Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1889, Part II, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA BEE : SUNDAY * MABOH ll. 1880.-SIXTEEN PA&ES. OMAHA. I n ndvortlsoinontH vrlll be taken Tor tiicno columns niter 1JIJ1O : p. in. Cash In mtvnnoc Terms , t Advcrtieemcnts under this heart 10 cents pe/r / fin * for the first Insertion , 7 cnts for each'sub- cqnent Insertion , and tlM per line per month. Jlo advertisement taken for loss than S. . cents the first Insertion. Seven words Trill bo counted to the. line ; they must run consecutively and must be paid in AlVVANCE. All adrertlse- incntH must ha handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p. ta. , and under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'artleg advortlilna In these columns and hav ing their nnsyrers addressed In cnro of Tun HKB Trill please ask for chock to enable them to Ret tliolr letters , as none will bo delivered except on presentation of "check. All answers to adver tisements should be cncloscoln | envelopes. All advertisements in Uieso columns nro pub lished In both morolntr and evening editions ot TIIKJIKK , the circulation of which aggregates aiorc than 18,000 papers dally , nna gives th ad vertisers the uenullt , not only of the city rlrcu. latlonof THE UF.E , but also ot Council muffs , f,1ncoln und other cllloi nud towns throughout his section ot the country. Advertising for these rolunmi will bo taken n the above conditions , at the following busi ness houses , who are at thorlrcd agents for TUB ] JEK upeclAl notices , and will quote the stun * roto.i as can bo hart at the main olllco. Street. nn ABE .vr.ODY. Stationers and Printers , 113 > South llith Street. _ _ I1. FAIINSW'OUTII , Pharmacist , 21 15 Cum- ing Street. J. HUOHK8 , 1'hnrmaclst. G34 North ICth 8trcet.J _ _ _ . PAKI. , 1'harmaclst. 18 St. Mary1 * Avenue. _ _ SITUATIONS WANTED. _ A good broad and calco baker wants a situa- IVtlon. Address Chnrlus Still. Jollet , 111. 40.Va-10J Yonne married mnn of education and thorough A ough business training desires to connect himself with nn established linn. Can Invest flomo capital and give bond. Olvo particulars. Address T 115 , Hoc. 87J-17 * SITUATION wanted by a competent tcno- grapher , young man of 10. will begin on moderate wages. Will glvo references. Ad- Ureas T 2 , Ileo onico. : J75-17 * rr\'ANTEO Ilyn young man , n Hltnatlon as * talesman , two years experience , temper ate. Dest references. Address T. a : ; , Heo. 415-17 * SITUATION Wanted A thorough double en try booitkoepcr nt liberty April I , wishes n JKnlUon with a llr t class house. Host of city reference1) , and bond If required. Address T 27 , jlce. Ib7-17 ! * I/17ANTKD / Situation as manager of cream- ( T T cry by a thoroughly competent , sober and Industrious man. Have had nix -years nxpor- lem.o in best eastern establishments. Charles JJushry. 1'lattsmoutli , Neb. 374-17t A YOUNG lady wishes a position as stcno- JCXgrnpher , Is competent/and refers to present rmploj ers. Address Stenographer. Drawer 30 , City. J7 is fATANTED Hy respectable. wc.l-euucated T T nmrrlod managed : t" . any position of trust. Highest references. Address , T 20 , sa m ' \\TANTED Situation by young man of good TT habits and oxcoUoat references , as ap < prentir.o watchmaker ; good troatmout the main object. Address C.V. . Toralln , Central City , Nob. " 303.17t CT ANTED lly young widow with child , to T T work at once in nice pl'ice. Address T13 , Becomes. - 310 17 ? WANTED Situation by an experienced young man stenographer and typewriter. Refc-rencu given. AditresaT4 llee. 279 sift SITUATION wanted by an experienced cus .torn cutter. Address 8 57 , Heo. 22o 1'J * WANTED MALE HELP. 3 Local and general. Now Invention -.of merit. Millions will bo sold. Secure ter ritory at once. 0. _ L Norrls , Hay City , Mich. 40B-UIJ W'A-STED-A practical architectural draughts man. Address , A-.I. Somers , ' Kearney , Hob. - 30M7t * \ * rAIST.KlnABent3 , botli man and women. In T i Omaha ana the towns of Nebraska and Jowa : liberal "payiAattross Adail' : llox CDO , Omana' , Nob. ' 310 17 * JMTANTED A reliable cnorcrotic person in , T' every town and city to act as pvrmannnt local agent to sell our celebrated teas , cell cos , Apices , extracts , baking powders and table del icacies to families at wholesale price.-i. Uxcln- Give territory clven. Our agents nro making * trom $1U to $10 per week accordlns to the nnjount of energy put forth , and have a purma- iipnt business. Forpaiticulars address the ICee Kco'Toa Co. . 1U7 State St. . Chicago. 301 ! W WANTRD-Imniedlately , * good Harness maker ; must bo a cued slltclior ; by Clias. Doppe , Iniogone , la. 6 men with good reference to sell goods on In stallments. 171K at. Mary's avo. ' "J4-17 * WANTED Agents for our now patent -flro- proof safes , size -SxlHxlS. wclgnt 5TO Ibs. . IQtall price Jili , others in proportion. Highest ttWRi'd ( silver medal ) Centennial exposition ; mrechanre ; permanent business. Our prices lowest. We are not in the safe i > ool. Exclusive torrltoi-y given. Alplno Safe Company , Cincin nati. O. Wil B : OYH Am. DUt. Tel. CoM 1104 Douglas.5GT 5GT ) . "l\7ANTKD , Enorgc'tlomcn and wommovory- TT7iiero for u genteel , money-making bust- TJ s . ( , weekly prolt ) guaranteed raster than 800 monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely unnecessary. Permanent position and axcluslvo territory nssnrca. J2.00 samples frro. Wrlto for pnrtlculurs. Address , wltuntamp , Jlerrill JITg jUo. , II Kl Chicago. 17G nlOf TX7"ANTHD Flrat class shoo salnsmnn ; none V > but those having years of experience nnd ( ocxl reference need apply , nt The lair , 1'ltli ' mid Unwind. J. I. llrnndplH & Sons. 115 WANTED lloliablo , < c energetic salesmen in Omalm'nnd northern half ot Nubraxka to Boll our macldnes.also 2 colluct-oi s , no capital or experience necessary. Thy Singer Mfi ; . Co , jOmalia. Neb. 717-al B. ! VIT ANTED lu traveling halcsmon , salary and , a TT expenses. Address with stamp , palmer & , Co. . UeB Molncs. In. _ y.4qt ' \X7ANTEO-Kallroad laoorers tor Washing- TV ton territory ; steady work , long job , at Albiight'a Labor Agency. 1120 Fariism at. 740 -Am. Dlst , Tel. Co. . 1104 Dottfe'lus.C21 ; C21 - - \\T ANTED A good business man to take the TT management of nn ollice In New Yorkcltv. one for Detroit and another for Cincinnati : must invest JiOo ! : salary * l.50il per year. Address George S. Cllne , Wagner block , Dos Molnes. la. . (174 ( homo Salary puld promptly und expen advance. Full paiticulars and sample case tne. Wo moan just wnnt wo say. Address t iundard Silverware CD , lloston , ; Mass. V\ ; ANTED A good man to so on tna road ; T T must be wide awnkn , full ot energy , give Security for money collected and deposit t.'o for amples. Call on Oeorgo S. Cline. lloom .111 , Jlmt National bank building , Omaha , Neb. 1:17 : " * ( JENT8 Tvantwl in every town and city In > -tVrtin for the Harden Hand Oranadd Fire ExtlUKiiblier. Apply to F. 0 , CruntaliUIO South lethal. _ _ 87V WANTED-AgonUi in every city and town In the west to .ell the Toy Calliope , the great- en Holler cm earth : send 0 cts for sample , F U. Crnmiall. 810 South 15th l. tj _ ' " " 7""TWANTEP"FEN1 ALE HELP. ly April 1 , a competent girl for . item ral housework. In famliy or four. Hot- trencu required. Inquire 1210 Virginia nvo. 3lHt _ _ WANTED Four canvassers to sell staple household goods ; salu made nt ovoiy liqiuu. 'iu Monday at 21117 heworO bt. 40U-17t /ANTED-Seamstress and coloicd rook , fe- S main , 1309 DotlghiK , 3b'.i-17f ' ' I'lKANCIS WJM.AllD'8 ' book , "atlinpsfs of 1 Fifty Vcars. " now ready. A bonanza for gents from its wonderful K power. For Mebniskn territory apply Uon'l \8eut , SO llenl b'ld'g , Knns.isClty. a cooks private family , gftTiT ; ; i < liambermalda , : i laundry girl * , l house- V.etper , - ' fooVs , boarding house , II ; U cooks Luti'l. ' * Mo JT ; girl for Plnttsnioiuh ; one for Orchard Hill ; 4iT glrU for auroral wori , Oma- EA Emp , llureau luth kt and Capitol nvu. 470- i 7 ecoiiiS coo"iC. IHlliiinjrooin.'Irls. XlaurnlreMci , kltrlieu t-lrlii. > Klrla for country town * and c i for yen- tral lio-Jioworlc. Un. ilrcitc , ; ili ) S 15th. iico 1't _ ANTTTo-A clrl ror "ieiierrti Housework ilium b A jtoodcook. Apply at City Steam Jill 17 . _ _ _ . .a adopt a fnual. ' child U weuks.old. I'lenae'a'ldieas T-llcc ! | , 344 17t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - > if T illL Wantod-Compotent girl lit smull T Uiil.r. : must be uooa cook and Uundross. Itfth-outU tafit. 3W IB ' WANTEP-FEMALE HtLP. WANTED Agents Ilfllfable. women to sail the "Original llyscia" Combination Shoulder Itraco Corset , fiest "money making article In thn country. Satisfaction nuaran- tcoa. Ailplr for terms ami territory to Western Corgctl'o. . St. Louis. Mo. 183-am "r\7ANTED-Noa. girl for general housework. nfk avenue. 300-21 ANTlilPljuttonholo rnakors.lllKaniam. . 275 in \X7ANTKD-tonipetcnt girl for gener T T homo work , small family. Apply to 4IS 8 B4th nvc. ] 81U7 WANTED Lmlv ncohts. Two nnw inven tions for Indies' spring , sUnimor wear. Outsell everything. Pny Iloo monthly. These With our buatle-sklrts , rubber good . hose sup- portcn. etc.nmlfl best business known. Ad dress with stamp , 12. H. Campbell A Co. . 4M Randolph street , Chicago. 121-21 * G OOD girl for general housework. A So. Kith st ; 4I5lft W ANTED -tilrl for general house work. SfM Popploton avo. 280 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. O MAI1A cmp. bureau , 119 N. IGlli , rstab B years. Moat reliable In cty II. K.Wh o. " FOR RENT HOUSES. -1-UOOM houoo. MO Williams St. IJIOIt ItKNT Pine 7-room Mat. cor. ICtli and J-Hounrrt sLs , Also nouses In all parts of city. I/edwtch iV Shaw's rental agency , 310 Slioely block , 4US-17 TTKJK KENT Two nlco cottages on Pacific , Jjust west of I'nrk ave. Healthy location , first-class neighborhood. Kent TJO per month. Hicks , room W Barker blk. 411-17 TTtOH HUNT The three story brick building A ? on liitn street , lately occupied by Crap & Stirling , adapted for light wholesale or tlrst- class rutall business , lilcka , room I1) ) . ItarKor block. 411-17 FOIl HUNT 4-room cottape. rent $10. furni ture $100 ; 8-room house , rout fin. furniture $325 : IR-roora cottace. rent WO , rnrnltureJI.OO ) ; c-rooin flat , rent 810. furntturo $1,000 ; 0-room hoiiso. rent W.\ furniture HM ) ; H-roont house , rent $12" . furniture $3roo"j.rooni ; house , rent tl'i. ' furnlturo > 350. and several other nice places adapted for private residences orbosid ing and rooming houses. Co operative Land Lot Co. , 05 N ICth st. 0 > 3 13 TTIOH IlKNT-HoUBB for tent , 15K ( Hurt st. -E ! i'M7 ? TTIOll KENT Modern Ill-room house. J7) ) per JL ? month. IDthstreot ; rcrerences rixitilred. In- qUlra Ncthcrton Hall , lloont 423 I'lrst Nut. bank ' " T710II nnNT Ten-room bouse , 030 Hurt St. : JJ all modern Improvements : ni cable and street car Hue ; flue location. Dr. 1'aul. 15th and Dodgosts. TOl 1W ITIOIl HUNT cott gefl,3roomsoach , ntroar JL/of 1S17 Chlcapo st. : city water un > i sower. Inquire nt KB Chicago St. IIW 2i * "ITtOll niN'T A 5-room brick cottage convenl- J-1 cntto U.P. depot.Mcad k Jamlsoi 3U S } Jth H33 TjTOK HUNT 0-room house , W13 Jackson bt Jl Inquire 27U Jackson st. DI7 lt ! ) 1CTOK ItKNT A very fine 10-room house ; all J- modern Improvements. ' 11 Duuglas st. Henawa & ro.-opi > oslto postoiricei. ; [ | 0 13 "fjlOIl KENT 7-ioom flat , corner I6th and JLJ Jones at , , with south anduest front. 313 17 * / ) NE lloor , 1 rooms , 1713 Jackson st. ( > _ BKAUTIFU1. B-i-oom lioiisa , gas , city water , batn room , hot uud cold water , on paved streets with street car , near a good school , only ! > per month ; the house Is new. Apply at once , 0.11' . Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank.M7 M7 "ITIOIl RENT When yon wish to rent a house. J store or olllco call on us. H. U. Cole , room n. Continental block. 5A3 FOIl ItENT 9-room modern Iranroved house. A 1 locality : rent moderate. Apply to M. Klgutter , 1031 farnam street. 670 TiVHl 11ENT Cottages , r , rooms , S72G Charles JJ street and 152 * South Fifth street. Inqulro nt room'Shecly ! ! blbck. fi71 TjpOllKENT-aood basement. 1313 Douglas st. " 111011 KENT 10 room housoon , South lOtb St. . Jt ? with all modern conveniences ; two : i room tlats on North 17th ST. , sutUnlo.lor Jight-liouse- kocplng ; two nevr G room Hats , corner Slth and I.eavonwt > rth Bts. ; will rent reasonably two II ) room hoiiH's with nil modern improvements , roiner-'Cth and Capitol nve. Apply to Green & Williams. First Nafl bank building.Wl - ITIOH IlTlNT Nlco S-rooni limise. east front ! JL' halt block of cable cars. 112 S 2stli st. OSJaS ? F OT 11ENT 7-room lint. $33 month. . Inquire at The Fair. 13tli and Hownnl. 874 C1OII IIBNT Cheap , a nice 3 and "i room house , - 1153J S Slst at.botween Center and Dorcas st. ' 9SJ o 8' _ _ "ijtOH HUNT 3 brick residences , ! i rooms each , J fronting Ilnnscom park.'on I'nrk avenue , with furnace , hot and cold water , bath and all conveniences. Heady for occup.incv April 1. I'rico ? IO and 4r n month. I ) . V. Sholcs , Sid 1st Nat , bnnk biilldlng. _ oil F oil IlISNT Purnlshcd house for rent , liar- rlH , 411 First national bank. KXt FOIl ur.NT-iI latot seven rooms cor. 813th and I'aclllc sis. Duggan's block. 77 LIIIO LIST ot bouses for rent. S. I. Petnr- * son. s. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. KJJ-al * "ITIOIl IlKNT 10-room house , steam , gas , bath , -1 ? hot and cold and cistern water , good collar nnd nice yard. 50. S'.Mtu. Inuulre207 S 34th. 714 T7IOH RENT 10-room inoriern house near hlch JL'school cheap. (1. K. Thompson , 312 Shocly block , 16th and Howard. 1(2 ( TTIUllNiaHEDhouso for rent in I'ark Terrace , 4- ' opposite Ilnnscom Park , all. modernn con- venipucas. ICnqutre , Lea He Nlchot , 23lh and Leavcnwoith. ' 033 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. "VTICE rooms by the week or month nt the Pea- 1 > body house. 1107 Jones. * TJ1OU HKNT 1'urnlfcliod room , all modern -t ? comonlenccs. U Kuruam'st. 134 TT'Oll ItKNT furnished orunfurnlshed rooms , f filngle or en aulto. Inquire ll.U , 415 S. Ilth. T71O11 KENT Nlcclf furnished room , with JJ heat. W per month. 406 Williams i > t. , 8 min utes'walk SI ! U. P. depot. 411 -1701 Capitol avo. ! tr.3 22 * NICK furnished rooms cheap. 1710 Davun- < ort.U'l : 17 * "NTICKLV furnished room. 210J Douelas. ± P HIVATi : family have several nicely furn- tslieu , room for rent With Hoard. Ul' N 20th. au 034 8-i * NICELY furnished rooms. 1811 Capitol ave. fa-Si" TTIOlt HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms , on X1 bnlto or single , to 4 gentlemen. 1510 Ilaruey. N BWIiY furnished southeast suite of rooms , alxo small fiont room , with all modern con- and flrst-class board. U-tXi far n am. AVENUE Itooms-.At 1C13 and 1016 Capitol ave M blocks from IT ) . , nuwlyfurnlshcil private boardtughou8uprasaatroom8nl ) I conveniences iiOd 31' _ _ _ TTIOll KENT 1'rontj iniumsTt 1821 Farnatn. * i ffJH _ _ LAltdE front i'&om , lurnlshod , every convpn le ncu jilso , / > mal | room. 21U7 Douglas. 'Ml ROOM nnd board for two , locution desirable , rntM reasonable , modern conveniences. 2220 Leavenwortli. 221 lilt _ ITIUIINISIIEI ) front loom to n g5nTloman of J- ' good habits ; location convenient to busi ness ; bnth , etc ; ulS S , 3Uth. eecobd door from St. Mary's avnniio. 2WJ * El ) ( ir iinfurnlshcd"rboni , l ! and bath , board if dnslrod. 61U S 20th HI , , op posite All tiulnta' church. 674 17UHI JtnNT-nirnUhedroomi In Cruontg blk , J-1 cor , I.'lth uud Dodge ats. Inqulro of uco it. Davis , Millard hotel billiard room. 673 FINE furiiUhud rooms , also some for light housekeeping. 131. Capitol nvenuc. HOT 20 * iniJtlNIHIIED rooms by day , wrrk or month. J. ht. Clnlr Hotel , ror , 13th and Dodge , UXi "VTICELY furnished rooms nnd board ; strictly > il t-clnsurctosencesreoulred. lOMKarnam street , ima 19 - . . irENT-rA nicely irrrnislTod rootn.'wlth all conveniences ; ma Ho. 17tu st. TO AOH IlliNT-l'urnlshfld front room 1818 Dodge. > S" ICIi runilslica roouu & * UoafD , 170J Don gla * SUlTofa furnished rooms , modern ronrou- lencev , U blocks from P. O. , private tamtly. A. llojiite. jr. , 1513 DouKlas Bt. _ ( l 113 S 23th st. ITH'ltNISII ED rooms , elngla or en suite , bath A a.i l Miami for RUIIU only , 1619 Howard. FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. T A ItOK front room with bed-room adjoining ; -LJhnndsomely furnished , gas and heated by steam , with us of bath-room , In one of the handsomest residences in the city , without board. Inquired , w. cor. 19th nnd I.oavenworth. 973 IflUHNlHHUD room 1013 Chicago st. EUOJIS Furnished or unfurnished , single or en suite ; modern conveniences , 37 Dodge. 100 TT'OIt KENT Nicely furnished frontroomnnd V alcove , all conveniences. 2103 Fnrnam st. c 120 O NICF.IA furnished rooms , steam heat , gaR. < bath , etc. . onsntno iloor , 810 per month. 207 BCItliinollnt. C76 r AHflE front room , nicely furnished , gultablo JLJfor 2 gontlomcn. is-il rarnatu : C73 TTIhEaANTLV furnished -parlor , steam heat , Jiwlth board. Apply or nddross Mrs. 11. L. llaudall. 1721 Dodge. 21018 * . FOR RENTROOMS UNFURNISHED TJOOM Unfurnlshod. 1303Douglas stSrcl floor 5 unfurnished chambers for housekeeping to mnn and wife. 319 No. 17th Bt. Og-31tq ) FOK KENT Ilooras suitable foe housekeep ing In suites of from one. to four : in conven ient location : lowest prices. Hull's llontlng Agency , 15U1 Farnam streat ; tele phone _ 179. TilOIl ItENT Three uufurnlslud rooms , also J. two basement rooms to families without children at 1I2J N 17th at , -193 1/1011 UENT-3 unf urnlshod rooms. Will take JL1 board forrent. Call 101 rDavouport 41D-iyt FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. I710II KENT Store , cor lOUi and Leaven- JL1 worth sts. . . 391-30J T710II 1t ENT Ila ement , rhenp. 312 Sonth Ifitli -L ! gt. Di-slrablo rornny kludof l > usln . C. P. llonjamln. 310 3. ISth ht. l l-17t F OH IIENT-A dcslrablo list ot houses. , .Will try to suit you at No. 3. Crolghton mock. J. J , Gibson'sTentnl agency. 3S4 FOR KENT Now store corner lOtn arid J onus. A. 0 Powell. laOl.Fnrnain. . 8373 F ; Oil lU'.Nt-OMlcc Biillo Ko a month. 2 single olllcos $15 eacli. nil fronting Jiith st. Uush- man block , n. e. cor. 10th and Douglas. W. M. liushman , 1311 Leavonworth. . 073 i TCTOU KENT 2 stores 7 room Hat , 0 rooni JL1 house 17th , near Nicholas , Inquire PChles- ingor llros. , 014 South lOUist. 033-mS ? T7IOK IlKNT Slloors 22x80 brick build- JL ; inir , with elevator. cl to express olllco. cheap rent , just the thing \\hnlo3allng , good location apply Geo. lloyu , 110J raruaui'St. ' 203 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS , TTlOlt KENT S3 BOTCS of the nnost garden J-1 land in the city , II. E. Cochran , Teem 4U , Uarsur block. 270 17 * NOTICE to Farmers and Gardeners For rent , the following pieces of land : North h ot northwest ii of sec. 1. 1 15 , r 12..10J acres ; , , , the poor farm nnd adjoining Edward Howell plam In city limits. Inquire oC John Hamlln , 'J17 Llnton block. Omaha. Nob. 875 31 H KENT Well Improved farm of 80 acres JJ near city. Bchleslugci llros. , 8U Suuth 10th. Kit-mil WANTED-TO RENT. . Vurnlshed room for three penile- men. Address , stating terms , T3I , ileo. 403-17J IT10UND A new Bystem of renting houses. X1 Hrlngor&end a list of your property for rent. Can rent houses readily at No. 3 Crelgh- tonblock. J. J. Gibson's rental agency. . " 84 \\rANTED-A furnished houso. Address C. T t A , Cleveland , 17th and Faruam sts. 418-17t WANTED 0 or 7-room house , modern , with barn , by a good party ; no children. Must bo nice , good location. Party \\lll nay good price. Ilouiw.i & Co. , opposite postolllco. 417-21 WANTED lly 2 or more young gentlemen , rooms with board in private family. Address - dress T 33. llee. 4-0-17 ? . tjENTAL.ACENCjESn , L7ST your lands , 16ts. etc. , with Oco. J. Paul , ICOilFainamst. axi 20 "IIIIU public is especially requested to call .4. and see J. J. Gibson's new system o hou < > o renting. Hut one moment Is required to tlnd what you want. JO'J IF YOU want to buy , sell , rent or exchange , call on or address. O. J. SternbdoiIf. rooms 317 and 318 Ill-it National bank building. IST rour lands , lots , etc. . with Goo. J. Paul , 100) ) Farnam at. U53 2 > ) G KO. J. PAUL , 1601) ) Farnam St. , , houses , stores , etc. , for rent. 53,1 v " \\7Eglve special attention to renting nnd T Y collecting rents , list with us. H. E , Cole , room 0 Continental block. GSt LIST your lands , lots , etc. . with Uoo. J. Paul , 1CW iarnam st. 333 20 TF YOU wnnt your houses rented place them J.wlth lieuawa Se Co. 15th. opposite postollice. 685 JIST your houses and stores wltn me : I have lots of customers. J. H.Parrotto , HXM Cnlcago PI4 all FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. TG10U tALIS ) I'nrnltiini of 7-rooin lint , bought Jt ! now last July : good location ; rent Jijpor mouth. Ledu Ich & Uhnw's rental agency. 310 Sheely block. 4AW-I7 FOlt SALE An onice nest , cheap , at i1oody's china store , 30 ! N. Hith st , 395-17 s TOOK SALE At a bargain. National cashreg- JJ Ister.jjood asnew , Have closedout my business. Address box T. ; , Ileo ollice. 402-17 FOIl SALE StylUh family horse , 7yr.s.sound , brown , 18 hands , wulgU 1,10.1 , any lady can drive him , pilco $20J. rnarlos McComilck'H barn , 28th and Farnam. 31,9 JT . * T7 OIl SALE Party Kolng east' April 10th JL ? would dispose of portion of household fur niture , viz. : No. 8 Garland range , almost new. base burner stove , dining room , , bed room , kitchen furnlturo and utensils , etc. : also some hard and soft coal ; u 111 be sold ut n bargain. 214 South 30th st. 351 2Ur TjlOU BALK On monthly payments , Rood JU team , wagon and harness : also slnglo horsu nna buggy. O. C , Jonnion , 02 ! Paxton block. ' SOU 18f " 17\OH \ SALE A good team , harness and nearly JJ new wagon , and coal bad. Call at DID Paxton - ton block. - 28120 tJTOIl SAIiK Two diamond pins , one ring and JU ono pair earrings. Address ! ' 10 lien ' alike. "ITtOll 8AI.K Complete and elegant outfit. JL ? good as now. for smnll family wishing to ceep house ; " 111 ba Hold fornne-half cost If taken soon ; this Is a bargain , Address T 0 , llee. 27017t 17IOK SALE or Trade A good young team of JL ? horses ; well broken ; weight 2.GUO Ibs. For particulars seu A. W. Cowan , 717 N. lull street1. U > 17 15 BAD TillS-f 1.W10 worth of nice fiirnlturd. IX omlro outnt ot tha house , tor KM ; must sell on account of sickness. Apply to .1. H. Purrotte. 1000Chicago. 214 all FOIl SAT.E A flue combination nilllnrd and pool table for residence ; aim OH ! nnw ; a bur- gain. Itoom 22 , U. H. National bauk building. FOK SATiK-Cur load of young sound horses. lulOCul'fornlaM. B , ll. Wood. 1KI 1J10K SALE-Onono H. P. portable boiler and J. ) 25 H. P. center crank engine , Including htcam pump , heater , etc. 101 Douglas street. T01l BALE-l.ono tons 14 to 10 inch ice on JJ track. Council Illulis. Oillert ; llros. All A UGH , neavy government wagon , almost new , ran bo bought nt your owu prtcti. u. J. Sterusdorir. rooms 317 and 318First National Hank , Telephone 401. K5 LOST. LOST The old system of renting houses. Try thu new ono. It Is a grand success , at No. ; i , frelghtou block , J. J. dlbson's rental agency. 3-t * TOST-Wllto | nml yellow setter doc : , blemish JJ on lei t eye ; 10 reward for rotnm or In- foimatlon letallUK to recovery. Frank Cross , Otis 3Hll t About one-fourth ton of Una dust by LOST buylnu thu free burning Kentucky lump coal , kept by Harmon If WeethUlU So. 16th st. Telephone tin and Iry It. 3 > I7 FOU NO TJIOl'ND A plttcn to buy the free burning J ? KeniucK ) ' lumt > coal , U10 Bu. Cith xt. , H r- moil * Weetti. tawtou. Special telephone Mf. U lias uo cquui for duineatlo u c. VJti-Ii * TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee. & Trust Co. , ISWVnr- nam. Comwdto nbstrncts furnished * tltlei to real estate expmrrWMperfectoa & guaranteed. JA T OWJ nu tt " Muhonoy. room M o7 _ OM AH A Abstract company. 1519 I'arnarn st. MontcomplctsTaod carotiilly prepared sot of abstract boolp at\rtpUls of all real properly in tne cily of Omiyi and Douglas county. * 0 J LOAN. f $ $ I To loa nftn 'farms nnd city property. PnuU Jtygiljariinm sU UM ER Sholcs. zio'/jhrs't Nnt'l bank bnforo mat- Ingyour loans1/ ' 5 fiM TVrONKYtoloan ° o improved real estate , it. J-'J-A. Upton Company , investment bankers , 10th and Farnam. 2tfl2r CITY Financial agency will loan you'monoy on horsca. furultnrr. Jewelry or ssonrltlfis of any kind. llfOO Ilownfd at. , corner 8. 13th st. WANTED Fist class Insldo loans. Lowest rates. Call nnd see us. Mutual Invest ment Co. U1 Uarkor blk. 16th and Faruaut. CUJ M1 ONEYtoloan. K. & Loan Co. . room 411 , Urst National bank. COS "OKOPljK'S Financial Enchango The direst. -L quietest and most liberal money exchange in the city ; loans made without dnlay or publicity , in any amount largo or small , nt the lowest rates of Interest , on any available security ; loans may bo paid at nny tlmo or renewed nt original rates. O. Ilouscaren , mgr , room 60 K Marker blk , 15th and Farnam , 002 T CAN make a few loans on llrst-class chattel J-sccurltles at reasonable rules. W. K. Potter , room 10 , llarkcr blk. Oil C11UST mortgage loans nt low rates and no Jt ? delay. D. \ Sholcs. S10 First National bank. 697 MONEY to loan on improved property at flrst hands. No application sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined free of charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment company , .TOD 8.13th St. 007 f\D LL IlltOS. & Co. , No. JI13 So. 10th Bt < , \JChamber of Commerce building , loan money nt 0 , ( ! ' / } , 7 , yt nnd 8 ilor cent , according to loca tion ot property. Unsurpassed facilities for placing larco loans on Inside business oroporty. A special fund of several thousand loan on unimproved lots. 603 MONEY to loan on Improved real estate by Northwestern Mutual Llfo Insurance Co. Jjbwost rates , no commission. Address How ard Kuiinocly , agent , Omaha. Neb , t f'JG DO YOU wnnt to borrow money ? Head this : It will savo.vou tlmo. It will save you money. > You can borrow from II. K. Masters , successor to W. It , Crofr , lloom 4WIUmoll bid's , l ! > th and Harney sts. sin. S-U * jo. Jioo , $ ix ) , WiOJ , si.ooa , $5,000 , * ioix . In fact , any sum' you want on furnlturo. pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easier icriuf and at lower rates than any other olllco In the city , without publicity or removal of property from your possession. It an Instalment Is due on your property and you cannot moot It. call and see me. I will pay it for you. I f you hare a loan In any other olrfco call and getmy rates. I will take it up nnd carry It for you. I make loans for one to six months , and you can pay a part at any time , reducing both prin cipal nnd Interest. All loans renened at original rates , and no All business sti5tlyllci'nfldentlal. } . Call nnd see mo. I Don't forget lha number , lloom 4 < 'Wltlmell ' ulock. C03 N E11IIASICA SIortpU.oan C'o. will make you a loan on household goods , horses , , : wagons , land contracts , fine jewelry , or , isecurltlos of nny kind. Without publicity , at reasonable rates. Room 7 , Itowloy block. South Omaha. . . Itooms MtVMO Paxton block , Omohu , Neb. , , . C05 MONEY I/oansnsEQtlhted nt low rale.s with out delay , and purchase good commercial paper and mortgage notes. S. A , Sloman , cor. 13th nnd Farnam. * - ' " owl MONEY to loan. O.'F ; ! navll Co. . real cstuto and loan agents , JSOTFrirnam st. cuu OANS made on nnd 'bought. " - Farnam. 620 BUILDING loans. LJnaunn & 'Mahoney. r. - 010 MONEY to Loan-r-We nro1 ready for applica tions for loans In amounts fioin . tlOO to $10- 000 on improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate Full Information us to rates. Loans promptly closed' Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call ! upon us. or write. The McCaguo Investment Co. CIO BUILDING loans. 'D. 'V. Sholes ; 210 First Nat'l. Uank. 6a7 H.K : COLE , loan agent : . G14 "PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange Large and X btnall loans for long nnd short time , at low est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage notei , chattels of all kinds , diamond" , watches nnd jew elry. Don't fall to call If you won't fair nnd cheap accommodations. 0. Itouscnren , Mgr. , room JO ! , , liarker blk , , 'lOtli and Farnam. GU2 ( i PElt CENT louu Cash on U\V. M. Harris , H. 2J.Frenzcr block , ojp. ; P. O. 013 H.E. . COLE , loan agent , . 623 M ONEYtoloan in largd minis at the lowest rates ; no delay. K. C..Patterson , ; I18 S 15th , Kil MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J. W. Squire , LJl'J Faniam St. , First Notional bank building. j * Ola MONEY loaned for 30 ; CO or 00 days , ou any kind ot chattel security ; reasonable interh est ; business confidential. JJ. Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam st. | 017 J M ONEY to loan Lowest'Mtes. ' Loans cloTd promptly. II. E. Cole , 11,0Continentul block. 0wxUJil to loan at G per1 cent. Llnahan & Mi- : Phonoy , Itoom603. I'axton block. . 01U * JPIlYnXDELPHIA MfjitgaKB i ; Trust Co. ; JL cheap eastern money alreet to borrowers ; iinka building loans , larua or small ; perfect titles ; accept loans in thglr western ollce. Oeo.f W , P. Coates , representative.3 Hoard cm M1 ONEY to Louu on chattel security ; fair ruto interest. J. H. Parrotte. 2003 Chicago , ' 214 all CHOICE loans wanted on Improved city prop erty. Kimball. Champ lc Kyan room 0 u. 8 Nat bk bldt' . 1 K Farnam st , ' 807 al MONEY to loan on furniture , horsas , wagons , etc. . oronuny approved security. J. W > Itobblns , 11.203 , Hiieoly blc. ) . 15th and Howard ] , MONEY to loan at lowest rates of iutere&t on real estate in Omaha and South Omaha. Titles ana property oxamlned by us und loans made nt once. Cash on hand. Itates , Smith A Cp. room 2fltl ICttmgo bid UK. 054 UILDINCi loans a specialty. W. M. Ilnirls , room 20 , Freiizer block. opi > oslto P. O. _ > * iJ : I ? F.Y to loan on furniture , pianos , horses. .wagons , etc. ClttfCtLoan Co. , 118 8 llllh st. opposite Millard hot lfl t 170 BON'T borrow inoilro' ' 'on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. . or 'collaterals ' until you see C. n.Jaeoba , 110 J''Ir3ttiitoiialbank | | ; building. ' 0. 08i > AJ.COO to $50.030 at 0. 11VV and 7 Per cent , no Mid- Mtdlemen ; money dlrnct from the Eastern In vestor , W. II. Melkle , ttfjrg.t Nat'i'llftnlc building. roji _ _ 407 LOANS on business property. I5.00U to JjU.oou wanted. ProvidenP'frust Company , room SO * . I'lrst National llnnfrjbulldlng. 10J MISCELLANEOUS. BLBCTHIO telegranli Eonool , rooms 528 and 539 , now I'axton block. Tnorougu Instruc tion guaranteed. SendlfoMliimlar. Ml nt /10NTIIACTINU plastqrei-s ure invited to cull Wat room 401 , 1' uulldlni. , and examine "Adamant. " c. ' , f Xil A 15 NOTICE to Loan Agpftts 'Who will name mo tnu lowest rule for $1.000 to HOOO for 5 years ou choice residence property. Dun H. Wheeler , Jr..J.ooinJ , CielgJiUmJ > KK.k. itJO 1 H ri'MrETianlo TaugEFaVau art by ( Juo. F. Tl'eTT -L lenbeck. Apply at lice Ollice. 64- ! 5IAA.NebMFelL 14."l88a.NotIce is here by given to the holders of alt boiidd Issued by the Cable Tramway Company of Omaha , and bearing date ot May 'M , 1887 , January 1st , 1888 , and October 1st. IbSJ , tcf present the same , for puynunit. vlth accrued Interest , at the Firnt National bank of Omaha , Neb , , the nrth day ot April , U8' . Interest on said bonds will cease on that date , the company having availed Itself of the right to nidnem the game , by Blv- ing thirty d yB notice of its duslro to do BO. 8. It. Johitspn , Preildent. tXB-a.'S ' Steam Dye Works Ittl Howard st. OMAHA , cleaning , eta. IACO curtains cleaned. C. T. Paulson prop. , telephone U1T. { J12-m2S 3WANSON. Vallen & Cov undertakers nud embalmeM , 1721 Cumlai ; dt. T l. UM ) . lAlaiSl FOR EXCHANGE. A FINK hmncumberxd lot In Houth Omaha to trade f or goodlhorso nnd buggy. Apply ? londay nt 1010 N ; 2Btli st. i4-m _ PONY , cart nnd harness , buck board , lot1 ? , etc. , to exchange for sand , bnildlnitnia * torialof airktntty , etc. "W.J. I'rtul , loon Far- nnin si. ato.n _ _ mo KXCHANGE--Clear t rn\ near uoomlnj ; J- , Pierre , South Dakota for insldo Omahn property. Address T24. Ileo. 878-17 * _ " rpo EXCHANGIEqulty in J\ounuo"phveo J forbulldlns barn. Contractors catch on. Atldys T89. Ileo. _ &c.-17 TIO TRADE for a horse or team a clear lot. lays well , tlilo 0 K , price W7P , will pay dif ference in cash or take mortgage back for difference , Co-operntl vo Land & Lot O o. . 203 N 16th t. ain _ "TTUKST-OLASS chop house and lunch counter , J-1 centrally located and doing nice busmovN , to trade for real estate ; prefer Dakota land , Co-op'orntlve Lund and Lot Company , 20.1 N. loth at. as is to Trade rnlnciimborcd donco lots for slnhtly uast front lot. near West Farnam St. , cast of nnh st. Dau H. Wheeler , Jr. , ttoom 1 , Crelshton block. W 18 _ _ QTOCIt ot gen merchandise , 83,000 , ono-7mr3 iJcnsh. balance western Iowa or eastern Ne braska land , Span of horses , wagon nnd har ness to trade for furnlturo In house , pilco $1SO. Small stock of groceries , slock of furniture , In- volco about J3.WI. building and property , brick. two-stories high.JlxlJO ft. In good Nob. town. price bf nil J7oyo , will exchange tornnlown rnrui. ' Co-opprntJVo Land A : Lot Co , , soft N 10th. _ t _ _ n. ' > -i IB T7IOH Tit ADE Uuiiliicumborcd lots In Pop- JL ? pieton Park and Krlggs Place for Improved property , Will nsumo inortgago or pay cash. For 'Trade Good iiulncuuiberod fnrni for Omsha proper ! v. For'Trnde ' Three farms slightly incumliered for Oihaha property. For Trade . ' 1,200 ncrcs In n body for Omaha property. Wfll ssume tin umbrnnce. liremtan & Co. , Chamber ot Commerce. 201 in _ _ _ FOK EXCHANC.E-A line stallion , half Nor- man nud half Messenger , n flno home , for sale ou reasonable terms or for good Omaha property ; neo | ilm ut .Derby ntnblos , 14th nud Harney streets. _ 221-17 THOU JKXCIlANGE-For desirable residence jJJ uroperty in Ouiahn , nny or nil of following : * 4U tholco inside residence lots in Hastings. 103 lots In Lincoln. ( UO acres line farming land , Lancaster county. Fine residenceproperty. . Lincoln. Oood rental property , Lincoln. Choice family residence , corner , Los Angeles. A neat residence property In llansoom Plnco. Also , Bomn good mortgage notes. Address , giving location and price of prop erty , J. E. ll. , , cnre IJaum Iron Co , . 1217 Leaven- worth. tai _ FOK EXCHANGE Dakota. Hand county. What have you to olTer for n good farm horc. slightly encumbered ? Dakota lauds uro rising in value , nnd Its destiny cannot bo dis puted. Wllltake vacant lot or improved prop erty und assume some lucmnbrnuce , ( J. J. Sternsdorir , rooms 3 17 and D1S First National bank building. ( 4 : ! i acios In Salt LaKe City , Utah. - miles from center of city ad joining lands owned by the C. , I ) . & Q. and U. p. llysM directly in course of entrance to the city. Prlco J4.SOJ. Wnnt Nebraska farm land. II acres In llarknlow sub. ( Omaha ) , clear of encumbrance. Prlco $1,003. Want improved tenting property. Will put In some cash. II clear lots in Albright s annex. Prlco & ? ,0 . Want house nnd lot in Omaha. House and lot in llrowu Park , South Omaha. Clear of encumbrance : , and want Nobmsicu land. New T room house , lot 50x150. in Walnut Hill addition. Prlre $1.500. Encumbrance t'lOO. Want improved farm. C. E. Keller , room C. s , w. cor. 15th and Douglas. 110-19 WANTED Good span of horses in pxcr.ango for clear lot. A. P. Tukey,15thand Douglas frS'i _ _ LEAK laud , lots and stock for good house and lot , Omaha ; must bo unexceptionable neighborhood. Address 3 81 , Dee. 7UU _ mo liXCIIANlil ! Houses and lots , farm JL lands , merchandise , horses , cattle , wagons , etc. Call or write C. U. Iteltor , roomn , SW. cor. l&th and Douglas. -40 T7IO11 EXCHANGE Eighty ocros of the finest JJ timber land In Wisconsin , clear ot Incuui- brance. What have you to olfor ? U. J. Sterns- dorlT. rooms 317 4 ; U18. Pint National bank building. _ 049 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOK SALE An established business for 8100. gunrnnteed to pay from $ i.OUto.iHO.ODa 'lay clear ; something nnw- ' Win pay any Hvo man to investigate. Address T. 2i. this ollice. 37i'-17' ' AFlNEchanre-JlOO cash buys beer garden nnd bowling alley llxtuiis with loasoot 0 acres nice grove. No license to pay. C. P. lien- jaiuln , : I10S. 15th st. 'liM-m' _ "I71LOUK , feed coal 'and general commission JU .store , line location and truckage. Cooperative erative Laud and Lot Co. . 20j N. Ifiui st. 'M-lii FOK SALE A clgnr and tobacco , stJitior.ory , book and notion store ; rara bargain for cash. Address T 20 , Dee ollice. ! l 82Jf nnd one-half acres choice land for JL gardening or hog raising , within : J miles of Omaha ! ' . O. lor MX ) . Cosh no trade. Cull on J. Chapman , i-IOS. ICth ht. i81-17t ! FOIl SALE losharos bulldlmr nud loan as- soclution stock ; . Issued September ISBs next payment due March UO ; will discount. Addiess _ SKVEKAL restaurants , various prices ; IS- room hotel In city , prlco tl.ojo , part cash , balance $7o pur month , rent $ < > J ; feed store , good business , clearing $100 per mouth , price iXi. ( rent M per month : grocery store , invoice about * 1.010. good location. Co-operative Laud and Lot Coa . 'i N. 10th st. ; i.Vi 18 TpOK SALE Slock of jewelry In growing No- Jbraska ton n of l.UCU population ; no compe tition ; good opening for the right paity. Ail- Bro. 'Jt 2o _ A WANTED Partner with not less tnau SOO , TT who has some experience in slaughtering animals , formal ket in some country town Nebra&kp. , Missouri or Iowa , Ironi 2,0 u to fUlOO population ; have good shop outllt and market experience : references exchanged. Address J. A. , loce box No. $17 , Omaha. IU-18t ! FOK cash only Clean stock generul mer chandise , wltn coal , grnlu and imnleinent business : parties wishlu to oure a goo'l pay ing business address. T 15 , Ileo ollice. & 5-I7 ; SAtjE A first-class cash general mer- : chnndlse 'business ; stock invoices between fO.OOU nnd'$7.000. ' Address T 111 llee ollice. illO 17' ITtOK SALE Meat market doing a good imsl JL ness , cheap for cain , t > 3lng out ot biulness Address T I' ' , Itee. _ 'J)7 ) 17T "IJUHST-CLAtfc tockof groceries , llxiiiros for .JU.sule ; goal business , line Ion : rent rca- aonable. Address. TJ. Use. _ 2CO 18' VTEATMiiaTket for sale ; best paying stand in OLU. Omaha. Address "It M. " ileo olHc-e. fi , | i , . _ 400-11121 * \\71ANTEO A partner , either active or silent , i X Tt in H well-established seed business , with a l rire stock of all kinds ot field seeds ; capital required , WUKJd IP , $ | f,031 ; n splendid upportu- ijl j- for tha right , man. Address SVJ , llee olllco. NRWrpllcr mil ) for sale m a good wheat bolt , and good market for lloor. For taring address F , J. AnclrOas , Gordon , Nob. SrtSmlS * ' in the Omahn board ot AiMEMIiEKSHltl' trade cuiiiba had cheap at Itoom Ui U. l > . Na- tlonal bank building. _ ' .CM " " " "PERSONAL EK8ONAL-J175W111 buy a pretty decorated - ated dinner set ; suitable for small fnml- .lies. Call nnd eu itor write for illustrations to Wooily's china more , SM North IGth st. , Omauii. ' ' 3V.1-17 EltSONAL-.Mr.Crundallsuys thu trio burning - ing Kentucky lilmu coal. Kept by Hurinon < V Woetn , 310 So , Inth st. , ha-s no equal for domestic use. Telephone 848 and try It. IM-r * L-J. willbny anlce hunjlnir lamp at Moody s , JV N. 10th st. UJ5-17 IIHSONAL A large assortment of decor ated dinner cots to select irom at Mnody'u , AlTENTION-Don't fall to call on Mrs. Dr. H. Wellington , girted astrologlst and test medium. Consultations dully o null nllulrs of Ufa and death , Unites the copurated , causes Hpeouy marrliiges locates diseases and trents with massage treatment and alcoholic baths. fc'end it ! wltn lock or hulr und ago through mall > 'or roru'ft written reading. Olllre 41J fc'outli Ilth St. , room 0 , lip-stairs. Open Sundays. 1DIIIVATU course In feurlcir. boxing or fancy Jcjub swinging , flO. Address T 14. Hoe nlllco. ItM-a' _ NYONE wishing an interpreter to go with family or any line of business to Pans Ex hibition , address Puiil Hewdalrd , rJ01 Douglas. 315 21 17A1LWAY SmH h Up-Twenty ot the celo- J > ibruted Clmrtrr Oak cook stoves.sent toi to have parts replaced and to be fold regardless rest , "A lost opjtoi ( unity c n nmcr ba re gained. " Cull at once and take your choice. Omaha Stove Ilepalr Worics , tlW and BIO N lillh. ; aint _ _ _ TllANl'E MI'.DlUM-Mme. Handall. the young Swede , tells full names ot callers and Iho full name ot your future husband or Hlfo. wltn date of murrlage , uud telU whether the one you love U true or fal 3. Not a fortune teller , but a young spirit medium. Madame goes Into iv perfectly dead trance. Will bring buck ttiu parted hiubauii or lover , no matter it they be 10.00J miles away. Will guarantee to settle family quarrels. Parlors up sialrj , 403 N. Ifith * t. , third lloor. Sii a U fVHSOELLANEOUS WANTS. * " ANTKD-To inTO. * m U" capital nnd sorvlooi In legitimate and paying business. Address T ITloo. JI70-i ; T AT ANTHD llcyclt < * or 4fl Inch , now or see - > > end hand. 3J1U Douglas st. 40J-1T * WANTF.D Hoard nnd room by a ynunc mar , rlod couple. Kcfcronccsoxchangod , Ad dress giving toriiiSiTK Ileo-Olllce. OOJ-ltf' \\rANTKD-A nice eccond-hand phaeton. Apply 131S Fnrnnm. _ iiJS IT W ANTKD-To jMirrow 11,000 to $1.00) ) ; Been- rlty llwt mortgneo on lots In Paddock Place. F. .M. llamilnif. 221 8. a > Ht . women to USD "Wilcor's Fancy Compound Pills. ' Perfectly safe nnd nlways effectual. Send for 4o "Woman's Snfo Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co , , 1'hlladol- phla. 114 AI9 'S3 J Trpe-wrlting done for desk room In ollice. Ki.qulro filO Pnxton blk. 314 18 HOUSES Mnrohomesrmntcdot J. .1. son's rcntnl ajtcncy. Nt . ; i Croluhtou block. If you want to rent n liousn list it at onco. Could rent more housss If 1 had them. iisi FOR SALE-WEAL ESTATE. jSoil SALK-LotaTil , rfaml 1 Tblock II , West' 'Side ' nddlllon. Tnoso lots ore 61x1,4 ' . lay very pretty , anil the three can ba bought forll.VOOL They ore nctunliy worth twice that amount. O. .1. SternsdoriT , Uaonis.117 and 318 , I'lrst National bank. Uulldlu . H'.j POH nAIjIS Or trade , 8 now 8-room houses ; from llrat hands. Itooiu 4A > Itnmu-o block. tzt m ff.t I7IOH SAt.B Or cxchango for Omaha prop- JL' orty , W acres , siiltablo for plattlne : wUl make 4UD lota.tiU clear ; big money in It for somu one who can push Uils ; locatol.ntstontsldo tiia city limits ot Council tlttilTs. Inqiilra Ooo. .1. Btmnsdnrir , rooms aiT and UlS. Klrat National bank building. 5 1 iroil SAl.K-Lots 15. ai and37. WxW. lot ' 'i. X 60x160. tu block 111. on llarner st , also lots I and -1 in Idock I , Kast Side addition to Omaha. l''or particulars inquire of T. J. llcrmluiihaiu , Unleua , 111. Wflm''i " 11)011 ) BALI ! or Kxchango Imnrovcd stock .1 ? f arm ofS.iO acres in eastern Ncbraskn , near market inbo new 1 room bouse with alt con veniences , In dcslrablo reMdcnco pnjtlon of Omaha. Andruw Having , attorney , l and fit I'axton block , Omaha , Nob. ( CM TjtOIt BALK Cheap-Not for trade iY.ia.TOacres JL1 Hud ( f-ec. B-ia-Oitwo miles from Mnniuettw , Hamilton county , Nebraska. 1'famo house , sta ble , 'iOJ acres under gobd barb-wlro tcnco , round crdar posts , two Htays , living water , 'M- font channel , " wells , 3JI barrel tank , corral. Ri'lMVeder , a natural stock ranch. In a line corn belt. Vrico . ROOO Cash In hand.,7 * > U " years' time 0 per cent . ll,2.M ) ( Jo and look over land. Address owner , V , K. Atkins , r.03 Larimer at. Denver. Col Off 'IfflOU SALE Half nectlon Nn. 1 land In Hurt -L1 counl ) ' , Nob. , nine nlllea fiom Totamnh , all under six-wire fence , well watcrud ; price J7.000 ; ? -iO ( ( ) down , buluuco on time , 7 percent. In- nnlioof J. A.'l.llllo , l Jb Webstorstroot.Omnhn , Neb , 1TO-1S * HASTINGS. Nebraska lOOocres land adjoin ing the city for bale'by A. Velth , Hastings. NeK " Sr lLi F "OK SAr.E-6 lots'ir. Maync Place at JI.BHO each. M. A"Upton Company , luth and Kar- OH ! Oh ! Hero's nn investment. 187 feet on comer of tuth and Vlnton , both paved streets ; 7 stores that will rent for JI.SOO n year and for more after a while ; BI8.0M. Must be snapped up quick nt that price. M. A. Upton Company , inth ami 1'amaiii. larA - A1507 lainam street. Those wishing to Invest a little money In Omaha lots In such a way as not to feel the outlay , can now do s > o. We have good lot.s , splendidly located , surrounded by new buildIngs - Ings nnd improvements , wliicu you can buy , paying . . . . JIB down , balance ten dollars a mouth ! Think ot this ! A chance to save your money ! A chance to get the increase vnlno ou the lotas Omaha grows ! Think of It. good lots nt SIOJ , S-'OO , 8SVI. Can you find a safer Investment , n better way to save your money ? Can nny bank pay you mi on.ual Interest on your money ? You Can See thcso lot.s any tlnv _ you want to w'lthont dim ie. Wo have conveyances always icaiiy lu &how properly free (15 cosh nud } 10n month will buy your wlfo or ono ot your children a lot that will make them more money than anything else you do for them. Itumombcrthat it ( -Costs Vo'n Nothing- to rome and see these lots to Investigate this mat tor for yourself. You can make up your own mind when vou see this property and what sur rounds it , whether jioo. ,200. eao is cheap for the lots or not. Your chance to maKe mount * in Omaha laud is as good uud even lletter Now than ever neforo ! There Is no question now ns toourclty'sfuturDgiowlh ! A postolllco build ing and a city nail ro but n part contem plated iiiiprovemonts for ItW ) . Tnosu chu.ip lots uro put on the market because they are cheap ! It would not pav us to show you the property unless it wus cheap ! In other words , H Docs Not Pay to ndverlUo cheap poods uules. they nro what is claimed for tticm. Don't ba lacking In cour- iigu ; If you want toMane Mane Money. lluyontho terms we no\y oiler you. and no one cnu duplicate this property at thu prlco named , but First of All come nnd see what it Is , where It is. uhnt sur rounds it. what a future it hnsl ! ! Plenty of people ple have made money in just sucn Investments us this ono ollcrod yon ! YOU run absolutely no risk ! You net the oaslostpossible terms ! Vou can Investigate the olferl H costs you nothing ! A little courage and a little money Is all. that Is needed. Ames , 13')7 Farnam 8t. HEllE ! Hero ! Look at this * , ye homo seekers. K-room house , bath loom , hot and cold water , gas pipes , lot ftUxl.'iU , In Ilnnscom Dlace , No. ] : IU Virginia nvenuc. Qctprlcoof M. A. Upton Company. IBth and Farnam. IHfl T7IIN1J residence for'sale , N. H. cornef 22 < 1 JJ and Iturdotte. I > ot.ttxitii : , IU-rooni housel > ath room. fiiniHCO , jiut and cold water , sewer connections , well and cUtuin. piped for KOS , llrsi-cla H cellar , gotfd barn , walks all aromi'l : , $7.6iu , will take smaller house and sonio cash , will ussume some Inciimbrance. M. A. Upton Company. Ulth nnd Fariiani. IhU Tn'o naw lirli'K IIIOCKS on Leavonworth street , east of 2 < Uh , that are paying 10 pur cent nt a lov raitil. Gjl prices ot M. A. Uuton Company. IBth nud 1'ar- uam. , 1113 fWlOlCR aero projiorty well located nnrt nd- w joining the city in thu licit Invostmuiit now on ( lie inaikot. Call and see what o have tr > oiler. Ueo.N. Hlcka. llarker lllock. 411-17 BAHGAINS Choice live and ten aero tract cloita to city , on licit Linn It y , fur s.'ilo nt low figures. Hicks , room 40 , llarker lllock. 4IM7 rpIIU liest liivoHtinen In Omaha to-dn > is wt-ll JL loratod ncro pniperty. Call nndhcu the gulns 1 can oirer. Hicks , room 1'J ' , llurkor lllk. Elecant double rosldencj in BAIUSAINS Hauscoin place. Ample ground , burn and nil modern Improvements. Will runt for H per rout on * IH , ( * ' . lloom for ono worn houso. Cull and got price. Hicks , room 40 , llarnerjllk. 411-17 FOit HALK The lluost residence slto intut Umali.i ; just houth of Farnam on 37th strnet ; a corner 10.1x187 with Hi * loet frontagn on paved street and joining the hanilsomn resi dence of Klrkendnlion tliuoast.aiul Iliady , Kns- son nnd .Martin on thu ninth ; u perfect fcni and garden spot for un elegant homo , Ilurney and 21st Bt routs , lllxlliT , on pavement within 3 blocks ot th' ) court house ; room for seven Hue houses that would runt as rapidly us completed. A splendid permanent invest ment. 1'arnamnnd ? M sheets , OUxl % with now ,1 story hrlcKstoro building , rgntuilto peed per manent tenantsItenlitl receipts Jl/Jjfl per street near Nlchnla , frontage 01 feet to alley , . Oood business property. 1'armun stveiit between 'litli and JWth , front- ago. 4Sorlijxr to alloy , south front , 1 block from pavement und HI runt cm * . PurK avenue opposite Ilanscome park , Mxl50 , price K..OK ) , easy I onus. Paddock placn trackaje , O.xll ! . .2,000. easy terms. loth stioet houlh of VliitoiiKt..lot for sale or trnilo fur indse or good farm land , S. A. Slomun. 1 HJ | I uriiam > > t. 2M 171011 BAI.Ii Doubli-uirner , 120x157 , . on N. lT J ? corner . 'Mill and llnmlllon , frontsJl streets , Ju.lWu. M , A. Upton Company , IGth and Far- nam , 207 T71OH SALE Soiiib iiwftil nlco Improved prop- JJ rrty ou N 1. coiner jtli and Caldwelt etreot.s. Call for pi Ices. M. A. Upton Company. IClh and Fornuin ) * rnWENTYfeet front business lot ahulf'blori. Xot IT. P. depot , fcouth Oinana , IIM ) : .700 cash , balance 2 yeans straight , la thure a uli- gerbargain thun this on Iho market , D , I ) . Smeatuiu llnrkerlilo _ k.JJinaha. 2.'i7 17 \\rollTHY of your uttaiition. Now bamg TT complete < l on'Jlh at , north of Leaven- worth st , two houaea convenient to business , very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gai. bath , toilet , S water cloj.ts. stationary wash lulis , hut and cold water , five bedruoms. 10 closet * ; only * . ' . & ' 0 , ou terms to suit. Telephone 2 7 or W. T , Seaman , Omaha's lurgast vailoty of wag ons , carriages , etc. , vast aldti Klh st , north of Nicholas t. J'U 'fpOlfSAltK orTrade-Thevory nneTtTeiiTirtnvo ) JJ In Ouccola , population 4ouu , comity wat of Claric tounty , Iowa. 11 room brick huiuo. itteam heut , andotury convenience ; of land. CoHI5Mi. ( Morttraga ti,0 l ! for Hva year * nt 7 ner cent annually. Will noli or tr.vlo oiiulty , M. A. Upton. Company , lnviupnoia baiikarn , Omaha , Neb. i'JT FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE , KKAL F.slato llargalns Coriior anh and A'lnton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl,000 llemitiful rrsld&nce lot. Hansrum Place. , n.500 Choice ton-no roll art , West Omaha . , 4,500 KlfHant cant front lot , llftnscom Plnco. . . . nSOO Finest \\rst front lot , llanscom Place. , . , 2,400 Five ncrc.s close to Uclt Line . . . 2.7W Tlirco houses comer Donge and 26tn < , , , . fiS feet on llHh nusr Douglas . M.OOO Ooriier , mxiw. 7 blks. from court house. . Tuo TrackaRfl , 2WxOO > ) , on Holt Llna Ky . 7.WO Thirty ncrcs Just outside city limits . SJ.WO Nlco residence lot , South Omaha , . , , , rW ) lleslduiieo lot ti ar"itn nnd Harnoy . . . . . . rt,000 Conl and lumber yard locntlon on licit Hy 0,01 Elegant residence. Huascom place . . . . . . 15,500 ( > 10 acres rholco land . . . . . , . , 0,000 Elegaurfl\o-acro tract . . . 2,000 splendid location forhonmand ponltryyd 4,500 lluMursn lot near depot , South Omnm. ) . . t , a Uit H. blork B. South Omnna . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 Corner , WxINi , sith and II ! . , R. Omnlm. . 4 , 00 Corner , tld and Popple ton , 1 1 nnscoin place 2WO lifKldelice lot near -eutletli and Vlnton 000 Corner , south fronton llnuscom park. , . . 7.EOO Comer. 81st nud Ponpletou nvo . . 7.WX ) Ten acres with house and barn , bargain , 7,500 llesldcnro block , pays H per cent on IIH.OOO 15,500 Corner. 100 feet. Virginia and Poppleton * 7,000 Cull and sea the bargains wo oiler. Houses , cottages nml stores for ront. floored N. Hlrks , room 40llnrkar block. 410-17 TJIOll SALE fat luxliW , south of fair grounds JIn Kirkwood , Prlco , tlxJ. one-fourth cash. J. H. Loomls. UttJ Wlrtsl. iOl-Sl ; SALE or Exchange A well Improved nlnck farm of : i.0 acres In the Klkhorn val ley 140 mites west of Omalui with stock ami machinery. Will sell cheap of ux.lumjo for slock of groceries or itcn.ral merchandise. Ad droasTa' , Ik'ooincc. iljvlo E-il It lottl , blklOf. DoualasBt. . slzu UxlTfa to alley. Will build block lor reliable ten ant. Q\M'l loan at lowrAto & 1 per wit of cost of building uud lot to parly wlm will biillil. Will Rive Ionic time on purchase money rat } to party puttlti-c up block. Cable , motor nud horKO cars pass this property to nud irom nny part ot this clly ami Council lllull.s nml Douglas st. , one of the giowliu ; stiojtsof thu city. roiri-npoudencoaud negolutloi. with relUibln mrtles Hollclted. A. K. llolley ( owner ) , T51U st , Omaha. iV.Mnt TTlOHSALE-Finorc.'ddeiicoIn Franklinatiuaru Jcor. . I'.ilh ' nnd l.unlctto nls , mititu and east front corner , lot : cixlto ; it-room house , huh. hot nnd cold water , furnace , gas. cemented cellar , Ilnlshed in hard wood and oil , slate ruof , every- tluuK tlrst class ; $7,100 , easy termi. M. A. Upton Comp.iny , ICth and Fnmain. 4111 FOK SALE-12-room honse , 4 lots ( corner ) , good title , at u sacrllleo. For full piu titu lar * nddress , L. Ilutlu , Dorchc.stcr , Neb. 401-181 : HOW Is this ? Northeast corner of slid and Charles.sts. lot TMvlIil. , i-ioom houso. Well , cistern , stabla ISii-'il. $ tn , ( i. Note the size of this lot and that It , Is H south trout , corner. M. A. Upton Company , loth nud Furuniu iu > P'lt ) SALE ai acrns , corner T.ilrteoulh and North htixjcts. i > oslr.iblo for platting. 0 , Good , Good block , Dcd .MolneIn. . (1IS-1U27 * 1 O01C lliiti--fxl : : MXllli , i-Otli tHroet , Jitit JLJ fcoiitli of Ijeavcnworth , puved streetstroo cars. Two-Htory K-rooni House ; good cellar nud rUtern : owner going woct on March nth , and If not sold by. that tune will bo taken out of themnikut ; I'.WJ ; cheap. M. A , Upton Com pany , IGlh.iud Farnam. 01J ( IfllNi : quarter section , Sherman county. Lots In thriving lena clly : uiso In Omaha. KHII- tuckv bred saddle horso. nil the irults. Sulon- did f.imlly mure , carrluire , etc , .Vvliat huvo you to olIrrAdilress8 _ _ _ 2U.JIeo olllca. 70J CALL ou II. K. Col.1. northo-ist. ci > rnjr of lith and Douglas sts. , Om.iln. for Edwin K. Al- sip i Co.'s LMtalojfiios of Unls ut Culltoruli. ° "U1 A , iiU III * _ _ ij OK SALEor tfada Ono3 story TrAmJTiillhU" J ing xit2 ; ; must ba lomoved April 1st. In quire at 12U > Douglas. 7-17 | "TJIOKSALK roomed linn 13 nnd full lot. good JL1 HiiriMunillngs , on n Mroet car line. Will takuln uxuluviqo Nebraska or ICunsis farm property with some iuuitmbrnnco. or lot In Omaha or South Omnhi , Cull ami invcstl- gale now. C. F. Harrlso.1 , 40J nnd 4JI Mer chants' National bank * * ! Ht ( ll y. room 3 , Crclgliton blk. lOil AT A hftcrlllco 12HX130 it. east and north trout , corner Ulth and Hownnl nts , ono block west of COO'H and .Klrkendall't ) llue rcBl- deuces , two blocks fiom j.iveil street , two blocks south of I'nrnam Kt. ; just thlnl ; of It , i'.0 > cr ) > < i ft. and n corner at that , and only SLUM. C. K. Keller , roo.u 5 , h. w. eor. 13th , nj 1 Dntivlas IPOIISALU Ou monthly or quiiitcrlr pay- JL1 monts , some newo-room IIOUKQS In .Millard ft CaldwoU'H add. . JUst 1J ! inlles trbmliosrolllco. If you want n borne of yotlr'bwn 'ctfflacantl sea mt > . C. C. SpoUwood. TOHj 'j. Ifith st. O.'i4 $ (1/150 ( , if J,8')0 Ciish , * VWO ft o per cent , buys 2-story 8 room house , furnace , bath , etclor WlxlOO feet. No. 2313 Poppleton nve. . Hanscom Plnco ; must go by Maroli 1st , party going nay. . D. V. Sholcs. 210 1st Nat'l bank. 0 1 _ S HOLES' Ilaiwiius-JiJxIiU. east front , with K room house , on Hist St. , Jllniobaugh place. if < ! , GiX > , $ ,7iK ) , balauco 0 per rout. This In JI.50J lessthnu market value. ruxl 0 , good rt-room house , fin unco nnd nil conveniences. No. 2 W Cojiplclon nvo. Investi gate this uud mnku nn olfer. Party g"llK to leave the city. , ' . . ft. on Dcdgc .st. cable , andn ; ft. with house , ou ' 0lh st. c.iblt * . clear of Incumbninees , to triuio for rlusi Inside propeity. Improved urunlniprovud Kuunilt oiler. Flno two. stet y brick block , lentlns forJJ , 100 pcrjuar , prlciit'l.O'O ; fll.O'V ) nt ( i'J ' jur ci-nt , * 7OtK ) cjhli , Si.lWl in good liibldu property. This is alula Unigaln. Klxl.'iltt. nn.'oth nnd Cnlirornln htre < ; ts ; In- cumbrance J'.fclW , equity In clear laud or city property. * 0.6iw buys n good newR-roora House , with fur- nance , bath nnd nil convenloucles , In llauscom place. * $ . | , jO in b.ivb wire stock , p.iylne n good divi dend , to exchange for n ( rood lot , or house mid lot. This li ns good as casli. lliavolotH mill houses and lots , for sale or trade In all p.uls of lha eltv. It you wish to purchase , exchange , or have anything for salo. please cull niitl list it wltn mo. Indications nru favorable for un arthx real estate market , nnd I desire a list of all good lusldo property for sale or trade. 1) . V. Sholis , lloom 210 First National Ilnnlc lilllldlllK. 14'J _ SOUTH OMAHA I haven immlijr of good lots In various additions tint muse be sold atoncaandcan bo banght ; at prices that will milt you. (1 , J. Stornsdorfl" . roonu 317 audJH First National Dank building. _ KM FOlt SALE : llargam Flno lot and rn ldunro nn South Ilth street. lcyxlH ; nt gm < lu , 2'c foot alloy ou south Hide and 10-foot alley In rear ; idee Minnie trees In front. New A-room house ; hardwood and oil finish : nice homo : liirga lot and very cheap at $ j.OO'J. ' M , A. Upton company 10th nml Fnrnam. < i.i M.oiO buys 2 hoiuosaud lot , 07 x S. It. cor I Ith and Vlnton. C3J-m'll _ FOK SALE Nine-room house , barn and lot in Ihinsooiii Place ; also 2 IIOUIDH nnd lots in Sunny Hldu. llarits , room 411 , 1st Nat. bank. OffX FOlt SALE Tivoncres near ( .lock yardw ; flno propel ty OJ-operallvo Land and Lot ( join- puny , 205 NICtnst. . SALE Ou terms to suit , tha neat cottage , JJ 2SJ I Charles st , Tnlophono ; 57. or W. T. S o- maii , Om ilia's largest vnrluty bugglnwrncons , , \c. , exst s'de 10th U north nf Nicholas Kt , 4M ArOU Wll ( ri-nl houses 1 and wnnt u homo of your own. Investigate the uihiiii ages offered by the KqultAblo Loan nnil llulldlng Ass'n , nnd tnku slock In the llrt sorles now ready. Fur mcmborHhlp , by-law.sor further Inform a- tlon , apply to the socnitary. .1. l . Kvnni. Itoom 1 , llarkcr Itlock. Ollloo open till 0 p.m. _ _ _ _ _ _ it2i : 'T ' _ TJIOHHALEor Lenso Frame building uboiit JL1 Wx'il with power , together with thrcnyuura' lease of lot , Wl Douglai st. 1H' < F IOK SALE I'l'otty now coltairo ou uns monthly : p.iymunts. Iiuiulre Ncthertoti ilf. room 42.1. . Flmt National bank. 210-17 71011 SALE Choice plore Improved burmoss - property In business center , 2JxUi , 01120- foot'iiiitTy. tBiitslor 10 pur cent oh price ii ktiii only 10 dftv l.u murk'it nt flT > ,000. M. A , Jlfpton Company , IfSth nnd K.irnani. 20(1 ( POIt HALU-Kant front lot on Zlth slroet. 250 feet south of Popplelon avo.4-i'oom ; cottiiKe ; B.f'OJ If sold within ciight days. M. A. Upton Company , Kith und Knrnam , _ Ui'l 23 Tnoil SALlf-OnaiTh near 'Clark. ; oed cottBRO .L' nnd stable ; small cash payment ; balance monthly. Jleio U olinnrn to get n Immo on easy tuims. I'rlce II.OJJ / . P. Tukcy , 16th J imi glax. _ jiiUaiid IjlOlt SALE-9 arres on houth I.lth Ht , Just out- JJ Mdutlmrlly HmlU , W , W , Bcotl , room 411 Sheoly block. ai TJ * _ _ \\f have I Tot on Georgia nvo. and 1 corner lot l In KountzH Place. Wo build to jour plan und gU o It to you at roil ; M cash ; jouro unit , Wo Imvii a newO-room rottago ( cor 4.1x115 ) . IMh mid Locust t. , , bal , monthly. It will pay you to sue us. Hamilton llros. , build. ci s , m fl iHtn. Tui. 1 17 . _ iwajJi ' TilTm'SALH-The noutlu'Ait corner of 10h ( mid JJ Castellar Htreeis , O'lxM'J ' ' , small house , Tills IK nlU-eduo property ; paved street , sowar , gas nml wutur , lot u , little above tirade , en feet on ICth by liu on Cuj-tellari this In worth f 100 par foot ; if Mild soon wo will take t lporfooL M. A. Upton Company , lOlh and Farnam. 337 STORAGE. \\7ANTEIi Finnltiifo , carpets , sloven and T T hoiisohola ( fOciOH of all Kinds , Omaha Auction i btorago Co. , 1121 Furnam , CbU OTOllAGE-Atlow rates at 1121 Farnam t. . OOinulm Auction i-Htoruiio Co , 6'JJ riTiAJiAiuI | ( tomae. 7cnTo r rM s , w. M. J. lliuliinaii , Uil l avennortli. Wl CO. , tor so , 2,3