Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1889, Part II, Page 15, Image 15
Wf * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : - MARCH 17. -SIXTEEN PAGES. 'FOR TWELVE DOLlil&i YEAR How the Ohlnoao Goollo Works In His Nntlvo Land. A COUNTRY OF LABOR UNIONS. The Rnrbcra * Union Can UrliiR the Government to Torinn , nnd ' Even the Uocqnrfl Ilnvo n. Guild. IilllitutlnnVntoH. . , CAXTOX , China , Fobrunry 22. [ Special Correspondence of THE BBK Copyrighted. ] 1 hnvo como to Canton to nee liow our Chinninca live nnil worlc nt homo. I no longer wonder nt Chinese Immigration , to America , for I hnvo had n taste of Chinese cheap hiljor In China. U is from this district that the bulk of our Immigration comes , and there nro coolies hero nnd to spare. ThU lirovlnce IB ono of the most thickly Bottled of thu Of the Chinese empire. It is not quttu us big ns Kansas , but It contains one-third as many people ns the whole United States. Canton Itself Is bigger thnn New York City , nnd a twelve mile radius from Its center embraces , I nmtold , n popu lation of tlirco millions. Tliero nro villages outslilo as big ns Washington or Cleveland , nnd ninny of the small towns of the prov ince have been living for years upon con tributions from American Chinese laun- dries. How tlio people swarm. Almond- c'yed ' , yellow-faced , men , women and children tratup upon ono another's heels , and the thousand streets of the city nro moio crowded thnn Broadway In front of Trinity church at the busiest hour of { ho day. Every one Is working , from the half naked , bare- legncd man , who , with a hat as big ns n parasol , carries great loads upon his shoul ders , to the woman In pantaloons and short Bklrt , who sculls the boat on the river , nnd Jo the kccn-oycd merchant , who , In round , Slack cap and gorgeous ntlks , stands sur- Wtindcd b.v bis shelves of flno goods. Kvcry branch of business gees on and Canton Is ono of the great manufacturing cities of the < A'orld. With the rudest of tools these long- jngrrcd celestials turn out the finest of carving In wood and Ivory , nnd with the weaving machines of a thousand years ago they make dresses for modern Kuropc. I Baw a Canton lumber mill this afternoon. Two men sawed logs into boards with crosscut - cut saws. They were naked , save a breech- flout , and they moved up and down all day for 10 cents a piece. Wages here and all over China nro at the lowest ebb , and this great human boo hive , continuing1 from one- fourth to ono-thlrd of all the people in the world , goes on with Its labor ns ijuletly as though America did not exist. IVOIIKN" AS DUALS. What wonderful workers they are nnd how they tue and pull and boll their keen brains from morning Until night , all over the em- pite. Fiom Poking to Canton I have found thu streets of every city and village filled with n pushing , hurrying throng , 1 have seen half-naked linen sweating in carrying loads that would bo heavy for a cart horse , and delicate'women doing thu work of drays. Huinun muscle docs even more work in China than in Japan , and the donkey and the mule arc replaced by man. Hong Kong is located at the base of a mountain , tuv.iy up the sides of which the wealthier residents have summer homes. The angle of the incline - cline is ono of nearly forty-five degrees , and alLibc. building ri ntprials for thcso houses ni e earrlcinhUes up by cooties. Women in Hong Kong carry-two great baskets of stone fastened to potcs which they swing over their ( thoulders , and of the thirty thousand people who make up the beat population of the Hong Kong bay , the chief workers are women. They vow boats with babies on their backs nnd I see tncm standing ahd scuUing wilh their little ones tied to their shoulders. Tbo cities are beo-hives of work. The Dticetb are made up of cells open at the front and full of manufacturer and tradeis. Kvpi'i thing Is done by hand and the working hours are from daylight until dark. I have made inquiries into wages and I lind tticm so low that they would baldly pay for the to- bucco and coffee of our American laborers. Coolies employed In foreign families get as low as $3.50 n mouth and boardthemselves. . Skilled COOKS receive ft a month and at Fee Chow , ono of the wealthiest Chinamen of the city , told mo that the wages of masons were IS cents a day , and the best carpenters iccctved but 20 cents. Women engaged in inuking grass cloth , a sort of line , aio paid from ' 1\\O TO TIIIIKC CENTS A IUV , nnd un old missionary ho can get ton men to work \\liole day for $1 nnd leave 10 per cent to the man who hires them for him. Hero in Canton the chlof means of convey- ; 'ncois by phalr. Tbo chair * are made of , wicker and covered with cloth so that they look llko u box. This box is swung in the center between two long poles , nnd ono man walks In front with the two ! poles rcatlm * on his shoulders and another walk behind hold ing up the chair in the same way. The regu lar native wugcs for such men is $5 n month aud less , und in tno Interior the prices are still lower. Ordinary lie hi bunds get fiom3 to 4 cents a day with lood , und skilled workmen receive from 5 to U cents. Doctors who got as hlch as SO cents a visit lu thu cities como down to 10 cents a visit in the country , and engraVcra and paint ers receive from IU cents to 12 cents u clay , Theatre actors are paid propoitlonutely low lutes , nnd there nro no $5,000 a night Pattls or Henry Irvings in China. The theatres , jnii know , last all day and half the night , und a troupe of thirty players will piny for forty-clgnt hours for fao. Silk \\cavers and silk rcclcrs are among the highest paid men , and their work can only bo douo when the cocoons are ready for reeling. During this timu the men work for weeks1 day and nicht , nnd they receive from $1 to fin n day. The grand avenigo of sullied labor runs however about as fol- lous ; Master worumcn receive 1 a , wuok or J150 a year , anil workmen undnr fl thcso ? ! .50 ji week , or f 78 a year. Young- ' Hters and females pet CO cants a week und thcso nro considered good living wage * . For them the laborer Oocs not growl as to the boms of work , and the labor unions ( if China , tcguluto the hours only In the case of men working bv the piece and not by the day. v I.A1IOU TIKWOirOLY OUOAMZHI ) . There is no country In the world where luuor is so orimnUod as In China , nnd every branch of employment bus iu trail o organ ization or guild , Thcro are 1,700 wiioolbur- lows hi Shanghai und the guild that these belong to regulates the rate of faro and tlio hours of work. Weavers have u uuild , the barbers hnvo their trudos unions , and even the beggars huvo their association presided ever by a president who assigns lo each his boat and who can punish with hLs bamboo such as rofiibu to obey him. Thcso guilds are very strong and their de mands uro respected by thu covornmont. Tlio bnrbois were for a long time prohibited from the literary examinations , which nro tlio only nasspotls tooflico. on the ground of their doing engaged In a menial occupation. Tnoy combined together lu diffciont parts of the empire nnd tlio government hnil to como to terms , Qneof the gioat luxuries In which the Chl nman delights is the huvhif thu back of hisBhouldcis and neck kneaded after Ilia head is shaved , Thu bni bers concluded that this was below their dignity and their union forbade it. They also prohibited burlier * from car cleaning during lliu lost six dtiya of the year , ns nt this time tbcro Is bo much head shaving IT do in picparation for thu Now Year that tbcro is no time for dirty cars , China bus , perhaps , moro barbers than any other country in the world , and the Chlnusu bend needs more attention than any other head on the mole. The Chinese dude hat hU head ihavod daily and the man is verj poor who cuunot afford his weekly nhavc. A jilaeo fs loft nt the crown about ns big around ns a Hit otip nnd the hnlr which grows on thl.i forms the cue. Tlio chlnnmnn has his fnco shaved oven to the forehead and about the eyes , nnd you find the harbors on the streets , In Dhotis , Intho , country nnd In fact everywhere. Itinerant barbers carry two small ml ntools made of boxes In the shnpa of ft pyramid in winch they hnvo drawers containing their razors nnd basins. They Bhnvfl without Rene nnd they use a two. pronged piece of Iron with whlch.lhoy mnko n nolso llko that of a mammoth tuning fork ns the Mpn of their trndo mark. You hcnr ils nolso everywhere throughout China , nnd no of the commonest sights of thu streets nd country roads is end of these barbers at vorlc upon a patient. Tin : nxzou in the shnpo of an Isosceles trinnglo. It is nado of rude steel , and many of them are Mundcd up from worn out horse shoes rhlch nro Itnportod from Europe by the lousand * of barrels , nnd which are used in nuking nil kinds of Chinese Implements , 'ho rales of shaving uro very low , ranging rom n few tenths of n cent to ten. cents and norc , according to the class to which the arbor belongs and to the standing of the ustomor. Tlio barbels'unions fix the rate f shaving for their members and they have inos nnd penalties. These labor unions regulates tlio laws as 0 apprenticeship. They fix the number of pprontlccs that ono master may have , end ho silk weavers union forbids tlio leaching r employment of women. Apprentices ru- eivo no wages. They work from thicoto Ivo years and get only lood nnd lodging. No inn cttn employ nn apprentice who has not ervcd out Ills full time , and some trades rovlde that only the sons and relatives of ho workmen niny bo taught them. The sunl penalty for acting contrary to the rules f the guild is for ttio guilty member to pay line to tlio guild , or to furnish a supper or theatrical performance. These nro. how- ivcr , for minor faults only. In serious cases there is no punishment too overc , nnd an employer who violated one ot liu rules in regard to apprenticeships was ot long ago JIITTEX TO JllUTlt 1 See Chow , a city uot far from Shanghai , 'Ills employer was a gold beater , and there vas a great demand for gold leaf for the cm- icror. 'Ibis man took more np ; > tentices than he rules of the union prescribed , and In coking n punishment for him the workmen .xHicluuod that death was u necessity. They bought that if a number of them engaged in ho killing it would not bo possible to punish hem all and biting In China Is not n capital ffcnco. There were 128 men In this guild .nd . thcso rushed at thu employer , each aklng it bite. One man , the leader of tlio ffalr. stood ovqr the rest , and in order that II might bo implicated , no uno was allowed x > quit the place without "Ms gums and lips vcre bloody. Tlio murderer who took the irst Into was discovered and beheaded , but he others went free. Colonel Donby bos ent a report of this affair to the state du- iirtmcnt ut Washington. The Chinese trades unions are against the ntroduction of machinery. A sewing ma- bine for tho'inakliig of Chinese shoes wns Icstroycd at Canton not long ago , and a triko was caused here by tlio importation if sheet brass for thu making of cooking itcnsils , as this would Injure thu business of ho brass hammerers. As a rule , however , trikes are not very comfnon. The organira- ions of both employers and laborers are ueh that it pays to settle tnnttcis by urbi- ration. The oflicials of the cities arc , as a rule , ou he side of the workmen in cases of trouble , us the employers are the capitalists , and by laving u cause against them they are aolo to squeeze money out of them for the scttlo- ncut. For this reason the employers wish o havens few labor tioublcs ns possible. Speaking of employer's union , all classes f the Ctilneso business men have their Builds and these are almost as old as tlio country. Ono of the llncst club bouses of Ohina is that of the Canton merchants of ? oo Clioo. It is made up of a great number of ilnoly finished rooms elegantly turnislied n Chinese fashion and located in the bust tart of the city. Here the merchants como o drink tea and to chat. They have a emplc and a theater connected with it and thu club consists of 500 members. I visited at Shangtml sonio ofthe , llnesi specimens of Cfhmosa 'architecture 1 have teen. They were guild halls belonging to ten and rlco merchants and they had wonderful gardens of caves and rocks built up in the busiest part of the city. These guilds regulate the lommcrco of China. They Hx the rate of in terest , the time on which goods may be sold , : ho weights and the standards of goods. A ncmbcr using different scales than the one prescribed is lined , and a man acting con trary to the guild can , in ninny instances not go on with his business. One of the drug- gist's guilds has Just adopted some iiew rules which ho befote me. These pro- cnbo that accounts shall bo settled tlirco times ovcry year , und that a discount of 0 ; > or cent may bo alloivcu on cash transac tions. No member in the guild shall be per mitted to trade with the otticrs while ho is n debt to a member of the guild , and any mcn.ccr who violates tlu-sc limn ahull pay for two theater plays for the guild and for the drinks und a feast for twenty members. Some of these guilds pre scribe that promissory notes shall be dated on the dav of si.ilo and all of them fix the rules of giving credit. The bankers' guild 11 x all mutters relating to interest , and these different organizations-make the dealings of foreigners with the Chinese more safe than such dealings would bo in other countries. ThcChtuuinun respects his contract and if he does uot his guild makes him. As tn the Hours of work in China carpen ters w ork cloven hours In summer and nine in winter , and masons work half an hour longer. Thgro Is NO SU.NIUY IIHBE nnd your Chinaman wonts week in and week out. At the last of the year bo gets abjut ten days off and altogether ho has les > s than a score of holidays. On thu Chlnc&o farm everyone of the family woiks , and children of six and seven have their daily labors. Fni in laborers get from 10 to 15 cents a day nnd meals or from TO cents to $1.05 n week. By the mouth tncy arc paid from $1.50 to S3 and board und $13 a year with board and lodging is big piiv. If a Chinese farm hand woiking from daylight to dark the year through can save ( > , lie does well. And us it costs him only about $4 a year for his clothing , ho Is sometimes able TO do this. At the end of perhaps twenty years ho has saved enough to buy hiiuhclf n furui , and the average Chinese farm in many of the provinces is not moro than tivo acres. In some cases the holdings are as low us one- sixth of an aero and tenant farmers rent out a number of these tracts for half tlio crops. The stock of n binall Chinese fanner consists of a coupln of pigs , a few fowls und a water buffalo , n sort of u cow which Is used hero for ploughing and working. A man wife and two children can -live well off two acres. Thlcr diet is rice , vegetables and tea , and ut festive times they hnvo a bit of pork , a fowler or some CUR. Tlfo living ot tbo laborer in the cities Is oven worsu than this , und the mud hut of the farmer is better than tbo homo of a city workman. The average laborer of the city has three meals u day , nnd thcso consist of BIIit tisu , vegetables und rice. Ho outs meat only three or four times a year , and the house in which lie lives rents from $ J u year and upwau's. ' Many families own their own houses which hiivo grown throupn genera tions and which include the whblo clan within their walls. Some such houses huvo from fifteen to twenty little rooms and 100 occupants Is not uncommon. A Chinese house with tnreo looms bus n kitchen , dining room and bedroom. Its furniture consists of n rude table , benches without backs , n kanrf or ledge covered with mat ting upon which thu t > ropla sleep und beneath which a fire burns , ondaraiiguot brick with nu opening for cooking. In the southern provinces beds of boiuds uro used instead of kangs. A plcco of matting is thrown over this und the sleepers Ho with wadded com falters wrapped around thorn. Such accommodations make them fairly happy , nnd there are millions In China who are snuslled with them. As un Instance of the poverty of the boat people in China , in coining from Hou ? Kong to Canton wo anchored In tlKTuildst of u city of boats. U is estimated that one-third of a million people nro born , llva und die Ll'ON 1I1U WATEIIS OK Till : IllVIill. at Canton. They live from what they can earn und pick up upon the river and they carry on u regular business , employing their assistants. The nvtrago wages of boatmen in from ftO to $12 a year and foodand dining our voyage two rats which were killed on the Blup wora throw n out lo ono of thcso boat families. They were grabbed at with avidity und thu thanks our captain received were un bounded , Long before you have read this letter they will have douo their pare la mult- ing muscle for the boatman who ate thorn , end dog and pat meat are Rtnont ? the other foods which sustain tbo lives of 1 Imvo pursued luy studies of labor In Can- on largely In company with Consul Seymour - mour , nnd I went .yesterday to the the flour * ng mills which here compcto wlch our Min neapolis millers. They consisted of n series of mill fltones , ono lying above another and two constituting , a mill ; the motive power was n wntor buffalo , the ugliest species ot cow that God ever made , and the driver was nhnlt-nnkcd roollo. A dozen of these buffalos - falos and coolies and two dozen stonca made up the big establishment wo visited , and it is in this Wny thnt n greater part of Canton's flour is ground. The rudest of machinery only is permitted In China. The pcohlo will not allow 'steam boats to go on the rivets In the Interior except - copt in these plnpqs lnl1 | down In. the treaties , and the small cargo bontH Which do the trndo of the canals have puddle wheels which nro turned by gangs of men , and the other hoots nro moved by ores hnu sails. Anyone In traveling through China linn perceive Uio ig norance of the pcoplo ns to labor-saving np- | ) llnnces , nnd the learned Doctor Mncgownn , who has lived in China for nearly half n cen tury , nnd to whom I nm Indebted for ninny ot Iho figures nnd facts of this letter , tolls mo that n frco press would do moro than any thing clso lo bring the country to nn accent- nnco of the best things In our western civili zation. FIUNIC Q. /V March Wave. Tho' from the uklos were flowing1 Doth ley sleet nnd rauu And blttor winds xvoro blowing With all their might and main , Storm bontcnl undefended ! * Two arms so wnu nnd whjto Were pleadingly extended Out In the chilly night 1 ' Alas ! In nil the city. Tho' winds blow sham nnd keen , No hand nppoar'd ' In pity To rescue from that .scene . The waif so brnls'd'ntid shntter'd , So morcilosMy hurt , ' Out on n clothcs'llno bnttor'd , Mulroonoy's Sunday shirt I Kiilck-IviuiulCH. Now York World : Puihlcif's over coat varnish. Fishes ( spawn ) their olTsprin 3i Done with the pen adead'plg. ' Can the caves of old oceans bo culled salt rheums ? When a man hasn't a roil cent ho gets blue. Can a "dealer in extracts bo called a dentist ? Capital oxorcibo at the .bank turning over money. Can eloping be called body snatching ? If a hennery is a pen for hens , is chic ory a pen for chickens. . . Postage stumps know their places when they have been licked once. Are book-worms good for bait ? Pigeons on loaht is worth two in the bush. Docs cough-y agree with consumpt ives ? School girls are always looking for rain-beaux. "How long can a man live without brains ? " ubked a professor of a rustic. "I don't know , " reulled the latter. "How old are you yourself ? " THE BABY INCUBAToR. How Iiittle Florence llyull is Nursed in a 11 ox. Miss Vieth , who Is the head nurse in the maternity department of the Women's Hospital , at 2 00 North College - lego avenue , says the Philadelphia Press , was leaning very tenderly ever very binall Florence Ryalls , yesterday afternoon , when she told the interest ing story of how the unusually diminu tive Florence is being cared for. Miss Florence is in a box , which she occupies yith a thurmomoter , a baby's night slip , two sponges and four hot water bottles , and she is very well con- bideriiig all circumstancesaccording tn Nurse Vieth , who has her in constant charge. She is gaining ilesh daily , alid cries and kicks and sleeps , which is all that can be asked in the way of entertain ment , life and trouble from a miss bo young and so small , and who is under going an experiment such as has never before been experienced , on this side of the water. Misb Florence Kyalls was born in the maternity ward of the Women's Hos- yital nine dayb ago. Her birth was premature - mature by ono month , and bhc was hot expected to live from the moment her black eyes llr t opened on daylight , but since she was put within the four'walls of the rectangular box which she now occupies her improvement has boon so great that Nur o Vieth says positively now thnt she will in a month or so de velop into a fine and blooming biby. : The box or machine , or whatever it may be called , in which Misb Florence does hcrcrying , kicking and slcqpiiig , came from Paris about a month ago. It was one of the four which \yoro bj-ought to this country for the first'titne. and thib is the primary opportunity tliutlins occurred for Its UbO in baby raising. The idea of its practical use' . , is 19 care for prematurely born and. exceptionally weakly infants who withbutJt uoula undoubtedly die. " > Nur&o Victl ; says that Miss Florence Rynls , would unquestionably , have died hod it not been for this moiui ot prcbt-rving her life. When slip was born she weighed jus > t 1500 grammes , and now , \\ith a steady daily' increase , she has reached the gratifying weight of 1720 grammcBt with every prospect of a further increase. She is weighed' ' reg ularly everyday on a pair of scales con taining such n , tin scoop as'grocers ube to dole out sugar , and the dally record of her avoirdupois is kept oir'n. slate , livery hour she is fed by her mother , who 'is improving comfortably in the matcrnitv ward , and she each meal one tcaspoonful and a hall of nourishment , mid .seoins to show an ex cellent appetite. The box In which Miss Florence at present makes her honib is a trillo ever a yard long and about two foot wide. It is made of walnut wood , nnd the top Is a plate of glass. The extremely young lady lies on a soft blanket wrapped in her nightslip , The air is admitted from the lower section of the upper end ol the box and pss es over four Dottles HUpd with hot water boforoult reachob * rno occupant. At the foot of the b.iby nro two sponges strung on u cross .bai ever which the air also passes , thus keeping the atmosphere moist , The imouro air escapes through a small fun nel directly o\or the baby's head. Sur mounting the funnel is a gluts tube in which iu Hxed n steel regulator , in the Minpo of a windmill fun , which is kepi constantly turning by the escaping air. The minute the regulator ceases revolv ing the nuroo knows there is something wrong insults the box. The tempera ture Is kept roiibtantly at 80s Fahren heit by tlio hot-water bottles , two ol which uro filled alternately with watoi at a heat of 110s. The temperature is thus never permitted to vary moro than n half of a degree , and very seldom that much. The apparatub is the invention of M Muthleu , a French physician , and has boon used with great success in eavltif , the lives of Dromuturely-born children. Formerly the. only method pursued in such cn&oa was tokeopthu bubv wrappei in cotton , and it was not effective ii many cases. An Absolute Curo' The OUHJWAIj AUIETINE OINTMENT U only put up in largo tuo ounce tin boxes and U an absolute euro for old sores , burns wounds , i-hupped hands , and all skin crui > - tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles Ask for the OIUG WAL , AWKTINK O1NT MENT. Sold by Ooodmun Drug Co. , ut 25 cats ( > er box by wlaUt 0 cents. IN TIIJi ROCKIES , ExolUnpr iftcborlonooa In the Loon- tion1q bo .Unlou Pnclflo , U/nna ANDREVflJ ° hoSEWATEn'S STORY. ' { ' Mldwlutlir SUrtiKKlcH With the file- ntontl/l'n'jid / ' the Indians Ton * Ksoapo Down the in n Skiff. StoHes of Advonturo. Mr. Antlrow Rosowntor , ox-onglnoor of tlio city of Omntm , lias not always uooii ensconced in the comfortable qvuir- Lora ho now ocuplcs in the Pnxlou build ing but had urouphcd it" on the fron- Llor in former years. It occurred to Till ! BKIS inun that thogontloumn could a tale unfold tlmt would nrovo highly interesting- these who yearn for truthful Btbrioa of adventure on tlio plains. Therefore Mr. Rosuwator'wnh naked for u.brief nurnitlvo of his expe riences in locating the line of the trans * continental railways ever the Hookies' . "Twenty-two years ago , " said ha , ' ! started with thirteen others on Jh $ Union Pacific train from Omulm to ex plore and determine dotlnitoly the route of the Union Pa cific ever the Black Hills run go and westward to Utah. At that thiio the railway was completed and In op eration as far west : is North Platlo ela tion. The weather was very similar to that wo are now enjoying1' , nnd to a'cor- tain extent tlio entire winter had boon of the sane ) open nature ns has Char acterized this one. BuUwo had scarcely reached North Platlo when u terrible snow storm set in all ever the valley and oxtrcmo cold weather followed. Wilhtn a week of our departure [ while wo were in camp the temperature foil to " 8 ° below zero , and we had to force .our way through snow tivcvaglnj ; nearly a foot in depth from 200 to 300 miles. On the banks of Crow crook wo were temporarily delayed by the snow , and improved the time involved in lay ing off the town site of Cboycnne. There word rte habitations to spcal of within sixty niilcs of the place , but wo accepted the 100 acres that were glycn to each of us in the general apportion ment of the tract surrounding the new town site. "From Crow creek we turned towards the Cache La Poudro valley , then sparsely settled by a few scattcring'far- uiers neaf'what ' was then known as Fort Collins.L'Ub intensity of the cold and the deptfio'rihe snow heightened the hnrdbhipH qfulho journey , and caused nearly evury one in the party to become snow blind. * The suiter in gs.of tl o sur veyors fiiora''this ' malady wore severe , and theyliiStcu in each cato between a week nnd.ftqu , , days , but fortunately we were nati'jall stricken at the same timo.v We also had to contend with a scarcity of wood , and it was dif ficult to secii'ro ' fujsl for cooking in the morning , an , | } oycning aid ( absolutely IMJUP was > toilto hadifoi iieatingpur.poscs , L > ub wo tnndo * . the best -effort to retain the 'WAlural heat of our bodies by banking up . the tents with snow. At one ranch that put a period to a'a tramp through the deep snow , failing to secure wood for our supper from tno rancher's limited supply of fuel , in the face of an offer of $100 a cord , wo were compelled to take the roof fron\ono of his stables , despite his threat that the military would be called to punish us. Upon our arrival at the foot of the mountains wo camped in this vivlloy nearly two weeks , owing to our inability to cross the range in the snow , and began our surveys early in April from Fort Saunders , on the we&t- ern side"of the Black Hills range , an other party being detailed to conduct experimental surveys on the Black Hills range to determine the best crossing1 there , while wo wore instructed to select the route1 across the main body Of the Rocky input ) taius. "Wo made excellent progress for the first ten _ days after leaving .Fort Saunders , and then met neiv'difticultios ' in the shape of Indian raids. An In dian war hud broken out all oyer the country , and everywhere could bo seen evidences -of the movements of largo bands of Indians , the burning of ranches and the destruction of everything within roach of the marauders. Near Rock Springs u detachment of our party was surrounded by Indiana and Stephen Clark , a nephew of Horace F. * Clark , then vicoirtisident of the Unibn Pacific railway , was' ' rid dled .vith arrows and scalped. Another man in the detachment namod.Muollei.1 , , a brother of the music dealer at Coun cil Bin Us , was in the midst of the hos tile Indiaus , and but , for the timely charge of homo of our men ho would have shared the fate of Clark , Evety- thing upon the field , instruments and' ' nil , was immediately abandoned , and for several' ' days we wore compelled' ' to remain behind rile pits within our camp until reinforcements could be had from Fort Saunders. To secure these , two of oui'-'t on volunteered to charge through ljj | $ , ' Indian camp at night , by keeping1 fOiijiho divides and cotnmuni- 6ate OirecV\v'lth the commaudqr of Jlhat post.Inntnll | they were successful , and three days viator an escort of fifty men was furivishiid us &o that wo wore enabled - , ablod to continue our work. "Whilovtbcso events were happening on the wctfl/yjojio of the Rockies a sim ilar party T3akinj ( surveys on the east slope waji { attacked and Mr. Hill , a brothor-in-faw of Byron Reed , of this ! city , andth9 , , engineer in charge , was killed , hay ng been riddled with ar rows in e , dttspornto attempt to cheapo through -this Indian lines towards his comrades ? * ' This occurred near what is now kiijcwp as flilUdalo station which serves as'nT-fnstitig ' monument to the victim. "Tho exaggerated reports of these outrages and other depredations that wore being committed on all sides at this time , induced several of our party to abandon the trip , and three person's escaped in u skiff down thePlutte river , traveling at night and hiding in the day , finally reaching Fort Kearney and the railroad tlmt convoyed them east. But our party was recruited from ranch men in the vicinity who had been com pelled to leave their claims on account of the Indian war. One of * these \nt4 served us guide for us nnd another hunted nnd cooked fresh meat. The party with its strength thus eupplu- iiiented again resumed its hazardous work aim made slow but stoudy head way until the main crossing of the Rocky mountains was determined upon at a depression 00 feel lower than was orlRlnallycontomplnloiI. . This crossing effected wo were confronlofl by the great task of pushing Burvoys over ft country that wni almost an absolute desert and comparntivoly unknown with no roads or crossings of streams devel oped nnd affording Insufllciont pastur- ngo for our homos. Our labors were not lighlcncdljy n limited knowledge of the location of springs nnd other sources pi wntor supply. This whole country was formerly known as the Hod dosort. "To facilitate the work of our party in crossing this alrotch of country , Percy T. Brown and four others started out on horseback to roconnoltor the proposed route. Its barrenness was so strikingly manifest tlmt all thought of Indians had long ago been diflinlRBod. In fact , wo beheld scarcely a living thing after the consummation of the crossing. Still on this reconnoltoring trip Brown and his men were unox- pcetodly surrounded and ambuscaded by several hundred Indiansv who had hidden tlicnibolvos nnd ponies in the dry , circuitous bed of a deep ravlno , whoso banks were covered with high nago brush. In the the strligglo that ensued , and while our' men were trying to make their way to a neighboring summit , Mr. Brown was shot in tlio ab domen. Ills men abandoned ( heir horses , picked up the wounded man and charged up the hill , dotormlnod to save his scalp. In this they were suc cessful. The Indians scrambled ever the booty in the shape of horses and accoutrements loft by the while men nnd allowed them to make the summit nearest at hand. There the parly re mained until under cover of tlio dark ness of. the night they carried Mr. Brown on the slocks of their guns a distance of fifteen miles to the stage road , where ho soon afterward died and wns temporarily buried. "Wo were again delayed by this fatality , anil wont Into camp to con sider matters. I think it will bo bettor to finish mystery story for this week right hero nnd to relate the rest of my experience In next Sunday's issue of your paper. Wo recommend the use of Angostura Bitters to our friends who suffer with dcbpopsia , hut only the genuine , manu factured by Dr. Siegort & Sons.A * druggists. TINY GIRLS IN POLITICS. Tlio Vounei'Ht lliirrlHon Club In flio United Kuilcfl. Politics for is not Unusual L Ulltlwn iUl women ID 1IUU till U1IU thingnonudiiys , but politics rcal.h - , overy-duy politics for little girls is por- haps"bomcthiiig - now. Probably St. Louis , btvys the St. Louis Post-Dispatch , is the first city in the United States to form n "Little Girls' Harrison dub , " but such IB the sober fact. This proiuib- ] ( organization , which is now u ll.xtui o , is comnoscd of little irirle , with republi can proclivities , who attend the Stoudnrd and the Divoll schools , und who live in the west end. The ngcs of the little ones i-nngo from three to twelve years , and there is homo genuine enthusiasm among the members of the club. The club was formed in September last , nnd found its suggestion in debates on the merits of the two candidates for the presidency. The most -prominent on Lhe Harrison side of the question met at the residence of Mabel Ross , 2801 Gam ble street , und the formal organization of the club wns undertaken. Eureka. Tlio motto ol California means , ! have found it. Only in tlmt lund of sunHhine , -.where ) the orange , lemon , olive , fig nnd grupobloom and ripen , and attain their highest perfection in mid-winter , nro the herbs und gum found , that arc u&ed in that pleasant remedy for nil throat and lung troubles. SANTA ABIE the ruler of coughs , asthma nnd consumption. The Good man Drug Co. has been appointed agent for thib valuable California roincdynnd hells it under n guarantee at SI ti bottle. Three for $2.50. Try CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURK , the only guaranteed cure for catarrh. ' , bv mail $1.10. Fine Cntlery and Tools , First Door West of Postoffioe , AND SUSPENSORY. PATENTED Auc. 16 , 1887. lupnovta TEB. 1,1880. DR. OWEW'B E1KCTHO- GALVANIC BODY BELT AND CUbPiJJSORY > rt to cart ttie fet . - - _ KM tumrt/iAll LKRheumftUc , CampUinti , UtLurab jt > , Oaienl and e-v . JDtblUty. 3ci > Sexual Eihiuition AVmf . - ' "B * ' Bodjr. Ulitxci canted by-W/ ' -IniI.fretipni' ! In Youth , Age , M r- riedorElnHCf cttUre. , l f el .IIdi. . , | ! lruiulD | lo tbo womb > Jl > or poolul oremoi of mtlr or fcra 1 < . tTy' l > T TI ) IIKKCOSHIDI-K 1'iKTItS OS 10 1UIK 1RI1L. OF ; . O'JVCN'S ELEGTRiC INSOLES i muuie. Ko ec. roitaso for r n IIIuitr.le.1 r.urbln , llcb lllf | * " | " "lrowxH ErSorraio BELT a ApriiAMCE co ! aoo North Broad war. UT. ] X3UIH. MO f ELEGTHIG DELT AHD TRUSS GOHBttiED. DR. ISRAEL'S EIXOTHO-QAIVANIO Ow < ' > i ctrio Dclt AlUthmtn _ wcro wllh cue ftod oonforl. Yb eur * uudt olU r > tri i ( . Tbli Ii Ibe CDl ; t ctrlo Irtu ted helt * v r ictil * . Il lljyttir * ! . ( rt > > 30 i. lin < ! . ) . . > ( r full dt.frlpilooof Ur. Owra Cltclr O lruilo Rclu tfploil ApnlUoeti. Tr ci * bl lcol j < Bd & . for FKIK llluttr ti rtwpl'lti blcb will t M&lroala pUlyiulad DV I | J * . Bol4 omlj \ > j lb OWEH k-LEOTHIO BELT t AFPLIAHCE CO. UOO North Blo < l .iir BT LOUJB-Ma from the olTacU of yonthtul crron , early decay , Icot manhood , am lor homo car0.fr0 of clmrtre. WiXU , JJOOUUO. CONN. NESS U 14 tollrtl rn 4 TUtUU 4 M ! 'J ' THE CHIMNEY COMER I WILL IN COMING DISTRIBUTE YEAR i $79366 $ ! AMONG ITS SUBSCRIBERS. CO-OPERATION ON A * PRACTICAL BASIS. IMtrmliwI t < i InctMu rar nl nl4lm Hit la IM.OOO trtlWn IK * i Uftt VO diyt , w thtll dbtrlbuu among tmr tohwllWrt ! ! ! terlp- linn i o u ( .T I wi. A vonaun H l luMiirt l < Urn Ullrd trw ii fall wlUimdlimi coratn4 thfx > nrurM wo triHLT rimiins ' i > M KklM. H oot Till * ttakl * h * If * * * ! * F i ivmith * numWr f Vrr * I K | > > IMm ) f | J * r nilMJKT ' lh Jir cooUint Thli tmnrii oo pt , oi * ! ) , r f ittl * l 4101t 't With * * r rt 4 ihi OwnmmUl JUf # IH * < V tf rtprr . . . .IU.MD TM lllm . . . , , . . . / . . , , ; , | t. , vtien th rnorruo-n mm efTtt SM will M UUtHtwtM j , r uint. . . ttYftraonr IS.Sirl wb uV thobnt ( unioiMto th uuraUr w ltrn li . ( ' k. . . , , . ( IM ) KsfiScASHPnESEHTSTOBEGIVEH FBEE1R > . jm wr lril.ut "irr loiuU < : rlUnuti lnfii * rt U.itiiuinV rokerD li cointh * jlut 3r eont&lirtt I HulwrlUor MftklmcNoit Dost OUOM. 1,1100 8tuf , Kborl fclorUi < i . : nee , itb r Ulrrmrl ArlltlM. . . * 4 < M J " B " inni > ( Itlct llfot. . . | , W line ) 'I.CIIH , 1,0X1 10 .10 " sou 4,000 twrtlnR IM lUIfrll. mDft 1 an " ion unoi > I tk I. Iho " no no " in n,7 o f 100 100 ' fttf none tuOJI SOI ) aoo V.I , TCinlT lirmitn. in . nee nee ' tO.nOOSib rlWrnlfUXI . 1000 1000' 1C ) IO'.OOK ttio.ooa k . , : tooo u ! > . noon- in.ono fiOltt no id1 n.diu . Presents , nmmmUnu to 070'JoU All who r < m < nnUunj M nnlitt | > r ' * ' mo" " " ' > wripl. n l CMMIT Coiut.or II W * it jrnt'i tnliMtlitlan n.l 3 tu ii tourMiM Jnd tAtmi tnttred on our mtrtf riMI. l x > li o ° n " tKfl [ l" l" ' Wi nlr , or IUMWIyo nw.y nukt. When our uUerllion | Inokiilnnr ilh'rlctom ( If dnlrtdi.of Ui | rtl imrtlnf Mijlhtt * InlfinMf. low * lrton jutM the correct immwr , tnn l o on'nnot0 ' B" 1 ' * "nl * v" ' ' iwirdrl tin 15,000 , the i il 11,000 , nd M m. no Ilavlnir lionn lu the l ultir IIOVY nuny innuilun Utn r TM 1for jwirt , you an Juil IU11 lo | n ( Ibo cvnftl numUr _ , Iboti ninny > i > nrTK troulil ta ftreiire on ot tli M < pr , * mi. tnJ it tl. r ftro Ibwi' ? * lint iniiko n TiilKO Btato- .nli.t imtlltronn ( ill r hiu\t ct llitinwu ttrlljfJ inniitorralllnun under- ( IMofindUlwirlntaintKlwckrt. Juupunllzo Inkln i which liuslnos would * THE CHIMNEY CORNERS n litcemryl l l for 111 * Inlotmtllxu ot tboM vlio > > not icputatlun , rciiruEout * R en II , vrt will sif Hint till 110l seOlcoliimniiti < r I lit ; years of ( ( ill. ( iirat > lu it "llu l r't WetUr 'I , lour \t < a b ln ! .j' ' I.ntlrWuitr.t < xl. Tlrtre It constant norr uloa ot now p UraetioDs , Iwth lltertry aniX rtl lle' tnd IU contrail trt Ulflilf luUttftllnc tuil liuU ucUv HAVE A HIICCQ ml tuUcribt t cne > . l.o Tlio ox MAMl A bUCOa tnuml H.l Sun , iir , iniko B oT n rniumlttra row Ui hippypoiwmor of 13.000. 1C ) rou don't cttll'0 of llvo Rllbscrlhors will lirrnt iwirJ Uwre tr Hflot tlmtcei ( or itunt be jmtcl t njln ( rota II 0 lo < IOU9 tub , Q return , Unit they may liniir % vllnc H < o the fair . _ liriukmliiilonriUtwtchirctl. inbicrlbtrt | lic utln t | xitlon toobulnlilich 14 nntl linparlliil ( ll lrllu- InirilM , and we eiu rrtum U tbeiu all prollta tlcnt ol tmliHcrlborn our " * ' * ' Nlmro of tlio prullU lutMrft" ! ! ! f ll'lBSEVtoilRl II a' well e Anjr nrmnUte Af f ney wllllf llfto tor , , MClCOKSCU > nU rl > ( Uinr . ' I our tiMutlfil UlnttriUd I > lMr rix fa hill. HI. , our rurrtw * M f , ( , (1 ( cr 3 ) Uken tht ntnt . . ' ' - ' if < /erred. Scn < l In lmmMUl ljr with your luetl vvltlch nay trliij you 15.000. B iiiMnber ( ill ia "nothing ritk , nolliln win "An lnv lmtnt ot tounli rai ; tnini you 3,000. Wrlle m TU UAV. mij ecur * on * of the 13.609 i\rardt Don t boftiut * or you tniyloM tbo ( nmtlnl opportunity oj yonrllC * . , , n W lute M t ldi > re v f and of tl.OOO cuh , ( Independtut c { tligoUirrca > Ut > reiinU onnwinoecl ) ( o U dlitrlbmMimonllutflritn < r rion > rcplrlnitothL > kdruUiuneiitufollowi : Tothlrttpn > n1llOOt . lolt ieconJIM | loth * thlhJ. l loll.e fourth , Il5i to Ui * lull tO , llOeuh ) tl.o tiflttO , 3 ci | Ujl D M ) , Wcitjl ! I IheutitlOO. JcacIi | lbn itCO IIh IVinotdeliyt Tnr f or * preunt out of thli rrwrv * fund. A0.dr i. CHIMNEY CORNER , 07 A O9 Dearborn Otroot , Chlonso , . III. BHffeirncr : P tk tUt'l Ptok , The HUSSEY&DAY COMPANY Sanitary Plumbing ! Steam and Hot Water Heating ! Gas and Electric Chandeliers ! Art Metal Work , Stable Fittings , Fountains , Vases , Etc , LARGEST STOCK. FINEST SHOWROOMS tVCST OF CE3ICAO1 * KSTWo innko n Bpeelftltj' of repair work on Plumbing , Gna orllcnting Appar atus. Prompt attention. Skillful mcchunlcs. Personal bUpcrviHion , and cliurgcfl always reasonable as lirst-clabs work will nllow.jigj Twouty-flyo years' practi cal experience. Vlbitora to our ahowrooma always welcome. THE HUSSEY & "DAY COMPANY 409-411 South I5th Street. DEWEY & STONE Furniture Company X. a/ A mountflcciil display of cvcrtithlny niefitJ anil ornamental In the fuyn4 tnrc maker's art at reatoiutble priccn. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , , t * Hardware and Cutle 3/ec/iajjiC.s' 2ools , FineJtronzo Builders' dooil9 anil Buffalo 1405 Douglas St. , Omaha. OMAHA MEDOALa-d ! SURGICAL INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts. foil THE THK.tTUEXT OX A 1,1. Appliance for Doformltles and Trossei. Dust ( nclllllei. ttppiratiin and rumedlci for * ccnM ful trentroont nt averf form of dlieme roqulnni lleillial or Sarelcal TraitnienU FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Uo > rd and attondaiico ; boil botpllAl accomuixla. tlnnt In tuo wait. WIIITII run CIUCULAHS on Deforinltliii and Uraco , Trunci , Club Kect , Curvnture of tba Splnp , 1'llui , Taroari. Cane jr. Catarrli. Hronchiui. Inliiklatloii , Klcclrlcitx. r rnlr l . Kpllopir. Kl.lnoj. madder , Kjv , Bar , Hkln and Illood.nnd nllUurKlcal oporatluni. Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOK ON DIBKAHKS or WOMEN VUKX. ONLY BELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKIXQ BFKl'IAI.Tlf OT PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illood Dlscaici succotifully treated. Brplillltlr Polronraiaofed ( ram Uio irHuiu wlllioul murcurx , Nuw roitoratlT * trcatmaat ( or Ion ol Vllul r.iwcir. Perwini unable lu i'\l \ us mar be triune d at hoaiu tif cotroiDODdupc-e. All coinmuile llimi ronttdvntul. lldJIclnn or InUruroecu tunt l > t wall orexpron , T irti)7 ) packe'l , no marlca tu InoRato content ! or ecoder. One uoraooal Inlrrviuw preferred , Call anil roniultui or end lilitcrrof your emu , nnd we will tend In ( ilaln wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREEI Upon Private , Hpeclul or Ncrroui l > i < eu ei , Iinnrv Uncr , BrpbilUUlvot nnd Varlcucele , wllli qnetuon lln. Addrvn Oma/ta Medical and tiurgical Institute , or UK. McMdVAIIlY , Cor. 13th and Dodge hti. . - OMAHA. NUM. PATRONIZE HOME * INDUSTRY BY SMOKING "Red Label" Cigars. Health is Wealth ; BOALM. DII. E. C. Wr.hT'sNKUVE > HIIAIN TIIK\T- JHNIa gunrnnU'eil t-iM-clllo for Ilj torla. IU7l- nc'tn. I'oiHMlalons. Mts , 'er\oim Neuralgia , llciulache , NervotiR l > roi > tr.i1Ion ruusoil uytliu usont alcohol or tolmcco , Wakefulimsa. Mental Deprcshlon , tk > fientn or the llrulu ruRulttui ; lu Insanity nml leading to jiil ry. CICUIT unit deiillu rix-matnre Old Aso , HarrunncsK , 1/ossot J'ouer in either sex. invoiiintaiy Ix > "soi anil Spermatorrlm-ii caused liy over-exertion of tmi urnm. MiiruUuM ! or over iiululKi-niui. I'.iich box contains ono inontli'H trcntmont , n a box , or six boxes f r t > % fccut by mull pit-pulil on re- Mlpt of i > rlco. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cm e any case. With each onicr rtcoivea bv un for six lioxos nrcomimnlRil with < ' > , \\evlll fcrnil the jijirliat-i-r our wrltton unrnnU-e t" ID- fund tlioinonny If tlib treatment doen not ATi'ct a cure. Gnarnntecs lesueU only by ( lord mill IniBCo. . inucKiMtnibole Amenta , UIO Ktieet Omaha eb. The lUDLOW SHOE' ' Has obtained u loputnUan wliorover Jn traduced for 'Couuuci STVLB"IBII- VKVP Kir , " "C'oMroiiT AND Duiwrtt- ITV. " They Imvo no bujioriorfl lt Hand Turns , Hniicl Welts , Gocxlycur Welts , nnd Machine Sowed. Indira , nuk for the ' Liii > i.ow" SIIOK. . Try thorn , mid you will buy no oilier. DR. BAILEY'S DENTAL Institute ! Oold and Mirer Uliliu.'S nt lowu > l rttei. ttounil ruot ui e I bj cruiriilnt. 1'uilun Illiirk It Hi und Karnuin If inHFYnclQl1 urinary troubles eaKllr. QI M Un k I ly anil uafely cund by ODinr It./ bulb * . Stvi > ral rAoca cnrctl in seven Uav 91M ) jver box. all druifgUUi. or by mull ura ilfs Co. , US White St.N.V. VM