Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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July Hlffhor With Quito a Bulge
In May.
Good Iliislnem In Oats Provisions
Experience Boninthlng of a
Boom Cnttlo Ngt Quotnbly
JUI fTcroti t Hogs.
CIUCAOO , March 20. [ Special Tclcirram to
Tnn HnE.J Thumbs went up In the wheat
market to-day. The advance in July was
small , but May had quite a bulge nod there
was no great amount of wheat tor sale at
nny time. Aside from the weather the now *
was generally bullish , and the weather is
not what It might be. The signal service re
ports fall to note the continuation of the
general rains throughout the winter wheat
districts , but there have been warm and
timely rains throughout the northern spring
wheat belt. California reports steady and
welcome rains on the coast. Cables are gen
erally dull , quiet and seemingly inclined to
weakness , but tins probably docs not reflect
the spirit of tlio foreign markets. A bu < f pet
of cables was received by Boya & 13ro. this
morning which may be summarised in the
statement that the dullness In the foreign
market is generally believed to bo only
temporary ; that foreigners noxv look
upon the American seaboard markets as
down to a fair export basis ; that there will
be a peed demand for New York wheat at
around the present prices , and that the situa
tion h generally healthy. Now York re
ported that n peed csport business had been
done yesterday afternoon , and that to-day
vessel room had been encaged in the Balti
more for 00,000 bushels of wheat on n Now
York order. The subsequent report that the
amount should have been 3,000,000 bushels
was not confirmed. New York advices were
generally bullish and pave Indications of
considerable activity among the exporters.
The posting of 104,000 bushels cleared yes
terday must bo accented as confirmatory
testimony in this direction. From the other
coast advices were received going to prove
that vesterday's report about the Australian
business was not a canard after all. From
the interior points of accumulation reports
como in of activity in cash wheat. Detroit
reports 00 carloads taken by millers.
Toledo reports a moderate milling demand ,
end St. Louis and Buffalo the same. At
Milwaukee 50,000 c ishels arc being loaded
to-day for Kingston , reducing the stocks of
the No. 2 nt that point -459,000 bushels. It
is true that this healthy renewal of activity in
the cash wheat trade is not on the basis of
* Chicago prices , but on the other hand it must
not bo forgotten that prices ranging from Dote
to 20c a bushel above the other markets for
a period of five months have failed to bring
wheat in any considerable quantities to Chicago
cage , thus strengthening decidedly the view
entertained by leading bulls that there is no
very great amount In the country available
for shipment to Chicago. With these re
ports coming In from all quarters , it is not
to bo wondered that the speculative demand
Mould have been brisk hero to-day. The
feeling was very , very bearish at
the outset , but this did not last
long after it was discovered
that there was little long wheat
lor sale. Hutchinson was a large buyer , and
he bought heavily on every reaction through
out the day , though ho was disinclined , ap
parently , to lot the market stay nbovo OO c
for May. It started nt 95J.c ( and quickly ad
vanced to 96c. During the last two hours
the fluctuations were within a range of about
lie , 90 @ 90Xc being the extremes. July
opened nt bS&c , ranged to 85K@80) c , and
closed at 80. May left off at90c. As com
pared with yesterday's closing this is a gain
of Itfc in May and } { o in July. The volume
of trade in the pit was not especially large ,
though there were periods of excitement and
activity. The local sentiment seems to be
undergoing another change. It is generally
admitted now that the leading bulls have not
changed their position , and that from a state
of inactivity Hutchinson has developed into
an ally. It is believed by many operators ol
cool Judgment that the policy of tbo big mec
will bo to scalp the market around the pres
ent prices for a time , to encourage the con
sumptive and export movement , before workIng -
Ing for a material advance.
In corn , today , there was a much largei
business done , and the attendance of the
brokers in the pit was considerably above
the recent average. A good deal of lonj.
stuff was sold out at a loss , and a good manj
of the shorts covered their deals at a moder
nto profit. Near futures were rather the
weakest. May and the moro distant future :
being relatively firmer , and closed slightlj
higher than they did yesterday. The Una
closing prices showed April nominally J \
lower. May unchanged and Juno and Juij
slightly higher.
In the regular market for oats a good busl-
ness was recorded within a narrow range
averaging easier. May met with only fail
support , while there was considerable prop
erty offered for Juno , which sold down J ( S
Ifo to 25c , and ruled slightly steadier later ,
The so-called clique were moderate buyers ol
May , which sold chiefly at 37c , and spli
nbovo mid below , while July was moro quiet
No. 2 oats in store or for March delivery wen
dull and easy around 24/c , with car lots to
0 to store commanding a fractional premium
Provisions experienced something of i
boom. The trading opened at prices a littli
under yesterday's closing quotations , but II
was soon found that the bull side had thi
call , and the market moved uu sharp ! ;
under the lead of pork. The shorts in thi
article named were frightened into purchas
ing freely by the buying of Warren , Baxtei
and some smaller trades , and with the demand
mand exceeding the offerings the sellers hni
matters their own way. Tbo product wa
wanted by urgent buyers , and bcforo ani
reaction to speak of had occurred pork wa
advanced 35c , lard t@7o and short rib
12Uc. In the upward turn witnessed Ian
and short ribs simply followed pork , whlcl
was the center of interest. The extromi
outsldo prices paid were realized during thi
last hour of the session , and at the close porl
showed u net advance of C5c , lard of 5c , am
short ribs of lOc.
CHICAGO , March 20. | Special Telegrar
to THE BKE.J CATTLE Higher prices wcr
expected to-day , but the fact was that th
buyers were not badly in need of cattla an
did not do any lively bidding , as they seeme
to think the decrease in the receipts "had
string tied to it" and was only a transiec
holdback , not indicating a scarcity of mat
kctablo stock. However , the market to-da
was notquotably different. Some comma
cattle actually sold lower and all sold nt vor
low prices. Three loads of funcy cattla sol
at ftOD. Good fat cattle , however , wor
sold at $3.00. Choice to extra beeves. f4.25 (
4.00 ; medium to goad steers , 1350 to 1500 Ib
MWK24.00 ; 1100 to 1350 Ibs , * 3.BO@3.05 ; U50 t
1200 Ibs , $3.00@3.40 ; stackers and feeder
r2.lXXji3.20 ; cows , bulls and mixed , f 1.50 (
3.00 ; bulk , F..00@2.40j Texas steers , ! /
Hoes Prices wore again strong and SftlC
lower , making a decline of ID&'Oo in t\\
days. Packers were bearish and the shi ;
ping demand limited. At the close the ord
narv run of mixed would not sell for ovi
H..V.C3H.OOTbo best heavy sold at W.GOl
4.03 , light sorts , fl.7CHg4.SO
NBW YOIIK , March 20. [ Special Telegrai
to TUE Bue.1 STOCKS Tbo feeling hero I
stocks this morning was in keeping ; wit
I-ondon quiet. ThU was true of the gei
ernl list , but mora so of Atclnson , Nortl
western and Chicago Gas. The openlu
prices were low , the declines from yesterdc
amounting to about % per cent , with Bu
ImgtonSiQulncyoff 1 percent. Followln
the opening there were slight declines , whi
Dock Island distinguished itself by a decile
of ) { per cent. Before 11 o'clock the quli
ROVO way to sorao animation , and the weal
ness to considerable strength. The upwoi
movement , like the early decline , was coi
flucd to fractious , with the exception of Cl
cage Gas , which went tip about a point , The
tally also caught up Lackawanna , Burling
ton , Hock Island , Missouri Pacific and Atchl-
eon , all of which advanced enough to moro
than cancel the early declines , and left prices
better than fat the opening , with the market
apparently firm. Before noon the activity
was less marked , and in a few stocks there
was a slight yielding from the top prices , but
no special weakness was shown. The last
hour of the stock market was characterized
by indifferent operation * . This resulted in
general weakness and declines from the best
prices made about noon , and nt the close the
most of the advances were lost and stocks
were llttlo changed at the close from last
nlcrht. Burlington suffered most and closed
nearly a point lower for the day. The slight ad
vances wore sustained well. Lackawanna , ;
Missouri Pacific , 3H' ; Heading , { , while Chicago
cage Gas certificates closed 2 } higher , ful
filling the predictions regarding thorn. Iho
total sales for the day were 235,842 shares ,
including Reading , 23,000 ; Burlington , 11,000 ;
Lackawanna , 15,800 ; Hock Island , 11,800 ;
Northwestern. 15,003 ; St. Paul , 11,400.
The folio wing wore the closing quotations :
CT.B. 4s regular..US'S Northern 1'aclne. . 25 < j
U.S.4scounon.i..l-1lS doprefcrreJ./ g
U.P.4Msre3tilnr. . 107 c.K. w ; . .jni'i '
' * dopraferred , . . .J.'VI
1'acl'flcOsot 83 .illiil .V. V.Contral 107
Central Pixilnc. . . . ! JI > 4 P..U.&K
Clilcapo k Alton. . 1.12 i Hock Island .OK
Chlcago.llarUnjtoii ( C. . M. iSUP CJ'l
& Qulncy j v do preferred. 8Jf
D..L..S W. . . , , . . .is : l St. 1'auliOranha . nny
Illinois Central. . . . ] ! * ) I ilopreferred 10Vi
J..1I.&W im'Unlonl'acine Klfi
Kansas 4Texas. . . 1J W..SI.L. &P 12V
LakeShore " do preferred. . . .
MlchljmnContrail. 87 Western Union. . . . .
MlKOurll'aciflc . . . 83
MONBT o.v CALL Easy nt 2@2K l > or cent.
STEIU.ISO EmiVNOE Dull but steady :
sixty-day bills , tl.S5X ; demand , Sl.SSJf.
CHICAGO , March 20. Wheat Steady ;
cash , IMJfc ; April , ljc ) ; May , OCJic.
Corn Firm ; cash , 33 ; c ; April , 34o ;
May , SStfc ,
Oats Steady ; cash , 24tfc ; May , 25s , < c.
Kyo May , 43Vc.
Barley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothj Sl.43@1.45.
Whisky $1.03.
1'ork Firmer ; May , f 12.22 W : July , S12.3o-
Lard Firm : cash , ? 0.03 ; May
B'lour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $2.00@
5.fiO ; spring wheat , S1.5a@8.30 ; rye , $2.05
3.00 in barrels.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders. f3.50@5.7. > ;
short clear , $0.37k'(20.50 ( ; short ribs , 50.15 ®
Butter Quiet ; creamery , lS@25o ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full cream choddlis , 10 %
tile ; flats , ll@U c ; Young Americas , 11
E.Kgs Easier ; fresh , 13@12 } c ,
Hides Unchanged ; neavy green salted ,
5j/c ) ; light green salted , 5e ; green ,
salted bull,5. ' c ; green salted calf , 0
dry Hint , 7Kft4i > t : ; green salted kip , 4e$4 ( > Jc ;
dry calf , 7@So ; dry salted hides. 7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4@4tfc ; No. 2 , 3tf@3Kc ; calce , 4 c.
teceipts. Shipments.
Flour bbls . 9.000 8,000
Wheatbu . 17,000 11,000
Corn.bU . 2S1.000 CO.OOO
Oats , bu . 127,000 50,000
New Vorlc. March 20. Wheat Receipts ,
0,000 ; exports , 103.712 ; spot firmer , but
quiet ; No. 2 red. S9Jf@91c in elevator , 91 >
(291 ( 0 afloat , 01@92 > < o f. o. b. ; No. 3 red ,
85c ; ungraded red , 01(31.02 ( ; options fairly
active ; and ( n\'tJ higher and strong.
Corn Ileceipts. 01,000 ; exports. 43,000 ;
spot , futrly active but J/c lower , and weak ;
No. 2 , 42'42 } u in elevator , 4343 > fc
afloat ; No. 2 white4Gc ; ui.cradod mixed ,
40@48c ; steamer mixed , 42@43 ? c ; options
moderately active and @Kc lower , and
Oats Receipts , 10,000 ; exports , 1,000 ;
spot , steady , quiet ; options firm and fairly
active ; March , 30c ; April. 30 } c ; May.
30c ; spot. No. 2 white , 32X@33 > c ; mixed
western , 29
Coffee Options opened firm , closed firm
and 80333 points up ; sales , 38,000 bags ;
March , $ l6.75@ie.95 : April , flO.90@17.00 ;
May. flO.90@17.13 : spot Rio steadier ; fair
-eareoes , S18.87W.
Petroleum Quiet and steady ; United
closed atOlJi'c.
Eggs Steady ; western , 12K13c.
Pork Firm ; new , 513.25@13.50.
Lard Firmer ; western steam , $7.27K@
7.30March , $7.22.
Butter Weak ; western. 13@27c.
Cheese Quiet and steady ; western ,
Li verpool.March 20. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB BEE.J 3:30. : p. m. close. Pork-
Holders offer sparingly ; prime mess , east
ern , 65s , steady ; no , western , 55s , steady.
Lard Holders offer sparingly ; spot , 35s 3d.
steady ; March , 35s Gd , steady ; April and
Mav , 35s 9d , steady.
Wheat Holders offer moderately ; new
No. 2 winter , 7s Gd , steady ; do , spring , 8s ,
firm.Flour Holders offer moderately ; Us 3d ,
Corn Holders offer freely ; spot , 3s 10d ,
easy ; March , 3s lOJ d , easy ; April and May ,
3s lOd , easy.
St. Liouls. March 20. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 90Xc ; May , 90 > @ 90 c.
Corn Irregular ; cash , 2ic ) ; May , 30 * c.
Oats Lower ; cosh , 24c ; May , 2Gc.
Pork Firm at $12.50.
Lard Nominal nt $0.70.
Whisky Steady at $1.03.
Butter Quiet nnd unchanged ; creamery ,
24@2Gc ; dairy , 20@23c.
Minneapolis. March 23. Sample wheat
dull , about same as yesterday : receipts , 100
cars ; shipments , 40 cars. Closing : No. 1
hard , March , $1.09 ; May , $ UO } ; on track ,
$1.10 ; No. 1 northern , March , 97cMuy ; , 9Sc ;
on track , $1.00 ; No. 2 , northernMnrcbb74c ;
May , S'Jc ; on track , 90c.
Milwaukee , March 20. Wheat Dull ;
cash , SO Vc ; May. 87Vc.
Corn Dull ; No. 3. ao mw.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , 2S@2Sj c.
Rye Quiet ; No. 1 , 44c.
Barley Firm ; No. 2 , 59c.
Provisions Steady and firm ; pork , $12.05.
Cincinnati. March 19. Wheat Barely
steady ; No. 2 red. 95c.
Corn Strong ; No. 2 , mixed , 35c.
Oats No offerings ; No. 2 mixed , 29c.
Whisky Steady at $1.03.
Kaimaa City , March 23. Wheat-
Steady : No. 2 rod , cash , S3o bid ; May ,
87KC bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , 90c asked.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 24o bid ;
May , U5Jfo bid ; No. 2 white , cash , 2to ) Did.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 22o asked.
CHICAGO , March 20. Cattle Receipts ,
8,500 ; market steady ; beeves , $4.25a
4.GO ; steers , Rl.OO ( l.OO ; stockcrs ana fend
ers , $2.00SaeO ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.5(1 (
@ 3.00 : bull : , . ' .00 2.10 ; Texas cattle , $2.70 ®
U.25.Hogs Receipts , 10,500 : market slow ,
5c to lOo lower ; heavy. $4.50@4.07J ' ; mixed ,
W.W5SJ.70 : light , $4.55544.75 ; pigs , $1.00 ®
4.00 ; skips , $3.00(34.30. (
Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; market steady
but weak ; natives , g3.00g5.10 ; western ,
fl.40@-l.70 ; lambs , $4.5000.00.
KaniaB City. March * 20. Cattle Re
ceipts , 3,900 ; shipments , l.COO ; medium
dressed 10o lower ; good to choice corn-fed ,
F3.S5fg4.10 ; common to medium , $2.70@3.50 ;
stockcrs und feeding steers , steadv , $1.CO@
3.20 ; cows , about bteady , $1.50 ( 2.75.
Hogs liecelpts , 0.400 ; shipmontB , none ;
market slow and 7U@10o lower ; common to
choice , $1.25(34.55. (
National Stock Yard * , East St.
IxMiU , March CO. Cattle Receipts , 1.70J ;
shipments , 200 ; market steady ; choice
native steers , I3.bixy4.30 ; fair to good ,
$3.00@3.90 ; utockera and feeders , $2.10(3 (
3.20 ; rangers , corn-fed , $2.6033.50 ; cross-
fed , $1.90(33.00. (
Hoirs-'Reoelpts , 5.WD ; shlpmenU , 600 : easy ;
choice heavy , $1.G5@4.70 ; packing , $1.50 ®
4.70j light ( 'rades , $4.50C < 4.70.
Slour City , March 20. Cattle Receipts ,
3,400 ; shipments , , 154 ; market steady ; fat
steers , $2.75 ( < ? 3.10 ; feeders , $3.M ; stackers ,
$2.75 ; cows , $2.fxJ ; canners and bulls , $2.40.
Hogs Receipts , 1 , 33 ; market closed a
shade lower ; light and mixed , "
lo heavy , $4.45@4.50.
* ' Cattle.
* Wednesday , March 20 , 18S9.
Although the receipts wore tbe heaviest ol
tbe week the market opened active and over
wclro hundred head changed hands
before middny. The prices paid were
fully ns good ixs yesterday , and dressed beef
nd shipping steers sold at a range of 3.00(7 ( }
.90. but principally at t3.15S3.Qp. ( The
quality of the bcovw was good and there
vero plenty of very desirable cattle on snlo ,
> ut no better than were plenty of the cattle
hat sold lost week 20 < W-TOc lower than to-
ay's prices. Butchers' stock was in pretty
air demand when choice but common stuff
and canners were extremely slow. A very
choice load ot cows sold At (3.00 , but the bulk
vent at $2.00 ( < 2.50. There were n good
many bulls among the offerings which sold
quito welL The supply of feeders was light
but the demand was pretty fnlr and prices
tronp. A bunch sold nt (3.00 which were no
tetter than the cattle that sold last week at
2.S5. As compared with a week ago thcro
las been a most decided advance in cattle
and yet the most conservative look upon It
only as a llttlo Hurry which is bound to re
sult in a heavy run and lower prices.
It would bo difficult to detect any essential
difference between the market to-day nnd
that of yesterday. Not only were the prices
nbout the same but Wio receipts as well. Al
though the receipts nro very light , only
averaging about hnlf as heavy us last week ,
thcro Is no life or snnp to the trade , the buy *
ers being bearish in the extreme and not ap
parently curing whether tboy got any hogs
or uot.
Everything really desirable was S3ld , the
narkct being firm and active.
IlcuclpU * .
, tp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , o.HJ
sheep , 9T5
Hones 20
Prevailing I'rlcns.
The following is a table of uriccs paid in
.his market for the grades of slock mcn-
.ioucd :
Prime steers , 1303 to 1503 lb.M.35 © I.10
Prime sleers , 1100 to 130J ibl. . 3.03 ( < ? 3.03
S'utivc feeders 2.75 03.03
Common to good cows 1.50 ft(3.IJ
Choice to fancy cows 2..7J @ 3.03
Pair to choicn nulls 1.75 ( jjJ.OO
Pair to choice light hogs 4.45 ( ifrl.50
Pair to choice heavy hogs 4.45 ( VJJ.5'J
Pair to choice mixed hops . . . . 4.40 ( rtl.43
Pair to choice western sheep. . 3.SO ( $1.30
Fair to choice Nebraskas 3.03 ( ( J4.13
Representative Sains.
No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
J5 753 SJ.IO 20 Ull ) * 3.3)
3 HH3 J1.0J 37 1:33 : 3.-W
2 1340 n.tW 21 UK ) ! l.30
16 110) 3.10 13 1IM 3. :
4 l 2 a.10 S3 12 8 3.37i-5
21 103 < J 3.10 3:1 : 1.45 3.40
w iwn 3.15 is vat : u" >
-1 1129 3.15 19 1TJ3 3.45
42. 12.XI 3.17K 0 HJS 3.4"i
3 11COT 3JW U 1341 3.
B 10TS 11.20 0 13)8 ) 3.45
B 1212 aSJ 12 1367 3.45
8 11)12 ) 3.20 55 1410 145
S 1170 3.20 32 1320 3.50
0 1208 a2i 3 129a 3.W
15 1183 3.25 7 1274 3.0H
30 1UW 3.2.5 27 U5 ! 3.00
14 1134 SUB 27 1348 3.00
7 12JO 3.25 19 112 : i. < X )
12 1105 3.25 17 14'JO ' 3'JO
34 Hll 3.B5
12 P97 1.00 4 1187 2.RO
4 1013 2.00 2 11)75 ) 2.60
S IITJ8 2.20 1 ] 370 2.50
4 960 2.30 B SSrt 2.M
10 1080 2.40 3 10S7 2JH
3 10HO 2.45 1 141)0 ) 2.0.-1
2 10J5 2.45 4 1185 2.7fi
11 1075 2.M ) 17 1383 3.0J
1 1210 2.50
42. . . 327 2.33
1 1200 1.23 1 1PSO 2.30
1 1K.O . 1.75 fil 148J 2.32J !
2 W ) 2.IW 1 1SJO 2.35
1 17GO 2.00 1 13-0 2.33
1 J.V 2.10 1 1730 2.40
1 1G10 2.25 12 15(15 ( 2.5J
1 1750 2.25 1 1410 2.M
2 1710 2.23 13UJ 3.00
33 1477 2.30
1 10331 .U ) 5 15H 2.00
C 1135 2.25
2.256TAC .
, . . .1200 2.50 , 1 1870 2.75
, . . .1877 .205
, . . .1800 3.00
20 028 3.03
3 133 6.00
6.00HOGS. .
No. Av. Shk. IT. Ho. AT. Shk. Pr.
12 297 14.40 60 233 80 4.45
20 298 80 4.40 CO . . . .278 80 4.45
23 333 ICO 4.40 67 275 120 4.45
67 217 24U 4.40 KI 255 hO 4.45
48 340 180 4.4B 61 252 IfiO 4.45
bo 283 4.45 CO 214 80 4.45
61 278 4.45 f > 9 257 4.45
61 234 80 4.45 69 250 120 4.45
53 258 4.45 5 218 4.45
65 248 40 4.45 73 237 40 4.45
03 240 320 4.45 M 2S2 300 4.45
63 243 120 4.45 80 239 40 4.47
50 302 100 4.45 74 228 80 4.60
02 258 BO 4.45 65 323 4.DO
49 22S 4.45 fifl 225 100 1.50
68 287 80 4.45 83 . . . .234 4.50
GO 2U7 4.45 71 242 4.M
01 272 4.45 69 274 4.50
09 231 40 4.45 62 300 80 4.30
No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
174 1.16(4.15 132 133 I1JJ
35 135 4.30
No. Av. Pr. No. AV. Pr.
60 85 JUO 60. 84 JUO
lilvo Stock Notes.
Cattle active and firm.
Sheep active at steady prices.
No essential change in the hog market.
A. Johnson , Friend , Neb. , marketed a load
of cattle of his own feeding at $3.00.
Nearly all the stock in the yards was sold
early and the market on everything prac
tically closed at midday.
The hog market is now about 5c lower than
it was a week ago. but the most notable
change is in the receipts. On Wednesday of
last week , 8,513 hogs were received and lor
the first thrco days of last week the total
was 12,133 , while the'receipts for the same
time this week amount only to 0,250 , a de
crease of nearly 50 per cent.
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
BDTTBH Creamery Fancy print , 24@2Ce ;
choice print , 23W23c ; fancy solid packed , 21
@ 22c ; choice solid packed , 19@20c. Dairy-
Fancy roll , 17@10c ; choice , 1510c { ; good , 12
@ 14c ; low grades , 10@llc.
CUEKSE Full cream Cheddars , choice , 12 ®
full cream flats , two in hoop , 12 } < @
13c ; full cream Y. A. , choice , 12 > @ 13c ; off
grades and skims , Stifle ; llmburgor , I0@l2c ;
brick nnd Swiss , 14@15c.
Ecos Strictly fresh , Il@l2c ; cold stor
age , 9@10c.
LIVE POUI/THY Chickens , per doz , $3.50@
3.75 ; ducks , * 3.25@3.50 ; geese , $ S.50@9.00 ;
turkeys , per Ib , 9@10c.
DIIESJCD POULTRY Cbickcns , per Ib S@
lOc ; turkeys , ll(212o ( ; goose , ll(212c : ducks ,
VEAL Heavy grnssers , 150 to 200 Ibs , 5@
Cc ; inferior calves , 50 to 00 Ibs , 8@5c ; me
dium to rood , 70 to 85 Ibs , 4@tc : choice to
fancy , 100 to 150 ! Ibs , G@7c.
VE ETAHLES Poialoes.Colorado and Utah ,
C0g ( < 55c : Wyoming , 50@.Vic ; Nebraska ami
Iowa , choice large , 30@y.5o ; common , 25G5
30e ; sweet potatoes , Jerseys , per bbl , f J.75Q
3.00 ; boots , per bu , 55@COo ; carrots , 35@40o ;
cabbage , California , per Ib , 2 > o ; parsnips ,
per bu , 60@80o ; oulons , red choice , f > 0@55c ;
silver skin , G0@75o ; turnips. 025o ; ruta
bagas , 3.10400 ; radishes , 35i540o ( ; ; lettuce ,
25ui30ci cucumbers , tl.50@2.00 ; string
beans , per bo * . $1.753.25 ; celery , 25@30o ;
spinach , 1.50@2.00 per bbl.
GAME Mallard , nerdoz , | 3.00@3.50 ; red
head , per doz , I2.60&3.00 ; teal , der doz. Jl 75
@ 2.00 ; common small , per doz , fl.00@1.50 ;
rabbits , per dor , P0c@fl.00 ; Jack rabbits ,
per tloz , ? 3.00@3.50 ; squirrels , per doz. 90c@
f 1.00 ; Jock snipe , f 1.00 < gl.25.
AiTLts-Pcr bbl. fancy New York and
Michigan , JJ.50 ; choice , 63.002.25 ; choice
Missouri , * 2.00@2.25 ; good , | 1.75 < ! 2.00.
FOREIGN FIICITS Malaga grapes , kegs , 40
to 55 Ibs , lOo per Ib ; bananas , per bunch
Uanchlto , $2.60(32.75. (
CUANUKKUIEU Bell & Ilngle , choice. | 7.50
@ 7.75 ; Hell & Cherry , choice , * 0.50 < < ifl.7S ;
choice Jersey , f3.00as.25.
HiuKS-Green salted , No. 1 , COWc ; No.
2. 333Xc ; calf. 5sd5iic | dry flint , 7QSc.
HEASS Navies , hand picked , per bu , f3.10
(22.20 ( ; good clean country , 11.05(22.00 ( ; offer
or | > oor stock , tl.OQ31.SO ; California , 2.00@
CiDnit Mlchicran. per bbl. $1.60(35.00 ( ; New
York , per bbl , t5.00@5.50 ; Lalf bbl , $2.75'iS
a. 00
FSATUEUS Per Ib , prime live geese , white ,
C5Q40c ; mixed with gray , 25@0c ; damp and
musty , 10ft20c ( ; prlmo llrJchlomciUo duck , SO
@ 25c ; wild duck , 20"
SAUERKRAUT Per bbl , 80 gal , choice , 13.50 ;
per half bbl , J2.00.
PorcoRS Per Ib , rl ijKglJfc : common ,
HOXET 1-lb frames , cliolco white , 15lCc ;
dark. 13@I4o : strained , 10i12c.
JELLIES 44Jic ( ] > cr Ib ; preserves , 10@12o
per Ib. \j \
LAIIII 7 > < c m fiO-lb pktjs.
Hcvlse-d prices ore as fMlows :
UAOOI.SD Stnrk A. fcamlcss. 22c ; Amos-
kcag , seamless , 17J c ; l owiston A , seamless.
19c ; American , seamiest , ' itc ; burlaps , 4 to 5
bu , ll@14c : gunnies , single , 14c ; gunnies ,
double , 23c ; wool sacks , 4Uc.
TWINRS Flax , 2Jc ; cotton , 18@22c ,
Dnir.D FIIUITS Figs , in boxes , pcrlb , 11 ®
14c ; dates , in boxes. 7@IOc ; London Dnhcsa
layer raisins , per box , 5.00 : Malaga loose
raisins , $ i302.53 ; new Valencia raisins ,
per Ib , 7J c ; California loose muscatels , per
box. (1.80iV ( . < 0 ; California Londons , 1SSS ,
(2.40 : pitted cherries , Uc ; California
pitted plums , pur Ib , I213o ; dried black *
berries , per ib , 00 7c ; dried raspberries ,
per Ib , 22c ; evanoratod apples , G@7ic ; Cali
fornia unpaired evaporated jxiachcs , 12j714o ( ;
evaporated California apricots , 17c ; currants ,
Bi ) " > Kc { Turkish prunes , 4'8' @ * ic ; citron ,
22 ( > 24c ; orange pool , 15 : ; lemon peel , 14c ;
California French prunes. 7X.tIlHc.
PICKLUS Medium , In bbm , $ . .OJ ; do , in
half bbls , (3.00 ; saiull in bbK ffl.OJ ; do , In
half bbls. $3.M ; gherkins , in bbls , J7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , $1.00.
HOISTED Corrnn ! German , 2-lVfc ; Mc-
tnughlin'B XXXX , 24 } < c ; Ariosa , 24Xc.
Corrnns Green Mocha , 2. > < a > 30c ; Hlo ,
good , lS I9o ; Miindahllng , 20@2Sc ; roasting
HIo. 17ilSc ; O. G. .Tavu , 2irn-Jtla ; Java In
terior , 2Jft23c : Ulo. fancy , 2lJ2Jc ( ; Santos
and Marncalbo , 17C < 19c.
SCOAK Granulated , 7 ? c ; conf. A , 7 c ;
wliito extra C , 7.fe } ; extra U , 7c ; j-ellow C ,
; cutloaf , SJ Uc ; powdered , bK < s ; cubes ,
: Choice yellow , 20@23 ; darn
colored , ij(7l4c. : (
TOIIACCO Plug , 20@35c : smoking , 10S19c.
SALT ? 1.35@1.40 per bbL
Roi-n-7-lG , 14 } < fc.
MAI-I.E St'o vit Bricks , ll@12c per Ib :
perlny cakes , 12fvI3c { per Ib ; pure inaplo
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
Sco vit Svilt'M 3I@3.C per gal.
WIUPPIXO PAI'EII Manilla , 6J c per Ib ;
straw , ? { & % pur Ib ; rag , 2J.fc par Ib.
Tins Young Hyson , common to fair , 1S@
25coung ; Hyson , good to fnncy , 30@35o ;
Gunpowder , common to peed , SJic ; Gun
powder , choice to fnncv , 40@05o ; Japan , com
mon to medium , l.-0a ; Jnpun , cliolcc to
fancy , 30(7615 ( ; Oolong , common to coed , 2o@
40c ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 5'J@70cs ' ; Impe
rial , common to medium , 25@35c ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40@50c.
CRACKERS C@7cperlb ; assorted cakes , 8
@ 15c per Ib , as per list ,
CAXIIY Mixed. K@12 c ; stick , 9f@nc ;
rock candy , 1013c ; fancy candy , 7c C'JSc.
HOI.L ixi > HEHUISG , ' ) ( ) @ ' . ' 0i ; .
MACKEREL Family half bbls , $12.50 ; No. 1 ,
STAIICII 4@r > c.
NUTS Almonds , 10@lSc ; Pecans , 13c ; Bra
zils , 9c ; peanuts , l10c.
- Dry Goods.
COTTOX FLAXNKLS 10 per ceut trade dis
count Unbleached L L. 5Kc ; C C , C ? o ; S.
S , 74'c : E E , SJ o ; G G. 8 0 ; X X , lo&c ; O
O , ll > < c ; N N , I2fo } ; A A , 14c ; D D , 15J < ;
TT , UXcY \ \ Y. isu ; li B , 19o ; bleached.
20 , S cCO ; , 12' c ; 80 , . 13Kc. Brown and
slate , 59 , 9c ; 70 , 12 > c ; 00 , lOc.
CARPET WARP Uibbfwhite , 19c ; colored ,
2e.BATTS Standard , 8cj Gem. lOis ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , S3 50.
Pin NTS , Solid Colors Allantic , Co ; Slate ,
Cc ; Berlin oil , 0 , ' c ; Garner oil. CJ7c.
PRINTS Pink ana Robes Allen , Gc ; River
point , 5 } c : Steel River , ( % c ; Richmond ,
G ) c ; Pacilif , 7c.
Dress Charter Oak , 55 c ; Ram-
ape , 4c ; LoJi , oj/c ; AllenGc ; Richmond , Gz ;
Windsor , Gic : Eddystone , 0 > c ; Pacific.
PRINTS INDIGO BLUE St. Lcgor , 5 > jc ;
Arnold. GJ c ; American , GV c ; Arnold ( J. ,
long cloth , 'Jc ; Arnold B , long cloth , lOKc ;
Arnold , Gold Seal , lOJ c ; Steifel A , ,12c ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , ii\\/n \ .
GINOHAM Plunkett.'checks , 7j c ; Whlt-
tenton. 7J c ; York , 7)ic'NorutanJi dress ,
So ; Renfrew dress , 8 > i ( 12 > < c ; Whittenton ,
Sc : Calcutta , 7c.
CAMUHICS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard. 5c ; Peacock , oc.
Houeekeeper , SKc ; New Candidate , 8 > tfc ;
Berkeley cambric. No. GO , 9J c ; Best Yet ,
4-4 , GJ c ; Buttercloth , OO , 4Jfc ; Cabot , 7J c :
Farwell , half bleached , S > c ; Fruit of Loom ,
8 c ; Green G , 63 ; Hope , 7 > c ; King Philip ,
cambric , lOc ; Lonsdale cambric , lOc ; Lons-
dale , 8Vc : New York Mills , 10 > c : Pepper
ell. 42 m. lOJ c ; Pepperell , 40 in , llj c ; Pep
perill , G-4 , 15 > c ; Pepperill , 8-4 , Sic ; Pepper
ell , 9-4 , 23c ; Pepperill , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton. 4-4.
8 } c : Canton , 4-4 , 9 } c ; Triumph. Gc ; Wam-
sutta , lie : Valley , 5c.
BROWN SIIEGTINO Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7) c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atrantic D , 4-4 , G c ; At
lantic P. 4,4 , Gc : Aurora LL , 4 4 , Gc ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4J c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , GJ/c ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , Gc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 c ; Law
rence LL. 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5) c ;
Pepperell E. 40 inch , 7c ; Pepperell , 8-4 ,
18c ; Peppsrell , 9-4 , 21c ; Pepperell , 104 , 23c ;
Utica C , 4-4. 4 fc ; Wachusett. 4-4 , 7 > c ; Au
rora R , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora B , 4-4 , G > c.
FIANXHLS , Plaid Raftsmen , 20c ; Goshen ,
Clear Lake , SG c ; Iron Mountain ,
FLixsni.sWiiiTE-GHNo. 2 , J22 c ;
G H No. 1. ) , 20Kc ; B H No. 2 , 22i c : B H
No. 1 , % , Wo ; Quecheo , Nu. 1 , * { , 4ac ; Quo-
cheo , No. 2 , % , 37 c ; Quechce , No. 3 , % ,
32 > < c ; Anawun , 3Ji c ; Windsor , Z c.
FLANNELS , RED C , 24-inch , IS c ; E , 24-
inch , 21 c ; G G , 24-inch , 20o ; H A F , J ,
25c ; J U F. r , 27e ; G , % , 25c.
DECK West Point , 20 in , 8 oz. lO c ; West
Point , 29-ln. 10 oz. 12 c ; West Point. 2a-in ,
12 oz , 15o ; West Point , 40-in , 11 oz , lOc.
Coitscw JEAXS Androscopgln , 7J/c ; Kear-
sarge , 7 cltockport,0fc ; Conestoga , OJ c.
TICKS York , 30-in , i2Kc ; York , 82-m ,
ISKc ; Swift River. 8c , Thorndlke , OO , 8 0 ;
Thorndiko , EE , 8 > c ; Thorndino , 120 , ' .1 0 ;
Thorndike , XX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 0 , OJ c ;
Cordis , No. 4.10 } c.
DENIMS Amoskcag. 9 07,10 > c ; Everett ,
7 oz , 13 ! c ; York , 7 oz , Il ! > < c ; Haymaker ,
8 } < ; c ; Jaffrey XX. ll > < , c ; JaffreyXXX , 12Kc ;
Beaver Creek , AA. lac , Beaver Creek , BB ,
lie ; Beaver Crecit , CC , lOc.
KEXTUCicr JEANS Memorial. 15c ; Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 27Ko ; Hercules , 18c ; Lcam-
mtrton , 5B ic ; Cottswold , 27 > c ; Melville ,
CHASII Stevens' B , 5Ko ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7 > < c ; Stevens' A.
blc.ichcd , SJ c ; Stevens' P , 7c : Stevens' P ,
oleachod , SJ c ; Stovqns' N , 9u ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , Kc ; Stevens' SUT , ll c.
DrtiKH and Ctiemlcals.
ACIPS Sulphuric , l fc ; citric , 55c ; oxalic ,
15o ; UirUiric , 4Qc ; Am. carl ) , 12c ; alum , 2J <
© 3c ; arrowroot , SOc ; balsam capabla , C5gs
7Sc ; borax , 10@13c ; calomel , bOc ; castor oil ,
fl.OT < 31.10 ; cream tartar , a c ; corrosive sub ,
80o ; chloroform , 45@.Mtot ext logwood , 12o ;
glycerine , 24o ; gum /arublc , 90c ; gum cam
phor. ! i.jc ; _ gum opium , (3.15 ; morphia sulph ,
OILS Be amot. S3iso@300 ; lemon , J2.00 ;
peppermint , W.00@3.50 ; wintcrBreen , $2.40 ;
olive. 51.00 ; quinine. 35@45c ; strychnia , 11.03
@ 1.10. '
Metal ana Tinners' Stock.
Block tin , small pig..1. 23
Ulocktin , bar 1 29
Copper , planished uoijer sizes 31
Copper , cold rolled. . . . . . . . 81
Copper , sheathing. . . , . . , , 30
Copper , plus. 30
Copper , Hats si
Gal shoct Iron , Juniata , 50 , 10 , and 5
percent discount , . ,
Pit , planished iron , 21 to" 27 A ] OK
Pat. planished iron , 21 q.27 B 9X
Rooiing , 1C. 14x20. llitsheets 0.00
Roofing , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheet 7,50
Rooflng , 1C. 20x2S , 11-J sheets. . . . . . . .
Roofing. IX , 20x2 * . 112 sheets n & 0
Sheet iron No. 'M 3.40
Sheet iron No. 87 3.W )
Solder U@\t \
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C , 10x14. 2-i5 sheets C.50
IX , 10x14,225 sheets 6.25
Tin plate , coke
1C. 10x14 , 225 sheets 0.23
Steel nails , per Ucg 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg. . 2.75
Dimensions and Timber
13 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 24 ft
2x4 $15.00 15.00 15 00 16.0(1 ( 17.00 20.00
2x0. , . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 2'J.OO
2x8 15.00 15.00 15 OJ 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x10 , . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 2000
2x12 . . . 15.00 18.00 15.00 10.00 17.UO 20.W
4xS SxS 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 20.0C
No. 1 , 1 and 0 inch U and 11
foot rough ? 1G.OO(7M0.50 (
No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 Inch , 10 foot , . . . . 17.00 ( 17.60
No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14
fcO , 13.50 14.00
No. 2 , 4 nnd 0 inch , 1C feet 15.00@1S.00
1st and 2d clear. IK Inch s , 2s 4.0051.00
1st ana 2d , clear , I'/ and 2
Inch , s. 2s 47.00W50.00
8d , clear IJ/ inch , s. 2s 43.00 40.00
3d , clear , lk and 2 Inch , s. 2s. . 43.00Q10.00
B select , ! # , \\i nnd 2 inch , ,
2s 37.00@33.00.
1st nnd 2d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2s , . 45.00
A select. 1 inch , s. s 38.00
B select , 1 inch , s. 2s , . . . . . . . . . 31.00
1st coin 0 Inch white pine 34.00
2d " " 31.00
m " " " 2 VOO
D " " " 80.00
Com 4 nnd 0 In scllow pmo. . . . 15.50
Star" " " " . . . . 18.00
1st nnd 2d clear yellow pine , 4
and 0 inch 20.00
Litmc , etc.
Outncy white lime , best .00
English and German Portland
cement 3.40
Milwaukee and Louisville 1.30
Michigan and Fort Dodge , plas
ter 2.25
Blue Rapids plaster 1.95
Hair. 20
Sash , GO and 10 per cent dis
count ; doors , bltnus , mould-
hips , 50 nnd 10 per cent dis
Tarred felt , per cwt 2.00
Straw hoards 1.05
Poplar Lumber
Clrar poplar , box boards , 1C in
s2 s , 35.00
Clear poplar , % In panel 30.00
Clear poplar , ? B In panel 23.00
Clear poplar , } i in stock wide ,
s2s 23.00
Clear Doplar , corrugated cell-
Ing , H 30.00
White cedar , C inch , halves. . . . 12
" " 5K " " and
S inch n'rs 11
White cedar , 4 inch , halves. . . . 115
Tennessee red cedar , split. . . . Ill
Splltoak , ( white ) 8
Sawed oak. ( white ) 10
Shingles , Lath , per M
XX clear 8.20
Extra "A * 2.80
Standard A 2.1H )
G inch , clear l.CO@1.70
0 Inch , clear 1.7Cil.SO (
No. 1 1.10(31.15 (
California red wood , dimension
widths 4.50
Cypress , clear heartdimension
widths . ' 3.40
Lath 2.50
Ship Lap-
No. 1 , plain , Sand IS Inch . . . . 17.30
No. 2 , plain. S and 10 inch 15.50
No. 1 , O. G 18.00
Kt com , 12 nnd 10 feet 22.00
2d " " 19.00
3d " ' 15.00
Fence , " " 13.00
Stock Boards
A 12-Inch , s. Is. 12,14andlOft 40.00
B " " " " 41.00
C " " " " 80.00
D " " " " 23.01) )
No. 1 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 feet. 18.00
No. 1 " " " 14 and
10 feet 17.50@18.50
No. 1 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 10 , IS
and20fect 19.50
No. 2 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 14 and
10 feet 17.00
Coiling and Partition
ist com. % in. whlto pine parti
tion 32.03
2d com J in , white pine parti
tion 27.00
Clear % in , yellow pine coiling. 20.00
Clear % in , Norway 14.50
2d com ? 8' in , Norway 13.00
No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12,14 nnd 1C ft 10.50
No. 2 ' " " " 14.50
No. 3 " " " " 12.00
No. 4 " " " "
( ship'gcull ) * 13.00
Battens , well tubing , pickets
O. G. Batts , 2 } < inch CO
O. G. Baits , J x3 , SIS 85
3 in. well tubing , D. & M. and
bov 20.00
Pickets , D. & H. flat 19.00
Pickets , D. & H. square 22.00
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
3O5 South ISUi Street. - Omn-a
PATENTED Auc. 16 , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1889.
- * " rnarmtf , ! to core toe fob
lewlnf dlitasei. Bvneljr :
Rbcnmttic Compliinti ,
.Lumbago , General and
Mervoui DeUutr. Ooi-
e" Nervouineii , Trembimg ,
Beztud Ezh&uition.Wut-
' " of Body. DittMei
j t i f-
timed bjSjtaS ndlicrttioni In Youth , Age. Mar-
riedorsto'iifov'eleLife. . lofurt alldtiraaef tcrtalnlDi
to tbe worab l 1n > or cenlul crgaci el cule or female.
tTTBtar TO KEsroiminLE riBTiEtt ese DATS TUUL.
Dd Be. poiute for rxzs lllcitreted pamphlet , which will be
let you ID plain icalcd CDTelope. Uentlon tble paper , ftddrf" *
3OO North Broadway. 87. IXJUIS. Ma
Owen'i Eieetrio Belt
wro vita rut ted comfort. TLt CBr.
Bide mild or .troiii. Till It tbe ODiy
lUctrie trail ana till , , , r m.a . H
K pt > r li from 10 lo BO diji. ror fill dficrll'llcnof Dr.
pwcp Elft-lro-OtlTinle Htlti. SpU l iri-llineti - , Trunci ml
Iniolci ( end Be. for ran Illuitnuil iam > hlcl wblch mil tx
at you In pliln iiftled eDTIOI | > . Sold only by tbo
3O6 Worth Broadwnr. BT LOUIS , Ma
nit ; Whlto House
WASIIIXOTOX , March 20. Business was un
usually brisk nt the white house to-day.
There were wore visitors on business thnn
on any previous day for the present adminis
tration. Delectations from Washington
formed the major portion of the crowd. Sec
retaries Blafno and Windom were ainont ; the
president's callers , A public reception was
held in the east room at 1 o'clock.
Fierce Fight in AVnlcs.
Loxnox. March 20. A number ot police
men , protecting n party of emergency men
engaged in serving tithe distraints In Pen-
bryn , Cardiganshire , Wales , were attacked
by u mob and a fierce contest took place ,
during which many men on both sides were
Notified of Clmco'H Iteblcniitlon.
WASHINGTON , March 20. The vice-presi
dent laid before tbe senate u communication
from the governor of Jlthodo Island stating
that the resignation ot Chficcas senator from
that state had been accepted. Laid on the
table. The senate then went into executive
A Suprrina Court Itomnnce.
NEW YonK , March 20. A Washington
special says the firt > t romance under the new
administration comet * in the announcement
of the engagement of Justice Gray of the
supreme court to Mitts Jeanctte , daughter of
Associate Justice Matthews.
IVnnamnkcr Goev to 1'lilladclphln.
WASIUNGTO.V , March 20 , The- postmaster
general left Wa hin toii for Philadelphia
this morning to attend the funeral of a
He expeyl a to return to-nicht
Asrlculturnl Implements.
Doalcrlfl Agricnltnial Implements , Wagons
Carriage ! and t > n lf . Jono ilrret. between 9th and
IWu , Omaha. Nebraska.
Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages
\Vholefnlc. OmithnNebtatka.
Wholmal * Itcalers In
Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons& Buggies
miKB , tOiand 107Jones flreet , Oraitha.
xantifacturort and Jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rafts , Flows Eta.
Cor. Mb and Tactile streets , Omaha.
Artists' Materials.
-d. I10SPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anfl Organs ,
U13 Uouclas street Omaha , Kcbravka.
Boots and Shoos.
1lr. r. MORSE t TO. ,
Jotes of Boots rind Shoes ,
1101 , lltn , 1106 Dnuel.19 itrcct , Omaha. Mnnnfactory ,
Summer street , notion.
Coal , Coke and Lima.
Jobbers or Hard and Sofl Coal ,
I3th street , Omnha , Nebraska.
214 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Crpckory one ! Clnsswnro.
lmt < ort n and jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Ktc. JSH Farnam street , new Paxton bulldlnc.
Commission and Storage.
Storaic and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Butter , fees , cheete , poultrr , came ,
rtrcct , Omaha , Neb.
ProfincB Commission and Cold Storage ,
( Successors to McShane & Schroedcr. )
Omaha , Nebraska. '
* Dry Coeds and Notions.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Fornisning Goods and Notions
1103 and 1101 Douglas , cor. llth street , Omaha , Neb.
Importers 2nd Jobbers in Dry GoodsMons ,
Rents' furolahlnir Koodn. Comer llth and liarncr
rtreetn , Omaha , Nebraska.
Importers and Jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
317 South 15th street.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre
Farnam street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Furniture ,
Cmnhu Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions.
701,707,7W and Til South 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th ana i/earenwortb streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Eprlnns , wagon stock , hardware , lumber , etc. 1209
and 1211 llarner street , Omaha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , .
Metals , sheet Iron. etc. Aeenta for Howe scales.
Miami powder and Loiau barbed wire ,
Bnild rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' tools nnd Buffalo scales. 115 Douclot
street , Omaha , Neb.
Lu m b ur.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported and American Portland cement. Btat
agent for Milwaukee to jdruullc cement and
Qulncr white lime.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood carpets and parquet Hnorinp. 9lb untl Douclas
, Omaha , heb.
AllKinfls of Building Material at Wholesale ,
lEth Street and Union Pacific Track , Omaha ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasb ,
Doors , Etc , Yards Corner 7th and Uouglas. Corner
_ 10th und Uoutlasj _
Lumter , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
_ Corner Cth and Douelas Sts . Ouiulia. _
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and Calllornla Streets. Omaha. Nebraska.
Millinery and Notions. _
L OUCRl'L'LDER < t CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
aw , J10 nud 21S ? outh llth street
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
_ l and (6 ( bouth 10th street. Omaha. _
Notions and Gents' ' Furnisning Goods ,
lloiltiirue ; urett. Omaha.
Wholesale Refined -Lubricating Oils ,
Aile crease , etc. , Omaha. A , II. Illihop. Wai.acer
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Can ? a nice stock nf prlntliiE , nrapplnit and writing
paper. : * pi > i\ l uucntl'ju Klvi-n liuArlo J urdurs.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission ,
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
lirauc hoate ol tbe lleontr lluccr Co , Ui
wliolcsr1 an-J retail. 1'3'fi , 13U , lib UarJii
OtJufca. Ttllpbouo No.7VJ.
H. HARDY & co. ,
J4bl > of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
' - Vi t j 'a '
Peerless Dyes
CO. ,
foni to Jt eJJonr. , V Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of BuoIsS Slices
/tent * for notion Itukbtr Kho Co , 1107. 1101 tnd 11M
lUrncy Street , Omh , Nebraska.
Leger Beer Brewers ,
mi North Ktchlccnth nrtet , Omah * . N
Hannfactnrersof Galyanized Iron ( jprnice
Window-carl nd tnrUlle flyHsbti. John Ur-enettr ,
proprietor. lOSmnd llJhouth 1WU HreeU
_ _ _ _ Ovornllo.
Hannfactflrers of Overalls.
can * . Pants , Shirt's etc. 1M3 Douglas strojt
Omnlin , Neb ,
Office Fixtures
' "
Manufacturers of
Bank , Dice anfl Saloon Fixlnres ,
Xlnnltci. ( ilrtebonrrtf. HooV C p , nin iutr" .
Ci c , I'artltlonn.linlltnft.Uountoni , llcrmtidWln *
toolcr , Mlrror , KlaKnriorj and ottlrp , 17UU nd 733
foulhlotb. SUUniahn. Tolrpbone 1IJ4.
Pnpor Boxes.
Proprielor Onialia Paper Box Factory ,
Nus. 1S1T da 131 > ttrcet , Omihn , Neb.
Rubber Goods.
Mannfacturers al Dealers In Rute Goods
Oil clotlilnc and leather belting. 1003 FBin m itreet
Sash , Doors , Etc
r. i. Disonow & co. ,
Wholtnale ra nnf clurcr of
, Boors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch office , Ifth nod Itant strpot Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding' , flair-work and Interior hard wood Onltb *
N. K. corucrtth and Learenwf rib streets ,
Oronba , Neb.
StoomF\litjnKB _ \ , Pu\mpa \ , Eto.
A. L. STRAfia A CO. ,
Pumps , Pipes and Engines.
Iteam , watpr. rallwar and mining Buppllei , eta.
Sr.ti , IC3 and VH Karnam ilrcet , Omaha.
Steam and fate ? Supplies ,
wind mill * . CIS and 12) Jonei SUOmah ,
G. F. HOB , acting manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Mecliinery ,
Ibcet-lron work , ( team pump , > HW mills. 1213-121S
Learcnworth Btreet , Uinaha.
Iron Works.
Carter i. Son , Prop's. Manufncturcrs of all kinds
Steaiii Boilers , Tante and Suest Iron fork
Works South lb and D. & M. crostlug.
frouglit and Cast Iron Bni'ding fort
Englcee , brass work , general foundry , machine and
blacksmith work. Onlcc and woris , U. P. Ilr.
and nth Btreet , Omahu.
Manufacturers of fire and'Iron Railings
Desk rallB , window cuardB. flower stund . w
etc. 123 > orth luth itrcot , Omaha.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proif Safes ,
jail work , iron shutters and Ore escapes.
O.Lcflrccn , prop'r. Cor. lllh and Jackton BU.
Iron id fire Fences , Railings , Guards
and screens , for banks , offices , more ? , retIdcncoA etc.
Improved awnlnc\ locksmith mnchlnerr and
blacksmith works. 4(11 ( bouth l th Su
Liye Stock Commission Merchants ,
Office Hoom 24 , Opposite Eicbaftno Building , Union
btock Tardc , Soatb Omaha , Neb.
Of Omana , Limited ,
[ John F. Bojd , KuprrlnUndent.
4\ \
Chicago , Milwaukee _ & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Route from Omaha aud CountiU
UlufTs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Ruplds ,
Rock Islund. Frceport , Roclcford ,
Clinton , Dnbuqiic , Daicnport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jnncs > illc , * . !
Bcloil , WInona , Ln Crusse ,
Aad all other Important point ! East , Nortlicntt nl
ForthrouEh tlckcti. cull on tbo ticket ngcnt at 1501
Fnrnamitreut , la Darker Block , or t Union PaclQo
I'lillman Bleeps and tbe finest Dlnlnp Cnri In the
world are ran un the mnln line of ibe ( , hlorto , Mil.
n ukec A. bt. 1'aul llallwnr. nhd evcrr uttcutloa H
pala to pa > tco er < bjr courteoui emplo > oi of tu *
It.Alll'LEIt.tiencral Jtunncer.
J. K. 'tUCKKIt. AMKmntUeaaral Mnnngcr.
A. V. K. OAKI'ENTKH , Ueueral I'ausnter and
Ticket A tent.
( iuo. u. jlRArrOKU , Anlitant CeucralPanenrer
UDdTlcVct Aeent.
T , J. 01' A It 1C , General Superintendent.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Antony it few of lh nuineruiit imlnU of luporlorltr
e.ijoynd by tlieiulrou ot Ibli rojj bttwu ( ) m h
? . ! 1.d.,9.lrS':0v.l ! ! ' > rB " " "f1" f int d r or IIAT
OJACI ia , wblcli ire ts flndlt wl , | , h human art mo J
InKOimltTCHnf rente. lu I'ALACK HMSKI'INO CAIt .
tlit ( iual o ( wfaicb c n not t > fo.inrt elivHhere A *
( J'Jncll llhuri. the tralna or tLo Onion 1'n-lllo IUB-
H cnnned In union dcpnt wilb Iliute of lb (1W-
c ? A hortliiffntfrn nillway. In tin trMn *
tuike coia ! wuufUtlori - -
for I/eiriilt , Columbui , lnai n iioll . Clu
Nliienra filli.HuVHlo.l > lUeBUk.U
( iii purit , . r
Union w Yvrfc. Plillkloliibfli , n ltluo. . VVMb !
Incton , uaU All point * In u.o E t. i. t ( or ticinU il