Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1889, Part II, Page 11, Image 11
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY /MARCH 17. 1889.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 11 WANTED TO BUY. T\rWTEIProlur n go nnd T V give n clear lot ix payment. OO-OJMTfttlVO Inrt nnd Ix > t Co. , 805 N. 16th st. S)7 ) IT WANTKI ) to bur Second-hand phcaton In Rood order. BtAte lowest price And \vhero It can be seen. Address T. 7 lice onico. S91 WANTED To buy good commercial paper. it. q I'attcrgon. aft 8 16th st. 688 CniOUT Time Paper Wanted We havw $50.000 \Jon \ hand to tie Invested during this week , the paper to run from six months to two year * , limes , Smith Ik Co. , room an llnmgo building , WANT11D to buy 1 h ave customers Tor houses and lots worth from 11MX ) to (3,000 , owners wishing to sell will consult 'loir Interest by lifting tliolr property with mo. 1 can tlnd yon a purchaser. ( X K. Hotter , room 6 , a. W. cor. Itth and Douglas , KB SHORTjj AND AND _ . TYPEWRITI N Q AljRNTlNE'8 Shorthand and Typowntlng Initltuto , new Faxton building , Omaha. The only exclusive shorthand school In tha Mate. Over one hundred graduate * in Rood situations. The school If under the manage ment of C. C. Valentine , official stenographer ot thnilrd Judicial district Ot Nebraska , and Prof. II. II. Iloylei. , an exoorleuced teacher and ver- batlni reporter. Day and evening sessions. Stu dents can enter at nny tlmo. Send for circulars. 2jfl ml" QTANDA11D Shorthand School , 412 Bheoloy OtilocU ! tenches standard syUems and uses Kcmlngton typewriters. Circulars free. tiW HITTMtsr.Y'S Shorthand .chooU' Ilnrkcr block , ; ) mills' instnictlon,51Siclai3 llmltod 731 nl * CLAIRVOYANT Dll. NANN1EV. Warren , clairvoyant , modi- cat and buslnuss medium. I'oinuln diseases n specialty. HUN Ulth st. . rooms a and 3. U.Q MuaTIlKNOItMAN cniTTJo oonsultail on all alTalrs of life through the magic mirror. Satisfaction guaranteud. lib N ICth st. Upstairs. 775 td" DRESSMAKING. WANTED Encagemonts to do dressmaking In families. Miss titurdy,2U17 f.eavenworth 403 m at * DllESSMAKINQ In families , 1211 N 17th. 412 m ail THE REALTY MARKET. INSTHUMliNTS placed on record during yes terday. Til ixmotor II I.owe , all Pane Place add. wd . , . ' . . .8 1 J Jnwrctt , trustee , to J P Davis , lot IS , blk 13. llrlRKS 1'lnce.wd . S.OOO J Mehoto J Mollo , und \'t \ of o SO acres , so so U-14-13 , except 1 acre in no cor. , w d. . 10,000 J Schmidt , guardian , to H Holln , lot 10 , llnvter'H sub , ( rminJlnmlecd . 1.C03 H llollnnud wile to A Huller , lot 16. llarkor'H sub. w d . . - . SCO II Holln to J Schmidt , pt lot 1C , Barker's snb , qcd . 7CO < J J Pnnlto V U Coirman. lot 10 , Cunning ham & Hremmn's add , w d . 800 0 N Thomas to J P Thomas. 0 lots , blk 12. Calkin's fl\\\ \ > . and lot n. blk 12 , Myers , lllchards & Tlldcn's add , q c d . & 0 M ii Thomas to J 1' Thomas. 0 lots In blk VI , Calkin's snb , and lot 5. blk I' ' , Myers , HicImnlB to Tlldcn's add , w d . 1,600 W T P Wood nnd wlfo to ( J 1 llcuford. lot 11 , bllt4. KlVoMldo add. w d . BOO C 1 Uetitonl and wife to J J Flshor , lot 11. blk 4 , Illvcrsldo , w d . CUO Allies * Thompson to 13 J Shnlze. lot 2.\ lilkr : ) . Cotnor & Archer add to South Uinuhn , w d . 27" P ( ! Ilnnehatitrh at al to Win Krneri-on , 10 lota in Omaha Heights , w d . 0,000 P C ! Jllmelmiigh ot nl to A I ! Shaw , lots 13 and 14. blku. Oinnha llelehtB. wd . 1,200 P C lllniubaugli ct al to A II Atwuod. lots li > , 2i ) , ai and : : . ' , blx . Umaha View , wd . 4.40J P C IllniPbaiiBhot al to 11 .1 Kox , lots 17 and IB , bite ill , unil lots 17 and is blk 10 , OmunallolKhta , vrjd..t . . . 2.40) J 11 Uulhome and litisban-1 to C 11 Jacobs , part of lot 4U. H K Hogers' plat of Okla homa , w d . 1,700 ri 11 Wllllnsky und husband to L W Els- mnn , Iot2 , woodlawn. w d . 1 II Bunnnon nnrt vrlfe to C Welch , o Ji of lot L blfcll. , Oiunhn , wd . 4,500 C Wofth to A Bhnunon. o J5 of lotl. blk H2 , Omaha , w d . . 8.UOJ South Oiunha Land Co to O Corbett , lot : t , blk H ) , South Omaha , wd . 6'JO Win ( J Albright and w ife to 0 Corbott , lot lotsM nnf KJ. hub ink fi , AllirlRlit'.s Choice , anil lot 17.M , Cotnor and Arolicr's nd to South Omaha , w d . l.'OO L Schtoeder , trustee , to C Covbett , lots 3 , I ) , 4 and 10 , blk-11 , Ilrownpark , w d. . . . 1,275 Twenty-three transfers . 815,71)2 ) I'nrmits. The following building permits were granted yesterday : W. A. Pnxton. alteration to building , Hf- toonth and KarnamHtreot . ( 800 W. II. Murray , frame dwelling , Summit addition. . . 375 M. A. llrown , frame dwelling , KonnUo addition . 303 Emll Knappert , one-story frame dwell- ' Ing. Cottage Park . IMO Peter Dove , frame dwelling. Oak Hill. . . . W.O It. C. Price , frame duelling , Obein Ac Hooaick addition . / . 80D A. W. ( Jrlllln , two-story brick. Twenty- sixth avenue and St. Mary's avenue , . . . fi.POl Minor permits . US ) Eight permits . J9.136 Ortiilculo of Puhlioatlon. OFtiCK , AiinnoitoPl'uitMa ACCOUNTS , ) State of Nebraska , > Lincoln , t'eb. 1st , 1889. ( It Is hereby rortlllcd that the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Co. , of Omahn In the statu of Nebraska , has compiled with the Insurance law of this state , and is authorized to transact the business ot lire and other casualty Insurance in this bliito for thu currunt year. , . .Witness my hand and tlio seal of the JBKAi. > auditor ot public accounts the day 1 N ' and year ahove written. . ( Signed ) 1' . II. UF..NTOX , Auditor P.-A. ml7dlt JUST A MINUTE. NOWH of Tlio Saturday Kvcnlim Ilco Hoilod Down. The editor of Lo Temps is dead. Senator Chasu , of Uhodo Island , has rc- slRnca. The Chicago republicans have nominated Mayor Ko f ho. The Oiiiahn charter bill has been signed by tlio fe'ovornor , and EOOS into effect im mediately. Comptolr D'Esconipto shores are now quoted at 250 francs , and Uio Tinto shares nt ! 115 francs. It is Klvon out that the Chinese minister demands reparation for the recent ill-treat ment of Clilneso in Milwaukee. ' A roprcsontitlvo of Uaron Rothschild has offered $8,000,009 for the Anhouscr-Husch brewery property in St. Louis. Admiral Krautz has b uu appointed minis ter of niiiriiio to 1111 the vacancy caused by the death of Admiral Jaurcs. Engineer Cook , charged with criminal neKllKoni'o In the Mud Hun , PH. , disaster last October , has boon acquitted. The navy cxaming board hua boon ordered to examine the iron dads. laid up ntjtlcti- mend , Leuguo Island and New York. The weekly bank ntatemunt shows that the rcservo has decreased t4r ,000 , , The banks now hold $3,071,000 In excess of legal requirements. , Hank Teller Svvr.n , of the Lynn. Mass. , Nntionul City haul : , is charged with default ing to the nmount of f07OJO , $ ai > , ir > 0 of which ho has returned. There Is a rumor that Channing1 P. Meek , cenernl manager of tha Denver , Toxns & Fort Worth , has been offurud the position of general superintendent of the railway null service , A dispatch from Charleston , W. Vn. , says that Governor Wilson has decided to call un extraordinary session of thu legislature about Juno 1 to settle the guborniitoriul muddle und to nut on certain other legislation. Following uro thu marriage licunsos Is- nuod yqatordny In the ixnuty court by Judno Shields : Name and Residence. Ago. Charles 1. Hesse , Omaha , . . ,30 Guonnlol ) . Mullgb , Omnba 80 Julius C. Woempener , Llnooln 24 Mary Fellows , Omaha , . . , JO Wllhelm OrnJlinmn , Omaha 2S EmcllnYolff , Omuhn , . . , SQ Articles Kllcil. Amrndraents to thu articles of Incorpora tion of the commercial directory company were filed yesterday with the county clirk. The principal amendments ore that the busi ness of the corporation ahull bo the securing nnd compilation of information relating to purchasers of all kind * nnd clas.u * of prop erty , and of al ! porooos who obtain credits of Buy nature. TIIE CONDITION OF TRADE , * _ The Money Market Continues Very Easy. * BORROWERS GET GOOD RATES. Trust nnd Investment Companies Find Difficulty In Placing Tliclr Funds General Business Still Improving. The Ijocnl Outlook. OTho money market continues very cosy , nnd bankers report an abundance of funds on hand with which to meet all legitimate wants. Trust nnd investment companies Ilnd difficulty In placing their funds and rates and upon n oasis of security entirely satis factory , the competition In their line being so great ns to enable borrowers to obtain terms better than they should have if thor oughly conservative methods prevailed. Ex change Is steady nt the usual rate of $1 per 1,000 premium. General trade continues to Improve , nnd wb.Uo the volume of business is not entirely satisfactory , lobbcrs generally nro feeling cheerful , nnd when they ; coiuo to compare footings are ready to admit that the totals to date nro equal to , if not in excess of those of 1S8S , nnd the indications nro plain that the sprlntt busi ness will bo much larger than WAS thought possible six weeks sinco. Collections nro fair , though not so good ns they should bo , nnd a great many country traders uro bc- h Ind In settlements to date , but there have been fowcr failures , and with bright , settled weather the outlook In this respect will , it is thought , materially Improve. City trade is In pretty good shape all around nnd an average business is doing. Prices nro , ns a rule , steady with an ad vancing tendency in most lines. Sugars are excited and refiners uro limiting their brok ers' actions and accepting oroors only sub ject to confirmation. Standard granulated is nearly lo per pound higher than a week sinco. Coffees , dried fruits , oils and green teas arc very steady , whllo flour is lower , in sympathy with wheat. Lumber , hardwire and building material , us a class , is moving under an active demand. Dry goods are In gnod demand for all varieties of spring goods nnd prices are very firm at quotations. A statement of the money circulation of the United States on the 1st of the present month , issued by the treasury department , gives the atrprogato ns $1,404,200,000 , .thus showing n contraction of $4,000,000 during the month of February , but an expansion of $33,000,000 ns compared with one year ago. The gold coin and bullion in the treasury amounts to $320480,014 ; silver dollars and bullion. $20,791,0s7 ; legal tenders , 814,430- 015 ; gold certificates in circulation , $128,895- 010 : silver certificates in circulation , $217- 800.459 ; currency certificates , f 15,920,000. The Nebraska state farmers' nllianco esti mates the amount of farm mortgages in that state ns $150,000,000. which at 7 per cent drains the state to the extent of $10,500,000 per annum. According to statistics compiled by the de partment of agriculture , the number of hogs in the United States in January last was 50- , 801,502 , against 44,340,525 in the same mouth last year , and 44,012,830 atn similar time in 1887. lu the twelve western packing states Ohio , Indiana. Illinois , Iowa , Missouri , Kansas , Nebraska , Minnesota , Wisconsin , Michigan , Kentucky and Tennessee the sister states in the number of hogs reported. Next to Iowa comes Illinois with 5,275.000 , and'thcn Missouri , Ohio and Kansas. Eight of the twelve * western packing states re turn over 2.000,000 hogs , nnd fifteen states of the union over lt)00,000 ) each. It is rumored thut the sugar trust is con sidering the policy of forcingn sharp ad varce in prices for spot goods until the Sprcckcls refinery at Philadelphia is opened. The two leading features of the statistical situation arc , first ; the reduction in the stock of raw sugar in importers' hands , and second , the very slow marketing of Cuban sugar. It is stated that the stocKs of raw sugar are fully 35,000 tons less than at this time last year , while the crop of Cuba is fully 100,000 tons less than the previous crop. Moreover , the crop of the British. West Indies is consider ably short of last year , and no known crop is any larger than last yeav , excepting that of the Philippine islands , which may show a moderate excess compared with last year. The imports into this country since January 1 from Cuba have only been 40,000 tons , us against 79,038 tons last your , a difference of 3J.U30 tons. There is a deficiency of about 40,000 tons in the Louisiana crop , and this and the natural Increase in the consumption will cause an increased consumption of for eign raw sugar of about 10 per cent. Coffee is hold firmly on account of the bad crop prospect. Present supplies are large , however , the visible supply at the American seaboard nnd afloat for our shores embrac ing 479,721 baps of Uio and Santos coffees , against 40JSOUbags a year ago. There are ! ! 90,000 bags at Uio do Janeiro and 252,000 bags at Santos. At Havre the coffee supply roaches 455,000 bags , of which 2 0,000 bags are Brazilian. The official figures of the movement of the world for eight months ending March 1 , 1889. show the total visible supply to 3,250,953 oags , against 3,077,429 bags February 1 , 1889 , an increase of 173,524 bags. Compared with March 1 , 1883 , the supply is 300,001) ) bags more. Compared with March 1 , 1837 , the suppVis now 905,000 bags less. The consumption of the world for eight months to March 1 , 1839 , was 0,239,814 > bags , ugaiiibt 4,905,293 for thn same period of ISST-bS , and ( ! , G9 ,812 for the same period of Dried fruits arc doing better nnd prices are stroneer. California line halved peaches show a decided "improvement und are ad vancing ; as they are not so plentiful as was first supposed. Raspberries are in good de mand at firm prices. Blackberries are soil ing in very large quantities at the prices now offered. Cherries are also improving. ' Green teas are becoming stronger , ns the disposition to pick up the "outside" lots has pretty wall reduced the unconcontrated sup ply und loft the principal -second-haud ac cumulations in better form , OMAHA LilVtS S Cuttlo. Saturday , March 10 , 183 ! ) . The majority of the salesmen were looking for receipts and nn easier market , and for that very reason some were Inclined to think thut the market was in reality easier , but upon the whole there was hardly any quotable change , and what cattle changed hands went at about steady prices. About nil the cattle offered In the market found n buyer before the close , but the do- maud was not very extensive , and the pack ers especially did not appear to care ftfr many cattlo. The quality of the caltlo was very good nud there was nt least one bunch of better and heavier cattle than has been hero before this week , which oold iitSJ.'JO. Quito u string of cattle brought 1.50 , but the bulk of the sales wore at J2.9U03.35 , The offerings of butchers' stock v/oro light , und there \vcro no very good cows on salo. The trade in feeders was lim ited mostly to the sulo of u few odds and ends. The receipts were light and there were not hogs cnouch in the yards to make very much of u market , but wuat there were sold ut prices which would uvnrago n little stronger than the general market yesterday. The sales worn nearly till at 4.15 , with only one trailu ut 11.50. _ Hlicon. The receipts of sheep .voro liberal , but there- were only two doubly docks which were good onouidi for the local packurti nnd they sold quickly. The other suvon decks wore couimonlsh Nebraska natives , with a fovv lambs. The market was firm unit the demand good for anything desirable. Hocoipfj. Cattle . 1,100 Prices. The following U a table of prices paid In this market for the grades of atouk men tioned : Prime steers , 1300 to 1503 @J.03 Prime uworn , 1100 to 130J Ibs. , 2.03 (5'IUl ) Native feeders . . . . . U.7& M3.0U Common to good cows . 1.50 < fy34. ) Chvico to fuuey co\v , , . D. W &J.75 Fair to cholco nulls. . . . . . . . 1.7. > @ 3.75 Fair to choice light hogs. . . . . . . 4.45 ( < K&0 Fair to cholco heavy hogs . 4.45 ( $4.50 Fair to choice mixed hops . . . . 4.40 ( < (4.45 Fair to choice western sheep. , 3.80 ( e4.nO Fair to choice Nebraska . . 3.00 ( 4.15 RcprcaontAtlvo Bains. No. Av. I'r. No. AV. Pr. 1 . n . , , .1 7 $ .1.15 1 . 1000 2.75 118 . UH7 3.15 4 . . . . . H75 ! ! . > nS . 1271 D.15 " . . . . , . . . . . .12fO 2.SO 27 . 1412 3.27 ! { 3J . 11W 2.N > 17 . 1140 H.tO : 13 , . . 1U73 2 , ! IB ; . i.B8 anfl 1U . 1217 2.00 21 . 1304 lUtt 38 . n.tu a.n : > 17 . Hit 3.45 4 . lia3. . < v no . HOT ; I.MI , . % . 12 < M 3.05 ID . 1(43 3/,0 21 . 111-2 3.12) ) { ! . 1(31 3.W (2 . ] 2.'E ) 3.1211 8TCEIIS WRSTEtlNS. U.1 . 1(55 U.35 10 . 16C9 3.00 cows. 4 . 057 1.75 19. , . I t1 2.30 0 . Dot ) 2.121J 1 ( . 1 2.353 14 . 1W4 2.2J IS . 1148 2.35 H . 1122 2.20 13 . . . . ,1120 2.40 . . . 1 . 050 1.60 1 . 12/.0 2.00 2 . , .14iri 1.7B 1 . , . itflU 2.1U 1 . 1. 7(0 1.75 1 . 1070 2.25 2 . . . . . . WiO 1.75 1 . 1WO 2.35 2 . 1ST ) 2.UO Fm-.DEUS AND STOC'KF.ItS. 22 . ; . . . U17 2.75 a . SCO 2.75 3. . . . . . txV ) 2.75 CANNEllS. 2 . 093 1.GU 1 . * . . 010 2.00 11008 No. Av. Shk. I'r. No. Av. 8hk. IT. ft ! . 22' ( I ) $ UO tCJ . 80 ( tO II.4B 7H . 2AII 210 4.40 M . 217 120 4.4't fi5 . 23i ) 120 4.42J } 57 . 2S Kfl 4.45 OH . 258 40 4.45 65 . 281 120 4.45 05 . 2C5 40 4.45 07 . Mi 4.45 73 . . .211 H ) 4.4-1 (12 ( . 2-.0 100 4.45 CO . 2117 40 4.45 64 . 2.V ) 40 4.47M 43 . 322. 120 4.45 70 . SW 4.47i ! Kl . 2.V ) HI 4.45 GO. , . . . .227 40 4.47tf 71 . 217 120 4.45 31..3y-S EO 4.50 68 . 235 40 4.45 SIIBBP WESTEUN No. Ave. I'r. No. Avo. Pr. 150 . 137 t4.17i ! ICO . 132 4.30 Ijtvo Stock Notes. Sheep wanted at firm prices. No now features in the cattle market. Hogs stronger than yesterday's general market. James Jones , of Malvcrn , la. , topped the market with a cur of hogs. C. .1. Duft , of the Denver Live Stock com pany , of Denver , Col. , wns at the yards. As compared with a week ago there was n heavy falling off in the receipts , the count for last Saturday being 5,050. There has also been n tailing off In the prices paid for the hogs. Aoout one-half ot the hogs sold on Saturday of last week nt $4.50 with the top ntfl.OO. _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Fruits , Prod tire , Etc. @ 19o ; choice soli paced , 15@1o. Dairy Fancy roll , 1710c ( ; choice , 15ilCc ( ; good , 12 @ 14c ; low grades , 10@llc. CHEESE Full cream Cheddars , choice , 1C@ 12 } e ; full cream fiats , txvo in hoop , 12 > < ; ( > 13c ; full cream Y. A. , choice , 12 > @ 13c ; off grades and skims , 5@9c ; llmburgcr , 13@ 13KcTbrick nnd Swiss , 14@15c. Eoos Strictly fresh , ll@12c ; cold stor age , 8@9c. LIVE POULTRY Chickens , per doz , $3.50 ® 3.75 ; ducks , $3.25@3.50 ; geese , ? 8.50@9.00 ; turkeys , per Ib , 9@10c. DHESSKU POUI.TIIY Chickens , per Ib , 9@ lie : turkeys , ll@13c ; geese , ll12c ; ducks , VEAI.I Heavy grassers , 15J to 200 Ibs , 5@ Oc ; Inferior calves , 50 to GO Ibs , 3@5e ; medium to good , 70 to 85 Ibs , 4@0c ; choice to fancy , 100 to 130 Ibs , C@7c. VKOUT.VUI.ES Potatoes.Colorado and Utah , C0@05c ; Wyoming , 50@55c ; Nooraskn and Iowa , choice large , ao@35c ; common , 25@30c ; sweet potatoes , Jerseys , per bbl. $2.75 3.00 ; beets , per bu. , 05@(50u ( ; carrots , 35@40c ; cab bage , California , per Ib , 3 } c ; parsnips , 50@ COc ; onions , red choice , 5U@55o ; silver skin , C0@75u ; turnips , 20@25c : rutabagas , 85@40c ; radishes , 85Cd4Uc ! ; lettuce , 25@30c : cucum bers , Jl.50@li.00 ; string beans , per box , $1.75 (32.25 ( ; celery , 25@30c ; spinach , $1.00@2.00 per bbl. GAME Mallard , per doz , $3.00@3.50 ; red head. per doz , $3.503.00'tcal ( ; , per doz , $1.75 @ 2.00 ; common small , per doz , 41.00@1.W ) ; rabbits , per doz , U0c@f 1.00 ; jack raobits , per doz , ? 3.00@3.50 : squirrels , per doz , 00c@$1.0l ) ; jack snipe , $1.00 ® 1.25. AITJ-ES Per. bbl. fancy New York and Michigan , $2.50 ; choice , $2.00@2.25 : choice Missouri , $ iOO@2.25 ; good , $1.75@2.00. FOUEIOX FHUITS Malaga grapes , kegs , 40 to 55 Ibs , lOc per Ib ; bananas , per bunch , $1.50(183.00 ( ; lemons , fancy now , 300 to 300 s , $3.754.50 ; oranges , Los Angeles , $2.50@ 2.75 ; Uiversides , * 3.754.00 ; Navels , $5.00 ® 5.50 ; Uanchito , $2.50(32.75. ( CiiANiiEiiuiES Belf& Bugle , choice , $7.50 @ 7.75 ; Boll & Cherry , choice , $0.50@U.75 ; choice Jersey , $8.00@S.2o. HIDES Greun salted , No. 1 , 5@5J c ; No. 3 , 3@3Xo ; calf , 5@5 > c ; dry flint , 78c. BCVNS Navies , hand picked , per bu , $2.10 @ 2.20good ; clean country , $1.G5@2OJ ; offer or poor stock , $1.001.50 ; California , $2.00 ® 2.10. 2.10.CIDEI CIDEI : Michigan , per bbl , $4.50@5.00New ; York , per bbl , * i.00@5.50 ; half bbl , $2.75 ® 3.00. 3.00.FIUTIIEHS FIUTIIEHS Per Ib. prime live goose , white , 85@40c ; mixed with gray , 25@30o ; damp and musty , 10@2c ( ) ; prime live domestic duck , 20 ® 25c ; wild duck , 15@20c. SuiuiiKitAUT Per bbl , 30 gal , choice , $4 00 ; per half bbl , $2.25. Poi'couK Per Ib , rice , l@l > ; ic ; common , HONUV 1-lb frames , choice white , 15@lCc ; dark , 1314o ; strained , 10@12c. JELLIES l@4) c per Ib ; preserves , 10@l'-c per Ib. LAUD 7 > c In 50-lb pkgs. MINCEMEAT 0 > @ 7o per Ib. Groceries. ' Uevised prices are as follows ; " * BAGUINO Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos- kcag , seamless , IT.c . ; Lcwiston A , seamless , lOc ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to 5 bu , ll@14c ; gunnies , single , 14e ; gunnies , double , 23c ; wool suck , 40u. TWINES Flax , 20c ; cotton , 18@22e. Dntcn FHUITS Figs , In boxes , per Ib , 11 ® 14c ; dates , in boxes , 710c ; London Malaga layer rulsins. per box , $5.00 : Malaga loose raisins , ? 2.303.50 ; new Valencia raisins , perlb , 7 } c ; California loose muscatels , nor , box , $ I. ! > U@3.SO ; California London's , 18S8 , $2.40 ; pitted cherries , perlb , 17c ; California pitted plums , pec Ib , | 2@13 : dried black berries , nor Ib , G$7c ( ; dried raspberries , per Ib , 22c ; evaporated apples , C@7K i Cali fornia unpaired evaporated pcaohns , 12@14o ; ' evaporated California apricots. 17c ; currants 5tf@5Xo ; Turkish prunes , 4 ? < ; @ % c ; citron 2224c ; orange peel , IBo ; lemon peel , 14c ; California French prunes , 7KlHc. ! ? PiuKi.iss Medium , in bbls , $5.00 ; do , in half bbls , $3.00 ; small in bbls , $000 ; do , in half buls , $3.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 , do , iu half bbls , $4.00. HOASTBD COFFEES German , 24KO , Mo- Laughlin's XXXX , ' .MM" ! Ariosa , 21Hc. Coi-FEE-Green Moclm. 25jOo : ; , Rio good , 18@19o ; Munduhltng. 262du ; roasting Uio , 17U8c ; C ) . G. Java , 2-l@20c ; Java inferior - forior , QjciiMc ; Uio , fnucy , SKg iu ; Santos and Marucalbo , 1719c. Sua vii Granulated , 7@7t o ; nonf. A , 7Jtfo ; white extra C , OJfc ; extra C ! , > e ; yellow C , lie : cutloat. 8 % & ' . > c : powdered , TMSSo : cubes , 7X@So. BEESWAX Choice yellow , 20(3 ( > 22cj dark colored. 1314c. TOIIACCO Plug , ' . ' 0iJ35o ( ; smoking , 10(2190. ( Suvr-U : > < rvi.40 Per bbl. UOI-K 7-10 , I4 > tf < ! . MAITI : SuoAii Bricks , HQl'-Jc per Ib ; penny calces , I213u per Ib ; puru maple syrup , $1.00 per gal. SCUAII Sriiurs ! l-t@35u per gal. WuuTixn PAI-CH Manilla , < 5 } c per Ib ; straw , W1 % " I'or Ib ; rug , 2 } opor Ib. TEAS Young Hyson , common to fair , IS ® 25a ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , iiO55cj Gunpowder , common to good , 2225o ; Gun powder , choice to fancv , 40C < il5c ; Japan , com mon to medium. 12G(20c ; Japan , choice to * fancy , ! iO45o ; Oolong , common to food , 23 @ 40o ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50@70o ; Im perial , common to medium , 25@35c : Imperial , good to fancy , 400500. CHACKKHS < i7o per Ib ; assorted cakes , 8 @ ! 5c per Ib , ns per list. CAJJIIV Mixed. 9K@12Ko ; stick , 9J @llc ; rook candy , 10 > j'13ij ; fancy candy , 7i ( 2Sc. HOLLAND Hmiiiixfl 50 ( < iOOo. MACKUHEI. Family Jtfbbls , $12.50 ; No. 1 , $13 50. Con Fl8il-5 > , ' @S > < o. Almomfs , IG'ftlSo ; Pecans , I8o ; Bra zils , l'o ; peanuts , Dry COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls- slate , 60. Do CAllI'ET colored , 22c. Go * , Berlin oil , OH'c ; Garner oil. C@7c. PHINTS Pink and robes Alton , Oc : Illvor- polnt , 5Kc ; ' Steel Ulvcr , O o ; Ulchmond , OKc ; Pacific , "c. PIIINTS Dress Charter Oak , Gfo ! } Unm- npo , 4o ; Lodl , 6Wo : Allor ) , Co ; Uichmond , Gc : Windsor , CVoBddysUli : < jOKe 5 Pacific , ( Htfe. PIIINTS. INDIGO BLUE St. Logcr , 5ko ; Arnold , OJfc ; American" . 0 > o : Arnold C. long cloth , 06 ; Arnold B , long cloth , lOUo : Arnold , Gold Seal. lOVc ; Stolfcl A , 12o ; Windsor , Gold Ticket , id&o. OINOIIAM Plunkott , chocks , 7e ; Whltten- ton , 7c ; York , 7c : Norniandl dress , 80 ; Uon- frow dress , 8)i@12) c ; Whlttonton , 805 Cal cutta , 7o. CAMniucs Sinter , Co ; Woods , 605 Stand ard , Go ; Peacock. 5c. BIIOWN SIIBETINO Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Ko ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic D,4-4,0) c ; At lantic P. 4-4 , Gc ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , Go ; Aurora C , 44 , 4 > Vc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0 fc : Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4. c ; Law rence LL , 4-4 , Go ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , GJtfo ; Peppcroll E , 40-inch , 7 } < c ; Pepperoll , 8-4 , 18o ; Pcpporoll , 0-4 , 21c ; Peppcroll , 10-4 , 23o ; Uticn C , 4-4 , 4 c ; Wnchusott , 4-4 , 7 c ; Au rora U , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora B , 4-4 , OJ c. FLANNELS , PLAID Uaftsmcn.SOo ; Goshen , 32 > c ; Clear Lake , UCJrfc ; Iron Mountain , 20ke. FLANNELS , WHITE G II No. 2 , % 22Ko ; G H No. 1 , B H No. 2 , B-jJJo : B H No. 1 , { , 30o ; Queclioo No. 1 , f , 4''c : Quo- chco No. 2 , % , 37Wfc ; Queohco No. Anawnn , 82) 0 ; Windsor. 2 c. FLANNEL * , UED-C , 84-Inch , 15J o ; E , 24- inehL 2IK < > ; GO , 24-inch , 20o ; HAF , Jf , 25c ; J U P , ? r , 27c ; O , ,25c. DUCK West Point , n , 8oz. lO ej West Point , 29-In. 10 oz. 12 o ; West Point , 29-ln , 12 oz. 15o ; West Point , 40-in , 11 oz , lOc. Coiisr.TS JEANS Androscoggin , 7J o ; Kear- sargc , 75c ; Hockport , OJi'e ; Conostotra , OKc. TICKS York , 80 in , llStfe ; York , 82 in , ; Swift Uivcr , 8c ; Thorndlke , OO , Thorudlke , BE , 8Vo : Thorndike , 120 , Thorndlko , XX , I5o ; Cordlsr No. 5 , Cordls , No. 4 , lO c. DENIMS AraosKcag , 9 oz. lOJ o ; Everett , 7 oz , 13'rfc ; York , 7 oz , luKe ; Havmnkor , 8 0 ; Jaffrey XX , ll c ; Jaffrey XXX. 12 o ; Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BB , lie ; Beaver Crook , CO , lOc. KENTUCKY JB\xs-Meniorlal , Ific : Dakota , 18o ; Durham , 7 > c ; Hercules , 18o ; Leam ington , 22 e ; Cottswold , 27 o ; Melville , 25c. 25c.CisAsn Stevens' B , G c ; Stevens' B , bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A. 7 e ; Stevens' A , bleached , 8Kc ; Stevens' P , 7Jfc ; Stevens' P , bleached , 8c ; Stevens' N. Oo ; Stevens' N , bleached , 9 > | c ; Stevens' SUT , THE MM TIME TABLES , OMAHA. SUBURBAN TRAINS. Westward. Running between Council Bluffs ana Al bright. In addition to the stations mentioned , trams stop at Twtntlath and Twenty-fourth etroets. and at tne Summ It in Omaha. KuHtwura COUNCIL UIAJFFS. CHICAGO , ItOCWnSliAND & PACIFIC. Loavo. ' 'I Arrive. A No.3 Btup.m.A : No.l 7:00 a. m. O No.6 6Oa ; .JHO No.6. , 6:60 : p. Irt. A No. 4 U:40a.m.lA : No.a (1:45 ( : p.m. CHIOAQO. UUltMNUTON & QUINOV. A No.4 o:40a.mA : | No.6 73Jo.m. ; A No. b 6.15 : p. m.iA * No. 7 630 ; p. 111. A No.8 . . . .6:60p. : m.A , No.3 0:50 : p. m. CHICAGO k NOUTHWEtiTKllN. No.6 0:40a. : m.INo,7 0:4 No.b. . . 4:16p. : m. No.3 O-.OJH , m. No.4. . . . . 0:40D. : in.No. 6 . . . . .6:15 : p. ni. All Trains Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKKE&8T. PAUL. A No.2 0:40a. : m..A No , 1 0:50a. : m. A No.4 7OOp.m.A : No. . . . . . . . : p. in. KANSAS CITY'ST. JOSEPH & COUNCIL ULUFFn. A No.2 0:25 : a. m. A No.3 , fl : ; n , in. A No.4 0Jp.m.A : No.l C3Jii. ; m. sioux'cnv&i'Acu'io. A No. 10 7US : a. mA | Ho. H 8Vi a. m. A No. 13 7OJn. : m.A No. U 0:00 p. m. OMAI1A & &T LOIIIB , A No.8 . . . .4:11 p. m.'A No.7 12:00 : in. A dally : liiufly except buliuiUy ; U except BuuOay : lluxcupt Monday ; Inslmall. ThH time ) : hen BOOTH Is ( or Tran ? r. thpre lieini-fiom Uvo to ton minutes between Trans- er and locul avpot * . THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Fnlrbanh'a Movements Oontlnuo to Bo a Mystory. CORN GOES A LITTLE LOWER. Al-'nlrly Active IJnslnojs la Oats Pro visions Continue Qnlot Cnttlo Slow nnd Uncurtnin HORS Ilrlsk. CHICAGO PIIODUOE MARKET. CHICAGO , March 10. [ Special Tclcsrrnm to THE BnB.1 This was the day wheat should Imvo sold off. Tim storms which have been breeding for u week or ton days Imvo invari ably dissipated into thin nlr before reaching the winter wheat belt , nnd the weather is now ns balmy and beautiful as it has been nt nny time yet. The speculative sentiment everywhere is bearish , and the whole world Is impatient to soil everything that grows. The bearish Influences seem to bo culminat ing , and to-day nobody could bo found who had nny bull news or bull views to comniunl- nte. Oh , yes , at the opening somebody said Hradstrcct had estimated the world's surplus of wheat nt 109,000.000 bushels. That was supposed to bo a bullish item. Later when the figures were changed to 100,000,000 bushels the bears were Jubilant. Meantime , however , May wheat had climbed from U5 ; < o to OSc , and July wheat from S0 c to 87 ; c , nnd it only worked baclt K@f ° on l'10 ' L' ° l- lapse of the last forlorn hope of the bull posts. That , too , was thought most singular. It was thought to bo especially BO in view of the news that was circulated that Falrbank had sold out his wheat. This time there was not the faintest shadow of a doubt about it. The market should have broken all to pieces on this now * , but it didn't. Hutchinson's buying wns quoted as the reason why it didn't break , but Hutch himself was n liberal seller nt times. Altogether the situation wns badly mixed. The keenest people on the lloor nro by no means certain that the Fuirbank party Is out of wheat , that it was trying to get out of wheat , or thut it wants to bo out.of wheat. On the contrary , they have seen u Rood many little things which lead them to think that "tho deal" ' is more nearly tied up at this moment than it has been at any time since last fall. This , however , may bo mere conjecture on their part and is onlv printed as part of the floor gossip. After , the llrat advance in May -wheat to U3o it declined } c and then spurted up to QS c. Durlnir the last hour the price fluctuated between H7 @D7J o nnd the close was U7/e. The tone seemed weak nnd there appeared to bo plenty , of wheat for sale , but the market was not one to invite 'reckless shorting. July 'wheat opened at SOJ c and ranged nt 86 } < i& ST > fe , closing at 80@SGXc. The llnal figures show a l@U c gain in May and # @ ? o gain in July. The speculative transactions were quite up to the recent average. Hutehlnson's" buying and alleged selling of Falrbank's wheat were the principal features. The receipts of corn were heavier by 01 cars than were anticipated in the estimates made yesterday , nnd the bright dry weather is daily converting uioro corn from the lower grade into the contract grade. These were the principal causes of the doAvnward ten dency displayed by the market , but the lower outside markets and a rise in ocean freights were also contributory factors to the weak ness. The outgoings from the Atlantic ports were comparatively light nnd ship pers wore securing concessions on the prices of the lower grades. The lower prices reached in the speculative market were not productive of any activity. The outside orders were few , and the local operators have lost all interest in a market , showing such indifferent pros pects for any immediate prollt , whichever side of it they might take. The opening transactions showed an easier feeling to pre vail and there was not any substantial re covery during the day ; 35c was momen tarily reaened for May , but there was very little sold at that figure. The close was at a recovery of' c from the lowest price during the day , and was founder the ruling price on Friday. There was a fairly active speculative busi ness in oats to-pay and the feeling was stronger most of the session , but the full ad vance was not maintained. May opened at about 252 e but with good fair buying and the moderate offerings the price was gradually advanced to 25J o. At this point there was pretty fair selling , resulting in a decline of } { c , or to 2oc. It ruled quite steady at about this figure for some time , closing at about Zoo. No. 2 oats wore quiet , with sales of car Iotsat24@24c. In provisions , yesterday's quiet feeling was continued. Cash buyers took hold sparingly and in the line of speculation trading was slow and almost wholly professional. Out siders of all classes found the market unat tractive , and ns some weak-kneed holders were inclined to crowd sales , the movement was a little bearish. There was no serious depression , yet in pork the day closed with an average decline pf lOc , and in lard and short ribs of % c. CHICAGO JjlVE STOCK. . CHICAGO , March 10. | Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] CATTLE Trade was about the same ns any other Saturday , slow and uncertain , a few fair to good steers selling about the fi.iuie us yesterday. Choice to extra beeves , $4.00(34.35 ( ; medium to good steers , 1,350 to l.GOOlbs. , * 3.50aa ( JO ; 1,200 to 1,310 Ibs , * 3.80@3.CO ; 950 to 1,200 Ibs. , $3.00 3.25 ; stackers and fenders , $ J.OO@J.2.V cows , bulls and mixed , $1.40@3.00 ; bulk , $2.00@2.83. HOGS Business was brisk at the closing prices of .Yesterday , the bulk selling within a range of $4.IO ( < Vi4.J5 ( , a few fancy heavy at $4.07J4@4.70 ; light sorts , $4.70@4.S5. Values are 15@20c lower than a week ago to-day. FINANCIAL. NEW YOUK , March 10. [ Special Telegram ' to THE BEn.1 STOCKS The s'tock market to day consisted of a flurry at the start , with prices off f to Jf per cent from last night , a slight rally toward noon and closing above the closing prices of Friday. The cheerful talk circulated so freely after hours yester day led many to believe that ever , if there should bo a Hurry and a break in prices early to-day , that it would bo the end of the pres ent depression. AVhilo the stocks generally aid not close at the bottom figures , there ap pears to be little to base hopes on tot any radical ( Change of sentiment. The same bearish feojmg prevailed with the trade. London cabled as reasons for selling specula tive sales on this side , the rate cutting , gold shipments and the feejlng In Paris. As af fecting trade , the acceptance of Chairman Walker docs not outweigh the fact that rates * nro again being cut and that roads es sential to the success of the association are not yet Included in the agreement. Good authority says the trallio return continues fairly ahead of last year , however , and the rest of the diftlculty Is tha dissatisfaction of the investors with the manner in which the corporations Imvo been managed. The most active stocks during the morning were Hi. 1'uul , Missouri Pacific , Heading und Burling ton , all of Which lost } { to % per cent early , but gained strength tha last hour mid ulo < > cd steady at Friday's figures , except Hurling- ton , which was > { per cent lower. Activity Und a slight return of strength after 11 o'clock caused some progress all through the list , with grangers to the front. The total sales for the day were lOS WJ. The following were the cfolitia quotations : iVntr/xl IMciHo. , . , : > l . , . . . tlti Chlca'n A : A Item. . . Ul Itoolc Island . \U'i \ Chlcagollurllmtou ; C.M. iSt I1 . fil &Oulncr . . , , , . , 03 do preferred . OS.'j ' O..L..S W" * ' St. Paul & Omaha . Ill Illinois Central..JftD I dopreferrad . . . . . 41 L.ll.fcW. 1M { UnionIMcitlo si" Kansas 4.Texas , . l2' ' A I' 1.1'J" ( l do livef nuil , , . . SYf Michigan Central , , M'iVostern Union , . . . . t U MONBT ox Co.i , No lo-ins. cent. KXCIII.SOE Dull , but Httttiily ; bills , 51.0-i ; auuiand , ; I'UOOUOIfl M A. UK 13 M. Cnic\ooMareh 10. Wheat Stonily ; cash , 94Vc ; April , 034 c ; Mny.OTIc. Corn Steady ; cash , 84 3-lfic ; May , ! W'fc ; July , 30c. Oats Firm ; cash , 24o ; May , 25 c. llyo May , 45c. Barley Nothing doing. Flax Nothing doing. Prime Timothj $1,37(31.33. ( Whisky -41.03. Pork Steady : May , $12.12 i ; July , Lard Steady ; cash , fi.SO ) ! May , ( O.STS' @ ( UK ) . B'lour Steady ; winter wheat , $3.6005.50 ; spring wheat , $1.60@X30j rye , 52.05 3.00 in bnrrols. Dry Salt Moats Shoulders. 5.50 3.75 ; short clear , S0.50(3t1.03l { ; short ribs. fU5 ( < 5 O.SO. O.SO.Uutter Uutter Stonily : creamery , ISfiWOo ; doiry , . Choose Steady ; full cream ch odd IMS , @lloi lints , ll@lUfo ; Voung American , Ojl'-'c. KfCgs Steady ; Irosli , 18Ql } c , Hides Steady ; heavy green salted , GJfcj liRht Rreen salted , So ; green , salted bull , 5 f c ; green suited calf. dry Hint , TMftJSo ; green salted kip , dry calf , 7@3o : dry salted hides , 7o. Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid pacltcd , 4 ® 4 , 0) ) No. 3 , 3 > { @ 3to ; cake , 4 c. Kecoipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 0.000 0.000 Wheat bu . 15,000 88,000 Corn.uu . 12.2.009 09,000 Oats , bu . 83.000 51,000 Now Vork , March 10. Wheat Hocolpts , 4,000 ; exports , none ; spot flrmor ; No. 2 rod , 02 0/o : ) } in elevator , 03 0 afloat , 03'f@'J4 > f o f. o. b. ; No. 3 rod , 8b@ SSJ c ; ungraded red , U4@97) < fc ; options fairly nctlvo , strong nnd } 6W c higher i March , Olio. Corn Uocolpts , 111,000 ; exports. 57,000 ; spot stcody nnd moderately active ; No. 2 , 42 in clovator,43 @J o nlloat ; No. 'J white , 4lrfc ! ; uupradod mixed , 41@48)ic ) ; options firm but dull. Oats Hecoipts , 42,000 ; exports , 1,000 ; spot quiet but steady ; options llrm but dull ; March , 30Ko ; May , JlO c ; spot. No. 3 white , 82@33o ; mixed western , 20@3to. ! Coffee Options steady ; sales , 20,500 bags ; March , $10.85@1J.90 ( ; April , flO.SO@10.83 ; May , 510.00@17.00 ; spot Hio barely steady ; fair uarcoes , 910.00. Petroleum Quiet nnd steady ; United closed ntb'JJi'c. Eggs Quiet and weak ; western , 13 o. Pork Moro adtlvo ; now , 81:1.50. : Lnrd Dull nnd lower ; western steam , $7.25 - , March , * 7.22 > f Uuttor Quiet and easy ; western , 14@ Cheese Steady ; western , 0 Litvorpool , March 10. [ Special Cablegram to Tim IJcn.J 2:00 : p. m. closo. Pork- Holders offer moderately ; prime moss , east ern , 03s , steady ; do , western , 55s , steady. Lara Holders offer moderately ; spot und March , 33s Od , steady ; April nnd May , 80s , steady. Wheat Holders offer moderately ; now No. 2 winner , 7s 7d , scady ; do , spring , 8s , firm. firm.Flour Flour Holders offer moderately ; 11s 3d , steady. Corn The supply of spot is in excess of the demand , and futures holders oiler mod erately ; spot , its lljfd , dull ; March , ysll' d , dull ; April , 8s I0d , dull ; May , 3s 10 > d , dull. Minnonpollfl. March 10. Sample wheat higher ; receipts , 117 cars ; shipments , 05 ars. Closing : No. I hard , March , Sl.O'J ; May , ? 1. lion trauk ; No. 1 northern , March , OSc ; May , 09J8'c ; ontrack , ! l'.ic@$00 ; No.2 , northern , March S'Ju ; May , i)0c ) ; on track , 00@0c. ) Milwaukee , March 10. Wheat E.isy ; cash , SOJfc ; May , SSc. Corn Weaker ; No. 8 , SlJ S'Jc. ' Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , J7 @ 33c. Hyo Firm -.No. 1 , 44 , ' @l4)ic. Barlny Dull ; No. 2 , .17c. Provisions Easy ; pork , $12.00. St. Lioui-i. March 1C. Wheat Irregu lar ; cash , 02e bid ; May , V2 } ( > s. Corn Lower ; cash , 29c ; May , Oats Lower ; cash , nominal ; May , 20c. Pork Dull at $12.50. Lard Nominal at $0.05. Whisky Steady at $1.03. Butter Quiet and dull ; creamery , 24@ 20c ; dairy , 1l@23c. ! Cincinnati. March 10. Wheat Nomi nal ; No. 2 red , 95c. % Corn In moderate supply ; No. 2 , mixed , 34c. 34c.Oats Oats Scarce and firm ; No. 2 mixed , 27c. Whisky Steady at § 1.03. llnnsna City. March 17. Wheat- Quiet ; No. 2 red , cash , no bids nor offer ings ; Mav , 87c bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , no bids nor offerings ; May , OOcbid. Corn Weaker ; No. 2 cash , 24e asked ; May , 25 > c bid ; No. 2 white , cash , 25 c bid ; May,2rKcoid. Oats No. 3 , cash , 22c ashed ; May , 22c bid. _ UVK sr jjx. CniOAOo , March 10. Cattle Receipts , 1,500 ; market quiet but steady ; beeves , $4.00 @ 4.85 ; steers , KJ.OOjg.'i.OO ( ; stoiiKors'ana feed ers , $2.00@3.23 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $1.40 @ 3.00. Hogs Kecoipt * , 10,000 ; market steady ; mixed , $4.55@4.75 ; heavy , $4.5U@4.70 ; light , Sheep Uecelpts , 203 ; market slow , but steady ; natives , $ . ) .03@5.00 ; western cornfcd , (4.50@4 05 ; lambs , $4.50g5.50. ( ; KniiHAH City , March 10. Cattle Ro- rcipts , 81 ; shipments , 501 ; market slow ; dressed beef and shipping steers weak and 5@10c lower ; best cows and heifers steady ; common lower ; good to choice corn-fed , ? 3.85UO ; common to medium , ? ! ; stockerftimd feeding steers strong and active nt$1.00@'i.80 ; cows , * 1.8o@2.7. > . " Hops Receipts , 2,300 ; shipments , 7S9 ; market strong , active and 5u higher ; com mon to choice , $1.2J@4.55. Niitioiinl Stock. Yards , Rust St. tioula , March 10. Cattle Receipts , 100 ; shipments , 400 ; market steady ; choice heavy native steers. W.8031.HO ; fair to good , $3.10@l,00 ; Rtockurs and feeders. Ji.OU ® y.35 ; rangers , corn-fed , fi.70T$3.40 ; grass- fed , ? l.lMi ( 3..iO. Ilotts Receipts , 1.400 ; shipments , 1,300 , ; market unchanged ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , $4.7U@I.SO ; packing , ? 1.GO@4.75 ; light grade. * , S4.5iCdll.70. HiouxClty , March 10. Cattle Rccolpti , 105 ; shipments , 110 ; steady and unclianged ; fat steerB , W.7."i@.40 { ; feeders , f3.7.'Ci.85 ; stouUors , $3.00@i.SJ ( ; cows , $ ICOC < Q2.CO ; canners - ners anil bulls , 81.00(81.75 ( ; calves , $ i.OO ( S4.00. Hogs Receipts , 1.000 ; market opened steady at yesterday's priceand closed easier ; light and mixed , 51'I J ' 44.50 ; heavy , * 4.4U@I.5U. _ WANTS Tlio Cily is , Dcl'oiiilont Iu Anotlicr Hull for Personal liijiirleH. Albert Hoppo commenc'ed suit for f 10,000 damages agaluat the city yestor.l.iy in the district court. He wants to recover this amount by reason of personal injuries sus tained while working In a sewer at the corner of lOloventli and Dorcas streets. His left leg was crushed and broken. Ho also claims that lie was otherwise injured by the caving in of earth , Al'tur Item liar's Shoes. Pat King , n ouyer at the South Omaha stock yards , was around the lobby of the Pax'on ' hotel last night. Ho stated thut a largu number uf cattle and hogs was being sold tills tiprlng. Mr. King is n lawyer , hav ing been admitted to the bar nt West Kldu , a ynuiU town iu ( own , bi > t nt prnsont lie is uot a iir.wli ! ug attorney , lie is u candidate for police ] udgo of thu Made City , und his friends claim that he will do the next JMRtlco of that place. Whim hn quit the l.uv prac tice in Iowa , ho was elected to a position similar to that for which he it now n candi date. Incidentally ho bald that he expected to sco a Inive numbur of thirsty Omaha people In tht ) Mtigtu City to-day. The i r.looti3 uro nut closed in that place on Sunday , New I'jiiuir Company , Tlio Carpenter l > a | < or company Illetl arti cles of incorporation 5 estorday witli County Clerk Ruu.e. ' 1'he capital itocli of the com pany Is I'ib.VM. Theoxislenco of the concern wilt be tea years. The incorpjratora are C. ' . . Cavpuntur , J. Fiank C irji.iutor , .lumo.i A , Carpenter and J nuw W. C.irjwitar. 'J'dti J'lniiitin' Won. 'i'he Jury in the ease of Hunt vs , Horn and others , rctariioJ a vmllut for $1,035,01 In fovorof llio plaiuMt y-H rd y. The suit v/a ( . brought \ recover ou 101 head of catth * void ut Sou tu Omj , 1m , WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , J Intoroot Rates Still Easy Dosplto Inoronsod Domaud. COLLECTIONS ARE VERY FAIH. A Disposition Shown on the tnrt of frontiers to Put Their JV Into \M\\K Invent * inents. The lluslnco Resume. , CHICAGO , March 0. [ Special Telegram to Tun HEI : . ] The chief feAtures of the money market nro continued easiness In rates do * spite nn increased demand. The chief bor- o\vers nro merchants and manufacturers who are preparing for the spring trndo. Lumbermen nro also asking for moro fnvora than nt nny time in months , as they nro breaking up their logging camps and require considerable money to pay their men ami prepare for the season's business that Is before - fore them. There Is an Increasing supply ot nearly nil descriptions ot paper nt the banks and on the street , but no trouble is px- pcrlcnccd In placing It , owing to the liberal amount of money awaiting profitable Invest ment. Call loans wore freely made at 5 per cent nnd time loans nt 0 per cunt. The bulk ot the commercial paper afloat pays 0 per cent und some readily commands 7 per Cent. A liberal amount of money is being placed on real estate at 5 and 0 per cent. In many Instances there la moro disposition on Uio part of loaners to put their funds Into long investments nt low figures , where n sure return is promised , than to lot it out for short terms nt a slightly higher rate. Col lections are nil that can bo expected at this season nud n fairly healthy conditioned affairs exists in nearly all lines of business. Tlio eastern loan market is not particularly active , but a steady feeling exists. The market for Now York exchange was rather dull and unsettled , sales being made at n wide range. Sellers us a rule were not dis posed to accept the terms bid by buyers and ut limes it was diltlcult to make trades. Transactions were made at 2500c ( discount per $1,000 and closed at SOQOOc. Foreign ex change met with moro ddmand nnd during tlio early part of the week it was easier , rates declining i n o owing to the slightly in creased oITormgs of bills drawn tnostl against shipments of corn and 'provisions. Sixty days documentary bills on London solil nt1.8 lff4.85 nnd closed nt $4.S4y/ ( ,85. The falriy favorable weather has stimulated the jobbing trndo In nearly nil brunches , es pecially in the dry goods , clothing , millin ery nnd boot and shoo lines , most ot the lobbing houses having about all the orders they can conveniently provlda for. Hardware was nctlve. Sugars und coffees also sold more freely , und a steady feeling prevailed on staples of nil descrip tions. The Now York stock market whllo exhibiting increased activity was consider ably unsettled , the shurn advances being1 followed by declines that carried the stocks lower than before. St. Paul was the loading' feature , and during the latter part of the week prices were Irregular. The action of its directors in declaring n dividend of 2 per cent on preferred stock created surprise , as an impression existed that it had not been earned. The directors , however , eas ily overcame the difficulty by changing the year , making it end Juno 80 , instead of December 31 , aa heretofore. "The road earned 3 per cent the llrst half of 1888 , but hardly 1 per cent the last half , and is ex pected to earn 2 per cent the llrst half of tills year. London wa < > n liberal seller during tha most of the wcoic , but u buyer latter. Stocks that has loaned Hut in the road was called Iu on Thursday , and the pica advanced to l premium. This induced free buying , par ticularly by the shorts , and prices advanced 2J , but the outside ligurcs were not main tained. The news from London and Paris was emphatically bearish. In the coppsr stocks in Paris the liquidation was heavy und nt times thu feeling xvas panicky , nnd a largo shrinkage in values , re- bulled. Strenuous efforts were nmdo to bolster the market1 for such shares to allow the insiders to get out , but they were in the main unsuccessful , liud sharp depressions followed the advances. The unsettled feel ing abroad brought in free selling orders , for American securities in Now York. Thoae , coupled with a reduction , in the price of un- thracito coal , made the bears more cour ageous , and a free selling of tlio general list ensued , which established a lower ransc of prices , with exception of Pullman , which de clined 8 points , and Oregon Navigation 4 % points. The losses did not average ever i point. The bond market exhibited fair uo- tlvity , but no special changes occurred. The aggregate sales on the Now York stock exchange - change for the week wore 1,603,000 shares. With the weather rattier spring-like , there is noticeably n gradual imurovcment in nil departments of trade , llaports from the interior indicate that the farmers are pro gressing with their spring wont in some sec tions and making preparations in others. Some produce is being forwarded to the small stations , but the biilk'of the grain re ceived at the leading markets is being trans ferred from the interior elevators. Specula tive trading was nctlvo in tlio leading arti cles , attended with more than the usual fluctuations In prices. In fact it has been n sparring contest between the bull and boar interests , and the result was generally favor able to the latter in the grain markets und-to the former in provisions. The supplies ot grain have gradually decreased and there has been no material enlargement in the supplies of provisions. Opnr.uors appear to bo transferring their contracts ahead BOIIIO- what , July delivery attracting more atten tion both in grain and provisions. Advices from tlio forelirs markets Imvo not been particularly favorable to the long int'irc.stof tlm domestic markets nnd have to u great extent followed the course of the inafr- kots At Chicago. The shipments from hero have boon moderately largo nnd the rate cutting in freights from the far western points has enlarged the through movement nf grain to the seaboard. The approach of the opening of lake navigation has led to an improved inquire for vessels , but only a few engagements have been made. Cotiaideraulo money has been forwarded to the interior , which would indicate an nctlve business dur ing the spring months. Tlio crop projects uro favorable , both at homo and abroad , and spring .seeding is progressing In the west and southwest. The movement of live stock has been moderately free to all the leading west ern markets , especially of cattle and hogs. . . Packing operations are progressing < julto * actively , and returns for tlio west Hinco March 1 show an Increase of 13'J,000 hogs , compared with the etunis for the corresponding spending time in 18SH. ' Kort4 | 111 .Sporting men , or at least u few of thciii , nro beginning to fl ht ninoiiif thu'iis lvot on tliii alleged "faked" hi cycle IKCCH that have and weru to have taken plncn ut the Call- rtrum. One of the 'cyclists , named Charles W. A hlngor , uoinmonciid suit ycftlorduv in , liul-e Wudo's court to recover i50 from John J. liurdln. Afthingoi * ussoi-ts tuat ho put UD thii money to do n race with 0110 of the other 'cyclists. The money was put up wjtb Hardin un the condition that each sldo inuko the oukes on the sirno day. Thu other party fallod to come to time , unil now llnrdln re- fiUHis lo refund the $50 to Ashiiigor. Tha court .vt the case for hearing on Tuesday mornliit' . 'I lie Ca n L. L. Rtaub , who was charged with crimi nal libel , ut the institution of Charles Nor- llng , was dismissed yesterday in Justice Ucud's court for want of prosecution , Nor- ling oliiuncd , when ho made the complaint , that .Stnub muiielouHly accused 111 in of lar- cwiy. , lMintnlco. While the Mends of Thomas Uoy- lclH , of thu Stumlnr'l thoiitor , were assembled - somblod yoiiloriluy aUornooii awaiting the Uoglniilns : of the funeral HOI-VICCS over hiwlfo , hiiysu Now York dispatch to Ihn Chicago Hor.ihl , his foui-your- olil ilauihtor Mu tflo tiptoed to tllo coflln anil bonding over it , whispered ; ' Mainmii , dero % lots of uico pcopjo hero ; dU up and BUU ihoin. " No answer coming to her , sho'turuou and sivlu to thn li.itouors : My nmintna is very sluopy nud 1 Uuow aho'a BOPI-V Mot to aeo you all , but I'll tell hoc. " Thou won dering thut they , too , inado no answer , and alarmed by the tears HIO ! wuv on , ovot-y choolt , she ran oryiiig to her- futhor. * * /