. „ * + , - * . * 10 THE OMAHA DAILY , BEE : .SUISrUAI/ MARCH 24 , 18SO.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 'SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No mJvcrtlsonionts will bo taken for tlieso columns nffer 12:30 : i > . in. Terms Cnsli In Advance. AdTerttcomenti under tliti bend 10 centa par line for tno first Insertion. 7 c nts for each nub * runrnt Insertion , and tlM per line per month. Ho advertisement taken for less than 2 < > cents the first Insertion. Seven words wlllbecounted totho line ; they must run consecutively and Binat be paid la AOVANGK. All ndrvrtlso- tnents must bo handel m before 120 : o'clock p. . . and under no circumstances will tlioy betaken taken or discontinued by tolcjiliona. Parties advertising In these column * and liar- tag tholr answers nudronsed In caroof TIIR BKB will please ask for a check to enable them to Ret their letters , aft none will bo delivered except on presentation of chock. All unsworn to aavor- usemonls nhould bo cnclosonlln envelopes. All advertisement * in these columns are pub lished In both morning nnd evening edition * of In H Dm. thu circulation of which aggregates more than 1P.UW papers daily , ana Rives the ad vertisers the Douelll. not only of thtf city circu lation of Tun DEE , but also of Council Bluffs. J.lncoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for theao columns will bo taken on the above conditions , nt ilia following busi ness houses , who are ni thorlzod agents forTim JIBR special notices , and will quote the -sum * rates M cnn bo had at the main odlco. OHNW ? IHJLU Pharmacist , 82Di South Tenth Street. _ _ - /-1HA8K It EDDY , Stationers ami Printers. 113 \J South ICth Street. H. FAIlNdWOiVfli , Puarnir fist , 2115 Cum- fng Street. J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 031 North ICth Street. " GKO. W. PAKIt , Pharmacist , 1800 Bt , Avenue. "SITUATIONS WANTED. jood broad and ca ko baker wants a sltim- At ? ; . Address Charles Still , Joliet , 111. 40Va-inj WANTED MALE HELP. WANTIID A good sitlvsman to soil a special ty to the grocery trade on the road ; sal ary ; bond of S5U > unil good raferonccs remured. A. Lewis , Hotel Derby , 1.1th at. , near Oodgo. Call In the morning between 10 and 1 o'clock. KUKU * ANTin : Traveling ntau working Kansas or Nebraska to solicit consignment * for commission house. Address Hollywoll tv Co. , 1KW Blake , Denver. Colo. 047-21. TITANTRD Mcn to sell Shetland-Mountain TT spoiiles. the most doslf able poiiy known for ladln nnd clilldrun. 1'efoct pom , little beauties , anotted , trlpcd and solid colors , i to 60 Inches high , largest hrd fancy ponies In the world ; rare opportunity for business. Sample pair free to sell by on business-like conUltlous. Let ters answered If a self-addressod stained en velope is Inclosed. II. Van Itaub , Boerne , Kendall - dall Co. , Texas. CiKMt ) WANTED A young man to learn the shoo business. Must be well ncmialntod In the city. Hnyward Bros. . 151S Douglas st. UiO-21 BIG t > atary to men who cnn sell goods to school officers or physicians. Call and see IVlilto & Idea , 126 R. Broadway. Co. Bluffs. In. 010-2.1 * l\7"ANTKD A sti'ong. active boy. IB or : yeara old. Apply nt Western Nowspani Jnlon. 3d lloor. U7O 4 "IX ANTKO For April 1 a man and wife to Ti to take charge of n farm house kitchen , cooking for fifteen men , washing for thrco persons only , man to do tlio cooking nnd wife ror assistant and general honsekeepur : must. Do good broadmakor and exceptional butter- maker ? , as well as neat nud tidy about the work ; a couple without children is required and must come with best of rornrencc.M as to ability nud character ; the f aim Is located 135 miles from Omaha on the Union Pacific rail road ; wages 8-Ti per mouth for bath. Address nt once , giving age , nationality , experience , etc. T ST. Boe. _ | _ CGO-27. . WANTKD Man and wife without children by the year for riirm. Scotch nud German preteried. Address T 6Bee. . 040-80' W "ANTED A man who thoroughly under stands care of horses nnd cows , liefer- ences required. Wages 420 per month. Hoom i3a First Nat'l bank , 041-23 _ p \Aj ANTBD 3 men and wives on forms and in , , TT families : also , uood.Binart woman to inaKu . TJUttor anil raise' chickens on share. s. Mrn , i ' ' -tTwo coatraakorsaBd.two.pants- n , ; ' niqkera immediately , I * . Bornlieiinor , .McCook.Ne.b. _ _ _ 012311 A baker , German , slhsle man. Apply to CllOis. ( htblejur , Loup City. Neb 013 J-'Q _ ANTED A youn ? single man to take charge of a sbranch store ; must have ot good refcioncus nnd 8JOU ! 10 \Veek and an in terest In. the bnslne.ss. Address box 1170 , South i Omaha. . , " r/is 24t WATJTRO An , e.\pe > [ enced Iravallug sales- mini for wholesale drug company. Address T 68. Bee olllcc. ' _ &H-27 WANT KD A carrier for a horse route on Dallv Rvonlng Boo. Apply to Thco Wll- llamsjtt Bee olllce. utter 1 p. m. _ 651 WANTKIjTt-4 more men to sell eoMls on iu- _ jtahnenta. 1718 St , Mnry' i > \ e. 510 24J " \\r A NTKD At oner , ten meii to solicit fii nsas and Missouri : salary $75 to 8100 per jnonth. Call to-day at loonj Oil , First National tank. ' _ 'ipff ANTEp-Young man ot business ability .TJ to ? ct lls District nmnager ; must put in 1100 : salary il.ax ) per fuuiuni : 110 nso for "float ers. " ( 'ail atoiicooraddroia Gco. S. Cline.nil First NatlonBlliank. 5'ilg jass tnilow. custom work , by the week ; good pay ami steady work. Apply. Amerlcmi ' ( talon. 1UI Furnam. Entrance - trance In rear 4 0 24 * . Ajrehts for . . . . . . . , . . . m/l/ * ' - " - | t * lll0 Al/l our now patent me- f T proof ( .afctt , ilzo 28XI8K1B. wulgnt BOO Ibs. , rotoil prlco tan , others , in piopoitlon. Highest award tsllvsr medal ) Centennial exposition ; rorochanro ; permanent miMliiQsa. Our prlcoa lowest. We nre not in the safe pool. Uxrlnslvo territory given. Alpine Safe Oonluauy. CInoln- " . &nt - - - - ) Tj > OVti Am , DlSHTcl..Co. , 13UtJouglas. P ru ' 'Y AKTiilV-linergetlt' ' men.nnd womc-nox'ory- P -T wTieiefor ag ntcjfli ; inoiiey-nuiktug btml- - Bess. u weekly prollt gimrantoed easier than i ) ( * monthly otberwLso. Kxperlonce absolutely j iinnoc.ecsary Permanento ] ltlon and exclusive * tqnltory nsauion. fc'.OOsoinples froe. Write for i. PartI"jf'l".Adlrc ' | svith mump , Merrill Mf'g ! , " B6.Chicago. ) _ ! _ .nrinl , \\7"ANTF.l ) First class shoe salesman ; none TT but those having years of experience nnd good reference need apply , at The Fair. 13ih 1 mild llowaid. .1.1. Bniiiilul fi Pous. H5 ' \VAN'.KI : > U9lln'18 ' * energetic salesmen in ' . ' TT onuiha'and northern bait of Nuliraxka to ell ourmac'htnes.aLio 2 colleclnra , no capital or expericiico necessary. The Singer Mfg. Co , Omaha , Nob. 7i7-ol WA > 4THI ) lutnuellng HiiloHinen , salary und expciisex. Addiein wltu stamp , Palmer A ; t * Co. . _ Des Molnes. la. K4al > VyrANTiD--ltatlrpai : latioreis r r NVashlTTgT ! ! . ' "rr1ltoryvi " " 'early ' work , long job. at Albright M Labor Agency , 1120 r'aiyiaiu st. 740 BOYS Am. DUt. 5 > F.'coriSi ) bougias ! 821 ! ? ViTKlJ A good business jnau to take the , . management of nn oincn in Now York city one for Detroit nnd nnotluu- for Cincinnati : must Invest 9W i salary tl.5UI jxr year. Atjdrcss * Oeorgo 8. Cllue , AVuonov plock , Des Muliies , la. I . l4 A.oh'VB wonted on 'salary. $75 per month B J.A. nnii expenses paid , any net ho man or „ woman to soil our goods by sample ana live at home Salary paid promptly and expenses In y advance. Full piirtlculaiH nnd sample < ; su * ' ' * " ' " ' BUndard Mivorware Co , Boston , Mass . 300 + "f * -WANTED.-.FEMALE HELpT - V f \\rA NTHT ) WomcTTTookH f5T \ ' Tpn7ir . 'J Central City , Platlsmouth nnd In clfy.jri to Mi ; S CHMldinnlnroomKlrU for Beatrice lie , faro paid ; kitchen glrlx , laundrrsspx , iu h Washeri * . dining-room glrln , and 301:1' " ernl lioiuuwork wvgos $ JtofVi. ; i "IV/'ANTP.D-Glrl for general Uon tf woik. UU _ /11KI < for general housework. Must b a V good cook , SUM Davenport st. tlW-sii private fii'ully , Iuqulio51i I'nstrui bloik. > f > ijj _ _ jiiviu ATliOIIOl'OlI good waist trimmer ; aUo an rrraud girl willing to learn sewlnr. Apply ' 'tdMmf. Pert-net , itnmuqbiilldtutc. fOT l" l/'A > ll"D Iloti ek itper bya inedianTn wltn TT Imyofll. INo objection to woman with ftiuild. Mrs. Brega. uii ) , n. 15th. ( Ci5-it : : i , ( U ) N. ll'th ' st , 071-M AN'TP.n-airirorjferoral housework. ] < ! ! c i > M. im si * 2113 Douglas t , KUSt _ _ \\MNTI'I ) A ( jixiil sccniul gtrl ; iniut'linie TT icfurenooi. ti.lt. cor 2.11 h ami Jones , bet ' Iitavenworth. _ _ _ Vf1" ' ' " ' foflllchun work. Ouruiaiuire- d. HV cor igduna Lakaats. 67Jg > t TaD-A uirffctW ) ! B. S7HJ t. "Him lie" i ccoU and Uundr M. 51 1 2J * WANTEP-FEMALE HlLP. VtKllltASKA Detective and rrotecliro Assn. J- > Good members wanted in every town nnd county In the ntftte. Good pay. lUadnunrtcrn 1UJ1 Oft.LlncoluNoli. ; Address lloxooi. Lincoln. wo-snt _ _ rANXKD I-iuly ngentit for our now iHclft suNtltiitpfor budtlft. bntiy'a diaper tiut > - porter , etc. Our Iowa Falls , la. , agent ma < lo J12.0I ) in ono day. Ladles' Supply Co. , 287 W , Washington st. . Chicago. _ &M 30J AflcnM Hnilablo women to neil the "Original Hygela Combination Shoulder Brace Corset , [ lest money making article In the country. Satisfaction Kuaran- teoa. Apply for terms ana torrllory to Wcstorn Cornet Co. . St , Louis , Mo. lH3-nlU FOR RENT- T710II HRNT Now 8-room house on car line : JL' npoclal rate for desirable renter. Plans nnd rates nt owner's ofllco , GJ8 Paxton block.Ka ( Ka 25 * fpl'.iN-room frame boarding house , located 2 JL blocks from P.O. , rent ( in , price of inrnlturo $460 , f 1W cash , balance JJ5 per mo. ; also It-room brick boarding Homo , now full of bonrdcrs.rent W. f urnltnro ten. iioocnsh , bal. easy ; also sev eral others centrally loc.ttnd. Co-0p rnilvo Land and Lot Co. . 20 ; > N IQtli Bt. , Omaha. ; 27 2 > T710B BKNT Cottage nnd 2 acres ot land. Bi J-1 nth nnd Valley. 1J. P. Amnistad. OlilJM t " 1J1OB HKNIV-IIouso of Brooms and furniture JL3 forsalo. 1(113 ( Chicago st. OTO-20 _ Tjloll BKNT May 1. modern built house , ten JL ! rooms. Inqutie 712 N. 10th St. , near Webstar. C77-30 * TT OB BKNT 2 now iVroom cottagos.onoblock JL1 west car barns on Lake st. C. H. stlkworth , 1505 Farnam. 014 FOB BUNT-D-room brick , 114"So. 25th st. ; modern conveniences ; on cable line ; choice location ; pleasant house. Apply to J. W. Grit- fl th , U. P. Hd cers. ; OS'.W ' * f TJIOH ItHNT Cheap , fi-room cottage In llovd's JL ? addition , wltnln ono block of Belt Line rallw ay and near new furniture factory. Apply Mrs. Until K. Hogen , cor. OStlraud Ames avo.g 610 ZM lilolt UP.NT All B-room cottage with nioaorn JL ' , improvements , at 214 8. 30th .st. . near Far- nam. onrly in April , nt $ , " > 5 per month , by Chns. Turner , 1W2 Howard st. 011 261 . FOIt HUNT Cheap , ono 7-roomed new liouso J. II. .lohnson.ol'J ' Putton blk. 084 Si ALL the honsMioUl goods of n nlco "i-roomcd cottagn at T ' > ; housa rents 110 a month. In- qulro nt 1715 S. Iflth st. B8I 81 * oiflH'.NT-S-room cottage 210 N 13th St. , near Cupliol nvo. Jl'&O. 5-,0 7 ROOM houst ) with barn , out a llttlo distance KO per mouth. C. . r. Harrison , Merchants Nttt. bank bldg. W3 _ BBAUTiri'Ii 8-room housa on naw motor line , : cid nnd Cnmlng sts. , with modern Improvements $ , v > per month. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank blag. 41U Q ItOOSl housel2d and Webster , * 15 per mouth April 1. C. r. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank -UOOM liouso , 010 WltlhimsSt. : 307- F I OK HRNT A 5-room brick cottage conveni ent to U.P. depot.Mead & Jamison , 3U S luth 333 "fjlOB BKNT ii-room monern luiDroved house. JL1 A 1 locality : rent moderate. Apply to M. Blguttcr , 1001 Farnam street. 670 "rjwTFTuJNTVCottages , 5 rooms. 2720 Charles JU street and 1524 South Fifth street. Inquiio nt room 212 , Sheoly block. 671 TpOBBENT Good'bnsemout. 1516 Douglas st. TJVB [ HKNT Nlco fi-room house , cast front , JL ! halt block of cable car * . 113 S 28th st. ' T71OT UKNT 7-room flat. $3J month. Inquire JU at The Fair. 1'itli and Howard. U74 iriOK ItKNT Cheap , a nice 3 and 5 room house , JL : 1533 S 21st st.botw eou Ontor- and Dorcas st. 89 a 8 * _ TjlOH KKHT 3 brick residences. I ) rooms each , JL1 fronting Hanscom park , on Park avenue , with furnace , hot and cold water , bath and all conveniences. Beady for occupancy April 1. Price $40 and * 4i ! n month. D. V. Sholes , 210 1st Nat , bank building. _ _ Ml HUNT Furnished honso tor rent. Jlar- l , _ 41l _ Flrat nitlonal bank. _ WO _ TTIOlt HUNT Flat of seven rooms cor. 8 13th J- and Pacltlo sts. Duggaii's block. S77 " BIO LIST ot liousos for rent. S. T. . Peterson - son , s. e. cor. loth and Douglas. 83D-a4 * ' T7VUHNISHKI ) house for rent In Park Terrace , .1 ? opposlto Hanscom Park ; all modernn con- venlsnces. Knqulro , Leo -Jt Nicliol , * KSth and Leavenworth. rai _ FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. TTIOiritRNT 2liIceIy furhlsie"d"roomsT'sulia : JU blefor2 gants ; cable amr horse car ; east front bay window : 7IU N. ath ) , bet. Webster ana Burt. Kf ) 24 * LAKASANT furnished room , &Of"South"aith nve , 833 371 _ FOTfTllINT Itoom with board Tor tn-o gen tlemen. 21)1 ) S. 25th ftvo. C51-30F _ IJIOlTltfiNT Fine rooms , elegantly fuinlshodC JU : everything new undilrst class : all modern conveniences ; location best. 201 ! So.24thnt. _ TTUJir Itl'.NT Tivo nice largo roonisinirnlshcd JL ! or unfiirntshcd. with or without board ; terms moderate. iSUll St. Mary's nvo , OiO-26 * OOM8 and board-1813 Chicago st. ' 6S0023 ; _ _ _ _ EOB BENT 3 handsomely furnUhed rooms. all modern Improvemants , terms rensona- ble. llll'i flarney st. _ l l-2lt FUUNISIir.I ) rooms , weekly or monthly ; con- tlemeii only ; very central , ntf.ir pohtollico ; cars pass the door. liOS N. ICth st. OCI-24J T710U ItKNT Two furnished front rooms. -C Hlnglo or en suite. First floor. No , iK N. 1C. 07g-20t _ _ _ FOll UKNT Booms nnd board 'to gentlemen , only * " per w eok , ' 2011 Haroey nt , CJ7-20 * TCTOll JlKNT Desirable furnished front room JU uvery comenlence , ll ! Douglas , st. ( XW-UTt i-ooms for rent-in private tarn- JD. By. Board , If desired. 320 North 2Cth st. C6 21t .u.i BUNT A sulto of rooms tnriiUUbtl for light housekeeping , at Oli N. ICth st. 02025 * NICI'.LV furnished rooms , modern convon- Icnce.s , also first-class board,172J Capitol av. U31 2T , * TilOH HUNT Nice south front room , cheap , JU forgcotlenien. 1U08 Capitol nve. 001 TTHIltNlSlIKI ) rooms , modpru conveniences , X1 (10. $13 and $15 per montlu board if desired. 1011 Douglas. n24 2f. _ NICELY f urnlslicd rooms. lAlfcapitiU eve CM SD * with board , modern con- JL' vcnience * and In good location ; prices rea sonable , SJO Leavenworth. fiui 20" NICK rooms by tha week or mouth fttTho Peabody house. 1107 Jones. 393 a71 > OOMrt Inquire 1302 Douglas st , 3rd floor , 6'i7 TTHJU BUNT Nicely furmsihcd rooms modern JL' conveniences , also rooms for light house keeping. MW N mil st. C002I ? F I OB UP.NT Furnished room , all conveni ences ) , $10 a montli. 2 ± J7 Dodge st , 673 , TT1UBN1SH15D rooms , : * 3 N Itith. _ . . /J.I 27j NU'KLY furnlBlio.rfrout looms , J7i Dad go 0'JQ.2i ( TT1OK BKNT Ouo very largo ro-im sultablu for JL' four gentlemen , and oimmailer suitable for two : both nlcaly furnished ; wltlr board. Kil 6.1'Jtll At , 4H ) 25t ' "IT10H BKNT Fnrnlihod room , , all modoru JL ! coi.foiilcnee < t. 2JI4 Farnam st. 134 AVKN UI1 Booms-At 1013 and 11)15 Capltol-av'e 21ilocfcs from P 0.newly furul lied prlvato bordlnghouseplea > antrooinsallcouvenlcnrei ! jfiV > lt HKNT I'rout looms at Ittil FitriiMu. LMICJI ; front room , lurnlshod , eiery convon- leiicoj jtlso buull rootii , rilu ; Dongius. sci UBN18IIIjTT < JT iu7uriilshfd room , wllhjias JL' and bath , board It duilrud. 6IU B ailli nt. , op- jxilti All b'alnts' church , 674 lill'BNISIIP.D i-ooms iiy day , week or mouth. J ; ht. Clalr llojq ) , cor. 13th und Dodge. 6W Tj'OB HUNT A nlcoly furnished room , with -I. all ( onvenlenceg ; o8 | So. 17th nt. 72-J "ITIOlt BltNT-Furnished front rooloi 1810 1DoOye. . WlinSI * 'V'lCI ! rnrnUheU rooms & board , 17(13 ( Donglai. RIJ1V of 2 furnished rooms , modern conveu- lEiicei. 3 blocks from P. O. , pilvmo family , A. Ho pc , jr. , 151,1 IKiuglos st. 4 l TJjIlIltNIHIlKuVooins. 113 8 saib'kt.neaVlMMlec. ' | jlUBNISHUOri > ouis. slngii ) or eu suit" , bath JL' and hteam : for gouts only , 1619 Ho'.VAr.l. T AltilP. front room with boa-room adjoining ; - 'iirttidsoiiiuly funilsliud , gas uud heatert oy f loan ; , with use of bath-room. In ono of tl.e Ji.inaMiiitut r 9ldenc lu the city , without lniillruiu\v | , cor. I''tU ana LeAvunuoith. VTJ JFORtjjENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. TPOB ItKNT Nicely furnished frontroomnnd JL ? alcove , nil convenience * . 2103 Fnrnam st. 120 O NICKLY furnished rooms , steam heat , gas. Mbntli , etc. . on same floor , f 10 per month. . 20 ? 8 24th ; no tint 678 JABGK front room/nicely furnishedsultAblo Jfor 2 gentlonien. 1CT ( 1'arnatn. . 673 RENTAL AGENCIES. I F TOU want to liny , sell , rent or call on or address , O.J. Sternsdorlf. rooms 317 and 318 Vlrst National bank building. _ _ _ " _ _ 58A _ YfOH UKNl llon rin"iiiTpaftroT tTo ) olty. .L1 J.J. Gibson. No. , Crolglitou block. ftH GKO. J. PAlMj , 1HW ( Faniani . „ bouses , Mores , etc. , for rent. BS.J " \\/T5 clvb spocaf nttentlon to rontlnjt nnd > V collecting routs , list with us. II. li. Cole , room 0 Continental block. _ r > 8l J.I. Ollt.SON'H now system of rontltiR houses , .No. a Crelgbton block. _ CM IK YOU want your houses rented place them with Uenawu & Co. 15th , opposite postolllcc. ' _ _ LIST jour Houses and stores wltn mm 1 have lots of customers. J. Il.l'nrrotto.lfHM Cnlcacro | 3U all E Nl P CO Y Kl E N'T'B U R EAU 37 OMAHA cmp. bureau. 119 fT. 10th , establish ed 8 years. Most rellabloln city II. K. White. 7CO-H3 * _ MONEY TO LOAN. ONEVtoloau on real cstatu ; no commission M sion , W. A. Spcncer.Uoom 3Ilushman blk. SPKCIAfifundofMti.Ojn to loan at reduced rates on furniture , horses and wagons , City Loan Co. . 118 a 181 U St. _ 170 TOANSmanoon unimproved city property. JUKlmball , Champ A Hyan , room 8 , U. if. Nat , bank bl'ir. 1205 Ftiruam st. Bl 3) IDNRV ' loaned on unimproved Inslda Omaha M' real estate. O. W. Pock , It , * , Fienzer blk. 617-1110 * 1)HILAIKLPHA ! Mortgage & Trust Co. fur nish cheap eastern money to borrowers , purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans at their western ollica. Geo. W. Coatcs , Itoom 7 Board of Trade. 610 O rTllAltlflSON loans money , lowest rafosT 4W ! G ! W. PI'.CIC loansmonovon Omaha real estate llulldlng loans a specialty. It 4 , Fronzon blk i $ $ $ i To loan on farms and city property. JGeo.,1. Paul , 1 9J Faruam st , 364 S.IKK Sholes. 210 First Nat'l bank bnforo tnak- ingyour loans. 656 1TY Financial ngoncy will loan you money on horses , furniture , jewelry or securities of any kind. 1JOG Howard St. , 'corner S. 13th st. 230 a 12 ? WANTKD Fist class inside loans , Lowest rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest- men t Co. H 1 Barker blk. 15th and Farnam. KW MONKY to onn. Harris. II. K. & Loan Co. , room 411. Hrat National bank. Cos "PIIOPLK'S Financial Kncnangu The fairest , JL quietest nud moat liberal money exchange in the city ; loans made without delay or publicity , in any amount large or .small , ut the lowest rates ot Interest , ou any available security ; loans may bo paid nt any tlmo or renewed at original rate : . O. Bonscnreti , mgr , room 68 if Barker blk. 15th and Fnrnam. CJti * I" CAN make it tow loans ou llrst-class chattel JLsecurltlos ut reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 , Bnrkerjrtk. Oil " 1711UST mortgage "loans lit low rates and no Jj delay. D. V. Sholes , 210 First National bank. 607 F. HAltltlSON loans money , lowest rates 4tW MONKY to loan on improved property at first halms. No application sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined free of charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment company.JMi ) S. Kith st. (107 j DBLl. MltOS. & Co. . No. 312 So. Iflth fit. V-/Chamber of Commerce building , loan money nt t ) , OS5 , 7. 7j } and 8 per cent , according to loca tion of property , unsurpassed facilities for placing large loans on lusldo business property. A special fund ofsoveral thousand dollars to loan on unimproved lots. 608 'VTONKY toloan on improved real ostnto by J.TJ.Northwesturn Mutual Life Insurance Co. Lowest rates , no commission. Address How ard Kennedy , special loan agent , Omaha. Neb , 690 DO you want to borrow money ? Bead this : It will save von tlmo. It will save you money. ' j You can borrow from - > B. F. Masters , _ - successor to W. B , Croft , ttoom4Withnoll bld'g , 15th and Ilarncy sts. 810. &o. $50 , JUDO , fcxw , ? 6uo. 11,000. $5,000 , jio.ooo. In fact , any sum yon want on furniture , plnnoH , horses , mulos. wagons , etc. , on easier termf nnd at lower rates than any other olllca in the city , without publicity or removal of property from your possession. It an Instalment is duo on your property and you cannot meet it , call and see me. 1 will pay it for you. If you have it loan In any other ollleo call and get my rates. I will take U up and carry it for you. I make loans for ono to six months , nud you can pay a part at any time , reducing both prin cipal and interest. All loans renewed at original rales , and no charge for papers. All business Mrlctly confidential. Call-and see me. * Don't forgot the number , Boom 4. Wlthnell block. 003 NEDHASICA Mortg. Loan Co. w 111 make you a loan , on household goods , horses , w ngona , < laud contracts , fine jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publlclly , at reasonable ratos. , Boom 7 , Bowley block. South Omaha. Booms 618-510 Paxton block , Omaha , Nob. > MONEY Loans negotiated ut low rales wltb- out delay , and purchase good commercial paper nnd mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman , cor. 13tltTandFarnn.ru. Quo M' ' I ON BY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real cstato and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st ; 60U OANSmadoon real estute arid mortgages J bought. Lewis S. Heed & Co.,151. Farnam. ' ' 'UfLDlNa loons. Llnalinn & Mahoney. B ' 819 " \tONBY to Loan Wo nro ready for applied- ITJLtlons for loans lu amounts from IJOO to $10- 000 on improved Omaha or Douglas county real e.statc Full information us to rates. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased , byus. Cull--upon u * . or write. The McCague Investment Co. 010 BllfLlHNQ loans. 1 > . Y. Sholes , 210 First Nut/LJliink. 6p7 HK. COLi : . loan agent. . 614 _ | 5KOPT7K 'fl Fiiiancinl Kxchnnge Large and JL small loans for lonjr and short tlmo , at low est , rates of interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches nnd Jewelry , Don't fall to call If yon wan't fair nnd cheap accommodations , o. lloiiscaren. Mgr. , room SO'J. ' Barker blk , , ICtu and Faruam. ' CQ2 ( PUB CUNT money to loan Cash on hand. > W. M. HnrrU , H.20 , Fienzor block , opp. P. O. DM J E. COLlf7Toan agent. est jVl ON1JY to loan lu largo minis ut the lowest rate , ) ; no delay , B. C. Patterson , 31H S lAth , MO.VRV to loan ; cash on hand ; no dolny. J. W.Bquue. LJ1U Farnain su First National bank building. * ? ! ! L _ MON1 ! V loan d for 3di ( XJ or W days , on any kind ot chattel socurlty ; roasoimbla Inter- PM : business conlldentiul. J , J , Wilkinson , 1417 Faniam Ht , 017 "ifl ONli\r to loan T.owost rati > s. Ixiaus cloitd * J-lLpromptly. H. K. Cole.IU'O.Contltiental block. 61B OWJiiXrtoloan ) ar. ( Iper cei'itT Llnahan & Ma- Phoney. ItoomWW , Pastojnblnak. V10 " ONm * to Loan"on chnljel spciTrlty ; faTr rate interest , J. H , Parrotte , 2C02 Chicago. OllOICII loans wanted ou iinprdvcd'c ity prop- erty. Klmball , Chump u Hyan room o if. d Nat bte bide. KW Farnam fct , 807 iVI MO.Nl'.Vlo loan on furniture , horsss , wagons etc. . or on any approved soourlty- . W1 Itobbjns , lt.a > H , Sheuly bU.Kith nnd Howard' M ON7V : tb loan atlow est rntnTofTuterotl on real estate in Omaha uud South Omaha Titles unit property examined by tu and loans made ut once. Cash ou liuml. Batei , Smith & Co. i oem 2J.I BAingi ) bldng. tlH Bl'I'LlTiNfi loans n jieri'aitr. W. M. llairi , room 20 , Krcnzer block , opposite P , 0. . , BONTliorrofv"money uu furniture , tiorooi , wngons , etc. , or lollmeral * until jontmu C. lUauobi , 410 I'trsl National bank building. KrM ( > i7olwro' > i'at v.lfii and 7 tn-rcom , no Mid- rndlemeri ; uonry direct from the Kanturni Investor - vestor , W. II. Melkie , First Nafi Bank building. 407 _ _ LOANrion biixliiott property , t\Wi tTr3u.ww wiiuletl. Provident Trust CVimnany , room SQ.-I. 1'iret Xatioiml Hank bulldlui. . _ 10J -lly > lny ) . detached liouso of T nbont ten rooms , with modern Improve- liinul-i , fn iilL'h bcliool Uistrlvt. Address 'V&S , 'I7 ' BJ" TXfANTHD-ottttiru cuiitHlnlni ; not logs lhan V i * lv roomsviHil nrCHSocabfo dlsluncq of pruiolllce.sUty prKu uuulc-\-utlou. Address T , lilies. 1W I STORAGE. - , carpet * stoves nnd WANTKD-Funflture ot all kinds. Omaha Auction & Storage t\ > . , nil Warnam. M _ OTOKAtfEi At loft rates atVlJT tarnamst. . Somalia AuctlonAVVtbragaC9 * f'W ri BACICAUiC , ' sVojcacp. . lowest rates. W. M. JL Dushmnu. 1311 Ijcavemvorth. 601 > HANOI St. CO.KtoragVl211 [ Howard. _ * * . * ? f _ FOR RENT-STORES ArIP TTKMl BFNT Barbennop. newly furnished. In JL'new first class hotefln cltyot 1'AWJO Inhnbi- tanco. DlroctTTl'.yartotlloe. ' 057-25J TjlOIl BKNT When'y ou wish to rent a liouso. J.1 store or omen call on us. H. K. Cole , room 0. Continental blocA Ma _ TOolt lUNT : New'store corner Ifltn and JL ! Jones. A. C. Powell. 1201 Fnrnara. K17 j TpOH BRNT 3 stores 7 room flat , 0 room JU honso 17th , near Nicholas. Inquire Schlcs- ingor Bros. , 014 South lilt list. i > a-m2T OB HUNT Srtoors 228J cach.lu brick build- mi ? , with elevator , close to express ollleo. cheap rent , just the thing for wholesaling , good location apply Gep. Hoyn. 1103 Farnam st , TTIOB BKNTSnaCp m More for nn exclusive JL' glove or small line of other goods , In the very best location In the cltv , especially for la dies' trado. Address T &t , Bee ollleo. 635 27 rrjHKbost and cheapest store for money for JLrent , UlttJncksou st. ' For particulars call on. ) . Ilochstrasser , 410S. 10thst. ( Ml S FOB BKNT-Two very doslrabio stores muter Washington Hall In the Danish association building on mil Bt between Hnrnoy nnd St. Mary's avo. Inquire of janitor. 660 3 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. "EMPTY-TWO Inch Champion bicycle : also road JL1 cart and harness , cheap , llutchlnson & Weud , N. K. cor , luth and Douglas. Kti 34 WANTKD Some ono to buv two good bed steads cheap. Call Tuesday and Wednes day. 1624 Cass St. C30 S t TpiHST-CLASS lot of 'saloon furniture nnd bar JL ? fixtures for sale at a bargain. Inquire ot the First National bank , Aurora , Neb. BIB qffl "filABM of 185 acres. " 114 acios under cultlva- JL ! tlon. 4 miles from Uhlon stockyards , South Omaha. Inquire 510 N. 16th. 680 24 * FOB ItKNT One wagon shop and blacksmith shop located In tlio business part of the nourishing town of Hebron , tno county seat ot Tlmyer county. For turthar particulars ad dress to P. O. Box No. 5 , Hebron , Nob. TjiOB BKNT Flvo acres with buildings , ono JO block out ot city limits. 1235 N. 20th st. 6JJ 3IJ TflOIl BENT Cold storage , capacity three car JL ! loads , trackage. Built expressly for beer. Call 1JI7 Leavenwortli. 4C51 OTICK to Farmers and Gardeners For rent , the following pieces of land : North h of northwest K of sec. 1.115 , r 12,10J acres ; south y ot southwest > of see. 10,113. r 12 , N ) acres : east -ai acres of north H ot northwest ! i .s 35,115 , r 13,30 ncresalso 47 acres duo south of the poor form and adjoining Edward Howell place in city limits. Inquire ot John Hamlln , 017 Llnton block , Omaha. Nob. 876 31 fjlOR HKNT Well Improved farm of 80" acres JL ! near city. Sclileslugei Bros. 014 South 10th. C33.m27 BUSINESS CHANCES. RKSTAUHANT for Halo on account ot sick ness , including too bushels of good potatoes. Best location in Omaha ; ' or will sell ilxturas separate nt a sacrltldb. ' ' Wpply Immediately at filO South IQtn st. . .IfUV. Wlehtermair ObO-24 * , SINGLB lady with & 500.can secure halflntor- est In light , cash business. Prollts from l0 ! to t3J weekly. Addres ? P ; 1 Bee olllce. OS2-2tt STOCKS ot groceries , dry poods nnd sta tionery to exchange fat Omaha property. Grover Ste\ens , rooms. 610 and 617 Paxton block. t tj j 8I2-2S T7IOB SALB-Druestortflnacity of 35.000 in- JL' habitants ; ovcrp ainK now ; Invoice 2,500 ; terras cash. , Address lock box 1090 , Sale Lake City. Utah. Y ; ; , . , 'T 05b-29j "TJIOB SALK Murlposa warehouse , frontlngon JJ three streets and beltBno railroad , with drove well ; suitable 'tor a manufactory , especi ally for barbed wire , savfrigtoxpenso of shipping raw material west , thtfee-fburtns of wnat goes to St. Lenis bolngretnrniM and Bold througnout 'thosouWiernlswtea. ' IA\JrurtThoinBon.P. ; O.'ljox 3UJ3 , New Orleans. . { ; . ' t . ' 048-24 IjlIVn acres'ot chcAco laud for' gardening or JL ! dairy purposes , 'small house , free from mortgage , and within "J miles ot Omaha. All for $350 cosh. This property is owned by unon- ; resident , who must huve the cash. A big bar gain. Wfio wants itlr Clias. P. Benjamin. ' . ' . * 05I-24J ITlLOUIt. food and gen. commission storeilnase J' runs for 2 years ; price about $2,00 ] : ( I,60U cash. bal. easy. Good saloon , paying well cen trally locntodprlco ; * ) ,00) ) , part , cash or will take In a partner. Flour , toed and country produce store.price ; 4600 : rent W per month : party will prove it is making $100 per month clear. 18i room hot l , > prlco $100 ( ! , partcakhaood ; location to make money. Co-Oporatlvo Lund ami Lot Co. . 205 N 10thst. _ , City , 027 21 . TANTED party with * . ' > , ( XW ana upwards to invest for six months only in a legUl- mate and established business that will' pay 100 per cent profit on the money Invested for unit short time. Address T fi' . Bee. Cfti ast' ' ' TTIOB BALK Stock of general merchandise In JL ! good town on 'C. & N. W , By. , in Greene county , Iowa ; will Involco about JO.OOU ; will sell for 80 cents on dollar if taken at once. Address K , Box IPS. Scranton. Iowa. uu g > * * IJ101t SALEA good business ot woolen ana JL1 gents' furnishing goods , in a good location ; with showcase and fixtures ; we have books to show business. Call at Omaha National Knit ; ting Factory. 11018. ISth st , toi 28t uT * JlAVK a well established und good paying .JLmorcontlle business , nnd will soil at low fig ures far cash ; good reason for Belling ; requires 'about ' 13,030 to 17,000. AddressT01 , Bee otlicet ; 6C3-24t OU BALK Neat boarding house , 32 rooms , in running order , well located. In South Omaha. Ufa bargain. llutchlnson & Wend , N , E. cor. Jlouglasand IGth at. 607 aa "iRIOB BALK A nice clean stock of hardware , JO etc. , In Kast Des Molncs , In. Invoice I7GUU. Will give time on part. City population 05,000 ( Capitol of the state. Address , P. O. box , 223 , Cozad. Nob. f.7 2M ITIOH SALK A popular and well established JL1 cigar and tobacco busluoss wlth latest style fixtures , clolug a good bnslnusM ; very best loca tion In the city of Omaha ; capital required from 82.000 to ti.oou. Address P.O. BOX me. MI at * TJKHI SALK Stock of saddlery , hardware. JL ? harness , trunks etc. Stock W.imO , shop rent 10. 7-room house and Slots ft.OU. Wilt exchange - change house for one in Omaha. Good restaur ant. fcOO cash. Apply to P. L.S..420 N. 10th , Omana , Neb. , or to W. J. K. . Lock Box 21. Qnawa. la. 647 2r4 fjlOB HALls or Trade Furniture and fixtures JO of a llrst-class hotel , For particulars ad- dress. T 60 , BBS office. 631-24 * TjlOH SALK within 00 dn > B-Two drug stocks A' In new growing county seat in s. w , Nebras ka ; will invoice about * Vft l ; will soil one and movathe other provided the purchaser will buy $ . ' 1,1)00 stock for cash ; purchaser can rent buildings for $ A" > per month each ; will sell for cost and can lane ; good trade ; reason for sell ing , other business requires full attention. Ad dress lock boxfit. . Oulbertson , Neb. , or Hurst & Co. Hastings , Neb. B.TOU jK Fine confectionery. No. 1 lorn- JO tlon , doing a good biminesH ; good reason for selling. Address , TJ.tr. . , jlea olllce. 613 2 t HAHDWAIuTfor sale-Bmall neat stock. Tin shop In conncctioujinnst bo , sold ntronvn for cash. Address O. M. ' Jijii han , Fleming , Colo. " | j1 < ) ll SAI7H Or rcntva'n ' fcleveh-rooih house , -1- furnished or unfurmfilied. and USB of sixteen - teen stooping rooms net dour if dunlred. Good plant for boarding house ; * Mddrasx , T M. .Bee olllce. i D. a 430 At TjlOll SALB-Stock oMoWalry In growing Ne- X' brasku to a of LWUt'cniulatloii ' ; no compe tition ; good opening fo > the right party. Acl- drcfH Max Meyer &DrJtn ( 34 25 A MKMBIiBSIIll' irt'tho Omaha board of -A-tindocan be had clftiiput Boom 22 U. S. Na- tlonal bank building , b ; 'J KM SHORTHAND ANO tYPEWRITINQ VALKNTINF/SKhorHittnU and Typewriting Institute , naw PaxIDa ) bulldlni ; , Omaha , The only oxplnslve nliqrMiand school In tno slate , Over one hundred .araduates in good altnatloiiHTno school ( Hinder the manage- incut of C. C , Valentino , olllclat stenographer oflho3rd judicial district of Nebraska , and Prof. H. B. IlojU's.Bii experienced teacher and verbatim reporter. Day and evening sessions. HtudHiits cau enter at any flroe. bend for cir culars. B15 _ LKtriTtlO telegranh school , rooms 6W and JJ Vi..1. now Paxtou block. Thorough instruc tion guuruntwa. yend for circular , UH24 * TANDAlU ) f-hortnaud BcliooU 412 Sheeloy block ; tuuches stundnrd ayitems and uses Beinlugtou typewriters Clrciilari free. 51 " \\T HITTLP-SKY'S Shorthand school. : : * llarker TT block , ; ) inths' in9tructIOiMl3cla4s ; llmlteil i 7)1 ! ) al * "it , ' NANNuTv. V'arrpnclairvoj ant. modi * en I und bunluess linjtlnim. I'einulo dlsease.s u upeolult J- , ll N It'th ' ot. . rooms S and 3. Wi V1VT118. LKNOBMAtT cair be consulTou on al , lit niratrn of Ufa through tlio magic mirror * Batisf action uu ranterd tie N llthst. UpKta 2 * FDR EXCHANGE. rponxCHANGK-A U.OOU stock of groceries , f.or Omaha real citato. Ilntchlnsou A Wend , N. 18. cor. IBth nnd Douglas. fi3 ( 24 TSlNINO Tmil with furnlturo and llxtures , -L/llrst-clnsi , located In a goo 1 hotel , prlco f-1,200 , H cash , bnlancd In lantl , will assume In- cnmbranco If nnv ; aUo hotel of 60 bedrooms , furnished complete , to excnange for stock ot gootis. prlco $7OJO , rent IMS , located In a good Iowa town ; good blnck team to trade for furni ture ; also farm lands to tradn for city proper ty ; also n good square piano to trade for a buggy nowoor buggy , win pay cash dirteronco If any. Co-Operative Limit i Lot Co. 2 < )5N. IGth st. , Omaha. 027 21 0HOICK Improved farmsllKhtly Inctimborod. to trade for vacant lots or equities In honsps ami lots II. K. cole , Continental block. a TTIoTt 8AL1C or Trndo-Hno" room boitse J. and lot , U ( miles from postolllco nnd near cars ; cost H.WO two years ago. rorlmmodlato canli sale at , CXX ) . JJ,5w of which under mort- ROBO. A raio chance. Address T to , lloo. 088-glJ 7 UOVKlt snTviINS , real estate nnd loans" V3 removed to rooms RIO nnd 617 Poxton blk. ISxclmnging ju-operty a hpeclalty. 013 AMOK llttlo farm , clear of Inc-umbranco , ad- JolnliiR n Krowlnu rollw ay tow u. to exchange for small , clean stock of goods , w. Mullen. 101 Hast llroadway , Council Tlluils. cs < .s < IN trade fern Rood South Omaha lot I want to Ret u horse or horsn nnd buggy. I ) . I ) . Smoa- ton.43 llarkerbiock.Oiiinlia. r > Stl 20 OH r.XCHANcTl5-Cl an stock of driiesTo trade for fiirm , town property or cash. Ad dress I. N llarker , Orcoley Center. Neb. - - jplOU SALE or IJxchango Bargains in WeI'lcslr'o to call the attention ot paitlca In tending to Invest In real estate , to a few "snaps" which wo have on our list. Investigate nnd you will bo convinced that these are excellent properties , which are offered at bottom prices , viz : A very desirable lot , 100x117 ft. , comer of I'oppltUou ave , and With st. A great nargaln 1 A very desirable lot near Military road In Baundors&Klmebaugh's odd. We oner this very cheap. Two lots In Kilbee place , high and sightly , within naif a block of Dodgont. A great simp ] One-half price of lots In adjoining addition. An eight-room house in Orchard Hill , with all modem Impro\ements. Forsnlo on easy terms. Wo also have farms to offer for f peed building lots , on which wo can olfer some cooa trades. Should pat ties intending ; to purchase neglect to inVoslhinto those olforx bofoio buying , they will 1)0 sad forever. Do not neglect this ! West ern Land nnd Loan IXdmuge. . ) li S. 10th st. UWKKt rpo KXCHANGlFor merchandise , two JU houses In South Omaha ; ono store hullitlug in Waterloo , this county ; HW acies In llrown conntyt NeJiraskit. Will exchange nil or part ; will put In.somo money It required. Call or oddreas It. Martin. 110 N. 13th tu. 674-3U TTlOU EXCHANGE Two seated carriage. Rood X' as now. or good lot , for good family horse. Call nt room 3 , lliishman block. _ TjlOll I5XC1IANUK Cflxir ; ! in Isaacs & Seldan's A1 nddltlon nnd largo house unit barn for a farm. ,8-roorn house on N. 17th st. foj-a farm. 0 acres in Itrookllno for Inside propel ty. Clear lots in West -Alhilght for ott.er prop erty , and will assume incumbrnnce. -lots tin Saundcru st. for a good residence. Clear aero propel ty neitr South Omaha for rosldou.ee property. ' A nice cottugo near SCth and ( Irani for other property. Large houses , 21st and Grant , for farm or vacant lot. Good Omaha property and some money for business blocK. Stocks of goods for Omaha property. Farm lands for Omaha property. Grover 8tflvenK,610 and C17 Piixton block. U4J-25 _ Tjiblt rXCilA"NOK K ) acres , Improved. 0 JL ? miles from Central City , Nob. , for n grocery stock. Address , J. J. Mnrtin.-Central City , Neb. era 24 ; FOU EXCHANGE For desirable residence propeity In Omaha , any or all of following : 40 choice inside residence lots In Hastings , 100 lots In Lincoln. 040 acres fine farming land , Lancaster county. Kin's residence propel ty , Lincoln , Good rental property , Lincoln. Cholco family residence , corner , Los Angeles. A neat residence properly In Hanscom Place. Also , some good mortgage notes. Acldi ess , glvinp ; location and prlco of prop erty , J. E. B. , care Uauin Iron Co , . 1217 Leaven- Worth. K3 FOU EXCHANGE DaKotn. Hand county. What hnvo you to offer for ft good farm Here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are rising in value , jinaits.destinyicannot be dis puted. Will take vacant lot or improved prop erty and assume some lucumbraucc , 0. J. Bternsdorff , rooms 317 nnd ,318 First National bank building. ' U24 W ANTED Good sunn o hor-.es in pxcnango for clear lot. A. P. Tulctty.lBthand Douglas E5U iUJKAH land , lots and stock for good house v and lot , Omaha ; must be unexceptionable 'neighborhood. Address 821. Bee. 7UG FOR EXCHANGK Eighty acres of the Qnoat timber land in Wisconsin , clear of Incum- brance. What have you to olter ? O. J , Sterns- dorfr. rooms 317 & 318. First National bank building. ( UU FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. EXTrtA llargalii 2-story fl-room house , i closets , collar , city water and gas , conven ient to cable anilhorso cars , ono of the llnest resident' locations in Omaha , fc.-'OO , actually worth $3,400. II. E. Cole , Continental block. 02327 TTIOIl HUNT , or * ale 80 aero farm near JL ? Omaha. Plenty of fruit and good improve ments. JApply at Times ofllco Houth Omaha. "TTIOH SALE Some of the choicest residence , JL ! Jots in Himscom Place , Bees Place. Brlggs , lUacc , Orchard Hill and other line additions , at How figures nnd easy terms. Uirkhauser * Blu ihor , ropm 18. Ware.uldg. 007"2fl ClOll BALK Or trade , a good 4-room house , i JL' new , on S Iota I.'i2 ft square , three block from postolllco. , Will takoin trade a gopd horse and JUggy. AddicBS , H , L , Pa man , Pnbilllon , Neb. IS91 24 FTlAIiK of bargains I Gazeon this : 120x157 IMV. rLcomoziUith and Hamilton , fronts 3streets , at grado. tor W,8W. 'nils Is bed-rock ; not a n Ickol , loss will ever buy it , And it must bo grabbed Hdon at that price. M. A. Upton Com pany , luth and Farnam. 690 building contractors. For sale NOTlOKto Ablockof twelve line lots , one block from pnvadHtrect and streetcar line , at extremely low figures. Investigate this. Blrkhauser & Blumer , room IB , Warebldg. UK SO HOMKS. HOMKS Do yon want a homo on easy terms in the best residence suburb of Omaha ? It so call on us and wo w 111 drive you out to Carthage , that high and sightly piece of ground which joins Walnut Hill ou the west and Dundee Place on the north , Ik-re wo will Bell you a full lot at from JJOO and wo will ad- vane a you as much money as w ill build a house ; principal payable in five yearn : Interest semi- annually. Or it you will build the house wo will Bill you the lot for 1-10 cash , balancii lu 7 or 10 years. Just think ot those terms und then como seethe lots. Brennau A. Co. , Chamber of Com merce. I > IJ SI T OT 03x155 east and south corner west Far- JLJ nam st. neer Milton Itogerx property , JT- MX ) . Kasy terms will shndo this for all cash. C. F ; Harrison , MeichantH Null bank bldg , 4 K T71OB BALK or lixchangel mnrored stock JJ farm of 8 0 acres lu eastern Nuhrasku , near inurkut ; also new 12 room hoiiHiiwith all con- % eiilenccs , In desirable tesldrnce pojtlon of Omaha. Andrew I levins , attorney , VIS and 423 Pax-toil block jmiaho , Neb _ . U3H Tlioil tlALiTchoaiJJot for trade 'I3.7fl acrus JL ? 1 mil ( sec. 6-12-Bi two miles from .Mantuott * , Hitmllton county , Nolirauka. Frume lion.-e , sta ble.WJ ; acres under good barb-wire te ce , round cedar posts , 4no stays,1 living watar , 30- foot channel , 2 wells , ,1S ) barrnl tank , corral , self-feeder , u natural stock ranch , in a line corn Prlco . / . . , , . . . . . , . ' . . . . , , . frt.OOO Cash lu hand . , . ,2,740 ! J years' time ( I per cant , , . : i,21V ( In und look over land. Addrosx owner , V. K , Atkins , 1W3 Larimer Ht , Denver , Col. Jw'T \\rOBTIIY of j-onr attention. .No ' bping V completed on 2Jth si , north of Lonvou- wortiiHt , two houses convenient to htialnoas , very roomy , grate , inantal. fmnuco , an. bath , tollnt.'J water closets , stationary wash tubs , hiitund cold water , live bedrooms. 10 closets ; only V > A 0 , on terms to suit. Telephone 23f or W , T , Soirnau , Omaha's largest vailety ofvag ons , currmg s. etc. , east side luth kt , north of Nicholas " 81. _ _ _ _ _ * * * _ _ " "tfl I SCELLAJNEOUS WANTS. waiitsd A bfoY6T foundry Tfiit. siring to icmovo went liultos < orrtspond- cnce from cities lying west of the MIssUxIpiil river willing to encourage manufacturing lu < terestn In their inldiit. Plant will employ Hi ) men. Address box : no. Cincinnati. _ O , liJi5 WANTKl-To adopt a bloiideibaby-gln by u well-to-do childless lonple. Tno yuuuuar the Hotter. Mrs Iliegail44 : K 15. iciV2i * /"lAIU'KNTliU orbuliier want el to builil a v houte and take as purt pity tiualy improved turm In Ni'branKp. Addresi , T Ut , Beu Olllcu. \\7ANTKD llyn young wliTowerwliiiJiiis ail 1 1 olefunt honif , the ac < iiialntituctt of n youog lady or w Idotv not oer 20. Addicts T ou. Bee , _ _ _ _ 5M i4l ! \\TANTHD 10.00) wotnen to HUB "Wllrox's I > 1'ancy Compouiiil 1'Uln.1 Perfectly safe and always oiris-tiui. Hor.'l for < c "Woman' * Safe Uiiaul. " Wllcor Medical Co. . Philadel phia. lilAUVJ FOR SALE1- REAL ESTATE. $4,0X1 buys 3 nounca and lot , 07x $ ! 8. it. cor lltli and Vlntbii. &SJ-m'll I I1AVB 10 line loti In Brings' Place add. , I Omaha , for cash , ou good terms. For further information Inquire ot IwJelttcy , Oalona , ill. TjlblTsALK-Lots u , i\and 18 , blocs 1 i , WMt JL ! side addition. TIIOJO lots are AUU4 eacli , lay vary pretty , nnd tha tliroo can ba. bought for Sl.ooo. They are actually worth twice that amount , G. .1. StornsdoriT , Koonis 317 and 318 , rtrst.Nat lonal banklUlldtn _ . _ W _ _ iroif BALK-Lots r5.aTaili [ 2 ; , isxlSO , lot 2i. ± WxlRO. in block 1.1 , on Harncy st , also lots 4 und'-'t In block I , Host Side , addition to Omnlm. For particulars inquire ot T. J < Bcrmlngham , ( lelonall. HASTINGS. Nebraskft-100 acres land ndjoln- lug the cltyfor sale by A.Volth , llastlnits , Nob. _ _ _ _ _ " rci.-m2fcij AT A sacrl lice -11x150 ft , east anil north trout , comer iiuh anil Howard nt.s , one block west of Poo's nud IvIrkondftH's tlno resi dences , two blocks from paved street , two block * south of Fnrnam at. ; just think of It. liWvIRi ft. and a corner nt that , and ely * I , VM. C. K. Bolter , room 5 , s. w. cor. IStlian.l Donijlas " " IJIOB SALK -fot 4nxlK"Hon"tirof ( fair grounds JL1 In ICIrkwood , Pi Ice. tl.'Hi , one-fourth cash. J , II. Lootnls , IK.I ) \ \ in street. 40UU : JTKMt S.Iili Undcr'Bpprlnl ctTitmct wrtTi Mr. JL' IConntr.e , I will have for sale for ft ) days , and ou the most favorable terms , 10 lots In Kountzo Place , with loans to build houses theieon. - Now Is the tlmo to bcctiro yourself a good homb that will double lu value In a short tlmr. HavlnusoldSI.MUMO . worth of this proper ! v , I know whereof 1 speak. No man has ever lost one cent by placing his money lu this beautiful nddltlon. nor is there u bouse here that ran bo bought for loss than KM ) to t J.OOO over mi.l above actual cost , J. J. Gibson , agent , room 3 , Cielghton block. _ d7j--'l FOB SAM , Without a cash payment to those who will build , choice lots In Philuvlow , In Bustlus , lu La Vein , West Cunllng , Windsor Place extensions.Park Place , 11 unworn Place nnd other addition. .1. B , Kvans , Barker block. For Sale 300 acres. Douglas comity , sultnblb for dairy form. J , B- Evans , Barker block- . Cf > ' .lM _ 17 > < AI > THIS I have a customer for Some JLI. good residence lots. Hu w III pay some cash. build n good house , maku n building loan and glv.0 a second moitgage for Imliuicu ot purcbasn monoy. If jon have a good lot 1 can soil It for you on these terms. Grover Stcen ? , roe ns6lfl nnd6l7Pnxtonblk. B4J-25 BOVHB STKVKNS. real estate and loans. removed to looms MU and 617 Paxtou blk. Kxchauglng projiorty a specialty. , Oil BAltflAINS ! WO feet on Poppleton nvenuo , llan&com Place , suitable tor Hue block , at n bargain. Corner near I'm k nvenuo nnd Lonvenworth , full lot and ulogaut house , only feTOl. South front lot , same locality , SMO , below price. Several bargains In Haiiscom Place nnu West Omaha. U. p. trackage , two full lots , only $ " > .000. Nlco house ou motor and car Hue , easy terms , J3.0.V. Bin gains in all parts of the city. List your propoHy with me. Grover Stevens , rooms 010 nnd 517 Pax ton blk. J UU-2. ' ! _ _ _ _ _ SIXTKUNTII street uo.tr Cnmlngs , nt $175 per front font. / Grovc-r Ste\em , old and 517 Paxtou block. CHEAPKSTlot In Omaha. Full lot In Mycis. Blchards \ Tllden's addition , only 72. Grover Stovous , rooms 510 and 517 Pnxton lilock , 012-i'i I71OK SALK iniect fronting Furnam and2 th JL ! nts.t at a great bargain ; ( A feetI Hats on Faruam , rent for W5o per montli , $11,000 ; r.-room bouse , stableon2.thandOhlo , will sell for & " > * > : all kinds of merchniidlsj bought , sold or ex changed : one 27-room hot l , nicely furnished , will exchange for mvrchnmllnM or good farms. Money loaned on real estate. Win. Stadlom.m. 627 Pax ton block. ( Ill "I CTOK SALK Or e > cclinuo for Oma'iJi prop- JO erty. HO .icros , suitable for plattluj.vlll ; make 4UO lots.itll clear ; big money In it for s-oms ono who can push this ; locatj.l justo.itslds t'lo city limits ot Council Bluffs. Inquire (5oo. ( .1. Stoi nsdorir , rooms 317 and 3lS. lint Natlonil bank building. 673 17IUH HALU On monthly or quai terly pay- JO monts. Homo nowO room houses in Mlllnrd \ CaldwoU'bitdd. . just HI miles trom nostolllcc. If you want a homo of your own como uud sco me. C. C. Spotswood , mvijj 3. loth st. ii'il CYH SALK11 acres , corner Thlrteomh and JO North streets. Desirable for platting. . C. Good , Good blocU. Uea Moluei. la. i < j4S-m'7 * . . AMES. Douglas County Abstracts , JW)7 I'arnunv stivet. Those wishing to invent a little money lu , Omaha lots lu such a way as not to feel the outlay. u now. do .PO.I Wo have good .lots , splendULj located , uurronuded by new build ings and improvements , whlcli you can buy , lmyl"s . $15 down , balance ten dollars n montli Think of this ! A dunce to save your money ! A chance to get I ho increase valuu on tha lotas Omaha grows ! Can you find a safer lnestment , a better way to save j-oiir money/ Can any bank pay you mi equal Interest on your money/ You Can Sue thcso lots any tltno yon want to without charge. We have conveyances always ) ready to show propot ty free . JlScash and ? 10 a mouth will buy your wife or one or your children a lot that will make them more money than anj thing otoo you can do for them. Itemcnibcr that It Costs You Nothing to come and see those lota to invostigata tills mattei for yourself. You can maku upyourow-n mind when you eeo this property and what aur- roumts It , wliether . JPX ) . KOO. $ : ! .5j is cheap for the lots or not. Your chance to make monnv in Omalut laml la nu good and even Better Noiv than ever before ! There is no question now AS to ourclpyisfutlrre growth ! Apostollico build ing and a city nail are lint a'part otthe contem plated improvements for ls ) . Tnoso cheap lots nra put ; on the market' because tlioy aio cheap ! It would not pity ustoshoiv youths property iinleis it was cheap ! In othir wordu , It Does Not Pay- to advertise chimp goods unless they av < ) what is claimed for them. Do"1 U9 lackiuc in courage - ago ; it you want toMBKB MBKB Money. Buy on the terms we now offer you , and no one can duplicate this property at the price named , but , . , . . „ Flistof All . coma and see what It Is. wliero it Is. wlut sur rounds it. what future It liasJJiTlonty of people ple have made money In just buuti liivestuiuius as this one olteroct yon ! You run-ubsolutolv uo rlskl i'on get tlio fusloitposslblo terms ! You can investigate the olforL It costs you nothing ! A little connigo and a llttlo money U all that IslieodeU. Amoa , li/T Fuvtiam St. 2CLKABIom lu Ik-kounan Plaeu and a clear- house and lot In York. Neb. , will trade fin home lu Omaha : prefer plane near Long school , will pav some cash dlirorpncii for t > uitif blu property. C. f , Harrison , MmuaanU Natl batik bid. U > . SMIIATO.V hastlirae oxtrit good bargains - gains lo offer In the pUcoto make money Iniea ) ontnto. South "inalni , A lot * " . ' " > , only t"i > ca&h , luil. I , 2 alld 3 years ; huube and lot tw\ about H2)inh , b.tlnncc'to suit : biislneits lot ei.WH ) . if7H ( caKli. 1i.tl.4 ycarH straight. 41 Bat kerblolt. Omaha , tetljW SHOLKd' Special Bartfalns.-.Mxin ) . cast front , with s room IIOUSH , on : ilHt nt. , lllm'jbituuh iiloce , M,5Xi , t,7UO cash , Imlaiuu 0 per < oiit. This isIUK ) leastliau. miirku ; value. LOxl n , goo < | 8-room IJOUHI ; , fnrn.ire and all honvenleiue.s , No.yiri Popnlcton UVA lii\e tl. guto thU and make an tilTcr. Purty goiu to t'w.ft. ' cjn Di dgo st' , cable , nnd.1) ) ft. with house , onOlh st. cable , clear of inniiinliiiinucs , to trade for flr t clans Insldo property , Improvnd or unimproved. Huumlt olMr ! , , . . . Finn two story bride blodc. muting forl--uv per year , price ilOJO ; II l.imi at O'-J ' 'per unt , * 7WiO ossh , V n lu good l ldo proporty. This is u ruro bitrgaln , bOxl5)ft ) , on.'Dth and CaHfoin'.a streets ; In- cumbranro ir..bOJ , rqulty in clear land or city WMV buys a good now-8-room House , with fur- nanoo , bath and nil coiivcnlencles , in Hanscom 410i ; ) In barb wlro stock , payliiB n good" dlvl- doud t uxUtuugu fur n jiioI lot , or nnitso und lot. This U as good iui cu li. 1 l.itvo lots ami liouuiH and lots forsalaor triiiln In all parts of the cltv. If youwls'Ho ' piircliRije. oxcluniiu , lir IIUMJ iinythlng for HiilH. IlerS9cull itud list It wltn me. Indications aiu favDViiblo for itn itetlvo run I o u.to murkut , and 1 donlro a lUt of all good iualdo iiroporty for n.ilo < ir Ir-ii'u. . . . , 1 > . V , Rholfs , Itoom 310 rir < t National Bank Building. H UT iToMAHA 1 have a immbnr ot good lots In rarloim additions that must be sold at OUCH nnd can ho bought ut price * that will milt you. G , J , Hternsdorir , rooms 317 and 314 Flrat National iwnk building. rfci lu aero property fall and see the choice llvo an < l ten acre ImotH I offer for mile. It will pay you to lnv < i tlgatu these bar- Citlnii. If you want .uu tuvoitment or nlco liome , or flnu fililt or vegetable gardrii. call und let us show you the choice tracts we ran olfnr. Hicks , room 40 , Buricer blk. Osu-21 fJlOB HA LM-On terms tu suit , the neat cottage , J1 2tiCh rlesst. Tolclionu | ) 7 , or W , T. H-- man. Ouuha'a largest v-irlnty buggies. waironB. &c. , east 10e IGth st. north nt Nicholas Bt. 4 > t XlOITTrnvuTlotoh Georgia ave. uud 1 corner lot in Kountzo Placo. Wo build to your plan and give U to you.it cost ; U cash ) bal. to ult. WP Hava a netva-roont cottage ( cor 4' > xlV > \ , 16ta and Locuvt it. , 10J casli , bal. monthly. U will pay you to BBS ux. Haoillton Broa. . build * en , hi B IBth. Tel. U7V. < K < > 24 FOR SALE-RE AU ESTATE. _ lOlFsALK By M ? A. JLJ investment llankrrii nud General Kpal nutate Dealers , Southeast corner iRili ana Pnrnaai , Cut this Out for future Reference. Nlco Homo. Hero Is a homo at a vary reasonable price : noutn front , M-foot lot on Mania street. Jus ; east ot Saundcni nnd xouth of Kountze Place ; new eight-room house. froml barn , only H.IWO. Terms to milt. Hunt ThU Un. t-ot i , blocK 81 , city. Iot4f block 41. city. totMiiock inclty. Get otir prices on those. Mono1 to Loan. \ \ o make loam on linnrot ed property al low est rates. I'lvo of the bargains oin'rod by us hnvo been sold. Trackage. ' I.TJ fcut tr.ukaso on Kleventh street. just north of Nicholas , for .yoi. ) Nicholas street is. and KlcMinth street will bo paviid this year. Big money In this line truckage property. lllcgnnt llosldoncc. Docs any ono want one of the best built and finely furnished houses and barns In the cltyr House of rioon rooms. Bam cost over fl.UU , llousp , has every convenience. Hast front lot. One-halt mild mmi court liouso. Artificial Mono drhouny.i ami walks. A complete ami < * li'K ittt home , Four mantels and grates that con over 'J ' ui. lniivovoiuout [ ) cost JIO.IKO. Lot Ten Acres Ihreo-fourtus of n mile west of Armour's , South Omat.a. The lluext ten lines In that locality. Will make liucottngolot * . Sttxlus. ( hut wlluoll iciunly at * JiO nnd $ , nM. will oiler this for a fo\v ( In ) g nt a bargain. . . . , South Omnliii. \\chavethohustSuuthOuialiJt property In the market at the lowust ju-lco obtainable. _ . . , Wtn.lsor Place. This year u 111 ( too KOOI ! tritnspoit.uloii fnclll- tins to Windsor 1'Inco. Wo can sell a flue homo In this elegant nddltlon for 2.1 per cent less than It cnn be bought for after Jlny I. Arcndi < Place. Enst front lot on Thirty-sixth t > tiect , Just Routh of Lenvenworth for il.HU . , HIIIsutoNo. 1. Aline double coiner on Thirtieth nua Chicago cage street , jnit east ot Votes' mansion , for * i , . 00 < Kllby I'lnof. LntfipxlK. on Thlrty-nlnth street. Just tuirlii of Dodge , I1TU ) f 100 cash , balance * In 1. 2 , mid 3 years if house Is built to cost not lo < < s tlitui c I , OIX ) . MU-.IHR It. Oh ! you are niKsliiK It uy uot pnrotuislnii bo- fora the nprmg tlilo nets In. ( Cxi- ; ! . f ° < l front on toward * troot. Sninu's third addition , W.IWO. South nrtevnlh Street. I < ot Mxl" ! good six room hon o : HUB m l- ( U'lli-o strout : bain ; flUOU. Lot Isvoih ( the money. Soutu Sixteenth Sttoct. Jc will sell a corner o.u Hlxtrenili ami Ons- tellar.uixllU , tor loss tliatl any InMilo lot CMI bo butiBhtfor. . . . Sheimnn Avenue. Ono hnmlrcd ami live ii'et. n romcron Illn- ney strt-ot , for \SM , or tile i-orner lot for M.O 0. , , , . llnnscotn Place. „ Oablo line to Haiiicom 1'liMo this lear.'o liiivo some of the best rvslileucos and sites there. I'nrnam Stieet. Money ran bo doubled tu two yearn liv buyluir monci-ty of us on I a-n im street In-trt e'en U eu- tlutli : uid TwiMity-sMcond. Wo Never Sold a Lot yet that the purchaser has nut m\ilo morothan rcKUliir Interest on Ills Investment. This Is ba- caiisnodeal In nothing but tlret-clas's prop- Morsmati Park. A beautiful east frunt lot , gr.idccl. for * ? . 'Hi , Look ! MOK ! LOOK ! l > or Sale no feet on South iVthTtioet , noith of Ma-ion , * 3f 0. iaFt one third lots 2 and : i , D'ock 11 , ( Comitro and lluth nddltlon , ltli house. hotriJMW , nliey onsiile , jf4.iHii. Lots I nnd 4 , block II , s-\v corner IDth mid Mason < U . with house. Lots 1 Uxl > J. $ ' .Wl. rorPnlo Klnuu-sldonre In Prankln ( bquare , cor. luth and llnulutto wts , . . south uud oust front corner , lot 3I\I4U ; U loom iionne , bath , hot and ( Oiawulur. fmnnrc. as , cemented cellar , lln- IsheU In haid wood and oil , slutu roof , cxory- tiling Hut class ; ? 7fun. t a . tein.H. for fculo Tliu .soutlu'iiat coinar ot Iflthniul Oistol irstiCL-tH , KxHl ) , nmull housu. This Is Kilt edito pnipeity : pati \ street , mwcr. ma uiiil water , lot u little ubovo frrule. 0,1 tool on irth by UOon Cahtnllar : this Is wortli $ li > MibrloOt ; If sold soon w i will take * l per foot. Hnslnefu lot on South Uth t , bctw eca'Piorro nnd Williams htveot . S > slH3 , flfrv. If sold uy Aiiri ! 1st. - I'or .Salu Choice ptora Improved bn < nn\3js \ property In business cantor , ! xl& , on a ) foot alloy , rents for lu net- cant on prlco aikcd i only 10 dava in market at K5trji ) . - - For Sale EJist Irani lot on sith f > treet.2V ) feet south of Poppleton nve. ; 4-room cottage : J..i.U I If sold \vlthtu eighty days. Oh ! Oh ! Mero'H un invi'stineut. IbT feet on coiner ot ICth nnd Vluton. both , o.ivi > d streets ; 7 stores thai will rent for f I.IWli u year and for more after n while ; tl , OW. Mi\st \ bo snaiippd up quick at that pilco. > 'oi Palu- lots in .Majnu L'luco atlSIW onc'i. Now Is this ? -.Northeast corner of ! 11 and Cliarlc.s his , lot " , ; ixlx'M5 ; , 4-i-oom liou.so. well ciBtcrn. stable l.StJI. ftl.tWJ. Note the sl/o of this lot , and that It Is itjouth front , coruor. 1'ouH.ile bomo awful nk'a liiniuncd prbp- ritvou NKconiui1 iti and ( 'aldwull streets. Call lor pi Ices. Kor Stilt * Double corner , l-Nfl'iT ; . nn N. K. corner I'lth and Hamilton , front- three .streets , . nnslness liusln " > s Twp new lirlcK IIIOUKV on I.cavL-nWDi tli street , east of "llth , that nre pay- IIIK 10 per rout ai. a low rental. ( Jet htln-sof M. A. I'nton Company. Idth and Karimm. Heie ! llcio ! Look ut Uil-f. y hoinu soakers. 8-iouin lioiiao. bnth room , Uot nnd cold water , gas pipes , lot fiUxIM. Ill Haiiicom ulaco , Nn. 1IM Virginia n\enue. Get prlco of M. A. Upton Company , Kali and 1'arnam. I'lne lesldonco for salo. N. K. corner aid nnd llurdctta. Jxit : uxllQ. ! ' ID-rooin Jiouio. bath 1-oom , furnace , hot ami cold iW-ator , sewer coniu-ctlon ? , well and clHlarn. piped formal , flrst-cliLss cellar , K oil burn , W IKH aUaroun < > . (7.50U , will take smaller house and. some rash , will assume some Imumbr&ncn. . , For Kale or Triule-Tnq very Jinost resldnnca In Osicola , population 4.0UO , comity Seat o ClarK comity. Iowa , n room brick home , t am heat , and nvervconvenleucn ; lOnontre of lond. , Co t ilJ.OW ) . MortuapcMMforUvo ) veai.s at 7 per cent annually Will sull or trade equity. M. A. L'pton. Compauy , lnve traent baukars , Omaha , N < ib. < . And Last lint Not I,6ost Korty-sU feet.-oast front , on Tlilrty-soyenHi , ( pavixl utreet ) between Hogers' aijd WlthnoH'ii L'lostant residences and 1'arnam street , for H.OOO. Wc'1m\ the largetftlist nnd best bftrptalns in the city. M. A. Upton Company , Telephone P. > 4' _ ] _ C05-at TJHOIt S A Li : Nino-room house , barn and lot JL1 in Hanscom Placet ulsoi ! housex and lots in ijunny Side. Harris , room ill. 1st Nat. bank , T Olt SAI.Uor lease-KrtiuieulldlnU | about -U inxViwitU threoycars' lease oflotWi ) DOUR- las st. Plo _ _ TTKJ It SArl' On20th near Clark , cnod cottage JJ mill stable ; small cauh pnyment ; balanca monthly. Hero IK a chance to uct a liom.o ou misy toim . 1'rlcoU.O'JO. A. I > . Tukey , IBtli FOIt S Alii : Tlio finest residence site in west Omuha ; just south of Kurnaui oa 37th etrn ft ; it corner ir/ix 187 with 1B7 feet frontaea on paved street and Joining the handsoma ronl- deuce of KlikimilKlion thooast.and Ilrady , Kas- hon and .Martin on the south ; a perfect com nnd Kurden spot far ati elegant home , llainiiy uiiil Ulst streets , 141x107 , on pavement w lthlui : block * of tliQ court hoitso ; room for seven line homes that would lent an rapidly us completed. A splendid permanent invent- I'uiiiumaud M Ktioets , Mxl'C. with now .1 Mory brli'KHtoro bnlldliii ; . rented to KOOI ! per- mnneiit tenantsll''iitul ' receipts $ I,3JU per hlxteonth street near Nicholas , frontage 81 feet to alley. Hood business property. Kunuim stieot betwoan IHtli and t'Mli , front- uio , 4SorU3xi : to alloy , ifouta front , I block 1 1 oni pavement and street cars , Pane avenue opposite Hmiscoma park , 57x160 , prlio IJ.OiO. Hy tcniiR , Paddnck plac trackano , 69x113 , I-.W ) , easy ' 'wth'stroel south of Vlnton Ht. , lot for sals or trade for mdso or ( rood farm laud , a. A. blomuti. ml Knriiaill St. miurtor section , Sherman county. Lota FINK Iowa city ; niso In Omaha. Ken tucky bred haddlo horse , 11 the units. Splen did foully mure , carriage , etc. what have you to oiler/ Address H ) . Boa olllce. 7Utt II. K.Col . northetst corner of 15th and Douglas sU. , Omaha , for Kdwlu K , Al- sip A ( Jo.'s c italiujiios of lands of California. 0.750.1..BJO ( caslj , tVWO 6 years 0 par cunt , Uuyx $ 'story H room house , furnace , lutli , etc. , lot wxlUU foot , Nn. S113 PopplHton are. , Munscom Place : must go by March 1st. party going away , D. V. Sholes. all ) 1st Nat'l bank. 01 Yd BUY. To liny , a homo , cost not to ex- WANTKD ceedtl.r/K ) , liouso to coxt ti.OuO by my pluitx , Sightly east front lot near street cam. 11.000 cash. Address. P. 0. Box 25 , Omaha. .610 WANTKD-Tobuy good commercial paper. II. U. Patterson , ilia H 16th at. ( M ABSTRACTS OP JIT US. MIULANirGuaritnuioi Tru T1aJ"l.VB Far- imni. Complete nbstraetu ftirnUhod & tit lei to real estate examlnod.pvrfectoa & guaranteed. ' H' lnaiun K MaEoney. room Eoo7 ax ton block. /JDt _ 7SMAHA AbAractcoinpunr. 1619 Farnnm' ct. \ - ' Mont torn plots und carefully prepared ncit otobttra't honk * and plain of uu ) e l pioncrty intneclivof Uni Uaanti Uoniilair county , '