Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1889, Image 1

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Another JusLIco of the Supreme
Court Posses Away.
Tlic Country Poorly Prepared fhr the
Cmalilng Shock Iljr the Kcccnt
Ilcports of His Condition
A. Biographical Sketch.
A I iTo of Usefulness Ended.
WAsmsoTOX , March 22. Justice Stanley
Matthews died at 10:20 : a. m.
The last change In the condition of Justice
MkUhows. occurred yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock. In the snorting ho bad been feeling
quite comfortable and cheerful. At that
hour , however , the Intcnso pain which
marked the period of decline recurred , and
never left him until death brought relief.
Dr. Johnston was summoned , and find
ing his patient suffering so Intensely
administered an opiite , which toward
morning Induced a state of semi-unconscious-
ness , in which ho remained until the end.
The immediate cause of death was ex
haustion of the heart and congestion of the
kidneys. The dying Justice was sur
rounded by the members of bis family who
bad been with him throughout his Illness.
The reports of Justice Matthew1 con
dition during the past week bad been
? f such a chcccrlng nature that
'prehension was in a great
measure subdued and the news of his death
came with a shock. The remains .will bo In
terred In Spring Grove cemetery , Cincin
nati , and arrangements for the funeral will
not be D2rfectcd until the-arrival of the dead
jurist's eldest son , Mortimer Matthews , of
justice Matthews has been an invalid for
a year or more. During the winter of 1SST-S
he frequently complained of indigestion and
muscular rheumatism , and as the spring
wore on began to suffer from obstinate
diarrhoea , from which ho lost a great deal
of strength and flesh. At the time , acting
upon the advice of physicians and friends ,
who had great hopes that a change of Air
might prove a Listing benefit , he went to
Massachusetts , but continued to lose ground.
During the summer ho bad revere attacks of
muscular rheumatism , associated with high
fever , which would confine him to bis bed
for da } s ut a time. On his return home htfbo-
gan to Improve somowhatbutho continued to
suffer from Intermittent attacks which
greatly reduced his strength and flesh.
These come on at intervals of three or four
weeks. Between them he would have
periods of marked improvement and several
times when Dr. Johnston was confidently
hoping to bo nble to get him out , another
attack would prostrate him and leave him
weaker than ever. During last February he
suffered greatly. For about eight weeks
previous to his final illness he had been ab
solutely free from pain , and his physician
and family had great hopes of his ultimate
recovery , but about the 4th of March he had
an acute attack of high fever , which lasted
several days and which very much
exhausted htm. After this passed
off bo seemed to be improving , with a return
of appetite , but a recurrence of chills and
fever , .associated with cystitis , still further
added to hi * exhaustion and debility. Yes
terday afternoon he had a prolonged chill
and high fever , which brought on intense
local suffering. This was followed In a few
hours by another chill , from which he could
not rally. Ho continued to lose strength
and died a few minutes niter 10 o'clock this
morning. The immediate cause of death
was exhaustion of the heart and congestion
of the kidneys.
The supreme court of the United States
adjourned till Tuesday as a murk of respect to
the memory of the deceased. The seat lately
occupied by the late Justice Matthews was
appropriately draued with black when the
court opened this morning.
In the senate today a communication was
received from Justice Fuller announcing the
death thi morning of Justice Matthews.and
stating the funeral will bo held Mon
day next. The senate then adjourned until
to-morrow out of respect to the dead
[ Stanley Matthews was born in Cincinnati ,
O. , July 21,1624. Ho was graduated at Ken-
yon college in 1&40 , studied law. and was ad
mitted to the bar , settling In Maury county.
Tennessee He shortly afterward returned
to Cincinnati , early engaged in the antislavery
ery movements , and in 1S40-9 was-an assist
ant editor of the Cincinnati Herald , the first
daily anti-slavery newspaper in the city. He
became Judge of the supreme court of com
mon pleas of Hamilton county in
Ibo4 , was state senator in 1S55 ,
and in 1S53-01 was United States
attorney for the southern district of Ohio.
In May , 1S01 , ho was commissioned lieuten
ant colonel of the Twenty-third Ohio regl
mcnt , and served in West Virginia , partiei
patlng in the battles of Rich mountain and
Carnifex ferryIn October , 1S01 , ho became
colonel of the Fifty-seventh Ohio regiment
and In that capacity commanded a brigade it
the Army of the Cumberland nnd was en
gaged nt Dobb's ferry , Murfreesborough ,
Cntckainauga aad Lookout mountain. H <
resigned from the army in 1SC3 to become
judge of the superior court of Cincinnati
nnd was a presidential elector on th (
Lincoln ana Johnson ticket In 1S < J4 and tht
Grant and Colfax ticket in 1S03. In 180J
he was a delegate from the presbytery o :
Cincinnati to the general assembly of thi
Presbyterian church in Newark , N. J. , and
ES one of the committee on bills and overture
reported the resolutions thatwero adoptet
by the assembly on the subject of slavery
Ho was dcleated as republican candidate fo :
congress In 1S70 , and in the next year wo :
one of the counsel before the electoral com
mission , opening the argument in behalf o
tbo republican electors in the Florida cas
nnd making the principal argument in tb <
Oregon case. In March ho was electei
United States senator in place of John Sher
man , who bad resigned. In l&Sl ho was an
pointed associate Justice of tbo United State
supreme court , )
Funeral Arrnncenients.
WASHINGTON , March 22. Arrangement
for the funeral of Justice Matthews wer
practically concluded this evening. Rchgiou
services will bo held at his late residence 01
Connecticut avenue Monday afternoon n
1 o'clock. They will bo brief and simple , an
will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Ilamlln , pa !
tor of the Church of the Covenant. At th
conclusion of the services the remains \ vibe
bo removed to the Baltimore & Ohio static
for transportation to Glcndale , O. , by wa
of Cincinnati. Religious sen-Ices will b
bold there at Christ Episcopal church undc
conduct of Rev. Dr. Price rector , on Tue !
day afternoon , and the remains will then t
removed to Spring Grove cemetery for mtei
incut. Tbo members of tbo supreme com
will accompany tbo remains as honorary pa
bearers , and the messengers of the court wi
lx > active pall bearers.
Succession Speculation.
WASHINGTON , March 23 , The probabl
cfiect of the death of Justice Matthews upo
the length of the special session of the senai
was discussed to-day. Mr. Sherman's ui
nouncement yesterday that tbo prcsldei
would be enabled to let the senators go boir
next week was received with great sutlsfa
tlon by a large majority of the senators , wl
were desirous of leaving Washington , bt
the cad event of to-day may cause a pos
poncmcnt. Said ono senator to-day : "Tt
filling of this vacancy is an importei
matter , and the president will want time <
consider it carefully , The court Has bee
Without the presence of Juulco Mattnev
for almost a year , and it will shortly adjoin
for the justices to go on their several ci
cults , and it is there that the service * of it
associate justices are in demand for the e
pedillon of business
Tha succession to ( bo vacancy Is alreat
discussed , there being two programmes la
out by those who talk. Ooo is that Judj
GreihaiD , now judge of the ci
cult comprising the states of Wisco
sin , Illinois and Indiana , will bo
nominated for associate Justice. Ho would
In turn bo succeeded by Judge Woods , leav
ing a vacancy to be filled in the district
court of Indiana , The other programme In
cludes the transfers of Attorney General
Miller to the supreme bench , of Secretary
Noble to tbo head of the department of justice
and of Assistant Postmaster General Clark-
son to the Interior department.
Kxprfislons nf Koerct ,
WASHINGTON . March 22. Justice Field ,
who had known Justice Matthews Intimately
more so probably than any other member
of the court expressed to a representative
of the Associated press , after the court ad
journed , the sentiments of himself and his
associates upon the death of their brotUcr
Justice Said he :
"Tho members of the supreme court deeply
deplore the death of Justice Matthews. They
had become attached to him In an unusual
degree. Ihey recognized his great legal
ability , but even more they appreciated the
warmth of his affectionate nature. Ho wis
nn Industrious Judge nnd his * decisions ex
hibited wide research and thorough culture.
Ho was an able lawyer , a wise judge ana a
Christian gentleman. "
The death of Justice Matthews was the
subject of conversation among senators
to day , many of whom had served with him
durinc Uis term In the senate , and on every
hand words of regret and eulogy were paid.
Senator Sherman said :
"The death of Mr. Justice Matthews comes
with a shock to me. Ho was a man thor
oughly fitted for the position ho occupied , a
trained lawyer with a Judicial mind of the
highest order. It is no disparagement to his
associates to say that ho was their equal in
point of equity. His love of justice was In
tuitive , and his decisions were mathematical
demonstrations. Ho maintained the position
for which his mind was best fitted. Most of
bis friends concede that ho was not a wise
politician , but no one doubted his being a
great judge. His death will bo sincerely
mourned by a multitude of friends , and his
place will bo bard to fill. "
Senator Teller Justice Matthews' op-
appolntmcnt was an excellent one , and he
did not disappoint his friends. He was a
man of commanding talent. I served with
him in the senate , became quite Intimate
with him , and baa a high regard for him.
Senator Harris I had known Justice
Matthews personally for many years. Ho
was u man of absolute purity and integrity ,
and a lawyer of great ability.
Senator Mitchell I became acquainted
with him twelve years ago , when ho entered
the senate , and served with him two years
on the committee on railroads. There I bad
every opportunity to become intimately ac
quainted with him. and have known htm
ever since as a senator and Justice of the su
preme court. His death is a great loss to
the bench and tbo country.
Senator Hoar There was some difference
of opinion as to the expediency of Justice
Matthews' appointment wnnn ho went upon
the bench. This was duo to a fear that his
Judicial opinions might be biased in favor of
the great railroad interests which ho bad so
largely represented as counsel. I never ,
myself , shared this fear for a moment.
Judge Matthews has taken bis place In the
highest rank of magistrates who have sab
upon the bench of the supreme court of the
United States from the beginning of the
government. It has never occurred to any
body since his appointment to question his
absolute impartiality Every intelligent
man will now 'agree that ho was in his
richtful and appropriate place in that tri
bunal , to whose arbitration all interests of
the country arc submitted , and which keeps
tbo forces of the state and nation alike
within their appointed bounds.
A large number of messages of condolence
were received during the afternoon , among
them the following :
221SS9. . Dear Mrs. Matthews : I have
heard with most profound regret of the
death of your most honored husband. The
sense of loss and bereavement which you
feel will be shared by our people. I nave
known Justice Matthews for many years ,
and had a very high appreciation of his
character and learning. That you may be
comforted und sustained in this hour of trial
is my most sincere prayer. Very truly
NEW YOIIK. March 22. On hearing of the
death of Justice Matthews , Mayor ( Jrant
ordered the national , state and municipal
flags to bo hoisted at half-mast over the city
hall , out of respect to his memory.
COLCMBU.-S O. . March 22. The most pro
found regret is apparent in this city over the
death of Justice Matthews. Both houses bl
the general assembly adopted appropriate
resolutions and adjourned to Monday. The
flag on the capitol was placed at half-mast.
The First Serious Trouble of the Fall
Kivor Strike.
FALI. RIVER , Mass. , March 22. The flrsl
serious trouble of the strike occurred to
night at the Seaconnet mill. This mill is the
only ono which has made a determined at
tempt to run with "Knobstick" help , anc
the strikers there have been tbo only one :
in the city to gather about a mill to make i
disturbance. When the mill shut down to
night the crowd near the mill gates anc
along the streets in the vicinity numbered
over a thousand. As the work
ing weavers came out they wen
greeted with cries ot derision
Finally the "Knobsticks" replied to th (
taunts in kind. This was followed bi
a volley of stones from the crowd , one o :
which struck a "Knobstick" in the head. A
man bci-Ue him immediately turned and 11 ret
a pistol In the direction of the crowd , whict
promptly scattered and replied with anothci
volley of stones. The police seized the mat
with the pistol nnd hurried him to the sta
tton. No one was found who was Injured b :
the bullet , although several were rcportei
injured by tbo stones.
Successor to Church.
BISMAHCK , Dak. , March 22. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bee. ] Arthur C. Mellette , re
cecily appointed by President Harrison I
succeed Louis K. Church as governor of Da
kota , arrived hero to-day and took tbo oat !
of office. He has already entered upon hi
official duties and In a few days will bo a
work districting the territory for the constl
tutlonal convention for which delegates wil
bo elected in May.
It is announced by the governor that h
will make a clean sweep of all the tcrritorin
officers who bavo been appointed by Churcl
and will replace them with republican
friends. The office seekers are coming ani
ho is being besieged by a hungry hard
Governor Mellette Is being tendered a recer
tion at the residence of ex-GovCrnor Churc
this evening.
Business Troubles.
PiTTSnt'iio , March 23. Executions wer
Issued to-day against L. H. Smith , mantel
grata nnd iron dealer , for „ $30,50 } , anc
against John J. O'Reilty , brewer , of Alle
gheny City , for SIS.200.
Sis FIIAJCCISCO , March 22. Artnur Field
of the Field biscuit and cracker bakery o
this city , bos Detitioned the supreme court t
bo declared insolvent. The liabilities ar
elated to be (100,000 , Tbo assets consist of
cracker factory at Lima , Peru , valued i
(13,000 , nnd real estate valued at 113,000 , a
heavily iucumbercd.
SHUCVKI-OUT , La. , March 22. S. Conwa
fc Co. . wholesale hardware , have applied fo
an extension , two and three year
Assests , ? 150,000 ; liabilities , $00,000. -
- +
The American Turf Congress.
LOUISVILLE , March 23. The America
turf congress met here to-day. Presided
firewater , of Chicago , presided. Kans ;
City , St. Paul , St. Louis , Lexington and L ;
tonia were represented. The rules agree
upon at the Cincinnati meeting m Decembe
were approved jsxccpt that regarding boo )
makers , tvhlca was amended so as to alloi
associations io treat witn bookmakers as U
dividuals. Tbo scale of weights was 001
firmed a * previously arranged.
The Weather Indications.
For Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota : Fail
stationary temperature ; variable winds.
The President's Proclnumtlon
Axvnltrd With Impatience.
ST. Loris , Mo. , March 22. A special to
the Republic from Wichita , Kan. , says :
"Reports to-night from Oklahoma City state
that the boomers who disappeared from
their claims and were in concealment
in tbo woods or Indian reserva
tions have returned with the with
drawal of the soldiers. The trains bring
hundreds that have been hanging along tbo
border. The excitement ot Purccll and on
the border Is Intense , The people have left
tholr business to hang around the telegraph
and newspaper offices to hear if President
Harrison bos issued a proclamation.
The number of boomers is augmented
by train and wagon loads of
would bo settlers and prospectors. They
have been expecting n proclamation each
day , and when night comes muttering * of
disappointment and lomontatoin. ore. heard
on every hand. Of the favorable reports to
day they hardly know what to say , as they
have so often been disappointed.
Colonel Crocker , who has labored to hold
back the Invaders , said : "Should the presi
dent hesitate much longer blood will bo shed.
There ore 30,003 walto people in the Chickasaw -
saw nation alone waiting to take up claims
In the territory , and disappointment
has followed disappointment until they arc
becoming desperate " The boomers are
ercally agitated over the efforts to prevent
them from going in. The authorities are
taking the names of these violating the pro
visions of the bill by entering upon lands ,
and intend to appear against them to dotoat
their filing. An old inun who had
watched a piece of land six weeks
to-day stated that a band of almost 1,000 old
boomers has been formed , and efforts to dis
possess any of them would bo death to the
informant. This league , ho says , is secret
and growing in numbers each day , and
whether expelled or not , they will hold their
claims by force , The situation is certainly
_ _
A Gnnc or Pennsylvania Despera docs
in Close Quarters.
UNIOSTOWN , Pa. , March 22. A largo party
of vigilantes from Uniontown , York and
other polnU , have gone Into the mountains
near .Markleystmrg , where the McClelland-
town robbers are supposed to be encamped ,
with the intention of capturing the outlaws.
Both sides are well armed , and If there is a
conflict there will probably bo much blood
shed. Should an assault fail to surprise the
inmates of the camp , the vigilantes propose '
to surround and starve out the gang , shoot
ing anyone who makes his appearance with
arms. Tbo camp is thirty mil es distant.
This evening word was received hero that
the vigilantes had tried to force an entrance
into a log house in wnich the robbers are at
bay , during which shots were exchanged on
both sides without iujurv to anyone. The
robocrs refuse to surrender and are prepared
to sell their lives as dearly as possible and to
die if they cannot escape under cover of
darkness. Nine men and three women con
stitute the party in the house. The attack
ing party bos the house well surrounded.
The Intelligence that the band was cor
ralled spread like wild fire here , and soon
Sheriff Miller bad started for the scene of
difficulty with a largo posse raised here.
The vicinity of the robbers is ablaze with
excitement. Men are hurrying there from
all parts of the mountains , and with a good
leader they expect finally to land the band in
It Persists In Swelling to Abnormal
WASHINGTON , March 22. The treasury
surplus has been steadily increasing for
several days. It now amounts to $50,200,000 ,
or $ o,000,000 more than it was ten days ago.
This increase is due to the great excess of
receipts over disbursements since the first of
the month. The receipts to date aggregate
3,200,000 , while the expenditures during the
same period amount to little over § 12,000,000 ,
including about $2,000,000 paid out on ac
count of pensions. Until recently the receipts
and expenditures have been pretty well
balanced by the purchase of bonds , but this
method of applying the surplus has been con
siderably hampered of late by light offerings.
Secretary Windom has announced his pur
pose of continuing , for the present at least ,
the system of purchases adopted by his pre-
decesf or , and that he would willingly in
crease the purchases if the offers permitted
it. He has been urged to resume the pur-
cboseof ; S per cents as a more profitable use ol
the surplus than the purchase of 4K pet
cents. He declines , however , to make known
his views on tno subject beyond the statment
that , his policy as .to 4's must bo determined
by his treatment of the offers.
The Fire Record.
ST. Louis. March 22. A fire broke out
this afternoon in the Standard bagging fac
tory , on Stoddard avenue , near Twelfth
street. The whole concern was mostly a
group of old buildings with very little fire
protection. Owingto the inflammable nature
of tbo building and contents , the flame :
spread rapidly , and the wildest panic ensued
amongst the 200 employes , most of whom
were girls. The few men employed in the
building worked bravely and succeeded in
leading the panic stricken girls through the
smoke and flames to a place where they could
drop out to the low adjoining buildings , and
all were saved with the exception of Ado
Labrccht , who was found terribly burned.
Charles Gufran remained on the third flooi
too long and found all means of escape cat
off save by a window. He took this only
chance , jumped , and was terribly injured by
tbo fall , but will not die. A man whose nami
could not be learned was run over by a fire
engine and badly injured. The pecuniary
loss by the fire is small.
DnxvEii , March 22. The mill of tno Cbi
cage lumber company , containing very valU'
nblo machinery , burned to-night. The losi
is between 150,000 and $70,000 ; partially in
Stupid Jokers.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , March 22. [ Special Telegram
gram to THE BEE. ! At 11 o'clock to-blgh
Carl of the most prominent saloon
keepers of St. Joseph , doing business in :
house In the heart of the city , found a Whit
Cap notice on bis front door. It bad beci
printed at some job office , and at the heauln ;
was the word , "Warningl" in big letters
printed in red ink. Below , in black , was ;
cut showing the hcai and shoulders of
white cap about six Inches in diametei
There have been a number of bogus Whit
Cap notices received In St. Joseph , but thi
ono is looked upon as genuine , m view of th
present agitation of prohibition and Sunda
closing in this city. Mr. Lohr is much ei
ercUed and a meeting of the saloonkeeper
will be held at once to discuss It ,
Depcw Will Succeed Phelps.
NEW VOKK ; March 2.J. The World to
morrow will say : "It can bo stated on thi
blgbest authority that Cnauncey M. Depei
has been offered the English mission withli
the lost Uvo days , and after giving the mai
ter serious consideration has signified bl
willingness to accent it The nomination c
Depew wjll not be defer red later than Mot
day. It nas been known for some time tha
the president regarded Depew as an idea
for the English mission , and tbo only ol
stacle to the appointment was doubt us t
Depew's acceptance. This seems to be ovei
come , and the World's informant makes th
positive announcement that Depew will b
Phelps' successor in London.
A Rejected Lover's IteTcnse.
AsiiLASi ) , Wis. , March22. Atinghbrldgt
Wis. , this afternoon Joseph Menolr , u Frencl
teamster , entered the room of Ellen Loner ,
young girl whose mother keeps a boardln
house , and after cutting her nevcrely abet
the head with a razor cut his own tbroa
Tbo girl , who is only sixteen years old , wi
recover. Meuoir bad fallen 1n love with he
and having been repeatedly repulsed hod di
libcrateiy planned to kill her and then bin
They Were TogothHC'ln Orlmo and
in Death Hot Divided.
History of n Crime Which Blackens
a Family Nnirio , 'nntl ' Creates
Bitter Eniultj- Among
tbo Survivors.
The Final Act.
MixXEArous , Minn. , March 22 ( Special
Telegram to THE llEB.j The lives of Tim
and Peter Barrett , the murderers of Thomas
Tollr.fscn , closed abruptly at 11:30 this morn
ing ou the scaffold in , the yard ot Hcnncpln
county jalL
July 20 , 1SS7 , they assassinated a fellowman -
man for the contents Of his cash box a
paltry 20 , and to day. twenty months later ,
they ceased to exist to satisfy outraged
The execution was swift , orderly nnd
Potcr Barrett was plainly looking fora
commutation of his sentence , nnd when bo
learned at 9 o'clock that the governor had
ordered the execution to. prpcced ho showed
momentary disappointment , but he soon re
covered and put on a bold front and never
"altered to the end. |
A reporter with whoti 1ho brothers were
m quite intimate terms ; had a half hour's
Alkwith Pete at 0:30.Peto : reiterated the
tory that ho bad no murderous intent on the
light of the crime , add that bo bad no
nminal complicity with the killing of
Tollefsen. as was stated by his brother
Icnry. He also said that , ho would go to the
cafTold with the consciousness of being
unishc.1 for a crime of which ho was in-
.occnt. I
At 10:55 : the passageway between tbo cell-
oem , where the condemned men would pass , was cleared. An officer paced
lowly in the space between the two doors.
Vt exactly 11 o'clock the offircr standing at
.he farther door removed his hat and swung
jock the door. At the same moment an
ifficer standing at the entrance to the oppo-
ilte room lifted his hand'and the spectators
jared their heads.
Solemnly the procession moved on toward
ho scafiold. Father James McGollick , clad
in his priestly robes and bearing in his hands
a book , headed the precession , and as ho
moved on he read in a sort of chant the sol-
: mn words of the litany , to which the men
nswored , "Have mercy on us , Have
mercy on us. " .1
Each of the boys was escorted by a deputy
iheriff and a Driest , and as the procession
moved across the corridor the sounds of the
litany and the answcrjnir , "Have mercy on
us , " grew louder and louder. Tim spoke in
a loud , unnatural and mechanical tone , and
allowed himself to be leal forward as if he
were dozed. His face was ghastly , his eyes
hollow and sunken. As ho Started to move
up the steps he staggered forward , trem
Pete was calm and collected , though his
'ace , too , was bloodless and ho rolled his
; yes , not looking obt on the throng before
him , but bearing himself as if ne were trying
o keep bis mind steadily fixed on some pur
Suddenly , as the procession mounted the
icaffold a strange beam of light shot through
he grated window andrested ; for an instant
on tne heads of the condemned men. For a
moment it seemed iovthe alreadyexcited
pectators like some mvslerlous freak of na-
_ ure , or as if it were a w nito the condemned
as they moved onward io their doom , that
there was a ray of hopS for them'
The ceremony upon the scaffold was short
but impressive. Tim kneeled and a priest
held before him a ctacifix , whispering words
of spiritual comfort , while Father McGollick
continued to read in that solemn monotone
the words of the litany.'and Tim , in the same
unnatural voice , cried : "Have mercy on me ,
Have mercy on me. " i
Th's ' is the scene : The noose is carefully
adjusted. Then the block caps , with the
death masks are pulled over the faces. Be
fore the cap is finally adjusted Pete asks the
jailer to move him a little nearer the front of
the scaffold , so that his body will not strike
as it falls. Sheriff ( ga stands with his
hand en the lever. yTho priests are still
whispering in the cap of the condemned
men , who are still repeating the words ,
"Have mercy on us. ' Have mercy on UE. . "
Suddenly , as if the crowd understood what
was taking place , there was a horrible sound
of cheers and cries from the mob outside.
It breaks upon the aw/uL solemnity of the
scene. Peter utters a * piteous cry of "God
have mercy , " and the drop falls. The
priests still stand at the front of the scaffold
whispering prayers and moving their hands
to and frj befora them , as if to indicate tne
motion of an ascending soul.
At 11:03 the drop rfell , nnd twenty-five
minutes later tbo committee of physicians
pronounced the two rrten dead.
After the drop tud fallen , Tim slightly
moved his hands : thai was alL Pete's body
swung-around for i few moments and
quivered like an en. A moment latei
there was a convulsife movement and al
was over. )
The necks of both men were broken by the
fall. Tim's pulse ran ) up to 120 beats pei
minute and then commenced to beat vorj
faintly. In thirteen } minutes and five sec
ends after the tran was sprung the hear
ceased to beat and the physician pronounced
him dead. Pete was pronounced dead ir
fourteen minutes. The men were allowed U
hong twenty-five minutes , when the examin
crs officially pronounced both men dead
Tim's body was cut" down by Coroner Tow
crs at 11:47 and Petets was cutdownamin
ute later. The bodiet were given in cbarg (
of Undertaker Connojlly at the request of thi
relatives of the boys and were removed U
his morgue.
Pretty Addle Boyd , Pete's sweetheart
tried to gain entrance to tbo jail at 10 o'clocl
nnd went awoy crying piteoasly. Ten min
utes later Mrs. Barrett came and went int <
hysterics , moaning , "I want to sec my boys
Make them take mo to them. " She wa
led to a carriage and driven rapidly away.
The Crimp.
The banging of Timothy and Pete.r Ba
rett is but ono 'oC the many remarkabl
events that have occurred in connection witl
the Barrett family. } About eleven years ajr
John Barrett sr. wa * 0 > e of the wealthies
agriculturists in the .state of Iowa. Ho a
one time owned WOaicres of land in tbo vl
cinity of Ottumwa , li. which was clear o
all incumbrancea , TeftliJinproved , and he ha <
n goodly amount deposited to his credit i :
one of tbo local bank * . Domestic trouble
led to a separation , ' kd the property wa
divided between , himself and wife , tbo latte
taking two-thirds of the entire estate. The ,
then severed Ute te ! * > tnat nod existed bt
tween them aa busband and wife , eac !
agreeing never to agfiu embark on the mat
ntnoniai sea while torta were alive. Mr :
Barrett , who was the Mother of eight children
was given the custody of her two daughters
Mary and Kate , and'ttve of her sons , Johr
Frank , Timothy , Edward and Peter. Job
Barrett died from tha effects of a bulk
fired from a revolver in the hands of Job
Cook , a bartender 10 a saloon at Sout
Omaha a little over two years ago.
Mrs. Barrett , removed direct to Sout
Omaha after leaving Iowa , and brought ne
family with her. She purchased a piece o
ground on North N , street and constructed
large dwelling house which still remains an
is one of tne tinectjn that section of the citj
Sbo retained this property until about tw
years are , when she disposed of it at a bane
some figure.
John Barrett , sr. , left Iowa and went t
California , taking with him bis son Henrj
alias "Itedd.v" Barrett , wbo was supposed t
have been implicated luthe Tollefbon mui
der und upon'whoso testimony bis tw
brothers wore convicted Q4L the crime , Tb
senior Barrett did not meet with very goo
success in the vine-clod state , and accon
ingly returned to Omaha , fter about a tw
years' sojourn He opened a saloon in Com
cil Bliiffs , which was 'located on Uppe
Broadway , but soon disposed of that plan
and moved to Sioux City , where he coi
ducted a saloon for some length of time. I
the fall of 1SS2 ho moved to Minneapolis ,
Minn. , and opened up a saloon at
2S30 First nvenuo where , until
shortly after the murder ot Tollcfson ,
ho resided permanently. Although outsldo
ot the patrol district ho continued to conduct
n saloon and ho nnd his son have spent a
goodly portion of their tlmo behind the bars
of the Hcnncptn county jail , which is located
in Minneapolis , for selling intoxicants with
ot n licence. It was nt this place that the
plans for the murder of Thomas Tollcfson as
.veil . as for many other dastardly acts , were
laid. Timothy nnd Peter Barrett , the vic
tims of to-day's banging , left their homo In
South Omaha nnd started for Minneapolis.
They made their home at their faincr'a place ,
' > ut did not seek reputable employment Bc-
ere they bad been thcro long the neighbor
hood became terrorized on account of the
larlng.robbcrics that were being committed
nightly. Numerous reports were received at
[ K > lco ! headquarters of houses in South
Minneapolis being burglariied , and for a tlmo
ho police and detective force found them-
elves baffled.
Ono Sunday night the telegraph operator
and ticket agent at Mlunchaha Falls was
ihot at through the window and was then
compelled to turn over his collaterals at the
muzzle of n revolver in the hands of n
masked robber. The following day a lady
tourist who was visiting the great summer
resort was confronted by n man with a cocked
revolver in hand who requested her to
deliver up her valuables. This she did not
hesitate In doing , and was relieved of about
$350 in cash , a diamond necklace , and a gold
ivatch and chain. Then It was that the po
lice started out on the war-path. A visit
ivos made to Mlnnchaha , which adjoins the
: ity limits on the south side , and there bask-
np in the sunshine was Timothy Barrett.
Ho Jumped to his feet and crabbed his re
volver , but finding three Smith & Wessons
leveled on him and In the hands of officers ,
he throw up his hands and was disarmed.
\sldo from IBo revolver a largo knife and
everal other dangerous weapons were found
in his person. He was taken to the county
ail and placed behind the bars. Ho was
mbsequently released upon heavy bonds ,
which were furnished by his father. He re
fused to divulge the hiding place for tbo
booty he had secured.
About two weeks after his release on
> end occurrfd the murder of Thomas Tollef-
nn , at the time employed by the Minneapo-
Js street railway company as a driver on the
Cedar avenue lino. The place where the
murder occurred is the most lonely spot in
the city. It was just opposite Layman's
cemetery , near Lake street , and about five
blocks distant from where the noted Bar
rett bagnio was located. At the time
.ho murder occurred the authorities wcro at
loss to know upon whom to rest suspiclo n.
Two weeks after the murder occurred
Roddy Barrett was arrested for selling liquor
without a license and upon being tried was
Tonnd guilty nnd was sentenced to sixty days
n the county jad. While in jail he mani
fested a spirit of uneasiness and was contin
ually walking about the corridors with a
downcast head as if in deep meditation. The
jailer who was well acquainted with Keddy ,
noticing his actions one day , remarked :
"Rcddy , what is the matter with you }
Why don't you cheer upl"
Whereupon he replied : "Well , it is all
.veil enough for you to bo merry , but if you
had on your mind what I have on mine , you
ivould feel down-hearted too. "
Although the Jailor said nothing in reply
ho carefully marked every word of the utter
ance that oroved afterward to be the Key
stone to the solution of the Tollefson mur
der. Ho resolved to-work out what points
he could and then turn the matter over to the
; xjllce inspectors. The following day while
talking with the prisoner the latter re
marked :
"What could you do for a man that could
tell you all about the Tollefson murder1 !
"We could do a great deal , " was the jail
er's response ,
"Well'then.'Said Reddy , "send for the
county attorney. "
A messenger was dispatched to the county
attorney's office , and In a short time As
sistant County Attorney Jamison arrived at
the bastile. Here a hurried conversation
took place between tne two nnd the attorney
left after arranging for ameeting the follow
ing day at which time the prisoner agreed to
divulge the entire facts connected with the
case. The next flay the attorney , accompa
nied by Inspector Hey of the police force ,
visited the jail and a lengthy conference
was held. It was during this conversation
that Heady Barrett told the frightful tale
that resulted in the arrest of his two broth
ers for the murder. The detective returned
that same night , and under cover cf dark
ness took Rcddy from the jail to the build
ing formerly occupied as a saloon by his
father , and upon tearing up the floor and
digging down about two feet in the earth ,
they succeeded in recovering a quantity o (
street car checks that Reddy stated were
found in the box that was taken from Tollef
son. This was the first point that substan
tiated his confession , and led the authorities
to believe that the great secret would soon
bo unearthed. It was during this investiga
tion that the public first learned that the
Barretts were under suspicion for havinc
committed the murder. Ifeddy told the offl-
cers that he and his brother Timothy do
strayed the cash box by chopping it inU
atoms with an axe. and that they deposited
the relics in Geneva lake , which .lies on th (
outskirts of South-west Minneapolis. Th <
lake was dragged and several pieces of the
tin reccptable , including one bearing thi
number of the box , were fouud at a point
designated by Reddy.
Armed with this the officers concluded U
institute arrests. Timothy Barrett wa
found at his sisters house and was takcm nt <
custody. The charge upon which ho wa
wanted was not made known by the officer
at the time for various reasons , the more im
1 to riant being that Peier Barrett , his accom
pllce , was still ai large , and also that a iarg <
reward was offered for their capture am
conviction. A search for Peter revealed tin
fact that he had left the city , and severa
days elapsed before his whereabouts wen
Ho was finally located in Smith Omab ;
where ho was at work on a section , gradmi
for a new track , aad upon receipt of a tele
cram , Captain Cormack , of the Omaha polio
force , proceeded to South Omaha and placei
him under arrest. He was subscquentl :
taken to Minneapolis by officers from tha
city. At the time the two brothers were at
rested they denied all knowledge of thi
affair , and maintained their innocence ii
their testimony during tnelr trial. Henr ;
Barrett's testimony was to the effect tha
Timothy suggested that they rob somebod ;
that night , and that while walking along th
avenue Tollefson's car overtook them
Timothy and Peter ordered him to throw Uj
his hands , at tbo same time brandishing thcl
weapons. Tollofson endeavored to dcfani
himself , and , according to the testimony o
Hoary Barrett , bis two brotheis fired a
Tollcfson , one of the balls taking effect i :
tbo head. The two then made their escap
and Tollefson was found lying dead on th
front platform of bis car by another drivet
aoout cno hour afterward. Timothy Bat
rett seized the cash box and made off will
it. At the time of the arrest there wa
strong talk of lynching , but the citizens fin
ally decided to let the law take its course
Though released from custody. Henry Bat
rett is still under pollco surveilanco and i
constantly in dread of being shot by bl
brother , Frank , who bos openly avowed tha
bo would kill him on sight. Henry Barrel
is about twenty-three years of ago and i
married to the youngest daughter of Thee
dore Belts , a respectable citizen of Xortt
field , Minn. Timothy Barrett bore a tjucs
tionablc record. He had already served ai
eighteen months' term in the Iowa peniten
tiary for highway robbery. In fact , the en
tire family has figured more or less i
crooked transactions. A little over tw
years ago Mary Barrett , now the wife o
John Colcman , conducted a millinery am
hairdresslng establishment on Fort avenue
Minneapolis , One nlgnt it was consume
by fire and an investigation showed tnat i
had been insured for nearly double its acl
ual value. Suspicions of Incendiarism wer
rife at the time but tbo losurance compan
adjusted the loss without going into litigt
tion. A domestlo named Sophia Lindstrot
was employed by the Barretts at thotim
and two years ago last December , or then
abouts , eho stated that the buildin
was set on fire by members of tl
Barrett family for the purpose of oblalnln
the insurance money , The company thi
held the risk on the building was preparin
to commence an investigation concerning tb
charges , when suddenly the woman io que :
tion disappeared , no ono appears to know
whither , and the prevailing opinion Is that
she met with foul play. However , her
whereabouts have never been discovered up
to the present time. Miss LIndstrom was In
Omaba nt the time she made the statement.
Another crime which the authorities are of
the opinion Is traceable to tbo Barretts Is
that of counterfeiting money. Three year *
ago a largo amount 01 spurious coin was out
afloat in Minneapolis , all of which was of the
standard silver dollar design. That J.ohn
Barrett , * who Is now dead , could have told
considerable about the matter , Is now well
Known. The molds wntch wcro used In the
making of this money wcro undoubtedly
manufactured for the Barretts by an attache
of the Iron-moldmc department of the Mln-
icapolls Harvester works. Just what has
jecomo of the molds remains to be dc-
j'clopcd. Sufficleut to say that spurious coin
ivas obtained al .Barrett's saloon by indi-
riduals who have since dlsappearod , but
, vho claimed to have seen it manufactured
iy ono of the Barretts.
In Omaha both Peter and Tim Barrel * , arc
xtcnslvcly known in police circle * , having
n various occasions been arrcMed for lar
ceny and highway robbery. The name of
eter Barrett Is engrossed on nearly every
court docket in the city. Justice O'Connell ,
ivho nt present holds court on South Thlr-
ccnth streel , stales that the Barrett boys
ave been before him as defendants about n
.ozen times. About three years ago , ho
tales , several horses , a lumber wagon nnd
ither valuables wcro stolen. O'Connell was
hen pollco Judge of South Omaha. The
Time was traced to the Uarrctts.nnd O'Con.
nell with n posse of men made a raid on nn
ild rookery in the suburbs of Ihe city , and
here found Pete and Tim Barrett with their
x > oty. The wagon was outside nnd the
lories nnd other property was in the cellar
under the building. The two individuals
made an effort to defend themselves , but
wcro covered with a revolver in the bands of
O'Connell before they could draw their
iveapons. They surrendered , the property
ivas removed , and the two were given a term
n Ihe Douglas county jail. At present the
molher and two brothers ot the men that
, vero hung reside in Omaha , in a lowly cot
tage on Twentieth and Puclfio strcels.
The Wound Has Hcnlcd.
OSCEOH , Wis. , .March 22. [ Special Tele-
pram lo THE BEE. ] Mrs. Thomas Tollcfson ,
he widow of the man murdered by the Bar-
roll brolhers , who wcro hanged nt Minne
apolis to day , was married to Carl Bader , a
'Minneapolis carpenter , on Wednesday after
Attorney General Wchncr Asaln the
Subject of Ccnsurs.
Loxuox , March 2i In the commons to
day Hurcourt , resuming the discussion re
garding the Parnell commission , declared
hat Attorney General Webster's identifica-
ion with the commission had destroyed the
mpression that the government would be
mpartlal , nnd bad added weight to the
Times' charges. He condemned the attorney
general's apology for Pigoit's forgeriei as
mean , contemptible nnd disgraceful , and ex
pressed a hope that ho would make a better
Attorney General Webster replied that
but for the duty he owed those w ho trusted
him he would not have noticed the charges
made by Harcourt. If ho were guilty of tno
conduct Imputed to bun he would be a dis
grace lo tbo English bar. Ho was private
counsel for the Times , and it was immaterial
whether he bad been right or wrong in as
suming the position.
Redmond's motion to reduce the attorney
general's salary was rejected.
Sir William Vernon Harcourt wanted lo
know whether the attorney general bad a
letter in which Pigott admitted his inability
to stand cross-examination. If Ames had
thai letter and kept it from the attorney gen
eral he ( Harcourt ) had no hesitancy in say
ing that Ames ought to bo struck off the
rolls. In the course of the attorney ncner-
al's reply the chairman called upon Xavier
O'Brien to retire for interrupting.
O'Brien denied that bo had opened
his mouth. The cnairman repsatcd the order
to retire. Pinkerlon corroborated O'Brien ,
declaring that he had been silent. T. P.
O'Connor thereupon protested against the
chairman pulling the Ho to the honorable
member without inquiry. The chairman ac
cepted the disclaimer , adding that O'Brien
could not deny havinc repeatedly interrupted
loudly , and warning him not to repeat such
The attorney general , continuing , declined
absolutely to say whether he had advised
the government on any point. He had never
vouched to Ihe government for Ihe au-
thenlicity of the letters. Harcourt's argu
ment that counsel ought to satisfy himself
of the accuracy of the statements of a wit
ness was preposterous. He accused Har-
cr.urt of asking questions in this manner be
cause he knew that a certain section
of the press was only too ready
to turn suggestions into accusations.
Regarding Pigott , the attorney general
argued that he had no right to keep him
from the witness box , because be saw Jie
could not stand a cross-examination. Ho had
informed the commission and had out Pi ]
pott's letter in Sir Charles Russell's baud }
five days before Pigotl went into the box.
llxmd ministerial cheers. ] Would the com
mittee believe that Sir Charles Russell had
asked that the letter should not bo read till
Pigott went into the box. Laughter.l Hi
protested strongly against Sir Wil
liam's reference to Soamcs , whc
was sot there to answer cbarccs. In regard
to Sir William's statement that the Times' '
apology could only have been written by a
pettifogging , cozening knave , ho said that
that knave stood before them at tbo prcscn
moment , [ Conservative cheers.J
O'Connor and Laboucncre having spoken
Parnell said he should not have intervened
but that in the language of Attorney Genera
Webster and in the shouts of bis supporters
thcro had been some faint echo o
Lord Salisbury's equivocal Ian
guago m respect to the forged let
tcrs. If Lord Salisbury still chose to pii
the relic of his faith to bis letters the consequence
quenceould be upon his own bead. In thi
witness box ho ( Parnell ) testified under oatl
that bo had not signed , written or known o
any letters , and Altorney General Websle ;
had not ventured to put to him a single ques
tion. Was there any member who wouli
venture to express any doubt now that tii
letters were forgeries !
Morley asserted that Sir Charles Russcl
had authorized him to state that ho was cc
tircly in accord with tbo opposition in th
action they were taking. Ho maintainci
that Attorney General Webster bad failed t
answer the charges.
Fun on Hoard Ship.
' [ Cnpi/rfflfct tffO bu Jamti Gordon tttnnttt. ' }
XICE , March 23 [ Ne\ York Herald Cabl <
Special to TUB BEE. | Last night the me :
of tbo United Slates flagship Lancaster gay
a rollicking entertainment on board the shit
commencing with n "nigger" minstrel con
cert and a mock carnival as the second par
They threw cabbages at each other. A
sorts of grim jokes were played by number
of highly grotesque figures. Several friend
were invited to sea the show. The men ar
contemplating eiving a repclition of it at th
Casino for the benefit of the poor in Nice.
Tr.nfo nnd UnlnoUy Ketlcn.
VjnsXi , March i3. It is reported tba
Count von Taafe , the Austrian premier , am
Count Kalnoky , imperial foreign minister
have tendered their resignations.
LONDON , Marcn ! . None of the mornln
papers have received any information cor
firming tbo rumor that Count Von Taafu an
Count Kalnoky bad resigned , nor bos Hei
tor's Telegram company received anytbin
on the subject.
The Knslidlous ( iren&cra.
Crrr MEXICO , ( via Galveston ) , March 22.-
Tbo government has taken steps to prevrr
the introduction into Mexico of America
lard , owing to an official announcement tlu
it is deleterious to health.
A Colored Murderer llniiijc I.
Scorrvju.z. Ky.j March i Monro
Wilkinson ( colored ) wai hanged hero to-da
for the murder of Berry Mansion ( colorcv
September 23,15s3.
Gonornl Bndoau Prefers Ghoraoa
Against Him.
The Senate Adjourns In Deference to
the Memory of the Dcnil Justice )
The Successors ! ) Ip South
Dakota flatters.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 22. |
General Adam Badcau Is hero trying to ,
prevent the confirmation of Colonel Grant
who ts also hero. Badcau has made charges
against Grant to the committee ou foreign
iclattons , but it is not probable that they will
receive any attention.
OUT or ncsrncT ron M ITTOEWS.
Just as the executive secretary to the
iresldcnt stepped upon the floor of the scnato
.his afternoon , an adjournment till tomorrow
row was taKcn. out of respect to the memory .
of Justice Matthews. The secretary had in
iis hand a number of nominations , none of
whlfh were officially made known , as they
were not announced to the senate. SecreJ
tary Tracy says the name of Con-oral Tan
ner , o f Brooklyn , to bo commistioncr of pen
sions , was in the lot , The Impression is
prevalent In Indiana circles , and the state
ment is made positively by senators in
[ crested , that the aifmo of ex-Congressman
William H. Calkins , of Indianapolis , who
was the leader of the Grcshum forces from
the Booster state at Chicago last June , was
among the nominations to bo commissioner
of the general land office.
\ prominent republican from Indiana , who
Is regarded as being close to President Harrison
risen , expressed the opinion to-day that tno
president would appoint United States Cir
cuit Judge \V. Q. Grcsham to the position on
the United States supreme bench made va
cant by the death of Justice Matthews and
then promote United States District Judge
Woods , of Indianapolis , to the circuit judgeship -
ship , to succeed Grcslmm , and fill the va
cancy on tl.o district bench nt Indianapolis
by appointing Law Partner John B. Etam or
Judge John M. Hutler. This course , ho
said , would wipe out all traces of faction la
the republican party in Indiana.
Great interest is felt in the approaching
constitutional convention to Uc held jn South
Dakota nexlJ uly. Public men In Washing
ton and many of the private citizens are per
sonally acquainted with those who will take
part iu that convention and the ofllcers who
will be chosen to represent both the govern
ment in Washington und the interests of the
state in that section , which is now the south
ern part of the territory. It Is conceded
hero that Messrs. Moody und Edgcrton , who ,
under the provisions of the Sioux Falls con
vention , were elected United States senators ,
will bo re-elected. These men have been
very prominent in fighting the battles for
statehood during the past six or eight years ,
and public opinion accords them the posi
tions to wtiich they arc entitled. Judge
Moody nas spent more time in Washington
than any man in the territoryl who has.
worked for u division of Dakota and state
hood for both sections. Ho has constantly
representeJ the interests of both North nnd
South Dakota and has been very cftlcicnt m
his work. The campaigns he bus conducted
during the past six years In the interest of
division and statehood have undoubtedly cost
him a good many thousand dollars in cash
and about one-half of bis time. He drew tbo
original bill for division and statehood and
dratted was known as the Harrison
bill , and dictated the provisions of the meas
ure which finally became a law. He drafted
the amendments which effected a compro
mise on the omnibus bill , and spent nearly
all of this winter here working between the
two houses for the legislation which resulted.
Judge Moody will do credit to his constitu
ents as a senator from South Dakota. He is
familiar with congressional procedure , Is
well acquainted with the members of con
gress m both branches , and knows how to go
to work in the executive dcuartments.
Further than tbi , he is in good favor at the
white house , being a warm personal fricndof
the president , Edgerton and Moody will
make a strong team in the senute , both na\S
ing wide experience in public affairs , and
South Dakota will not have to wait for her
representatives in congress to "get their
hands in , " or to ' 'get the hang of the barn. "
as they will drop into the harness like old
stayers at the business.
General Harrison has now been in the
white house about three wepus , but his ap
pointments have comparatively been very
few. Aside from postmasters , promotions in
the army and navy , and other local appoint
ments , they muy be summed up as follows :
New York gets tha secretary of tne navy ,
tbo assistant secretary of the treasury , tbo
assistant secretary of state , tbo assistant sec
retary of the interior , the minister to France ,
the minister to Austria and an appointment
in the marine hospital service.
Indiana gets the attorney general , the
minister to Home , the consul general to Lon
don , the private secretary _ , the United States
marshal and the solicitor of the postoOlce de
partment ,
Pennsylvania gets the postmaster general ,
the supervising architect , the superintendent
of the railway mail service and an appraiser.
Maine gets the secretary of state , the ex
aminer of claims , and the minister to
Minnesota gets the secretary of the treas
ury , the minister to Holland and the chief
cleric of the treasury.
Vermont gets the secretary of war.
Missouri gets the secretary of the inteiior.
Wisconsin cets the secretary of agricul
ture and the consul general to Vienna.
Iowa gets the assistant postmaster gen
eral and a Samoan commissioner.
Michigan gets the minister to Spain.
California gets the minister to Japan.
Massachusetts gets the minister to Switz
Illinois gets the minister to Denmark.
New Jersey cets a Samoan commissioner
and a United States marshal.
Delaware gets a Saui tn commissioner.
West Virginia gets the commissioner of in
ternal revenue.
Connecticut gets the commissioner of pat
ents.Ohio gets the assistant postmaster general.
Dakota gets a governor , secretary and jus
Arizona gets a governor and a secretary.
New Mexico get * two Justices.
Washington territory gets u governor , sec
retary and chief justice.
Montana gets a governor , secretary and
ur.i-Aii'.s op-1' BUILDINGS. ,
A statement prepared by the secretary of
the treasury showing the expenditures from
the sundry civil appropriation bill passed by
congress October 2 , lb&3 , for repairs and
preservation of publi'j buildings , gives ex
hibits as follows : ExjMindilurca on the
Omaha postoftico building Advertising ,
11.50 : lettering , fcUXJ ; staining floors , f20.W ) ;
hanging storm doors , f'J.50 ; door lock , { 3 ;
plumbing , W-C5 ; a total of WI.05.
Kxiwmlllurcs on tbo government building
at Lincoln Storm doors , tivOu ; glazing ,
f.Vi ; repairs to pipes , ( i > c ; repairs to
windows , 7.10 ; weather strips , $ L50 ; key
clanks , 11.40 ; dour bprings , f 1 .Ml ; sash cord ,
12 ; repairs to water closet , M35 ; repairs to
postoRlco screens , (1 M. repairs lo door
spring , & 0o : repairs to aour checks , $ . ' .25 ;
gate for stairs , $ > ; halyards , $1.12 ; repairs to
water pipes , fl.-H. a total of flw.21.
On the public building ut Dubaquo , la.
Glazing , tlO : repairs to roof , f J.50 ; repairs to
door lock , 75 cents ; glazing , ( S ; profile of
scuer , Jj ; wamscotting , tb ; repairs to water
pi | > cii , f7 ; repairs to roof , flS.W ) . a total of
$54.75. $
There was expended on the public build-
luir ut Dos Uoiues (4.75 for repairs to water
. pipes. *
The resignation of Captain John Summer *
ha > e * , as.iM.nt quartermaster , of bis com *
uiu&ion as first lleuteuunt , Kii'litli Infcutry.
lias been accepted by the prc&Hect to tak
effect Mai cb l > , IS 'J. '
PeuitX S.