JBSE3BWS ; 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE' SUNDAY , .MARCH 24. 1SSD. SIXTEEN PAGES. THESE PARALYZING PRICES ! After reading these prices it would Ibe absurd for you to tliink whether you could do any better the only question would be whether you/ / could do as well. We always lead , others follow. The secret of our success has been this : We buy in carload lots only , for spot cash , and can , therefore almost dictate prices to manufacturers. We trade with no middlemen , but buy direct from , the maker. We actually sell a great many goods for what the small dealer pays for them. We are jobbers in furniture. You are invited to inspect our goods , terms and prices. What Tells the Tale ! CHAMBER SUITS $10.00 , worth $25.00 BEDSTEADS 1.00 , worth 3.50 EXTENSION TABLES 4.00 , worth 7.50 WALNUT MARBLE TOP TABLES 6.00 , worth 10.00 BREAKFAST LEAF TABLES T. . . 3.00 , worth 0.00 BED LOUNGES 0.50 , worth 18.00 WINDOW SHADES 40 , worth 1.00 DOOR MATS 40 , worth 1.00 BOOK CASES 7.00 , wofth 12.00 SIDEBOARDS 18.00 , worth 35.00 LOUNGES 5.00 , worth 10.00 DOUBLE MATTRESS $2.00 , worth $4.00 DOUBLE WIRE SPRINGS 2.00 , worth 5.00 WOOD SEAT CHAIRS 85 , worth .05 KITCHEN SAFES 3.50 , worth 0.00 COOKING STOVES 0.50 , worth 16.00 HEATING STOVES 2.50 , worth 7.50 INGRAIN CARPETS. . . T 35 , worth .05 BRUSSELS CARPETS , 60 , worth 1.00 MATTING 19 , worth .35 STAIR CARPETS 14 , worth .35 ROOKEKS $1.60 , worth $3.00 LACE CURTAINS 1.00-worth 3.00 HAT RACKS 5.00 , worth 10.00 ' PILLOWS. . . . . 40 , worth 1.00 * COMFORTS 75 , worth 1.50 WASH BOILERS 85 , worth 1.60 HANGING LAMP 2.00 , worth 4.00 DECORATED TEA SET 5.00 , worth 10.00 DECORATED DINNER SET 16.00. worth SO.OO DECORATED LAMPS 85 , worth 1.75 NOTE OUR PRICES ON PARLOR FURNITURE ! Plush Suits , $30 ; worth $50. Plush Rockers , $9.50 ; worth $16. Plush Suits , $35 ; worth $60. Plush Rockers , $11 ; ' worth $22. Plush Suits , $40 ; worth $75. Plush Lounges , $10 ; worth $17.50. .f Plush Suits , $50 ; worth $100. Plush Lounges , $12.50 ; worth $20 , OLD OIST EASY Saaai Jn J i.f r Jft TERMS. Popular , Reliable Easy Payment House Furnisliers. TERMS ; $1O worth of Goods , j $75 worth of Goods , $1 a week , $4 a month. $ L.BO ! a week , $1O a month. $28 wbrth of Goods , , | $1OO worth of Goods $1.BO a week , $6 a inonth. $3 n week , $ l j a month. $5O worth of Goods , j$2OO worth of Goods , $2 a week , $8 a month. TELEHONE727 , OPEN DAYtAND NIGKT , TELEPHONE 727. $ B a week , $2O a month. ? * * RAMPARTS OF MAIL SACKS , Andrew Rosowator's Account of Early Western Experiences. ROUGHING IT ON THE RED DESERT Bcoond Chapter of the First Survey of the Union 1'uclflc Provlden- 'tlal ' Supply of Water Gam bling in Cheyenne. It. " Through the courtesy of Mr. Andrew Rosewater wo are enabled'to present tent another chapter of his interesting reminiscences : "Lot me see , I loft off at the death of Mr. Brown and the serious embarrass ment of his man. It was a week before the straggling remnants of his advance party , worn out and discouraged , re turned to our camp. Shortly afterwards wo moved south to the stage road whore wo built up a fortlllcation of mail sacks filled with Bccond class matter , tons of Which had boon abandoned by the Cali fornia mail coaches. The Indian war was raging BO llorcoly that only letter mnl ] was carried through and that class not always with certainty. "Wo remained in camp on this roud two weeks until orders wore received for the resumption of work. While ly ing at this place the spirits of the men revived wonderfully and the rest afford ed was not the only contributor to that end for powerful auxiliaries woiu at hatld in the shnpo of abundant water , grass and fresh moat. The sporting element of the party , including the mil itary escort , bagged over one hundred of the elk and antelope that abounded in the vicinity. Those of the party not engaged in hunting or map work found entertainment in reading every variety of literature , from magazines to daily and weekly papers , to bo had gratis in the mail backs of our barricade. Once again upon the Hold steady prog- iess was made across the barren coun try beyond the main divide. While wo were camping on Separation crook , BO named from the fact that Urown and his party separated on its banks never to moot again.n company of 100 cavalry men came upon us. In this troop were General Dodge , chief engineer of the road ; General Rawlings , chief of Gen eral Grant's stuff , and Mr. Hllokonsdor- for , who succeeded General Dodge as chief engineer. This command wont into curtip several miles above us , and you can imagine how scant was the sup ply of wntor when I state it to bo a fact * that the presence of those men on the tXiMkH of the stream aboro absolutely de prived us of the uupply of water we had heretofore enjoyed. ' In compilation with General Dodge it ftrnuigoA Unit Mr. Appleton , next criglnuor under Drown , was to the surveys and explorations ltf Groun rlvor. Mr , IMIoUunwlorfor at this time was a lHBlonor npK | > iuted by the to determine the limits of Hillon | f wlwt was tanned by act tlo | mountain division of the Union Pncihc road. For every mile of road constructed upon the plains the government had made the company a loan of 816,000 in addition to the land subsidy and upon the BOO miles of moun tain work a loan of $48,000 a mile. It is needless to say that with the excep tion of a few mountain range pieces of construction the building of the rail way , in the intervening valleys , was not such an extraordinary undertaking Us was generally supposed. To the ex ploring surveyors , of course , obstacles were presented not encountered by the eonstructionists. The crossing of the Red desert , this side of Bitter creek , in the absence of maps or any other knowledge of the location of water , or adequate means of travel , was difficult and necessitated the carrying of water in barrels for weeks at a time. Another source of annoyance and labor was the inevitable stationing of camps at points inconvenient to the surveyors following the lines most suited to railway pur poses. ' On this Red Desert wo began vork at daylight , and kept on till dark , often walking from ton to fifteen miles to our beds after knocking oiT for the day. This unavoidable state of affairs led many of our mon astray in their efforts to roach camp after daric , and it was not infrequent thnt they were not dis covered by searching parties before the next morning. I remember ttiat on one occasionsupposing camp to bu near at hand , wo worked into the dusk , and dispelled the delusion only in essaying to reach homo. Realizing thnt wo wore Homo distance f'-om our tents , and not finding the trail , wo separated into squads and moved in various directions , with the understanding thnt the squad coming upon the trail should fire u gun signal. The trail was found and guns wore llrod , but several of the surveyors rot in hearing wore loft upon the desert without much prospect of sleeping under cover. Near midnight the oth ers gained camp. After refreshments were had a signal lire was lit on one of the high peaks adjoining for 'the ben- olltoftho minsing onos. It seems that the signal was observed by the ub- sonteos , who. mistaking that it was of Indian origin , turned their backs on the beacon. ' "It was 9 o'clock the next morning that the lost members of our party were overtaken. They had carried tholr in struments and weapons all night , con stantly dreading an encounter w.ith some savage band. Tills ia but one of numerous similar incidents of our de sert experience. One soldier of the escort , era/.od with thirst , slipped away from us in search of wator. Ho was next seen by our party in passing a mil itary post about ttiroo months later. At that time ho could give no satisfactory account of his wanderings , although ho must have 9rossed the North Platte rlvor , a very deep and swift stream. All that could ho gleaned from him was thnt he had carried hit ) gun , lived on wild rosohorrics , and wan picked up by a detachment of troops crossing his path. Another occasion after being without water an entire day with the hot sun aggravating our toil wo campad in a dry ravine. Not able to satisfy their great thirst tno men disdained much food , spread bqda in the open air , and sought in Bleep strength to resist another dry day. Hut in the middle of the night torrlflo thunder nwukonod them , and a severe rainstorm But in , lilling the dry depression with a swift1 running mountain torrent. The crea tion of this flood was almost as nip id as the action of our men in placing the haggago on high ground. Our ban-els wore at once roP.lloil , and cur journey to Bit tor Creole was made without fur ther oceurren ce worthy of note. "About the middle of November , our surveys completed , wo turned our faces to the east and retraced our stops. The return was tcaious and retarded by the extreme coldsupplemented with an un usually early fall of snow. The appear ance of Fort Saunders , the terminus of the road at that time , near whore Laramie - mio station now is , greatly relieved us. Grossing the ranges about fifty miles back wo had come across active con struction gangs. To our surprise trains were running into Cheyenne , a place that six months before was laid out by our party in the midst of desolation The most remarkable feature in connection - * tion with the change that half year had wrought was the population of 6..000 people. Gambling dens infested 'tho greater part of the city anfl their busi ness was followed by more people than were similarly employed in any other city of the United States. The rapid transfers of property involved were not unattended by danger , and no man thought of promenading the streets at night without a revolver. "When you call again , " concluded Mr. Rose water , "I will relate the in teresting anecdotes and incidents of the construction days of thoPacific , railway that may occur to mo in the meantime.- nailery For Railroaders. Ifao 1'oih H'orW. "Through by Daylight" Night. . "Danger Signals" Red noses. "On the Down Grade" An incipient moustache. "On the Up Grade" Ralloonists. "Cowcatchers" Milkmaids. "Stalled" Lucky cattle. "All A-board" A plank. "In the Frog" Ills croak. "At the Throttle Valve" Garrotors. "Fast Foight" Car load of race horses. "Stops on Signals Only' ' A horse car. "In the Sleepers" Snores. "On the Broail Gauge" The man who laughs. . "Takes the Flying Switch" Bad boys. "Tho Nickel Plato1' At any church. "The Grand Trunk" The Saratoga hollo's. "L. I. R. R. " is heard daily by Austin Corbin , yet ho never represent ? it ; "Union Pacific" Peace after a d-o mobile bruwl. A Cool l-ilttlc ) Head. Chicago Herald : Myself and wife loft the- house in the 'care of our two little daughters Rosa twelve , and Guata nine years old one evening not long ago. During pur absence some one rang the boll. Gnsta Opened the door. There BIO found a rather unpre possessing followotlorincr stovoblacking for sale. Like a flash it passed Uirough her mind that if ho know their lonely ilDHition ho might take advantage of it. she said : "Wait until I ask pinmma first1 and walking into the room , asked loud enough for him to hoar it : "Mamma , do you want any stovoblnck- itigV" She then told him , "Mnmma don't want any. " . A I'riiotlonl Application , Now York World : Amy Williams- Ruth , dear , won't you walk up to the corner with mo ? I don't like to go alone. Ruth Ward I'm never alone , Amy. The Lord is always with.mo. Amy Well , Ruth , you walk un to the corner with mo , and then you will have com p.my back. A MENACE TO THE REPUBLIC , An Unrecognized Source From Which Destruction May Come. A TRUMPET uF ALARM SOUNDED. The Consequences to AVhlch Great Wealth anil Its Increase in tne Hands of a. Few May Liend. Wealth and Its Consequences. Bolford's Magazine for March : When the government established by our fore fathers became a recognized fact both nt.honio and abroad , and for three- quarters of a century thereafter , no one dreamed that the greatest dancer which threatened its existence was the wealth which might accumulate within its realm ; indeed , no ono over dreamed of thopossibilities which lay in that di rection. It is only during the past twenty years that the accumulation of wealth lias entered into the problem. Down to the period of 1801 , the only disturbing element of any magnitude was slavery. * * * * * There is a question now of far greater magnitude than that which was settled by the sword , and that is the question oi the enormous wealthiincl its increase in the hands of the few. No reference is now malic to the owners of thousands or the hundreds of thousands lo the in dustrious and prosperous people scat tered all over the land ; for moderate wealth , universally diffused , is the prime &nfo guard of a nation ; but I refer to the millions , the tons of millionsand the hundreds ot millions owned and controlled by the few. The ignorant poor and the no less ignorant rich may ridioulo or sneer at the expression of fear .that harm may come to the ropublio on account of great wealth ; but ridicule never settled any question. Ridicule is always the weapon of the ignorant and the vicious. None but the ignprunUiMll ridicule the subject , for the history , of the world re veals the destruction of nations on ac count of wealth never from poverty. What if u mm does have millions is it any of the people's -business ? is the query of the ignorant. Thin is the question that is to he solved. This is , in fact , the supreme question. If the government ia n government of the people ple and for the people , under the pee ple's constitution thej pcoplo have a right to protect themselves. If the possession of millions by any person Is a menace to the libortle * of the pcoplo and to the permanence of tholr govorn- mont.tho pcoplo have the right to legis late upon the matter and protect them selves. That this republic belongs to the people no ono can doubt. That it was established , by their blood and treasure , as an asylum for the oppressed of all nations nnd the perpetual abode of free men , every page of American history attests. The protest of our forefathers to British tyranny , the Declaration of Indopendanco , the war which followed , the stops taken for the adoption of a constitution , the bill of rights , and the constitution all declare , in terms not to mistaken , the rights of the people to protect themselves against foes from within and foes from without. How this menace will ho mot I have no means of knowing , but that it must bo mot , or sou nor or later the republic will bo destroyed , no intelli gent man can doubt As matters now standbail , ns they are , it might perhaps bo endurable ; but wealth accumulates , nnd the man with ton millions to-day may have a hundred millions in ten years , and the man with a hundred millions may have a thou sand. There is not a king or an emperor on a throne to-day that would bo safe a ' single moment wi'th a subject possessing a thousand million dollars ; nnd can it bo expected that a republic would be safer ? 'The wealth of the Rothschilds was for a longtime the wonder of the world. They hold the purse-strings of nearly all Europe ; kings , emperors and principalities wore and are yet at their mercy. But the wealth of the Roths childs , tlio accumulations of .genera tions , pales into insignificance before the wealth of the Vandorbihs , the Goulds , the Asters , the Lcliinds , the Carnogios , and the Sprockols , when the period of accumulation is taken into ac count. History fails to record any ac cumulation of wealth so rapid and so colossal as that which has taken place in this country , nnd during a period of from five to twenty-live years. The wealth of the Rothschilds has been the marvel of generations until within the past decade ; but their wealth ceases to dazzle and bewilder even the youths of America in this generation. Their wealth , however , has been the accumulation of 12.3 years , with all Europe for their liold f operations. Their accumulations do not represent the robbery of the masses. They never levied A tax upon or de manded a loll upon the necessities of life. Their operation ! ! were mainly confined to the negotiation of loans , the placing of investments for the wealthy men of Europe , and to the le gitimate sphere of banking. They had a bank in the capitals of Franco , Aus tria , Italy , England and Prussia ; but neither of those nations over gave thorn authority to issue money. The toiling millions of Europe are taxed to maintain armies and support dynasties ; but they were never subjects of moneyed nris- .tocracy , or victims to their cupidity , in the sense that American toilers arc. Emperors and kings did indeed make their burdens heavy , and ofi-timos in tolerable , but ihoy taxed to maintain governments. Thoj were the solo des pots or robbers ; anu there is this differ ence between the robbers of Europe and those of America : that European despots maintained a governmentwhile the American despots rob tlio peoploby the aid of the government , for purely personal profit. True , the Rothschilds' power was groat. They could probably make or unmake Uingo ; but their power was never used "to build up to\vnn and cities in ono section of the country and tear them down in another ; to build up manufacturing establishments and great monopolies in ono kingdom or stuto and destroy them elsewhere. They never attempted to control lines of transportation , corner the price of * moat , bread , cotfco , sugar , light , fuel , and other necessities of lifo No such operations were over attempted by them , and no king or emperor would have bcon safe a day upon his throne who would have permitted1 such crimes as have boon and are openly perpe trated by the millionaires of our coun try in their operations with beef , pork , coffee , oil , coal , augur , wheat ami al most every other necessary of' lifo. Under an absolute , or even a limited monarchy , these evils can bo prevented or remedied ; but as yet no imnuiH have be.on discovered to remedy or prevent them under our form of government. Events of great magnitude crowd fast upon each other in our rapidly crowing country. Now questions of great im portance and new phases of old ques tions have arisen and assume huge pro portions in a brief period , requiring the highest virtueintelligence and patriot ism to deal with ; and , while yet there may appear no constitutional means for protection against the illegitimate use of wealth under the operation of trusts and syndicateswithout infringing upon the constitutional rights of citizens , it is absolutely certain that away must be found to do so , or this great republic , which promised so much for humanity , will cease to exist , and the hope of a "government of the people , for the people ple , and by the people" will bo crushed from out the hearts of men. N. G. PAIIKIH. A QUEER HUMAN ROCKET. How You Mny Take a Plight Into the ClOlUlH. "Fizz ! Bang ! Boom ! Ah ! Imagine a man taking a flight into the clouds on a rocket ! The limit of human ingenuity has by no means boon reached and wo may yet see an electric projectile railroad , with cars speeding across the continent at the rate of 850 or 400 miles an hour , but oven a credulous public which has in vested millions in an electric sugar re finery , may draw the line nt a human rocket. Yet , now there appears a man , one "Professor D. Edscllo , ' ' who delving in the field of explosives nnd studying the principles governing the parachute , hirt evolved what ho ploasostocall u human rocket , which ho hopes to make prac ticable in taking observations from great heights and at the same time avoid the many ( lungers that continu ally surround the balloon. That , at least. Is the Ktory told by the Baron Munchnuson of the Minneapolis Tribune , who assuringly states : "Professor EUselle is an American nnd for yoiirti has been connected with the United States navy , making export inentH with rockets and different explo sives. "It was while in the United States service , on board tlio war steamer Pnw- tuckot , that ho conceived the idea which has resulted in his strange nnd mmt wonderful in volition. A trial of this 'rocket , ' was recently made in Cal- lao , Peru , and proved a splendid suc cess. "Immediately after the trial the pro fessor wrote a letter describing inci dents of the trial to a brother of his , a young artist , who recently came to 'Minneapolis expecting to locale here. The letter continued also drawings to ho filed in the patent olllco , together with a description of the machine and an in stantaneous photograph of the roc.kot during the ascent taken by aignor Cnmnrara. "As suggested above , the machine is a rocket , or rather a combination of four rockets , of immense power and has a parachute attachment. "Cut No. 1 of the accompanying draw ings shows HH general features. The portion marked'A'in the drawing is the parachute folded ever the apex of the rocket. 'U' ' is the network of ropes connecting the rocket , with the para chute in the descent. 'C1 represents four tubes containing tlio exi-loslvo used in making the ascent. ' ! > 'is the plat form on which Professor Edoollc ntnnds. 'E' ' are rings used to insure a pcrpun dlcular ascent , and'I1'is the steering apparatus. "The main framework of the machine are the four tubes 'C' ' arranged in a square about three /pet apart. Thcso tubes are round and light , but are capa ble of great resistance and are firmly bound together. "Tho plutform , parachute and gear ing apparatus are all attached us shown in the drawing , making a substantial whole. In the machine used in the ex periment at Calltio these tubes were charged with the explosive compound which is the great and unexplained se cret of the invention. "Professor Edhclle calls this com pound 'dyno-a'-consimito , ' and its pecu liar properly is that it isnotdotonating. A small volume of the solid makes an iinmcnbc volume of vapor , and this rushing out from the four tubes and pressing with such force against the atmosphere lifts the machine with al- moit liirhtning rapidity in to the higher regions. "Profosbor Ed-sollo hab been in Peru for several years , whore he is interest ed in manufacturing ! ind has been working on his'invention , and having many friends , succeeded in interesting government olllcinls in his scheme , and it was before them that the first suc cessful trial was madq. This took place early in December and was made from a plain near Callno. "Tho day was a beautiful one , the sky being without a cloud , and there was- no wind. The invention has been the talk of the city and the surrounding country for weeks past and on the day fully 15,000 people gathered to sue the trial. "The machine stood on four pillars milllcionlly high to raise the gearing clear off the ground. Government troops kept the crowd back and prepar ations wont on very quietly. "When everything was ready the- profcssor'took JUH position on the plat form , and O.v means of straps fastened himself in the car. Then by moans ol an electric current the explosive matter in the tubes was lighted at the same instant. The vapor begun to rush out , and slowly at first , then with greater rapidity the rocket shot up. "Tho great multitude stooU hnirfu'd , and witn all its oycs gazing into the bine vault above. There was not a sound or a movement , except by those ollloials of the government , who , with telescopes , were watching the nscoirt , until one of them announced that the oxploiion hud expended itsulf.thu great parachute had expanded and the pro fessor had begun hs ) descent. "fie landed about one and two-thirds leagues from where ho started up and seemed no worse for the trip. The self- registering barometer attached to the machine showed that he had gone 1,783 metres. "Cut No. 2 shows an instantaneous view taken as the rocket started up ward. The bottoms of the tubes are funnel-shaped , mid thus give a greater surface of pressure for the escaping vapor. "The parachute was fifty foot in diam eter , and cut No. 3 shows how It looked in the descent. It should bu explained , also , that there is a parachute attach ment to the gearing apparatus , which Is not shown in the drawings. "This gearing is HO fastened to the car that as soon as the explosive is ex hausted it is loosnnsd and falls , the parachute preventing U from doing any injury by falling upon pcoplo or dwell ings. " 1'rof. Kdeello says in his letter thnt the government olllclals were greatly pleased with the tent , and have offered r 1m govern in rut aid to perfect his din covory. " '