jJ'vW-f lJfcriJ r-grf13l V- * ' 1HE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. ' MARCH 24 ; 18S9.--SIXTEEN PAGES. 11 FOR BALE-MISOKltANEOUS. TjVH BALB-Pftny going cost April 10th M would dispose of portion ofhonoehold fnr- nUurc. n& No. 8 Unrlnnd range , almost new , l ) sfl burner stove , dining room , bed room , kitchen fnrnlturo nfiJ utenslln , etc. ; Mfio some Jiiml and oft coal ; will be sold nt n bargain. 211 South 30th st. 3J1 23t tnOR SALE -AnowBnyder buggy cheap. ( J A. Stonenlll , 110 B. icth. 8itf-J4t ICO bushels oi good potatoes for sain at 17'S cents per buiihol. Apply Monday. .1. A. AVIcntormnn. BlOBoiitll loth St. 681-24' ALlVKmanwith two to Invest In ntocKcnn Hecure an apcncy paying big prnllln. Ad. drc-ga U 2 lice olllco. 083-24 * "EMIt BALE-One or two state * on valuable JD patent , or will sell county right * . Intiulro llooomn. ! N. IQlliat. C38-24 * Foil BAI.n Two span of mules ; ono team (1 ( years old nnd weight 2.4V ) Ibs ; the other T > years old and weight 2wo Ibs ; will sell harness nnd wagon it wanted. Enquire Fowler AOant's Mill Toed Elevator , lltn St. , north ot Nicholas , Hundayond Monday , 01024 * 1OH HALE- -A Stevens cooler. Inquire at 1303 Park ave. 6HJS4 * flOK SALE Top pheaton. 1547 N. lOst. f.77-28 * KKAD THIH-fl/WJ worth of nice fnrnlturo. nntlro outfit nt the house , fortonO ; must neil on account of sickness. Apply to J. 11. Parrotte. 1000 Chicago. 314 all TpOH BALK 'A line combination billiard and JL1 pool table forrcHldcnco ; nlmnit new ; abnr- Itooni 22 , U. S. National bank building. , IC8 . . . Onebaymaro , Biipposcd to bo v iMis over I.4WI lb ? . , is over 16 hnni.'a" r.rtiif1 3l\ddolle and trim : will work anyplace. wKTbe at Homan , V Terry's stable , llltli between Harnoy nnd lloxvar. ! streets nt z o'clock Monday , Mnrch With. M. Kilkenny. G8.V21 T71OH BAIjR-Car load of young sound horses. JD ililO California Kt. U. II. Wood. Xl ! T7KH 8AM3 I,0fl0 tons 14 to in inch ice onto JL1 track. Council nliilM. Ulllert llros. ALAIIGK , heavy government wagon , alm'ost new , can be botiuht at your own price. U. .1. StcrnsdorlT , rooms 317 and 318 First National llnnk. Telephone 4111. ' ' " ) FORRENT--ROOMS UNFURNISHED ' 17IOK HUNT Throe rooms unfurnlsuod , 1410 J3 Pierce at. , J8. 670 IJIOIl HKNT-tJnfiirnlfchcd. Htiltablo for house * J ? keeping , all modern Improvements ? , 4 moms 171UV ebhter nt. Price fM. 570 5iuturnlshodchambers for housekeeping to i man and wife , ilio No. lith st. itg-2S | , FOH HENT llooms suitable for housekeep ing In unites of from ono to four ; In conven- ienilocntlon : lowest prices. Unit's Ilontlng Agency , 1501 Farnam Btrcot ; telephone KO. nt ITOlt HENT Three nnfundsned rooms , alio 1 two basement rooms to families without children at 1123 N 17th st. TO ) PERSONA- . RUSONAIj Wanted Some good family to adopt an orphan girl 7 years old. 11H7 N. 17th WS3--H1 * . - EIISONAL Anew line of Havlland's white chlaa , for decorating , Just received at Moody'B. JJ02 N. Iflth St. OUJ-24 P EIISONAL A large assortment of dinner getH to select from ot Moody'a. Co-J-21 P EH80NAL Decorated toilet sots at lowest prices , at Moody'a , 30U N. l th st. C62-UI WILIiMr. William McCuno or any of his friends please state through the llee his correct address , and obllRU the writer. COO 20 * " " EHSONAL Any lady of good appearance and address desiring nut-door employment ran obtain Name by calling at room 511 , First National bank. ' 6a > PIUVATE course In fencing , boxlnc or fancy club swinging , S10. Address T 14. Tloe olllcu. ATKANOE MKD1UM Mmc. Sanuall , the young Swede , tolls full names of callers and tlio full namu of your future husband or wife , witn < late of marriage , nnd tolls whether the ono you love is true or false. Not a fortune teller , but a yonnc nplrlt medium. Madame Koes Into n perfectly tle.i'l trance. Wilt bring back the parted husband or lover , tie matter If they bo 10.00J miles away. Will guarantee to settle family quarrels. Parlors up stairs , 408 N. . , third lloor. 242 n 12 MISCELLANEOUS. \\T II AT liuvo you to offer for a complete out VV flt for manufacturing jellies. Jams , pre serves' . etc. , etc. Call at No. 110-N. 13th st and make oiler. No reaaonaolo oiler refused. It. Martin. > CT5--4t _ T AD1ES calling Monday can secure steady JJnomo work all summer , { 4 to $11 weekly. Materials fnrnlshcd. id lloor. 308 N. 16th st. _ C65-24J PUKX1TUIIE Packing a Specialty , and done on sliort notice by a practical f uruituro packer. Call at UH N. Hith. second lloor. IH11-84 "D AllHEll shop lor sale , 5 chalra , going out of JJbUBlnega. Addrps t T 04. Itee. _ u 0 i.4 rrilN roolling , spouting , gnttars. valleys , nnd JL sheet Iron work done well and cheap by E. Ravage , 110 N 15th. _ 504-20-t /-tONTHACTINa plasterers are Invited tocnll vVut room 401 , 1'axton building , and cxaminu "Adamant. " : r > 2 A 15 M'MIK banjo tailRht as an art by Oeo. F. Gel- JL lenbBck. Apply at llee Olllce. G4'i _ MAIIA. Neb. . Feb. 14. lB89.-Notlco Is hereby - by given to the holdorn of all bonds Issnod by the Cable Tramway Company of Omaha , nnd bearing date of May M , 1 H87 , J * ntmry 1st , 18SS , and October 1st , 188) ) . to present the game , for payment , with accrued interest , at the Flrttt National bank of Omaha , Neb , , the fifth day ot April. ItW. Intel est on said bonds will oeasi ) on that date , the company having availed Itself of the right to rndeem the same , by giv ing thirty days notice of Us desire to do so , 4l6. It. Johnson. President. OMAHA Steam Dye \Verks 1621 Howard st. Dyeing , cleaning , etc , Lace curtains cleaned. C. T , Paulaon prop. , telephone l > 47. 61g-m3ft s ; WANBON. Vallou & Co. . undertakers and lembalmera , ir.'l Cumlni ; t , Tel. louo. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record during yes tordav. J L Miles et al to E J IMckerson , lot 0 , blk IB , Orchard Hill , w d COO City of Omaha to J 11 Cnttln , o U lot 0 , COOc blk 17il , Omaha , o o d c City < > f Omaha tu EII Thayer , w Vi lot 0 , blk 173. Omaha. O.cd 5 'K J WolilerH et al to J Jacobbcrger , lot 6 , ibllc'late City Park , w d. . . . ? 330 T It Taylor and \vife to M M Marshall , 5 lots In blk-A Union Place add to bontli Omaha , wd 5.0UO A J ( JulHtuard and xvlfe to M M Marxlm ) ! , lots ; i to . blk - ' , HiltieocK.'H ! 1nt add , ami lot f , blk 6 , Patrick's add , wd 5,000 A Borenson and wlfo M M Marshall , t ! i lots 14 und 15 , Snmmorulilo add , w d. , . . 5,000 South Omaha l.nud Co to Annie Dwyer , lot 12 , blk 61 , Soutn Omiilm , w d 710 J II l.uary too LomutzsL-li , lot 7 , blk 0 , Summit ad , w d , . 600 Ilofc'KuA : IIIU toJohn Hunter , 120xl2J In lut4. llugim'Hnd.nod , t , 1 W II Cowlvs and xvlfe to 0 Corbett , U lots in North Sldoad , < | oil 20 V A UucW t al to II U ClarK , s , ' , ' of lets 5 nnd 0 , blk2 , Dnpollt Place , w < i. 1,000 O K Darker nnd wife to the Cabfo Tram way Co , lotH it ) , iu and 2' , blE25U ( Oniulia , io d 2 The Cubiu Tramway Co to tlin Omaha Cable Tram ay Co. lota IX , IU and : ! jblk U.'illi Oiniiha. ( U'oU K F KliiKor et al to II It Smith. 6 lota in .blk I , UH lots In blk a. n loin In blk 3 , o lots In blk 4 , Denninii place , u c d 1 Thomas llrumnn to W J Connell , lot 11 , bllclt. Huim-om place , w d 850 M Morrison , trustee , to K J Thompson , lot 17 , blk 1 , Mount Douglas , wd.v. . S50 llennh Rosebori : to li .1 Tliouipaon , lot 7 , blk 8. Van Camp and. wd. CO ) KAtlrnson , truaicr , to FV Hull , lot IU. II , nnd 12 , bile 21. llensoD , w d llenson Land Svudlratu to W L Mall , lot 1 , blk H. lot til. lAk : : , ' lota 1,2 mut 3 , blk :3. : nml lot SI , Iilk2l , IiuiMon , wd 1.5CO 15 ItChnndlerioThoinusUnmott. lot 22 , blkV , Melioso 1(111. ( wd 370 A It IVasler mid \ > lfu to M S tjtusgton , u > i lot 14 , Pellmln 1)1 ) , w d 1 J II I.omleo und wife to I * .1 Morlece , lots 40 , ro and 77. NoithSido add. w d. . . . . . . 3,000 Jakob Mndsi-n to Johanna Mmbi-n. all property , will tyof Omaha to AJ llaunon , iSxili ii at nw cor lot 4 , blk V , Omaha , o c A its City of Omaha to A J Harmon. 15x00 ft nt HW cor lot 6. blk ? J1 , Oiuahii , toot ot Pit- clllf blri'et. it cd. . , . . 148 A II Hocok to J II Jloessijr , lota U and 4 , blk2 , lloocfa nub , wd. , , BOO Thirty-two trtuiafers . . rJ4WJ 1'orinitn. The following building permits were craned yesterdays S. P. Sutth , four dwellings ot Orchard Hill . 7. . I 4.00D John lly.ln. frnmj dwelling , tevi'iileer.tli ticet. iifftrlla/edon . COO T. t- . Parker , dwelling , Chai-lus and Twenty.-evcnlli utrwetK . . . 1,600 M. M. UilJunuott. brick s.oies , .N'lijiolas nmlrilxtounlh bircctu . 10,000 Mlchftul ( jiilnlaii , dwelling , Konntr.c'ii nd- dlil.n | . . . . . , . , . . , . . . MO tlx l-.iinor iiaunlts . , . , . . . . . i 0 KoUr permits. , , , , , . , , . t . , .l 1H.4UO I'ropomlB n > r 1'nvlnR. Scaled proposals will bo received oy the un dersigned liatll 1:31 : p. in. , M arch 20 , lofiO , for the following kind * of paving material , viz : Pheetasphaltnm according to specifications. Bloux Tails granite according to ipeclflca- tIAUB. Colorado eanddtone according to specifica tions. Stone from Woodruff , Kan. , according to speciflcntlqns , Wooden blocks of any kind or character suit- n > lo ror paving , according to specifications. llrlck according to specifications. Any bids for paving in addition to being no cording to said sDecIllcatlons , may also bo Re cording to such specifications as the bidder may proscribe , the same to bo set forth In detail and to accompany bid. Each bid to specify a price per square yard for the paving complete on each street or alloy or any part thereof separately , aa per ordinance No. 1US4. Work to bo done in accordance 'with plans and npecltlcatlons on tlio In the ofllco of the bonrdof public works. All bids to no made upon printed blanks fur nished by the board ana to be accompanied by a proDorly certified check for the sum of f 1,0 W as n guarantee that the bidder will , within thirty days from the opening of such bids , give bond not exceeding I2 , < no , as the mayor nnd city council may require , that such bidder will enter Into contract for such paving of the kind nnd material spcclllcd an may thereafter bo re quired during the year 1880. Thn board reserves the rlpht to reject any or nil bids , and to waive defects. 9T At > ' IIA 100 JI111 * * Chairman Hoard of Public Works. Omaha , March Uh , IBM ) . . . . . „ , march 10-11-24-37 TIE RAILWAy TIME TABLES , OMAHA. SUPUItDAN TRAINS. Wcstwrd. Running between Council Bluffs and Al bright. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth street * , and at the Summ it Iu Omaha. COUNCIL. BLiUPPS. CHICAGO , UOCK. ISLAND & PACIFIC. Leave. I Arrive. A No. 2 0l : > J p. mjA No , 1 7:00 n. in. C No. 6 6:00 : a. in. U No , 6 f > :60 : p. in. A No. 4 U40n.m.'A ! ' No.3 6:45p.m. : CHICAGO , IIUULINUTON * QUINCE. A No. 4 v:40 : u. m.lA No. f. 73Ja. ; m. A 'No. 8 5ii5p. : m. A No. 7. 530p. ; Ill , A No.fl :51p. : m.iA No.i : :50n. : in. CH1UAUO Je NOHTHWE5TEHN. No,8 , Ullinmi.'No. : ' 7 :45a. in. No. 8 . . . . .4:15 : p. III.'No. ' 3 OjOOu. IU. No. 4 ril:40 D. m. No. 6 6:11 : p. in. All Trains lAlly. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE4ST : , PAUL. A No. 2 0:40a. : m.A | No. I fl:60a. : m. A No,4 7OOp.in.A : No. ! ) 7:10 : .iu. ] KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH & COUNCIL IILUFKS. Li. A No , 2 0:25a. : m.iA No. n 8:30 : a. ra. A No.4 :30p.m.lA : No.l 8:33p. : JU. i.I. H10UX CITV & PACIFIC. I.U No. 10 7OT : a. m.lA No.li. 8:55 : a.m. A No. 12 . 7:0,1 : n. m. A No.li . 0Wp. : m. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS. A No. 8 . 4:3tp.m.A : | No. 7 . 12:00 : ra. A dally ; U dally except Satutday ; 0 except Sunday : 1) except Monday : fast mall. The tuna given aoore Is for Transfer , there being from five lo ton minute * between Tr ns- r and local oepoti. _ " " "NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , 01JAHA , N2B. Capital . 1(10,003 ( Surplus Jan. 1st , 18S9 . 5J.IWO OKl'IfiKKS AND DIUECTOIH ! HENHV W. YATKs ) , President. LUV.'IS H. IIEKI ) . Vice -osliUnt. . A. K. TOHHAMrt , W. V. MOIWII , JOHN B. COLLINS. It. C.l'IJSIIINO , .I.N.H.J'ATllICK. W.H.Ip. HL'OHIS , C shler. THE I ON BANK , Corner I''th ami rnrnntn Sts. A General llanklnii llubluess Trasicte.d 100 BOOK AGENTS WANII % * W ! * * % Ky-Cjir | | | ( | OUllA TflD.r WllhRnecocifnl BALAULK liOO AT OhOt t.tatln ulor WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , The Money Market Oorfortablo and Trade Improving. THE OUTLOOK SATISFACTORY. Indications That the Sprint ; Triulo Will Bo Up to tlio Avcrnao- DIshoncBt Commission Quotations. The Local Itovlcw- The money market continues very easy , and the supply Is if any thing In excess of the demand. Rates nro therefore caster , and 8 per cent Is the rule for prime mercantile paper. General trndo has very materially Improved the past week , and while the move ment Is not all it should bo as yet , the indi cations nro that the spring trade will bo fully up to the average and probably show n fair increase. Collections nro only so-so , and an improvement in this branch of busi ness would not bo wholly unacceptable. City trade has been good , mid retailer * nro fairly content wkh the outlook. The produqo market shoves the advent of spring by Us array of green pears , tomatoes , cucumbers , rudishrs , onions , etc. Eggs arc again lower , and butter Is somewhat off , though choice grades are steady. Thcro Is still u good deal of complaint from honest , reliable commis sion merchants in regard to the prac- Ice of dishonestly quoting prices above the market by a few Jlrms who cannot obtain trndo legitimately and resort to this victorious practice. Ship pers should investigate the character of the parties to whom they propose to consign goods and they may rest assured that the merchant who quotes nbovo the market prices current docs so with a view to swind ling the consignor , who has but llttlo redress , ns the cost of prosecuting petty scoundrels of this class is more than the results obtainable will warrant. The losses of the great foreign copper syn- dic.ito or trust arc said to amount to SJ.1,000,000. It is reported that tbo capital represented In the salt trust Is $ 5,000,000 , nil the pro ducers in the country being In the combina tion. In England and throughout conti nental Europe the salt trusts have provoked indignant protests and anti-trust agitation. An advance of a few cents a barrel docs not impose n heavy burden on consumers , but people do not like to be at the mercy of a powerful syndicate. The sugur trust is n fair buyer of raw suirur , but it has a good deal of dltllculty in ilnding any lots at former prices , as most holders nro demanding an advance. Supplies nro everywhere greatly reduced , and the stocks at four ports of Great Urltatn nro down to 152.000 tons , against C2 , : > 00 tons a year ago. Cuban advices are very bullish and the amounts offered there are small. Now York advices state that a cargo oi box herrings is selling actively upon the basis of 2c ( ) for straight medium sealed. Farcy lines pf Now Orleans molasses are becoming scarce and prices are tending up ward. The southern market is said to bo almost bare of stock. It is stated that the stocks of California impeded dried peaches are gradually disnp peurlng. Philadelphia is the chief buyer urn the demand is mainly speculative. The maple sugar season has commenced in the eastern townships of Quebec , and tin trees are now generally on tap. "Warrantee pure maple sugar" made from brown sugar with maple flavoring is for sale the year around , and it is remarkable how far a little sap-will go. The Now York Commercial Bulletin states that merchants in that citv do not entertain confidence in the reports that arc Doing con stantly sent over the wires and through the mails about the sales of salmon , the majority believing that the statement of 000,000 cases of all kinds of canned salmon sold for ship ment to foreign countries Is vastly over drawn. They cannot understand why it is that there should'nt this early season have been contracts made that nro , nearly 00 per cent In excess of the entire quantity shipped annually for years past. Sugar sales have been very heavy of late , owing to the.advance and strong prospects for a further sharp rise , and a good deal of speculative buying has been done. The bulls figure up a shortage of 50,000 tons in the world's supply , and the advices state that Lieut has reduced his estimate of the best crop 25.000 torn , . In view of the steady ad vancing market the prospect of importing ro- flned sugars has been suggested , but parties who have carefully investigated assert that our prices are no way near high enough for such a move as yet. Coffee is being advanced by the specula te rs on the strength of the expected short Rio crop. Present supplies are ample for all current requirements , and the supply at the American seaboard and afloat for the same amount to 441.500 bags , against 335,000 bags a year ago. There are 374,000 bags in Rio. and Havro reports 45.3,000 bags , 203,000 of wnlch are Brazilian. OMAHA L.IVI2 STOCK- Cattle. Saturday , March 23. 1889. The buyers wanted some cattle to-day and they got out and bought thorn , which was about the only difference between the market to-day and that of yesterday. The prices paid were about steady on all grades , but there was a better feeling prevailing on the market , and some for that reason were call ing the trade stronger. The receipts were light and the yards were about cleared by midday. The prices paid for beef cattle 'ranged all the way from $3.00 to $ : > .SO , with the bulk at f3.20@3.50. Butchers' stock wus in light supply and brought good prices in comparison with the way steers sold. The bulk of the cows went at $2.25@2.50 , with something very choice ns high as $2.75 or even $3.00. There is one thing which ship pers must boar In mind , and that is the Irght demand for canncrs. Old , thin cows are not selling as readily as they were a month ago ; In fact. It Is hard work to dispose of them nt any price. The demand for bulls has also fallen off largely , as is usual at this season of the year. There was virtually no trading in feeders , thcre'bolng no cattle of that de scription in the market to speak of. WOKS. The market wus active , nt prices strong to 5c higher and an curly clearance was made. The bnlk.of the hogn sold at T4.00 , with erie load at 44.05. There was no sorting , so that , although the market was higher , the top was not so high as yesterday Sheep. There were six loads of Colorado Iambs on the market , part of which were sold. The market continues llrm nt former quotations. Ilouclpts. Cuttle 050 tiOffS * * * * * * * * * * * * JOUM Sheep 752 Prevailing Prices. The following Is n table of prices paid In this market for the grades of stock mentioned - tioned : Prime steers , IflOO to 1500 lbs.$3.aj (34.00 ( Prlmo steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibi. . U.OJ C' 3.5U Native feeders 2.75 ( : i.UO Common to good cows 1.50 ( d2.4J Choice to fancy cows 2.50 GjlI.UJ Fulr to choice nulls 1.75 © 2.00 Fair to choice light hogs 4.00 ( < M.05 Fair to choice heavy hogs 4.55 @UJO Fair to uholco miked hogs , . . . 4.51 W4.GO Fair to choice western slu'ip , . 3.SO Fair to choice Nubrasltai ! 8.CJ 04.15 Roprcscnt.itlva Sixlos. BTEKIIS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. U 7KIK.S3 18 ISiUM/i' 1 li : 3.AII 1 1312 3.3(1 ( 13 , . . . , . . 742 3.00 IS litf 3.30 : IL""I ? < K < I p. ' ( ! ' . ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! -j ii/u is.i ! " ' ' ! ! ' " > 'i7 ' sun ini"i ! ! ! ! a a.in' $ 2 J2W ) 3.10 27 1U.IU 3.40 . . . , 1210 3.1J lb Ufl 3.40 15 1HU 3.10 18 1302 3.4'J ' 6. . , ; . . ; 1142 : i,10 17 .1493 3.12K 21) ) 1WI ( 3.12JJ 6tl , . , .1418 3.45 Itt 11M 3.15 V ) . . . .1811 3.41 U. . . , 122U aVO 7 v lUNi 3.4J (0 1I8.-I 3-J.-0 IU , , l.ljfl a.W . ; ; ; . ' ; ; ; ; ! ! : ( sa w. ' , " ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . . ' u'u ui&o i H3j 3.20 a ? , . , , , m > n.w 40 urn : uj is , , iw aw ' cows , 1 1000 11.10 2 1JM fc.60 2 MM ; aw IG , iw , s o , wi SJM i aw y.w 2 . 1095 2.2" " ) 3 . IKO 2.60 I . . , . Nfl aa > icsva . i-tn .w 2 . . .107R 'J& 1 . , . 1160 2.CO 1 . 1W10 2.35 1 . . . . . .1SJO 3.00 i . 1110 a.4 au- . iaS 2.70 B . 1017 2.40 1 . lllfl 2.90 1 . 1000 5,45 . 1376 3.00 1100 JL80 - . 1080 tilS 2 . 147S fi.20 > 1i . 1370 * 2.W 1 . 1KW 2.25 ] . , . 17PO 2.60 1. . . . . . 1WO 2.2S * 10. . . 1644 2.00 l.\ . 1JSO 2.25. , 1. . 1C90 2.76 1 . 13CO 1 . CM 11.75 , : RtA 1 . 040 13.254 rKKIIRIIS ANB BTOCKEH3. 1 . B40 12.70 It . . . K9 J2.75 2 . JO ) 2.80. 13 . 1381 $3.90 4 . 1SSO $2.00 ' * ' ] . . . . . . 130 $3.00 ! . . 810 $3.60 noas. No. Av. Shk. IT. No. Av. Bht. I'r. 63Ml 12U $4.5 6A . , . .i)07 ) 120 tl.GO ? J . 214 20J 4.53 78 . EG . . . 4.COJ Ml . 315 ISO 4.51 (11 ( . 2M . . . 4.CO 08 . 231 W 4.57K 17 . 2V. 120 4.60O OS . 28 ? . . . 4.r,7ii ta . S47 . 4.0) FA . SW . . . 4.f > 0 f.7 . Z10 lfc > 4.1103 67 . 2W ItO 4.CO 07 . 8.M . 40 4.TO1IJ 04 . 2CO 100 4.63 Mi . tin . . . 4.CO 0(1 ( . 249 10) 4.CO ( VJ . ttVi . . . 4.00 on . 2KI . . . 4.no 01 . aw 2W 4.00 62 . KT7 80 4.03 76 . SSI . . . 4.(12J ( ! TU . 228 fO 4.CO ( IT , . 2o7 . . . 4.05 I.AMII * COI.OIUDOS. 251 . < . . . . IW * 4.W ! _ Ijlvo Stock No to 9. An nctlvo cattle market. Look-out for common canncrs. The hogs sold strong to 5o higher. Light receipts of nil kinds of stock. Not feeders enoURh hero tomakoamarKot. Hulls not In ns good demand as ton days npo. There has been qulto n change in the hop market during the past week. The bulk of the hogs sold on Saturday of last week nt $4.45 , with $4.60 the top. The market was n little stronger on Monday , the range of prices boltiff $4.45 ® 1.50 , with half of the sales at , the latter price. The market on Tuesday and Wednesday did not show much changn in prices , but was very slow and un satisfactory. The trade looked up n little on Thursday and wus still higher on Friday. OMAHA \VHOIjK9AlJE MARKETS. 1'rmluco , Fruits , BUTTEII Crenmory Fane1/ print , 24@2fio ; choice print , 22 ( < t2.ij ) ; fancy solid packed , 21 C < l22c ; choice solid packed , ll2Uc. ) Dairy- Fancy roll , 17@10c ; choice , 15lOc ( ; good , 12 @ 14c ; low grades , 10@llc. Ciiunsi : Full cream Cheddars , choice , 12Ji ( ! 12) ) < Jc ; full crjani Hats , two in hoop. 12) ) @ iyo ; full cream Y. A. , choice , 12X@13o ; off grades and skims , 5 , ' < $ 'Jc ; llmburger , 10@12e ; brick and Swiss , 14@15c. Eons Strictly fresh , ll@12o ; cold stor age , ! i@10c. Livr. POUI.TIIV Chickens , per doz. $3.50 ® 8.75 ; ducks , $3.2. > @ : i.50 ; geese , $8.509.00 ; turkeys , jicr lb , y@10c. DHIS- ) POULTUV Chickens , per lb 8@ JOc ; turkeys , ll@12c ; geese , ll@12c ; ducks , 10@llc. VBM. Heavy grassers , 150 to 200 Ibs , 5@ Co ; inferior calves , f > 0 to CO Ibs , 3@5e ; me dium to rood , 70 to 85 Ibs , 4@uc ; choice to fancy , 100 to 130 Ibs , G@7c. VKOETAIILCS Potatoos.Colorado nnd Utah , 00@05c ; Wyoming , 50ffl55c ; Nebraska and Iowa , choice largo , 30@'J. > c ; common , 25@ 30c ; sweet potatoes , Jerseys , perbbl. S2.75Qi' 3.00 ; boots , per bu , 53aiOo ( | ; carrots , U5@40c ; cabbage , California , p4Cr lb , 2 > a'e ; parsnips , per bu , 50@GOo ; qnlons , red choice , 5055c ; silver skin , 00 ( > 75c ; turnips , 2025c ; ruta bagas , ; )5@40c ) ; radishes , ! l540e ; lottur.o , 25 ( < i3Uc ; cucumbers , S1.50 ( 2.00 ; string beans , per box , ? l.VSw02.25 ; celery , 25@30c ; spinach , ? 1.50@2.00'por bbl. GAME iMullurd. per doz , ? 3.00@3.50 ; red head , per doz , $2.50a3.00 ( ; teal , der doz , $1 75 @ 2.00 ; common small ; per doz , $1.00@1.50 ; rabbits , per doz , J)0c@$1.00 ) ; Jack rabbits , per doz , $3.00u > U.0 ; siiulrrels , tier doz , 90c' @ jOO ; jack snlne , ? 1.011 ® 1.25. Arri.ts Per bbl , 'fancy Now York and Michigan , $ i.50 ; choice , 42 00(33.25 ( ; choice Missouri , 8i.002.25 ; jjood , ? 1.75 ( < i2.00. FOUEIOK FituiTSl-MiilasA grapes , kegs , 40 to 55 Ibs , lOc p6r 'Ibt bananas , per bunch S1.50@3.00 ; lemonMu'nW new , 300 to 300 s > , S3.75@4.50 ; oranges , Los Angeles , $2.50@2.75 ; HivcrsidOB.J.75g4.00 ; Navels , S5.00@5.50 ; Uanchito , 82.50@i75. CnANiicnnins Bell & Bugle , choice , 87.50 @ 7.75 ; Boll & Cherry , choice , $0.50@0.75 ; choice Jersey , $ S.OO@S.25. @ 2.20 ; good clean country , 81.05@2.l)0 ) ; oft or poor stock , Sl.00@1.50 : California , $2.00@ 2.10. 2.10.CIUEK CIUEK Michiean. porbbl$4.50@5.00 ; Now York , per bbl , 5.00@5.50 ; half bbl , * 2.75 ® 3.00 3.00FEATHEKS FEATHEKS Per lb , prime live geese , white , 85@40c ; mixed with pray , 25@MOc ; damp and musty , 1020o ; prime live domestic duck , 20 @ 25o ; wild duck. 15f20c. ( SAUUKKIIAUT Per bbl , 30 gal , choice , S3.50 per half bbl , * 2.00. fc Poi'ooux Per lb , rice , l@l } o : common Hoxsr 1-lb frames , choice white , 15@10c ; dark. 13 ® 14c ; strained , 1012c. JKLMES l@4J o per lb ; preserves , 10@l2c per lb. LAUD 7J c in 50-lb pkgs. MINCTMBAT 6)i@7c ) per lb. i Groceries. Revised prices are as follows : BAooiNti Stark A , seamless. 22c ; Amos- kcag , seamless , 17 , } c ; Lewiston A , seamless , 1'Jc ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlups , 4 to 5 bu , ll@14c ; gunnies , single , 14c ; gunnies , double , 23c ; wool sacks , 40c. TWINES Flax , 20c ; cotton , 18@22c. DuiKi ) FUUITS Figs , in boxes , porlb , 11 ® 14c ; dates , in boxes. 7@10c ; London Dehesa layer raisins , per box , $5.00 : Malaga loose raisins , $2.302.50 ; now Valencia raisins , per lb , 7 c ; California loose muscatels , per box. * 1.80@2.30 ; California Londons , 188S , $2.4o ; pitted cherries , Uc ; California pitted plums , per lb. 12@I3c ; dried black berries , per lb , C@7o ; dried raspberries , per lb , 22c ; evaporated apples , 0@7 c ; Cali fornia unpaired evaporated peaches , 12@14c ; evaporated California apricots , 17c ; currants , 5 > 4 ( ' 3Kc ; Turkish prunes , % @ > fc ; citron , 22a ( > 24o ; orange peel , 15u ; lemon peel , 14c ; California French prunes. 7 } @llKc. Pic'Ki.us Medium , in bbls , $5.00 ; do , in half bbls , W.OO ; small in bbls. $ < i.OO ; do , in half bbls. $3.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do , In half bbls , $1.00. RoASTEn COFFEES German , 24 } o ; Mc- Lniiglilln's XXXX , 24Kc ; Ariosa , 24Jic. COFFEES Green Mocha , 25 ( < i30e ; Rio , good , 18i19c ; Mundahling , 20@2Sc ; roasting Uio , 1718c ; O. G. ' Java , 24 < H20e : Java Inferior - forior , 22@2c ; ) ; Rio , fancy , 21@2 > c ; Santos and Maracalbo , 17 ® We. SUOAU Granulated , 7e ; conf , A , 7 c ; will to extra C , 7J o ; extra t ! , 7c ; yellow C , OJ c ; cutloaf , S 'C'I'Jc ; powdered , b > < c ; cubes , BEESWAX Choice yellow , 2fl@23tf ; durit colored , ia@14c. TOIIACCO 1'lug , 2 < X535c ; smoking , 1019c. SALT $1.U5@1.40'per bbl. Uorn-7-10 , 14Mf. ' ' MAI-I.B SIIGAI Bi'lcks lb ( , ll@12o per ; penny cakes , I t3o per lb ; pu o maple Byrup , 11.00 iMjrKol. . SUOHI Sviit'i'4-M@35o ; per gal. " ' - PipunPMnnUlo. OJ o per lb ; straw , IJi'iiil cjiui'Jb' rag , 2 > o per lb. TEAS Voung Hyson , common to fair , 18 ® 25c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 3055o ; Gunpowder , cordmoij. to good. 22Jf25o ( ; Gun powder , choice wjfandy , 40@05o ; Japan , com mon to medium , 12 s0u ! ; Japan , choice to fancy , ! iO@lou ; Qolong , common to irooil , y > @ 40o ; Oolong , chqjwib. fancy , 5'J@70e ; Impe rial , common to medium , 25 ( < 35u ; Imperial , good to fancy. 4W ! $ > 0 CiiAciiKics CVjrcicr ( ) lb ; assortol cakes , 8 @ 15c per lb , ns'por list , CANUJAIIxcJ. . Df@12 > o ; stick , rock candy , lO r lUc ; . fancy candy , Hoi.l.ANH Hiniil.vo f,0i'JOo. MACKEiiEb-FBiiiliy half bbls , $12.50 ; No. 1 , < S13.50. . NUTU Almonds , 10@18c ; Pecans , l e ; Bra zils , Uc ; peanuts , 9@10o. Drugs and Chemicals. Acins Sulphuric , ) Jfo ; citric , 53o ; oxalic , 15o ; turtaric , 40o ; Am. carb , I2o ; alum , 2 > f ff3u ; arrowroot , 30o ; balsam capabla , U5o ( > 75u ; borax , 10@13c ; calomel , 60c ; castor oil , $1.05@1.10 ; cream tartar , 82o ; corrosive eub , 80o ; cnloroform , 45@50o ; uxt logwood , 12o ; glycerine , 24c ; gum arable , OOo ; gum cam phor , 35o : gum opium , $1.15 ; morphia sulph , $2.lA } @ , 85. Oii.b Herynmot. $3.80@3.00 ; lemon , $2.00 ; peppermint , $ a.OO@U.5D : wintergreen , $3.40 ; olive , $1.00 ; quinine. U5@4Jo ; strychnia , $1.05 _ _ _ t Mrs , W. I. Laird , nee .Miss Florence 1C. Mead , will muko her homo temporarily in DCS Molnes. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Docldodly Bullish Day , But Prioos Little Changed , However. CORN SHORTS BUYING FREELY. Onts Quiet Provlfllons Close With n Uoncrnl Improvciiiont-CrtttlcCloHO Stonily HORS nro Active nml metier. CHICAGO rilODUCE MARKET. CHICAGO , March 23. [ Special Toleornm to Tun BED. ] The whont marked opened rather quietly , but the Initlul rnngo WAS Bomovvhnt ranged on account of the nervous * ness of the trades. May started In nt $ 1.04X © 1.05 , with clamor to buy at the outslilo. The price wont to * 1.04Jliowovor , with n good many trades nt S1.04J . 'fTho nwrltot then shot up to (1,05 % and after n reaction of } fo broke and booniod to tl.07Jf. At the top n big lot of long wheat cnmo out and n prccltiltous decline to Sl.OO'i resulted. This was all accomplished within thospncoof half an hour or so. The market then steadied and for quite n time there was n largo trade within a range of ? I.Ofl > @t.OrV. A decline to $1.04J was the next movement , and this was succeeded by n rally to $1.00. Then until nearly the close the market was steady nt $1.05 and fractionally above , fluries some times carrying the price above Sl.OoJ-s' . Trade not very light and the lilting of small orders was suniclent to movotho price , often times , KC. This was ono df the character istics of the trade of the whole session. As was the case yesterday , some of the sharpest bulges and rallies were accompanied by light business , bidding for single lots of 5,000 bushels causing n Jf@lc ihictuatlon. It was a singularly nervous and overwrought mar ket. The closing twenty minutes was marked byaslumpy break to nearly $ 1.01. On the hard spots there was considerable wheat for sale , and the impression prevailed that the Fairbank-Hutchlnson party was feeling the * crowd , Hutchtnson was an open and nctlvo bidder through brokers for llttlo lo.s and and shorts were coming in all day with offers to buy , their wants , being accom modated If patience was displayed. Uloom was a largo seller around the top , and the gossip credits htm with making a turn of { 00,000. The boar housus absorhed n good deal of wheat during the day. The "knowulls" in the pit had it that the "clique" was gunning for Linn and the Schwarts- Dupeo following , without however , bringing down that game , though Captain Phillip was credited with covering a big line on the l > ulge. July wheat led in activity at first to day. A "lip" WHS in circulation that there was to bo a whirl in this future , imd every body wanted n little at the beginning. The price went from S'Je to UOc , breaking back to SS. ? e , however , only to rally again to 80 ? c. From this point there was another decline , the crowd being encouraged to free selling by reports of rain in Kansas and Missouri. The lowest urico of the day .up to 1 o'clock , was SS c. Tuo break Just before the close carried July to 88J.Cc , closing at S3tfe. May $ I.04-tfc. Thus while the day was decidedly bullish the clos ings indicate very little change as compared with yesterday , May showing a gain of only y \ and July } { c. The excitement and strength in the wheat m irket. was again communicated to corn. The shorts were buying freely and their de mands were readily supplied after an ad vance of about } { c In May above the opening quotation. The St. Louis market showed n very light degree of sympathy with the ad vance here , and New York none at all. The Liverpool market was firmer and higher and the export buying was reported from New York and Baltimore to bo good and governed as to Its extent mainly by considerations of vessel room and the rate of freight. The trading was not active and was chiefly local and scalping in its character. There was tnoro than the usual amount of trad ing In Juno and July futures. May future in corn started in strong nt 35Xc , nut after the advance of 8a the closing price wus the same ns it rested at yesterday. The other futures went over 'a parallel course , but there were sellers of all the fu tures at the closing quotations nt the time of adjournment. Oats were quiet. The opening was weak to % c lower on the regular market , firming up later along with wheat , with May ad vancing # c , to 2(5c. ( This flguro called out n number or selling orders , and prices settled back a point or two , with later dullness the rule. A few outside orders were received and the room traders did most of the busi ness , which was not large , with Juno and July rather dull. Regular oats to go to store were steady at 34c. The provision trade was again bullish in its tendency. Tbo fluctuations were quite narrow , being limited to 20c in pork , lu ( ) in lard and 7JjC in short ribs , but the side of higher prices had the call and the day closed with a general improvement. In pork the advance established amounted to TJ @l2J o , in lard to } 4@lOa and in short ribs to T ! c. CHICAGO tiivE srooa. CnicAOo , March 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ) CATTLE A few good cattle , nnd in fact about everything sold out early , and the market closed steady. Choice beeves , ? 4.00@4..TO ; medium to good steers , 1330 to 1500 Ibs , $ J.GO@2.00 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , MO@3.70 ; 030 to ISDOlbs , ? 3.00@3.35 ; Btoclt- ors and feeders , J2.2 > @ 3.30 ; cows , bulls and mixed , ? 1.75@3.10 ; bulk , $2.25@2.t > 0. IIoos T'he market was active and 5@10o higher than on Friday , mulling an advance of 15@20c for the week. The ibulk of the mixed sold at (4.75@-i.80 , and best heavy at * 4.S3 ( 5J.87 ; light sorts , f4.80@4.95. During the week the shippers bought tully half the receipts. The principal packers arc , or scorn to be , the bears on the market , and when shipping orders are scarce they have every thing their own way , as the market shows this week that the days when the shippers had plenty of orders there were good markets. Krom the uresent indications the only thing that will hold the market up is plenty of shipping orders from the east and light receipts of hogs , CniCAao , March -3. Cattle Receipts , 21.000 ; beeves , 4.00f 4.30 ; steers , * 3.00 ( < g 3.00 ; stockers and feeders , ? 2.25@3.30 ; cows , bulls und mixed , f 1.75 ® : ) . 10. Hogs Kecolpts , 7.0UO ; market stronger , So higher : mixed , $4.Jj@1.90 ( ; heavy , fl.(15@ ( 4.87X ; light , * 4.70C ! 5.00 ; snips , $ i.00@4. ! 5. Sheep Receipts , 1,000 ; market 'steady : natives , W.73(4'4.lHj ( ' ) corn-fed western , $4.04 ( SS4.C5 ; Texans , | 3.00@l.0j ; lambs , 4.DO ® 5.00. . FINANCIAL. NEW YOIIK , March 2J. f Special Telegram to TUB HBU.I STOCKS The close of the week Jlnds the conditions and sentimentboth unchanged In the stock market. The fulrly good rallies noticed early In the week hail no general movement under them , and us soon as part of the short interest wus satisfied , the dullness , If not heaviness , returned. The action In Chicago Gus while somewhat re markable , in not significant when the slump of Friday Is remembered. During no day of the wcelc has real activity spread through more than a dozen Blocks , and frequently half a doion securities took most of the in terest. The current talk that some longs have been quietly taking stocks and that a grand rally is to ho started all along the list , is not sincerely accepted by these who know most tabout the adverse workings of the roads. The transactions to-day were small and shed no light on the probable coursn of the market. The opening was > marked by dullness , and a few shares , such as Chicago Gas , Burlington and Northwestern enjoyed all tbo activity. The first prices were about steady , but Oregon Improvement , Chicago Gus uud Burlington allowed special weak ness , declining J to 1 per cent each. Hope revived when n rally carried Gas certificates up to tbo early price and Burlington nearly so. A second decline soon followed , and at 11 u. m , prices wera below the opening , with the market dull. What activity there was toward noon was in Union Pacific , Hurling- ton nnd Chicago Gas , and prices again tended downward , Pullman went onalnst the cur rent and advuuccd ) } I'd ' * cent. At the close the nmrVot WAS heavy , with prices n shndo lower than nt the opening. The total sales Were-57,313 shares. Thofollowlnff were the closing quotations : IT , B , 4s regular,11SS Northern Paclflo. . 2VH U.8.4acoupons..129'4 ' dopreferred , , . . . . 69 , ' ( ir.S.4Vtsrogular..1071 < C.N. W. . 104 I.S.4',4scoiipons..10TK dopreferred 137 ! { 'aclflcOsof S . . .120 N. V. Central 100't entral Pacific. . . . 31 I'I.AH. . , . . . . . . . > U Chicago & Alton. . . 13) Uock Island . . . . . . . 10 ? { 7hlcagollnrllnKton ( X , M , &SU.P.I , . . . C21. ' " " " dopreforred. . . . . . Ofli ' ' ' " St. Paul * Omaha . iM ilno'ls Cen'trftl."l08 ! i dopreferred IU , , n.w. . . on Union PacificK'S A'ToxM. . . u ! > W..8t.L. iii- . . 125 < .akcShoro 1W.V do preferred. . . > "o llchlganCentral , . FC Western Union. , . . . kl ! llstouril'acino . , . 07H MONET ON CALI.--Easy nt 2tf } per cent. PIIIMB McnOANriLB PApnn 1@QX } per cut , STniu.tN'Q ExcrtojfiR Dull , firm nnd un hanged ; sixty-day bills , $4S5J { ; demand , 1'ltODUUKM CHICAGO , March 23. Wheat Unset- led , weak nnd 3 < fc higher than yesterday's lose for May ; cash , (1.02& ; April , (1.0 % ; .lay . , ? 1.04 . Corn Steady ; cash , 34/oj } April , 34j c ; rlay , 33 II-lite. Oats Steady ; cash , 2lc\ \ May , ! I53-10c. Hyo May , 43 > tfc. IJarloy Nothing doing. Prime Tlmothj-41.a3@1.37. Flnsc $1.61. Whisky $1.03. Pork Higher ; May , 313.R5 ; July , SI2.05. Lard Firmer ; cash , $7OJ ! ; May , $7.12 , ' . Flour Firm ; winter wheat , ? 2.r > 0@,15.40 ; prlng wheat , Sl.-15@n,30 ; rye , ? 2.Co@3.00 in mrrcla. Dry Salt Moata Shoulders. e5.fiO@ri.7S ; hort clear , $0.r)0@0.02Kj short ribs , J0.2" > @ t.0. ! ! t.0.Butter Butter Easy ; creamery , 18S24i3j ( dairy , 321c. Ctieeso Steady ; full cream choddais nnd flats , lOXGS0 ' ; i'oung Americas , ifps Weak ; fresh , 10@llc. Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted , 5Ko ; light green salted , 5Jfo ; green. 4(5tKe ( ; alted bull , 5' ' c ; green oull , 3K ; "green salted calf , 4Jf ! © ei dry Hint , 7 > ( < Sc ; green Baited kip , 4tflXoi dry calf , 7jJ8o ( ; slunks , 10@13c ; dry salted hides. 7c. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , @ 4 > { o ; No. S ! , 3i , ® 3j < fc ; cake , 4Jtfe. itouoipts. { shipments. Flour , bbls . UOD ! ) (1,000 ( Whcntb.u . : . 21.000 8,000 Corn.bu . 175.0JJ 75,000 Oats , bu . lai.OJJ 70,001) ) Now Vork. March 23. Wheat Receipts , ,000 ; exports , 10.000 ; apot dull , J @ ? fo .owor , unsettled ; No. 3 red , Ol C&K c In elevator , l > 3 > iC < 303ifo afloat , 92'J4tfo ; f. o. b. ; No. a red , 85o ; ungraded red , Slai'J45.fc ; options active , irregular , loworMarch , Olj c. Corn Receipts. 114,000 ; exports. 51,000 ; spot Armor and qutct ; No. 2 , 42 > f @IW < o in elevator , 434@4'J ; ' o afloat ; No. U white , 40.f@tlJ ; ! c ; No. a red , 41 ® 43o : ungraded mixed , 41 f@43 ! c ; otlona ) dull , } jfc lower. Oats Receipts , 30,000 ; exports. 300 ; spot , dull , firmer ; options , quiet , } | ( $ ' . higher ; March , 31c ; May , SO o : spot , No. 2 white , 33@33 > i'c ; mixed western , CoiTeo Options opened steady , closing fair cargoes , 818.75. Petroleum Quiet but steady ; United closed at UlKc. Eggs Quiet nnd easier ; western , llj-jc ( $ 12o. 12o.Pork Pork Firm ; now , S13.50@13.75. Lnrd--Stoad.v but quiet ; western steam , S7.37 > : March , ? 7.33. IJuttor Essior ; western , 13@27c. " Cheese Quiet ; western , UJ llKc. Miniinnpolis. March 23. Sample wheat , dull , flrim receipts. 153 cars ; shipments , 46 cars. Closing : No. lliard , March , $1.10@1.11 ; May , 51.13 ; on track , $1.12 ; No. 1 north ern , March. $111 ; May , $1.02 ; on track , $1.02@1.0J ; No. 2 , northern , March , 02c ; May , U3c ; on track , 93@03c. Liverpool.Mirch ; 23. [ Special Cablegram to TIIK BBE.J 2:00 : p. m. close. Pork- Holders offer moderately ; prime mess , east ern , 05s , steady ; do , western , 55s , steady. Lard Holders offur sparingly ; spot , March , April and May , 80s , 3J , firm. Wheat Holders offer moderately ; now No. 2 winter , 7s OJ , steady ; do , spring , 8s , firm. Flour Holders offer moderately ; 11s 3d , steady. Corn Holders offer moderately ; spot , 3s , easy ; March , 3s 10J/d , steady ; April , i yj d , steady ; May , 3s 9d , steady. Milwaukee , March 23. Wheat Dull ; cash , 880 ; May , 01 > 4'c. Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 3Ql3lc. Oats Stoidy ; No. 2 , white , 23@23.tfc. Uyo Firm ; No. 1 , 43 > < c. Barliy Nominal ; No. 2 , 59c. Provisions Firm ; pork , $12.45. St. [ jouis. March 23. Wheat Irregular ; cash , ! )3c ) ; May , 92 ; c. Corn Higher ; cash , 29 ? c ; May , f Oats Steady ; cash , 23c ; May , 20J Pork Higher at $12.li5. Lard Higher at $0.80. Whisky Steady at SIM Butter Qulet.easy and unchanged ; cream ery , northern roll , 14@10o ; daily , 20S23c ( ; creamery , 23@23c. Cincinnati. March 23. Wheat Dull ; No. 8 red , 05c. Corn Steady ; No , 2 , mixed , 34 ! c. Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 2i&2Sc. Whisky StoaOy at 81.03. Kansas CUy. March 2'J. Wheat- Steady No. 2 red , cash , SSJ c ; May , 03c asked ; No. 2 soft , cash , OOo bid. Corn Stead v ; No. 2 cash,25J o asked ; May 25) ) < fc bid ; No. 2 white , cash , no bids nor of fecrings. ' Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings May , 23c asked. ItlVK SCOOX. KanHnn' City. March 23. Cattle Ho ccipts , 809 ; shipments , none ; market abou steady ; good to choice corn fed , $3.854.20 common to medium , $2.70@3.X ) ; slacken und feeding $1.X3.25 ( ) ; COWB fl.SO@2.75. ( Hops Receipts , 8,000 ; shipments , 1,100 , market active and do higher ; i common t ( clioice , 83.50(34.50. ( Nationnt Stock YnrJs. r.ast St. Louis. March S3. Cattle Hccolpts. none ; shipments , 100 ; market steady ; choice hcavy.nativo steers , f3.SO@4.40j fair to good $ ! .00@U.UO ; stackers and feoderH , $2.10 j 3.20 ; rangers , corn-fed , f2.yojJ3.50 ; grass fed , ei.bO@2.W. Hogs HecelptB , 1,900 ; nhlpmcnts , 700 market hliiiier ; choicu heavy , and hutch ors' selections , # 4.70 ® 1.90 ; packing , fl. 0@ 4.7S ; light grades , * 4.70d4.85. ! Hloux City , March 23. Cattle Kccclpte 155 ; Hhlnmcnts , 0 ; inurnot steady ; fa steers , $2.75@3.I3 ! ; feeders , J2.2.j(02.85 ( ; stock ers , * J.70@2.80 ; cows , $ l.fiOu2.25 ( | ; canricr , and bulls , $1.00@l.Mveal ) ; calves , $ .IX4.00 ) Hogs Ueceipts , 147 ; market DC higher light and mixed , 81.4504.55 ; heavy , fi.DOi ( 4.05. JUST A MIXUTI3. NC\VH or the HatuI'dny ICvciilnjj Itc Jliilleil Uoun. The weekly bank stateinont shows that the reserve decreased $1,372,000. The banks now hold $0,0'J9,000 In excess of legal require ments , James I } . Windrom , of Philadelphia , has been appointed supervising architect at the treasury. A severe gale along the Paclflo coas t has caused much damage to shipping , Ex-President Cleveland and party liavo been enthusiastically received in Cuba. A French torpedo boat fo'imhired 111 u tiurrlcano with her captain and fourteen of the crow. , my Gould thinks the railroad wituutlon is Improving. The great Walmsh cuso has been settled and the road ordered sold. The national democratic com mitt to Is ap parently bankrupt. The house Ima adjourned till 2o'clock Mon day , Tlio National Honntc. WASHINGTON , March ai. In the senate to day Mr. Mitchell offered n resolution , which wont over , authorizing the committee on mines and mining to continue inquiry Into tbo causes of dulay In considering contested cases In the division of minerals of the land office. Sundry iiioHgagos were received from the president , und the son n to Immediately went into executive session to act upou them. THE CONDITION OF TRADE , There IB Not Much Ghango In the Money Market NTEREST RATES ARE STEADY. A Mndcrato Iniiiitrr For Iioans rnckors Collect Ions Fnlr West ern I'nokliiR ShowH n Fur ther lucronsj. The Wcnkly Rcsnmo. CiiiPAao , March 23. ( Special Tologrnm to Pin : Ui-.n.l The general situation of the money mnrkot remains much the same ns a vcck ago. The flurry In Parts has not dls- nrbed the oven tenor of financial circles on his side of the Atlantic , and from present . ndlcatlons is not likely to , ns the American oppor companies , who had transactions witli ho syndicate , hold letters of credit on bank- ng houses In London ns a guaranty of their ontracts. Itntos remain steady In nil the catling American financial centers , especially n thno loans , which ranged from 5 to 8 per cnt , 0 to 7 per cent being the general nver- RO. There Is plenty of money offered on till in Now York at 23) ( per cent on stock ollatcrals , mid In this city 4Q5 nro the cadlng rates on such securities. There is a nodorato inquiry for loans from packers , > ut the grain carriers are using very ittlo money , as the bulk of the grain icro is held ngalunt May ' contracts , rhoro is not the usual call for favors to meet ho regular monthly settlements. Merchants ire taking moderate amounts to pay for bills 'ailing duo ; also to extend their purchases n some instances where they sec chances ot unking quick returns. Lumbermen nro mrrowlng qulto freely nnd the banks In the umber districts nro ordering considerable currency to enable customers to meet their ) bllgntions to their hands nnd to pay other ncldontals necessary before commoncms on this season's work. There is considerable nonoy on the street that finds Its way chlolly tito paper from the outside that pays OftiS ) cr cent. The deposits with many of the mnks are keeping up well nnd the bankers \ro satlsllcd with thoui. Collections are Inn. Now York exchange was slow nnd n rather small supply. Sales were niulo at 40@70o discount nml closed nt OOo discount per $1,000. foreign exchange at times was offered moro freely , the increase being duo.to the liberal exports of corn nnd provisions. Sales ranged at f l.84 f4.M for sixty day documentary sterling bills on London. The Jobbing trade moves along fairly. Dry goods are sollln g with considerable freedom , butlhero is araplo room for marked Improvement. Clolliing- , shoes , groceries and hardware are fairly active tivo and steady. The leading in the Now York stock market : hc past week ran moro to specialties than for some time past , grangers and Chicago Gas Trusts being the loaders. The fooling : during the greater part of the week was uneasy , particularly on grangers and South western stocks. Long deferred liquidation in Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy. Rock Is land nnd Atchlson by Boston parties came at last , being in a measure hastened by the fcnrs of a total collapse In the copper securi ties , which have boon the main stay of the Boston inns for over a year. Had It not been for the largo dividends earned by the copper mines they own their railroad stocks would have been thrown overboard mouths ago. The news from London und Parts was of a depressing character and the foreign operators sent liberal selling orders. Their course , ctftiplod with that of tbo Bos ton nnd Chicago operators , caused a down ward movement , the like of which has not been seen in months. The depression In Burlington was Increased by the report .for 1SS8 , making a poorer showing than generally - ally expected , ihe deficit In the year's busi ness being $1,740,000. und prices declined 4 points. Atchisnn 5 , Rock Island 3. The short Interest was materially Increased D.v the decline , and the operators .rendered moro nervous than over. The desire to cover caused , a natural reaction'nnd the shrinkage on some of tlio stocks that were sold down in sympathy was regained. The loss on tli3 leading stocks wus only partly recovered. The most active stock outside of grangers was Chicago Gus Trust. Early a decline of 1 paint occurred , but good steady buying reversed the current , and un udvanco of O'tf points followed. The purchases were based on reports that trusts earnings were steadily increasing and a 2 per cent dividend is expected to bo declared nt the next meet ing. Taking the market as a whole it was active and at times excited , the fluctuations being rapid an'd severe. A largo volume of business xvas transacted , The sales reached 1,470,212 shares. While the weather in the country tribu tary to the Chicago market was a llttlo colder during the past week , the change WAS not sufficiently marked to retard spring work among the farmers. Seeding is pro gressing favorably and considerable wheat and oats have been sown , nnd the ground is being prepared for corn in sqmo sections. The cron outlook is generally regarded as favorable , and the fall sown grain comes out of the winter season looking remarkably well. What is true of this country applies equally as well to Europe , the reports from that quarter being favorable. Tlio leading produce markets attracted considerable at tention during the past week , especially in' a speculative way , and the business tran sacted was qulto largo. The contest be tween tlio longs and shorts was waged with considerable vigor on both sides , and fluctuations in prices were quito frequent , with tbo result not very satisfactory to cither side1 of the mar- Icot. In some instances the former were suc cessful in gaining slight advances , while In others tho.latter were equally as fortunate , the closing figures , excepting for wheat , showing only slight change * from thoso'of last week. Operators are still transferring their trades ahead as much as' possible , May and July being the principal dellvoiles In the shipping branch of the trade. Tncre has been some interest manifested , especially in the way of illllnc orders for moderate quan tities , nnd mainly from eastern interior points. The supplies of grain In the lending markets are gradually decreasing , nnd the arrivals at the Interior stations nro compara tively light , partially duo to the fact that farmers are now giving other and moro im portant in attorn their attention. The ad vices from the European markets h'avo not been very favorable to holders , und orders from abroad have been small. The unsettled feeling In financial circles has Ipd to moro conservatism In that quarter. The move ments of llvo block have not been quite so free , as the prices were unsatisfactory to shippers. The packing of the west for the week shows a further material enlargement , nnd the returns since March 1 , compared with these of the uorrerpondlng time in 1888 , show un Increase of nearly 50 per cent. Th supplies of provisions are not largo. ' The charge of gamuling , preferred agatnat Cliarllo Hubbard , und of permitting gum- fcMng , preferred against Frank Bellamy , foil jj rongh yesterday nnd both prisoners were Discharged , Collections of internal revenue yesterday James Campbell Is such a persIMont Imntror-on around liovmcs ot prostitution that ho is clasKod as an inmuto. Ho hadn't paid u line , however , mid was run in on general principles , and os he carried an ugly pair of steel knuc.-Ucs ! : > was lined $10 uud costs. 8nni > ThlcvcM. Housewives should bo careful not to Icaro their homes unprotected in the afternoons. There Is a Rang of sneak thieves working the city between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock , and tl.ulr latest victim was Mrs , Vosj. of North F.lghtccnth street. They succeeded In getting away with a purse containing ubout $ t5 , yesterday afternoon. The Injure : ! Johnsons , * The case of Sam Snydor/clmreed with shooting Sergeant Johnson , was continued until the 20th. I'M Wocey , who stabbed Night Clerk Johnson , of the Kuimot house , was bound over to the district court iu ttt sum of $300. $300.At At the White House , \yA8iiix Tex , March 23. There was"1 * * great rubli of Visitors nt the wh'.to houbq to day. Among these who called wad ox- Attorney General Garlaud ,