Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Bovornl Scliomon On Foot to Rob
Nebraska's Troaoury.
Are WllJlnc to Prow QuoBtlon-
able Clnlnta Against tlio Stnto
For rt 20 Pnr Cent
It Wouldn't Work.
Ltncoi.w , Neb. , March 20. [ Special to TrtB
iJnn.l The mannnr In which the state is bo-
Infl bled by the leeches Is Illustrated by a
coso that 1ms Just coma to light. Among tbo
bills before the house Is ono to approprlnto
C14,203 to pay 130 persons for animals Itlllod
liy order ot the live stock commission In the
years 1835 , 1830 and ISSTjalso several individ
ual claims of a similar character. It seems
that a couple of Lincoln , attorneys have been
busily at work drumming up claims of this
Iclnd to proBccuto on n " < llvy , " and nro now
at work lobbying for their passage. It seems
that they have found enough of those cases
to make It necessary to have their proposi
tions printed In circular form. A constitu
ent of Senator Lindsay has oont him printed
documents received from the Lincoln Job
bers , and the following copies tell their own
Btory :
LtxcoMT , .Tpnunry 81 , 1839. Mr. - .
Dear Sir : You hud some stock killed by
the state veterinarian , by order of the state
live stock commission , nnd wo think that the
claim for the same uun bo collected. If a bill
can bo passed by the legislature. If you BO
Desire , wo can handle your claim , and will
charuo you SO per cent of amount recovered ,
nnd them shall bo no other charge , and noth
ing unless cluliu Is collected. If you wish use
\o represent you , pluaso 1111 up and sign the
enclosed power of attorney. Give us full de
scription of stock killed. Respectfully yours ,
LINCOLN , Neb. , February 13 , ISSy. Mr.
Dear Sir : On January 31 wo sent
you a circular nnd a power of attorney to
till out , relating to stock that was killed for
you by order of the live stock commission.
Aa time Is very essential , tUoro yet remain
ing only thirty days of the legislative scs-
ilon , please nil out the blank and sund it back
by return mall. A few days delay may defeat -
feat the whole matter. Please answer at
once and oblige. Yours.HOUSTON
, Nob. , Fob. , 1839.
1 , - , do hereby appoint Messrs.
Jlouston & llnyard my attorneys to look
nftor and secure if possible pay from the
ptato of Nebraska for stock Idllckl for mo by
order of the live stock commissloa on the
- day of - , 183 . Kind nnd num-
Vcr of stock , - .valued at - .
And I hereby agree to pay them the sum of
pO i > or cent of any money allowed mo , to bo
deducted from the saino by my httornoys ,
and I hereby authorize them to collect the
same , nnd remit to mo the amount deducting
the said 20 per cont.
[ Signed. ] - - .
Boaa 8 tout's Impmlenco.
LINCOLN , .Nob. , March 20. f Special Tele
gram to TUB EKE. ] The senators who have
pledged themselves to stand for retrench
ment arrived at an understanding in time to
defeat the Beatrice appropriation of fJO.OOO
this afternoon. It has been decided to sub
ject the Hastings appropriation of $30,4.00 to
heroic surgery also. The Hastings hospital
( or tho'insano has ono building and Norfolk
Jiospital two now wings , making three-
buildings available for insane. When fur
nished they will relieve the Lincoln hospital ,
nnd the exorbitant demands of the hitter
\vlll bo put under the knlfo when their turns
come. The senators have no disposition to
cripple these institutions , and such minor
buildings or appliances as nro absolutely in-
ilispensiblo , will be put Into the general ap
propriation bills.
The action of the bouse In restoring Boss
Btout's claim for $33,800 for interest on war
rants , has arouscM Intense Indignation , and
the opponents of this rank Jobbery threaten
to defeat the whole appropriation Dill rather
than pass this Item. It now appears tha
Stout had this claim in a bill by itself , anil
risked Cady to introduce it , but ho declined
to have anything to do with it. Cady says
the claim then was $32,000. The bill
disappeared , but the claim bobbed up in tbo
finance committee as $35,800 , and by some
unknown hocus-pocus the committee put it
Jnto the general appropriation bill. Tha
scheme Is a shrewd one. If approved in com
mittee of the whole itvvill require only a
majority of the members present to adopt
the committee report. There Is a big sired
suspicion that quite a number of members
nro likely to bo absent at that tlmo if cot
pheckumted , but the foes of this job will
frustrate the scheme by a call
of the house and a vote that
will put ovcry member on record. Stout
was stationed out In the corridor during iho
ilght and by n well regulated system sent
for member after member. On tholr return
from the interviews , thcso members were
Stopped nt regular distances by other lobby
ists with with seductive tales.
This Is but a sample of the disgraceful
scones being enacted hero. The onslaught
on the sonata has already begun , prominent
nmong the assailants being ox-Governor But
ler , but Senators Kecltloy and Sutherland ,
who nro leading the repelling force , believe
they can depend on twenty or twcnty-flvo
votes to meet the assault with n soliu front.
Baker's Hharp Practice.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 20. [ Special to Tnn
BKI : . | Bakor's sharp practice while occu
pying the chair in committee of the whole
to-day is u matter of muuh comment. Hall
moved to take up the maximum tariff bill ,
which has boon a speninl order in control of
the author for several weeks , and Bukor put
the motion and while the ayes were much
louder and stronger than the noes , Bukor
arbitrarily declared the motion lost. Loud
calls for division were beard from all parts
* f the house even before the result was an-
'Jouhccd , but the chairman said it was too
late and refused to reverse his ruling. When
tbo house adjourned an excited crowd of
farmers gathered uround the member from
Jefferson nnd expressed tholr opinion of bis
arbitrary action in most emphatic terms.
Protection Against Itoodlors.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Maroli 20. | to TUB
Br.i : . ) Members of the sonata are tukluc
heroic measures to protect themselves fron :
being bored and trampled under foot by the
hungry boodlers , Ono of them has warned
the doorkeeper not to admit ox-Governor
Butluv to thu floor without permission of the
president , on pain of losing his place. The
rule will bo enforced as to other hungry
vandals. _
The Hustings Appropriation.
LINCOLN , Neb , , March 20. [ Special to Tnu
Bun. ] The bill appropriating$31,400 fornou
buildings for the Hastings hospital for In
sane , was reported favorably by the sonau
standing Gommtttco out of courtesy to Sou
dtor Iloovor , but members of tbo commute *
reserved the right to oppose the bill on thi
floor. _
Sou a to.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 00. fSpuclaltoTni
IEK.J Tha ilrst effect of the senatorial cau
bus In the Interest of retrenchment was tin
defeat this morning of a bill passed by tin
bouse to allow the claim of Pawnee count ;
fur $170 for expanses In collecting cnrtali
taxos. The several bills amending the lav
povurnln ? counties under township orgnnlza
lion were pasted , and the senate wont iati
Committee of the whole to consider the pro
posed constitutional amend mont permittini
the Investment of ihoBtntapermanent suhoo
fund In registered school district bonds.
Cornell championed the measure am
tatcd that within two years tlu'ro would bi
tluo ou school lauds anil payable to this fum
About fS.OOO.OOO. The state has found dial
cully In pluulug these funds profitably In tin
fttBt , und the proposition now is to open i
now avenue oJ investment.
Nosbitt I would like to know how man ;
district school funds Iho ( juntleman fron
Crorry Is interested In.
Coiioll I inn not Interested In ono lota
directly or Indirectly , but I am interested U
the welfare of the 5100,000 school children o
JCorva' said there was no money In th <
/mid , r.inl there would oou bo county bcud
for sale. Ho bollovod it unwlso to fritter
away the school fund In Insecure district
Conoll said the reason there was no
money in the fund was because the ntato
treasurer had gone east , bought up Nebraska
bonds nnd allowed the eastern holders to
slip off Interest coupon * to the amount of 1 , 2
or per cent , which Is now going Into their
pockets without dollar Invested.
Ncsbltt explained that the framers
of the constitution nlmod to limit
the investment of the school
fund to such securities as would bo finfo. Ho
bollovcd It a wlso policy , and. ho protested
against the attempt to break down the safe
guards. Thcw school district bonds are
bnlng hawked about for purchasers , and are
being sold at 75 to 80 cents on the dollar.
This measure socks to hold up Nebraska by
the throat and say It must take securities
which Wall street will not accept except at a
heavy discount.
Conner was a mcmborof the constitutional
convention and know that only after a long
struggle was it tnado possible to invest the
school fund In county bonds. Ho asked if
the Btoto had over lost a dollar Invested In
county bonds. Ho asked if any gentleman
know of a dollar lost by an investor in regis
tered school district bonds. Ho had boon in
formed that the late state treasurer had re
fused to buy county bonds on the plea
that ho could not pay the premium
asked. That treasurer , said tbo senator ,
had tha money In bank paying nlm interest
nnd ho walked out of oOlco with $100,000.
What Is the object of registering school dis
trict funds I Is It to glvo authoritative ovl-
donco that , they have boon issued In compli
ance with all the legal requirements ! Tha
speaker defied the opposition to point to n
dollar doposltcd in registered school district
bonds if properly issued. Ho challenged
any member to show that a lobbyist nas
been urging the passage of this bill. On the
other hand , lobbyists have been persistently
asking for the defeat of this bill. Wall
street prefers city bonds because they can
bo had in largo blocks , but tbero is no class
of bonds so eagerly sought by small dealers
as these registered district bonds.
Cornell denied that tha school bonds of
his district were being hawked about , and
assorted that they could bo sold at par.
Ncsbltt opposed an amendment ta
uubslltuto the bonds of metropolitan
and first class cities In the place of regis
tered school district bonds. Ho asserted that
an Omaha lobby had been urging the pas
sage of this bill , while a syndicate of Lincoln
bond purchasers had pushed through the bill
to change the law as to who shall issue
school bonds. The bill under consideration
is to unload upon the state the private in
vestments of individuals.
Nosbitt's amendment was lost by a tic
vote , and an amendment by Conner was
adopted barring school bonds issued prior ta
the passage of the act. The bill was recom
mended for passage by n vote of 14 to 13.
The senate passed the bill to let the state
printing on contract In .Job lots and wont
into committee of the wholo. The first thing
reached was the bill to appropriate $39,030
for land nnd now buildings for the Beatrlco
Institution for feeble-minded children.
Senator Keckloy moved the Indefinite
postponement of tbo bill.und asserted that
the time had coma to discriminate more care
fully in making appropriations for state In
stitutions. Ho would not favor a measure
to cripple the Institutions In their proper
maintenance , but almost ovcry institution
comes to oaoh successive legislature with a
demand for now buildings , und it is tlmo to
call a halt. Hera Is a request for $17,000 foi
a 170 Ocro farm. The children of Beatrice
are not qualified to engage in farming , and it
will bo a losing investment to buy higl
priced land to employ children.
Senator Ncsbltt took similar ground , sayIng -
Ing that all these imbecile children needed
was a place to make mud pics , and ho fur
ther argued that when the parents of sucb
children were able to provide for them they
should not be made a burden upon the
Senator Funck of Beatrice made a gal
lant fight for the bill , explaining the
work and the needs of the institution , and
was supported by Senator Lindsay.
Senator Wolboch , of Grand Island , tried
to delay conclusions by moving that action
bo postponed until tha committee on finance
should report the aggregate of the approprla
tion bill as directed by yesterday's rosolu
tion. Senator Raymond , at Lincoln , who is
chairman of that committee , promptly seconded
ended the motion , but it was almost a !
promptly defeated. * Raymond then moved
an amendment to strike out the $17,000 foi
Senator Ransom said ho was not surprised
at Raymond's course. It lias got around tc
that time in tbo session when Lancaster ha ;
a hand in tha basket and trying to pull oul
all she can. In addition to this $59,000 the
Beatrice institution asks for 133.000 for main
tenance. Hero is nn item of 82,000 for furni
ture. Why , the way things have been done
that's not enough to make the acquaintance
of the dealers.
The amendment was voted down and the
bill was indefinitely postponed by a vote ol
21 ayes.
Ransom then moved that the senate consider
sidor no more house rolls until the npproprla
tions bills nro all in.
Lindsay raised the point of order that tha
committco of the whole could not take thli
action , and the chair sustained the point.
Runsoui appealed from the decision , dcclar
ing it an outrage in the senate , and a nolsj
squabble ensued between Ransom , Lindsa ;
and Raymond. The chair's decision was re
vorsed. The senate wont into an acute spasn
of filibustering , during which motions am
points of order rained thick and fast wlthou
receiving attention from the chair.
Raymond rose to a point of privilege an <
repelled the Imputations cast upon his in
tcgrity by Ransom when ho insinuated Lan
caster county was trying to raid the state
Ransom said ho had been hero before nm
had a right to say that Lancaster countj
filches moro appropriations "than any othe
county in the state. .Ho said Raymond couli
take down his words if ho pleased and tr ;
him before the bar of the scuate.
The gentlemen were rapped to order am
cooled down. Ransom's motion was defeatec
and the committee resumed its work.
The report of the committco of the wholi
on the Beatrice appropriation was adoptci
Darn ,
" '
ctt , Keckloy" Linn , Manor , Manning , Nes
bltt , Paulson , Paxton , Polk , Pope , Ransom
Robinson , Shaunor , Sutherland , Taggart-
24. )
Nays Fanck , Lindsay. Norval , Raymond ,
Rooho , Wetherald , Wolback 8. Howe ab
sent.As a clincher , a motion to reconsider th
vote was tabled.
Olmsted'h bill for the Australian olcctloi
syBtein was killed by a vote of 19 to 12 , am
the nails in its coffin were also clinched.
Ncsbitt'8 Jury bill for Omaha was favors
bly considered and is ready for passago.
The senate passed the following housi
bills :
Prohibiting official court reporters fret
practicing law ; requiring the written con
sent of mortgagee to dispose of proport ,
under chattel morttrujjo ; legalizing the Htut
Dairymen's association , and appropriating
$1,000 annually therefor.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 20 , [ Special toTn
HER. ] The morning session was largely cot
sumcd In discussing senate Qlo 10 , a bill t
abolish the live stock commission. Atnonc
mcnls Intended to retain tUo veterinary sui
goon , the clause relating to quarantine an
llvo stock Inspectors at stock yards , as no\
prescribed , were hi the hanas of the printer
und the bill was made a special order for th
Tlio following senuto bills wcro passe
without amendment i
Giving the content of the state to tlio pui
clnisu or condemnation by the United State
of snub u block of hind In the city ot Omah
as mny hereafter bo selected by the gencm
government for tlio site of a postofllce an
court lioiuo.
A bill by Linn providing for the taxing <
sleeping and dining cars.
Ail effort to brim : up the Hall mnxlinui
tariff Dili for discussion was defeated.
Hall's ' maximum tariff bill was taken up I
ooinmitUxi oC the whole.
Hall moved an amendment , empowerln
the railroad commission by a foar-iLfths vet
to raise the established ralo whenever it I
proven that tbo existing ralo U not rernui
crativo to the roods , but authorizing a mot
majority to reduce the rate when found to I
excessive or exorbitant ,
The amendment was adopted and the bl !
reported back with u recommendation tun
it do pass.
Senate flic 10 , the bill repealing the llv
stock oomtnis on , was taken up.
An amendment by Cor bin providing for re
Ulnlng tUo itaui veloriunry surgeon , ti
quarantine feature nnd the clause tn the
present law providing for llvo stock In-
spcclprs at stock yards , was under considera
tion , nnd after being amended ln < i few par
ticulars of no special Importance , was
adopted nnd the bill as amended was ordered
to n third reading ,
Tbo committee nroso nnd reported the bill
back and Rnyncr moved to Indefinitely post
pone the bill , claiming that the provision
authorizing the state veterinary surgeon to
go on the farm of n citizen and Kill his
"block without compensation , Is clearly un
constitutional ,
Baker took the same vlow.
Corbln snld that It did not appear to him
m that light. Whlla the state could not
take property for public uio without com- ,
ponsailon , there was no constitutional ob
jection to the state destroying property that
is dangerous to the public wcllorc.
Rnyner's motion to postpone tbo bill was
lost 11 to 80.
The report of the committco was adopted.
The house again took up house rolls 4S3
nnd 434 the appropriation bills.
Caldwell moved to insert the Item of
$35,781 for Interest on state warrants in the
general appropriation bill in favor of Boss
Stout , nnd a llvo hour debate ensued.
Cady denounced the schema as the osscnco
of dishonesty , and declared that ho would
vote against the entire appropriation bill if
this item was Included , and was answered by
"Hero , too , " from nil over the bouse.
Scovlllo made a powerful and convincing
speech against the motion ,
Caldwell nnd Baker defended the claim ,
Gilbert charged Baker with always being
on the sldo of the lobby , nnd nn exciting col
loquy ensued.
Tlio final vote resulted , yeas 49 , nays 42 ,
and the amendment carried.
The opponents of the measure hope to bo
able to strika it out on n roll call to-morrow ,
nnd a stubborn fight is sure to follow. The
issue Is uncertain , but bound to bo close.
The appropriation of $80,000 for the ex
penses of the llvo stock agents was stricken
out and $10,000 for expenses of the state
veterinarian substituted.
Hall moved to ndd $ ' 10,000 for Insurance of
state buildings , which was lost , and $320 to
cancel existing policies inserted.
Adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow.
Legislative Gossip.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 39. [ Special to Tun
Ben. ] Hall's maximum tariff bill , as modi
fied , wont .through the house without any
opposition except from Olmstcad , who
wanted the bill road. As the measure cov
ered about ono hundred pages and was httlo
more than n classification of articles of com
merce , the request was not granted.
Baker tried to get in Tom Konnard's claim
for $11,000 for alleged services rendered the
state in collecting certain sums from the
general government years ago. Cady , as
usual , was ready with a little substitute ,
which included other claims , and the ICcn-
nard claim was lost in the deal.
The sonata killed the Corbin bill to punish
assessors for undervaluation of property , and
the companion bill limiting the basis of taxa
tion to one-half the prevailing rates.
By striking out the stock commission the
house saved the state a round $00,000 besides
the innumerable "claims" that would soring
up to vex the future legislators.
They Attract Considerable Attention
and Scorn to Ijiko It.
The announcement made by the morning
papers yesterday that a party of Japs of
royal blood would pass through Omaha in
the afternoon , on route from San Francisco
to Washington and Now York , led many
people to stroll down to the Burlington
depot nt the hour for the arrival of the train.
They were not disappointed. The pilgrims
from the hind of the mikado were ou board ,
and during the few minutes the train stopped
in Omaha strolled about the depot and plat
forms , clvlng the sight-seers ample oppor
tunity to satisfy their curiosity.
In dross the men were very English , being
clad principally in tweed suits and fore and
aft caps. They smoked cigarettes inces
santly , and so far from being displeased with
the gaze of the "vulgar herd , " took it good-
naturedly , and even seemed to enjoy It.
The four ladies of the uarly were dressed
according to Rcdfcrn , although an Omaha
girl who stood by declared that the dross of
the princess was an atrocious fit. They
dressed their hair A la Psycho and looked en
tirely American except as to their faces.
The party consisted of the Count and
Countess Sowa , the Marquis and Marchioness
Maoda , Mr. Baitan , master of ceremonies to
his royal hichness and nis wife , the mikado ,
Lieutenant Yoshio , commander of the navy ,
and his wife , Mr. Kato , of the royal house
hold. Dr. Mlaura , physician to the mikado.
' Lieutenant Yoshio was the only member
of the embassy who can speak English in
telligibly , but ho speaks tho. language flu
ently , and took great pleasure in answering
tt > o questions put to him la a continuous
stream by the newspaper reporters.
Tlio party , bo said , sailed from Japan on
the 10th of February und arrived in San
Francisco on the dth Inst. After a pleasant
visit in the city of tbo Golden Gate they
came on cost The party is traveling princi
pally for pleasure , incidentally examining
the navies of the different countries they
vis't. ' From Omaha they will go to Wash
ington , and from there to Now York , whore
they will board ship on the Oth of April and
sail for Paris , where they will visit the ex
Lieutenant Yoshio has visited America on
'several occasions , but the other members of
the party breathe the ozone of Uncle Sam-
uol's domain for the first time. They are de
lighted with what they have seen and greatly
surprised to find that "tho people of these
United States have reached such a high de
gree of civilization. "
On the llth of last month the mikado , by
royal decree , gave to Japan its first constitu
tion , which entirely changes the form of
government , making it similar to that of
The men of the party are all small la stat
ure nnd very ordinary-looking people , in
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will
euro ivcold in less time than any other
treatment. Its effect is to loosen the
cold , render the mucus less tenacious
and easier to expectorate , and cause its
expulsion from the air cells of tholunps.
It also opens the secretions , allays thu
fever , and restores the system to a na
tural aiitl healthy condition. Sold by
all drugRists.
A Brente for Liberty.
LOUISVII.LH , March 20 , The prisoners In
the jail at Jefferson made a wholesale at
tempt to escape last evening. Ed Powell ,
the river pirate , was the only ono to getaway
away , the others being captured by the sher
iff. Ono of the prisoners was shot by the
sheriff and It is thought his wound is fatal.
, ME BI3A.T1CD. "
Mnyor Brontoh Id llondjr to Welcome
the SnlOOYilccepors.
A reporter ot Tnrnce called on Uio mem
bers of the commlUod 'appointed at the mootIng -
Ing of the saloonkeepers Tuosdnf
night to confer .with Mayor Brontch
with reference to a revocation or
modification of the late Sunday
dosing order , and iv'as Informed that they
ivould watt upon tits honor this after
noon. They have so'm'o matters relative to
the statement , which is to bo made In writ
ing , yet to uonsutntnnto before calling upon
the mayor.
The mayor was also soon and asked what
ho thought of the present situation , and ho
replied that ho saw no change , everything
was gliding along ns placidly and smoothly
ns a summer woodland stream , and ho appro
bended no change or trouble.
When nskt-d whether ho would moot the
fcjxloon committee half way , or acquiesce in
anf degree to their requests or demands , ho
snld , and ho throw much significant vigor
into his words :
"I won't speak of thut in advance. Lot
them come , that's all , and it might bo n good
idou for you to bo present at the mooting.
Do you know when they intend to cnlll"
"Thursday afternoon , I have been in
formed. "
"I would have rather scon them to-day , ns
I did intend to go to Lincoln Thursday.
However , I can arrange to wait r.nothcr
day. Do vou know where they intend to
see mol"
"Right hero nt your store , I presume. "
"No they don't ; I wouldn't receive them
hero. If they want to see mo they'll have to
come to my office In the city building , for I
don't want them in hero. "
"And you decline to give mo an idea of the
course you will pursue ! "
"Yes Just now , but you coma along nnd
sea and hear for yourself , " and the mayor
spoke In a peculiarly impressive way
that presages a very black eye for the saloon
keepers when they meet him.
ns Whisky Sellers.
Mayor Broatch has Issued the following
which is addressed to License Inspector
Turubull , and which is calculated to cover
the liberal sale of whisky by druggists :
"I am In receipt of complaints from saloon
keepers that some druggists are selling liq
uors by the drink , nnd are not complying
with the law. You will plcaso ndvisu them
that they were not licensed ns saloonkeepers
ers , and that they will bo required to comply
with the following provisions , commencing
With the tlrst day of April , 1880. "
Sec.13 , Chapter 60 of the compiled stat
utes of Nebraska : , Auy druggist to whom
a permit may bo granted ns contemplated in
sections 24 and 25 of this act , shall keep in a
book , provided by him for that purpose , a
register of all liquors sold or given away by
him , which register shall show the dutcs ,
kind , quantity , for what purpose and to
whom such liquor was sold or given away ,
which book shall bo at all times
open to the inspection of the
public ; all druggists to whom such permit
may bo granted , shall on the first Monday of
January and July of each year , file in the office -
fico of the clerk of the authorities granting
such permits , a report of ull the entries made
in snld register as contemplated in this sec
tion since his last report , which report shall
bo subscribed and sworn to as correct by Bald
druggist , and that ho. has not sold or given
away , cither by himself , clerk or ngent , any
liquors other than ab dialed in said report.
Any druggist falling , to comply with the pro
visions of this section nhall bo doomed guilty
of n misdemeanor , nnd upon conviction there
of , for each and over's1 offense- shall bo fined
in any sum not less than twenty dollars ( S20) )
nor moro than one hundred ( $100) ) dollars
and bo imprisoned in J-ho county Jail not loss
than ton days nor moro than thirty days in
the discretion of the court. "
Popular Kducatlon.
"Wo sympathize with the fooling1 which
often leads citizens' to boast that no
children born in this country need grow
up in ignorance , , nnd yet it is a fact that
many people who have learned to road
and write have navor taught them
selves to think. A man who suffered
from catarrh , consumption , bronchitis ,
scrofula or ' 'liver complaint , " might
read till his eyes dropped outhow these
and many other diseases have been
cured by Dr. Piorco's Golden Medical
Discovery , but if ho did not take the
lesson to himself and test the virtues
of this great medicine , liis time would
bo thrown away.
, Major Dennis * HorseBlanket. .
Bailiff Newburg , of Judge Hope well's
court , sawed a horse with Major Dennis yes
terday morning and rather got a way with
the old gentleman. . The affair Droko out in
open session and proved to bo quite an amus
ing episode. It seems that the door
obstinately refused to stay closed ,
and every tlmo it swung ajar the major
could fool a tiny draught filrting with his sil
ver locks. Ho would motion the bailiff to
protect him by keening the portcullis shut
tight. Four or five times the operation was
repeated. Finally , Nowberg became
weary of walking back and forth
Just to fiIcaso ) the major nnd
humorously remarked with a Swedish
twinkle in his cold blue cyothatho would got
him a horse blanket to put on.
Suddenly Dennis jumped to his feet and
addressing the court said : "Your honor , I
have been insulted by this bailiff. "
"In what manner ? " asked the Judge.
"Ho says that ifldon'tliko the draught
ho will put a horse blanket ou mo. "
Naturally , the court , lawyers , jury and
everybody else roared. The major was
about to say something more , but his honor
shut him off with a command to sit down and
keep still. _
California , the Land of Discoveries
Why will you lay awalco all night ,
coughing , when that most agreeable
California remedy , Santa Abie , will
give you immediate relief ? SANTA
ABIE is the only guaranteed euro for
Consumption , Asthma and all Bronchial
Complaints Sold only in largo bottles
nt$1.00. Three for 82.50. C. F. Good
man Drug Co. will bo pleased to supply
you , and guarantee relief when used as
novcr fails to relieve Catarrh or Cold in
the Iluad. Six months treatment , 81.00.
By mail , 81.10.
Stock Brokers Assign.
New Yonic , March 20. Demott & Durnnt ,
a prominent firm of stock brokers , assigned
to-day. A largo number of contracts were
closed out for their account at the stock ex
About Boiling Clothes'
and Disease-Breeding Germs
pr > pj. M. Lassing , in an
article in American Analyst ,
says : " The dirt and all
soap must be'entirely re
moved from th'e ' interstices
of the clothesf09nd all mi
crobes must bo destroyed.
The only and easiest way to
do this -is by heating the
water in which the clothes
are contained to the boiling
_ point. The boiling water ,
by constant self-agitation , is forced through the inter
stices of the fabrics , and thus cleanses them from dirt and
disease-breeding microbes as they can be cleansed in no
other way , and wwin any manner injuring the fabric. "
James Pyle's Pearline will wash in hot or cold ,
hard or soft water , and by any of the so-called " new
labor-saving methods ; " but for the easiest and best way
'of washing , refer to the directions for washing by boil
ing given on back , of each packar/c of Pearline.
iiewarc ol luluUooi. 141 JAMES I'VLE , New York.
are the arguments we have always used to influence trade and these
telling figures have always brought us the customers , and we will al
ways depend on them for the biggest share of the clothing trade. Our
business has been built up on the plan of low prices and we mean to
continue on the same plan , Our stock this season is unlimited and this
gives the buyerij unlimited choice. We display hundreds of styles of
spring suits. Here are a few of the bargains we start the season with
One lot of nice all wool Cheviot Suits , lined with good farmer's satin ,
at $4.75. This is an honest suit , well made. At no time has such a
suit been sold at less than $7.5O.
One lot of really nice cassimere suits , a neat dark mixture at $5.9O.
This suit is lined with good serge , made substantially and we recom
mend it for excellent wear.
Wo have always had the reputation for the bo3t line of woll-mado medium priced suits
say at $8 , 59 and $10. Knowing that the great majority of cuatomors prefer that price , we
have always taken pains to give the greatest possible value that could be put into a suit
at that price. The line of $8 , $9 and $10 suits which we display this season is far ahead
of anything shown formerly. Wo unhesitatingly claim that with every suit you buy of
us at that price you save at least from $5 to $6. Wo have this season added to our line of
§ 10 suits an extraordinary bargain in the shape of a splendid corkscrew suit. The mate
rial is all worsted and of very fine quality , lined with best farmer satin. Wo have them
in sacks and frocks , all sizes , from 35 to 42. The suit is of good weight and will make an
excellent dross suit. ' At ten dollars wo pronounce it the greatest bargain ever offered , and
we guarantee it is in every respect as good as any suit for which other houses are asking
$16 or SIS.
Price means nothing until you see the goods. We want every careful buyer to take time tc examine our gat
nients and note every detail o lining , trimming and finish.
MAIL ORDERS Receive prompt attention and \va send samples and rules for measuring on application.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
s what vre want to clvo to every person that
visits our Btoro. BJiouUl you at any time
purcnnse an article that docs not prove
stock IB arriving doily. We have tw o lloors
voll lighted and stocked with first class
MltN ana WOMEN successfullr troutoJ.
Suffering from tbo effects of youthfuV follies or Indls
crotlons , or arc troubled wltli Weakness , Nervous
Debility , rx > u of Memory , Despondency , Aversion to
Society , Khlnoy Troubles or nny disease of the CJonl-
to-Urinary Urtiuns , can hero und u safe and speedy
cure. CliarKCS reasonable , especially to the poor.
There are tnauv troubled vrltb too frequent eyacna
tlons of the bladder , often accompanied by a slight
smarting or burning sensation , nnd weakening of tuo
system tu a innnner the patient cannot account for.
On oxamlnlupt the urinary deposits a ropv sediment
will often bo found , und sometimes particles of albu * .
raonirlll appeur or the color boot a thin , mllklsli
hue , imaln dianclnii to a dark or torpid appearance.
There are iirnnv > neu who die of this dlfllculty. Ignor
ant of tlio cause , which is the second stage of semi ,
nal weakness. Tha doctor will guarantee a perfect
euro In all such cares , and a healthy restoration of
the ecnlto-urlnarv organs. Consultation free. Honil
2-ccnt stamp for "Younz Man's Friend , or Guide to
Wedlock , " Ireo to all. Aldress
Mnirf and 12th St.Kuusns City , Mo.
( If Mention this paper.
Tiie'Lioo" ( ' High Pressure Hose
The Heat i * the Clioupcut !
n r THE
Following Plumbers
Hnssejr & Day Co. ,
M. A. Free ,
( jrnliam Park ,
J. J. llauiglmiit
J. L. Wclsliuiis ,
J. It. Unninelc ,
B. I. Morrison ,
Rose & llalfc ,
And all leicilug
plumbers throughout
the west.
The pressure guyantee Imprinted In tli body
of thu cover is u protection to the consumer
ufalnst common hose.
f uburi1irir"rB | > ii fVii .
ltre.ll oik.r rcmcdlti r iu 0 < > ui i. >
Chicago , Ills. ( ClarkSt.
The Regular Old-Estalllslicd
It clltl Treating with tha Greatest
Chronic , teens ant Mate Diseases ,
Palling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrlblo
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect !
leading to early decuy and perhaps Consumption ox
Insanity , treated sdcntlficaJly by new methods with
never-failing succesi. '
Of SYPHILIS and all bad Blood an3 Skin Dla-
eates permanently cured.
43-KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varlcocele and all dlseatei
of the Qenlto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or o&er Organs.
* No experiments. AEC andexperience lm
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
* S-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
S3- Those contemplating Mairiace send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
is cents , both 05 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old .
Doctor. A friendly letter orcallmay savefuturesuOer.
In a and shame , and add colden years to life. * 3-Book
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " socents ( sumps ) . Medlcun
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
eaitli is Wealth !
IIK.ST , n Riiarunteod gnocluo fur Hyatcila , Dizzi
ness. Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Ncmalgla.
Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by tha
use ot alcohol or tobacco , Wakefiilnesi , .Muntal
Depression , Battening of the ilruin , resulting la
insanity nnilleaillnu to misery , decay and death.
I'lemuturo Old AKO. llarrennoHH. Loss of J'ower
In cither HOI , Involuntary Wssos mut Spcrjiiut-
orhuin caused by ov r-oxortlon of tlio brain.nolf-
abuse or overindulgence. Kacli box contalm
ono month's treatment. tl.OO a box , of six boxes
forfi.w.sBnt by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To euro any case. With oarh order received by
us for six boxes , accompanied with U.OO , we will
fend the purchaser our written guarantee to ru.
fund the money if tnu treatment does not effect
a cure. Guarantees Issued only by ( ioodman
Drug Co. , Druggists , Solo Aeonts , 1110 Karnam
street , Omaha , Neb.
ol Trees !
Tonslstlng ot Fruit Trees , Small Trulls , Oinpa
Vines. Ornamental Tiees and Shrubs , liver-
eteens , Hoses , etc. , together wltlinlurgo ubuort-
meutot Trees and Seeas for planting
Timber Claims.
Facilities unsurpassed. Write for wholesala
and retail lists. Address ,
siic\Ai\'i > oAiiUUSIHIKS : ,
D. 8. LAKE , Proprietor.
For Sale orTrade.
Iloal'dcnce property , orange groves , town lots ,
and desirable unimproved lau < li suitable for
winter liomes , for fate or to trade for western
raptured farm lands. CorrojjiomlencusoUcttoil
Orlando , Florida.
Wyoming Oil Lands
And all necessary pipers tilled ,
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Engineer ,
If iniJCVaU(1 ft'lurlnarr ' troubles unity. quick.
M U n LI ly and safely cured bjrDOUTUU A lup. !
stiles , fluveral ra es cured In seven days. Hold
11.50 per box. all druggists , or by mallf/om iJos-
iu Ufg Co. 113 White Bt.iH.Y. JfuUdU cUonj.
N , W. Cor. 13th & Dodffo StO.
Appliances for Deformities and Trusses.
Best facilities , apparatus und remedies for success
lul treatment of every form ot disease roqulrloi
Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Board and attendance ; best noipltal accommoad-
lions In the wast.
WKITK ran Cincrtr.Aiis on Daformltles end Brace *
Trusses , Club Foot , Curvature of the Salno , 1'llei.
Tumora. Can cor. Catarrh , llronoliltli. Inhalation ,
Rloolrtdtr. Paralysis. Kpllopav , ICIilncy. Bladder ,
Kye , Bar.Sklu and lllood.and all Surgical oporatloDS.
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
All Hlood Diseases successfully treated. Bvphllltlo
1'oltoii removed from tbo system without mercury.
Now restoratlvo treatment for loss of Vital 1'owcr.
Persons unable toT'.nltnsiasy be treated &t liprao by
correspondence. All communications conUacutlai.
Mudlclncs or Instruments tent br mall or express ,
siiurely packed , no marks to Indicate contents or
sender. One personal Interview preferred. Call and
consult us or send history of your case , und w Will
send In plain wrnjipcr , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Irapo-
tencytiyplillls , Uleet aud Varltocele , with question
list. Address
OrnaJia Medical and tiurgtcal Institute , or
Dor. 13tb and Dotlge Sis. . OMAHA , NED.
Capital 8400,003
Surplus Jim. 1st , 1680 62,000
HENHY . VATKS , 1're.sidont.
LEWIS S. UKIC1) . Vice 1'resldcnt
A.H.TOU/.AMrf ,
W. V. MOItSi : .
J.N. H. I'ATltlCK.
W. H. a IIUOHKS. Ctshier.
Corner 12th and Farnam Sts.
A General llanUlui ; Huslutm Trasacte.d
A Inrgo amount of money to loan on 1m.
proved real estate in the city of Omalia. 'i'liesa
funds will be distributed in sums to milt , but
large loans are { ( referred. Applications may be
made to
toE , S , BISBEL
rirst , National Itenlc llulldlng. Iteprespotlng
I.nmlou , KiiKlaiirti
Amsterdam , llolhuul ,
Tramact a general banking uusJncii , Securities
bouxlit and sold on commission. KorulKn excbanires.
Cumtiiirelal and tiuyoltr's letters of credit.
Orders for bomt nud stocks ciocutO'l ' on commit
slun In Ixindon and on all Continental lloursei (
NeiEOtlullor.s of Hallwayfiiutti.Cltv aul Corpora-
Itoa Lunui K ipeclaltr.
1 suocwufullutrd monthly by o
jkLodlec Aro.SaIftctual
i II iwrbot tyu > aU/ir mru
- " 'ar/foulurs S ( KMUc * - ' - -
tor tale anA by mull 1 ,