Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    'If '
No ndvcrtlHoincntfl will \to tnkcn for
Dicnn column * nflor lUiUO p , in.
TermsCnsli In mlvaiicc.
Adrcrtjeementsnnder thin head 10 cents pnr
line for too first insertion,7 cent * for each sub-
( iMjucnt insertion , nnd C1.M per line per month.
Ko advertisement Uten for less thnn 25 cents
the first Insertion. Seven words will 1 > counted
totUo line ; thny must run consecutively nnd
tnust be paid in ADVANCE. All advrrtlse-
raentn must bo handed in before I2'K1 o'clock p.
M. . nnd under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
, I artloj advertisingInthose column * andhnr *
ing their answers addressed in care of TIIIC HKK
* rlll plcaso ask for a chock to ennbla them to Ret
tliolr letters , us none will be delivered except on
| > re entntlon of chock. All answers to ndver-
UsomontH should bo enctoRonlln envelopes ,
All advertisements In thnso columnN nro pub-
Its ti od In both morning nnd evening editions of
TiiKllr.K , tlm circulation of which aggregates
more than 18,01) pnpers dnlly , nna gives the ad *
Yertlsers the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of THE Ilitn , but nlso of Council muffs ,
Lincoln una other cltlos nnd towns t&roughout
tliln section of the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
en the above conditions , ( it the following busi
ness houses , who nro ai thorlzcd ngontB for TUB
JlrK spedal notice * , and will quota the saint
rates oa can bo had nt the main olllce.
"irbVlN W/ilELUPuarinftcistrffflO BouUi Tenth
U Btroot.
fill ABE & KOnV. Blatloners and Printers , 113
Vj South leth Street.
II. rAllNSWOHTIl , Pharmacist. 2115 Cum-
§ mg Btroet.
1W. . J. Btruot HUQIIUB , Plvarmnclst. 634 North loth
G RO. W. PAUH , Pharmacist. 1809 Bt. Mary'
A YOUNG man ( on salary ) to travel and so
licit family pictures. U13 jodgo Bt <
( j o
W - blacksmiths at Alorlght ,
Neb. Enquire at carriage works thcrr.
roan to find work nnd drlvo a
team on shares. E. Savage , 110 N 10th.
000-30 *
W ANTED Man to take car.o of horses. Dr.
"VST ANTED-At once , ten men to solicit in
TT Kansas nnd Missouri ; salary $75 totlOOper
month. Call to-day at room 611 , First National
bank. S33
\XTANTED Young man of business ability
TT to net art district manager ; must put In
C100 : salary tl,3KlpornnniimnoHBO ( ; for "Hom
ers. " Call at once or nddret * Geo. 8. Cllno. nil
yirat National bank. Kiq
WANTED Sober , energetic man with con
nection nmojiR private families nnd res
taurants to cnnvaa tor us. Union Pacific Tea
Co. . 204 N. lllth st. 4110-gU ;
WANO'EI > A good salesman lo neil n spec-
' laity to trade on the road.
Balary. llond of t' > 00 and good reference re
quired. " Cull this ovuulug between 1 nnd 0
o'clock. A. Lowls , Hotel Derby , 13th near
Dodge at. 4S3-23 ?
ANTED Experienced milker , 4H5 Baun-
dera. 471) )
ut the Eden Musce.
4-31 *
\\7 ANTED Yound man 15 to 23 yrs old for
T T office work In real estate business , experi
ence and references not necessary. 1'leaso
btate ago and general appearance , also if ac
quainted lu Omahn and salary expected. ! ' alleo
407 20
'ANTKO A young man for light work.
Good wages. Art room 17 , 230 N. in.
448-20 *
V\r ANTED Man and wife In private family ,
TT $ JO : man and \\lfoon a farm,435. Mrs.
llrcgn. 314M S ISth at. 403208
T\TANTED Pint-class tailors , custom work ,
TT by the weak ; good pay nifd steady work.
-Apply.-American Tailors , 1307 Farnam. En-
trnncolnrcar 439 34 *
WANTED A reliable cncrrotio person in
every town and city to act as permanent
local agent to Boll our celebrated teas , coffees ,
eplcos , extracts , biking powders-and table del
icacies to'famllles nt wholesale prices. Exclu
sive territory glvon. Our agents nro making
from $10 to $40 per week according to the
amount of energy put forth , and have n perma
nent business. For particulars address tno Kco
Kco Tea Co. . 147 Stnto Bt. . Chicago. 304SO *
ANTED Agents for our now patent llro-
nroof safes , size 28x18x18. wolgnt WO Ibs. ,
retail prlco ? ; , others in proportion. Highest
ttward ( silver medal ) Centennial exposition ;
rarochance ; permanent business. Our prices
lowest. Wo are not in'tho safe pool. Exclusive
territory given , Alpine Sato Company , Clncln-
BbVt ; Am. Dlst. Tol. Co. , 1304 Douglas.
WANTED Energetic men and women every-
wnoro for n genteel , monoy-making busi
ness. I'M ' weekly profit guaranteed easier than
(00 monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely
unnoccisary. Permanent position and exclusive
territory aisurca. J3.00 samples free. Write for
particulars. Address , with utmnp , Merrill Mfg
Co. , 11 63 Chicago. 175 nltB
WANTED First class shoo salesman ; none
but these having years ot exporlonco nnd
good reference need apply , at The Fair , 13th
and Howaid. .1. L llranduls & Sons. Hfi
WANTED Reliable it energetic salesmen In
Oinnhn'and northern halt of Nebraska to
cell our machlnesalso 3 collectors , no capital or
experience nocessary. The Singer Mfg. Co.
Omaha. Neb. 717-al
* tj7 ANTED 10 trnvollnp salesman , salary and
T > expenses. Address with stamp , Palmer &
Co. . DCS Molnes.jtt. 7.Mal
WANTED Railroad laoorors tor Washing-
ton territory ; steady work , long Job , nt
Albright's Labor Agency , 1130 Farnam at. 740
OVB-Ain. Dlat. Tei. Co. , 1301 Douglas.
WANTED A good business man to take the
management of an ofllco In Now York city ,
ono for Detroit and another for Cincinnati : must
invest (3.GOO : salary fl.WJO per year. Address
George 8. Cllne , Wagner block. DCS Molnen , la.
A GENTS wanted on salary 75 per mouth
and expenses paid , any active man or
woman to sell our goods by sample and live nt
tumio Salary paid promptly and expenses in
advance. Full particulars anil sample case
Tree. We moan Just wnat wo say. Address
( Standard Slirerwaro Co , lloston , Mass.
29l )
. 1-A Ctrl at CO IS. 37thet. Must be
T t good cook nnd laundress. on 35 *
\\fANTED 3 women cooks , out ot city , J25.
TT faro paid ; head laundress , lii ) ; plain laun
dress , gift ; kitchen girls ; four waitresses ; ex
perienced second girl , $15 ; 3 cooks for boarding
liouhed , J30 ; lots or the vnry best private turn-
lly placea. Mrs , llruga. iillji B. 15th. 007 31 * .
TUD-Good kitcheuglrl. 41& B Utust.
AfANTED aglrllBor 10 to d6 . . „ _ .
TT work ; Gerluau preferred. 201H Capitol
l\vo. 516-311
\ \ ANTED Young girl to help in kitchen.
_ TT _ ajlfi DoiiKlagjit. fi01-3i *
GOOD girl for" general house work at "once.
_ U38H.17tll St. , 0220f
W ' ANTED A girl for general Housework
Must bo a good cook. Apply at 3078. llth
434 81
\T ANl'EU Nuut nursa girl , Gorman pro-
TV furred ! Emiulra 33tti Howard t. 47J-31
\\rANTHO-Piimry girl. So ( out ot city ) .
T liiidy cook KIO ; liiunrtr BS , 1 18 ; kitchen an <
( lining room girl tl5 ; nuriie girls , cook auc
Bccond girl In snmo fiimtly , hounakuopor for
gentlemen ; > u-lrli ror ( jcnoral lioUHOwork
Sirs. llregaSUJi Hlithbt. 4C'J3Qr
onpautsaua vests , also
X one on coats. Good wages paid. M. Vbo
bU5 BOUth lUtll ht. _ _ 433-2U *
T lltli German. In mall family , tor genera
O liQUHHttOrk. 810B. 33d. 444-30
Atteiits Itellnblo women to oi
tlm "Original Ilvgela" Combination
Hhouldor lliacu Cornet. IiMt money maklni
m tlclo In the country. BntUfactlon uunraii
teed , .Apply for ternw and territory to WeMeru
Corset Co. . Bt. LouU. Mo. IKl-alU
, > -Neat Blrl for ten oral housework.
JC3 Park-ftveuue. UOO-Sl
\T ANTED lluttonhole lUttkers.HIS Karnam.
B751l )
\rANTED-Cadr agents. Two nnw inven
tions for ladles' spring , summer wear.
Outsail o\rythlnc. Pay tliu monthly. These
Vlth our bustleklri9 , rubber good * , hose up-
lorlere } , etc. , make best business known. Ad-
< lrfis wltli Btnmi ) . K. H , Campbell tc Co. . 4bi
llaiitlulph street , Olilcugo. l-N-ai *
" "
TjWH HENT-CoM utornge. capacity three car
X1 load * , vrackage. llullt expressly for beer.
Cll 13U7 Le v mvvurtli. 4801
NO'lTOK toTV ruier and Gardeners For
rout , the following piece ! of land : North
it of norUi et > t U ot nee. L 115 , r 13,10J acres ;
M > uth K of couthMoat U of sec , 10.116. r I i , HJ
Hfrcsi c st 9) acre * of north l ( of nortuwm U
H 35 , t IS. r 1' . ' , 30 acresiakto 47 acnui duo south of
the i > our farm aud adjolnlntf Edward Howull
pl r In city limit * . Inquire ot John II ami in ,
fill Llntpn block. Oinahu.jjeb. Bis ill
filOlt HUNI' Wfll Improved farm of H ) acres
X'utar city , ScbledUKot llros. dll South JI Dth.
WANTED Position M nlok nurse by pro
fessional nnrmot * long oxnorlence : best
t references ; or would take position as house-
Deeper. Address T 52 , Iloo. ( SOEJt
\VANTfiD-Hjr n Rood baker. place to work
' on bread nnd cake , Habits steady and in-
itistrlous. Call or address , Edwnid Dolnn , 015
louth 10th street. 4M so *
ALADY that can do all kind * of plain sow-
Ing , dressmaking And children's clothes , don
Ires to go out by the ilny or would sow with n
dressmaker , Address T 4ft , llee. 475 SOt
WANTED An experienced abstractor nt
titles desires employment. Ilcst of refer
ences given. Address lock box 439 , lirooklngs ,
Dakota. 4-iMlJ
WANTISO-Sltuallonby n flrst-claJis brand ,
cake nnd pastry baker. Addrens-T 30 , llee.
Vu ANTKU A permanent position Dyoxpcr-
lencod stenographer nnd bookkeeper , flest
f rofcrcncos. Addrrts W. 8. , P.O. Iloxtf ,
, lncoln. Neb. 431-30t
A good broad nnd cake baker wants a sltun-
-cVtioa. Address Charles Still , Jollot , 111.
_ _ _ _ _ _ " . _
ANTED Situation by an ox"t > brienccd
young man stenographer nnd typewriter.
llcfer < nco given. Adrtroas T4 lice. J7U & ) t.
OMAHA cmn. bureau , 118 N. 10th , rsUxb
B years. Most reliable In cty II. IC.Wh o.
TjTOIl HENT-A seven-room liouto. R37 Fo. 21st.
X' C02 33t
oil llEN'r f-roomhouso , $ J3por month1
1 i.'or rent-iXO-room house , liiu per month.
1'orront Ill-room IIOUHO , I4iipor' month ,
For rent ' monlhr
13-room hoiisp.-'fVi per
For rent 6-room cottngo , jn per montli.
I have a great demand for7 to ID-room houses
If unmoaio well located-13 to Wi \ > cr month.
If you have nny such houses list them with mo.
Nothcrtoii Hull , Itoom 43,1 , l-'lrst hat. llauk.
493 33
7UOOM liouso with barn , out a llttlo distance
830 per month. C. F.Harrison , Merchants
Nat. bonk bldg. 4i
BEAUTIFUL 8-roora house on new motor
line , 33d and Cumlnp sts. , with moderate
improvements &I5 per month , C.F.Harrison ,
Merchants Nat. bank blag. 4Ud
TTIOn KENT-A o6von-room house , No. 231'J
X1 Mason street. 50C 3-'r
8 KOOM honso 33d and Webster , 8.J5 pt-r month
April 1. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank
bldg. 4W ! i >
KEMV3oora house , 1315 N.29thst.
4-TIOOM house. Old Williams St.
ITIOIt KENT 3 cottages , a rooms each , at roar
X1 of 1317 Chicago st. ; city water nna "sower.
Inquire at 1315 Chicago st. U.W S3 *
TJIOK KENT A 5-room brick cottage convonl-
X1 ontto U.V. dopot-Mcad & Jamison , 3148 I5th
71OR IH5NT n-room modern Improved house.
- A 1 locality ; rout moderate. Apply to M.
Elguttcr , 1001 Farnnm struct. 670
lbll llENT-Cottages , 5 rooms , 373 Cliarles
street and 1534 South Fifth stroot. Inqutra
at room 313 , Shcoly block. ' 571
IpOH KENT Good basement. 1615 Douglas st.
FOIl KENT 10 room house on South 10th St. ,
with all modern conveniences ; two 3 room
Hats on North 17th st. , suitable for light house
keeping ; two now 0 room Hats , corner 31th nnd
LoavenworthstH. ; will rent reasonably two 10
room house * with all modern Improvements ,
corner 3flth and Capitol avo. Apply to Green &
Williams , First Nat'l bank building. 103-
KENT Nice fi-room houso. east front ,
EOH block ot cable cars. 113 8 38th st. OMitSt
FOT UENT 7-room Hat. $33 month. Inquire
at The Fair , l.'Jtn and Howard. 074
rnoit KENT Cheap , a nice 3 and 5 room house ,
X1 1533 slat st.betwetm Center and Dorcas st.
USD a 8 *
TJ1OK ItKHT 3 brick residences , fi rooms each ,
JU fronting Hanscom park , on Park avenue ,
with furnace , hot and cold wator. bath and all
conveniences. Heady for occupancy April 1.
Prlco 810 nnd 45 n month. D , V. Sholes , SWlst
Nat. bank building. U41
TJ10R KENT Furnished house for ront. Har-
X1 ris , 411 First-national bank. K93
TjlOH HENT Flat of seven rooms cor. 8 13th
X1 and PaclHc sts. Duggau's block. 877
BIG "LTSTbt houses for ront. B. T. Petnr-
son , s. o. cor. 15th und Douglas. "Sa4 *
"IJTOH KENT 10-room moaorn house near hlijh
J3 school cheap. G. J-I. Thompson , 313 Bheoly
block , 15th and Howard. 103
TTIUHNIBHED house for rent in Park Terrace ,
JP opposite Hauscom Park , all modemn con
veniences. Enquire. Leo i Nlchol , 3tJth and
teavenworth. 8S3
"VrlCEEVfurnlsliod'tront rooms , 1718'Dodge.
jL I 600-3U
FOU BENT Ono very large room suitable for
four ccntlomen. and one smaller suitable
for two ; both nicely turnlshed ; with board.
831 S. IDth St. 4B9 33t
TJWNE furnished rooms by day , week or
JD month at Globe hotel , Douglas t > t. 453 23 *
rtor3gentlomoncan bo accommodated with
something elegant In a furnished front room
with every modern convenience at 1833 Cass st.
ROOM and board cheap for two In private
family , 2318 Hurt. 477 30
HENT Furnished room , all modern
conveniences. 3314 Farnam et. 134
TmuilNlBHED Ilooms-1701 Capitol
30823 *
CICELY furnished room. 3103 Douglas.
Ui5 S3 *
JHIVATE family have several nicely turn-
Isliea room for rent With Board. 015 N 30th. at.
D34 23 *
VT1CELY furnUhea rooms , 1811 Capitol aye.
ATKWLY furnished southeast suite of rooms ,
J.1 also small front room , with nil mod-rn con-
vonlncea and flrst-clnas board. 230 } Farnam.
sen-si *
A VENUE llooms-At 1013 andlOlB Capitol nvo
-ci.3blocks from P O.newly tucnlslied private
KENT Front rooms at 1831 Farnam.
1 AI1GE front room , rurnlshod , every convon-
XJlrnce ; nlso , small room. 3107 Douglas. 303
FUUN18HEI ) front loom to a'gentleman of
good habits ; location convenient to bust-
uoss ; bath , etc ; D18 B. 30th. second door from Ft
Mary's avenue. 330-10 *
TnUHNlSIIEDormfarnlshed room , with gas
J ? anil bath , board If tloslrud. DID B 3Uth Ht , . oi > -
poslto All Saints' cluircli. 574
FINE furnished rooms , also some for Unlit
housekeeping , 1314 Capitol avenue. KM 20 *
FUHNIBHED room * by day , week or month.
Bt. Clulr Hotel , cor. 13th nnd Dodgo. 60J
TT1OII jtENT A nicely furnished room , with
X1 all conveniences ; C1H Bo. 17that. 733
T710U UENT-1'urnlshcd front 1810
X1 Dodge. 4U7m3l *
"VflCE furnlshcU rooms & board , 1709 Douglas.
SUIT of 2 furnished rooms , modern conven
iences , 3 blocks from P. O. , private family.
A. Ilospe , Jr. , 1511 Douglas st , 43)1 )
nmUllNlSHED rooms , 113 8 20th st.near Dodge.
TTIUHNIBHED rooms , single or en suite , bath
X' and stuam : for gents only. 151U Howard.
T AHOE front room with bod-room adjoining
JJlmndsomely furnished , gas aud heated ny
Kfeain , with ute of bath-room , in one of the
handsomest roaldences in thu city , wlthou
board , luuulreu. w. cor. IVth and Leavenworth.
FOll HRNT Nicely furnitheil front room am
alcove , all convenience * . 3103 Furnum nt
_ _ _
f > NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , ua
.iamUi , etc. . un name floor , { 10 per montlu 30
BZUli ; no nut. 078
A1K1K front room , nicely furnished , suitable
for a gentlemen. IUSI Karnani. 67.1
VA LENTINK'SShorlhand ucd Typowritlpj
institute , new Paxton building. Omaha.
The only excliulre shorthand school in the
state. Over ono hundred graduates In COCK' '
UuMlons- The Hobool la under the manage
munt ot C. a Valentine , oftlclnl stenographer
of the 3rd judicial district of Nebraska , am
Prol. H , H. Iloylos , an experienced teacher ant
verbatim reporter , luy uud evening sessions
Students can enter at oy time , bend for clr
culara. 615
STANDAUD Shorthand School. 413 Sheeley
block : teacliea stuudura gyjtetni and uses
itcmlnuton typowrltera. Circulars free. WW
\\7 IinTLESEY'B Shorthand icbooTia liaricer
T V block , ? uitus' lrutrucUousf lDicU Hmltea
731 al *
" 1710 11 HENT When you wish to rent a house ,
X1 store orofflctfcallonrrsj II , E , Cole , room
I , Continental block. M8
"l < MiTltiNT-Ftx : > n < , cor. 10th nnd l av
X1 worth IB. m3uiaij
_ m
TI10U HENT-A deslrablo list ot houses. Will
X1 try tosntt yon nt No. 0 , Crelghton block.
J. J , Gibson's rental agency. _ 034
TTtOIl HKNT New utoro cornet lOtn and
JJ J onea. A. 0 . Powell. 1301 Farnam.837 < J
THOU HKNT 2 stores 7 room flat , 0 room
XJ honso 17th , near Nicholas lnq.ulro Pchlcs-
nger llroa. . CU South IQtnsL KB-in3 ;
T410H HENT 3noor722x8J cochln brlclc'bulld-
X1 mc.'wltli olerntor , cloJo to express oiMcc.
clioap rent , just the thlnn for wholesaling , good
location apply Goo. Hoyn , 1103 Farnam nt.
" 03
MIDIiANI ) Guarantee i Trust Co. , l.WiFnr-
nam. Complete abstracts furnished Artllloi
to real estnta examinedperfected & guaranteed.
A IISTRACTH Llnahnn & Mahonoy. room ROO ,
( " \MAHA Abstract company. 1MO Pnrnam at.
\-f Most complete nnd carefully prepared set
ot abstract books nnd plats of all rdal property
in tne city of Omaha nnd Douglas county.
LOANS inada on unimproved city property.
Klmball , Champ & Ityan , room 6 , U. S. Nat ,
bank bl'g , I'M rurnnin st. G31 "J
" \TON1JV loaned on unimproved tnsldo Omaha
JA-L real estate. O. W. Pock , It , 4 , Frcnzer blk.
D17-al *
IIHI.ADEIjPHIA MortgaRO k Trust Co , fur
nish cheap caslcru money to bomfnors.
imrchano securities , perfect titles , nnccpt loans
at thnlr western ofllce. Goo. W. Contcs , Room 7
Hoard of Trade. 610
/"I F. HAlfifisON loans money , lowest rates.
( A.W. . P lie 1C loans mono von Omaha real estate
VJ Ilulldlng loans a sneclalty. It 4 , Kronzon blfc
402A18 ?
It $ ) To loan on farms and city property.
( loo. J. Panl. 100 } Farnnm st. U&l.
KK Sholot. 210 First Nat'l bank bnforo mak-
'Ing ' your loans. 550
MONHV to loan on Improved real estnto. M.
A. Upton Company , Investment bankers ,
10th and Farnnm. ISO tfl
/ 11TY Financial agency will loan yon money
\Jn\\ \ horses , furniture , jewelry or securities of
any kind. 1 00 Howard st. , corners , lath at.
U50 a Kf
WANT15U Fist class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and sea us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. It 1 Darker lilk. IDth and Furnam. GW
"jVfONEV to'onu. Harris. K. E. & Loan Co. ,
1 JL room 411. Mrst National bank. C08 _
Ol'l/E'S Financial Encliango The fairest ,
X quietest nud most liberal money exchange In
the city : loans made without delay or publicity ,
in any amount largo or small , nt the lowest
rates of Interest , ou nny nvnilnblo security ;
loans may bo paid at any tlmu or renewed at
original rates , o. Ilouscaren , mgr , room fjQIi
Darker blk , ICth nnd Faruam , Mi
I CAN makon few loans on tlrst-claHn chattel
securities at reasonable rates , W. 1C. Potter ,
room JO , Ilarkcr blk. Oil
{ 7UU3T mortgage loans at low nit s and "no
J : delay. D. V. Sholes , BIO First National bank.
O F. IIAUUISON loans money , lowest rates
MONEY to loan on Improved property at tlrst
hauas. No application sent nway for ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , 301) S , 13th st. 'OJ7
ODEI.l , IlltOS. & Co. , No. 312 t-o. IGtU Bt.
Chamber of Commerce building , loan money
nt rt , K17 , 754 nnd 8 per cent , according to loca
tion of property. Unsurpassed faculties for
placing largo loans on Insldo business property.
A special fund of several thousand dollars to
loan on unimproved lots. u'JS
to loan on improved real estate by
-ill-Northwestern Mutual 1,1 to Insurance Co. commission. Address How
ard Kennedy , special loan agent , Uuiaha. Neb ,
DO i'OU want to borrow monoyt
Head this :
It will save vou time.
It will save you monoy.
You can borrow from
U. F. Masters ,
successor to W. It , Croft ,
Boom 4Wlthnoll bld'g , 15th and Harnoy sts.-
810. 30 , $30 , SlOe ; 9300 , l&OO , II.DOO. 8,000 , * 10,000 <
In fact , any sum you want on furniture , '
pianos , horqes , mules , wagons , etc. . on easier
tormf nnd at lower rates than any other olllce
In the city , without publicity or removal of
property from your possession.
If an Instalment Is due on your property
nnd you cannot meet It , call and sea mo. 1 will
pay it for you. If you have a loan In any other
olllco call and get my rates. I will take It up and
carry It for you.
I make loans for one to six months , and you
can pay a part at any time , reducing both prin
cipal nnd Interest.
All loans renewed at original rates , and no
charge for papers.
All business strictly confidential. Call and
see mo.
Don't forgot the number ,
Itoom I. Wlthnoll ulock. C03
NE1JIIABICA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a
loon on housonold goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
flno Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , nt reasonable rates ,
lloom 7 , Itowley block. South Omaha.
Kooins 518-5191'axton block , Omaha , Nob.
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purchase good commercial
paper nnd mortgage notes. 8. A , Sloman. cor.
fcthandParnam. COO
M ( ONEYtolonn. O. F. DavJs Co. . real ostata
and loan agents , 15U3 Farnam st. GUI )
T OANSmadeon real cstuto nnd mortgages
XJ bought. Lowls B. Weed & Co.,1331 | Farnnm.
BUILDING loans. Llualmn S Mahonoy.
Tl/f / ONEY to Loan Wo nro ready for appllca-
JLTJLtlons for-loans In amounts from IWO to { 10-
000 on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate Full Information as to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased
liyus. Call upon us , or write. The ilcCaguo
Investment Co. ' 010
BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholes , 310 First
Nat' ] . Hank. 097
H.E. . COLE , loan agent.
. 014
IEOPLK'B Financial ExcUange-Lorgo and
smalt loans for long and short time , at low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and Jon elry. Don't fall to call if you wau't fair
and cheap accommodations. O. Douscuren.
Mgr. , room 50J { . llarkor blk , , 15th and Farnam.
PEH CENT mousy to loan Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris , 11.30 , Fronzcr block , opp. P. O.
01 ! !
HK. COLK , loan agent.
M ONE Y to loan In largo sums nt tha lowest
rutps ; no delay. H. U. Patterson , U18 H 15th.
! SL- .
MU.SKV to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W.Bnuire , 131U Fanmm St. , First National
bunk building. 015 _
MONEY'lonnnd for 30. CO or W days , on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable-Inter-
cat ; business confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , KIT
Farnam st. 017
MONEY to loan Lowest rates. Loans closd
promptly. H , E. Cole , It. 0Continental btoclr.
_ J 018
< I > 50k,000 ) to loan at 0 per cent. Llnnhau & Mu-
Phoney , Koom 500 , Paxton block. Oil )
ivf ONEY to Loan on chattel security ; fair
rate Interest. J. II. Parrotte. 3UOd Chicago.
CUOICE loans wanted on Improved city prop
erty. Klmball , Champ & Ityan room 0 U. B
Natbk bldg , 13Ut Farnam st. 807 a'l
CoNEVtoloan on rurnlturo , tiorses , wagons
etc. , or on any approved security. J , W
Kobblni , It. aw , Bhaely blK.,15th aud Howard'
ONEY to loan at lowest rates of interest on
real estate In Omaha and South Omaha.
Titles uiui property examined by us and loans
nmdo at once. Cnnh on hand. Hates , Smith &
Co. room 30J Itainga bldug , tm
U1LD1NG loans a Bpeciaity. W. M. Harris ,
room 30 , Frenzer block , opposite P. O. ,
M ONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , etc. City Loan Co. , HUB Llth at ,
opposite Mlllard hotel. 170
BON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you sea
U. It.Jacobs , 410Flriit National bank building.
| C )
( fel.timoKO.OuOat 0. US und 7 Mid-
"VUemen ; money direct from the Eastern In
vestor , W , U. Melklo , First Nftt'i llank building.
LOANS on buulneea property , I5.00U to J.W.OOO
wanted. Provident Trust Company , room
UH. nrst National Hank building. 10)
DR. NANN1EV. Warren , clairvoyant , meill-
ral and business medium. Female diseases
n tpeclalty. lia Nltith at. , rooms 3 and 3. KO
TVfll.s. LENORMAN caanjo conauTted on ail
ill lUralru of life through the maglo mirror ,
tutlafactlou jiiur utewa. ilb N 10th t. Ujistulra.
776 u3 *
LIST your lands , lotsyiOto. , with Geo. J , Paul ,
1009 Farnam U t fr _ 851 a )
TIIIE public Is ospoctiihr roquontod to call
nnd BOO J. J. GlbsorJM how system of house
renting. Hut ono moment Is required to find
what you want. 1OT
_ _
II' YOU want to buy , pell , rent or exchange ,
call on or nddros , , Qj J. Stornxtlorir , rooms
317 nnd 318 First Nntloni bonk building.
LiSTynur lands , lots , etc. , with Goo , J. Panl ,
1CQ3 Fnrnam Bt. ; * ' , _ 3.V1 20
GEO. J. PAUL. lAua.nFornam at. , , houses ,
etcfof r" 683
"VVKglvo special ntt ) uIon to renting nnd
V > colioctlng rents. IVU.Wlth us. 11. li Cole ,
room 0 Continental block. 584
LIST your lands , lots , etc. , with Goo. J. Paul ,
looaiarnninst. ; 3 30
IF YOU want your houses rented place them
with llonawn & Co. 15th , opposite postolllcc.
r > 83
T ,1ST your houses and stores with me ; I have
llots of customers. J. II. Tan-otto , 1ROO Chicago
1314 all
H. unfurnished chambers for housokooplng to
J man and wlfo. 819 No. 17th st.
7\OR \ HENT llooms suitable for housckcnp-
- Ing In suites of from ono to four ; In conven
ient location ; lowest prices. Hull's Routing
Agency , 1504 rarimmstreet ; telephone 170.
DIOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms , nlso
two basement rooms to families without
children nt 1133 N 17th st , 899
\yANTED Furniture , carpets , Moves nnd
i T household goods ot nil Kinds , Omaha
Auction & Htorago Co. , 1131 Varnam. 5M )
OTOllAGlf-At low rates nt 1131 Farnam St. .
OOmalia Auction fc Storage Co. 69J
T 'MlACIfAOE , storage , lowest rates. W. M.
llushmnn. 1:111 : Lcnvenworth. 591
OHANCH As CO. , storage. 1S11 Howard.
TilOll BALK-At a bargain. National c nh reg-
Jistor , good as now. Have closed out my
business. Address box T. 3D , lleo olllco. 4JI7-21
TT'Olt ' SALK rine roadliorse , nearly standard
J- bred nnd can go l > ettor thnn thrco minutes ;
Is Jlno style , sound , young nud a gooi'.one. Address -
dross T 4 , lleo olllco.
T710U SALK-U H. P. engine nnd 10 II.P. boiler
JH1 bo sold for ono-quarorits voluo if fold
at once. Inquire UCOI N. M.
FOH RAM ? Party golm ; east April 10th
would dispose of portion of household fur
niture , viz. No. 8 ( larlaud range , almost new ,
base burner stove , dining room , bed room ,
kitchen furniture nr > d utensils , etc. : also some
hard and soft coal ; will bo sold nt n bnrgnm.
ill South 30th st. ' ail Sit
Mlt SAIjE A good team , harness and nearly
.tow wagon , and coal bed. Call at DID Paxton -
ton block. 281 20
171OH SALE Two dlamond-plns. ono rlns and
X1 ouo pair earrings. AddrensT 10 Hen olllco.
2&J20 J
KUAI ) THIBfl.iM ) worth of nice furniture ,
entire outnt of the house , for & > fiO ; must
sell on account of sickness. Apply to' J. II.
Pnrrottc. 10JO Chicago. 214 all
FOIt BALE A line combination Dlllinrd and
pool table forrcsldiico ) ; almost m-w ; abnr-
galu. lloom , U. S. I a loiml bank building.
TpOH SAIjR-Car loacFDf young sound horses.
X ! 1310 California Bt. KJ-ll. Wood. JJ21
-J1OH SALE Ono'.IOli.'p. ' portable boiler and
X' 23 H. P. center crunk engine. Including
bteam pump , heater , etcvWU Douglas street.
1OIt BALK LOU ) tons il4 to 10 inch
track. Council lllnfTs. Glllort Ilros.
A LAUGH , heavy government wagon , almost
now , can be bouchtTxt your own prlne. O.
J. StorusdorlT. rooms 317-uud 31 81 "i rat National
Haute. Telephone 4t > 4. ' . RYi
T OTS and farms for trade for horses.'cows ,
Xjhogs , merchandise 6m balldlngs , or fur-
ulturo. E. Savage.-llO'N 15th. MK-2U
2GLEAII lots In l keman 1'laco nnd a clear
hoilse nnd lot In Yoi'kf Nob.j' > Wlll trade1 f6r
homo in Omaha : prefer Waco near Long
Hchool , will pay tome cash Ulirorsnco for suitable -
blo property. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Natl
bunk bid. 4UJ
ijiOll exchange House and lot clear. In South
XT Omaha for furnlshod Hat. or rent of Mat.
Can civo some cash If noce.ssary. 11 , C. Moses ,
HHHowantst. 4MSO *
TTIOK EXCHANC.E-For deslrablo rosldenco
X1 property In Omaha , any or all of following :
40 choice Inside residence lots in Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
(140 ( acres flno farming land , Lancaster county.
Flno resilience property , Lincoln ,
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Cliolco family residence , corner , Los Angelas.
A neat rosldenco property In llnnscom Placo.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location and prlco of prop
erty , J. E. . , care liaum Iron Co , . 1217 Leaven-
worth. G23
T7HJU EXCHANGE Dakota. Hand county.
X ; What haves you to offer for n good farm
hero , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are
rising In value , audits destiny cannot bo dis
puted. Will take vacantlot or Improved prop
erty nnd assume some Incumbrance , 0. J.
Stornsdorir , rooms1I7 ! and Sltt First National
bank building. 034
WANTED Good span of horses in cxccango
for clear lot. A. P. Tukey,15ttiand Douglas
/ ir/EAH land , lots and stock for good liouso
Wand lot , Omaha ; be mioxccptlonable
neighborhood. Address S 21 , Boo. 700
mo EXCIIANGE-Qouses and lots , farm
X lands , morchandlso. horsos. cattle , wagons ,
oto. Call orwrlto C. E. Itoltor , room 5 , SW. cor ,
15th and Douglas. 240
fjtOIi BXCHANGE-Elghty acres of the finest
X' timber land In Wisconsin , clear of incum-
brauco. What hnvo you to olfor ? G. J. Btorns-
dorff. rooms 317 & 313 , FiHt National bank
building. 049
POST A ladles small silk bag with some
XJ Jewelry In It. Liberal reward will be given.
He-turn to A. P. Hopkins , Commercial Nat. ilk.
TOST The old 'stcm of renting houses. Try
XJ the now ono. ItlsagramlHUCcoss , at No.
It , Crelghton block. J. J. aibson'a rental
agency. 3Rt
mAICEN UP-March 15 , ono blown nnd one
X yellow colt. Owner can have name
lug on Krod Modcng , a miles west of Ilerrnlng-
ton and paying charges. m 20-37-a 3-10-17 ?
TUN rootling , spouting , gutterx , valleys , and
sheet iron work done well and cheap by E.
Savage , lltl N 15th. C04-20-T
/"lONTIlACTINO plasterers uro Invited to call
V/at room 401. Paxton building , and exumlnu
"Adamant. " , o i 3.V ! A 15
rpHE banjo taugnt as an art by Geo. ! ' . Gel-
X leubeck , Apply at Ufa Olllce. 643
OMAHA. Neb. . Feb/ll * 1KB9. Notice Is here-
by given to the holders of alt bond * Issued
by the Cublo Tramwa.fJCompany of Omaha ,
and bearing date ot Mif ? 3d , 1BK7 , January 1st ,
18H , and October 1st , 18tn , to present the same ,
for payment , with accrued liiternst. at the First
National bank of Oiualrai Neb. , the fifth day
of April. 1N . JntoritTti on sitld bonds will
cease on that date , the rAinpany having availed
itself of the right in r ( lfloni the same , by giv
ing thirty days notice crMtH desire to do so.
8. 1UJohnson , President.
y BW-ar (
OMAHA Bteam Dye Works 1531 Howard Bt ,
Dyeing , cleaning , oto Lace curtains cleaned ,
C. T. Paulson prop. , telephone U47. 613-ma
WANSON. Vallen & Co. . undertakora and
embalmora , 1731 Cumiug Bt. Tol. louc * .
. - . B54mS7
HOUSE WANTED-Oor8 room house 1th
modem improvements. In good locality ,
near btriet rullwuy or cable line , or central part
of 1'nrtlon wishing IIOUHO have nnthllitren
and want a house for long time. Addreks .
U Vaughen. 317 North 17th t. 49TA'Ot
WANTED-Cottaito containing not les than
blx rooms within re sonab | < > dlstunco of
ppstofltce , state prlco und locution. Addruh * T ,
TV ANTED Hy a gentlomun. room nua board
f on St. Mary'H uve. on Famam Bt , Hefor-
mces.BAddrma T , 47 Uee. 47U-21'
| J\OUNI \ > Anew ysom of renting liousea ,
X1 llrlngornvtid alut of your property for
rent. Can rent houeed readily at No. UCrelgh-
ton block. J. J. ( illHori'B rental ntfoncy. 3 t
W.1NTKU fl or 7-room house , modern , with
bani , by a good party ; no children.
Must be nice , good location. Party will pay
good pi Ice. lleuuw * & Co. , opposite po tolUcn.
[ POll BAM3 Fine confectionery , No. 1 locn-
L Uon , doing ft Rood bu lnost ; good reason for
idling . , Address. TSO , lleo ofllce. 613 rt
W \ANTKD-A nnrtncr with from W to KM )
to tnko a ImlMnteroJt In a good flour nnd
feed atoro. Address , Tf.l. co olllce. 60)53 ) *
JIARDWARE for sale Bmall ncnt stock. Tin
shop In connectlontmust bo sold ntoncn for
cash. .Address O. M. Yaufihan , Fleming , Colo.
\\TANTED Live hotel innn with flro or ton
TT thousand cash to tnko hnlf interest in os-
abllslied' business , located In 'Omaha , Ad >
drew box 679 , or call after 0 p , m. nt issi Cass
ntrcct. i 4M1-3I * .
TT10R BAfiK Or trade , a UuO general stock
X1 of merchandise. All clear , mid must have
clear property. Address. 1' . O. box 070. South
Jmnha. 4m 23 *
TTIOH BALK Or rent , an cloven-room house ,
X' furnished or unfiirnlsliod , nnd use of six-
pen sleeping room * next door It dpslrod. Good
plant for boarding bouse. Address , T .1 > , llco
) lllco. 430 24 ?
FOH BAt.K A first-class bixkory , confection
ery nnd ladles' cafe , doing a Rood business :
clogant room ; AI locution. Good ronsons for
selling. Address T40. line ofllce. 401 21 *
Fill 115 beit dining hall In the city , prlco 81.200 ,
X ono-thlrd cnsh , balance trade. Co-operative
Land nnd Lot Co. , a > 5 N. loth st , 470 'l
"OARllER shop for sale. only shop In town. t
JO must soil by April. Address P. O. box lia
Neigh , Nob. _ 4 4 "Mi [
FOIl SALE Harbor shop , house , fixtures nnd
ovorytnlng connected , $350 cash.d dross
T 37 llco olllco. 442-20 *
, food coal nnd general commission
store , line locution nud trackage , Co-op-
crntlvo Land and Lot Co. , 303 K. 10th sU 8SJ-1U
"I7IOR 8AM5 A cigar and tobacco , stationery ,
X1 book nnd notion store ; rare bargain for
cash. Address T i , llco olllco. 3SS-3)r )
7IOR BALE Stock of Jewelry In growing No-
-J braska town of LOW population ; no compe
tition : goodnponlngfor the right party. Ad-
drcsa Max Mayor It Dro. BIS So
M1IAT market for Halo : best paying stand In
Omaha. Address " 11W. " IJco olllco.
4UO-m2l *
AMliMllintSllI ) in the Umahn board of
trnducnn bn had cheap at ltoom S U. H. Na
tional bank building. KS
\X7ANTiD-10.00J : women to use "tt'llcox's
T i 1'nncy Compound Pills. * Perfectly snfo
nnd always cllvctuul. fond for < c "Woman's
Bafo Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co. . Philadel
phia. 114 A19 ' >
fOUSKS l ore houses wanted at .1. J. Ulbl
L son's rental agency. No. UCrelghton block.
If you want to rent n housn list it at once.
Could rent more houses if I had them. iWf
PKHSONAIj Any lady of good appcarnuco
and address desiring out-door cinployinunt
can obtain R.tma by cnlllug nt room 611 , Flist
National bank. VX ,
PEUSONAlj A business man but recently
located In Omaha , wishes to make the ac
quaintance of an agreeable young lady , object
pleasure and company. Address T 31. llco. apt
CJHIVATR course in fencing , boxing or fancy
clubswlnglng , 110. AddrussTH. lleo olllco.
A NYONK wishing an interpreter to go with
jtxfamlly or any llnu of business to Paris Kx-
hlbltlou , address Paul Howdalrd , 1303 Douglas.
315 81-
A TKANCR MliDIlIM Mme. Uandall , the
jcxyoung Swede , tolls full uamosot callers nnd
the full name of your future husband or wife ,
wltnInto of marriage , anil tolls whether the
ono you love is true or false. Not n fortune
teller , but a young spirit medium. Madnmo
goes Into a perfectly doail tranco. Wilt bring
back the parted husband or lover , no matter It
they bo 10.00J miles away. Will gtiarantoo to
settle family quarrels. Parlors up stairs , 408
N.lCthst. . third floor. 813 n 13
rANTED Engagements to do dressmaking
in families. Miss Bturdy,2017 Loiivonworth
408 m 31 *
DRESSMAKING In families , 1211 N 17th.
413 m21 *
TTOK SAKE 11 > feet fronting Faruam nnd 20th
X1 btj. , at n great bargain ; GO letti ; Hats on
Fnniam , rent for 83. > 0 per month , $10CO ) ; 6-room
house.stablo. otiSlthand Ohio , ill sell foro50 ;
all kinds of morchandlno bought , sold or exchanged -
changed ; one --room Hotel nicely furnished ,
will exchange for merchandise or good farms.
Money loaned on real estate. Win. Stadlumann ,
527 Paxton block. K)8 20
T OTWIXI65 east and south corner west Far-
J-J nam fit. near-Milton Kogors propsrty , $7.-
OUO. Easy terms will shade this for all cash.
C. F. Harrison , Merchants Notl bank bldg. 408
TTIOU SALE 50 feet on south 20th Btreot north
J ? of Mason. W/.00.
East ono-thlrd lots 2 and 3 , block 11 , Kountzo
and Uutli's addition with house. Lot 50x100 ,
alley on Bide , $4tXK ) .
Lots 1 and 4 block 11. s-w corner 10th and
Mason sts. , with house. Lots lOUxlK. J.i.nuj ,
M. A. Upton Company , 10til and Farnam. 4'J1
I HAVE 10 line lots In Urltrgs' Place add. .
Omabn. for cash , on good terms. For further
information inquire of K. Jellrey , Gnlonn , 111.
BUSINESS lot on South 13th st. , between
I'lerco nnd Williams sts. , SoxttP , M.200 If
sold by April 1st. M. A. Upton company. 10th
and Furnam. 471-SJ
TJ1OR BAliE Lots II. 13 and Hi. blocKll , West
X ? Side addition. Tneso lot-s are 61x134 each ,
lay very pretty , and the three can ba bought
forSl.Ofo. They are actually worth twice that
amount. G. J. Stornsdorir , Rooms U17 and U1B ,
First National bank building. 313
FOR DALE Or trade , 8 new B-room houses ;
from first hands. Room 430 Ramgo block.
I7IOU SALE Or exchange for Omaha prop-
X' erty , bO acroa , flultablo for platting : will
make 400 lots.all clear ; big money in it for somu
one who can push this ; located justoutslda the
city limits ot Council Uluffs. Inquire Goo. J.
BternsdorlT , rooms 1117 and UlS , First National
bank building. 573
TTIOU KXCIIANGR-100 acres of good farm
X' land in fplnk county , Daeota , for rnor-
chandUe. Address T 49. lleo office. 4bO-30t
TT-OIl SALE-Ixita 15 , CO and27 , x50. ! lot Si.
X 50x150 , In block l.'i , on Harney st , also lots 4
and21 In block 1 , East Side addition to Omaha.
For particulars inquire of T. J. Uermlnglmm ,
Galena. HI. 4UOm34
Tjib'H BALE or Hxcnango Improved stock
XI .farm of BJO acres In eastern Nebraska , near
market ; also now 12 room house with all con
veniences. In desirable residence pntlon ; of
Omaha. Andrew Itevltis. attorney , 42J and 133
Puxton block. Omaha. Nub. C38
FOIl BALE Cheap Not for trade ; 5111.70 ucrcs
1'ind ( sec. 5-13-61 two miles from Marauett * ,
Hamilton county , Nebraska. Frame house , t > ta
ble. iiOJ acres under good barti-wlro tonco ,
round cedar posts , two Htays , living w t sr. IM-
foot cliannel , 3 well.s , it it ) barrel tank , corral ,
self-feeder , a natural btock ranch. In a fine corn
Prlco $0,000
Cash In hand 2,750
2 years' time 0 per cunt 11,250
Go nnd look over land. Address owner , F , 1C.
Atkins , I'M Larimer t , Denver , Col. 037
TTIOIfBALlT-C lots In Mayno Place nt 81.800
X' each. M. A. Upton Company , IDth and Far.
nain , 309
OH ! Oh I Hero's un Investment. 187 feet on
corner , of 10th nnd Ylnton , b&tli naved
utreots ; 7 stores that will rent for 11,800 a year
und for more after a while ; $18,000. Must bo
unappad up iiulck at that prlca. Jl. A. Upton
Company , ICth and Farnam. l'J7
| 7UH BALE or Trada-Tne very llnost rehldunco
X'In Osccola , population 4,000. county sent of
Clark county , Jowu. Hi room brick house , steam
heat , and every convenience : onu aero of land.
Cost JI'i.UoO. MortgagetiWi for Uvoyears utj.
per cent annually. Will sell or trade equity ,
M , A. Upton. Company , Investment bankers ,
Omaha. Nob. 337
WQHTHY of your attention. Now boms
completed on 2Jth st , north of Lunvon-
wort/fat , two houses ronvenlont to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas , bath ,
t allot , 2 water closets , statlouary wash tubs ,
hot and cold water , IIvo bodnioms , W closets ;
only $ r.,5'.0 , on terms to suit. Telephone 337 or
W. T , tjuaman , Omaha's largest variety of wsg.
ons , currlageri. etc. , cast slda lUtn gt , north of
Nicholas bt. 4.'U
$ 4.00Q buyw 2 houses and lot , CTxii S. K cor
llth and Vlnton. C8j-mil :
HOW Is thu ? Northeast corner of aid nnd
Charles HIS. lot T3vl2S , 4-room house , well.
cistern , stable 18x30. tl.WJ. Note the size ot
thin. lot und that It iv a touth front , corner ,
M. A. Upton Company , luth nnd Farnain 1U >
TJTOll BALE Some awful nice Improved prop-
X' erty on N K corner 35th and Caldwell streotx.
Cull for prices. M. A. Upton Company , loth
and Furnam B08
TTIOU SAL K-Lot 40X100 , uoutli of fair grounds
X1 m Klrkwood. Price , I,30U. one-fourth
cash , JUI.LooinU. l'.OJVlrt st. 401-33'
cor. 19th nnd liurdettu fataH south and east
front corner. iotiElxltO ; U-room house , bath , hot
and cold water , furnace , gas. cemented cellar ,
Unbilled In bard wood and oil , ulata roof , every *
thing Brut class : 7WX ) , easy terms , M. A.
Upton Company , Ifcthmid Furnam. _ 413
iriOll BALE On monthly or quarterly pay.
X1 menu , home nowO-room houms in Mlllard &
' . . Junt IK mlleti trom nostofllce.
It you want a homo of your own to ma and tj
uie. ( I U. Bpottttuod , a K S , lOtli at. VJt
-A. Douglas ( jonnty Abstract * ,
K > U7 Carnam utrcot.
These wishing to invest n little money In
Omahn lots In stten n way M not to fool the
outlay , can now do to. wo hart ) good lots ,
splendidly loc.itotl , surrounded by new build'
Ings and Improvements , whlcn you can buy ,
115 down.
balance ton dollars a month ! Think of till' I
A ch.inco to save your money I A chnnco to get
the increase value on the lotas Omaha grows 1
Think of It , good lots nt
1100 , 1300 , KM.
Can you find n safer investment , n bettor way
to save your money ? Can any bank pay you
l Interest on your -money ?
You Can Sco
tlioso lots nny time you want to without
charge. Wo have conveyances always ready to
show property free .
tt5 cash
and tlOn month will buy your wlfo or ono
ofjrour children n lot that will make them
more money than anything else you can do for
them , lloinembcrthat It
Costs You Nothing
to coma nnd sco those lots to Investigate this
matter for yourself. You can mnko up your own
mind when you see this property and what surround
round , It. oth
is clioap for tlio lots or not. Your chance to
mate uiounv in Omaha land is as good nnd ovou
lletler Now
than over before I There tano question now as
to our city's future growthl Apoitonico build
ing and a city hall are but n part of the contem
plated improvements for Issu. Tnosa cheap
lots are put on the market because they nro
cheap 1 It would not pay us to show you the
property unless U was cheap I In other wordu ,
It Docs Not Pay
to advertise cheap goods unless they nro what
is claimed for them. Don't ba lacking In courage -
ago ; If you want toMako
Make Money.
llujr on the terms vr * now offer you , nnd no
ono can duplicate this property at tno prlco
named , but
First of All
come and see what it is , where it Is. what sur
rounds It. what it future It liasl 1 1 Plenty of people
ple have made money In Just such Investments
OH this ono offered you ! Vou run absolutely no
rlskl You got the easiest possible terms I You
can Investigate the olTerl It costs you nothing !
A llttlo courage and n llttlo money Is all
that Is needed. Ames , 1507 Farnarn Bt.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ " ' * _
Fill SALE 31 acrns , corner Thirteenth nnd
North streets. Desirable for platting. C.
Good , Good block , Dos Molnes , la. OlS-mS' *
ATA sacrlllcc 130x150 ft , east and north
front , corner 3HU ! and Howard Bts , ono
block west of Coo's and Klrkcndall's flno resi
dences , two blocks from paved street , two
blocks south ot Farnam st. ; Just think of it ,
130x150 ft. and a corner at that , nnd only t4 , * > 00.
C. E. Ucltcr , room 5 , s. w. cor , 15th and UouRlai
HEKEI Hero ! Look nt this , yo homo seekers.
8-room liouso. bath room , hot nnd cold
water , gas pipes , lot WJxlM , In llnnscom place.
No. 1313 Virginia avenue. Get prlco of M.A.
Upton Company , lOtli aud Farnam. 11)0
FINK residence.for salo. N. E. corner 2M :
nnd Uurdetto. LotHlxUW , lo-roomhouso.baih
room , furnace , hot and cold water , sewer
connections , well nnd cistern , piped for gas ,
first-class collar , good barn , walks all around ,
$7,500 , will take smaller liouso and some- cash ,
will nssume Nome lucumbrauco. M. A. Upton
Company , 10th nnd Farnam. 180 _
BUSINESSbusiness Two new brloK DIOCKS
> on Lcavonwortli ntroet , east of 30th , that
nro paying 10 per cent nt a low rental. Gut
prices of M. A. Upton Company , 10th and Far-
nam. Cl'J
FOlt SALE The llnost residence site in west
Omnlin ; Just south of Faruam on 37th
Btroet ; a corner 105x187 with 187 root frontage
on paved street nnd Joining the handsome resi
dence of Klrkendalion the east.and llrndy , ttas-
son and Martin on thu ninth : a perfect fern
and garden spot far un elegant homo.
Hurnoy and 31st streets , 111x107 , on pavement
within U blocks of tlio court house : room for
seven line houses that would rent as rapidly
ns completed. A splendid permanent Invost-
m nt.
Farnam and 33d streets , 60x132 , with now 3
story brlccstoro building , routed to good per
manent tenantsKontal receipts $1,300 per
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , froutago 01
foot to alloy. Good business property.
Furnam street between 113th nnd 8'Jth ' , front
age , 4S or UTixlIB to alloy , south front , 1 blotk
from pavement and street cam.
Pare nvcuuo opposite Hansconio park , 50x150 ,
price KJ.OW. easy terms. -
Paddock place trackage , 00x113. < 2,000 , easy
lath street south of Vlmonst. , lot for sale or
trade for mdso or good farm laud ,
8. A. Sloman. 13U1 Farnnui nt. -50
EOK SAI < K Double corner. 130x157 , . on N. R
corner 34th and Hamilton , fronts II streets ,
? 6.0Uu. M. A. Upton Company , 10th and Far
nam. 307
HASTINGS. Nebraska 100acres land adjoin
ing the cltyfor sale by A. Volth , Hastings ,
Neb. C33-m3 j
FINE quarter section , Sherman county. Lots
In thriving Iowa city ; nlso in Omaha. Ken
tucky bred saddle horse , all the gaits. Bnlon-
did family mare , carriage , etc. What have you
to offer ? Address 8 SO , llee onlco. ,00
/ t ALL on II. E. Cole , northeast , corner of 15th
V/nnd Douglas sts. , Omnhu. for Edwin K. Al-
alp & Co.'a catalogues ot lands of California.
330 April IB *
T1ST your houses for rent or sale at Gibson's
JUrental agency , room 3 , Crolghton blk. 10J
ffiO.750 , gJ,8.V ) cash , ; { .I.WO 6 years o nor cent , buy.s
P3-story 8 room house , fiirmico , bath , etc. , lot
50x100 foot. No. 2313 Popploton are. , Hanscom
Place ; must go by March 1st. party going away.
D. V. Bholos. 210 1st Nat'l bank. 01
" "
S " "HOLES' Special Ilarguins-.MxliW. east front ,
with 8-room house , on ; ilst fat. , Hlmebaugli
place. fd,500 , $3,700 cash , balance 0 per cent.
This in 81,500 less than market value ,
CUxl.Xl , good 8-room house , furnace nnd all
conveniences , No. 33U Poppleton ave. Investi
gate this and make an offer. Party going to
leave the city.
at ft. on ) X-fi5jo st. cable , and 33 ft. with house ,
on 0th st. came , clear of Incumbrances , to
trade for first class Insldo property , Improved
oruntmproved. Submit offer.
Flno two-story brick block , renting for $2.400
per year , price &U.OOO ; tll.OOO at Oy per cent.
87,000 cash ; $5,000 in good inside property. This
is a rare bargain.
80x159 ft. on 30th and California streets ; In-
cumbrance $2,603 , equity In clear laud or city
$8,500 buys n good new 8-room house , with f ur-
nanco , bath and all conveniences , In Hauscom
KJ.OliO in barb wire stock , paying a good divi
dend , to exchange for a good lot , or house und
lot. TliLs is as good as cash.
1 have lota and houses and lots for nale or
trade in all pans of the city. It you wish to
purchase , exchange , or have anything for alo.
please call aud list It witn me. Indications
are favorable for an active real estate markut ,
and 1 desire a list ot all good Insldo property
for sale or trade.
D. V. Sholcs. lloom SIO First National Hank
Building. 149
QOUTH OMAHA 1 have a number ot good
OlotH in various additions that must bo sold
at once and can bo bought at prices that will
milt you. G , J. BternsdorlT , rooms 317 and 314
First National uauk building. rfti
1710TT8ALE : llarcam Fine lot and residence
J' on South llth Htreot. 1/ot UOxlJS at grade. 35-
foot alley on south side and IB-foot alley in roar ;
nice shade trees In front. New 6-room ;
hardwood and oil nnlsh ; nice homo : largo lot
and very cheap nt * > , ( XU. M. A. Upton company
loth and Farnam. G5Q
TJlOll SALE Nine-room house , barn and lot
X' in Hanacom Place ; also3 houses and lots in
Bunny Bldo. Harris , room 411,1st Nat. bank.
FOK SALE Two acres near stock yards ; flno
property. Co-opcratlvo Land and Lot Com-
N. letnat. iiso 30
THOU S A LB On terms to mil t , the neat cottage ,
X : 3333 Charles t. Telephone ; , or W. T. Sea
man , Omaha's largest variety buggies , wagons.
Ac. , east side 10th st. north of Nicholas st. 4V1
TTlOIl SALEor Lease Frame building about
X ? 40x6(1 ( with power , together with thren years'
lease of lot , UUl Douglas st. VV >
ITIOIt BALE cnoloa piece improved business
X property In business center , iUxllU. ou 30-
foot nltuy , rents for 10 per cent on prlco asked ;
only 10 davs In market at 35,000. JI. A. Upton
Company , 10th und Farnam. 808
"CTaR SALE-East front lot on 21th utrpet , 360
JL1 feet south pf Poppletonnvo.4- cottage ;
r-.BUJIf BO ! < | xvithln eight days. M , A. Union
Company. 10th and Furnam , 313 2i
TJIOR SATi5-On20th near Clark , good cottage
X1 und stable ; small cash payment : balance
monthly. Here is aclmnco to get a homo on
easy terms , Price $1,000. A. P. Tukoy , 15th
Douglas. BOOaiid
T7IORBALE U acruH ou Bouth litth st , Juat out-
U Hide thu city limits. W. W. Bcott , room 411
Bhoely block. 373-33 *
" \T K have 1 lot on Georgia ave. and 1 corner
TT lot in Kouutze Place. We build to your
plan nnd give it to you at cost ; { 4 cush ; bal. to
suit. We have a uowfl-room cottage ( cor J'jxllM ,
15tii and I/ocust at. , { 40) cash , bal. monthly , it
will pay you to see us. Hamilton Hron. , build-
ere.Joa 8 mil. Tel. 1170. 30) ) 24
IjloTTBA B The Boutheast corner of lOtli and
X' Castullar streets , 04x14 : ) , small liouso. This
Is L'llt-odao property | p ved street , sewer , gan
ana water , lot a little above grade , fid feet on
10th by 140 on Castellar : thtils worth tlOO per
foot ; if sold soon we will take tM per foot. M ,
A. Upton Company , ICth aud Farnam. 337
W ANTKlFto buy Second-huud pheatou In
good order , Btate lowest prlea und where
it can be seen. Address T , 7 llee olllce. Vll
ANTED To buy good commercial
V\7 paper ,
Y > R. C. Pntturiion. 3ft B 1Mb t. 6 J
\ TANTED to buy 1 ft ave ciutoraori for
TT homes and lots worth from II.MW to 15,000 ,
property owuer wlihliiu tu sell will commit
their intflrctft by listing their property with
run. 1 can find you A purchaser. C. E , Relter ,
room 6 , B , AV , cor. ISth tmd UouglM , OH
INSTRUMENTS placed on record during jrt > 3-
Noli llldgand Loan Assn to Alanm -
berger , lots 16 nnd 10blk4 , McCormlok'fl
Sdmld.wo J 2.4W
r M Vroman nnd wlfo to r D Wcad , tot P ,
blk 1 , Kendall's add , w d , l.VOO
F Flack and wlto to F 11 Wcrdon , lot 3 ,
Flnck'SHiib , , , , . . . . .
0 H U oolley nndhnsbMid to J M Sheeler.
und S of o H of lot 4 , blk 13 , Kounlio &
Huth'sadd.wd , . , BOM
3 H Woolley nnd husband to N J Christen *
sen , und jj of o H ot lot 4blk UHountzo .
A : lluth's add , w d , .603
J L McCnguo and wife to .1 0 Ornbo. lot
II , blk ft. West Cuinlng ndd , w 1 400
lllli-ldonAiid Wlfo to llobert McClel-
land , lot 1 and u 8 f t lot 2 , blk IS ,
Kount70 placo. wd , 7,500
A * J I- Hire to P I'lrlch , lots 21 ami 33 ,
Momnouthpark , wd > 300
J W Grllllth , trustee , to P L Schurtz , lot
ft. blk3. llaker place , w d 450
I BchulU nnd wlfo to G Wockb&ch , lot 11) ,
blk 10 , Kountzo & Kutli's ndd , wti. . . . . . 7,600
IT Maxwell nnd wlfo to J A Lloyd. W
14 ft of lot 1 , West Hill ndd to Koutn
Omaha , wd 1,500
A 1C Rllcy nnd wlfo to L J Fox , und ! *
lot I , blk 5. lot 111 , blk 4. lots H , P , 10.11.
12. blk 3 , nnd tots Zl and . ' . blk ft , Doyii
is Shnrp'f ndd to South Omaha , and
tmd H lota S ) nnd 10 , blk 7 , Klrby Placed
\\d . . , , . . . . , i , . , . . . . . . . . 0,033
I E Gunner nnd wife to R J Gtiunor , lot
2. blk "P , " aiiinn'n Sd ndd , Wd 31000
11.1 0 tinner to H A Gunner , lot 3 , blk "P , "
Nhtnn's2dnad.wa. . . . " ,500
J V Wrokbnch to O Wcchbnch. lot 1 , blk
"II , " Kouiltzo'A 1d ndd , qcd > , . * . . < a
G WcchbACh to R Schultz.lot 17 , blk " 11 , "
Kountr.o's lid add , wd 3,100
Annto Kuhn to G K Clark , 3 pieces in inv
uoV-li-13 , 4lx10.i each , wd g. W !
Nluotcon transfers t 13,13.1
I'ornitts. V1I
The follott'lng building iionnlts were
Rrnntod ycstorilnj' :
J. Itnwltzer. brick basement , Pierce near
Twrmy-socond . . . . . . . I tQ3
W. It. Parks , fratiio kitchen , 5.M3 Colwoll. 0)
Gertrude Wt'lMiavtlnger. frame bnru ,
Twcnty-flrst nnd Wilcox . 75
. II. .lonbs , one-story dwellhu ; , 3i)10 ) Ers-
klue . 2W
. H..IOIIOS. ono and ono-half story barn ,
J10 Ersklno . 110
Jllnton Compton , one-story frame dwell
ing , CorbeltnearTwonty-slxth. . . . . . 8M
. 'cterMunson , one-story frame dwelling ,
Oak noar'lhlrd . * . MO
Seven penults. . . , , . . . . .t 2,201
Tlnllroad Cnr Uiirncui < f
'NViLiccsiiAnnn , Pa. , Mnrch 20. The ox-
; cnslvo car and paint shops of the Contra )
Railroad of New Joraa.v ftt Ashley , nboul
, wo miles from hero , \vero burnoJ early this
morning. The total loss on buildings , roll
ing stock , mntorlixl nnd tools will aggregate
OMAHA. 1if 1
UNION PACIFIC. heave. Arrive
Depot lUth nud Marcy sts. Omaha. Omaha. if
nclflc Express 7:2i : > p in 7:10 a in
hoyon no Kxprcss . ' 1:55 : p m 11 MO n m
Denver Kxpross 10:00 : a in 3:45 : p m
Kansas city. Lincoln &
Beatrice 6:03 : a in 11 : % p m
Allnbova trains dally.
C. ft N.-W. K. n. Tioavo Arrive
Depot 10th ana Jl arc v sts , Omaha. Omaha.
No. ( I 0:15 a m
No , 4 , Vostluule 3:45 : p m
No.a 0:15 : p m
No.l Dally except Mond'y 10:09 : a m
No. It , Vostlbulo 10:0) : n m
No.r. 7:05 : p m
All Trains Dally.
Depot 10th and Mason sts. Omaha. Omatio.
Chicago Fust Kxpress. . . . 3M : p m 5:33 : a m
Chicago Mall :30 a m 0:4U : p m
Chicago Jyocal fi : : p in 8:35 : a in
l > enver Fast Kxpress fi:3 : ! ) a m n'M : p m
California Mall U : 0 a m auo : p m
Colorado Mail 7:10 p m 9:42ii : m
Kansas Olty Kxpress. . . . 0:00 a m a:4t : a m
Kansas City Express. . . . 8:51) ) p m 7:03 : p in
F. . E. 4 M. V. K. 11. Arrlre ,
Depot 15tn ft Webster Htn. Omaha. Omaha.
Hastings&lllkHills Pas 9:00 : a m' ' 4:45 p m
{ Norfolk Passenger 6:15 p m 10:15 a , m
Depot Ifith ft Webster sts Omaha. Omaha.
Day Express. . . 10:30 a m 0:30 nm
Night Express. .8:30 : p m 0:05 p.m
O. . M. ' & ST. PAOL. Leave ArrlTo
Dcppt 10th and Marcy sts Omaha. Omaha.
No. 2. 0:15 a in
No. 4. , 0:35 p in
No.1. . 7:1S o m
No. 3. , 7:05 p m
' a. BT. P. , M. * O. Arrive Iioaro
Depot luth & Webster sts. Omaha. Omaha.
tSlonx City Kxprcss 1:00 p m 1:00 p 01
Oakland Accommod'u. . D:00 p m 0:45 : a m "
Sioux City Accomuiod'n 4:15 n m BiO : 5 m ?
BtPnulIfmlted 8:40 a in 7:0u : p m I
'Daily Except Sunday.
C. . H. I. & P. Leave
Depot 10th and Marcy Bts. Omaha.
DesMolnes Accommod'u 5:15 a m -
Atlantic Express * 9:15 a m 6:3 : ( ) p
Fast Vostlbuled Kxpress 4:10 p in 0SO : a m
Nlglit Express * fi:15 p 9:00 a m
Depot 15th and Webster. Omaha. Omaha.
Bt. Paul Exprcos. 7:00 p m 8:40 : a m
WAI1A8II WESTEHN. Learo Arrive
Depot 10th and Marcy sts Omaha. Omaha.
No.8 St. ! , . Exp. Dally. . 4:15 : p m M:80 : p
Kuanlng between Council Bluffs and Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentions ! ,
trams stop at Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth
Btroets , and at tno Bnmra It In Ouiaha.
A No.2 . flUp.m. : - No.1 TlSTa.
O No.6 . 6IXa.m. : O No.g'S $ ' \al >
A No. 4 . :40n. : m. \ No. . . 6:45n \
A No.4 . U:40a.m. : A No.6. . . . . ,
A No. 8 . r.i5p.m. : A N0.7. . ! '
No , O.'fl:50p.'m. : A . . . . , : D. m !
No. 6. . , 9:40 : o.ra.No. | 7. . „ , . . , . , . : . ra.
No. 8 4:15 p. m. No. 3. . , .9Wiuu ;
No. 4 0:40 . m. Wo.e.r.
p. ' . . , OtU5 vm ,
All Trains Dally.
A No. 4 . 7:00 : p.m. A No' ! . , ' . . ; . : ) . .
No , 2 . 9:25 m.A | NO , . . „ „ . ; . .
No.l..8:20 : A
A dallyT'll dally > ' upt Bturd jrV' <
Sunday : D except lloudayi * tut uU
The time given cov tkw