Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1889, Image 1

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j * * -fiilii'
The Administration Will -Not Bo-
move Mon Without CQUBO.
Democrats Vflll Not Ilnvo to Go
Simply BCCAURO They Arc Off
Color Politically
Eye on Chill.
WASHINGTON. D. O. , March 25.1
"Thcro will bo no marshals or district at
torneys appointed except to fill vacancies ,
for eorno time , " said Attorney General Mil
ler to n delegation of politicians to-day.
Offensive partisanship Is not to cut any fig
ure In this administration. That Is to say
men wlA not bo removed simply because they
are democrats. This rule will apply In ono
as well as another department. Knowing
this , the ofllccscokcrs have thinned out very
considerably. There are not moro than one-
fourth ns many men here to-night seeking
appointments , as a fortnight since , nnd not
moro than 10 per cent as many as during In
auguration weok. Most of those who call
upon the president , or his cabinet ofllcors ,
every day for appointments are men In. con
gress. They simply file applications , urge
appointments at the earliest possible day ,
nnd depart. The senate will probably adJourn _ -
Journ Us extra'sosslon on Friday and then
the legislators will get out of the city as
rapidly as they can pack up their personal
effects. They will conduct tlieir campaigns
for appointments from their homos in the
various states , as they can do that ns well
away from here as on the spot. Nearly all
of the oDlco seeking is being conducted either
by mail or through the 150 republican sena
tors nnd representatives In the city. There
will not , In nil human probability , bo forty
republicans in congress hero ten days hence.
Then ns vacancies by reason of the expira
tion of commissions or resignations or re
movals occur , appointments will bo made.
The public service is not going to bo stam
peded. The appointment of marshals , dis
trict attorneys , collectors , presidential post-
inasters and consuls will bo made very ,
Secretary Blalno said this afternoon that
ho would not begin to take up the applica
tions of men for consulates under three or
four wccko , and that thcro would bo many
changes to make during the summer. On
the strength of this , ono or two hundred
familiar faces that have lingered here since
inauguration to bo sent abroad are leaving
for their homes.
When the superintendent of the railway
mall service wept to the postoftico depart
ment this morning he carried under his arm
n largo bundle of papers which ho has been
carefully examining at his private rooms for
several'days. They were the applications of
various men for the division superintend-
cnclcs. Ho has made his recommendations
nnd the appointments will follow very soon.
It is especially desirable that these oOicers
should go to work early , ns only a month
after this week will elapse till the civil
service law will control the appointments in
the railway mail service , and the reorganiza
tion will bo at an end. There will n&t bo a
many chapgcs in this service. Proba-
great now men will go In before next
fall , but not more than half that number will
bo ' appointed during the next month. Thus
it'will bo seen that but few will go .to each
state. Probably the average will not bo
more than two to each congressional
dish-let , which altogether will make be
tween six and seven hundred. Under the
circumbtanccs it is altogether unnecessary
for men seeking ofllccs to come hero unless
there are vacancies occurring or about to bo
created , Those who want vacancies created
because democrats hold the offices should go
to work and prove that tbo present incum
bents are not competent aud do not give
satisfaction to those who do business at the
ofllccs. '
Patrick Eacan last night stated that there
were no now developments in regard to his
application for the Mexican mission , but
thcro arc rumors from good sources tint if
Mr. Eagan Is recognized as the representa
tive of the Irish-Americans , in which capa
city-Mr. Blame and Patrick Ford , of'Now
York , are pushing him strongly , U.e Chilian
or Bolivian' mission will bo given him in
preference to ono so near homo as Mexico.
The Nebroska delegation will hold a meetIng -
Ing to-morrow for the purpose of Informally
discussing the question of appointments in
the state , with special reference to the land
unices. The numbcrot applications for land
oflJces now includes nearly every member of
the piescnt legislature , togotbor with such
prnv.ous ones as still live. The question of
the district uttorneyshlp will also probably
come up for conslderatio'n. The four can
didates for this ofllco are Hon. Isham
Reaves , of Falls City , Hon. John Ncsbltt , of
North Plattc , Hon. Ben Baker , of Fail-bury , ,
and Henry Kstabrook , of Omaha. At the
present wilting and as fur as can bo learned ,
the chances seem to bo with the candidate
Irom the Second district.
Of the appointments already made and of
those which are yet to bo made , tbo political
and geographical condition will throw a very
large number into the First and Third dis
tricts. The First district- contains the col
lector ot internal revenue , the Omaha and
Lincoln po&tofllccs'und the two distilleries at
Omaha and Nebraska City. The patronugo
of these ofllccs , including the large number
of letter carriers , clerks In the postofllces ,
gaugcri and * storekeepers , will' be for the
jnost part taken from the district in which
they are located.
Four-fifths of the land onices In the state
nro located In the Third congressional dis I-
trict and the probabilities are strong that the
choice of registers and receivers will bo
made from rcuklonts of the district In which
the land oOtccs uru located. On this account
the chances of a candidate from Laird's dis
trict for tlio district nttorneyshlp scum to bo
the best. Thcro is u complication , however ,
in the situation , owing ta the fuel that Mr.
Pritchett'u term of oflico doei not expire for
nearly t\vo years to como. The department
of Justice has intimated that it is doubtful
whether any changes in its subordinates
during tha unoxpired terms of ofllco will bo
made unless good reasons are shown , and If
this Intimation takes the form of a ruling , of
course Mr Pritchett Is lllicly to servo out his.
term , us did Mr. Lambci-taon before him.
TUo number of applications for consulates !
already handed In to the delegation Is said to
bo HUflleicutly largo to till every oftlco within
thu rceown-Piulation of the president. The
delegation has recommended four or flvo ,
which are under consideration by the sccre-
taiy of stale , but thorn i no assurance given
that all of them can receive an appointment.
In faet , the question of the proportion of pub
lic ofllecs which Nebraska , among other
western elates , is to rcoolvc , outside of its
own boundaries , has not yet been taken IsPi
and the tendency at present In the stuto de
partment six-run to bo to give prior consider
ation to the claim a of Now York , liuUanaand
New UugUi'di
Captain Parkinson , sergwinl-at-arms of
the senate , who circulated thu petition tor
Corporal Tanner among the Nooraska legis
lature and * tnt" ofllcor * . la expected to secure -
cure a prominent place in the pension onlce.
Ho has linen a personal frlenii of l
Tanner for ycni st und was associate J th
him In Brooklyn whllo ho wus tax or
of that city. Mr. Parkinson expccttthat his
tfl'orla on Corporal Tanner * * behalf , by
which the Nebraska delegation was largely
induced to make a fight for the present com
missioner of pensions , will be paid by a plum
in ono of the divisions In this case , al
though Captain Parkinson U not ono of tha
oldest residents of Nebraska , ho will proba
bly have tobo acciedited to the stato.
TUE voeTcmii ! ; ? ,
The ujembsra of longic s ivcm Nebraska
are busily engaged In making up a list of
recommendations for postofllccs within their
districts , They are doing this entirely on
their own responsibility , as both senators
have refused to take any part In recom
mendations for postofllccs.
Senator Paddock , who It was supposed
would take a hand in the postonico fight at
Lincoln , has flatly declined to interfere and
moro of documents. With the postoQlccs. as
well as with other important positions , the.
policy of the president and of the postmaster
general Is believed to be to allow all officials
to servo out their tenure of ofilco. except
where charges of Innenlcleney are brought
against them. This will bo n bitter dis
appointment to the ofllco seekers , who are
already uttering curses deep and loud in tha
lobbies of the different hotels , against the
continuance of a civil service reform which
docs not make n clean swoop of the ofllco
holders , for the benefit of the dominant
or.xnrui , nniut's ' INFLUENCE.
During the administration of Secretary
Endlcolt there was a constant warfare be
tween Adjutant General Drum and the other
brigadier generals who preside over the va
rious corps of the army , and General Drum
came out on top every time. Ho seemed to
have unlimited , influence ) with the secretary
of war , and was able oven to set aside the
orders of Ooaoral Sheridan. Although Secretary -
rotary Proctor has boon in oflliio only three
weeks , General Drum appears to have cap
tured him , and has downed General Scho-
ilcld in what may bo called a hand to hand
encounter. Thcro has been sitting at the
war department for about eight months a
board of eight officers engaged In revising
the tactics ot the army. Under the expecta
tion of remaining hero two or three years
thcso ofllccrs have brought their families ,
and some of them have rented houses and
made preparations to stay until the end of
the detail. Tholr surprise was very great ,
therefore , the other day to receive
orders from the secretary of war to
pack up their traps and move out
to Leavenworth. They immediately entered
a protest , and upon inquiry learned that the
order had been issued at the instance of
General Drum , and tho'only reason given for
it was that the rooms they were occupying
were needed for thoicourt martial of Major
Lydecker. The tactical board sent a com
mittee to General Drum and aslccd him to
have the order revoked , but ho declined to
do so. They then appealed to" General
Schoflcld , who made such representations to
the secretary of war as to secure a revoca
tion of the ordec , and the board settled down
in blissful serenity again. But their peace
of miad was soon disturbed , and a new
order came sending them to Lcavoiiworth.
They again appealed to the secretary of war
without avail , and again sought the good
ofllccs of General Schollcld , but ho was un
able to secure another reconsideration. Ho
then requested the secretary of war to send
the board to West Point where they could
have the advantage of n largo military
library , but the secretary declined to inter
fere and' now the ofllcera are packing up
their traps and trying to sublet the houses
they have leased. General Drum retires on
the 5th of May next , and uo tears will bo
shed by the ofllccrs of the tactical board
when ho finally leaves his desk. It is under
stood that thu motive of General Drum's ac
tion lies in the opposition of the oDIccrs who
compose the tactical board to the promotion
of General MuKcover to Drum's place. Gen
eral Kclton , who ranks McKccver one grade ,
is the favorite candidate of the army for ad
jutant general , but the social influences in
Washington are at work in behalf of Me-
Kcever , and General Drum Is ono of his
most active aud influential friends. It is not
expected that the nomination will be sent to
the senate at the present session , but the va
cancy will occur on the : > th of May and must
bo filled shortly after that date.
The remains ol the late Justice Stanley
Matthews were scarcely placed in the casket
bcfore-candidatcs for his seat on the bench
began to'turn up , and thcro are now half a
dozen in sight from Ohio alone. Among them
are J. M. M. Granger , formerly a member of
the supreme court of the state , who conies
very highly recommended. Judge J. S. Cum-
mines , of Toledo , who is an intimate friend
of Attornev General Miller , arrived here last
night. William B. Luckey , ol Erie county ,
Ohio , is also seeking the oflice and there are
several others too numerous to mention. The
president seems disposed to break all pre
cedents. This afternoon ho attended the
lunernl of Justice Matthews with his wife
Just as if ho were an ordinary citizen.
It cannot ba too clearly understood that
the applications pouring into the various del
egations for positions in the various govern
ment departments are labor thrown away. All
thellepartments are under the civil service
rules , and removals and appointments are
made in every case under the rules of the
commission. Senators and congressmen
have absolutely no influence in the premise ? ,
no patronage to glvo away and no pull on the
Heads of departments , who are forced to se
lect their clerks from the list of candidates
certified over from the civil service commis
slon as liaving passed a high examination.
Arthur L. Reovo.-of Hampton , la. , Is ot
tbo Ebbitt.
Allen Humrick , of Knoxville , la. , was to
day admitted to practice before the interior
The leayo of absence on surgeon's certifi
cate of disability granted Coljnel Henry A.
Morrow , Twenty-first Infantry , Mnrch 7 , %
Department of the Plnttc , is extended flvo
months on surgeon's certificate of disability ,
with permission to leave the division of the
Missouri. .
Second Lieutenant George W. Read , Fifth
cavalry , Is ( totalled as professor of military
science nnd tactics at the Iowa state univer
sity , Iowa City , la. , to take effect July 1 ,
Ibb'J , and will report in person to the presi
dent thereof on that date , relieving First
Lieutenant Joseph M. CallfT , Third artillery ,
Who will then proceed to Jdln his battery.
Pr.uur S. . HEATH.
Ni'bi-nskn and Iowa Postmasters.
WASHINGTON , March 25. fSp cial Tele-
grain to TJIB Br.E.l The following Iowa
postmasters were appointed to-day ; J. T.
Reynolds , Agency , Wapello county , vlco E.
T. Saye removed ; M. A. Walker , Ainsworih ,
Washington county , vlco Thomaa Buck , re
moved ; John M. Rynii , Eddyvllle , Wopello
county , vlco A. Cresson , removed ; E. T. Ro
land , Eldon , Wapollo county , vice .1. J.
Crortdy , removed ; O Church , Frederic ,
Monrou county , vice Lovl Mickey , removed ;
Finloy Id. Smock , Kcota , Kcokuk county ,
vl < : elt. S. Price , removed ; D. Ward , Rich-
laud. Keoktik county , vice J. C. Stockman ,
removed ; David Vail , Now Sharon , Mulmska
county , vlco Muhlon Staiiton , removed , and
, A. L. Woo.l. St. Charles , Madison county ,
vice S.-S. Switzcr , resigned , .
The following Nebraska postmasters wore
appointed to-day : Matthew 1'arran , Bcemur ,
Cumlng county , vice C'arston Brandt , re
moved ; William A. Piice , Hodarc. Sioux
county , v ! J Ashliol Orion , removed ; An
drew R. Hasson , Dodge , Dodge rountv , vice
Antcr. Bartosett. removed ; Joseph Paradise ,
Hcmlngford , Box Butte county , vice Fred
erick MUck , removed ; Ri'udlng Asher , In-
uian. Holt county , vice Lev ! Vanvalltenburg l 'i
removed ; Mrs. SSnr.i Chamberlain , Overtou ,
Dawsou county , vlco Uhiirlos T. Brown , re
moved ; Thomas P. Black , Pender , Dakota
county , vice John G. Dawns , removed ; J. P.
Meredith , South Sioux City , Dakota county1 ,
vice CharJes D. Sinlloy , removed , and Nor
man Jackson , Wallace , Lincoln county , vlco
Duval Jackson , removed.
Thor Yjirktnwn Accepted.
> yt March 25. The secretary of
the navy lias approved the report of the trial
InarJ of tlio Yorktown , and the vessel , In.
eluding her flttlnga and machinery , except
ing the electric lighting plant , will be accepted
cepted , subjected to a special reserve ol
fcJJ.OOO , and to the further reservation of
5,000 to be hold until the lighting plant shall
be completed unit tested. Cramp & Sons arc
wjulrcd , when the vessel leaves their yard ,
to place or. board all duplicate pieces id
other ni tides belonging to the vessel and at
as early a day as practicable to deliver her tc
thn commandant of League. Island . . - , ,
yard , when she will bo forawlly acccptc-J ,
subject to the above incntlcned conditions.
The Henmlns Conveyed to Glcndnlo
For Interment.
WASHINGTON , March 25. The funeral ser
vices over the remains of the late Assoclat o
Justice Matthews were hold this afternoon
at his la to residence , Dr. Hamlln and Dr.
Leonard ofUctatlng. The president and
cabinet , justices ot the supreme court ,
many members of congress anil other promi
nent persons were present. The remains
were carried to the Baltimore. & Ohio sta-
tl"3n and conveyed to Glendale , O. , for Inter-
The floral decorations seen nt the residence
wcro profuse. On the cnalcet were branches
of Easter lilies and lilies of the valley , a
laurel wreath of whlto roses , tied with a
purple ribbou , from Justice and Mrs. Field.
The piano was covered with offerings from
friends , tbo principal ono being a masslvo
plllowof whlto roses from President and Mrs.
Harrison. Oa the face of the ptlloxuf In
purple immortelles , was Imbedded the senti
ment : "Say not good night , but In some
brighter cllmo bid good good morning. " A
largo wreath of white roses , from Justice
Matthdws' surviving comrades of the com-
mandor.v of the District of Columbia order
of Legion of Honor , was prominent.
CINCINNATI , March 25. There was a lurgo
meeting of the bar in the United States court
to-day to take action on the death of Asso
ciate. Justice Matthews. A committee of
seven , with Hon. Alphonso Taft as chair
man , was appointed to prepare a memorial to
bo submitted at a meeting to bo hold to-mor
row. The family has selected as honorary
pall bearers , in addition to the justices of the
supreme court , ox-President Hayes , Judge
IIowoll , S. Jackson , Judge Gcoreo R. Sage ,
John W. Horron , William Prootor , S. J.
Thompson aud II. W. Hughes.
The Nnvy IB DlHsntlsfled.
WASHINGTON , March 25. No little dissatis
faction is felt among naval oDlcers over the
details of the programme for the celebration
of the Washington inaugural centennial In
Now York next month. According to the
programme the army and navy are to llguro
prominently in the demonstration. Major
General Schoflcld , the highest commanding
general df tbo service , has been selected to
take charge of the military forces ,
and against that selection no criti
cism is made. But the naval ofll-
ccrs complain that their branch ot the ser
vice , which w'll ' make an exhibition of par
ticular interest because of Its comparison of
the old and new navlos , has boon placed In
charge of a retired army oftlcer. They
argue that a naval oOlccr of the highest
rank should bo chosen to match the selection
of Major General Schoflcld , and they have
begun an agitation to have Admiral Jowctt
replace the retired army ofllccr in csrnmand
of the naval demonstration.
The .Military Colleges.
WASHINGTON , March 21. The secretary of
war has prescribed regulations governing
the issue of arms for military instruction at
colleges. Such a college or university where
an army oftlcer is stationed will bo allowed
two three-Inch rifled guns , or wrought Iron ,
valued nt J150 each ; two carriages and tim
bers and appurtenances ; 150 Springfield
cadet rifles and a corresponding number of
bayonet scabbards and appendages. The
colleges are required to give a bond equal to
double the value of the arms furnished. Am-
n HID it Ion will bo supplied as follows : Ono
huUQrcd blank cartridges and 300 primers
for the three Inch guns , and fifty rillo ball
cartridges for each cadet engaged in target
Goff Will Push His Claims.
WHEELING , W. Vn. , March 23. Genera ]
Go ft , the republican gubernatorial candidate
who received a majority of the votes cast nt
the recojit election in this state , and who Is
now engaged in a contest before the legisla
ture with Judge Fleming to establish his
claims , arrived hero this evening for a con
ference with his friends in this part of the
state. In an interview this evening
ho asserted his determination to push
his claim in all possible ways and before all
proper tribunals , and said that ho felt confi
dent the legislature would , from the evi
dence ho should pluco before the special
committee , finally acknowledge the just
ness of his position and thn soundness of his
claim to bo the legal governor of the stato.
General Goff will remain hero for a day or
two and will then return to his home at
Ncodlmm-'Gllinoro Fight Pofttnoned.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , March 23. Chief of
Police Bracket ! has notified President
Loomis. of the Do Soto club , that the Nced-
ham-Gilmoro light , set for to-night ut that
club house , must not come off. Warrants
for the arrest of the principals have been
sworn out and arc now in the hands of the
police. Owing to police interference the
light has been postponed. It will occur , how
ever , between this date and Saturday in this
A. Brutal liiuband'H Pnto.
LOUISVIM.C , Ky. , March 23. Near Jit. -
Vernon , Ky. . last Saturday , James Baker
shot and mortally wounded Moses Gatliff.
Gatliff's ' wife had run awny with another
man. Gatliff pursued and captured her at
the depot where they wore to take the train.
He began beating her , when Bauer remon
strated and Gatliff shot at him. Baker tthcn
shot GatlifT , wounding him fatally , and sur
rendered to the sheriff. t
The Visible Hnpnly.
CHICAOO , March 25. The visible supply for
the week ending March 23 , as compiled by
the secretary of the Chicago noard of trade ,
is as follows :
Wheat COJtW,000 !
Corn 17,051,000
Oats' . 7.3W.OOO
Rye 1.50J.OOO
Barley. _ . _ . . . 1,60,1,000
Prlnco WillccM Hold.
, , Pa. , March .23. Word was
received hero this afternoon that the famous
horse , Prlnco Wilkes , owned bv George V.k
Slngerly , of this eity , was sold In Now York
to-day for $30,000.
The horse reached Now York this mornIng
Ing , where ho was delivered to J. R. Hub-
bard , who represents a wealthy gcncleman
living in Buenos Ayers. Singcrly was on
hand , nnd when the horse was turned over to
the representative of the owner ho received
n check for f.'itt.lxX ) , Hubbard has for somn
tlmo looking for u suitable animal for South
America , and fixed on Prince Wilkes as a
horse answering the requirements.
The German Pennl mil.
COLOGNE , March 25. The Gazette , com-
montlng on the now penal bill , says it must
refuse to believe that the national liberals
who , upon tbo occasion of the last prolonga
tion orpdriod of operation of anti-socialist
law , demanded a settlement of the matter
by the completion of the poiijil code , will lo
clclo to limit popular rights as proposed in
the bill , and especially to render worse hon
position of the press by giving the government
ment a terrible weapon with which it can at
tack all the democratic frcisinnlgo and ultra-
monUino papers. The Cazotlo'a article aat
caused much comment.
The bundcsrath , it i * Dellcveil , has re.
fcrrcd the penal bill to the legal committee
of the house. It is expected that Ohlslagei
and Yon Schclling will pilot the bill through
. tbo rclchstng. The Frcisinlgo eitung Iqadi
" tha opposition journals in protesting strong ! )
agalu'i i the measure.
The AVeatlicr indications.
For Nebraska and Iowa ; Fair , sllghtlj
cooler , northerly winds ,
for Dakota : Fair , stationary tempera
turc , northwesterly wind * .
Colonel Grant Sworn In.
WABHINOTON , March 25. Colonel Fret
D. Grant took the oath of o.llce as Uuilci
States minister to Austria to-day.
A Nebraska Mr. Cl'avoland Plays
an Unsuccessful lingngomont.
Fremont Will Welcome n Doctor
Who Una Bcicn Absent For
Boiuo Time Other News
or tlio Stato.
A Drmmnr.r Loses Ilia Grip.
NEIIUASKA CITT , Nob. , March 25. [ Special
to THE BEE. ] The guests at the Morton
house , In , were treated to a decided
sensation yesterday morning , which has Just
been made public. Last Friday -Miss Rltta
Vlllors , an elocutionist , who has been giving
entertainments throughout the state , regis
tered at the above hotel , and Robert Clove-
lend wrote his name as her "manager. " All
went seemingly well until Saturday evening ,
when another lady arrived nnd put her sig
nature on record as "Mrs. R. Cleveland , Kan
sas City , " and then trouble began to brow.
She found her husband nnd a storm followed ,
In which the thunder rolled nnd lightning
flashed. She discovered Miss Vlllors and
wanted to shoot her , but was prevented , nnd
then nubliely accused them of long nnd con
tinued naughty deeds. How the night was
passed caa only bo Imagined , bat early yes
terday morning Miss Vlllors skipped for
Homburg nnd was followed on the next train
by Cleveland , who gave his wife the slip.
The latter telegraphed to the Homburg mar
shal to arrest the couple , which was done ,
and the wife followed In the evening. She ,
however , refused to prosecute them upon
the promise of Miss Villors to relinquish her
claims on Mr. Cleveland , nnd the young lady
started for the east , leaving husband and
wlfo in Homburg. The wife , later in the
dty , started for Kansas City with.tho avowed
intention of bringing suit for divorce , having
accomplished her object of running the cou
ple to earth. She says she has boon follow
ing them all over the state for several
weeks. ,
Cleveland is a well known traveling man.
Howard's Firo.
SEAVABD , Nob. , March 24. [ Special to Tnc
BEE. ] About 930 ; o'clock Sunday evening
an alarm of fire was sounded , while a largo
concourse of pcoplo was assembled at
Walker's opera house , listening to a temper
ance address by C. J. Holt , and the' reflec
tion of the light was plainly visible by the
pcoplo there assembled , causing a general
stampede to the doors. The cooler headed
men wcro obliged to fight back the vast
crowd by brandishing canes and sticks to
prevent many of the ladies from rushing
headlong down the front steps , after which
quiet was soon restored.
The fire originated on the north side of the
public square , in the rear of the milmcry
store of S. Hyman , a frame building owned
by M. Bcrdolt & Son , The fire spread
rapidly to the three frame buildings adjoin
ing , occupied respectively by W. H. Ashton
& Co. , as a meat market ; Gcreko & Barkloy's
drug store , and Gercko's music store , In
which was aUo a smalt stock of wall paper
and picture frames , owned bv H. M. Draper.
Dr. J. H. Woodward nnd W.V. . Cox hud
odlcos in the last named 'bulldfng , and suf.
ferod considerable loss bythe. burning of t
part of their valuable libraries.
The flro was unquestionably the work of
an incendiary , as whehiflrat noticed there
were evidences of kerosene having been
poured on the ground between Bcrdolt's
building and.Ashton's meat market. Berdolt
had no insurance on the building ; Hyman
had $3.500 on the stock and was just making
preparations to remove her stock to a now
building ; Adler had $503 on building , Ashton
& Co. n fair amount on stock ; Gereke & ,
Barklay , the heaviest losers , had but 81,500
on stock worth $5,000 , but saved a creator
portion of their goods : iGereke had $500 on
musie stock , and J. H. Corvctcr had some 01
bis building. The stocks or such parts o
them as were saved are now piled in ono
conglomerate mass in the public square.
Zaraba's Frisky Wnys.
RA.VESJM , Neb. , March 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. | Ravenna has been en
joying a first class sensation. Some two
months ago a man named T. B. Zaraba
. opened a general merchandise store nt this
place. Evidently ho was a model citizen and
a good business man. The Knights of Phytias
in their tcmpoiry organization elected him
treasurer of the lodge , ho claiming to be u
member of Fraternity Lodge of Knights of
Phytias , of Tanora , la. Saturday evening
last it wf.s ropurted that Zaraba had drawn
all his money from the bank nnd hud tie-
parted with u vounpr and handsome Bohemian
girl named Gusta Vulok , n waiter nt the
Cuddy hotel , leaving n wife and six children
almost destitute. ZarabVs btore has been
clpsed by the creditors , and the stock will
probably be suBlcient to cover all Indebted
ness , Very fortunately the lodge funds
amounting to $300 had not boon turned over
. to him , and are consequently sale In the
hands of the master of finance. Zaraba's
. wife claims that this is the third escapade
of the kind ho has indulged in.
BO UH Piety.
PEKU , Neb. , March 25. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] John Hutchison , who has been de
ceiving the people by great religious pro
tcntions , induced George Ciark , an old and
respected citizen , to mortgage his only homo
for money , promising that ho would soon re
ceive a largo sum of money for a patent
lately applied for. After getting $350 in this
. way ho went to Mr. Reed , treasurer of
Ncmaha county , and obtained § 13" . by
mortgaging personal property which ho did
not own. Being n professional jeweler ,
doctor , musician , and detective , ho had fre
quent calls from homo , usually returning at
night. So many citizens hud been losing
corn , hay , and other nronorty , that this gen
tleman was suspected , and watch was set for
him. In a few nights ho was marched
. at the end of n shot gun to Mr. Craig's
house and made to own .to the stealing of liny.
Boinjranear neighbor and member of the
- M. E. church , his ; excuses prevented his
- arrest. After performing a numlJer of such
capers , Mr. II. has skipped , leaving a wife
and four ( children , in destitute circum
stances. * J
Found ! in ( Missouri.
FUEMONT , Ncb.7 Milrch 23. [ Special to
THE BEE.J Deputy Sheriff Webb , of this
city , returned yesterdul' from Independence ,
Jilo. , bringing wit ) } hint Dr. A. P. Barnes ,
- who was arrested thora a few days ago , and
who Is wanted hero for removing mortgaged :
, , property from the county. Barnes formerly
practised veterinary surgery hero , but loft
the country between two ilayi , two or thrco
months ago. When ho went be drove away
. a team of horses and a carriage , upon which )
mortgages were held by parties in this city ,
Ho also deserted his wife and took with him
- n young woman and her Infant child , named :
- Enos , living near North Bond. The woman
- and her child were. found by her father at
Lee's Summit , Mo. | soon after their depart
ure , but Barnes clu4od the ofllccrs , and has
. escaped arrest until a few days ago. Ho Is
now routined In tbo Dodgu county Jail , and
will have a preliminary examination in the
county court to-morrow.
( Juad a Knife
SBTTOX , Neb. , Murch 25 , [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BEE. ] An attempt to kill oc
curred hero last night about 10 o'clock. John
Nafe'lc , a young German , who was rivalled
by another German named Henry Powloy.
- from Harvard , * was stabbed in a quarrel
which took pjaco between the two over ela
girl , now in'thft employ ofppaof the hotels.
Naglc would have been instantly killed had
the knife not came in contact with ono of h Ms <
ribs which luckily savo.l the young man's
life. The doctors pronounced tUo wound not
fatal , however , and In a few days ho Is ex
pected out again. Powloy is In custody
and proper stops ot Investigation will betaken
taken .
soon. _ _ _ _ _
Found Dead. <
SEWAUD , Neb. , March 25 , [ Special to
THE BEE. ] Jacob Schnelborgcr , a wealthy
former of this county , was found dead uoar
his homo In C. township on Saturday night
about 0:80 : o'clock. Ho had been to Staple-
hurst , and his team returning homo alone ,
search was made for him and ho was found
as stated. It Is supposed that the team bo-
cam o frightened ana throw him out , break
ing his neck , or that ho accidentally fell out.
A Postonico Change.
CnAio , Nob. , March 25. [ Special to Tun
BEE. I Word has been received that Mrs.
Lusk , a widow , of this place , has boon ap
pointed postmistress. J. R , Davis , the pres
ent Incumbent , though a democrat , is well
thought of by all , and a petition asking that
ho bo retained was signed by nearly every
business man in the place and forwarded to
Washington , though too late for notion before -
fore the above appointment .
A Blulo Society.
FIIBMONT , Nob. , March 25. [ Special to
THE BnE.J The twenty-fifth anniversary of
the Dodge County Blblo society , was held
last night at the Congregational church with
a largo audience present. Rev. A. W. Wain-
wrignt , of Blair , district N secretary of the
American Blblo society , was present and de
livered an address on the work and results
of the society. The following oQicors were
elected for the ensuing year : J. F. Hanson ,
president ; C. M. Williams , secretary ; A.
Gibson , treasurer.
Figuring on n Lino.
.T CENTEH , Nob. , March 25.
[ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] An Invi
tation was received by the board of trade to
day to send a delegation to Grand Island ,
April 2. to attend a meeting of the Albion &
North Platte railroad company , which proposes -
poses to run a line through Grcoloy Center.
The committee appointed to attend the meetIng -
Ing consists of J. C. Whlto , J. D. Farrell and
II. L. Gauco.
Must Have Waterworks.
STHOMsnuKO , Nob. , March 25. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] Contractor Schroder having
failed to complete the waterworks systenj
according to contract , the city council has
taken steps to push it to completion , and also
extend the mains to other parts of the city.
The work on putting in the mains has already
commenced and the force will bo put at work
on the wells m a few days.
Brnlnnrd's Issue.
BiuiNAitn , Neb. , March 25. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] The prohibitionists of this town
met in caucus Saturday evening and placed
in nomination the following candidates to bo
supported at the village election April 2 :
W. E. Jacobs , S. M. Truax , George Wanser ,
W. Menguel , C. M. Gibson. Those men , if
elected , are pledged not to grant license.
Death or 1X11 OKI Man.
FAIRMONT , Neb. , March 23. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE , " ! Robert Summers , ono
of the pioneers of Filmoro county , died at his
homo in Liberty township yestcrdav , aired
ninety-five years. Ho was born in England
in February , 1794 , and carne to this county
over sixty-one years ago.
Looks Lite Prosperity.
PLATTE CENTER , Neb. , March 25. iSpecial
Telegram to THE BEC. ] A train of twenty
cars loaded with fat cattle left hero for Chicago
cage this afternoon. They go over the Rock
Island. The loading and shipping of the
cattle caused some commotion in this busy
Farmers are all busy seeding small grain
this very favorable weather.
Sir Charles Russell Points Out Some
of Webster's Mistakes.
. LONDON' , March 25. In the commons this
afternoon Sir Charles Russell made a state
ment regarding the speech made by Attor
ney General Webster in the house last Fri
day. He read a letter which ho had writter
to Webster , in which ho said he did not believe -
liovo that Webster had been correctly re
ported. It was absolutely Incorrect to say
that before Pigott's examia/cinn , or before
Pigott tied , ho ( Russell ) had received information
mation , direct or Indirest , to the effect that
Plfeott discredited the value of his own test !
mony. It was absolutely Incorrect to saj
that ho had either called for or referred tc
letiers conveying such information. The
attorney general was mistaken in supposing
that ho had given him flvo days before Pigott
testified , letters discrediting Pigott's evi
dence. The letters in which Pigott confessed
Ills fear of cross-examination had como upon
the speaker and his colleagues as a surprise.
He did not iuiputo disbonorablo motives to
the attorney general , but thought that
Webster-had been led away by the political
character of the case into a course of con
duct which , on reflection and under less ex
citing circumstances , ho would not have pur-
surd. IChoers.l
Continuing , Sir Charles said that oven
when Pigott had testified , ho did not got the
letters to which reference had boon made.
Webster admitted that , reiving upon
memory , he had erred when ho wrote to Sir
Charles Russell. Ho argued that in any case
the matter was unimportant.
The attorney general persisted that If Sir
Charles Russell hod consented to have the
letter from Soames to Pigott read In court !
ho ( Ruxsell ) would have boon in u position to j
demand the correspondence : to which it re
Asquith , who is ono of the Parnollito
counsel , asserted positively that neither ho
nor Sir Charles Russell had the ghost or
glimmering of a notion that a letter of
Pigott's existed In which ho announced that
his testimony would bo discredited.
Harcourt contended that no answer had
been given to his charge that Webster , know
ing Pigott to bo a doubtful witness , had al
lowed the Times for two months to repeat
its odious charges ; anil further , ho sat silent
while Houston atllrmcd that ho had complete
trust in Pigott , which statement Webster
knew to bo false.
Webster I have protested that I had no
means of knowing that Houston's statement
Harcourt , resuming , said that the attorney
general might weave cobwebs of miserable
professional etiquette about the matter , but
the common seiihc of the nation would revolt
arolnst keeping alive to the last moment
charges known to bo false.
Sis Kdward Clorlto , solicitor general ,
spoke In dnfcnso-of Webster.
Labouchcro said that Houston , Soamos
and Webster had all avoided amung ques
tions concerning Pigott. Ho altacxcd the
Gludstonlan lawyers who. hud abstained
from voting when division was taken ou Fri
day ,
Morley said ho had not a word to with
draw from what ho had said in Friday's de
bate. The subject was then dropped.
Business TronblnH ,
BEHUNVis. . , March 25. Reese & WhitIng -
Ing , the oldest dry goods firm in this city ,
assigned to-day. Liabilities , (38,000 ; assets ,
about two-thirds as much.
CLEVELAND , O. , March 25 The dry goods
store of Schedlor it Me Walters was closed
this afternoon by the sheriff on judgments
aggregating $00,000. The liabilities of the
IIrm are placed by the bookkeeper at 100,000 ,
and the assets are about the same.
8tonni8iii | ) Arrivals.
At Queonstown The British Prince , from
At Southampton The Elbe , from New
At Now York The Kerns , from Bremen ,
and tbo Devonla from Glasgow.
Julin Bright Seriously III
LONDON , March SI. John Bright has had
a serious relapse. Tbo doctor is in constant
The Americans Cover Thotnsolvcs
With Glory nnrt Illnck Mnok.
( Cttpi/rluht tfS3 liv James Oonton tlenneU , }
BDI.FAST , March 23. [ New York Herald
Cablo-Spcclal to Tun BEE.I The American
ball teams played their first game on Irish
soil this afternoon nt Belfast before an as
semblage of 2,590 paoplo , GOJ of whom were
ladles. It was unmistakably ft fashl6nablo
turnout , * The gentlemen were light colored
capo coats and patent leather boots and
twirled silver tipped blackthorn sticks.
The frcsh-facod pretty Belfast girls wcro
very charming In their jaunting cars , with
liveried grooms attending them. The weather
was very flclilo. Showers followed by sun
light was the order during the mbrnlng. The
grounds ot the North of Ireland Cricket club ,
whore the gauio took place wcro soft and
damp when the players took the field for
practice. Royal avenue , In front of the Im
perial hotel , was crowded with people as the
players In uniform mounted two big drags
and started for the grounds 'amid hearty
cheers. The game was just the kind to suit
the spectators , for there was a lot of heavy
batting In It and some earnest fielding , Fo-
early , in lott , playing a game that would
have made an American shout himself hoarso.
The applause was frequently and heart
ily accorded , and the sympathy ot
the audlenco seemed to bo with All
America , which nulled out a victory In the
ninth Inning. The grounds were so heavy as
to make brilliant baso-runnlng Impracticable ,
yet Manning , Fogarty , Sullivan . mid Wood
covered themselves with glory and black
muck , while the crowds Indulged in hearty
laughter. In Chicago's fourth Inning a passing -
ing cloud sent down a Coating of rain. The
ladies raised umbrellas and the crowd kept
their seats till the game was resumed. The
sun soon came out and was warm and socla
bio during the remaining Innings.
Tenor was hit hard , and only his excellent
support prevented him being knocked out of
the box. But for local fielding by Manning
and Wright aud wild pitching by Healv , Chicago
cage would have been badly beaten. But
once did the "Colts" hit Healy for meTe
than a single , and then the costly errors of
All America with the bases full did much
towards enabling them to secure a lead In
the fourth Inning. A poor throw to first by
Ryan and n brilliant throe-bagger by Wood
gave All America a pretty lead In the first
Inning. Chicago seemed unable at first to
got the ball beyond the infield , and when she
did the hits were to left field , whom Fogarty
was nlw"ays ready and waiting for the ball.
Earle , Wood and Brown soon pounded Te
nor's heart Into his boots , and the Iteam's
base-running , with Fogarty's fielding , did
the rest of the business , although it was
Earlo's three-bagger , with Wood and Healy
on bases In the ninth tuning , that won the
The teams were banquetted to-night by.tho
mayor of Belfast and the North of Ireland
Cricket club. The party will arrive in Dub-
In at noon to-morrow and play the last game
of the trip there on Wednesday.
The following is a detailed summary of
to day's game :
AI ) . It. 1111. KM. l-O. A. E.
Hanlon.of 0.
Focarty , If , 0
Brown , rf. . . . ' 0 "
Carroll. 1st b&e. . 5 1 (1 ( 0 14 0
Wood , 3d b 5 3 3 1 a 3
Healy , P 4 1 21 0 0 0
Manning , 2db 4
Earl , o&lb 5 "
Wright , ss 51 1 0 * 0 0
Totals 40 0 li ) 4 27 17.
AI : . it. mi. sit. 10. A. i :
Ryan , ss 5
Pettit , rf , . . .
Sullivan , If 5
Anson , 1st b 3.
Pfeffer , 2db 50
Tenor , cf. '
Burns , 3d b 4 1' 4 0 2 0
Baldwin , p
Daly , c 5
Totals 42 8' 12 8 27 15
All America. . . . 4 1 0 1 00 1 0 2- '
Chicago 012410 000-
Earned runs Chicago , 1 ; All America , 0
First base on errors Chicago , 3 ; All Amer
ica , 2.
Left on bases Chicago , 0 ; All America
ica , 10.
Total base hits Chicago , 10 ; AH Amcr
ica , 24.
Two-base hits Wood.
Three-base hits Burns , Wood , Earlo.
Home runs None.
First base on balls Off Toner 4 , off Ilea-
ley 5.
Stolen bases Hnnlon , Fogartyood ,
Manning , Ryan , Pettit , Sullivan.
Hit by pitched ball Ryan.
First base on illcsal delivery None.
Struck out Bv Hcaloy 5 , byTcncr2.
Double nloy Ryan , PfefTcr and Anson.
Passed balls Earlo 2 , Anson none.
Wild pitches Healy
Time of game 2:10.
Umoiro Crane , of the AU-Atnorica tenm.
L/tiboitchcro / Given Kgnn Solo Credit
for Their Discovery.
| Copi/ri7M/9S9hi/ flnril'in
LONDON , March 25. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun Bci : . | A Herald re
porter called upon Mr. Laboiieherc and asked
him whether the stories discrediting the dis
covery by Mr. Kgan of the forgeries pub
lished by the Times have any foundation.
Mr. Labouchero replied that the proof that
tho. forged letters had boon written by Pig
ott 'was entirely duo to Egan. That gentle
man had fortunately preserved the drafts of
certain Jotters written by him to PJgott.
Egan sent thcso drafts , together with-tho
Pigott letters , to Laluuchoro during the dis
cussion of the royal commission bill. Ho at
once showed IJiem to Sir Charles Russell
and to Mr. Parnoll , and subsequently to Mr.
George Lewis when he was engaged as so
licitor In the case. The draft letters con.
cluslvoly showed that the forgeries could
have been wrlttnn by Pigott , and by no
other , for many phrasosln ono Instance thieo
consecutive lines , which worn in the drafts ,
reappeared In the forgeries. Ono of
Egan's Tetters In Pigott had been published
In the Freeman when It hud boon written.
Before the arrival of Mr. Egnu's documents
In London there had been a vague Idea that
very possibly PJgott was a forger , but this
idea was based upon nothing definite , and
had w ° n ° t had Egan's documents it Is very
improbable that his authorship of the forger
ies would have been brought homo to him.
Subsequently wo learned that Houston had
offered his letters to Lord Hartlngton and to
the Pall Mall Ouzetto , and wo subpwmcd
him , but If wo had not also subpoenaed Pi
gott at the same time it Is possible that
Houston would have said that ho was
pledged not to reveal the names of the per
sons from whom ho had bought the letters ,
leaving it to bo inferred that the persons
wcro moro reliable than PJgott , whoso bad
character was a matter of notoriety.
The Now Judge ,
NORTH PJ.AITB , Neb. , March 25. [ Special
Tole rara to TUB HBB. ] Judge Church to
day appointed K. A. Carey of this place , as
his official stenographer , The J nil go expects
to take his scat on tt.o bench next week as
soon us ho and Judge Hamur aimo on a di
vision of the work.
" * * " * " * "fe
The Bodies of Two Sailors Plokod
Up By n Stoamor.
The Wreckage Found Indicates That
n Passenger Stcninor linn Foun
dered Unable to Identify
the Bailors.
Discovered Off Capo Charles.
NEW Youit , March 25. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. ] The bodies of two sailors
wcro picked up from n llfo raft on Saturday
by the Mnllory line steamer Colorado , off
Capo Clmrlos. Later on the steamer passed
through n largo quantity of wreckage , sucli
as would Indicate the loss of a good sized ves
sel. Nothing was found upon ttio bodies on
the raft to toll who the men were or to what
ship they belonged. The crow of the Col
orado say that the wreckage , which they
sighted for two hours after they had sunk
the bodies , was such as would como from ft
passenger steamer. These were doors ot
cabins made ot polished wood amftnanygood
sofas and chairs. The' painted .work was
whlto. Where the planks were broken the
wood looked black and worn , as If the vessel
they belonged to was an old ono. There was
a good brcezo on Saturday morning. Second
Ofllcer Frank W. Thomas wasjon the bridgo.
The course was duo north , the vcs-sol having
loft Galveston , Tex. , March tt. Just after
seven bells , or half past 11 o'clock , Thomas
sighted , a quarter of n uillo ahead , slightly
on the port bow , what looked like a whlto
boat bottom up. Ho told the Quartermaster
to ship the helm so that the Colorado would
passcloso enough ( o the object to make out
\vhal It was. In a couple of minutes it was
about ono hundred yards on the port side. A
handful of passengers and all the sailors on
deck crowded to the rail to look ut It , It
was" llfo raft , such as Is used on steamers.
Two metal cylinders , air tight , supported n
platform Intended for the accommodation ol
passengers. The raft was about ten feet
long bv four and a half feet wide. Upon the
raft , which was vigorously tossed about by
the waves , lay two men. They wcro qulto
still , face downward , and It seemed
ns if every tlmo the platform raked they
would slide off into the sea. It was plain
that they were dead. Ono of the men looked !
as If ho died while in the act of clamoring
further up on the raft. His right foot woa
well in the water. The other man , whoso
attitude showed that he , too , had been hold ;
ing on like grim death , had evidently been
assisting his weaker companion to maintain
his grip. All tills the pcoplo on the Colorado
saw as she flew past the death raft. The
steamer was turned around and slowly went
back and was brought to a stop within forty
yards of the bodies. Then a boat was lowr
ered and Ofllcor Thomas and two seamen ,
manned It. There was a pretty strong sea
running , and thby had to bo care
ful -not to ride over the raft )
and swamp thoniEelvoe. Both tha
men's ' clothing were wet through.
The life line which goes around biicli- rafts
ns the one they were on had been out away
and tied across the ulatform , to give them a
firm hold on the center of the raft. Thcic
hands were swollen and tightly clinched'
Evidently they had a firm grip ou the line.
but It had fallen from their hands ns they
died , and there was nothing to keep them
from slipping into the water. The bodies
rolled slightly as the raft rose and fell.
After the corpses w ° ro taken aboard a search
\vas made through the clothing.The pockets
of the larger man were stufted witli tha
ship's biscuits. Ho had time before leaving
his ship to make this provision for
the lonely cruise on the . raft *
In one of the pockets was found the card of a
crocer of Havre , Franco. Tnere was tome
pencil wiitiiiK on the back of the card in
French. Ono of the cylinders of the life rait
had been stove in and was full of water.
The name of its builder , Captain Jonathan
Cones , of Wilmington , Del. , was stenciled
upon it. It was not possible , the boat'.s craw
say , to turn it over to see if the name of the
vessel was upon the other side , nor could
they tow it to the Colorado and take it aboard
on account of the heavy sea.
From reports from other vessels which
passed the wreckage It is thought that it bc- <
longed to the gunboat Conserva , the vessel
which had so much trouble getting away
'from ' this port because she was Bucpected ol
being intended for the Hnytlau insurgents.
An Important Move Hearing on Their
Future In This Country.
PATKHSON , N. J. , March 25. Ono of tha
most important movements bearing on the
future , of the textile industries is now under
way here. The object Is three-fold to ele
vate the character and to improve the style
of American fabrics , to render domc&tla
manufacturers 'independent of Europcui
art and skill in the production of high grade
goods , and to emancipate American industries
in this department from the alleged
despotism of trades unions , which , it H
claimed , so handicaps employers that it ia
practically luiposblDln for them to success
fully compcti ) with foreign establishments In
the world's market. The United States baa
no technical schools , such us arcr found1
abroad. There Is little or nothing distinct
ively American in rich mid cleeunt patterns ,
and' Americans are. to a marvelous extent ,
mere copyists of European designs. Ameri
cans are rarely uvor admitted into foreign
schools where designing , weaving , dyeing
and furnishing nro taught , and it is fur tlio
purpose of endowing such aL school nt. homo
that the movement has been set on
foot , backed by the signatures ot the piincl-
pal manufacturers In America , and repre
senting millions of dollars. A preliminary
nicotine- will bo held at thn nfllco of the silk ;
association on April C for thn purpose of inking -
ing the newssurv oM | for completing tlio
organization. The movement is a direct
strike at trade unions * \vlin do not allow moro
than ono ui | ] > millcc to u certain number ot
weavers. TUo aim is to broaden the scope
nnd enlarge tlio I'.i'ld , and have n nmilict
'abroad ' for goods manufactured at home.
IIAKKIET jniciiri : : : HI own.
A. Terr ! lila Cloud Hmtlntf1 Over Hep
Once Brilliant .Mind.
NEW Yor.u , Murch 25. A Hartford , Conn .
special says : It Is now about six months
slnco Harriet Beerhcr Stowo was brought
as a dying Invalid from Sag Harbor to till *
city. Only the euro of her physician nnd
the attentive nurslngof her children brought )
her [ through her Illness. But Mrs. Slowo
finally recovered of her aliments , and Is
rfneinlngly now In as good hoiilth us she has
been of Into yearn , it is true that thu men
tal condition of Mrs. Stowe , atttmuph wall
known hero in Hartford , U seldom alluded
to. It IK a fact , however , that
Mrs. Stnwc's mlinl U shuttered , and
Htui is , at best , in Intellectuality now but a
more child. Her friends will not say that
K O is insane , nor that slm is an Imbct'll" , bub
her iiiiud Is almost completely gono. Her
memory IB that of u baby. When former
dear friends visit her , people whom she has '
knownjfor years , she gicots them uith a
vacantHtaro. so Indicative n symptom in
cases of that It i nil. Of couiee , Mrs. Htowo'a
relatives view nlhthis wl'li ' u feeling of dis
may , hut they have now become reconciled *
to the rbunt.'o and her whims are
treated with the utmost tenderness.
For seine tlmo it was given out that Mrs.
Btowo did not n-cogni/e her frlomltt bcc.insp
of fulling cyetilxlit , but tills case is never
alluded to. and the fact tlmtuho is no longev .
capable is rcco/nl/ed by ovary opo , Jt wa *
also for n long tlmo thought to bo nil attribute.
of genius when Mrs. blown showed these
lilips.vucriiilea , but the genius .tliut mado1
Undo Tom's Cabin has departed.
The father of Mrs , Ktowe , Rov. I.yman i
needier , lussoil ( lie rlusing .wars of Ilia lifa j
with u uloud icstlug over Ins mind. lli
symptoms WM o greatly similar to tliosc wliicU
now aiilict Mrs , Stem.- . ;