Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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AdvertTcemctittnnderThli head 10 cent * per
flno fort no nr t insertion , 7 cent * for each tub.
eqttont insertion , nnd t\M \ per line per month.
No advertUrmont Uken for lei * than 35 cent *
the first insertion. Seven words trill IM counted
to the line ! they must run consecutively ana
must bo paid In ADVANCE. All adVertlse-
rncnlB must bo handed tn before I2n9 : o'clock p.
. , and under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising tn these columns and hav
ing their answers addressed In care of TIIK Linn
will please ask for a chock to onnblo them to get
their letters , a * none trill bo delivered except on
presentation of chock. All answer * to adver
tisements should bo pnclosoalln envelopes.
All adrertUemeutit In those column * are pub
lished In both momlnp and evening editions of
XtiKllKr. . the circulation of which aggregate *
tnoro than 18,000 papers dally , nntl gives the ad-
YertUorathoiDoncat. not only ot the cUyclrcu-
jallonof Tne llr.r , but also of Council Illuirn.
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
jhls section ot the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
en the above conditions , at the following busi
ness : houses , who are at thorl7od agents forTHB
JIBE special notice" ? , and will quote the SUM *
rates as can bo had at the main odlce.
JO1IN W. J1ELL. Pharmacist , K South Tenth
"inil ABB ! c RonY , Stationers and Printers , 113
vJ South ictli Street.
S I'n. FAUN8WOIITH , Pharm. tlst , 2115 Cum-
; ing Street.
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 621 North ICth
JBO. W. PARR , Pharmacist , 1809 Bt. Mary1 *
oed bread and cake baker wants a sltua-
Address Charles Still , Jollet , 111.
" \\rANTKD An honcrt capable young man
TT for a good position at good salary. Art
room No , 171-g.0 N. ICth gtrcot. ODJX'Ct
'XTlJlTIlASiCA Detective ana 1'rotoctlve Assn.
J-l Good members xxautctl In every town and
county In ( ho state. Good pay. Headquarters
3UJ4 O 8t. LlucolnNob. Address UoxCOu , Lincoln.
salary to men who can sell goods to
school olllcors or physicians. Call anil BOO
White & lllch , 120 E. Broadway. Co. Blufrj la. .
ANTED-ror April In man nnd wife tote
S to take clmrgo of a farm house kitchen ,
klnfj for llftcon men , washing for three
makers , ns wall as neat and tidy abont the
work ; a couple xvlthout children is required
nnd must come with best of references as to
ability und character ; the farm Is located 125
miles from Omaha on tlui Union Paclllc rail
road ; wages { 33 per month for both. > Address
ixt once , giving ago , nationality , experience , etc.
T37 , Ileo. GCO-S7- .
WANTED 5Ian and wife without children
by the year for farm. Scotch and German
preferred. AddressiT. C3. tlee. CjO-gQ *
WANTKl > A man who thoroughly under ,
stands care of horses and coxxs. liefer
enccgTcqnIred. Wages $20 per inontlu lloom
Sid First Nat'l bank. 6415
" \A/.ANTKD Two coat-makers and two pants *
TT makers immediately. L. Bornholmor ,
McCook. Neb. _ OK 3lt
W ANT13D A bakar , Oorman , single man.
Apply to Chas. Gastoyor , Loup City. Neb
cin 28
WANTED An experienced traveling sales
man for wholesale drug company. Address
T 60 , lice olllce. , Mt-27
A-carrler for a horse route on
Dally r.vonlng Ileo. Apply to Thee Wil
liams nt lioo onicu. after 4 p. m. _ 554
IXTANTKD-At once , ten men to solicit In
T Kansas and Missouri ; salary S < 5 to $100 per
month. Call to-day at loom 511 , First National
bauk. 623
_ _
'ANTKP Young man of business ability
toact-as district manager ; must put In
810Js lary 11,200 peranniim : no use for "lloat-
crs. . " Call lit once or nildrotjj Oeo , S. Cllue. fill
Jfjrst National bank. raig
' _ _
'KyfXNffB'p ' Agpnts tbr.our now patent ore-
TT Siroflf SATcsili5e2axlBrl8. ; Welgnt 5UI ( Ibs.
retail price JJ3S , others In proportion. Highest
uwnrtl ( silver medal ) Centennial' exposition ;
rnro chance ; permanent business. Our prices
lowest. We are not in the safe pool , exclusive
territory given. Alpine Bate Company , Clncln-
Tltttl.0. _ _ _ _ Hi4
B OYS Am. Ul&t. TeL Ccc , 1304. Douglas.
; AN TUD Energetic men and women every *
where for a genteel , money-making bust-
Mess , too weekly prollt guaranteed easier than
t6Qaonthly otlienvlso. Experience absolutely
unnecessary. Permanent position and exclusive
territory nsjurea. $2,00 samples free. Wrtte for
'particulars. Addreig , with Btainp , Merrill Mrg
0. . B SI Chicago. 175alOT
\\TANTKD Flrat clas. * shoe salesman ; none
IT but these having years of experience and
good reference need apply , nt The Fair , nth
aud Howaid. .T. L Braudeia & Sons. 145
WANTED llellablo & energetic salesmen In
Omahaand.norlhorn half of Nebraska to
sell our maclilnoanlrM > 2 collectors , no capital or
experience necessary. The Singer Mfg. Co.
Omaha. Nob. 717-al
* Vl7 ANTED lu travollne talesmen , salary and
1 expenses. Address with stamp , Palmer :
Ox. Hcj Molnes. la. ' B4ol !
ANTED-llallroad laborers lor WashuiB-
ton territory.steady ; work , long Job , at
Albright' * Labor Agency. 113) ) Farnam st. 740
"DOYS-Aiu , Jilst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas.
" "
ANTED-A flret-class dry fioods clerk ,
none or Swede preforrod. Apply to-jnot-
jon-forouoou ut713 H. 10th St. W lt
JT1WO luanfg. jexvelora for DondwooJ. Black
JL Hills. CullonlwE. King , at Paxton , '
tween the hour of 12 nnd 1 or o and 7.
W ANTE1V 'Hire coatmakers. Inquire VnE
thu tailor. Bonth Omaha. 5S7 S3 *
good shoemaker tor
at Sargent it Ex-ans" . 413 llroadxx'iy. Coau
cil niaffg. souij
WANTED A good business man to take th <
management of an ofllco in New York city
ono f or Detriilt and nnothor for Cincinnati ; inus
'Inx-est | 2/iOO ; BftTuryJl.WD j er ycaiddrcu
dEorge B. Clluc. Wagner block , Dos ilolnes , la.
A GKNT8 wontad on cahuy. 75 per month
JrV- And exiienses paid , tiny active man or
woman to sell our noodeby sample and live al
Iinme Bnlarypaid womptly and expcnsetln
advance. Full particulars and sample CBBB
tree. We mean Just xx'not we say. Addruss
Standard Bllvorwar * Co . Hasten , Mass.
WANTED aIrl to < lo.general housework In
private family. Iiujutre & 15 Paxton block.
TXrANT D-Giri , OS N. 19th Bt.
f ANTED-V irl nt OI B. S7th t. Must lie
peed _ conk _ und laundreia. _ fdl _ _ 23 _ *
\5ffANTKD Feinalo jmbtry .cook And txvo
T T dicing room girls at Arcade Jiotnl. Kir
JJpuglas et. _ 532aj _
"ANTJ.D-TA competent cook ut J01B st
WANTEl ) Imdy afi'iita for our noxvjltu
iiibuUtuio for bustle , baby's diaper imp
farter , eta. Our Iowa rallK. la. , ageut inl.lo
I2.W ( in one day. Ladles' Supply Co. , 2.S7W
Washington nt ChlcaBO. _ 53 aoj
AROnfs Helialile women 10 c |
Tf the " "
"Original Ilwein" Oombliiullon
BhouUer Brace Cornet , first money niaktuj
article In the toiintry. Batlufactioii imarau
teed. Apply for tennu nuU tcr.ltoiy to Westqn
Cor-etta. , St. Luiils. Mo. IKT-allt
OIIOPOSAL8 want' dA slixo foTmdry"dei'
J. siring to remove xveBt invites correspond
ence Xnmi cities lying
river willing to fucoui-aire inanufbctuiluglu
toroK'ls lu their midst. Plant xx-lll vinployliu
taej " Addresa boic'7VLOliiflininti , O. GUlas
W ANTED- adopt a Wondobuby-Klrl by i do KlilUlU'SS t-x > uplu. Tlio younger
tha better. ilr.i. llro q. UHi , ' b. 15. uu-ai *
orbulli'or untoio bmlil a
V/house and take as jiutl pay llnoly aiupi oxvd
lai-m In Nebrasun. Address , T tu , Ileo oniie
m 27
_ _ _
WANfiJIIO.Ja ( wojuun to usT' 'TIcoTs
Fancy Compound Pllli ) . ' porfeotly eafe
nd alvrayn eirurtiiKl. Soml for to ' ' Vuumn'ft
bufa Guard. " Wllcax Medical Ca. Phlludel
Villa. 114 AW 'tit
\7ALENTlNE-8 Siorthiind r.d Typowrltlni
T InitttutP. Tiexv Paxton bulldlni ; , Omuha
STha only eidiiKlve ahoitband scliool lu tli
a lute. Oieroaehuuilrud sriuluutm in gooi
ItuatlousTJIU. . Hchool i4 uuder the maiiage
jueut otc. O , Ynleiitmo , uillclal U > uoraiilio
ot the 3rd Judicial district of NebrtuCii. one
frof. H. II. lioylea. an exycrtoncud teacher tiiu
rorb.tlm reporter. Day and eveutng sea loiw
fctudeuts cixn outer at nny time , -bond for clr
-ctilarii. 015
CiTANOAltll Phurtluud tuhoal. 112 Hhculey
fJUock ; tca.hes MumUrd ty.Uejns uul tuns
llemlucton t.rpexv liter * . Clrculani free. fr-'O
' t IIlOTLBSEV'KphTrtn udMhooU * Barker
* f WofcU jata * ' Jm > xruitlontlicla ! Unilwd
t Til Hi-
moil HENT New 8-room hotiso on car lines
J-1 special rate for desirable renter. Plans and
rates nt owner' * office , ( W8 Paxton block.
* 02885 *
IBM-room frame boarding house , locatea 2
blocks from P. O. , r nt 140 , price of nirnltnro
4TO , tioocash. balance per mo.j also 9-room
irlck boarding house , now tulLot boardors.ront
10 , furniture f3M ) . llOOcash , bM. easy ; alsosov *
ral others centrally locatnd. Co-0pratlvo
.and and Lot Co. . SOS N 10th st. , Omaha. .027 ! i5
lilOH KENT Scottagos. 3 roonn each , at roar
JJ of 1217 Chicago st. ; city water ana soxvor.
nqulroat 1215 Chicago at. i ( l 22 *
POH HKNT Cottage and 3 acres of land. 8.
13th and Valley. K. F. Auniigtad. 616 S5 1
[ 71011 HENT House otn rooms and furnlturo
-J , for pale. 1013 Chicago at. _ OTO-SC *
fJlOU lliNT-M : ay 1. modern bnllt house , ten
JJ rooms. Iniiulro 712 N , 19th St. , near Webster.
FOH HENT 3 noxv 6-room cottages.ono block
wnst car barns on Lake st. C. II. Sllfcxx-orth ,
Vf > Fornam. 014
_ | _
[ 71011 KENT Chcau , 6-room cottage Inlloyd'd
JJ addlllon. within ono block ot licit Line
railway aud nonr ncxv f urnlturu factory. Apply
Mrs. luith E. Hogors , cor. 33th and Ames nxo.jd
IjlUK HENT An e-room cottage with modern
JJ ImprovcraontK. at 214 8. JWlurKt. . near Far
nam , early In April , at 8.V5 per month , by Onas.
Turner. Ifasiloxxard st. 017 8St
TTtOIl HENT Cheap , one 7-roomod uoxv house
JJ J.H. Jounaonaiu Paxton blk. cm 2j
ALL the household goods of anlcoS-roomcd
cottagn nt (75 ; house rents 810 a month. In-
qillro at 1715 S. ICth st. 681 21 *
T7IOII ltnNT-3-room cottago" 210 N 13tii st. ,
JJ near Capitol ave , 8U'.50. 670
7UOO.M lioiisu wltn barn , out a llttlo dlstanco
KO per month. C. F. Harrison , Merchants
Nat. bank bldg. 4M
BEAUTIFUL 8-room honuo on n xv motor
line , 33d and Cuininfr sts. , with modern
Improvement * $35 per mouth. C. r. Harrison ,
Merchants Nat. bank blag. 4W
D HOOM hoiiso 22(1 nnd Wobster. * T > per month
O April 1. O. F. Harrison , Merchants Nut , bank
bldg. 499 85
4-WOOMhouse , 518 Williams St.
FOH HENT A , s-room brick cottage conveni
ent to U.P. depot-Menil & Jamison , 311S 15th
KENT 41-room moaern imnrovod house.
A 1 locality ; rent moderate. Apply to M.
Elgutter , 1001 rarnam Btroot. 070
TJIOH irENTCottajros , " 5 rooms , : ! ? ' CharTSs
JL1 Bticct and 1524 South Flftlrstroct. Inmilro
at room 212 , Shcoly block. 571
TOOK HENT Good basement. J515 Itouglas Bt
"THOU HENT Nice 6-room house , east frontl
JJ half block ot cable cart. HSSSSthst. 'JQJaS ?
POT HENT 7-room Hat , J3J month. Inquire
ot The Fair. litn : and Hoxvard. P74
I-flUH IIKNT Cheap , a nlco : t and 5 room house ,
JJ 153J SSJat stbotxx eon Center and Dorcas st.
089 a B *
TilOU HUNT 3 brick residences , U rooms each ,
J ? fiontlng Hauscom park , on Park avenue ,
with furnace , hot and cold water , bath and alt
conveniences. H < iady for occupancy April 1.
Price 810 nnd $15 a month. D. V. Sholcs , K10 1st
Nat , bonk building. ! )41 )
POH HENT Furnished house for rout. Har
ris , 411 nrst national bank. KM
ilOH KENT Flat of eeven rooms cor. S I3th
and Paclllc sts. Duggan's block. S7J
LBIQ LIST ot houses for rent. 8. T. Potnr-
son , s. c. cor. 15th und Douglas. 83)-ai *
"ITllTHNlSHEDhouso for rent In Pnrk Terrace ,
JJ opposlto Hau'tcoin Park , all modornn con-
Tcnlenccs. Kuqutro , Lee & Nlcuol , S > th and
Lcaveuworth. 031
PLAEASlV'NT'furElshed room , 60 ? eouth'BSth'
uvo. C2i 27t
TTIOll KENT lloom with board for t ro gen-
JJ tlemen , Ml S.JKthave. 851 30t
TTIOlt ItKNT Tvrn nice largo rooms , furnished
JJ or unfurnished , with or without board ;
terms moderate. 2011 St. Mary's ave. 050-26 *
and board 1812 Chicago st.
TpTJNE furnlslied tao QayJ week or
J : . month'at Globe hotel ; JJouglaaat. 45i Sft
IOK BENT Txx-o turS shod ? " front rooms.
JJ slnglo or oil BUlte , First Uoor. No. 412 N. 10.
073-20 ?
nro itt KENT Itooms and board to { ontlemeu ,
only S > per weok. Mil Hartley st. C17-2Gt
T71OR KENT Desirable furnished front room
JJ every convenience , 231D Douglas st. UCR-2 ; ;
KENT A suite of rooms furnlsnod for
light housekouplug , at 012 N. 16th st. *
CM 23 *
NICELY furnished rooms , modem conven
iences , also Ilrst-clas3 bo.irtl.lT23 Capitol av.
63123 *
TJJOR HCXT Nice south front room , cheap ,
J ? tor gentlemen , 1BOJ Capitol avo. tXl )
TTHIKNlSHfiD rooms , modern. conveniences.
JJ 1Q. SK and 815 per month , board If desired.
1011 Douglas. ' C24 aB
NICELY furnished rooms , 1311 Capital avo.
009 SV
TjUJttNlBHTSD room witn board , modern con-
JJ voniences ana In good location ; prices rea
sonable , 220 Leavenworth. Dirt 89 *
NICE rooms by tin week or month at the
- , . Peabody house , 1107 Jones. " 'JJ aSl *
OOMS Inquire 1332 Douglas tit , 3rd floor.
ii 557
TpOH IIKNT Fjiralalioi room , all convent-
JJ cnces. } 10 a month. 2227 Dodge st. 673
J ? 1U11NJSHED roouis. 222 N 10th. 15187J
NJCJ f urnlshod trout rooms , 1718 Dod go
TjlOllKENT One rery largo room suitable for
JJ four centleuicn. ana one smaller suitable
for two : both nicely furnished ; with board.
h st. 469 sst
rtOK HENT FurnlEhed room , all modern
' conveniences. ZZU Farnam st. 134
A VKNUE Itooms-AtlOia andlU15 Capitol ax-e
:3L blocks from F O.newly furnished private
P IOIl IIKNT Front rooms atlUSl rarnatn.
JAIIGB front room , rurnlshed , every conven
ience ; alco , unallToom. 2107 Douglas. 203
TTUTUNlbltKU or unfurnished room , with gas
JJ aud hath , board If desired. 610 ti 20th St. . op-
jioslte All Babuls' church. 674
"ITWKNISIIED rooms l > y day , week or month.
.13 he. Clalr Hotel , cor. 13th and Dodge. MJ
TT'Olt itBNT A nicely furnished room , with
JJ all convenience ! , ; 018 Bo. 17th st. 723
"VTICE furnlkhca rooms ir board , U03 Douglas ,
SUIT of 2 funitwhud rooms , modern couveiv-
leucoi , 3 bloaks tram P. O private family.
A. llospc , Jr. , 1U3 Douglas Bt. 42(1
TmimNlBHEU rooms , II. ) 6 lath ttnoar Dodge.
'T71UUNISHCD rooms. BlujrtB or en suite , bath
JJ and steam : for gents only , lulu Hoxrard.
T AHGErautrooui wltu bsfl-room adjoining ;
JJhaudnomely furnished , gas aud huated uy
sUiam , with UM of Ijath-rooan. Inone of the
hnudHomest rtiiJduucea In the city , without
bitfird. .Inquire u.V. . cor. IDth und Leavcunorth.
_ _ _ _
F 10 ifllKNT-iKliJeiFf onibUeit front room aud
iilcore , till conveniences. 103 I'urnnin su
O JS'ICKLI tui-nlshrd TOOICB. ctuom join ,
-wbathctc _ unjume lloar , Il'Jpur ' moutli. * U7
B 24th ; no itat. Ki
f AHGE from loom , nicely f urnlshod , suitable
JJfor-2 Kuutlflineu. l * Zl Furnam. 73
TTIOHIIKST Barber shop , nexvlyfnrnlslii'il.lii
JJ noxv llrat class bobclln city of I..IKU inhabi
tant. Direct T 70 , tare of Boj. uy-25j
FOH BUNT Wli n you wl h to rent u lumen.
Htoru or olllce call on us. II. U. Cole , loom
U. Continental block. Vb
TJ Olt IllINT Nuxv store corner ICtti aaid
JJ JoneJi. A. O.Poxx-eTU 12J1 Farnam. 837 J
BENT- Iore7"7"room latri room
housu 17th. near NU-uolaa. Imiulre chle * .
Inner Uros. , UU Soatii llita t. _ HCJ-mz :
TpOlt HENTtloora ! S2\.3J eachln lirick bnuiT
J. mi ; , with flev-xtor , close u > oxprasa ollleo ,
client ) rent , Just thu thini ; for wholaiallng , goo > i
locixuun apply Geo. llcyn , 1103 I' Bt.
TTIOU IIKNTSns.ce in ptovu for on exdnslvo
.L1 ; ; ! i > ve or ntiiall Una of ottier goods : In the
very toHt location in the citr. i > yecially for la
jdletrade. . AddreM V&t , ItBuoiace. 635 27
niHRVwt nnd cheapott storoforinonpy for
J. rent. 14V1 Juck unt. . For panlculftrH ibll
on J. llodutrauer , 410 tf. lutliM. 101 ui
* | j 01t HKN'C Two very desirable stores under
JJ xViisblnKlon hnlliuilie Daulah anociatlon
li'iildlng uu IHu rt betxxo n lUrury amiSt ,
Mary 'a uvo. Inqulri pt janitor , tM'i
ITIon HUNT Three rooms unfurnished. 1410
I ? Pierce Bl , 18. 6.0
ITlon HKNT Unfurnished , suitable for house-
JJ keeping , all modern improvements , 4 rooms
703 Webster t. Price Eg ) . _ C70
r unfurnished chambers for housekeeping to
O man and wife. ma No. lit h st. fta-att 3
TH iOU HENT Hooms suitable for hotisokeep-
JJ ing i In suites of from one to four ; , in convon-
cnt location ; lowest price * . Unit's Hentlng
Agency , 1504 Farnam street ; telephone 1TB.rjals
rj-als *
FOIl ItBNT Three unfurnished rooms , also
two basement rooms to families without
children at 112JN 17th Bt. * M
\xrANTED By May 1st. a detached house of
V > about ton rooms , with modern Improvement -
ment * . in high school district. Address T 03 ,
HOB olllce. ' W7 21 *
"WANTED Cottano containing not loss than
TT six rooms wlthlnroaxouabio distance of
postolllco , slate price ami location. Address T ,
42 Beo. 45(1 (
ANTKD a home of 7 or Brooms xvlthln 8
block * of 15th and Douglas sts. llcnt not
to exceed tW.Addre3s/iOtl Ho. must. KJt-yi"
WANTED Some ono to buy two good bail-
steads cheap. Call Tuesday aud Wedue-
dixy. K2i cass st. U.TO ait
FlIlST-CLABSlotof saloon furniture and bar
llxturoH for solo at a bargain. Inqnlro of
the First National bane , Aurora , Nub.
015 023
Foil HENT Ouo wagon shop ana blacksmith
shop located In the btislnoai part of "thn
flourishing town of Hebron , tno county scat of
Thayer county. For turthor particulars ad
dress to P. O. Box No. 5 , Hebron , .Nob.
510 2t
TjiOll KENT Five acres with buildings , ono
JJ block out ot city limits. 1225 N. 20th st.
T710H HENT Cold storage , capacity three car
JJ load" , trackage. Built expressly for beer.
Call 1J071-oavonixorth. JB51
to Farmers and Gardeners For
NOTICE the tolloxvlng plocos of land : North
h of northxvcst \ of son. 1.1 15 , r 12,10J acres ;
bouth } t of south\ve'3t' ' ( of sec. 10,115. r U , W )
acres ; east 31 * j\cros of north tf ot northxvest ! i
sH't , 115. r 1'i,30 acresalso ; 47 acres duo south of
the poor farm and adjoining Edxvard llowell
jilacn lu city limits. Inquire ot John Ilamlln ,
iil7Llnton , block , Omalu. Neb. H7B : ii
C1OR HENTVclllmproxed farm of 80 acres
JJ ncajclty. Bchleslugoi Bros , ill i Smith Oth.
IFYOUxx-nntto buy , sell , rent or exchange ,
call on or address. O. . I. Sternidorir. rooms
317 aud 318 1'lrgt National bank building.
_ _ wn _
FOH HKNT Houses In nil parts of the city.
J. J. Gibson. No. It , Crclghton block. 004
J. PAUL , iBoy i-'arnam st. , , nouses ,
, etc. , for rent. 6St
WE give special attention to rentlna and
collecting routi. Hat xvlth us. H. 11. Cole ,
room 0 Cent inutital b 1 ock. r > Sl
JJ. OIHSON'S noxv system of rifiitlnK houses.
.No. 3 Crclgliton block. ( Ml
Tl' YOU want your bouses rented pliico them
JLwlth IJonaxva & Co. loth , oppoilto postoMico.
1ST your houses and stores xvltn mo : I have
Jlots of customers. J. H.Pixrrotte.lUOOCulcago
1314 all
OMAHA emp. bureau. 118 M. 10th. establish
ed 8 years. Most rellubleln city II. K.
White. 7b'Ja. : *
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves aud
household goods of all kinds. Omuha
lIUI i < 'arnam. _ SMI _ _
OTO11AGH At loxv rates at 1121 Farnain st. .
CJOmaha Auction & Storage Co. Biy
rpltACKAUH. storage , loxvest rates. W. M.
.1 llushman. 1311 Leavcnwortlu C91
RANCH ti CO.srorase , 1211 Howard.
mTN rooning. spoutlns ; . guitars , valleys , nnd
J-sheet iron xx ork dons xx ell and cheup by 11.
Savage. 118 N llth. StH-2C-t
/ 1ONTIIACT1NO plasterers urj Inx-Hed to call
Vw/at room 401.1'aston bulldlnR , aiul examine.
Adamant. " ! > 'C A 15
rnillbanjo ! taugnt ai an art by Gco. F. Gel-
J-lenbeck. Apply nt Be Office. fi4i
MA11A. Nob. . Feb. li. 1889. Notion Js here
by given to the holder * of all bond * IsMiod
by the Cable Tramway Company of Um'iha ,
and bearing date of May 2.1 , 1O7 , January 1st ,
IbS' , and October 1st , 188 * . to present the name ,
for payment , with accrued lut-snaf. at tin First
National bank of Omalu , NoVi. , tlm ilfth diiy
of April. 1K8 > . Interest on suld bonds will
cease on that duto. the company having availed
Itself of tlu right to rfldeom the same , by giv
ing thirty days notice of its desire to do BO ,
S. H , Johnsou , President.
OMAHA Steam DjeVorKs 1531 Iloxx-ard st.
WDyeing , cleaning , etc. Laio curtains cleaned.
C. T. Paulson prop. , teluplionu 047. 612-m25
IWANBON. Valleii & Co. . undertakers and
s eiubaltners ; , 1721 cunung at. Tel. 1000.
or Btoleu. from First Congrega
tional church , last evening r-W ) . black
horse and phaeton top buggy , robe , etc. If
Etoleu , 850 rewaril is oUereil for thluf. Notify
Her boa -Luuvitt , S71U I'arker st. 2 ! ) 2 J
ot groceries , .dry goods and stationery
tionery to exchange for Omaha property.
Graver btevons , rooms 51(5 ( ana 517 Pcxtou
block. 62.3i !
TjUJirBALE Drug store In , a city of .it.Wa in-
JJ habitants ; everything uexv ; lurotco ? 2,50I :
terras cash. Address Iocs box Iwo , Sale lxke
City ; Utah ; ' .
TJlOtt BALE A cigar and tobacco , stationery.
JJ book and notion store ; lare bargain for
cash. Addi-oai T J40 , Use office.
party with $5,00i ) "ana upxvards
WAITED for six uioutus only in a legiti
mate -established bualnobs that will pay
100 per cent prollt on the money In vested for that
Bhort time. ' AddreBB T07. l ee. CO'i gf.r
TTW > U HALB Stock of | : onorul merchandise in
JJ good toxvn on C. & N. W. Ity. . in Greene
county , Ioxva-wlll ln\-olco about W.OW ; will Hell
for 00 cent I on dollar if taken at once. Address
K. Hex 105 , Bcrnnton. loxx'u. nil X1 > *
171011 SALE A good business ot woolen ana
JJ gentj' furulsmng goods. In a fcoocl location ,
xvlttioboxvciise and fixtures ; we have books to
howbuslnens. Call ut Oumha National Knlt-
tlng Factory. 11U4 S. llth st , K g t
"TT'Ott BALE Neat boarding house , ; rooms , ,
J ; in runntuu order , well located , in Couth
Omaha , at a bargain. Hutchlnnon 4 Wead , N.
IL cor. Douglas and IGthst. 5U7 Si
A nleo clean stock of hurdxviire ,
etc. , in East Des Molnus , In. lux-olce )7.X ) .
Will give time on part. City population 05,01)0 )
Capitol of the sluts. Address , P. O. box , 23 ,
Cozad. Neb. 670 M
A popular and well established
cltcar and tobacco business xvlth Iate > t Rtylu
HxtureH. doing a good "business ; very boat loco-
tlou In the city ot Omaha ; capital required from
82.000 to tl.O'JU. Addrtms P. U. llox ms. Hi.- , ill *
73101 : BALE Stock of saddlery 'hardware ,
JJ harness , trunks etc. Stock W.uO , shop rent
10. 7-roorn hotissi and 3 lots fc0)J. ) Will ex-
chauKa house for one in Oinuba. Good restanr-
amTfcOO cash. Apply to P. U a , 420 N. JCth ,
Oinulm , Neb. , or to W. J. K. . l ck llox _ ' ! ,
Onaxva. la.
fpOlt BALK A great chance to make money
J ? with a small capital , 'JO3 per cent warr&nted
011 Investment , call personally at European
hotel , (121 ( B. lut tor : i iluyn , A. Horstmun.
ITIOH SALE within W days-Two rtru.T stocks
JJ in liexv grox Ing county neut In B. xv. Kebms.
ka ; Mill Invoice about * \'W ' ; will sell one und
move the other provided the purchaser xvlll
buy ( .i.UUI stock for cash ; Duivlmuor canient
bullilluus fur (25 per month each ; will hell for
cost and curilsce : good trade ; rewian foruell-
1ii ( other busliiffia ruquli-en full Attentlou. Ad-
ilre- > loci : box ( , Oulbertsou ; J 'eU , or Hurst
a. Co. HasUugrf. J ob. SiKm
' '
TmOU'BA'LB-Flneonnfectlouery , No. 1 loca-
JJ tirin , uoluga good luihlnesn ; good reason for
ficlllng , AdUresj , TXU , Hee olllce. 613 ait
H'AU I.WAIU ( for sale-Small neat stock. Tin
blioii In i-oniiwiioninu ; t beeold ntontw for
cavh. Address O. M. ViuigUan , Floinltg , Colo.
TjVll BALE-Stock of Jewelry in growing No-
JJ bra&ku town of 1,000 pop ulatlou ; no comiie-
tltlon : good opening for the right party. Ad-
drcaa Max Mmer & Ufa. 018 25
" "
MKMnKil8uTp"Tn the Omaha board of
trinlecau t > ehad choapat ItoomCi U. H. Na-
tlounl bauU buIldUur. U23
Dlt. NANNIiv. : Warren , clairvoyant , inodl-
cal uud buslnuMu medium , female diseases
a specialty , 110 N ICth nt. . rooms X and a. [ MS
US. l.iNOa.MAN : can bV vbnsulteTou oN
otTklrii of life through tte tnaglc mirror
GulUfactlon tfu ranteed. iltt N leth at. Upstairs
TlffONBrttt 'ofthon real e-Mate ! no commls *
JLUsloa. W.tA. Sponcor.ltoom 3llushmanmk.
, . _ . } . , f > Kla81
JPnClAHundoftlOa to loan at reduced
Crates on furniture , horsea and wagons.
: ity Loan Co.k Tl 8 l th at. 170 -
TlTONBrlS lo/m / on Improved real estate. M |
-Ul-A. Upton Company , Inveitmont bunkers ,
16th and Farnaaii sso ai ;
LOANSmnaoon unimproved city property.
Klmball/Gnnnipft / Hyan , room B , U. S. Nat ,
bank bl'g. 1205i Farnam at. 521 B3
' ON Kloanea on unimproved Inside Omaha
real cstatei G , W. Peck , It , 4,1'ronrer blk.
617-alO *
f ,
plllLADELPJUA Mortgage * Trust Co , fnr-
Jnlsh cheap eastern money to boiroxvcrs.
purchase securities , perfect title ? , accept loans
it their western office. Qeo. W. Coates , lloora 7
loan ! of Trade. 610
pi F.'lIAlfiUSON loans money , lowest rate * . .
G \V. PKC1C loans money on Omaha real estate
llnllUlng loans a sncclalty. It 4 , rrrnzen blk
> * $ * 8 To loan on farms and city property.
3Goo. J. Paul. 1403 Farunm st. 3M
s IKKSholdH. 213 First Nafl bant : bnforo tnak-
Ing your loan * . AM
CITY Financial agency will loan you money
on horses , fun _ _ _ ro. jewelry or Hoourltlns of
any kind. 1JW llo-yuril st. , corners. 13tl\st.
ANTUD Fist cluss lusldo loans ,
rates. Cull and see us. Mutual Invest-
Co. UjjlorKer hlic.j5th and 1'nrnoin. Elw
IVf ONlSYto oatiT llarrls. Jl. li. Jc i an Co. ,
room 411. Vlrst National bank. flis
I > EOPLK'S Financial ICncniinjrit The falrost ,
quieten aud mostllboral money exchange In
the city ; loans mada without delay orpubllclty.
In any amount large or small , at the loxxet
rates of interest , on any available security :
loans may bo paid at any time or rcnoxvod nt
original rate : . O. llouscaran , mgr , room 58 jj
Barker blk. 15th and Farnam , BJi
* TOAN make a few loans on llrst-elass chattel
JLsecuritloi at rnasonablo rates. W. 1C , Potter ,
room 10 , Barker blk. oil
" "
| 7lTHBT"mortgaKo loans at low rates ami no
JJ delay. 1 > . V. Sholcs , 210 First National bank.
F. HAllIUSON lonns money , lowest rates
4 ! > J
M ONEY to loan on improved property at llrst
Hands. No application sent axxay for ap-
piovaL , Security nud titles examined free of
charge to borroxvers. Lombard Investment
company. iWu 3.13th st. OD7
r DELinritosrsrco. . NO. 312 so. ictu stT
V/Chainbcr of Commerce building , loan money
at li , fi'5 , ' . 711 and 8 per cent , according to loca
tion of property. L'nsurpaosod facilities for
placing largo loans on Inside business nroperty.
A special fund of unvoral thotioand dollars to
loan ou unimproved lots. H > $
MONEY' lo loan on improved re"al estate by
NorthxxvBtorn Mutual I.I to Insurance Co.
Loxxcutratos.uo commission. Address Hoxv-
ard Kennedy , special loan agent , Omaha. Neb ,
VO 1'OU want to borroxv monoy7
U Head this :
It will Hive vou time.
It will save you money.
Vou ran borroxv from
B. F. Masters ,
successor to W. li , Crofc.
Boom 4Wlthnell bld'g. 15th aud llarnoy sts.
Sill. fcM. til ) . tlUtt , 9JM. KM , II.OOJ. * > .IX-0 , tlO.IIUO.
In fact , any sum you xx-ant on furnlllirj ,
pianos , horsert , runloi. xx-.izons , etc. , on easier
tennf and nt loxver rates than any other olllco
In the city , -.vsthout publicity or removal of
property from your possession.
It an instalment Is duo ou your property
nnd you canuotaueot it. call aud see me. 1 will
pay it for ypu. If j oil hive u lo m in nuy other
odfco callnnd g iny rates. I will take It up and
carry it fonytrti.
I make logins for oue tn six months , und you
can pay n pdrtnt any time , leduclug both piln-
cipul and Interest.
All loans renexxoJ at original rates , and no
charge for papers.
All buflluow stilctly d.nfldeutlal. Call and
see me. Jf ' >
Don't forgot the number ,
Itoonr4. Wltlmoll block. CO1
. 1-oau to. will mate you a
an Jon housoliold goods ,
iJibrnes , xxngons ,
Tt > i laud contracts.
flno Jexvclry , or becurltles of nny kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Itoom 7. IfOAilf-f block , Snutti Omaha.
Uooms51B-51UPfuaon block , OmaiaJJeb. !
] \ feN BY to loan. O. if. Davis Co. . real estate
ill , and loin agents , 1505 i'urnam st. WJ
T OANH oa real c nt8 and
JU bought. LexxlHS. Heed & C < > . .li.'I Farnaui.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ttJ
TJIJILDING 'oiins. ' Llna'.ian & Mahoney.G19
MON'EV to Loan We are ready for applica
tions tor loans in amounts fiom S WJ to ill- )
000 tin linprox ed Oni.ilia. or Douglas county real
e.-tato Full information us to rates. Loans
prumiitly closotl. ( iooj not xrlll bo purchased
by us. Call upon us. or write. The McCagun
Investment Co. 010
B UIIiDING loans. U. V. bhoies , 10 First
BH Nal'l. Unnk , fij)7 )
H : K. COLC. loan agent. C14
'S financial ExciiangB Lar e and
huiall loans for Ion ; ; nud slraltime. . : xt loxv-
est rates of iuteront , on estiUo moitga o
notes , chattelbot all Liiids , diamond' . , watches
nnd Jexxolry. Ton't fall to cull If you xan't fair
aud ( .heap aceominodatloas. 0. Ilouscaven.
Mgr. , room 50 ; : . BarUor bit. , Uth and Farnam.
6PEH CENT money to loun Cash on hr.nd.
W. M. Harris. 11. SJ , Fronzor block , opp. P. O.
. CO Li ; , loan ucent.
. C23
3fl' ONlTl' lo loan in largo uuuis at the loxx-eHt
ratiu ; uo delay. It. C. I'atterbon , 318 S 15th.
MONKV to loau ; cash ou hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire , LJlll Farnaui at. , First National
bank butldln . _ ; B15
MONI'.Y loaned for IU , W ) or W dny . on nny
Jond of thattnl security ; reasonable Inter
est ; businus. * confidential.- . J. Wilkinson , 1417
Farnam bt. U17
TVfONlsY to loan Ixwest rutes. LoanTclosd"
iTiprouiptly. H. E. U.Coutinontal block.
OJ50J.OX ) to loan at 0 per cent. Liuahan & Ma-
Phoney , Itoom 5U3 , Paxton bl > ck. ( ilil
MONEY to Loan ou .chattel security ; . faiF
rate laterrac. J. II. I'arrotte. M Chicago.
_ 214 all
CHOICE loans watit2d on Improved city prop
erty. Kiiiiball. Chump & It/an room 0 U. tf
Nat bk bldt. 1205Faruani st. _ _ _ )7 ) a' ) _
"AfONEY to lonion fiirnltui-e. horses , JYACOUS
JJirtc. , oronuuy approved security. J , W
Itobblns , U.203 , Slieely blc. , 15th and Howard *
MONEY"to loan lit loxfont rates of interest on
real estate m Omaha und bouth Omuha.
Titles ana property examined by ni and loans
made at once. Cash on hand , ilates. Smith &
Co. room 3U llsmga bldng. ( HI
BUILDING loans n sneciftlty. W. M. Hurls ,
room-'O , rrenzer block , opposlto P. O. ,
D ON'T oorroxv money on futrutture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , or rollateraln until you see
C. Il.Jucoba. 410 rirst National bank building.
C l. < 00 to $ . .OjG at B. tli * and 7 per cent , no Hid-
"dlemen ; money direct from the Kastern In
vestor. W. O. ilelkle. First Nat'i Hank building.
L O.Nri _ on uVtiine.-s property. * 1.u > j to 5U.UOU
wanted. Provident Trust Company , , room
M. Flrht National llanV bulldlnif. _ ItfJ
FOR SAUE-MISG" ! . ' *
| 71OU BAlTls-SArbteveus cooler. liKjuiro ut 11 > UJ
JJ ParkavAj ca SI *
TmOU SALE lop pheaton. 1537 N. J st
KEAU THISvfl.SU worth of nice furniture ,
entire outfit1 of the house , for.VX ) ; innst
sell on ueoognt. : elckness. Appb' to J. H.
Parrotte. lOVloSlcago.r SIHall
FOH SALIVA line combination ollllord and
pool table for residence ; ulmott n w ; abar-
t'uln. 'Itoom & , a , S. Ntxtlpnal bank building.
„ ? . . _ L _
" 17IO11 BAI.It-wJ4rloadof youuii sound horses.
J } 1510 Caltftrjt * Ht. E. ll. Wood. _ Ul !
to 1U Inch
l muffs. GlUert-Hroa.
Hank. TelepUnne 4 l.
TlTinLAND'Guarantee * Trust Co. . 1505 Far-
Ill , num. Complete abstracts furnished &tlrloi
to real estate examinedperfect-oil & guaranteed.
AlMTUAUTti-Llnaban i : Mohouey , room ( .
Paxtou block. 6Ui
/ VMAIIA Abstract company. 15HI Farnam at.
\J Most complete aud carefully prepared ot
ot abstract book * and pl&U of all real property
In tne city of Omaha aud Douglas county.
WUi >
NOTICE Is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the btocshuldera of the Nebras
ka Tile and Pottery Co. will be lieia at lloom
4'0 ' Paxton Hlotk. Monday. April 1st. ut 4
o'clock p. in. , for the election ot directors and
oQlcers , ana geuvrul bu8liw * , uud v nent of
usbBdiimenl on all M per rcut uud U ) per cf nt
block. FIIAAK M ( i ii I'll v , President
IX J , COLMNS , Sec'y audTreiu , uichSidn
/iIIOlOJ. Tniprovcd farmsllghtly Incumbereil ,
Vyto trade for vacant lots or oo.mtles In houses
and lot * . U. r. . Cole , Continental block. oai
/tjIuTv7K srKVUfJTCl al estate and loans ,
Vx removed to rooms and 617 Poxton blk.
llxchanglng property a specialty. _ 013
IN trade for a good South Omaha lot I want to
get n Morse or horse and buggy , D. I ) . Smea-
ton. 43 Marker block. Omaha. 680 SO
TJ10H fcXCHANGK Cl ixn stock ot drugs to
JJ trade for farm , town property or cash. Ad.
dress 1. N liarkor , Grceloy Center. Neb.
_ _
ITIOH SALE or Exchange Bargains In IteM
JJ Estate.
Wo dcslro to call the attention of parties In
tending to Invest In real estate , to a foxv
"snaps ' which we have on our list.
Investigate and you xxlll bo convinced that
these are excellent properties , hlchnro ottered
at bottom prices , viz :
A very doslralilo lot , Il > 1xl27 ft. , corner of
Poppleton avo. and SOth st. A great oargaln !
A very desirable lot near Military road In
Baunders&Hlmobaush's odd. Wo offer this
very cheap.
Txvo lols in Kilbce place , high and sightly.
within halt a block ot Dodge st. A great snap !
One-half price of lots In adjoining addition.
An eight-room house in Orchard Hill , wltn
all modem Improvements. For sale on easy
Wo also have farms to offer for good building
lot * , on v hlch wo can oiror pome coon trades.
Should parties Intending ; to purchase neglect
to Investigate those ou"or before buying , they
wIl ) bo sad for vor. Do not ncglnct thlsl west-
cm Lnnd and Loan Exchange , ill : ! S. 16th Ht.
TTlOIt KXCHANOIl Txvo seated carrlKgff , good
JJ ns now , or good lot , for good family horse.
Call at room n , llushman blocK. 073-3)
T/IOI1 EXCHANOE-COxlKln Isaacs & Selden's
JJ addition and large house nnd barn tor a
K-roomhoiiKO on N. 17th st. fora farm.
fl acres in Hrookllno for Insldo proiorty. ]
Clear lota In West Albright for other prop-
crtv , and xvlll assume Incmubrapce.
2 lots on Saundcru Bt. for a good resilience.
Clear acre property near South Omaha for
residence property.
A nice cottage near ? 0th and Grant for other
Large houses , 81st and Grant , for farm or
vacant lot.
Good Omaha property and some money for
business blocic.
Stocks of icoods for Omuha property. *
Farm lauds for Omaha proprty.
Grovcr Stnvous , 51U and 517 Paxtou block.
J710U BXCHANGE-For desirable roMdenco
JJ property In Omaha , any or all of folloxvlng ;
40 choice lusldo residence lots in Hastings ,
10J lots In Lincoln.
040 acres lluo farming land , Lnucastor county.
Flue residence property. Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner , Los An gel M ,
A neat residence property In llanscom Place.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address. glvliiK location und price of prop-
ertv. a. E. 11. , care llaum Iron Co. . 1217 Leaven-
xxorlh. . 3
TTnTTri'-XCHANGE-DaKota. Hand county.
JJ What have you to offer for a good farm
here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are
rising lu value , audits destiny cannot bo dis
puted. Will take vacant lot or Improved property -
orty and assume BOUIO incumbranco , G. J.
Sternsdorir. rooras3i7and 318 First national
bank building. tat
WANTED Good span ot horses in cxccango
for clear lot. A. P. Tukey.lStUand Douglas
ots and stock for gooj house
/and lot Omaha ; must be unexceptionable
neighborhood. Address B SI , Bee. 700
Oil EXCII ANOE-Klghty acres of the Hnest
timber land in Wisconsin , clear of incum-
brance. What have you to otterG. . J. Sterns-
dorir. rooms 317 & 31J. FlMt National bank
building. l19 !
EXTilATTloigSln 3htoryroom ( ! house , I
clo > cts , collar , city water and gas. conven
ient to cabl < j and horao car& one of the llne t
resilient locationIn Omiihn , K.'OO , actually
worth $3.100. H. E. Cole , Continental block.
623 27
FOU HENT , or sale EO jxcre farm ntnr
Omaha. Plenty of fruit and good Improve
ments. Apply at Times onico South Omaha.
SALE Lot 4UXUW. south of fair grounds
FOH ICIrkxx-ood. Price. L20J. one-fourth
rash. J. II. Loomis , 1020 Wirt st 401-S1 *
TjXOU SALE - Some of the choicest residence
JJ lots hi Place. Heel Place , HrlgKS
Place. Orchard Hill and other tlno additions , at
loxv figures aud easy tenns liirtliauscr & Dili
, room 18. Ware bldg. ( W SO
. bargains ! Ga/.eon this : i0if > 7 n.xv.
JLcoineridth nnd Hamilton , fronts 3etroots ,
at gr.ide. for M/iW. Thlb is bed-rock ; not a
n ickcl less will ever buy it. nnd It must be
grabbed hoonnt thar ] < rlce. M. A. Upton Com
pany , llth aud Farnain. 5W )
NOTIOSto building contractois ; For sals
A-blockof txvelve Una lots , 0110 block from
Rdvadhtrrctandfltrostcar hue at extremsly
> xv flgurcs. Investigate this. Hlikliausor- ;
Ulunier. room 18. Ware bldg. CU7 20
TCTOMK3 , HOMKS Uo you want a home ou
JJLeasy terms in the beat residence suburb of
Omaha ! " U so call ou us and we will drive you
out to Carihpgd , that hifth and sightly piece of
ground -xxt.lch Joint ) Walnut Ilillon tue vest
and Dundee Place on the north. Hero we xxtll
soil you a full lot ut from * 70ll aud wo xvlll ad
vance you txs much money nsxxlllbxfllduhoubo ;
piluclpal payable in live years ; Interest hcml-
nnnually. Or if you ill build Hie hoiue xve xvlll
sell you the lot tor 1-10 cash , balance in 7 or 10"
yearn. Just think of tue ; > H terms uud then come
eestho lots. Brcnnan &Co. , Chamber of Com
merce. 613 37
T OT Klx155 east nnd south corner xx'cst Far-
J-l nam st. near Milton Itcgorn property , f7.-
OUO. Kasy terms xxlll this for nil cash.
C. F. Harrison , .Merchants Null bank bldg. 493
T7IOR SALE or Exchange 1 moroved stock
JJ farm of S.O ncreu lu eastern Nebnx kii , nenr
market ; also new LJrnuju house with all con
veniences. In desirable residence potton of
Omaha. Andmxv Ilevlns , attorney , V S and 423
Paxton block Omaha. Neb. C
THOU tlALE Chenp-Xot for trade ; CUWO acres
JJ liud < sof. 6-12-Ui two miles from 31arqu tto ,
liuutllton county. Nebraska. l > 'ramo hou&o , sta
ble. oOJ acres under good barb-vlro ience ,
i-ouud cedur posts , txvo stays , living wat r. 3.-
foot channel , t wells , 330 barrel tank , corral ,
Kelt-feeder , a natural stock rancX ina nne corn
Price KS.OOQ
Cashlu hand 'J.750
S years' time C per cent 3S > 1)
Go nnd look over land. Address oxx-ner , F. K.
Atkins , 15tt ! Larimer at , Denver , Col. - C57
WOUTI1V of your attention. Noxv being
completed on 2Kh st , north of Leavoii-
wortn ot. txvo house * -oonventent to business ,
very toomy. grate. maiiteL furnace , gas. bath ,
tollot. S water closets , .stationary viush tubs ,
hut uud cold water , live bedrooms. 10 closets ;
only * "i,5 0 , on tunns Io suit. Telephone .227 or
W. T Seaman Omaha's of -
, , largest variety xx-ag-
oils , curriages. etc. , cast side 10th bt , north of
K Icliolas Bt. 4 5
J I.O.H buys 8 bouses and lot , 07x3 : ! S. K. cor
'llthundVmton. 08J-m11
I HAVE 10 One lots In IlrlzgV Place add. ,
Omaha , for cash , on good terms. For further
Information inqulro of K , JeUroy , Galen * , ill.
Ps iIt HALE-Lots ii. iSand u , lilnoic 11 , West ,
Side i addition. Tneie lots nrjOJilM tt'xch ,
lay x-ory pretty , and the threa cm ba bought
for } 1J03. They are actually worth txvlco taat
amount G. J. SternsdnrJ , Itoaais J17 anil Sid ,
First National bank building. 1151
TJASTINGS. Ncbraska-100 acres land adloln-
J.-L Ing the cltyfor Bale tij A. Vuith , HasUiigs ,
_ _ _ _ _
AT A isacrlnce 12-lxl5D n. east aud north
xVtront , corner iWth and Howard fits , one
block-went of Toe's and Klrkendall'H Una resi-
dcacea.txxo blocks from paved .stroet , two
blocks kouUi of rarniim nt. : Ju t think ot it ,
r.'Ox5U ! ft. and a corner at that , and only tl.lXM.
C. E. Ioiter ( , room 6 , n. W. cor. loth aiU Douglas
1710U KALE-Lot 41x10 } . south of fair ground ! )
JJ lu Kirktx-iiod. 1'rico. ( fl.'iX ) , oue-fourth casu.
J. U. Loomls. I'.CO \ \ Irt street. 4'JKl ' ) . '
OU SALE Without a cash payment to those
who xx III build , choice lots in Plalnvluir. in
Itiutlnn. lu 1.4 Vcta , West Cuinlng , Winnsor
I'lucu tensions , park I'luce , Hanscom 1'luce
and other addition. J. 11. Kx'uns , liarker block.
For Kale aw acres , Uouglau county. Hiiitablo
for dairy form. J. li. Evans , linrker block.
EEAO THIS I have a customer for kome
> good realdunce lota. He vxlll puy some cash ,
butlaagood UOUHO , make a building loan and
glx o u second mortgage for balance of purchase
money. It > ouhauu good lot 1 can tell It for
you ou these terms.
Urovertitex-eus , roousClG .indSHPazton blk ,
G UOVIilt 6TEVEN3. real estate and" loans ,
removed to rooms Mil and 617 Pucton blk.
Exchanging property u specialty. 04i
"AllGAINB-Iino" on Poppleton avenue ,
llanttcoin place , ( suitable for line block , at
a bargain.
Corner uear Ptirk aronne and I earenworth ,
full lot and elegant hoube , only * . \70l.-
South front lot , name locality. tCOO , below
Hevernl bargains In lUnscoui place and Went
1' . P. trackage , txxofuil lots , only $ ' > .00) .
Nloe hotue on motor aud car line , ek.y terms ,
Har'galns In all parts of the city ,
List your property with me. /
G rover Blex ens , rooms 618 and D17 Paz'ou blk.
QIXTKKNTH street near CnmUifrs , nt 1175 per
K7 front foot.
Grovcr Btevens , 616 and 517 Paxton blork.
FfKAPKSTlot In Omaha. Full lot In iMyorsT
Hlcnnnla cTIHen's addition , only (572.
Grovcr Stevens , rooms 618 and 617 Paxton
block. 0434H
ITIOU BALI. Or exchange for Om&h * . prop-
* ertruw croi suitable for platting : will
make 400 lotsail clear ; big money In It for * omo
one who can push thin ; located ] ustontsldi > ttio
city llmlta ot Council Muff * . Inquire Goo. J ,
Steinsdorif , rooms 817 and 018 , Wnt National
bank bulldlug. _ _ 673
| Olt 8ALK On monthly or q.uftrtarlr pay-
JJ monts , seine now 8-room houses In Mlllard &
Caldxx-olVs add. . Just U ( miles trom nostolllco.
If you want a homo of your own como and see
me. C.-C. Spotsxvood. .TOH 8. joth su tv 4
FOIl SALE-ST acms , corner Thirteenth ixnii
North streets. Desirable for platting. C.
Good , Goal block. Pus Molnes. la. Ol8-m37 *
O CLRAIllots In Eckonuan Place and a clear
* -i house and lot In York , Neb , will trade tor
liomo In Omaha ; prefer place near Long
school , will pay some caih alirorenco for suita-
bio property. O. F. Harrison , MorcnanU Natl
liankbld. 4U3
DI > . 8MKATON has three extra good bar-
galnn tootrorlnthe place to mnko money
In real estate , South nmaho. A lot K'U. only
F75 cash , bal. 1 , 3 and 3 years ; house and lot
MM , about $125 cash , halanceto null ; business
lot $1K ) , 70J cash , but 3 years strnlitlit. 43
Llarkor block , Omaha. 6tHl CO
S HOLES' Special llnrgalns-.KOxlOO. east front ,
with 8-room house , on 31st st. , Illmobaugli
iilace , Jil.601) ) , $2,700 cnsh , balance 0 per cent.
a his istl.MM lesstlian market value ,
tOxMi , gooa 8-rooin house , fumaco and all
convonloncos. No , U3 Poppleton avo. Invustl-
gate this and make ixu olfcr. . Party going to
leave the cltv-
ft. on Hedge st. cable , txndtV ) ft. with homo ,
on 10th st. cable , clear ot Incuuibranaes , to
trade for first class inside property , improved
or unimproved. Submit orfor.
Flno txvo-story brick "block , renting for 82,400
per year , price fit. 000 : JIUXW at 0' { per rent ,
S7.000 cash. M.WO in good Inside property. Tnls
In a rnro bargain.
80xl5Jft. on ItOth and California streets ; in-
cuinbrAUce r2WO , equity In clear land or city
M.600 buys n good ncxv 8-room House , with fur-
nance , bath unit all conveniences , In Hauscom
H.OJO in b-rb wire stock , payln ? n Rood divi
dend. to exchange for n good lot , or house und
lot. This Is as good as cash ,
llmx clots aud bouses and lots forsaloor
trade In all pain ot the cltv. If you wish to
[ mrchaso. exchange , or have anything for sale ,
[ iluitso call and list It wltn mo. Indications
are fixvoiitbla for an active real estate market.
and I desire a list ot all good lusldo property
for sale or trade.
U. V. Sholes. lloom 810 First National Hank
Hulldtng. . 14
OUTH OMAIIA-1 have a number ot good
Si 'lots ' I lu various additions that muse be Bold
at once and can be bought at prices that xvlll
ftult you. G , J , StornsdorlT , rooms 317 und 318
First National oonk building. C5
TJ1OH SALE Ou terms to suit , the neat cottage ,
JJ MM Charles st. Telephone KT. or W.T. Sea
man , Omahu'a largest variety buggies , wagons.
Ac. , cast side JClh .it. north of Nicholas st 45J
FOIt SAI.K Nine-room house , barn and lot
In llunxcom Place ; also 2 hous n and lots in
Sunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. bank.
TTlOll BALE or Lease Frame bulldliig about
JJ 40x50 with three years' lease of lot,00l Doug
las st. Wo
Foil BALB Or trado. Snow B-room
fiom llrst hands , lloom 426 llumgo block.
FOIl SALE On SOth near Clark , good cottage
und stable ; small cash payment ; balance
monthly. Here Is a chance to "pot a homo on
easy terms. Price M.UJO. Avl' . Tukoy , 15th
Douglas. SOOand
SALE The Unest residence site iuwc t
Omaha ; just south of Farnain on 37th
Btrnet ; aporncr 105x187 xx-lth 187 loot frontage
on paved street and joining the handsome resi
dence of Klrkendalton tlieeai > tand llrndy , Eas-
sou and Martin on the south ; a perfect gem
and garden spot for an elegant home.
Haruoy and 2l tstf outs. 111x167 , on pavement
within 3 blocks of the coiut house : room for
seven line houses that would runt as rapidly
as completed. A splendid permanent invest
Furnam and ! d stieats , 60x132 , with noxv 3
story briccBtoro building , rented to good per
manent tenantslieiital receipts $4,200 per
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 61
feet to alley. Good business property.
Farnamstreet botxvoen Hith and ISltli , front
age , 44 or 05x132 to alloy , couth front , 1 block
from pavement and street cars.
Paj-K ax'cnue opposite Hanscome pars , GOxVK ) ,
price S2.0JO. easy terms.
Paddnck place trackage , 03x112. fti.OOa. easy
loth street south of Vlntoust. . lot.lor-fialo or
trade for mdso or good fann land ,
S. A. Sloman , HOI Fnrimm Bt. _ bo
FINK quarter section , Sherman county. Lots
in thrix'lng Iowa city ; also hi Omaha. Ken
tucky bred saddle horde , all the gaits. Splen
did family mare , carriage , etc. What have you
to otteri Address S SO , Hue olDco. 700
/I ALL on H. 1C. Cole , northeast cornyr of 15th
V/and Oouglas sts. , Omaha , for Edwin K. Al-
sip Ac Co.'s catalogues of lands of California.
_ _ _ , _ SX ) April IB *
tl 0,750 , 8t,8 jO cash , * 1.1 JO 6 years ( i per cent , buys
P2-story 8 room house , furnace , bath , etc. , lot
.10x100 feet. No. 2U I'oppluton ave. . llanscom
Place ; mustxo by March 1st. party going away.
1) . V. Stole. . 218 1st Nafl bank. Ot
ANTED To ouy , a home.Vost not to ex-
ceedM no. House to cost by my
plum. Blgiitly east front lot near street cars.
91.000 cash. Address , P. O. llox V25 , Omaha.
W "ANTED To buy coed commercial paper.
It. C. Patterson. 318 a 15th Bt. _ R88
TpEHSONAJA-Wanted-Some good family to
J- adopt un orphan girl ' 7 years old. 1107 N. 17th
OKJ-20 *
_ _
T > F. ItSONAIi Will It L. UurrypleasecallUt
* - the waterworks ofllce at his earliest conven-
le _ 638 23 .
ILLJlr. William MeCiino or any of his
trleuJb * please state througli the Ileo bis
correct uddicaa , and oblige thu writer. OUO eu *
PEHSONAL AnyJady of good appearance
andaddreHSdedrlnc out-door employment
can obtain same by calling at room Ml , First
National bank. - 625
TDHIVAT1S courao in fencing , boxing or fancy
J. clubsxvlnglUi ; , 110. Address T 14. Iloe olllce.
ital4 *
TttANCE MiiOIIIM-Mme. Sanoall , the
young Bxvedo , telU full u&inesot .callera and
the full iiauio of your future husband or wife ,
with 4ate of marriage , and tolld whether the
one yon love is true or falsa. Not a fortune
teller. Tiut a young spirit medium. Madume
Koea Into a perfectly dead trance. Will brine
buck the parted husband or lover , no matter If
they bo Ifl.Ui'J luiltw away. Will guarantee to
settle faintly quarrels. Parlors up stairs. 408
N. ICth st. . third lloor. 343 a 12
Sealed propoHuls vrtil be rccolvcd uy tlio un-
derslgned uatll l.l ) ji , m. , March SB. 18H3 , for the
following kinds of pix-ing material , viz :
hhoet uiplmltuin according to specltlcatlomi.
Sioux Fall * .granite according to speclnca-
Colorado sandstone according to speclflca-
Stone from WoodrutT , Kan. , According to
Wooden blocks of any kind or character milt-
a ) le for paving , according to spoclflcatiouH ,
Ilrlok uccordlng to specifications.
Any bida for paving Jn addition to being according -
cording to said D educations , may also bo ac
cording to such specifications tig the bidder may
prescrlbcu the name to be set forth In detail and
io accompany bid.
* Fach bfd to npoclty a price per square yard
for the puvlug complete on each street
or any part thereof uuparatoly , ui per ordinance
No. Itwi. Work to lw tlonu In accordance xx It'll
plans and xpetttlcatlouR on Hie in Uio olllce of
the board of public xx orfcu.
All bldato be made upon printed Iriankq fu -
iilsboa by the board aud to uu nccompanlud by
a pronorly oertllled check for tiie sum of 5I.OW
ana Kiiuruntefl that the bidder will , wltliln
thirty day * fiom the opening of t > uci bids , give
bond not exceeding 62'i03 ' , aa the major and
city council nifty reijuiro , that such bidder xxlll
enter InOi contract for suai invlnj ; of the kind
nod material specllled u nmy thereafter bo ra-
cjulrud < liu-iaK the year Ibb't. '
The board roaervps the rlpht to reject any or
all bids , and tovalve detects.
Bl. A. I ) . 11ALCOMHH ,
Chairman ttourd of Public Works ,
Omaha , March ttb , IW u.
inarch 10-ll-21-a7
For Sale or Trade.
Jltuulenci * luviparty. orange groves , town Iota ,
and dealrabli : Tiulmiiruved lauds suitable for
xUnUtflioinox , for -aie/jr let trude for westura
inptoveil f arm IsildH , Corre.jponilt'iitusolicHed
Orlando , Florida ,
vi7ioR i0 * ? "i" > u * * errort f
VlUUni taa lirnclion. lnU
Pfiftcllr rrxilRtU by tlio ntv
Dojlpn-Dupre , Remedies.
Btnil lur cur utir lllunmeiTltco-
_ _ _ _ . t r. Alixjlulf tccircVarlco *
) curc.l wiU' ut ptin o * op * rati&n.
eilon-Dupro Cllnlquoi Trcue.t Hi. , Uoitoa.
Itunnlog bstxvoen Council niutrs and Al
bright. In addition to the atatloiu mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Txventyfourtu
Btroota , and at the Summ It In Omaha. "
Ijeave. I Arrive.
A No.2 O op.m.A No.l
C No. 6 8OOa.jn.lU No.S. rBOOp. W.
A No.4 U:4Ua. luJA No. 3 8:4.1pm.
A No.4. U:40a.m.jA : 7:3 Jo , in.
ANo. 8 5:3i p. m.1 A No. 7. 6Wy. m.
A .No.0 0ulp. : m.lA No.3 C:50p.m.
CH1CAQO &NORTHWE5TKRN. 0:40 ajmJNo.7..j. . , :4Vin. .
No.S 4:15p. m. No. 3 ,0UOa. ; ra.
No.4 0:40p.m. > No.6 , . . . . . . . . 8:15 wm.
All Trains Dally.
A No.2 o:40a. rn.jA No. 1
A No.4 7OOn-mA No.3 i7:10p.m.
A No.8 8:26 a. in.A ) No. 3.680 m ,
AA No.l..OCT p. m.IA NO. 1 63Jp.ia.
A No. ID 7U5 a. m.A ] No. . . . , ' ' . .855 a. n > .
A No.12 7OJp.m.A ! ' No. 11..9:55p.m.
OMAffA & 'ST. LOU1B.
A No.8..j . :3rn.m.lA No.7 1UW m.
A dally : li daily except Saturday ; 0 except
Sunday : D except Monday ; fast mall.
The tun * irlren adore i for Trans tar , there
bemgCi-oinilveto ten minutes between Trans-
rand localdepou.
Norilu-ttHt Corner Furnam and ItJtU Sis
Paid Up Capital 500,000
urplns Fima 2 100.000
f AMU15L K. HOClKltH. Vice i' ldeut.
BUN U. WOOD. Casldor.
LUTHlilt DUAKK , Assistant Canliler.
To all bubluojs eutrusteoto Its corn.
SW , tour Farnain anH5tli Sis ,
Paid lu Capital , . ' . $500,000
O. li. UAHKRIl.Preeident.
U L. HIKKB3.VKK , Vion PresUent ,
F. It. JOHNSON. Collier.
W , B. HiiUTOit , Asulstant Cashier.
Oi.o. 15. HAIIKKII , J. 11. MoCoKsrcM , ,
F.'B'.JO/IMSUX / , ' ' J , N.boiivisH ,
L. II. Wjl.T.lAMrt , J. L. M1I.K8 , '
B , ltJIINMJli ( , H W. CltUV ,
AU.EMT. ItKOTOll , Wit. HlKVKlt ,
< i : O , PATrUHHON. I ) , f
Account * of banker * , merchants ; unaiu
ualmecelvpilonUie moat fix-orublo ti'niiH.
C I be LUuor Habit , Po.liUrlr CutttA.
tif AumlnlHtorlnB lr , llulnow *
Golden HpeUac.
It cati Iw Klven ua cup of colfet or lu-artl-
cles of fooj. xxlthout tlio Kaoxvlodgeof thtTpa *
lent ; it IH ubxolUMjly linnnleas , ana xrlll ef.
fixtu periuunrfiit audtipaedyfure. .vmw
patient la u moilnrAle drinker or u Jilu
wreuk IT NF.VEll VA11M. Oxor JOO.
drunkitrds Imvo b cii nmdfl temp rnto ine
have luken Golden Speclllo in thule colTro v ltli. at ,
out the.r knotx-loace. and today bollei-e Mioy
quit drluklug of'thvla own aocorrt. 4inmtta
book of particulars free Kulin H Cd/Mtenta
uud DougluH BIB , I tu uud Uumlntf 4tr t
0lmClllUUI1 1OW
| /iniCVandallurlnarvtroubles | easily'4'ufc
MUni. I Iy and biifulv cured byDOOTUrr ,
Bulo * . Hcvenil cases cur d lu boyeu < 1av i , . _
H/jOpur box , all dnigglsu , oi-by-nmll from Doc. "
UM Mff Co , 113 Whitest , N.V. FulliiKocttoa * .