Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1889, Page 6, Image 6
r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE' .MONDAY. MARCH 25. 18SD. TfrE DAILY BEE , COUNOILlBLIIFFS. OFFICE. NO J2 PEAIllj STUKET. rtllvcredby cunltr In Any Tntl of lie City a 'r\\onty Cent * rcrWcek. 11. W , TJLTON. . . MANAGER. TELKPIIONtS : ntMsr.ffl OFTICB NO. 43. NIGHT Eumn , No.23. M1NOU MENTION. N Y. Plumbing company. Cotilnnd wood. E.E.Muyno , 019 B'way. 'Jho Chnutnuqua Literary circle meets this evening. The Scottish nito consistory meets this evening for work na a loilgo of perfection. The cltv council meets this evening. Con siderable Interest li felt , us the appointments Wilt probably bo mndc. The saloons were supposed to bo closed yesterday , but still the front doors were not tlic only things which wcro tight. Occasion- nlly some apparently unlmppy biped could bo been sneaking up an alley , and soon after re turning wiping his lips and looking satisfied. A. Is promised the muslejlovcrs this evening. Tlio Niwhvlllo Students will gwen n concert In the Mnsonlu Tcmplo hull , under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. These jubllco songs nro always enjoyable , but es pecially so jvhen rendered by thcso sweet singers , who'hnvo already n national reputa tion. tion.Tho The Union Pnclflo surveyors have com menced work locating the branch line from the transfer to Lake Miinruvu , and will llnisn their labors thoio to-day. The now line Is to bo opcrr.ted solely In connection with Man- nwa as ti Bummer resort , and It will doubt less do n rushing business , as thousands of Omnbans will visit the lake weekly during , the season. . ' The announcement that Bishop Newman Was'to preach in the Broadway Methodist church drew a largo congregation yesterday morning. These who had heard his lecture hero wcrc + nxious to hour him from the pul pit , and ttioso who had never listened to him wcrotvcn moro anxious on account of curi osity. The st-rmon was a missionary appeal. Several of the members of the local hose tennis went to Union park yesterday after noon , and a number of Interesting footraces took place. It was demonstrated that thcro Is much coed material In these racing teams and a little development It all thut Is needed ' to give Council Ulufls n winning place In thoraces races at the Juno tournament. Several of the boys 1'avo already commenced Individual training , and the preliminary toatn work will soon bo"commenced in earnest. The art exhibit opens this'afternoon. Ono Faro For the Itounil Trip. Tickets on sale April 8th , Jth ) and 10th , Recd for return from the llth to the illth inclusive for nil who wish tout tend the stnto encampment of the G. A. R. votornns ut Burlington , Iowa , April Oth , 10th nnd llth , 1880. The head quarters' truln with the department commander and his stall under the escort of Abe Lincoln Post G. A. R. , will leave Council Bluffs via the Chicago cage , Burlington < & Quincy railroad at 0:40 : n. m. , April 8th , 1880. For further particulars , call on or address CAl'T. O. M. BllCMVN , Ticket agent , Cor. Pearl nnd Broadway. Council Bluffs. M. M. MAKSirALii , General Agent. Promised Ball G.IIIIPP. "It's a beautiful day , but n trillo lacking in the way pf excitement , " said n base ball enthusiast yesterday. ' 'It won't bo long , however , until wo will have that part fixed nil right. As soon ns the season opens and the Twin City club is ready for business , wo will have un Interesting ball game at - Athletic park every Sunday , .Wo will have a fine club and no mistake. Games will bo "arranged with the Western league teams on their oil dates , and the crack umatcur teams of all the surrounding country will have an opportunity to distinguish themselves by de feating our invincibles. It is now intended to huvo a game at the parK every Sunday this season , and there will also bo from one to thrco every week besides. The team will bo composed of n fine lot of players , and they will make It warm for some of the crack teams before the season Is over. " "Western Lumber and Supply Co. Between 18th and 14th streets , aftd 2d and 3d avenues. Telephone 241. E. W. RAYMOND , Manager. Bartlctt & Norton for hardware , stoves and cutlery. 737 and 2315 B'vvuy. Dr. C. C. Huzon , dentist , Opera house block. 8. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Thanks For the Stoamcr. At the last mooting of the city council of Lincoln , Nob. , the following resolution was , , introduced by Fire Warden Newour.v and passed : Whereas , The mayor nnd council of the city of Council Bluffs , la. , huvo generously donated to this city the use of their 11 ro en gine "Uescuo" free of charge , therefore Resolved , By the mayor and council of the { city of Lincoln , tbnt the sincere thanks of this city bo and hereby nro tendered to the mayor and council and the chief of the lire j. deimrtmant of Council Bluffs for their kind ness and generosity in n time of need , nnd while hoping they may never need the old of this city , yet wo shall ever bo pleased to respond spend to any cull for aid from Council Bluffs. The Rescue steamer was sent to Lincoln about the 1st of December , 1888. to take the place of the Cuupln steamer belonging to thut city , which had to bo sent to the factory to bo repaired nnd renttcd. The Rescue is now homo again anil ready for any call at too Broadway 11 ro house. The finest collection of pictures over Boon in the city ut the art loan. Headquarters for bulfders' hardware , Odoll & Bryant , smiain street. J. G. Tiptpn , real estate , 627 B'dwny. Organist. An efficient organist from the cast do- iirosn position as organist in Omaha or Council Bluffs. References : Max Mover and Churloa Buotons , 82-5 Paxton build ing , Omaha , or 120 Seventh street , Council Bluffa. Good testimonials ehown. Tlio Mayor anil the Mni-Hlml. The breach between the mayor and the city marshal Rooms to bo rapidly widening , ' and neither party scorns inclined to help it. Tbo marshal openly charges the mayor with 1 breach of faith , und states that it uas fairly understood between them that tUo marshal was to rocolvo the fees for the collection ol the saloon duos. Ho * says that the mayor agreed to lot the police collect the fines , und now ho refuses to allow tbo marshal unv fees whatever for lines so collected. The major suya very llttlu about the mat ter , but ho "gets uack" at the marshal by his latest order rogardiucr the suppression ol gambling. Ho puts tbo blame on the hitter for not closing the gambling houses and calls attention to tno llrst order. The chief of po- * ) < co Is uUo ordered to await the action of the , marshal. The critics of the mayor Insist Btoutly that the executive Is not sincere In his order , which , it is alleged , was issued for purely political reasons , and now that the election is over and the matter is becoming troublesome , ho seeks to slldo from under , the rosponbiblllty , while pretending to face the music , und thus to divert public atten tion from himself to the marshal. Sen oral city olDclals , who have been heard to express themselves on the subject , are professedly ol - ( ho opinion that the gamblerswill bo ktpt off tbo llrst floor , but thut no attempt will bo P made to molest them if they uccp up stairs. * Tlio matter is getting Interesting , and prom- tks to scon devolou into something of inoio lUiui prdluury Importance. . , Money loaned nt L. B. Craft's ft Co.'s loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and ull other articles of value without , J removal. All business strictly confl POINTS FROM THE PDIWIS Ono Proaohor Pictures the Future and Another the Prosont. LIVELY SCENES ON THE STREETS Mnny OinnlintiH Visit the Ulunfe Base Bnll Prospects Grateful Lin- colnlloH Noios About the City. The Ilnppy Beyond. The ronarcgatlon that assembled In the First Baptist church yesterday morning weio treated with n pronounced departure from the usual sejmons delivered from modern pulpits. It was un appeal to the heart rather than the head ; ndrawlngout of the affections rather than u learned exegesis of theological dogma. Rev. Prank Parsons , of Glenwood , ad dressed nn audience hero for the first time. Ho showed himself to bo a close student of scripture , nnd In his discourse admitted the fact that there was much In the bible that ho could not understand. Ho said ho was con tent to leave these mysterious portions , the "Revelations" of Jesus to John , to the future to rdvcal their true and full meaning. "Thcro is enough , " said he. " that I can understand to show mo God's love for man. His sympathy for us In our hours of trial nnd conflict , nnd His tender , Fatherly heart which bents in sympathy with \Vonoverwcaryof Its iiathos ; Its promises of hope : Its exhibitions of the humane side of God. In nil the pictures , whatever the grouping of character or the facts developed , there Is ono fnco which stands out prominently , ono form with which all Christian hearts nro fitmlliar ; it Is the fnco , the form of Jesus. " Ho used the picture presented in Rev. 14th. beginning at the first verse , ns n text. "And I looked , und. lo , n Lamb stood on Mount /.ion , and with him nn hun'drcd forty nnd four thousand , having his Father's name written In their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven , ns the voice of many waters , nnd ns the voice of n great thunder ; nnd I hcnrd the voice of hnrpcra harpinguoon their , harps. Said ho : "Thoro Is in this a half hidden meaning which I do not un derstand. I have stood before a painting , nnd have scon its wonderful story. There was in It much which 1 could not understand , but there was enough which I could know to fill my mind with wonder and move my heart with admiration nnd love. So I feel before these pictures whnt the revclntor has penned. * * . * John saw in the picture Christ ns a lamb. Jesus has many titles In tun scripture , out in this connection It was appropriate that Ho should bo shown us n lamb , because It denotes sacri fice Christ's sacrifice for us. "Great men have told us that neither here nor hereafter can we get wholly nwav from our sinful lives. Uut I read , He shall present us blameless , spotless , without guile unto His Father. God will sco no fault In us. Ho washes out not only our sin , but the marks the sin has made. . Ho rubs from our foreheads the name of the evil ono and writes His own name In its place. * - * * * w "As n child I wns not stronglv impressed with the 'singing bc- fcre1 the .throne of God forever. ' Now , I think I see moro cloarlv what the declaration means. There is to bo sucti har mony In our employment , our labor , that it will bo a constant song of praise to God und the Lamb. * - "Once Jesus was so lowly that Ho sought a hiding place that He might not die before the time. Ho was hooted at , scourged , hanged to the cros , once ho was so weaic that , u thief Insulted him. Now ho is exulted on Mount/un. The highest point in the , territory of heaven , the sent exalted where all men must see whether they will or not ; horcPstunds the same Jesus. Now Ho is so powerful that even the bravest men who have not the name on their foreheads call upon the rocks to fall on them. * * * "There Is another familiar feature in the picture. It is the multitude who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. This is the company of which you are a member. Standing before Him blameless , His nnmo in your forehead. "Jesus is the settlement of all difficulties and differences.- There are are no denomina tional names thcro. Wo do not believe aliito hero because wo arc Ignorant. Wo do not know what is right. Then God will reveal unto us Himself und His truth , and we shall > in Hia fhllilrnn Now and full line of spring goods at the London Tailors , 037 Broadway. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co. The finest line of spring goods to be found in the market is at A. Roitcr's , No. 310 Broad way. IB the Church of Any Use ? Rev. G. W. Crofts , of the Congregational church , answered this question yesterday , affirmatively , of course. He presented also numerous reasons for doing so. Ho cheese as his text , "There bo many thai say , who will show , us any good ? Lord , lift then up the light of thy countenance upon is. " Hu referred to the dissatisfaction nrovnlcnt with mankind dissatisfaction with the past and the present. This was well , within cer tain limits , for it led to thought , and thought caused action nnd progress. When the race stops thinking , it stagnates , and goes Mick- ward. If Christianity is from God it has nothing to conceal , nothing to fear. Is the dewdrop afraid of the bright ! The stronger the light the moro brilliant docs Its purity ro lled brilliancy. If not of G6d , Christianity , no matter how defended , must fall iuto de cay. cay.Tho church has always boon ruthlessly attacked - tacked by enemies , but their weapons have been broken , ono after another , and the church has prospered. One of the ablest writers , in a recent mag azine , admits that the church has bcun of use , but now because It teaches certain dog mas it has lost Its power , nnd that PO fur as benevolence Is concerned the work Is or may bo done by other organizations. 'Iho speaker then brielly pictured the progress - gross of the church. From a few hundred believers Its numbers had grown Into the many millions , unu every tribe and nation had its representatives in her ranks. The cross , mightier than the sword , had in SOU years taken posRcsslonof heathendom. What skeptical philosophy could not do , nnd what Judaism could not do , Christianity had ac complished. Men with no earthly power , persecuted , imprisoned , reproached , kept tolling the story of Christ. The temples became - came deserted , the Idols fell , and to-day there Is not a god worshipped that was wor shiped in the days of the philosophy nnd glory of Greece und Rome. No knee bows to Jupiter ; no temple la open to Venus ; no homigo Is pulu to Mars ; no shipwrecked gar ments arc hung up in the temple of Neptune. Paganism hat not. in uges * made a convert from Christianity. India has Its beautiful and even sublime teachings of Hrahtnanlsui , but what suffering , darkness und degradation. See the strange spectacle of two hundred millions being controlled by less than thirty millions of Englishmen I Why ! Howl Hccauso their system of 10- llglon falls to develop men , and because Christianity docs develop manhood , giving it strength und power. The speaker then noted the effect Chris tianity has hud In alleviating the wous of society. It found woman degraded to the level of n brute nnd raited her to the equal of man. Numerous citations from Plato und other heathen philosophers were glvon , showing how little they regarded woman ; also how heartlessly they viewed the poor mid distressed , lienuu , the "French nation al Ut , admitted freely tbnt Christianity had brought about these wonderful betterments of society. The criticism that the church was antago nistic to education was next refuted. Out of o0 ! collegiate institutions only sixty-four were undenominational , U13 being supported by churches. The churches hud given over 108,000,000 for educational Initiations. Hos- pltals und benevolent institutions wcro like wise founded nnd sustained. It U true tbo church Is not doing all the benevolent work. Other organizations are doing nobly , but they have their Inspiration lu the prluclples of. eunstlaulty. WUfct is the chureht fs It not simply Christianity or ganized for specific purposcil The vital principle exists In the Individual , nnd hull- vlduniS tf > DOSSCSsed may orgnnlro outsldo of the church , the ftr'hlo ' church , and carry on n good work , but at the root of it you Will find the vitalizing principles of Christianity. Is thotchrlsllnn church of nny usot To-day nmttl contempt pbo is still holding nloft the light of God. She is making the world wiser nnd belter. She is teaching the children to fear God , love their parents nnd grow up honest nnd true. She Is teaching ( no Igno- nornnt. saving the erring , comforting tbo mourning. Isthlsofusol Notice the beautiful finish civon col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Money loaned on furniture , plnnos , diamonds , horses , buggies or nnythlng of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; ( air nnd honorable dealing. A. A. Clnrl : A ; Co. , olllco cor. Broadway and Muin , over American express. Stimlny on U heclH. A Sundny of most delightful weather brought many Omaha visitors to the Bluffs. They came nfoot nnd on horseback , nnd in every kind of conveyance that could bo so- cured. The cast-bound motor trnlns during the early pnrt of the nftcrnoon literally swarmed with living humanity , and the con ductors found it one of the hardest days they havoyet experienced. The continual crowdIng - Ing through the cars to collect fares was very tiresome , nnd It wus n weary sot of men which stepped from their ears at n Into hour , heartily thankful that the day's work wns ovor. Hundreds of the visitors wcro those whoso longings for a Sunday "unifier" were In tense , and ns their desires could not bo grat ified on the west shore of flic Ulg Muddy , they sought the sylvan shades of prohibition lown to find the cup that cheers nnd brings blissful forgctfulness of the dry weather at home. By some strange Instinct they nil seemed to direct their stops to the beer gnr- den at the cast end of the cltv , nn-1 there during the entire day beer flowed in unlim ited quantities. Actuated solely by n feelIng - Ing of sympathy nnd regard for his follow men , the humanitarian und philan thropist who presides over tl.txt classic spot decided to open It to the public yesterday morning1 , and appearances dm ing the day nnd evening Indicated that the move was greatly appreciated by the suffering nnd thirsty ones who experienced relief nt his hands. Although the travel over the motor lluo wns so extensive , it did not seem to lessen the number of carriages crossing the bridge , as several hundred Imiulsomo turnouts passed over the structure during the day. During the nftcrnoon the streets nf this city were filled with them , and largo num bers of them were mot some distance from the city on the beautiful drives extending to the north , south nnd cast , Fulrinouut park had hundreds of visitors , in fact thk beau tiful resort , presented an almost summerliko appearance , with the countless groups stroll ing through its pretty glen § nnd the plrasuro seekers who diovo to the top of the bluff to tnko in themcomparublo view to the south nnd west. Although' there were so many on the streets no accidents were reported , nnd per fect order prevailed. Precautions hud been taken to do away with the reckless driving heretofore wit nessed on lower Broadway Sunday after noon , and A policeman was detailed to sco that the nuisance was abated. Owing to the immense amount of travel over this thor oughfare and Its crowded condition on Sun days , such n stop became necessary and it was appreciated by the pleasure p.uties whoso peace of mind hud previously been greatly disturbed , oven if their limbs were jeopardised by the ambitious owners of fast bags. On the whole , it was ns near a model Sun dny ns could bo hoped for. The sinners found little to yruwl about , and the smuts rejoiced over the largo congregations which assembled In the moining at nil the churches. Rooms to rent in .the Merriam block. S. B. Wadsworth & Co..2315 Main street. Sco the art loan to-day. Manonlc. Bluff City lodge , No. 71 , A. F. nnd A. M. , will hold a meeting to-night for work in the third degree. 'All Masons of good stuudlng arc invited. DASHING DAI-.Y OF FltlSCO. A Gilded Darling of the Golden Gate in Clover. Genial Max Popper x has received a letter from a friend in Berlin which conveys soigo intelligence of in terest to a good many people in San Francisco , ssiys the Examiner of that city. ' Most ueoplo in all grades of society either know or have heard of Daisy Newman , the beautiful domi-mondnino who two or three years ago cut some thing of a figure in San Francisco , and in her faoarch for dash and notoriety ox- pldrcd the resources of two continents. 'Mibs Daisyaccording to Mr. Popper's correspondent abroad , has established ' herself in.Germany as the wife 'of'a mostdistinguished Baron of the empire , a man of exalted rank , of stupendous wealth , nnd of check-by-jowl intimacy with the young emperor. Daisy has her carriages and horses , with postil lions and outriders. She loaded . with sealskins and sables , her fair form is bedecked with bla/ing diamonds , her carriage poses at the portals of nobility , nnd oven the youthful Wilholm doll's his hat to the brilliant young American baroness in n moro deferential way than ho docs even to his mamma or his grandma. Her now husband , who has invested the inir Californian with all this splen dor , Isold and weasony and shriveled , but he adores his treasure nnd swears by all the gnomes iti the Black Forest that the fair goddess from the Occident shall rank in the brilliance of ho surroundings - roundings with Cleopatra and the queen of Shobn. - Daisy Newman , or the now Berlin baroness , has a record fullof romance. It was some time in 1882 that Daisy came up from her humble homo in'May- field. Her parents were poor but reputable people. She tired of the humdrum life down there und resolved to broaden her sphere of action. She wns a good girl then , but quite con scious of her fatal gift of beauty , and , though but sixteen years old , had al ready resolved to coin thut gift Into wealth and influence. She wus not ambitious nt drat. She was even demure and retiring. She had a wealth of fair hair , a pair of ox-like eyes , but eyes which shone with u dan gerous light , and a form that rivalled Hobo's. The benevolent Captain Iltis- Icell , of the tugboat relief , into whoso family the embryo baroness first gained standing as a nursery maid , was so en tranced with the glory of Daley's eyes that ho secretly formed schemes to nd- vance her interests. The captain's wife admired his be nevolent spirit , anil with him thought it would bo a great thing to do some thing to elevate Daisy in the social scale , but , somehow , eho * concluded somebody else than the captain had bettor do it. At any rate , she found u now nursery maid. Daisy next became n milliner's clorlr. She found work for her glorious eyes and her dainty fingers iu the Market street emporium of Mrs. Clark. She wns there several months , when some dilllcuUy arose between herself und her employer. Miss Daisy had by this time begun to BOO a little bit of life. She had learned to know fruppo and oysters whim nho saw them , and hud n general idea nf what it la like to be out at - u , m. Thla Mrs. Clark did not scorn fo Hko. Th latter also discovered ITtfflP n good deal of her valuable rlbbop-nnd other mil liner's brlc-a-brno wavwysinp , and 8ho fflijt withering oyooii , tlfo trembling Daisy. J ' " Ono thing led to nnoihor until a sur- roptiliouffscarch was .Anddny mtulo of the tearful Daisy's trupko Lol thcro were ribbons galore nnd materials enough to slock nn oastQrn'tOnonlng ; nil of which Mrs. Clark recognized ns her property. A warrant wns issuednfiml the tearful Dnlny was arrested nhd' ' chnrcod. in Judge Sawyer's police , jcourt with lar- cony. She was at once admitted to ball and her trial postponed for a week to give the learned Counsellor Crlttondou Thornton , who was Miss Daisy's nttor- noy , an opportunity to prepare her de fense. * The cnso bothered Counsellor Thorn ton In no small degree. The proof was overwhelmingly against his beautiful jcllcnt. Ho was at his wits' ends. Then ho thought of Daisy's beautiful eyes , her pcnchliko cheeks , her ruby lips and n. great thought struck him. Ho would make a bold bluff us her counsel and also make Daisy's oycs toll on judge and prosecutors. Wiion the day for the trial cnmo Miss Daisy How into the court in the garb of a princess. Her tunned gloves reached to her shoulders. Her pink silk stock ings caused a thrill in the court .room. Shu had a Gainsborough hat that looked like an East India canopy. Kvon Judge Sawyer sat enraptured with such a vision of lovliiiu < H , and Iho court bailiffs were fairly stupolled with dofuronco and ' politeness' But ono man stood aghast nnd her rified. It wus Counsellor Thornton. Ilo muttered ono or two imprecations and then noi/.cd the vision of lovlincb ? by ono of her tsm-covcrcd arms and hissed , "You little fooll Got out of hero ! Go at once and put on an old black gown , some broken shoes , a chip hut ) and como back in ton inijiutes. How do you suppose 1 can get you out of atich u scrnpo in all this linoryV" Daisy lied at once niui in u little while returned , looking like a minister's wife's nursery maid. She was tearstained - stained and her face was coated with in nocence half an inch thick. And .she rolled her big black eyes about with appealing glances forri.vmpathy. "Now that is something like , * ' ex claimed her learned counsellor , and Daisy beamed upon him a mulling glnnco of gratitude. In the trial which followed , the evidence - donco was til ) against the beautiful cul prit. The property was found in her trunk ; it was identified by Mrs. Chirk ns hers , and things looked squally , in deed , for Daisy. Counsellor Thornton did not attempt to contradict the evidence. Ho .scarcely cross-examined the witnesses. He did , however , make an appeal of such power to the jury that men's eyes moistened , mid the baililTs turned uwuy to conceal their emotion. The fiuc.Daisy ] &at with sad and tearful face andibont her glow ing oycs upon each linn vnry juror. The prosecuting attorrioy nwthut his cnse was lost. His response lo Counsel lor Thornton's forensic ; and impassioned effort was but a , feeble pipe compared withabuglo blast. ' ' < Miss Daisy's oycs did'Hhd1 ' rest. The jury aequiUud her with'outjoaviiigtheir scats , and warmly congratulated Coun seller Thornton upon the magnificence of his eloquence , at Ihufguiho time ex- nresiing the keenest sympathy with the distress of his fair client. ' 'Now , you little devil , skip out of hero ! " said the couu&ellor Tis the court was being clearedj "uiut'dpii't you over get in"to biich a scrape again , for I can't ' s.ivo you. " tf And Daisy skipped. That ended her millinery career forever. As she loft the court room Daisy encountered a philanthropist in the person of Miss Mollie Woodward , who promptly offered her a homo , shelter , and n high old time , all ol which was promptly ac cepted. Daisy at once became the rage , and not many weeks elapsed before she was bla/.ing in jewelry and rolling in lux ury.For For two years or morn Daisy Newman led this life , and then she began to long for fresh conquests in new Holds. She was said to hnve married Billy Baor , the well-known grain speculator , but this was probably not true , though tie was known to have showered his thousands upon her. Then she took the Panama steamer for Now York under the pro- toclioii , it is said , of u panorama man with an odd name. In Now York , where the fame of Jier beauty had pre ceded her , she made numerous con quests among the gilded youth , and finally , with well lined pockets , she setout out for Europe. She was heardof once about a year ago in Paris , whore bho was cutting a "tremendous dash as a wealthy young "California widow , ' ' but rtfter- that nho was lost sight of until now she bobs up in Berlin as n baroness of genuine rank. Long live the festive Daisy I SPECIAL NOTICES. TT1Olf KENT or sale Tlio furniture o ( tfireo -U story nonao , city water , etc. , on Muuawu motor line. Three blocks from Uniaha motor nnd dummy trains. Kent of nousc , ifln. Inquire - quire of lr. lVf. . Houghton , nw Uroadiray , W'ANTED i > ady ns housekeeper In flrst class hotel. AddroaS OH Myimer st. , Council Mulls , la. MUST SKIJj Two lots In Backctt's addition * 1UO below the market prlco If taken at once TTAV Boarders wanted at 1035 Avoiuio A. IF you have property of any kind to sell or exchange - change ECU Johnston tt Vanl'atten. iin.Mnln. T71O11 HKNT-Onice No. - ' . ovnr linlrd's con- U lectionory Htoro , lately occupied byVm. . Ward , architect , llorucu lirurett. TTIOU SATiK On montiily payment1) , hou o 4 ? tmd lotlnVan Urunt & lllco'a addition , by .I.Y. 1'iiller.I ) 1'earl Htreat.i , - F'Olt ItliNr l'ossesilonulve.i April Int. the resldeiico now occupied bv Hoburt Cur- neuter , corner nth st. nmU'd nVb. . } per month , Horace HvnrHtr. _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ = FUHNlrtllKD "looms " for mitt second lloor. No. 1IT I'ourth streat. ii.,5 TTIOH HUNT Cheap , two liaud omo , now , six- -i. room rottauoa , north of triiisfor , Council Illuirs. Jiuiulro llland Klshtor , Mil live , and Kletst. , i i ' ' LADIES' , OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS AIIU J N VJ TBp 'm OA LL AT Mrs C/'LiBlLLftT'S , / ' ' ! AndKcoll'crftuo line of Hair Goods. V1NI5ST HAIll OltNAMUWlW intho city. AVIum , Ilearda , etc. , for Kent or Halo. Qluthand Coylo and Myers Orrabo 1'ulntx. llalr Dressing , Utc. No. 2 ! > Rlniii St , , Council It In lib. Orders by mull receive prompt attention. B Arrcbta illschnifes trom the urintry cr4 I e ua In elllii r eex ! .i 4H I iiry. r t It la superior to i opalua. cubcbs. ai llnjectlonH. nnd free lioia ull bad rr-Jl. | or oilier Inconveniences. SANTAL-MIDY I Caiu > iio. which Ini'.r Uio IIBII e lbleckletterrMitbcutvrUcll uouer i genuine Watch TheSlGNS &ihp-tT'MEs ' JlRi-Painted * \ byrK\ . . | \ ' E.B.GARDINEZR. We invite your potr-onage ; fig. MILLER . /VO. / BROADWA Y NaaTllfitU Pearl St. . \ ' MERCHANTS Who Will Save You Money IFYOU BUYof THEM. ADAMS CDO > O * CO..S SHOE House , 417 Hroiulway , LI % DQ Council Jllulis. THE BEST. , ,0 - w j Is Always sif-i f w CHEAPEST 14 As wo cnn provo by hundreds. Iti Lanzendorler & X 2-3 era Si g S | E > Stroiibelin , s § S No. 221 C/3 2p CO MAIM D- FDMRAL DIRECTORS. Tartlcular attention given to Embalming. \o. I'l \ . Eaiii SI. , Council Elluirs. Kurnltnro repairing neatly dono. Oflico calls attended promptly day and night. UJ - TftU MUST MEATS C. c = O C ' ! = AT THE Lowest Prices ! 3 - * Poultry of all kinth O. gS2 I _ itt &o o " "J " dressed to order. K S3 2 128 CO S E3 g S B oivic MK A or . . Mottaz o No. 114E. Hroadw'y GO TO THE LONDON - TAILOR , And get the best lining Suit ' yon cycr luul. No 637 BroadwayCouncil No. 27 Main Street , . Over Jacqiieinin's Jewelry Store Electric Trusses , Bolts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wanted. C. EC. .PU H > , Co un ell Jlluirn In , A. F. CLATTERBUCK , IU ) IXKOAOWAY , COUNCIL DIjUKI'V , ! IOWA. PRIVATE DETECTIVE. M WWWV i MMB * Private watchmen tuinlihcd at any and nl hpeclal attention given to collection of chat tel mortgages and notes. Sloncy to loan on Kood chattel security. Hcforenco Any bank , attorney , or bu lnesi man in tno city. What a SMrt LOOK AT IT. 1 f you had taken H to the City Steam laundry it wouldn't look so , Jl .Muin Struct. Telephone HI. O.H.McDANELO & CO , , HldnJdlN , Pelts , Wool & Furs , Highest maiket prices. Prompt relu niul S3 Muin Bt. . Council IJlutru. lo vr BEGINNING WITH A CUT ! AT WIICLRSAIC AM > \VC AUE OPENING THE SEASON'S TKADE WITH A OUT On our entire stuck. Call and sco or write us. COUNCIL. flll.Uyi'S CAKPET CO. STEAM HEATING -OF- PUBLIC & PRIVATE BUILDINGS -BY JOHN GILBERT , 518 Pearl St. TELEPHONE 224. Estimates Furnished Correspondence Solicited. On Application. 37,000 IN USE. o , , 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs. SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 HORSE PO\VER \ , AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications and estimated ( urnlahcd for complete uto.iin p'nntu , Ilpuulatlon. Durability Cluir antvud. Can thow loiters Irom users wlmro Kuel Kcoiiamy In IHJU il with Corllfw Non-Coiuloiwlui ; . E.G. HARRIS , Agent , " Send for Catalogue. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council BJuffa L GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 33O BE&OADWAY. TELEPHONE NO , 26O Tuos. Orriccit. w. II. M. l'usir , OFFICER & PUSH , BANKERS. Corner Main and Ilroadnay , CfUiMull. . 11LUKKS , Jd\VA. Ilealurs la foreign end domeutlo exchange. Collection ! ! uiado mid Interest paid oil tltiyiUe- poulU. EUROPE ! OUR CONDUCTED PARTIES INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUAL TICKETS IBM huumcr CiinliT , ICUK > . lurtlun M iu > jr. i4.tUr of Crullh 1-wuiwrU , Uulelo Ituckl , Ma | . , rulilu & < JM , Ilottl Cvi2 | oru > , ) .tc * tnilfureirtulnr , t j THOQ. COOK 6 SON. I Ucu'l Wtlt'u Agtucjr , St U , , CJ.rL HI. . CIIICAU * .