THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY , MARCH 19. 1889. [ THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , . Slight Doollno In the Wheat Futures. [ CORN VALUES A SHADE LOWER. Onts Narrow nncl Sloclcrixtcly Aoilvo A Weak Feeling Develops In I'rovlsloiiB Cnttlc Dcinnnil Only Fftlr HOJJH. CHICAGO PIlotfUCE niAtlKHT. CniOAOo , Mnrcb 18. [ Special Tcloirram to TUB I3EB.1 The wheat market opened strong nt from ? o to o higher than it closed on Saturday , with May quoted nt 0J o and July 87 c. It sold off about lo without any unnecessary waste 6f time nnd then rallied fracttonnlly. May soon took an other plunge , going from 07) ) o to 05J < c , but July hold very steady around SOJ SOXc- Thcso quotations proved to bo the Insldo for the day. The weakness during the first half of the day was duo to the financial troubles in Paris and to the general rains throughout the winter wheat district. Tha collnpso of the Copper Syndicate bank was reported In a variety of ways , and an extensive failure In London aa the result of the great break In copper was ulso reported. Those rumors tended to disturb the foreign and seaboard markets and the effect was re flected quickly upon the prices hero. Before noon the visible supply statement was complete. It shows a de crease In everything , wheat leading with r > S7,000 , bushels reduction. From the time It was posted the market firm oil up. May ad vanced to 07 > c nnd July to SO c , where they stood nt 12 o'clock. Thcro was some realiz ing arouna those prices , nnd values subsided slowly. Mav worked back to IMij c and July to 60X& On the down grade the market looked Weak , and oven when It turned up once more , there dm not seem to bo much genuine strength to it. There was a well tie- lined impression that it was pegged , and that if it was not for the muscular support the market would naturally go lower. Bad financial news continued to drift In from the cast. The stock market was weak , and late grain cables reflected the prevailing foreign nervousness. At the same time New York reported that the foreign buying had chocked the threatened decline in wheat and that the local fooling there was less bearish In cense quence. The other domestic markets were BO ft and lower , and the prevailing sentiment etill favors that side. The closing range was 08) ) o for Mi y and 6Wo for July. This is % o off in May and ) c In July. The vol ume of trading In the pit was not above the average , and the dealings wore about equal in both the active futures , May ana July. The fluctuations wcro less violent in the lat ter month , however , and the trade was less subject to nervous spasms. Hutch'nnon ' and Fatrbank were buying on soft spots. Thcro was a weak feeling at the opening of the corn market , caused by the liberal re ceipts , the favorable weather , and the im proved grading ns shown in the Inspection returns. The estimated receipts for tomorrow row of 770 cars was an additional cause for weakness , and the market ruled weak until the changein the visible supply was posted showing a decrease of 308,000 bushels , where an increase had been confidently looked for. The reaction which occurred after the post ing of the visible supply figures was lost towards the close. May resting at 3535V c. which is a shade under Saturday's 11 mil price. Juno uud July wore likewise about % o lower at the close , spot corn also closing at about the same reduction. Oats were only moderately active within a narrow and unimportant rango. The feeling was nearly steady , with fair buying orders for May and Juno , wlillo there was no pres sure to soil , A round lot of the latter went nt 25c , or at a slight dccllifo , with later a steadier tone developed. May ranged at 25K C25Jfc , and the other months were dull. Choice cars of No. 3 to go in store sold at U4c , with the trading chiefly by sample. In the provision trade a weak feeling was developed , notwithstanding that hogs came forward in smaller numbers than the opera tors generally expected , and prices for the same ranged a little higher. The product was in a slumpy state. The buyers on the late advance wcro free sellers , speculative o'ffcrings wore larger than the market was able to absorb , ana Jower prices prevailed all around. Based on Saturday's closings , the day's net decline In pork was " 2 } c , in lara SJic , and in short ribs 5c. CHICAGO JjIVE STOCK. . CHICAGO , March 18. | Special .Telegram to TIIB BEK.J CATTLE The demand was only fair , in fact business ruled rather slow until Into in the day , and the general market closed only about steady , but nearly all the eattlo wcro sold. There was the usual nnd commonplace remark flying around , "that anything good was a shade higher , " but that shade was so faint that it could only be seen by those enjoying extremely good eyesight. The shippers wore- talking of the slow mar ket In thu cast , and the dressed beef opera tors related many talcs about the effect of the Lenten season and the plethora of the chill Ing rooms. Cow stock of all kinds was slow nnd uncertain. Country shippers are again cautioned against paying prices that look like n small margin when marketed , as thu same is likely to provo a losing venture. Veal calves are slow nnd cheap. Nothing going ' on In tbo stacker and fc'cder trado. Choice beeves , & ( .00@4.15 : medium to good steers , 1850 to 1600 ibs , $3.CO@I.OO ; 1200 to 1150 ! Ibs , | 3.85@3.65 ; 950 to 1200 Ibs , $3.00(3 ( 8.40 ; stackers and feeders , $3.0003.85 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.60@i.OO : ; bulk , $2.00(3 ( .40 ; Texas steers , f2.40@3.00. Hoafl Business opened brisk at an ad vance of about lOc , about all mixed and heavy making $4.75 , a few making M.77X ( < i 4.80 ; u few common packing "stiffs" at J4.W @ 4.08. Later on , however , there was a fall ing off , as many of the packing houses wen only on half time on account of the holiday yesterday ; hence toward the close quite i number of fair to coed packers sold at ? 4.G < ( $4.70. Light sorts underwent no purlieu la : uhungo , selling lower nt 1-1.8(1.85. ( ! A fov of the singe sort sold at f4,85@3.00. FINANCIAL NEW YOUR , March 18. [ Special Telegratr to TUB HiSK.1 STOCKS Those who lookot for any material improvement in the tone o the stock market wore the only ones muul disappointed this morning. It Is true tin return of strength noticed In the granger _ nnd n few other stocks before- the close Snt % | urday was noticed in the opening prices to * day , which wcroto Jtf per cent over Satur day's closo. The strength was but tempo rary and adverse advices from I'arl * soot dispelled hope and depressed prices. Tin talk of pools for the protection of stocks am bonds proved useless also. In a short timi the only bulls left wore longs. They won cheered by the early buying orders In th ( hands of the commission popple and the fac that nt the opening the solllngwas conllnui to Clilcago , and tbo professional boars , thi grangers , being * the first to show strength They wore also the first to suffer a loss Hook Island yielded 1 > ; Northwestern , ) { Burlington , f ; Atchlson , Oregon Transcon tluontal and Now England , somewhat loss and most of tbo list lost small fractions litho the first hour. The early trading was largol ; in a few stocks , Including St. Paul , North western and Ilciidlnff. Later in the day tin pressure was felt moro especially by th < Burlington and Texas Pacific. The Burling ton ft Qulmt.v declined 3 > / from tbo close 01 Saturday , touching SO , the lowest point o the year. These depressions % voro followec by slight gains , but at midday tbo price were uniformly lower than at the opening and the market quiet. The sales at nooi were llfyVSS shares. The liquidation li Blocks was ovun uioro noticeable the las hour , end long holdings came out freely At the close it was declared a decided ! , bearish day with predictions that the end o the docllno la not yet. The total sales wen SB.CIT shares , Including Northwestern , ftS , Cl'OifJlock Iblaua , 13,000 } St. Puul , 1U.OOO LncKawanno , 14.4W. The losses for the day from Saturday's closing prices wcro : Hur ling ton , .1) ) ; Lackawanna , * { \ Illinois Ccn tral4 \ \ LaVe Shore , f i Missouri Pacific , Hi\ Northwestern , 1J < ; Now England , IX ? Hock Island , 2,4" ; Atchlson. 3 ; St. Panl , % . The folio wing wore the closing quotations : tl.8. 4s raztilar. . . ! ' ! ; Northern Pftcino. . 2454 U.8.4ncotipons.,120M dopraferrod 69' { U.B.4'isre < rular. . 107 % C.N. W 103 U.B.4iscotipons.,1oi ! ? do preferred , . . . .12015 PncincCsof Hi . . .120 N. Y.Central 1MU Central Pacific. . . , at P..D.&B . , 22f } Chlcapo & Alton..133 Itock Island l U Chlc&ROllarllngton . . . . . . . . . C. . M. ASt. P (11 a0preforrea ; . . BHi ( DL..t w inr'4 ' St. Paul A Omaha . OOU Illinois Central..lOSJi dopreforred 00 i.n.\v nU Unlonl'actna G2X Knnftns iiToros. . . 124 \V..8t.L. &P 13 I.akcSlioro BJ > / do preferred. . . . 24K MichiganCentrnl. . 84 Western Union. . , . . 4i ! MlBflotirll'ftciflo . . . CO MOHBT o.t OALI. Easy nt S@2J per cent. PRIME MKHCXNTILB PXPEH t QO ) per cent. STKHMNO EXCIUNOB Dull , steady ; sixty- day bills , SI.S5X ; demand , $1.83 . CIIICAOO , March 18. Wheat Easy ; cash , 04J < c ; April , 05J c ; Mav. 90 > c. Corn Steady ; cah , 3l ) o ; April , 34o ; day , 337-lCo. Oats Steady ; cash , 2\c ; May , 25 11-lOc. Uyo May , He. Barley NotliltiR dolnir. Prltno Tlmothj J1.37@1.33. Flax-l.65. Whisky 51.03. Porlc Easier ; May , $11.00 : Julv. f 11.05. Lnrd Stead v. cash , ti.7 ! * ) ; Mav * ' 1.S5. Plour Steady ; winter wheat , JJ.50@ri.50 ; spring xvhcat , $1.59@7 > . : iO ; rye , $ J.G5f$3.UO ( In mrrols. Dry Salt Moats Shoulders. ? 3.50@5.7ri ; short clear , $0.60@O.G2' ; short ribs. tG.OO ® 0.10. 0.10.Butter Butter Quiet ; creamery , 203200 ; dairy , 150230. Cheese Quiet ; full cream choddats , 101f Jllo ; flats , 10@J llc ; Voung Autorloasi @ 12c. ERRS Quiet ; fresh , 12J @ 13o. Hldos UnchanRcd ; heavy green salted , Xo' llfiht Rroon salted , 5o ; ptrcen , 'l@ o ; salted bull , 5 , ' c ; green salted calf , O'iitlJ o ; dry tllnt , T vjjSo ; green salted kip , 4 ( ' 1' 0 ! dry calf , 7ffesa ; dry salted hides. 7c. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 54) o ; No. U , 3 > f@3 u ; cake , 4l c. tocemts. Bulomnnts. Flour , bbls 10.000 4,000 Wheatbu 10.000 11,000 CornDU 104.000 111,000 Oats , bu lOO.Oaa 53,000 Now Vork. March 18. Wheat Ucceipts , 5,000 ; exports , none ; ipot dull nnd % @lo lower and weak ; No. 2 red , OOJftBOlJfo n elevator , 82KC03 ; ! < o afloat , 02@93 > jo f. o. b. ; options ' © lc below Saturday ; March , ( ) lc. Corn Kecelpts. IM.OOO ; exports. 70,000 ; market steady for spot and moderately active ; No. 2 , 4242/e | n elevator , 43/ff@ 43Jie attoat ; No. \vhito , 40 0 ; No. 3 , 404'S 42Uc ; ungraded mixed , 40"i@43J c ; options dull and } ff@Jfa lower. Oats liocuipts. 14,000 ; exports , none ; spot dull and unchanged : options quiet nnd steady ; April. SOJtfo ; May , 80c ; spot. No. 2 white , ! K@33c ; mixed western , Ca@33c. Coffee Options steady , closing5@15points below Saturday ; sales , 44,500 bass ; March und April , ? 10.70@10.80 ; May , 510.75@10.UO : ; pot Ulo quiet and easier ; fair cargoes , . . Petroleum Quiet and steady ; United closed at 89 0. Eggs Dull and lower ; western , 14 < < ? Pork Steady ; now , $13.50. Lard Quiet and caster ; western steam , 57.22@7.22 > 5 March , $7.20. Butter Dull nnd easy ; western , 13@ 2So. Cheese Steady ; western , V ± f@UMe. Lilverpnol. March 18. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BEE.J 3:30 : p. m. closo. Pork In fair demand ; prime mess , eastern , Cos , steady ; ao , western , 55s , steady. Lard In poor demand ; spot and March , 35s Od , steady ; April and May , 35s 9J , steady. . . Wheat In poor demand ; new No. 2 winter - tor , 7s 7d , steady ; do , spring , 8s , firm. Flour In poor demand at 11s 3d , steady. Corn In poor demand ; spot , 3s llj d , dull ; March , Us ll d , dull ; April , 3s 10d , dull ; May , 8s lO d , dull. Heceluts of wheat for the past week from Atlantic ports , 12,000 quarters ; Pacific ports , 18,000 ; other sources 24,000. Receipts of American corn , 59,000. St. Louis. March. 18. Wheat Lower ; sh,91X@92Ke ; May , 92tfc. Corn-Steady ; cash , 23K < 3'-Wc ; May , Oats Lower ; cash , 24Kc ; May. 2Cc. Pork Quiet at $12.50. Lard Weak at $0.05. Whisky Steady at $1.03. Butter Steady ; creamery , 24@2Ce ; dairy , 14@24c. Minneapolis. March 18. Sample wheat about steady ; receipts , 270 cars ; shipments , 83 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , March , $1.0'J ; May , $1.11 ; on track , $1.10 < c1.12 ; No. 1 north ern , March , 9Sc ; May , 935 < o ; on track , 93o ( W1.00 ; No. 2 , northern , Murcb 89o ; May , 'JOc ; on track , 9Uc. Milwnukop , Mareh 18. Wheat Steady ; cash , 805 o ; May , 87 0. Corn Easier ; No. 3. 3t@32c. Oats Firm ; No. 2 , white , 27K@23c , Rye Steady No. 1 , 44 , ' c. Barliy Steady at 57c. Provisions Easy ; pork , $11.07. Cincinnati , March 18. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 red , OSc. Corn Uaroly stcadyNo. ; 2 , mixed , 84c. Oats Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc , Whisky Steady att.03. Kanxna City , March 18. Wheat- Stronger ; No. 3 rod , cash , 89 } c ; May , Utc asked ; No. 3 soft , cash , 91o asked ; May , S9o bid. bid.Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 23J o ; May , 25 > c bid ; No. 3 white , cash , no bids nor offerings ; May , 3 % " &id. Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ; May , 22Kobld. . IAVK S COO it. CHICAGO , " March IS. Cattle Receipts , 9,000 ; market steadier ; choice beeves , $4.00(3 ( 4,15 ; steers , $3.0U@4.00 ; stockers and feed ers , $2.0 < ) @ : i.35 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.50 @ 3.00 ; Texas steers , f2.4U@3.00. Hogs Uecolpts , 17,000 ; market weak ; mixed , $4.O4.80 ) : heavy. $1.00(34.80 ( ; light , $1.7552)5.00 ) ; snips , $0.30(714.80. ( Sheep Uecolpts , 5OOJ ; market strong ; steady ; natives , $ . ' 1.50V44.85 ( ; western cornfed , O.25@-t.70 ; lambs. $4.405.75. The Drovers' Journal's special cablegram from London quotes heavy supplies of homebred - bred cattln , demand very weak and urices J c lower ; top American beeves , 12o pur Ib , estimated dead weight. KatiBntt City , March IS' ( Jattlo Re ceipts , 1,800 ; shipments , none ; best shipping grades active and linn to a simile- higher medium dressed bcuf a little slow , bul about steady : cows 5@10o higher ; good to choice corn-fed , $3.90fj4. ( 10 ; common to mo- ilium , $3.7003.80 ; stockers und feeding steers steady to strong ut 1.CO@3.20 : COWB $1.50(52.70. ( Hops Receipts , 2,500 ; shipments , 831 ; market opened firm and lOc higher , closing wcuk nnd e. shade lower ; common to choice , National Htock Ynrilx , Bait St. Loulu. March 18. C.ittlo Uecelpts , 1,000 ; shipments , tX)0 ) ; market strong ; clmice liuavy native steers , fJ.80&4.40 ; fair to good , M.00@3.90 ; stocker and fuoders , $ 'i,10@ 3.15 ; rangers , corn-fed. $ ' 3.6033.40 ; cruss- fed , $1.00(0.05. Jlogs Hoculpts , fl.COO ; shipments , 2COOj market hlghor ; ohoico heavy , $4.75@4.S5 pacUmg , M.UO@-t.75 ; light grades. 1-1.00(5 ( ; 4.75. 4.75.Sioux Sioux City , March 13 , Cattle Receipts , and bulls , $1.00@1.75. Hogs market steady ; light and mixed heavy , * 4,40@4.50. OMAHA IjlVU Sl'OOIL Oittln. Monday , March 18. 18SU. With about the avomgo number of. cattle on sale the market .vos vtrongnr and deslra bio breves wcro In bettor request and the market moro active than it has boon for some lime. Even bcof and shipping steers , whlcl of Into have net boon soiling until afternoon sold early In the morning. Butchers stock was In light supply and fair rteinnm and the offerings wcro all taken In good season. Salesmen worn claiming that thoii eattlo were costing 5f10o ( higher than Satur day , but cuttle have been Milling so low thai If thtro wan that much it could hardly be ap irecliUcd. | The quality of the cattle was good ml there wcro no prime heavy weights. The icof steers sold mostly nt $3.XX33.50 ( and the butchers' stock nt $ J.15@2.00 with n bunch of cholco heifers at $2.80. A drove of western coders sold at $4.75 but thr.t constituted about nil the offerings for that class of cattle. rtio bulk of all the eattlo received changed hands before the closo. HORN. The receipts wcro extremely light and only about half the number received on Monday of last week were on sale to-dav. With a 'air ' demand nnd such light offerings the trading was soon over nnd the hogs were all sold end weighed up nt an early hour In the morning. The prices paid were n little stronger than Saturday's market , but ns has been the practice of late , the buyers paid about ono prlco for everything , there bclne a range of only 5c between the bust and the moat common loads on the market. Sheep. Only two car loads of sheep wcro received and thov sold at $4.00 The demand Is good for anything desirable and tbo market firm. Receipts. Cnttlo . ' . 1,200 , How . 1,450 Sheep . 200 Prevailing Prices. The following is a table of prices pild in .Ills market , for- the graJo ) of stock men tioned : Prime steers , 1303 to 1500 lbj..1.20 @ 5.03 Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Iba. . 2.9J ( | H30 Native foe Jers . 2.75 ( $300 Common to good cows . 1.50 ( ( { J.IJ Jhoico to fancy cows . 2.50 < 5 i.7. " > Fair to cholcn nulls . 1.75 ( ii 75 Fair to cholco light hogs . 4. 41 C'Cl.50 Pair to cholco heavy hog * . 4.45 @l.5'J Fair to choice mixed hojrs . . . . 4.15 ( $1.4' Fair to choice western sheep. . 3.80 $1.30 Fulr to choice Nobnv kas . 3.03'ijl.15 ( HcprosQittiUlvo Sntna. STEK.tlS. No. Av. Pr. No. AV. Pr. 1 . ( BOtJ.nO ll . ll J W.I5 1 . woo 2.7E 2 . 1:111) : ) : 4 . 112) ) a.RS 40 . 11UJ .1.20 a . to.v ) 2.81 4. . imi : : : > . 007 2.1W. ir , . 117.1 : i.aj 3 . 10.V ) 2.1TI I. ) . 11SJ il.2.1 4 . NB il)0 ) 18 . 1217 3.25 4 . 037 2.1)5 ) OT . 1213 3.23 ; i . iom n.oo 17 . lav ) a. a 11 . 0-.ll 3.00 1 ! ) . 1279 3.'ii 3 . OS'J 3.00 III . KM 3.30 2 . . . .1211 8.00 17 . 11:0 3.n : 10 . 1181 3.0,1 17 . 1813.3.11 2 . 1UIM 3.0) 14 . 1IIH 8.15 12 . 1J10 8.10 3 . U13 3.40 18 . 1241 3.10 3 . itT3 : 3.40 15 . 1017 8.10 22 . . . . . .MM 3.40 22 . 1201 3.12 HI . . . . . . -1JW 3.55 10 . 031 2.1S B' . 032 2.11 1 . 1000 8.33 3 . „ . . OH 2.'U 21 . 1KO 2.3. ) 21 . IDS ) 2.3TU 2 . UIO 2.10 27 . 739 2.40 M . 1182 2.10 2 . 11K5 2.40 2 . 1120 2.M ) 2 . Oil 2.a ) 0 . 1171 2.55 1 . 1450 2.00 1 . 1140 2.11 lIKtKKH ? . . 38 . 1101 2.HO . 3 . In35 2.1B 2 . 1500 2.20 1 . 010 8.2.1 1 . 1230 2.25 1 . 14JO 2.21 1 . 1IHO 2.40 CANNEItS. 8 . 1 ( J 2.U.1 17 . 1001 2.L1 20 . 1081 2.3d 8TA08ANDOXEX. . 1310 2.M ) 8 . 1721 2.CJ FRKUKIIS WKSTE11N3. 74 . ! W7 2.75 4 . 877 2.70 iioas No. Av. Shk. l r. No. Av. Silk. IT. 0.1 . 2i < l 12011.45 Ct . 211 4.471J 00 . 2b'J 120 4.45 67 . 319 4.MI 03 . 2li'J 40 4.41 70 . 24'J SO 4.10 70 . 1U.1 24' ) 4.41 M . 270 K'O 4.M 0 . . . 381 4.45 0,1 . 291 SO 4.GO 12 . 297 4.41 8.1 . 8)7 ) 40 4.51 B" . 2.K1 . 80 4.45 OJ . 897 bO 4.r > 3 5 . SK ) bO 4.4714 IB . 313 4.50 CJ . 271) ) 40 4.47'Kl . .51 4.W ) CS . 229 4.47H 6' ) . 2UI 4.fO 79 . Zf ! 120 4.47J ! Brt . 23 * 4.f.0 70 . 2SO 80 4.47K 75 . 1UI 4.50 70 . 249 40 4.47'i ( X ) . 201 100 4.5'J SnEEl AVESTEIIN No. Ave. l > r. 05 . 101 4.W ( _ The AVeek'fl Hccord. Showing the number of cattle , hogs and sheep bought , on this market by the differ ent buyers last week : OATTLH. Swift & Co . 2,391 George H. Hammond & Co . 1,833 Tno Armour-Cudahy company . 473 Steven , Hamilton & Co . 500 Omaha Packing Co . 17 Shippers and feeders . 3,453 Total . 8,070 iioas. Armour-Cudahy Packing company. . . 9,030 Omaha Packlngcompany . 5,02.1 George H. Hammond & Co . 2ti77 , Swift &Co . 2,303 Total . 19,044 Swift & Co . 781 Armour-Cudahy Packing company. . . . 30(5 ( M. Ooncgan . 280 G. H. Hammond & Co . 101 Total . 1,531 Iilvo Stock Notes. Cattle a little stronger. Hogs show some improvement. At the opening last week the hogs sold at a range of $4.40@4.C5 with the bulk at $4.50. The cattle market was moro active to-day and the pens wore cleared earlier than usual. F. Ley , of the firm of Ley & Peters , Stan- ton. was at the yards with a load of heifers which sold nt $1.80 and n load of hogs. Mr. Mercer , editor of the Northwestern Live Stock Journal , the lending range jour nal of the country , was a visitor at the yards. Ho is returning from a trip to Chicago and St. Louis. Pie pronounces the recent con vention ut St. Louis as a howling farce. OMAHA. 1VHOI.iESA.tiE MARKETS. 1'rodnoc , FrnllH , Etc. BUTTEII Creamery Fancy print , 24@20c ; choice print , 2223cs ; fancy solid packed , 21 @ 'i2c ; choice solid packed , 19@ 0c. Dairy- Fancy roll , 17@10o ; choice , ISftJIOc ; good , 12 @ 14c ; low grades , 10@llc. Full cream Cheddars , cholco , 125 ( ? ; full cream flats , two in hoop , 12J @ 18e ; full cream Y. A. , choice , 12J ( ijl3o ; off grades and skims , 5S'Jc ; llmburger , 10@12c ; brick and Swiss , 14@ll > c. Enos Strictly fresh , ll@12o ; cold stor age , 9@10c. LIVK POULTBT Chickens , per doz. $3. ! > 0@ 3.75 ; ducks , $3.25@3.f,0 ; geese , $8.50@9.0U ; turkeys , per Ib , 'J@lOc. Diir.ssKi ) Poui/ruv Chickens , per Ib 8@ lOo ; turkeys , Ii ( < ? l2c ; geese , ll@12c ; ducks , VEAL Heavy grassers , 150 to 200 Ibs , 5@ Co ; inferior calves. 50 to CO Ibs , 3@5o ; me dium to coed , 70 to 85 Ibsl@lc ! ; choice to fancy , 100 to 130 Ibs , ( J@7c. VEnRTAiiLKS Potatoes.Colorado and Utah , GO@C5c : Wyoming , r > 0i255o ( ; Nebraska and Iowa , choice largo , ilOCgHSa ; common , 25 ( < ? 30o : sweet potatoes , Jerseys , per bbl , 8i.75@ 3.00 ; boots , per bu , 55@iHc ) ; carrots , 33Q40c ; cabbage , California , per Ib , 2J o ; parsnips , per bu , 50@Go ( ) ; onions , red otiolco , 50@55o ; sliver skin , C0@75c ; turnips , 20S35c ; ruta bagas , 35@40c ; radishes. 3540o ; lettuce , 2530o ; cucumbers , ll.50@t.00 ! ; string beans , per box , $1.75(0)2.25 ) ; celery , 25S30o ( ; ppmach , $1.50@2.00 per bbl. GAMB Mallard , per doz , $3.00@3.50 ; red head , per doz , $2.50H3 ( 00 ; teal , dor doz , $1 75 (3200 ( ; conunqn small , per doz , $1.00@1. 50 ; rabbits , per doz , 90c@l.OO ; Jack rabbits , per do * , $3.00@8.f/0 ; squirrels , per doz , 90c@ $1.00 ; lack snipe. $1,00(31.25. ( AITI.KH Per bbl. fancy Now York nnd Michigan , $3.50 ; choice , $2.002.25 ; choice Missouri , $ -J.OO@2.25 ; good , f 1.7ft@2.00. FOUEIOX FIIUITS Malaga grapes , kegs , 40 to 55 Ibs , lOo per Ib ; bananas , per bunch ! 1.ROJ33.00 ; lemons , fancy now , 300 to 300 B , $ : ) .75@l.50 ; oranges. Los Angeles , $2.503.75 ; lllversides , $ ' . 3.75(3:4.00 ( : ; Navels , $5.00@5.53 ; Ilnnchlto , $ ' 3.50@2.75. CitAMiiEiuiiKS Hell Sc nuglo , choice. $7.50 @ 7.75 ; Uoll & Cherry , choice , ? 0.50ff0.75 ( ; cTioico Jersey , $8.03 ( 8.25. HIDES Green salted , No. 1 , tJ&V oi No. 2 , 8S3Ko ( ; culf. S B o ; dry flint , 7@So. HEAN Navies , hand picked , per bu , $2.10 @ 3.20 ; good clean country , $1.C5@3.0 ( ) ; offer or poor stock , $1.00(21.50 ( ; California , $2.00 ® MIchlean. perbbl4.50@5.00 ; Now York , per bbl , $5.00@5.50 ; Imlf bbl , $3.75 ® 3.00 . FiUTiimis Per Ib , prime llvo geese , white. 85@40o ; mixed with gray , 25@iOo ; damp nnd musty , 10i$2o ( ( ) ; prlmo llvo domestic duck , 20 < 2J23o ; wild duck. 15rt20e. SAUKIIKIIAUT Porlubl , 30 gul , choice. $150 ; nor half bbl , $3.00. PorooBN Per Ib , rice , l@l > o ; common , Jfwlc. Hoxur Mb frames , choice white , 15@lOo : dark. 13@14o : strulned , 10 < $12a. JBI.UBS 4 ( jl > fo per Ib : preserves , 10@13o per Ib. LAKD 7 > < o in KO-fb pkg MINCEMEAT OXS GrocerlfcS. Revised prices nro ns fp Ibws : HAOOI.SO Stnrk A , s'c unless. 22c ; Amos- keag , seamless , 17 c { Leivlston A.soamlosd , IPc ; American , seamless , 7c" ; burlaps , 4 to 5 bu , HQHc ; gunnies. slr. le , 14o ; gunnies. double , 23c ; wool sucks , 4 c. . TWINES Flax , 20o ; cott6n , 18Q22C. Dm F.I ) FntiiTS Figs , in boxes , perlb , 11Q I4c ; dates , in boxes , 7@10J ; London Dnhcsu layer raisins , per box , $5.00i Malaga loose raisins , f2.r42.50 ; now Valencia raisins , per Ib , 7K < s ; California loose muscatels , per box , $1.80i.iO ( : ; California Londons , ISbS , $2.40 : pitted cherries , 17c ; California pitted plunw , per Ib. 12 ( 18c ; dried blackberries - berries , per Ib , G@7o ; dried rnspborrlosf per Ib , 22c ; evaporated apples , C@7 o ; Call- fornia unpaired evaporated peaches , 12@14c ; evaporated California npricots. 17c ; currants , c ; Turkish prunes , 4 @ 4 o ( citron , ! hJA24o ( ; orange peel , 15c ; lemon peel , 14o ; California French prunes. 7K@UKc. PICKI.ES Medium , In bbls , $5 00 ; Jo , In half bbls , $3.00 ; small in bbls. $0.00 ; do. In half bbts , $3.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , $7.00 ; do , In half bbls , $4.00. KoASTnn COFFEES Gorman , 24o ; Me- Lnughlln's XXXX , 24Ko ; Ariosa , 24Kc. COFFKHS Green Mocha , 25MOc ( ; UIo , good , ! S(7Ho ( ) ; Mandahling , 20@28c ; roasting Hto , 17 ( ( ! So ; O. G. Java , 24 ( < )20o ) ; Java In ferior , UJSi'lc ; llio , fancy , 81@22c ; Santos and Mnracalbo , 17C 10o. Suo\u Granulated , 7Jfc ; conf. A , 7 * < c ; white extra C , 7' ' c ; extra C , 7c ; yellow C , O' c ; cutlouf , 8Jfft5'Jc ; powdered , 8Kc ; cubes , 8J c. IlnnawAX Choice yellow , 20@23 , | { ; dnric colored , ii@l4e. : Toiucco Plug , 20(235c ( ; smoking , 105i19c. ! SA1T-4I.35@1.IO per bbl. Hoi-E-7-in , 14)ife. ) MAPI.D SuoviiHrlcUs , lt@12c per Ib : penny cukes , 12 < ( ! > lSo p'er Ib ; pure maple syrup , $1.00 per gal. SIJOMI Sviii'i-3 ; il@aic per gal. Wnu'rixci PAPUII Manilla , CJ e per Ib ; straw , IJfiSl e pur Ib ; rat ? , 2 > c per Ib. Tns Youni ? Hyson , common to fair , 18@ 2fic ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30@55c ; Gunpowder , common to good. 2 (7l2.o ( ; Gun powder , choice to fancv , 40@V5o ( ; Japan , com mon to medium , 12@0o ; Jnpnn , cholco to fancy , ! i@l. ( ) > e : Oolong , common to cood. 2o@ 4'Jc ' ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 5'70j ; Impe rial , common to medium , 25Q35CJ Imperial , good to fancy.I0@)0c. CiiAci cus C@7c per Ib ; assorted cakes , 8 @ 15e pur Ib , as per list. CANDV Mixed. WQKMa ; stick , 0 } < @llc ; rock candy , 10J ( Jl3o ; fancy candy , " ( ic'JSi : . HoUAXD HiitniNi : 5ffilOj. ( ) ( MVCKEIICI , Family half bbls , $ l'J.50No. : 1 , $1350. Coi > FISH 5 C3 } a Sr.vncu l@rXc. Nurs Almonas , 10@18c ; Pecans , 18c ; Bra zils , "Jc ; peanuts , S10c. ) Irv COTTON FiAXNias 10 per cent trade dis count. Unbleached L L , 5 c ; C C , 05/c ; S. S. 7Jc : E E , & % c : G G , D ; 'C ; X X , lO&c ; O O , lOjTc , N N , U ! > c ; A A. 14o ; D D. 15 0 ; TT , lil c ; Y Y. Itju ; U H , 19o ; bleached. 20 , S u ; 00 , 12 c ; 8'J , 13 c. Brown und slate , 51) , 9o ; 70 , WKc ; ! )0 ) , Kic. Cni'KTVAIU' Hibb , white , 19c ; colored , 22c. 22c.B B T8 Standard. Sc ; Gem , lOis ; Beauty , 12Kc ; Hoono , 14c ; B , eased , S3.50. PuiXTd Solid Color- } Atlantic , Co ; Slate , Cc ; Berlin oil , 0 > c ; Garner oil. ( i7c. ; PHI.XTS Pink and Itilic ? Allen , ( io ; Klver point , ftj o ; Stool liiver , f$4u ; Kiuhtnond , O.Vijt : ; Paoitio , 7c. , ' PIIIXTS Dress Charter Oak , SJfc ; Ham- uiio , 4o ; LoJI , 5 c ; Alluu , lie ; Richmond , Oj ; Windsor , ( i o : EdJysto'goj O' o ; Paoillc , 'PHINTS Ixniao ULUK Si. Leper , 5 > 2c ; Windsor , Gold Ticket , 10 > fc. GINOIIAM Pluukctt , chocks , 7 > c ; Whit- tenton. lc ; York , 7 > 4c ; ' Nornrandi dress , 8c ; Ken fro w dress , SJ-j UHc * , Whittenton , Sc ; Calcutta , 7c. , CAMIIRICS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5o ; Stand ard. 5c ; Peacock , 5c. . Bi. i\ciiiii ) SIIKCTINO , Ellerton , 7J < ? c ; HouscUeeper , 8o ; GreoiiG , Oj ; Hope,7 c ; King Philip , cambric , lOc : Lonsdalecambric. lOc ; Lons- dale , 8J c : Now York Mills , 10 > c : Popper- : : Canton , 44 , OKc ; Triumph. Ce ; Warn- sutta , Uo : Valley , 5c. UnoVN SiinuTixo Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7 > c ; Ailantlo H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlnntlc D , 4-1 , OWe ; At lantic P. 4,4 , Co : Aurora LL , 4 4 , lie ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0 > fu ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , be ; Indian Head , 4-1 , 7/c ; Lawrence - renco LL , 4-1 , lie ; Old Dominion , 1-4 , 5 > fc ; Pcppcrcll E , 40 inch , 7hc ; Popperell , 84 , ISj ; Pepnarell , Q-4 , 21o ; Pepporell , 10-4 , 2.1c ; Utica C11 , 4c : Wuchusctt. 4-4 , 7c ; Au rora K , 4-1 , 7c ; Aurora 15 , 4-4 , OK . Fi.vx.vni.s , Plaid Uttftsmen , 20c ; Goshen , 82 0 ; Clear L.ako , ! ltt > u ; Iron Mountain , FLINXHI.S , AVniTE-G H No. 2 , $ { , 22 c ; G H No. 1 , J20 > c ; B H No. 2. 22 0 : U H No. 1 , J , BOo ; ( Juecheo , Nu. 1k , * - ; Quo- cliee. No. 2 , # , 37i-e ; Qiiechee. No. 3 , % , 32j < e ; Anuw.ui , 32 o ; Windsor , 2Jj c. FI.AVSBI.S , Knu C , SMncli , 15'io ' ; E , 24- inch , 2l } c ; G G , 24-Inch , 20o ; II A F , , 25c.TUF.5f ; , 27c : G , % ,25c. DUCK West Point , 2'J ' in , 8 or , 10'rfc ; West Point , 29-in , 10 oz , 12 > io ; West Point. 20 in , 12 oz , 15u ; Weil Point. 40-in , 11 oHie. . CoiisiiTS .IE INS Androscoggin , % c ; Kear- sarge , "Jjfc ; Hockport.O ij ; Concitoga , ( i c. TICKS York , 3J-ln , UKo ; Yonc , H2-in. 13Kc ; Swift Hivor. 8c , Thorndike , OO , 8Ki ; ; Thonmikc , EB , 8 c ; TliorndiKc , 12'J , 9J c ; Thorndiko , XX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , UJ c ; Cordls , No. 4 , lOJfc. DnxiMS Amnskeag. 9 oz , lOKc ; Everett , 7 oz , 13Kc ; York , 7 oz , 13' c : Hnvmakor , 8) ) < fc ; Jalfrey XX. ll o ; JnltreyXXX , 12 > < Jc ; Beaver Croalc , AA. 12u , Beaver Creek , BB , lie ; Beaver Creou , CC , lOc. KHXTUCKV JUAXS Memorial. 15o ; Dakota , ISc ; Durham , 27 a ; Hercules , 18o ; Leam ington , 23 > fc ; Cottswold , 27 o ; Melville , 25e. 25e.Cuvsir Cuvsir Stevens' B , 5' c ; Stevens' B , bloaclicil , 7o ; Stevens' A , 7KJ ; Stevens' A. bleached , 8Ho ; Stevens' P , 7 c ; Stevens' P , bleached , 85ic ; Stevens' N , 9c ; ' bleached , UKc ; Stevens' SKT , Drills nnd Olieiitloals. ACIDS Sulphuric , lo ; citric , 5'3o ; oxalic , 15o ; tnrtarlc , 40o ; Am. carb , I2o ; nlum , Z % ( ic ' ; arrowroot , 30o ; balsam capabia , 0308 75c ; bornx , 10@18c ; calomel , 80c ; castor oil , $1.05@1.10 ; cream tartur , 8Jo ; corrosive sub , bOc ; cnloroform , 45@50o ; ext logwood , 12o ; glycerine , 24c ; gum arable , 90o ; pum cam phor , ! ! 5u ; gum opium , $3.15 ; morphia sulph , $ J.OO@J.S5. On.s Bcrcamot , ? 2.SO@309 ; lemon , 83.00 ; pcpporinlnt , f.'l.00@1.5 ( ) ; wlntcrgreen , $2.40 ; olive , $1.00 ; quinine , 85i4Scj ( strychnia , $1.05 BIclul nnd Tinner * * ' Stock. Block tin , small pig . . ' . .23 lllocktln , bar . , . . „ . ; > 9 Copper , planished boiler sizes . 81 Copper , cold rolled . , . ' , , . , . . . . , U1 Copoer , sheathing . ,80 Copper , plus . , , . . . 80 Copper , Hats . , . .81 Gal sheet iron , Juniutii , 50 , < 10 , und 5 per cant discount . . . . . . . Pat. planished Iron , 31 to 27.A . IOV Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 B . > Hooting , 1C , lix'JO , 11-Aahoots . O.iH ) Hoollng , IX , 14x20 , 1 is sheets . 7.50 Hoofing , 1C , 20x28 , 112 shoots . 11 , CO Hoofing , TX , 30x23. 112 sheets . 1450 Sheet Fron No. 20. . . . . . . . 11.40 SheetironNo ? ,1 . . a.60 Solder . j. ; . 14@10 Tin plato , best charcoal 1C. 10x14 , 3J5stioot8..f : . ' . . 0.50 IX , 10x14 , 235 shoots . 8.25 Tin plate , coke 1C. 10x14 , 22.5 sheets . 0.25 Steel nails , per keg . 2.25 Stuol wire nails , per keg. . . 2.7,5 Immlicr. DlmonBlons and Timber 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 23024 ft 2x4 . $15 03 15.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 ' 20.00 3x0 . 15.0) ) 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00 2x3 . 15.00 15.00 15 OJ 10.00 17.00 20.00 2x10. , , , 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00 2x13 . . . 15.00 15,00 15.UO 10.00 17.W ) 20.00 4x8 3x8 16.00 16.00 16.00 17.00 17.00 2D.OU Fencing- No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 13 and 14 feet rough . $10.00 ( 10.50 No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 10 feet . 17.00 ( 17.50 No. a , 4 and 0 Inch , 13 and 14 f * t. . mso@u.oo No. 3 , 4 and 0 inch , 16 feet . 15.00@13.00 Finishing Ut and 3d clear. 1 inch s , 2s 49.00@51,00 1st ana 2d , clear , \ } ( and 3 inch , s. 2s . 47.00@SO.00 . 3d , clear IV Inch , s. 2s 41.00(310.00 ( 3d , clear , IK nnd 3 inch. s. 2s. . 43.00QJ40.00 11 select. I'IK nnd 2 Inch , * , 2s. . . . ; . . . . . , 3r.oo@ns.oo 1st and 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2s. . 45.00 A select , 1 inch , s. Us 38.00 B select , 1 mcb , s. 2s 31.00 Flooring 1st com C Inch white nine 34.00 2d " " " 31.00 3d " " . . . . 20.00 L ) " " " . . . . 20.00 Com 4 nnd 0 In yellow pino. . 15.60 Star" " 18.00 1st nnd 3d clear yellow pine , 4 nudG inch . C0.03 Llm c , etc. Oulncy white lime , best . ,00 Kngllbh nnd German Portland cement . . . 3.40 Milwaukee nnd Louisville . 1.30 Michigan nnd Fort Dodge , plas ter . 2.25 Blue Haplds piaster . 1.95 Hnlr. . 20 Sash , ( X ) nnd 10 nor cent dis count ; doors , blinds , mould- Ings , 50 nnd 10 per cent dis count. Tarred felt , per cwt . 2.00 Straw boards . 1.C5 Poplar Lumber- Clear poplar , box boards , } { In s3 s . 33.00 Clear poplar , % in panel . 80.00 Clear poplar , pa In panel . 25.00 Clear poplar , k in stock wide , s3s . 23.00 Clear uoplar , corrugated cell ing , X . 30.00 Posts- White cedar , 6 Inch , halves. . . . 13 " " 5K " " and 8 Inch n'rs . 11 White cedar , 4 Inch , halves , . . . 10 Tennessee red cedar , split. . . . 10 Split ouk , ( white ) . 8 Sawed oak. ( white ) . 10 Shingles , Lath , per M XX clear . 8.20 Extra "A * . 3.M ) Standard A . 2.150 5 inchclcar..t . 1.00 ® ! . 70 6 Inch , clear . 1.75 ( < $1.SO No. 1 . 1.10 ( 1.15 California red wood , dimension widths . 4.50 Cypress , clear heart , dimension .vidths . 3.40 Lnth . 2.50 Ship Lap- No. 1 , plain , 8 and IS Inch . . . . 17.50 No. 2 , plain. 8 nnd 10 inch . 15.50 No. 1 , O. G . 18.00 Sldlnc 1st com , 12 nnd 10 feet . 22.00 3d " " . 10.00 3d " " . 15.00 Fence , " " . 13.00 Stock Hoards A 13-Inch , s. Is. 12,14nndlOft 40.00 B " ' " " 41.00 C " " " " 110.00 D " " " " 23.00 No. 1 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 13 foot. 18.00 No. 1 " " " 14 nnd 10 feet . 17.50@1S.50 No. 1 com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 10 , IS nnd 30 foot . 10.50 No. 3 com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 14 and lOfcct . 17.00 Ceiling nnd Partition 1st com. Jj in. white pine parti tion . 32.00 2d com % in , white pine parti tion . 37.00 Clear % in , yellow pine ceiling. 20.00 Clear % in , Norway . 14.60 3d com % in , Norway . 1300 Boards No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 1(1 ( ft 10.50 No. 3 " " " " 14.50 No. 3 " " " " 12.00 No. 4 " " " " ( ship'pcull ) . 13.00 Battens , well tubing , pickets O. G. Baits , 2)4 ) inch . CO O. G. Batte , K , SIS . 35 8 in. well tubing , D. & M. and bov . 20.00 Pickets , D. & H. flat . 19.00 Pickets , D. & H. siiuarc . 22.00 SHROEDER DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions Stocks Basement First National Bank , 3O5 South Itttli Street , - Tlll'J OKL//UIOMA. BOOMERS. They Arc K pt IJusy Hiding From the Government Troops. ST. Louis , March 18. The latest news from Oklahoma is that many of the boomers , instead of leaving the country as ordered by Lieutenant Carson , who is in command of the United States soldiers , arc taking to the woods and are concealing themselves in camps , especially in the forests in the north fork of the Canadian river. Indian scoutn me scouring the woods and thickets for these camps nnd the soldiers are scouting the country in every direction , and wherever the boomers are found they are ordered to leave and got over the line ns rapidly ns possible. There has been little opposition to the sol diers. IN A \'HAP. A Virginia. SlicrliTnml Ills Posse Sur rounded ly Desperadoes. PAiiKEnswmo , Vn. , March IS. News has reached hero that Detective Baldwin and an armed posse who went into the wilds of Wyoming nnd McDow counties to break up a gang of 100 illicit distillers , have been sur rounded and their lives nro threatened. The moonshiner band Is made up of noted des perados. who hnvo for three years defied the United States authorities. Thirty have been Jailed , anil it was while trying to arrest forty more that the officers were entrapped. Another Gniinl Scheme. LANSIXO , Mich. , March 18. W. II. Morroll of Now York arrived hero to-day to on- induce the legislature to grant a charter for the proposed ship canal across the upper peninsula connecting Lakes Mich igan and Superior. The rente selected is thirty-six miles long and begins at Bayou Train , about fifteen miles cast of Mixnjuettc. Its southern terminus will bo Bay do Noc , near Gladstone. It will save to commerce a distance of 271 miles between Chicago nnd Dulutn , Morrcll says ho has abundance of Now York nnd Chicago capital interested and that the company will bo organised within sixty daya after the charter Is granted. _ Mr. Cleveland In Fifty-Two. NBW YOIIK , March 18. To-day ex-PiCbi- dent Cleveland is fifty-two years old. Ho celebrated the event by starting on Ills Ha vana trip with ox-Secretary Vllas and ox- Postmaster General Dickinson. The party took the train for Washington. Mrs , Cleve land remains nt the Victoria hotel. Tim Holllceront Teutons. BKIIUN , March 18. Dispatches to the Co logne Gazette and Gorman papers , say Oi at British residents have been warned to leave Saadain , the German admiral having announced his intention to bombard the place. _ Knthu > fiiHtlc ; n > r Pnrnoll. INKV , N. S. W. , March 18. Many largo meetings have been hold in various cities of Australia , nt which resolution * were adopted congratulating Parnell on his victory in the Times case. Largo sums of .money were raised for tbo bouollt of the Irish cause. O'Hrlon IloruHUB lo Ulnko Tornu. LONDON , March 18. William O'Brien roi fuses to accept his liberty on condition that ho will abstain from ngltating during the period of his release. O'Brien says ho will not accept tbo proffered liberty unless ho is released unconditionally. For Interim ! Itcvcmiu CnnuulsBlnncr. WASIIINOTON , March 18. J. W. Mason , of West Virginia , has boon selected for com missioner of internal revenue , nnd his noml- tion will be sent to the aunato in a few days , Agrlculturnl Implomon t s . T , PAltKER , Dealer In Agricnltnial Implements , Wagons C rrl gc and burgle * . Jonti itrrot , between Pth i nd luth , Omaha. NtbtM > . A METOALV CO. , Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages Wholesale. Omaha , Nebt k . r , onENnonv A MAimy co. Wholes * ! * Dealer * In Agricultural Implements , Wagons&Bnggies roi.ron.t01 anq WTJoncitlregt , Omaha. _ MOL1KJ3 , MILU UltN A i'2 ODDA1W CO. , Manufacturer * and jobbcri In Wagons , Bnggies , Rates , Plow Etc , Cor. Wh and I'aclflo alrects , Omaha. Artata * rVlntorltilB. Artists' ' Materials , Pianos aM Organs , 1M3 Dougla * itroct Omaha , Nobratkn. Boots and Shoos. ir. v. Monsu A TO. , Jobbers of Boots end Shoes , 1101 , 1103,1101 DauglM direct , Omh . Manufactory , Buramor utroct. Demon. Cpnl , Coke nnd Llmo. COAL COKE & 'LT3TE CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 200 Soulli 13th street , Oiimha. XobrasVa. KKDRASKA FUEL CO. , Slices of Goal ad Coke , 214 South nth SU , Omahn , Neh. Cln ss am. PERKINS , Importers and Jabbers of Crocker ? , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Kto. 1514 Knrnani itrcct , new 1'axton bultdlnK. C o ' mm I s s I on q n d JS t o r q go. Storage anil Commission Merchants , Spcclaltlca lliittor. cent , chrouc , roultrr , arao. _ lllaitoffard ttrcot. ijruaha.Xtb. _ QEORQE SCHROKDER , t CO. , Prodnce Commission and Colu'Storage , ( Bucccisor * to McShane & Eclirocdcr. ) t Omaba , Nebraska. 3f. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goofls , Fnrnisning Goofls and Notions 1103 and 1101 Douglm , cor. llth street , Omaha , Neb. K1LPATRWK-KOCII DRY GOODS CO. , Imporlers and JoWiera in Dry GoodsNotions , Gents' furnlsblni : gaodi. Comer llth and llarncr streets , Omnlm , Ncbrnskn. I1EL1N , THOMPSON A CO. , Importorn nnd jobbers of Woolens anil Tailors' ' Trimmings , 317 South llth street. Furniture. _ VEWEY & STOKE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture Knrnam street , Omaha , Nebraska. CHARLES Furnitnre , Cmaha Nebraska. Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. Wholesale Groceries and Pronsious , 705 , 707 , TO und 711 South 10th at. , Omaha , Neb. , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th nna J/eATcnworth streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware W. .T. J1ROATCH. Eeayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Sprlncs , wagon stock , hardware , lumber , etc. 1203 and 1211 llarncy ntrcat , Omuba. LEE , CLARKE , AffDREESEN HARD WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals , shoot Iron. etc. Agents for Howe ncales. Miami powder And Lyman barbed wlrct TAYLOR. Bnl rs1 Hardware and Scale ReEairSbop , Mechanics' tools nnd Iluff.ilo sanies. 1IOJ street , Omaha , Neb. Lumftor. Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported nnd American I'ortluud romcnt. State acintfcr tilnmikee nrdraullo cement and Qulncy nhliu lime. OHAS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumher , Wood carpets and purquot flooilnif. ( ith und Douglas ttrvets , Omnba , eb _ _ OM A HA LUMTlEll CO. , AllKinfls of BnildingMaterial at Wholesale , 18th Street and Union 1'aclOc Track.Omaha , LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lnmiier , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Utc , Yards-Corner 7th nnd Douglas. Corner lUthand FRED W. GRAY. Lnmlier , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Ctb and DutiKlas Bts. , Omaha. c. N. DIETZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , IStband California [ Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Mllllnory and NotlonaT / . OBERFELDER & CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions JOB. 5IU und Wl South llth street J. T. ROniKSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Fnrnislilng Goods , id ! and 403 Fouth K'th street , Omabu. VfNYA RD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gents' ' Furnishing Goods , 110J Ilarnojr street , Omaha. JJ , - - . . . - . - J.O"'J. . _ ' , " CONSOLIDATED ' ANIC'LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle vreaie , etc. , Onialin. A. II , Illshup , CARPENTER Wholesale Paner Dealers , Cnnr n nice stock fif prlntlnu. wrapplnv and writing paper. Hpeoul mttnllon Kltun tucHrloiU orrtars. " ARMSTRONG Pm'IX As CO. , Storage , Forwarfline and commission . Telephone No. TU. Toys. u. HARDY A co. , Jofcbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , ARE THE UEST KIRKtiNDALL , JONES A CO. , Burrciion to IteoJ , Jonci A Co. ! Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots&Shces Agents ( or Boston Iluhber Pho Co , 1101 , 1104 and lltf i llarnej flreetOmahaNetratta. Browora. STORK , t ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1B1 North KUhlcnth utrnl. Omaha. N K Cornloo. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornlco Window-raps and mrtallo tkylliihls. John Kpenetcr. proprietor , KB and llOboutu 10th street. Overalls. CANPIELD MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls. Jcnns , rants , Slilrtn , etc , 1S03 Douglas atroot Omntin , Neb , JOffloo Flxturos. SIMMONDS MANUFACTURING CO. Mnntifacttirornot LM , Office and Saloon Fixtra llnntlos , Klilebonnl . Honk Case * , Drug fixture * . Wall J'.inc.M'Arlltlons.HMIInBsCounter * , llecr nndVln fooler" . Mirror' , KIs-1 artorj nnd onlec , 1730 and lid bouth l.Ub St.Unialui. Telephone 1121. Popor Boxes. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor .Omaha Paper Box Factory , Nos. 1317 a < M 1319 Douglas street. Omaha , Neb. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUIWER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Ratter Goods Oil clothlnk' and leather bcltlnit. 1003 Karnam strtol , Dorg , Etc. M. A. DtSttROW A CO. , Wliol ale manufncturers of Sasb , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Brunch otllce , 15th and liard street Omalia , Neb. X MANUFACTURING CO. , ManufcCtiirers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ? , stnlr-irorV and Interior hant wood Dulih. N.K. corner 8lh and I ' T unfrih streets , _ Omaha , Nob. _ Stoorn Fittings , Pumps , Etc. "A. L. STRAN3 & CO. , Pump ? , Pipes and Engines , Btcftm , wattr . . . , . rnllwnr . . _ , . , . nnd _ _ _ _ mlnliiB _ _ nuppllc _ . § * . et < L - * - ! * \ i I - „ . Pit ) , PK and K ! | am street , Orna&a. U. S. WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO. , Steam and Wate * Supplies , 71aildar : nlnil mlll . ( lid and 12) ) Jones St. , Omaba. U. K. Itoss , acting manager. " BROWNELL A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. BbccMron work , steam pumpi , saw mills , 1213-1211 Ijuavcnnorlb street , Omaba. Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS , Carter It Son , Prop' * . Manufacturer ! ! of nil kind * Steam Boilers , Tanks and Shest Iron Work Works South 50th nnd P. .1 M. crossing. PAXTON , t VIERLING IRON WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding fort Engines , brass work , general foundry , machine ana blactsmltb work , onico and worm , U. 1 * . Itr. and 17th street , Omaha. OMAHA WIRE A IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk rails , window guards , flower stands , wire algni. etc. 123 North inth street , Omaha. . OMAHA SAFE A IRON WORKS , Maif'rs ' of Fice and Burglar Proif Safes , Vaults , jail woik. Iron shutters and fire escapes. U. Andrccn , prop'r. Cor. 14th and Jaekson Bu. CHAMPION IRON A WIRE WORKS. Iron : nd Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and screens , for bunk * , offices , Mores , rcMJonccs , cux. Improved nwnlnns. locksmith iiiurtiincry and blacknmlth Yforkt ) . IU boulh litli hu PALMER , RICmiAN & CO. , Live Slock Commission Merchants , Off.ce Itoom 24 , Opposite Exchange Unlldlne , Union . block Vurds , Bouth Omaha , Neb. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , OfOniaua , Limited , John K. lind , Superintendent. CHICAGO SHORT LINE or TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' , The licst Route from Omalia aud Council Hinds to THE EASTE TWO TIIAINS DAILY IIBTWUKN OMAHA ANlf COUNC1I- Clik-ngo , AND Mlhrunkco , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itnplds , Hock Islnud. Frcoporl , Itockford , Clinton , Dnbuqiic , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Jnucstlllo , ' Bclolt , Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important points Kast , Nortlieixst and boutliouit. Kor t'irougli tlekots. call on the ticket agent at 1WI ramam street , In Darker llloci , or at Union 1'actOa lpot. . 1'ullman Hlceperi and the flnoit Dlnlnc Cars In the world are run on the mnln llnu of the Chlciigo , Mil. H oukeu tt rt. 1'nul Itullwar , hnil ovorr utlontlim U irnln 10 imueiiKcri br courteous euiplorci of the company. It. Mll.MCIt. tienernl Manmier. J. K. TDCKIilt. Asil tant General Jlnimror. A. V. K. ( lAHl'KNTKU , ( Jenuml 1'umontor and Tli-lot Accnt. OKO. li. HKAPFOIiD , Assistant Uonornlt'as.engOr nnd Ticket Aeent. T.J.UIiAUK.Ccnernlrliipcrlntendont , ORTH- Omalia , Council Bluffs And GEiicap , Hie onlr road to InkefnrDrs Mnlno . MarkhaUown. Crctiir Itaplila , ( Jllnton , lllron , fhlcPRO , MllwnuMO. ' ' . 'afttlot Aiiionu a / o. the nunirrous point * of supnrlorltr enl iimibytlic ; ' ron J thin road lictwurn OiuaUm ? i1.J.,9l.1r ' " ' \ , ar ° ll < l'reu ! ralna u iliir of 1IAT XAIJHS. ) hkli nrotne Hnn t which liuinim , t und Inranultr cam r iii . Its I'AI.AUK ai.KHI'INU OAII" . thei < niinl or nhlchcannot bo founl uljnwl.rra. A ( Council lllurrs.ihvtrulns or the Union I'ai-ltto U ll. wurconnert In union depot with thoto or tlio ChU WKOA North * e.tern llallwar. In CblroRO i the triiai colln"llon for Detio t , folumbns , Indiansi.ols. ! Cincinnati. NlHKara tails. Uuitnlii.l'itlibtirif , JvrontoUonit ! lluituii.Maw.Vvrk , IMill l ! iihr . lUUnnero , tTasb. Intrlon , an t n.l poliiti In Ibo jsl. A k ( or tloUis ii % "NORTHWESTERN" iiuiJiurr. K. p. WIUSOK , ' ( i n i PM 'r W.N. B4DCOI . ll V.XIMnM.I.TIikci 0 , Y. WiWf , C f IW