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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : * EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , MARCH 25 , 1889. NUMBEK 283 TAMER'S ' PENSION POLICY ; Ho BollovoB In Provldlnff for Every Union Boldlor. WHY THE LIST WAS SUPPRESSED. Afraid of tlio Scrutinizing Ey oof the Public The Inadequacy of the AVIilto IIoitBo Accom modations. WisniKOTOM BonnAu Tnn OMAHA. EBB , ) B18 FOUUTnBSTII STIlEfiT , > WASIHKOTOK , D. O. , March 21. J "I bollovo In giving every union soldier 'his widow or orphan , who Is In need , a pen sion , and in giving it to him or her as quickly as possible , " said Corporal Tanner , the now commissioner of pensions , in discussing , last evening , the policy ho will pursue when ho fills General Black's chair. Tanner's ap pointment is generally regarded as the be ginning of a now pension era. It may , and likely will , result In universal pensions , as the simplest and cheapest way out of it. In fact n universal pension bill will bo early in troduced in the Fifty.flrst congress , und un less It should , bo deemed inexpedient , and killed by caucus , it' will become a" law. Cor poral Tanner has long been regarded as a pension libcralUt of the most pronounced typo. During the recent campaign ho stumped Indiana with General Alvin P. Hovoy , who was elected governor of that state , and who is a strong advocate of pen sions for all who served honorably and faith fully for the union during the late war. Tanner declared in almost every speech ho made that if ho had the power tncre novel- would bo the necessity afforded for an ox- union soldier or sailor or tils widow or or phans to accept public or private charity. Ho would make them all independent out of the public treasury. No one know bettor than General Harrison these statements and and these promises , and the appointment of Tanner to a position where the laws already on the statute books can bo construed to un limited universal pensions , is taken as a direct indorsement of the sentiment. THE BUITIICSSED PENSION LIST. For three months the Issuance of pensions at the pension bureau has been almost suspended. Klght or ten weeks since the commissioner directed tbat the daily list of pensions allowed bo suspended as the allow ances were BO few that ho did not want com parisons made with the present work of the bureau and that of six , eight and ten months ace , when the soldier vote was being bid for. That Is why the press of the country does not publish the names of the pensioners. No one has been able during the past six weeks to ascertain who liad been allowed pensions. Commissioner Tanner Intends , as soon as ho can get machinery . in operation under the now regime , to begin anew the Issuance for the press of the list of pensions allowed , and those who are eagerly watching for their pittance may know in advance of the usual -channel when success has crowned them. Representative Chcadlo , of Indiana , who knows Corporal Tanner intimately , said of him to-day : ' "Ho will civo a pension to every one who needs it and is entitled to it , providing congress will give him the money. Ho already has great latitude , and can allow now pensions and increases with almost un limited liberality. Tanner Is extremely par tisan , but ho will bo fair with all who fought for the union Hag , no matter which side they inay vote on now. Ho hates the democrats , ho says , because the democrats shot his legs off , but ho moans when ho says this that ho hates those who were democrats during the war. .Ho loves a union soldier oven though ho bo n bitter democrat now. His 'appeals to the patriotism of soldiers duringthe campaign were eloquent , stirring and effective. Ho is , to my mind , the most liberal of all the com missioners of "pensions wo have over had , and the effects of his work will bo very soon felt. IDE WHITE ROUSE. Mrs. Hurrison's present illness has called attention to the unhcalthfulncss and inade quacy of the white house , and has aroused public sentiment hero in favor of a new ex ecutive mansion. The white house has mis erable plumbing , and the sewer gases can bo tasted on a foggy day in any part of the building. Then the house- too small. There are but live bed rooms inn it , and when the president and his wife have a few relatives visiting them , as at present , they are crowded. There Is sufllcient parlor room , probably , but this must bo given to the pub lic and could not ho utilized by a domestic family , as it Is alone , the ground floor being cut of ! from the other part of the building. Three or four timcs' durlng the past decade the senate has adopted bills making appro priations for the construction or a family rcsldnnco for the president. The sum named for tbo building and its furnishing have varied from u quarter to three-quarters of n 'million dollars. One or two of the bills have provided for the purchase of grounds In the suburbs , tbo hills on the northern boun dary being in mind , while the others have contomolatcd the construction of a building on the park square immediately north of and across Pennsylvania avenue from the white house. The venerable Sena tor Merrill , of Vermont , has two or three times Advocated the construction of a family residence for the president , presenting plans for it and speaking in its behalf , and be will probably renew his efforts at the approaching - ing session of congress. Every day the necessity of svch a provision is more and moro scon , not altogether on account of the crumped condition of the family of the presi dent in its prescntquartcrs and the unhealthy condition of the old building , but on account of the necessity for more room in which to transact the puollo business. There has bpcn a complete rearrangement of the rooms for the clerks at the white- house so as to utilize the room to tho'best possible advant age , and yet all are crowded. Two clerks have been put out In the telegraph ofllco , whllp another one is at work In one of the outer waiting rooms. There Is no privacy for the president , his private secretary or any one. The tipaco on the ' second floor It .occupied , every Inch of it. 'Now that there is a surplus , a necessity and a republican majority , it Is proposed to lm < o action for the building of a private residence fur the execu tive family. Mrs. Cleveland's old loom in the executive mansion has been turned Into a nursery. Hector and the corpulent Angora 'and Mal tese cats have been retired for the grand children of the president and Mrd. Harrison. On a rainy afternoon lute , just before he toes into dinner , the president is fond ol being "turned loose" with the children in tin nursery , and the wheels of cajts , the rattle of marbles and ttio laughter of babies re sound whore the bark of canines and cries of felines have bocu want to resound. Bubj McKee often slips out of his mania's room HI the close of n cabinet conference In the alter noon and visits the nutlon'B counsellors. He U known to them all , und never takes ad vantage of his privileges by making himsel too plentiful. MllS. IHlltllBOX Itr.COVEIIINO , Mrs. Harrison expects to bo out again before - fore the end of the week. She has rapldlj recovered from her Illness during the pas twenty-four hours und anticipates tnuct pleasure during the spring * , and sumiiic : months visiting the country mirrounUlnj Vk'ushlnpton. So great has boon the futigui of handshaking within the past three week that Mrs. Harrison's hands still bear tin marks of cordial grips from sincere , bu thoughtloAS constituents of her husband Ton president also has experienced the 111 effect of thin promiscuous hubit of greeting For this reason bus the determination on tin part of both been reached to sot the mucl needed precedent of receiving with a sluipl inclination of the head. At the lust reajj tlon to the general public by Mrs. Cleveland tbo weaned hostess , though ready to dro ; from fatigue , stood smilingly with out stretched hund to greet between 7,000 ani 8,000 , callers.UUS. UUS. nUSSELl , HA1II11SON. To-day's Post says i ' . 'Mrs. Uussel ) HUr risen la a daughter of ex-Senator Sounders of Ouiabn , wuuro the latter owns a ImmUom I estate of four acres In the heart of the town , where Mrs. Harrison has resided with her parents over since the birth of her Infant , now fourteen month ) old and named Mar- thcna , after Us maternal grandmother , a name of Spanish origin , Mrs. Harrison was n graduate "of Mrs. Archer's school in this city , where she won the first honors. The teacher of mathematics at the instltuto paid her a high compliment when ho pro nounced hcr , ho best mathematician , man or woman , ho had over mot. It was shortly after her graduation , while she was the guest of Secretary and Mrs. Itobcrt Lincoln , that sheIlrst mot Mr. Hussell Harrison , then homo from tbo west on n visit to her parents , and upon the return of Senator Saunders to his native state at the expiration of his term In the senate , the marriage between the two was solemnized. Mr. Harrison owns a beautiful homo In Helena , Mont , to which they will shortly return , much to the regret of the president and Mrs. Harrison , who are warmly attached to their attractive daugh ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison will o to Now York , where theywill attend the centennial ball on the 80th of April , pre vious to tholr final departure for their Hel ena homo. Mrs. Harrison is fortunate in the possession of n faithful old nurse , who has taken "motherly care of the baby since its birth and accompanied the family from their western homo to Washington. _ 3 s MllS. M'KEE. Mrs. McICce , President Harrlson'H daugh ter , was four years ago married to Mr. Mc- Kcc , a wealthy merchant of Indianapolis , and has , with her husband , continued to re side with her parents over since , and at present forms one of the houshold at the ex ecutive mansion , where she assists her mother in all the duties of her position. Mrs. McKee has over boon a favorite , and during her school days , the latter portion of which were spent in Washington , made many last ing friendships among her companions. She is of medium height , with dark brown hair and eyes , and is a bright conversationalist. Her manners are quiet and refined , and as she Intends to remain with her parents as heretofore , will doubtless prove an added at traction to the list of while house favorites. Mr , and Mrs. McICco have two children , a boy and girl , the Ilrst Benjamin Harrison , aged two years , and the youngest a baby of eight months. GENTLEMAN W1NDOSJ. General Browne Is the oldest republican member of congress from Indiana , and ho naturally receives moro applications for ifllco than any of his colleagues. Ho is kept unning : from morning till night to the do- .irtmcnt and the white house. Yesterday flcrnoon I met him on the street looking ircry tired , and in relating his experience of , ho day , he said : "I have Just visited the licost man connected with this ndmiulstra- , ion. I was not very much in favor of the lolntmentof Secretary Windom , for po- utical reasons , but I atn his best friend now. Ho has completely captivated mo. I have Just been over to the treasury department urging the appointment oi one of my con- itltucnis. After receiving my indorsements ind hearing my arguments , the secretary sat down , und in the most fascinating manner explained to mo why ho could not appoint my man. Ho did it so good naturcdly and In such a thoroughly gentlemanly way that I actually have crcuter respect for him than if ho had granted the appointment without any explanation. I will bo blessed if it doesn't do a man's soul good to haul up in an oasis like the treasury department , when he is treated in such a thoroughly respectful manner , and where ho meets such a polished gentleman , " FOLLOW HIJJ TO CIIU1ICII , The good people of the Church of the Covenant thought It would be a great card for them to rent a pew to the president , but it turns out to have been a nuisance , for public curiosity to see him is so great that the church Is crowded every Sabbath mornIng - Ing with strangers and citizens of Washing ton who would not enter the sanctuary for any other reason. The throng has become so great that the trustees of the churr.h are compelled to have policemen to keep order and prevent-strangers from crowding into povrs whore they do notbfllong. NEW XEIIIIASKA POSTMA8TEUS. .Representative Dorsoy has secured the ap pointment of postmasters In bis district as follows : Willis M. Slabbing , Furnam ; Daniel P. Davis , Harrison ; William II. Price , Bodaro ; Mrs. Sarah A. LusK. Craig ; Jacob B. Sharat , Pierce ; George P. Alford , Grant ; George W. Wingort , Cairo ; H. C. Wry , Chambers ; Henry Wolf , Carroll ; Thomas L. Potter , Madrid ; Furman B. Cary , Children ; J. A. McGonaglo , Palmer. JII.NOI ! MATTHK3. To-day's Herald says : "Ex-Senator Van Wyck and Mrs. Van Wyck 'are again in their beautiful house on Massachusetts avenue. Apart trom their interest here as property owners , many other tics bind them to this city , to which they always gladly return. " Dr. S. H. Craig and B. F. Thomas , of 'Wymore , are In the city. Deputy Coal Oil Inspector Jacobson , of Hastings , Is hero. Lieutenant Governor J. A. F. Hull , of Iowa , Is at the Higgs house. Ho is much talked of as the successor of Governor Lar- rabeo , AHMV OIIDEIIS. The extension of leave of absence on ac count of sickness granted First Lieutenant George H. Burnett , Ninth cavalry , Decem ber 1 , 1883 , is further extended six months on account of sickness. The discharge of John W. Coons as first sergeant. Second Independent battery Iowa light artillery volunteers , October 1 , 1804 , Is amended to take effect August SO , IStill. His muster into service as lirst lieutenant , same battery , October U. ISK-i , Is amended to date August PI. 1SO-I. His discharge an such Au gust 7 , 16CT , is amended to take effect Juno IS , 1805. He is mustered into service as can- tain , same battery , to data Juno 10,18G5. Ho was mustered out and honorably discharged as captain August 7 , 18U5.and ho Is mustered for pay in the advance grades during the periods embraced during tho'aforcsald dates. PKIIKY S. HEATH. Tlio Fnrmei i are Firm. DBS MOINES , la. , March 2-1. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The farmers alliances In several parts of the state have resolved that they would not use any Holding twine so long us the present high prices continue. The anti trust meeting In this city a few days ago has put courage into , the hearts of the fann ers throughout the state , and they are going to bo Independent of tha twlno trust , if they have to go back to old fashioned methods to do BO. It is not improbable- that In some sections lef' , grain than usual will bo raised this year , in order to avoid the necessity for the use of binding twlno. An Inlcrcntliiir PoMtoflloe MASON CITV , la. , March 24. | Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] An interesting post- ofllco light Is on at Rockwell. The appli cants are Editor McEwen , Gcorgo Howland and Miss Belle Bowc. To-day satisfactory arrangements wore made between the nppli cunts and the matter will bo submitted to the voters for settlement. Each applicant will select u trusted friend , and these will together canvass the town and adjacent country and every republican will bu allowed to express his preference by ballot. Younc CrcHtnn lnoilliiiu . CUK-ITOX , Iu. , March 131. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] A gang of young hoodlums arc nightly committing outrages that are a dls- grace to tbo city. Fences have been torn down , street lamps broken and night been matla hideous by their boisterous conduct In several Instances ludloi unaccompanied have been followed , grabbed hold of ana Jn- Bultcd In various ways. Trumps Solze a Train. PiTTsiiimo , Pa. , March " 4. A largo partj of tramps bounded a freight train on the Plttsburg & Erie railroad , near Allinulppa Pa. , last night , and for five hours Held tlu train , refusing to allow the crew to move the train unless they were permitted to ride or it , A telegram was sent to Pittsburg for as slstance , und n special train with olticors wai sent to the rcsnun. Twelve tramps were jar rested but a largo number escaped. The Weather Itulloatlons. For Nebraska , Iowa ami Dakota ; Fair cooler wculUcr , vurlub'.u winds. PACKING HOUSE STATISTICS , lowa'a Arguments in Support of the Claim for Better Rates. A MASS OF FACTS AND FIGURES. The Answer to Chicago Filed With ttyo lutcr-Stato Commission Farmers Fighting the Twlno The War for Bettor Kates. Dr.s MoiNr.s , la. , March 24. [ Special to Tun BEB.J Mr. A. B. Cummins , of this city , the attorney who represents the Iowa pork parkcrs , Is now In Washington filing with the intor-stato commerce- commission their answer to the Chicago packers. Ho discusses at great length and with very careful examination of the facts the reasons why the Iowa packers should hava a better rate for shipping the packed product than IB given for shipping the live hogs. Ho repre sents packing houses at iDcs Molnes , Sioux City. Fort Dodge , Atlantic , Marshalltown , Ollumwa , Cedar Kaplds , Dubuque and Kcokuk. The aggregate dally capacity of tlicso Iowa houses Is moro than 18,000 hogs. During last year they packed about a million hogs. They reply through Mr. Cummins to the several charges of the Chicago packers , as the Iowa reason why a lower rate should bo given to the dressed meats than to the live products , a ; , follows : 1 , Tho.risk attending the transportation of llvo hogs' is much greater than that of the product. 3. The average weight of live hogs carried in a car is not moro than 10,000 pounds , while the average weight of the product Is not less than 30XX ( ) ponnds. S. The cure and attention that must bo v given to n train load of llvo hogs , as com pared with that given to n train load of the packed product , greatly increases the cost of transporting the former. 4. The free carriage to and from the place of shipment of a largo number ot persons accompanying live hogs adds enormously to the cost of service. 5. The necessity of continuous and rapid transit in the case of llvo hogs renders the service moro expensive thau that of carrying ' , tto uackcd product. The Iowa packers in their argument urge .hs . point that the tonnage of the transports- .ion companies west of Chicago is greatly In creased by the establishment of packing houses where they are now In operation. They take for illustration the house of T. M. Sinclair & Co. , at Cedar Kapids , which is one of the largest packing houses in Iowa , us "allows : During 18S8 , Hvo hogs received by rail , 03,33 ,580 pounds. This represents the total tonnage that would have been carried by the railroads if the hogs had been taken to Chicago cage , On the other band , slaughtering them at Cedar Rapids gave rise to the following tonnage : The railroads carried to the packing house salt , green meats , coal , cooperage , lum ber , wood , stone , packages , brick , saltpetre and sun dries . 37,230,500 Ibs Gross weight of product ship ped out . 02,745,043 Ibs Total . , . . 99,075,043 Ibs Thus showing a bMauco of ton- nugo In favor ' packing at Cedar Rapidp . . 37,053,303 Ibs If the roveu-o side of the case is consid ered , the Iowa packers are prepared to prove that the railroads make moro money by hav ing the pork packed in Iowa , instead of ship- Uing'lt away ns live m'oduct , and they take this same house for illustration. During ono year the said T. M. Sinclair & Co paid the following freights : Upon product out . 118,134.14 Upon hogs In . 82,9o3.15 Upon coal , salt , lumber , cooperage , etc. , in . 34,019.74 Total . $230,077.23 , If the same hogs had been hauled to Chicago the gross freight earn ings would have been . $217,271.00 Balance in favor of doing business at Cedar Uapids . S , 18,800.23 The Sinclair house packed about one- fourth of the'entiro amount of hogs packed in Iowa last year. If the protlts of the rail roads in carrying the product In this one in stance will bo multiplied by four it will bo seen that that they received nearly $75,000 more by reason of the maintenance of Iowa packing houses than they would if there had been none. So it pays the railroads as well as the Iowa packers to do the fair and Just thing by them. These in brief are the main points that will bo laid before the intcr-stato commerce commission this week , as Iowa's side of the pork packing controversy. Crcdton Items. CIICSTOX , la. , March 21 , [ Special to THE Bcc-vTho waterworks , the franchise for which was granted to an eastern company a year ago , and which should have been com pleted April 8 , 18-SU , will bo given to a now company and will undoubtedly bo completed in duo season. The residence and business bouses will soon bo numbered preparatory to the post- ofllco department opening a free delivery system. A new city directory will bo out .shortly. The now high school will be de dicated soon. Governor Larrabco and sev eral other state ofllcials will ofllciato on the occasion. A stock horse company was formed hero last week , several imported horses hav ing arrived hero lately from Europe , A special meeting of Iho board of trade was held In the superior court rooms to con sider tbo feasibility of building a business college , the present quarters being too small to accommodate scholars now in attendance. Prof. Barrett read an estimate showing that upon a basis of > iOU students , Hvo terms per year , the school would dispense ever $00,000 per annum. The plan suggested was for the citizens to build u house costing not loss than (10,000. Rev. Hooker , Postmaster Davis , Mayor Patterson and several of the most prominent citizens spoke in very favorable terms of the project. The board meet again Monduynight to consider further proposi tions. Doubtless the business college will bo a reality before the winter again sots in. loy AmniiK the Jobbers. BuiiLixciTo.v , la. , March 24. [ Special to TUB BEB. | The Jobbing merchants In tbo river towns In this state are Just now hugely enjoying the operation of the tariff promul gated by Iho Iowa railroad commissioners. The rales thus made within this state are so low that the sum of the two locals , on ship ments from points without the state , is loss than the through rate between similar given points. The olTect of this feature of the tar- llf , which is something now la the construc tion of a sheet , Is to shut out a largo portion of the competition of Chicago. The river Jobbing points have the direct advan tage. being uble to lay In their goods from seaboard or eastern manufacturing points on freights which allow them to meet and oven undersell Chicago and oilier eastern Jobbing centers. For instance , the rate on Ilrst cluss from New York to Burlington direct U U4.-a cents , while the rate on the same goods , lublllod at Chicago by the Jobber of that point , is $ l. ; the rate from Now York to Ottumwa , In. , via tha Burlington Jobber , is $1.14 , while via Cuicuuo it' Is tl.Ht , The Inter-state rates covering u direct bhlpment , from Now York to Ottmnwr. , say , nro so much higher than the sum o ( the rate from Now York to Burlington , plus the rate from Burlington let Ottumwa , that the merchant of the latter plac.i llnds it to his advanu o now to have his shipments rcblllod at Bur lington , Ho then get hU goods , after pay- mi ; two locals , ut u pricu which enables him to di& mut Ua [ Chlcaco competitor , not- I SUBMITS-- * * " * withstanding the fact thit the latter ha ? the advantage of the lontf hfml. The same thine pertains on all the loirs lines and Is true of nil other Mississippi jobbing points , ns Kcokuk , Davenport , Clinton and Dubuquo. A JM.-xtch For Dr. Tnnnor. CiinSTON.Ia. , March 24 , [ Special to TUB BEE.J On n farm nfcw mlcs | north of Prescott - cott , Adams county , this state , resides n man named Kline , a local preacher , who has Just closed a successful forty day fast. Ho claims ho was impelled to do this by n vision or command from God. For the first ton days ha ate a little solid food ; for the remaining thirty days nothing but sweetened water passed his lips. Kline is a native of Ohio , about thirty-flvoxyears of ago , rather Illiter ate , and belongs to tbo Church of God. Many consider htm n crank , but public opinion is about evenly divided as to his sin cerity , though his most Intimate friends con sider It beyond question. The most remark- nblo part of the fast is the fact that during the time ho preached night and day In various places , always surrounded by largo crowds. His fast was ended nt a school house in the western part of Adair county , and when finished ho partook of a hearty meal in the presence of his hearers. About thrco hours after completing his fast ho stated that Qed had again commanded him to do another miracle , which was to cease speaking for another forty days , and ho Im mediately closed , hls mouth and positively rofuscs'to open it until the allotted time has elapsed. A Vnlunhlo Historical Document , DCS MOINES , la. , March 24. [ Special to TUB BEE.I Mr. Edwin Htndloy , a resident of this city , has just found among his old papers n valuable' historical document of anti-revolutionary days. It is a legal paper issued during the reign of Gcorgo II , , order ing the arrest of a Virginian ccntleman for debt. Mr. Hlndloy found it In the court house of Diwlddlo county , Virginia , just at the close of the war. It was laid away and overlooked till recently. The old document reads as follows : "Gcorgo the Second , by the grace of God , of Great Britain , Franco and Ireland , king , defender of the faith , etc. , to the sheriff of Diwlddlo county , greeting : Wo command you that you take Charles Paythrop , adm. etc. , of Win. Pnythreo , deceased , if ho bo found within your bailiwick , and him safely keep , so that you have his body before your justice of your said county court at the court house of said county , on.tlio second Tuesday In August next , to answer Robert Glover of a plea of debt for 02 aud money damage of 20. 'And nave then and there , this writ. Witness , Gcorgo Nicholas , clerk of said court , ut the court housu aforesaid , the 14th day of July in the twcnty-sov6nth year of our reign , "GEOUOE NICHOLAS. " On the back is an entry , which shows that the command was "duly executed by Gov ernor Hayes , August , 1 753. " An Extremely Cautious Man. DBS MOIXES , la. , .March 24. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The state house employes are having some fun with State Auditor Lyons. Ho took a notion thejothcr day that ho would put a safe in his office , and so a small iron box was rolled up there. The whole capital Is practically a safCyivith its stone walls from two to fifty feet In thickness. Every state ofllco has a greqt < .vault , fire proof and burglar'proof us well. fln addition to these precautions , for tlio safety of iaiDortunt papers , night police , pjurbl the corridors from sun sot to sun nso , avn < the janitor 'rilcops in front of the entranco'.to the . .vault in the auditor's office' . But tfjf auditor is an .ex tremely cautious man , und ho has the custody of the securities-rot insurance companies dolnir btisiness in this state , which are by law required to bo deposited with him. An insurance company of this city bad left with him sorao valuable securities , and the captajn began to get nervous over the responsibility. Ho thought ho saw innumerable opportuni ties for the wicked burglars to break in and steal them , and so when the company pro posed to furnish a small safe to put the se curities in , ho gladly took it. People about the state house are now wondering what ho will do If the forty or fifty other companies doing business hero ask to put in safes for their securities. His. office , at that rate , would soon look like the sample room of a safe factory. The Blue Gross I-icasue. CHESTON , la. , Marcti 23. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The annual mcjeting of the "Blue Grass League" will occur the second Wed nesday in April , at the superior court room , in this city. Every township , town and city having an organization , such as business men's association , farmer's club , or board of trade , whoso purpose is the upbuilding of its locality , is entitled to two delegates to the annual meeting Towns now holding mem bership are Crcston , Corning , Villisca and Red Oak , Assurances have been received from Shcnandouh , Leon. Clarinda , Osccoia , Afton , Glonwood , Murray , FontuneHo , Far- ragut. Lenox , MU Ayr , Greenfield , Conway and Bedford , that their quota of money will reuch Treasurer ElUs. of .Villlsca , itu duo time. It is quite prooablo that various other towns will oraunizo before the meeting. The counties considered ns embraced in Blue Grass region are all tbat can furnish evidence that by the use of tame grasses , for early spring , sumnie'r , fall and winter pas tures the feedmr'in for llvo stock can bo profitably rcduei.\u/sixty-five / days or less. .The design of the league is to advertise to the world the unexcelled advantages of tbo soil , climate , water , i natural resources and productions , to the end tbat emigration from older states bo attracted to this region * . l lclufilcs Coiitoit. DBS MOINES , la. , March 21. [ Special to TUB BEB. ] Tho-peoplo of this state repub licans more especially are watching with great Interest the outcome of the congres sional contest In tboSouth. It is the ono in Alabama , where J , V. McDufllo , the republi can candidate , was'driven out of the county whore ho was collecting evidences to estab lish his case. He was warned that Clayton's fate would overtake him If Jio remained , and HO ho left without waiting to be assassinated. The Iowa Interest It ) the man comes from the fuct that howas unco n resident of Albion , In Marshall cpnnty , Iowa. Ho went from there to the wnii , ' enlisting in company B , Second Iowa c-iynlry. Co ) . Hepburn's regiment , and sorvediiaithfully till the close. Ho then settled in&Utuanm and has become a prominent republican leader there. An UnsntWrntftory SrIuMluli- . Dus MOISBS , la. , March 24. ( Special to ' THE BBE. ] Tlio''schedule of the Western Base Bull assocUUonj'odoptod at Sioux City gives great dissatisfaction hero. It compels or calls upon the DesjMolnes team to do such , trilling impossibilities .us play In two places at the name time , < phly hero ono day and In Denver the next , etc. ] A great objection is the fuel that It practically divides the also- elation Into two part1 , compelling four clubs to play together the nrst half und then have nothing more to do with each other until the end. That is about the quickest way to kill public interest In. Uiu game here , where the changing rivalry bas bum the ) ifeof the sport heretofore , ' , ' 1'liero is a general de mand for a new schedule. Bon iid Over. ! CKBSTOV , la. , March 24. [ Speilal : to TUB BEB. ] A. C. Seals , receuti arrested nt DCS Molnes und taken to Cprniug for participat ing In the robbery cf Tucker Bros' , store ut Brooks some time ago , was' bound over by tbo Adams county frand 'Jury in the sum of V500. The necessary bond , was furnished , Sharkoy and' Shields are also wanted as partners In the joe , but , ur'c'nt laree at pres ent. Shields especially is wanted by the Adams county officiulH for other crooked ness. Hols u hard ( use und bin commuted numerous dcpredmloas throughout the countr1 , SEWARD GETS A SCORCHING , Several Buildings Boduood to Ashes Involving Honvy Loss. BAD DAY FOR THE WAGNERS. Burial of the Child Who Died oflly- drophohla 1-mst Week News of Nebraska. Towns In General. Flro nt Sownrd. SBWAUD , Nob. , March 23. A disastrous flro occurred hero to-night by which consid erable property was lost , The conflagration started nt 0:30 : in the milling store of S. Elyman , on the north side ot the square , from that buildtnir the fire communicated to W. H , Ashton & CO.'R moat market , und then Iho flames spread to the building occupied as a drug store by Burkoy It Burkoy. When the alarm of fire wan given there was great excitement among the people In the opera tiousc , in which a tompcranco meeting was lolng hold. The crowd was largo and Lhero was n general stampede of people who thought the theater was on flro. No ono was seriously hurt. The damage is not known , but it Is very heavy. The loss is partially covered by Insurance. The Lincoln fire department was sent to Tor help to-night , but way notified tbat the llro was under control just in time to save the trip. A Child's Funeral. PiATTSMOtmt , Nob' , March 24. [ Special to THE 'BEE. ! The funeral obsequies of Lllllo Grease ) , the sweat young victim of liydrophobla , occurred this afternoon. The services were held at the homo of the bo- rcu'ved parents and , after a short prayer by tne Rev. J. T. Baird , wore concluded in accordance with the ritual of the Protestant Episcopal church by the Rev. H. B. Burgess. The remains wore in a beautiful wh\lo \ casket , amidst a profusion of choice flowers and many floral tributes wore heaped on the outside. The 'beautiful singing of the choir and the eloquently Impressive words of the clergymen rendered the scene profoundly sad. sad.At. . the close of the services the family and friends took the Inst'loolt at the dead child , mid tbo casket was then tenderly carried to the hearse. The cortosro slowly wended its way to Oak Hill cemetery followed by ever ono hundred carriages containing the sym pathizing friends of the family. The pall bearers were Messrs. Clol Mor gan , August Reinhackel. John Uhrip , Bert Sago , John Young and Ed Barker. Among the out of town relatives and friends were Mr. und Mrs. Perle , of Wymoro ; Mrs. and Miss Crelghton , of Omaha ; Mrs. Salsber.y , of Lincoln ; Felix Kennedy and wife , of Mo- Cook ; Mr. and Mrs. Bailey , Mr. and Mrs. Davis , und Mrs. Joe Roberts , of Hustings. A Deposit of Silica. NEWMAN GHOVB , Nob.March 34. [ Special to TUB BBB. ] On the brow of a hill on the Matt HcndricKson farm , situated four miles northwest of Newman Grove , there has been a deposit of fine whlto mineral which the res idents of that vicinity had always supposed to bo lime , the farmers coming for miles to sccuro it tor plastering and masonry work. Mr. G..C. Dimock of this 'city , bo- . Moving that the deposit was more than n simple I'.m'o deposit , expressed his opinion to two other parties , and they , securing some of the mineral , sent it to an assayer in Omaua- who reported that the mineral was silica. Yesterday Messrs. G. C. Dimock , Thomas Ostergard and Mr. Gcorgo M. Cooper , of Omaha , purchased the farm of Matt Heudrickson , and if their hopes are realized , will develop the deposit of a largo scale. Silica is used in compounding dynamite , glass , meerschaum , celluloid , trinoli and fire clay. It Is a non-conductor of both heat and electricity , aud Is. used altogether in the fillIng - Ing of lire proof safes. The analysis shows 17 per cent of aluminum , which alone makes it very valuable. It can bo perfectly petri fied , and is used extensively in the manu facture of artificial stone and flro proof brick. It is claimed that this deposit will make n cement equal to the famous imported Portland English cemcqt. Two Public CharscR. BENKBLMAN , Neb. , ' March 'J4. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Deputy Sheriff Mourning started last nicht forLiincoln , tak ing John Wilson to the asylum , Wilson is the man who imagined ho was robbed und caused the arrest of an innocent man. Wil son wu ? thrown from a horse , and the frontal bone of the skull was injure J , causing de rangement of the mind. Sheriff Moore also started for Kearney to take a boy by the name of Meredith to the reform school. Meredith is from Rock Springs , VVyo. , being more than one thousand rn'iles from homo. Ho brouo into a house and destroyed the furniture. Ho is fifteen yours of age. _ A Land Contest. iMi'EiiiAL , Neb. . March 24. [ Special to THE BEE. ! A land coatcst case of more thau ordinary Interest has been'tried hero. The Harlem Cattle company , while proprietors of several ranches along the Frenchman river , caused considerable land to bo taken by its employes and held for its benefit. The c'on- tcst was on a quarter section thus taken and hold. If the contest is decided against the party now holding the land a largo number of claims similarly held will bo contested im mediately. v North Platte 1'loascd. NOBTII PI.ATTE , Nob. , March 2J. [ Special to TUB BEE. | The passage of senate file 7 , which provides for an additional judge In this district , caused a general good feeling hero , us it is believed that Governor Thayer will appoint Hon. A. H. Church , of this city , to the position. This district is the largest judicial district in the state and legal busi ness is delayed very much because there Is moro of it than ono judge can possibly at tend to. To the llnrnriii School. WEST POINT , Nob. , March 21. [ Special to TUB BBB. ] Tom Bromer , aged fourteen , und Barney Latnpoy , aged sixteen , arrested a short time ago charged with burglary , were arraigned yesterday before District Judge NoriTs. Broinor pleaded guilty. Lumpoy was put upon trial and found guilty. Both wcra sentenced to the reform school. Huichto Uy * WEST POINT , Neb. , March 2 { . [ Special Telegram to TUB BBB. ] Charles Wagner , of this place , committed suicide to-day by hanging. His wife left him asleep for n little time , and upon returning found him missing. Ho was HUOII found In n low shod hanging by the neck. The suicide was a mechanic , about forty eight years old , and leaves a wife and several children In desti tute circumstances. Hotel Hui'Klirizoil. WEBI-INO \VATEiiNcb..March 21. [ Special Telegram to TIIB BSE. ] A burglar entered itio Gibbon house last night , through a sldo door , by turning the uoy with nlppars. Ho stole $7.40 from the landlord , $5 from the clerk , and $21 und a gold wutch from a guest. No clue. To the t'on. Cou'Miius , Neb. , March 21. [ Special to TUB BBB. | John Boss , the young man who 'forged u neighbor's and his fiUhor'n name tea a (150 note , aud negotiated the same with a broker a few days UKO , was sentenced by Judge Post to three ye rs in the slaty peni tentiary. .Incidental BhooilitK. Wtsr POINT , Neb. , March 21. [ Spjcial Telegram to Tun BEB. ] A so'n of John Wagner , living near S U Charles , while hunt- ng to-day accidentally shot hlmsolf. Tub victim Is still alive , but has little hopes of recovery. . M V * Seeding In Frontier County. Conns , Neb. , March 24. [ Correspondence if Tun BEC.I Spring seeding of small grain s nearly done. Corn ground Is being plowed. A largo number of fat cattle are being shipped to Omaha from Curtis. T1II3 CLUAltANGU UI2COHD. The Financial Transactions of tlio Past .Week. BOSTON , Mass. , March 24. [ Special Tele gram to the Biin. ] The following table : ompllod from dispatches to the Peat from .hcmunagcrs of the loading 1 curing-houses of the United States , shows ttio gross ex changes for the week ended March 23 , 1SS9 , with rates per cent of luci case or decrease - crease as compared with the amounts for the corresponding week in 1SSS : Not included in totals ; no clearing house last year. TIIB LOOKOUT. A Dakota Tin Mtno Now Ucing De veloped Black Hills Notes. UAIUD CITY , Dale. , March 24. [ Special Correspondence of TUB BEE. ] The Lookout mine , which is situated In Pennlugton county , about thirty-five miles west of Rapid City , is again attracting considerable atten tion. Hon. M. H. Day , of Rapid City , is deeply interested In its development , and during the last summer associated with him In his Lookout mining 'enterprise some east ern capitalists , among whom waa ox-Govcr- libr'Hale" of'Now Hampshire. It is not in tlio Looirout mine proper that these .gentle- men hiivo obtained the body of free milling ere which is expected to prove a bonanza , but in the Spread Eagle , which adjoins the Lookout. In the latter there is said , by ex perts who have examined it , to be u body of frco milling gold orp of as great extent , and probably bishcr grade , than the celebrated Ilomns'mUo mine at Load City. At present , however , although the Spread Eagle or < .s are sulllcicntly developed to show their extent and quality , the conven iences for transporting the ere to the forty stamp mills owned by the Lookout company und situated about a quarter ol a mile from the mine , are small. It is proposed to run a hundred foot tunnel through the mountain which st'ands between the mill and the Spread Eagle , and on its completion , there is little or no doubt that a great mining camp will bo established. In the vicinity of the properties of M. H. Day and his associates , are other mineral claims which have long been known to bo rich in gold ores , but which , owing to tbo lack of capital to work them , have lain idle. The Minnesota mine is ono of these. It has lately fallen into the hands of Mr. Houlihan , of .Aberdeen , Dak. , and several oastcrn capi talists. Arrangements are being made to put up a fifty-stamp mill on this property during the summer. The Montana mine is another location which contains an un doubted body of free milling oro. This has been bonded by Mr. Day. and the work of developing which has been going on dur ing the winter has shown an improving grade of ores. Throughout the Black Hills the condition of business is improving. In Rapid City there Is great activity in building matters , and it is estimated that over ? 123 , 100 worth of buildings have 'been commenced in the city during the last two weeks. The people hero are expecting u large influx of people from the cast , and the trams from there uro bringing largo numbers of land seekers every day. _ PAHSONS. Slio Maker ) Another Painful KObrt to Achieve Notoriety. CIIIOAOO , March 24. Anarchist Lucy Par sons was tbo principal speaker last night at the Twelfth street Turner hall , at the cele bration of the eighteenth anniversary of the Paris commune. About two thousand five hundred people were present and they ex- cnangcd significant glances when Mrs. Parsons shouted : "Wo want a revolu tion , whether peaceful or bloody makes no difference. A revolution must come. " She declared that she had but ono object In life to make rebels of them nil. At an agitation meeting to-day an anurchlst named Cook worked In this expression : "Thoy have hung the anarchists , but they don't dare to hung any more. " This met with so much favor that a motion was made asking the reporters to make special mention of H. The Onriiuiny Ponitl Hill , _ UBKMK , March 24 , The now penal bill , according to the neWanr.pers , is much briefer tlnui the untl-sociallst law , which It replaces , It tends to remove the distinction hitherto hold regarding 'social democrats , provides for moro stringent dealing with political Crimea and Insults to the sovereign , abolishes ishes permanent expulsion by mcro police authority und provides for short or long ex pulsion after a trial for attacks on the funda mental basis of the state urganUution or monarchy , or the sanctity of muiTlage or property. Most of the new provisions luitliorUo the permanent Interdiction of per iodicals und papers gulltv of oflonses utrulnst tne law , und the dissolution of Hoclotles and meetings. It U btuted that the bill will bo discussed secretly by the bundcsralh , and tnut it will bo submitted to the rulchstug be fore Easter. . BIIIIIICSH TroulilOH. MAIIO.IBTIB , Mich , , March 24. Owing to the heavy losso-i Incurred in the construction of u branch of the state prison ut this place , the Ishpcniliig building firm of Wuhlmnn & Grip ossieiicd Salunlay. The liabilities are nboutlUUOO ) , The firm has been largely engaged in construction In the Luke Superior country for several years. An Italian Duo ) . ROME , March 24 , InaUucl wth ! bwurds to-day , Deputy Cuvolcloth ulightfy wounded by Sigmir Corveto , umlnr secretary ot the war department. The trouble grow out of u personal dispute. BOULANGER'S TOURS SPEECH' ' - > Ho AfJfdot Conservatism and R < H > Bpoof for Religion. WILL NOT HELP IMPERIALISTS. ' Kofliscs to Bo n BnttcrltiR Kixin to Destroy ttio Kcpubllu or n N Maker to Itct > toro Mou > nrohy. Criticisms of tlio Press. by JitniM d'onloii JJnni'tM PAIHS , March 24. [ Now York Hornljl Sable Special to TIIB BRE. | Qonoral Bou < .anger's Tours speech has been during tha nst week tlio subject of dally comment and llsousslou fu the Paris press. It Is Interest' ing to notice how the monarchical sheets , ov tlioso which , with more br loss cnthuslasni or resignation , have accepted the electoral illlanco between tholr party anil tlio MOU * langlsts , receive the republican profession ot Taith so energetically formulated at Tours' , It Is evident , that the Journals anil monarch- sts of this strlpo nro not at all pleased with Boulangcr's declaration that ha would not glvo thorn any kind of assistances in their restoration } projects , and that the duty of a buttering ram for the destruction of the republic , or of a king maker , that they had complacently assigned to him , was not at all what suited ilin. Monarchists of thU category have , not on that account thrown IJoulangorlsm. They mvo porsuaded' themselves into the belief Lhat after Boulungcr has aided theta to ro- ialn tholr scats In the chamber and to sccuro now ones , they will bo strong enough to throw overboard tholr powerful ally and pro- tcctor. They Indulge In the pleasant antici pation that It will then bo In their power to Torco the president of. the republic to con vene a constitutional assembly and to so shape its action , that the result will bo In accordance with tholr wishes. Thcsa mouurclilal hopes and combinations arc treated with much incredulity by inde pendent conservative Journals. The Figaro , In an article which attracted much attention , pointed out the weak points of these plans , and expressed tha belief that the schema could only result in the consolidation of tha republic , by bringing into oxlstcnco a strong government of which the head would bo Boulanger. It is also interesting to observe the interpretation that the radical elements of Boulangcr's supporters put upon the conservative declarations and moderate orate ideas expressing toleration aa respect for religion that are contained In the Tours suncch. An article by M. Na quet merits attention from this point of view. In the article M. Nuquet says that the ad herents of the national party , as tlio Boulang- ists now call themselves , should not bo cither clericals nor Jacobins , and ho blames tlioso who have followed religious questions and. for the petty warfare they have waged against the clergy. The republican press lias not failed in this conncctionvto recall the face that radical members of thoBoulangist party took a very active , und wlllinft part 'in this nntf-ruTigious policy ; that M. Laguorre , La Hcrrlsso and Naquet hlmsolf , showed them selves very warm partisans of the seculariza tion of public schools , and th'at military service for- seminary students and priests has all along been an article of faith with Mi Naquet. All tlicso discussions sh'ow how dlfllcult it is for Boulanger to have a programme which will bring into accord his followers , who have corao from the opposite corners of th political horizon , in snito of this the alliance of monarchist ! : and radicals is still kept up under his , leadership. The former submit to hearing the republic lauded as the only pos sible form of government for Franco , und the latter consent to forgot for the present that war on the clergy has always , been thq ilrst and most important plank in their plat form. THE TOU1UNG BASK They Tnko n. Jlun Over to the Kmcr nld. Isle. \Capurtqnt \ tanbu Jame ) ( Jonlm llinnel' . } LONDON , March 21. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BUB. | The Auicri * can base ball teams arrived at Belfast this morning after a pleasant voyage nerosn thd Irish channel and are quartered at the Im < pcrial hotel. They ploy a game to-morrort afternoon at the North of Irela'id Cricket club grounds. They will bo banqucttcd toi morrow night , the mayor of Belfast pre ldf. Ing. Williamson and wife are still in Lou * don. Tnoy leave for Dublin on Tuesday- , President Spaldmg giving that day to th < Irish-American members of the party to visit friends and relatives in Ireland. Fogerty , Toner , Sullivan , Manning , .Duly , Hculy and Crane having a great programme laid out foe a day's reunion. The I'ilccriniM. [ CtiplirtpM tSPO bu Jamci Qonlnn llcnnrtt. } ROMB , March 24. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tnu BnB.J-Sinco ar rival hero the pilgrims have been busy from , morning till night visiting Interesting mou > umonts of pagan and chrjstlan Rome. Evury place uud thlnir of note lias been seen. To the great regret of all , Right Rev. Bishop WIggcrs was obliged , on account of sick ness , to leave the pilgrimage. He Irt Im proving und will bo out In u few days. On account of the Illness of Mrs. Lilllc , Mr. Lillie , of Now York , m obliged to stuy in Rome. The.pilgrims attended muss und received holy communion from the Right Rev. throne this morning. A short address wdf Bishop KodemuiihorJIn thu cluipal-of the pnpul given by the bishop at the close of imms. They leave Rome with regret und'with most kindly fouling * for the priests and people. They start at 7 o'clock for Naples , whence , after u stuy of a few nays , they sail for AV uxundrla. A reception will bo given thuni this evening by the Count and Counter Moore , f Swopl Avny liy n rinoil , LIMA , ( v'n ' Galveston ) , March UTlio ) Verrugiis bridge , the most famous of bridge * on the Oroya railway , has boon swept away by a Hood. The bridge wan 103 feet Jijgb , and Its original cost was 400,000 soles , Tha destruction of tin ) bridge * has rcndwrd transportation from that part of the cQtinlry almost Impossible. It will probably liu a long time before it cun bu rebuilt. Kniln Kcjoylnt ; Onoil Health. C-Mito , March 21 , Mahomed Bcralvl , wht brought news of the victory of Einln Pii li * over the dervishes , says U wn.n reported , that Kmin wus In good houltli and that all hll people und some i-'uroiiuan travelers wcra with him In Bahrgazcl , nniilutiir J-'iilnls. PAIIIS , Miu-ch 21 , Willie dining In the Cafe DuiMiiil tc-.uiy , General Botilaugervai ; buddcnly celled will : u fainting lit ami liaJ lc be i'onviiy'l to br ! l.omu. No atriuui rv4Ultvi arc reportsU. . . -V-