Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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JDcllmed by carrier In Any Part ot ho City a
, 'fw only Cents 1'cr Week.
II. W. Tfl/rpN . . . MANAGER.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Conl nnd wood. E.E.Mnyno,010B'wny.
Arrangements nro complotcd for n ,
mass temperance meeting which will
ld hold Thurfcdny evening next ut the
Presbyterian church.
The Uvonlloth anniversary of the
Woman's Missionary Society \vlll bo
properly observed by the association
hero. Announcements as to details
will bo made hereafter.
Ous Thlcmor , n youngster of rather
Hght-llnRorod propensities , will con
front Judge Ayloaworth this morning
on the charge of larceny. Ho Is ac
cused of stealing a coat.
, JBlshop Newman has consented to ad
dress1 the people of Council BlulTs on
Sunday next at the Methodist church.
It is "Missionary" Sunday , and the
bishop will audrcss himself to that
The funeral of llttlo Burlo Harris
took place at 2UO : o'clock .yesterday
afternoon from the residence of the pa
rents , 2319 Avenue A. Rev. Dr. Cooloy.
pastor of the First Baptist church , olH-
ciatod. The remains wore interred in
A plat of Webster's first addition to
the city of Council BlulTs has just boon
filed with the county recorder by How
ard and Mary Baker. The addition
comprises the forty acres known as the
ol of the wj of the noi of section 31-75-
44. A mortgage of $30,000 in favor of
Margarotta Miller , of Virginia , was also
filed against the plat.
The parties interested in the now
Inter > State bank are pushing it for all
it is worth and the stock is being rap
idly subscribed. The capital stock is
$2-5,000. Not more than five shares , at
8100 , will bo sold to any one individual.
A fine two-story building will shortly
bo erected on Lower Broadway , where
the company will establish its' place of
The ball given by the A. O. H. Sat
urday evening for the benefit of St.
Bernard's hospital was very largely at
tended , visitors being present from
Omaha and Lincoln. Everything
passed off smoothly , and the evening
was a very enjoyable ono. The organi
zation realized a little over $100 from
the said of tickets , after paying all expenses -
ponsos , and the amount will bo turned
over to the sisters in charge of the
Mrs. , T. D. Johnson died suddenly of
heart disease Saturday evening , at her
homo on Washington avenue. She had
been suffering from cancer for nearly
two years and had boon treated for that
complaint by some of the best physi
cians in the country. She was forty years
of ago. Mr. Johnson was superintendent
Of construction of the Manawa motorlino ,
and has resided in the city for the past
two year. Ho removed his family hero
from Newton , la. , about eighteen months
, ngO. The tunoral will take place from
t the residence at 2 o'clock tomorrow af-
.t'orntfon. _
'v The Bnrko Tract Oolite Fast.
The Burke tract is building up rapidly
with nice new residences a most
desirable place fora homo. If you want
# a find lot hero come now , or the chance
to got it at first hands will bo gone , for
wo nro bound to close them out.
f * D. J. HUTCHINSON & Co. ,
J _ _ 617 Broadway.
\ Bartlett & Norton for hardware ,
stoves andvcutlory. 737 and 2315 B'way.
8. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
' Money loaned on fuiniturc , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
* A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway
nnd Main , over American express.
Dr. C. C. Hazeu , dentist , Opera house
A Itnro Clmnce.
I have for sale nearly 100 choice lots
between Council BlulTs and Omaha
which , in order to close out , I will oiler
fora short time at from 8200 to $300 cash
and on the folio winer terms : $10 down
and $5 per month. Lots full size and
title porfoot. Call and lot mo show you
the property. E , E. MAYNK ,
019 Broadway.
Personal Paragraphs.
Mrs. J. L. Stewart loft last evening
for the oast. She will bo absent some
B. II. King , of Lincoln , and M. H.
McCord , of Omahaworo visiting friends
in the BlulTs yesterday.
Mrs. Price Gibson , who sustained a
severe fracture , of the hip some time
since , has sufficiently recovered to bo
able to sit up.
J. M. Matthews , who has been doing
editorial work for several months , has
resigned that position to accept a inoro
lucrative one , as u mail clerk at the
_ _
, Ono Faro For the KoutuI Trip.
Tickets on sale April 6th , Oth and 10th ,
Rood for return from the llth to the
13th inclusive for all who wish to attend
the Btato encampment of the' G. A. It.
veterans at Burlington , Iowa , April
8th , 10th and llth , 1880. The head
quarters' train with the department
commander and lib stalT under tho.
escort of Abe Lincoln Post G. A. R. ,
will leave Council BlulTs via the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Qulnoy railroad at
f 1 ' 0:40 : a. m. , April 8th , 1881) ) . For further
particulars , call on or address
Ticket agent ,
Cor. Pearl and Broadway.
Council Bluffs.
M. M. MAHSHAW , , General Agent.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company , _ _ "
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 627 B'dway.
The finest line of spring goods to bo
found in the market is at A. Holtcr's ,
No. 310 Broadway ,
, Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s
loan olllco on furnlturo , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of vaiuu without
removal. All business strictly con II-
Rooms to rent in the Merrlam block.
8. B. Wadsworth & Co. , 23U Main street.
Headquarters for builders' hardware.
Odell & Bryant , 613 Main street.
Now and full line of spring goods ut
the London Tailors , U37 Broadway.
L , E , H. Shonfo & Co. olTor bargatnu in
! * WfcHy property , cither Improved or un-
unproved. Easy payments. Good lots
on WP , payments. _
WW- Q - *
Have our wagon call for your tolled
clothes , Cascade Laundry Co.
The Mayor Sayo Both Prlvato and
Public Poker Must Stop.
Coining AimiHcincnts Pcnth of n
HlKh School Senior The List
of City Clerk Aspirants
An Ugly Untie.
A party of Omahans visited this city
Saturday evening , and after getting
very full , started out to "run the d d
haymow town , " or at least that was the
manner in which they announced their
intentions. They started for the A. O.
II. hall , In Masonic temple , but were
promptly fired from the hall as soon as
their intentions became apparent. A
rough and tumble fight ensued in the
corridor at the top of the stairs , in'
which several parlies were severely
trampled upon. Olllcor Thomas ap
peared and arrested the leader. Ho
seized hold of the sldo of the ticket win
dow and refused to budgo. The olllcer
gave him a lively jerk , and the result
was quite unexpected. The follow lot
go , How across the hall , and wont down
stairs like a football , with the minion
of the law on top of him. Tfcat took the
ugliness all out of him , and ho was
marched quietly to the station *
Ho gave the name of John Block , and
after sobering up paid a fine of SO.UO
and was released.
About 6 o'clock in the morning four
more of the party attacked James Con
nor in front of the Mint , and pounded
and trampled him so severely that ho
became unconscious. The assault is
said to have boon unprovoked , and was
made simply to gratify the desire for
deviltry that seemed to autuato the
The four were arrested and booked
on the charge of assault with intent to
commit murder. They gave the names
ofV. . S. MitcHcll , J. Casey , Jim
Sine'Is and J. J. Shannon. They
passed Sunday in the cooler. The con
dition of Connor yesterday was stated
by his attending physician , Dr. Bell
inger , as very serious. Ho was terribly
cut and bruised , and was unconscious a
part of the day.
Ho is a member of the marble firm of
Connor Bros. , and is a young man of an
exceptionally quiet and unobtrusive
disposition. "The prisoners are known
to the police as notorious crooks , and
an effort will bo made to make it warm
for them. They gave the officers a
hard chase before they were finally
captured on Washington avenue.
Points or Piety.
"If this work bo of men it will come
to naught , but if it be of God yo cannot
overthrow it , " was the subject of a
practical discourse by the Rev. D. C.
Franklin yesterday morning. The at
titude of Gamalial hero was taken to
represent a largo body of persons who
have not the individuality and staminate
to create a position for themselves and
then hold it. People who never com
mit themselves to an idea or un object
until they see which side is the more
popular , then go with the majority.
The wonderful speed of the gos
pel is indicative of its divine
origin. Among the mo t notable coun
tries denominated "Christian" is our
own , which is established" upon founda
tions which recognizes God. Upon the
dollars , which wo our circulating med-
> dium. is inscribed the motto of our na
tional mind and heart , "In God wo
trust , "
The tenacity with which men adhere
to the Christian faith was adduced as
another proof of its divine origin. Per
sonal examples were not wanting.
Bishop Taylor , of whom the Isow Yorlc
press said no man like him had lived
since Abraham , and others whoso lives
had boon devoted to the spreading of
Christianity among the heathen , were
cited as illustrations of the great self-
abnegation men will assume for the
sake of others. The doctrine of Chris
tianity has lived and still lives on ac
count of the divine element in it.
The speaker compared the religion of
Christ with those of mere men , who
flourished for a time and then were lost
to the world forever. Ho referred to
tlio Mormon faith , which , promulgated
by Brigham Youni ? , found adherents in
largo numbers , but now these are out
laws prosecuted for the practices' which
they claimed were of divine command ,
but which are a stench in the nostrils of
all honest men.
This divine element , transmuting the
baser elements of our human naturo'into
the gold of the "kingdom , " will per
meate men's hearts mid lives until the
divine promise and prophesy is fulfilled :
"Ho shall put all nations under his
feet. " Not beneath a yoke of servitude ,
but-of lovincr'delighted , willing ser
vice , for which Christ says the reward
of eternal life abides for all who em
brace it.
No Ilttlu Games.
Mayor Rohror has como to the front
with another order to the city marshal
and chief of police , convoying the in
formation that his former order relat
ing to the closing of the gambling
houses is not being obeyed as well as ho
wishes it to bo , and directing these offi
cers to look after the matter a little
more closely. Ho states that ho moans
just what ho says , and no gambling ,
either public or private , is to bo al
lowed in this city. The quiet games
are to receive just as much attention as
the others , and it is intended that sev
eral of the nice little poker games that
have nourished for some time , under
the patronage of a certain select few ,
shall be fatally chilled by this official
damper. The mayor iiibists that ho is
sincere in the matter , and proposes to
give ample proof of his sincerity by the
vigorous and unrelenting warfare that
will bo waged against the gamblers.
Several of the latter have avowedly
given up the light and loft the city , but
the majority of them are not yet satis
fied , and will wait a while longer to see
how the matter will eventually como
"Who Will Un Clerk ?
Several of the parties whoso names
have been mentioned in connection with
the city olerkbhip are now fairly falling
over each other in their haste to deny
that they have any asniralions whatever
in that direction. John Wagner says
that hi ! is out of the race , although several -
oral ot his friends state that John is
quietly sailing alongdnd pulling in such
stray ends as may come within his roach ,
with which ho may secure a desirable
leverage , Fninjf True nas withdrawn ,
and will not present any ol.iim for the
office. John Churchill states that he
would not take the olllco if it was offered
to him , and proposes to make it warm
for the pnrtloB who caused it to bo nu-
nouni'i.'d that ho was a candidate ,
George Rudio denies equally stoutly
that ho is no aspirant. At the present
rutu of declinations it will bo hard for
the council to find anyone willing to ac
cept the offlco and the attendant $1,500
a yoar. The oldormon have refused to
express any preference in the matter ,
and it will bo dllllcult to name Squlro
Burko's successor with any degree of
certainty until after the new council
holds it first mooting.
St. Pntrlck'n Day.
The clerk of the weather was evi
dently out of humor yesterday , and the
rain and mud , tluft were distinguishing
features of St. Patrick's day in the
BlulTs , were doubtless owing to this
fact. Notwithstanding the uninviting
aspect of things out of doors , the Hiber
nians rolled out early in the morning ,
assembling at their hall at 8 o'clock.
Delegations marched to the various
depots to meet the incoming trains ,
which brought several hundred of their
brethren from surrounding towns.
The visitors came from Vail , Donl-
son , Atlantic nnd Dunlap , and were es
corted to the Northwestern depot , where
they boarded electric motor cars for
Omaha at 0 o'clock. Dalboy's band ac
companied them and furnished some
excellent music. Owing to the muddy
condition of the streets , no parade was
made hero. There were about two
hundred members of the A. O. H. from
outside towns nnd about throe hundred
from this city. The entire day xand
evening wore spent in Omaha , where
appropriate exorcises wore hold.
Webster's First Addition 10 Council
III u ITs.
Just platted and put'on the market.
Lies one-half block south of Broadway.
Equally distant from the business portions
tions of the two cities. Beautiful resi
dence sites. Largo lots and up to grade.
Fine trackage. Terms easy. Suitable
rigs on hand at all times to show the
property. D. J. HUTHINSON ,
017 Broadway.
The Class TIcH IlroUen.
The funeral of Mary E. Carutherstook
place at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon
from the residence of her aunt. Miss
AnnaWeirjch , 112 Fourth street. It
was very largely attended. The de
ceased was sixteen years of ago and a
member of the senior class in the high
school , and would have graduated with
them in Juno. She was ono of the best
scholars in the class , and had ranked at
the head for some time. The class at
tended the funeral iu a body. The llo-
ral tributes were numorousandelegant.
Among them was an open bible from
the classmates of the deceased.
The pallbearers were Will Manslleld ,
Harry Hattenhauor , Leo Witter. .James
Mulqucon , Ernest Wondbury and-Fred
Grass. Rev. Dr. Phclps , of the Presby
terian church , officiated. The remains
wcro interred in Fairvicw cemetery.
Hotel property in Council Bluffs , cen
trally located , doing good business. R.
P. Olllcor , solo agent , No. 12 N. Main
St. , Council Bluffs.
Fun Ahcnil.
The following attractions are booked
for Dohany's for the next three weeks :
To-night , "A Postage Stamp ; " Thurs
day. 21st , "The Ruling Passion ; " Mon
day , 2oth , Gorman's Minstrels ; Thurs
day , 2Sth , "The Still Alarm ; " April 2 ,
Cora Tanner in "Fascination ; " April 4 ,
Bill Nye and .fames Whitcomb Rilov ;
April 0 , "Little Nujrgef. " April 8 ,
"Shadows of a Great Uitv ; " April 10 ,
"Lotta. "
Western Launbcr nncl Supply Co.
Between 13th and-14th streets , and 2d
and 3d avenues. Telephone 241.
E. W. RAYMOND , Manager.
Death of Li. J. Chlltts.
Lahan J. Child s , an old and respected
resident of the city , died at 4:30 : o'clock
yesterday afternoon at his home" , 624
Seventh avenue , in his sovonty-fifih
year. Ho was in his usual good health
Saturday and ate a hearty dinner on
that day. Ho was engaged during that
afternoon in trimming trees about his
place , and fell , striking on his head. It
was not thought that his injuries wore
very bcrious. but they resulted in his
death , as above stated. No arrange
ments have yet boon made for the fun
eral , duo notice of which will bo given
Special communication of Excelsior
Lodge No. 259 , A. F. and A. M. , Mon
day evening , March 18 , for work in
First degree. Visiting brethren in
vited. By order of the W. W.
, Colonel Cochran Seriously III.
A telegram was received in this city
yesterday from Little Sioux , stating
that Colonel Cochran was seriously ill
at his homo there , and requesting the
attendance at once of his physicians.
Drs. Lacey and Green left on the even
ing train over the Northwestern to at
tend him. The colonel is well known
in this city , being very extensively in
terested in real estate hero. He is'well
along in years , and this , together with
the fact that his health has not been of
the best of late , leads his friends hereto
to fear that his illness may bo quite
Tea With a Stick In It.
What is now m the way of afternoon
teas ? Whisper it softly , says a Now
York letter to the Philadelphia Times
Jamaica rum. Three or four drops to
the cup impart a now flavor , and , yes ,
emits a faint odor that ono sniffs as ono
enters the tea-room. There is a small
decanter behind the samovar. The
saucy bruno in gown of bcarletnot , with
black velvet band at the round white
neck , manipulates it deftly and asks no
questions. "Surely , " says the bud ,
"I've got through almost to Ash
Wednesday in wonderful condition.
Hero's the fourth tea I've been to since
lunchtime , and yet it has a nicer taste
than at the first of the season. " In
comes a dear old lady with white hair.
To her the waiter feels bound to put a
query : "Which kindV" She opens
her full him. "Aro
eyes on they serv
ing both green and black this aftur-
noonV'1 '
Gertrude's Slarrlnire.
By W. Hoimburg , translated by Mrs.
J. W. Davis , of Cambridge , Mass. , with
photo-gravnro illustrations by W.
DeMoza ; I vol. 12 mo. , cloth extra ,
$1.25. Same in paper , 75 cents. A very
charming and exceedingly interesting
novel written by ono of the foremost
Gorman novelists of the present time ,
The author is considered the successor
to "Marlltt ; " her style is as perfect , but
her characters are moro natural. This
story appeals strongly to the human
heart , and possesses real dramntlc the ,
Wo predict the book will bo the favorite
of the year ,
A Southern Hproiul-Out.
Now York World : Mr. Ilalfstarvod
{ from the north ) What have you hero
good to eat ?
Colored waiter Nullln.
Mr. Ilalfatarvod Charge anything
for it ?
Colored waiter NulJln fur dah vict
uals , salt , but five cents fur do informa
tion ,
Fond ilctulnlsconacs fitf/ififccil / In IJy
n Group of Ghlcn iS > Joii.
' I look in the Howard Athonnum
show down at Hooloy's thoothor night , "
said a gray-haired broker as ho chatted
with n party of friends ? mmbng whom
was the man who contributes stories of
the street to the Chicago Herald , "and ,
do you know , I was caught * by that man
Hooy's little talk about the silly verses
of our childhood games. JustbJKoro ho
loft the stage , after reciting" few of
them , ho said : 'I'll bet thdroaro , lots of
hlckorynuts here to-night who recall
those jingles , ' and I must iconfcss that I
was ono of the 'hickoryiiuts' ' referred
to. Of course , I remembered the rhymes
of the kids when I was ono of them.
Hooy spoke of 'London bridge is falling
down , my fair lady'and that recalled
to mo a lot of the others. Ada Rohan
gave a now life to ono of them when she
sang 'I've been to see Miss
Jennie O'Jonos , and how is
she to-day j" That was another
good ono. They used to answer ,
'She's sick , ' and then the rest would
slug , 'I'm very sorry to hoar it , hear It. '
I don't remember the whole of the
poem. Then they'd say , 'This is the
way wo wash our clothes'and a lot of
that truck. Did you over play 'post-
ofllcoi" There was a lulu game ! And
'Copenhagen' wasn't bad , either. Thou
thori was that 'Ena , mcna , mona , ml'
gag rrhon wo 'counted out' for 'hi spy. '
Ah. thoso-woro great days , fellows. I
wish I was back there where my calen
dar was divided by 'top time , ' 'kite
timo' and 'marble time. ' Say , I had
the luckiest 'falsoy' you over saw when
I used to play marbles. It was surer
than playing wheat. "
"Right you are when you say these
wore great days , " put in another of the
party. "I remember when wo used to
play barkeeper , " as ho stirred the sugar
in the bottom of his glass with a spoon.
"Every Saturday my big brother's gang
of kids , of which I was a loyal member ,
used to fix up a board on two barrels out
in front and sell licorice water , sweet
ened water and lemonade. Many'a the
time I got loaded on licorice water !
Remember that , don't you1 ? Used
to crowd a slug of licorice in a
bottle of water and then dissolve it by
shaking it vigorously. One Saturday
my brother's ' gang started up a stand ,
but wo were a little bhort of sugar. The
rival gang across the street had lots of
sugar and were enabled thereby to do
ub by putting lemonade on sale. ' Along
in the afternoon our limited supply of
sugar gave out entirelyand my brother
detailed mo to go and get a fre'bh supply
from our attic. Ho was bigger than 1 ,
nnd I dared not refuse. Wo always had
two barrels of sugar in that attic one
of brown and one of white. Well , I
sneaked in through the back way and
tip-toed up the stair * leading from the
dining room. I h < ul been directed to
fill all of my pockets with white sugar.
I did so. and I would have been all right
had I stopped at that , but I > was ambi
tious. I wanted to mslke a'hit and a
record with my big brother's gang. 1
had on ono of those felt Ililts'which the
boys used to fill with watdr until it be
came elastic and then lpoo ! { up to a
sharp point , like a clown's hut. 1 took
this off and packed it full of white
bugar. Then 1 carefully' " balanced the
load on my tow-head , and started to
teeter softly down tho.stairs , , , I was in
inv bare feet , and it looked as though I
would escape without detection.
"Well , I had carefully descended
about foursteps , when thbdooV from the
dining room was thrnwii'opon ' suddenly
and my mother yelled1'GiSorgol' It
knocked mo in a lit. Offwc'iit the hat ,
and the sugar it contained fell ' down the
stairs with a noise like fAio.d'osoont of a
ton of coal. She saw what was in the
wind , but she could not gut oven with mo
just then because she had company , so
she Said : ] will whip you to-night ! '
With that throat ringing in my ears I
wont out , and the boys used up my
pocketfuls of sugar. When the amateur
bar was close at 0 p. m. . I called my big
brother aside and told him I was afraid
to go homo because mother had prom
ised to thrash mo for pinching the
sugar. Ho thought a moment , and then
ho said : 'I'll fix it ; como back into the
burn with mo. ' I had great faith in my
big brother , and I accompanied him to
the hay loft without a murmor.
"When we reached there ho ordered
mo to undress. I did so. Then ho
broke a bundle of shingles and made
mo put on my clothes again , while ho
shingled mo all over. Ho shingled my
arms , legs and body. Whoa ho had
completed the job I felt as though I was
clad in a suit of mail. I couldn't move
a joint. Ho told mo to go into the
house , and I started. I had to walk
still-legged , and my arms stood out
from my body at angle of forty-livo de
grees all on account of the 'shingling
process. I wont into the dining "room
and took up a convenient position be
neath the rawhide hanging on the wall.
I guess I stood there like a marionette
for an hour. Mother had forgotten her
threat , but I didn't know that. When
she finally did come in my stiff positioil
must have suggested toherhorpromi&o ,
for she looked at mo a momentum ! then
took the rawhide from its nail and
basted mo with it. It almost dropped
from her hand , and she eyed mo curi
ously sounded as though she had
wnacked an empty barrel. In a moment
she gave mo another swipe , and this
time she did drop the switch. She or
dered mo to pick it up. If I had boon
promised $1,000 I would not have bent
over and rescued it. Finallyg-jho pene
trated my armor and she had a good
laugh. That baved mo from an awful
licking. Yes , these were great days. "
"It appears to mo , " said another man
in the party , "that the youngsters now
adays go ahead much faster than they
did when I was young. Now , for in
stance , the other day I overheard my
small son call his lU-.lo sister a 'chippy. '
I reproved him for so doing , when ho
answered , 'all boys is kids , and all girls
is chippies , ' as though wondering at
my ignorance of the currdnt vernacular.
When I awoke the other morning I
found the boy wide awakcf n * his crib
beside the bed. As I tuupc'd to look ai
him ho saw that my oyost were open ,
and ho baid to mo : 'Pa , J'V < f Rot a now
ono for you. ' Of course J.'iinturally ' ox-
nrosbod a desire to hoar , itl Raising
himself upon one olbow' ho'lookod ' mo
square in the face and repeated this :
" 'A big bull pup with u curldd up tall ,
A very somll boy with u bltliiipall :
They trlcu this scheme , but Jt wpuld not do ,
And they burled the boy whofQ the daisies
prow.1 i |
"Well , of course , I howled. If I had
over had the nerve to W'Jhg Buch an
opie on my own father when.1 was his
ago I would have boon obliged to stand
up to my meals for a week. It only
goes to show the prccosity of the youth
of the present day. "
Now York World : Wife My dear ,
what is the subject of to-morrow's ser
mon ?
Minister The "Frivolities of Modern
Dross. "
Wife You must postpone it. I will
wear mv now bonnet to-morrow for the
first timo.
Now York World : Sambo Look hoah ,
Pete , does yu tlnK St. Peter's obber
gwino tor lot or ehicken-tief as yu bo
inter bobbin1'/
Pete She ! Sambo ! 'Course he will !
Tinlc St. Fotah'a got nuthin' tup do but
Every person who has bought goods here knows it , and
there are thousands of them.
Before purchasing any article of dry goods , visit us. Prices
tractions daily on the center counter.
wanted for general house work , W2
Willow avo. Mrs. J. Mueller.
ymf have propci ty of nny kind to sell or ex-
IF clioiit ; " hoc Johnston tc Vanl'.utcn. ! B ilnlu.
FOH HUNT At J8 per month , the nlco house
nnd two lots , No. stl ) , cornerof Mil at. nnd
! iid nvo. lloraro Kverctt.
FOR U'UNT-OIIIce No. S. ever Hnlrd'H con
fectionery store. Utoly occupied by Wtn.
Ward , architect. Horace Kvorctt.
FOll SAIjK Dn montnly payments ) , tiouso
mid lotinVnn llrnnUv lilco's addition , by
.M * . Fuller , ilgl'enrl street. _
FOR RENT Possession BUen April 1st. the
residence now occu pled by Robert Cnr-
iiontcr , corner nth st. and "a ave. , JJO per month.
lloracejtverett. _
RENT Furnished nntl unfurnl shod
FOR * , 1th or without board. Mrs. ! ' . A.
llurko , < > J WnshliiKton avo. _ _
. Hooms for rent ; second floor.
Np.J 17 Fourth street. _
FOR RENT Clioap. two Imnddome , new , six-
room cottages , north of transfer. Council
Jtlulls. Inqulto llliuul Hlshtor , fitli nvo. and
COUN(31li nijUPFS , : IOWA.
Prlvnto watchmen tiuiiUhcd at nny and nl
Special attention nlven to collection of chat
tel mortgages and notes.
Money to loan on good chattel security.
Jtoferenco Any bunk , attorney , or bualncss
' " -
ThoflD3tlVI odern Novolltlos
Artistic Decoration !
Sign , House and Ornamental Painting , Knlto
mining , Graining , etc.
Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St.
Mrs. C. L. BILLETT'S '
l <
And bee her flno line ot Hair
( , oodn. riNBST HAIR
ORNAMENTS In thu city.
Wins Ill-aids , etc. , for Rent
QlutUund Coylo and Myers
Oicaso 1'iilnts. Hair
wws- Iircsslnjr. Htc.
o. til ) Main St. , Council Illiiirw.
Orders hy moll i ccelvu prompt attention.
DR. Rice's ' Hernial Support ,
Tlio only perfect abdominal support for clill-
ilrvnandiidultH. Hiitcessnillycmi'a the WORST
UK. L. E. JlOi : , 27 Miiln Street.
Tuos. Urricr.ii. W. if. M. 1'usKir.
Corner Main anil llroadway.
Dealers In foreign end domestic exchange.
Collections mada uud Interest paid on time do-
0 , H. McDANELlI & CO. ,
lesjallow , Pelts , Wool &Fuis ,
eut market price * . I'rompt return
nud K2 Mala Ht. . Council UlulM. lutr
B U T.T S Nos.l58cl8
" - " - * - r-iit if p O tM H
ohtn0ni6iypa > m
c\606 BV6advJa >
y'rftife ' ? ariWfaMfr ti.
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted for
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
Specifications ami estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Ropuli\tlon. llnralilllty Guar
anteed. Can show letters from users where Vncl Economy l-s equal with Corliss Non-Condensing
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs
The nicest eighty acre farm on the slope in Iowa , 0
miles south of Creston , 100 miles east of Omaha.
Good 6 room house.
Barn with room for eight horses , and cow barn'sheds
graineries , orchard , etc.
Good wells , living water , tame grass.
Near school , church , etc.
Easy terms.
Write C. J. COLBY ,
522 Paxton Bloclc , Omaha , or Broadway an d 30th St
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Call on ua. Wo Itoop only the best and latest improved.Vo
soil tlio ColobriUt-d
Wo sell for Cash mid on Monthly Payments. W tcuuruntco fciitlsfactlon frj
P. S. Plunos nnd .Orpins , to rent , tuned and repaired. Wo also furnish
Bliniulcson Plpa Organs.
F. J. BKEZ&E ,
( Taxidermist and Naturalist.
I'ermunently located ut No. II Kprtti Blxth Street , opposite post *
oilicion motor llnfc , Council liluir , Iowa ,
lllnls and animals mounted naturally am ! In the tieHt mctheil of
" , i- . . . . . . .v-- the nrt. W n runted to proeen e for yearn , l-orel n lilrdu supplied
Imwks of all kIndK. I'erHona sending ordertf
on short notice , lllpht-xt prloo paid Mr owls mil
usutinul of iierfuct nuWaUlon. l < ur dre ln. ; n upocluliy. \ \ rllo for particulars ,