Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Eollmefl by carrier In Any Part of ho City n
Twenty Cents rer Week. , . . _
ncfusr.isR OFFICE No. 43.
Ninnr KDITOR , No. 21.
K. Y. Plutribinff company.
Coal and wood. E.E.Mayno , 010 B'way.
The winter accumulation of iishcd and
garbage needs attention.
Olllcor Cusick wont on night duty
yesterday noon , nnd Olllcor Thomas
takes a b'cat at night.
A marriage license was issued yester
day to Dennis Halmer nnd Flora
Benton , both of this county.
Work was commenced yesterday on
on the now pinto glass front of Sargent
& Evans' store. The change will bo
complete in about a week , nnd will bo a
great improvement to the building.
The wives and daughters of members
of the G. A. K. are requested to moot
next Saturday evening at the hull for
purpose of forming a Woman's relief
0. B. Jucld yesterday took out build
ing permits to erect six moro cottages
on lots 1,2 and 3 , My lister's addition.
They are all 2ix40 ! feet , live ono story
nnd ono two story. The total cost will
bo $0,000.
The union depot project is moving
along as well BH could bo expected. If
the clti/.ons keep enthusiastically and
harmoniously moving along the present
line , the enterprise will bo tin assured
The Council BlulTs 'Paint ' nnd Oil com
pany has removed its business from 8
Pearl street to the Masonic toniplo ,
where they arc now located to the room
occupied as the ropublicnli headquarters
during the campaign.
P. C. Hanson was arrested yesterday
for cruelty to animals. Charles Huler
is the prosecuting witness , and alleges
that Uanson throw a brick at his
( Hubcr's ) dog , and smashed a rib. Ho
claims that the assault was unprovoked.
Ofilcor Fowler was called on yester
day to shoot n dog. Ho tied the animal
In the pound and then blazed away.
The purp patiently waited until three
bullets had been lodged in various parts
of its carcus , when it slipped its head
out of the rope nnd How down Broad
way for homo. Fowler says ho can't
understand It , and it is presumed that
the dog is troubled the same way.
Some of those who have been named
ns liable to bo elected as city clerk are
showing great temper about it. They
deny that they are aspirants for the po
sition , and do it so hotly as to imply
that gome of the democrats deem it dis
reputable to accept such a position. Can
it bo that they have so low an opinion of
the democratic administration ?
The funeral of L. J. Childs , whoso
dentil was announced in yesterday's
BKE , will take place at 10 o'clock to
morrow , from the family residence , 625
Seventh avenue. The deceased came
to this city in 1850 , nnd was a highly
esteemed citizen for thirty years. Ho
loaves a wife and ono son. Tno remains
will bo interred in Walnut Hill cem
The cases against A. Burke , J. J.
Shannon , L. Casey and Jim Shields ,
the four Omahans who beat James Con
nor so brutally Sunday morning , were
yesterday continued until a wcoic from
next Saturday. They wore admitted to
hail in the sum of $500 each , which was
furnished , and they were released. It
is understood that the friends of Con
nor will attempt to have the charge
against the defendants reduced to sim
ple assault.
Every ono in Council BlulTs is ac
quainted with the location of the ' 'Mll-
Iior40 , " This beautifully located tract
has been platted and placed upon the
market as "Webster's First Addition to
Council Bluffs. " The contiguity to
both cities makes it very desirable for
business houses or residences , and it
will find ready purchasers In fact quite
ti portion of it is sold already. It is in
thohandsof D. J. Hutchinson &Co. ,
who are energetic business men and
perfectly reliable in all respects. If
you want property In Council Bluffs it
will pay you to sqo "Webster's First. "
A H nro Clmiicc.
I have for sale nearly 100 choice lota
between Council BlulTs and Omaha
which. In order to close out , I will offer
for a short time at from 8200 to $ ! iOO oaoh
nnd on the follow ! ncr terms : $10 down
nnd $0 per month. Lots full size and
* title perfect. Call nnd lot me show you
the property. E. E. MAYNE ,
_ 010 Broadway.
Ono Fnro For the Round Trip.
Tickets on sale April 8th , 8th and 10th ,
peed for return from the llth to the
18th inclusive for all who wish to attend
the state encampment of the G. A. R.
veterans at Burlington , Iowa , April
Oth , 10th and llth , 1889. The head
quarters' train with the department
commander and his staff under the
escort of Abe Lincoln Post G. A. R. ,
will leave Council BlulTs via the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Qulney railroad at
B.-10 a. m. , April 8th , 1880. For furthoi
particulars , call on or address
CAPT. O. M. BiiQWN ,
Ticket ngont ,
Cor. Pearl and Broadway.
* Council Bluffs
M. M. MAKBHAiiti , General Agent.
1'crsoiial Parnurnphfi.
Superintendent Rothort has returned
from visiting the several state Institu
lions. The purpose of his trip was t (
observe and learn all that could posui
bly bo of advantage to the instltutloi
hero. Ho does not propose to got be
hind the times.
A. J. .Mumlol has just returned homi
with his bride nf tor n trip to Now York
The newly wedded couple will nuiki
their homo for the present with Mr. am
Mrs. H , F. Friedman.
An ofllciont organist desires nposltiot
ns organist in Omaha or Council BlulTs
References : Max Meyer and Cliurlo
Banters , 125 Puxton building. Omaha
or 120 Seventh street , Council BlulTe
Good testimonials shown.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , In. , March 18.-
To the Editor of TinBnu : In your is
EUC of the 17th inst. my name appear
among the list of candidates for li ;
Permit mo to state that I have no
boon , urn not now , nor do I expect to b
a candidate for the city clerkship.
have not talked with or communicate !
with any aluunnnn lunching the clerk
If my name has boon suggested b ;
Miy friend or friends , directly or Indl
roctly. referable to mycandlducy , it ha
boon done absolutely without my asson )
TJio iturku Tract nolnir F t-
F X The Burke tract is building u rapldl ,
with nice now residences nnd is u iuos
acBlroblo place fora home. If you wan
i line lot here como now , or the ohanc
to got It-sit llrst hands will bo gone , fo
wo are bound to close thorn out.
017 Broadway.
A Death In Judge Thornoll's Family
Oausos Adjournment.
TIic Monday Morning Grist of OfTctiti
ers The First Meet of ttio
ficw Alilcrinon Tlio
Educators ,
A Bulky Tramp.
Officer Tyson's street gang resumed
operations yesterday morning. Among
the ofllccr's charges was a follow who
was arrested about a week ngo. Ho re
fused to glvo his name and was booked
as Richard Roe. Ho was ordered out
of the city and departed. Sunday night
ho turned up again and was registered
as John Doe. Ho was ngaln ordered to
leave the city , but refused to go , saying
that ho was here to stay. Ho was then
given ton days on the streets , but ho
coolly informed the court that "there
wore not enough men in town to make
him work and ho wouldn't do It anymore
moro than ho would jump the town. "
"Fish out the old ball and chain , Mr.
Marshal and wo will try this gentleman
n whirl on the'streets for ton days on
abroad and water diet , and see if wo
can't eradicate some of his improper
ideas. " The musty old irons were
taken from their hiding place , and the
ankles of the rod-headed anarchist w.oro
soon tightly clasped in their oniDraco.
ulf you will work wo will take them
off , , ' said the marshal , "but if you won't '
work they will stay there. "
"They will novo'r come off then , " was
the surly answer. "You think you have
mo dead to rights now , don't you , but
my day will come , and then I will cot
back at you. " With this parting throat
the defiant desperado picked up his ball
and filed out with the rest ol tlio street
gang to clean the gutters. Ho ntub-
bornly refused to work , and stood around
watching the others , apparently as un
concerned as if ho did not attract the
attention of hundreds of passers-by ,
many of whom stopped to inquire of the
olllcor regarding the case.
An investigation of the fellow's rec
ord placcs'him in a decidedly unenvi
able light. Ho spent three months in
jail at Sioux City for blowing a sale ,
but the authorities failed to establish a
case , and ho was released from custody
a short tlmo ago and came down to
Onmnti. An Omaha policeman , who
was on this side of the river yesterday ,
informed a BKB reporter that the fol
low was sent up there for twenty-five
days , and was afterward given ton days
on the streets on broad and water. ' Ho
would not work , and stuck it out for the
full ten days , although his partner ,
Gort McCoy , gave in after four days of
The Omaha peeler stated that the fel
low was very palo and shaky after car
rying the 10 pound ball for ton days on
limited diet , and was of the opinion
that about liftccn days would bring him
to terms. Ho stated that his correct
name is Anderson. The officials here
arc determined that ho shall either
work or quit the .city , and they do not
propose to send an olHcer to escort him
to the bridge and pay his faro over the
river cither , as did the Omaha author
ities in order to got rid of him.
Webster's .First Addition to Council
IJ luffs.
Just platted and put on the market.
Lies one-half block south of Broadway.
Equally distant from the business portions
tions of tlio two cities. Beautiful resi
dence sites. Largo lots and up to grado.
Fine trackage. Terms easy. Suitable
rigs on hand at all times toshow the prop
erty. D. J. HUTCIIINSON & Co. ,
G17 Broadway.
Hotel property in Council Bluffs , cen
trally located , doing good business. R.
P. OlHcer , solo agent , No. 12 N. Main
St. , Council Bluffs.
No Court Till To-Morroiv.
The district court was not in session
yesterday , as Judge Thornoll did not
return from his homo at Sidney , owing
to the death of his father-in-law. A
telegram was received from him ,
authorizing the sheriff to open and ad
journ court until Wednesday morning ,
at which time ho will bo hero , and the
seduction case of state vs. Jack Brown
will bo taken up. The prosecuting wit
ness is Mary Button. This is the case
in which it is said the prosecuting wit
ness and the prisoner wpro married by
a friend of the latter , who personated a
justice of the peace.
Western Lumber and Supply Co.
Between Kith and 14th streets , and 2d
and 3d avenues. Telephone 241.
E. W. RAYMOND , Manager.
E. H. Sheafo & Co. ollor bargains in
city property , either improved or un-
improvod. Easy payments. Good lots
on $10 payments.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Tlio Monday Grist.
Judge Aylcsworth appeared in police
court yesterday morning bare handed ,
and for this reason none of the cases
were handled with kid gloves , as hla
honor always makes it a point to slash
hia Monday grist right and loft , owing
to a mistaken idea , acquired during n
visit to the olToto east several months
ago , that Sunday should bo observed as
a day of rest , and boo/.ers and bumrnorB
should have no part thereof. In uc-
cordanco with this vlow , ho cinches the
unfortunates to the fullest extent of the
law , and many is the victim who lias
appreciated the mercy on former occa
sions , who wonders what the court had
for his Sunday dinner , when ho recolvce
a double dose straight from the shoul
der on Monday morning.
John Uoo , John Evans and Aloir/.c
Reed were consigned to the shovel
brlgado for ten unys.
P. J , Thompson and Adam Bnkor , two
mild types of vag , had their cases con
William Morris , Martin Tracy and
Alex Jenkins , extra drunk , $8.10 ouch.
II. P. Welch and W. B. Mitchell ,
plain drunk , $7.00 each.
George Thiome , larceny , continued.
William Jaqkson , the pugilistic indi
vidual who got into trouble and the
cooler at the tame tlmo , by artistically
attaching certain unwelcome docoru-
lions of a carmlno hue to persons anil
property snored to that classic locality
Known us "iho row , " found a lig ohunli
of griufhi store for him. "William,1
sail ! the court , " 1 am on to you. I have
gnzod on your rickety frame before
The sight of you conjures up huforo me
many horrors , bosldo which n dry Sun >
day shrinks into Inglgnlflcnnco. I know
thco ns thou art , my boy , but foraslnglc
$20 bill I will hold my peace.
"It grlovca mo to loam that your banli
account is at low ebb. Your past ax
perlonco should Irtivo warned you not t <
strike me dead broke on a Monduj
morning. Lot this bo a lesson to you
Remember that the girls who know
you when your pockets nro full , arc tlu
same girls who don't know you whor
that fullness is tnansforrod to yout1
stomach , for which reason keep away
from "tho row" in future. No , Billy ,
there is no mercy for you tills tlmo.
You arc nro in the puree up to your
oars , and there you must stay until it
evaporates. "
Headquarters for builders' hardware ,
Odoll & Bryant , 613 Main street.
Now and full line of spring goods at
the London Tailors , 037 Broadway.
Bartlett ft Norton for hardware ,
stoves and cutlery. 737 and 2316 B'way.
S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan monoy.
Mqney loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark fe Co. , otllcc cor. Broadway
nnd Mninrovcr American express.
Tlio School Hoard.
The regular monthly mooting of the
board of education was held last even
ing with a full board present. The
vote of the rocbnt school election was
canvassed , and T. II. Hunter and John
Schoontgon declared elected members
of the board , vice J. B. Atkins and T.
S. Couch , retiring members. The now
members were then sworn in by J. J.
Stewart , notary nubile. The old board
then adjourned sine die , and the now
board was called to order for Its first
meeting. G. S. Luwson was elected
omporary chairman. The board
hen proceeded to ballot for a
ircsldont for the term of ono year.
Dn the fourth formal ballot Mr. Stewart
received a majority of tlio votes cast ,
and was declared elected.
The newly oloctcd president made a
'ow remarks on taking the chair , tlmnk-
ng the board for the honor conferred.
The annual report of the superinten
dent of schools for the past year was
.hon . submitted. It showed the follow-
ng increase in attendance :
188. 1889.
Boyscnrolled 1,434 1,575
Girls enrolled 1,533 1.070
Total enrollment 3 , 03 n,2T 4
Average attendance 2,282 ii,551 ,
Number neither absent nor tardy , In
1888,071 ; in 1889,1,194.
Number of cases of tardiness out of a
possible 105,400 , in 1888 , 480 ; in 18S9 ,
DTho superintendent recommended
certain changes in some departments ,
and the placing of seats in the audi
torium of the Bloomer building.
A communication from the county
treasurer showed the following moneys
to the credit of the school district in the
jounty treasurer's oflico :
School house fund > ; . $ 439.01
Teachers' fund 1,089.01
Contingent fund 1,810.83
Total $3,430.04
The president reported the following
committees for the ensuing year :
Teachers , Rules and Course of Study
Directors Schoentgcn and Hunter.
Finance and Accounts Directors
Blaxsim and Lnwson.
Fuel and Warming Buildings Direc
tors Lawson and Rain.
Grounds nnd Buildings Directors
Hunter and Blaxsim.
Janitors and Supplies Directors Rain
and Schoontgon. .
The treasurer was instructed to have
a full and complete annual report ready
for the inspection of the board at the
next mooting.
Several minor bllla were allowed and
routine business transacted. T
Dr. C. C. Hazen , dentist , Opera house
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cults and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 627 B'dway.
The finest line of spring goods to bo
found in the market is at A. Roller's ,
No. 310 Broadway.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s
loan oflico on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
dential. .
Rooms to rent In the Merriam block.
S. B. Wadsworth &Co.,23G Main street.
The Aldcrinniilo Itonndiip.
The mayor and all of the old council
with the exception of Alderman Bol-
linger hold their last mooting as the
council of 1888-89 at 8 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. The reports of the various
city officers were received and referred
to a committee to have thorn published
in pamphlet form. The financial condi
tion at the present time may bo scon
from the following report of the city
auditor :
Improvement bond fund 1290,115.53
Public library 3,825.39
Water fund 23,990.80
Curbing and sidewalk fund 503.95
General fund 86,870.03
Police 5,803.03
Total $410,109.07
Fire department $ 20,010.41
Police department 10,225.15
Streets and alleys 12,070.09
Salaries of olHccrs 7,783.23
Engineer's ' department 0,498.4 ! !
Printing nnd supplies 0.193.Hi (
Gas and street lights 0,001.11
Miscellaneous 0,209.57
Marshal's department 3/J2U.-13
Paving , curbing and sewer inspec
tors 2,605.70
Condemnation and right of way. . . 550.00
Board of health 140.25
Expense of election 264.99
Intersection grading 12,410.05
Intersection paving a8,700.11
Special assessment sowur. 10,013.05
Intersection sewer 8,039.8i
Special assessment grading 39,709.4 ,
Special assessment paving 175,470. lit
Council Bluffs Waterworks com
pany 24.015.80
Library 3ai5.89 ,
Special assessment curbing , side
walk " . 4,703.95
Total $410,109.07
The reports of the other city officers
were qulto brief and comparatively un
The following resolutions were thou
passed ) Whereas , the services ol
George Mctcalf , as aldormnn from the
Fourth ward , expired on the 18th day
of March , 1881) ) , and whereas , it Is becoming -
coming in any public body to recognize
ability und fidelity on the part of any
of its retiring members , therefore bo i
Resolved , That the city council of the
city of Council BtulTs , now in session ,
takes this occasion to express individu
ally its high personal regard for Gcorgo
Motcalf , roaring member from this
body ; that this council herewith testi
fies to the ability , honesty of purpose
and personal Integrity with which lie
has so heartily co-opor.vtod in managing
the city business , both in council chain
her and committee room. Asainombei
of committee OUT observation husnotoc
the industry , intelligence , energy and
efficiency with which ho him investi
gated und reported for action all meas
ures which have come before him for
his consideration , which receives our
best commendation with the opinioi
and assurance on our part that ho has
tendered to our city's growth and de
Resolved , That in severing his con-
loctlon with thl/A / dy ns alderman ho
akes with him our sincere personal
egnrd and best wishes for his personal
mpplnoss and prosperity in the differ
ent avocations of'JIEo. ' at the same tlmo
i continued internal in our city's wcl-
are ; also cTorla ( and council on its part
o further the sanio ns opportunity may
Resolved , That llioso resolutions be
ilaccd on the records of this council.
Mayor Rohror then declared the
council of 1888-89 adjourned sine die.
The now council mot last evening.
° rcsont : Mayor Rohror , Aldermen
Lnoy , Wntormaii , . ' Knoph'or , Everett
and Weaver.
The minutes of the last 'two meetings
voro rend und approved :
Mayor Rohror then announced the
ollowing committees for the ensuing
roar :
Finance , Claims and Printing Aldermen -
dormon weaver , Everett and Knophor.
Judiciary and Special Assessment
Aldermen Everett , Knophor and Water
Streets , Allo.vs and Sidewalks Alder-
nen Lacy , Weaver and Everett.
Fire Department , Gas and City Prop
erty Aldermen Waterman , Lucy and
Police , Health and Public Grounds
A.ldormon Bellinger , Waterman and
Waterworks Aldermen Knophor ,
Bellinger and Lacy.
The first named in each of those com-
nlttcos will act as the chairman of the
The usual amount of bills were rend
and passed.upon.
The verbal petition of James Madden
.o cut out from the contract to build
ildowalk that portion on Tenth street
between Fifth and Sixth avenues was
referred to the committee on streets
uid alloys.
The petition of residents on Harmony
strnot to establish the grade on that
street was granted , and the city engineer -
ginoor was instructed to furnish a
jrado and prepare an ordinance cover
ing the sanio.
The petition of residents on Third
street for sidewalks was referred to the
committee on streets and alloys.
The petition of Mrs. J. W. Johnson
For the reduction of assessment was re
ferred to the judiciary committee.
The bill of the Inter-State Flro Alarm
company for supplies furnished the lire
department , amounting to $56 , was re
ferred to the finance committee.
The petition of Ruth Faul for the
issuance of a duplicate paving certifi
cate on ttio ground that the original is
paid but lost , was granted , the grantee
being required to file an indemnity
A resolution to appropriate $100 for
the chairman of the fire committee with
which to purchase hay and grain for
horses of the fire and police depart
ments was passed.
A resolution was adopted to tax up to
the property certain work performed by
T. O'Hoarn , ns qrdored by the council.
A resolution to' deliver to C. R.
Mitchell and T. O'Hoarn certain bonds
for the porformnrfco of grading work in
the Fourth ward passed unanimously.
The bond of L. B. Wndsworth for
$5,000 , as parki commissioner , with
Lucions Wells and E. H. Shcafc as sure
ties , was received and placed on file.
The report of the finance committee
and city clerk * on the reports of the
chief of police for the month of Febru
ary was receivedarid , placed on file.
The report of the city auditor from
March 1 to 16 , wasroco'ived and placed
on file. HIC
An ordinance amending the present
fire limit ordinance as follows was road
the third time and passed : Commenc
ing on the north side of Broadway at its
intersection with Benton street , and
thence west on Broadway on the north
side of the Northwestern railroad depot
to Ninth street , and thence north on
Eleventh street to Indian creek , and
thence east along Indian creek
to Scott street , and 'from
tlfonco cast along the alloy parallel
with and between Broadway and Vine
street'to First street , and from thence
runnincr west to the Northwestern depot
to Ninth street , and thence south on
Ninth street alloy between alloy and
Broadway and First avenue to Pearl
street , both sides from Broadway
south to its intersection witli
Main street , thence on south
side of Broadway to Main
street and thence on Broadway to Main
street , thence on Main street , both
sides , from Broadway to Sixteenth avenue -
nuo , extending to and including all
grounds between the alloys and east
and west lines of said Main street and
parallel therewith , thence on Broad
way cast to Fourth street , thence
on Fourth street from Broadway ,
thence on Broadway from Fourth
street to First street , thence south on
First to Pierce street , thence west on
Pierce street to into-rscction with John'
Keller's north property lino. On Bry
ant street , both sides from Broadway to
south line of Washington avpnue. On
North Main street , both sides from
Broadway north to intersection with
south line of Washington avonue.
Llzzio Warner was awarded the con
tract for feeding the city prisoners at 10
and 11 cents per meal.
A resolution making the Glebe the
city's official paper was concurred in.
No. 27 Main Street ,
Over Jaeqiicmlii's Jewelry Store
-FueLMerchants. V/atchTheSlGNS
Ltio.3South.MoinSt \ , ust BuvYoui
Courteous . * * " *
Tiffention.- * *
. . . . . , '
We invite - ur rompt patronage Delivery * ; SJ , E. . 104 B.GARD IN E R ;
_ _ Pearl , . ,
hafnberef Connect/103 & > sr/f
wanted for general house work , 722
Willow two. Sirs. J. Mueller.
P you have property of any kind to sell or ox-
chiuiKo t.ce Johnston & Vnnl'iitten , ! K1 > laln.
FOR UKNT At 18 per month , the nlco house
and two lots , No. 101 , corner of tjth st aud
23 < 1 ave. Horace Kverott.
T7\ \OU \ UKNT-onicc No. 2 , over Halru's con-
X ? feclionory store , Intolv occupied by Wtu.
Ward , architect. Hornco Kverctt. _
| 71OU BA IjE On montnly payment s. house
-L1 and lot In Van Ilrunt & lilco's addition , by
3.Y. Fuller. 3 ol'earl street. _
FOll'lfENT Possession given April iHt , the
residence now occupied by Hobort Car
penter , corner nth st. and 2d ave. , $30 per month.
1 1 orace Everett.
KENT Furnished and unfnrnl shed
rooms , with or without board. Mrs. F. A.
Uurke , Ka Washington nvo. _
tnuilNlBHKD Uoonufior rent ; second lloor ,
J3 No. 117 Fourth street.
"tnoil HKNlWCtionp. two handsome , now , six-
JD room cottages , north of transfer. Council
HhifTs. Inquire Illand Itlshtor , 6th ave. and
21st st.
Who Will Save You Money
Particular attention given to Embalming.
i\o. 14 N. Main SI. , Council Ululls.
Furniture repairing neatly clone.
Office calls attended promptly day and night.
o ! AT THE
T- * Lowes Prices !
Tis Poultry of all klmU
j dressed to order.
is 3
9 CO * >
DC i. Mottaz
- No. 114 E. Ilroailw'y
C/3 „ EH
o tiADAMSb EHti
tiO & CO.'S
? tia House ,
a 417 nroadwny.
w Council Jlliilfs.
THE BEST , rfe
Is Always
As we can prove liy
hundreds. . _
* * 1 w o. " " r . T r >
- 3r ; = "
Lanzendorfer & TiK-g eo S 00 E
Stroiibehn ,
JVo. 321 wjgS oo " oa " Lj
MAIN STUECT. I-F ! 53" -
And got tlio bcit lining >
you eycr luitl
No 637 BroadwayCouncil , Bluff
Tuos. OFFICER. W. IT. M. Puscv.
Corner Main nnd nroadwny ,
Denlora In foreign r.nd domestic exchange ,
Collectlonu made uud interest paid on time Uo-
HidesJallow elts ool&Fyrs ,
Highest market prices. Prompt ret vr n
und bl'J Main Bt. . Council Illuffs , I ow
Sanitary Engineer. Plan ? , Estimates
H. SuncrvlBlon of Public Work. Brown
Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Justice of the Peace. Olllco over American Express , No. 410
N , Broadway , Council BlulTs , Iowa.
-QIR/IQ / AttornoyB-ut-Law. Practice In the State and Fed
QL llVIO oral Courts. Kooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Bono Block ,
Council BlulTs , Iowa.
- " Room 10 , Shugnrt Blouk ,
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealora in
Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered.
No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
. \01 B R OAD WA Y
V > , KX \ \ \ . \ \ \ oA SCHOOL SUPPLlES. c '
y USf ; * Mj ' > N. SKAVTH 8c B'ROS.A $ & * < ri
4r\nlc& \ \NS\\aVvnaVar\ors.Bath Rooms. tft'Sc'Shrf' ' ' ? '
S MfM B Jfifi *
T ? i
C Oafjet-llian eClicoftti
S.A Pierce , Proprietor ! ' Broadway , No.ll4MamSK
Furniture & Stoves
On weeft/y .
tpytnetita. . Best- ,
Scjccflons. Lonesi
prices. ' i/4erq/c/ieoi/ /
A S9ec\a >
KN.Ma'm St * Tele hoxSe \ \ .
Atthe very threshold of the spring season
we have inaugurated a great cut sale for
cash , of all goods in our stock. Call and see or
write us. Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
25 TO 300
HORSEPOWER , M Mills and Elevators
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs
JOHN GILBERT , 52 ! Main St.
TELEPHONE i 4. I l&tliuulcb r"urnlBbud
Corrcsuoiidenco SoiloUc'l. | Ou Appllcutloa.