THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , MARCH 18 ; 18S9. THE CITY. Tlio Ijiuly llykcrs. The Rrcnt Blx- < lay race by the lady "bykers" begins nt tlio Uollsoum nt 2:80 : this Afternoon , and la exciting much Interest nml speculation In sportlnp circles. Miss Will- liun , the local rider , Is In prcnt form and do- clarcs Blio will win the raco. AVIrcs Groaned. The police telegraphic wires were crossed with those of the Electric Light company last night , nnd the telephone In the patrol box nt the corner of Twelfth nnd Dodge was bndly burned. Officer Nowmim received n govern shock when ho went to report to headquarters last night. Tlio Kpur Appears. The Pythlnn Spur has again mndo Its np- pcarauco. The publication of this secret so ciety paper was suspended for one of two Is sues on account of the death of the wife nnd child of Its editor , Harry Morrlam. Despite the grief and pnln of Mr. Merrlaui his llttlo paper Is bright and Interesting. Mortuary Mutters- The Punernl of Samuel Martin took place yesterday afternoon at Hellovuo , under the misplccs of n G. A * U. post of Papllllon. Martin was the man who blow out the gas nt n hotel In noltlmoro. lie resided at South * Omaha. , The body of Hattlo Inloy , a woman whoso demise occurred Friday , was sent to ! re- mont yesterday by Drexel < k Maul for Inter ment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Remarkable Yarn. The suit of Moffat vs Thlemnn , In which the widow of the former recovered $1,409 damages from Thleman for the death of her ' husba'nd , has brought to light the fact that for seventeen years a resident In Omaha al lowed $11,500 to llo burlnd In n Back yard , nnd that finally thn entire amount was lost. Mrs. Thiemnn burled the money which was loft to her by n former husband. About two years ago she- handed it over to her daughter , who In turn handed It to Thloman. Ho pave It to an adventurer named Otto Frlzonl , to look up an estate In Germany , but has never soon cither Otto or the estate. Ho mort gaged his property to secure his daughter , and now Mrs. Moffat seeks to set the mort gage hsldo on" the plea of fraud , while Thlo- man explains the mortgage as above. Tlio Dcncli Show. In speaking about the coming bench show to bo hold April 10,17 , 18 nnd 10 , Manager Ingram was asked what notable dogs would be present. Ho said : "There Is one that will surely bo a great curiosity ho is n blood hound and nnd a full brother to the one used in tracking down the famous Wlutechapol murderer , hotter known ns "Jack the Ripper. " Ho is the largest bloodhound In existence nnd is owned by the St. Joseph Kennel club. Ho nnd his mate cannot bo bought for $2,000. The two nro as fine specimens as arc to bo seen In the wdrld. But few citlznes of Omaha have over seen a genuine blood hound. Those traveling with the Undo Tort's Cabin shows , nro not blood hounds , but Great Danes or Gorman mastiffs. The siimo gentleman wtio owns these two hounds will huvo his celebrated field trial and bench winners here about ton head in all. Ho will make n strong bid for the mnRnillcont pitcher offered by Raymond to the kennel Winning the most prizes. "Tho grey hound you see with mo is a descendant of the General Custer stock. He has run in races against horses nnd is con sidered very fast. Ho coos in the races nt the Coliseum April 20 , also in the fox and wolf chuso on the same occasion. This is the first tlmo such an exhibition has ever been attempted in this country. I think my bench show will bo a grand success. " Grass , garden and fiolil seeds. Witt. Siovors & Co. , 10th and California. A Cuok I ii ir Mnln. A cocking main took place yesterday after noon nt a vacant warehouse ou the eastern out skirts of the city. The main was the best three out of five fights , for $20 on each battle , and $100 on the main. A motley assemblage of sports , business men nnd gamblers , say to the number of one hundred was on hand shortly after 3 o'clock. In-tho middle of the room was a space about eight feet square , formed by planks set on edge. That was the pit. There were the scales , and the bags containing the birds , and Beats arranged circus fnshioirubout the en closure. Every man in the rootn was smok ing nnd thcro was no ventilation. Everybody was cautioned not to In dulge in applause or other noisy dcm- stratlons , ns there was danger that the po lice might swoop down at any moment and "Olnch" the whole party. The jlrst fight was soon over. It was be tween a live pound ten onnco white P.vlo and a black red. A fellow called Jim Dandy handled the Pylo and Carton the red. At the lirst lly the Pyle was "uncoupled" by n thrust In the muscles of the breast , but ho was game and came back like a true warrior. The two birds pecked and staggered about the pit for a period of fifteen minutes , when , to the surprise of all , the 1'ylo made a jump and drove his two-inch English heel through the red's Ifoad , killing him In his tracks. The second bnttlo was of short duration. Carton produced n stocky dark grey , a "blinker" n cock who has lost an eye in eomo previous light weighing llvo pounds And llvo ounces , while Dnndy brought out a blue domlnick four ounces lighter. At the lirst handling the biuo lost nn eye and boih were "blinkers. " Then he tried to lly the pit. The birds wore handled the second time but the blue had bud an elegant suftlclcncy and ran. U was now n light apiece. The third was a rattling good battle while It lasted. Carton showed n blade breasted red , weight 0 pounds and 2 ounces , and Dundv a brown red. six- ounces heavier. After three bloody "llys" the black red forced a rank "ducklo" ( a coward ) and was stricken dead trying to leave the pit. The fourth was the light of the afternoon , although n draw. Carton dark red 4 pounds and 0 ounces ; Duudy , n domlmck , 4 pounds nnd 4 ounces. In the lirst handling , Garten's bird received a broken leg. while Dundy'H had both eyes blinded. Notwithstanding these llttlo drawbacks the two birds fought fnr 53 minutes , when It became - came obvious that neither could win , tlio ruforco , Jake Hivyes , declared the battle a draw. Dnndy won the main in the llfth fight , his 4-7 ounce black red , neatly and ( illicitly hill ing Carton's bird , There were several Interesting shake-bag fights after the regular main , aim just ns llio deeper shudcH of night were sottlingavertlio suburbs , the sports boarded their hacks and carriages and returned to the city , well sat isfied with the afturnnon'R sport. It was said by old cock-llghturs that the main hasn't seen its equal in the city of Omaha for many nnd many a day , Hone , llinvo anil Commit I'ut Their limits ToBOilii'f. Senator Church Howe was In Omaha yes- tcnlay as the guest of Congressman Connoll. * The latter loft for Washington last iils-ht , and Mr. Howe returned to Lincoln. It is understood that the meeting was devoted , to consideration of applicants for appointment to federal positions In this oUto , but th'cy kept their conclusions to Uuunsclvrs. The object of Mr. Council's ' visit to the national capital now has reference to tboso matters. Tne Nobinska duration expert to get together thcro this week nnd select the men they want elevated to ofllco. Mr , Howe was solicited for Information , but ho declined to talk , I UK excuse was , "I am out of politics. Thorn is nothing tlio administration could give me that I would accept , therefore It Is not policy for no to sny auvtlilng. " The only pointers obtained from him was the fact that ho has Indexed nnd Is supporting Jacob Dow , of Tccumscli , for United States marshal. "Do you know that Mamlerson In pledged nlirad Slaughter ? ' * \"yes , but that makes no difference. BlaUvhtcr bun ( ttroag backing and prob.ibly lioUlstho lusiila track , hut wo nro after him Just Uia'tWio. Judga Duiuly signed Dew's juiUtlon , and ° did a proal many other of thp most proinlneut nod lulmimtlal uivu in tbo stuUV' TIGHT AH A DUUM. All tlio Saloons Hccm to Obey tlio Clon ing Order. A" Sunday resorts heretofore no more pop ular places could bo found in Omaha than the saloons located on Dodge utrect. In most of them the admirers of sporting business could Indulge to their hearts content In tnlklpg of horse races , baseball , pugilism , dog fighting , bird shooting nnd boat rowing , as well as satisfy the appetite with nn occasional glass of that which cheers and produces excite ment. The Turf Exchange , the Diamond nnd 1'hoanlx wcro noted centers for the congre gation of men , consequently their deserted appearance yesterday formed n striking con trast to the activity notrd on Sundays of the past. The clink of glasses , nnd crack of billiard balls , mingled with loud tnlic was not heard. So far ns could bo as * rcrtalncd by frequent investigations by both police ofllcers nnd Linn reporters , every dealer along that street observed the closing order strictly. It any drinks wcro sold , the net was accomplished so slyly that no ono de tected It. All doors , front , back nnd sldo , were locked. Inspectors could look In nt the windows , but nt no tlmo did tlioy discover anybody on tlio Inside. Bartenders walked the streets In their go-to-moctlng clothes nnd seemed to enjoy the privilege , but those Whoso habit it had previously been to loiter nt the bars or entertain themselves nt cards , billiards nnd pool , looked lost and swore considerably. However - over , they wcro powerless and wont dry. Several wore heard to declare most emphat ically that they would not bo caught napping hereafter. Tills means that sales by the bottle wilt bo largo on Saturday night Hotel bars were closed as tightly ns any others though provision had been mndo In advance to servo guests nt table with wines. Along Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets , from the tracks to the Mlllard , the reporter was unable to 11 nd a slnplo place where the bibulously Inclined could quench their thirst , nnd If there was any such place along those thoroughfares only the Initiated possessed the necessary "open sesame. " On ono door a c.ird was tacked upon which was scrawled , "Closet to-day. " Whether this was In reference to the bottles sup posed to bo stored away In Sunday prlvato closets or the t was Intended for a "it , " deponent - . ponont salth not. A New Onmlm ISutorprlso. A stock company with a capital of $70,000 has just boon organized in this city for the purpose of inanufaoturinp Adamant wall plaster , The incorporators - ators arc M. Dowling , pros. North Bond bank , C. Cusack , cashier First Nat. bank North Bond , W. M. Lorimor and others. Mr. Lorimor has opened an olllco in Room 401 , Paxton bulldinff , whcro ho can bo scon in regard to this now material for plastering houses. Adamant wall piaster is a uomont or artificial stone invented and patented by Prof. Carl Straub , of Syracuse , N. Y. The plastering has long been the poorest portion of buildings and a , peed interior wall is an exception where lima plaster is used. Adamant plaster is very adhesive , fitting it for ceilings of churches and public buildings. It dries quickly , it resists ( Ire , does not crack , and it has the ilnest sanitary qualities of any wall mado. No ono expecting to build should fail to see Mr. Lorimor before giving his contract for plastering. There is no waiting on the part of the carpen ters , and a little investigation will con vince any one that it is the only plaster to uso. A BLOODY fllllili , Two Clerks Butter Each Other fclke a l * lr of Thuus. A bloody prize light took place in the third story of n well known wholesale house yes terday morning at 8 o'clock. It was a well managed-affair , nnd strictly on the quiet , there being but eleven spectators to the mill. The principals were two wholesale clerks , but it was given out that ono was a Dlacksmlth nnd the other n butcher , in order to ruislead.auy ono who might undertake to run the parties down. There was n vast deal of enmity nt the bottom of the affair , al though a purse of 8J50 was hung up. After the usual preliminaries the men stopped into the ring , n well known sporting man having been .chosen referee. They wore evenly matched , ono weighing 143 pounds and the other 147. IJoth were in tine condition and went right to work from the outset. The fight lasted ono hour , in which time there were nine rounds fought. In those rounds there wore no loss than seven knock downs. In thn third round thcro wore three , two by the lighter of the two men. In the ilfth there was a knockdown apiece , and In the seventh the llttlo man felled his ouponcnt twice in quick succession. Both wore terri bly punished , and the light was ono of the hardest , bloodiest and most vicious over seen In this vicinity. In the ninth round , when both men wore In a terribly exhausted condi tion , the 143-nound man got in a tremendous upper-cut with his riifht , and landing at the butt of his antagonist's car , knocked him completely out. Tlio light , while It was ono of the hardest over held hero , attracted the least attention , those having it in charge preserving perfect secrecy. Beautiful Easter presents at the Chicago cage Decorative Art society , at the Millard , Tuesday and Wednesday. Art Sale. Don't fail to attend Hospo's discount sale'on pictures. Uomombor 25 per cent off this week , The Five Ijost. In thn gauio of high-five does not the nco nnd five spot count out before low , jack and the gamo. U. A. Benson , Minden , lu. Ans. The correct count Is high , low , jack and the game , five spot. Complexion powder is an abbolnto ne cessity of the refined tqilot in this cli mate. Pozonni's combines every ele ment ot beauty and purity. Sporting NotcH. .Manager Ingram will endeavor to arrange with the fair association for hound coursing nnd racing during the fair in September. John J , Hardln has made nil the prepara tions for his annual ( mooting tournament , which comes off April 10 , 17 , IS and 1U. All the Omaha players will report before the iiOtli. Fred Tilden may play with the Omalms the L-oming season. Campana lias been released. The Lafayotts , the crack colored ball team of the west , will bo in the Held the oomiup scabon ready to meet all and anytca ma. SHE BOSSED THAT RANCH. Everybody Snld that Mrs. Corbott Ought to llnvo Ilcon n Mnn. Tlio following quartette says the Hel ena Independent , wore seated nt a table in the Cosmopolitan hotel ono evening last week General Warren , J. K. Pnr- dee , George W. Irvin IIM and Sam Schwab. Everyone who knows these old timers , all of whom blazed the trail in n stage coach or on the hurricane deck of n mule , will readily rcali'/o that a bettor lot of yarn splnnors would bo hard to llml. About the time the first winohaivgono around Sam Schwab , who was in trim for talking , recalled In his friend Irvin the tlmo when tlioy used to travel in the stage from llol- onti to Salt Lake. "Down in Idaho , " began Mr. Schwab , "nt ono of the eating stations near the Blnckfoot river , thuro was iv Mrs. Cor bott. She usc'd to run the placo. There was a woman I was afraid of. I always treated her with great respect as well as did everybody else. She wouldn't have it any other way. Mrs. Corbott never was intended for a woman ; she whs of commanding appearance , six feet lair ; she weighed about 100 pounds. She was a whoppcrl Ono night wo reached her house when it was storming nnd had to remain all night. Colonel Sanders was along and wo had a room together. When wo woke up next day it was pretty cold , and after parleying with each other , I agreed to got up and start a lira if Sanders would go out and got moro wood. Just as I had the flro started and Sanders was out in the yard filling his part of the agreement , Mrs. Corbott cnmo in and wanted to know who it was had the cheek to start a fire in her house. Of course , I said Sanders. She said : 'When I want a lire built in hero I'll build it myself. ' At the same time she picked the hnlf-burncd stjclts out of the fireplace and throw them out the door. Sanders soon returned , half frozen , anil swore n blue streak at finding no liro. I explained matters , which made the colonel warm in the collar and ho proceeded to build a now flro and said noTd like to see the color of the woman's hair that would putf it out. Mrs. Cor bott appeared as Sanders was roasting his shins , and without saying a word began extinguishing the fire , nnd as she was Uoing so Sanders was trying to got in a word , saying , 'But my dear lady , I'sny my dear lady. But ' "Don't but mo , sir ; f know my business , and I want you both to clear out of hero and eat your breakfast , ' and wo wont. " 'Sirs , Corbott was a dandy and no mistake , " promptly spoke George Irwin. "I took dinner there one day. The singe driver told us before hand what a holy terror she was , to put us on our guard that wo mitrht not make any bad breaks or incur her wrath , \yhich wo were told was a dreadful thing. Wo had all got comfortably seated at the table , which was very noat. Mrs. Cor bott acted in the capacity of hostler , cook , waiter , cashier and general busi ness manager. The potaloes served wore pretty hard looking things and when , as I thought , Mrs. Corbott was out of earshot , I remarked that they wore the poorest specimens or excuses for potatoes I had over seen. But it was'just my luck. Mrs. Corbott hoard me , and at once approached mo and standing uprjght alongside my chair , with arms akimbo , asked mo what I said about her potatoes. Of course I told her they wcro the best potatoes I over saw , that they were cooked fit for a king ; in fact , better potatoes could not bo found in the country , and to assure her I was sincere , I said , "It's not very often I get potatoes like these , and I shall take a couple of them along to eat on the road when I got hungry , " at the same time putting two in my pocket. "No you don't , sir , " she said , putting her hand in my pocket and taking them out. "You'll just leave them hero , and if any of you fellows don't like those po tatoes you don't have lo cat them , but I'll not have you say anything about them. " "There was fire in her eyes , and you bet I congratulated myself that I got oil BO easy. " ' 'On the Benton stage line ono time , " said Pardeo , "thoro was a party of us , including a young , delicate looking tenderfeet - derfoot , probably twenty-four years of age. It was pretty cold weather and our progress was greatly impeded by n snow storta. This young dude kept us in misery kicking about the weather , and ho was just famishing for a drinlc of water. Wo had plenty ot other stuff on board but ho wouldn't risk that nor did ho feel satisfied on eating snow. Wo finally reached a station about 2 a. m. and the proprietor of the place who had been necessarily awakened out of his sleep , was pretty mad because ho hail to got up at such an hour. Ho came out to the saloon with his suspenders hanging from his trousers and rubbing his eyes. The delicate youth was the only one standing nt the bar. "Could you bo so kind as to give mo a drink of wutah , sirV" ho asked. The expression of surprise and supreme dis gust o/i the proprietor's , face can bo boiler imagined than expressed. "Walor ! water ! " ho shouted , "do you want mo to lead you to the ereokV" That hacking coug hcanbo soquickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co. The Direct Tax Bill. NKMAIIA , Nob. , March 14. To the Editor of THIS BEU : Quito n number of our stale papers are discussing the amount of direct tax the government will bo called upon lo refund lo Ne braska. At the time of the levying of the tax Nebraska was a territory and our legislative expenses wore bor'no by Iho general government , $20,000 being Iho luiiuial approprialion for that pur pose. Our logihlatnro , by mulual agree ment , failed to meet , and by request of our territorial olllcurs the loginlalivo appropriation way crediled against our own tax which was 820,000. Thus Ne braska never really paid Iho dirocllax. E. A. KlUKl'ATUICK. MUSTANG LINIMENT & * & & & ! & & > W H ' 's T'-S t "L iasBS22 Thus the ' * Mustang" conquers pain , Wake * MAN or BEAST well again ! Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity Btronptn and wholosomoncs * . Moro economical than the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot ho sold in competition with tno multitude' ) of low cost. shortwolght alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In runs. Hoval Unking 1'owdor Co. , KO Wnllstroet NowYort CALIFORNIA ! The Land of Discoveries QU ANTEED % ATARRH CAL.I - Sold"n UNG5Sold" n "Send" for cirtuhrfrtrhttlt3fe \ > . Santa-Abie and Cat-R Cure For Sale by Goodman Drug Company. Our llttlo girl when but throe weeks old.broko out with eczema. Wo tried the piescription from so vcral good doctors , but without any special beneltt. wo tried S. S. S. , and by the tune ono bottle was KOUO , her liend began to heal , ami by the tlmo she luvl taken six bottles she wiis entirely cured. Now she has a full and heavy head of hair a robust , healthy child , I feel it but my duty to mnkv this statement. II. T SWO1IU , Ulch Hill , Mo. C57 Send for our Hooks on Blood nnd Skin Isense.s and Advice to Suirerors , mailed iree. o. , Drawer ! ) . Atlanta Gu. of Trees f Tonslstlnj ; of Fruit Trees , Small Fruits , firapo Vines , Ornnmentnl Trees ami Plirubs,1" fiver- rf , Hoses , etc. . together with u largo assort ment. of Trees and Seeds for planting Timber Claims. LOW PRICES AND CHOICE SI OCR. Facilities unsurpassed.Vrlto for wholesale and retail lists. Address , SIlt\Ai\S > OAIl - IVUItSRItlCS , D. S. LAKE , Proprietor. , - - IOWA. * EASTERN TRUST FUNDS A largo amount of money to loan on im proved real estate In the city of Omaha. Those funds will bo distributed in HIIIIIH to unit , but largo loans are preferred. Applications may bo made to LB Ui Ol First National Dank Hulldlng. Representing EXHI1UTION AND SALE f Chicago Society of Decorative Art , THE MILLARD-HOTEL TUKbDAY AX WEDNESDAY , MAHBHJ9JHD 20 , Admission im Hours ; 9 to 6 , for powerful loho , pllublo action and absolute dura bility ; 31) ) years' record the best yua ran - tcoof Uio excellence of these instru- 111 cuts. EVA U/P&K BnEE nO ruff""nir from the I II nCAfV Kl2 ItUkn oSocU ot youtliful I U ' " ' " ' lBHMZUw ror , early < Iooay , F BlBwHtlol icet manhood , ota , t will 30iid B vale bV > trritfM ( acalixl ) couuinlnr full * or liomo euro. fn6 of ctiargn. r. f. O. KOWLSU , 11OOU0S. | /inWCVll"'anurlnurv'iot.tiles ' cually. nilck- MUllL I ly uuU biifuly { tireil liyDOUTlUtA C.ii- Huli-ii Hevur.ilcaao * cnri'illn vevrn < l.i\M. Bold > 1/U iier box , ull ilriiBglBts , or by null from Doc- uu. JUs Co , 113 WUUe SI..N.V. fuiiair Our full line of Spring Overcoats is now rcntly for inspection , comprising tlio choicest fabrics nnd most cor root styles. Our nim is to furnish garments perfect in fit ami workmanship at a reasonable cost. Our show windows are very attractive this week by the display of this line of goods. Men's Suit Department. A special offer for this week is a line o men's all wool blue cheviob sack .and sroclc suits , made from a good- ordered especially for our trade and recommended to business men as n very desirable and perfect fitting suit as tlie reasonable expense of § 10 per suit. Sacks and f robks , all sizces. * I AM Bol/Cfe Mh < MBk ' Our new goods are coming in every day. Our stock at present is moro complete than at any dale since the Continental was opened , Tlie sale in our children'B department last year , was far beyond our expectations , and by keeping the largest stock and selling only first class goods , and at prices that only largo manufacturers can offer wo expect to double our business this season. One of the choicest suits we have ever ofl'ercd for the price is shown this week as a special bargain , a neat brown check in Scotch Cheviot at § 5 per suit. Auesi to 14. All request for spring samples will be filled this week. Semi for nny article in our establishment and { Twit be sent you by express and if not satisfactory crn bo returned and we will pay all charges. OMAHA k Co. BOSTON Preeland , , Loomis . NEW YORK DES MOINES Proprietors Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , \ SATISFACTION. s what wo want to plvo to every person that visits our htoro. Should you lit any time , purcnasa an article that does not prove just as represented , wo would consider It a' ' great favor to 1)0 allowed the opportunity 06 making you satisfied. Kemomber our spring stock Is arriving daily. We have two lloors well lighted and stocked with lirst class goods. OMAHA MEDICAL.- " SURGICAL INSTITUTE ? z&gffl ? N , W. Cor. 13th & Dodtfo Sts. FOIl THE TIIEATMENT or A I.I. Appllancos for Deformities and Trusses. Iltsi facilities , iippnrotui and romcdlci fur HIICCHII ful treatment nf uvory form of clUensu rvqulrliu Medical or Hurairnl Troittiucnt. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attcntlancui Licit lioipltal accommoda tions In tlio vrc t. WKITC FOII CmcniAiis on Deformities nod Ilrncon , Tru u , Oluu Punt , Curraturo of the Hrlnv , I'lloi. Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , llroncliltla , Inlmlnllon , Blectrlcltr , I'nrnlrtH , ICpllopsr , Kldnor. Ulailder , Kye , Kar , Hkln and lllood.anJ all hurif leal operalloiu. Dise sos of Women a Specialty. LOOK UN DI8EAEB3 OF WOMEN KlIEK. OHLY EELIABLB MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKINO A HI'rCIAl.TV OF PRIVATE DISEASES. All UloAd DUoami f uccotifullr treated. Syphilitic Poison ramuvul from thu urttuiu nllliout uu'rcury. New reitorntlro treatment for Ion uf Vital l'wnr. 1'ernoni unaUle lu T.iH ui IUHT bu treatad at linniu by rorresnondence. All fiimmunlcJUoni coiittdentliil. tludlrlnui or Inilrutnenti > ent Ur mnll or e | ir , M"'irtiir packcil. no murks to ludlruto coiilnnM or ecadur. Onu pcrinnitl lnU > rrluvr proftrrcd. Lnlltiiiil consult uk or moid UlsUirr of your emu , and wu will end In plain wrapper , u\u \ BOOK TO MEN , FREE1 Upon I'rlmtc. hpoclal or Nvrruuf Il ) c oi , Imiio- tuner , Hvuhllls , Uleot and Varlcucolu , wltli qnettlon Hit. AUdrcii AUdrciiMcfUcal and Surgical Institute , or im. iicsii-iVA iv , Oor. 13th and Dodge Bti.i - OMAHA , NBU , Wyoming Oil Lands LOCATED , And all nccoitttiry paper * lilted , W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Enginegr , CAWKll , lVYO..or OMAHA , NKIIIUSICA CnO MCW ( uit Iliroutli crror cr rUll illtiN Uil | > r > cncii.n. r li pirfeelly [ > ealn < d I'Hit - IK * DC8LONDUPRE M thJ. rMii < rf ! < r uur new tilwittcuu ' Quiut ta Ifnllll. " AlualulO HCKff. VtirlCll * cole cured \rillioiit Art.lim Ueslon-Uupr * 20to60 DAYS. This is u disease which hna horotofora Btifllcd all Medical Science. When Mercury , Todldu of Potassium , Sarsapa illla or Hot Springs fall , \\o guarantee a cure. Wo have a I temedy , unknown to anyone in tlio World outside of our Company , audonu that ha J to cure the most obstinate cases. Ten days in recent cases does the work. It is the old chronic deep seated cases that wo solicit. Wo have cured hundreds who have been abandoned by I'hyslcinns. and pronounced incurable , nnd wo challenge the world to bring us a case that wo will not cure in less than sixty days. Since the history of mecilclno n true specific for Syphilis lias been sought for but never founu until our MAGIC KE.VBDV was discovered , nnd wo are Justllled In sayln ? it is the only Itemcay in the World tnat will pos itively cure , biicauso the latest Medical Works , published by the best known authorities , say tnero was nevcrn true specific before. Our ruined ed- will euro when everything else has failed. Wh > ' waste your time and money with patunt mi'dlcinos never had virtue , or doctor with physicians thai cannot euro you , you that have tried everything else should come tonsnowand got permanent relief , you never can get it else where. Mark what wo .siiy , in the end you must take our remedy or NKY12K recover and you that have been nllllcted but u shoit tlmo should by ull means come to us now , not ono in tenof now eases over get permanently cured. Many wt help nnd think they are free from the disease , but In one , two or tlirce years after it appears again in a more horrible form. This is iv blood Purillor and will Cure any Skin or Blood Disease when Everything Else Fails. THE COOK REMEDY GO. Room 10 anil 11 , U. S. National llanlc Uuildiiif , ' , Omaha , Noli. NATIONAL D1SPE NlIHVOtIB , CIIUON1C nnrt PBIVATB D1SKASI5S of MBN iiml WOM1SN eucccssfilllr trciilol. YOUNG MEN runi the rtTerHnr youthful 'olllon nrlniln cri'lloni ' , or iirci trcnihltM witli Wiuiknemi , JServom Duliillty , I/IM of .Memory , Despondent' ) , Aversion to t-oclety , Kldnny Troiihk'n or ny > ll < < i 11111 of tuu ( lonl- to-IJrlniiry Orciinp , tnn lii'io tlml n n.ifu unil ipecny < iiro. ChnrKfii rvnitmiiitilii , i-npi-chillf lo the pour. MIDDLE-AGED MEN Thc'rciiro ninny triinliloilnltli too froauent eutcim tloni ot Hie lilii'lilur , ofiun iKcomp.uiUMl by a ullulit mmirttni : 01 tmrnlni : on iill n. iiml weukoiilim or ilui Nyslum in n mumiiT tlio patient c iitmul iircumit int. On exiuiilnliii' the iiitniiry ilu | > o < ltin rnpy tuuhnciit \\M olien uofmnul.iinil Koniuilmm partial1 * uiiillm lueiMtlll npppur or the mlor IK > ill u Ihln , iiiUMiH Inns iivnlu eiiHiiu'lntf Inn ilnrkor tur | > M"i' | . Tlicr. * nro nmiiv innu vrho illit ot till * itmicuity. uu"i > onto : the iiiimi. nlildi i IliuJcconl fctniro ol si'iul- nul cnkiie , 'I liu iloctur Mill itmir.itili'i'ii porloi-i euro hi nil i-utli ra o . nml n licullliv n-f innU.on of IhoKi'tillo urinary ortiiiim. Connuinitlim tree. Huml ' . ' rent Mump tar "Vonnc .Mnn 'a Jiiiluo to Wedlock. " tiep lo all. A 1 lr ' DK , . SPINNEY & CO. Main and 12tli St. , Kansas City , Mo. impel. Ono of tlio Most Hurc < Mfitl * SPECIALISTS In tlie Treatment of all Chronic , Spe cial and Private Diseases , LOSS OF MANHOOD , SB ! h'cxtml Organs , nbsolutnly cure , I. PRIVATE DISEASES , l l lrt' tiwmt for wlil-h i Klvi > tlio niyit complexion , and u pm'fett f Kin. CONSULTATION FREE ; Sena tump fur reply. Office Buonman Bloo * . 16th ai U bt3. Omaha. N o OWEN'S AND SUSPENSORY. PATENTED Auc. 16 , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1889. DE. OWEN'S ELECTRO- GALVANIC BODY BELT AND SUSPENSORY ? . i ! r iite 4 10 tare He ret- U-lowltig illtcaiei , mm * ) ; : All -.CRheumatic Complunti. jiLumbaso , General and ? 3fervou Dcbllitr. Oo - lag of Body. ndneretioniin { Ycutn , Ace , Slar * .ieLife. InfactalldlfrsiriierttlDlBI . . . or jrenltal orirftna of mile or femtle. SP.\T TO Kr.M'OVHIIII.K I'illTllS 301UYSTKUU fcW& ELECTRIC INSOLES , ? ? Km. Sctv. PC. poiugfl for TB.IK Itluitratfd ptinf hkt , vhleb will t CDt you in plain tealeJ enrclopB. Mention this piper , addreu OWEN ELECTRIC BELT & APPLIANCE CO. 300 Worth Broartwoy , BT. ELECTRIC BELT ; AND TRUSS COMBINED. DR. ISRAEL'S EIECTRO-OALVANIO TRUSS , , Owrn'i Eieotrio Bolt Attachmnt.Y worn Mlth cue and comfort. The eur- made nIJ ! or Itronf. Tljli li the ontjt tleetrlo ( run and tell etrr rn Je. II llupliirnln from 10 Co 11(1 ,1.ji. Tor full 4 > ierlptlonof Dr. Owea'i Elcelro-QiilTanle Helti , plotl AI i > llnnre9. Trufiei anil Iruoltf irnd .He. for riti Illuitratfl rnnillilrt Kbleb will I * cDt you In t'ltln ' nale'l rnrelope. Hold oulr t > ; the OWEK ELECTHIO BELT & APPlIAIinE CO. aOO Kortll Ul-onilwar. 8T LOUlB.Ma lias Mujsr-Estr-bHshei 1836-Adolph Msyar SIXTELSTII AND FAUNAM STKKETS , . < cncral for STEINWAY , CHICKERING , KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARR Story aciarianilShonte-Bcll Organs SI'IICIAI. 1'UIOHS AND TI.'KMH. Write forC'utulosao The "Lion" HMi Pressure Hose Tlio Host IH tiiu FOR SALIj ! nv Tin : SFollowiiigPliunlicrs fscy * Day Co. , I .M. A. FI-PP , ( ii'iiliiini I'urk , [ J. J. Illlillinil : ; , .1. I. . ) V < ; ! nImiiH , I. ) . It. Itiirnticle , I S. ! Morrison , ItthO \ - llnlfc , And all leading tliroughcut thaxM'Bt. nf iii u > vir is u iirotcctlun lu the cnnuumer For Sale or Trade. - It.i.oldunco propony. orange at' < 'Utoun lots , and dimlrablti uiilinprJVfd luinM millabla for \\Inter lioiiios , for imieor tu iindii for w- 1 ( . L .O. GARRbTT , Orlando , FlorlUn. ' trti , jttnf ktlft. U.ok