Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1889, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    4 u. . - ,
* * 'Tp - * " ' "Kww " ' TI
Immense Snlo of Black Regatta
r Silks.
dn Monrtny Morning "Wo Will Offer
Boino Special Itargnlttfi In "Wlilic
Goads , IItil Spreads , Ulnck
Silks nnil Utnbrcllus.
60 pieces black regatta silks in nr-
Inure , grpsgrutn , fnillo and eurali ,
ranging In prlco from C8o to $2.50.
Those goods wore bought at auction and
nro lust about half prico.
GOO Indies' and gents' umbrellas , ox
idized handles , all tlio newest styles ,
and warranted for ono year , at $5 , worth
Wo have a few pieces grey do bolgo
which wo want to close out , as wo have
too many of thorn.
Strictly all wool. ! J7lc , worth 60o.
Also a few odd pieces in cardinal and
cashmeres at H7ic , former prlco 87ic.
In this department will bo shown two
immense bargains in white India linon.
1 en so India llnon at llo ) per yard , this
quality is equal to anything wo have
over sold at 25c.
1 case oxtni fine quality India linen
at 28e per yard , our price on this quality
last year was 06c.
Come early if you want to secure those
bargains , us they will not last long.
Tltero will bo foundsovorul big drives
In lace stripe curtain scrim at 8 } , 10 ,
12 } , 16 , and 18c. All now and desirable
patterns *
Second tloor.
Great sale of black bilk warp Hen
riettas to-fnorrow , Monday.
40-lncU'dilk warn Henrietta $1.121 ,
regular $1.60 quality , silk warp Hen
rietta $1.2.5 , regular $1.76 quality. Silk
warp Henrietta $1.60 , regular $2.00
40-inch all wool Henrietta$1.00 , regu
lar $1.25 quality.
Great Bed Spread Sale.
( Monday. )
1 case 11-4 , crochet quilts at 78c worth
II. *
1 caso'll-icroohotquiUsat$1.25woi'th '
2 cases 11-4 crochet quilts at $1.50
worth $2.
Special 160 dozen red bordered
cream doylies at $1 per dozen , regular
price $1.26.
Extra All our remnants of table
damasks at about i price Monday.
Wo place on sale Monday all our mus
lin and cambric pillow shams. Wo
have arranged them into three lots.
These goods are nicely made and
trimmed with embroidery.
Lot 1 at $1 a pair , lot 2 at $2 a pair ,
lot 8 at $2.75 a pair. They are worth
double. N. B. FALCONER.
The B. & O. nncl tlio Inauguration.
Between midnight March 3 and noon
March 4 , the B. & O. R. R. carried into
Washington sixty thousand excursion
passengers , in audition to its regular
local and through travel. 'From 3
o'clock , afternoon of the 4th until mid
night of the 6th , an cfjunL number was
carried from Washington. Allowing
an avorhgo of fifty passengers to the
car , including sleeping and parlor cars ,
it required l.UOO curs to aceommonnto
the multitudes. Adding to this the
necessary number of buggago cars to
tuko care of the baggage of passengers
15 and the supplies and paraphernalia of
military companies , bunds and march
ing clubs , It will bo eoon that the B. &
O. hauled a train of nine cars into
Washineton every- fifteen minutes from
midnight March 8. until noon March 4 ,
and out of Washington every fifteen
minutes from 3:00 : p. m. of the 4th until
midnight of the 6th.
In handling this immense volume of
business , in so short a time , not a single
accident occurred and not a passenger
was injured ; not a car was derailed and
not an engine failed to perform its al
lotted task. During all this time there
was an incessant fall of rain and all out
door work was invested with very de
pressing conditions.
The satisfactory man tier in which this
great movement was conducted reflects
the highest credit upon the operating
department of the B. & O. company ,
and indicates the promptness and intel
ligence with which each member per
formed his assigned share of the labor
The average human life is only
thirty-one yours , and many there bo
who have reached throe score , and yet
never have soon the glories and the
wonders of California. Try it this
puminor , and tuko the famous Golden
Gate special over the Union Paciilc ,
through in sixty hours from Council
Bluffs and Omaha to San Francisco.
Muslo for Only 1 Cent
a page fine music a little soiled at Mein-
borg's 1614 and 1516 Dodge St.
Attention !
Dunish'ussociution. All members are
requested to meet at Washington hall
at 1 p. m. to attend the funeral of de
ceased friend and member , Julius Han-
Ben , who died Saturday at 3:15 : a. m.
For Snlo , Summer Garden Property
Westlawn park , the beautiful grove
and grounds nearly opposite Ruecn
hotel in West Omaha , just outside city
limits. Belt Line station right on
ground. Call and got prico.
HICKS , Room 40 , Barker block.
The Rev. Charles W , Savldgo , formerly
morly puator of the Seward Street M
1C. church , kindly consented to lecture
( or its bonnflt under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aldt Monday , Maroh 25 , but on
account of circumstances that have
arisen ( since making this appointment )
Mr. Suvidgo will not bo with us there
but will leoturoln Seward Streotchurcl
Thursday , March 28 , at 7:00 : p. in. Ad
mission Adults , 26 cents ; children , 10
cents ,
Why Buffer , the pains of tooth pulling
when Dr. Buillong ox tracts them , per
feotly pain loss ; by moans of dental vi
brator. 208 S , 16th St.
Muslo nt tlio Wliltu HOIIHO.
President Harrison fully appreciating
the bwoet quality of tone , beauty of do
* iifc'H and durability of the celebrated
Bradbury plnuo , has just ordered one
of these instruments in fancy wuhiut
case for Mrs. Harrison's private parlor
in the executive department at Wash
ington. This is no now place for the
old reliable Bradbury piano. It ha
already boon in the whlto house fet
twenty years and is now in for at leas
four veara more. Duplicates of tin
piano , * also the finest stock of pianos
and organs in the city , can bo soon a
J. S. Cameron's piano parlcre , 113Nortl
Fifteenth sfcreo't.
Kook Sprliiss Stovo' Coal , $0.00.
Jeff , W , Bedford , 14th and Fnrimm
Music slaughtered ( or ono cent a page
at Meinbcrg7 * 161jniuUol Dodge st.
" * $ 'lS.uini.ofl | only 4.
and 161G Dodge st
Dnwn tlio Prices
On linens , luce curtnins , carpets , oil
cloths , whlto dross goods , wash dress
goods , domestics , etc.
Mondny morning you can buy Inco
curtulns , lull lapo trimmed , thut were
7Cc tv pair , at 2oo each. 8-ynrd long tnpo
trimmed curtains nt18o , 6Cc , 68c. G5o
and 75o each. Pull tupo trimmed Not
tingham lace curtains , 8 yards long , at
$1.35 n pair ; 8 } yards long , $2.12 ; 4 yards
long , $3.88 a pair ; with these three num
bers wo will furnish a polo and brass
trimmings , also drapery , pins free
with ouch pair. Hero 'Is a bargain that
will pay you lo examine. Wo are letting
down the prices on ingrain carpets to
Zlo , Zoo , 20c , 85c , 30c , 40c. 45c , 6Uo nnd
GOo a yurd ; extra super nil wool ingrain
( Lowell ) carpets , G8o a yard. A fine
assortment of rug * at Gilo , $1.75 , $2.50 ,
$2.75 , $3.60 and $4.88 each. Hayden
Bros , letting down the prices on 4-4
floor oil cloth to 2.10 a yard } nn elegant
line of window shades from ! ! 5c to $1
each ; letting down the prices on
linens , wo have too many linens in
stock , they must go. Table linens
16c , 18o , 20c , 25o , 80c , 85 , 40o , 45c , 60c ,
65c , GOc , G5c nnd 76cayard. Towels
and toweling at prices to closo. Please -
boar in imnd that wo are making
spcclul prices that wo cnnnot duplicate
later on , in order to reduce the largo
stock wo now huvo on hand. American
sateens nt 8c , lOc , 12jc , ICe nnd 25c yd.
French , Scotch and English zephyr
lace striped , luce striped novelties ; in
fnct , the JvMidsomest line of imported
ginghams over aispluycd In Omaha , at
20c , 25o , 39o , 45c , 40c , 58e and 05e yard.
Wo not only curry the finest glnghutn ,
but also the choupcst gingham , ut 4c ,
0o } , 74c , 81c , lOc und.l2Jc yurd. It will
puy you to look over our remnants of
whlto dress goods , tnblo linens , saloons ,
ginghtims , etc. , if you uro in need of
nny , for our prices huvo been lot down.
The rush in wall paper donurtmont has
boon lively the pust week. On Mon
day wo open some entirely now patterns.
Mothers would do well nnd save
money by inspecting our lurgo line of
boys' nnd children's clothing before
purchasing. Elogunt kilt plouted suits
$2.75 und up ; childs blouse suits $1.15
and up ; childs cussimoro suits $2 and
up. In our men's department wo olTor
a good , solid cussimoro suit for $5 75 ,
which is honestly worth $8.oO. For $8
wo will sell you the choice of 10 differ
ent patterns of hundsomo suits thut uro
uctuully sold for $12. For $7 wo will
sell you nn all wool spring ovorcout.
Mull orders promptly attended to.
Money cheerfully refunded.
Dry Goods.
Violin Strings a Cents Only
at Meinborg's 1614 and 1510 Dodge st.
For Grmliniicii to Kctul.
Spcciul bnrguins in gold watches this
week ut Edholm & Akin's.
$8 Accnrdcons only $2.5O.
At Moiuborg's , 1614 und 1510 Dodge st.
For diamonds at specially close prices
go to C. L. Erickson & Co. . 212 North
10th st. , Masonic block.
"Woodruff Uranitc Qnurry.
J am propured to furnish Woodruff
granite in puving blocks , door sills and
stops , or blocks of most any dimensions
at cheap ligures. Also handle at my
Lincoln yurd nil classes of cut stone for
any purt of the state. Ask for ligures.
Thomas Price , Lincoln , Neb.
Baby Cnrrincos.
In the latest styles at Howe , Kerr &
Co : , 1510 Douglas st.
Where "Tho Sunday Ben" ami "Dally
Ceo" Can be Had Itcgulnrly.
Pnxton Hotel News Sumd.
Glebe Hotel News Stand.
Mlllard Hotel News Stand.
Murray Hotel News Stand.
Arcudo Hotel News Stand.
M-erchants' Hotel News Stand.
Metropolitan Hotel Nuws Stand.
Windsor Hotel News Stand.
( Janflcld House News Stand.
NORTH sine.
Joplm & Co. , SOS North Sixteenth.
Dick Castollo , 50 ( > North Sixteenth.
C. J. Canan , nil ) North Sixteenth.
J. Ilich. COO North Sixteenth. .
Christ Wilrodt , 814 north Sixteenth.
J. H. Read , 1020 north Twenty-fourth.
Johnson & Hoytolt , 1115 north Twenty-
M. J. Frank , 401 south Ninth.
.1. H. Cimmeruian , all south Tenth.
Eman Hagorman , GOo south Tenth.
SOUTH 811)13.
K. P. Tignor , 518 south Thirteenth.
Brown Ac Unger. 021 south Thirteenth.
Edward Mohl. 1001 south Thirteenth.
J. I. Fruehauf , 412 South Fifteenth.
E. Wytnan , 110 South Fifteenth.
Rudolph Swoboda , ' 31 south Sixteenth.
John Lomly , 1250 south Sixteenth.
C. A. Crosta , 50S south Sixteenth.
J. A. Dodge , 1U49 south Twentieth.
Boo Ofllce , 910 Farnam.
George Cooper , 1224 Farnam.
J. S. Caulllold , 1804 Farnam.
William Boyle , 2103 Cuming.
A. Anderson , 2213 Cuming.
S. E. Hanson , 2423 Cuming.
J. M. Martin , 1239 Park avenue.
K. M. Brown , 1734 St. Mary's avenue.
Exchange hotel news stand , South Omaha.
G , llouthcr , 24'0 N street South Omaha.
For the Liadlos to Head.
_ A piano nearly now , sold for $550 , for
$225 if sold inside of live days. Edholm
& Akin.
Spring millinery. Mmo. Hickman ,
1414 Douglas street.
Cheapest meat market , 18th & Nicholas
las , Harris & F.'shorblk. , George Kurz.
Proposals Wanted ,
A stove foundry desiring to remove
west invites correspondence from cities
lying west of the Mississippi river will
ing to encourage manufacturing in their
midst. Plant will employ 100 mon. Ad
dress Box 270 , Cincinnati , Ohio.
Banjo StmiKH Only it Cents
at Moinborg's 1514 and 1510 Dodge st.
F. M. Schiu.A ! ; Co. , on and'after
March 25 , will show their latest styles
in bonnets , hats and millinery novelties.
E. J. Davis , safe moving , etc. ; ofllco
410 S. 16th st. , Shooly block. Telephone
Samuel Burns calls attention to a
special Sale this week of 60 English
Decorated Dinner Sots 102 pieces at
$12.00 , the former price of which was
$28.00. Cull and BOO thorn ,
Painless extraction of tooth without
gas , ether or chloroform by aid of the
dental vibrator , Dr.Budlong208S. 16th.
Guitar Strings Only 0 Cents
at Molnberg's 1614 and 1510 Dodge st.
For ( jontlcmen to Bend.
Special bargains in gold watches this
week nt Edholm & Akin's.
A Grcut Offer.
All the banjos , violins , guitars , nccor-
deous , etc. , bought by us at mortgagee's
sale wiU bo sold for J of the marked
prlco. Come early and secure your
choice at Molnbura'fi16H and , 1610
Dc lgu sli'oot.
Great Snlo Monday.
Our basement is now open. Como In
Monday. Wo will show you an ole *
jnnt line of wall paper nt loss than one-
mlf regular prices , in fine gilts and
embossed gilts. Wo have a beautiful
inc. Don't buy any wall paper until
you got our prices. 1,000 rolls toilet
mpor , Monday 5croll in basomont. 60
argo size clothes hnmpors,76couch. Ele
gant blacking cases , $1 each , 6-foot
itop ladders , 7f o onch. G-foot stop
adders , OSo each. Big line of crockery
n cups , saucers and plates. Wo can
sell you at loss than one-half regular
; > rlccs. Bo sure and look through our
msoraont Monday. 1 case fine dross
ginghams , Monday 5c yard. 1 case ( Ino
> atin finish prints , 5o yard. 1 case un-
jlcach choose cloth , io ! yard. 1 case
cheviot check suitings , Monday 6c yard.
60 dozen ladles'black braided jerseys ,
all sizes , 82 to 44 , Monday $1 each , not
one-half price. Don't fail to see these
children's lace collars at lOc , 12c } , 15c.
18c each. Fine fuelling , Co yard. All
silk veiling , Oo yard. Pearl buttons , lo
dozen , all sizes , 18 to 20. Line line
Jrapory scarfs , 35e , worth double. Great
inducements in ( Ino embroideries , from
2o yard up. Spring dross goods are all
In and you can save money by buying
now. Now China silks in plain and
figured , at 60c and 76o yard. Our four
number of black Fororctta silks wo
will keep on sale ono more week , at75o ,
$1.15 , $1.35 , $1.60. They uro the best
values over offered in silks in Omahu.
100 doz huck towels Monday 0 for 2oc. 1
case fine Inco stripe scrims Monday ,
worth 12lc a yard , on sale Monday at
OJc yard. Gents fine silk embroidered
suspenders lOc a pair , worth 60o. La
dies fine jersey libbcd vests 49o each ,
worth 76c , Ladies fast black hose 25o a
pair , every pair warranted not to crock
the feet. Great corset sale next week.
Wo are headquarters on corsets in
Omaha. Will you need carpets or cur
tains this spring ? If so now is the time
to buy. Don't fail to got our prices on
carpets before you buy. Also shades
and curtains. Wo mnlco und lay car
pets old or now. Louvo your orders
und they will receive prompt attention.
On April 1 wo will inaugurate a ser
ies of special sales , to last for GO days ,
that will eclipse all former dry goods
olTorts over made in the west. Look"
out for announcements.
A Number oT Liittlo Cases Before the
Tribunals Yesterday.
Ayerst & Tafllndor commenced suit in the
district eourt against Inez Christianson and
Nets O. Christiansen to recover $20J as com
missions for securing a loan of fi)00 ; ) for the
Hans Christofferscn began proceedings for
divorce from his wife , Emma , alleging udnl-
tery. The plaintiff und Emma were married
in this citv October 0,1SS7.
A hill in equity was lilcd in the district
court by Peter Wlcs against Joseph W.
Barnsdall and others , asking that a receiver
ba appointed and that an accounting bo li..d
in the property which was mortgaged to him
by the defendants on six promissory notes of
$3,500 each. The property is situated in E.
V. Smith's addition.
After twenty-four hours' deliberation the
jury m the damage case of Jnrad U. Ayer
against the city , returned yesterday with
a verdict for fci.OOO for the plaintiff. Ayer is
a veterinary surgeon nnd sued for $ .J. ,000
damages for personal injuries sustained.
The jury in the case against Louis Herg-
hoff , who is charged with obtaining goods
under false pretenses , after bcinc ' out/about
forty hours failed to agree on ils'socond ile
liberation and Judge Hopcwcll discharged it.
Berghoft will probably g"t another trial this
term of court. From beginning to end Uio
jury stood nine for acquittal and three for
Sarah E. Clappo brought suit against the
city yesterday in the county court to recover
S2M damages alleged to have huen Hustained
by a defective apron , to the approach of a
sidewalk at Sixteenth and Donslas i-trecta.
Mrs. Clappe broke her right leg and dis
located her aiiKlc. The accident occurred
January 15 last. The city has confessed
judgment for the amount sued for.
John L. Miles and James Thompson sued
Richard Collins and John O'Conncll for $020
on promissory notes.
The Paxton & Viorlmg Iron Works com
pany wore sued for fcUJ.50 by Jacob Kline ,
who claims that the amount is due on iron
and stove castings sold.
Its Owner Become * Violent nul Is
Taken Into Cuuo ly.
Catherine IJaux , a German woman forty
years old , charged with insanity , was taken
into custody by Sheriff Cobnrn yesterday
and confined in the count. jail The cnso is
a sad ono and tne result of brooding on re
ligious mutters. Several weeks ago she began -
gan to show symptoms by suddenly conceiv
ing every day or two that the sisters at St.
Joseph hospital wanted to see her. She
would call her carriage und go hastily to
find out. Within the last few days she lias
boi-omo quite vicious , and it was necessary
to have her locked up. Friday she created &
great disturbance in the neighborhood.
When Deputy Sheriff Grebe wont to'the
house. lll'J ' Pacific street , yesterday mornIng -
Ing , she had completely destroyed four beds
and was in the act of breaking all the furni
ture to pieces. When she was tola the hos
pital sisters wanted to see her , slic'quluIUy
dressed and went with the officers without
making any resistance. i
Judno Groir Sumlcrs a Number ot
Irksome BoiulH. ,
Judge Groff was quite busy on dlvorco
cases yesterday afternoon. Ho granted sev
eral decrees and tbo operation did not take
him long. The first was in the case ol
Catherine Schaal against her husband , John
Bchaal , on the ground of desertion. The
wife , who is an old lady of heavy avoirdupois ,
claimed that her husband enlisted in tbo
Louie M. Morgan , u pretty young blonde ,
was also given a decree from her husband ,
John , on the grounds of desertion and failure
to support. They were married in
Kcokuk , la.
Lydla Glines was given a decree of legal
separation from her husband , William M. ,
on the grounds of non-support and cruelty.
She was also restored her maiden name ,
Lydlu Ulbbard. It will bo remembered that
the woman was connected with , a spicy
sensation last summer by confessing to the
court that her father seduced her when sbo
was a child , and that she fell from grace
after her ronrriago to Glines. She lived with
ono 1) . H. Mayno.
Frank Veleta was granted n divorce from
his wife Bertha , on the grounds of drunken
ness und adultery.
Maggie Coleman was granted n dccreo
from her husband John 1C. , on the grounds
of extreme cruelty and drunkenness. Mag
gie was also given the custody of three chil
Tlio Fated Driveway.
Yesterday tbo board of public works re
ceived a resolution passed by the city coun
cil , and indorsed by tbo mayor , approving of
the destruction of Sherman avenue as a
driveway. The resolution was introduced
last Tuesday by Councilman Counsman , and
reads as follows :
Resolved , By tbo city council of the city
of Omaha , tbo mayor concurring , that the
Omaha Motor Railway company shall be and
hereby Is permitted to proceed at once to con
struct its double railway track for u distance
equal to four blocks , commencing nt a point
In Sherman avenue ( or Sixteenth street ) ,
Hurdotto street , and extending northward
therefrom on Sixteenth street ( or Sherman
avenue ) in the city.
There will bo a meeting ot tbo licensed
liquor dealers ut Cunningham hall , Thir
teenth street , tut * afternoon , at 3 o'clock BQ(1
all are requested to attend. It is ajuaUQr ol
.treat importance to all the denleri , .
Letting lnwn-ttFrloefl.
Ypsilantl dross stay * M doz. , worth
16o to 2oo ; Goff's ' droMt-traid 80 roll ,
worth lOc ; nil sizes .pearl buttons lo
doz. ; extra super pearl buttons , half
'ormor prices. Elegant metal buttons
! o , 8c and 60 doz. , Worth up to 26o :
French horn stays 60 flozlj 23 styles and
colors ; bolting elastic 2o-So nnd 5o yard ,
worth IOo to 16o ; silk elastic IOo yard ,
worth 26o. This is positively the groat-
} st slaughter in staple , notions over
cnown in Omaha , Good load pencils
5c doz. ; the best rubbor-tippod pencils ,
to each : 26 shoots beet no to paper , 5o ;
best whlto envelopes , 60 bunch ; 25
shoots note napov and 25 fine envelopes
in gold or silver tinsel box. lOc.- Tre
mendous reduction in ladies' pockot-
tiooks , shopping bags , ohntolaln bags ,
bolts nnd girdles.
Tremendous reductions in luces , embroideries -
broideries and ribbons. Now styles in
val. laces. The latest designs in very
line oriental Inces. Cream Spanish
laces 5 inches wide 16o ; also silk black
Spanish and ohantllly llouncings at OOo ,
$1.25 , $1.60 up to $2.60 , worth $2.76 to
J4.60. 42-inch val. HouncingsOOcworth
$1.25. 27-inch oriental llouncings 30o a
yard , worth 75c. Wonderful values in
modlci and llnon torchon laces , also
embroideries in edgings , insortings and
llouncings. The display in line silk
ribbons , veilings , rustlings , ladies' col
lars and cults , handkerchiefs nnd tics.
Art needle work material nnd fancy
goods is greatly Improved.
Wo ask particular attention to the
millinery. Sensible ladles will not bo
mislead by bluster. Wo have purchased
the best goods that money can buy and
will boll at prices surprisingly low.
Wo are showing the latest importa
tions in French ribbonslloworsfeuthers
and ornaments.
Don't forgot the barirains in new
wallpaper. IIAYDEN BROS.
Canon Citv coal. $7 per ton.
Nebraska fruol Co. , 214 South lath SU
For Gentlemen to Itcnd.
Special bargains in gold watches this
week at Edholm & Akin's.
tComplete. riiaiisc.
The firm of C. II. Frederick & Co. ,
'Fifteenth street hatters , ha\e entirely
transformed the interior of their store
robin by the introduction of u complete
sut of now fixtuies , in natural oak.
TJloso fixtures include counters , hut
cu cs , elaborate umbrella cases with
plate glass top , und a handsomely fin
ished olllcu of beautiful design. Mr.
Frederick is a veteran in the trade ,
having established ti hat store in this
city in 1870. During all this time ho
bus kept puce with the growth of the
city , und to-day his handsome store is
the best of its kind in Onv.ilm. Hois
nnd bus been tlio agent for Dunlap's cel-
obrntud hat * , and also the celebrated
Stetson goods. Mr. Frederick was the
first denier who sold the Stetson huts
west of the Missouri. With a view of
becuring more leiburo from tlio cuue ? of
business , ho , January 1 , 188' ' ) , gave his
former clerk , .Mr. C.H. . Fuller , nn in
terest , the Jinn name being changed to
C. II. Frederick & Co. , under whoso
muujremeiit | ) the improvements have
been marlo. The addition of sixteen in
candescent globes just above the elo-
guutly htockod hat cases mlds much to
the beautiful store. A welcome
to all.
The Leo Clark Andreeaon Hardware
company1 , mortgagclJh'of .Incob E.
Troiol stock * of | tmrdwtirc uiul htovos ,
who failed a short time ago , sold it to
W. F. StoeUol , the Howard street hurd-
wnro und stove dealer.
l.OUO iinrinonicns 5o Only.
At Meinberg's. 1014 und 1.310 Dodge st.
The den tul vibrator , the safe , painless
tooth extractor , used only by Dr. Bud-
long , donti&t , 203 S. loth St.
Dr. Budloiipr , dentist , 203 S. loth St. ,
extracts tueth without pain by the itid
of the now dcntiil vibrator.
Spring millinery. Mmo. Hiokmnn ,
1414-Douglas street.
Wlmt Rlr. Stopfor.l Brooke
Would It- ) n Worthy lt m : > rtu Ity ,
It isiiot often us ho reminded his
hearers yesterday morning that the
Rev. Stanford BrooUo is tempted to
wander awuy into the regions of the
pilroly Pspcculutivo , suys tlio London
fcjtur. The life that now is allords ample
subject matter for the weekly cxhorta-
tipns ; that which i neither obbontiiilly
of reason nor of faith , but simply of
abstract imagining is loft utmost se
verely alone ut Bedford chapel. But
yehterday un exception was made , und
the rcsuftrWiiH a word-pluturo somewhat
.more entrancing than usual by reuben
of the boldness of the conception. Of
course the orthodox idea of heaven is
us little attractive us the orthodox idea
of hqlljs odious and abhorrent to these
progressists of the icligipus world who
JstilFgo by the name of Unitarians. Mr.
Brooke hud been giving bin notions of
tliut , future life in which he bus so
strong a faith. It would not bo a lifo
in which the good were separated from
the sinful , it would not be u lifo of idle
ness on the ono bund , and torture on
the other. The law that "What n man
sowh that shall ho reap , " would still op
erate , und so sin would still bo avenged ,
.but not in the orthodox inunnor. For
tbo moment in which tlio sinner icnrned
to accept law and find the love of God
behind it , ho would begin to
bear , his punishment gludly , und
so would commence the re
demption. It would bo for all a life of
higher progression und development ,
in which * now knowledge would bo
gained , now faculties developed , a
higher holiness and hajppinessattnincd.
Then followed a beautiful dream ,
buch as has cropped up in all philoso
phies since the dawn of history , but
which , coining from this artist-preacher
of a later christianityonay prove of in
terest to that other band of prophets
crying in the wlldornesa-f-tho Psychical
Research society. How inadequatowus
tnis little span df threescore yours und
ten spent in so small -a part of this
beautiful surfuco for the humnn educa
tion. How little of what there wus to
lourn did wo leurn. Co aid it be thut
wo stay in it as at .1 station whore the
express stops a few minutes , nnd then
nro gone , and wo seorit no more ? "It
is absurd ; I had almost Eaid-thoso are
something like the preacher's words-
it is incredible. Therefore I have spec
ulated , und of course this is only spec
ulation , that all of us began long ago ,
ouch appearing again nnd again , in a
fresh envelope as Jt were in now coun
tries , in other times. And I hav-
dreamoa that at every stage in thl
ascent in lifo some evil has boon
worked out of our. character and some
good worked in ; that as this living per
sonality which has throughout sus
tained its special self , the essential ego ,
has developed more and more , each
preceding state has been forgotten in
the next ono ; that BO wo shall go on
until all being done in this world thut
can be done , all being developed in us
that it is possible to develop in this en
vironment , wo shall bo fitted to enjoy a
higher world. Then we shall remem
ber everything from the beginning to
Jho clObO. That would bo u worthy im-
jnortaUty. "
Letting Down the Priced.
Striking bargains to influence the
trado. 10 inch plushes that were SOo
now 33c ; 05o plushes at 45o , nnd 07o
plushes , OOo. Figured China silks nt 48o
nnd 76o , were 76o and $1.00. Plain
China silk , 06o , was 860. Subttmo black
Bilks , 76o , 880,05o , 81,00 , $1.15 , tl.25 and
$1.86 , worth 81.25 to $1.75 : Every yard
warranted to wear. Surah silks , black
only , 62e , OSo , 75o and 860 , were 81.25.
Black French faille , 880 , $1.00,81.16 nnd
81.26. Bring samples nnd compare
these goods. Black nnd white stripe
nnd chock surah , exquisite styles nnd
finest quality , 76c , 81.00 nnd $1.26 , worth
81.25 to 81.76. 40 inch black French
Henrietta , superb quality , 45c , COo , 52o ,
660,75o , up to 81.15 , cost to Import ,
$1.25 to $1.76. Silk warp Henriettas In
most sublime nnd lustrlous finish. $1.25 ,
81.45 , $1.75 and 82.00 ; goods worth $1.76
to $2.75 per yard. Black and whlto
checks nnd stripes. Fancy blacks in
latest novelties , Colored grosgrain
silks. Colored satin rbodnmos. Col
ored French failles. Colored surahs in
nil shades nt loss than import cost.
Everyone admits that wo have nn im
mense stock of colored dross goods in
the most superb nnd nttrnctivo styles.
These low prices do not indicate the
quality. It is cutting out not only the
quality but in most cases the cost of im
portation. These dross goods now re
duced to 8c , lOc , 12o , were made to sell
nt 16e to : ! 5c.
Clonks , wraps , jackets , jerseys , peas
ant gowns , shnwls nnd suits. Tailor
made walking jackets 07c , were 31.60.
Nicely brocaded jackets 81.48 , worth
S2.50. Jackets nt $2.75 , worth 84.
Enormous reductions in worsted jerseys
47c , ( ! 9c nnd 76c , jerseys worth $1,00 to
Great bargains in fine wall paper.
i'lnnos Moved
On now , improved piuon trucks. Safety
insured. A. IIospo , jr. , 1511 ! Douglas st
$15 Gultnr * only $ B.
At Molnborg's , 1514 audio 10 Dodge st.
The Rights \Vcsterii Ciitilonicn. >
Tbo remedy for the evil thut is bank
rupting cuttle raisers nnd enriching
cattle killers lies in the breaking up of
this abnormal condition in transporta
tion thut forces the cuttle to go to Chicago
cage to bo killed. Says the Iowa Home
stead , this is pro-emincntly a matter of
compelling the railroads to give as
favorable rates to other points us they
do to Chicago , und give the same rolu-
tivo ruto , as compared with live cattle
on dressed beef tliut they do on packed
pork , us compared with live hogs. The
recent petition of tbo Chicago board of
trade to tbo inter-state commerce com
mission setting forth their griovnnces
against the Western lines of railroads
for ullcged discriminations against Chicago
cage in the mutter of rates on live hogs
nnd pork gives some strikingly sugges
tive figures us to the cIToct of currying
both the live hogs und the product ut
what they are relatively worth , and
without reference to who or what is
built up , or who or what is pulled down.
Now thut public attention is centered
on the mutter and legislative investiga
tions are on foot , .it is to be hoped that
the bottom facts 'will be known. Wo
believe thut jubt rates of trunsnortation
by stute action ancl thut of the inter
state commission will make it possible
to kill u steer iu tbo west ul a profit und
build up drcflsed-beof ostublishments
nuiir the corn fields und pastures and
save hauling forty-live per cent olTal.
When this is done great cuttle markets
will spring up at western points , und it
will not be in tbo power of four firms to
absorb the profits of the cattle produc
ers of a continent. Wo may bo wrong
in this. There may be a combination
tliut must be suppressed by law. If ,
however , wo nro right , the western cut
tle misers have no ono to blumo but
themselves. They huvo allowed a sys
tem of the grossest injustice to grow up
when it was in their power to crush it.
Lot live cattle nnd drcssed-boof , live
liogs mid packed incuts all be hauled at
the coat of the service. Lot the locul
rate bo relatively us low as the through
ruto. Then business will adjust itself
to tlio circumstances and bo on u healhy
basis ,
Iloxv to Foi'd liona.
If you desire your fowls to do their
best you must assist them in ono way or
another , says u writer in the Nutional
Fiirmor and Stockman. I do not mean
by this thut you should coddle , pamper
und fu s witli them ut nil times , und
give more attention to them thun you
do to yourself und fumily. Regularity
in mnnugomont should bo followed by
regularity in feeding. Feeding poultry
just when you think of it , or got around
to it , is bud policy and poor pay , und
will riot pay. The Inrmor who regular
ly attends to their wants is the one-who
will bo the gainer ut the end of the sea
son. Regularity und care help to
make poultry more vuluublo , as they
do- crops und lurgor domestic nni-
muls. 'When fowls nro surrounded
by four blnnk walls , nnd are
limited in space , their food should
not bo strong or fattening. By fur too
much corn is used by poultrymen , und
not enough of wheat , oats , barley , mid
dlings , bran nnd green food. Clover
rowon for winter use is valuable , owing
to the largo percontugo of albumen it
contains. Variety of food is essential
to the well-being and productiveness of
fowls. The composition of eggs requires
variety of material , and those constitu
ents are found in plain and cheap food.
It is difficult tolay down rules regarding
quantity , for some fowls will consume
moro food than do others. Ono must
use his own judgment nnd feed while
they show eagerness and appetite , then
quit. It is bettor for the health to
slightly under-feed than over-feed. It
is folly to surfeit fowls , with the idea
that n fatty condition of the body is es
sential to egg production.
Following are tho- marriage licenses is
sued yesterday la the county court by Judge
Shields :
Name and Residence. Age.
I Charles E. Conine , Omaha 23
1 Mary Doitor , Omaha 83
I Cyrus Mattland , Omaha , 24
| Anna Erickson , Omaha 24
( Andres F. Peterson , Rico , la 05
( AnnloM. Thomson , Omaha 01
( John Prlco , Omaha. , . , 22
) Mary Van Logan , Council Bluffs 20
( Cornelius Uenson , Albright , Neb 29
J Hello Galloway , South Omaha 23
( Hen Abrabamson , Omaha 20
( Sarah Haralng , Omaha _ . 10
Demurrer Was Hustalnccl.
An error was made In yesterday's ' court
proceedings In noting tbo decision of Judge
Hopewoll In the case of the Nebraska Na
tional bank against Logan & Btunton and
McCord , Uraily & Co. It should have read
that tbo demurrer was sustained instead of
overruled , ,
The First Colored Man.
The first colored man over admitted to tbo
Douglas county bar Is Simon Robbins , who
was taken m as & member of tbo bar yester
day. Ho recently cauio to Omaha from lo ]
diaua. H It a native of MUslaiiupi.
Letting Down the Prices Household
Goods Department ,
2 hoop pails IOo , worth oc ; A hoop
palls lie ! , wortli 860 ; wnshboards 7o ,
worth 16c ; No. 8 washtubs 860 , worth
660 ; No. 2 washtubs 660 , xvorth 85o ; No.
1 washtubs 05c , worth 81.25 ; Valley
clothes bars 48o , 63o nnd 05c , regulnr
prlco 81.26 , 81.65 nnd 81.75 for No. 1 , 2
nnd 8 ; bosom boards 16c , worth 860 ; 51-
foot Ironing board. 16cj good brooms ,
largo nnd well made , 7c , worth 20o ; six
foot Btop-laddors OSo , wortli 81.75 ;
clothes pins , lo dozen ; knife nnd fork
tray 60 , worth IOo ; clothes baskets 85c ,
40o and 50o , worth 60o , 75o and 81 00 :
best rolled oats , 80 pound ; good Carolina
lina rlco , 4o pound ; very choice S. O.
rice , 7o pound , best head rico , 81o
pound ; very best jolly cured California
evaporated nprlcots , 16o pound ; best
ovnporntod blackberries , Oo pound ;
evaporated California raspberries. COo
pound ; good prunes , Oo pound ; best
seedless raisins , 8c pound ; good flour ,
81.35 ; best Minneapolis flour , 81.76. In
fact wo are letting down the prices all
along the line. Monday begins the
great snlo in crockery , glass nnd tin-
wnro , ns well as groceries of every de
scription. Endless variety , Immense
stock and wonderful bargains in wall
Wo will have our big sale on shoos
tliis week , ladies' 88:00 : kid shoos for
82.00 , hand turned. Our line of ladies'
Oxford ties nnd too slippers comoloto.
Bo sure nnd got a pair of our ladles'
patent tip dongola kid shoos that wo
olTor this week for $2.50 ; they are beau
ties. Wo are hendqunrtors for chil
dren's shoes. Don't full to nttond our
snlo this week if you want bargains in
Dry Goods.
High Old Times With the Cowboys
on Her Wyoming Hunch.
The recent exploit of Mrs. Kate Max
well in closing up a "braco" faro gnmo
nt Bessemer nnd then saving the lives
of tlio two "tin horn" gamblers who had
robbed her cowboys and were about to
bo summarily swung up , has rnised
"Cattlo Knto , " as she is called , to n
pinnaplo ot notoriety second only to
thut attained by Belle Starr , says a
Chcyonno correspondent of the Now
York World. Mrs. Maxwell's ranch is
on San'd creek , in Stillwator county.
She rode into town with her foreman ,
entered the gambling saloon , six-
shooter in hand , and while she cowed
the dealer , her foreman snatched the
* furo-box und cards und exposed the
trickery of the gi'ino to the assembled
As already told in the World Cuttlo
Knto's intercession saved the lives of
the gamblers , und they were started out
of town on horseback while the crowd
pillaged and then burned their saloon.
All huuds wont to the Muxwoll ranch ,
where Kute , who had secured the
gambler's money , made some sort of a
division among those who hud been
This during fomulo has been on Sand
creek four yours , and since her hus
band's death 1ms managed a small cattle
ranch. Maxwell was a quiet sort of
fellow , und used to innke trips to
Chicago every fall to sell cuttlo and
spend the money in "doing the town. "
He brought a wife back with him after
ono of these trips. She hud been a
vuriety-hnll singer , but took to ranch
lifo nt onco. Slio liked to ride nnd
shoot , and showed n great fondness for
nil sorts of athletics , Before Muxwoll
died his ranch was known to every
fleet-footed Indian runncrand bud prize
fighter in the territory. There were
running races and prize lights , dog
fights und coak fights at the Maxwell
place neurly every day , and it soon be
came a rendezvous for a pretty tough
cluss of people. Kuto had induced her
husbund to send to Chicago for an old
lover of hers Tom Mason an ox-furo
dealer , and ho was installed us foreman
of the ranch. After Muxwoll died the
place became notorious , und to-duy it is
the headquarters for the most reckless
gang of cowboys und half-breeds in the
"Cuttlo Kate" maintains her position
ns mistress of tlio ranch easily. Her men
are devoted to her and boas * , of her
horsemanship nnd steady aim , wherever
they may be. Kate has killed ono man
at least and wounded another. A drunken
" " insulted her utn
en "grouser" round-up
and before the cowboys could reach him
Knto hud shot him dead. One of her
own mon presumed to call her "Katie"
one duy und she sent a bullet into his
"to touch him better
right arm man
ners , " she suid.
Last full Kuto took nearly all hoi-
stock to Chicago and cumo buck with
considerable money. Neighboring cut-
tlornon doclure there are more cuttlo
with her brand on tbo range to-day thun
she over hud , nnd Mrs. Maxwell's ' cu-
reor is liable to bo cut short ut uny mo
ment. She has committed the most
venal offense known among stockmen.
She has been "rustling. " Her cowboys
nro adepts ut this , and the Maxwell
ranch is believed to bo the headquarters
of the greatest gang of "rustlers" over
known in the territory. "Rustling" is
the altering of brands on cattle , and the
X L brand , ithrough the exertions of
Cattle Kate's gang , is becoming the
most numerous in Swootwator county.
The stockmen have organized for protection - '
toction , nnd a raid on the Maxwell
rancb may bo made some night. If it
is there will bo a desperate fight , for
the "rustler" carries his lifo in his
hands and knows that death will follow
his detection.
Mrs. Muxwoll was in this city las t
summer. She put up nt the bust hotel
nnd occupied n suit of rooms that were
fitted up for Hurry Oolrichs , n brother
of Herman Oolrions , the Now York mil
lionaire , when Hurry wns drawing n
$25,000 yearly salary us manager of an
English cattle company. She wns on
her good behavior , und only once be
trayed the Amnzon. She hud boon
spending money freely nnd big stories
were in circulation concerning her
wealth and the extent of her cattle
ranch. A "trump" printer named Dev
lin , nccosted her on the street ono duy ,
announced himself ns a reporter and
asked her some impertinent questions.
She knocked him down with a stunning
left-hander , and lushed his face with
her riding whip till Ho begged for
Cattle Kate is above the average
holghth , with black hair and eyes and
regular features. She would bo hand
some but for u scar on her chin , which
she has worn for ycurs. She is a little
over thirty , und is us fond of dress ns a
society woman , despite her rough life
and surroundings. She wears silks and
velvets with an abundance ol jewelry
when about the ranch or in town , When
on horseback she usually wears a man's
suit of corduroy , with sometimes a short
skirt of the sumo material , but oftener
Old Washaklo , the Stjo ioho Indian
chief who has just beet ) enrolled us
a gpvornmont scout , used to visit tlio
Maxwell ranch frequently. , lle bad
two or three young bucks who could
outrun anything in the territory , and
Kate's cowboys wcro constantly r.luil-
lenging them ton race , a tul as con
stantly being beaten , Knto jilwnys
backed her own men liberally , nnd she
finally tent to Chivago for a profc-stional
sprinter. Ho was dressed up as n cow *
boy and kept nround the ranch in nntio-
ipation of Washaklo'a visit. IIo
couldn't very well give his party the
"double cross" , however strongly in
clined , because ho couldn't speak the
Indian tongue , nnd ho wns bucked to
win n/alnst two of the Indians until
tlio savages had their blankets up ana
stood to lese everything but their redskins
skins on the rnco.
Tlio Chicago sprinter won , nnd the
Indiana philosophically parted with
their monov , ponies , guns nnd blnnltots.
Old Washnklo saw the trick , however ,
and has never visited the ranch since.
During the past few months there has
been loss of this sort of nmusomont nnd
more whiskey drinking nnd cnrouslng
indulged In nt Knto's ranch. The mon
surrounding her are moro lawless nnd
desperate than the nvorngo cowboy ,
"Cuttle Knto" herself , It is said , bus
been drinking heavily , nnd the Inw-
nblding element In Swootwator county
maintain that the ranch has become
headquarters for n jjang of. cattle
thieve and outlaws of whom the conn-
try should bo rlddon. Knto's during
adventure with the gnmblorsat Besse
mer , however , has niudo her n horolno
with her own mon and given her the
notoriety which she craves.
The WnMilnKton.
A person walking along the west side
ot North 10th street n hnlf block north
of JolTorson squnro , will have his ntton-
tion drawn to a now mont market. The
first glance shows It to Lo n daisy. On
entering the nicely furnished nnd well
stocked room , the smiling countenance
of Mr.'E. A. Marsh , the well known nnd
reliable butcher , wns soon behind the
counter. Mr. Marsh for the past six
and a hnlf yours has conducted the
fumous Washington market , just north
of Cuming street on North Kith st. But
for reasons best known to himself ho
has concluded to seek n moro central ,
desirable and convenient location , both
for the interest of the public and him
self. The general verdict is that his
present location , 514 North 10th. second
door from bank , is first class. Mr , Marnh
has everything in apple pie order to
welcome nnd politely wnit upon nil his
old customers and ton thousand now
ones , in his usual satisfactory manner.
Thut is to supply them with oliotco
meats at the lowest prices. A visit to
this model market will convince you nt
once in cleanliness , quality of moats
nnd prices , it is excelled by none nnd
equalled by very few in the west or any
other place.
Monday , Tuesday and-Wednesday ,
March , 25th , 20th and 27th.
By Joseph Arthur.
ioo Nights in New York.
100 Nights in London ,
Under the management of
Joseph Arthur.
Regular prices. Tickets go on sale Sat
urday morning.
Three Nights Only and SaliiMlny Matinee ,
Commencing Thursday , March 28 ,
The Mosl Amusing f nil Farce Comedies ,
Author of "A Binsi Monkey , " "A Midnight
llell , " etc.
Presenting one of the Strongest Singing
nnd L'ui'cc-Comedy Companies
PJCKT'l'Y ' < ; iUI.Sl
Better Than Ever a'jd ' Best of All ,
Itegulur prices. Seats go on sale Wcilnt'Mlny ,
Wcckoniiiiulny , Murcli 25 , Smncnlr Wrtk
Walking a ladder made of kecn-edfrod swords.
Specialty Show 20 Artists.
The Spnnct-rlnn Kl.ihsoiiL'i'.unr , uiaiifK ficfluUh ,
numeoi Initials uny KUwsware If bioutM In the
uflci noon.
MONrt. IIDIinit. the ( treat painter , \\lll pri'g-
ont A IIANIN ) lii : < V I'AIN'J'IIII ' HIIOVl',1 to
all ladle * who atl ud In Ihu uft''rnor/n nnd men
_ . ,
Send for CsUego Journal.
Corner C'apllol Mo. mill mill ft.
'IRed Label" Cigars ,
FpHK V ITNIHH 01' Till , a.'S. A B'Tt'lJ-ivet.
X by A.MIM.IK IIIVIM , intli | > r of 1'IJli ,
OI'ICK OHTiir. HK.Mom.ilitt'ir ) , l.lpptn >
' v- ' - " - " "
mil BMiiKft't tu for Apr 1 I'nt
.e . jy . 'H i"j'i..i itv , t cuu u'iAbi'c