
auditor con bo relieved of that work and ro.
main in hWofllco to give personal supervis
ion to his business. The other deputy cannot
bo spared' because ho must bo hero to
sign warrants , which , by the way , doubled
In th6 four years.
"Tho work of registering bonds .has
trebled , and wo absolutely need another re
cording clerk. Ono of the duties of the ofllcc
Is to register all county , proclnct , village ,
city , and school district bonds issued in the
etato. There are now 000 blocks or sots ol
these , as against 800 lu 1S84. Every series
of bends has a history that has to bo re
corded In this ofllco , and during the nast two
years wo have written 3,000 pages of that
kind of record. i
"Tho provisions of the revenue laws
throw a great deal of work upon this ofllco ,
as everybody knows , but few realize , the In
crease entailed by the organization of now
counties. There were sixty-one counties in
188-1 against ninety now. Wo have annual
settlements to make with each county treas
urer und do an immense amount of math
ematical work. Why , hero 1s ono table in
my lost report that runs from page 53 to 209 ,
The original is as big as that table [ pointing
to a table about Gx2)lj , across as well as up
and down. The care and distribution ol
revenue books and blanks has of course In
creased in like proportion. And another
thing there Is a considerable increase in
the assessment and taxation * work
occasioned by the crolitlon of now
funds for which special levies are nccos <
"Among the smaller matters are these :
There are four now state institutions for
which warrants must bo issued. There are
double the amount of railways and two tele
graph companies instead of ono. The work
Of the office , you see , is growing all the tlmo
and will continui to grow.
"A bill was introduced In the house re
quiring the auditor to Ilpuro the interest on
registered school district bonds the same as
on county bonds. Under the present system
the proper district and county oftlcors fre
quently forgot or neglect to take the stops
necessary to levy the tax for the interest on
Qchool bonds. Eastern investors got dis-
posted , and , as a consequence , our school
bonds often have to bo sold at u discount.
This bill I speak of provides that the auditor
shall flguro the interest on school district
bonds und certify it to the county clerk , who
shall accept it as the levy and put it on the
tax books. Thcro are 743 blocks of thcso
bonds registered In this otflco , and if the bill
becomes a law I shall need an interest
"Indirectly another clerk is chargeable to
my office on account of the now act for the
tale inspection'of banks. The banking law
requires each bank to tlio its articles ,
tnnko a statement within ten days of
coming under the operation of the act and
nlso three statements each yonr. This ofllco
roust ire up the blanks and forms and notify
each bank for each statement. I think there
are between COO und 000 banks that will bo
subject to this law. But while the act pro
vides for a banking clerk to bo attached to
my ofllco , ho is appointed by the treasurer ,
the attorney general and the auditor. That
Is a provision I don't ' like. I would rather
have him put In the treasurer's oftlce , but if
he is put in lilino I think I ought to have con
trol of him. His appointment may bo con
ceded to mo as a matter of courtesy , but
there may como a time when the treasurer
and attorney general will appoint a clerk
whom the auditor would not trust or tol-
ei-ato In his oinco if. ho could help himself.
That provision ought to
Ilcckloss Extravagance.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 25. | Special to TUB
. "It's shame and crime
BBB.J a n on decency ,
the way some of the affairs of the state nro
managed , " said an indignant'miember of the
senate. "Why , Just look nt the demands of
the state institutions for fuel I An appro
priation of $13,000 is naked for heating the
capital. What good reason can tboro bo for
using hard coal at $13 a ton , when other
Jargo buildings nro being heated wltlt soft
„ ooftltliat costs only $1.00 a ton ? It hard coal
! * > must bo used , why isn't It bought in the
' \iffcummer , when it is cheap ! I bought a car-
t"load * In Omalm last summer , nnd It was laid
.down ut my homo , about ns far from. Omaha
t as Lincoln is , at $0.50 per ton Why don't '
&tato ofilcors ihunagu state affairs us they
would their own private business } "
"And another thing , " added n listener. "I
understand there uro four or llvo setts of
builcrs for heating the capital building , and
> t takes that ufuny different engineers and
firemen. "
" 1 tell you , " resumed tuo first speaker.
"there's going to bo an explosion ono ol
these days. If a governor over had a chance
to make a record it is right in Nebraska now.
If governor I would Investigate tbo extrava
gances of the present system und cut down
every lust ono of thorn. "
Senator Sutherland seems to have been
Impressed in the same way , for ho this after
noon Introduced the following resolutions :
Whereas , The records of the auditor of
publlo account * fall to show the supplies of
the public institutions of the state , in detail ,
end whereas , many supplies for the state In-
. BtltutloiiH are purchased without advertising
for proposals tis required by law ; therefore
pa it i
Resolved , by iho senate of Nebraska , that
$ | ul purchases und contracts for supplies for
all of the departments of the public Institution -
- tion of the stuto bo made in accordance with
rticlo 1 ! ) of chapter 83 of the compiled stov-
* tites. which provides that all such contracts
Mhall Uo made with , and supplies purchubcd
from the lowest bidder ; nnU bo it further
. ' Resolved , That bids be received on each
Item , separately nnd that the superintendents
of the various state Institutions shall Ilia in
the ofllco of the secretary of state on the last
day of each month an Itemized statement In
detail of till supplies purchased for the maintenance -
tenance of their respective institution duly
Aerified by the oath of the superintendent.
The General Uollolciioy nil ) .
LINCOLN , Neb , March 23. [ Special to Tins
i'flBE ' , | The general deficiency bill , which U
vet to bo considered by the bouse , reads us
\ ' Bcolton 1. That the following sums of
tnotioy be , nnd tun same uro hereby , appro
priated out of the Konerul fund for the pay.
Incut of tlsn following items of Indobtvduvsi
, fcwlng by ihia state :
" ' .Deficiencies for clothing , bedding , grocer-
| c . fui'iii Implements , coal , luumlry ma-
1 ; * Uuery ( , furniture , hardware , ranges , drnps.
fnitruiiionttf , medicine * , incut , blanks , burial
core uui | for extra work und material for
the fcoMieri' und sailors' homo ut Grand
island , Nob. , $18,500.
'linulstoraud fcjctuldcr , grates for boilers
tor lutmuo hospital at Lincoln , Nob. , fWO ,
Union sclioql furniture company for furnl-
for Industrial school ut Kcavnoy , Neb. ,
Deficiencies for furnitiiroundboJalni , ' , fuel
ud llghti , ruiulri and linprovorients and
f Or eiirA wori ; done tuul waloriii furnished
In completing nnd lighting Insane asylnm at
Norfolk , 122,231.
.Deficiency for work done on deaf find dumb
Institute nt Omaha , (714.
Deficiencies for board nnd clothlnir , fuel
nnd lights , repairs nnd Improvements nnd
stntionery and postage for insane nsylum at
Lincoln , f9,500.
Deficiencies for medicine nnd surgical ln <
strumcnts. fuel nnd llgnts. barn and furnish.
Ing now building for feeble minded youth al
Beatrice , $3,707.03.
Deficiency In current oitMnscs for Institute
for tbo blind nt Npbrnskn City , $800.
Deficiency for fuel nnd lights for industrial
school nt Kearney , 18,030.
Deficiency for employes' wages , capital
building and grounds , $1,000.
Section 2. The auditor of public account !
Is hereby authorized and required , on the
presentation of vouchers approved by the
board of public lands nnd buildings nnd the
secretary of state , to draw his warrants on
the general fund for the amounts named it :
such vouches.
Section 0. Whereas nn emergency exist !
this net shall take effect on nnu attdr Its pas
s ngo.
Hoodlum Losing Tliclr Grip.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March23. ISpoclaltoTiir.
BKB.I A desperate effort Will bo made bj
everybody but the Jobbers to adjourn this
week , though the senatorial alliance nn
nounccs with grim determination that tlioj
nro ready to stay another week it necessary
to glvo the appropriations careful consldora
tlon nnd knock out the Jobs and oxtrav
nganccs. It Is now believed that the boodlcr :
hnvo lost their grip In the house , nnd cnnnot
now control n majority , while on the other
hand , n combination Is being ; formed to cou <
cur lu the senate's retrenchments. In the
senate little delay Is expected , except ovei
the claims , and a proposition to limit speeches
ns to time and number Is being cbnsldorcO
favorably. Everybody is weary ; evorybodi
wants to go homo.
ItH Slumbers Undisturbed.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 25. [ Special to Tni
BKE. ] The Joint resolution directing the
board of transportation to make a scale ol
freight rates to prevent discrimination will
not have its slumber disturbed by Its friends ,
It passed the house , but failed in the senate
on a tie vote ot 10 to 10 with Church Howe
absent. Its friends nro satisfied that it can
not bo passed , and they nro willing to lot the
record Bland ns it is. Certain members ol
the board of transportation wanted the reso
lution put through to stiffen their splnul
column * , and a majority of the board , it is
asserted , were nnt unfriendly to it.
The Trust mil.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 25. [ Special to
Tun BHE.J The trust bills are taking a rest
for the present. . Senate file 14 , the Kockloy
bill , passed that body long ago , and bus boon
on the general flto in the house for wcoks.
Speaker Wntson introduced two or three
bills on the same subject , and every tlmo the
bills como up for consideration the relative
merits of thcso various measures have been
discussed , but no definite action taken. It
is now probable that the Kockloy bill will
pass the house if it can bo reached , foi
should any house bill of this character pass
it would stand unj excellent chance of being
lost in the senate in the final rusn.
' The Sanatoria ! Alliance.
LINCOLN , Nob.Mnrch 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Bnu.J The senatorial alliance
is in session to-night nt Senator Kurd's
rooms and considering the appropriation bill
for general expenses. It has over two hun
dred Items , which nro being considered ono
by ono nnd pared down wherever thought
advisable. It is slow work ana the senators
nro hnrd at it. The farmer's combine in the
house , which was disrupted by the nppropri-
tion bills , is being reorganized at a meeting
at Opclt's hotel.
Killed By the Committee.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 5. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BUB. ] Keckloy'a anti-trust bill ,
ono of the most important" measures of the
session , was abandoned to an untimely fate
by the house sifting committee. It was ono
of the earliest bills passed by the senate , and
must have been purposely kept back in the
houso. A representative on the sifting com
mittee sacrificed bills of his own in order to
got Omaha measures well to the front.
LINCOLN , Neb. . March 23. [ Special to THE
Buu.J The honso was slow in assembling
nnd nearly an hour was consumed in an ef
fort to refer some bills back to the commit
tee of the whoio and in endeavoring to un
ravel a parliamentary tangle.
Bill on third rcading vuro t'iken up.
House roll -183 , the salary approoriation
bUl , was called up"and passed 70 to 0.
The negative votes wcro cast by Gates ,
Delaney , Lai-eon , O'Sullivan , Swartzloy nnd
Among the other bills paised wcro the fol
lowing : Increasing the appropriation to thb
State Horticultural society. Jl.OOO to $3,000 ;
authorizing tlio state superintendent of pub
lic Instruction to appoint u deputy , and fix
ing hH bond ut $10,000 ; coding Jynsdlction of
the Fort Sidney military reservation to the
United States except as to intoxicating
liquors ; providing that the terms of the su
preme court slmll'bo ' hold at the capital , and
open on the first Tuesday In January and
third Tuesday in September ; also a bill by
Berlin providing that any pork or bcof
packer , distiller or manager of a warchousa
may store his own produce.
Tjio bousothcn wont into' committee of thei
whole to consider the bill providing for the
sale of state sallno lands at a minimum price
of $20 per acre. The bill was otherwise
amended nnd reported for pastaga ; also a
bill providing for a stuto board of immigra
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 35. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BPE.I The senate convened at
4 o'clock and put in two hours ut routine
work , half of it in reading and pj.salng the
Lincoln charter oil ) . The senate ulso passed
Rayner's irrigation bill , the nppi-oprintloii of
$5,000 f or capital grounds , , nud the bill pro
viding that in cities of the second class In
counties under township orgunl/utlon the
board ot equalisation shall consist of a city
council and board of supervisor * . Raymond
introduced Sutherland's railroad resolution ,
defeated several weeks ago. Several bills
wcro reported from committee * , and the
sonata will grind perfunctorily to-morrow.
The appropriation bill for cronenil ex
penses VVCH received from the house nnd read
tlio first tlmo In the senate this afternoon. It
has about sixty amendments. Thu reduction
from the original bill aggregate f 107,784 , ttio
Increase $ JS0.35J , leaving the net result a re
duction of only $11,480 in a bill whoso items
imiue n grand total of $1,454,157. But for the
$10,000 rider put on for the benefit of the in
stitution for tuo feeble mlndod at Beatrice ,
the result would have been a"rednctlon of
over 850,000.Tho senate will reduce the
Beatrice Item to ? 10.000 or 115,000 Just
enough for n now boiler house.
Gossip. '
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 2i , [ Special to Tun
BKE. ] What -will the senate 'do with the
bogus claims is the query In the houso. Will
they tack them on the apuroprlatlon bill , or
will the lobby suiter another dofeati
The IIOUKO KOI into a wr.xn a over the
question whether the adoption of the recom
mendation of the sifting committee that the
bills do pass is equivalent to ordering thorn
to u third rcjilliig.
The salary appropriation contained an
emergency cluusu , und it required lively
bklrmUhlng to secure the necessary 07 votes.
IL is getting to bo qulto prevalent for mem
bers to vutu "nu" on bills , nnd afterwards
change Just In time to snvo tbo bill.
Mr. Flcldh'i-ovo had a pot mcu uro to-day
beloro the honsu , and after the roll call wu *
completed , und bcforo the result was un- , Uaynor moved to strike out the
enacting clause , which the speaker put and
it carried with u hurruli. The point of order
being rnisod that such a motion could not bo
made at that Btago ot the procooJnifH the
sjHjakur sunUtined the point.
\ VnntiliiKtimV.nts Wiml.
WASHINGTON , March 25. Thu post tomorrow -
morrow will say : "John Monicomcry
Ward will piny iy Washington next season.
Tlio question has' boon settled beyond all
dUputc , und only requires Ward's sifnaturo
to the contract to ccuiplom It. TuU will b
within a lev , days.
Important Act Ion Itolntlro to tlie
Purchase of Sltcn ,
An adjourned mooting of the board of cd
ucatlon vfM held last night for the purpose
df considering propositions for the purchast
of now school sites nnd for the issuance o
bonds ns collateral therefor. The proportj
advertised for is ns follows ! Lot 0 , block 174
ell } * Of Omaha ; lots 30 nnd CO , Grlflln 3
Isaacs' ' addition ; lots 1 , 3 , and 0 , block 4
Boggn & Hill's addition ; n portion of the
Sixteenth street frontage of lot 8 , In bloeV
13 , Kountzo third addition , extending b&cl
from the street to n depth ol
100 feet ; for a parcel of Rroumi
known as the Paul school site , with t
frontage of COO foot on North Twontv-scconO
street , nnd extending n depth of 23-1 feet
bnck of the street. Bids wcro received fron
John A. Hnrbach , Hugh S. Clark nnd John
B. Uvnns , The proposals wcro referred tc
the committee on buildings nnd property ,
Dr. Savlllo Introduced the following rcso
lutlon relative to the proposed sites !
Resolved. That for the purchase of school
sites nnd erecting school buildings the boarc
of education issue bonds In the sum of ? 277 , <
000 , the bonds to bo of the denomination ol
51.000 each dated April , 1SS9 , nnd to bcni
Interest nt tha rate of 5 per cent pot
annum , payabln semi annually , principal
to become duo in twenty years from Uato
the proceeds arising front the sale of bond !
to bo used in the purchase of school sites foi
the school district of Omahn , nnd the orec
tlon of school buildings ns follows i FornslU
In the vicinity of Twenty-fourth nnd Lathroi
streets , nt nn estimated cost of $8,000 ; for r
slto In the vicinity of Oibson , ntnn estimated
cost of fcJ.fiOO ; for n site in the vicinity ol
Fort Omaha , at an estimated cost of $ J.f > 00 :
for n slto on Hickory street , between Flftl
and Sixth streets , nt nn estimated cost o :
So , 500 ; lor an addition to tlio high schoo
building at nn estimated cost of $75,000 ; fein
n sixteen room bulldingon the Hartman schoo
site at n cost of $50,000. Bo it furthei
Resolved , That the question nnd proposi
tion of Issuing said bonds bo submitted tc
the qualified electors of said school dlatric'
at a special election to bo held Tuesday
April 0 , 1839 , and 'that the president of tin
board bo authorized to Issue the proolama
tion of the board of education nnd give no
tlco to the qualified electors of the submis
sion of the question nnd proposition , the no
tlco and proclamation to bo published for al
least ten days prior to the proposed olccttor
in the different dally newspapers of the city
Bo It further
Resolved , That if n majority of the ballots
polled nt the proposed election shall bo IE
favor of issuing the bonds tbo same shall be
issued as heroin proposed , nnd shall be
offered for sale In open market , and shall be
sold to the highest bidder for not loss than
the par value on each dollar ,
F. R. McConnell offered an amendment tc
the effect that an eight-room school building
bo erected on the West Omaha site , at'at :
estimated cost of & 5,000. This amendment
was adopted.
S. 1C.Felton objected to tbo appropriatlor
of $75,000 for an addition to the high schoo :
buildingHe did not bellovo that it would
bo Judicious until the title of the grounds
was determined by the legislature.
As a substltuto to Mr. Folton's amendment ,
William Coburn suggested that the amount
bo increased to $100.000 for an addition to the
high school , or for the purchase of a slto foi
a sixtccn-room building in the vicinity of the
high school building. The chair decided
that Mr. Coburn's motion was out of ordor.
Then S. K. Fclton's motion to strike out the
$75,000 addition to the high school was lost.
Dr. Savlllo offered an amendment that the
sum of JU.OOO for an addition to the Hartman
school bo ° added to the resolution , The mo
tion was adopted.
D. V. Sholcs favored the appropriation oi
$23,000 for retaining walls , walks and other
improvements around the high school and
other buildings. The motion was adopted.
It was also decided to appropriate $25,000 foi
an eight-room addition to the Franklin
The proposition of crootlng a sixtcen-room
school building at the corner of Fifth and
Hickory streets , at n cost of $50,000 , pro
posed by W. A. Kelly , was accepted. '
Thcso amcndmdnta were added to Dr.
Savillo's resolution while the board was in
committed of the whole , and then the reso
lution and amendments wore referred to the
committee on buildings and property , in
order that it may get options on the property
the board proposes to purchase tor the .sices.
Caught in the Ccllnr.
„ Three thieves made nn effort to burglarize
the grocery store of Foster & Son , lOSa Copt
tel avenue , last night at midnight. Ono oi
the trio was captured and the other two es
caped. Tney gained nn entrance to the base
ment of the store by breaking the Iron grates
of n cellar window In the rear of the store
room. Their Job was bungling nnd they
made too much noise. Parties wcro in the
storeroom At the time nnd tieqrd thorn break
ing the grates. The police were immediately
notified and Sergeant Haze and Policeman
Cusick succeeded in catching ono of the
uurglars in the cellar. The fellow gave his
name as Charles McCarthy.
.Robbing the Chinese.
Police Ofllcor GoJola yesterday nftcrnoon
arrested a man named James Simmons , who
is supposed to bo one of the thieves that
robbed a couple of Chinamen Sunday after
noon. The latter run a laundry on North
Sixteenth street , between Cumingnnd Izard.
It is claimed that ono was robbed of $100 ,
while tha other lost SS3. Simmons , it Is bo-
liovcd by the police , got ? 35 from ono of the
Chinamen ,
A Corporal Turns n Teluli Just AB
Neatly An Jay Gould Could.
CnnvuNNCVyo. . , March 25. [ Spqqlal
Telegram to THIS BBR.J A spccfat to , tlio
Loader from Fort Laramlo give details' of a
unique and successful swindle perpetrated
upon the military garrison at that place by
Corporal James Urant.
Grant came to the fort fifteen months ago ,
with a batch of recruits , claiming to bo a
member of a leading Virginia family. Ho
was u man of superior Intelligence , und was
soon promoted to u corporalship. Ho gained
the confidence of a soldier named' Charles
Hashing- Jew , who had about $2,000 , saved ,
and persuaded him to enter into partnership
to engage in the business of loaning money
to soldiers from payday to payday , charging
thoin20 per cent per month interest. The
scheme worked well , und the next utop was to
borrow money from soldiers under u promise
of 10 uor cent per month interest. Every
thing moved serenely , obligations were met ,
interest paid on deposits and business de
veloped Into immense proportions.
After last pay day Grant concluded not to
loan any moro money to soldiers , although
his partner believed that ho had loaned the
usual amount , ubo'ut $3,000. On Saturday
morning Corporal Grant was reported "ab
sent. " A searching party Discovered that
when last soen-ho was "bitting the trail" on
a cow pony forLusk , the qeurost railway
station. Telegrams ordering his arrest for
embezzlement und desertion have boon sent
out , but with no return' or duo to his where
abouts up to the present tlmo. .
The IORBC.S by Grunt's absconding will ag
gregate 8.000 or $10,000 , The largest loser
is hi * partner , Honking. Other Umes are
divided among iiTcmbefj * of the garrison , in-
eluding n nnjuiUdi' of the ofijcar who were
induced to loan largH sums to the bunking
linn under tbo Inducement of the heavy In-
torcst paid , .
The UnsoiUly Wliltn Caps.
KANSAS Cmr" , March 25 , [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB Bnii. | Last Wednesday nictht
ns Lucas Corlow , ngod sixty-four , living two
miles fnom Independence , u suburb of this
city , was returning homo from church , a
pary of ton men , wearing tlio regulation
white caps , Hprung out mm oidcrod him to
hold up bin hands. Ono man presented u
shotgun at his breast. Corlow soUed the
KUU but others closed In on him , and seblnj , '
him stripped him , laid htm over a pjlo of
rail a and gave him twenty-four lushes with
u UluclvMialco whip , each blow drawing blood.
Corlow was coullncd to liia boa until to-day.
Ho declares that ho knows none of the men
und no cause for their action * , but U is suid
that his wife loft him some tlmo ugo and
Binoo then ha has been living with a young
HI nit HlH Hi other.
WATLin.vx , , Dau. , Murch a5.--An old
feud existing between Ed and John White ,
uraMwrs , culminated this afternoon in a
quarrel. John bcmj ; orMfitod by Patrick Don-
nell. Ed drew a revolver and shot both , but
neither futnlly. AU three luvo : been ur-
i'I a
A. Thi6viuff Pttefial Olork JTrlpa Up
on xiiDocoy.
th iv _
. t 'm
Another Ghiurtfcvi In the Colobrntod
Jones CofhintJ Cnir Case A
mlittWall rom tlio
Ml 1 ( ,
Cangliif tVlf h 'n Decoy.
DAAT.XPOIIT , In. , March 25. ( Special Tol-
cgrnm to Tin : 13m : . ] The chtof mailing
clerk of the Davenport postofllco , T , P. Ma-
liin , was arrested last nlglit by government
detectives and taken to DCS Mollies' , charged
with taking letters containing money In
transit. Mahln has been mailing cleric In
the Davenport postofllco for three years
past , and until about two months ngo was
nbovo suspicion. Since that time his move-
merits have boon watched by postofllco In
spectors. Early yesterday morning ho was
caught with a decoy letter upon his person ,
and , after Implicit denials and dcspcrato at
tempts at evasion , admitted his guilt. His
peculations arc meagre altogether , but em
brace n series of thieving of two or three
months. Ho is well connected.
ComiuisHloncrs Appointed.
DiisMoiNEs , la. , March 23. [ Special to
THE BEfl. ] The governor has appointed the
following commissioners to represent lowu
at the centennial celebration of Washington's
inauguration : Ex-Senator James Harlan , of
Henry county ; Loran \V. Reynolds , of Boone
county ; D ! N. Cooloy. of Dubuque county ;
T. Q , Whttmoro , of Fayotto county ; H. S.
Folrall , of Johnson county ; L. A. McMur-
ray , ol Hamilton county ; J. B. Grinnoll , of
Powosnlck county. Also the following dele
gates to represent the state at the World's
fair at Paris : S. W. Herat , Decatur county ;
W. W. J.'owcr , Davis county ; S. Block ,
Hardln county ; Floyd Davis , Polk county ;
J. H. Booye , Cerro Gordocounty ; A. Power ,
Davis county.
The Twine Trust ,
MASON Cmla. . , Murch 25. [ Special Tel-
ccrnm to THE BKC , ] Iowa farmers are wag
ing a relentless fight agalast the binding
twine trust. From many sources the exist
ence of such a denied. During the
past few days the state has boon fairly
flooded with circulars issued by twlno man
ufacturers , setting forth the various causes
of the rise in price , hoping thereby to avert
the threatened boycott. They say , in sub
stance , that the sisnl and inanilla produc
tion has not kept pace with the demand , and
competition in the purchase of hemps Is so
strong tnat it compels the raise. The far
mers are told that It is the hope of the twlno
manufacturers to soon bo able to reduce the
prlco of twine by the use of jute , a llbro ob
tained from a plant growing in India.
The Pica Comes Too tiatc7 .
DBS MOINHS , la. , March 25. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEB.J Tie ' officers of the St.
Louis , Dos Moines $ p Northern "and DOS
Molncs & North\yq'stQra , railroads appeared
before the cxocutlvc'councll to-day to enter
protest against tjio assessments that had
been fixed for their roads. The council had
assessed the firstroad'qn the basis of $1,700
a mile and the. ' second 82,000 n mile. The
o Ulcers of the road the council that
they could not afford to'pny taxes on such an
assessment , and askcdtfor relief. The coun
cil said It was too lateiipw , and no change
could bo made. . ' "
They Played Ith Powder.
Sioux CiTr , la. , Jbldfpu 23 , [ Special Telo-
rgrom to TJIE BBBfll Harvey Johnson , and
'Johnnie Jones , twtoWe-'j'ea.r'bld ' lads , found a
twelve pound cfln'djt ' owdor In a barn. The
Jones boy tobtc an' oyster ' can full of the
powder homo and touched it off in the back
yard. Ho was bneljy burned and his clothing
set on fire. Tha Johnson bov dropped a
lighted match into the bltf can , and a terrific
explosion followed. A 'pieco of the can cut
him in the side , exposing the bowels , while
the llro . burned his faco'lu an awful man
ner , destroying his eyesight.
The Notorious Cnlf Case.
WATEttLoo , la. , March 25. [ Special Tel
egram to Tnn BEE.'I Judge Lcnehan ihis
morning liled his decision in the Jones
county calf case. Ho.ovorrulod the motion
of the defendants for a verdict against the
plaintiff on the answers to special interroga
tions , and rendered judgment against defen
dants , except Harmon Kellar , for $1,000 and
costs , amounting to about $3,500 more. This
case has oeon In the courts slnco 1877 , and
grew out of the larceny of four calves valued
at 515.
Had His Kyo Torn Oat.
Sioux CiTr , la. , March 25. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEB.J A. P. Anderson , the
well known railroad contractor , was out
hunting yesterday and had' his rignt eye
torn out by an accidental explosion of his
Indian Agent Gregory Itolluvod. *
MiNNEArpMs , Minn. , March 25. A special
from Ashland , Wls. , says : Colonel Robert
S. Gardner , of the Interior department , ar
rived In this city yesterday and informed In
dian Agent Gregory that ho would relieve
him of ills labors on the 31st inst Ho gave
Gregory a letter from Secretary Noble , of
the department of the interior. In which the
secretary Buys : "Tho Jotter of this depart
ment , dated April 23 , 1838 , accepting your
resignation as agent of Clio Indians of La
Point agency , in Wisconsin , to take effect
on the appointment and qualification of your
successor , is so modified that said resignation
snail take effect when you are relieved from
duty by Special Agent Robert S. Gardner ,
by direction of the president. "
Agent Gregory will finish up his work ana
turn over the ofllco to his successor on April
1. It is generally thought that Secretary
Noble will appoint a now Indian agent lu a
few days.
Gnudaur Accepts on Condition ,
BOSTON , Mass. , March 25. This afternoon
gt. John , the buckerof Gaudaui- , telegraphed
Teomor that Gauduur accepts his challenge
to row a series of races for $500 a side , each
race , provided Teomor makes the dintauco
two , tlireo and four nilles. Gaudaur to nuino
the Jlrst course , Teombr the second and toss
for choice ol the third1 !
HAVANA , March 23.i7 3Jc-Presido'ht
land and party have Iwoiy vlsited by both/jibe
intcndont oftbo , troauryit and director-ten- , .
eral of marine. Tlib'tourtata started ycs'tcr- '
day for thu Santa Rosa' estate belonging ; to
Senor Meier. Ex-PdStlnnster General Dick
inson remained , at the hotel , bcincr indis
posed. Ho is entirely Vail-ugaln , however.
A Urntnl I'rli'p FJj-ht.
EAST LiVEiti'OOL , Oij &lHroh 25 , A brutal
prize light took place jjv West Virginia , oppo
site this city , early tbls , jno ruing , between
George Shaffer and Wilffiun Baxter. They
fought thirteen rounflb , jiunlshing each other
severely. In the Iist/r6und ( Baxter was
knocked senseless antf.f.iulod to respond when
time was called. About seventy persons
witnessed the mill.
Plum Orctmrdti Deviistatixl.
DAYTON , O , , March 25. Horticulturists
from Ross county report that a disease
known as "block rot'1 U devastating the olue
plum orchards in that vicinity , and the grow
ers of Uuniboii and Shropshire plums have
already cut down 50,000 jroes and burned
them. The peach and rod | lum trees are
about ready to bloom.
I have found out a gift for iny fair. It is
not a ring of gold , nor flowers for her liulr ,
nor pearls for her white nook , but Salvation
Oil for her sere throat. She's u Hinging bird ,
lo&s of llfo. Thousands sink Into au curly
grave for wantdf a bottle of Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup. _ _
Only u Trutllu Agreement.
NEW yoiiK , March 23. The reports of the
case or consolidation of the Wisconsin Cen
tral by the Northern Pacific are dented by
the officials of both companies. It Is officially
stated , however , that a trnfllo agreement be
tween the two companies will bo con.
summatcd at n special mooting of the North
ern Pacific directors Wednesday.
The Story of n Mnn Who Wont AVronfj
mid Una Been Pardoned.
A rccon tdlipatch from Topeka , Kan , , con
veyed the intelligence that Governor Hum
phrey , on recommendation of the state board
hnd granted an unconditional pardon to James
O. Pusoy , a convict In the penitentiary nt
Lcavonworth. Ordinarily such nu item of
news would not attract much attention or beef
of particular interest except to those person ,
ally acquainted with the party affected. In
this instance , however , circumstances sur
rounding Mr. Pusoy's misfortune not only
Illustrate human weakness but form the sub
ject of a story which will doubtless
bo , road with considerable avidity
by a great many Omaha people. First , it
should bo known that the prisoner , in in
stinct , is anything but a criminal , and up to
the tlmo of his fall , about four years ago , had
been looked upon as n man of integrity and
lived n .blameless llfo. But the tempter
fin ally crossed his path , ho could not resist
the evil influence , and as a consequence had
to suffer the penalty ,
InXniaha resides ono of the most notorious
women that man over bccamo victim to or
permitted himself to bo led astray by , She
lifts frequently , by reason of her audacious
escapades , figured in the newspaper accounts
of criminal doings and is well known to the
police ai Lulu Rogers. To her Mr. Pusoy
can always refer as the author of his down
fall , disgrace and imprisonment.
During the gubernatorial campaign of six
years ago , in which George W. Gllck , the
democratic candidate , defeated John P. St.
John , Pusoy was chief olcrk to Assistant
Master Mechanic Clem Hackney , of the
Santa Fo road. Ho took such an active part
that the company discharged him , consequently
quently when the now administration wont
Into power Mri Gllck was bound to provldo
for Pusoy. Being nn excellent accountant
and book-keeper , lie was uiado chief clerk to
Warden W. C. Jones , of the penitentiary.
About thu tlmo ho went there his
wife , a very charming woman , died. Shortly
afterwards this Lulu Rogers made her ap-
poarancu on the scene , and being in trouble
on accouut of separation from her husband ,
a man named Do Voro , succeeded in eliciting
both sympathy and pecuniary support from
Pusy. They finally became intimate ; ho
placed her in a well furnished House and
she soon began to niako herself very ox-
ponslvofor the festive James. Ho scorns to
have lost control of himself , and in
order to keep up the swim into which ho
had foolishly plunged found it necessary to
have more funds than his salary amounted
to , and stole about $2,000 from the
state. Ho had an opportunity to
do this by being senton two
occasions to Topcka to make settlement with
the order and treasurer , and draw the funds
for current expenses at tbo iustitutlon. Each
time he appropriated $1,000 to his own use ,
had forged receipts made out by nn expert
bookkeeper who was then serving a term in
the pen for crooked work , and placed the
balance to Warden Jones' credit. When ho
had reached the end of his string and was
about to bo exposed Pusoy fled. Detectives
were put on his track and they captured him
at Cincinnati. Ho was brought back , tried ,
found guilty and sentenced to servo a term
of six years. The woman came to Omaha
und-hns been known as the proprietress of
a disreputable house.
If you are about to raakp a pudding ,
a jolly , a cake or other article of pastry ,
don't , my dear madam , if you litivo a
duo roKiird for your husband's , your
children's or your own digestion , use
any other than Van Duzor's Flavoring
Extracts. They contain no deleterious
chemical ingredients. The sterling
flavors named are in'evory way worthy
of your confidence , since they are deli
cious , pure , and highly concentrated ,
Grocers everywhere sell it.
A Iilst ofTlioso Who Will Orate at the
. Parncll Mass BloctiiiR-
The special committee appointed to prepare -
pare n call and effect necessary arrange
ments for a public meeting to bo hcTd in this
city for the purpose of tendering aid and
sympathy to Parnoll in his struggles for Ire
land , mot in the parlors of the Nebraska
Savings bank last night. Messrs. Miles ,
Groves , Rush , O'Keofo and Lee , the full
number of members of the committee were
present. Messrs. Leo and O'Keefo were ap
pointed as a sub committee on hall. The fol
lowing preamble to the call was agreed
upon :
' To the Irish citizens of Omaha : Wo , the
undersigned , in ordcrto-concratulatoCharles
Stuart Purncll and his associates on their
vindication from tuo foul and libclous slan
ders of the tory government and London
Times , and also to express our confidence hi
them as leaders of the Irish cause by
assisting them financially in their
heroic struggle , hereby call a mass mooting
of Irish citizens and sympathizers with the
cause of Irish nationality. "
On motion of Mike Lee , John Rush and
John Groves were appointed as a committee
to draft special Invitations. It was decided
to tender thu honor of chairmanship of the
meeting , to Qovernpr Tlm.vcr , and in case ho
declined to confer , the honor on Mayor
Broatch. The following were decided upon
ns speakers of the occasion : Jolin Rush , M.
V. Gannon , Thomas Bronuan , Dr Ocorgo L.
Miller , John C. Cowin and John M. Thurs-
ton. Richard O'ICocfo was appointed to ar
range for instrumental music and , if possi
ble , secure the A. O. H. band. On motion
John Rush and John Graves were made sec-
i claries of the meeting. An adjournment
was taken to Wednesday evening at 7:00 :
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Fnrnamst. .
telephone 1201 , blunk book makers , etc ,
" 1 have used St. Patrick's ' pills , " says
Mr. J. Reynolds , of Mttyiicld , Ky. . "and
pronounce them burorior to any J have
over before used. I do not hesitate to
recommend them , knowing them to ho
reliable.1 ' They ro thorough , yet
gentle in their action and leave the
system in splendid condition , As u
cathartic , or for disorders of the liver ,
St. Patrick's pills have uo equal. Sola
by all druggists.
Tlio French Cabinet.
PAKIS , March 25. It Is stated that the
cabinet will soon bo remodeled in order to
avurt a threatened ministerial crisis.
Woodruff Granite Qnnrry.
I am prepared to furnish Woodruff
prrtimto in paving blocks' , door sills and
stops , or blocks il ) most any.dimensions
at cheap ilguros. Also handle ut my
Lincoln yard all classes of cut stone for
any part of th < T slato. Afak for'ngures.
Thomas Price , Lincoln , Nob.-
Jewish Persecution.
LONDON , March 25. Dispatches from St.
Petersburg say that a largo number of
foreign Jews have been cxpollod from Kioff.
fjiiunr Ktrllce * In Germany.
BCIIMN , March , 23. . The labor movement
is spreading thrdughout Germany. Many
strikes uro reported in the provinces.
' Positively cured byf-
thcso 1'tllo Pills.
They also relieve Dls-
tret > 3 fro'a Dyspepsia , Iu-1
ITTLE digestion and Too Heart ) I
Kutlntf. A pertuct rciu- [
edylor Dizziness , NnuscaJ
PBLLS. Dron bines' ) , Had Tostcl
In tbo Jloutli , Coated !
Touguc , I'uln lu Uio Side , !
regulate tlio Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
An Old Timor.
"Druno Slrothmnn , ono ol the pioneer citi
zens of South Oiimlm , cnrao to this city in
the spring of 1SS3 , " said nn nctlvo South
Omaha politician to a URB rcproscntntlvo ,
"and while hora 1ms boon nn nctlvo , Indlis-
triouo and popular man and is n fit man to bo
elected poltco Judge of the MngtaClty. Hewn
wn * a member of the city council , nnd while
In that body was ono of the most nctlvo nnd
Influential members and proved himself n
man ilt for a public olllco. If Mr. Strothiimn ,
who la n perfectly honorable man , can bo
elected on n perfectly straight nnd clonn
campaign , nnd I bollovo lie will bo If Uiero is
no unfair political worlc. I bollovo that ho Is
not only the stronRCSt , but best candidate In
the Hold , nnd the democracy of South Omahn
would Uo itself honor and do n credit to the
Magic City to elect liruno Strothtnan police
judge. "
H. n. Towlo For the Council ,
"Jf the citizens of the First want nro altvo
to their own Interests and that of the city nt
largo , " said ono of the leading business men
of South Omaha , "thoy would turn In to n
man , roffnrdlcss of party ties nnd general
politics , nnd olcrt ox-City Engineer Towl to
the council , Everybody knows that Mr.
loxvlo is n thoroughly honest mini , n line on-
Rlneor nnd has good Judgment. Ho Is the
only engineer Aspiring for councllinnnlo
honors , nnd nbovo nil things u good engineer
is needed In the council this year , who will
bo nblo to Judge of public works , regardless
of any opinion of outsiders or approval oven
of the city engineer. A bettor move for the
city of South Omnha nnd the democratic
party cnunot bo made than to elect B. li.
Towlo to the council at the coining election. "
A Statement.
Jacob HcRgorsof South Omaha , makes
the following statement. "In my candidature )
for councilman of the Third ward some of
my opponents nro endeavoring' to circulate n
rumor that I worked against the Interests of
the Bricklayers union in the construction of
the Lister block. That building was erected
by scab labor , and I never had anything to
do with it. 1 never drew a dollar or laid u
brlclr , At the tlmo I was engaged in build
ing the addition to the brewery , and wo at
once gave the men thcro omnioved the wages
nnd hours they nskcd for. Please put this
in to make mo right with my friends. "
Demnorntlo I't-linnrlcs.
Democratic primaries for the nomination
of a candidate for police Judge , two school
directors and ono nldorninn from each ward
will bo hold this nttornoon.
Notes About tlio City.
S. M. Press has returned from Chicago.
George Parks , Jr. , haa returned from Chicago
cage ,
The Reed house Is being lowered to street
Dennis McLaln , of the Fourth ward , is a
late announcement for the council.
It is John C. Carroll , Jr. , the now First
ward councilman. Mother and boy doing
Q. F. McKee has Just commenced a two-
story f raino residence , Twenty-third nnd H
Prof. B. A. Oslngn , of Otscgo , Mich. , is
the guest of his old classmate , George \V.
James Mangnall , after n two months' Jaunt
along the Paclllo coast nnd up la Oregon , re
turned Sunday.
J. H. iSvans , the Omaha laundry man , will
build a laundry building nt once on Twenty-
seventh nnd L streets.
Daniel Rafferty , one of the citizens' old re
liable stand-bys In the city council , will bo n
candidate for re-election.
Sunday was a live day in South Omaha.
Hundreds thirsty travelers from Omaha
invaded the rural and busy suburb.
Elaborate preparations are being made for
Easter services In the Presbyterian church.
A chorus of children is being organized and
Addle E.'Lamberson , the charming little
daughtor'of Mr. nnd Mrs. William R. Lam-
berson , was five years old Saturday , nnd
about fifteen little cherubs wore invited to
that cozy homo and , were entertained by
Mrs. Lamborson assisted by Mcsdamos
John F. Koushcr and C. W. Cook.
I like my wile to use Pozzoni's Com
plexion Powder because it improves her
looks aud is as fragrant us violots.
llio Old Story.
ST. PAUL , March 25. Believing the re
volver ho held to bo empty , William Clinch-
man , aged fifteen years , this nftcrnoon
snapped it nt Birdlo Lucas , nnd the bullet
lodecd in her brain. The bullet was ex
tracted and the irl is alive , although dangerously - .
ously hurt.
A Bloody Bnttlo Rnglng lu the Kou
tucky Mountains ,
Tlio Outoomo or A Fond Between
IllvAl Factions In Which Man ?
Arc "Wounded and Hovernl
Jloportod KUIod.
Fighting I-'or Their Mvos.
Ptxr.vit.LR , ICy. , Mnroh 2.1. [ Special Tola-
gram to Tun Bui ? . ] Great numbers of armed
men are watching each other in Boll and
Harlan counties , this state , and Clalborno
county , Tennessee. These counties com *
prison portion of the district made notorious
for years past by the bloody fight between
rival factions. Ono of thcso It now being
bitterly waged. It started on a small scnlu
near hero last week , and has spread Jo tha
vicinity of Barboursvillc , Tcnn. , whore It li
being prosecuted with vigor , For several
days early In the WOOK the mountains in tlio
vicinity of Barboursvlllo were nllvo with de
termined men , armed to the teeth , The Inevitable -
evitable cnuio nud a pitched battto was
fought , lu which It was said that more than
llvo hundred shots were llrod und a number
of pcoplo wounded. But the injured were
spirited away , aud their posse number can
not bo learned. A sheriff's ' was sent to
arrest the rioters , but they were
fired upon and driven back to H r
boursvlllo. It was then that Judge
Cull himself headed n posse and
made for the mountains * . Another
pitched battle resulted , but the Judge's
party , stronir and well-armed , were the vic
tors , and succeeded in arresting live of thu
desperadoes. The sheriff's ' posse Is still In
thv mountains after others of the outlaws ,
aud before the month ends It Is likely a
dozen lives will bo sacrificed In the effort
now making to enforce the laws. Notoulynro
the people of this city and county alarmed ,
but those of Knox county as well , and no
body ventures out unarmed , and few unac
companied by a friend.
Last night word was received by courier
that in a flgtit near Salt Trace , Saturday
night , four men were lUlled and halt a doon
wounded. Reinforcements have goi\o \ out.
A thousand armed men are now hi the
mountains , and it is safe to nay the men will
bo shot to death and the world will never
hear Of it. A fort is bofug erected by ono
faction. The sheriffs of the three counties
nro arranging to make a combined campaign
against the outlaws , who swear they will
never bo taken.
To err is human , but you muko no
mistake if you use Dr. Jones' Rod
Clover Tonic for dyspepsia , costivonos1 ? ,
bad breath , piles , pimples , iiguo and
malaria , poor appetite , low spirits , 01-
discuses of the kidneys , stomach and
liver. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
Bonrcl of Trade Directors.
Last evening a meeting of tlio directors of
the board of trade was hold , but nothing of
importance was transacted aside Irom rou-
tlno business.
Tired of Pod ine Defectives.
STOCKTON , Kan. , March 25. Taylor Cook ,
who idllod his wife several days ago and
then fled , returned to-day and surrendered
Ho claims that ho afterwards attempted sui
cide by taking laudanum.
Windrim AcccptH.
WASHINGTON , March 25. .Tames II. Wind-
rim , the newly appointed supervising archi.
tcct of tlio treasury , has Informed Secretary
Wludom of his acceptance of the appoint
ment and of his purpose to assume thu duties
of the oflice next Wednesday ,
Pears' soap is the most elegant tollot
adjunct. .
A. Defaulter for Thousands. ,
PKTIIOIT * , Mich. , March 25. A Hancock ,
Mich. , special says : Exports sent hero by
the Standard Oil company have been at
work uoon the books of Martin t R. Golds-
worthy , manager of the company for ttio
Lake Suucrior region , und have discovered
n shortage lu his accounts of § 10,000 or mure.
Goldsworthy became frightened last
Wednesday and has gone to Toronto. For
the past two yearn ho haa boon dabbling in
mining stocks , and the rocnnt heavy decline
carried him under. HU bandsmen are
liable to the extent of many thousands.
For Bilious and Nervous Disorder ! , such ae Wind and Pain In the Stomach , Sick Headache , Glddlneli , Ful
ness , and Swelling alter Meals , Dizziness and DrowJlnaii , Cold Chills , Flushings of Heat. Lost of Appetite.
Shortness of Breath. Costiveness , Scurvy , Blotches on the Skin. Disturbed Sleep , Frightful Dreams , and all
Nervous and Trembling Sensations , &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES.
This la no notion. Every surroror la onrnoalljr Invltoil to try ono Ilex ol tticao nils , anil tliojr will bo
acknowledged to ba o ITonilcrfiil Mrfllrlnr ,
BEECIIAM'fl PILIfl , taken aa directed , will quickly restore females to complete health. For a
they ACT LIKE MAGIC : a few rfosra will work wondera upon the Vltnl Organs ( Strengthening the
muscular System i restoring long-lost Complexion1 ; bringing back the keen edge of appetite , and
arousing with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH lha whole ftwitrul cttrrovot the human frunio. These
are "fuels' * admitted by thousand * . In all clnssos of Bocloty : an J ono of the beat guarautooa to tha
MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Full directions with cuuh Box.
Prepared only by TIIOS. HKFCHAM , Nt. Ilclrnx , Lancashire , .
8oM tin Vnioal'l * omrrnllv. B. F. ALLEN & CO. . 36B and 307 Canal St. , New York , Bolo Agonta tot
the Unltoi * Btateaelio ( It t/oiir druggist dooa nut kuop them , ) "
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
- -
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science Sci
' entifically Made and Practically Applied.
Of * ' ln li Huck , IllMll t cr I.lmb. ,
Bl I.uw1io , UrncrxV IlcMUIjr. llleu ; Bll. , ,
. . pcrraliilan. MOTK tlio who | I TO IIMB
nil ili.d by following
lh-f.'ork ri > r.lV.M.ll..l.H. lloaUoar.aof7rad..Qhl. .
urrmt , ncientmo.rov Kleclrlrllr. OUiUl > t Alp too
itthla ana Eaoctlra. Arold fro . .
* * t ! Jr OTrru.OOOcurcil. flcnilRtunprorpiunphl TuBimiaLILliTKlllBILTrn ebr < ' | tl * < > * nyno powtrrul . Ul <
AMU KLKUfHW lltLTrt fOUSlI9EAai6t. . BuipeniorUl tree wltta ) ! & ! U lW.
i-Anr bank , Btnrr ori,0ialx > pi § inrltltmnr \ nlu < * anil worth-
mun , , Imitation * JtiicTJUO TMUil rott KCnlBC.
Icagu. VJUOO lund. Send tump forlllutntea punp
Hardware and Cutlery ,
Mechanic * ' 'Joola , FlneJlronso Builders' Gooila antlJJitffulo
14O5 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.