THE OMAHA DAILY BIDE : MONDAY , MARCH 18. 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAjIA. _ _ _ No mtvcrtlRpinriitn will bo taken Tor colttmnn nftor IStHO | > . in. 1'crniH Cnsli In Advance. Adverttcomrnts. under thin head Jlno for tno Drat Insertion , 7 cent * for each nub- ppquput Insertion , nncl I l.fXI per line per month. Wo advertisement taken for lot * than 2.1 cent * tlio ilrst Insertion , Heven words will becntint * d totlio linn ; they must run consecutively nml must bo paid In ADVANCE. All advertise * taents must ) > a hando'lin boforn 12no : o'clock t > . m. . nnd under no circumstances will tlioy betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In Ihosn columns and hav- tngthelr answers addressed In enroot Tun DKR will nsk for a check to onnbla them to get tUoIr letter ! ) , on nnno will b < i dollvcrcdcxcepton presentation of check. All answer * to adver- lUemnnts should bo enclixonlln envelopes , All ndvortlsementii In those columns are pub lished In both mornlnp and evening editions ot Tun IIKK. the circulation of which aggregate * worn tlmn If.OUU papers dnlljr , nncl given the ad- rertlscrstlio benefit , not only of the cltyclrru- latlonnf Tin : Hr.r , but also ot Council HlulTs. Lincoln nnd other cities and town * throughout tli In section ot Ihn country. BRANCFT6FFICES7 Advertising for thtxo columns will ba taken on thn nlxivo conditions , nt the following busl- nous houses. who nro ni thorlzcil agents forTiiH ] IBK Rporlal notices , and will quota the samp rates us can Uo had nt the mnln olllco. " Street. " HA8K H P.DDY. Stationers npd Printers , 113 South lull Street , SllTl'AHNSWOllTH , Pharmncist , 2I1B Cum- t ing Street. J. HUn 11158 , Pharmacist. G2I North 16th Street _ _ ' h ( ) . W. PA Hit , Pharmacist , 1809 8U Mary's Avenuo. _ SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTKD A permanent position byoxpcr- Icnceilslenogrnphornmibookkeeper , flest of references. Address W. B. , P. O. Hex ! 17 , Lincoln , Nob. 421-21W A good bread and cake baker wants n xltna- tlou. Address Charles Still , Jollot , III. AYOl'NOlady withes n position ns ntcno- craiher , Is rompctent and refers to present cmplo ] or H. Address Stenographer , Drawer ; W , Clty.J 17 1H _ _ \\TANTr.l ) Situation for gnrder.oriW I Imxo TT 2 good llortsts nndl ! vegetable gardeners on honii. Mrs. Urog ail S 15th. n5i ! 10 * "IXTANTJ ? ! ) A posTUou'ITy young Incly to keep TT n sot of books In olllco and do tno olllce work. T 1. lleo olllce. W > Kit ten years' exporlenc" , best , ror ronro < , grocorlos , dsari or commission houso. Address Til Ilec. 278 10 * IJOHIT1ON with a lumber linn by nn oxpcrl- X cnced bookkeeper ; thoroughlv posted In lumber work. Address TC , Dee olllce. WANTKD Situation by an experienced young man stenographnr and typewriter. Iteferfiice given. Adclross TJ lice. 279 "Sit S IITUATION wanted by an oxpenencod ens torn : cutter. Address 8 67 , Ilco. ' K 1B WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED At once , llrst-cluss stenographer fur situation In Lincoln. Addreas HoxilT , IJiicohi. Neb. .MBt WANTHD Two neat appearing young men to sell ii staple article to consumers on tlo road. Snlavv , commlssli n nnd railroad expense paid. Call this morning. Hotel Derby , between B nnd o'clock , evening. 1 to 0. 4KJ-l8t AOIINTS I/ocnl and general. New Invontlon ot merit. Millions Mill bo sold. Secure ter ritory ut once. C. L. Norrls , Uay City , Mich. 40HUJ WANTKD A reliable cmrrctic person in every town nnd city to net ns permanent local agent to soil our celobrp ted teas , colTees , pplres , extracts , baking povJors and tnblo ilnl- tcacles to famllltvi at wholesale prices. I'.xcln- elvo territory given. Our agonta ore making from flu to $10 per week according to the omoimt of energy put forth , and have a puritm- nrot business. For particulars address ttio Keo Kee Tea Co. . U\1 State at . Chicago. TOi M' WANTKD ImraedlAtaly. a good nnrnoss maker ; must bo a good atltchor ; by Clias. Dappa , Imogopo. In. 3U3-li * WANT15U A good llacksmlth of atoady habits nnd n good workman can secure a eteady jobntlnlr wages of the undersigned ; must be ready to come at once ; ran't use a man who drinks. Clark Olds , Homlngford. llox llntto county , Nebraska. UC6 iat WANTKD Jonrneyraan barber : first class wage * to a good luau , W. ( I. Hill , U'alioo , Nob. I01-10- "SS/ANTBD Afionts for our now patent flriv TT proof hares , size KsxlKxlB. wrigiit cnu Ibs. . retail price ? : > " > , others In proportion. Highest iiwnrd ( silver medal ) Centennial exposition ; rare chance ; permanent business. Our prices lowest. We are not in the safe pool. Exclusive territory given. Alpine Safe Company , Cincin nati , O. W.i B Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. . 1301 Douglas.CM. CM. WANTKD Knorgetlc men and women every where for a genteel , monoy-niaklng busi ness. Jflil weekly protlt guaranteed cosier than ( TO monthly llxperienco absolutely unnecessary. Permanent position nnd exclusive territory nsaumi. $2.00 samples free. Write for particulars. Address , with ntump , Merrill Mf'g Co. . H Kl ChlciiKQ. 175 nlot * \T7"ANTKD First class shoo salesman ; none TT but those having years of experience nnd good reference m-i-d upply , nt The Fair , inth nnd llownid. J. L Hrniulels A Sons. 145 WANTKD Itollable & energetic snlosmen In Omahn'nnd northern half of Nebraska to sell oiirmuchluosulso 2 colloctois , no capital or experience necessary. The Singer Mfg. Co. Omaha. Neb. 717-nl TATANTHD 10 traveling salcsmon. salary nnd T V expenses. Address with stamp. Palmer & Co. . DCS Molnes. In. 5r'nl VVTANTKI ) llallrond laborers ror Washing- TT ton territory ; steady woik. long job , nt Albright's Labor Agency. 1120 Farnam st. 740 OOYS-Aiu. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas. 521 r A N'JT D A'gobd business man to fake ilia management of un olllce In New York city , one for Detroit and another for Cincinnati ; must Jmest * J.H/0 / : salary tl.MM per year. Address licorgo 8. Clne | , Wagner block , Dos Molnes. la. ! _ . 67t A ( HINTS wanted on salary. 875 per month and expenses pnld , nny active man or jvomnn to sell our goods by sample and jlvo at lioino Salary paid promptly uud expenses In advance. 1'ull particulars and sample CIIHO free. We mean Just wnat we s y. Address Standard Silverware Co , Itos'.on.1 Mass. " \\i ANTKD A good man to go on the road ; T 1 must b wide nwnke. full of energy , give ecurlty for money rollfcted aud deposit iiifor rninplmi. Call on ( loome 8. nine. Hooin Ml. J'lret National bank InilUilng. Omaha. Nell. 1J7 A ( JKNT8 wiiuted in every town nnd city in U-i-tbo west for the Harden Hand Urnnado Plro Extinguisher. Apply to F. 0. Crundall)1U : ) South "VI7 ANTKD Agents In every city and town In T > the west to sell the Toy Calliope , the croat- Ml seller on earth ; send 20 cts for sample. K U CrnmUill , 1110 youth 15th bt. B7V WANTED FEMALE HELP. ' \ \ rANTKD lly\prll i , acompotmt irirfro T T ( juncnil hoiuoworfc. In fnmtiy ot four. Hot ereuc * retiulrea. Inquire U'lo Vtrelnla avn. UlTMSt GlllL Wanted-Compotent girl In small family , must be good cook and laundress. Ml South 23th st. xa la T\rANTKD AaenU Kellnbla womcn'to sell T the' "Original Hygelu" Combination ( Shoulder Hraco Corset. Host monny making nitlcle In the country , Hntlsfactlou euarun- teeu. Apply for ternm nnd territory to Western Corset lo. . St. Louis , Mo , IBJ-nlU "V\rANTlD ! Neat girl for general housework , V > vti Park avenue. WO-21 * \ \ TANTUD Unttonholo mukorj.llls FaruamT S75 IW \\rANTKD-Lady agents. Two nnw Inven- TT tions for Indies' spring , hummer Outsell everything. Pay ilUil inoiitbly. 'llwaa Vtth our bustle-skirts , rnbbur t'i > oil , nose utip- vorter * . etc. , maku bast business known. Ad- press uith stamp. II. II. Campbull A , Co. . < si Ilanaotph itreui , Onlrnpo. 1SK' ] TANTKD-Ulrl for general house work. Siioa Poppleton ! iv J. 280 DWES9MAKINQ. A\rANTI5D Ungagemtnts to do Orosmnnklni Tt in families. MUs Sturdy.'JUU IxMtvonwortl u m si * E3SMAK1NO 415 m 2 CLAIRVOYANT TVJt. NANNIBV. Warren , clairvoyant , medl JLl l and builnuis uiuJlnm. romalu disease pBcl lty. 11V N JCUi st. , rooms s nnd U. 6'x ' , lSrLBNOnM'AN' be con9ultoTroiT l H tnt of life through tha inaKlo mirror * tUfacUoaB' arantetd.4bN ) I''thst. UIU.UU-B i- * EfVlPtOYMENT BUREAUS. O * MAflA cmp. hiirfan , H9Jf * , Ifith , 8 years. Most reliable In cty H. K.Wh o. n > > OR RENT"HOUSES7 A-1100M house , Gl Williams 81 ; 4 : nn-io Foil HRNT 4-room cottage , rent * IO , furnl- tiirn tlOO ; 8-room IIOUSP , rout I IU. rnrnlltira It5 ! : IS-room cottage. rontffll. lurnlturo tl.WJ ; l-room tlat , rent tn , furnlturo tl.UUO ; 0-room IOUSP , rent tM , furniture I'M ) ; ll-room House , ont tut , tiirnlturn IVA1 ; u-room house , rent in. furnlturo Wl. and tioivrAl other nloo nacei adapted for private residences or IIHM < f UK and rooming houses. Cooperative Land * , aj.l > N ICtliat. .Ti5 IB _ iwn It KNT Ten-room liouso , aej Hurt t. ! Fa",1 all , , moilorti IniprovamcntM : nn cabin. and met car line ; Una locution. Dr. Paul. 15th and > edge sts. 37J 1HJ filOH HUNT ScotUigos , D rooms each , ntrcar JL' of 1-17 Chicago At ; city water nna sowor. miulra nt l-l.'i C'lilcawo at. I7IOH HUNT A Vnwm brick cottage convent- JL1 cutto I'.l' . depot.Mond .V Jamison , 3U S IHli XH _ _ _ "inOH liN'r ( : n-roont house. 27IS JaTk son t JL1 imiiiiroZiU jKckson st. _ ni7 lilt FOU ItnNT A very line ID-room hoiKO ! nil modern Improvumcntx. Jll Douulni nt. lena\vn ft ft ) . , opposite poblonice. illO H " lJTI IfRNT-lfslnibTo B" roonriTatvllTi Htoam hunt on luth At , , coiivoniciit to biHl- ICM centor. All modern Improvements. Apply oil. H. Kobcrt * . 10V ) Chicago Kt. 101-lif : O NT. lloor , 5 rooms , 1712 Jackson at.S7i S7i 1 HRAlJTIl'Uli h-room house , gas , city water. bii tu room , hot nnd cold water , on paved streets with street car , nonr a good school , only I n per month : the house Is new. Apply in ouco. C. I' , llurmon , Merchants' Nat. bank. FU ( It KNT When you wish to ronlahouso. store or onico call on us. II. I ! . Cote , room 0. Continental block. MS _ POIl HUNT 0-rooin modern Imnrovcd homo. A I locality : rent moderate. Apply to M. I'.lguttcr , 1UJ1 h'arniim struqt. 6TU TJIOH UKNT-Cottanos , "s roomSKOTharie's JU stieotnnd 15'JI b'ontli Klftb street. Inquire nt room UIKhcoly block. i > Tl : NT-looil ( basement. 1515 Douglas st. TTIOH KENT 10 room homo on South ICth St. , JU with nil modem coiivoiuoncos : two : l room lints on North lith Ht. , cnltablo for light house keeping ; two now H room llatt , corner -Ith nnd l.i'atonwortliHti. ; will rent reasonably two 10 room | IOUK.I with nil modern Improvementt , rorncrL'flth and Rapltol nve. Apply to Oroon it Williams , Klrst Nfti'l bank building. lt - FoTTllftNT Nlco n roo"m rio > ise. cast fronT half block of cable cart , lli ! t ? snh 81. TTlOTMUJNT loom lint. MD month. Inciulro JU ntTho Fair. iitn : nnd UownrU. OT4 ITlOUIlllNT Choaj ) , a'nlcu a nnd 5 room house , JL' IKWSSlst sUbetwoun Center and Dorcas st. IW ) a h * TjlOH HKflT 3 brick residences , H rooms ouch , JL-fronting llnmcom ji.irk , on Park avemio , with furnace , hot and r > ld water , bnttinndall convenlonces. Heady for occupancy April 1. I'rlco MU nnd H" . n month. D. V. Wholes , Jio lit Nnt. bank building. mi Foil UKNT Furnished house for ront. liar- rin-111 1'lrst national bank. KU POIl HKNT Flnt of seven rooms cor. 8 13th nnd Paclllc fits. Dnggan's block. 877 A ni ( ! IilSTothou'.os for ront. 8. T. Pot r- 7ou , a. c. nor. 15th and Douglas. t > t-al ) * FOH HKNT 10-room honso , steam , gas , bath , hot nnd cold nnd cistern wntpr , good cellar nnd nice yard. J5) . 'MJ s 21th. InuulioliUT 8 24th. 714 TJ1OH HKNT 10-room inofinrn house near high JU school cheap. O. K. Thompson , 212 Sheely block , 15th and Howard. 1K1 TjlUHNlSHKD house for rent In Park Terrace , -L' opposite Hanscom Park , nil modernn con venlonces. Knqulre , Lee Jc Nlchol , 2 Sth and Leavenworth. 932 FOR RENT ROOM'S FURNISHED. T71OII HUNT Turnlehed room , all modern JU conveniences. ' il4 Farnam st. 131 1011 ItKNT Fumlshed orunfurntshod rooms , single or cu suite. Inquire K. 2 , 412 S. 11th. 3S5-1H * FOR KENT Nicely furnlsticd room , with heat , ? 'l per month. 4CT Williams bt.t H min utes' walk SB 0. P : depot. 4H PUIINISIIKD llooms-1701 Capitol nvo. 3 3 22 * NIC1JIA' turmnhod room. 210. ' > Douglas. C 2J PIHVATK family have several nicely furn- Uhoa room for rent Wlthlloard. 815 N 20th. st. O.U 22 'M' 'ICKLV furnlahed rooms , 1811 Capitol ru-e. " | 7 > Olt HUNT Two furnished rooms , cheap , JL1 tor gentlemen or rcspectublaorkmi ? girls , 1371 Cnmlng. : iotl ll T > OOM and hoard cjieap for two in private .Lt family. - 18 Hurt. : t7-K ) NHWLY furnished snuthoast snltu oC rooms , nlso small front room , with nil im > d rn con- venlncon and flrat-class board. ; aui Karnam. A VENUEHooms-At 1813and 1111.1 Capitol nve -ci-2 blocks from PO. , newly furnished private bo&rdlnghousejilaamnt roomsal i con venlen ces I'M 21- ilOU KENT. Front rooms at 1EJ1 Furnam. "I Alt(3n ( front room , furnished , every conven- ; also , huuill room. 2107 Douglas. 20. ) TOOM and board for two. location deslinble , JLl' ' rates reasonable , modern conveniences. ! ! 2fl Leayenwortli. _ 221 IBt 17IUHN1SIIRI ) front loom to a goiuionian of JL' good habits ; location convenient to busi ness : bath , etc ; Din S. 20th. becohd door fiom St. Mary's avenue. 23ij-lt ! * ' \ UU.N'ISIU \ ; ! ) or unfurnished JU nnd bath , boanl if desired. 61 ! ) 9 20th St. , oi > - poslte All Saints' church. 574 TjlOlUlKNT Furnished rooms In Oriienlc blk -U cor. i : < tli and Dodge nts. Inquire of iieo It. Davis , Millard hotel billiard room. C7u TT'INK furnished rooms , also some for light. JL' honsekoaplng. Mil Capitol avenue. C932U * * lj1UItNISIUH > rooms by day , week or month. JU St. Clalr Hotel , cor. I3tu aud Dodge. "VTICHLV furnished rooms and board : strictly J-i lliiit-clasareferencesruoulred. ; 1911 Farnam stieer. m i'.i THOIl HKNT A nicely furnished room' with JC all conveniences ; CIS so. 17th t. TiJ 71OH UENT-Furnlshna front ro3.ns IblB 3 Dodge. 4 7m2l * N'ICU fumlsheo rooms it board , 171W Douglas. 4D'J SUITof 3 furnlsbud looms , modern conven- leude ? , 3 blocks frpju I' . O. , private family. A. I loupe , jr. , 1313 Douglas st. 423 TnUUNISHKD rooms , 11 9 20tb st.noar Dodge. ? as * TJ1UHNI8IIKU rooms , Mnglo or ansuito , bath JL' and hteniu : for touts only. 1519 . iwt T AltflK front room with bod-room adjoining ; JLJImwlsomely furnished , gas anil heated by steam , with use of bath-room , lu one of the handsomest residences In the city , without board. Immlren. w , cor. llith nnd Leavonnorth. VTJ TilUHWlMlKD rcotn llllJ Chlcaso-bt. -V 191-1SI EOOM8 Vurnlshed or unfurnished , single or ec Biiito ; modern convenience.2227 l > odge. OH"ItBNt Nicely furnbhed front room nnd ulcovo , all conveniences. 2IU1 Farnum ht. lai O NICI3LY furnished rooms , steam hent , ca . -'hath , etc. , on lloor , lit ) per mouth. 207 .8 X4t h ; no Hat. 678 r.AIKJK front room , nicely furnished , suitable JU for i ! u' smeii. Wil ratimm , 67.1 rrLEfANTLY ! furnished parlor , steam Heat , Ji\\ltli board. AVply or aJdrtis Mid. II. L. Handuii , ir.'l Dodge. 210 lb JL ° RRCN T" OOJlUnTurnlshcd. . 1302loiiglns tard floor gti _ 5 unfurnished cliamboro for housekeeping to imiu und ulfe. U' No. Kthst. T70H ItCNT llooms * ultablo for homekeon- JL Ing In nultts of from ono to four ; in conven ient Incut Ion : lowest prtctis. Unit's Iteming Agcucy , 1601 1'uruainbticct ; telephone 170. gf nli * _ _ _ I 1011 HUNT Three unfnrnlsliert roomu , also 1 two basement rooms to families without children at 1123 N lUlift. tin _ „ liBNT-3 unfurnished rroms. Will take board forreut. Call lull Davenport 411HUT SHORTHAND AND TYPEWjIITINO. STANDAUD Shorthand School , 413 Bheeley block : teaches Mundura syitems and uses Kumlnfton typowrlturs. Cirrulara free. CCd \\THITl'LlvSKV8Shorthand school.St llarker T \ block , ' ) mtUs' lanructlonjISjcliss limited Wlfcl * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. nnd l.eaven { W-20J Jll HKNT ArteslrnblollstoMiensM. win try to suit you at No. n , Crolghton block. J. J. ( libson'/i rental agency , IH1 TJvJuHUNT New Moro corner IBth nnd JU .tones. A. 0 Powell , 1201 Farnnra. K17jJ rrioit ItliNTuriicefsniie t& , n monfh.lTmnglo JU offices $ | ! i each , nil fronting 10th st. Hush , mnn block , n. o. cor inth nnd Douglas. W. M , HiiMiinnn , 1311 L nvcnworth. fiTO "irvll ) HENT 2 stores 7 room lint , 0 room JU house 17th. near Nicholas. Inquire Grilles * Ingor llron. , Oil South 10thRt. C.'E-m37 ) Oil HUNT 2 Doors JKxK ) eaph.ln brick building - ing , with elevator , close to express olllro , rhcnp rent , just the thing for wholesaling , good location npply ( loo. lleyn , 110S Fnnmni st , gM FOR ! -ryiTsCE\LANEbusr rANTHI ) for rent SOVOM ! live orilxroom house * In the north pnrt ot thn city 1m * ncdlatalv ; nhoii numborut larger houses. 1 iiaro application * nvery day for Kountzu I'l.ico lioiisdi. t,1st \ \ Itli ma If you \rant them rented. 1 , J. Olbion , room II freluntou block. KM lfi "I71OU BAI.K Young parrot , talks Homo , tin. X1 Ono , good talker. tW South lOtli Ht , Koom V. _ gg Kit NOTICK to I'ftrmon and Oarilonors For rent , the following pieces of ninil : North li of northwest ! 4 of soc. 1 , 1 1" > , r IID ) iieros ; Botuh H of south n of soc. in. t 1 , r U' . BO acres : east : p acri'.i ot north H of ! ( R'Si. 1 1r 1 ? , naacrexialso Uacrdi duo south of the pour farm nnd mljolnlut ; IMw.ird llowell [ > lacn In rtty limits , liuiulre ot .lohn llamlln , (17 ( I.mtonjjlock. Utnnh > . Nob. _ HT'i.ill fjloHKNT Wcllniproveil f nn ofWI ncros JL' near city. Schleslugoi llros. , till South 10th. WAN7ED-TO RENT. W Vurnlshed room for three gontlo- men. Address , stating tormt , T,1I , lloo. IjlOUNO A iiownyHtcm ot renting housos. JU llrlngorhond nllst ot your property for rent. Can rent houses readily at No. 'ICrelgh- ton block. J.J. ( ilbion'H rental ugoncy. ilst WANTIID florT-room hnnsc. modorn. with burn , by n good party ; no children. Must be nice , good location. Tarty Mill nay coed price , lion xwu & Co. , opposite postolflco. RENTAL AGENCIES- LIST your InndH , lots , etc. , with Ot'o. .1. 1'.uil , : on rnrtinm st. : ivi so public Is especially requested to call .1 and sco . ! . , ) . fllbson'snew syntom oj IIOIIMI renting. Iltitonu moment Is required to Mud \\lmtj-ouniint , IP/I 11' YOU want to buy. sell , rent or exchange , call on or address , ( ) . . I. Sterusdorir , rooms SIT unil HIS Mrst National bank building. sr. T I8TTvmir lands , Tots , etc. . w'uh ( Too. J. I'anH JUluoiVarnamst. ! B3 S ) G ib. : .1. PAl'U KWi Parnam st. . , htorss , etc. , for ront. fiS. | "VA/Kglvo special attention to renting and 1 1 collecting rents. Hat with us. II. K. Cole , room ( J Continental bl3.'k. 5R1 LIST your landi , lots , etc. , with Uoo. J. Paul , IBW harnaniEt. ' ar.i : 3J f"F YOU want your housoi rented place them Lwlth H nawn & Co. nth , oppojltu iinstnltlco. f TST yourliousos and stores witn nTo : I Tiavo LJlots of customers. J. H.Parrotto.lRHll Cntca o I-'U all WANTED TO BUY. " \\7"ANTKD to liny Sorond-lmnd tihcnton In IT good order. State Innust prtceaud where it can bu seen. Address T. 7 lleo olllco. S'll ' V\7ANTRD To buy good commercial paper. W H. C. PnUoron. . illHS st. to WANTKD to buy t h ave cnstomera tor houses and lots uorih from JI.WJ ) to foui. property uwiiors wishing to sell will consult their Interest by listing their property with inn. I can tliui you a purchaser. C. K. Heller , room 0. 8. W. cor. 15th nnd Douglas. OM2 WANTKD To buy second-hand Safety bl- cyrlo for adnlt. Adaresa btatiuit iirlce , T 11 , Iloe. 5K1-16T FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. , FOU SAf.H-Party gain ? east April loth would dispose of portion of household fur niture , viz. : No. K Garland ran o. almost new , ba.s burner slovo. dlnlnsr room , bed room , kitchen furnlturo and utensils , etc. : also sumo hard and soft coullll ; bo sold nt u bargain. 2U South 30th Et , IM ! ] t BALK On monthly payments , good team , wa onand htrnoss : also single horse anu buggy. O. C. Jouuson , Ki Paxton block. 103 18r "IJIOH SALE A good team , harness and nearly JU now wagon , nnd coal bed. Call at fil'j fax- ton block. K81 SO ir.OH SALE Two diamond pins , one ring and JU one pair earrings. AddressT JOIJoe ollkc. 15220 2 RI3AlTlIIS-n,1J ) worth of nice lurnifiro. entire onttit of the house , lorSWO ; must sell on account of .sickness. Apply to .1. II. FOR SAM ; A line combination Milliard and pool table for residence ; almosfn-'W ; abar- gain , itoom ' , IT. S. Ixatlunal bulldlnz. TjlOIt SALK-Car loa.d of yonn ? sonnd horses. JL ? 5510 California st. K. jJ. Wood. . ' ! T7UMI 8ALI3 Ono 31 H. P. portable boiler and JL1 : Ti H. P. center crank engine , including steam pump , heater , etc. ' . " 01 Douglas street. ( HI EOIt SALi-lKO : ( tons 11 to 10 inch ice on truck , Council lllnlls. Glllort Hros. Ar.AHCH , heavy government wagon , almost new , can bo bought nt your own price. (1. .1. Stornsdorll , rooms 317 and 31 National Dank. Telephone 4UI. 5.V. LOST. IOST Thoold system of renting houses. Try J tha now one. It Is a. grand micces" , at No. , ' ) , Crclghtoii block. J. J. Ulbson's rental ngeucy. 3SI l ) or Stolen A cream-colored year- Ollng eo'it , short tall ana halter on , white btar on forehead , r'lmlor % vlll return to Wm. Me- Caultty. ITitT Hontll lilth Bt. 33.5 ! T OST White nnd yellow setter doc. blcml h J1J on left eye ; 810 reward for return or In formation lending to recovery. Prank Cross , . 2nll St. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND n-wranteo & Trust Co. , l.Vfi 1'nr- nuni. Co , Ioto abstracts furnished & tltloa to real estate oxamlnad.parfoctou .V guaranteed. 5U3 A USTltACTS Liuahan & Mahonuy. room f,00 , Paxton block. Ml OMAHA Abstract company , 1510 Farnnm st. Most complete and carefully prepared set of abstract books and plain of all real property in tne city of oinahu and Douglas county. " MONEY TO LOAN. } $ $ $ Toloan on farms und city oroperty , $ ( loo. J. Paul , 1GOJ Fariiam st. ! 1M ' . . 210 First Nat'l bank b fore mak- SBI'.BlioloH. Ingyour loans. VA MONET to loan on improved real estate. H. A. Upton Company , Invest man t bankers , 16th and Farunm , 2bd 21 CITY llnanolnlAgoncy will loan you money on horses , furniture , jewelry or beourlilrs ot any kind. 1J Howard St. , corner 8. 13th st. WANTBD Fi t class inside loans. lx > west rates. Cull and see us. Mutual Invest ment Co. ll l Harker blk. 15th and Furuaia. l\n \ Tf ON KY to loan , Harrl * IL E. Se Loan Co. , J > L room 411 , l-lrst National bank , COD PEOPLE'S Financial Knchango The fairest , ijuk'test nud most liberal money exchange in the city ; loans made without delay or publicity , in any amount large or small ut the lowest rates of interest , on any available security ; IOHIU may bo paid at any time or renewed at original ratee. O. Housrnren , ingr , room COK Darker blk , 15th und Farnam , ( Xti T CAN make a few loans on Ural-class chattel J-securlttes ut reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10. llarkcrblk. Oil nil HST mortgage loans at low raws aud no JU delay. D. V. Wholes , 21U First National biiuk. MONEY to loan on Improved property at llrst lianas. No application sent away for ap- pro\aL Security aud titles examined free of chargu to borrowers. Lombard Investment company. 00) ) a. 13th at. ( O7 P\DGLL 111(03. ( li CoM No. SIS So. ICth 6t. V/Chainber of Commerce bulldluff. loan money nt 4 , Ui . T , 7H and li per cent , accorulag to loca tion ot property. Unsurpassed facilities for placing large loans on lualda business property. A special fund of auroral thousand dollars to IOMOB unimproved lot * . 4W TO LOAN. T\f ONF.Yjito. lonnnn Improved ceal cstnto by JJlNorthweilwrn Mutual 1,1 to Inmtranco Co. Lowest rM vtio commission. Address How. ard Konnrtiy.'H'oclM loan agent , oninho. Nab , [ f > M DO YOU vranfto borrow money ? l . , lleAillhls : It will nave vott time , k Il'wllt ' save you money. , You can borrow from . F. Mxstcrs , cossor toV. . U. Croft. . nollbld'g , lrth nnd Harnny sK 811) ) . > , ' o , f KHI , tA , MOJ , 11,000. t\M ( ) . * IOtKW , In fact , nny sum you want on furnlturo , pianos , horse * , mules , wagons , etc. , on easier icrmf nnd'atlMver rates than any other olllco In the cltyj vrttliont publicity or removal ot property from your possession. It an Instalment U tiun on your property and yon cannot meet It , call nnd sen me. 1 will pay It for yon. If you haven loan In any other oftlco cnll and get my rates. 1 will take it up nnd carry it for you. 1 tnnko lonns for ono to MX month * . Mid you can pay n part nt any time , reducing both prin cipal nnd All loans renewed nt original rates , nnd no charge for papers. All business strictly oinDdontlnL Call nnd see me. Don't forgot the number , Honm 4. Wltlinoll block. CM KIIIIAPKA MortR. Lonn Co. will make yon n loan on household goods , horses , wagons , Innd foiitrnct-s , flno Jewelry , or securities c > f nny kind , without publicity , ut reasonable rates. Honm 7 , llowlny block , South Omaha. Itooms ( JltWltl Paxton block , Omaha , Nab. "JYTONUY Loans negotiated ntlnw roles wlth- J'l out delay , and purchase gooJcoaimorclal pnper nnd mortgngcnotes. B. A , Sloninn , cor , lath nnd Fnrnnm. raifl MONUY to loan , O. P. Davis Co. , real cstnto and loan agents , IM'i Farnnm st. roil ) T OANSmadoon real estnte nnd inortjrnuos JU bouuht. Ixjuls.S. Heed & to. , I.V-'I Furnnm. BUILDING loans. Llnahnti k Mahoncy. (119 ( MONKYto Loan We are ready for applica tions for loans In niuoiiutn from 3 ) .X > to f 10.- OHO on Improved Omaha or Dougtas county real oslato Full Information ns to rates. Loins prompt ) v closed. Con t nolos111 be piircluisod by us. Call upon us. or write. The McCaijtm Investment Co. niu B UILllNl oans ) ViholoJ. 210 First Nnt'l. Hank. fi 7 H.11"COLIJ. . loan agent. . 011 I > iOI'I.U'S : Vlnmiclnl Kxcliange I.nrgo and small loans for long and short tlmn , nt Unv- oalratcH of iutrrcst. on real ostnto mortcu-co notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watehci nnd Jew elry. Don't fall to call If yon wnn't fair and cheiip aceommodatl'jtis. O. lloiianiron , Mgr. , room 5Ui. ! llarkur blic. , IDIIi mil Karimm. Cfi _ ' Gl'nit OK N'T monny to loan Cimh on hiuii ) . \V. M. HnrrU , it. J , Vranzur block , opp. P. I ) . lilll KcOLE , M ONnVtolonn 111 largo KHIIIS at the lowest ruins ; no delay. H. C. Patterson , ; I18 8 1Mb , 121 MO.SK\ loan ! cash on hand ; limit-lay. J. W.Sqmro , Ul'J I'araam st Mm National bunk building. OH MONKV loaned for 3D. CO or IX ) day * , on nny kind of chattel security : reasonable Inter ; business conildcuttal. J. J. Wilkinson. 1117 I'nrnnm st. U17 lilan"loweia"rUoT Ixioin"cIod M promptly. J I. K. Cole , K.OContinental block. UJMJ.uxi to Joan nt II per cent. I.lnnh.m " " I-Mn- PhonoItboni 50. ! , I'nxton block. din I > Hf.u5YLi ( : > iflA'ATortgago S Trujtt Co. eli i-np cast em money nlroct to borrowers. Mnku biillUni ; ! loans , larira or small ; perfect title-s ; nccept loans in thsir western o'llce. ( ! oo. W. P. Coate * . represcntntlvo , I'l Hoard Trado.filfi filfi TlfONKV to .J.onn < m chattel secnrTty ; fair iTJL rate imci-tst. J. H. Pnrrotte. 2W1 Chicago. * 211 nil OHOICE'IoaiLi wanted on Improved city prop- eny. KlnibalU Chump Sc Kyan room n If. b Nat bk bldg. UW l-'arnam Ht. BO ? a' ) MONUVtto loan on furniture , horses , wagons etc. , or pn any approved security- W1 Kobblas , liooly blc 16th and Howard' fON'in' to loan nt ratns of Interest enL -L renloatate'Mn Omaha and South Omaha. Titles mm property examined by ILS nnd loan * nuulu at once. Cash on hand , liatej , Smith & Co. room 20J Ilamgo blduc ; . ISM BUIdDlNR loans n specialty. W. M. Harris , room 20 , IVenzer block , oppo3lte P. O. _ ( IVrONEYtoloanon furniture , pianos , horses. J.TJLwagons. etc. City Loan Co. , 118 S l.'ltli at. opposite Mlllard hotel. 170 DON'T borrow money on fmnltnro. horses , wagons , etc. . or collaterals until you BOO C. ll.Jticoba , 410 Klrst National bank building. < J l.rOD to J.'O.OJO nt 0. d'nnd 7 per cent , no Mid- ndiumen ; icoucy direct from the Pastern In vestor , W. a Melkle , First Nafi Hank building. 407 LOANM on buslnsss property , g" .U j to J.TJ.WX ) wanted. Provident Trust Company , room SUS , First National Hank building. 10J MISCELLANEOUS. /1ONTKACTING plastfrors are InvitJd tocall v iit room < 01. I'axtou building , and examlnu "Adamant. " T > 2 A 15 JVJOTICEtoI.oau Agents Who will name mo 1tho lowest rate for J i.UX ) to J ' .OUU for A years on choice residence projerty. Dan Wheeler , Jr. , Honm 1 , C'relghton block. T > ) IK rpllKTJanJo Uuilit nsTan nrfby JL lenbcck. Apply nt lleo Ollice. MAlTA. "Neb. , Fell. Hs \ J. Notice Is bore- by given to the holders of all bonds Issued by the Cable Tramway Company ot Omaha , and bearing date of May 2d , ISM7. January 1st , IKH" , nnd October 1st , 188) ) . to present the same , for payment , with accrued Interest , nt the First National bank of Omnhu , Neb. , the fifth duy of. April. US' ' . Interest on Bald bonds will cease on that ( lute , the company having availed Itself of the right to rmlcom the same , by giv ing thirty days notice of Us desire to do co. S. U. Johnson , President. KOfi-a" ) /"VMAHAStcnm Dye \Vorks Ittil .Howard st. V/Dyeing , cleaning , etc. Lace curtains cleaned. C. T Paulson prop. , telephone 947. ni'Mn'A WANSON. Vnllcn At Co. , undertakers and embalmers , 1721 Cuming at. Tel. IUW. FOR EXCHANGE. rpO TKADK for n noraii or team a clear lot , Jl lays well , title OK , price 17.\ will paydlf- fcrcnro In cash or take mortgage back for dlirereucc. Co-operative Land i Lot 0 o. . 20j N ictn st. 3.r IB TT1IRSI'-OI/ASjchop house and lunch counter7 .1. centrally located nnd doing nloo business , to trade for real estate ; prefer Dakota land. Co-oporatlve Laud and Lot Company , 2Ui N. 3518 riV ) KXCHANOE-Kqiilty , in ICount/e plaro -L lot. for horde and buggy. Apply at ( llbjteu'a Hental Agency , room 3 , Crelghtou blk. 10S-18 ? W ANTlJlto Trade UnlncumCered resi dence lots for sightly east front lot , near West Farnam St. , cast ot 33th Ht. Dau H , Wheeler , Jr.loom { 1 , CrelKhton , block , , : BO is _ _ _ STOCK , of gou merchandise , $3ouu , one-tnird cash , balant'o wostara Iowa or eastern Ne braska laaii. ot horses , wagon and har ness to trade tor furniture in house , price 315U , Small stocfcoftgrocerlcs , slock of furniture. In- volco nbont W.T.O.I , building nd prouerty.brlek. two-stories high , 21x1.5) ft. iu good Neb. town , price of al 1 1,000. will exnbangtt for an Iowa farmCoopratlve ' Laud & Lot Co. , 205 N lath. - 3.15 18' "I7IOH THADKr-IOunlncumborrd lots In Pop- JL' pietou t'.irk i nd Drlggs I'iace tor liniirovod property. Wlirassume mortuago or jay cash. 1'or Trnde peed unlncumbcred farm for Omaha For Trodit Three farms slightly incumbered for Omntia property. For Traibi a- ( * ) acres In a body for Omaha property. 'Will assume Incumbrance , Drennau A'Co. , Chamber of Commerce. ! _ , a aii 19 TJ10U JEXCH'ATJOK-For - desirable residence JU property lu Omaha , nny or all of following : 40 choice Inside residence lots in Hastings. 100 lots In Lincoln. till ) acres due farming land , Lancaster county , Fine resilience property. Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice family residence , corner , Los Angeles , A neat residence property In llanssom Place , Also , noiue good mortgage notes. Address , giving location and price of prop erty. J. K , 11. . care llaum Iron Co. . 1217 I-eaven- worth. (133 TiWU lxnHANUB-2 i acres In Halt Lare JU city , Utah , t miles from cantor of city nil- Joining lands owued by the C. , II. & t ) . and U. P. Kyd- directly in course of entrance to the city. Price I4.WX Want Nebraska farm land , 3 acres lu llarkalow sub. { Omaha ) , clear ot encumbrance. Prica tUXXX Want Improved renting property. Will put in some cash. 3 clear lots lu Albright * ! annex. Price 13,000. Want house and lot lu Omaha. lloube and lot in Drown Park , South Omaha. Clear of encumbrance * and want .hubrasKa land. New T room house , lot SOilW. in Walnut Hill addition. Price uwn. Encumbrance ftVX ) . ' Want Improved farm , a li. Keller , room 6. 8 , W. cor. lith aud Douirlaa. 110-1V FOR EXCHANGE. . . / . . RXCIIANQK Dakota. Hand county. What have yon to oiler for n Rood farm hero , rdlghtly encumbered ? Dakota hinds rn rising In value , nnd Its diMtlnr cannot bo illn * puled. Wllltakp vacant lot or Improved prop erty nnd Minnie mime Incumbrnnce , fl. J. Sternsdorir. roomsri 17 nnd 318 First National bank building. ( " . ' ( WANTKD-Jood ( span of horses In rxcnango for clear lot. A. P'ntk yl5thnniS Douglas OLKAHInnd. lota nnd stock for good house nnd lot , onmlin ; must be unexceptionable neighborhood. Address 8 21 , Hoe. TOO fpo liXC'llANaU-llousB * nnd lots , farm JL lands , merchandise , homes , cattle , wagons , etc. Call or write U. H. Heller , room C , 6W. cor. lUhnnd Douglas , 210 J'T'OH iSXClfANUK-F.lghty acroj of the nnost . timber land In Wisconsin , clear of luciim- brnnco. What have you to otter ? ( I. ,1 , Htornn * dortr , rooms 317 A ; UIS flrjt National bank building. ni'J BUSINESS CHANCES. rPO KSTA1IL1SII vntiinbta agency address nt JL once , H. .M. Illnck. Murniy hotel. 421-18 * "IJILOI'lt , feed coal nnd cmiornl commission .1. store. , line looittlon and trnvkiiKi ? , Co-op- erntlvo Land nnd Lot Co. , 20.VN.lpth st. .ISl-19 1/1OH BALK -A clgnr anil tobacco , slntlonory , JL' book and notion store ; rnro bargain for cash. Address T 20 , lleo olllce. 88S23 ? _ " 81'vrUAL lostnurnnw. Mirlous prices ; 1 room hotel in city , nrlco II.OXi , pnrt cash , bnlnnco tl' < per month , rant $ < U ; fiv > il store , good business , clearing J100 per month , pilco ' ) U\ rent H per month ; grocery storiInvolco about II.ooi ) , good location , Co-oporatlvo I ind nnd i ) t LU , an N. ifith st. ; i.v. is _ "I71OH SAI.l Stock of Jowolrv In grow Ing No- JL' braxkn tow n of LOW popnlalloii ; no comiio- tltlon ; iood oponlng for the right party. Ad * dress alftxM cyer As Un > . 311 Si _ AT A NTlVu" T'nrtner with not less than T T who has some oxpcrtunco In slaughtering nntmnls , tormnrkot In some country town NftbraKkii , Missouri or loua , Irom 2,0. to fklKX ) population ; linvo good sliop otittlt nnd market experience ; references exrhniigod. Address J. A. . IOCK box Nn. ! ti7. Omaha. ini-l8 _ "ITIIHHT-CLASd Htoclcot grooorlns , llxttiros for JL1 sale ; cool Im.Hlness , Hue location : rent ron- Bonable. Address , T 1 , lloo. 2CU 1h * MUAT market for sale ; best iinylng stand In Omalm. Address "KM , " lleo olllco. 4UO-1I121 * " \\rANTKD A partni-r. cither active or silent , T In nufll-establlslied seo.l buslneits , with n largo stock of all kinds of Hold souds ; capital requlrod , ? dim , ) to ( IOKn ( ; a splendid opportu nity for the light man. Address Sw. ; lloo olllce. . 81.1 _ _ _ _ A NlfW roller mill for sale Inn good wheat bolt , and goo.l m.irkut for lloor , 1'oriorins rosrt F. .1. Andreas , Uonlun , Nub. SS.ImlS * ' MKMIiilSIM ) : l'm the Omaha bonnl of tru'lucnr. ! > had cheap at lloom U. S. Na tional bank building. U3I PERSONAL A TTRNTION-Don't fall to call onMrs. . Dr. jx it. Wellington , glttod nstrologlst nml test medium. Consultations dally on nil alfalis of llro aud death. I'nlt.-s the eep.iratod , causes sreeiiy marrlage.i locates diseases nnd treats with massage treatment nnd nlcohollu baths , Send fJltn lock or hair nnd ago Ihruugh mall for correct written reading. Olllro 41 ? outh lith st. , room n. up-stalrs. Open Sundays. 3W-I9- P HIV ATI ! cour. o In fencing , boxing or fancy club swinging , tlO. Address T 14. lleo olllco. A-NYON'15 wishing an mterproter uigo with jXfamlly or any line of business to Pans I5x- hlbltlon. address Paul Hendalnl , 1301 Douglas. 3IB SI" TIIANCB MlIDttIM Mine. Kanoall , the young Swede , tells full minion of rnllors and HIM full name of your futiuo husband or ulfe. witn late of marriage , and tells whether the one you love Is true or falsa Not a fortune teller , but a youuK spirit medium. Madame goes Into n perfectly de-vl trance. Will bring back the parted husband or lover , no matter if they bo Kl.'UJ miles away. Will guarantee to BOIUO family mmrrels. parlors up stairs. IOS N. Ibth Bt , . third door. 242 a 12 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTKD Hourd nnd room byn young mar , rled couple. Heferenccs oxchangeil. Ad dress giving terms , T 23 lleo olllco. 3U2-18 * WANTKD-To boiTOW Jl.OOOto $1.005 ; secu rity first mortgage on lots In Paddock Place. F. M. llnmllng.git 8. lithst. WANTKD-10.00) women to nso "WIlcox's Fancy Comimund Pills.1 Perfectly Bafo und always edectual. Send for 4c "Woman's Safe Guard. " Wilcox Medical Co. , Philadel phia. 114 A19 ' 89 " 1X7ANTKD Type-writing done fordeskrootu V > lii olllce. Knqnlro f.l Paxton blk. ail 18 _ _ O USES Mow houses nuntcdlTt' . ! . J. Oibl son's rental agency. No. 3 Crelghton block. H you want to rent a honsn list It at once. Could rent more houses if I them. ! > K4 STORAGE. WANT1ID Furniture , carpets , Moves and household KOOCIS of all Kinds. Omaha Auction tutorage Co. , 1121 "amain. : > VJ OTOirAOK At low rates at 1121 Farnam St. . V Omahn Auction & Storage Co. MJ IiUACKAOC , Ptornge. lowest rates. W. M. llnslinuin. l.ill Leavenworth. Ml OHANCII i ; CO.Btorase , 1211 Howard. FOR SALE VEAL ESTATE. EOlt B.UK-ots i , , iund in , block 11 , Wes : Bide iuldltlon. Tnevj lots arj5U2 ! < oacli. lay very pretty , and tha throa cin bo bought for $ lW ) . They are actually worth twlco that amount. O. J. Steroxdor.r , Rooms .117 and 318 , First National bank uulldlni ; . FOH UALU Or ( ratio. 8 new 8-room houses ; from llrst hands. Hoom 420 Hamge block. I710H SAL ! ; Or exchange for Onntia prop- JL' orty. HO acres. fcnltiblH for plattln'z ; will make 4U01otsall clear ; big money lu It for soma onouhocan push this ; Heats I 3iutouUldo tha city limits ot Counell Hlulfs. Inquire (5no. J. Bteinsdorir. rooms 1)17 ) and HIS , First National bank building. (173 ( IpOll SAl.i : Lots IS. SO nnd 27. 43xlM. lot 2i. ' OxloU. in block 15. on Hurney st , nlso lota 4 nnd 21 In block I , East Sula nd'Utlor. to Omaha. For particulars intiulre of T. J. Uermlngham , ( lolana , III. 4Mm'JI UICIC sales are fcecurud by listing property Q ; with AV , A. Sptncer , room 3 , Uushman block. 13 HI TflOH HAI/U or Hxchango linnroved stock JL1 farm of XM nrrrs In eastern Nebraska , near market ; nlso new 12 room house with all con veniences , In desirable residence potlon ; of Omaha. Andruw llevlns. attorney , V nnd 4ia Paxlon block. Oranha , Nub. im SAI.K Cheap Not for trade ; rn.7d ucrea 1-md ( bee. fdu'-iji t\u > miles from Marquott * . Hamilton county. Nobraokn. Frame hoti > > e , sta ble. .TOJ ncies under good barb-wire xonce , round cedar posts , two htay/i , living wator. M- foot channel , 2 wells , : isi barrel tank , corral , self-feeder , unatuial iitock ranch , in n line corn belt. Price . ffl.OOO Cash In hand . 2,750 2 years' time 0 pr cent . ! l,2.V ) Go and look over land. Address owner , F. 1C. Atkins , 1302 Larimer st , Denver , Col. 027 rnoit SALK Ilaltleetlrm No. 1 land in Hurt JL county. Neb. , nine mllm from Tekaniali , all under Jlx-wlro fpiice. well watered ; price K.Of-l ) ; t..OOO down , balance on time , 7 per cent. In quire of J. A. Llllle , IbW Webster Htreet.Oinnha , Noi _ jau-is" HASTIKOS , Nebraska 100 acres land ndjoln- ing the cltyforsalo by A. Veltli , Hastings , Neb. _ KJa-mSttj FOHHAIR-r. lots ic Mayne 1'lacu at $ I.8IK ) each. M. A. Upton Company , 10th and Far nam. ax > _ _ O III ( ) h 1 Hero's nn Investlnent , 1ST feeton corner of ICth and Vinton , both paved htroots ; 7 stores that will rent for tl.uoo n year and for more after a while ; JW.u'ni. ' Must bo snapped up nutck at that price. M. A. I'pton ICth anil Farnam. _ lur HKHK ! Here ! Look at this , ye home seekers. 8-room house , bath room , hot and cold water , gas pipes , lot .WxlW , in Hanscom nlace , No. 1.113 Vliymla nu'iuie. Get price of M.A , L'ptou ( Company , lath and Furnain. _ I'M T7UM. residence for aale , N. IS , corner d -L' and Hurdette. Lot lxl J , lo-roomhoust > , bath room , furnace , hot and cold water , seuer connections , \\ell und cistern , piped for gas , llrst-clam cellar , good burn , walks all around. SUM , will take smaller house nnd borne cash , will assume home Incumbrance , M. A. Upton Company. lUth and Farnam. IK ) BUHINUSS , business Two now brtrt otocca on Leavenworth street , cast of 20th , that nro paying 10 per cent at a IOAreittl. : ; . ( let prices ot M. A. futon Company , Ifith and Far- nani. un _ WOHTHV of your attention. Now being compietad on 2.1th st , north of Leuven- worth st , two house * ronvcntunt to business , very roomy , grate , mantel , turn tic * , gas. bath , tollot,2 water closets , stationary wush tubs , hot and cold water , nve bedrooms , 10 closctn onlriVGUI , on terms to milt. Telephone 227 or W , T , hcainau , Omaha's largest variety of wagon - on . curriage . etc. , east tide Itith M , north of Nicholasst. 4 I7\OH HAL'lTor 'I radu Tnevery I X' in Osccola , population I.WU. county seat ot Clare county , Iowa , 13 room brick lions' ) , steam heat , and every convenience ; one acre of land. Cost * 15.UX ) . Mortgage < .UJ ) for Uve year * nt 7 percent annually will sell or trade oqulty. M. A. Ujilou. Company , Inveatnmai bautera , Omaha , Neb. 537 FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE. FOIt BALK The flnosl residence site Omaha ; just south of Fatnam on 37th Mroot ; n corner KVixIST with 187 met frontage on paved Mroet nnd joining thn handftomo nisi * deuce of Klrkondnllon thoeastnnd llrady , Kan- son nnd Mnrtitton thn souths a perfect cent and garden spot for an nlenant homo. llnnier and Slit streets , 1(1x107 , on pnvomont wllhln : ) block * ot the court house ; room for seven line houses that would rent ns rapidly n.s completed. A splendid permanent Invest ment Famam nnd d ulrootn , Wjcirti , with new n story brlcKRtoro building , rented to good per manent tenantllcntal receipt * ll,3JO per year , Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01 fent to alley , ( load business property. Fnrnnm street between IHth nnd Will , fronS ago , 4x or MX IK to alloy , south front , 1 block from pavement nnd strnnt rnrx. Pnr avenue opposlto llmm-omopnrk , 60x150 , prlco * . ! , ( ) X ) . easy terms. Pmldnck place trnokuge , CdxllA (2.00J , easy inth street i < outh of Vinton st , lot for snlo or trade for indue or good farm land , 8. A. Sloman , l.'Kil Fnrnam nt. JXA IjWH BALK-Donblo corner , 120x1)17 ) , . on N. if JU corner : ilthnnd Hamilton , fronts ! 1 street * , IS.IMu. M , A. Upton Company , ICth nml Far- nnm. )7 "I71OH SALlBomo : nwful nice Improved prop- JL' orty on N I ! cornor2Mh nnd Cahlwoll streets , Cnll for prices. M. A. Upton Company. 10th nnd Fnrnain „ _ _ TjlOH 8ALK-Fot 4UxKA south of fair grounds JL1 In Klrkn-ond. Price. H.200. one-fourth onsli , J. II.LoomH , 11120 Wlrtat. 4(11-81 ( * -.ALII or llxchango A well Improved stock farm ot : tM acres In the I'.lkhorn vnl- ley 110 miles west of Omaha with stock nnd machinery. Will sell cheap or oxchnn a for slock of groeerlot or general inorchaudlso. Ad- ' ts T2S , lleo Olllco. 88.V1D * BTiTt lofn , blk 101 , Dounlas st , slro Hxn2 ft to nlloy. Will build block ( or reliable tun- ant. d Will loan nt lowrnto 00 per cent of cost ot building nnd lot to party who will build. Will give long time on purchase money nt low rnto to party putting up block. Cable , motor nnd horse cnrnpissthlsnroporty to nnd from nny part of this city nml Council lllntrs nnd Douglas st. , ono of Iho growing HtroatB of tliii city. Cotrospondenciinnd ncgotUtlon with reliable parties willcltoi ) . A. K. Holloy ( ownur ) , 1519 Fnrnamst _ , Omaha. atfl-ltft IIIoitSALU-Flno residence In Frnnkllusiiunro JU cor. IVth nnd lltirdettu Hts. , south nnd oust front corner , lot itnxltO ; D-room IIOIIKO , b.ith . , hot and cold water , fiirnnce , gns. tomentcd collnr , llnlshi'd m hard wood nnd oil , fdnto roof , everything - thing llrst cla s ; $7/iOO. n.isy terms , M. A. Upton CoiiipaiiylBtlijind Furnain. 41.1 . . . 8AI.H-12-rooin house. 4 lots ( corner ) , good title , nt a sacrlllce. For full particu lars address , Ij. lltitln , Dorchcator , Nob. 401-18. HTmMs this ? Northeast corner of Old and Charlessts. lot "lvlM'4 , l-room holino , well , cistern , stnblo 18x20. J.I.O'X ) . Nolo the slx.o of this lot and that It l a south front , cornor. M. A. Upton Company , IBth and Farnam 1OT 17VJH 8ALK- acrns , corner Tlilrtnenth and JU North Ntrocts. limlniblo for platting. C. flood , Oot > d block. DCS Molne ? . la. Ill8-in27 * LOOK HI'.HK-I/l WK149. ) 20th street , just south of l.oavonworth , paved street , Htroo cms. Twostoryrooiil nousn ; good collnr und cistern : ow.-icr going west on Mnrcli inth , and If not sold by that time will bn taken out of thomarket ; S7.000 ; cheap. M.A , Upton Com pany , 10th undFarnatn _ ; OU TT11N12 imnrter sectloir , Shcrnun county. Lots JU m thriving Iowa city ; nlso In Omtilm. Ken tucky bred undillo lior.K' , nil thn gaits. Bnlon- did f.imlly muiv , carriage. ctVhat have you to olfor ? Address 8 20 , lleo offlco. 700 AI.Lon It. 1C. Cole , north ast corner of 15th v nnd Oouglaa .its. . Omaha , for Hihvln K. Al- sip A ; CO.'B cutalo uu4 of lands of California. 230 April IB * T71Oll3AtiK-7rootnoil house and full lot , good JU surioundlngs , on n street car lino. Will Uiky In exchange Nebraska or ICansis farm property > > lth some lucumbrancn , or vacant lot .n Omaha or Houtli Onntm. Call nnd Inveitl- gate now. C. K. Harrison , 4CW nnd 401 Mer chants' National bank _ _ 753 T 1ST your houses for rent or safent ( Jlbsan's J-/rontal agency , room a. Crelghton blk. 1UJ ATl'A sacrifice 12 lxluU it. east an < l north front , corner Ilsith and Howard Hts , one block west of Coe's nnd Klrkendnll'.s line resi dences , two blocks from paved street , two blocks Aouth of 1'nrnara st. : Just think of It. KQxttti ft. and n corner at that , and only Jl.SOO. C. K. Keitcr , room 5 , H. w. cor. 15th and Douglas TI1O11 SALE On monthly or quarterly pay- -U monls , some nowO-rnom houses in Ml Hard & Cnldwell's ad < U Just IK miles trom nostolllce. If you want u homo of your own come unil see me. C. C. Bpotswood , 3U5 S. 10th 8t. Ml QJB.750. ti , "iO cosh. tl..iOO & years 0 per cent , buys PZ-story S-room houso. furnace , bath , etc. , lot WxlOO feet. No. 2.113 1'oppleton ave Hanscom Place ; must go by March 1st , party going away. D. V. Sholcg. 210 1st Nafl bank. Ot SI10LRS' Special IIargalns-/iOxHW. cast front. wltliH-room bouse , on 31st st. . Himebangh place , \Ma < , $2,71)0 ) caslu Jialance 0 per cent. This Is ll.rxw less than market vnlnn. [ irxl.O , good 8-room houso. furnace and all conveniences. No. 2313 Poppleton nve. Investi gate this and make an olfer. Party going to leave the city. . ' / ft. on Dodge st. cable , nml It ) ft. with house , on 20th st. ruble , clear ot incumbrancea , to trade for llrst class insldu property. Improved or unimproved. .Stimuli , oiler. I'lnetHo-story brick block , renting for J2.XOO per year , price ± 1.000 ; 311.OUO at f 4 per cent , S7.WW cash , o.f * lu good Inside property. This is n mro bargain. BOxluJft. on : wth and California streets ; In- ciiinbrniicoKW3 ! , equity In clear land or city property. JO.WJO fiuys n good now 8-room house , with fur- nance , bath and all convenlenclcH , in Hanscom place. SI.OJO In barb wire stock , paying n good divi dend , to exchange for a good lot , or house and lot. This is as good a-s cash. 1 have lots nnd houxus and lots for sale or trade in all pints ot the cltv. It you wish to purchase , exchange * , or have anything for sale , please call and list It wltn me. Indications are favorable for mi active real estate market , and I desire n list of all good inside property for halo or trado. D. V. Hholes. Koom 210 I'lrst National II nnk Iliilldlng. H'J SOUTH OMAHA 1 IMVO a number ot good lots In various additions must bo sold at once and ran bo bought ut prices that will suit you. G , .1. Stornsdorir , rooms 317 and 314 l-'liat National Dank building. Cf i TJIOK SAM : : Ilanram Piuolot and residence * ' on South llth street. I ) t nt grade. 25- foot alley on hontli side and Ifi-foot alley In rear ; nice shade tiecs In front. New room house : hardwood and oil llnlsh : nlro home : largo lot and very cheap at & .UOJ. M. A. Upton company 10th ami 1'urnam. OM _ $ 1,000 buys 2 houses and lot , G7x& S. Ic. cor llth and Vinton. _ CSMnll " FOlt fiALR Nine-room"hoiisi- nnd lot in Hnnsconi Place ; nluo 2 houses nnd lots in Sunny Side. Harris , room 411,1st Nat. bank. 6'jc : TT'OH BALU Two acres near stock yards ; line Jv propci ty. Co-operative Land and Lot Com pany , 2U.-I N. IRtll Bt. : CO 20 TTlOIt HALK On terms to suit , tha neatcottnge , JL1 2Hi ) Charles st. Telephone 427 , or W. T. H u- man , Omaha's largest variety buggies , wagons , &c. , east R'de 10th st , north ot Nicholas Ht. , Vil TjlOIl S.VLKbr Lease Frame building about JL1 40x" ) < i with power , together with threw years' lease of lot , 1WI Douglas st. Ul % TTIOH SALE Choice ploco Improved business JL'pronerty In business center , 22icl.'U , onto- footalluy. rents ror 10 percent on price nsked ; only ID davs In market at t-5,000. M. A. Uptoa Company , 16th and 1'urnum. , d TTIOH BALE-Kast front lot on 21th btreet , 2.10 L. feet south ot Poppleton avo:4-i'oom : cottage ; 9-CUJIf sold within eight days. M. A. Upton Uompany , 16th nnd Fnrnain , ; ) ! ' ! 23 * TT1OHSALK-On 20th near Clark , good cottage JL1 and stable ; small cash payment : balance monthly. Hero la a chance to get a homo on easy terms. Price JI.OW. A. P. Tukoy , 16th Douglas. BOUand OKHALK- ! ) acres on South l.lth st , just outside - side the city limits. W. W. ficott , room 111 Bhcely DIock. : n2-22 \\HSlmve 1 lot on Georgia nve. nnd 1 cornnr T T lot in Kountze Place. Wu build to your plan und give It to you ut cost : ! 4 cash ; bal. to suit. Wo have n nowO-ioom cottage dor 4'jxilM , I&th and Locust St. , * IOJ cash , bal , monthly. It will pay you to ve us. Hamilton llros. . build- era. 4M S mil. Till. 1170 , Ml 21 BAI.I ! The coutlirast corner of 10th and Castollar streets , liiixli'i , small house. Tills Is cut-edge property ; paved street , newer , gaa andwuter , lot a little nbovo grade , 00 feet on 16th by Itu on Castellsr ; this Is worth liai per foot ; If sold soon wo will take * M per foot. M. A. Upton Company , Itith nnd Karnuin. ; r)7 ) Cortlllu.-itn orI'lililtcutlori. OrncB , Ai'iiiToit ' OK PUIIMC ACCOUNTS , I Btnte of Nebraska , > Lincoln. Feb. 1st , IWI , ) It is hereby certified that thu Firemen's Insurance.Company , of Neuaik In thebtutu of Naw.lerMiy.huKcoinplled with thu Insurance law ot this htuto , and Is authorized to tinm > nclilie business of tire Insurance in this state for the current year. , . - - . . U'ltiiBM my hand nnd tha seal of the ' , BKAI. > auditor ot public uccouutrf the day I < nr.d year above written. ( Signed ) T H. IIKNTO\ , Auditor P. A. Aitkou& Muurltxus , Agauts , mlttdlt FKNNVHOVAIiVAFI RS nro ucc oully UMX | monthly by over 10.0UO J I dies. Arefid/c. KfftctuiilauJI'tcaiant V1I p r box by inallor at ilrucclkto. KraUtl ' J'artlevlart 2 poetogti etampi. Aduretta TUB KunxicA CUKUICIL Co. , DurKOrr , iiicu. I'or sale nml b\i \ mtttl Ini Health is Wealth ! 1)11.15. a Wilt's Nnnri : A ! i > lluAiN TitKAT- MrNT , nguaninteodsnocllic for Hysteria , Jlz ? | ComiiUlon' , Pits , Nervnim N , llendncho , Norvnus Proitratlon c.iuiod by tha use ot ulcoliol or tobnrro , U'akofniness , Mantnl Depn' lon , Rofcenlng ot the llraln. resulting In Ininnllr ami tnadtngto misery , decay nnd de.ith. I'tematuro Old Ago , imrrennns. lioxt of Pnuer In either HOX , Involuntary ln a < i < i anil ilpermat * orhipncnuiiod by ovnr-oxurtlnnof t IIP bruin. olf. abnsn or ovrrlndiilgenco. I'ncli box comatni one mnntli'A trrivtinnnt M.01 n box. or six box 0.1 for M.iw.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE BIX BOXES To cure any case. With racli order r cclVod1 > T us fur MX boxa * . accompnnlftil wllh * . > . > , wo will rend the purchaser nur written guarnntoo to re fund the money If tha treAt merit ilocH not oni < ct a euro. Giiarantoes Issued only bv Ooodnmn Drug Co , . DrusRlsti , Solo Aui-ntu , (119 ( Furnnm street , Oiuahii , Neb , OiUNKENNESS - - Ihn l.lnuor llnbll , 1'urcd ur AutnlnUtflrlni , | tr. llnlnc * ' ( Jnlilrn Hrcclfln. Itrnnbt given Inn rupot colToe or In'ftrfc ' elc * of foocl , without the knowledge of the pn lant ; It Is abnoliuolr harmlc-is. mm Will et feet a permanent and speedy cure , whothxr the patlont Is a modi < r\to drinker or nn nlcbhol wreck , IT NKVIIll VAILS. Over IOO.OQO Irunkanls havn buon mndn tomt > crnto men wno Imvo taken ( loldon Hjieclllc In their colToWlth - oiitthnlr kno ledin , nnd today bellovq Vliny iult drinking of tbeln own accord. 41 page iiook of particulars fron. Knlm .V Co , ngcutii Ifith nnd loiiglii > isin , isih ami Cuinlnu streets , Onmlin , Nub.t Council Illuits , Iowa : Asents , A. D. Fontcr.V llro. EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Worh for Younj ani Mlddlo- Aged lion. KNOW THYSELF , tliiilniliXcruunnsor ruiitli , llilmuitcil VlUilltr , herr * < m Aim I'lijralrnl IKtlillltT. rn'iimturo Decline. Ac * niul HID tliouiniul untold nmorlcs run aqucnt tllcro- iiii. ntnl 'nil nhi ) nro nick nml nulTorlniz. anil Mo not knuir what nll > them , cnn ho curuil nlltmiu fall by rullonliiKtlioliKtriirtloiii In the PUcnru-of Ufoor Ciiiri'rcnerrntlun. I'rlrc onlr II , lir mall , nom-nnlil , fctlltMl. H In n Lniokfor ovcrr man , P pturi , fullKlIt , lUDrnicnplloni for alt nculn HIII ! lirnnlb illMiuun. K\l Ijr Indomwl hr tun Nnllonnl Motllrnl Anocinllon , whn annnleil tno KnM nml Jenclnl nicilnl to thn niltlior. lllu utrnllru nainnlc. olth Initnriomtnl * ot thnpniis. frculf YOU notilj now. Ad.lroim . tha I'oa- Moillcnl InsUlule.iir Dr. W. II. I'AUKISIl , No.4 llulflnch t , lln > lon Mnii. . who ninr tie coniulted conililonllallr 311 oil dl c < > iei STATE LINE. To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin and Liverpool , liveuv Tnuii.siA.r. Cabin pa.MHimo tT > nnd J.VI according' to loca tlon of Htiitoroom. lixcurslou Mi tul'.H ) . Stccrngo to and from Kuropu nt Lowest Hate.s. AUSTIN HALDWIN * CO. , General Agents. ( VI Hroadnuy , Now York , John Illegnn , General Western Agent , 1(14 ( Han' dolph St. . Chicago. Hurry li Moores and Thou- li , McCunn , agents at Omahn. ' > Tnu , comtilnca. Uiunuitccdt only oca In the woridKcneraUna aconllnooua KlcctHo if Maonttti BclCTtme.I'oirBrfui , Imr nd EOrctlTO. ATotdfn , Qt. HQRNE. INVUTOI. 1 81 VfABASM AVE. . CH1CMB. FOR MEN ONLY ! a Rn3ITIVF 7oiLosTor7An.nm UAirnooDi n rUOl I If C General and MEKVOU8 DEBHITTi ' ' Weakntti of Body and MindjEffecU orrorioricciieinoroair. Bobml , MoLtc MJ5IIOIIII f.llr llnlorrd. llnr It IMttrt tit Hinnliimiiri'4irKiitvKU-riMinoti ' < is nuTSor fiunr. AUollUIr unr > lll > > HOIK TnRlTBUT lUMflU I * 4 > r. B.n | Mllr > fr.o I ] Sl.ln , T.rrll.l . ud K r lf CxulriM. Too < > n wrll. lb . nook , all irlu > tu , nod pnM.f tn , . Add NATIONAL BANK ; : U. S. DEPOSITORY , OliAHA , NEB. Capital . &JOO,00 : ) Surplus .Tnn. 1st , 1889 . , . 52,000 OFFIOI5HS AND OMtKCTOUS : IIBNKV W. VATHS , President. Liwi8 : S. Ul'.F.D. Vice President. A. K TO I I/A LIN , W. V. MOKSi : . JOHN 8. COLLINS , H. C.CUBIIINO. J.N. H. PATHIC1C. W. H.8 , HUailKS. C shlcr. THE IRON BANK , Coiner 12tli and Farnam 8ts. A General Hanking Huitlness Trasacte.d Corner ICth and Streets , Chamber oC Commerce Hulldlng. Cnpllnl Stock $ 100,000 Liability of Htocklioldcrs 800,000 Hive per cent p H on doponlLs , lu ns matte on rvm i Ute anil iiormmHl oeurlljr ; notvi , wnrrunu , local unU bonda jiurctiosU'l. OKKICKUSi JOHN U MII.K3,1'roililnni. ANDHKW UOdl'.WATKlt , Vlcn I'roflilon DKATlCIt I. . THOMAS , CailllDt I10AUI ) OF UIUI'.OTOKS ; Jolin f > . Miles , Kn tu Iliiinon , fniuunlCjilnur , John II. Kvnni , Audro * UDinwatcr , Morris Korrlson. .V.A.I , , ( lllihon. ( ieo. K. llarkar. ( iu < r. AlTln SnunJurl , Daxlar li.TUaniat , Nnrfnnn A. Kubn , .inmoTHnmpsau , K.II.Sotnuon , John llujli. Ooo. C. Hobble. litOl Capital Stock iISO,000 Utilities of Stockholders ! IOD,000 Fivel'ev Cant Inten-at L'alU on De posit * Cainointilcl Scml- OVl'lt CHAHLT.3 F. MANDKHSON , Prosldeilt. .w.WiMB iM5fiSSymllU" ! ; ; JOHN K. WILI1UIL Cashier STOCK MOIjDKItH : J. W. OANNKIT , ouv c. HAIITO.V. J. J. HIIOIVN , ij. M. HKMNurr , C. F. MANIIBIISOX , Tuns. L , JCiuuiu * IlKKiivPiiMiT , K. 11. ffratu , OMAHA L. ill' . Co. , It II. WII.UASM , MAX MIIVKII , THOMAV HUCK , J.dIKHV.HVAOU , ANSdNO.iiCCOOK F. W. w .8sii , , V\P'2f/ ! ! / > . ! ' ' 11 , NlOIAN , ! . \Viruou. DREXEL & , MAUL , ( Hnictuor to Johu < 2 , , Un dertakers and Embalm * At theold Ktand HOT i'arnam Bt. Or tcU-a'rapU solicited uutl promptly ail Tuluiihonaio No. : > EERU8S