Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Continental Clothing House
Nearly every merchant frequently asks the question , "Does it pay to advertise ? " After
years of experience we unhesitatingly say that it does pay ; provided you never abuse public
confidence , and when you advertise a special bargain , show them that you have just what you
advertise , and prove to them that the goods are as represented. We never advertise job lots or
broken sizes and when we advertise an especially attractive line of goods , we always have
quantities and sizes to fit all.
Men's ' Blue Cheviot Suits , $10 ,
We have placed on our counters , fresh from our workrooms , 150 Men's Blue Cheviot Shirts
in sacks and frocks , perfect fitting , and made and trimmed in the very best manner. Made from
a thoroughly reliable all wool cheviot , seams double stitched , making one of the most desirable
business suits we have ever offered. We have named the popular price of $10 for this suit. All
sizes , -34 to 44.
Men's ' Fancy Cheviot Suits , $8 ,
> We have manufactured 200 suits of a very neat brown mixed striped cheviot , every fiber
wool , which we will sell this week for § 8 per suitThe same care is taken in manufacturing these
suits as in the better grades. No garment is allowed to go out of our establishment unless it is
perfect in every particular , We claim that this suit cannot be duplicated , outside of the Conti
nental , for less than $12 , which is the price usually charged for this suit. Samples of the mate
rial and self measurement blanks sent to any address.
Men's ' Sawyer Cheviot Suits , $12 ,
Our patrons will remember the special sale of Sawyer Cassimeres sold last season. We
have had made for our special use , a new mixed , light brown cheviot , by these celebrated mak
ers , a color especially adopted for business suits for the reason that it will not show the dust
and wear the same popular price of $12 for this suit , and any one purchasing one of these
suits , who is not perfectly satisfied with it , may return it and have their money refunded.
Boys' and Children's ' Department
We have prepared this season for a large increase of sales in this department , having now
on our tables a larger stock of Boys' and Children's Clothing than any other house in the west.
Gentlemen's ' Spring Overcoats ,
We arc showing the largest line of Spring Overcoats that we have ever had on our coun
ters at any one time before.cmbracing every grade from the lowest to the finest imported fabric ,
special bargain in a neat double and twist coating in two shades , silk facings , a perfectly relia
ble genteel garment in every respect , atio. Special bargain lines at $12 and § 15.
Boys' ' Long Pant Suits , Price $7 , Ages 13 to 17
We offer a special line this week of Boy's Long Pant Suits ; strictly all week cassimerc
goods usually sbld for $10 and $12. This line"of suits will be sold at $7 , offering an opportunity
seldom found to purchase a new spring suit , something reliable and at less than manufacturer's
prices. Remember , coat , pant and vest , $7. Send for samples and self measurement blank.
Boys' ' Knee Pant Suits , Price $4 ,
We have just received two lines of medium shades , all wool cheviot suits for boys from 4
to 12 years. We offer these until they are closed out at $4. They cannot be purchased out
side of the Continental for less than $6.
We have taken special care this season in manufacturing a large line of fine goods for this
department , and we will be glad to furnish samples and aid our customers in every way in mak
ing their selections.
Our Hat Department is the largest west of New York and no goods manafactured are too
good for our stock , and are 25 per cent lower than is usually charged for the same goods by
small dealers. A full line of Boys' and Children's goods.
Our Mail-Order Department is attended to by one of our best men and every possible care
is taken in filling orders. Follow our instructions on the self measurement blanks and you can
be fitted as well as if you made a personal selection.
Collections of internal revenue yesterday -
torday , $0,855.40. ,
Born Sunday , March 17,1889 , to Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Elsassor , a son. Eleven
The Omnha Homeopathic Medical so
ciety has its regular mooting at the
Paxton hotel to-nipht.
George H. North n'nd Miss Sarah
Bradley wore united in marriage by
Justice Kroegor Tuesday.
George E. Stratman was fined $10
and costs for erecting a barbed wire
fence within the city limits.
Tom Hayes and John Doll , recently
appointed on. the police force , have
donned their uniforms and commenced ,
their duties as night patrolmen.
County Superintendent of Instruction ,
Bruner has received the programme for
the State Teachers' association , which
will bo In session at Hastings March 20
to 28 inclusive.
Otto Wick complains that some thief
entered his room , at 2510 Hamilton , and
stole his trunk and contents , tho'lattor
comprising shirts , undor-garmonts ,
pantaloons , etc.
Two bad breaks occurred in water
mains yesterday , one at 413 South Thir
teenth , and the other on Jackbon be
tween Fourteenth nnd Fifteenth. Both
wore promptly mondoQ.
Jack Morrison Tuesday sold his
throe-story brink and stone building.
1407 Douglas street , to Dennis Leary , of
> 3utto , Mont. , for $30,000 , this boinir at
the rule of $ lG33fr per foot.
John Stopanhck , of Ilcr's distillery ,
wants it understood that it was a Frank
Stapnock who was mixed up In a divorce
suit in the district court a few days ago.
This John has never boon married.
A now Bchool building is to bo built at
once at North Omaha in Sherman A venue -
nuo park , near the now North Omaha
depot , A school will bo opened there
as soon as the building is completed.
AH winter Andy Palmer has kept
throe horses In a tout not largo enough
for two horses oa Casa near Tenth , and
has allowed lllth to accumulate and in
other ways neglected the animals. Ho
was arrested on the ohargo of cruelty
to animals and paid a line of $7.50.
The tlmo given to J. C. Elliott , the
eowor contractor , to remedy the defects
In the flush tanks in the sewer placed
by him in Kountzo place , expired yester
day. The city will there f or o hire some
body el so to repair ttio sewer , and the
work will bo charged to Mr. Elliott.
Personal Parngrnulis.
Mrs , W. I. Laird ( formerly Miss Florence
E. Mead ) , will reside hi lies Molucs , la , , for
the present. '
Mrs. F. . D , Mead is at present In West
Point , Neb. , visiting her daughter , Mrs. E ,
H. Biilloclr. .
For Facing IJullots.
Ofllccr Rowdcn of the police force oas re
ceived $1,307 back " pension for three wounds
received in tbo "battle of Cblckiuaugain Ib03.
Will Hear Complaint * ,
The county commissioners will meet
this morning to hear complaints of elec
tors as regards the mismanagement of the
poor bouse. _
Stula Andres * Harness.
' "I put my horses and wagon in my barn
yesterday at noon , while I was at my Blnnor.
"When I called for them the barn and horses
nnd wogon were there , " said 1'hlUin
Andre * , "but the harness of the team
was Rons1 > m around to-day look
ing for the harness , " he also said , and from
n nervousness around his lips it was evident
lie was also looking for the thief who had
stolen th harness. Mr. Andres re.sldca. near
lUe corner 01 NlneUcutb and Farnani streets.
Ho Is Bartly Injured But Resting
The condition of Police Officer Marnoll ;
who was stabbed late yesterday morning by
a supposed house-breaker while under ar
rest , is not so dangerous as first reported.
From the police station ho was removed to
his residence , No. 1442 North Seventeenth
street. At latest accounts ho was resting
easily and as ho has a splendid constitution
the physician has hopes of his recovery.
Examination late yesterday showed that
the burglar and possible murderer , was only
slightly hurt receiving a few flesh wounds.
When ho stabbed the ofllcor iho first time ,
tbo blade entered Marnoll's ' arm. The
policeman struck him once and knocked him
down. Conine then jumped to his feet and
sank his blade to the hilt in the policeman's
side. Ho was knocked down again and
jumping to his feet a second tlmo inflicted
a number of small but not dangerous wounds
before ho was overcome.
The prisoner was put under $1,200 bonds to
appear for his preliminary hearing March 25
at ! i p. m.
It la a Curious Fact
That the body is now moro susceptible
to benefit from medicine than at and
other season. Hcnco the importance of
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla now , when
it will do you the most good. It is
really wonderful for purifying and en
riching the blood , creating an anpotito ,
and giving a healthy tone to the whole
system. Bo sure to got Hood1 Sarsa
parilla , which is peculiar to itself.
An Explanation.
Tuesday TUB BBC'S special correspond
ent at Pnpilllon sent in a report of the op
tions which Mr. Henry T. Clarke had taken' '
upon land near Bellevue , included In bis pro
posal for a now site for Fort Omaha. Our
correspondent happened to bo m tno office of
Judge Martin Langdon when the report was
written nnd made use of the lattor's letter
heads which bore the judge's namo. By
some means Judge Langdon's name was
signed to the report in TUB BKB ofllco. Our
correspondent , in calling attention to the
matter , snvs the judge know nothing of the
report until ho read it in Tim HUB , and is an
noyed at the inexcusable use of Us name * .
TUB UEIJ can do nothing in the way of rectify
ing the mistake further than to say that
Judgn Langdon had no knowledge of the re
port before it was published.
Nebraska branch Oklahoma Colony
association : All members are requested
to como to Kcsalor's hall Thursday ,
March 2-1,7 p. m. , for business meeting.
S. C. ROBINSON , Secretary.
Dumas Well Spanked.
Dumas Janes , aged eleven , and George
Duncan , ngod ten , both colored boys , were
arrested and arraigned before Judge Berka
on the choree of throwing stones at street
cars and other conveyances on Cuinlng
street. Dumas' mother
appeared and prom
ised she would spank the boy if the judge
would only release him. Ills honor accepted
the proposition , and Iho boy was released.
The judco could not bo partial , and as young
Duncan had nobody to appear In his b'ehalf ,
the dispenser of justice Informed him that if
ho would tell his father to give him a good
"licking" ho xvould let him go also. The lad
solemnly declared ho would do so , and was
\VoodriifrUrAiilfe Qaarry.
I am prepared to furnlali Woodruff
granite in paving blocks , door sills and
stops , or blocks of most any dimensions
at cheap figures. Also handle at my
Lincoln yard all classes of cut stone for
any part of the state. Ask for figures.
Thomas Price , Lincoln , Nob.
Ho Horn the Order.
There IB registered at the Arcade a person
who in an humble capacity bore a very im
portant part in the battle of Gettysburg on
the Confederate side. It is Colonel J3. P. W.
Carter who , as a courier for Longalrcct's
artillery chief and from that ollloer took the
to Plukett to "come uow or never
as our amunition is nearly exhausted. "
Pickett came nnd with what results all stu
dents of history well know. Colonel Carter
has for moro than twenty-four year been a
commercial traveler for the Cincinnati
Varnish company and is well known amongst
the buyers of that commodity everywhere.
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnam St. .
telephone 1204 , blank book makers , etc ,
A Case Dpmnntllnc the Attention of
Charitable Persons.
NOKTII OMAHA. DEPOT , March 18. To the
Editor of THE BEE : Last autumn there lived
hero an honest , hard-working carpenter ,
John F. Dotson. His family consisted of a
wife and two children , thp oldest three and
a half years , and a father seventy-two years
of ago. The morning of the presidential
election at 0 o'clock another bluc-oyed baby
made his appearance , and claimed recogni
tion from all surrounding him. It was at
once decided by the fond parents to christen
the new-comer Benjamin Harrison , which
was accordingly done immediately. Christ
mas day the father was taken sick , and , lin
gering until Feb. 18 , died , his sickness ab
sorbing the few dollars , the saving of years
of toll. Kind neighbors purchased a coffin
and buried little Bon's father.
Now the house in which they are living
has been rented to another family and they
must vacate immediately. They have no
friends to aid them. The widowed mother
has been taking in washing and sewing to
keep the wolf from the door. Mr. Editor , I
am almost as poor as they , with a family de
pendent upon my dally toil. I have four
dollars in my pocket. I will start a sub
scription for Little Ben Harrison with one-
half of it. Who will be tbo nextl
_ A Ninaimon.
What every woman wants at this time
is a magazine that gives the latest fash
ion news , first-class fiction and fine en
gravings. This is exactly what can bo
said for "Peterson" for April. ,
Has Parnoll Friends in Oinnhn ?
J. ! > . Miles , of the Nebraska Savings bank ,
writes as follows to THE Bui : : "It seems tome
mo that wo ought to have a mooting of the
Irish people here and those in sympathy with
Parnell and the Irish cause.
"I do not suppose there Is a cltv of 100,000
inhabitants in the United States which has
done less to help Parnell in his late prosecu
tion by the London Times , than Omaha , and
I think wo ought to call a publio mooting to
express our sympathy and confidence , and to
send him a couple of thousand dollars , if pos
'I hope the matter will bo taken up by'a
sufficient number to glvo this suggestion
force and effect' "
A New OYaln.
The connecting link between Ne
braska and'Kansas has just boon placed
in service by the Union Pacific railway.
This train loaves Council Bluffs dully at *
4:45 : a. m. ; loaves , Om aha ut 6:05 : a. m. ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with tho--Kunsus division
of the Union Pacifip railway. for all
points in Kansas aud Colorado west-
liound , and for Topeka , Lawrouco , Kan
sas City and points east unU south viu
Kansas City. Returning , train loaves
Manhattan at 2:25 : p. in. ; arriving nt
Beatrice at'6:2-5 : p. in..Lincoln at 7:60 :
p. 10. . and Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. , Coun
cil Bluira 11:40 : p. m. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from" Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka
and the east , and from Denver , Sauna ,
Abolino and all points yctf , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest
possible tlmo. Those trains have first-
class equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and first-class day coaches of the
latest pattern. The now train will (111 (
a long felt want , and is bound to bo
It Seems ttio Holler House is Too
Small for Them.
Commissioner O'Kccffo was very much
disturbed in mind .yesterday , the cause
thereof being another serious defect discov
ered in the architectural construction of cer
tain portions of the now county hospital.
When seen by a BEE reporter he was < Rx-
aminiug the Diana , and observed that a great
many annoying dlQlcultics had been encoun
"What is the trouble now ? "
"Why you see that boiler room is much
too small. We can never put thrco big boil
ers in that without digging down about three
feet and undormining'the wall , whicn would
greatly injure that portion of the building.
Even then tuoro would not bo more than
three feet of spice left for the engineer to
circulate around in , which is very much too
While talking ho pointed out three support
posts that are in the way and require to be
taken out. "The changes necessary , " con
tinued Mr. O'Keeflfo , "would require an ad
ditional expense ot several hundred dollars. "
"Whom do you claim to bo responsiblul "
"The architect , Myers , and , unless we
hear from him between now and next Satur
day , the board will take some action in the
matter. "
Because of the fact that the thrno big boil
ers , each sixteen foot long , expected to go
into one apartment80x32 feet , have arrived ,
nnd the contractors want to place them , this
feature of the mu'jh contested enterprise
bobs up.
Said Mr. O'Kceffo : "I am at a loss to un
derstand Myers1 actions. Wo are now
convinced , notwithstanding the state
ments of his son to the contrary
that ho was m Detroit and received the reg
istered letter sent to him. "
A receipt for a registered letter was pro
duced , which bears Mr. Myor's signature ,
showing that ho receipted for the letter per
Mr. O'lCeelfo went out to the asylum yes
terday to make an examination of the
boiler room. Ho scorned to think that a
clnrhgo might bo made nnd that the fuel
house , a one-story structure next to the
boiler room , might bo converted into that
use. _
Becchatn'l'ills euro bilious andsncrvou ills
lion Gnoi'RO Steals His Own Child.
Piercing screamsIn the homo of Jcssio
Taylor , a former wife of _ Lon George , nt COO
North Fifteenth street'attracted the atten
tion of the people In-ttho vicinity of the Web
ster street depot Tuesday night
between ton mnd cloven. Many
supposed that Lon was prac
ticing his old trick JOf wife beating , while
others believed a imurder was being perpe
trated. A largo number of people gathered
in front of the place and Lon was seen to
hurriedly leuvo tho' bouso and jumping into
a hack drove awuy. 'Tho screams Inside the
house werochangoQlo tnoans. and the people
rushing inside foutnl Josslo Taylor , a "wlfo"
of Lou's , wailing ever the loss of her three-
year-old boy , which Lon had forcibly taken
away from her. Beyond a few bruises re
ceived , In the struggle for tbo possession of
her offspring Josale was unhurt , and the
people who oxpcctedrto mid a horribly dis
figured body left silently for their homes
again. _
Special short tour to the capitals o
, llvo European countries England
Scotland , Holland Belgium and Franca
Costing &JCO ,
which includes all necessary expenses ,
embracing moro travel and bettor ac
commodation than ever offered by any
management ,
Longer tours , including Germany and
Switzerland , costing 9350 ind 150.
Send for circulars.
M. J. WOOD & Co. .
1223 Furnam St. , Omaha Nob.
81 Broadway , New York.
RetneinberliiR the Doctor ,
Tuesday night ottho residence of Dr. Oscar
Hoffman , Twenty-sixth and Hanioy streets ,
there wore present a number of members of
the Hebrew Benevolent association who prc-
sentcd in the numo of their association a
niugniflccnt clock with the richest kind of
adornment. The presentation speech
was made by Benjamin Newman
the secretary of the association which was
favorably responded to by the recipient.
Speeches were also made by Julius Meyer ,
president-of the association , and several
other gentlemen. The present was in recog
nition of the doctor's attention to the wards
of the society for the past year , his services
having been rendered gratis.
The only complexion powder in the
world is without vulgaritywithout
injury to the user , and without doubt a
bcautifior , is Pozstoni's.
It Is UclncUsed lit I'rocurlne Trafllc
by a Certain Local Company.
There is a rumor which is said to bo based
larecly on facts to the effect that a certain
railroad terminating in Omaha , is obtaining
a largo quantity of freight by giving it a
clnssillcation lower than it is entitled to. It
is claimed that in some instances and espe
cially in shipping canned goods , the stuff is
barrelled , packed in saw dust thereby avoid
ing suspicion on the part of the inspector.
This false classification results in a bonciit
to ttio shipper , who of course , gets a material
reduction in rates. It is said that this de
ception is being practiced in favor of one of
Omaha's representative wholesale houses.
It is intimated , however , that a notion will
bo served on the agent of the company In
authority to discontinue such work. Inquiry
was made concerning the report but no
names or further details could bo obtained
tho'policy being it seems to bring this matter
tj an end without public : attention.
It is also said that false billing has been
indulged in , and that in cases where it has
been discovered , the offending company ,
through its agent , has been allowed to escape
the penalty of the law by correcting the bill
and pronouncing oversight.
The Inter-State Law.
Q. W. McMillan , agent of the Western
Railway Weighing association and Inspec
tion bureau , has sent out circulars calling
the attention of shippers nnd railway agents
to the provisions of the amendments to sec
tion 10 of the inter-state commerce law.
After citing the terms of the law , the circu
lar concludes : "Tho purpose of this circular
Is to advise nil shippers and railway agents
that when this association shall come into
possession of any testimony which , in the
judgment of' its ofllccrs , establishes a viola
tion of this section , inch testimony will bo
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purltjr
strength mid wholesoinenesi. More economical
than the oriUn/ry kin Js , und cannot be mul In
competition \ > ltfi tno multitudes of low cost.
nbortwel lituliiin or phosphate nowilura. Bold
only In can * . Itoval Ilaklnj j'oAiler Co. , Kfl
Wallstmt NO T York ,
submitted to the Inter-State Commerce
Commission , and that this assonintion will
aid the said commission , or the proper
ofllecrs of the United States , in prosecutions
for violation of the law. In this action they
will make no discrimination between ship
pers , railway agents and employes. "
The foregoing is fathered by George L.
Carman , superintendent of the association ,
and approved by the executive committee ) .
Several representatives of the various local
roads were questionefl to-day , and their opin
ions wore alike to the effect that should the
interstate law be strictly adhered to it would
ho seriously detrimental to largo cities and
would impair the commercial resources Of
every wholesale center in the United States ,
interior and minor points alone being bono-
fittcd by it.
Union I'nciflc Co t Veins.
The statistics ir. the coal department of
the Union Pacific show that the output for
l&SS in the mines of Wyoming was 1,092,531
tons of coal. . Of this 539,513 tons was Rock
Sprinc coal. ' The report is to the effect that
considerable coul has been mined in advance
of the demand , hut the company has lbOJ
men continually at work digging the dusky
diamonds. The work of opening up thrco
new mines in Wyoming Is now bein pushed ,
and when coal is reached tha force of miners
will be largely increased. It is stilted that
an unlimited supply of coal abounds in
Wyoming , and that the Union Pacific has
concluded to develop the cntiro plant nnd
make this a leading article of tralllc 'for
cast-bound cars thai in iminy instances
would ho carried over the road empty. The
product of 1SS3 enabled the Union Pacific to
realize noirly t J,500OOJ aside from supplying
the factories , engines and other consump
tion from which no margin is realized.
Trouble Ovnr Coiil Rntcs.
J. A. Munroo , general freight agent of the
Union Pacific , thns returned from Kansas ,
where hovas ocforo the railway commission
of that state to answer to alleged discrimina
tion on local rates on coal ns compared with
the rates from Kansas City , St. Louis nnd
Lcavcnworth to interior points within the
state. The commission had a complaint be
fore it to the effect that the rates from
Lenvcoworth were higher correspondingly
than from the other named points. After
taking a volume of testimony the commission
deferred action until some future date.
launbnr Itnttm ft educed.
It Is stated on good authority that April 1
rates on lumber from Chicago to points in
Nebraska nna points west of the Missouri
river will bo much the same as the rate
which applies on shipments of lumber from
St. Paul , thereby reducing tno rate between
Chicago and Omaha nboiiH"i ! per cent. This
iictlon was brought about to satisfy thu Hur-
lington in itb opposition to the Dulutli tariff.
Ilnllrond Notes.
Knglnes * C33 and 03(1 ( on the Union Pacific
wore dispatched to Denver.
Engine 93Bon the Union Pacific came in
from the west to-day , nnd is laid up for re
pairs. I
The Golden Gate special on the Union Pa-
clllc wont out with u heavy load of passengers -
gors on board yesterday ,
William Clement , for several years con
nected with O'ii trulllo department of the
Union Pacific 1ms resigned ,
W. F. Chivoland , of the passenger depart
ment of the Chicago It Northwestern road ,
headquarters in Chicago , Is in the city.
As ttio day's roll by the chances of Jay
Oould and party visiting Omaha grow loss.
The representatives of the Missouri Paclllo
nro in hopes that ho will put In an appear-
unco BO that the Huron extension protect may
he formally laid before him for congldcrtlon.
Wm. Black , Abingclon , Iowa was
cured of cancer of the eye by Dr. Jones'
Red Clover Tonicwliicli cures nil blood
disordoru nnd diseases of the Btormioli ,
llvor and kidneys , The best tonic and
appetizer known. 60 cents. Goodman
Drug Co.
A I'linoton.
A phneton supposed to have been stolen
InBt December , was found In a shanty occu
pied by WHllaui Harrison , on the blulf wct
of Cut-Off lake. Harrison does not glvo a
satisfactory explanation of how It came into
Ilia possession , ami the volilclo Is at the cen
tral stutign awaiting uu owner.
May Now bo Protected by Grunting
Siintlty InjiinctinnB.
All of the district judges and a number of
prominent attorneys spoken to , sny they are
heartily in favor of the bill empowering
courts to grant injunctions on Sunday.
" 1 think it is a splendid thing and just tha
kind of a law we need , " said Judge Groff.
"It will prevent this invasion bv individuals
and corporations of other people's rights ,
which they cannot secure any other day in
the week. The practice of going to work
five minutes after 12 o'clock , with largo gang
of men , nnd doing on Sunday that which tha
law would not'permit them to uo any ether
cay ! in the week Is an outrage , mid 1 sco no
reason why the courts should not Imva tha
power to issue an order Htopping them oa
Sunday just the same as Mondnv. "
Judge Waiccloy's views nro the same as
those of Judge ( jrolT.
Judge Uoano said the bill ought to bo
passed , nnd Judge Hopowoll's reply to an in
quiry was : "I nm clad it has been passed ,
and believe it will ho an excellent thing. "
As to its legal aspectfrom a constitutional
standpoint , not one could bo induced to give
an opinion. They said : " \Va have not ox-
nmined the constitution , thorcfoio , do not
Know what the bearings are. "
I have used your Salvation Oil for cracked
heals , mango , and sand cracks with horses ,
mid it gives perfect satisfaction.
CIIAS. W. Lun.
414 W. Baltimore St. , Ualtimore , Md.
The cost of Dr. Hull's Cough Syiup Is only
23 cents , A bottle will cotiviuca all of its ox *
cclloncu. _
Cupid's CouplctN.
Following arc the marriage licenses is
sued yesterday in the county court by Judge
Shields :
Name nnd Residence. Ago
William S. Justice , Omaha 21
Julia A. Harris , Omaha IB
Peter JOIIBOII , Omaha , 23
Augusta Larson , Omaha 10
For strengthening and clearing the voice ,
use "IJimvn'H Itionoliiul 'J roolii'H. "
" 1 have commended them to friends who
were publio Hjienlters. nnd they have proved
extremely serviceable. " Hov. Henry Ward
_ _ _ _ _
A Hully.
J. O. Chambers was arrested for knocking
down the doorkeeper of the Kilen Museo and
calling him the yilest of names 'wlillo uomo
ladles were preparing to enter , Chambers
put up $7.00 for his appearance yesterday
but failing to show up , the bond was for
feited. Ho thus escaped a heavy fine.
Choking Catarrh'
Have you luviikcneil from ft disturbed Meep
\\ltli nil the horillilu Htnsiitlous or an assassin
rlutrhlng your throat nnd pri-Hilnj , ' thu life- Ii from your tightened clientIline you
noticed t liu limgnor anil debility tlmt mice oil thu
cllort to clear your throat nnilhuiul or this cu-
tatrhal nutter/ What a deprojslng inllnoncu It
cxrrtHiipon ilia nilnd.clomliiiK thu memory unit
filling tlin hi'ml with piilns MM Mtriingo iiolnou !
Mow ( llfncnlt , it IH to rid the nasal passages ,
throat ami IIIIIKS ofthlH polrtonotix mixoiiJ uli
cm i tcttlfy wlioiim mulcted wltliratuuli. How
dlllirult to protect UiosyMcm au'uluHt 114 fmtlier
prdL'rrm tnuuulH tlio liitij-"i. Ih'fr and kidneys ,
nil Iitiyslclnni Mill mlmlt. ft IH u tciilblu ell * .
p.ifc. underfed out for relli-f nnil oino.
Tlio icinarkalile curatlvo powers when all
ether rotnenlft utterly fall , ortium > in > 'i > HAUL
< m , C'iMCK , urenttoMuil liy tlmusuiMnlio fiute-
fully recommend It to fellott-nuirciiT * . No
MnteinontlHinuile regarding ft that riinnot bo
HUlMtaiitlutecl ) > y the moat re poctubui and re *
liable rcfrnnirefl.
liucli packet contains ono bottle of the HAnr-
nM.CuiiK , ( UieboxnrUATAiiiuui. HOI.VKNT , mul
nil iMi'iiovri ) INIIAI.KII , with tieatlxa anil iliroc-
tlotift , and IH nolil by all drugetitu fur tl.U )
mm1 , tiepimt. InoUnluneoim nnd lu-
fulllblo Antidote to J'ftin , JniUm-
million anilVrakuoss , the CUYICUIIA.
t 1'iithirii. 'Jlio ( lr t urnl only i > aln-
BII hilnl ntf plax.'or. 'i he inoit elU'JcloiiB , the moat
> Ki cMililu mill the moit itpucily of nil external
iirfviita for Iho relict ot Pain anil UVukums. At
ail ilmcclMxUJi'tntH ; live foi 41,01 : or , iKutAgo
frrc. ot I'ui-riu llitfu AM > JneMJUAL Co. ,
lloiton , Mui .