PART I. THE OMAHA i SUNDAY C EIGHTEENTH YEAB. . OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING. MAiROH 24 , 18S9.-SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 282 rr\TTP TTVTPTTPTT PAT A1VTO THE ENGLISH SOLONS How Law Is Manufactured in the House of Gommono. EVENTS OF THE LAST WEEK. The Proceedings Degenerate Into a Legislative Olrous. SCENES OF STRIFE AND DISCORD. Parliamentary Discipline Thrown to the Winds of Heaven. PARNELLITES START THE RUMPUS But Their Programme Foils to Con nect , Owing to thn llcfusnl of Bnlfour nnd Webster to I3o Choked Off. Then and Now. , ICopi/rtoM ISS3 bi ; Jama flonlm UennelM LONDON , March 23. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE BnE. | Why in the world strangers should take the trouble , as they often do , to sit in the house of commons hour niter hour listening to dreary talk Is a mystery to us who for our sins are obliged to remain. The air of the place Is bad , the accommodation is none of the best , and the entertainment provided is about as poor as it can be. Yet you will see n crowd of persons waiting early to got in , bothering the mem bers for orders which they are unnblo to give , and taking as much pains to succeed as If they wcro trying to gain admission to paradise. Meanwhile the prisoners who cannot got out never look up nt the galleries without thinking how true It is that the world consists chlclly of fools , I remember the days when Palmorston , Disraeli , Cobden , Bright and 'Gladstone wcro in their prime , and then It was not wonderful that strangers should delight In spending n night in the house ot commons but the performers now nro of a very differ ent kind. Gladstone alone survives to show the house what fine old parliamentary man ner was like. When he is gone the style will bo a mere tradition of the past , and the standard of taste will bo furnished by Sir William Harcourt , assisted a.i times by Dr. Tanner. When exciting personalities are going on ctrangcrs , and members , too , manage to keep wide awake. Sir Richard Temple's displays of this kind have been numerous of late. The homo rulers have been on the shoot with a vengeance. They fight everything and everybody In the order of the day. There a-tnuxim once laid down that it was the duty of the Irish members to make the work of the government impossible. Certainly the programme Is being carried out. Anybody who watches the course of affairs in the Ubuso must feel his doubts daily growing whether that will DO possible m.uch longer to get any rational work done under tue pres ent system , \f\icn \ there exists a compact body of members in a legislature who are bent on paralyzing its movements , and who hove become experts in all their operations to produce that result , what is to bo ( lone i No rules that can bo formed will suffice to meet every case that will arise. If the presiding - siding officer throws himself too often or too decidedly against the obstructionists ho will be bitterly assailed , in the house and out of it , and most likely ho will after a time begin to think of asking for a place with the faction ho has not the power to control. The present speaker of the house will never do that , but weaker men might Never was the British parliament in ouch danger as at the present moment. There hnvu been several conflicts with the chair this week , and it cannot fairly be said that the chuir 'has come out of them with in creased dignity. These skirmishes have happened when the house wus In committee , and when Mr. Courtnuy was consequently presiding , Whllo brisit fighting was going on , something nf the klud was perhaps inov- K\bln. : . Both Mr. Balfour and the attorney general wcro to bo made to bite the dust this week , und yet both are alive and able to hit out prutty hard at tholr assailants. Hcnco there has been much wrath of feeling. When n man ought to die and will not it Is exceed ingly irritating. d ho attorney general's is the worst case. Harcourt came down to the house and an in dictment was framed on the model of the lettci sot Junlus. Evidently it was intended to rank. In the future history with Burko's indictment of Warren Hastings. On these occasions Harcourt aisumes a Johnsonian air of severity and sternness. His faoa is steeped in funeral gloom , , his voice sinks , nnd his Intonation is that of an'allicted ! brother nt a camp meeting. In listening to him ono is in doubt whether the proper thing is to laugh or to cry. On Friday the worthy Jumbo surpassed himself for an hour and a half. Ho imputed every kind of crime to the altorney general , whllo protendmtr to defend him fiom wicked men nlsowhcrc , who had mudc tlia charges against him. It was a tolerably familiar rhetorical device and all went moderately well , although in a dull nnd half sleepy way , but It soon became evident thut Junius Historlcus Harcourt had somehow or other mndo a of it. Ho had been tiring over thn head of his intended victim , but the victim did not Imitate his ex ample. His shot went homol nnd what was worse , great Sir William perceptibly writbed umlur ttm Uro. I heard strong Ghulstoniana admit ihnt the attorney general had abso utoly demolished Hnrcourta\nd indeed this was pretty clc.irly the opinion of the house , as n MKijoiity of 60 for the government showed. Sir William deserves credit ot having gulncd for the government Iho largest majority of the session. It Is worth whllo for Iho coiihcrvatlcs to consider whether they will not offer him n retaining fee to so- euro Ills bcrtvcs. lie has bfiiti on t > o many sides , uad abused them till In much the same BtJuiii , > o that another ctmupo would not in any way disconcert him. Some very foolhh thlngj were clone by members of the conservative p.trty who nvo ovc 'wulgli8i\ with common cut sum , Allu sions tieing muilo to the apparent belief nf I.orcl Salisbury | n the genuineness of the forced loiters , bevcral eonservittlvus adopted thut belief by cheering. Tno.v were load by Sir Uobcit 1-Vwler , who comes Into the imiiMt in irl'cnli lu inocJe , icndy nt all times to snv } tint M.H'lf Is white ! ( only Lord Sails- bury tauut orders to tbut effect , Ol course he rosn ni oiu'iio the bait thrown oyur his head by tlic I'urnclHtes. His grotesque cheer wus iiiMueJIatoly tulen : up , nnd a bit ter brr.wl r.rso. ilcuai ctiilcU to ucccuut , m.J iioornld Kowlcrcut a rather sorry flg. uro for a little Wh'lo ' , unit ! omc ono , < cd him offti' thesmokli'ij ! room. Mr. I'urr.cll , ir'.o ' did iioi make his r.pV'Cir- nnco till late , created n strong Impression by plainly putting It to the conservatives whether they doubted that the letters wcro forgeries. Not one of Ihom ventured to glvo utterance to such doubt ; probably not n dozen really entertain it Anyhow , the stupidity of nfow reckless spirits can scarcely bo taken as the opinion of the party , oven though tholr folly apparently receives the sanction of Lord Salisbury. When all Is said nnd done , there remains the question once put by the Duke of Wellington , "How is the queen's govern ment to bo carried on by these whoso solo interest In parliament Is In creating uproars and scenes ! " This Is the problem which ap pears most worthy of attention , nnd which will very soon have to bo facctt In earnest , unless the work of the government Is to an end. A Mc\incu OF PAIILIAMGXT. THE PAniB EXPOSITION. . Secretary "Windoiii'B Instructions to American Kxhlbltors. WASHINGTON , March 23 , Secretary Wln dom has Issued the following Instructions to customs ofllccrs In regard to the Paris expo sition ; Manufactures , articles or wares pro duced or manufactured in the United States which may bo sent to the Paris exposition of 18S9 for exhibition will , upon their return to the United States , bo admitted frco ot entry upon compliance with the following require ments , that is to say , shippers nt the time and port of exportation shall flic at the cus tom house a manifest showing the marks nnd numbers of passages , together with nn Invoice or statement specifying the con tents of such packages , which documents may , if shippers so desire , bo filed with the assistant commissioner general of such ex hibition , whoso olllco Is at No. 1 Broadway , New York , nnd who wlllUct as tholr agent for such purpose , and shall upon return of the packages produce Cortlflcatos either from the director or other proper ofllcor of the Paris exposition , duly authenticated by a United States minister or consular officer or by a statement of the consignees nt the foreign port from which reimportation may bo made , certified to by the proper offi cer of customs at that port as required by the department's circular of March 21 , 18SO , which document shall fully identify the goods. Paintings and other works ot art , tbo production of foreign schools of art , which may bo now owned In this country by resi dents of the United States , and which may be loaned to the French department of fine nit of said exposition lor exhibition , will also on their return to the United States bo ex- em nted from payment of duty upon Identity being established in the manner hereinbe fore described. Confirmations. WASHINGTON , March 23. The senate to day in executive session confirmed the fol lowing nominations : Andrew C , Bradley , to bo assistant justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia ; Fred D. Grant , of Now York , to bo minister to Austria- Hungary ; Frank R. Alkcns , of Dakota , to be assistant Justice of the supreme court of Dakota ; John R. McFio , of Now Mexico , to bo assistant justice of the supreme court of Now Mexico ; Henry W. Blake , of Montana , to bo chief Justice of the supreme court of Montana ; John D. Honing , of Col orado , to bo district attorney of Colorado ; Miles C. Moore , of Washington Territory , to besoveruorof Washington Territory ; Oliver C. White , \Vashlngton Territory , to bo .secretary of Washington Territory ; Edwin \V. Willets , of Michigan , to bo assistant sec retary of agriculture ; Whitelaw Reid , of Now York , to , bo envoy extra ordinary nnd minister plenipotentiary to Franco ; Nathan O. Murphy , of Presdott , Ariz. , to "bo secretary of Arizona ; Julius Goldschmldt , of Wisconsin , to bo consul general at Vienna , and a number of post masters , among which were the fol lowing ; John A. Follows , Pontiac , 111. ; Mrs. Lucy Bowers , Tiptou , la. ; Mrs. Sarah Earthman , Griswold , la. , Frank T. Pyber , Sheldon , la. , Edwin McGlnchlin , Stevenspoint , VVis. , Adolmar M. Andrews , Plankinton , Dak. . John W. Bnubury , Brit- ton , Dak. , E. S. Short , Griggsvillo.Ill. , Will iam R. Pants , Petersburg , 111. , Alanson H. Reed , Flora , 111. , G. L. Rice , West Superior , Wis. The Australian Wheat Crop. SAN FIIANCISCO , March 23. Advices from Sydney nnnounco that the Australian wheat crop has fallen short of the estimated pro duct for the season , and stocks are being firmly hold owing to the probability of an imposition of a protective tariff at Mel bourne , and the receipts to date nro over 50,000 bags short. Reports from South Aus tralia show the crop to bo below previous estimates. The total yield amounted to 62.0UO.OOO . bushels from nn area of 2,000,000 , acres , mere than one-fifth of which is not worth reaping. The total surplus for ex porting will be less than 0,000,000 bushels , as compared with 10,500,000 bushels for last season. Wheat shipments from Pacitlo coast ports nlono this season to the colonies promise to exceed in quantity those of any previous year. Points Fiom Chamberlain. CiiAMiiuums , Dak. , March 23. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEE. ] Captain R , F. Wool- folk , manager of the Bcnton line of steam ers , is in the city completing arrangements for the plying of a number of steamers be tween thisplnco nud below and up-rivor points , with headquarters here. Captain Woolfolk lately left tha Standing Rook In dian agency nnd rejiorU that the Indians there are unanimously in favor of accepting the treaty ns passed by the last congress , Fuvornblo reports ore received from other agencies , nnd no doubt is entertained ns to the ratification of the treaty by the Indians The DrrvlHlK-B lOxpolIod. CAIRO , March " 3. Mnhommcd Borvaivl who arrived here from Omdurnan , reports that Sheikh Sencussi's forces occupied Dor four and Kordofnn , nnd expelled the Dcr vishcs. In July last Mohammed Beralvi no companlcd an expedition of 0,003 Mndints which proceeded In steamers nnd barges against Binln Paalia. 11 states that Emh defeated the dervishes near Bor , killing mos of them und ensuring the steamers nm uu jh ammunition , Cl-vel.uicl in Ciibt. HAVAX\ , March 2-1 , Ex-President Cleveland land and party , which includes o-So.roturies ; Ba > urd , Vilas and Dickinson , arrived hero this morning , Crowds of peoplu , have thronged the wharf since early In the morn Ing nnd gave the distinguished travelers nil enthusiastic welcome. Cleveland and his companions wcro welcomed on Iho wharf by the Amerienn consul and vlfo consul and a hvrge number of other gentlemen. The party took carriages und were driven to a hotel , where au uido In the name of the governor general welcomed them to the island. The United Stntcs Sujpreme Court. WASHINGTON , March 23. The Justices of the supreme court met in rccular consulta tlou to day und made urranxcinuuU for their ntluiidanco upon ilui funeral of tbo Into Jus lieu MuHu tt . SWD TO HEATH. The l''nto of a Wyoming Hunter After Deer. CnnTr.NNE , Wyo. , March 23. Special Telegram to Tun BEB.J A singular accident resulting In the death of Erastus Dorwln Viccham , n Mormon who lived at Afton , Wlntn county , is Just reported. Ho had started out with his gun for the purpose of obtaining meat for the family. After going three miles ho found tracks where n herd of deer had recently passed , nnd followed until coming to a very steep descent , which caused htm to discontinue his course n that direction. Seeing a tree a short ills- Uvnco below , ho thought ho might slide down , catch by It nnd so proceed on his way. As 10 did so the snow gave way , ho missed his Tooting and slid down the mountain about three hundred yards. In the Intervening dlatanco thcro were occasional lodges of rock , and ho lauded In the ravine bolow. Three ribs were broken , and ho also re ceived Internal Injuries. Ho retained sufficient strength to roach homo just ns night was coming on , but nppcnrod to bo In a critical condition. Ho nt once wont to bed and remained until his death , on Thursday last. "West Virginia's Election Cases. WIIEF.LINO , W. Vo. , March 23. The United States district court , Judge Jackson presiding , has been engaged' this week in trying parties Indicted at the last term for violating the election laws. The cases cxclto n good deal of Interest from the fact that with four exceptions the seventy odd indict ments are all against republicans , and the cases nro being prosecuted by District Attorney Wntts , who refused to resign at President Harrison's request , and who said publicly that his resignation was demanded that these indicted parties might not bo con victed. The republicans claimed that the indictments were found for effect on , , the pending election contests. So far twenty-one cases have been disposed of , embracing alleged Illegal voters , judges of election charged with knowingly rcceivinp Illegal votes , und parties accused of Inducing the cnsting of illegal votes. Of these twenty- one cases , ono plead guilty , the jury failed to ngreo in ono case , two Indictments were dis missed bp the district attorney and seven teen wcro acquitted. The Vigilantes DlBgustcd. UNIONTOWN , Pa. , March 23. The sheriff's posse following the vigilantes reached Markloysburg early this morning to aid In the capture of the McClellandtown robbers who wcro reported found in n log cabin. A vigorous search failed to disclose any of the robbers , however , and the sheriffs posse and vigilantes have returned in disgust. It is reported that three of the band re turned Co the log house this morning and nto their breakfast thcro. Word reached here this evening that the house of an aged couple living near Elliott Mills , in the moun tains between Markleysfury and this place , was entered by robbers late lost night , who bound the inmates nnd threatened to hang them if they did not give up their money. Reports say the miscreants secured (213 , but no particulars can yet bo learned. A Heal Estate Swindle. ST. PAUI , Minn. , March 23. A special from Pipestono , Minn. , says : "Two hard working Germans , D. nnd J. Drum , arrived hero this week from Carroll , la. , bringing with them their families , stock and farm utensils. Last fall they visited this county in company with A. W. Swcnder , also of Carroll , who represented himself ns the owner of certain lands which the Drum brothers bought , paying nearly $2000 " down. On arriving hero this week they find the land owned and occupied by other patties. They will begin action ngainst Swcnder nt onco. The Touring Raso Ballistic LiVEiiroor , , March 23. A game of base ball was played to-day between the Ameri can players and Liverpool players. Under the rounders' rule the English players won. . by a score of 10 to 14 , but under the ball rules the Americans won by 17 to 0. The American base ball players will start , for homo on March 23 instead of April 4as , previously stated. The Dynamite Dried Rapidly. PEUU , Ind. , March 23. Aaron York , a wealthy farmer ilvint : a few miles from this city , whllo blasting stumps on his farm , placed several sticks of dynamite in n stovo' to dry. An explosion occurred In which the house was entirely destroy6d and the far mor's wife nnd daughter were killed. Other members were Injured , but neb fatally , York escaped , The Copper AJarket. PAIUS , March 23. At the closing of the bourse to-day Socloto des Metaux shares were quoted at 32 francs , CO centimes , and Comptoir d'Escompto at 117 francs , 50 con- ; times. The tribunal of commerce has con sidered the demand of ono of the atockhold ors of the Comptoir d'Escompto that the con. corn b'o dissolved , and has decided that there is no ground for the dissolution , - Business Troubles. ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 23. A special from Tower , Minn. , says that P. J. Rich- wine , who has been running ono of the largest general stores In the entire Vermillion - million district , went down to Duluth to-day , and after nn interview with his creditors made an. assignment. Rlchwino stocked up very heavy last fall In winter goods , and the unseasonable weather has prevented sales. Ho will probably make arrangements with his creditors and bo ready to resume business. * A Steamer Aground. VICKSBUKO , Miss. , March 23. The steamer Hoxle , towing five coal barges , went aground above hero to-day and the barges nro in danger of being carried away and lost. It Is thought that at least three of them will go to-night. Tbo barges and contents nro worth * 50,000. Teomor'0 Sweeping Challenge. PjTTSnuna , March 3. John Teoraor , the oarsman , issued a challenge to-night to any nursman in the world , Gauduur % preferred , to row n series of races , three , four and five miles each , for $500 n race , Murdered in Cold Blood. LEXINGTON , Miss. , March 23 , D. N. Cress was shot and Instantly killed by Dr. J. H , Watson , near Eulogy , this county , to-dny. Cress had openly threatened to kill the doc tor , nnd when ho met Watson fired tbo fatal shot. The Oklahoma Proclamation. WASHINGTON. March 23. The present un demanding at the department of state Is that the proclamation of the opening of Oklahoma will not bo Issued before Monday next. Telegrams of Condolence. WASHINGTON , March 23. A Inrgo number of telegrams of condolence wcro received by Mrs. Matthews to-day from different parts of the Uuited States. THE COUNTS MISSION. Herbert Bismarck's Visit to England Causes Another Flutter. THE POLITICIANS ARE PUZZLED , And Berlin is Deluded With All Sorts of Humors , ALL MORE OR LESS IMPROBABLE , The Real ObJoot Js to Prepare For the Coming of His Chief , AND SETTLE'COLONIAL MATTERS The Clmncollor's Reprimand ot Dr. Knnppo Freely Commented By the ProBs Financial Situation. Gossip-From Berlin. by JVeio York Associated Prtss\ \ . BERLIN , March 33 Count Herbert Bis- mnrck's visit to England , following so Closely upon that of Sir Edward Mnlct , the British cmbassador , has given rlso to all kinds of political speculations. Rumors that England is about to join the triple alliance may , however , bo dismissed summarily , as may also the statements of the oftlcial press that the prlnco Is merely making a holiday visit. The fact Is that the visit has a double object , the most important part of which Is the arrangement of details for the emper or's visit to England during too coming summer and to ascertain the wish of Queen Victoria as to whettier the vlsitjwlll bo merely of a domestic nature , or shall assume a state character. > During the past week Prince Bismarck has had a series of long Interviews with the emperor , at which the matter of his inajes ty's visit was fully discussed. In the second end place Count Herbert will take oppor tunity to discuss with Lord Salisbury col onial matters affecting , the two nations. It Is not improbable that same kind of an agree ment will bo arrived nt ? embodying the prin ciples of the future colonial policy whore British and German interests come in con tact. The Bourscn Zcltnng says that Count Herbert Bismarck wil ( endeavor to bring the different coionlal.viows of England and Germany into harmony ! The Post to-night announces that the Sa moa conference will bo , postponed , probably until the beginning of M&y. This may bo re garded ns indicative ) olfst dcslgo to await the outcome of Count Herbert's mission. Bismarck's roljrimanjL of Dr. Kndppo is much commented ' " -on. . The Frelslnnlge Zeitung points out that Dr. Knnppo was really driven into a s otaof furore consulates by Herbert Bismarck' 'dispatch of January 8 , instructing Iflm to effect the necessary re prisals against the-rebo'ls. vhohe'snid , by attacking Vad brqught abuut a state of war. The seizure by the police authorities of the Yolks Zeitung Has'crcated a great sctisationl and a legal decision upon the right of the police to suppress the'paper Is awaited with considerable interest. Even the national press have not a word to say in defense of what is rated as a rash and imprudent pro ceeding on the part of { ho > police , while the feelings of the liboraliparty are shown by a paragraph in the Frcislnnigo Zoitung en titled , "Fearless and'cpduring , " and advis ing steadfastness under the threatened re actionary measures of iho government which look like a return to the time of King Frederick William. } The Cologne Gazette states that the gov ernment has resolved upon stricter measures for Germanizing the provinces , the dismiss ing of schoolmasters and tutors unable to teach the German language and replacing them partly by Alsatians and partly by Ger mans. A scandal has been caused by the bringing of serious charges against Dr. Wclez , a mem ber of the West Prussian diet , and formerly president of the permanent committee ot that body. Dr. Welez is ofllcially charged with the fraudulent appropriation of 10-1,000 marks , which had been voted by tlio commit' tee for certain works. Ho will probub'ly bo compelled to resign. The emperor and empress yesterday vis ited the Dowager Empress Augusta on the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of Emperor William I , The emperor signed several army promotions. The inaucurationof ; the Bismarck-Moltko monument has been fixed for March SI. The bourse during the week , was depressed and prices were Irregular , 'closing firmer owing to a'bottor state of the Paris market. A bourse committee , is considering a pro ] popal to raise the limit of capital required of a company asking o'fllcial quotations , from 1,000,000 , to to 3,000,000 marks. It is not likely that the proposal will bo adopted. Mark Vanzandi is having great success in Italian opera at the Kroll theater. THE SAMOAplVHlTE HOOK. Ex-Governor Orov , of Now Zealand , Htntcs mis View * . ' SAN FBANCISCO , Mgrah 23. In the white book published in Berlin , respecting Samoan matters , Bismarck refers to the arrest of Gallon , an Englishman , by the German con sul at Apia , for suggesting tbatMataafa should write to ek-CJovernor Groy , of Now Zealand , as to tl couwo the Samouus would pursue. Ex-GovcrnorGroy ; , when asked ro spcctlne his views as jo Samoa , said : "It would be far preferable to have each of these island groups with an Independent government , Bottling all disputes among thcmitolves by arbitration , and guided , if possnlu | , by a commission of foreign powers. It la clear that America is aiming at this line of policy , annexing none of the islands hcrsdfantl , will do her utmost to preserve too-peats of the Pacific. This is also certain to bo ilig policy of the English possessions in thcsa vans of the world , America will eventually bc'como the leaJer of the Anglo-Saxon race , * and will displace England from tbp. position she now holds. Many eyes in this , part of the world are already bring turned tpwards America as the power to preserve the interests of the Ant'lo-Swoii race in the P.iclfle , without herself annexing anything or allow ing foreigners to do BO. It is clear that the power among the .Anglo-Saxon race is shiftIng - Ing towards America , as the pouter of popu lation has already done , It'js therefore--un wise of England to pcglect her interest in in such a time of emergency- The United States does noVreijuire n standing army , and consequently the whole resources of a people so circumstanced J-'Oiilu bo ucvoted solely to the maintenance'of a navy , which would make the Atiflq-Saxon race absolutely masters of the world , " IOWA NEWS. Taxing the Roads. DBS MOINES , la. , March M. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BBB. ] The executive council has ] ust completed the annual assessment of railroads doing business In Iowa. The total assessment for purposes of taxation is fixed nt $43,650,140 , of which $43,200,003 Is upon railroads proper and the balance upon sleepIng - Ing and dining cars. The sworn statements of the railroad ofllcials show a dccroaso In the net earnings of Iowa roads last year of $150,000 , , whllo ton roads failed to pay operat ing expenses. The assessments of the principal lines arc as follows i Chicago , Burlington & Oulnoy , main line , $14,500 per mile ; Chicago , Hoclt Island & PA- cillc , main line , $13,500 per mlle ; Chicago & Northwestern , main line , $1,000 per mile ; Chicago , Santa Fo & California , main line , $9,000 nor mlle : Toledo , Poorla & Western , main line , $3,000 per mlle ; Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul , main line , $0.000 per mile ; Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis Omaha , main line , $3,000 per mile ; Dubuque & Sioux City , main line , $5GOO per mlle ; Sioux City & Pacific , $7,000 per mlle ; Union Pacific , for three miles , $150.000 per mlle ; Burlington , Cedar Uaplds & Northern , $0,000 per nnla ; Clarinda & St. Louis , $3,000 per mile. The branches of nil the largo systems nro assessed nt $3OOU per mllo. The total assess ments are about $270,000 more than the as sessments lost year. An Act of Vandalism. MASON CITY , la. , March 23. [ Special Telo- grain to Tim BBE.J A party of young ruf fians tit Sheldon recently got on a good sized spree , and going into the grave yard over turned tombstones , badly disfiguring many of thorn , Two arrests have already been made and others will follow. The extreme punlshmcut will bo meted out to them. The Cobbler Mayor Congratulated. WATCIII.OO , la. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Mayor Hoot , ox-cobbler and bank janitor , received a lengthy congrat ulations on his election from Philadelphia to-day. It was sent by John Lobr , of Phila delphia , on behalf of the wonting people. A Prominent Citizen Dead. MASON CITV , la. , March 23. | Special Tele gram to THE BCE.J "Bay" Johnson , n wealthy citizen and prominent politician of Rockford , died to-day. I O North Plat to Courtesy. Nonxit PLATTE , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnn.J Senator Ncsbitt ar rived homo this morning and will spend Sun day with his constituents. This is the sen ator's first visit homo since the opening of the legislature. A party of forty of North Platto's most prominent citizens , without regard to polit ical faith , banqueted Judge Church at the Pacific hotel to-night in honor of his ap pointment as judge of this district. Judge Church has been n resident of North Platte for over lit teen years , and at different times has served as city and county attorney , probate - bate judge , and represented Lincoln county in the legislature in early days. His ap pointment as judge gives universal satisfac tion to the people of this district. STATE NEWS. Where is Anderson. FHEMONT , Nob. , March 23. [ Special to THE BEE. ] E. C. Anderson , formerly the proprietor of the Central hotel of this city , is mysteriously missing. Ho left homo March 5 , on a trip to Omaha , Duvjd-Cityanct ; ? . " " Weston , to collect money duo him. "Whenjiej started on'tho trip bo told his wife that ho Would bo back In three days , but as yet , after tvo weeks waiting , no information as to his whereabouts has been received , and his family and friends are alarmed. His wife fears that ho has been foully dealt with , as ho had some money and a good gold watch on his person. It is also surmised by others that ho has left the country to avoid his cred itors , of 'whom ho has several here , though those rwho know him best do not believe that ho would be guilty of such a thing. His family are left with nothing to live on. An derson is about thirty-eight years old , flvo feet nine inches nigh , slender build , light moustache and Scandinavian cast of counte nance. _ Ho Was the Wrong Man. MINDEN , Neb. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE.J The man supposed to bo Matt Zimmerman , the murderer , has proved himself to bo William H. Yelvington. This case has been one of which none could tell the exact termination until to-duy. He was released and presented with n suit of clothes , a ticket to Ogden and S10U in cash. Ex-Governor Nance , who had seen Zimmer man several times during his imprisonment , was of the opinion that the man was Zimmer man , and ordered Sheriff Hill to arrest him and bring him to this county. Mr. Hill did so. Sheriff Hill had worked hard to achieve this one act and has fulled , but says ho Is de termined to bring the right man to justice. So far as is known no one condemns his action , as the man Yolvington had every mark'to indicate that ho was the man wanted. In 1887 the state paid Kearney county $ J,700 in full for expenses incurred during the tri als , and the cost to the county is very small in this case. _ An Indinn Wnmun Doctor. BANCUOFT , Neb. , March 23. [ Spcial to THE BISE.J Miss Susan Laflescho , a daugh ter of the late _ Joseph Laflescho , graduated at a medical co'llcgo In Philadelphia a few days ago. The Laflescho family are Indians belonging to the Omaha tribe adjacent to this place. Susan graduated at a literary institution previous to completing her medi cal education. This mukcs the llfth daugh ter that has obtained a diploma from a reg ular established college. Susan will prac tice medicine in her own tribe. Mr. La- flpscho was a man noted for his natural ability and foresight. Ho believed the only way to olevatn and perpetuate his tribe waste to give all an English education and teach them the importance of farming and self support , his example having a great influ ence on the whole tribe. Another Coal Find. WEST POINT , Neb , , March 23. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEE.J Great excitement prevails in this vicinity over the alleged dis covery of coal on the form of Carl Wilde , three miles northeast of West Point. Some workmen while boring a well struck a vein of coal , after piercing sfate to the depth of fifteen feet. The coal is found . ' 115 feet below the surface and from specimens shown in town to-day it was pronounced to be of the lignite variety. The parties reporting the matter are responsible men and no doubt is felt about the reality of the Und. Court Proceedings. COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , March 23. [ Speoial Tele gram toTiiu BUM. J District court aJJonrncd this evening after a two weeks' busy scislon , John Bnss , found guilty of forgery , was sen tenced tins afternoon to three years in the penitentiary. Edward Kurl , arrested in Omaha by Police man J. II. Savage , charged with burglarizing the hardware store of Bocttchor & Kersen- brockon the 17th lust. , was placed on trial to-day. The jury brought in a vcruict of guilty , The court set aside the verdict und granted u now trial , Then What Did HappnnV AUHON , Neb , , March 23. [ Special to THE BEI : . ] The citizens of Albion ticsifo to say through the columns of THE DAII.V UEE that there can ba no ceiiburo runt ing upon any ono'in regard to the death of Ur , Hiown. His sister was interviewed by u BKR repor ter at Omaha , und being tired and nervous gave vent to her feelings in regard to her brother's death. Both hU slater and his wife uro here now , and are satisfied tliat lie was neither murdered nor committed sui cide , A Mil : Doz. SOUTU Sioux CITV , Neb , , March : ! 3. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The cry of "Mad dog I" made everyone that was standing on the street hero last evening seek a place of refuge. A dog belonging to J. A. Lnpsloy had gone mad the evening before nnd could not bo found until ho was seen coming down the street snapping and snarling , with froth running from his mouth , The city marshal followed and killed him about two miles from town. Prohibition Nomination * ) . JUXIATA , Nob. , March 24. ( Special to Tim BED. ] The prohibitionists of this place met In convention last evening nnd placed In nomination tno following candidates to bo supported at the coming village election to bo hold April 2 : A. P. Slack. T. J. Stover , S. M. Hoborts , J. F. Zmscr nnd N. L. Brass , This -board , It elected , will oppose granting saloon licenses. Mrs. Mondall Discharged. WEST POINT , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BnE.J Mrs. Margaret Mondall , arrested yesterday charged with poisoning her daughter , Maggie Mondall. was discharged to-day owing to some legal In formality chargeable to the coroner's jury. She will DO examined Monday on n plea of In sanity. An Insnno Frcnk. BENKIEMAN , Neb. , March 03. [ Special to * TiiE BEE.J Wilson , the man who claimed ho was robbed by Frank Hawks , ns reported In Tin : BEE , is now suffering under mental derangement , and it is thought ho was crazy at the time of making the charge. It Is be lieved ho never had the bonds nnd Hawks is fully exonerated. > Chndron Booms. CHADHON , Nob. , March 23. ( Special Tele gram to THE BEE. | Chadron has taken tho. fever and Is having u genuine boom. A largo number of eastern capitalists are hero investing money. Arrangements wore to day made to build another three-story brick corner of Egan und Second streets. BurglarB in Kcncsaw. KENESAW , Neb. , March 23. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Burglars went through the store of M. F. White hero last night , taking there- from nil the jewelry , silk handkerchiefs , shiits , thimbles , and it is presumed many other articles , to what extent It is Impossible to determine yet. Want n Court House. ' HASTINGS , Neb. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.J The Adams county super visors have agreed to submit a proposition to voters at a special election April 80 , for building a court house to cost $75,000. Pub lic sentiment strongly favors this. A Failure. WiLUEiij Neb. , March 23. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] The doors of the firm of Overman & Wackcr were closed to the public last night. The mortgagees are in possession. The lia bilities nnd assets will DC given later. This is the first failure inVilbcr for years. The standing of the firm has always been .good. The Fatal Cut * . CiiAimoN , Neb. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] A man named Jacko was killed at Pine Kidgo last night by a billiard cue in a drunken broil. Jacko was an old timer , and was at the present time keeping a hotel at Pine Ridgo. Gas. 23 , f Special to THE BEE.J Work In locating the natural gjis discovery still continues , a citizens' organ ization being formed to thoroughly develop the well. Subscriptions of stock now amount to nearly ยง 10,000. - Iiechcrous Brutes. CIIADUON , Neb. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.There ] are two men in the Da wes county Jail charged with rape. One cnmo from AVhitney , and ono from the country. This makes three cases in two weeks. _ To Have Government Weather. CIIAIO , Neb. , March 23. [ Special to THE BEE. | Craig is now a signal service station and will hereafter receive the weather indi cations daily from the government. The Crop Bulletin. WASHINGTON , March 23. The weather and crop bulletin issued by the signal service for the week ending March 23 , says that the weather has been favorable for growing crops and farm work throughout the Missis sippi vnlloy nud southern states. Recent rains in the wheat regions as far north as central Illinois , extending from Ohio to Kan sas , have doubtless improved thn condition of the wheat crop. The weather conditions in the soutliwcst , including the gulf states , have enabled fanners lu that section to al most complete planting corn. In Now England the ground is generally frozen and covered with snow. In New York and Pennsylvania the weather is generally favorable , Ho Htoppod the Quarrel , BA&TIIOP , La. , March 23 , News reached hero to-day of the murder of E. N. Hall , a prominent planter near the Arkansas line , by Robert Sawyer. Hall and Sawyer for some time have been on bad terms. Hall and a man nutncd McKlon got into a quarrel , when Sawyer came * up with a pistol , and tell ing Hall to stop quarreling , ho opened fire , killing him Instantly. During the last six years ho has killed ono man in Texas and three in Arkansas. A Duel With n Thief. CHICAGO , March 23. Police Lieutenant Bcckwith had a stroct duel tills evening with a thief named Jerry Sullivan , each man shooting a number of times at the other. Two children were struck by the living bullets nnd received Injuries that may prove fatal. Sullivan was captured after a hare struggle In which the thief's revolver was pressed against the oftlcor's abdomen , but was turned aside in the nick of time. A Safe Itur lary. New YOIIK , March 2) ) , Burglars cracked the safe of Oscar Schmidt , publisher , at 128 Rivlngton street , Tuesday night , and secured $3,100 , In bank notes nnd gold , The robbery is the work of expert cracksmen , The safe stands in full.vleiv of any one passing along the street. The knob of the safe combina tion was broken off , the spmdlo driven through anil the bolts drawn. A Rut-aiim Town Oostroyo : ! . LONDON , March 2 J. The town of Pinsk , in Kusshi , has been destroyed by flrn. Six persons were burned to death. The WnathciIndications. . For Nebraska , Invva and Dakota : Fair , followed In southern portion of Illinois by rain , slightly warmer , generally southerly winds , Apoiiit3il Heiinr to llollnm ) . Lu.N'no.V , March U3-rIt Is roported'at The Hague that Minister Hinskcrk has been ap pointed regent to Holland. At Dublin The Lord Lansdowne , from Baltimore * , At New York -Tho Celtic , from Liver pool. _ A Ijnto Injiinullon. About midnight last night the Om.ili Motor company obtained an injunction be fore Judge DO.UIU restraining the liorso rullwuy company and the cable company from occupy ing Sherman avenue , OMAHA'S ' POSTOFFICE Moro Than Probable Thnt Another Aijont Will Bo Sent , WINDOM'S DECISION WITHHELD. The Secretary Will Not Jump to ft Conclusion. THE SAME OLD COMBINATION. The Herald , World and Republican Favor the Planters. FOR THE ENGLISH MISSION * Justice Milter Talked of For thff Court of 8t , James Chancellor Mnnatt Wants to Go to Greece. Not Settled Yet , WASHINGTON Buniuu TUB OMAHA. Boo , 1 G13 FOUUTEKNTH STIIGET. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March i 23 ! , f It Ex-Senator Saunders , Congressman Con- neil and Mr. E. Rosewater called at the at 10 o'clock this treasury department morn ing by appointment with Secretary Wlnilom , to present telegrams , letters and petitions in opposition to the Rite selected by Mr , Lluton. Mr. Connell presented a petition from about ono hundred and forty property owners and leading citizens In favor of the Sixteenth and Ilarnoy street site , and another petition in favor of Thirteenth and Harnoy streets. Mr. Snunders presented letters from Judge Dundy , William A. Paxton , Dr. Qcorgo L- . Miller , Judge Doano , and telegrams from , John M. Thurston and several other promi nent citizens , in favor of the Eighteenth ana Farnam street corner. Mr. Uosowntor also presented two petitions signed by seventy business men in favor of the Eighteenth and Farnanr. street slto , together with a telegram in which the property owners of the Eighteenth nnd Farnam streets site guarantee to grade their lots to the Farnam street level without cost to the government , and assure the government that the damages by reason of the Douglas street grade would bo waived , conditional on the 41 construction of the postofllco on Eighteenth nnd Farnam streets. The secretary opened a number of telegrams in the presence of these gentlemen. Most of them were for the Eighteenth and Farnam sito. A dispatch fa voring the Planters house slto was' signed Jointlyjjy .the editors pj the Herald prld , and Republican/ secretary statcdi tha under" ordinary circumstances ho was in clined to Indorse the report of the special agent , but In view of iho representation made with regard to the difference in the cost ana the fact that the congressional dele gation was divided ho would withhold his final decision in the premises. Mr. Connell expressed his preference for the Lowo-Hoag- land site on Sixteenth and Harnoy , but the secretary intimated that In view of Llutou's report any site South of Farnam would not bo considered available. There upon Mr. Conncll stated that he would bo willing to compromise on Eighteenth and Fnrnani. Secretary Wlndom stated that Senator Mandcrson had called upon him urg ing that prompt action bo taken and request ing that the Linton selection bo approved In order to expedite the construction of the building. Senator Sounders called his at tention to the fact that the Planters bouso corner contemplated condemnation proceed ings which would take several weeks , and if anything , would delay the building very much more than a decision in favor of a stto whoso owners are offering to deed the prop erty. Ho also pointed out the fact that the Farnam site was 44x204 feet larger than the Planter's house site , owing to the fact that lots on Dodge street and Capitol avcnuo are only 120 feet deep witli no alloy , while on Farnam and Douglas the lots are 182 feet deep nnd the twenty foot alloy would bo vacated in case the government occupies the grotmd ll with its public buildings. The matter now rests with the secretary , but it is more than probable that ho will appoint a now agent to proceed to Omaha , view the ground , and make another report. Mil. JIOBBAVATI'.II INTEIlVlEMEn. Wlicn Mr. Roscwatcr's attention was called to the protests of the editors of the Republican , World and Herald , ho said : "This is no surprise to me. It is the old combine that always opposes anything which Tin : Bun advocates , no mutter how much i may bo to the public interest. It is prepos terous to talk about delay when wo know that there Is no supervising architect yet appointed * , nnd when ho is appointed It will take him weeks of time before - fore ho can view the ground and months ' bcforo ho can make plans for the bu'ilaliig. The very best that ran bo done this year is to put in the foundation , and there is no possible chance of beginning the foundation before July or August , no matter what slto is selected , I do not blame Mr. Hitchcock for being very anxious to' have Linton's report approved. Ho expects to make { 0,000 or f'30,00r , ) In the deal by sell ing one-quarter of that block to tliu govern ment. If Agent Linton had made an un biased report I should not have said oao word , because so far as 1 am personalty con cerned , the Planter house Hi to is within two und onc-hulf blocks of Tin : BEU building , und' within one block and n half of my residence. XX OI'ISX 8KCIIKT. "But It Is un open secret that months ago this location , the Planter house and Faisom property , was agreed on In this city , and X wus iid > isul by parties on 'the luslilo- that this would bu Mr. Linton's choice. TUN' HAtS 1IUFOUC Linton had reported to Mio dcpaitment , telegraphed ( loveinor Snunders and Mr , ' Council from Omaha that the FoUoui lota had been solcpted , Mr , Linton says ho did1 not mor.tlon it to a soul until his report was delivered to the secretary. How did I know * what ho was going to report ten dayu buforef1 1 nm not a prophet nor the sou of one , but' yet I told people in Omaha the day Mr. Llu ton started uwuv what hU report | wonM be. ' It watt u put up job from the bet-inning , uud the cry about delay JH simply mailo by