THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; U THURSDAY , MARCH 21. 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIlTBLTJFFS. OFFICE. NO 13 FGARIj STREET. rclheredby carrier In Any Part of lie City a TwentjrCents i'cr Week. U , W. TII/TON. . . . . MANAGEH. TKLKl'IIONKSi IJCMNFM OFT1CK No , JO. NIOIIT KDITOH. No. Si. _ MINOU MIC.NT10N. N. Y. Plumbing company. Coal and wood. E.E.Mayno , 010 B'way. Harmony chapter No. ! i5 , O. E. S. , meets this evening At Masonic boll in regular ses sion. By order W. M. The Firemen's Veteran association will meet at the city building to-morrow evening to o'cct ' oniccrs nnd transact other business relative to a permanent organization. The Kensington club was entertained yesterday - terday oftcrnoon by Mrs. F. II. Evans , cor ner of Sixth avenue and Sixth stroct. Seymour C. Watson , of Extra , was bound over to the federal grand Jury In the sum of 1000 for violating the Internal revenue law. The funeral of the four-year-old son of Mrs. faneath will take place from the rest- dcnco 2J19 Avenue A , at 2 o'clock this after noon , Building permits wnro Issued yesterday to W. W. Hike for nfJOO cottage ; L. D. Fowler ler , ? 1,000 cottage ; C. J. Hoth , * 300 cottage ; Ed Pierce , f 1,200 cottage. Ella Brown , Vcrnio Perry and Carrie Bennett , three Madison street cyprlnnswero corralled last night for disturbing the peace on Washington nvcnno. The work on the Eiseman block Is being pushed along vigorously. It is a great Im provement , und will bo ono of the most at tractive buildings in the city. The Johnson-Uleason dog case has been resurrected and will again try n whirl through tbo courts. Mr. Johnson has filed a notice of appeal in the superior court. The werk has been commenced on the en largement to the Globe building. The build ing will bo entirely remodelled , and will pre sent a very line appearance when completed. Arrangements nro being made for the pre r sentation In Omaha of the "Old Dcstrik ir Skulc , " which had its origin hero , and which has proved so taking a local entertain ment. The preliminary arrangements nro being made for the presentation of "The- Temple of Fumo" soon nfter Easter. It will bo given for the benellt of St. Paul's Episcopal church. The Elcctno Light company is having the electric towers treated to the annual coat , of paint. The painters find the work a little bit too lofty , and complain that the breezes toy with their chinchillas. The medical society of the Missouri valley meets In the Masonic Tcmplo hull this even ing , and will continue in session to-morrow. This is the rccular quarterly meeting , and will doubtless bo an interesting ono. The Rescue steamer , that has boon doing duty at Lincoln for the past three months , arrived homo yesterday In charge of Fire man Norris Wicks , who was detailed to run the machine while at the Ncbrasica capital. Mrs. Tumor , who was arrested Tuesday night on a charge of adultery preferred by her husband , was discharged yesterday by Judge Aylcsworlu. The alleged paramour is A. L. Trotter , with whom Turner claims his wife has been living since August , 1883. The board of trade has appointed a com mittee consisting of T. J. Evans" , F. Wois. J. D. Edmundson , H. H. Van Brunt nnd I. M. Traynor to act m conjunction With a similar committee of fireman's association tlip to sc- cure a rate of a cent a mile for the Juno tournament. The funeral of Lahan J. Cbilds took place at 10 o'clock yesterday morning from the residence , 625 Seventh avenue , and was at tended by a largo number of friends of the deceased. The services were conducted by Rev. O. W. Crofts , of the Congregational church. The remains were interred in Wal nut Hill cemetery. A. B. Frunoy nnd Chas. Hummel paid $12.20 each yesterday morning for fast driv ing , and George Tolivcr liquidated a fine of $7.00. Joe Sheldon ran against an assess ment of $8.10 , nnd E. A. J Jrudfleld tripped up on n levy of $10.20 for violating the pro hibition ordinance. Neither bad the neces sary cash , nnd are lamenting their poverty in tbo bastilo. Thco Brown was disturbing the peace yes terday afternoon in the vicinity of the North western depot , and a policeman adviscdhim to go homo. Ho wont about a block , when ho stopped and defied the officer to catch him , at the same time using an abundance of pro fane and obscene .language. Ofllcer Iscn- bcrgcr started for him , and got him , but not until bo hud chased him to the fair grounds , fully three-quarters of a mile. As Al Royer and W. A. Wells wore re turning from a hunting trip to Lake Manawa Tuesday evening their horse refused to cross tbo railroad track at Fifteenth avcnuo , and turning around quickly tipped over the buprgy'and ran away. Both the men wore considerably bruised , and the buirgy was badly damaged. Guns were broken , ammu nition spilled , and havoc generally was the result. The horse was not found until yes terday morning. Both the hunters were nblo to bo around yesterday , but they did not have roast cfuck for dinner. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry . company. _ _ Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Cfo. , office cor. Broadway nnd Main , over American express. E. H. Sheafo & Co. offer bargains in city property , either improved or un improved. Easy payments. Good lots on 810 payments. _ r- Personal I'uragraphs. J. Medley is qulto sick with typhoid nneu- monin , nt bin homo , 207 North Eighth street. Colonel Cochran has recovered from his illness , which was of short duration , and 1 > tiow able to bo about as usual. Sheriff Rainbow , of Shelby county , was in the city Tuesday evening , on bis way to Clurinda , with a patient for the usylum. Sheriff Jones , of Atlantic , arrived in the cltv yesterday mornln ? , and took clmrtro of William Tripton , who Is wanted there for lurcony. Harry Winter , F. W. Neal and BtllyMn- lonoy leave this morning for a four days' shoot at Onawa. Will Butts Joins them this evening. Quests nt the Ogden will doubtless revel in pa mo dinners for the next week. h. C , Chonory , assistant superintendent of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad company , has secured tno services of an additional clerk. The youngster will undoubtedly Jlguro prominently in railroad circles ono of these days , cut is very , very young now. itamnnnt Halo at El < emaii's. Our big special sale for the past week has left us with a largo lot of remnants , wliiuh wo propose to offer at special sulo at i cost for THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ONLY. Remnants of silks. Remnants of dross goods. Remnants of black goods. Remnants of sateens. Remnants of ginghams and prints. Remnants of sheetings and shirtings. Remnants of linen towulls. Remnants of hosiery , gloves , em broideries , white goods. ALL MUST GO. WK DON'T WANT THEM , SO COME AND TAKE THEM AWAY. The lengths nro very suitable for phi Id run's wonr. Every 1'uly ' should not fall to attend tli IB etilo , uiul take advantage of the bargains offered at HENUY EfSEMAN ft GO'S. , PEOPLES STORE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1A. Ilnpplly Joined. Mr. J , C. Richards , of the Nonpareil force , and Mlba Minnie O. Parkinson , of Shenau- doali , wvro married Tuesday evening , nt the homo of the brldo'a parent * , by Kav , L. P. Wickornhara. The groom is a young gentle man well known in this city , and to him and ) il fair brltlo are directed the congratula tions of many friends. They will inaka their homo ttt Wi Third avcau * . THE NEWS OF THE BLUFFS , A Bookloaa Bhootinff Scropo Bolng Invoatl&atod By Juclgo Thornoll. EXTENSION OF THE MOTOR LINE. Will It Tnko In Ifalrmonnt Park ? A Happy Union Tito Flromon Xho Union Depot- Personals , Chatted Dy n IVoninn. A drunken Omaha prostitute miulc things lively in the vicinity of the dummy depot fern n while yesterday afternoon. She came over to this side of the river In nhacic , and spying A local sport , decided to capture him. Dan Carrlgg wa& out with his flyer and volun teered to take the follow out of the way. The woman would not have It so , und ordered the hnckman to "stav with 'em. " Jehu did his best und put his horses down to a keen run. Dan flow up ono street and down another , but ho could not shako them off. Finally ho pulled up at the "Omaha , " and ho and his companion went Inside. The nursuers came up , the woman got out and coolly took pos session of Carrlcg's buggy , and urovb away , while the hackman inado good time towards Omaha. The hilarious female tested the pares of her now nag to her heart's content , and finally managed to. tip the buggy over near the Northwestern depot. Ueforo she could get straightened out again the police had her in tow , and she was lodged in the police station. The buggy was considerably damaged , and the horse was badly scratched and cut. A charge of horse stealing will bo preferred against the prisoner In addition to that of drunkenness. The hnckman will bo warmly welcomed the next time ho visits the Ulults. Bnrtlott & Norton for htvrdwnro , stoves and cutlery. 737 nnd 2316 B'wny. Dr. C. C. Ilazon , dentist , Opera house block. Hotel property in Council Bluffs , cen trally located , doincr good business , tl. P. Oillcor , solo ngont , No. 12 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs. Extending the Motor , The park commissioners are Jubilant over the prospects for the Immediate extension of the electric motor to Pairmount park. As stated In yesterday's 13in , they held a con ference with the directors of the road Tues day afternoon In regard to the matter , and while no definite assurance ) was given that the extension would bo built , yet much en couragement was held out. The directors living on this side of the river , who had been over the ground and understood the situation , were especially sanguine , nnd Mr. T. J. Evans stated that ho would guarantee that the move would prove a uayinc ono. The gentlemen living on the other side promised to como over and look over the pro posed route within a day or two. It is understood that the company is in favor of extending its line this season as far as the park , and then continue the line around to connect with the Main street line next year. JUr. Evans states that there is enough iron now on hand to extend this line to the cn- tr.inco to the park , und the indications nil warrant the belief that work on the extension will'begin before very long. It is thought that a very short tunnel through the bluff at the cntranco to the paik will open an excellent road for tno motor cars through the park , thence up Fifteenth nvo- nuo to Main street. As ttifl bluff at this uoint is very narrow , the cost of tunneling would bo quite light , and the end most desired - sired would bo gained to allow passengers to alight in the center of the park , wliicti is what the majority of the Omaha visitors would desire. It will bo definitely known in a few days just how much of nn exertion will bo made , and when work will begin. Western Lumber and Supply Co. Between 13th and 14th streets , and 2d and 3d avenues. Telephone 241. E. W. RAYMOND , Manager. A It are Chance. I have for sale nearly 100 choice lots between Council Bluffs and Omaha which , in order to close out , I will oiler for a short time at from $200 to $300 caah nnd on the following terms : 810 down nnd $5 per month. Lots full size und title perfect. Cull and let mo show you the property. E. E. MAYNE , 619 Broadway. Seeking Justice. District court converted again yesterday morning , nnd the case of State vs. Hicks Oden was called for trial. The prisoner is charged with assault with intent to commit murder , and is the fellow who shot at Mr. A. Louie one evening last fall , as the latter was returning from Manawa. It was dallied In dofcnso that Odin was drunk , and did not intend to kill or huit anybody. The case was submitted to the jury at 5 o'clock. The case to bo called to-day Is a Fremont county civil action for the appointment of a receiver , and as there are several depositions to be read , will doubtless occupy the greater part of the day. Tlio next criminal case to bo callrd is that of State vs. Brown nnd Andrews for seduction nnd con ducting a mock marriage. These are the lust of thocoses against prisoners now in Jail , as Ira McCullom , who has boon locked np for the past two months on a cbargo of forgery , was released yesterday. As the contempt cases will probably go over until .noxt term , the criminal business will bo nearly all disposed of this week. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Webster's Flcst Addition to Council Bluflfe. .lust platted nnd put on the market. Lies one-half block south of Broadway. Equally distant from the business portions tions of the two cities. Beautiful resi dence sites. Largo lots and up to grade. Fine trackage. Terms easy. Suitable rigs on hand at all times toshow the prop erty. D. J. HUTOHINSON & Co. , 017 Broadway. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 627 B'dway. Union Depot Helpers. AH subscribers to tha union donot stock are requested to meet In the south court room of the county court house at 7:30 : this ovenlng for the purpose of determining on what course to pursue , now that the re quired amount has boon raised , nnd to ap point n committee to confer with the officials of tha various roads relative to the erection of n union depot on the proposed site on Tenth nvenud. The nurke Trnot Uolna Fftst. Tbo'Burko tract Is building up rapidly with nlco now residences nnd is n most desirable place for a homo. If you wnnt n flno lot hero como now , or the ohanco to got it at first hands will bo gene , for wo nro bound to close the In out. D. J. HUTCIUNROJT & CO. , 017 Broadway. * One Pnro Forthe Round Trip. Tickets on sale April 8th , 9th nnd 10th , good for return from the llth to the 18th Inclusive for nil who wish to attend the state encampment of the G. A , R. veterans at Burlington , Iowa , April Oth , 10th and llth , 1889. The hond- quartcrb' train with the department commander and his staft under the escort of Abe Lincoln Post G. A. R. , will leave Council Bluffs vlit the Chicago cage , Burlington & Quincy railroad at 0:10 : a. m. , April 8th , 1889. For furlhor particulars , call on or address GAIT. O. M. BitoWK , Ticket agent , Cor. Pearl and Broadway. Council Bluffs. M. M. MAIISHALL , General Agent. Headquarters for builders' hardware , Odcll & Bryant , 513 Main street. Now nnd full line of spring goods at the London Tailors , 037 Broadway. Organist. An efficient organist Irom the east de sires a position as organist in Omaha or Council Bluffs. References : Max Mover and Charles Bnotcus , 325 Pnxton build ing , Omaha , or 120 Seventh street , Council Bluffs. Good testimonials shown. The finest line of spring goods to bo found in the market is at A. Roitof's , No. 310 Broadway. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Rooms to rent in the Morrlam block. S. B. Wtidsworth & Co.,230 Main street. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Something now and nice , English taffys at Baird's.- You should try thorn , 623 Broadway. Will exchange for horses or cattle , cottage 5 rooms , mostly completed ; also two lots , all in Council Bluffs ; also 120 acres near Sioux City. Noincumbranco. L. D. Fowler , No. 10 Pierce st. SOUTH OMAHA. Felt Twenty Feet. * About 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon , J. B. Watkins , of the J. B. Watkins & Co. , Lumber - - ber company , whllo at work on the roof put ting on tar paper , slipped and fell to the pi-omul , a distance of eighteen or twenty feet. Mr. Catkins received painful injuries on the left arm. Ho was at once taken to a sur geon's ofhco where a careful examination was made , but no fractured bones were discov- 01 cd. It is feared that the Jar mav have in jured him internally. Mr. Wutkins was then taken to the Pacific hotel whore ho now lies. Notes. Z. Cuddlngton's now delivery wagon is a daisy. Mrs. John Nichols is in Ponca visiting friends. Miss Ella Bates , principal of the Third ward scnool is ill and unable to teach. Dr. M. J. O'Uourko has removed to the Barry block N and Twenty-seventh streets. Mrs. Dwight D. Holmes , whoso life was despaired of , is much better and will recover. Thomas Liosis has his now liouso on Twenty-first and P streets nearly ready for occupancy. Ed. Cain and John Cavcnaugh , two vags , wore discharged by Judge Reuther a his morning levee Wednesday forenoon. The body of the infant child of M r.aua Mrs. Joseph Prohoska , will bo bur i < in St. Mary's cemetery Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'cloclc. President A. W. Saxo has decided to offer a fancy billiard cue for n handicap billiard tournament among the members of the Em- anon club. The cue will bo a very fine and fancy stick. City Attorney Ell H. Doud representing Wood Bros , attached a load of fifty-four hogs lit the yards yesterday belonging to M.II , Hegerty an Iowa shipper for ? 75.U3 duo on an overdraft. C. D. Jones , of Independence , la. , a promi nent gas plant man , was in the city yester day , the guest of John P. Evors. Mr. Jones left for Plattsmoutb , Fremont and thence to Wichita , Kan. The eight associates will give n grand Easter calico ball In the A. O. H. hall , How- ley's block , Monday , April 22. This isnno of the best managed social clubs in the city und their socials are always successful , as this cortalnlv will bo. The Union Pacific express wagon locked horns with the rear end of a sowing mu- chlno wagon in front of Cudington's store yesterday , completely ovoriurning .tho sowing machine wagon and animals. No damage was dono. Thcro has been no meeting of the Demo cratic City Central committee and no ap pointments have boon made to fill the Second ward vacancv. It Is understood that Tuos. M. Moguiro will bo appointed to fill the vacancy made by David Bandies , removal. Mrs. John Wyatt , of the rural precincts of the eastern section of Brown parTc , und her festive hubby do not get-along well together , Thcro seems to bo a cog out of the domestic machinery and Mrs. Wyatt has taken up her bed und board and removed to her brother's homo. The cause is a neighborhood guess. Building Inspector Joseph J. Brcpn granted six permits yesterday , ono to Frederick Jolm- schclt , on the alloy between N and O streets , tear Twenty-fourth street ; two to O. Tliork- ildson , Forty-first uud Monte Cristo streets , Hascall's addition , and throe to M. S. Lind say , Thirtieth and Hoffman streets. Gus McDonuugh is having too fmuch religious - ligious experience in his. For jcnocking MUSTANG MEXICAN LINIMENT Thus the Mustang".conquer * pain. Makes MAN or BEAST well again ! lown Major GcorgatStolly of the Salvation irmy Monday night , yesterday .ItidRO { cuthor nncd him STPnnd costs. Hollauldnt- Cd With ? nOQ. At JO o'clock next Monday 10 will answer bdfolfc J"UlKO ( KcuiSlcr fordls- urblnp a religious mcotinff. The offense charged 11 for boisterous conduct In the Sal vation army meeting at Hunt's opera house Sunday night , Dr. J. Smiley Is visiting in Shelby , la. Charles Homer has" bought the Qus Rag saloon at Albright. S. H. Robertson' * itnrt of the last Louisiana ottery drawing Is | 500. Rescue lioso company's liouso will bo celled with boards and repaired soon. Mrs. James O'Hdrn was very low last night , and can scarcely survive. Tlicro will bo a meeting of Scandinavians on Twenty-sixth strtot Sunday forenoon. Max Uorgon has opened tliu barber shop formerly occupied by Oharles F. Durnnd. Both Daniel Smith and who are on the sick list , MM. Smith bavin ? the lung fever. The clgarmnkc'rs' union will bo formally org.inlcd and the officers Installed this evening. M. K. Hanlon , of Kxlra , has removed to this city and rented a house on Twenty-fourth and O streets. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. .Tames O'Horn ' is dbad , and was burled In St. Mary's cemetery yesterday. 3Hofreshmonts will bo sorvea at the Pros- jyterlan social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Maxwell this evening. H. C. Barnes , of Sprlngllold , 1ms removed to this city with his grading outfit and has taken a house on Twenty-fourth and G snoots. A party of young society people , Wednes day ovenlng , went to Oinnlm to spend the evening at the homo of Miss Catherine Whlto. Oliver Davis , son of the man who had grading contracts In the city last year , has removed from near Springfield and rented a house on Twenty-third and Q streets. The citizens of the Third ward , Irrespective of party uflillutlons , arc invited to uttond the lolltlcul meeting 'ihursd.iv evening at the Pacific hotel , Thirty-second and S streets. Messrs. Otto and Sawyer , of Crclghton , near Chicago , 111. , have leased the building No. 309 and ail South Twenty slxtii street , fixing It up and will open a wagon anil car riage manufactory and u general smith shop. Shortly before 0 o'clock Wednesday even Ing u section of the high bank on Twenty fifth street near 1C street full , coming within an ace of burying a grading team , wagon and driver. The wagon was almost covered on one side , but no one was hurt. . A Sunday school has boon organized in Llio German Methodist Episcopal church , and the Rev. Gustav Urcckur is suporlntonuent. It meets at 10yo ; o'clock in the forenoon. A public examination in the catechism will beheld hold about the middle of May. Jeremiah and Timothy Courtney , of Extra , have secured the Epley brick yards between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth and L and M streets , have removed to tins city , and yes terday began repairing the yard for spring work. The city water ha ? been connected. Messrs. Simon S. Reiner , H. K. Obert , Joseph H. Egger and Michael IComcr have Bono to the Platte for n few days' nunt. George W. Ferguson , of the Pucillc hotel , Conductor Jackson and five companions have gone up a few miles above Sioux City , la. , for a slioit shooting time , while FrcU 13owloy and James up. .Hoyes have packed their guns and animumtlon and pone west for a trial of the trigger and nerve. TIio Copper Situation. PARIS , March 20. IJ stated ttiat the hold ers of the copper warrants have decided note to sell them , but to continue negotiations with the mine owners with a view to roach } ing nn agreement for the diminished produc tion. ' The Socloto DCS Metauv shares were quoted at 23 francs.-7.7 centimes , Rio Tmto at ar francs , f,0 centimes , and Comptoir d'Es- compto 14s francs , 75 centimes. * - Another Ijosinij Kniul. INDIAXAVOUS , March 20. The annual re port of the Chlcagoj St. Louis & Pittsburg railroad for the ycar.18SS shows a decrease in gross earnings , nlitcompared wltn 1SS7 , df $510,000. The net results on all lines show a loss of $310,000 against a profit In 1887 of 5340,000. JACOBS FOR ACHES AND PAINS. Recent , Prompt , Good Results * Bendache. Xuiti Cltr. Mo , Jan. SJ , i , . . . . ? * . . " " ? " ' > ! r' : . J"1' OHXS KABE * . Cor. 15th Btr t aid Grand AT HU , inffmd 6 monthj fltb Btrrou hiidiehi , at tlrati untmr bl , h trlidi.riri phTilcUni.thiTar > no relief. w i- KTliei to try Bt Jicoti oil. Aft r ftrit bottle * ' wi much r U red , tu continued jut cured hla ntlrely. Cticst and Sptno. Kiniu Oltr , Me. . Jui J3.1181. Ih. " 7rei " njri : MB. EMU. OOMTHER. 101 M ln Bt , ( offeree ! rloleat palm In th. chut d pl e : could not do boilneu Bt. Jtcobi oil cored bin. Deeinot teller * It will return : nil inbound- d faith In It. AT DltUQOlSTB AND DEALPT8. HIE CHARLES K. VOGELER CO. . Baltimore , HI SPECIAL NOTICES. OST An Kngll9irpug def ; . ' a ho limler lil be liberally rewarded by reluming him to 653 Willow a e. , cor , eth st. _ G wanted for general house woik , ? Willow live. Mrs. J. .Mueller. I F you hav e property of any klnrt to sell or ex change .see Johnston & VnnPatten. 33 Main. "OOH HCNT At t9 per month , the nlco hous JJ and two lots , No. ) J1 , corner of btli st. and S3A ave. Horae ISvcrett. No. 2 , over lialnl'x confectionery - fectionery store , Utolv occupied byVm. . Ward , architect. Horace Hvoiott. _ POItTSAIjU On montnly payments , house und lot In Van lliunti : llico's addition , by . . a'-I'earl htreet. .I.Y. Fuller. - _ OH 11KNT Possession ctven April 1st , the F residence now occupied by Kobert Car r , corner 'Jth st. and -'a ave.1) per month. Horace Kverett. _ KENT Furnished and unfunil Hhed rooms , w 1th 01 without board. Mrs. 1' . A. Uurlco , 02) ) Washington avn. > UooraH tor rent ; second lloor , JLNo. . 117 I'ourth street. FOH HUNT Cneap. two handsome , new , six- room cottB e.i , north o [ transfer , Council llhiirs. Inquire Illand Itlslitor , Otti ave , and 8lBt St. DH.McDANEU ) & CO. , Hide' ; Jailor Pell ? Jo ji& FUR , r Highest market prides. Prompt rctur and sa MalnBt. . Council muffs. low. \ i Merchats ! Watch TheSlGNS iy . f * ET.B.GARD I 104- te sw fL < P S' ' S.UoUtfUS. MERCHANTS Who Will Save You Money IFYOUBUYofTHEM. C/3 ADAMS -SD n o Oo < qw SHOE > > p i u House , U7 Hroadwny , CO Council Illuirs. THE BEST. IN Always CHEAPEST As we can prove1 > y hundreds. 01 D * TO Lanzendorfer & * * O O g Eg CO Strohbehn , ST * oo 9 No. 221 GO MAIN STKKCT. & * o- FONERAL DIRECTORS. Particular attention given to Embalming. > \o. 14 N. lUalii SI. , Council IJIiilPs. Furnlturo repairing neatly done. Ofllce calls nttendou promptly uay and night. MEATS S-3 o AT THD it Lowest Prices ! m i 33 a „ ! O 2 Poultry of nil kinds o " dressed to order. to ic G C34 ? * ni i r- * GIVE ME A CATJi. EMottaz o * * Ko. 114 E. Brondw GO TO THE LONDON - TAILOR , And get tlic best lilting yon ever liml. 1 637 BroadwayCouucil , Bluff A. F. CLATTERBUCK , un i ri KKOAOWAY , COUNCIIj BLUFFS , : IOWA. PRIVATEJDEJECTIVE. Private watchmen furnished at any nnd nl times. Special attention given to collection ot chat tel mortgages and notes. Money to loan on good chattel security. Iteferenco Any bank , attorney , or business man In tlio city. No. 27 Main Street , Over JjitMiiicniiu'ft Jewelry SI ore THOS. OFFICCII. W. II. M. 1'uscv. OFFICER & PDSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main nnd Jlroadway , COUNCIL I1MJKF8 , IOWA. Dealers in foreign end domestta exchange. Collections made and Interest paid on time de posits. PRbFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Dl/l M'DI ' M C Hytlrnulio and Siuiltary En inoor. Plans , KsMintitcs , DlrmlllDlelL. SpocincatloiiB. Supervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council BlullH , lowu. ' Justice of the Pon'co. Olllco over American Express , No. 410 N . Broadway , Council Bluffs , Town. OTHMIT J ? QIMQ Attornoys-nt-Law. Practice in the State and Potl- O I UllU tX OIIYIO oral Courts. Kooms 7 and 8 Shupart-Bono Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. DIIDI/C P , Cl MI C V Attornoys-at-Law. Room 10 , Shugart Bloolf , DUflixL 06 rllNLuT council Biuirs. POST OFFICE MEAT MARKET H , PETHYBRIDGE & CO. . PROPS. , Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in of Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered. No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY. GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 33O BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 READ ! PONDER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Attlie very threshold of the spring season we have inaugurated a great cut sale for cash , of all goods in our stock. Gall and see or write us. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. THE ORDER WAS POST NO BILLS ! 8c VOUN " B R OAD WA Y _ . ' STATfONEflK SCHOOL . Furnitura & Stoves W.W.BILGER. on wee/t/y c/-/now//y , / / . ' kayrnenta Best , LOHCST prices. Literal discount . For ? CASH. 122322 ; A.J.MANDEL - ots HO. 3Z6 BROADWAN. LAUNDWH. /V.Mcfin St * Tele Wor e SEE HOW THEY OBEYED IT . ' for Especially Adap'.eil SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 LIGHTING , HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators AUTOIVIATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE RnnpiHratlono and estimates furnished for compluto stenm plants. . , . Itcgnlatlon , Iliirnlilllty Oirnr Suteod "w show l"tt > M trom uieM wlmre Tiiel Htonomy Is c.u.l | ltfi Corlls * Won Coiufeuilns E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 81O Pearl Street , Council Bluffs STEAM HEATING . -OF PUBLIC & PRIVATE BUILDINGS -BY JOHN GILBERT , 521 Main St. TELEPHONE 224. EHtirnates Furnished C'orrcspoudenco Solicited , On Application.