Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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the Rook Island Road Rotronohlns
1r With a Vongoanoo.
K Stroke of Enterprise Tlmt "Will
r Hardly Moot With Popular FnTor
In the JIawkcyo State
lotvn NptcB.
Drs : Moisr.s , la. , March 20. [ Special Tolc-
; raui to TUB HEE.J Lnst Snturdny a woman
oft a bnby In the hnnds o ( nn old lady at the
lock Island waiting room , asking her to hold
t n uiinuto while oho purchased n tlokot.
Jho then sllppod out n sldo door and Clsap-
oared. The old lady hold the baby for half
in hour or moro nnd turned It over to the
iuthorltlos. Search for the mother of the
: hUd has boon kept up over Jilnco , nnd 1ms
limlly boon successful. The mother has
icen found nnd brought to DCS Molnos. She
ras n resident of Grand Junction , nnd In
Icsporntlon nt the thouRht of her condition
lad ongaKod n relative to brlnj ? the child to
, hls city to bo loft In care of the chlldrons"
lomo or some other chnrltnblo Institution ,
The woman who brought the Infant huro , not
gaining admission for it , took the matter In
her own hnnds and loft It with the old Indy
In the depot. The mother is n young wonmti
jind formerly lived near Corydon. Her pa
tents are In poor circumstnncos ns well ns
herself. She has boon taken In nt the homo ,
along with her child , and will bo cared for
there for the present.
Tliov Gnu Do Nothing.
DM MOINKS , la , March 'JO. [ Special Tclo-
rram to Tun DDE. ] The general superin
tendent of the Burlington & Western rnll-
iroad appeared before the railroad commis
sioners to-day to see If ho could get some ro-
llef for his rond. It seems that the Burling
ton & Western and the Iowa Central were
paralled from Wlnllotd , In Henry county , to
pslcaloosa. Both nro "U" clns3 roads nnd
ftro entitled to charge 30 per cent moro for
rates than class "A" roads , but the Central ,
In order to knock the other road out , has
been disregarding the concession and charg
ing the rates of class "A. " The road which
ho represents can't stand that kind of n re
duction nnd ho wants relief from the coin-
nnsslonurs. After giving his case n hearing
they told him that they didn't see ns they
could do anything for him.
DrngECtl to Death.
SIICXAXDOA.II , la. , March 20. ( Special
telegram to THE BEE. ] A , horrible accident
took pluoo near tills city this afternoon.
ETohnnlo Sultzor , the seven-year-old son of
Chris Sultzor , n farmer living four miles
cast , haltered a two-year-old colt and lead it
flown to a small crooic to water , tying ono
end of the rope around his person. The colt
became scared anil ran off , dragging the
Chllil for forty rods at a high rate of speed ,
, and passing through two gates. Directly In
its path stood a reaper. This the colt leaped
entirety , dragging the unfortunate child
after it , nnd llimlly running against a largo
tree , the colt wound round nnd round tlio
tree. The mother hero reached the child ,
put before she could release him ho had
breathed his lust.
A Neat Confidence Game.
MASON CITY , la. , MarchSO. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun DBS. ] A gang of conlldonco
men are now working Iowa towns. Their
patno is pluycd In this manner : A gold
chain and a $30 bill are deposited in an en
velope. The envelopes which have boon
thus fixed are then offered for $10 each.
* These arc readily purchased and as soon as
they are sold the purchaser is asked to show
jho pcoplo what ho has. The envelopes nro
unwrapcd and the $ -0 ! bills found therein ,
put vvhon thoy- are returned they are minus
this amount and' contain nothing but the
jprass chain. Many of the unsuspecting are
jopcd in and the gang continue their work
unmolested. _
A Napoleon or Finance.
DBS MOINES , la. , March SO. [ Special to
THE BEB. ] Scott L , Whltmoro , charged
With obtaining money under false pretenses ,
was bound ever in a Justice court to-day in
Jho sum of $500. Ha borowcd a sum of
money from B. Cohen , giving n mortgage
ppon sixteen head of cattle and four horses ,
Which were said to bo upon a farm belong
ing to J. II. Bates , southeast of this city.
It Is claimed that ho had no claim on the
property whatever. Ho is said to have got
ten in debt at Stuart , nnd borrowed-
money to help himself out. Ho seems to
linvo had a very indefinite idea of the offense
ho was committing.
Gutting Down Exnonsufl.
DBS Momus , Tn. , March 20. [ Special Tol-
Ggrum to THU BCE.J In pursuit of its policy
of retrenchment , the Hock Island has boon
cutting down its train sorrlco on some of the
prancb roads. Quo of these was from At
lantic to Grlswola. A part of the business
Is now being done by the Chicago , Burling
ton & Qulnoy road , and arrangements have
| ust been completed for the establishment of
a double daily stage line between Atlantic
Ami Griswold to accommodate the public
\vith passenger service. The Harlan and
Avoca stage tooic $18 In passenger fares yes
terday. _
An Extraordinary Proceeding.
Sioux Citr , In. , March 20. [ Special to
ttiiB BEB. | The 'most extraordinary meet-
Ir.g of the city council of this city was held
last night. It was the first mooting of the
ow council , of which seven aldermen are
fiomocrats and ono rpnubllcan. The council
elected ns superintendent of public works
frcd Munela-.Uh , ] r. , who Is now under
Ecntouco to four years In the penitentiary.
Ha is out under bond , ner.dlng an appeal to
the supreme court. The republican alder
man voted for the convict and three demo
cratic uldornien voted against him.
tlio Work of Incciidlnrlcs.
Mtsox CITIT , la. , March 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tiir. Bun. ] Qoorgo Koouuck , a rosl-
{ lent of Hock Falls , recently sustained a very
licavy loss by some person or persons setting
flro to his promises. Tbo total loss will
reach $2,500. , Ho now offers a reward of WOOfer
for information that will lead to Ufa arrest
and conviction of the guilty parties.
/Several / buildings have bcou rocontlv burned
find it la thought that all has been the work
pf Incondlurloa. The Insurance couipaulea
nnd citizens will swell the reward offered by
Mr. Hoebuuk.
A Urakoiiinn Kill d.
FAiiuriBi.o , In. , March 20. [ Special Telo-
rrarn to Tut : 13nu. ] John Urulllur , a Uocli
Island braUoinan , was run over by tbo care
about 4:80 this morning and Instantly killed.
He was going ever the top of some box cant ,
nnd It is supposed ho sllpucd and foil bo-
twocu the cars. Thu accident happened
about two miles northeast of this city , uml
It , f.ho remains were brought hero alter the }
" croro prepared for burial. Mr. Urullltirvus
"t unmarrlt'd and livou near Htchhuvl.
Sent Up for the Fifth Time.
AKAKIOSA , Iu. , March 20. [ Tpecml Tele
gram to Tnu Uisa.J Keddy White , alin <
Hatry Clump , who has previously &orvci
/our tortna in prison , and who attomrtol U
frill Jailor Ufford , was to-day sentenced u
ten' years In the poniumtlary for burularj
mid attempt to kUi. ;
rtouiulintc Up IJaspuradoo ) ,
Pmsuuuo , I'tt. , March SO Wonl was re
reived to-night tnat six desperate men
luoiig whom are known to bo l owls , Horn
oy , Sullivan and TasKer , of the party whlcl
committed the tortures of citizen * ut McCIcl
iandtown lust week , nro located near Mark
ieysvllle , a mountain settlement in the south
rn borders of Payctto county. They an
armed to the tooth and constantly on guart
pKdluRt surprise. The Markloysvlllo peopU
: ui\nnt rnUo a posse strong enough to inukt
in attack on the men , and they have iisltcc
or awUtnnca from , Uulontown , the count.v
oat. They also ask Ibo county commission
in to lur.renu thu rcwurd for Uislr capture
o f 1,000. ,
" \Vnkplcy IlnN Some View * an to
MnrrlnRC nnd Divorce.
Judge Wnkely gave a very characto'rltlo
nnd somewhat humorous decision In the dl-
vorco case of SUiltibcok vs Stclnbcbk , showIng -
Ing that the suit hnd boon n very much ex
aggerated nnd mixed affair. Mis. Stolnbock
based her claims for divorce on the grounds
of extreme nnd Inhuman cruelty , but the
testimony of both herself nnd the husband
appeared to cither overshoot or undcr-cstl-
mate the real truth. Said the court : "Hero
was n man sixty and odd years old , who hnd
been married , raised n family nnd was di
vorced. Here , nlso , was a wo
man , ever fifty , who had had
the snmo cxporlcncc , lived In domestic mis-
cry , raised ft on nnd got divorced. She
moots this man , who has a nlco homo in
Nunco county , tlnds that ho is lonely and
wants to take unto himself a wife. She is
anxious to secure n good homo for herself
and boy. At their second meeting , marriage ,
purely ns a business transaction was pro-
jumed nnd agreed on. Two months after
their wedding , an eruption occurred that
separated them. Two wcokn afterwards ,
however , both dlscovcrod that n great mis
take had been made and they commenced to
quarrel. Ho began beating , abusing nnd
swearing nt her. She sulkedcried nnd talked
back in a saucy manner. Finallyono.ovontng ,
while sitting In a corner of the dining-room ,
ho entered , carrying some crocks , nnd ang
rily asked her to 'got out of that. ' She
failed to move , whereupon ho Hung her
violently across the room nnd hurled the
chair after her. It struck and bruised her
ankle badly. Then she left his house , and
In duo time Instituted the proceedings for
divoco Stlnobcck , of course , told the story
very differently , but the Judge could not bo-
llovo that his version was thu true one. Both
nindo extravagant statements , hut there
were other witnesses whoso testimony had
weight , nnd they were sufficient to convince
his honor that legal separation was
a good thing for both parties.
He therefore granted the divorce nnd gave
the woman $000 , to bo paid iu three install
ments us her dower In the real cstato. Sbo
could not got both. On this part of the rul
ing , Stlncbcck's attorney asked for tlmo to
file a bill of exceptions , ' 'and I would sug
gest , " suld ho , "that your honor make nn
entry m the decree that 'mnrnaco is n fail
ure.11" "I think , " replied the court "theso
parties will agree to that without any diffi
culty. "
The Van Elton-Butts litigation was con-
"eluded , for ft titno at least , before Judge
Groff Tuesday afternoon. The caso-was
given to n jury for deliberation. The amount
involved is 90 for attorney's fees , nnd has
occupied the court , u Jury and the time of a
dozen lawyers for the past three or four days.
The Jury returned a verdict , finding for
Butts and assessing his damages utUl.$4.
A decision was given In the Enrlo Curry
controversy , unu the court hold that not
a slngto atom of testimony had been offered
to show that plaintiffs are the lawful heirs
of Curry. That may have been nn oversight ,
he thought but unless such a showing can
bo made , nnd the attorneys were given an
opportunity to make it , the case will bo dis
Hon. Daily P. Wnggner , attorney for the
Missouri Pacific road , Atchison , was in
court yesterday looking after the case of
Coughbow vs. the Bolt Line road. Ho had
plaintiffs enter a motion making the Missouri
Pacific railway company a party to the suit
and twenty days given to file nn amended
The case of Sarah B. Elliott against John
F. Paulson , a s'utt brought to recover $150on
a plumbing contract , was appealed to the
district court yesterday from Justice Ander
son's court , where a Judgment was rendered
for the plaintiff.
Emllio W. E. Jacobson , administratrix of
the estate of Jacob C. Jncobson , maao appli
cation to the district court yesterday for au
thority to sell a lot in Kouutzo and Ruth's
addition. Tbo husband loft no will and the
wlfo now wants a license to dispose of the
property for the purpose of oayiug debts
against the estate.
Thomas F. Hall was sued for $1,133.33 by
Gcorgo E. Barker and John L. Mlles , who
allege that the amount is duo on a promis
sory noto.
Joseph KIrner began proceedings against
M. V. and Mary E. Benson and others to
foreclose a mortgage on a lot in Mayfield au
dition. The amount duo on the mortgage is
? 5'JO. _
County Courf.
A number of small bills , amounting in all
to $130.40 , against the Spelltncck cstato , wcro
adjudicated. Ono for t50 was presented by
the Bohemian band for services on the day
of the funeral. This transaction recalls to
memory the fateful Sunday evening when
John Spllllnock shot his wifa full of bullets
nnd then killed himself. Bcforo the mur-
dero'd' woman died she requested that a brass
band be engaged to play at the double fu
Jane Badger was appointed administratrix
of the cstato of her deceased husband ,
Thornton T. Badger.
County Judge Shields yesterday apnolntod
Mrs. Emma Conrad guardian of Eugenia
and Max Conrad , minors. Mrs. Conrad will ,
in n few days , bo appointed administratrix
of the cstato of Max Conrad , deceased.
John Dongan , surviving member of the
firm of Alexander Donean &Co. , commenced
suit yesterday against Louis Glnsbery to re
cover $3S'J.3U ' , churned to bo duo on a bill of
The Thorp & Adams Manufacturing com
pany , of Boston , Dogun suit against H. M.
nnd S. W. Jones of this city , to recover
$583,321 alleged to ba duo on goods sold and
delivered. -
There uro nineteen metals moro valua
ble than gold , but no remedy which will
compare with Bigelow's Positive Cure
for coughs and colds. A prompt and
pleasant euro for throat nnd lung
troubles. 50 cents und $1. Goodman
Drug Co. _
Tlirco Desperate I'eoplo Overcome
mid Rob an Old Man.
Ono of the most daring robberies that
have ever bcou perpetrated In Omaha oc
curred on board the Burlington train while
awaiting at the dppot Tuesday night. An aged
Gorman named Slegel accompanied by bis
wife had been about the depot a goodly portion
tion of the afternoon awaiting the west
bound train for Denver on the Burlington.
Toward evening the nged couple repaired tea
a chop house on South Tenth street , for re
freshments and after this returned to the
depot. Unobserved , three toughs followed
them to the depot ami when the train
pulled In. assisted them in put- <
tlug their baggage on board. At 7 o'clock
ns the train was pulling out the throe men
seized the helpless old man nnd wont through
his clothes , securing in all about fJO. So
quietly did they accomplish tholr task that
not a passenger in the coach dlscovcrod their
actions until Slegel scrnamtid for help as the
thrco rushed along the ulslo of the car and
jumped from the tiuln , which was then
moving. It was brought to u stop , and the
police were Informed of the robbery , but
failed to effect the arrest of the culprits.
Onlcbr Kirk kept a close lookout for thorn ,
but it U thought that Inasmuch as no descrip
tion of the men could bo .obtained , their ar
rest Is not to bo expected. The aged couple
continued on their Journey , and It Is said that
the old gentleman had 1500 in * his Insldo
pocket which his impromptu guests failed to
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Wlnnlciw'8 Soothing Syrup should nl-
wuys ho used for children teething. Itsoothea
the child , softens the gums , allayu all pain ,
cures wind coiio , and U the best remedy for
dlarrhuM. 23ccn ts u bottlo.
Anthony Gets u .lob.
Toi-CKA , Kan , , March " 80. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BBE. ] Ex-Governor Goorgo'T.
Anthony was to-day elected n member of the
board of railroad conirnisalonora to succeed
Commissioner Glllotto. There were twenty-
ono candidates for the position. Anthony is
at present editor of the Ottawa Republican ,
but was forworn- connected with tho.Atchl.
son , Topeka & Sauta Fo railroad.
An Atrocious Deed.
NKWAitK , N. J , , March 20. While Ferdi
nand Mutter , a milkman , living ut Irvlngton ,
was away from homo this morning , ana the
elder daughter was nt school , Joseph Sub >
man , a furm hand , bound tlm three younger
children and throw them into a hey loft. Ho
then attempted to assault Mrs. Mutter , but
fulllnir , knocked her Insensible with a ham-
u'.cr. SuUmuu thou ransacked the house. Mrs.
Mutter recovering consciousness , endeavored
to nibko her escape , but Salzmau again
Unockcd her down by repeated blowss > f the
hammer , nnd then fled. Ono of the children ,
escaping from the hay mow , gave the alarm ,
nnd physicians wcro summoned. Mrs.
Mutter Is not expected to survive her Injur
ies. Salzmnn arrived from Switzerland No
vember 1,1833.
A Nebraska Convict Strays to the liand
of Culture nnd la Captured.
BOSTON , Mass. , March CO.--fSpcclaf Tele
gram to Tnn BEB. ] Charles Lincoln , nn es
caped convict from the Nebraska state peni
tentiary , has boon recaptured at Lawrence.
Ho was convicted of murder nnd was origin
ally sentenced to Imprisonment for llfo , but
this was later on commuted , to eighteen
years , ton of which ho served and then es
caped , coming cast nnd for a long period
eluding nrrest. Ho , however , fell a victim
to Mammon. Ho has boon stopping In Bos
ton , nnd hero last January mot a Mr. Lewis
G. Clark , a gentleman from Australia.
Both resided In the same house , 1413 Wash
ington street. They became acquainted , and
learning that Mr. Lewis G. Chirk kept his
papers and considerable money In ono of his
trunks , Lincoln decided to appropriate it.
Last Wednesday , while Mr. Clark was out
of town , Lincoln forged his name to n bogus
order and sent a truckman to the house for
the trunk In question , and the landlady gnvo
It up. Lincoln , finding the trunk had n num
ber of private papers , thought It would bo
amusing to pass himself off as Clarke , nnd so
wont to Lawrence nnd made n great splurge.
Ho by this attracted the attention of n friend
of Clark's , who wrote of the affair to the
latter. The police were notified nnd nt once
pounced on the culprit , who was then recog
nized as the escaped convict. Ho was hold
for larceny and the Nebraska authorities
notified. _
Hnrflfnrd's Acid Phosphate ,
Uscfu ia all forms of Dyspepsia.
Mary Anderson's condition is reported as
much Improved.
The reports regarding yellow fever nt Uio
Jnncrio ara said to bo greatly exaggerated.
Twelve persons were drowned by the
swamping of two tlshlug boats off Staruo-
way , England.
The chali factory of Herr Bros. , of To
ronto , was destroyed by fire. Loss , ? 80,000 ;
insurance , $19,000.
Ex-Congressman Peter Paul Mnhonoy , of
Brooklyn , is dangerously ill , a victim of in
auguration weather.
Ex-Prosldont Cleveland and party arrived
at Jacksonville , Fin. , and were accorded a
cordial greeting. There was a grand pyro-
tccnlc display in the evening.
A syndicate of St. Louis capitalists has
effected a deal with the owners of the West
Granite Mining company , of Montana ,
whereby a now company is formed with
5100,000 in the treasury and no debts.
Supervising Architect of the Treasury.
PHILADELPHIA , March 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tim BBC. ] It is stated hero to
night upon excellent authority that the pres
ident has decided to appoint Gcorgo S. Wind-
nil r , of this city , supervising architect of the
treasury. Mr. Windmir has boon scut for
and is expected to leave for Washington im
mediately. Mr. Windtnlr enjoys an enviable
reputation ns an architect and stands in the
front rank of his profession. The Masonic
temple nnd Produce exchange buildings
are amontr his best designs , and ho U now
the architect of tbo Girard cstato.
Iron AVorks'Goln South.
NEW YoitK , March 20. Ex-Mayor Hewitt
and Edward Cooper , proprietors of the New"
Jersey Steel and Iron works , at Trenton , N.
J , have been traveling in the iron regions of
the south for several weeks on a tour of in
vestigation. As a result it is announced
that about April 1 tholr works will bo re
moved to Chattanooga , Tcnn. Much of the
raw iron and coal supply has boon coming
from there , and the company also has found
a largo market in that region. The works
employ .1,300 men.
Will VUhTcoTorado. , .
. CUETESNB , Wyo. , , March 20. _ [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bsi.l Acting" Governor
Shannon issued the necessary documents to
day lor the conveyance to Colorado of a no
torious horse thief named James Harmon ,
who was arrested on Saturday lost by order
of Sheriff Harper , of Elbort county , Colorado.
Hormon got away with five valuable borsos
from River Bend , Colo. , in 1883. All efforts
to trace him were fruitless until lost week ,
when ho was located at Briggs Ranch in a
rcmoto part of Albany county , Wyoming.
The prisoner will bo taken to Colorado to
morrow. _ > .
Catarrh Cured.
A clergyman , after years of suffering
from that loathsome disease , Catarrh ,
and vainly trying every known remedy ,
at last found a recipe which completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
sufferer from this dreadful disease send
ing a , self-addressed stamped envelope
to Prof. J. A. Lawrence , 88 Warren St. ,
New York City , will receive the recipe
free ocharge. .
Brother and Sister Drowned.
TOPEKA , Kan. , March 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Two daughters and a
son of W. G. Ash , n prominent resident of
Independence , were attempting yesterday
afternoon to cross the Verdigris river'in a
carriage. The horses became- frightened
and rushed out into the river , which Is much
swollen by the late rains. The son and eld
est daughter , together with the team , were
drowned , while the younger daughter suc
ceeded in escaping. The horses and wagon
wcro discovered half an hour later floating
down the river , and were dragged ashore.
Lon Gonrqo Slakes a Denial.
Lou Gcorgo wishes to state that he is at
present living with his wife on Nineteenth
street , while bis child has been In tbo keep
ing of his mothcr-In-law. It was not his
wish that it should be so , because , as ho
says , tbo old lady was continually making
trouolo between his wife and himself. She
was the cause of ono separation , and when
that was accomplished rofusad to help her
daughter to become self-supporting , and now
that they are ro-unlted scorns to wish to part
them again. Tuesday evening Gcorgo called
at her homo and took away his own child ,
but she followed him to the street end col
lected a crowd by calling out "murder" and
"police. " The police , however , did not Inter
fere , as there was no ordlnaaoa in Omaha to
prevent a man from taking his own child
from its grandmother. . .
Queer 1'ollco Methods.
Charlie Hubbard was up before Judge
Bcrka yestornay charged with throwing
dice In Bellamy's saloon for money. Judge
Berka did not altogether Ilko the evidence
against him , and reserved his decision until
the 23d. It went to show that a police ofllcor
bad gene into the saloon , bought a drluk , and
then suggested throwing dlco at CO cents a
throw. Hubbard accommodated him , ana
while they wcro so engaged another ofllcor
came iu und Hubbard and Bellamy were ur
rested , The judge stated that It required
time to decide whether or not a man should
bo punished for falling into a trap not delib
erately by the police for tbo purpose of mak
ing him commit a crime ,
A UniverHlty 1'rt-Hldont Resigns.
PnoviiiBNCB , l I. , March 20. A special
meeting of the corporation ot Brown uni
versity to-day received the resignation of
Hev. EzeKiel G. Itouinsou as president of ttie
university. _
A I'ostufllctj Robbery.
ST. Louis , March 20. The Caronddlet
( South St. Louis ) postonico was robbed last
night of about (1,000.
There are many things to bo grateful
for , if wo would but think bo , and among
tltobo ia the introduction of Van Duzor'u
liavorlng extracts somewhat less than a
third of a century ago. If there U a
cook in America , professional or other
wise , who has not tasted and is not
ready to avough Uio excellence of those
well known preparations , who or ho is
wholly behind the agp. No chemical or
other- impurity contaminates thorn.
They are simply doliciouu.
0) )
j _
The Local Bldor Keeps Her Plaoo
In. r the Eront.
. ) _
* ? : _
&ast evening at-tho Coliseum Marked
By Vlcc rquj | Spurtluij , Xro-
inomlotifl/-AM > tau8O null In-
tcrcsljnfc Incidents.
The flfpyclo Racr.
The seven fair bykors were promptly on
the track at 7:30 : last night , nnd another
splendid nttundnnco was on hniid to Bond
thorn off. The smoothness of the stnrt was
somewhat mnrrod by n b6rcs ! of contretemps
that might hnvo boon uvoldod by n llttlo fore
sight on the part of the respective esquires
of the ladies. In the first place , Miss Will
iams toppled from her mnchlno just ns the
pistol was fired , and before she could re
mount , the others hnd pained half a lop on
her. It was not us bad as it might lnivo boon ,
however , for had her competitors been
awnro of her mishap they could hnvo
easily mimed a full lap on her. But
Miss .Williams , while she has quite
as much speed as ttio fastest of thorn , with
possibly the exception of Fairy Baldwin , has
also greater powers of endurance , und she
was but a short time in recovering her lost
Shortly after this mlfortuno Miss Lewis ,
who is among the leaders , discovered that
she was not upon her own wheel , and she
was compelled to halt and make n change.
It eventuated that the handlers Una inado the
blunder , mounting Miss Lowit on Baldwin's
wheel nnd Baldwin upon Miss Lewis' . Thus
both lost a lap in making the cliango.
Then ngaln , nftor nil were under full
headway , a yellow dog made Ills appearance
on the track , and all the contestants wcro
compelled to slow up , in order to avert an
accident , until the canine could bo phased oft
the course. This was no easy task , for ho ran
yelping around the track us if ho had an old
oyster can attached to his caudal appendage.
Olio of the attendants took nftor him , und
amid tiio screams and laughter ot the crowd ,
the exciting chase -went. Finally the purp
leaped over the balustrade among the aud-
icnuo tit the lower end of the track and the
emulous wheelers again had a clear field.
Miss Oakes , who seems to possess u varied
wardrobe , appeared last night in u light blue
waist , white knickerbockers and black hose ,
while a white plume nestled among her
raven tresses. She signified her appearance
last night by cutting a tremendous pace from
the beginning , nnd succeeded in recovering
several laps from nor nearest competitor.
Miss Baldwin looked as bewitching as
ever , and her spasmodic spurts of
wondorous speed were of course ngaln greeted
with the uproarious plaudits of thousands
of hands and voices. She is a great favorite ,
and the frequent expression among the nudi-
enco was , "Oh , I wish that little thing could
win. " It is a forlorn hope. Williams is al
most a dead sure winner , and local pride is
certainly to bo satiated.Sho is too strong
and determined for the rest , and , it is pre
dicted , will increase ncr lend from this on
out.Tho Interior of t oCollseum , nt half past 8
lost night was a scene calculated to cnthusu
any one. Every seat was occupied and the
spacious promenades crowded with applaud
ing nnd interested' ' spectators. It was the
second largest audiences ever assembled
here , and it is no 'exaggeration to place it ut
0,000 souls. ; " *
- . At twenty ralnutbs- _ after 8 o'clock Miss
Williams completed Her one hundredth milo
in six hours and fifty-eight minutes , within
thirty-live seconds ' 'of Louisa Armaindo's
best time. Miss Woods completed her ono
hundredth mile in 6i50. Sir Thomas Eck uu-
noiinccd these fcats'tti the audience , and the
Indies wcro Riven a tremendous ovation.
Miss Williams evidenced her appreciation of
this dcmonstration'0'n the part of tbo audi =
ence by spurting out' from the bunch nnd
gaining a lap on all' the rcsjt before they
hardly realized what happened. Miss Woods
fought gomoly to.jnwcnt.tnis , but it was no
use , niid she was cdmpelled to give up. The
strain Tipon.hor in thfe arduous work was tp'o ,
much for her , and sha 'was comuolled to dis
mount and rest for several minutes. She had
been sick ail day , and the only wonder is
that she was enabled to go on the track at
all. During this absence from the track both
Baldwin and Lewis gained fully eight laps
upon her , which again gave Lewis second
The alfllculiy with the foreign ladies seems
to be that not a slntrlcono is in condition. It
is a well known fact that Misses Oakoa ,
Lewis and Baldwin arc excellent riders , und
that none of them have como nny where near
their former best records. An overindulgence - '
genco in bonbons and tropical fruits may in
measure account for some of the fair ones'
inability to do themselves credit.
CtAt fifteen minutes after 9 , at the spe
cial requests of the speeding whoclors , ac
cording to Manager Eck'0 announcement.
the Council Bluffs flfo and drum corps , con
sisting of Jack Prince , flfor , Birdie Knapp
bass drum and Jack Kineman tenor , paraded
around tbo saw dust track , playing "Tho
Girl I Loft Behind , Mve. " The trio was
greeted with wild nnd continued applause.
At half past nine Williams led Lewis ono
mile ana three laps and "Woods ono milo and
seven laps nnd wus gradually gaining.
By magnificent riding tyiss Oakcs , toward
the close of the evening , overhauled and
passed Miss Brown , and is now in fifth place.
The wind-up was made in a perfect pandi-
monium of apulause , the audlonco scorned
utterly beside itself , and arose as one person
and cheered until echo answered echo. It
was one of the most exhilarating scenes over
witnessed in the city of Omaha , which is be
coming famed far-and wide for her life and
prominence in sporting affairs of all kinds.
Following is the score :
Miles. Laps.
Williams . 12'J 0.
Lewis . 127 0
Woods . 120 0
Baldwin . : . 121 1
Oakcs . 119 (5 (
Brown . 119 4
Anaalmlo . ; . 101 2
Pur Up or Shut Up.
Tbo following card explains itself :
OMAHA , Nob. , March 20 , To the Sporting
Editor of Tin : Bnc : It has como to my
hearing so repeatedly that I aui getting really
tired that Charles Ashlnger is talking around
among the boys that ho Is , til ( of the opinion
that hn can beat any rider in Omaha. Now ,
while I do not think , tboro is much for mo to
gain by beating Ashingor , still to satisfy him
1 will run him a race , any distance ho wishes
to name , for money or fun , on the Coliseum
truck any afternoon and luvito all who desire -
sire to see the raws to oome , and no admission
will bo charged , 1 want it distinctly under
stood that I will rido'tlira any sort of a race
for any sort of ntuko f at'any time. Further
I will but him $103 tlmlTbeat him ilvo miles
at the Chicago race Irt'May. Respectfully ,
' * < Joux S. Piuses.
The western chamjjjpnshlp hand tiall tour
nament will open in "Hart and Kllgallon's
ball alloy in a few wpaks. It will consist of
cloven games between Omaha and Kunsau
City , six of which will bo played bore and
flvo in Kansas City. "Tho winning team to
got (150 unit two gold'nicdals , to ho known as
the Irish Now * championship medals. I , F ,
Gallon , editor and proprietor of the Irish
News of Kansas Citjv vus hero on a visit and
has connected nil the arrangements , Omaha
lias two crack players In Messrs. Hyrno and
1 Jaggs , while KansirfCrty lias several teams ,
the best one of whlcl,1 ) however , is barred out
in consequence of ono playur bolng u profos-
atonal und thu other a clergyman who could
not bo induced to compote for money or u
Hold on Fliiimy Kvlilnnon.
The case of Mrs. Wcls came up In the
police court yesterday afternoon. She was
charged with receiving a package of goods
.addressed to S. B. Felltor , und giving a re
ceipt for thu name. Shu said her maiden name
was Felker , and that alio received the good
as Bhn thought they cumu from some of her
friuuds , but she denied over having signed
any receipt. The prosecution put the driver
that had delivered two parcels on the stand ,
and to their surprise testified that it was a
colored woman who bad signed the receipt.
However , Mrs. WcU was bound over to tint
district court In tlio sum of 5500 for forgery ,
and was released on her attorney giving u
The VIto Flnnd Kxtomls Ills Forked
Ton mi o in Duo Form.
Between 8 nnd 0 o'clock last night the
Herald building , or a portion of It , was on
flro. In the southern end of the building on
Fifteenth street is n barber shop , 'conducted
by a colored man named C. S. Swccd. Just
about the time that the barber shop was to bo
closed n man came in for n bath. Ho was
assigned n room by ono of the attendants.
Ho was nlso given a lamp , in which was
some bad kcrotono oil * It exploded , nnd
the wood partitions and other inllammnblo
materials were soon ablaze. The man was
not long in making his escape.
An alarm of fire was turned In from box 03.
People thought the Murray hotel was on
fire , ns this box called for Fourteenth and
Harncy streets.
It was but a few moments tlmo until the
flro was discovered to bo In the Herald build
ing nnd thousands of pcoplo wcro soon gath
ered around It ,
Dense volumes of smoke issued forth from
the windows and doors of tlio
building , and by the tlmo tha
chemical engine arrived the printers in the
fourth story wcro "making even" on tholr
"takes" and preparing to make their exit.
They worfl almost suffocated with smoke ns
soon ns the door of the news room was
opened , but all escaped , and tholr lungs nro
as good as heretofore.
The editorial department is on the name
floor , and its members got to tiio ground floor
with great alacrity. People who though
they were in quest of news were mistaken
or misled.
Among the first to cmorgo from the top
floor was tbo city editor. Ho was writing
his column , "In the Soup. " The particular
nonpanol paragraph that ho was grinding
upon was "Tho Still Alarm , " which will bo
turned in some tlmo next week not to the
paper , but in a different shape , wliien may
bo moro tlrcsomo to newspapers , flro depart
ments nnd others , when it is hoard , or rather
scon , nt $1 per see.
It was not exactly a still alarm to the city
editor , for ho hoard the flro bell and In
structed his fire reporter to chase the
chemical , little thinking that the chemi
cal was about to chase him. The
flro reporter rubbed his eyes , yawned and
quietly strolled away. A few moments later ,
wnen'every room in the building was in
smoke , the city' editor turned nround and
asked the newly appointed night editor what
bo wan smoking that was so offensive.
At this juncture the managing editor , who
had been trying to decipher a news Item out
of the Council Bluffs qulro of paper , rushed
in and informed the staff that the oftlco
was on fire. The reason that the
city editor made his cscapo from
the building sooner than anyone clsa is that
ho is built that way. It is said that ho didn't
touch' n step on the stairways and in ono
case ho didn't make n turn in the hallway on
the second floor , but stcpucd through a pnncl
of the door lending on Fifteenth Htroot.
if there was great excitement among the
staff and printers , with the business depart
ment there was moro consternation. Young
Mr. Ward , who is said to bo a "mo too" to
the manager of the paper , made frantic
efforts vo do Chief Galllgan's work.
Ho didn't exactly do it , however , but rushed
around in such an excited manner that the
members'of the staff wcro afraid that the
fire laddies would turn tha hose on him if ho
was uot locked up in the press room.
The flro was finally extinguished by young
Mr. Wurd , with the assistance of the fire de
The etitiro loss to the building and furni
ture in the harbor shop will not exceed $000.
The loss is fully covered by insurance.
Pears' soup is the most elegant toll o
A Ilriislni ; Contest.
CHICAGO , March 33. Early this morning ,
in the outskirts of the city , John Enripht , of
La Crosse , Wis. , and William Fitz , of Chicago
cage , fought a bruising contest of ten rounds.
Enright was the winner.
CJlailstono's Brother Dead.
Lon > ox , March 20. Sir Thomas Glad
stone , tne only surviving brother of the Ut.
Hon. William E. Gladstone , is dead.
Grass , garden nnd field seeds. Win.
Sievcra & Co. , 16th nnd California.
Protection of Agriculturists.
BuussnLS , March 20. The Agricultural
Icaguo of the federation has unanimously
adopted a resolution favoring the imposition
of an import duty upon all agricultural
An Irish Editor Sentenced.
DUIILIN. March 20. O'Mahonoy , editor of
the Tipperary Nationalist , has been sen
tenced to two months Imprisonment under
tbo crimes act for intimidating.
An Absolute Cure.
MENT is only pui up in lurgo two ounce tin
boxes , and is an absolute euro for old sores ,
burns , wounds and chapped hands , and all
skin eruptions. Will positively euro all
kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AB-
IETINE OINTMENT. Sold by Goodman
Drug Co. , at 25 cents per box by mail Sn
cents. _
Cachliinat ! < mn.
New 1'ork U'orW.
The average girl looks upon ice cream
as cold comfort.
"The Black Cat" is the translated
title of anew dramatic paper. It has
not only a fixed puro-puss , but It is des
tined to a-mews.
It Is reported that Nat Goodwin won
his play of "A Gold Mine. " It'was a
Goodwill , too.
The Gorman government * wants
Klein , but this rcauost is respectfully
It is when n man pays the customs
duos Unit ho oboya the call of duty.
Among the ' 'big puns" of the church
wo suppose the canons take the lead.
Behind the Times The English gov
"Tho Silence of Dean Maitlaiid" has
been satisfactorily explained. Ho lived
with his mothor-fn-law.
Might not the noise of the cannon at
Fort Lafayette bo correctly described as
Long Island sound ?
The editor now will hjs shotgun prepare ,
And u song of swcot pleasure ) keep hum
His club nnd Ins muscles ho'll keep in re
pair ,
For he knows the spring poet is comintr.
The budding leaves proclaim the spring ,
The swallows make the summer ,
A fall is made by many a thing ,
But the winter makes the plumber !
Nolle ? .
Huns Sch u in nn has purchased the
Chus.IIcllwJg pla.ce _ , ± HC Cuining street.
His grand opening will tiilco place Thurs
day evening , March21. . Good music ,
good supper. All friends cordially in
vlted. linns Schuman , 2216 Cuining st.
Ho Knew the MarkH.
Ofllco Boy ( to editor ) Please , sir ;
there's a man outside who wants to face
yor.Kd. . Well , did ho send in his card ?
O. B. No , guess ho ain't got any
card. Ho ain't got any boots or collar. *
Ed. A literary gentleman. Show
him right in , Joo. .
' Positively cured by
those L'Ulo PillH.
They alao relieve Pis-
treM fro' Dyspepsia , In-
ITTLE dlgentlon anil Too Heart ) ,
IVER Eatlug. A jwfoct tcm-
cdyfor UlzzIueM , Nausea ,
PILLS. Drowsiness , Jiml Taste
la the JJoulh , Coated
Tongue , Tain In the Bide ,
regulate tbo Hovels. Purely Vegetable.
. Golden the flowers that star the mead ,
Golden the sunshine on the hllla.
Golden the remedy , indeed.
That cases human ills.
Golden the curia on baby's bond ,
Golden the love of child and wifex
Golden Uio nreat Discovery
That saves a loving llfo.
lightly named is Dr. Plcrcc's Golden Medical Discovery , the medicine that
checks the frightful inroads of Scrofula , and , if taken lu time , arrests the march
of Consumption of the Lungs , which is Lung-scrofula , purllles and enriches the
blood , thereby curing nil Skin and Sculp Diseases , Ulcers , Sores , Swellings ,
and kindred ailments. It is powerfully tonic as well as alterative , or blood-
clcausing , in its effects , hence it strengthens the system and restores vitality , there
by dispelling all those languid , "tired feelings" experienced by the debilitated.
Especially has it manifested its potency iu curing Tetter , Eczema , Erysipelas ,
Boils , Carbuncles , Sore Eyes , Goitre , or Thick Neck , and Enlarged Glauds.
C vyrlffhf , 1888 , by WOULB'S DISPENSAIIV MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , Proprietors.
is offered by the manufacturers of DR. SAOC'S
CATARRH REMEDY , for n case of Catarrh la
tlio Ifoad which they onnnot euro. Ily its
mild , Eootlilnp , and healing properties , Dr.
Sage's Hcincdy cures the worst cases , no matter of how long standing. We , , by druggists.
Hardware and Cutlery ,
Mechanics' lools , Fine Bronxo Buttclers' Cooil * ami Buffalo Soale $ *
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Secretary of the Treasury ,
& 4 &U4st cts
< % & . & < >
& &
Charles M , Jordan
I.ate of the University of New York City and
Houuttl Unlverdlty , WabhliiKtou , D , C.
No. 31O and 311 Rumaro Building
Corner Fifteenth nnd flnruey sts , , Onmlia , Nob.
where all curable cuset aru fronted
witli Miecu.-i * .
Medical diseases treated skilfully. Deafness
ness , Consumption. JlroucliltH , Attlinia , I-
lepuln , Hheumutlxm and all Nervous and
CONHUI/l'ATIONnt olllce or by mall , fl.
Olllco hours 0 to II u. in. , a to 4 p. in. , 7 to Sp.
ni.tiunday olllce huurH from 0 a. m. . lol p. m.
Corro poudence receives prompt attention.
Munvdisease * are treated uuccessfnllv by Or.
Jordan throiiKti the malle.und It U tnua poinibh
for tioa ) utmblo to make u Journey to obtain
fron the
1 eftaeU of youthful
TOYMEN erron , early door ,
_ 1 lot mantuxxl. ota.
f wUl send Ttliubl * trettUa ( K l d > oonUloictf full
otriui lAf * ( or bamo cure , frf * or enAraa. _ , _ , _ . ,
jS9 Prof. . o. gowuta. Mooptra. ooinr.
r . uuouKloa ,
\J \ IU Ueiroora St. , imc : ia ; mujw f.xso ; / r <
Uunnin 'juUllr J U < ) r ir
Remarkable for powerful sympathetic
tone , pliable action and absolute dura'
bilily ; 30 years' record the best guaran
tee of the excellence of thcao instru
I flttndr4tlMoflltoiuiaMliinuit. R * * TV wH04
Orontlv Imnrovocl nifli nwtnidnir uliacklcn nn on <
Hiaa , EQ ' , O3tridlnBcfAir ( < : Fn < i < r .Thosprinif len8ll
tn and Rhortnn nocnnllnv to tlio weight put on Ui ni
Adapted equally hll to rourel ) country or tint
V.ty Urltos Will El" ) you Doet untlsfaotlon.
( Bncccssord to John C , Jacob ? . )
Undertakers and Embalmer
At thoolrt Btand HOI J'anwm St. Orrtori bj
U'K'giaph BoUcllc'd and promptly atlundod.
Telophuiit ) to No. 2J.
Kuoni 03 Traders' JJulldlne ,
Metropolltnn Natlnnul Jlnr.i.
U. U. Cun& ik. 'ilia UnuUtrc tO * !
100 F e Illuttttted Citilogut tttt , PciUK 7ct
iL/.I < , , HI. . ( . .il.uo . ( .rrr.U.l
ln < Urttni\ all . . . j in , . tc.Ur.