Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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W. II. 13. Stout was nt the Mlilnrd yoitcr-
Chnrlcs W. Meeker , of Imperial , la at the
Pax ton.
E. G. Wctzcl , of Lincoln , Is a guest nt the
TJ. L. Seller , of Lincoln , was at the Murray
A. F. Clemens , of Ohio wo , Neb. , Is stopping
kt the Paxton.
J. A. Kngolko , of PlaUsmouth , rcgiatereU
it the Murray , . ,
William HrittTy mid wife , of San Francisco ,
went the Pnxton.
H. M. Uttloy , of O'Neill ' , registered a\ the
Millard yesterday.
3. P , Smith was among the guests at the
Mlllartl yesterday.
F. F. Rawson , of Nebraska City , Is stop
ping at the Pnxton.
AGrey , of Dcnklcman , Is among Btho
Rucstfl at the Pnxton. ,
C. O. Wullctt , of St. Louis , Is once more In
Omaha and Mopping at the Paxton ,
A Ilcnl Kstnto Problem.
"A Problem In Uoal Estate" was the sub
ject of Kov. William son's discourse at the
United Presbyterian church yesterday morn'
The minister took for his text Mark 8 ,
BO-87. "What shall it profit a man If ho
gain the whole world and lese tils own soull"
3no ? following is the thread of the discourse :
A man's ability to estimate values has very
much to do In deciding his worth as a busi
ness man. A man may make considerable
money in securing a piece of property and ,
again disposing of it speedily when property
Is nt a flctltlsus value , oven though ho has a
very inaccurate idea concerning the real
worth of that property. 13ut it Is
the man who can 11 euro ac
curately concerning the real worth
of that property present and prospective )
that you wish to consult if you want to make
nn Investment. I know a man who could
Imvo sold n largo farm for $210 an acre , but
would not do so , as ho persuaded tiltrself
that ho would receive moro than that in a
few days or weeks. Six months afterwurds
lie told mo ho would bo glad to sell it for ? 40
an acre , but could not llnd a purchaser. No
one then wanted to buy it. The values of
real estate are subject sometimes to very
great and sudden changes. From the ear
liest history men Imvo attached a permanent
vnluo to land as a property and regarded
real cutnto us a secure species of property.
There nro few things to-day that men regard
as so sccuro a guarantee for money as a IIret
mortgage on an unencumbered plcco of real
estate. The man whoso outlying acres are
hold by good title and are under a good state
of cultivation is regarded always as a man of
means. If ho wants a loan In the money
market ho has little trouble iu securing It.
There are few men who have not before
Jthcm the hope or ambition to own a plcco of
ground which they can rightfully call their
own. The 'best ' interests ot mankind Ho In
established homes. Hotel and boarding
bouso life are abnormal. All thcso tend
toward dissatisfaction , unrest and immoral
ity. Tbo heavenly plant of conjugal love
flourishes nowhere as well as in the soil of
home. I believe that God designed that the
children of men should seek homos. Real
estate Is good property , and the man who has
his broad acres stretching around him may
rightfully bo regarded as a prudent man as
far as the wealth of this world is concerned.
But is it the design of God that broad acres
should satisfy man ? The Lord is
not disposed to llnd fault with
any man for wisely and honestly In
creasing his worldly possessions. It is not
my purpose to flnd fault with the real cstuto
man who secures possession of a valuable
ploco of ground. But there ii a possibility of
his having paid too much for it. He may bo
giving so much thought to that property that
ho may overlook something of much greater
value. That property referred to Is valuable.
It" Is his soul. What can ho give in exchange
for it ! In the hour of death what value will
wo place upon our souls in other words
upon pursolves ! Even the increasing value
f of Omaha real estate will not Oil us then
with satisfaction. Death can foreclose a *
mortgage upon those possessions. The homo
: and wealth of the rich man could not pur
chase u drop of water to cool his
tongue while in the torments of per
dition. The soul then becomes of Infinite
importance. If a man had a thousand times ,
the wealth of Jay Gould ho would cheer
fully give it all for th.o prospect of u safe
transit to the' heavenly city. The posses
sions and pleasures of this life nro not abid
ing , but the soul is. Then how much moro
it is entitled to our careful attention. God
put enough value on our souls to redeem
them with His only begotten Sou. That soul
must bo saved or lost eternally. Which is
moro important , your soul's interest or your
business ) The Lord says : "Lay not up
for yourselves treasures upon earth , where
moth and rust corrupt , but lay up for your
selves treasures In heaven. " Choose , I be-
Beech you , with Mary ; that good part that
shall not bo taken uwuy from you.
The popular blood purifier , Hood's
Sursapumlu , is having1 a tremendous
lalo this season. Nearly everybody
takes it. Try , it yourself.
"Doc" Ware Entertains It With a Rc-
inarknblo Card Exhibition.
For'tho past wcok a small effeminate lookIng -
Ing young man , calling himself "Doc Ware ,
King of the Cards , " has boon holding forth
is one of the great attractions at the Eden
Muceo. Two days after his arrival , ho'mado
1 application to giro an exhibition of his skill
L before the Press club and yesterday after
noon that organization furnished him the
opportunity ho craved. A number of the
members and n few of their friends were
present. To soy that the young man sur
prised them , bnly partially states what are
the real facts. All agreed that ho eclipsed
any export in the manipulation of playing
cards they had over seen. Every trick at
tempted was performed cgplly , clovorlj and
tatlsfactorily , Two or throe showed wonder
ful perfection as well as extraordinary mom-
cry in remembering the exact position of
every card In thO deOk ,
Tbo club transacted a small amount of
routine business , and decided to informally
rntertaln the ereat humorists , 13111 Nye and
J. Whltcomb Klley , next Sunday.
A Natural Product of California.
It is only found in Butte county , Cal
tfornia , and in no ether part of the
world. Wo refer to the tree that pro-
dines the healing and penetrating cum
used in that pleasant and olToetivo euro
for consumption , asthma , bronchitis ,
End coughs , SANTA ABIE , the King
of Consumption. Goodman Drug Co.
guarantees and sells it for $1.00 a bottle
tle , or $3 for $2.50. By the UBO of CALIFORNIA -
-FORNIA CAT-H-CUUE , all symptoms
of catarrh nro dispelled , and the diseased -
eased nasal passage is speedily restored
to a healthy condition. $1.00 n pack-
ago. By mall $1,10. Circulars free.
Lively Sunday Sport Just Across the
Ijlnc. <
The BCCOO of last Sunday's cocking main
was again alive with fanciers of the pugi
listic charaotcryestcrday. It was a ' 'shako
bog" affair , with (10 a side on each buttle.
The same handlers were in the pit as on the
previous Sunday , and the first fight was n
rattling ono between u live-pound ten-ounce
black breasted red and a llve-poOnd nine-
ounce aomiiiick. They were both good birds ,
quick , strong dyers und game n pebbles.
The red lost anoyo in the first handling ,
wullo the dotylnleU escaped with on lu :
cctual sluah or two , Iu the second putting
the rod's remaining optio was knocked out ,
fcut still the battle rapd. The dominion
having the red ut this uimost helpless state ,
Seean to kick the lifeout of him
taltreftt 8h6P ° - mi rBllt ) her ° * ? " ?
el tbote unlocked for incidents
often occur at cocking mains took phieo , In
liiBt frenzied WTort'the s ghtless red b rrt
wide a blind lly arid striking the donilnlck
iho head drove l i > teol heel tin-ought U ,
klllta * Win dead ui n hnrouicr like a Ilusli.
O/coui-se this occasioned much Jubilation
niong Uip ndbprcnto of the red.
Tliei cecond bitUo was short , sbui p uod tlo-
cislvo. The birds were a black and a blua
red , four pounds and four ounces each.
They came together like n couple of locomo
tives , and before the result could bo realized
the blncK lay dead upon the turf. He had
received the bluo'n gaff clear to the socket
at the base of the loft wlhg.
The third affray was long and desperate ,
although ono of the birds , a sort of hybrid
between a Birmingham silver back and
Newark red , was n "ducklo. " Ho-fought for
twenty minutes and after cutting his adver
sary all to pieces , ho turned , Jumped the pit ,
and could not bo induced to show further
fight. The battle wan given to the opposition.
The fourth fight was another short one , a
ilvo and n half pound black rod quickly anni
hilating a big black Spanish. This battle was
for f23 a sldo.
There wore two or three other fights bo-
twccn inferior birds , and the crowd did not
disperse until evening ,
Among ( ho Ours.
"Bob , " a savage , big yellow and whlto bull
terrier , owned by Qcorgo Tuthlll , from the
Bluffs , and "Corker , " a whlto aad black
bitch , owned by n South Omaha butcher ,
were pitted against each other near thov
lake yesterday afternoon for 35 a sldo.
Both dogs were big and flabby , and
tipped the scales at fifty-one pounds
each. Bob was n ferocious looking brute
and appeared as If ho would as lief tackle a
saw mill as a rat , and his owner had to hold
him back with n cable chain ,
The first scratch was interesting whtlo it
lasted , both "purps" receiving considerable
punishment. Bob had a pound or two allowed
out of hU under Jaw. while Corker had her
loft fore foot masticated into a pulp. A
'break" occurred after flvo minute's light
ing and the dogs wore carried to the cor
ner.On the second call botli dogs refused to
scratch , but they wore pushed together and
had another brief round without receiving ,
however , much additional punishment.
They were urged together a ttiird thno
and proved rank curs , as neither had any in
clination to continue the mill , and were
kicked out of the pit.
Coming Sporting Kvcntq.
The lady bykcrs will all take part in n
race at the Coliseum next Wednesday , three
hours in the afternoon and three in the
It is rumored in sporting circles that Miss
Williams contemplates challenging Tom Eolc
for a tcn-mllo dash.
Next Saturday night Wilbur F. Knapp has
a race on hand with Jack Klnoman and
Major Mardls for $100 n side , Knapp to ride
five miles and five Japa whllo his opponents
rldo five miles. An interesting and varied
programme will also bo arranged for this
Next Monday evening the great six-day
race , horses vs. bicycles , begins , with twenty
trained broncos , owned by Buffalo Bill and
ridden by a trio of cowboys , on the ono aide ,
and Prince , Knapp and Morgan on the other.
The stakes are $1,000 a sldo and the entire
gate. _
'Expand the Mind
By seeing as mnch as you can of the world.
But ere you sot out cither as a tourist , com
mercial traveler or emigrant whether you
go by rail , steamship or steamboat , provide
yourself with Hosteller's Slomach Bitters ,
which the traveling public recognizes as the
finest medical safeguard and preventative
of sea sickness with which any ono journeyIng -
Ing by land or water can he provided. It
furnishes to the western pioneer adequate
protection against malaria , rheumatism and
those disorders of the bowels which miasma
tainted water beget. Its sedative effect upon
a stomach perturbed by the rocking of a
ship is truly magical , and It is a capital nppe-
tlzor and ncrvo invlgorator. Excellent is it
for biliousness and kidney inaction , and it
counteracts in a remarkable degree the ef
fects of fatlguo , physical or mental. After
wetting and exposure In inclement weather ,
it should bo used as a provontativo.
The Snloonkeops Moot , but Are Un
able to Organize.
Saloonkeepers hold a business mcetlntr In
Cupninghams's hall yesterday aftdrnoon.
The intention was to form an organization ,
but was not carried out.
Sol Prince called the meeting to .order , and
meant business , but the trouble commenced
as soon as P. F. O'Brien , of North Six
teenth street , was appointed chairman. For
some reason , ho devoted his time to warning
all the speakers to bo carof ul , as there were
reporters present , and it took all the spare
moments of Secretary Carl. Washburn
Smith to keep notes on what the gentleman
said. O'Brien wanted all the saloon men
present to join the saloonkeepers organization
as it now stands. Some of tbo ether mem
bers , however , wanted to start n new ono
with a little moro lifo and a great deal moro
business in it. Then they talked on the Sun
day law , and it was suggested that n petition
bo circulated among tbo business men ask
ing the mayor to allow the opening of the
back doors of saloons on Sunday. The ones'-
lion , however , was dropped and the old sa-
loonkeopers'.associatlon was discussed again.
Ono member said It had been run in the in
terests of the brewers and a few xaloonmon ,
and after ho had been contradicted three or
four times vUo mootintr adjourned.
Advice to Motliorj.
Mrs. Wlnslow's ' Soothing Syrup should al
ways bo used for children toothing. It soothes
the child , softens the gums , allays nil pain ,
cures wind colic , and Is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. 25con ts a bottlo.
Death of Grant Pal so.
Grant L. Palgo , a young man twcnty-ono
years of age , died early yesterday morning of
pneumonia at 1,213 North Seventeenth street.
Ho had been In the employ of Smith & Co. , u
dry goods firm. The remains of tbo young
man were forwarded last night by Drexel &
Maul to his late homo at Troy , Kan. , for in
Wm. Black , Abingdon , Iowa was
cured of cancer of the eye by Dr. Jones'
Bed Clover Tonicwhlch cures all blood
disorders and diseases of the stomach ,
liver and kidneys. The best tonic and
appetizer known. 60 cents. Goodman
Drug Co.
It Cannot Bo Dedicated Until Its
Debt Has Ilcon Pnld.
The Newman church , n now house of wor
ship on St. Mnr.v's avenue , was formally
opened last night by Bishop Newman and
Rov. Ensign , who will bo tha pastor of the
church , Tno property was recently owned
by the St. Mary'a avenue Congrcgatlonlsts ,
but as that denomination Increased In mem
bership the house was soon Insufficient In
capacity to accommodate them , and they
built a now structure diagonally opposite the
now now Methodist church. Metho
dists In the vicinity of Twenty-Sixth
street and St. Mary's avenue wanted a
house of worship near by and purchased the
property from the Coiigrogationallsts. The
house has been somewhat remodeled nnd
newly painted and frescoed. It is qow a neat
and attractive llttlo church.
People were turned away last night for a
lack of room. In the pulpit were Bishop
Newman , Rev. Ensign nnd a number of lay
men. The pulpit was beautifully decorated
with flowers and ferns.
After a short talk by the pastor the bishop
preached a very eloquent and able sermon.
Speaking of the now cdillee ho said :
"Six months ago I passed through this sec
tion of the city and suggested that the
Methodist people residing in this portion of
Omaha should have n church. Now they
have It. My suggestion was to have n Sun
day school first and when It advanced then
a church could bo established , Moro than
this has been accomplished. Not only was n
Sabbath school started , but the church has
also been established and the property se
cured. In It wo meet for the llrsttimo
to-night. Methodists nro not seces
sionists. They do not scoedo. They estab
lish colonies for the Lord. Numerically It Is
the largest church in the country , and has
over $ . ' 0,000,000. This now house of God
has its limitations. You have a young and
vigorous pastor nnd by being vigorous your
selves you can accomplish great things. It
Is a noble edifice , and the lines are distinctly
drawn between this and other branches of
the Methodist churches. The evil spirit
must bo driven out nnd thcro should bo no
bigotry. The church should bo the exponent
of Catholicity. Your homos are to bo
bonefitted by the now organization , nnd
Christian instruction will bo imparted to you
Sabbath after Sabbath. The dedication of
the church remains with you. If people want
churches lot them pay for them , and when
ever you can get the Indebtedness oil the
proportython dedicate your church. It will
not do to dedicate it now for God has enough
debts on Ills hands. "
"Ho that ruleth the spirit Is mightier than
ho who takoth n city , " was the bishop's sub
ject in his sermon. Ho spoke of the vices and
virtues > of people ; depleted characters of
individuals who were born with their natural
goodness or meanness ; the power of endur
ance of individuals , their self-kuowlcdgc ,
their self-denial and self-control.
At the conclusion of the sermon the Rov.
Mr. Ensign mndo a few supplementary re-
.marks about the purcha o'of the church
property , and stated that $3,000 would soon
have to bo raised on the purchuso and in re
modeling the structure. Ho asked for sub
scriptions varying from $ JOO down to f 10.
Ho wanted live members of the congregation
to each contribute $200 ; ton mcmbcrs , $100
each , 150 members , $50 each , and others 8J3
and $10. Li. O. Jones was the first to respond
with $200 , and two or three others contrib
uted like amounts.
Gross , garden and Hold cods. Wm.
Slovors & Co. , 10th and California.
A New Train.
The connecting link between Ne
braska and Kansas has just been placed
in service by the UnioirPaclfle railway.
This train loaves Council Bluffs daily at
4:45 : a. m. ; loaves Omaha at 5:05 : n. m. ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. . , making direct con
nections there with the Kansas division
of _ the Union Pacific railway for' all
points iu Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points cast und south via
Kansas City. Returning , train leaves
Manhattan at 2:2-5 : p. m. ; arriving at
Beatrice at 0:25 : p. in. , Lincoln nt 7:50 : *
p. m. , and Omaha at 11:20 p. m. , Coun
cil Bluffs 11:40 : p. m. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka
and the cast , and from Denver , Salina ,
Abolino and all points wostj enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska In the shortest
possible timo. These trains have first-
class equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and first-class day coaches of the
latest pattern. The neyv train will fill
a long felt want , and is bound to bo
popular. _
A Strange Cnso Which Has Attracted
JMuch Attention. .
The prosecution of Rose Andrcson , for the
alleged stealing of money from Ed. Miuiror ,
attracted moro attention and was the subject
ot moro comment last Week than any case
that has been tried in the courts of Douglas
county for a long time. Judces , lawyers und
everybody else have been talking about it.
All agrco that the affair had many very
peculiar features. Why would a young wo
man of nineteen , with u college education ,
and $3,000 , biro out as domestic at $3 per
xveokj That is very characteristic of the
Gorman raco. How could a business man
who banks his money every day , lese so
much in so short a time without missing it
sooner ! Why was Captain Green , of the ( > o-
llco force , so anxious to turn the $1,000 over
to Maurer , when it should have been loft in
the hands of the court i Why was the first
search warrant for $123 so mysteriously lost
and a now ono obtained fixing the amount at
$1101 These are some of the questions pro
For a disordered liver try Bcccham's Pills
John Ilricht Seriously 111
LONDON , March 2J , John Bright has had
a serious relapse. Tbo doctor is In constant
Used by the United Statei Government. Endorsed by the beads of the Great Universities
nd 1'ubllc I'ood Atialyati , as the Strongest , 1'urot nnd most Healthful. Dr. Trice's Cream
Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia , Llmepr AHim. Dr. 1'rlcc's Delicious I'lavorinpl- ,
tracts , Vnnilla , J.cmou , Orange , Almond , Kose , etc. , do not contain I'oltouous Olla or Chemicals.
PRICE'BAKING POWDER CO. , Now York. Chlcaso. 6t. Louis.
Hardware and Cutlery ,
Mechanic * ' 2ootn , FliieBroiixe Vitlldar.1 } ' Goods an < l Buffalo Seals * .
14O5 Douglas St. , Omaha.
This powder norer varies. A marvel of purity
strength nnd wholesomouo . Moro economical
than the ordinary kinds , and rnnnot bo sold In
comnotltlon with tno multltudei of low cost ,
ehortwolght alum or phosplmto powders. Sold
only in cans. Hoynl Waking Fowdor CX > - , lJ
VVallstroet NOW York
ESTABLISHED 1351 ( 186 So.
Chicago , Ills. 1 ClnrUSt.
The Regular" Old-Established
Is still Treating with the Greatest
tonic , Nervous aM Private Diseases ,
Faillne Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all ( lie effect )
Scadinjr to early dccuy and [ ihap < Consumption 01
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never-falling tuccess.
OS- SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dis
eases permanently cured.
3-KlDNEYnnd URINARY ojmplalnli.Qleet ,
< Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Vnricoctlo and nl ! diseatei
of the Cenito-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or o'.her Organs.
OSfNo experiments. Age and experience Im
portont. Consultation free and eccred.
B- Send 4 cents poiUt'c for Celebrated Worlti on
Chronic , Nervous snd Delicate Diseases.
WThos ? contemplating Maitiace rend for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , ix > th as cents ( stamja ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or calf may save futuresiilTer.
ina and shame , and add golden years to life. a-Bool
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicin *
and writings sent everywhere , eire from exposure.
Hour ( 8 to 8. Sundays 0 ta Ix- Address
F. D. CLARKE. M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. . .CHICAGO , ILL.
SWIFT'S'SPECIFIC cured'me of malignant
HlooiU'oison utter 1 had been treated In. vain
with old no-called remedies or Mercury and
Potash. S. S. 8. iiotonly cured thn lllood Pol-
son but relieved the Kneumutism which was
caused bytliH poisonous inlttcin ! .
GEO.-llOVULU SMLZUa Avenue , N Y.
Scroful adevoloped on inr dauBhter swelling
nnd lump son her neck. We ji re her SWIPT'H
Si'KCiFic , and the result was wonderful nnd the
cure prompt. A , DKAKMOSD.Cleveland.Tcnn.
SWl WsSi'KClwiO Is entirely n. vegetable rem
edy ; nhd Is the only remedy which permanently
cures Scrofula , liloort Humors , Cnuror nndCcn
tuglous lllood I'olsun. i-diid for books on
blood nnd skin diseases , mailed fioc.
THE SWIFTSPBCIHC Co. . Drawer3. Atlanta , G'n
3m. OWEN'S
PATENTED Auc. 16 , 1837. IMPROVED FEB.-I , 1889.
Kiiarante d to cure the fol *
-lowlog dlicaici. caDcljt All
w&hcsmatio Complaint ! ,
[ Lumbago , General and
" " > oui EeliiUty. Oos-
, lesa.iIid'naTlJisc&sc *
Keivoucnese , Tremblisg ,
Eexual Esneustion.Wasf
Ing of Body. Diitasci
: tlpn ; in Ycuta , ABC , Ifar-
. Infett Uifitt , eiicrt lnliJI !
_ . . _ . al oretni of male cr femalp.
TO KK.SPOVSIUI.E 1'J.mItS O1 ao D1Y8 lllllt ,
_ . ; ; % ELECTRIC IliSOLES , , f "icftfc
Bena ftc. postageTcr 7R Illustrated painpblet , * blcb will b <
not TCU I n plain tcalcd tni ' pe. Ucullon tbli paper , tOdr > "
300 Worth Broadway , 8T. IX3O11J. MO
Owen's El.ctrlc Belt Attachment ,
worn with etie aud comfort * Tbe cur *
saadB olid or lrpDC. Thli U thit only
clectrlo trail and tolt * v r made. II - . . .
Rnpturt la mm 80 t DO diii. for mil deicrlpllon of Dr.
< ) * n'i Cltetro-ailraDlt n.Hi , Spinal Apfllaneti.Trumiaiu !
Intctci tend tr. for run Illuilrnnl Mimptilet which Till U
cot yon In plila lealed coTlope. Sold oaljr by tbe
aO8 North aroodiiRT. . LOU ja MO.
of Trees !
Consisting of Fruit Trees , Small Fruits , drape
Vines. Ornamental Trees and Shrubs , Bvcr-
grcens. Hoses' etc. , together with a large assort
ment of Trees nnd Seeds for planting
Timber Claims.
Facilities unsurpassed. Wrlto for wholesale
and ruUll lists. Address ,
D. S. LAKE , Proprietor.
To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin
and Liverpool ,
Cabin passitge $ ti nnd ( oO luuording to loc.i
tion of htutoroom. Kxcarslon $ < . " > tu J'.K ) .
Bte ritBe to und frem Kurmio ut Ix > we t Hates ,
AUSi'IN I1ALUW1N At CO , General AguntH.
, Kl Ilrondwuy , New Voi k ,
John DleRun , O ono nil WoKternAueiit , HU Itan1
dolph St. , Chlcngo , Hurry It Jloorcs unil Thoa-
1 ] , ilcC'uim , itgouts ut Omuba.
M rUl II0C oentral aad M2KVOU8 DEBILITYl
sHYTI ? T1 Weakness of M lj-ind Hindi Effect ]
V * * > & of Errors or Emnmti in Old or Youor.
B.bu.t. Kohl. H1MIOOU full. ll < iMrr . How In Balarjr aid
irMctBo mii , t JD rito'Hi iiuGixs * i'ARTa r Aour ,
4tKl > | tlr flllluIIOVK TUIlTorXT Kf .SI. la tH ,
Iwtl/r fro41 8UIM. , T rrlUriM , a > 4 " .r.l toulrUa.
TM e vrltt Ur . boo * , rail > iDlaaall , < I unwh all d
frat. i.imi ttlt MSilCAt CO. , tuFfAlO , N.T.
sjucceagfully tued monthly by oyer 10,000
f I dles. An Safe , Kfftctualand l'teata t
VJ S1 pr box by mall.or at drugglsto. Staled
-Por ctUar ! ; po tag Karaps. Addrewi
TUB KoftBCA Cacmcii , Co. , Dorrnotr , Mtcu.
For sale ami by mall bit
Jrui/lVo.Ouialt < t ,
Our full line of Spring Overcoats is now ready for inspection , comprising the choicest fabrics nnd most cor
root stylos. Our mm is to furnish gnrmoiits perfect in fit and workmanship nt n renscnablo cost. Our shovr
windows arc very attractive this week by the display of this line of goods.
Men's Suit Department.
A special offer for this week is a line o men's all wool blue cheviot sack and srock suits , made from a good *
ordered especially for our trade and recommended to business men as a very desirable nnd perfect fitting suit ntf
the reasonable expense of $10 per suit. Sacks nnd f roblft , nil sizees.
Our new goods are coming in every day. Our stock nt present is moro complete than at any date siuco the
Continental was opened , The sale in our children's department last year , was fur beyond our expectations , nnd
by keeping the largest stock and selling only first class goods , and nt prices that only largo manufacturers cna !
offer we expect to double our business this season. One of the choicest suits we have ever offered for the price is
shown this week as a special bargain , a neat brown check in Scotch Cheviot at § 5 per suit. Ages 4 to 14.
All request for spring samples will be filled this week. Send for any article in our establishment and it wil
be sent you by express and if not satisfactory crn be returned and we will pay all charges.
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co.
DES MOINES Proprietors ]
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets ,
lias Moyor-Estattisnei 1853-Adolph Heyar
. ,
General Agents lor
and JAS , W , STARR
Story &Clari awl Slmtnirtll Organi-
Write I
MEN and WOMEN successfully trcatoJ.
hoclcty , Kldmy Troublrsor nny dltea'dof tueUenl *
to-Urlnmy Or/linn , ran hero tlnd u nf and speedy
euro. Charucs reasonable , erpuclally to the poor.
Thcro lire ninny tronbledwltu too frequent evHcuu
tlonn of the blndilcr , often nccompunlcu by u sunlit
BiunrtlnK or burnlnu iwnsallon , nml weakcnlnu ) 'f inu
aystein in a manner the patient cannot iicrounl for.
On examining the uilimry ilopotlti a rnpy sediment
will often tie found , and sometime * rmrtlulos of ultiu-
men will appear or the color ba ot a thln.inlllilsli
hue , UKaln connKlnir. to a dark or torpid apuojrdnco.
Thorn are mnnv men who ilia of this difficulty. Ignor
ant of the CHUSP. which is thananonl plii/u of Hoinl-
nal weakness. ' 1 be doctor will Kiarantcun perfect
cure In all such ca es , and n heiltnv restoration of
Hie jjenlto-urlnary organs , ( 'oimiltatlon free. Hend
' . ' Lent stamp for "Vouivi Man's Krlentl.or ( JulUu to
Wedlock , " tree eo nil. Aldrr-m
Main and 12tb St. , Kansas City , Mo.
hl pnper ,
The''lion11-High ' ' Pressure Hose
The Kc t It * tlio Cheapest !
'Following ' Pliimte
Iliisscy & Hey Co , ,
M. A. Free ,
( jruhnm 1'ark ,
J. J. Ilaiil liiiiii
J , Jj. Wclsliuiis ,
J. It. Jiunmele ,
H. I , Morrison ,
Jtoso A : Ilulfe ,
And all leading
plumbers throughout
the west.
The pressure guuiantee Imprinted in the body
oftlio caver J * n protection to the consumer
against common hose.
We will make you a prefent or a building lot
ad joining one of the IIIOHC promlbliiK cities of
the \Vt8t and pay the taxes on it for two years
if you will < lo a Might service for us In your
town , tend us your name nnd we will wilt *
you full particulars. Address TUB NOHTII.
\VKST CO. , ( 'At Webatli av nue , JJblcaso , III.
apd 1 umora rurcd.
experience. \ Knife ,
IVl WiU > MbAt..CUcii .IU ,
"In the Spring n yonng man's fancy lightly turns
to thoughts of love. "
Hut comfort and appearance sbould not l > o for
gotten. Whether nmrrled nt slnglo , u Kuntlcmnn
always wants to ho well drc od. AsprlnK over
coat Is H nccevftnry nrttclo of dress to every mini ,
nnd yon should Inspect our Block. Von will bo
euro to tlnd nomctliliiB satisfactory both In quality
and prices , which ranee from f'i to MO.
A Sure Cure
20to60 DAYS.
This is a disease which has heretofore
Dallied 0.11 Medical Science.
When Mercury , loilldo of Potassium , Barsapa
illla or Hot Hiirlugs fall , uugiiuranteoa cure.
Wo have a liemedy , uu known to anyone in tiio
World outside of ourl'oinpiiuy , and one that Inn
to cmetho most obstlnnlo cases. Ten dayfl'tn
iccent canes UOCH the work , lilntlie old dironlo
deep seated ruses that we solicit. Wo have
cured liundiedH who have been abandoned by
Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , and wo
challenge the world to bring us a caao that we
will not euro In le sthan sixty dftj'H.
Hlnco the history of ineaiclne a true specific
for Hyphllln has been bought for but never
found until our
was dlscovcfeil.rfxnd we are Instilled In saylns
It Is thii only Uumeuy in the World taut will pos
itively cure , bwcauso the latest Modlr&l Works ,
published by the beet known authorities , nuy
\vaBnoveratruo8peclllo before. Onrrom-
edy will euro when vverythlng elne IHIH failed.
Why waste your time and money with patent
medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with
physlulaiiA that cannot cum you , you that hove
tried everything eUa fthould come tons nownnd
K t permanent relief , yon never can get it elss-
where. Murk what we say. in the end you
imiut tuku our lemedy or NKVKIt recover und
yon that have been mulcted hnt n Nhort time
should by all moans c mo to UK now , not on * In
tenof nnw castf.s ever uet permanently cured.
Many Ret help and think they are free from the
disease , but in one , two or three veurs after it
appearii s.iln in u more horrible fpnn ,
Thin is a blood Purifier and will Cure
tiny Skin 01- Blood IMbcasa when
Everything Klse Fails.
Room 10 and 11 , U. H. National Hank
llulhllug , Oiniilm. No ! ) .
Wyoming Oil Lands
And nil necessary lupvrs HI In 1 ,
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Engineer ,
Tfl WEAK u jjfiiBSa iar
IU In E H gsf ss s
t will Mod valuable treatlM ( ots'.ed ) oontclcliiff full
3Sft5ttR'oTyS ? SSSDUfl. CONK.
Jeerless'Dyes 'Sff ' I
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodffo Sts.
Appliances for Deformities and Truss 3. '
Best facilities , apparatu * and remedies for iuco8i
fnl treatment- aver ? form ot dlseaso requiring
Medical or Suraical Treatment. '
Hoard and attendance ! best boipltal accornmodft *
ilona In the wosu i
WHITE FOR ciuciiLAns on Deformities and Ir ce ,
Tresses , Club feet , Curratura of tno Bplno. 1'ilcfi
Tumorf. Cancer. Catarrh. Bronchitis , lobalaTloni
RlectrlcUr. I'aralrsls. Upllepsr. Kidney. Uladder ]
Kje , Kar , Hkln and lllood , and all Sure leal operaloul <
DlBoaaos of Women a Specialty * '
All Blood Diseases iiiccesifullr treated. Srpllil | (
I'olsnn remored from tbe arstam without morpMr )
Mew restorative treatment for loss of Vital IMWqr
Persons unable to rinlt us mar be treated at home b
correspondence. All communloatloni conddentja
Medicines or Instrument * sent br mall or exprosi
s/inuroljr packed , no marks to Indicate contents o
sender. One personal Interview preferred. Call an
consult us or send blstoryof your case , and wo wil
Mod In plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Imnoi
lentr , B/phllls , Uleet and Varlcocdo , wltli question
list. Address
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , ot
Oor.Utb and Dodge 8t . . - OMAHA , NEH
Steck Piano
Iloinuflcublc for powerful sympathetic
tnno , pllublo action nnd absolute dura' '
blllty ; JiO years' record the bo t guaran
tee of tho' excellence ) of these Instru-
'A large amount of money lo loan on Im
proved real estate liUlio city of Omnha. Thost
fundsulllbe distributed in aiima to suit , bul
largo loaus are preferred , Applications nuy bi
mudu to
teE , S , BISBEE ,
First National Hank Hnlltllng.
Olio of the Most
In the Treatmsnt of ail Clironio , Spe
cial and Private Diseases ,
Sexual ( M't'atii , nbiulutvly cured.
antcKd ,
CKIU niCAQC ? nil * tr > tuj ct for
OMH UlOtnOCO * Klvr
complflxlon , und a pur'itt
UUlloULIMIIUII J PrlFF' Trt-fttincnt t ) |
inuti conevpona tl
cnd tamp for reply.
Olflpo Bushman Blop/c , t6th nntf
Sta. Umaliui Nwo