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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1889)
ML. MAN WITH IDE GRIP. Complaints of the Poor Accom modations of Iowa Railways. BEATRICE AS A DRUMMER'S HOMC AVnflClirlst n Coiunioruial Traveler A Trip to BijfTno | , Wjro. A. Profitable - able Field for Omntin'A Trade Samples. The commercial travelers of tills state Imvc shown tholr Appreciation of TIIK BUR'S ofTorts to afford tlioin every Mon- flny intclltgonco pccullnrly Interesting mitl iiiBtructlvo to the crrvft. They luivo contributed to our columns freely In the past , and durlnl Mnrch inoro communi cations Imvo been received for our com mercial trnvelors'dopartment tlmn ever before In a given time. There are , how ever , n variety of subjects which Imvo not been discussed by thorn in THE Bun , and there are hundreds whoso personal reminiscences on the rend wmild make intensely intorcstinp reading. To induce mombnrsof the craft to con tribute rcpulnrly to our columns , it Is proposed to offer athousand-mllo ticket , Rood on Nebraska lines , under certain conditions. The ticket will bo pur chased by TIIK BKK over the line chosen by the successful competitor , who must ' cither represent a Nebraska house or travel exclusively in this state for an outside firm. Ho must present n letter fiom his house certifying that ho is a regular traveling representative of such house. A. thousand-mile ticket will bo pre sented , under above conditions , to the commercial traveler who shall bo first to contribute , 0,000 words worthy of being printed In Tnw BKK. Ho can count only that which ap pears in print. Don't bo afraid that your communications will not bo ac ceptable. Wo want the groundwork of your ideas or anecdotes or biographies , personal gossip ( or anything that will interest the craft ) and wo will tone It up if necessary and put It in proper shape for the printer. The second best man will bo given a y one's subscription to the daily. Each competitor must clip all of hia communications as fust as they appear in Tins MONDAY BEK , for ward thorn to this olllco , and sign his full name and the house which ho. rep resents. _ "Was Christ n Commercial Traveler ? James Seymour , in the American Commercial Traveler bays : All theo logians tacitly admit that the where abouts of Christ from the ago of twelve until ho entered Upon the ministry , at the age of thirty , Is unknown. Recent researches among the sacred books of Htndostan show a great similarity be tween many of the phrases and parables jof Christ and those of Hindoo sages who lived centuries prior to the Christ ian ora. The inference is that our Lord traveled extensively in the re- ' 'glons of the far oast. It is presumed that , his prococlousnoss having excited the wrftth of the Jewish priesthood , it was found advisable to leave the coun try for a time , and that.ho joined ono of the numerous caravans trading between Ejrypt and the Indies. Rome , at that period the proud mistress of the world , had entered upon a period of costly splendor and of lavish display. The vrholo known world was ransacked to furnish luxuries to gratify the pampered taste of her extravagant , qmperors and proud patricians. In numerable caravans wore required t ( meet the demand , and there is not o shadow of a'doubt that the leading merchants of these days were the Jews and the Greeks , who were largely engaged < gaged in this traflic. The old Romans those stern masters of the world , con' ' eldorcd trade to bo infra dig. , and , with c . grim sarcasm us to the fitness of things constituted Mercury the god of merchants chants and thiovds. It is supposed , 01 the best of grounds , that Christ tool part in this business for eighteen voars and made frequent trips between Alex andria , where the goods brought by tin caravans were shipped to Rome and the Indies. It is but natural to Bupposi that ono of his extraordinary mental endowments dowmonts would bo an earnest studon of the theological literature of the east , to which ho could have hat abundant access. Edwin Arnold , in hi < "Light or Asia , " shows that portion ! of the Lord's prayer and the boat ! tltudes came verbatim from IIindo < teachers who lived prior to Christ. A recent publication also shows that then is much similarity in the lives of Chris him and Christ. Chrlshnu or Christni was born many years before Christ. H < , was ono of the trinity of the Hindoo : ocQupylng'thomor&contraLpart of India Ho cumo from Vishnubocamo incarnate was considered a savior of royal origin born lowly , saluted by divine songi from angels , surrounded by shophcods Nndn , the father , and Dov'a Mala , thi dlvino mother , were compelled to ( let by night Into a remote country for foai of a tyrant who had ordered all tin inalo children to be slain. Chrlshnu , b ; his wisdom at an early ago , astonishoi tito elders. Ho hud a forerunner in hi brother Rom. Ho is claimed to havi washed the foot 'of Brahmins , curci lepers , raised the dead , was crucified descended into hades , ascended int < heaven , sat beside Vishnu , the firs person of the Hindoo deity. The mori erudite Gorman theologians admit tin astonishing similarity in the Asiutt savior , Chrlshnu , and Christ. Thi eliuilarlty accounts in a grout moasun for the prevalence of Gorman ration aliein. No loss an authority than the Rev Dr. i'roudfoot , of London , EngluudwhG in early youth , was trained for mor cantllo pitrsuitd , has boon oitcd to nlio\ that Christ himself , all through Hi proverbs and other parts of the gospoh evinces a business training , and thn Ho must have boon familiar with th commercial methods in vogue in thos days , and much more so than if ho ha merely followed the carpenter's trad of his father. Dr. Proudfoot is also c the opinion that ho traveled in Indln and \Yiis engaged in commercial pur.iuit as an attncho of a caravan. Iowa Itnllwnyw. A very unanimous howl is being mad ovoy the Iowa railway accommodation or rather lack of accommodation. Tlv bunion of complaint is of an ovldon uiutualjundorstnnding oil the part of tin railways to annoy and tantalieo all low towns as far as possible and in this wa create a fooling which may result 1 forcing the people to lot the railway have tnulr own way. The following c > tract from u communication eignsd b R. H. Sonnet illustrates the torn per of the traveling nubile : "Tho Rock Island's latest tlmo card IB causlncr much comment on the part of the traveling public , and although the 'boys' very seldom indulgn In the use of cuss words , they are compelled to give vent to tholr pont-upfeelings when they strike any of the branch roads of that company , The service on these lines has been reduced to tli3 lowest notch , and has been done with the intention of causing such a vigorous howl , as to bring the notice of the Iowa commissioners to boar on the situation , and wlilch , according to the theory of llio Rock Island officials , will bo Instrumental in showing the commissioners they have goao a llttlo too far. Not Only have they reduced the train service to ono train per day , but tlioy have apparently nn employe who is an export in "getting up" tlmo cards and for this special occasion his duty con sisted in running the branch train so ns to make no connections with trains oil main lines and ho tilled the bill to the letter. Leaving Council Bluffs for Car son It used to consume throe hours , now it is twenty-three , or else causing a twonty-mllo drive from Avoca. in order to roach the town the same day. Nor 's this all , for immediately on nrrlvalat Larson the train departs on its return trip causing another twenty mile drive or else a delay of twenty-four hours. On the return of train to Avoca , it lies in Idleness several hours when It micrht justns well Icavo Carson a few hours ator and give "dor drummer" a show to do up the town. This is but a sample of many like cases and livery men nro already putting on hack lines to compote pete for passenger traffic and where any competing line reaches points located on the Rock Island the freight will be given to them. In the same vain writes the manager of the Council Bluffs bureau of TUB BEI : . * * "In fact the policy seems to bo to punish Iowa as fur as possible. They ( the railways ) are continually Improv ing through traflic facilities but lesson ing local accommodations. Wo notice it particularly in the distribution of papers. To-day I discontinue old sub scribers at Hancock because of change of timo. Our Harlan customers have ordered tholr papers sent to Avoca and from Avoca v o run by hack or stage to Harlan. Thcso nro but instances. It seems to bo u quiet but persistent move on the part of the railways. They ro- fiiso to make any improvements in depots - pots , etc. , 'Because their business is not so profitable in Iowa ns it should bo,1 etc. Of course if it effects .tho proper distribution of papers , it must effect the general distribution of goods , and transaction of business generally , hurt ing the trade of Omaha and of Council Bluffs by impairing facilities. Instead of trying to make connections at junc tions , it seems as if they made the time tables as inconvenient as possible. " A Trip to Buffalo , Wyo. LUSK , Wyo. , March 22. To the Editor of the Commercial Department : There is probably no journey more novel or interesting to a traveling man than a trip of 150 or 1GO miles from a railroad like the ride between Douglas and Buf falo. I had just time to complete some business at Douglas and throw my grips aboard the stage when the driver's long lash announced that wo had started. I had for a traveling companion a tim- boragentfroinChoyenuo , who remarked at the start that the outfit was not very well equipped. Wo set to .work to make the boot of the situation by taking out the seats , placing them in the bottom ol the coach , and covering ourselves at best wo coultt with a robe , which musl have seen twenty years of service. We had loft Douglas ut 6:80 : p. in. , and aftci about four hours' ride wo arrived at Dry Cheyenne , where Captain Kidd met and wooed Ills first love. Wo traveled along at the rate of seven miles an hour , the coach sidings tempering our heads , until wo reached Antelope Springsi Here'the driver called breakfast , and wo dismounted and partook of a square meal. The horses were changed and I mounted the box with the driver. Aftoi wo had progressed about twelve miles several antelope rqso and trotted to a neighboring hill , scaring1 by the waj innumcrablo sago hens , where they stood motionless watching the caravan roll by. In duo time wo passed Seven- toon-Milo ranch , Powder River and Crazy Woman , and arrived in Buffalc at 12:80 : a. m. , being on the road onu day and nearly two nights. Ncaring our destination , we were surprised tc see the town illuminated by electric light. Wo pulled Up in the center ol Buffalo , and were soon greeted by the genial clerk of the Occidental hotel "Harry , " who assigned us comfortable quarters. The next day I visited the business houses , and was pleaded to see the trudo brands'of Messrs. Kirkcndnll , Jones & Co. , Vogel & Donning , W. L , Parotto & Co. , McCord , Urady & . Co. , Poycko Bros , and Paxton & Gallaghoi in the loading stores. Mr. Footo , one of the plouoors , kindly drove mo around town and over to Fort McKinney , about two miles distant. On this round ono could not keep from ndmirlnc the picturcsquoness of the plubo , and the beauty of the houses and public buildings Is far ahead of those usually found in a western town of 1,000 inhabit ants. Horseback riding Is very populai hero , and almost every morning you cat ! ECO a troop of from fifteen to twenty ladles , gentlemen and children , taking of fifteen miles or so across coun try. For miles around Buffalo the soil is underlaid with coal and largo irrigat ing ditches make it easy to raise bottoi wheat , barley and oats than wo can show in Nebraska. I next visited Big Horn at the base of the Big Horn range ( u spur of the Rockies ) and found a ver. ) pretty basin and at its head a wol stocked storo. And I might mention that there ilro splendid oil Indication ! In this vicinity. Sheridan , a towa of about COO inhabit ants , was my next st'op. This place holds a splendid agricultural trade Mr. Lonverton , ono of the leading merchants , showed mo through u vorj busy Hour mill and a brewery with i monthly capacity of 200 barrels. Tin beer finds ready sale in homo markut : and in some towns on the Norlhori Pacific. In addition there in a fine hull with u library attached , in which hoard a very ontortaing lecture by Mr ColToou.of Sheridan , on the Egyptiai pyramids. The bulk of the tradn in this part o the country has been going to St. Paul but there is no reason why Oman should not control it , and a railway con nectlou would make It n sure thing. JUo.ttr.'co n Duxlrnhle Home. An enthusiastic friend of the city o Ber.trico + writes of his town as a dcsira bio homo for commercial travelers a follows : Beatrice is situated in the center c Gngo county and Is In gvcry respect lively wobtoni town. It has a papula tiou of 10,000 , consisting of an orderly and troll regulated class , Its locatio upon tha.Big Bluu river affords nbund ant water power. It Is lighted by olei trjplty and gas , has street caru , u fin By stem of water works and so wen and U partially paved. Contracts for several miles of paving have boon lot this spring. To married men it offers superior inducements in the way of scnqols , both public and private , they being - ing inferior to none in the stato. A dozen or moro church edifices represent all the different denominations while all the fraternal orders have flourishing lodges. Add to these advantages the finest climate in the world , good wntor and the best of railway facilities , the miiin line of the Rock Island running east and west through the northern portion of Kansas and southern No- nr.iska ; the Union Pacific , north and south ; several branches of the Burling ton bystcm , forming atnotwirkof railing reaching all parts of the South Platte country and extending into the north west. Its superior railway facilities make it a desirable Sunday town , and , lying us it does in the heart of the finest agricultural country in the world , sur rounded by many thriving sister towns , it cannot fail to attract the eye of the commercial man seeking a homo near his work and at all times easy of access. Another point In favor of Beatrice ns u homo for the drummer is the low costof living. Rents arc reasonable arid to these desiring to purchase homos for themselves the moat- liberal Induce ments nro offered. The hotel accom- notations are good , and will soon bo materially Improved In the opunintr of ; ho Paddodk. There nro at present 'orty ' traveling men who make Beatrice : heir homo , and it is with a view of in ducing others to consider the ndvnn- lagcs of the town that the board of rude has passed resolutions inviting hem to locate. The following is the 1st of the traveling men now living in , ho city : C. E. Danforth. with Rector , VVilhofmy & Co. , Omaha ; F..D. Merrill , with McClurg * Cracker company , Omaha ; R. F. Bacon , with McCord , Brady & Co. , Omaha ; P. W. Fconoy , with Joseph Garnoau Cracker company , Omaha ; W. C. Brooks , with M. E. Smith & Co. , Omaha : Eugene Bitts , ivith Williams , Van Aornnn & Hart , Omaha ; E. J. Egleston , with Lash Bros. & Co. , Lincoln ; S. S. Sims , with Jones , Duylus & Co. , Lincoln ; J. A. Traphugon , with Riley Bros. Cracker company , St. Joseph , Mo. ; J. W. Rood , with Nave , MrCord Mercantile com pany , St. Joseph , Mo. ; J. W. Sche- necker , with McCord-Colllns Grocery : ompany..St. Joseph , Mo. ; L. W. VVillos , with Schultze-Hossu Hard- ivaro companv , St. Joseph , Mo. ; S. E. Gray , with Hadcn & Guardiuor , Boston ; J. M. Burkloy , with Weir & Jones , boots and shoes , Kansas City ; J. N. Price , /rith Coral Cracitor com pany. Kansas City ; Ben Manger , whole sale liquors , Beatrice ; A. T. Lewis , wholns'ilo cigars , Beatrice ; A. B. Cullen - len , wholesale cigars , Beatrice ; Harry Phillips , traveling agent B. & M. rail road , Beatrice ; John Dwior , commer cial agent B. & M. railroad , Beatrice ; Charles Fosloman , with Ynnnntt Lvnd hcmical company , Beatrice ; Will Womnor , with Dempster Wind Mill Manufacturing company , Beatrice ; Will Miller , with Dempator Wind Mill Manufacturing company , Beatrice ; F. H. Myers , with Burnham , TroVott < fc Mattes , Beatrice : A. C. C'olton , with Acorn Steve Manufacturing company , Boston ; J. H ? Kiutz , with Pnxton & Gal lagher , Omaha : E. A. Ormsbeo , travel ing auditor Wells Fargo express com- nny ; A. J. Davis , traveling agent lome Life Insurance company , Now York ; W. P. Sowdors , traveling agent Home Life Insurance company , Boston ; C. E. Smith-with August Bopk , Chicago cage ; Richard Smith , wholesale jew elry , Chicago ; H. M. Chase , Avery Corn Planter Manufacturing company , Galesburg , 111. ; T. O. Wnynant , Van- NattLynd Drug Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. ; C. E. Shaw , Horton , Oilman & McWill- iams , Chicago ; A. J. Coulee , Johnson Implimont , Madison , Wis. ; B. D. Hitt , R. L. McDonald , St. Joseph , Mo. ; W. P. Briggs.Grand Detour Plow works , Dixou , III. ; Jqhn Forbs , Bridge Bench Manufacturing company , St. Louis ; John J. Banudyo Excelsior Manufac turing company , St. Louis ; C. Baxloy , Alden Fruit Vinegar , St. Louis. A TrnvoHiijjmtin'B Protest. EUSTIS , Nob. , March 24. To the Ed itor of THE BEE : Wo would like to call your attention to the injustice done to commercial travelers by the Hol- drego & Cheyenne branch of the B. & M. railroad through the bullheaded- ncss of the assistant superintendent at Holyoke , Colo. The freight trains ( local ) run ovory'othcr day , and if you got In u small town you have to remain all day , or if you nro In Ouster or Wai- luce you will have to drive thirty-fivo miles to the nearest town if going east. The superintendent will not grant any 'permits ' on their fast freight , while the Union Pacific will give permits at nearly nil points along their lino. Rail roads should consider that the com mercial traveler is literally an advance agent , for ho takes orders when ho is allowed to travel , by which the railroad gets the benefit of the freight which pays the dividends. It does not cost the railroad an/thing in time , but by the traveler mak ing time adds to the number of towns ho can make and the amount of freight carried along the lino. I am satisfied that if the general superin tendent know how some of the puffed up assistant superintendents on the B. & M. are treating the commercial travelers , they would call a halt , for lots of freight is going over other roads to competing points , such as Kearney , Hastings and the Loup country. J. H. y Samples. Roy S. Tuttle , formerly of the heavy hardware firm of Elam & Tuttle , of Kansas City , lias taken the road for tha Baum Iron company , of this city , and will muko the Elkhorn and Black Hills country , E. E. Edwards , for the same firm , having boon transferred to Iowa. E. A. Dukes "Sundays" atMcCook.L. D. Girnrd nt Lincoln. In last Monday's Issue W. S. Hol- phroy was accused of traveling for Poycko Bros. , or Poycko Bros , were ao- cubed of employing W. S. Holphroy , or both. It was a mistake and apologies are hereby tendered to Mr. Holphroy or to the firm , or to both , and Mr. Hol phroy will bo consldoroA on the road for the A. Booth Packing company , ol Chicago , Baltimore and Omaha. Ho was in the floral line last weoic , liow- ovor. * "Thoroisoneclassof mon , " remarked a traveler , "which is a terror to n drum mer. It is that class which can always buy goods cheaper than the house you represent has bought them. I said they are a terror , but it is only for u time , that they arc go. The boys learn how to work them. A case in point Is fur nished from the llttlo town of A , on the Elkhorn. The buyer for a certain firm there , is a fresh young Gorman who is ono of your 'know alls. ' Re cently ho asked of a traveler the price o dried Lima beans ; 8lo was given as the price. According to his usual custom John smiled a supercilious grin and said : 'Pshaw , I can buy all I want foi 80. ' 'All right , sir ; how many ut Bo't "Oh , well , ' said John , 'I guess nbou live barrels.1 When John found ou that tunro were some things ho did no know , ns beans can bo bought for 5o , ho is uuid to have pone Into the collar ant kicked himself. U is to bo hoped I will aura him of lib ewoll-lieadcdness. ' ElECTIOMRE ONLY A FORM In the Sunny South They Simply * O6unt 'Em In. i CALL THEMSELVES REPUBLICANS Tlio Silk fHooklng Gentry Wlio Arc Atralii to Avow Their Ilonl Son > tlmcntrt The iVloo of Social Itecogitltlon. Southern Political Methods. MEMPHIS , Tonn. , March 19. [ Spe cial Correspondence of TltK BBK. ] Politicians in your section of the coun try have llttlo conception of the condi tion of affairs down hero. In this land of i/erpotunl eunshino mid ever green magnolias partisan feeling is continunlly at favor hotit. Elections may come and go , but strife goes on forovor. There 1& no let Up. In Ne braska when a man pets his congo nt the polls , ho subsides into a condition of innocuous dusuotudo , but in the sunny south when ho is counted out n contested election is sot on foot and bad blood is stirred up , rivalling in inten sity the bitterness of the first olTort. The renders of THE Bun cannot ap preciate the ragged condition of poli tics in ttio eoutli. Democracy is the same old-tlmo faith that you have up in the northwest ; dyed-in-the-wool and n yard wide. Jus the sort of thing that braces up a good republican when ho meets it fairly nnd squarely in Ills front. Southern democracy neither gives nor asks quarter. All the resources of clvili/ation ( V ) are brought to bear in its fuvor. Ballot-box stalling , intimida tion , the whisky support , bribery nnd corruption nro the overy-day instru ments imported into an election nnd employed to secure the triumph of the worshippers in a depraved school of political faith. It is humiliating to say it , but it must bo confessed should the resources before mentioned fail , then the bullet of the assassin is brought into piny. piny.This is no exaggeration. Colonel John M.Clayton was murdered at Plum- morville , Arlc. , not many weeks ago. It is admitted that his only ollonso was that' ho had the democrats of that dis trict ( the Second congressional ) by the "short hnir. " A ballot-box had been stolon. This box was known to contain ballots that practically gave Colonel Clayton his scat. It had been under stood that Clayton should not go to con gress , so the box was stolen. Colonel Clayton got on the track of the thief , nnd was about to capture him , when ho was sh'ot dead. Of course the murder1 mlido a great commotion. Public sentiment ran high. A move ment has ibeon set' on foot to erect a monument/to the , deceased. The grand juryoE Conwny county were solemnly in structed by Judge Cunningham to lind out the murderer and bring him to justice. All this and much more was done. But.the murderer has not been discovered , and never will bo. Colonel Clayton was done to death by the democracy , and ) they cannot afford to give up tlio dssnssin to justice. Joe Mackinthp democratic ballot box stutter of Cook comity , Illinois , was offered up some years ago upon the altar of out raged justice , and noyor "squealed. " Joe is now iii Jpliot , livjng in clover ; oxporiencinfr.pono of the Hardships oj a convict's llfo , but surrounded by many of the luxuries incidental to a life of ease and retirement. Cook county democrats know their man and wore not afraid to trust him. Arkansas democracy know their man and were afraid to face the musio. so they or dered that Clayton bo done away \yith. So much for democracy. Republican ism in the south is n funny thing. First of all wo have the1 rank and file mainly composed of the col ored people ; a fine , stalwart body of fellows , republican to the backbone ; intelligent and thrifty and men such as it is a pleasure to moot. All vote the straight ticket , when thov nro allowed to. The black man votes the republican ticket because ho feels that it is his duty to do so , and ho would as soon have thought of committing suicide in the last election as neglect to deposit his ballot for "Mar's Harrison. " In a man ner that I will explain in a future com munication , the bulk of the colored vote is not permitted to be cast , and such votes that are deposited are never counted. Said a line , bright , colored man to mo yesterday : "I've ' voted in Shelby county for moro than eight yours. Twice I have boon judge of election. In each case I raard my L'allot so that I alone could bo able to identify it. I assisted at the counting of the box I deposited my paper in , but it wasn't thorol Oh , no sir ; I was counted out. " And so it goes along all the time. Then wo had the white republican rank and llio ; a very small body , numerically speaking , containing n few good , solid , hard working members of thp party , but in the main made up of politicians for what "there is in it. " Ttteso are the men who arrange ward meetings and map out the local campaign. They settle nil questions , pack the caucuses nnd sell to the high est bidder the nominations. . Then comes last , but not least , the kid glove , silk stocking republican ; a rost-and-bo- thankf ul sort of an animal , who never turns a huna for the party in its fights , but who stretches out its hands for "pio" when the dinner boll rings. In this clique must bo included the repub lican merchant , who would like to openly avow his sympathy with the party , but is afraid. Why ? First , because - cause republicanism isn't fashionable down hero. Secondly , because an open avowal of such radical sentiments car ries with itj social oatracisinandthlrdly , by reason 9f tlio damage that would re sult to thqlr , Business prospects. The social ostracism is n powerful lover hero. I myself haviexperienced its olTccts. Introduced toBomo exceedingly pload- nnt people jand invited to visit ut their houses , I was ' 'cut" as soon ad it was found out that / didn't mind shaking hands with ' a colored brother. I at tended a fqwqvonings ago n reception and dance glvpn by a very select coterie of tiio colqfqi } , community. That set tled it. I Iwyq boon socially excom municated , "and , yet I survive and the government , ui "Washington still ex ists. . To show i you the delightful condition ot affairs inside the republican ranks , lot mo mention tlio Eaton-Pholan contest case now ponding. Phelnn , a democrat , claims to bo duly elected as congress man from this district. It is admitted that on n fair count the district has ! ! ,50 ( ) republican majority , yet Eaton was snowed under by over 8,000. And now comes Congressman-elect Pholan and to support Ills side of the question produced the lending spirits of the kid- glove section of republicanism , such us R. 0. Graves , Judge Latham , J. Robin son and many others , who testify that they did not vote for Eaton because they didn't like him personalty. You see where the trouble comes in. The "loading" republicans hero are repub lican only as far as uolf is concerned , Euton may not bo very popular ; indeed BOYS' DEPARTMENT , You will be surprised at the enormoua stock o Boys' and Children's Clothing we are displaying this season. Although wo now have twice the room than formerly fet the ' in daily make this department crowded , Boys' Clothing , yet the new goods pouring At the price we mark them we think wo will double last season's busino s. No goods ill our establishment are marked as close and with as small a margin as Boy's Clothing , fet wo cater to the trade of the masses the poor as well as the rich. The following are a few specimen values wo are offering this week : 200 strictly All "Wool Cassimoro Short Pants Suits , sizes from 4 to 18 , at $2.40. Wo have two shades , a dark and a lighter one , either of thorn very neat Wo recommend the material as strung and durable , being every fibre wool and the suits are well madejtiio , ly pleated and tastily gotten up. They are beyond a doubt the cheapest all-wool suit eVer shown. v 300 All Wool Scotch Cheviot Short Pants Suits , in several different shades ; at AGO. These are the handsomest suits over shown for the money. They are elegantly made and the same goods could not be purchased anywhere else for less than $ G. 175 All Wool Cheviot Long Pants Suits , si'.es 13 to 18 , at $3.90 ; the regular value at this suit is $6. An immense line of now spring suits in light and dark colors , for which we will name lower prices than ever hoard of before at the beginning of a season. You have no idea what money we can save you. * Not the least risk is taken in dealing with us. If you have the slightest objection to the fit , quality or price after you have the goods at homo you can return them and wo will refund you the money. In our Hat Department we have just opened and will place on sale to-morrow another Fur the latest spring shapes. Th6so shipment of our now justly celebrated 95o Derbys , who have tried one of these hats wear no other now ; they find them as good as any hat they this the only bargain will find in our hat depart i have been paying $2.50 for. Nor is you ment. Hundreds of styles of soft ancl.stiff hats are offered at about half the price you have to pay in other houses. Every department in our store is full of now goods. BOIL OB.BEB.S PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. it is an open secret that ho was not the best man by any means to select. But he is loyal to the core , has been a con sistent republican for twenty years , and bore his share and moro than his share of the campaign expenditure. The chances nro Pholan will got his gout. If he does it will bo owing to the treachery of spurious republicans. In my next communication I will treat of our electoral methods. The Result of Merit. When anythluR stands a test of fifty years nmoiiK n discriniinnttng people , it is pretty good evidence Unit there Is merit some where. Few , if any , medicines have mot with such conttuucil success and popularity as has marked the proeress of BnvxnnnTii's PJLI.S , which , after a trim of over fifty years , are conceded to bo the safest and most effectual blood nurllier , tonic and alterative over introduced to the publio. That this is the result of merit , ana that BIUNDRETII'S PILLS perform all that is claimed for them , is conclusively proved by the fact that these who regard them with the greatest favor are these who liavo used them the longest. Two pill StnRors. If anybody knows anything about hotel management traveling mon ought to , so whim two old stagers like Johnnie Grans and .Charlie Whitney , who have carried grips and sample cases over Ne braska for the last ton years , turn their energies and accomplishments to the managing of a hotel , they can bring to the business an experience which only the man who has been there gets. Grans & Whitney is the firm name which now appears on the stationery of the Com mercial hotel at Hastings , and is at tracting thither a host of nominal friends of the proprietors. The only complexion powder in the world that is without vulgarity , without injury to the user , and without doubt a boautiflor , is Pozzoni's. ' Nottm From Gnthenlmrff. GoTHBXnuno , Nob. , March 34. [ Corres pondence of THE BEE. ] Quito a largo amount of wheat has been sown and farmers say tbo ground IB in as flno a condition as over known a ( thli season of the year. Land seekers and immicrauts are coming iu almost dally , and express themselves greatly pleased with this place and country , and quite n number of them are investing In land. The mill company has about completed arrange to reorganize , and oxpoots soon to erect a now mill on the ruins of the o d ono. The fcills from North Platte and Loxluijton have each established an exchange depot hero , and arc doing a thriving business. The canal company intends mnldng a now survey golnc about threo'mlles farther up the river to the mouth of a creek which will glvo them nn abundance of water nil the year. Gothen burg is having a young boomlot which it is expected will soon develop into niammouth. proportions. Woodruff Grumto Qanrry. I am prepared to furnish Woodruff granite in paving blocks , door sills and stops , or blocks of most any dimensions at cheap figures. Also handle at my Lincoln yard all classes of cut stone for any part of the state. Ask for figures. Thomas Price , Lincoln , Nob. Notes From Ijyons. LYONS , Neb. , March 19. [ Con ospondenco of Tns BEE. 1 Lyons is a beautiful town of about seven hundred inhabitants , situated about midway between Omaha and Si&ur City , on the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway. As a business and ship ping point it is not surpossed by any town on the rend , according to population. A bet tor farming country can not bo found than lays around Lyons. Business is not over done , as a rule , and tor that reason every body prospers. The board of trustees at their lost moot ing adopted a resolution to extend the cor porate limits , which will talco In nuitoa num ber of people , who heretofore have been loft out in the cold. The appointment of Mr. W. D. Smith us postmaster at this place gives general satis faction , and Congressman Dorsoy receives innny congratulations for his promptness in citbsing the appointment to be made. Mr. Smith is the Junior editor of the Mirror the loading , and really , the only outspoken , straight republican paper In the county , and for the post few years he has taken a very active part in political affairs , devoting much of his attention to interests of the republican party. The appointment could not have boon given to ono moro deserving beth on account ot his eminent fitness for the place and as a reward for his political labors. Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Fnrnamsl. . telephone 1201 , blank book makers , etc , m * Champion's 1'rospccta. CHAMPION , Neb. , March 24. [ Special to Tun BEE. I Articles of incorporation ol the Champion Sugar Refinery company will bo filed with the secretary of state in the next few days. The citizens of Champion nro ju bilant over the bright prospects or this be coming ono of the loading milling and manu facturing cities of the west. The water power Is simply immense and every induce ment Is being offered for the planting of now Industries hero. MUSTANG MEXICAN LINIMENT * and dbeeo umbaR0' rendon . Thus the ' RMustang" , conquers pain. Makes MAN or BEAST well again ! EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Work for Young and Middle * ' Aged Men. mm THYSELF , .Young and mlddle-agpdjnon wlio ore * \ifforing from tliolHdlicrptmnsor yuulli , HxlmuUwl Vitality. Nerv ous nnd 1'tiyslcal Debility , 1'reinaturo Uocllne , 4o. , and llio thousand untold lumorloa consequent III ere- on. anrt : ull who are nick and nulTorlnK. and do not know wlult nils tliom. cun bo cured without fall by folldtrltiKUia instruction ! In tliu Science ot Ufe of belf I'ruxorvntlon. i-rlce only II. by mall , post-paid , joulod. U Is n book for every mtin. ftx ) pages , f ullKlIt , 13. ) prescriptions for all acute anil cbronlo dlSRUOS. tully Indorncd by the National Medical Association , who awarded the eold and jenvlod uitMal to lh author. Illustrative sninolc , with Indorsement" or the pross. free If you nDiy | | now. Addrnss the Pea. body Medical Institute , or Dr. W. H. 1'A RKKK , No. t UulMncU * tllonon Mass. . who may tie consuitod confldenllnlly on all diseases Health is Wealth ! Dit.K. C. WEST'S NEIIVE Ann UKAIN TUBAT- MKNT.agimrunteOd specific for Hysteria , Blzzl- ness. Convulsions , Pits. Nervous Neuralgia. Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by th use ot alcohol or tobacco , Wakoftiluess , Mental Uoprasslon , Bofconlngot ttio Drain , resulting lu Insanity and loaclluiUo misery , decuyaud death. 1'ioinaturo Old Ago , llarronneaa , Loss ot 1'owor in either BOX , Involuntary Losso-i nnd Sporraat- orhccucnuHoil by over-exertion of the bralu.solf- abuse or overindulgence. Kach box contains ono month's treatment. $1.00 a box , 01 six boxes for Jii.OO.sont by mall prepaid on receipt of prlc * . WE GUARANTEE BIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes , accompanied with M.03. wo will Bend the purchaser our written guarantee to ru- fund the money it ttio treatment does not effect a euro. Guarantees Issued only by Oaodman Drug Co. , Druggists , Solo Adonis , 1110 i'arn&m street , Omaha. Nob. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital . 8400,00(1 ( Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 . 62,000 OITJOKU3 AND HI It KOTO 113 i IIKKHY W. YATHS , President. LUWIH U. ItlCHD. Vico-l'rcslrtent. A. 1 . TOUSSAIitrt , W. V. MOHSK , JOHN 8. n. ac , J.N.U. PATRICK. W.H.B. uuaiuw. c whicr. THE IRON BANK. Comer 12th and Farnnm St * . A General Hankluir Huulnoss Trasacto.4 SHROEDER & BEAM , f GRAIN , evsons Basement First National Bank , 305 SoulU CUIIi Struct , - Ouiulm