Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1889, Part II, Page 13, Image 13

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Largest Manufacturers and Retailers of Fine Clothing in lie World ,
And thus -protect yourself from the high tariff of the ' 'Middle Dealer. " You not only save money by the operation ,
but secure for your money fine clothing , carefully made by { SKILLFUL TAILORS , who have been in our employ for
years. Our entire stock of
Clothing , Hats and Furnishing Goods
Stands at the head as to QUALITY and STYLE. We solicit your patronage solely upon the RELIABILITY of the
Will consult their : interests and that of their CHILDREN by remembering that our CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT
contains nothing : but Novelties in Boys' and Childrens' clothing an d the
Host Beautiful Assortment Ever Shown in Omaha ,
, i i
Browning , King & Company ,
S. W. Corner isth and" Douglas Streets ,
How the City Looks From thoTowor
of the Now York Life.
A Sail Through ClatidIand--MacnlA-
ccnt Distances Floating Viaducts
and Bridges" An Army ol' Work-
men und Clouda or liust.
From Mid Air.
"You will have to climb ladders , " re
marked the superintendent of construc
tion of the Now York Life su ranee
building , as ho wrote out an order to
uisa the reporter through the building.
Nothing very appalling In that cer
tainly , .thought ho , as armed with the
pass , ho sot out upon his journey heaven
ward. Gradually , however , the full
significance of the remark dawned upon
him. Three , four , live , six stories
tire passed. Eyes , oars , hair and
ulothns are sifted full of lime. Eleva
tors loaded with brick , stone , mortar ,
-everything , shoot up and down in un-
% cotpfortvbla ; proximity. Hoarse voices
far up above warn the unwary to "look
out below.1 Hugo pulleys croak above
and below. Splashes of mortar and
bits of brick and stone are falling in
every direction , and reaching away
above , into some impenetrable
aerial region is a long weary
vista J of ladders. Up , up , up
the visildr climbs , atovery floor passing ,
now detachments of the army of woru-
mon painters , lathers , plasterers ,
siono masons , brick masons , tile work
ers , hod carriers , glaziers , carpenters ,
joiners , iron workers , all busy ut their
nlloted tasks. They swarm through the
halls and corridors or cling to ladders ,
durricks and window ledges Ilka human
flies. What u babel of voices , creaking
of ropes and whcola , clattering of ham
mers , whistling of tuned ! It is a bedlam
tif indubtry where oauh and every mite
' 11 the hugo hive contributes his share
( o tho/ gradually forming mouumont
'to the greatness of the human brain and
the power of human rnusolo.
The tenth story lb passed when sud-
dunly the climber gets u glimpse down ,
down , down , bomowhoro into tfie bo\vols
of the earth. With a startled gusp ho
clutches the ladder and closes his oyos.
Ono glance is enough. Such n reeling , '
diz/y , helpless sensation as comes ever
one , when , between the rounds of his
( rail &upporthocatchoslghtof , the little
specks of humanity in the depths ot the
seemingly bottomless darkness will not
be courted u second time.
The thirteenth floor is reached ut
Uibt , and whitened with dual , thu vis
itor comes out into regions of mldnir.
At thu lirbt flush thu uxnarionco is not
altogether pleasant. There IK that
dte/y , falling fooling which great alti
tudes always inspire , und involuntarily
ono speculates as to the c'ontoquonGes
of a fall. Will ho bo spitted on the
spire of the Kountr.e Memorial church ,
or go crashing through the
of THU HIK : building ? Distance is
not considered , for most o' the
city lies Immediately below and there
is apparently a choluu o ! u falling spot
anywhere within fifteen of twenty
blocks. Gradually , however , this feel
ing wears awiy and the mugniliceuco
of iho view i appreciated.
Tito city , with nil its spires , domes
und many-uhnpod roofs , lies siu-eud out
below like OIIH of the clay towns fash
ioned by chtldbh llngorJ. The view is
uninterrupted ever all the strooUof ths
central put of town and humlrodo
Of diminutive vehicles und pnduotnuna
can bo soon along the whole length of
Farnam , Douglas , Dodge , Capitol Ave
nue , Harnoy , Howard , St. Mary's ave
nue , Fourteenth , Fifteenth. Sixteenth ,
Seventeenth and Eighteenth , and occa
sional glimpses can be had of every
street in the city from the river to the
crest of the hills on the west and from
Lake to Yin ton. Beyond the city the
view is limited only by the horizon. At
this season of universal brown it is in
teresting only for its extent , but when
spring has begun to clothe hills , valleys
and groves with verdure and
beauty the magnificence of the scone
may bo imagined and will no doubt at
tract many visitors to the tower.
When visited lust week a dense cloud
of smoke rolled ever all of the eastern
part of the city. The Big Muddy glori
fied by distance and sunlight , mean
dered down through a broad swnep of
mingled grays and browns into the dis
tant purple of the hills of Iowa. To the
right and almost within hund-shuUing
distance , is the stony flguro of
justice which surmounts the
dome of the court house , t' > the left an
open space , which at first glance is apt
to bo taken for some ones * back yard
till a little black speck crawls ever it
and it is recognized as Jefferson square.
Fort Omaha , Shcoloy's station , the
round houses and Union Pacific shops ,
Hnnscom park are all in full view , but
If the reader will stop to think of some
place where the tower of the New York
Llfo cannot bo soon ho will got nn idea
of what Is not visible , which is more to
the point , there are , for Instance
no filthy alloys , or iioiscsorao back
yards in sight , but with all her
un&lghtly blemishes obliterated by dis
tance the pity Is seen from this vantage
spot fair and beautiful. Sixteenth ,
street CBjKscially with the long stretch of
pavement from Kountz's place to Vln-
ton street is n magnificent thoroughfare -
faro , marred only by u forest of un
sightly poles. Farnam street does not
gain much except to the west. All the
lower portion is foreshortened ,
and its many magnificent build
ings are dwarfed by comparison with
the lofty point from whioh
they are viewed. Away ever to the
touy , miles away seemingly , between
thu rounded summits of tree-covered
hills , a trull of silvery smoke indicates
the passage of a railway train. All
along the river bottom scores of other
Ktailing and snorting locomotives dart
ithor and thither. On all sides , north ,
south , oust and weal , cable cars , horse
earn , luCeks and busses without number
crawl hither and thither , and the
rattle and rumble of their myriad
wheels IIoats up to the tower blended
into a monotonous drono.
A little over to tha right ,
floating ever the housetops , are
two delicate semi-ephemera ) struc
tures suspended in mid-air the
viaducts. Over the river are two oth
ers , ono with u. long truln of cars creep
ing across It.
Look up u minute ,
Soft white cluuds tire bailing across
\ho clear blue nicy. No ! The clouds
are motionless and the tower on which
wo are standing i rushing Uko the
wind through space. The city with nil
its noino and smoke is loft behind ,
und wit } ) n delicious feeling of
exhilaration no nro rising into
the rogionsi of infinite blue. How fresh
and pure the air which we drink In , in
deep draughts ! One can almost imagine )
himself ctnorulizud , cplrltuu'.izod. ' freed
.from the fottnra of a nwleriul body and
traveling , as thought travels , into In-
tin i to spare ,
A thought of the return trip brings
down oycs and exaltation of bpirit with
n jerk , and with fultnrlng foothtaps
tunny n jump of the hcurt to the mouth
the long hand ovur bund dos--ont is
Fashioned by an Enterprising Dan
ish Citizen of Council Bluffs.
Ho Hatl Neither Money Nor fmntber ,
ana Vet He Built a Sill !
Which Makes Ills
An Antiquated Mill.
Near the. south limit qf the city of
Council Bluffs , where the compactness
of Its buildings gives place to straggling
houses , as though the town was unde
cided whether to stop or go
ward Lake Munawu , there stands an
old mill. It is old in all senses. Its
form is a familiar feature in sketches of
Gorman and Danish scenery. It stands
lib the exponent of the civilizations of
past centuries and suggests the life and
manners of the Rhinish peasant. A
group of men in short coats , baggy
pants and cornocopia hats , and women
with short skirts and handkerchiefs
would lend u real transformation to the
scene and picture in its realismof the
humble life of the "Fatherland. "
This mill was builded years before
Council Bluffs took to itself in any con
siderable measure the metropolitanism
which characterizes her buildings and
business to-day. It was erected by
Christopher Christiansen in what was
then as it is now , the "Denmark" of the
city. The builder was by trade u cab
inet maker , and u good one , too. Ho
also possessed a nraetlcul knowledge of
milling ana turning. Being nn in
tensely practical man and business to
the core , ho conceived the scheme ot.
putting up a combination mill which
would cover the uboye lines of manufac
ture. IIo was practically without
moans but his ingenuity bridged over
the seeming necessity , and with the ex
penditure of but little money the
mill was completed , together with
its necessary-appliances. There wore
lathes and saws and an old-fashioned
but serviceable sot of burr stones. This
was for years the Mecca to which the
Danish wheat and corn as well as the
the broken chairs came , and while the
grist was ground for the tithe in toll ,
the miller and his friend spun yarns of
their youth time In flio Fatherland
across the seas.
Many times hud Till ! BUB man looked
upon the monument of ingenious in
dustry , and with unusual interest. It
is the only thing of its kind in the west ,
if not in tno on tire country. It is
octangular in form , covering , perhaps ,
thirty foot of ground. Its aides rise to
nn altitude of probably eight foot.
This , the lower doer , is surmounted by
a half roof , which ends with the four-
foot walk. This walk runs around the
turret , which boars the fun , or motive-
power of the mill. The turret forms
the second story of the mill , and is
probably eighteen or twenty fool high.
' .The four spectral arms whioh consti
tute the fan are about fifteen feet wide
and revolve at an angle of fully fifteen
The material of which the building
is composed , is a most Tcuriouu combina
tion. Nearly all the wood native to
this latitude ifa here. A timber of oak
hears n board of cottonwood or pine.
In this is shown the economical genius
of the builder. Timbers and boards of
various lengths and sizes are made to
do the same service , and lit the places
for which the ordinary artisan would
require nn entire lumber yard.
Shingled V Yes ; but with such shingles
as the reader never saw before. Oyster
cans battered out to u smootho
surface and odd pieces of sheet
iron got from various places where they
were serving no purpose are nailed on
to servo as weatherboard and roof.
A few days ago THIS BKU sought to
gain access to the queer structure feel
ing certain the inside must bo as quaint
and odd as the exterior. Permission
was granted by the housewife and a
tour .of investigation was made. The
lower floor was .found to bo divided in
half , forming two rooms of fairly good
size. In one room the sawing and
rough work'is done. Table logs , chair
backs and various parts of broken furniture -
nituro werescattered about also piles of
lumber waiting the use of the owner.
The other room contains the sawsj
lathes , etc. , with which that part of the
business of the owner 'ij prosecuted.
The walls are papered thickly on all
sides with Danish papers , and a more
comfortable workshop it would bo hard
to find. Ascending into the turret the
writer found the stones which years ago
had ground the Hour and meal but were
now cast aside and unused. The "Now
Process" together with the rapid afllli--
at ion of the Danish character with
American customs doubtless forced the
owner to lay aside the mill stones and
devote his entire time to his trade pro
Passing away from this curious pile
the reporter was filled with wonder ut
the sturdy pluck and genius which out
of things which would not borvo the
uses of another this industrious Dane
had wrought to so noble a purpose and
with such grand results.
Good for the Ijlttln 1'riuocss.
An anecdote of the Empress Fro'dpr-
ick's early days when among us as
princess royal is told by no loss an au
thority than Earl Granville , says a
writer in Modern Society. Ills lord
ship relates that ono day ho was driv
ing in Windsor park in un opou car
riage with her royal highness , aged
then about nine years , and her govern
ess. LadyiLytton. Whether or not the
little prinuobs found her companions too
staid for her ) juvenile taato , ontheir
passing some poor children playing on
the grussishd romurkod : "How happy
those little pirls look. " Lady Lytton ,
in true , pvlm governess style , to "Im
prove the occasion , " answered sonton-
tlously ; l"Thoy looic happy
they are good , ' ' "How do you know
that ? " retorted the over-smart Vicky ;
"I think it very likely is because they
have noladvigovorness. "
Cut ! ) niuli ) Indian Maldi.
When MiJs1 Ellen Terry was last in
Philadelphia , says the Philadelphia
Record , she became deeply interested
in the Indian children ut the Lincoln
institute on south Eleventh' street , and
paid them several visits. While she
was very generous in her gifts to them
her curious mannerisms made a deep
impression upon their unsophisticated
mind , and one girl reinimceil to a lady
connected with tno management ; "How
nice Mis ? Terry is ! But Isn't it a pity
she is always drunk.when Miu comes to
BOO us ! "
Another story , not a whit loss natural ,
relates to un evening which spmo of the
young redskins spent at the Academy
of Music , whuro many of the ladies
present were in full evening dress. Af
ter the little Indians had reached homo
that night one of them sit id very plain
tively ; "It was beautiful ; but I wonder
if wo couldn't , get to work and
bomoclothos for those Indies. "
How a Rhode Island Girl Outwitted
an Obdurate Papa.
A Connecticut Miu Turns Up Wealthy
After an Ausnnco ot Twcnty-
Ono Years Her Fortitude
Converted Him.
Ijittlo Romances.
Chief of Police Hughes of Montreal
is responsible for : ui elopement story
connecting the name of the daughter
of a wealthy resident of Newport , 11.1. ,
with that of the family coachman. A
month ago , it seems , the twenty-one-
year-old daughter of 11 Mr. Soy weld or
Stewart of Newport wna asked * in mar
riage by some gentleman whoso name
does not appear. The father was will
ing , but the girl was not , and said so.
There was a stormy time between
parent and daughter , which ended by
the father informing the girl that he
would force her to marry the man of
his choice. The daughter determined
16 foil the objectionable suitor , and
began making love to the family couch-
man , whoso'name in olthor Stewart or
Within 11 week the coachman was
ready to lay down his life for his mis
tress , and she , promptly taking advan
tage of his devotion , proposed that they
olbpo. The coachman consented , and
three weeks ago the father awoke
to find his daughter and the couchman
missing , and a note tolling him that his
daughter didn't think she would marry
her father's choice after all.
Detectives wore employed , and'one of
them came to Montreal. Ho located the
pair in u small cottage at u village about
six miles from the city on the , bnck of
Montreal island. The girl hnd regret
ted her stopand it took little argument
to induce her to return homo. Coaehy
remonstrated considerablybut subsided
on being threatened with arrest.
Deforo parting the girl swore olornul
fidelity to Stewart , or Soyv.'olG. She
piombsed that she would never marry
anybody else. They had not bcen-uwr-
ried. The coachman cannot bo found.
News 1ms jtibt boon received in Waterbury -
torbury , Conn. , from a man who for
merly resided in that city , and who , for
twenty-one years , had been reported to
bo dead , but who Is now a wealthy resi
dent of Victoria , Australia. In Anrll ,
1808 , Fred H. Wool worth , of Wii tor-
bury , .aged twenty-three , disappeared.
Nothing was hoard ot him arid it was
supposed ho had committed stiio.lilo or
had been foully dealt with , and a largo
sum of money was expended In trying to
find his body. All efforts proved fruit-
lobs , the search was abandoned , and the
Woolworth family mourned fur the
missing one as the victim of a mysto-
rions tragedy. A few i1a.\B ago Wool-
worth'H friends received a letter post
marked Australia , and on ouoning it
discovered that it was Fred. Ha said
that since leaving \Vntorbury ho hud led
u bomewliHt advonlurcsonu > life. I la
med lately nflor ho disr.npcwreil he wont
on a whaling voyugis nnil for three
years encountered till the perils Inci
dent to life on a whaling vessel. At
the end of that time he went to Aus
tralia , where he 1ms slnoo resided. A
few years ago ho | iurcnasod for T ' " > u
gold mine t > ii | > pea u to bo wort-leas ! , and
u day 01 two later discovered gold milli-
oiont to make him rich.
A dying man WAS found the other
nigh1 , upon the atnsotg of InJluoapolls ,
ho having taken twenty grains of
cyanide of potassium with suicidal in
tent. On his person was n note saying
that unhappy circumstances and a
woman had ruined his life ; that ho had
lost all ho possessed and was without a
homo and beyond the aid of friends.
The body was the next day identified
as that of Emil Borstal , of Phillipsburg ,
N. J. , whore ho was a prosperous busi-
man. He came of u wealthy family in
Heidelberg , Germany , and while mak
ing a pleasure trip back to his old homo
ho formed the acquaintance on the
steamer of Miss Carrie Remius , of
Cleveland , O. They wore betrothed ,
but the engagement was broken off be
cause of parental opposition. Upon the
meeting of the couple in Now York
some time afterwards the attachment
was renewed and the marriage day was
appointed. On going to Cleveland ,
however" , to claim his bo trothed , ho
found her parents had porsjmnded her
into marriage with Charles Reich.
Borstol lost. Christmas came to this city ,
but ho acted like a heartbroken man
and disappeared a short time ago. only
to be found lying in the roadway dying' .
Quito recently ho received a $1 , i00 ! draft
from Germany. He owns property in
Now Jersey , besides a largo ranch lu
Texas , whore his brother is a wdalthy
slock trader.
City front pedestrians of San Fran
cisco were cdilicd recently by the elo
quence of the first Chinese evangelist
who has made his apporanco iir that
locality. He announced his name as
Ah Qui. He did not claim any connec
tion with cither the Salvation Army or
the Holiness Bund.
"Ton years ago I was a very bad man , "
said ho. "What you call Highbinders
hero , that'b what I was , in Canton. I
worked for a bigninndurin fifteen years.
During that time I killed fifty-one people
ple for money. Twenty of them were
women. I will tell you how I was con
verted. My master sot his eyes on a
Christian Chinese girl , but could not
got her , so 1 was sent to kill her , I was
given * 10 for the act. 1 found her alone
in the house oun night , and on her re-
fubul to accompany mo to my master I
told her she must die. She asked to
pray. 1 was so affected that the knife
dropped from my hand , and that inci
dent led mo to Christianity. I grow to
love her and she became my wife. The
preacher at whoso house bho lived
married us.
"One night wo were seized and car
ried to the house of my former master.
Ho ordered mo to murder her and I re
fused to do it. Thou he said that an
other would perform that olllno and that
I could end my days by harl-karl. His
order was obeyed in one case. They
disrobed my wife and throe men bound
her , while a third cut oft limb after
limb. She prayed for them while they
were doing thin as long UH she had
breath in nor body. "
At this point Qui leaped Into the air
and shrieked three unearthly yells ,
while the crowd who had Uhtonod to
the wolrd story stood aghast with sup
pressed excitement. IIu deemed to bo
insane for at least a moment. Thsn
wiping his eyes ho said : "Tho next
day I obcapod , and hero I am. "
The exhortation which followed lasted
for as least twenty minutes and was In-
toncoly earnest. IIo said that he pro
posed to go all tluough this land and
toll the story of his convention to show
the power of grace ,
lime Wlint She Wanted.
Chicago Hoi-aid : "Ma , eun I hnve
another piece of mlnco plo ? "
"No , my child , yo'i'd dream o ( your
grandmother. " ,
"I Uko to dreum of my grand mother ,
inn , She uuod to give mo two pieces of
po. ! "
How a Little Girl Explained thl
Dream of Jacob. I
Johnnln in the Art Gallery An Anne ! 1
of Dtnroy Princess Victor ! *
and Her Governess Our
Cute BaOica.
tiottio Solve * a Great Blyntorjr.
Pittsburg Press : The rector WBH
very genial old gonllemnn and nlwayi
taught the small children in the Sunday
school. Ono day ho , by roquoftbundotj
the class over to his young nephew , who
undertook the duty very willingly. The
subject was Jacob's droam. AH wonl
along smoothly until , in and unguarded
moment , ho impulsively asked : " .Chil
dren , why djd the angels walk up and
down the ladder instead of flying ? "
Profound silence. ( The young man con
fessed when ho came homo that ho htuj
no sooner asked the question than h
was compelled to acknowledge his in
ability to answer it. ) At length OIIQ
smull child hold up her hand. "Woll. !
what Is it , Lottie ? " "Pletiso , sir , J i
thinks I knows. " "Speak but , than : ' 1
don'.t bo afraid. " "Please , sir , I think *
it wu'cause they wuz moulting , sir. "
Young man ( immetiboly relieved ) ;
"Quito right , Lottie. "
Note Lottio'H mother kept canaries
for sale.
/V / Modern lit.sinnce.
Yonkers Statesman : ' * Whnl iv won
derful painter Rubens was ? " rcmnrkdd
Morritt at the art gallery. "Yds , " as
sented Cora ; "it is said of him that bo
could change , a laughing face Into u sari
one by a single stroke. " ' 'Why , ' '
spoke up little Johnnie in disgust , "ray
school-teacher cun , do that. "
AnV.iiK l of Mercy.
A little girl was graciously permitted
ono bright Sunday to go with her mam
ma to hear papa preach , says n , writer
in Ilnrpor'b Young People. It wua n
time of great rejoicing und responsible
ty , and the little fuuo was all alight
with hap y anticipation. Now. i |
chanced jhut , on this special occasion
pupa's Burmon was of the "warning'1 ' order - >
dor , und his curnost voice rang out nol
cmnly In the Sunday quiet. After n
moment of breathless surprise und horror
ror the fittlo listener's boul was wrought
upon with u great pity for the poor mor
tals upon whom bo much wrath wus de
scending. She rose excitedly to her
feet , anil , her wide reproachful eye ?
just peeping ever the back of thct sent ,
called out in sweet childish tones ,
"What for is you scoldingull the pjopla
ho , pupa ? "
Boston Bone-on : "Minnio JIM boon in
to eoo mo to-day , " tuld little HvG-voar-
eld , "and i\\o \ \ behaved lllto a Jjuly.1
"And I hope you did too , " MI I a bor
"Yew , indeed , r did ; I turned st
eels for her on the boj , "
Arithmetic anil At. .
Philadelphia Uncord : FlrHt Llttla T
Girl ( uttho thoatop-Ain't ) it nluo to"ii |
have two ol those funny UromloHV. ' *
Second Little Girl y , lt % t wico us
funny as if there \vna only ono.
Very Hldilest ,
Now York World-Job : nn in fwlio U
surreptitiously making u ruld on vi )
jnnl in the pant-y ) ' 'Llttln flMidwi
should bo seen und i.ot htardVAH. .
I don't want to bu "eon or henvd either ,