j tf * " " * * < c * wyirF ? T THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , EIGHTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNiNG , MAKCH 19 , 1889. NUMBER 277 SOUNDS LIKE JIM CREIGHTON. Mr. Lin ton Thinks tbo Farnam Grade Insurmountable. RECOMMENDS THE FOLSOM SITE "While Ho Think * tlio Eighteenth btrcet Location the Moro Sightly The End Not Vet , However. WASHINGTON BUREAU TneOMinx One , \ 513 FOURTEENTH STREET : , > WASHINGTON. D. C. , March 18. I Special Agent Llnton , of the treasury de partment , who was sent to Omaha to examine the different sites offered for the proposed now government building , prepared his re port on Saturday , but did not hand it to As sistant Secretary Maynard until to-day. Mr. l.inton says in his report that the sites offered on the south of Farnam street being out of the line of the progress of business nro not entitled to serious consideration. The sites between Farnam and Douglas streets and west of Eighteenth street , while presenting the most prominent locations offered , in point of elevation , are objoctloaablo on account of that fact , as the Increase of grade be tween Sixteenth nud Eighteenth streets , only two squares , is thirty-four feet and thirty-ono feet when Twentieth street is reached. Ho therefore recommends the silo known ns "block SO , " on the corner of Sixteenth aud Dodge streets , which is offered nt the maximum amount ap propriated , namely MOO.OOO. This block is known as the Folsom block , and owlnc to the serious opposition which has been raised to its selection on vho part of the leading business men of Omaha , it is probable that something will be heard to drop before the final selection is made. Secretary Wmdom has not yet received the rBport. Secretary Maynard said to THE BEE correspondent , when he called upoil him late this afternoon , that the report would go to Secretary Win- dom immediately , ns ho was the person to decide the points in controversy. Secretary AVindoui is up to his cars in work. Ho has several similar cases before him , notably that of the slto in Buffalo , which was rejected bv Secretary Falrchild after a year's delay , on the last day of his official term. Owing to this fact it is Improbable that anything will bo done toward the final selection of a slto for Omaha for several days. KXl'ECTS TO HE LAND COMMISSIONER. The following paragraph from the Evening Star refers to ex-Governor Stone , of Iowa : "A tall , elderly man , clad in black , has be come a familiar figure about the interior de partment during the past week. Ho spends a good deal of time in the onlce of Land CommissIouorSlocksluger. Ho is a pleasant , chatty old man and talks freely with everyone ono ho meets. In this way everybody has learned that ho Is going to bo appointed commissioner of the general land ofllce. The entire congressional delegation of his state , of which , by the way , ho was some years ago governor , ho says are behind him and it Is only a question of a few days before his name will bo sent to the senate. In the meanwhile ho is getting acquainted as rapidly as possible with the work of the land ofllco and tbo duties of the various chiefs of divisions. Ho stops the latter when ho meets them In the corridors nnd asks them about their work , and ho questions clerks and messengers , and when his appointment comes ho will probably bo quite familiar with tbo business of tbo olllcc. The other day his wife came down to the department nnd carefully insnectcd the ventilation of the room occupied by the commissioner. The old man is now known to all the employes of the office , and when the other day ho fell asleep in the room of tbo assistant land com missioner , while looking over some of the of ficial orders , tbo clerks as they passed gazed curiously in through the open door at the features of their future chief. " WANAMAKEK'S WAY. Representative Funstone , of Kansas , went to the postonico department to-day and asked the appointment of a gentleman ho named to one of the largest offices in his district. "Where are the papers ! " asked the post master general. "There are none to bo filed , " replied the representative. "I have them at my room , nnd recommend this man to bo appointed. " "Aro there any other candidates ! " asked Mr. Wananiaker. "Several. " "Well , send mo down all the papers and I will look them over before I make the ap pointment , " "That has not been customary , " was the reply. "Tho department has always per mitted the congressman to make tlio recom mendation and has held him responsible. Ho knows moro about the district and the sign ers to the petitions than the postmaster gen eral. " "It is our rule , " said Mr. Wananiaker. sternly , "to call for nil the papers nnd exam ine them before making an appointment. " It is very likely that wo will select your man. " Mr. Funstone declined to submit the papers , holding that it was the prerogative of the congressman to select the man ho wanted among the several candidates for oftlces within his district , and that if the postmaster general overruled his recommendation ho would fight him in the senate , In tbo house of representatives nnd on the street. Mr. Wanamaiter , In reply , said that the post master general proposed to snare the re sponsibility , and did not intend to act merely as a clerk to fill out commissions as the con gressmen called for them. Mr. * Funstono appealed to the president , but the latter sus talncd the postmaster general , and said the rule would bo strictly enforced. There is a good deal of excitement among congressmen in consequence. , NOMINATED FOll THE NETHERLANDS. The nomination of Mr. Samuel R. Thayer , of Minnesota , to bo envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to the Netherlands , was as much of a sur prise to Secretary Hnlford when it was an nounced this afternoon as to any ono else. Mr. Halford said that he met Mr. Thuycr in nu unusual place. It was during his tour over the Alps of Switzerland something moro than a year ago , and the two met while ascending Mount Blanc. Ho bad scon him since , ho said , but hud no Idea that ha was an applicant for an ofllce , and was somewhat surprised when ho read his name in the list of nominations sent to the senate to-day. Mr. Thayer is said to bo a gentleman of means , who will do credit to the United States in a social way at the court of tha king of the Netherlands. There are no diplomatic , nego tiations of great Importance pending between the two countries , only some slight misun derstanding growing out of the exaction of tonnage tax previous to the proclamation is sued by President Cleveland a year ago. Mr. Thayer is sjioken of very highly by people from Minnesota. THOMAS' APPOINTMENT. William W , Thomas , Jr. , who was to-day appointed from Mama as envoy extraordi nary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Sweden and Norway , was at ono time consul general at Stockholm. During that time ho succeeded In bringing over a largo Swcdlsn colony , which were lo cated in Holton , Me. Later he was ap pointed to tbo position to which ho has been reappointcd to-day , and while there acquired a very thorough knowledge of the Scandina vians , and married n Swedish lady , During tha late campaign he had. engagements to speak In all the largo Scandinavian settle ments of the northwest , notably in Minnesota seta and Uakota. It is said that there are 1.110,000 Swedes nnd Norwegians in the United States , and that they were almost unanimous in. expressing the wish that Mr. Thomas might be appointed , Mr. WillGun u. jiujH- ! } , Of the Minneapo lis i rlbuue , was an applicant for this posl tlon , and telegraphed last week to some of the Minnesota delcpation atking their in norsemrnt , but ho was too late. The dclcga tion had already indorsed Mr. Thomas. Ills nppolntmcnt will prove extremely satisfac tory to all the American citizens of Svuudl navlan birth. KfiuiiKDT's NOMINATION. Tlio m'mlMiUoii of Mr. Edward J. Kur hedt to be marshal of the United States for he eastern district of Louisiana , is the first ictorj for the now republican regime in Imtsutf. There was a contest over the ifllco between ex-Senator William Pitt Kol- egg on the ono hand nnd Congressman- elect Colcman on the other. Colcman claimed the right to name appointees for the ho state of Louisiana , on the ground that ho vas the only republican representative for the state , Mr. ICcllotcg admitted that so far ns the district in which Mr. Coleman lived was concerned , he ought to have jurisdiction , but ho claimed that as ho ( Kellogg ) had been elected senator on the republican ticket , ho ought to have something to say In the ills- rlbutlon of the patronage of the state at argo. Mr. Colcman recommended Kurshcdt for the marshal.shlp , while Colcman backed another man. The success of Colcman indi cates that the president proposes to listen to the advice of the congressman rather than to the ox-senator. AVERSE TO PROMISING. President Harrison is not prone to make promises. Many times sinceho has become : ho occupant of the whlto house onlcc seek ers have urged him to promlso tin appoint ment , but ho has steadily refused to do so. The other day ho made up his mind to nn- lioint a man who did not want to file his ap plication papers unless ho was promised the appointment. After pressing his claim very persistently and showing good reasons why iio did not want to place his papers on ( ltd unless tliero wns a specific prom ise of the placo. the applicant was about to withdraw from the presence of the president , saying as he did so that ho could not afford to make a record of his aspirations while there was the slightest probability of his appointment not being mado. "You may put your papers on file" said the president , "and I assure you that I will give them very early action. Just what I will do you cannot learn at this time. I have mudo up my mind that I shall make no promises. I do not propose to have peo- pla going around on the street saying that I have lied about appointments or any thing else. During the administration of Hayes , Garfield , Arthur and Cleveland ono could meet men almost anywhere about Washington declaring that the president had lied to them , that ho promised them places and had not kept his pledge. I am determined this thing shall never bo saldtof mo. " „ NEBRASKA'S rOSTMASTEItS. Representative Dorsey has secnred the ap point of the following postmasters in the Third Nebraska district : W. E. KerrSIlvcr Creek"E. : C. Burns , Scrlbncr ; A. B. Cherry , Armada ; R. B. Cregu , Corbln ; Norman Jackson. Wallace : L U. Davenport , Newport - port ; Lester B. Hill , Mason City ; I. H.Nilcs , Ravenna ; Christ S. Rohrer , Fort Calhoun ; Peter W. Boges. Stuart ; Thomas L.'Dixon , Chirks ; Ezra J. . Gollocly , Chapman ; William S. Hayes. New Helena ; Joseph Hauscman , Plain Valley ; Mrs. A. Mclntyre , Reno ; Jackson B. Empfield , Ryno ; John P. Yost , North Bond. TEHSONIL. Ex-Senator and Mrs. Van W.vck , of Ne braska , have returned to the city and are once more at their old home , 1SOO Massachu setts avenue. The contemplate making cx- tousivc additions tojthc house. PKKUY B. HEATH. SENATE PROCEEDINGS. The Third "Week Opens With Morton In the Chair. WASHINGTON , March 18. In the senate the third week of the called executive session opened this morning with the vice-president in the chair. Resolutions were offered and referred to .he committee on contingent expenses au thorizing the committee on woman suffrage and on additional accommodations for the library to sit during the recess. The resolu tion heretofore offered by Mr. Gibson for the appointment of a select committee on rela tions with Mexico and Central America was taken up. After considerable debate the resolution was referred to the committee on commerce and the senate proceeded to executive busi ness.When the doors were reopened the senate proceeded to the consideration of the resolu tion heretofore offered by Mr. Call for the appointment of a select committee on the re lations of the United States with Cuba and other West India islands. The discussion turned on the question of the competency of the senate , when sitting In called executive session , to enter upon the performance of legislative functions. Gray inado a short argument against it. Sherman said that precedents on that all turned , not on the uower of the senate to do so , but whether It was desired and wise to enter upon legislative questions at an ex traordinary session. While ho had no objec tion to the reference of the pending resolu tion , ho did not think the senate should adopt any resolution making a charge npon the treasury or on the contingent fund , but should , after it had discharged the duties for which it was called , adjourn. Without disposing of the question , the pending motion buing to refer the resolution to the committee on foreicn relations , the scnato again proceedejl to consideration of executive business and at 2:50 adjourned. UTTEULY DEMORALIZED. Gloomy Reports Cuncerninz the Eor- elRii Copper Syndicates. PARIS , March 18. Comptolr d1 Escompto shares are now quoted at 105 francs. Soclcto shares at 75 francs , and Rio Tinto shares at 303 francs , 75 centimes. . At the close Coinptoir d'Escompto shares wore quoted nt ICO francs , Societo dcs Metaux 50 francs , 25 centimes , and Rio Tinto ! ) OG francs , 25 centimes. The bourse is gen erally firm , especially for Rentes and foreign securities. NEW YORK , March 18. The Eveulntr Tele gram says : Cables from Paris and London point to the utter demoralization of the for eign copper syndicates. Ono report says that the Comptolr d' Escompto has liqui dated , and that no less u ucrsonago than Mcchand , president of the Bank of France , has precipitated the crisis. There is no lonccr any doubt that the Societo des Metaux has gene to the wall , and the Comptolr d' Escompto , per consequence , falls into the hands of the receiver. The run has bcguu on the Bank of Paris. The great house of Tavandce & " Co. , at Mons , has suspended payments. Their liabilities are away up in the millions. Morrison Kcokorvlck & Co. , to whom 0,000 tons of coupcraro delivered , bavo confessed their bankruptcy. The stock exchange opened firm to-day , but prices became- irregular In the afternoon , owing to various rumors regarding the So cieto dcs Metaux and Comptoir d'Escotnpto. The rumors of a run on the Bank of Franco were quickly denied , and all markets showed a bolter tendency at the close. Tlio Chlii-Klani : Riots. WASHINGTON , March 18. The secretary of state has received from Kennedy , United States consul general at Shanghai , a report on the recent riot at Chln-lCianp , China. It appears that on February 5 the consul general received from Consul Jones , at Chin-Kiang , telegraphic news of a riot and threatened at tack on tbo consulate , and a request for pro tection. As there was no American man-of- war immediately available , the British con sul general was communicated with and an English man-of-war was started from Shanghai on February 10 for Chin-Klang. On that day the British consulate and four other houses were burned and the oltico of the American consul general gutted and looted by a mob of about six hundred , Jones and his family escaped mjury. These facts were communicated to every minister at I'eking. The consul general at Shanghai also reported that there was a late rumor that more buildings hud boon destroyed , among them the residences of some Ameri can missionaries. Oppose AVolley's ( Nomination , WASHINGTON , March 8. Considerable op position Is manifested to the confirmation o ! the nomination ot ewls Wolfloy to bo gov ernor of Arizona'and It Is said that charges will bo mudo agulott him for presentation to the committee on territories. The nature of these charges , if they exist , cannot' bo learned , but It it expected that at the next meeting of the committee n favorable report will be ordered on his uoiMatloa. RICKED IT OUT OF HIS HAND , A Bravo Ranchman Who Was Hot Oowod By a Revolver. BANK ROBBERY AT LINWOOD. r\vo Burglars Sccuro $70O But nro Soon After Captured Lecher ous Scoundrels Died From Exposure. Not Afr.ild of a Revolver. Br.NKEi.MAX , Neb. , March 18. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. 1 Word has been rot ccivou hero that C. D. Thompson , n ranch man living forty miles northwest of hero , Had an encounter with a Mr. Baker , who , It is alleged , insulted Thompson's nclcc. Thompson reproached him for It , whereupon Baker drew n six-shooter with the evident Intention of using it. Thompson kicked the weapon from Baker's hand nnd seizing It proceeded to beat the brute about the head nnd face , striking him each time with the liammcr. His head and face are literally cut to pieces. His recovery Is doubtful. Public sympathy Is in favorof Thompson. AfTnlrs at Coliimbufl. CotCMnos , Nob. , March IS. ( Special to THE BEE. ] The farmers of this county nro busy sowing small grain. The last fall of snow put the ground in first-class condition. Nineteen cars of grain wore shipped from the new town of Monroe last week. The spring boom has opened up in Colum bus much earlier this season than last. A ommittco appointed by the board of trade Is now at Kearney Investigating the water power. Should a favorable report bo made by the committee the business men are will ing to put up the necessary funds to build a like canal at this placo. Thcro has been quito a stir in real estate the past week. Moro now buildings will be put up this spring than in any former year. Sheldon & McDlll nro getting material on the ground for the erection of three brick stores on Thirteenth street , 2oxOO feet , three stories , with plate glass fronts. The Knights of Pythias will erect a hall , the lower room to bo used an n postofllco and the upper for the use of the knighfs. A location is selected for the site of a new opera house. HIckok , Halm & Co. will erect a two-story brick store on the site of their present build ing to accommodate increasing trade. M. II. White , who has just returned from an extensive tour of the Pacific slopov is moro than over satisfied with Nebraska and Columbus. Mr. White is a largo land owner in and near the city. Ho will improve his property in the city with buildings and prob ably cut up his suburban property into addi tions. Mr. White was at ono time in thocat- tlo business. He \ \ ill now devote his ener gies to real estate. Mr. Pollock of the Thurston hotel reports business good and says ho will need more room if business Increases. Corner Stone BEATIUCE , Neb. , March 18. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.J A largo crowd attended the ceremonies of laying the corner stone of the Episcopal church this afternoon. The procession to the church was made up of a drum corps , the Dowitt and Beatrice Ma sonic lodges , Dawittband , Mt. Hermon com- mandery , the members of the grand lodge , Governor Thayer , J. M. Woolworth , Grand Master France , Bishop Worthington and the ofllccrs of Christ church. The corner stone was laid by the Masonic fraternity , and contained a large number of the archives of the church and state , including a copy of THE DAILY BEE. After the ceremonies at the church the procession moved to the opera house , where a number of addresses were delivered. M. A. Brown gave a his tory of the church since 18G9. Governor Thayer spoke of the value of Christianity to the state and the nation. Chancellor Woolworth - worth dwelt on the justification of building handsome churches. Bishop Worthington closed the services with felicitous remarks as to the growth , enterprise and beauty of Beatrice , and commended the Episcopal church for building so handsome an edifice. Sonic Peculiar People. PLATTSMOuin , Neb. , March IS. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] This afternoon the district court room was thronged with an expectant crowd awaiting the denouement in tne trial of William Bringman , of Louisrillc , charged with adultery. Bringman , a few weeks ago , eloped with Miss Lucy Johnson , a girl of great personal attractions , who was working in the Bringman family. They were overtaken at Kansas City and brought back. The charge was made at the Instiga tion of the girl's relatives , aud County At torney Goring took charge of the case. A large array of witnesses was brought by the prosecution to prove that Will iam Bringman is a married man with a family of three children , and the facts of his Lotnario-liko exploit were fully set forth. The attorney for the defendant claimed that Bnngman's marriage was not proven , no documentary or recorded evidence being produced. Judge Chapman sustained the claim and instructed the jury accordingly , and greatly to the discomfort of the prosecu tion the case was dismissed. Bringrnan's wife would not testify , she not being in sym pathy with the prosecution. Miss Lucy Johnson , it is said , will shortly bo married to William Short , a prosperous young farmer in the neighborhood of Louisville , who has lovingly forgiven his recreant bnde-oiect. Fire and Blood. VALENTINE , Neb. , March 18. [ Special Tel- egramto Tnc BEE. ] The school house at Ncnzel , in this county , was burned last night. U bad just been completed and was a handsome frauio structure. " Undoubtedly tbo fire was tbo work of an Incendiary. Thcro Is much bad blood in this district be tween different factions. Only last week Albert Ncnzel. the district treasurer , was arrested for the embezzlement of $1.000 of school money which ho had loancil his father , who had nxpendcd a largo portion for private purposes. Ho was bound ovoriu.15,00rt to the district court. Gcorgo Nenzcl swore out warrants to-day against tbo Wisser brothers , as being the incendiaries. Ono of the broth ers is an ex-school director. Nenzel built the school house , and Wisser testified in court that It in no way filled the contract. The sheriff left to-night for his prisoners , whoso many friends do not bellovo them guilty. Fined for Assault nnd Battiry. GRAND ISLAND , Nob. , March 18. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Colonel Hammond , commandant of the soldiers' home , was fined (10 and costs in police court for assault and battery upon Henry Veenkor , an Inmate of the home. Vccnkor was disorderly and abusive. Hammond , without the least violence lence , had him confined in the ( ruard houso. As soon as released he came down town and had him arrested. The court hold tnat while Hammond's action was in compliance with the rules of the homo , tbo laws of the state gave him no authority to inflict cor poral punishment. Hammond appealed tbo caso. The board recommended Veenkor's expulsion some weeks ago. but at Ham. inond's request ho was permitted to remain. A Murder Trial. FALLS Cm * , Neb. , March 18. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.J For the trial of Frank Clark for the killing of Dr , Hanlon , a jury was secured Saturday night and the trial Is being rapidly pushed. The court room Is daily crowded with spectators to bear tbo testimony. The end will not be reached before the middle of the week. Waterworks FALLS Cur , Neb. , March IS. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] At a largely at tended mass meeting of the citizens of this place to-night it was decided to Instruct the city council to make needed Improvements and extensions In ithaf system of water works. The water snpplyhaa generally been good and the consumptlqnt of water has so rantdly Increased that the pump capacity must bo increased. The council had ex hausted all means injts command for the im provement of the system nnd naked nn ex pression from the taxpayers ns to what should bo done , with thq result nbovo stated. Several thousand dollars In bonds will bo voted. _ A Clnlm AROII I'arnlyzcd. - H\T Srnutos , Neb. , March 18. [ Special to Tun BBB. ] For the , past three years n pettifogger by the namojof R. F. Mllford has caused the honest settlers a great deal of annoyance by Initiating contests for blood money. His favorite method has been to sell n claim to a stranger for 50 or (75 , agreeing to carryMt through tlio contest , nnd after pocketing the money , ho would accept n bribe from the original claimant to drop the contest , thus bleeding both parties. Some months ago the citizens Of Hay Springs held an indignation mcctlnd and , throuch a com mittee , warned the scoundrel to desist in his practice , and for ntvhllo' ho laid low. Satur day , however , a hard-wprklng farmer named Latnoroux came to town , and learned that ho nad been chosen ns a victim , and without waiting for any explanation picked up the lone , lank nnd bony scalper and mopped the floor with him , meantime breaking most of the office furniture. The old- granger was the hero of tha day , and many a fellow- sufferer gathered around him with congratu lations. _ _ _ _ HoIilreK < 1 Items. HOLDHEOE , Nob. , March 18. [ Special to Tnc BBE.J The district court convened at this place the 14th msU.wlth a small docket before it. Judge Gaslin presided. It ad journed the evening of the same day. Mayor J. N. Clarke , t&o present cashier of the First National bank.'at . this place , resigns his ofllco shortly witli'a view of going to Hastings to accept a position in a bank at that place. The Holdrcgo correspondent for the Omaha Republican made a mistake when he stated that N. J. Carlson passed a counter feit $50 bill at the Bank of Lobmls. It was a counterfeit f. > 0 bill ho exchanged for green backs of the same amount. Carlson was arrested hero the Itith inst. nnd brought be fore Justice Beghtol on the charge of ob taining money under falsa pretenses. It was proved ho had tried at other places to get It changed. Ho was placed under $300 bail. Two Burglars Captured. LINWOOD , Neb. , March IS. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] At 8 o'clock this after noon the Merchants andJFurmors bank was entered by two burglars. The cashier had just stepped across the street to the post- office , his wife being left1 in charge of the bank. At the time they entered she had stepped into an adjoining room. One stood at the bank door while the other sprang over the high railing and gathered up from the till gold , silver nnd currency amounting to ? TOO. Both wore captured and' all the money re covered excepting ? 100. Ou preliminary ex amination the prisoners gave the names John Summers and Charles Henry. Both are puny and of medium stature. Not being able to glvo bonds they were committed to jail. Two Lecherous Scoundrels. N , Neb. , March 18. [ Special Tele gram to THE Br.E.JTnst .north of Children about two weeks ago , two men applied for work at a farmer's by the name of John Martin. Mr. Martin informed them that ho was about to start east , and that they could stay and take care of bis stock in his ab sence. They arranged to stay , and Mr. Mar tin went east leaving his wife and little girl ten years old. The day before yesterday Mrs. Martin came to Chadron nnd stayed all night. The two men In her absence ravished the little girl. Men are in pursuit of the fiends , and If they are caught they will un doubtedly stretch hemp. They prove to bo two rounders who have been hanging around the town this spring. Chantnuqun Assembly at Crete. CUETE , Neb. , March 18. [ Special to THE BEE.J The eighth annual session of the NoJ braska assembly will bo held at Crete , from Juno 27 to July 0 , 1SS9. The Nebraska assembly has its constituj ency throughout the state , and with many in western Iowa. Chnutauquans would not tninic tbo year complete without the mutual greetings , round tables , vesper services , and inspiration they get at Crete. But for Chau- tauqua and what it represents , the assembly would never have been founded. A hearty invitation is extended to alt Chautauquaus to spend the entire time of the session in the groves on the banks of the Big Blue river at Crete. _ flloro Water. VATtfNE , Neb. , March 18. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Advices received from Lincoln from Sehntor Cornell and the auditor state that the history of the > Valentino tine water bonds is porrect , in accordance with the statutes , and the bonds will bo registered and placed 'on the market. The amount is 58,400 , which will glvo Valeatine a splendid supply of1 fresh water from the Mmncchaduza creek. Tne contract has been lot to the United States Wind , Engine and Pump company , of Omaha , to bo completed by Juno. Died From Kxpositro. Aununv , Neb. , March 18. [ Soscial to THE BEE. | John Wixton , n middle aged man who has boon hanging around the saloons hero nil winter , was found dead in the streets of South Auburn early this morning. The coroner's jury .returned u verdict of death from exposure , as there were no evi dences of violence on his person and ho had been out in the storm all night. He has no relatives in this part of the country , and is supposed to bo single ; - A Buslnesi Chun ice. CRA.IO , Nob. , March 18. [ Special to THE BEE. | The firm of Mopeyhan & Frary , deal- orsin general merchandise at this place , have dissolved partnership ! & E. Frary retiring and J. H. Monoyhan continuing the business. To-day E. E. Frary Ixnjfht the general mer chandise stock of W. Boll. nnd will make largo additions to thcock / ( , Bell retiring' . Fcru'Sbtcs. ' Penv , Neb. , March 18. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The senior cldsabf the state normal school , consisting 'of 'nne ) members , deliv ered their theses Saturday evening to a large and attentive uudioned. Captain Webber , of tb'a , university cadets , is hero giving the normal cadets a few points on military drill. _ ' . ' - - i Trial. DAKOTA Cnr , Web.fMBfch 18.-Speclal [ Tel egram to TUB BBe.J-Mtls now understood that J. M. Sovcrson'9 trial for the murder of Marshal League at 'Jackson on the 23d of last December , will como up next week. This will inauo several important cases for this term , among which are a 130,000 libel suit , a t-JU,000 broach of promise suit , two burglaries and one highway robbery. County. CHAUIIOX , Neb. , jrtarch 18 , [ Special Tele gram * to THE HE . | Tno small grain Is about all sown in la\vos county. The acre age is much trreatcr than last year. It is esti mated that four .limes as much grain bus been sown this year as lastThe" wcathor has been flao for three .weeks , and grass is starting. * " Honest Mole JIurtly Dead. NEW OIILBAKS La. , March 18. John G. Hardy , familiarly known as "Honest Jack Hardy , " one of the best known snorting men in the country , died suddenly to-day of par alysis of the brain. THE COMMERCE COMMISSION , It BosumoB Its Hearing In the Matter - tor of Export Ratog. THE BURDEN OF THE EVIDENCE. Judge Cooley AViirns the Ilnllrontlu Not to Arrogate to Them * selves the Power ofllo dressing Wrongs. The Imw Must Bo Obeyed. WASHINGTON , March 13. The mtcr-stato commerce commission to-day resumed Its Hearing In the matter of export rates and the methods adopted by the trunk lines In com puting them. The gist of evidence was that with few oxceptlous the Inland published rates hud not for some months been main tained. Some of the roads had made an effort to maintain them , nnd in consequence had practically lost their export business. General Manager Hayes , of the Wabash Western , was called. Ho said his road had not for some time maintained n uniform in land rate , and that their Inland export rates were often less than their domestic sea board rate. It seemed to bo the universal opinion of the foreign managers present that a uniform through export tariff could not be maintained , ns in that case the railroads would bo at the mercy of the steamship com panies. But the opinion was as general that a full inland rate could bo maintained , ns contemplated by law , and that n faithful ob servance of the law would result In good to all concerned. Chairman Cooley said to the managers , in part : It is very manifest tnat things have been going on hero that should stop at once. Wo must compliment Mr. Hayes for coming forward and stating frankly just what the facts were as regards his own road. Wo should have been bettor satistlcd if a like course had been taken by all the others. They ought all to do what no doubt Mr. Hayes will do , namely , endeavor to comply with the law. Hero Is the law , and it is not with you to say to us that there nro practical obstacles in the way of complying with it. that you would Inso business by so doing , and all that sort of thing. AVe are not concerned in that. Wo do not wish to do anything to make you lose business. At the sumo tlmo we cannot accept it as a valid cxcuso that if you obey the law you will thereby lese busi ness. The lime ought to bo considered as gone by when a manager can como to us and say , 'I named this rate , and I did it regardless of law because my competitor had done the same thing. ' Thcro is no cx cuso for that practice. If wrong is done by one road to the Injury of another , the proper remedy or redress Is not to duplicate the wrong , but to go before the committee In au thority , whether it bo the commission or a voluntary association , with a complaint of the wrong. Ono crime in railroad circles is no more to bo excused by another than one theft is to bo justifled by another. " Judge Cooley announced that for certain southern roads that had asked for a hearing a continuance of the investigation for two weeks had been granted. The commission did not wish to express an opiaion that would affect the intcrestsof those roads until they had been fully heard , but la the mean time the practices in the north which have all appeared unjustifiable should not bo con tinued. "I trust , " " ho added , "that alter saying so much wo shall not , two weeks hence , have complaints brought to us that those practices have been going on. In tbo meantime tbo parties must not take redress of wrongs into thoirown hands when the legality of wnat tLoy complain of is. to say the least , very doubtful. They ought also to remember that whtlo wo continue this case for two weeks the law is not sus- pendcd. That remains in force as well as its penalties. " * WRECKED BY THE WAVES. Coiioy Island nnd Other Slimmer Re sorts Sutler by the Storm. Nnw YOUR , March 18. [ Special Telegram to.Tun BEE. ] Though the city and bay were not roughly visited yesterday by the winds' and ram which had been expected , reports from the coast wore full of unpleasant Inci dents. The southern Long Island shore , from Far Rockaway to Coney Island , was severely smitten by the heavy sea and high tides , and damage , in many cases irrepara ble , was done to the summer retreat of all- the-year-round New Yorkers. The storm wa followed'by a hard blow Sunday along the Jersey coast from Key East to Seabright. From Asbury Partt to Seabright an alarming condition of things exists. Be tween Monmouth Beaoh and Lowmoor the damage reached its highest point , de stroying many cottages at the Highlands of Noverslnk. The sea was over the track of the New Jersey Southern ralhvay and of the Central railroad of Now Jersey , running into the Shrewsbury river. The railroad track was torn and twisted by the angry waves into all sorts of shapes. The heavy stones placed twp ; > years ago in the stone Jet ties , designed us a protection , were tossed about by the waves like corks and a number of them were piled upon the tracks and plat form of the station at Highland Beach. The railroad track is torn up for a distance of more than a mile , while it is covered with sand to the depth of several feet for some distance. The lower end of Coney Island was badly demoralized. The asphalt road- wav looked as though several volcanoes had had repeated eruptions oeneath it and each had done excellent work. This asphalt averages six inches in thickness , but sections of it thirty feet square , piled up at an interesting variety of angles , were not uncommon. In a general way , it may bo said that Saturday night's storm destroyed , for a distance of fifty feet inland , COO feet of property in the Brighton Beach neighborhood , most of which was at the cost of the Brighton Beach hotel people. Last spring they moved the hotel back from the ocean some 500 feet. The hotel is now surrounded by ponds of salt water varying from six inctics to two feet In depth. * The Ocean house , wnlch was moved last spring 2SO feet from the ocean , Is also surrounded by water. An Oj-Hter Pirate's Trial. BAI.TIMOIIE , Md. , March 18. The trial of Captain Bcachamp , of the the oyster boat Bechamp , for cruelty to sailors under his command , which began in the United States district court to-day , brought out some start ling statements. John Kavalck , a sailor , stated that the captain had offered to in crease his pay if ho would consent to throw two Worthless hands overboard. This testi mony produced u decided effect pn these present. Kavalck told how the captain beat John Sterner with u stick of wood without provocation and forced him to work when his foot was so sere that ho could not put it to the ground. Kavalek said that the fare consisted mostly of half-spoiled beans , wsth sometimes cabbage and meal , Denver's I'rlzo Idiot , CIIKTCNNE , Wyo. , March 18. [ Special Telegram to THE Br.nJ A sensational mar. riago took place hero this evening , the con tracting parties having como hero from Den ver to evade the Colorado statutes. The groom Is Natbanlal S. Ames , a white man. and the bride Lizzie C. Cross , a colored woman. Ames has lived In Denver several years. Ho is a property holder , living at Fremont street and Colfax avenue , His wife has been employed as a chambermaid at a Denver hotel for the past three months , dur ing which time the courtship has been going on. The Fiio Record. PEOHU , 111. , March 18. Fire this morning destroyed the large four-story brick building on Adams street , occupied by Coiustock Si Avery as a furniture btorc. Loss f 100,000. Insurance unknown. VISITED TI1K POPE. American IMlRrixnn Courteously nnd Cordially Itccclrcd nt ttio Vntlcrm. tCopi/rfcht JSSO tiu James Oonton llenntlt. ] HOME , March 18. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tn r. BEE. ] At noon to-day the holy father received the American pil grims. They were divided Into three sections. The priests were received In the throne room , the layman In another and the ladles n n third room. Never was n reception more enthusiastic or moro cordial. As the holy father np- iiroachcd the pilgrims ho addressed them as they knoltln a most friendly and loving man ner. No father could bo moro loving or nf- fcctlonato to his children. Ho spoke In Ital ian as follows : "Bravo Americans , You nro first to visit the holy land , the place In which out Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died. Other nations such ns France , Sualn , Italy , Germany nnd others have from tlmo to tlmo formed pil grimages to the holy places , but Americans tinvo been rather slow in organizing bands of pilgrims. I trust that after this first pil grimage others will follow , but even this is not enough. It is my desire that missions be established there. The Franciscans have for some tlmo taken charge of the holy places and they nro doing all they can to iromoto devotion towards them. Again I say that I am very glad that you have given the first Impetus to these plgrlmages , and I liopo that you will have a prosperous Journey nnd n safe return. " Coming to the banner of the pilgrimage and looklnc nt the eagle and American flag painted upon it ho said : "That is the stand ard of a bravo and free people , nnd I hope God will bless them and enable them to maintain their freedom. " Various religious articles held by the pil grims were blessed , and all the requests for Indulgence most generously granted. Each pilgrltrf fervently and reverently kissed the ring and hands of the sovereign pontiff. At the end ho bestowed upon all the apostolic blessing , the priests in n body giving re sponses , Ho gave each ono the faculty of imparting apostolic benediction to his con gregation. At their exit from the presence of the holy father each pilgrim was presented with a silver medal of the holy father en closed In a handsome locket. All came from the Vatican palace very enthusiastic. Ono who knows says there never was any rcreiA tion moro loving or moro friendly than that given to the American pilgrims. After the audience the pilgrims adjourned in n body to a neishboring photograph gallery - lory whore the whole group , with the pil grims' body in the background and the stars and stripes floating proudly over them , was taken. . CONTRARY TO SCRIPTURE. A 1'ennsylvaniii Minister's Views on Prohibition. CIIAMOEKSIIUIIO , P.I. , March 18. The Daily Spirit publishes this evening a letter from Rev. Cyrus Cert , pastor of the Reformed church of Grccncastle , and ono of the ablest ministers in the southern portion of the state , In which he clearly defines his jrasition on the prohibition amendment question. Ho writes : 'As long as I hold my present orthodox : views respecting the inspiration and Integ rity of God's word. 1 must regard prohibition as unscriptur.nl and wrong in principle. I could not consistently indorse prohibition without nullifying or perverting many parts and passages of the sacred scriptures. and nt the same time running counter to what I consider the genius and aim of a free constitutional government. As a practical measure of tem perance reform prohibition has been largely a failure , and tends to create a community of spies , the most abominable state of society that we can conceive. " Mary Anderson Overworked. BALTIMORE , Md. , March IS. Dr. VanBib- ber , who attended Mary Anderson during her stay in Baltimore lost week , emphati cally denies the report that her mind is affected. "Miss Anderson , " he added , "is in an abnormally nervous condition from overwork and insomnia , and is suffering from nervous trouble that has given her great pain. She is not suffering from any mental ailment whatever. " PiiiLADEU'iiii , March IS. Mary Anderson is reported to-night to be steadily Improving. Her brother says that the reports as to Ifer mental condition are altogether wrong , and at no time has his sister's mind been affected by her illness. Now that worry about pro fessional arrangements has been removed by tbo cancellation of all dates she is much better. _ _ Senator Sherman Sued. PjTTsnuno , Pa. , March 18. A special from Mansfield says : Senator Sheirnan , this after noon , was made defendant when the county treasurer began two actions against him for unpaid railroad stock cases. The first case is for $1,74S , duo on personal stock since 1SS5 , on stock hold by him as trustee. The property is Pittsburg , Fort Wayne & Chicago railroad stock , which , by a recent supreme court decision , is made taxable the same ns any other stock. The senator agreed to pay should the test case DO decided against him , and failed to do so. - Hunting n Liar. CHEVENNK , Wyo. , March IS. [ Special Tel- cgram to Cms BEE. ] The grand jury of Al bany county is investigating the fake sensa tional stories recently sent out to the press * of the country from Cheyenno. M. J. Nichols , manager of the Western UnionJ at Cheyenne , has been summoned to produce a telegram which used Philip Brophy's name in a connection which renders the sender liable to a charge of criminal libel. It Is thought that when the grand jury finishes its work the fakes will cease. A ratnl Boiler Explosion. MILWAUKEE , March 18. A special from Pound , Wis. , says that a boiler in Whitney & Suttlo's saw mill exploded at 11 o'clock to day , completely wrecking the structure and killing Otis Clement , of Marietta , and Au gust Rcgel , of Abrams. Frank Greenmau , fireman ; Julius Gokcy , Henry Dorey , Frank Forcea and Phillip Uoodchild were badly In jured. It is thought that some of the Injured will die. Tlio Visible CHICAGO , March 18. The visible supply for the week ending March 9 , as compiled oy the secretary of the Chicago Hoard of trade , is as follows : Bushels. Wheat . 31lb3,000 Corn . 10,017,000 Oats . 7,511,003 Hye . l.ftbS.l'OO ' Barley . 1,7 ,000 , Allor an Ex-P < ii tnui fsr. CHICAGO , March 18. The postoftlco depart ment at Washington Is after Richard J , Hanna , ex-postmaster of Kankakee , III , , for an alleged deficiency in his accounts of $3505. ! The United States district attorney filed information of the debt in the circuit court this afternoon and begun suit against Hunna and his bondttnun. Slaughter in Named. WASHINGTON , March 18. ( Special Tele gram to THE BEE. | Brad D. Slaughter iios been nomlnnfad , by the president to be United States tnnrsnal for Neb rasku. Tlio Weather IndlcutiniiH. Nebraska and Dakota : Fair , warmer east erly winds. Iowa : Fair , preceded by rain. THE LOTTERY OF POLITICS , Another Prlzo Drawing Tnkoo Flaoa nt the National Capital. HOLDERS OF WINNING TICKETS. Brief Biographical Sketches of ttio Men Chosen to Administer the Affairs of the Government. Ai > pointincnt8. WASHINGTON , March 18. J. W. Mason , of West Virginia , has been selected for com missioner of internal revenue , and his nomi nation will bo sent to the senate in n few days. Secretary Wlndom has appointed T. E. Byrons , of St Pau' Jo bo chief of the ap pointment division or the treasury depart ment , vice I' . E , Smith resigned. Byren Is president of the republican league of Minnesota seta and a personal friend of Wlndom's. The postmaster general to-day appointed J. Lowry Bell , formerly trnfilu manager of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad , super intendent of the railway mail service , vice Bancroft , resigned , J. N. Tyner , has been selected for assist ant attorney general for the postofilco de partment. Mitchell , who is nominated for commis sioner of patents , is n patent attorney llviug in New Britain , Conn. Ho Is about forty- five yc.irs of ago and well known through Now England. Thomas , of Maine , who Is named. . Swedish mission , gets his old otlgui again , ho having been minister of 'tm. Neb. States to Sweden and Norway wl ' land became president. While 'FhCO. , minister n greater number of SweWsr-\su\\- grated to this country than during ariy similar period , nnd this largo emigration is said to bo directly duo to the efforts of Thomas. Thomas has always been u repub lican , and in the political canvass resulting in Harrison's election ho rendered valuable service to the party as n Swedish stump speaker. Samuel R , Thayer , nominated for minister , to the Netherlands , is a lawyer of Minneapo lis. Ho is forty-five years of age , u native of New York , nnd graduated from Columbia college. Ho went to Minneapolis and en tered upon the practice of his profession , where he attained a position in the front rank. Ho is highly esteemed by the people of Minnesota and is said to bo well qualified for the duties of the position. ' J. W. Mason , nominated for commissioner of internal revenue , is n resident of Graf ton , W. Vn. Ho served in the union army during the war , and has since devoted himself to the practice of law. Ho has been an active re publican for many years. James N. Tyner , who was to-day appointed assistant attorney general for the postofilco department , was born in Ib2 < 5 , and has been in public lifo for more than thirty years. Ha was a member of congress from IbO'J ' to 1875. President Grant appointed him second as sistant postmaster general , and upon the resignation of Marshall Jewctt , ho became postmaster general , serving ns sjich until the end of Grant's administration. In April , 1S77 , ho was appointed first assistant post master general and held the position until 1SS1 , when ho resigned. Brad D. Slaughter , nominated for United States marshal for Nebraska has been for moro than fourteen years ; past clerk to tha Nebraska legislature. Ho.is an active worker in support of the republican party and has been somctimo past secretary of the state republican league of Nebraska. Smith A. Whilficld , nominee for second assistant postmaster goneralis a well known Ohio republican , about forty-flvo years of age. -Jj Abraham D. Hazen , nominated to bo third - assistant postmaster general , hold that office for some years prior to the spring of 1837 , when ho was supcrccded by Harris , who was a democrat. Hazen is a Pcnnsylvanian , who , after graduating from college , entered the postoflice department ns clerk. Ho rose through the various grades to the place o ! chief of tha division of stamps and supplies. In 1SS7 he was appointed third assistant postmaster general , and in this , position ho served with efficiency for ten years. When Cleveland came into ofllco Hazen , al though a republican , was retained for Uyo years because of his knowledge of the busi ness that passed through his hands. The third assistant postmaster general has charge of all matters relating to the finances of iho postal service , and has the letting of con tracts involving an expenditure of largo amounts of money. Senate Confirmat'nns. WASHINGTON , .March IS. The senate has confirmed the following nominations : John A. Kasson , William Walter Phulos and Gcorgo H. Bates , commissioners to the Samoan conference at Berlin ; Cyrus Bussey , assistant secretary of the interior. Smith A. Whitclleld , of Ohio , to bo second assistant postmaster general ; Abraham D. Hazen , of Pennsylvania , to bo third assistant postmaster general ; William W. Thomas , jr. , of Maine , to bo envoy .extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Sweden and Norway ; Samuel R. Thuycr , of Minnesota , to bo envoy extraor dinary and minister plenipotentiary of tha United States to the Netherlands ; Charles E. Mitchell , of Connecticut , to bo commis sioner of patents ; Nathan O. Murphy , pf Arizona , to bo secretary of Arizona. I.lin Snmoun CoiiimlR inncrfi. WASHINGTON , March 18. It is believed at the department of state that the commis sioners will not b3 able to start for Berlin before the middle of April , as the matter with which they have to deal U rather Intri cate , and u preparation for its consideration Involves an exhaustive study of u largo umountof diplomatic correspondence , as well as of the long protocols of the former con ference. THE CONFEDERATE HOME. An Expression of Sympathy From Ex- Pro-tidont Hiiyori. NEW YOIIK , March 18. Letters of sympa thy with the projected national confederate soldiers' homo at Austin , Tex. , continue to pour in to Secretary Downing. Among the , letters just received Is ono from ex-Presldodt Hayes , from Fremont , O. It is given in full below. Thcro arc also letters Jrom Major General Gcorgo Crook , of the Division of tha .Missouri , aud from General Merrill , of the Department of the Missouri. General Crook speaks of the movement as a "charity which sectionalism can well afford to overlook , and the north can In this way show kindness and sympathy to a fallen foe. " Ex-President Hayes writes as follows : FIIEMONT , O. , March 15. My Dear Slrj I thank you for the privilege of uniting with the New York citizens committee in their pa triotic and charitable work In behalf of dis abled and destitute soldiers of the late con federacy , The time Is plainly drawing near , if it has not already come , when justice to Its defenders will require the national govern , mcnl to expand much larger sums than here tofore has been appropriated for the support of the men who saved it. The sacred obli gation to union soldiers must not , and will not , be forgotten nor neglected , especially by those who have shared In the fullest measure the prosperity which has como from the services and sacrifices of those who stood by the government when it'was Imper illed. But those who fought against the na tion can not nnd do not look to it for relief. Their disabled nnd dostltuto comrades are left to the generosity and benefactions of their more fortunate follow citizens who wisely forecast an inspiring future of our country. The confederate soldiers and their ' descendants are to share with us and our de > Eccndiints the destiny of America. What ever , therefore , we , tho'r ' fellow citizens , GM do to remove the burdens from tnelr shoali dcra and to brighten their lives , Is surely ,1 * , ttio pa'ih-.vay of both humanity and pam * otlsni. With my contribution to the oater- pnso 1 beg you to accept , alia , my b * t wishes Jyr Us ucc-e i. 1 remain lueerolyj MUYM !