Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1889, Part I, Page 6, Image 6
Cs 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY M ROH 17. 1889.-SIXTEEN PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIlTBLUFFS. OFFICE. NO 12 PISAIUj BTKEET. Delivered livenrrlcr In Any Turt of hoCltyn TventyCcntB Per Week , . . , . _ H.W. TJI/TON MANAGE1U TKLItt'HONESi ntiMNFMi OrFirr. No. W. KICIIIT KDITO , No.81. _ _ _ _ _ ItiINOH MKNX1ON. N. V. Pluiribinp company. Coal nnd wood. K.E.Mayno , 010 B'wny. City Clerk Uurko hns Issued building per mits 'to A. W. Ucardslev for nn ? SOO nddl- tidn , and S. Hook for a WXJ cottapo. The funcrnl services of AInry E. Cnrothers will bo held nt , the residence ot Miss A. M. World ) , 112 fourth street to-dny nta p. in. The funeral of Frnnltio K. , Infnnt son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Uixvld UntllfT , will tnko place nt 3 I'M o'clock this afternoon nt the resi dence , WO North Ninth street. St. Albalns lodso No. 17 , 1C. of P. , con ferred the rnnK of pngo on T. H. Honnott last Tuesday evening , and will work the rank of knlht ( { on S. Wesley next Tuesday evening. The electric motor company has had plans prepared for n new depot at the coricr of Avenue A and Thirty-fourth streets , and work on the building will bo commenced to morrow morning. Council HtufTs lodge , No. 40 , T. O. O. P. , paid n fratcnml.vlslt to Beacon lodge , No. 2 , of Omaha , Friday evening. There were about twcnty-llvo of the visitors , and they hail an oujoyablo time. All members of the A. O. H. arc requested to usscmblo at their hall at S o'clock this morning , to march to the depots and meet Incoming delegations from surrounding towns , prior to leaving for Omaha. The Iron for the new Blsomnn block , which 1 being supplied by the Ogden Iron works of this city , is being dolivorcil on the ground , nnd there will bo nothing to prevent the rapid vdvancemcnt of the work on the structure. William Jackson was hauled out of a Pierce street dive yesterday morning by the police. Ho was on the warpath , and traces of his handiwork were visible on the disllg- urcit faces of several of the fcinnlo inmates of the den. Deputy City Clerk Uurko Is still missing , but a gentleman of this city who is well ac quainted with him , stated yesterday that ho bad seen him recently , and that ho is within seventy-five miles of licic , in a small town where he is doing clerical work. A hunting party , consisting of A. W. \Voisinger , Dr. George llrown and William ICcolinc , with their tents , guns and dogs , left for Honey creek yesterday morning to lay In a year's supply of ducks. Hnnry Atkins will Join them this morning. They will bo gene several days. . Deputy Sheriffs O'Connor nnd Currio took four prisoners to the pen at Fort Madison Friday ovcning. They were L. King and K. I * Thorp , forgery , thrco years each ; William Maher , obtaining money under false preten ses , four years , and Gcorgo Wallace , burg lary , two and one-half years. , Tncro will undoubtedly bo much disappoint ment in store for the Oumhuns who visit this city to-day , for the purpose of imbibing pro hibition furgetfulness , unless they happen to Understand the buck door racket , for on this sldo of the river , as well as in Omaha , the mayor has decreed ngainst wide open Sunday boosing. The original Nashville students are to give ono of their charming concerts In the Ma sonic temple hall on the evening of the 25th. These colored singers have visited Council Bluffs before , and there jublloo songs have awakened hero much onthusiam. As tho.v appear under the auspices of the tfowifi Men's Christian association there is a double motive for a liberal patronage. The concert itself will bo a most cnoy ] ) lo one , and the association should ho heartily supported. Tlio flnrko Tract Ooliic Pnst , The Burke tract is bulldingup rapidly with nice new residences and is a most desirable place for a homo. If you waul iv line lot here como now. or the chance to got it at llrst hands will bo gene , for wo uro bound to close thorn out. D. J. IIUTOllINSON & CO. , C17 Broadway. Bartlett & Norton for hardware , stoves and cutlery. 737 and 2315 B'wuy. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan rnouoy. Monov loaned on fuinituro , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity , lair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. BroaiUvay anil Main , over American express. Dr. C. C. Hiizon , dentist , Opera house block. A Hare Chanuc. I have for sale nearly 100 choice lots between Couneil BlulTs and Omiihn which , in order to close out , I will olloi for n-short time at from$200toiOO : eacl ) nnd on the following terms : $10 down nnd $5 per month. Lots full si/.e anil title perfect. Call and lot mo show you the property. E. E. MAYNK , 010 Broadway. One Pnro For the Ilouml Trip. Tickets on sale April 8th , ith ) and 10th good for return from the llth to the 18th inclusive for nil who wish to attorn : the state encampment of the G. A. K veterans nt Burlington , Iowa , Apri Oth , 10th nnd llth , 1880. The head ( quarters' train with the departinon1 commander and his staff under the oscofl of Abe Lincoln , Post G. A. li. will leave Council Bluffs via the Chicago cage , Burlington fe Qulncy railroad at ( ) : ! ( ) a. in. , April 8th , 1889. Per furthoi particulars , call on or address GAIT. O. .M. Biunvx , ' . Ticket ngent , Cor. Pearl and Broadway. Council Blurts M. M. MAiibHAM , , General Agent. Notice the beautiful finish given col' lars , culTs and blurts by Cascade Laun dry company. * Votci-iiii Mroincn. The nrgnnl/.atlon of u. Veteran Firomon1 association of the ulty was begun some tim ago , but llttlawas dona about it , Tito rmc. tion has been again taken up , and hercaftc the , regular monthly meeting will bo hold o the third Friday ovcning of o.ieh montl The DlUners of the association will bo a pro : idont , two vlco picsldciits , secretary nn treasurer , and six directors. Another nice Ing will bo held next Tuesday evening , i Which the oftlccrs for the oiJMitny year wl fbo elected. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 BMwnji , The finest line of spring goods to b found in the murkut is tit A. Ko'.tor't ' No. aiO Broadway. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co. : loan oiuco on furniture , plunos , horses VMROIIS , personal property of all knitU and all other nrtlnlos of value withou removal. All business strictly conll dontld. Homo Tr.ivollntf. As announced some thno ago , efTorl yrpru being made to secure nnothn series of Mr. ltngan'8 illustrated lei , turcs. Wo are glad to say that doliuit arrangements hivvo uoon completednn that Mr. Kagun will appear nt Dohuny' ' opurn , lioubo the 1st1th , Oth and 17lh" < May. The following subjects Imvo boo ' selected and will be presented in til orilor nnmod : A Summer in Spain an Morocco ; the Yosomtta and Yollon Stone ; Belgium and Holland ; 1'lctui Ireland. 1 ry a Santo Rosa. Boat 10 cent cigu in thu world. fjiaoko the Santo Uosii. Finest in th laud , everybody says. rSti nil. of Santo Rosa olijar , Sena ( u > fjlpiplo to PurcKoy > Muuru. THE CALL OF TJ1E CHURCHES The Saloons to Bo Closed and the Pows Thrown Open To-Day. AN ACCIDENT TO JUDGE JAMES. The Coining Wlmlom of the Jury llox llufth Kor the City Clerkship The Flro I/ads. Church ClilinoR. Those who dcslro to worship to-day will find the needed guidance In the following announcements ' nouncements : Trinity M. E. Church Main street , Lacy' * hall : Hov. W. T. Smith will prcnch and ad minister the sacrament at 7:30 : p. m. , this day. Presbyterian Church Proachlnu both morning nnd evening by the pastor. Sab bath school at 12:00 : o'clock. Yotitnr people's meeting at 0:80. : Strangers and others cordi ally Invited. Overtoil's Mission Fourth avcnuo and Seventeenth street : Uov. W. T. Smith , pro- Biding elder , will preach and administer the sacrament at 10:80 a. in. First Baptist Church The nastor will preach nt 1UIO : ! a. in. nnd 7:10 : ! p. in. Sunday school at 12:00 : m. Young people's meeting at ( Iil0 : p. m. Strangers and others cordially welcomed. Hroadwny M. E. Church Preaching at 10:1)0 : ) a. in. anil 7:30 : p. in. by the pastor , L ) . C. WuuUlin. Sunday school at 12:00 : in. Class meeting nt 00 : ! p. in , , In the lecture room. Strangers nnd the public cordially Invited. Bcrean Baptist Church Preaching by the pastor , on Pacific avenue , in Sijuiro's addi tion. Subjects to-day. "Tho Church of God , " and "Life and Death. " Sunday school at 11:45 : a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday ovcning. Laboring men and men of leisure with their families uro Invited to bo present. Services at the Presbyterian Harmony Mission to-day at , ii o'clock , conducted by Dr. Chamberlain. Sabbath school nt 4 o'clock ; prayer meeting Thursday ovcning. Topic , "A Scolding Wife , " Prov. 21. 9 , 10. The business men's prayer meeting and blblo rcadinir Is to bo held daily from 11:45 : to 12 : ! ! 0 , at the rooms on North Main street. The change in thu hour should bu noted. Congregational Services morning and evening ; preaching by the pastor. Morning subject , "Why Jesus failed ; " evening , "Ob stacles. " A cordial Invitation is extended , St. Paul's Church Divlno services at 10:45 : a. in. and 7:30 : p , m. ; Sunday school. 12:1.1 ; blblo class , 12:115 : ; holy communion , 8 a. m. Sermon topics : Morning , "Tho Law of Sacrifice ; " evening service , "The Church or the Hiblo ! " Young men and strangers always - * ways cordially welcomed to thcso services. T. J. Macltuy , pastor. Rooms to rent in the Morrinm block. S. B. Wadsworth & Co.,230 Main street. One Gent n Mile. The firemen of the city have decided that the rates offered by the railroads for visitors to Council Bluffs during the tournament are not satisfactory. The roads offer a rate of ono fare for the round trip , but the llrcuicn want the same rates as 1SSI 1 cent a mile. It Is stated that the tournament will bring from 80,001) ) to 7oOOU to this city if these rates can be secured. A committee consist ing of P. Lacy , J. T. Stewart , George P. Wright , Spencer Smith and T. J. Evans has been appointed to go to Chicago aud lay the matter before the Western Passenger asso ciation and impress upon that bodv that it will bo to the advantage of the railroads to make the desired rate. In all other branches the preparations for the tournament are progressing - grossing satisfactorily , and the indications lead all interested parties to believe that the affair will bo without exception the grandest ever held in the state of Iowa. Hotel property in Council Bluffs , cen trally located , doing good business. R , P. Officer , solo agent , No. 12 N. Main St. , Council Blulls. Western Ijuwuor nnd Supply Co. Between 13th nnd Mth streets , and 2d and 3d avenues. Telephone 241. E. W. RAYMOND , Manager. The AYclithcrs of the Evidence. The following petit "jurors have been drawn for the April term of the district court : David Jcrmain , Joseph Cramer , Uobcrt Hondrlcks , Philip Jackson , Stephen James , Forrest Smith , George D. Brown , Michael Kelley , W. P. Wlghtman , John Fox , J. M. Dilts. T. C. Jackson , H. G. P. Oblin gor nnd J. W. Clattorbuck , of ICnno town ship ; .1. W. Smith , Garner ; II. Ouren nnd K , W. Gregory , Silver Creek ; John .Taynos , Hael Dell ; Benjamin Palaicr , Rockford : Charles Powell , Boomer ; N. Burchard Hardln ; S. H. Johnson , Keg Creels ; II. S Terry , Crescent , and Jf. W. Mud&on , Nor- walk. _ _ Webster's Addition to Council Ilium * , Just platted and put on the market. Lies one-half block south of Broadway. Equally distant from the business portions tions of the two cities. Beautiful resi dence sites. Largo lots and up to grade. Fine trackage. Terms easy. Suitable rigtt on hand at all times to show the prqporty. D. J. UUTIUNSON , 017 Broadway. A Uush for the Clerkship. New candidates for the ofllcc of city clort are continually coming to the surface. These whoso claims were brought to notice yesterday - day in addition to the names already pub lUhed were George Uudio , Charles Lelbold. John Churchill , J. J. Trnlnoy , Uobort Gra > ham , John Oliver , James Madden , Kd , Pierce , A. J. Dyer , ti. Swearingon , C. C Iloiin , D. K. Glcason and Judga Wcstcott Thu latter gentleman is suid to have vorj good chances of securing the appointment. ricndquurturtt for builders' hardware Odell & Bryant , 61 ! ) Main street. Now and full line of spring gooda a the London Tailors , U37 Broadway. Trouble Tor a Kow Dollnrc. The case of Btuto vs K. S. Powell was yes torduv sent to the district court by Justloi Jensuii , of Norwalk township. The defend ant is accused of obtaining goods under false pretences. It is represented that ho ob talncd curl niii goods valued nt $12.50 fron Fisher & Sons , or an order purporting to bi from A , Wollbiirn. Ho was hound over ti the district court In the sum of f500 , whlcl amount was furnished by hH father , nnd hi was released from custody. Ills case wil como bcfoio the next pruna jury. E. II. Shcafo & Co. ollor bargains it city property , either improved or un Improved. Knsy pixymeuis. Good lot ! on $10 payments. Have our wagon call for your soilet clotheu. Coscado Lnundrv Co. tfit Junior Disntilnd. Judge W. O. James , a prominent , rcsldon ol this city for a number of years , met will a severe unit painful accident Friday evening ing while passing alonj- Pearl street. O\vmi to the loy condition of the niiiuwalk h Hllppcd and fell , sustaining a dislocation o the kneo. Ho was removed in a carriage t < his home , where Dr. Pmnry was culled t attend htm. Although the injury I * no serious , it will con II no the JUIRQ to th house for sovor.v ! weeks. Ho was restin yesterday us easily us could bo expect e ! under itiu circumstances. lintulirt. J. 0 , Tipton , the real obtnto broker was soon ycatcrday on the street \\itli large hatohot , and , upon being utki : whni ho wi'.a doing , said he was ou slaughtering prices on huu.sod and lot * ami now h'.ui tome decided bargu'iia 1 ; ull ( jrudei uiui on easy HENRY EISEMN & CO.'S ' People's Store Will llnvo on Hnlc Dur ing Tills Week the Following Unreal as , Which llioy Offer to ( ho Popu * Inr Trndr. Which is added to our unequalled as sortment of specially selected goods , ac knowledged by every visitor to our house as the tflNKST , LARGEST AS SORTMENT. AND WHOLLY UNRIV ALLED AS TO SUPERIORITY IN STYLETASTE AND VALUE in com parison with goods olToreil by any other house in the city makes , our store now , ns it has over been , HEADQUARTERS FOR THE EINEST AND MORE COST LY MATERIALS , BUT NOW ALSO THE MOST DECIDED HEADQUAR TERS FOR ALL LOW-PRICED GOODS. Every customer receives precisely the , same respectful and courteous attention < n our house. Wo will have SPECIAL SALES very day this week. Wo want every ady to rend every word of this ad- , and : all at our store rind got precisely what vo advertise. Monday morning sale , and all day rlonday , wo offer : 800 ladles rubber circulars , all sizes , , vith hoods , nt 39c each , worth and sold 'or $1.50 cnch in every store in the city. Only ono garment will bo old to each purchaser. Prepare for , ho spring rains and got your Rubber oak nt this sale at 30o each. At lOc each , 100 dozen LadSos' Jersey Ribbed Regular made Balbriggan Vests , elegantly trimmed and considered cheap at 60c each ; Monday's price lOo each. Only four garments sold to each pur chaser. At 3c each , 60 dozen Jersey Caps , nil colors , formerly sold for 2oc. Just the thing for n spring cup for boys nnd ; irls.Wo Wo nlso offer special bargains Mus- in Underwear , Whitn Goods , Embroid eries , Jerseys and Ladies' Silk Um brellas during all of this week. The above mentioned Special Sale offerings can bo found in our Underwear Depart ment on the Half Floor back of our Dress Goods Department. In our Basement , or Domestic Depart ment , wo olTcr for Monday forenoon only "Fruit of Loom" muslin nt Oc pei yard. Lonsdalo muslin at Cc per yard. Amoakeng and Lancaster apron and ilress styles gingham nt GJc per yard. Quantity limited to 10 yards for each purchaser. For Monday and Tuesday nil day , good apron and aross styles standard ging hams , 5c per yard. Standard calico at 3c per yard. Good ehoviott ahirtings at 5c per yard. 1 case 50 pieces English flnnollottcs for wrappers and children's wear at 12Jc per yard. Very pretty nnd desirable nnd actually worth HOc'nor yard. 2 bales of brown crash at 3Jc per yard. 3 bales of fine linen crash nt 5c per yard , regular lOc quality. 100 pieces English percale , suitable for shirting and dresses , equal in effect nnd service to the choicest French print ings costing from 2oc to 40c per yard. Our price for this sale Monday and Tuesday only is 7c per yard. 50 do/ , extra large cream damask towels 20c each , regular 3oc quality. 10 pieces cream table damask , Of inches wide , at 48c ; regular price 75c. We also otter , for Monday and Tues day , 20 cases bleached and brown sheet ings at mi 11 prices. 4Sc. 59c. ANOTHER IMPORTANT GLOVI PURCHASE. Wo received n telegram from our eastern buyer a few days ago , which read as follows : "CAN BUY 200 DOZEN REGULAR $1.25 AND SI. 50 DRESSED AND UN DRESSED GLOVES , Embroidered backs , fully assorted col ors and sizes , that you can sell as i drive for 75c. Shall I buy them ? " Wo replied : "BUY THEM AND SHIP BY EX PRESS. " " So , Monday , \vo will place them ot sale. It is the best assorted lot of kic gloves that it has over been our goot fortune to olTcr. Perfect shapes ani equal to any $1.25 and $1.50 gloves thai have over boon offered over any _ retail counter. ' They will bo divided in twc lots and sold for 48c and 09c a pair. 'Cat : be compared favorably with any $1.2i and $1.50 glove sold in any market it America. Hosiery Sale nt 50c n Pair. 160 dozen ladies' sillc and Lisle throai hose in plain black fancy stripes ani opera length , formerly sold from 85c t < $1.25 a pair. will bo offered in our hosiery departments during Monday , Tuesday nnd Wednosdny , nt 50c a pair. Ladiet who have boon'intho habit of payingl $1.25 and 81.50 for their hose are invitee to attend this BARGAIN SALE nni get the same and bettor goods for 50c i pair. Special Sale of He ixtrn lilnck Thin Week. Wo offer our latest purchase of re gatta black silks lust received from th < great trade auction in New York lasi week. Wo are among the lucky onoi who got a slice from this pudding. 3 pieces regatta black gros grain sillc 85c a yard , worth $1.25. 3 pieces regatta black gros grain silk $1 a yard , worth $1.50. 3 pieces regatta black grosgrain sill 81.25 n yard , worth $1.85. 2 pieces regatta black grosgrain sill $1.50 a yard , worth $2.25. 'L'ho W.60 quality compares favorabl ; with $ ; j.00goodssold hero nnd in Omaha Now is a good time to buy black siln dross goods for 60c on a dollar. ANOTHER SILK BARGAIN AT Mi A YARD. 75 pieces of Illuminated shades o dross ancl trimming silks , also brocade and striped dress Tllks in nil shades Actual value from 76o to $1 per yard- will bo sold at special gale for Monday Tuesday and Wednesday at 39o n yard Quantity limited to ono dross pattern t < each purchaser. Great liiirjnin Hale it * Fur ill * ) hi nc Goods. Every gentleman ought to buy hii FURNISHING GOODS of us and sav at least 113 per cent. At 80 n pair. During this week welTer < olTor 150 dozen mcn'h seamless hnl ho o , sold olsowhcro from 15u to 20o i pair.At . At 6e a pair 17/i mixed seam leas sooc ; regular lOc quality. At 121o u pair 75 dozen full regulni made Englifah IHHO ; well worth 25u i pair. pair.At 25o n pair 125 dozen Balbnggai and fancy biriped hull hose , full rogulni made ; nlo in fast black and Halt thread ; a big bargain , worth from 40 < to 7 c n pair. At 75o each 25 dir/on flannul blcycl < ovorshlrtri , In the latent spring * bhadofa worth 81.2-3. At5l.00pueh.- do/on llanncl over shirts , worth $1.76. At 20c each 50 do/.en Bnlbrlggai shirts and drawiirri ; worthfiOc. At jOu , 7-5n and $1.00 oiiyh TJu llnosl line of jroutb' underwear ovw olleroi lor double the price. Kl < 'intm' i ( .vent IJaric.iln tialu Till Wrok. Boya' kilt uilts , new spring styles , Eisomnn's great special sale in men's nnd youth's spring overcoats ) and suits. Elegant line best goods and lowest prices. Our spring stock is now. completes in all departments. R ! } * ALL GOODS RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PIUOEST BY THE GREAT MONEY SAVING PEOPLE'S STORE. STORE.HENRY HENRY EISEMAN & CO. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Mall orders receive prompt atten tion. Samples sent on application. SPECIAL NOTICES. wanted for. general hoiiso work , 7" G Willow ave. Mrs. J. Mueller. WANTED At S8 VeMSt. . , ono chambermaid for Monday morning , duo. H. loxtcr. you havtTproperty of any kind to sell or ex IP change sco Johnston & Vnnl'iUto n. IMMaln. 71OH IlKNT At $8 per month , the nlco houaa . anil two lots , No. 3)01 ) , corner o ( 8th st. and 2Jd ave. Horaro Kverott. TilOlt HKNT-OlticeNo. S , over Ilnlrifs con- JS rectiouory store , lately occupied by W m. Ward , architect , lloracu Everett. Tdil BAIiK On montaly , hous o nnd lot In Van Hrunt co's addition , by J.Y. lnillcr.3'crearl htreot. 11ENT Possession given April 1st , the residence now occup led by Uobert Car penter , corner Must , nnd 2d avo. . * 33 per month. _ HKNT Furnished and unfiirnl shod rooms , with or without bo ard , Mrs. V. A. Ihirko , Uinvashlngtonjwq. m Uooms for rent ; second lioor , Jt ? No. 117 Fourth street. _ KENT Clieap. two handsome , new , six- FOR cottaifes , north of transfer. Council lUuirs. Inquire llland Hlshtor , Cth avo. and i-'lstst , A. F. CLATTERBUCK , ' 410 UROADWAY , COUNCIIj BIjUFFS , t t IOWA. PRIVATEDEJECTIVE. Private watchmen turnlshcd nt nny nnd nl Special attention Riven to collection of chat tel mortgages mul notes. Money to loan on good chattel security. lleference Any bank , attorney , or business man In tlio city. FIELD & ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Particular attention given to Embalming. Xo. 14 N. 3Iuin St. , Council SSIufft. rurnlturo repulrlUK ni/ahy / done. Office calls attended promptly Pay and night. t/J -T i li A . = - : > o AT Tim 1C * * ! r ] l * LowestPrices * ( M 2 : _ Poultry of all kinds o o c rJ * * dressed to order. U > .9 o > U5 A CAliT * CCy - GOO EMottaz , No. 1UE. Kroadw' ) tfi O O in ABAjg n > SHOE House , 417 Uroadwny , R Council Oluffs. - 2 THE BEST. f § Always eo CO CHEAPEST ! 03 § h & * * o > As wo can provo by * % 3 hundreds. S" D Lanzendorfer & = 3 h l > 3 C Strchbelin , = § IVo. 221 133 MAI.X STKEET. CO - GO TO THE LONDON - TAILOR , And get llio best illthi Suit ' you cyer Intel. Nn 637 Broaflwair.Conncil Blnf OC34IBM14CD pin 1,500,000 lcz ii i [ ZDWBCDBc3li * ' SANTO * ROSA'S It I Smoked in 1 Our immense sales on this brand is convincing proof that it is the best known , and possesses the highest degree of excellence of any ten cent cigar in the market. If you have never smoked it , try it and be convinced that what we say is true. If present rate of sale is maintained more than 2OOOOOO will be sold during 1889. We are sole proprietors for the entire west of the celebrated brands : Senora Cubana , Roman Senator , El Sello de Habana , Ten CentCubanas and Wild West. Smoke P. M.'s Stars , the best five cent cigar ever introduced , and enjoy lite. iiflitaa , Manufactured by Mango , Wciuor & Co. , Limited Philadelphia. LI SAPP 8t KNOTT _ Fuel Merchants. WatchTheSlGNS CNo.31 South Main St. Courteous Attention.-- " - We . invite .1 your Prompt patronage. Delivery * p. eVrvi 1 L ER" oFoBRDINER - sX NOS.II&I3 Pearl I St. . . . \ COUNCIL BLUFFS , r "rfSTWf QS .N J > < V $ fe , , & JSw- - s- e nr wav. g 'ft & ° 3 'f r * " I ? I < 3a n e &D # & iff 8 ? 'H H . ' 'RlTTO - / , _ TperrVl sfV-/ 1f / 7 J & -n f o < ufnA0 , &sn te u , ' ; 0v r " ' iPuOSl - : . SSS 2B * fWf sill V v. 2 flfft Sf- ? fifo , ( LJ U3 > 8r. > ' - ® . | ? , uMVi W'l K " * ' ' ffil ? Mfiinffil c td ? ' Mfiin/\ ' * / \ o1 M ' l kX > o 7-0 LOAN L * 7(9ZfBROS& ( ? / & . Vhan > t > ercfCt > Knstcc/f03 feorfSt. A OtliQhQGwcil Bluffs. -OF- PUBLIC & PRIVATE BUILDINGS BY- JOHN GILBERT , 521 Main St. TELEPHONE 221. Estimates Furnihlicd Correspondence Solicited. On Application. THIIE ! 'SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 LIGHTING , DORSE POWER. Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Siioctllcatlonsnnd ostlmates'turtilHlied for complete Mourn plants. Kemilutlnn , Durability Otnr uuteed. Can thow Ictti-ro from tis'ors \ \ here Kuel Uconomy li equal xvith Corliss Noi 'i E. Q. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue.1 No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs What a Sliirt LOOK AT IT. If you Imdlaken It to tlio Clly Blciiin laundry It wouldn't look no , HI Main Street. Tvlfphoae HI , Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , wuuUsu. Agents , ' . It. . Cuuucll la , At the very threshold of the spring season have inaugurated a great out sale for cash , of all goods in our stock. Gall and see or write us. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE 'NO. 26O