" * 2 THJD OMAHA DAILY BEE * SATURDAY. > HAROH 23. 1889. PULLED THE WIDOW'S ' HAIR Tbus Did the Irnto Wlfo Wh ( Nlppod Lovo'a Droam. -FULL OF WRATH AND WHISKY A Combination AVlilcli Spoiled " \VIin Gnvo Kvcry I'romlHO of Dovclp- Illcht Speedily Into a Honeymoon. A Profltlcnq Divorce. ) , Nob. , Mrtrch 23. [ Spocml to Tn Br.n , ] For seine tirao past the tolcgropl operator nt the Fremont , Elkhora & Mia Bourl Valley railroad depot hna boon paylni attention to a young "grass" widow namoi Orecn. Kvorythlng vras moving aloni smootlily and rumors wjro rlfo ns to thcl npproachlng marriage. 1'roparntlons wcr In progress for the expected event , The Ion widow only last week secured n divorce fror licr absent husband. Martin L , Green , i : contemplation , It Is said , ot the coming dnj Hut Into last ovcnmg tlioro appeared upoi the scene n woman and live smitll chlldrci Booking an absent husband nnd luthor. The , wended their way to the domlcll ol Mrs Or ecu nnd made known the fact that tli pay young man was none othc than the ono who was th object ot tholr search , nnd nssortc their relationship. The woman who last ni pcnrcd had been drinking to excess , am nftcr making known her crrnnd began n once n fusilndo upon the windows nnd fttrnl turc nnd procccdoa to break up housokcorj Iff- ing , and rondo an nssnult upon the hair c Mrs. Green , for which she was arrested thi morning and lodged in Jail. Owing to ho continued debauch , she was unnblo to appca In court for trial. One of her sons , whg nc companicd her , states that Mulligan is hi father , and Unit his name is net Mulllgaii but Smith , and that they are from Counc : HlutTs. As a ncquol to the above , Mrs , Smith n < tempted to iiro ho Jail nt noon to-ilay b thrusting n broom Into lira stove nud nppl ) ing it to the bod. An alarm ot fire was give nnd but little damage was done , the tire be V * > ing quickly extinguished. Mrs. Smith wa removed to nn empty iron cage nnd locked u [ It Wnn n Suicide. ALIIIOK , Neb. , March 2.J. fSpecial to Tn : BEE. ] The Xnneral of Dr. George E. Browi took place at n Into hour yesterday. Thor have been no developments of any kind ii regard to the cause of his duath. At on tirao lie stood very high ns n physician. Hi practided several years In York nnd So ward Ho was married twice , nnd was divorce from both of his wives. Ho nhvnys said tha domestic trouble made him drink. On Sat uriluy afternoon , March 10 , ho got nn ounc anil a halt of chloroform ut Lildcll's dru Store , nnd wont to his room nnd took nearl the entire dose , then built n hot lire nn locked up his room. When found nbout o'clock ho wns lying on his face on the be dead. Medical skill was summoned in ilv minutes after ho was found and a thoroug test was mndo , but no signs of life could b found. Ho wus born nt Lansing , Mich. , nn graduated at the Homeopathic Medical college lego of Cincinnati. Ho was thlrty-cigh years old , uud leaves ono child , a little girl who is now with his sister at Lansing , Midi Ho left no property. Advices from York state that Mrs. Quig ley , mother of Mrs. Drown , a former wife ol the doctor , says that several times while hui dauithter was living with him ho attomptci to end his existence. Ho had been for-i time trying to induce his divorced wife to re marry , had sent numberless letters and tele grams , but all to no purpose , nnd despond ency over his ill success , Mrs. Quigley as cnbcs ns the cause of his last action. Must Io Tried Again. O'NuiLi , , Nob. , March 20. [ Special to Tin Bne.l In July , 188T , a dunce was hold noai the southeast corner ot the county , whiel ended In a bloody fight in which two met nnd ono boy were seriously injured. Th boyi Joseph , Sbmidt , fifteen years of age was' stabbed in the lungs , receiving \voun < about three inches long and deep enough t penetrate the lungs. The case of the Stnt of Nebraska vs John Vnndersnick , charge * with stubbing the boy Shmldt , ended yesterday torday in n disagreement of the Jury. Th fight occurred Into at night , by moonlight nnd there was no witnesses near enough t Bee what transpired except such as took par in the light , Muy Shmldt , a young lady sis tcr to-Joseph , in attempting to shield he : brother , ivas also cut on the wrist. Her ovl donee against the defendant was quite con vincing of his guilt , but she coula not s.i , that she saw htm stab her brother. The ecu cral feeling is that two of the Shmldts nni two of the Vandersmicks ought to be sen together over the road. Thu case will hav to be tried again. Death From Hydrophobia. PIATTSSIOUTH , Nob. , March 22. [ Spools Telegram to Tim BBE. ] This community has been greatly shocked by the death o LHUoOronsol from hydrophobia. Miss Lit Ho was a bright girl of twelve , nnd thi daughter of H. S. Gronsel , master merchant of the B. & M. shops. It is stated tha about a year ago Lilllo was bitten by a littl dog which subsequently sickened nnd died 13' The blto at the time was not considered scr lous nud no further attention was paid to II 13'V Last Monday she was attacked with ncrv ousncss which was considered the result o V over study. Yosterdny she grew worse , tin disorder developing all the symptoms of hyd rophobln. She could uartnko of solid foodbut although suffering intensely from thirst , n the Blcht of water she wns thrown Into cor ' vtilslons from which slio finally succumbd ] The phjsiclans all concurred in the dluguosl E of the case , Tlio Q. A. U. Council. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 23. | Special Tele lirnm to Tun Bun. ] The council of ndminis trillion of the G. A. * U. met in session to night in this city. Tnero was a full attcnt nnco of the council.Present:1 L. D. Ilicl ardson , Fremont ; Brad P. Cook , Lincoln ; K M. Shaw , Talmago ; B. F. Smith , Junlat : and J , Jouson , Geneva. The following oft : ccrs of the order were also present : P. / Oatchcll , assistant adjutant general , Lu : coin ; O. L. Ho well , assistant quartermastc lug oulcor , Schuylcr. An Old Soldlm-'H I > oatli. COWJMUUS , Nob. , March ! & { Soclal | Tele gram to TUB Knu.J Mayor North issued proclamation to-day requesting nil bustnos bouses to bo closed from 2 until 4 o'clock th afternoon in respect to tlio memory of Jolt Richly , ono of the original founders of Hi city of Columbus , whosa death was ruei tloncd In Tim Uuu of the 'Jlst. Business was suspended , as directed by tl mayor , the city couuc'l attending the fiuien inn body. Muny old friends trom ubron vrcro present. Five daughters iind five soin U grown , are left , nil hut one being prcscn fc\ Palrlmry vtf. 'J'ranins. FAtiinuuv , Neb. , Murch 22. [ Special Teli gram to TUB BEJJ. ] To-night at 9 o'cloc ! oven tramps who have been making tli lives of Folrbury clti/ons miserable , wer taken from the city basilic nnd given tci-rib Jjorso whippings by the enraged public at : vcra told to KO. Every lash brought bloc ou the back * of the uufurtunutcs. Last uigl throb of them assaulted P. II. Hanchutt. promlncut citizen , but bcuccforth they wi give Fulroury u wide berth , Konrnciy'it Guests. ICKinSET , Neb. , aiorch ) . [ Spachl Tel gram to THE Buu.l TUo chamber of con Bicrco to-night banquottod the Cotip.ectlei excursion party of capitalists und manufac Vrcravho wo Kearney's guests. Sever epioy addresses wore made by the eastei KCQtleiueu in which they expressed their u miration of the city und its possibility of &oc becoming a great trade center for thu we : Crury amiVantn to Die. GitEiatr CtNiKit , Neb. , March S3.- ISpeclal Telegram to TUB BBS. ] Joli D'Bricu became lUddenly cru y yestcrd : nnd nt 1:30 : this mon.lng attorn plod sulcldi by cutting his throat Ho uc6oodod In getting ting n revolver this morning nnd was abou to try ngntrt when ho was relieved of th weapon. The ntithorltlcs hnvo been notlilci nnd will tnko him in charge at onco. A Pnuullar Sequel. LouisriLLC , Nob. , Marcli 23. [ Spccln Telegram to TUB Bnn. ] A sequel to th Bnngmnn-Johnson elopement scandal wa the marriage last night of Will Short to Mis Lucy Johnson. Short was the desertoi ewnln to whom Lucy was engaged when sh clopod with Urlngmnn , n married man. A New Pnpbr. ICr-Aimsr , Nob. , March 23. | Special Tele gram to Tan BEB. | The Kearney Enlci prlso , n now morning dally paper , using botl Associated nnd United press dispatches , wll make Its npponrnnco to-morrow morning. I is edited by William E. Smythe , formerly o Boston. ] _ Imperial's Court JIoiiso. GiUXT , Nob. , March 23. fSpoolal Tclo gram to Tnn Bnn. ] Lumber for the court bouse nt Imperial , Grant county , has nr rlrcd. Tlio building will cost $0.000 and wa donated to the county by the Lincoln lane company for locating tbo county scat at Im porlal. The Campaign Opens. CoMUtnus , Nob. , March S3. [ Special Tele gram to THE Hr.i ! . ] Hon. George .Scott , tin temperance orator , opened up the cnmpalgi this ovenlnfc in tntr-patrlck s hall In favor o the prohlbltloln amendment. The hall wa well lllled. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IOWA N13W3. Oppose Kmory'8 Appointment. Sioux CITT , la , March 23. [ Special Telegram gram to Tnr. Bnn. ] A protest hna boor forwarded to Washington ugalnst the ap polntment ot Colouol E. A. Emory , of L- Mars , ns Internal revenue collector of thi northern Iowa district. Two weeks ngo thi Iowa congressional delegation , lu Ulstribut ing the principal federal oHlccs of the state agreed in indorsing Colonel .Emory for thi collcctorship , the ofllco of United States dis trict nttornov going to Fort Dodeo nnd tha ot marshal to northeastern Iowa. It trans pi res that opposition to Colonel Emory ha developed In his own town nnd n mooting o : prominent republicans was beid. Micro to pro test against his appointment. This mcetlm sent to Senator Allison nnd to Prcsidcn' ' Harrison charges that Colonel Emory , win was postmaster at Lo Mara for eight years was found to bo a defaulter to1 the govern men t to the amount of $1,000 ; that n full re port of the case WAS made by a postofllco inspector specter ; that be was removed for this cause und that nil these matters are of oflleia record in the postofflco department. Coplci of the record were also forwarded to Wnsh ington. A Lima Kiln Ku-o. M VQUOKLTA , March 3J. | Spcclnl Tolegnni to TUB BEE. ] Fire was discovered near mid night in the cooper shops nt F. 1C. Nicker son's llmu kiln , ono and a half miles west oi town. Nothing could bo done but savi the other buildings around the kilns. Thi greatest damage done was to the cooporiiRC stock , which will aggregate S",000. ns n large amount had Just been received for the spring trade. The entire loss is 3,000 , on whicb there was no insurance. A $50O Reward. DEsMoixcs , In. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BUB. ] Governor Larrabeo haa offered u reward ot $31)0 for the arrest and delivery to the proper authorities of the per sons who committed the crime of arson upon two buildings belonging to J. H. Powers , near Now Hampton , March 9 , Mr. Powers is the man who bad been active in the enforcement forcoment prohibition , nnd was singlet ] out for vengeance , having been warned tc desist. Burned to ticnth. Sioux CITT , la. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE.I A little girl named Ma bol Tenant , daughter of a farmer living ter miles from Pomoroy , la. , was burned tx death to-day. She was trying to set flro tc grass near the bouse. When found hei clothing was burned from the body , whiel was literally roasted. A Ball Juniper Arrested. MASON CITV , la. , March 2.3. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BEE. ] GeorgO W. Craig , t prominent druggist ot Eagle Grove , who jumped a $10,000 ball recently , was arrested in this city yesterday as he was about to take a train , and ho is now in the custody of the Wright county sheriff. Conflict Injj CI n lino. Cucrnxsc , Wyo. , March33. ( SpecialTel egram to Tills BUB. ] There Is serious trou ble in Crook county , Wyoming , betwccu ol land and claim Jumpers. No survey hat been made of the mineral oil lauds in thi Jenny's stockade district , nnd consequently the lands are subject to pre-emption nni other entries. In spite of this largo section ! have been taken up under the mineral laws nud the assessments completed ns rcquircc by the mineral laws. Now the claim Jump crs are coming In und finding that the rogloi lias never been set aside us mineral district are tiling on tbo same land under the acrl cultural rights nnd In defiance of the claim : of their predecessors , . A test case has lieci taken to the Buffalo land ofllco to settle tlu controversy , nnd until it is decided but littji developcuient ol the oil Held will bo made. The Chicago socialist Ticket. CHICAGO. March 22. As a result of thi split in the labor party since tbo docltnatioi of Gross and Kend to accept nominations fo : mayor und treasurer , respectively , the so cialislic party to-night nominated a munlci pal ticket , headed by ' 'Professor" Charles O Uichurdson for mayor. StroiiK-Koclcefcller. NEW YOIIK , Murch 23. The marriage o Miss Elizabeth llnckofellcr , eldest daughtoi ot John D. Rockefeller , of the Standard Oi company , to Charles A. Strong , son of Uov Dr. Strong , of Rochester , N. Y. , toolc plna this evening ut the residence of the brlde'i parents. _ "fiwoctllnmo. " "Thoro is no pliico like homo , " rum the old song' , and wo Itnow how true itia The impressions inudo in the home nro lusting. A mother's words novoi pass from the mind. A fnthor'a counso remains fresh so lonpr as life Insta. The last benediction of parental love ant Bolicituao with what toimeitv it cllngi to the memory wlion almost all else hui gone. How important , therefore , that tin homo ho. maintained intact as long ai possible u haven of loving counsel"o pcaco und joy to the growing children How ead when death invades , when tin ( ire gees out on the hourtlistouo and tlu faintly is Bcattored. What the childrer loso-by the death of a parent only thos < ruulizu who huvo growu up without tha love and advice which a parent only eai bestow. There are tens of thousands of paronti to-day in agony of mind through fear o dentil from Icidnoy dlBcuso , who do no know they uro iloctpring only symptom ! feueli B wnkolulnoss , nervousness , i splendid foolinu ono day and un all gone ono another , dropsy , weak hear : action , pneumonia , neuralgia , fickle apnoiito , etc. , while the real trouble ii poibonoil blood caused by diseased kid noys. Unless puritlo'l by Warner's Safe ( Jura they will just as guroly die , ai though poisoned with arsenic. Doctors publicly admit that they can not euro advanced kidney disease-thoj ; are too bigoted to use Warner's Suf ( Cure because it is an advertised rein ody ; consequently , unless you use youi own good judRinont , secure and use Warner's Safe Cure , a specific , wlilcl has proved itself in tons ol tuousandi of casoa to bo oil it-la represented , youi home , through your death , will hi broken upund your loved ones doprivet of that which money cannot purchase or friends supply. * "i * * * ITVAH A TIIBAT. Xlto "Mchtlnjtnlo ofNetrvvny" Troves Her KlRlit to the Title. Mndcmolacllo Anna Smith , nsMsted b : local musical talent , entertained nn audience of over ono thousand persons at Wnshlngtor halt last night. Thnt Mademoiselle Smith Is nn nrtlstt of extraordinary merit U beyond dls puto. Her voice , In purity o ! tone , flexibility and training , is sucl ns to cntitlo her to the title ot prlma donna taken In Us highest significance. In qualltj of tone and cultivation there Is but little lacking in her magnificent soprano to make her second to Pattl nlonc. Lust 'night she several times took high V and hold it , untl the note rovcrbeatctl through the room thrilling the nudionco. In her trills , rune nnd staccatos , she especially ovidpncod the marvellous power of the voloq. In her flrsl number , and nlr and vnriallons from Prodi , she had nn excellent opportunity to display her power , and she accepted the opportunity The selection wns ' n diulcult ono , utrnngcil not so much for melody ns to permit of nr exhibition of tholloxlDiiity of the voice. Ir rendering it the singer's powers wcro tnxcti to the utmost , but she was equal to the bmor- goncy. As nn encore to this selection she sang "Tho Nightingale , " which gave hei oven n bettor opportunity to display tbo flexIble Iblo power of her voice. Her second number upon the p/ogramme wns "Du Ilossiguol , " by MnssI , whicl abounded in staccatos and trills. As nn en core to this she sang with great swootnes ! n Swedish song entitled , "At Fourteot Years , " which was received with thunder oun npplnuBc. Her last number was n polo nnlso from "MlKnon. " In nil her sclcctioni Mdllc. Smith was given the greatest oppor tuntty to display her talent , and m ul she nequlttcd herself excellently welL Tlu audiencewns composed of oeoplo of al classes ; people cultured In music nnd othcn not so fortunate , but us. the most uncoutl rustle can enjoy the melody of birds , sc could everyone nt Washington ball last nighl enjoy the marvelous sweetness of this "Nor wegmn Nightingale. " As for tbo other numbers of the programme the Danish Sinking society sang a Nor wonlan air very acceptably , the concert being very bcflttingly opened by this "num ber. Mr. John ICinzio and Mr. E. D. Arnold snng "The Moon Has Raised Her Lamp,11 by Bcnedlc , so well ns to merit the upplauso they received. A.cavatlnn , bj Haff , was pleasingly rendered on Iho violin by Mr. A. E. Merrls. Mr. Jules tombart3 sang Ricci's "PirntoKlng"Bplcndldlyrecolv- Ing nn encore , to which bo responded with "I Pear No Foe in Shining Armor. " "Mr. Lombard has n pure bass of excellent quality and well trained. His cncoro selec tion was unrticularly well Rune , the old song being none the loss enjoyed by the audience oanccountof its nntlquity. Mr. Jules Fost- ner played a pretty little melody entitled "Dream Pictures" with great expres sion upon the guitar. Ho ro- colved nn encore nnd responded with n cradle song nnd "Swanco Ilivor. " Madame Massy Howard sang a serenndo from Brcga very well. She wns followed by Lieutenant John Kinzlo in n tenor solo by FJotow , entitled ' 'I.lkon Dream. " In ro eponso to an encore , Mr. lOnziosanga Scotch ballad. There will bo another concert given this evening , the participants being the same a ; last night. _ ' ' STABBED BY A-TIUJG. The Unpleasant Experience or n Night Hotel Clerk. Charles Johnson , a clerk at the Emmet house , on South Eleventh street , wus stabbed at 1 o'clock this morning by a tough hotel sneak thief. The follow wont into the house at about midnight and registered. 'Ho ' gave his name ns Tracoy. Shortly nfter being assigned a room ho took oft his shoes nnd commenced to plunder other apartments , Some ono heard him and informed the clerk , who confronted the sneak thici while ho was gain ? through the pockets of 11 vest nnd n pair of pants. Ho got nothing , nnd when they got down into the ofllco the clerk asked ono of the boarders to RO after n policeman. While the boarder Was absent Truccy plunged a knife into Johnson's loft nrm. The wound is not sprious , but the bludo of the knife inflicted quite , u dcop gash m.tho muscle of the arm. ) y'li& , thi fioscnped nnd the police were given a "description ; of htm. ; Ho is quite tail , wears a light mous tache. black coat and a Scotch cap. Herccant Johnson Shot. Burglars entered a house near Stcvonson'e barn last night. The inmates becoming alarmed sent for the police. Sergeant John son responded. In making * nn examination ho approached the premises , from * , , the rear , nnd the proprietor- taking him for a burglar opened flro , shooting the oulcor through the forearm and making an ugly wound. Tho'mlstako was quickly dis covered and tbo injured man taken to the sta tion and given proper care. Later More shots wore heard In'the vicin ity nnd men wcro sent to Investigate the A Little Plrc. ' - A small flro at tbo corner of Twelfth and Pierce streets called the department out lost night nt 10 o'clock. It-was only some'straw in a small frame building , nod 'was soon ex tinguished without any serious damage. Personal rnranrnphs. Charles Chappcll. of Dccatur , Is in the city. _ Forlstrengthonlng and clearing the voice , use "Brown's Bronchial Troches. " " 1 have commended them to friends whc were public spenkers. nnd they hnvo proved extremely serviceable. " "Rev. Henry Vnrd Beecher. _ The Atlantic City Floods. ATLANTIC CITT , N. J : , March 23. The storm hero is abating and the water reced ing. The storm centre to-day was Brlgan- tine and Peter's beach , the latter place being the cause of much anxiety among the inhabi tants , who watched all day. The Peter's ' beach bouse , about three miles away , U standing Isolated out In the ocean without any laud visible around it. Charles Smith , the proprietor , ana his wife , hqve bouts ready in which to escape In case a coljap&o ol their homo takes place. The foundatloiu were partly washed away yesterday. A few people at Bngantlno have boon living almost entirely In boats since the storm began , thcli homes being submerged. JMoro Nominations Komly. \VASIIINQTO.V. March 23. When the sen ate meets to-morrow a lurgo batch of nomi nations will probably bo received from the president , The announcement of the death of Justice Matthews brought- about an ad journment of the senate to-day , while Ex ecutive Secretary Prudcn was standing nl tbo door waiting to bo recognized. He liai ! with him an envelope , the balk of which in dicated a largo number of nominations. Among them , according to general report , was that of Corporal Tanner , of Brooklyn , tc bo commissioner of pension * . A Shortage of $ O5OOO. PIIILADIIM'IIIA , March S3. A shortage In the accounts of Robert Craven , se fcCarynnd treasurer of tao Philadelphia , Wilmington & Baltimore railroad company , amounting to about JO.'i.'DOO , Ims been . discovered. It watt said to-duy that Craved would make an effort to raise the money to'muke goo4 the lossanc that if ho could aucocod be would escape prosecution' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HreaniHliip Arrivals. At QueciiBtown The Adriatic , from Now York At Now York The England , from Liver pool. and tbo Saulc. from Bremen ; ( ho t'aic of Nevada , from Glasgow , At Philadelphia Tiio Norivejrian , frotr Glasgow ; the Illinois , from Liverpool , 'and thu Minnesota , from London. Xbe Governor Gets Teiuler. TorEKi , Kan. , March ItJ. f Special Tele gram to I'm : BEK.I Governor Humphrey to- tiuy issued a pardon to Jntnes C. Pusoy , wua embezzled $0,003 while clerk of tbo peni tentiary. Ho ivas at one time a prominent. politician. The corernor also pardonec Charle * ICnox , who wiu oentencod tq tlltceu years imprisonment for murder. The IJeutti Itccior-d , ST. PBfBKSDimo , March SJ. Count Potft Scttpuvaloff b dead. SOUTH OITM'S ' POLITICS Several Candidates in the Flold and Others Roady. LAST NIQIHT'S NOMINATIONS ThcAlelcrinniiitillcprCBcntatlori'Coinc llurrlcilly Bijpfc. From Legislative Duties Oilier Now * of the jHinglo City. The l''lrst ° JYnrtt ( Indopomtnnta. The First ward mass meeting In the Nn tionnl hall last night was organized by elect ing P. A. Barrett chairman -and Bornnn Foyboll secretary. Chnlmmn Barrrtt stntci the object of ho meeting In n few plain vigorous sentences. Joseph W. Edtferton wns called on am made n forcible1 address , stating the needs o the city legislator , nnd closed by nomlnntini John F. Rltchart. John C. a Cnrroli , Frnnl Plvonkn , Daniel llnrmon nnd Thomas Rocl wcro nominated. Mr. Duud moved that ne candidate shall bo , the nominee of this convention vontion unless ho rcecivo a majority of al votes cast. After being amended out of rccognltiou the amendments-were tabled nnd then tin motion wns lost. Captain J. E. Hart asked whether citlzcm of other wards might participate } n the pro ccodlngs. The names of Thomas Rocks am Daniel Harmon Were withdrawn before i ballot wa * taken. Jolin C. Carroll received seventy-nine votes nnd John F. RttchnrJ , fifty. Mr. Car roll wns declared the nominee , Jntncs II. Van Dusen , by consent , nomi nnted A. J. Ooughey for n candidate fo ; school illreetor. This brought In a gcnorn discussion resulting the withdrawal of tin motion nnd n motion to adjourn was carriot with the understanding that a general cltl zcns mooting could bo held afterwards. Such a meeting was organized by electing Z. P. Hedges , chairman , and Samuel Brig hum , secretary. A. J. Caughoy , stock edltoi of the Drovers' Journal , was named foi school director mill Sauiuel.P. Brigham. fo : police Judge. Adjourned. O'Brlnn's Kxplnnntlon. The following pointed complaint , signet by Mrs. M. A. Snider , nas been handed li with a request to have it published m Tin Bun : "Jamc * O'Brien , a candidate for the Soutt Omaha postofllce , a Janitor at the Third wart school house , kept the school house locket against the Union Sunday school. When tlu president of the school board sent writtoi orders to unlock ho refused to come out o his own houso. Ho gives no reason why The Sunday school did not organize. " THE Bnn representative saw Mr. O'Brlcr nbout the matter and his state mcnt is as follows : On being asked foi permission to use the school-house for thi meeting of the Sunday school , ho told tin applicants to get'n written order nnd hi would open the school-house. Sunday las ( St , Patrick's day ) the hour of mass wa ! changed to allow persons to attend mass nni then go to Omaha to attend the celebration \Vhilo ho was nt mass the order wai taken to his house to have the school house opened. .Mrs. O'Brien had Just beet called out to see iiuxsick neighbor , and thi children present dW jiot know that the koyi wore hanging on a.hpok In the kitchen. PresIdent Ident Person on being seen gives the snmi explanation that Mr. O'Brien did , nnd onlj ndds that ho had promised to see Mr. O'Brler nnd order him to pficsn the school house , bui having neglected ituwrotc the order whet requested. _ _ ainrried , By Rev. Daniol' IWgors nt his residence , South Omaha , on tjicr 21st inst , Mr. Jame ; Stewart and Mrs , ( Eunice A. Crew , both ol Omaha. nt if Notes 'V otit the City. C. W. Miller is sTeft with mumps. \V. S. Kinghasrftolurned from Sidney. Howard Meyers is suffering with mumps G. /FcrguspiT 'has returned from hi : hunt up near Sionx Ciy } , la. ' ' ' Mrs. Leo TruVtl and Mrs. E. L. Herral have returned from'Clurinda , la. Davis Anderson has gene to Columbus tc attend the funeral of Colonel John Richlcy Mrs. Charles Hines , who has been , so 11 with facial orysipolia , was worse last night Ed Corrigan and Jos. II. Flemmlng arc tlu two latest candidates for member of thi school board. William Brcnnan , one of the popular men at Swift & Co.'s packing house , left ycster day for Chicago. George Still , for stealing jewelry from J F. Roushar. was lined S3 and costs by Judgt Reuther , Friday morning. Mrs. N. C. Holler , with her daughter , Mis : Ellen Roller , of Linco'.n , is visiting her sou Dr. W. E. Roller , Hunt's block. Branch No. 2 , C. M. B. A. , at Its meetlnf last night , decided to hold a grand ball am reception in Hunt's hall , Monday evening April 1. Improvements arc being made in the Jail Now iron bars on the cells , a partition und i coat of whitewash , inuko the room quilt ) pre seutable. W. C. Wood'ticket ngcnt of the Union Pacific railroad .company , has rented thi James Bagloy house on Twenty-fourth anil J streets. Fred M. Smith 'is suffering from throa troubles , and yesterday bad his trouble ; doubled by having his right foot tramped ot by a horse. C Daniel Condon , the grading contractor , ha1 commenced bis-work in Syndicate Park. The work to bo done on the park this season will amount to many thousand dollars. O. E. Shannon , the future South Omahi representative of the Omaha Herald , was it the city last uiglit and reported the Firs ward indepcndcnt'political meeting. Thomas Sweeney , one of the loading Thlrc ward couni'Umanlu candidates has with drawn from the race und has pledged hi : support to Councilman John N. Burke. An entertainment , consisting of inusica and literary productions and a lunch , hui been announced to bo given in the lecture rpom of the Methodist Holscopal church , Tuesday evening , April 2 , A. W. Saxo , the slaughterer of wild gatm returned from Clarks witn the unlucky number bor of thirteen wild dudes. Unlucky , be cause each cost ted much , The other mem hers of the party will return Saturday. N. W. Snydcr , representing tbo commis sion house of Van Horn & Co. , Sioux Cltyli Inspecting the yards and packing houst plants und like all other visitors is surprised at the growth and prospects of the Muglo City , > t , The Presbyterian'social , at Mr , and Mrs , Robert' ! ' . Muxwclig.f ; vas ono of tbo best served and most enjtJ'nbla nodal * held in the city this winter. ) iYocul and Instrumen tal music and excellent refreshments made all there more ttmirrieat ] > ed. Messrs. John J , Gertfaan , * D. F. Baylcss , John H. Johnson , William A. Anderson nnd other members of South Omaha lodge. No 148 , I , O. O. F.wont to Omaha Fridav night to meet with Omaha ledge No , 2 , I. O , O. F. , in a fraternal love feast. A committee consisting of John J , Gor man , John Ho well ; mid. . Daniel Hourlghar were appointed ut th6' ' Pacific hotel iude pqndeut meeting to asqfrtalii-wbetuer or not the Third ward primaries will bo held In the old school bouBu , or'Jf not there , where. Mrs. M. J. Cooleygf , iBallna. Kansas , who has boon visiting hcjrtpArentfi Mr , und Mrs O. B. Bubbi , for tli episl tlvo mouths , atii who has been very nick for some weeks past , has Bufllcicnlly recovered to undertake i journey and yesterday left for her home. The seething political caldron wnrmeth up and the announcement of ex-City Knglnoci E , B. Towl nnd Contractor Thomas Douahui as candidates from the Firtt ward compll rates and intensilios matters. Both ur ( strong und good men ; the fur t sure to fly The mysterious arrival lute Thursday night of John F. McMillan from Lincoln and the late meeting , lasting until after mid nlpht , gives rise to various rumors und fcas pinions. Some flay- that Mr. McMillan , vvh ( Is president of thu city council , was bastilj summoned here in tne absence of Moyoi Sloan , with the object of taking active step ! to have the census tukeu aid ) arrange ai once to put the city under the new South Oinuha charter law. Others say that Mr. McMillan was only called homo oil account of Becond word politic * . At least thU meet ing caused considerable nervousnessainougj cltj ofllclals and local ix > liUcluu . T1II3 BIOTOIjR IIAOB. It Drnwa the Usanl Crowd Kutlmse tiio Reporter * Into 1'ootry. As early as the starting hour last night duplicate of the previous evening's gran crowd was ouTinnd nnd ongor to see the fal bykors sent oft on the flfth day's session ei their great wheel chase , Their hnpatlcnco was speedily dispelled b , the appearance of the dauntless riders o the mark , and at the customary signal awn they went spinning upon tholr dizzy pllgrlir ngo , nil gave poor Araalndo , who was t < much Indisposed to start. Of course Beauty Baldwin received ho usual bunch of rosca at the very beginning and acknowledged the token by turning oft lap or two nt her briskest paco. If the llttl lady was In the load the ovation that wout bo tendered her would lift the roof. Bu there is no use of thoughts I this direction , for Miss Williams I ono Of the most phenomenal fcmal ridora In the world. Nothing Bccma capabl of checking her vim nnd How of spirits , am she dashed off at her characteristic whirl wltiil gait nnd traversed fourteen miles i the flrst hour. Miss Oakes , by the wa > , 1 at hist riding In splendid form , and for enc < the speedy Omahan was unable to leave hoi The effort , however , brought flush to her chocks. She chase the doughty local . rcprcsentativ round nnd round the track , and held up t her fairly well for the first hour. Early litho the evening she , too , was the recipient of i lovely bouquet. Misses Woods , Lowls and Brown , doipit < the fact that their powers of endurance liuvi been wofully taxed for the past few evenings ings , rode with all the vim and iiclcrmlna tion of the inaugural night. Their grl seems cxhaustlcss and irrepressible , nnd thi greatest regret of the spectators la that al can not win. The interest the people of Omaha are manlfcsting-in this spirited contest is some thing fairly incredible. The" attendance em bracinir nil classes of people , from the ollto to the plebeian , has been simply tro mendous. Nothing of the kind was ovei witnessed hero before , nnd it will probnblj bo many a long day ere these scones are ro pcatcd. Men yell themselves hoarse , while the ladies clap their hands nnd wave their kerchiefs , and not Infrequently ndd tholi sweet voices to all the rcsoundlne din. Lasi night so numerous , and so mammoth It dimensions , wore the floral offerings frotr the admiring spectators , that for awhile 11 looked as if the building was to bo mcta morphoscd into a full-blown conservatory Thu reporters' table at ono timo'was a vcri mass of odor-Urcathing blossoms. Most o : the ladies , too , have received tender mis sives from smltton lambs of the masculltu gender , nnd Miss Woods was actually pre sentcd with r.n exquisite gold watch will diamond studdlnps' Consult the dudes of tender years , That cluster in a park , , The grandpapa who feebly leers At the fairies on the track , And they will say no earthly sights Compare with winsome maids in tights. That the graceful wheelers are gradually showing signs of distress there is but lltth douot. This Is not to bo wondered at ai the task they hnvo had on hand has been a mosi arduous one. At the expiration of the flrsl hour there was more than one pair of cheeks that Klowod nnd burned "with an unnatural ness , which quickly changed to pallidness Miss Woods was finally compelled to dls mount , and ns she was really painfully ill , the onlv wonder was that she didn't remain - main off altogether. The words "give up , ' however , worc-left out of her bright lexicon and af tor a ton minutos1 breathing spell sh < was back again and rushing uround th < track like the little thoroughbred she is. The ono serious drawback at the Coliseuir is that the thousands of cigars , both im ported nnd vile , that are vigorously pulled al by thoughtless men , soon fill even this vast structure with smoke , making it both hard uxm | the lady riders , and the tender portion of the audience. The management , however religiously prohibit any indulgence in tlu wood among the reserve seats , nbout tlu only place the stifling fog is escaped. Here after an effort will bo inado to suppress thi practice throughout the entire building. At fifteen minutes after 0 Miss Oakes re ceived her fourth masrnificont boouct. She .bowed her pretty head , smiled sweetly , and 'speeding to the front led thoYace for a lapoi ktwo amidst the vociferous plaudits of th < multitude. Miss Williams reeled off her two hutuirett milo nt 9:23. : in just 13 hours , 49 minutes ant 15 seconds , and as the people cheered she flashed ahead like a meteor , and In spite 01 Woqds' strenuous efforts to prevent her , sbc never slackened her pace until she addcc another lap to her surplus. "Little Bald\yin" That's what everybodj calls her took it in her pretty head , about this tiuic.'to do'a little riding on nor own account. Bending jauntily over her wheel she gav < such'un cxhitlon of swift ana graceful riding as no other lady in the nice is capable of And she kept it up until it carried her wlthii four lapi of Mies Woods , and in close proxim ity to third place. Fifteen minutes lutoi Miss Woods left the track u second time , and Baldwin wheeled ahead of her. Armaindo could not withstand the ex eitoment of the merry whirl , and nt flftcer minutes of lOsho emerged from tbo dress ing room , mounted her machine and joined the circling procession , cutting out u pace that recalled her palmiest days. After surveying the enormous audience for n few moments lost night and there were certainly 0,500 people In the building Manager Kelt remarked to THE BIK reportet that this is without doubt the greatest bicycle race that was over hold In this 01 any other country. To-night the admission as is the custom on Saturday nights , will be oO cents. Miss Woods was taken violently sick at 1C o'clock , and was taken homo in a carriage Tills was greatly regretted by everybody , as she had made n most heroic race under the most trying circumstances. The llunl tilt between Mies Williams ant Beauty Baldwin was ono of the most thrill ing nud exciting scenes of the week's racing. And notwithstanding all of Williams' ' vaunted powersshe couldn't gain at all upon the popular little Now YorKor. ' 1 he score now stands : Miles. Laps , Williams . 210 4 Lewis . - . aia 4 Baldwin . 207 ( Woods , . . . 11)8 ) ! Oakcs . 205 ( Brown . - . . 200 t Armaindo . us ( "What it To the man or woman who 1ms novoi boon ill , the word "health" is meaning- loss. But to the ono who has sulTorcd and tl Hiiircd ) , health appears us u pi-ice lose boon. To the thotibandsof unfortu nate woman who uro Buffering from some of the ninny f ovine of wcakncssou 01 irroRuluritioa Ticuuliar to thoii4 BOX , Dr , Pierco'a Favorite Proscription holdt forth the promibp of a speedy restora tion of thib "priceloBs boon. " Hanta KO CHICAGO , March ' . C. A. Parker , of Chicago cage , wus to-day made general freight ugenl of the Chicago , Topeka & Santa Fe road with headquarter * at Topeka , lu place of S B. Hynes. who is made general freight agent of thu California Southern rood , ono of tlu most important Hues in iho Simla Fu syn tern , _ HumlrcdH Dytnc of Hunger. LOXIXKV , March S3 , Tuo Standard's Shanghai correspondent say : The nuuibci of deaths caused by the famine In Shantutif in appalliug , Muny of the inhabitants arc committing suicide through despondency there being etlll three months to vvult for the harvests. SICK HEADACHE ' 1'ositirelr cured by hre J.Mtlo IMlls. CARTER'S Tliejr also rellero Dis tress frtra Dynpeptla , In- ITTLE dlgcbtlon and Too Heart ) IYER Bating , A perfect rein- PIUS. Had Taste In tha Ifoulb , Cheated Tongue. I'uln In tUe Side , TOWID UVJUL regulate Uiu llowcb. Purely Vegetable. SDAU.PIU , SMALL MSB SlULtfllCE. Were .Mlm \ enough to heed this advice In season , a world ot snlTcrlnp would bo avoided. If you under from impure Mood , scrofula , dyspepsia , billousuess , headache , take Hood's Sarsaparilla Fold bj-all itrnRftiti. { UislxforfU. Prepared only pl | tlxforfl. Prepared only bjr 0,1. HOOD A CO. , Apothcc tlciI wcll , Mast. t > 7 C. I. HOOD A CO. , Apotlioculci , Ixiwoll , tlau. IOO Doses Ono Dollar IOO Doses Ono Dollar R. RR. . RADWAY'S ' READY RELIEF TIIK MOST CKHTA1N AND BAPK In the world that Instantly stops the most excruciating ptxlus. It never falls to glvo enso to the stiUcrcr of 1'aln nrlslng from hntovor cnuso : It Is truly the Brent CONQUEROR OF PAIN. It has done moro peed than any known remedy. Tor 8PIIAINS. 11UUI8K8. IIAClf ACHT5 , PAIN IN TI1K UIIUST Oil SIDKS. UKAIIACHi : . TOOTHACHE , or any other external 1'AIN ft few nnplf. rations , ntbberton by Imnd act like mnclc. c. nslng tlio piila to Instantly stop , ForCeiNOKSTlliNS INKItA IMATIONB. HIIKUMATI3.M. NKUItALGIA. i. bflATIOA. PAINS IN TUB HM Alili OF THI < HACK , more extended , loncer ( ontlnucil and rcpcntud uptillcntlons nro nncca- Bnr > ' . All IMTKItNAI. 1'AINS , DIAltlUKKA , COMU , SPASMS , NAUSRA. KAINI'INO SPKF.LS. N IKVOUSNKSS. . 8I.UUPLBSSNKS3 nro rollovort Instantly nnd quickly cured T > y taking Inwardly 0 to CO drops In half u tumbler or water. Ml cents a bottle ; sold by nil Urttcglftti. WITH HAUWAY'S PUJ.S there is NO UKITEII CUItK OR VKBVUNTION or VKVKKor AaiJB Mention tlio Omnbn Ilcc. ATTBAOTIOK UNPBEOBDBNTBD OVKlt A MlTjTiIOK DlSTniltUTKUt Louisiana State Lottery Company. lncorpor.it i' < l'liy the IcsUlaturo In l > i6S foi Itduciitloiml und Chnrltablo iiurposes , and it : franchise ma'le n part of the present St.ito Con fatltutioii. in 1870 , by an overwhelming populai vote. Its MAMMOTH nilAWINOStakoplaca Seinl Annu.tllyMtmi ! nud Dccnmbar ) nnd its ( iHANL SINOLK XUMIIKIt IHtAU'INOS tnko plixre lr each of the other tun months or thu year , anO nro nil drawn In public , at tlio Academy ol Music , New Orleans , hn. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS , For Integrity of Us l > rnwins , mid Promnl I'nymont of 1'rlzcs. A1TK8TKO AS rOM.OWS ! "Wo do hereby certify that we suporrlsat- arruUKemonts for all the Monthly ami Saml-An uual Drawings or The Louisiana Stuto Ixittovy Company , nnd In pcwon mnnugo nnd control the Drawings them elve * , nnd that tne wimo ore conducteil with honesty , IntniM * , nnd In peed fixlth toward nil partlos , and wa authorize , he company to UHB this certificate , with f.ic- binilles of ouaslsnaturos attixchoil , lu its uuvcr tiscments " COMMISSIONRKS. We , the undor-ilgncU Hanks and Hankers , will ay nil Vrlro-i "drawn In The Louisiana State Lot * rles which may be presented ut our coun ters. II. M. WALMBI.r.Y. Pres. Louisiana Nat. Ilaulc , FiKUltB fjANAUX. Pres. Stnto Nat-'l Jlnuk. A. UAMNVIN. Pres. New Orleans Nnt'l Hank. CAUL KOHN. Pres. Union National Hank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , At the Academy of Music , New Or leans , Tuesday , April 1O , 1881) . CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each. Halves , $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twsn- tn4Ti ? * 4l 1 i piuzB'oKjnoo.ooois j-joo.w i I'lti/.i : OK loo.ocois Wfw 1 PIHJ5M OK MMXWis KMHW ll'ltlKBOK 2T.OU01s S-VOI 2 vur/.rs OK lo.ouanre JM.OOU r , I'lti/.ns eK r > , oooaro. . . 'wtoa itt PKIZK8 OK l.ejOOnro avwi 100 PHIZBS OK MM are BO.'OQ 200 PHIZES Ol' aoanro O'l.eKXl BOO PIUZKS OK 300are lOO.lWU AI'I'ltOXIMATlO.N 1MI1/1.S. JOO Vrizua of JAOO are $50'XXJ ' 10 ( ) I'/lzssof IJOOnio : . ! ) 100 Prizesot 20laro ( ! iOe > x Tr.llHINAl , l > lil7K . 009 Prizes of ? IOO are t'A'iOl OSniprlzeHot lOOare Ki9JU ; 3,131 Prizes , amounting to flefi < , X . NOTE. Tickets Irawlm iiic3l'r Capita are notcn- titled to terminal prliet. 7/"Kuii c'l.uii KATKH , or nnr further Informullon desired , \rrllo Ir lbljr f ) tliu undoralffiioU , cli'nrljr statin ; your resldoiioc , with Klntc , Countr , btrrutnnd Number. Mora rapid return mall delivery will be w ured by your encloilnz an enclosing bcarlnij your lull athfton * . Hcnil 1MHTAI , NOTK3. ICrprcn Monor Onlcrs.or New York r.xUioiiKd In unlliiury letter. Cnrrencr bj- ISxprcss ( at urvxi > oiiic ) a < lrtri'd. . ' ' OrM.A. UAUI'llIK. Kuw Urloaui , I/a. WniUlngton , 1) . C. Address RegistereTletters to NUW OIltlJANS NATIONAL HANK , New Orleans , I < a. 1 > 171\TTn\TTJ17I > That tln > iia iicnt of IvrjJVlhMJ J lxiW i mMtAvrKKn IIY ( ( ( UK NATION AMU NKH of Vuw Orleiux. niij tliu llckrtxmu tluneJ by tliu Tjonlihut of an Initltii- tlon wliciso rliuricrud rlulilt uro rcuunlrod In Iliii liliihustcoiirtK : thcruroro , buwaroofnll Imltiitlonior nnonyiiiotin bchotne. . * ' U.si : nOIlAH la the pilce of the innillest part or /ruction of it ticket IbMJKI ) IIV Un In ny druwliu. AnytliiriKiri ouruamu offered for Ins UIMII u itollur , Health is Wealth ! Dn.r.C. Wr.sf's XKHVB AHU HIIAIN TIIKIT- MEHT. ttKiiaruntool HneclllR for llyxt rlit , DI/z ( . nun8 , Cumnlhloiis , Jit * . Nervous NvmulKla , lloiulnclic , Nuivnuit I'rodtratlon cuusoil hy ilio u o of ulcoliol or toliacco , Witscfuuu ! | 4 , .Munt.il DnpruHslun , Hoftmiln ot the lfr.iluroaultliiiln inanity ami iBurllrmto ml Ty , ( lecuynnd dnnili. I'luiiiutun * OM AKH. UarreniHK- / > 4 < ol I'oiver In eltliur ueit , Juvoluntary I/JMIM mid Sprnnat. orlioacaused by ov r-ox rtfr > nnC thvbralii.KQlf. abuse or ovoiliKlultfbnun. Uacli box cDiiiului one moiith'it troutment. II.IXJ u box , ot ult lioxua forWJWH nt by mallpropalil omvrolpt-nf prlio. WE GUABANTBB SIX BOXES TocuiaunyTit u. With vanli order jncclveU > > y nsforsU ) ioxe3 , uctompiiulcU with t-'i.U'.Mu will ) > eiul the purcltauer our written ftitarunton tors- Fund the money if tdo trnatmcnt ilf > < * not eif ct u cure. Uuitrantoos Uxiie'l < mly by ( icorliiian DruiCo. , UmuKUts , Bulii Aueats , lll'J 1'uruaia l , Oinaliu , TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES I Il'iH'.lft H'flhtvtii * liiftu * H Try Ofl6 * ' " rC'roiiBh"country " * "nu 1 lieut HatiiMction uick * . . Hold II. U ) per box , ll orbyntall from Doo- um Alfrf V. Vulldjicctloua. Are ttis belt Wlarclr"in" In which to purity your blood. Hood's Atno oilier docs much need thu ntd ol a ro- llablo medicine like Hood's BnrMpaillU , ai now. Impoverished condition ol the blood , the weakening effects ot the lone , cold winter , the lost appetite , nml that tired feeling , nil make A good spring mcdlelno abso lutely necessary , Hood'a Sars.iparllla U peculiarly attained for this purpose , nnd In- crca-ies In popularity every year. It U the Ideal anting medicine. > " .I must My Hood's Snrsiipnrllla Is tlm licsl medicine I ever used. Last uprhiK I lind no nppctlte , and the least work I did fatigued mo ever so much. I begun to take Hood's Snrsa- parlll.a , and noon felt that I could do as much In a day n * I had formerly done in a week , My appetite Is voracious. " Mns. M. V. MAY- Aim , Atlantic City , M. J. N. D. It you decide ; to take Hood's Sarn.v parllU do not bo induced to buy any other , ESTABLISHED 1851 ( ISO So. Iho Regular Old-Established PHYSIGIAH AND SURGEON h Ml Tfcaltag with tha Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS M A T. . ! Chronic , Neryons anfl Private Diseases , ' -B NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , Fnlllne Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Ache and aUiheefTectl leading to early decuy and pcilup Consumption 01 Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with never-failing UCCMI. S3- SYPHILIS and oil bad Blood and Skin OIl > casea permanently cured. . -KIDNEYi nd URINARYeonpUlntiQleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varicocele and all disuuei of the Genlto-Urinary Organs cured prompt ! jr yrithout injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs. ' aiNo experiments. Age and experience ltn portant. Ccnsultation Tree and eacred. S-Send | cents postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. A ? * Fhosn contemplating .Mairiace send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each IS cents , both 05 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old . Doctor , A friendly letter or call may savefuturesuffer. lag and shame , and add colden years to life. 43iioo1c "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " soccntsstamps ) . Medicln * and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , B to 8 , Surdays 9 to st. Address P. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark St. . CHICAOO > ItL. , OMAHA. . . . MEDICAL a * " SURGICAL INSTITUTE" N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodare Sts. TOH THE TUEAT1IENT Or ALL Appliances for Deformities and Trassoi. Dust facilities , apptratui nnd remrdln for nuceou fill treatment of uvetf lorm of dlsoasu rtsiulrloi Medical or Surgical Tru.iUncnt. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attaudancc ; boat Hospital accoinmodt- tlon In the west. WBITS roil ciHCtir.Aiisnn Dtformltloi and JJracei , Truuoi , Club V * t , Curmture of tliu tiplno , 1'ilei , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , llroncliltli. Inhalation , Klectrlchy. .I'aralysli. Kpllepay , Kldniy , Illaddor , Kyo. Bar , tiklii anrt IHooJ.und ollfiurclcal oporatlooi , Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOK ON DIUIASM OF WOUIH KllKK. ONLY BELUBLE MEDICAL 1NSTITUTH HAKINO A HI'KCUI.TV OF PRIVATE DISEASES. All Blood INioatai tueeonfully treated. Hyplillltta rolionreuiorod from thu ayntuni without murcurr , Nuir ro torntlvo treatment lor loss of Vltnl IMner. fenoni unable to Tint u > may bo traatod tit liome tif cprreaixijidrnce , All comuiuulcatloni ronndvnual. l ) I1lclnu or InstruiuuiUj cunt by uiall or cxproif. n-.iiruly tiAckod , no marks to Indicate content , oi cndcr. Ono poitonal Intcrvlow proforrcd. Uallnna coniultui or saml lilitoryof your unt , na fu will euud lo ulalu wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREEI 'Upon ' 1'rlvatc , Special or Ncrtoui Dltcaici , Impo- Uacr.Hiplillli , Uleal utia Vurtcoceltf , with iji.oiuon Hit. Adur > * OriiaJia Medical and Surgical Institute , o > DIt. flleJIENAfliy , Qor. 13tt and Dodgu Sts , , - OMAIIA , NBB , NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK U. 0. DEPOSITORY , OHiKA , 1TEB , Cftiiltul . , . S J00.093 Surplus Jan. 1st , IBS' ) . W.OOO OFI'ICKUK AND IIUXUV W. I'ATIW. J. WJWIH H. UBKI ) . VUe 1'rwldeut , A. K.'l'Ul'VAlAtf , \V , V. MOIIHK , JOHN B , COU.INS , 11. C.'IJrilll.sa. ( J.K.H. J'ATJUCK. W. H.H , IIUdHIW , CWer , THE IRON BANK , Corner K'ti ! anil I'liruam Bta. A Gciiffwl lUnLlai ; llunluou ' EASTERN TRUST FUNDS A lar : hmount ut inonvy to loan on Improved - proved icul t ! tAle lu the city ot , Owaka. 'llic < fuiuU lli l e dl ( riutfd ) In * uim to ull , bill Jur e IOHIK ATO jir fi-rro'J. ApiillcAtloiiK inuy Ul made to . E , S , 6ISBEE , lint UauV Jliil)0)Ufcici ) ) > rM.tlDj OUR CONDUCTED PARTIES ! NDEPE THO8. COOK A BON , ( ku'l Wtst'u Attracr , Kil He. Vl rb VlUOAtif