THE OMAHA PAIM fiEE : STJNITAar MARCH 24. 1889.-SIXTEEN PAGES. ow MEN'S , YOUTHS and CHILDREN S CLOTHING .ONE PRICE CLOTHIERSCORJARNAIfeg Thursday , Friday and Saturday , March 28th 29th and 30th , Only. Thursday , Friday and Saturday , March 28th , 29th and 30th , we will place upon our counters , a line of clothing of which we enumerate a few. These goods are all staple and regular , but sizes having been broken , and having discon tinued sorting up on special lots , we have , for tne occasion of this sale , marked them , at prices which under other circumstances , would be ruinous. Those Who Come First , will find themselves most fortunate on account of choice of selections. "We need sav but little , as the goods will sneak for themselves. NONE of these poods will be offered , or sold , before or alter above mentioned days , at other than REGULAR PRICES ; and for this reason , iii justice to those who live at a dis tance , we announce this special sale , in order to give one and all ample time to be present , or send their orders by mail ; such mail orders will have our Special Care , and all may rest confident that their wants will merit the same choice in selection , as though present in person. EJUMDI IBUBII MEN'S SUITS-SPECIAL ! One-button , cutaway , brown stritie , Worsted Froclc Suits , sizes M to 39 , at $2.60 JUST THINK OP THAT ] Ono-button , cutaway , Blue Flannel Frock , sizes 3-5 to 40 , at 2.75 Light groy All Wool Frock Suits , sires 36 to 3S , at 3.50 ONLY A FEW OF THESE Light brown Plaid Sack Suits , sizes30 and 42 , at ' . . . ' . 4.00 t Dark blue mixed Frock Suits , sizes 30 to 88 , at i 4.25 Scotch striped Sack Suits , 35 to 40. at , . . . ' . 5.75 = = . ' ' j . 'W f , " - * - > < u. Black Broadcloth Frock Suits , sizes86 to . - " . - . ' : . : 0.03 U I > n. i v Grey Scotch Striped All Wool Sack Suits , sizes 35 to 42" at ? .J. ! .T" 0.75 LJ Black Striped All Wool Worsted Frock Suits , sizes 3G to 38 , at. : ; Black Bird's-eye Worsted FrocK Suits , sizes 35 to 38 , at . . Dark All Wool Silk Mixture Frock Suits , sizes 30 to 33 , at . ' 7.25 Brown Mixed All Wool Worsted 4-batton Cutaways , flat braided , sizes 34 to 33 , at 7.75 All Wool Silk Mixed Cassimero Frock Suits , sizes 3S to 38 , U 9.00 AND MANY OTHERS. I ! ! Light Brown Plaid Suits , sizes 15 to 17 , at - . - $2.00 Plain Brown All Wool Cassimere Suits , at - - - 2.OO Grey Mixed Cassimere Suits , dark plaids and stripes , worth from . 58.00 all 2.0O $4.00 to , going at - - - - . A line of light and dark colored Cassimeres , sizes 14 to 17 , at - - - _ - _ . . - . - - 2.50 SPECIAL. In this line we offer suits or which there are only one , two or three in a pattern left , at only fifty cents on the dollar of original cost. LOOK AT THIS ! ! ! Striped au'd Mixcfl Cassiniere Reversible Spring Overcoats At $1,75 ; worth $7,50 , We can show you an exceedingly handsome , . line of Spring Overcoats. Eemember-Tliiirsday , Friday and Saturday , March 28,29 and 30 IDE SENATE READY TO QUIT But Chooses Bather to Remain a Standing Menace to Fraud. BOODLERS THREATEN DEADLOCK. A Novel and Exceptional Situation in the Upper Branch or the State Legislature Statn lloasc GoBsip- Tbe Senate. LIKCOLJC , Neb , , March 23. [ Special to THE BiiB.j The senate has been in session one day longer than the hovsc , and has improved the opportunity to take A rest. Bnt that is not the only reason for the adjournment over Saturday. The senate -actually run out of xvork , and it knocked off until the house shall have sent over another grist to grind in the shape of the two general appropriation hills. And there is another reason. Several of the jobbers In the house have threatened a deadlock on the appropriations if their de mands bc.not granted , and the absent sen ators arc at homo arranging their affairs to stay hero two week , if necessary , to defeat the unholy alliance in jobs. Hut the threat is not likely to bo effective. The heroic stand of the senate has encouraged ttio friends 01 economy in the house , and quite a number of representatives will bo glad of the chance to concur In the reductions and straighten their records. The situation In the senate is exceptional and novel , it has only a dozen bills on gen eral file. They are mostly remnants wnoso doom nasoeen decreed , and their friends have not the heart to crowd them on to their tragical fate. One is Cady's bill for a state inspection of the accounts of county treas urers. It was up in oominittco of the whole once and was about to bo exiled into indefi nite iwstpouement , but Senator Ncsbitt. plead forrccrcyond out of senatorial courtesy a stay of execution was panted. Linn's bill to fix bleeping car fares at X cent JHT mile is similar to one or two otncrs that have been strangled , and it would bo a waste of time in disturb its slumber. A house bill making it unlawful for coal or lumber dealers to com bine to regulate prices is covered by the Kecldey antl trust bill , and the senate is not ditposed to legislate for one or two lines of trade. These are samples of the measure whose f ate is decreed. There ure two bills introduced by Kcprcsenbuive Berlin of Omaha left on the books , because no one has taken enough interest in tbe.ii to call them up. Ono is a slight amendment in the law intruded to rnquire the comptroller of Omaha to co through the books of the treasurer of the school district atJeast once a month and wake a rcjiort to the city council. The pres- cnt luxv provides for only one report aycar , unless the council call * for more , and it -sever does. "Our Diet's" bill to protect , the railroad men of Omaho , Plattsmoulh and Nebraska City from the gamUhee sharks of Iowa is also on the books waiting fur some friendly hand to take it down. The senate is ready to quit and go home , nnd , exclusive of the appropriations , can clean up its work in a day's time for final ad jourutiicntOnu reason tor adjournment to give the committees time to rummage their pigeon hole * for a few bills to keep the eeuatc decently employed until the general appropriations are reached , which will not be before Wednesday. The two bills contain twenty-two pages , with over four hundred items. Tha house amendments fill ten solid typs-writUu paces , and will not bo printnd until Monday. The bills are being engrossed , vrith all the changes mudo by the amend ments , and the figures will have to be coin- tiarod with great care. The house clerks bnpe tfl have the bills ready to deliver to the Mnata Monday afternoon , which will maice it impossible to reach a third reading before Wednesday , „ If the printed amendments are ready Mon- toy , the senators who hare combined for ro- Irecchaicnt will hold a conference in the evening to KJ over the bills Informally aud Mrteontbu necessary pi unlng. Instead of referring them to the committee on finance bills will probably be ordered to a third 1 reading , which willjbriog them up for dis cussion Wednesday morning. The house having checked the raid of the deputies and clerks , the salary bill will be disposed of in short order. It is believed the appropria tions for the state departments and the state institutions will have been digested in conference so as to cause little delay on the floor ol the senate. The fight xvill occur over the miscellaneous items and the claims of Boss Stout , ex-Governor But lar ana Thomas Kennard. There has been an understanding that the senatorial alliance should not be insisted on when it came to the consideration of claims , and they are ex pected to cause a scattering among the law yers. Senators Keckley and Sutherland have been the moving spirits in the concerted astion for economy. The strong support of Senators Church Howe and Hansom came unasked and unexpected. It was gratefully received , but Is an unknown quantity as to the claims. The date of adjournment is uncertain. l\ is not known how long a discussion the claims will provoke in the senate , and it now seems probable that the appropriations will lead to the only conference committee nf tne session. An effort will be made to adjourn before next Saturday evening , but the sena tors will prepare to stay longer. Some of them have announced a determination to in sist on adjournment in daylight to prevent the rowdyism and debauchery that marked tbo close of the last legislature. House. LIXCOLNeb. . . March 23. fSpecial to THE BEE. j Johnson submitted a resolution , which was adopted , directing the commissioner of labor to embody in his forthcoming report a chapter on tbo culture of cane , beets and other sugar producing plants. The house went into committee of the whole for the consideration of bouse roll 8fi9 , a bill by Uayner providing for the sub mission of an amendment to the constitution increasing the number of supreme judges from three to five , and making the term ten years. Senate file C31 , a hill of the same nature , but fixing the term at five years , on motion of Everett was substituted. Raynbr moved to increase the salary of district judges from K.WJO to $3,00 ! ) , and of supreme judges from C',500 to f3.r X ) . Majors opposed the amendment. He did not thluk the pooploof the state would in dorses this Increase of salary at the polls. Baker favored increasing the salaries. He thoughtthatu Istrict judges are the poorest paid ofliccrt in the state. Rayncr's amendment was adopted , and the bill repotted back with a favorable recom mendation. The committee arose and Majors moved to strike out the amendment increasing the sal aries , but it was lost ± i to 34. Some filibustering to prevent further ac tion on the uill was indulged in , and pending a rail of the Louse , a motion carried to ad journ until' ' o'clock Monday. AuiUtnnt County Attorneys. Lixcoux , Neb. , March 23. [ Special to Tna HCK.I The home concurred In senate amendment to house roll 1S5 , the bill provid ing for the appointment of deputy county at torneys in counties of overSO.OOO inhabitants , The amendment raised the limit to 75,000 , making the bill apply only to Pouglas county. Under this law , which contains an emer gency clause and will go into effect as boon as signed by the governor , the county board is authorized to apjioiut assistant * at its own discretion , hut the aggregate salary shall tiot exceed the sum of fifOO per year. . Legislative Gos/slji. LIXCOI.S , Neb. , March 23. [ Special to Tne Bee. ] The farmers in the house are getting restless and want to go home and look after their crops. An attempt is being made in the bouse to form a combine to refuse to concur in the senate amendments cutting dcwn the ap propriations in the hopes that a deadlock will be produced and the senate forced to recede. Such a scheme will surely fall , as the "plunder combine" has been completely muhed and humbled and Trill not bo able to male a successful rally. It wast Hayner's irrigation ( not Immigra tion ) hill which tne senate passed on Friday. The democratic members who withstood the prtsiaro and voted againit the btout steal to the last , deserved to be remembered. They are Christie of Dodge. Delaney , Gates , Green , Keipcr. Larson , Lash. Aiattes , jr. , O'Sullivan , Snyder and Swartzley and Cushing , who chanced his vote just in time to save the day. Hungate of Douglas sat in his chair and dodgca the issue. The Gains bill providing for only six jus tices of the peace for cities of the metropoli tan class has passed the senate and is now on the general file in the house with excel lent prospects of becoming a law. Mr. Towle , of Knox. in reference to the Kennard claim said to-day : I did not know much about this claim , but when Olmstcad admitted that he and Captain Leo \vcro mem bers of the committee four years ago and re jected tnis claim , 1 thought if they could not sustain It that it must certainly be a steal , and therefore voted no , " Hon. J. H. Ballard , of Fillmore , has an eye on the position of secretary of the rail way commission , and undoubtedly will have a strong and influential backing for the place. Holt county is well represented in the lower house. Bisbee and Hunter are both numbered among the stuuncbest opponents of extravagance and jobbery. Stant and Butler are now waylaying the senators in the hotel lobbies and pouring into their un.villinp ears the story of their woes. A strong effort will be made to surreptitiously insert both of these claims into the general appropriation bills in the senate in the hopes that the house will concur in the general rush. The attempt to raise the salaries of the deputies and clerks in the state offices was nota brilliant success. Every item , with one exception , * was hewn down to the line fixed by the present law by the solid vote of the farmer combine. _ A member remarked to-day : "Suppose this whole legislature -ivas made un of claim agents , wnat would become of the tax payers I" The superintendent of public instruction is considerably exercised over the cut hi the appropriation for his office ot nearly $4,000 from two years ago , and is industriously working to secure an increase. He claims that he cannot possibly fulfill the duties of his office with the meager amount for ex penses allowed-by the bouse. No effort will be made to clear up the house calendar. It is hopelessly cumbered vrith bills , and any motion to take up one bill is the signal for amendments to include others from all parts of the house until the measure is loaded down with them and the whole goes to the table with a hurrah that snakes the Cailding. Sixty-three senate bills are on the general file in the house and that body will amuse itself considering them while tbo senate is disposing of the appropriation bills. Hilarity is being freely indulged in at the evening sessions. Waste baskets and spittoons teens and even bill files fly through the air on the least provocation. A Sonu Kccltal. Lovers of music will have a treat next Thursday evening , as Mr. B. B. Young wil then give a bong recital at Max Meyer's music rooms , Paxton block. Mr. Young has already established a reputation as posessing a rich baritone voice , and will be accompa nied by Madame Mazzucato-Young. The prograirxntt i > an excellent one , and is as fol lows ; Revrnge , Timotheus Cries .Handel The Wanderer Schubert Hearts of Oak ( old English.Dr. Boyce(1710) ( ) Lo nom de Mane Gounod O Loving Heart , TrustOn Gottschalk Moiitrose's Love Song.Maudo Valerie White Blondma Gounod ( Ucoit. I Aria , O Uimeznbrarea ( I Lltuani ) Ponchielii O Swallow , Swallow Mrs. Mono-left Jerusalem Parker Organ and piano accompaniment. IIo\v IIoj ; Cliulera Sprjul * . Mr J. A. Smay , of Cole , la. , suggets three or four yi-ays in which hog cholera is spread that prove worthy of special notice. Thebe are , drinking the water of streams that flow through infected farms ; visiting herds of diseased hogs by the farmer whose stock is yet healthy to see what is the matter , and carrying the disease home on his booU ; hauling dead hogs out on the public highway ; allowing tick hogs to wander-away from the premises , and allowing hogs to have access to surface water. STORIES OF RAILROADERS , A Pug's Hiding-Place Discovered and Its Owner's Disgust. RURAL PASSENGERS' TROUBLES. Superstitions of Locomotive Engi neers Their Affection for Their Engines Dave Wetherby'a Ex perience IVitb 'its Engine. Jtallroad Gossip. A prominent local railroad man who has just returned from Chicago furnishes some new features in connection with the official roster of the Union Pacific. He states that while in Chicago during a conversation vrith several railway officials of that city , one of them spoke up and said that he had bat a few moments before had a consultation with a Bos ton Ian who said positively that Charles Francis Adams would be re-elected presi dent of the Union Pacific at its annual stock holders-directors meeting. April 24 , With reference to the unsettled condition of affairs at Omaha and the friction which is known to exist among local officials of the Union Pacific , it was said that tno reelection tion of Mr. Adams amounted to Thomas L. Kimball's resignation. Mr. Kimball has since the advent of Mr. Adams held his high position in the councils of the Union Pacific , it is said , by sheer force of his superior attainments as a railroad manager , and against the prejudices of Adams and his fnends. Tbe protoG3 of Adams among thb local officials here have done all they could to make it un comfortable for Mr. Kimball , and some of them have gone out of their way to offer him open affronts. It is said that certain of these young officials have pone so far as to ask Mr. Kimball to name persons for coed positions- in their departments , solely to enable them to appoint somebody else whom they knew would be distasteful to Mr. Kimball. It is said that should the Union Pacific by any possibility get Into the control of the New York faction , Kimball would at once be put into a position which would be something more than a nominal chief clerkship , and that bo would make such a scattering in cer tain circles as would make a score of men dizzy. This is furnished by an Individual who claims that the statements are true. But as regards the resignation of Mr. Kirn- oall. It hi a matter of no secret that the backbone - , bone of the Urilon Pacific U vested In him. Concern ing the matter another ofilclal said : "The Union Pacific dare not release Mr. Kimball. There * are three men connected wlU- the Union Pacific that if taken nwny would throw the'Union Pacific into bank ruptcy. Who are they ! Kimball , Mellen and Dickinson. AVhat would become of the Union Pacific if Mellon and Kimball associ ated themselves with ' a competitive line ! The result would b'e that tbo traffic of the Union Pacific , would be prostrated. Then taice Dickinson .away and the Union Pacific is left without aD.operaiing man. Kcinembw I am speaking orwbat I know to bo the case. Mark iny words Adams aonreulates a good man too well to tand back and allow him to go to a competitive line. " T v * Sherman's M aroti. Hoyt Sherman , general agent of the Union Pacific at Salt Lake , has been asked to band in his resignation , to take effest April 1. No other cause is assigned than that ha ia an appointee of the old regime. Mr. Sherman , who , by the way. is a capable railroad man , intends to enter into the banking business at Huilcy , Idaho , and is independent from a financial standpoint , having inherited a large fortune from a late brother. He is well known in Omaha , and ib a nephew of Gen- cral William T. Sherman. * * Depotmaster Haney , of the Union Pacific has met with many peculiar incidents in his official career. If a passenger wants anything Haney is the man singled out , and he must explain everything or the public will revolt. The other day a passenger of the gentler sex appeared at tbo depot , lead ing a little nuggy behind her attached to a chain. The lady was aware of the company's rule us regards the oonreyanc ; of canines on passenger trains , and aporoaching the depot- master with a coquettish smile inquired if be could not arrange it so that Mr. Pugcy mi ht enjoy a trip along side nis fair mistress in the passenger cnacb. The d. m. informed her that that was outside his jurisdiction , but that ironclad rules demanded a negative reply. In vain she endeavored to soften the the heart of the official , but the "no madam" was all the satisfaction she pot. Finally , as the train pulled into the depot the oasscnger entered one of the coaches , but the canine had disappeared. The conductor was notified of the matter , and passing through the coach he observed an abnormal development of a bosom , and throwing open the lady's cloak discovered puggy in an in verted position , resting- ease. Being again informed that dogs were not entitled to transportation in a first class coach , she took the piece of parchment from her purse that entitled her to transportation to Valley and tearing it up , left the train in disgust. The line must be drawn somewhere , and no dis crimination is made in favor of Mr. Pugg. * * * There are times when patience ceases to be a virtue , and in the infinite azure of the past this has been plainly demonstrated to Chief Batrgagemastrr Traynor at the Union Pa cific. Not a oay passes but that some pass enger in nine cases out of ton a rurallstic ambassador loses track of some piece of baggage , and then there is trouble. The rurallsts are distinct from every other class of travelers. At the starting point be checks his baggage because be sees somebody ciso do it. He receives a duplicate check , but he seldom known for what purpose , and when at hb destination , if in a largo city , he emerges from the train , goes to a hotel , and is dis&ppontc3 ! if his baggage is not there ahead of him. Being instructed where to go be goes. He has his check , but he tails to realize why it was given htm , and oftentimes loses it together with the baggage. This is a common matter with which Buttgagumaster Traynor has to contend almost daily. If they have lost the check they \vant their baggage anyway , and insist that they be given an opportunity to go through the btiildlnir and find their chat- iels. This system was once tolerated , but soon became the hobby of the kid-gloved 'confidence man , and to such an extent was it abused that rules were formulated to the contrary. But tbo boys say that if you hand over your check , even if it be a needle done up in tissue paper , Traynor will produce the collateral with as much regularity as though it called for a set of harness * Locomotive enginees are , as a rule , very much attached to their respective locomo tives and oacn one is actually confident that he is at the throttle of the fastest and most reliable wheeler oa the road. They look upon their ponderous pieces of machinery as being part human and it is said that some engi neers talk to their machine as they would tea a faithful steed. But if you want to bold -n executive session with an engineer just inti mate that his machine is a creeper or laggcr , which is In the railway parlance for slow engines. He will ficht ' right then and there. You may abuse him'butyou must not invade the sancity of his cab. Men on regular runs are given an engine. When they rest the engine rests also. When they are on the road so is their wheeler , and when the latter is laid up for repairs in the shops the engineer awaits its return to service. Tnis is railxvay etiquette and ia strictly adhered to. But as to fast wheelers Engineer Johnston , who rests at the throttle of 0,7 on tha Union Pacific , is recognized as huvmg the fastest propeller on the road. It was ho who made the first division initial trip tvith the Golden Gate special , and who , when belated , thundered along the track sixty miles per hour and arrived at North Platte on lime. Some of the engineers say that Johnson will have his engine pro vided with a phonograph before he quits , so that he can converse with it. It is not un common for Engineer Johnson , after mating one of his fiyiug trips , to mount at the sta tion and cuze at the panting monster with an eye of admiration. Then there is Charley Sweezey , who regulates the throttle on 77J. He alinoU worships his "iron horse.1 bweezey has made good time with his ma chine , on several occasions having measured track close onto sixty miles per hour. Ho stales that he always feels contented when in the cab of 770 , and has rounded many a curve at a rate of speed that , if with another engine be would have had an inclination to desert his | K > t , but xwth his faithful wheeler be never entertains danger from track jump ing or dii irraugcnicnt of machinery. 9 "When Dave WetUerby was pulling a 3Jl Jl ONE PRICE CLOTHIERSCORJARNAMet enger train on tbo Union Pacific , " said a well Known engineer , "ho always claimed that his engine foreshadowed danger. If an open switch , he declared that the engine would shiver as would a person with a chill , and if not a clear track be maintained that his engine foreshadowed this by slightly slacking up of its own accord. Queer wasn't it ! but Dave Wetherby always maintained that he was sincere. Of course railway men , and esj > ecially engineers , with a continued strain on their minds are addicted to super stition more or less and Dave was no excep tion. In several cases , however , his super- stitiouK indications averted a wreck , but his continually beint * on the alert for accidents had a great deal to do with it. Two weeks before Dave quit tne road his fireman told me that he was rest less all the time on the road , and on two dif ferent occasions , shortly after starting out , stated that his 'old girl' was tucking up in the traces and a wreck was certain. This was kept up , and finally Wetherby asked for a vacation , and he needed it , for m his bed or at his post he foresaw danger. Well , sir , the very next day his old machine was nmashed into scrap iron just a trifle out from Lincoln. Did you know Cotterell , a fellow with one arm and one leg gone , that used to flag here about nine years agol He was on that eutrino and came near being killed. The fireman escaped by jumping , and the accident was a front end collision with an east-bound freight. Weutnerby's superstition , yon see , was not all unfounded. At any rate ho never returned to bis work , and if I am not mistaken he is in business at Hastings or some of those towns out on the line. " A Modern Woman. Kcic Yorl : ll'orM. She's not more than three and twenty , She has lovers by the plenty , , And her style is very English , don't yer know ; Her mind is full of Browning , While her voice is reallv charming When she recites " The Haven " from Edgar Allen Poe. Her views iconoclastic Make her conscience quite r.lastis , Wheretvitb to discourse on the Thusncss of the That ; She describes the one grand passion , A la Madamoisclle Hives fashion , And writes poetry like a Swinburne , quite as pat. Her mental ruminations , Cogitations and gyrations , She dissertates in a most melodious voice ; In a language most emphatic , A trifle emblematic , Of a time when morals , like the people , weren't so choice. She is versed on law and Latin , Can paint on silk and satin , And knows all the 'logics underneath the sun ; She can make a pate de foio gras , And quote to you from Gil Bias With deftness and prccisencss , both in one. She read " Robert Elsinere " lately And now says , quite sedately , There is no Sweet Ultimately whca our race is run ; Ahl Individuality. With intellectuality , Proves in veritas the modem woman's come. A Ilemfnly For Cattle'Ilots. Pro/ . Lawrence Bruner , entomologist at the Nebraska State university , gives the following receipt in the Western Stockman for warbles or the sKin bet in cattle : "After an opening has been effected by the 'srrub1 the application of a few drops of kerosene , or dilute carbolic acid , or the plentiful smearing of the part infected with any kind of soft grease will kill the intruder. Turpen tine will alee have a like effect. In lieu pf these the grab can ho ejectou by pressure and destroyed , The applica tion of these lotions when the eggs arc first laid , and before the young grubs are batched or have effected an en trance , will also usually be an effectual remedy. Later , in winter and before the sore opens , it is a difficult matter to reach them , ( or anything of suillcient penetrating power If applied would al&o injure the animal. LINCOLN NEWS AND NOTES , < Another Child Playa With the Flro With the Usual Result. A PAINTER SERIOUSLY INJURED. Convicts Provide a Koyal Entertain- mcnt For a Committee From the House General and Pcre ou l Gossip. LJKCOLK UCKEAU OF THE HKB. 1 1023 P STBIBT , I LINCOLN. March S3. 1 .News was received at noon to-day that the eloveu-year-old daughter of a Mr. Sells , who lives on the corner or Twenty-third and D streets , was terribly burned while playing around an outdoor fire , near the home of her parents. In some unknown way her clothes caught fire , and before help could reach bar she was so terribly burned about the body and limbs that her recovery is a matter of very grave doubt. Print Latham also met with a very pain ful accident. Ho was at work painting on the B. < t M. water tank , near the corner of L and Tenth streets. Just before noon an engine rounded the curve and struck his lad der , which was resting too near the track. and threw hica to the ground , a distance of nearly twenty feet , badly bruising- him but not necessarily fatally. Latham lives at Pluttvinoutn , and he was removed there this evening. At the Penitentiary. Mr. William Dorgan entertained the peni tentiary committee of the house to-day , and also some of .Representative Dempster' * friends of Fillmore county. Atnonir the guests were his charming daughter and Prof. Cnapln , of the Geneva high schools. At noon a splendid dinner was served at tbo pen by the convict cooks and waiters , and the guests were unanimous In pronouncing the dinner equal to any served by Lincoln' * caterers during the wlritcr. The manage ment is certainly all that the state can ask , at least as it appears on the surface , and thU verdict seems to be popular both in and out of legislative circles. Warden Hopkin * is considered tbo riifht man in the right place. Billy Dorgan , superintendent of the convict labor , quietly minds his own business and is always ready to give an account of his stewardship , which proves acceptable in all quarters. Ciiy News and Notes. Kev. Mlnebart will hold forth at Bohan- an's hall to-morrow morning at 1 1 o'clock. auil also in the evening. Friends are re spectfully invited to attend his preaching sKrvicoi. City politics are warming up with a venge ance. There will be fosr tiukctt In the field , ana tnero ure a { .core or mjre aspirants for alderman of the various wards. The mu nicipal election will ba the most exciting Lincoln has ever known. The fight for the tnaj orally will Be without a precedent. Arcble Brookt recovered 8753 from the Lincoln street railway company. The Juiy re-turned a verdict in the case jesterdsy afternoon. * WJshrd Ho Wn A < ! : un. New York World : Willie ( after re ceiving a severe reprimand from bis father ) Pa , I wish I was Adam. Mr. K. And who do you wish that , iny son ? 'Cause he had no daddy to lick 'im. Demands ait Indemnity. Ioxi > ox , Murch 23. Kngland has de manded of Morocco 50,009 indemnity for tba massacre and pillage at McKemio factory at Cape Nuby m IHsS. An Kpideiulo of Cholera. March 23. Cholera has out at Zesmanba , In the Philippine There have Deen 590 deaths to far.