Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1889, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In Any Port of bo City n
i'crWcofc. _
* THentyCents . .
noBiNEfS OFFICB No. 43.
NitniT KniTou , No.Sl.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Coalnndwood. E.E.Maytio,010 B'wny.
The Clinutnunun circle will meet Monday
evening In tlio library room , on the second
floor of tlic court house.
The fun ral of James Johnson , who died
Friday , will tnko place nt 2 o'clock this nf tor-
noon from the residence , 1TO7 Seventh street.
A mnrrlnge license wns Issued yesterday teL
/L / P. Calland nnd Helen 0. Crawford. Ho
Is n resident of Gumming county , Neb , , and
Iho Is from San Francisco.
The J. Li. Foreman stock has passed Into
the hands of W. T. Potter , of Milwaukee ,
VVIs. , who will close it out as close as possi
ble before moving It to another pluco.
The case against Uubv Hakor. the Omaha
fcuialo who raised Cain generally on Lower
U roadway a few days ago , was yesterday
aicmlsscd , as It was thought that she had
Buffered sufficiently for her misconduct.
To-morrow evening Oeiioral Manager
Dodge , of the Holail Merchants' Protective
association , will lecture on the merits of that
organtratlon at Macnnerchor hall for the
bcncilt of those who have not yet become
members. All arc Invited to attend.
The racing horse teams of tbo city arc
planning to go to Nebraska City In a few
days for a series of races with western
teams , and coupling and sprinting contests.
It will doubtless bo very interesting , nnd the
boys will bo bcncllttcd by the practice.
The ton-months old boy of Mr. nnd Mrs.
> VVi Uallou died Friday at their homo nt Man-
( uva. The funeral will tnko place at U o'clock
this morning from tno Manawa hotel. The
remains will bo Interred in Falrvlew. Mr.
> Uullou Is ono of the engineers on tno Man-
nwa motor lino.
John Peterson was full and ugly last even-
Ingj Ho began to amuse himself by chasing
the uodcstrlaiiH on South Main street with a
rarer. Ho was having any amount of fun
When Ofilccr Joslyn appeared and put n stop
to It. Ho was hauled in and carefully stowed
away for a long Sunday nap.
The gambling case against Dan Carrlgg
was acnin postponed yesterday , this tlmo
Indefinitely. The city nuthoritles scorn to bb
trying to smooth over the results of that un
fortunate raid several weeks ago. They
started outnt a very swift pace , but It looks
very much as If they tired long before reachIng -
Ing the homo stretch.
Dr. Newman will occupy the pulpit at the
Broadway Methodist church this morning.
At the evening service Mrs. Anna M. Tyntr ,
of Minneapolis , will deliver n temperance ad-
dross. She comes hero under the direction
of the order of Good Templars. A second
service will bo held by tlio same lady on
Tuesday evening next.
Amornlng paper is very Indignant Over
too undue advantage taken by Attorney
t Dailoy to secure the dismissal of the gam
bling cases in the absence of City Attorney
Holmes. Tno fact Is that the matter was all
adjusted before the tlmo for the trial ar
rived , and the city attorney was fully advised -
vised as to what was to bc-dono in the mat
ter , and it was not necessary for him to bo
present. _ _
Join tno watch club nt E. Burhorn's.
If you want n delicious smoke , try a
Santo Rosa. Best lOc cignr made.
One Fare For tlio Hound Trip.
Tickets on sale April 8th , ! ) th and 10th ,
good for return from the llth to the
18th inclusive for nil who wish to attend
the state encampment of the G. A. R.
veterans at Burlington , Iowa , April
Oth , 10th and llth , 1880. The head
quarters' train with the department
commander and his stuff under 'the
escort of Abe Lincoln Post G. A. R. ,
will leave Council Bluffs via the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Qulncy railroad at
0:40 : a. ra. . April 8th , 1880. For further
particulars , call on or address
Ticket agent ,
Cor. Pearl and Broadway.
Council Bluffs.
1 M. M. MAHSHALL , General Agent.
Western Ijumlier and Supply Co.
Between 13th and 14th streets , and 2d
Bnd 3d avenues. Telephone 1241.
E. W. RAYMOND , Manager.
Bartlett & Norton for hardware ,
Btovos and cutlery. 737 and 2315 B'wny.
Dr. C. C. Hazon , dentist , Opera house
S. B. Wads\vorth & Co. loan money.
Personal t'nrncrnihs.
A. U. Crane , of Rochcll , 111. , and George
\V. Lluo , of Franklin , 111. , are in the uity ,
guests of S. 11. Wadsworth.
' Mrs. Wells Cook has returned to her homo
in Danbury after a three weeks' visit with
-'friends In this city and Omaha.
' > Colonel F. C. Heed , of the Manawa motor
illno , has returned from an extended trip to
, , . " Oregon. Montana and California.
( in1 W. G. Nason , formerly general agent of
t the Council Bluffs Insurance companv , has
sono to Taconia , W. T. , at which place ho
twill represent the same company.
J. E. Gray , brother of the real estate
dealer , has taken up nls temporary abode in
Council Bluffs , and the Indications are that
bis residence will bo made permanent.
. *
< Headquarters for builders' hardware ,
Odoll & Bryant , 613 Main street.
J. G. Tiiiton , real estate , 627 B'dway.
An ofllcicnt organist from the east do-
livosn position as organint in Omaha or
Council Bluffs. References : Max Merci
an d Charley Buotcns , 825 Puxton buildIng -
Ing , Onmlm , or I'M Seventh street ,
Council Bluffs. Good testimonials
Notlco the beautiful finish given col
lars , culls and shirto by Cascade Laun
dry company ,
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rntea of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. '
A. A.'Clarl : & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway
and Main , ctror American express.
Old l.'iru Imds.
The following have been elected ofllccrs of
the Veteran Fit-omen's association for the
ensuing year :
President , John Helm ; first vloo president.
Oliver D. Hulgh ; second vice president , F.
H. Quanella ; trcaKiirer , Thomas Howman :
recording sccrntary , C. M. Muynard ; board
of directors , company No. 1 , P Lacey am ]
Jesse Walters ; coin puny No. li , I , W. Cooper
nnd George Schinillo ; company No. 3 , J , L.
Tcmplcton und P. D. Moomaw.
Fnyottfl Jonoa , cashier of the " \Vu-
oash , " was the lucky member of E.
'Bui-horn's watch club , dr.uvlng a bouu-
tiful timepiece last , evening.
Uooms to rent in the Morrlam block.
B. B.Wudrtwprth &Co.'i10 Main Btrcot.
* Now and full line of spring goods at
* ' the London Tailors , CUT Broadway.
* * * Hiwe our wagon call for your tolled
' , 'clpthefl. Caeca-Jo Laundry Co.
" ' The ttuost line of spring goods to bo
found hi tlio market IB nt A. lleltor's ,
No. fllO H roadway.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's ft Co.'a
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , hornos ,
' WDgous , pttrsoiml properly of ail kinds ,
ana all ether nrtlclea of value without
removal. All buslnebs strictly coull-
tfcnfh ) ,
A Mute's Thrilling Exporlonco and
Narrow Bscapo.
Sentencing Prisoners An Ambitious
DOR Old Fire Ijnds Acci
dental Shooting Minor
A Mute's Narrow Escape.
"Look out. thorol" yelled n motor man nt
wonty minutes past 3 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon as the cast-bound car ncarod the
corner of Main and Broadway. The lively
ling ( long of the bell had not attracted any
attention , but the words and the sharp tenon
n which they wore uttered did , nnd n num
ber of passers-by glanced hastily Into the
mlddlo of the street to sco the car strike a
nan , knock him down , and ho disappeared
under the heavy electric motor. The hearts
of at least n hundred people rose to thnlr
tirouts as they realized what had happened.
Meanwhile the motormnu had not been idle.
The currcat was shut olt and a strong arm
; ave the brake lover several lightnlng-llko
.urns , and the train came to a standstill. In
ess tlmo than it takes to write it willing
lands had released the unfortunate victim
and berne him Into YounVs drug store ,
where Ors. ClOaver and Gordon attended to
ils injuries.
It was found that the individual who had
so apparently a narrow escape was a sovon-
; ecn-ycar-old deaf mute named Oloy Porter ,
n pupil at the deaf and dumb Institution. At
; ho tlmo of the accident ho was crossing
Uroadway and was looking up the strciit , so
ho know nothing of the approach of the
motor. Ho was rolled up like n ball and his
nock nnd back were sovorly strained , but no
bones were broken nad no serious bruises
were fotiml. Ho was placed In a hack and
convoyed to the Institution.
The train was moving very slowly at the
time of the accident or the affair would have
resulted more seriously. The advantage of
Iho guard attachment waa made very ap
parent , thft being In front of the wheels pre
vented the boy from being caught by them.
Ills esrapo from a serious squeezing or bruis
ing was fortunate oven at the best , nnd the
motor man deserves credit for his coolness
ind agility. It was as severe and practical n
test as could bo well made and indicates that
serious accidents are not liable , oven under
more adverse circumstances. The lad will
[ loubtless feel the effects for some davs and
the thrilling experience will never bo forgot
ten by him.
I'rcnohini ; and I'rnj'lnjr.
Ovcrton Mission No service at the morn
ing hour. Evening service nt730 : ! , conducted
by Judge Hubbard.
Services at the Presbyterian Harmony
mission to-day nt U o'clock , conducted by Mr.
F. E. Hoaglaml. Sabbath school at 4 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Topic ,
"A Prudent Wife , " Prov. * xxt:10-31. : The
last meeting was well attended and much in
terest manifested ,
Congregational Services to-dny , morning
ana evening. In the morning the pastor will
preach. Subject , "Is the Christian Church
of Any Usol" In the evening there will bo
n lecture by Mrs. H. A. Drake , of Dakota , on
her cxpericnco as n missionary on the
frontier. All should avail themselves of the
opportunity of hearing this teacher.
Bcrcan Baptist church. Preaching to-day
at 1(1:30 ( : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school
meets at 11J3 a. m. Place of meeting ,
Shubort's block , on Broadway near Twenty-
fourth street. You are invited to worship
with us.
IJethany Baptist church , corner of Bluff
nnd Story streets. Services at the usual
hours. 10:30 : a. ill. und 7:30 : p.m. Sunday
school at 3 D. m. Young people's meeting at
0:30 : p. m. Rev. E. N. Harris pastor.
Presbyterian. Preaching as usual by the
pastor both morning and evening. Sabbath
school at 12 o'clock. Christian endeavor at
3 p. in. , and young people's meeting at 0:30 :
p. m. Strangers nnd others cordially invited.
Broadway M. E. church. Preaching at
10:30 : a. m. by Bishop John P. Newman. At
7:30 : p. m. Miss Lyng will conduct a gospel
temperance meeting. Strangers nnd the
public cordially invited to these services.
Saint Pauls Church Divine service to-day
at 10:45 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school
nt 12:15. : Bible class 12:15. : Sermon topics :
Morning , "Tho Limitations of Humanity. "
Evening sermon : "How to Become a Chris
tian. " A plain talk with these who think
they are not Christians. Young men and
strangers always cordially welcomed to these
services. T. J. Mackay rector.
Rev. Frank Parsons , the highly esteemed
pastor of the Glcnwood Baptist church , will
preach in the First Baptist church at 10:30 : a.
m. iiiul 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 12 m.
Young People's meeting at 0:30 : p.m. All
cordially welcomed.
Meting Out Justice.
The contempt case against J. J. Fralnoy
occupied the attention of the district court
Just before court adjourned sentence was
imposed on Hicks Oden , Charles Kutz and
Ed MIddloton. The former was convicted
of assault with intent to do great bodily in
jury , and t.otono hundrol days in the county
jail. Kutz was given throe years in the pen
for assault with Intent to commit rape , and
Middloton was given eighteen months in the
pen for forgery. His sentence waa very
light and was doubtlcas owing to the fact
that a petition .signed by all the members of
the bar had been presented asking the clem
ency of the court. This disposes of all the
criminals who wore confined in jail at the
beginning of the term awaiting trial.
Couldn't Fall tilko 11 Oat.
Yesterday afternoon a sad accident
happened to an unsophisticated dog which
s taking in the sights at ' the
county court house. The door leading
to the rlomo had been loft open and
his dogshlp continued his investigations
toward the top of thn structure. As ha was
crossing the skylight over the rotunda ho met
with an mishap. It so happened that several
panes of glass had boon broken by the elec
tricians who have Jbeon wiring the building
the past wcch and the curious canlna animal
approached oao of the apertures and looked
down. Whether ho became dl//y , or whether
the glass brolto under his feet will probably
never bo known , for all that Is known Is that
ho was discovered shortly afterward on the
concrete Hour of the basement , fifty icut bo-
low. Ono log was broken und ho was Injured
internally , but a crowd ot sympathetic bovs
picked him up nnd carried him away. The
moral is plain enough , mm all well behaved
dogs will hcre.iftor refrain from aspiziagto
lick tha hand of the goddess of liberty who
presides over Potlawultmnlo county's court
E. H. Shoafo ft Co. oiler bargains in
city property , either improved or un
improved. Easy payments. Good lots
on 310 payments.
i.torvlion ( i. city \ > AtHr. etc. , on Munawa
motor Hue. Tlirea ulocka from Umalia motor
ami dummy tntlns. itont of nouio. ! . In-
uiiiru of Jr. ) 1" . w , Houston ,
WANTIJ ly TTiidy us lieu iilC9oprr tu ilrat
cltus houO. Artdrosa Hi Mynstcr St. ,
Coumli Illulls , Ja.
Ml'BV SELtj-'lhvo lotnlu SackPtt'H nadltlon
(100 below tli 8 inurket iirlcu If taken ( U
J AY Hoarders wonted at 1005 Avemio A.
II' you liava property of uny Istiid to eoll or iiT-
clmiigo > .ee Joliuaton & Vanl'ntten. ! ! 1 ilolu.
I OH UKNT-0Ilc ! "No. 'I over Halril'-Toon-
IfocUonpry store , lutoly ooouplud b Win
Ward , arcliUet.Horttco _ I'.verott.
HALUOn moTtnly payuionia. lioiuo
ii1011. ! " Yan tr' ' " t-v UiCB' jvUdltlon. liy
' IVarljlrget. ' _ _ _ _ _
ll'TlKNr l'su'sowioiBlveu April lit , the
resilience now ocruplod by Hubert Cu -
i > enter. corner Uth st. andZd vu. . i.11 per month.
) lor ce KvertU.
. _
mtfllTirtllKD Uoomn for rent ; _ econd Tocr7 !
X1 No. 117 Fmirtb meat. _
T7\0 H "H EXT-Cncap. twoluud oine. ne
Jt ? north of
room , transfer , t i
IlliiUo. Juouira Uland KUbtor. ( U > ave. ani
2Ut ( .
The "VI53 M oelorn Novolltloa
Artistic Decoration !
Sign. IIouso nnd Ornnmontnl Tainting , Kalso
mining , Graining , etc.
Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St.
Corner Slain and llroadway ,
Dealers in foreign domestic exchange.
Collections made and Interest imia on tlmo de
Great Slaughter in prices for the coming week. Read the following carefully :
25 to 35 per cent sjived by attending this sale. The proprietors of the Boston Store arc determined to make this one of the
greatest Dress Goqcls , sales ever heard of in Council Bluffs. In order to attain this end they have gone through their immense
stock , and are prepared to offer the following bargains in prices never befoie heard of in this vicinity. All goods sold on their
merits. 'Nothing1 misrcnrescnted. Onn nnrn rn nvp.rvhnrlv.
Double Fold Blnck Cashmeroto ,
lOc ; regular price 12Jc.
84-Inch Black Cashmercte , 10c ;
regular price 25c.
36-inch lisle Thread Wnrp
Herirlettas , 25c ; regular price 30c
36-inch All Wool Black Henri
ettas. 33c regular price OOc.
40-inch All Wool Blnck Henri
ettas , 4Bc and BOc ; regular price
GOc and 6Bc.
46-inch All Wool Black Serge ,
47c ; regular price 7Bc.
46-Inch All Wool Black Silk
Finish Henrietta , 79c ; regular
price $1.
Just received a full line of
Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettas
at special prices 9Oc. $1.1B.
and | 1.S7.
oret s Denarlm'
Pin Check Suitings , 0 l-4c ; regular price lOc.
Check and Plain Suitings , 12lc ; regular price 17c a yard. Regular
price 2Bc.
42-Inch Plain , Mixed nnd Striped Suitings , 2Bc ; regular price 33c ,
06-inch All Wool Plaids , Roman stripes , mixtures nnd checks ,
suitable for combinations , 33c ; regular price 40c.
36-Inch All Wool Ladles' Cloths , In all the latest spring shades ,
regula r 33c ; price OOc
46-inch English Twills , all light spring shades. 47c ; regular price
02-inch All Wool Ladles' Cloth , 44c ; regular price B8c.
46-inch Hindoo Twills and All Wool Henriettas , 69c ; regular
price 8Bc.
JiO-inch All Wool Henriettas nnd
English Sorges , 2O different
shades , all
At 50c. *
Regular price GBc.
04-Inch All Wool Beiges , in
stripes plain mixtures nnd
plaids , suitable for combination
suits ,
Regular price , $1.30.
Sale commences Monday , and continues for this week only , at above prices.
BOSTON STORE , - - 401 Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Mail orders receive prompt attention. Samples sent free on application.
. .
. --Tel.20/ .
ofcar\t\ed&oods. 341
. Estate . ftioan . Atfents
Sosisfr.Ave.Bet.Mam & pear/ / .
mm imv
* aJKagnefcdJ cJ4fSbJn-x § f.
. . Nb.ll4MaittSt.
S At Pierce , Proprietor. M > .83g Broadway-
Furmtura & Stoves
on wee/f/y /
ne Lounc/t-yWork A S1peG\a\\s |
/y.Ma'm St. Telefrfroxse - \
Smoked in
Our immense sales on this brand is convincing
proof that it is the best known , and possesses
the highest degree of excellence of any ten cent
cigar in the market. If you have never smoked
t , try it and be convinced that what we say is
true. If present rate of sale is maintained more
than 2OOOOOO will be sold during 1889.
We are sole proprietors for the entire west of
the celebrated brands : Senora Cubana , Roman
Senator , El Sello de Habana , Ten CentCubanas
and Wild West.
Smoke P. M.'s Stars , the best five cent cigar
ever introduced , and enjoy lite.
DH ito's HKilil-Swirl
Tlio only perfect abdominal support for dill ,
dren and lulultH. Successfully cures tlio WOKBT
DR. L. E. HOE , 27 Mnln Street-
What a Shirt
1 f you had taken Jt to the City Steam
it wouldn't look so.
Jl iluln Street. Telephone 111.
Mrs , C , L , GILLETT'S '
And eo her fine line of Hnlr
, oodB. TlNKST II/ilH
UHNAMIiN'R ) Intha city.
WlKi Ileards , etc. , for Kunt
ornate ,
Glutli and Coylo and Myers
( J reuse 1'ulntH. Hair
- VBa _ , Drcaslntf. Ktc.
No. 30 KIulii Nl. , C'ounell Uluin.
Ordvrn by mall receive prompt attention.
kulea. Several cases cured in Haven ( hivn. Bold
) .Mlperbox , all druKgUU , or by mall from Ooc-
ura Jlfs Ct > 113 WliTteSt. N.Y. FuliaUecttoM.
The nicest eighty acre farm on the slope in Iowa , 9
miles south of Creston , 100 miles east of Omaha.
Good 6 room house.
Barn with room for eight horses , and cow barn , sheda
graiueries , orchard , etc.
Good wells , living wafer , tame grass.
Near school , church , etc.
Easy terms.
Write C. J. COkBY ,
522 Paxton Hlock , Omaha , or Broadway an d 30th St
Council Blulls , Iowa.
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
E.G. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catnlogurt. No. 61O PewJ Stniel , Council BKiJfs