Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1889, Part I, Image 1

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The Liberal Victory Carrion Dismay
Into the Conservative Ranks.
Dr. Tanner Bollovos the Occasion
Ono of Considerable Hilarity.
Gladstone Needed Just Such a Tonlo
As the Tidings.
Sentiment ChnnjtlnR In Favor oftlio
Irish Cause And ft Red-Hot
Benson In Store For
The Kensington Elections.
| Copurfjit ( ? 1BS3 tin James Gordon Ilennttt. ]
CAKLTON Ciun , LONDON , Mnrch 10. [ New
Vork Herald Cable-Special to Tun BBB.1
On Friday night there was generally a
rather lively time In the house of commons.
If a battle royal' had uonn going on during
the weak , it wound up that night. Wo do
not like to have a stale old fight hanging
over our minds over Sunday. Then again it
must bo observed that important events
usually happen at the end of the week. Why
that should bo BO , unless to spite the weakly
papers which nro published on Saturday , I
no not know. Chance or fate or what you
will , seems to have decreed that the Sunday
paper should bo ouo of the necessities of
civilized mankind. Whether ono hears a
sermon or two , more or less , will not prob
ably make any material difference in the
long run , but to miss one's Sunday paper is
to remain twenty-four hours In a state of
perilous ignorance. It is with a view
to this no doubt that events hurry on to
settlement at the close of the week. All the
same if It had not been for the Kensington
election , dullness would now have covered
us like n wet blanket.
Friday night , for hours and hours , the dis
cussion on education dragged itself along. It
was exceedingly important , I was assured ,
but so horribly tedious that it was impossblo
to sit It out. Therefore , as wo wandered
gloomily around the lobbies , or took a pull nt
our cigars In the smoking room , or watched
n game of chess , or wont to sloop In the
library , there would have been a general
movement homeward , only wo were waiting
for the verdict of Kensington.
At live minutes past 111 saw Dr. Clark ,
the member for Caithness , running ns hard
ns ho could across the outer lobby , from the
telegraph ofllco. Away I sot chase uftor him
nnd picked him uo just as ho passed two po
licemen who keep out Int rndcra.
"How has It gonol" I asked.
"Six hundred and thirty majority for
Beaufoy , " replied the exultant clerk.
In another moment ho was surrounded by
nn oxoltcd crowd of members , a portion of
which speedily overflowed into the house it
solf. The speaker was on the watch for it ,
nnd with the sternest of look cried :
"Order. "
Several times if there had been a full
house , it is most probable that this would
not have quelled the excitement , but learn
ing the. bans insldo , who were prosing with
nil steam up had effectually cleared the
place , thcro was not n couple of a score
members present and so the invading crowd
produced scarcely uny sensation and soon re
treated into the lobby , where It managed lo
got up n i hccr.
In the tUdst of a group stood Dr. Tanner ,
adorned with a gilt shamrock which St. Pat
rick himself might have envied and a huge
favor. Ho smiled sweetly at every conserva
tive ho met , offering to let thorn look nt the
telegram , but they seemed to have no curios
ity on the subject. Presently the irrepress
ible Tanner out on ball and who is
human enough to make the most of freedom ,
walked into the house and in the balmiest
manner asked Mr. Goschcn if ho could give
any news regarding the Kensington election.
Mr , Goschen looked n shade or two greener
than usual nnd ildgcttcd about on his seat.
Tanner oucu more invited him to come out
Into the open , but the chancellor of the
exchequer sank Into a heap , perhaps congra
tulating himself on the fact that when the
conservatives foun'd a scat for him their
choice fell on the very safest of all London.
His withers were unstrung.
JIho Irish cluoftaln , Mr. Partial ! , was not
present. Ho Is no lover of crowds and
scenes. None of the Gladslonlan leaders
had taken the trouble to come down , but
they , of coursot got the news at homo , nnd It
must have helped to cheer Gladstone , who
has looked rattier raw and unwell alt the
week. A line tonlo to him will this election
bo. Homo rulers have a perfect right to re-
Jolco over tholr victory , for It Is undeniably
a severe- blow to the government. It will
causa conservative London members to
shako in their shoes. Knormous exertions
wcro used to secure the success of the minis
terialist candidate. The whole art and
Bcienca of electioneering were exhausted In
his favor. From every platform electors
wAo Invited to vote lor the conservative
candidate ou the grouud that ho was related
to Lord Salisbury. Mr. BaUour was nol
quite wiseto stake so much on the contest
A personal appeal of this kind was rathoi
narrow. This strange battle ground was
however , deliberately chosen , and it is ab
surd for any ono to deny that the do feat ol
the ministerial forces Is a political event
pf the very first magnitude. I1
will give to the Gladstonlans u now cnurg :
in fighting for the vacancies to which I re
fcrrod laat week : It is likely that they wll
succeed In illllng- that also , so I am ussurec
by fie people on the spot.
What are wo to conclude from this ! Tim
the tide Is turning in favor of Gladstone'
homo rule scliomo , or that the ministry 1
losing jwpularltyl It may bo that there Is i
little Icuvcn of both at work. People an
getting to bollpvo that Gladstone would , if In
had another chance , bring In a different ser
of bill , free from objections. It has ma 1
them nt leant think that boiaethlng must b
dyne for Irpjand moro than has been done
Now , conservatives huvo made up thel
minds nut to do anything thin session at an ,
ritu On that account , | to a great extent
thot > o liberals who abstained from voting n
the last election uri > returning to their ol
nllflflancc. Prominent dissenting liberals re
main where they wore , but the absentee
ore coming back and nro voting straight
That la'tlio meaning of the Kensington elc <
tion , and it is by fur the most lmj > ortaii
political phenomenon of the hour. In ever
rouitlu.eney numbers of liberals who wo > il
be } vote t the ! ut two general election
have got over their soreness nnd once more
will have to bo reckoned with. The Inevita
ble result must bo that a good many scats
will change hands before nil is over. You
will see the effect of the Kensington election
next week , in parliament for the attorney
general and the Times. Loud nnd flcrca will
sound the battle cries towards Thursday.
Thcro Is to bo no pence this session for the
ministry. The Gladstonlans are determined
to have the scalps of Webster and Walter.
I will endeavor to Itcop nn accurate list for
you of the killed and wounded.
A MnMiinn OF
nuEwiaunas POU SALK.
Moro In tlio Market Thnn Can Find
fCopi/rfo'il ' ldS3tiuJimM Qonlnn ntnnttt. ]
LONDON' , March 10. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tnn HER. ] Mr. Samuel
Untcrracyor , of New York , who has just
successfully negotiated the Frank Jones
Brewing company's shares through Sir Samuel -
uol Scott & Co. , who issued Bass & Co.'s.
was scon last night by a Herald correspon
dent. Ho said : "This Jones brewery Is not
a party to any trust in breweries , but nn in
dependent transaction. All this talk ono
sees In American papers about trusts on the
part of Englishmen to control the breweries
of America is such wild nonsense it is In-
crcdiblo to English capitalists that Americans
believe it"
"About seven 01 eight months ago a Now
York brewery company was organized in
London to buy part of the shares of two
American breweries. The shares were of-
forrcd for public subscription but English
people did not seem to have much confidence
in the enterprise and nearly all the subscrip
tions that did not coma from the United
States came from Dublin , Cork , Belfast
nnd other cities In Ireland. The shares
where bought by small shop keepers
in Ireland in many instances
in lots of 10 each. The Irish seemed to have
moro confidence in American sureties and
the sharonolders in that company who were
not Americans wcro Irish. These are the
only American breweries thus far sold abroad
and in each case the owners retain n largo
Interest. The Idea that any syndicate of
capitalists Is engaged buying up breweries
which has been circulated by n lot of Irro-
sponslb'lo brokers representing uo ono is
absurd. All the capitalists do is to offer the
property to the public. They don't want any
brewery's shares.
"Since I have been hero fifty American
breweries have boon offered to various houses
with which I am associated. Most of them
nro from Chicago and the west. Chicago
seems to bo the most diligent in efforts to sell
Its breweries. I know at least seven breweries
there that have been hawked about this
market. In many instances brokers from
America offer property hero without the
knowledge or consent of owners. I know
this has repeatedly been done in respect to
breweries in New York , St. Louis and Mil
waukee. These offers are accompanied by
the most extravagant statements as to their
assets nnd prospects , and in a few instances
I know brokers to go so far as to secure the
sending of English exports to examine ac
counts without securing customers for tlio
properties. I have been , often asked why '
the enterprises are not floated In America.
The answer is Americans are yet a largo in-
como-loving class , most of whom arc well-to-
do , have their money Invested in enterprises
in which they nro engaged.
"Again wo have no recognized medium of
reaching the public , such as in Europe. In
our country no onn would dream of looking
in the papers for investments , nnd
besides that wo have no limited
llubility act , such as protects
Investors who subscnbo to tbo capital upon
the faith of a statement contained in a pros
pectus. I hope wo will soon come to that
pass for I regard industrial enterprise as ono
of the safest and most lucrative forms of in
vestment. It is simply the carrying out of
co-operative plan. In London , for instance ,
the capital of a company that furnishes
bread to the greatest part of the city is di
vided among the middle classes in shares of
1 each. In that way the consumer gets
back by way of dividend part of his payment
for bread. I see by the papers' n great many
breweries are availing themselves of the
present fever to disclaim in very loud terms
their Intentions of selling , and prominent
among I sco many who tried to soil and
failed. _
An Insurance Fight.
ST. JosiU'it , Mo , , March 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Sue. ] The insurance
companies of St. Joseph have expelled the
Phoenix , of Brooklyn , from the local com
pact for permitting an agent nt Omaha to
write an insurance policy in St. Joseph on
the grain elevator belonging to Gregg Bros. ,
and located on the south side of the city.
The policy was written for 510,000 , and cut
the agents hero , James Hull & Co. , out of
the commission. The special agent was In
the city yesterday trying to adjust matters ,
but failed , ns the board of underwriters ,
after considering the matter , decided to sus
pend the company from the compact. It is
thought by the different agents that the com
pany can be prohloltcd from doing any busi
ness in St. Joseph In the board , but cannot
bo prohibited from writing insurance at their
own board rate , which are nearly always
lower than the board rate.
Conferring Witli the Commission ,
WASHINGTON' , March 1C , In response to a
of the Intor-stato commission
request - con
tained in the circular letter of March 8 ,
representatives of the railway carriers com
prising the Trunic Line association appeared
before the commission to-day for tbo pur
pose of showing what tholr respective export
ratoj are , and explaining the manner of mak
ing them. Messrs. Sergeant of the Grand
Trunk , Laying of the West Shorn , Joyce of
the Pennsylvania , Lodyard o. ' the Michigan
Central , Fell of the Lackaxvanna , and Hop
kins of the Wauash Western were heard.
Nothing startling or new In regard to the
divisions of rates or cutting thereof was
learned from the testimony , and the conference
ence- adjourned until Monday ,
A Cnfin of Criminal Cureles'.noNH.
( jur.r.xsnUKO , Pa. , March 10. James Irwin ,
superintendent of thu Car'nogio gas ling , was
this evening arrested charged with murder.
This afternoon Irwin turned on gun on the
line in the neighborhood of Harrison city
without , It Is alleged , notifying the work-
moil on the line. The extremely high press
ure burst a plpo where half a doicn Jnen
wcro at work , nnd a portion of the pipe
struck ono , hilling him Instantly. Another
workman was seriously injured. Irwin
claims that the ga was turned on by acci
Clttrk Decline H the Chairmanship.
CHICAGO , March 10.--r'raak B. Clark ,
trafllc manager of the Oumha road , declined
to-d.iy to accept the chairmanship of the
Trans-MlssDuri association. The genera
managers canvassed a number of olhei
imm''s , and finally decided to offer the po
sillon to J. S. Leeds , of the t runs-contlnenta
association , M. L. Sargent , of tlio Kmisn1
City Fort Scott ft Memphis , was olcctiM
rary cr-uruun ! , pending Lced's answer
Detailed Advicoa of Recent Events
on the Islands. . .
1 "
The Germans Maintaining a State
of Dignified Inactivity.
And Military Occupation of Apia
Exists Only in Name.
Whllo nintnnfn , Safely Intrenched ,
Calmly Rejects All Proposals Prom
thn Enemy Pending the Arrival
of Admiral Klmborly.
The Germans I/CBS Arrogant.
sfO , l > y n'etttrn Associated
APIA , Samoa , Mnrch 2. Per steamer
Zcnlandla , San Frnncisco , March 10. Dur
ing the past month the German authorities ,
both consular and naval , have maintained a
state of inactivity. This state of affairs
dates buck to the arrival of the steamer
" \Vninui with dispatches for the Gorman con
sul on January 23mid no doubt Is the result of
orders then received. The declaration of a
state of wnr In the Samoan Islands has be
come a dead letter , whllo military oc
cupation of Apia , which the declara
tion of martial law would seem
to have Implied , has no existence save the
maintenances of a strong guard at the Gor
man consulate. The guard Is still kept up
at the American and English consulates.
The German consul has made repeated
avcrturcs to Mataafn looking toward an ad-
ustmcnt of the quarrel and a conclusion of
peace ; but the terms proposed always em
bodied a strong Gorman Interest in the
'uturc administration of affairs , to which
slataafa declares ho will under no circum-
itanee consent. Ho stays entrenched in
camp and 'awaits the arrival of Admiral
limbcrly , having full faith In the support of
.ho United States. Tnmascse , with forces
nsw reduced by desertions to about six hun
dred warriors , still occupies a largo fort at
jUtuannu. There has been no collision bo-
Aveen the opposing forces for a long time.
On February S a small skirmish occurred , In
which one of Tamascsb's strongest support
ers , a high chief from Savoy , was killed. On
February 3 the English wnr vessel HoyalCap-
tain Handek , was relieved by II. M. S. Cal-
lope , Captain Kane , much to the satisfaction
of the English residents and consul. Not
only the English residents in Samoa , but the
Now Zealand press ns well , severely ccnsuro
aptaln Hand for his dilatory and lukewarm
actions during the recent troubles. Early in
the month Captain Fritz announced that the
American and English consular courts were
considered by him as open for a hearing of
causes , despite his proclamation of martial
law , reserving for himself , however ,
administration of police. This , by
acknowledging the ability of these
courts to perform their civil functlo undis
turbed , virtually abrogates the necessity for
the establishment of martial law and gives a
rather forcible aspect to that arbitrary act
on the part of the German commander.
Another fact proving that the Germans
recognized their original stand to be un
tenable Is found in the reissue of thn Samoan
Times , the English newspaper which was
suspended by the German consul as a dan
gerous organ. The reappearance of the paper
was without permission , but no comment
has been made on it by the .German consul.
On February 5 the steamer Lebock left
hero for Sydney , carrying with her Bran-
dels , the premier of Tamaseso , who for a
long thno has been' concerned in the trouble.
It is rumored that ho has been ordered homo
to explain his conduct. Tlio Gorman war
vessel Ebor , which was sent to Auckland ,
ostensibly to communicate with Ucrlln , has
returned : The dispatches which she un
doubtcdly brjught , but the tenor of which Is
unknown , have not chanced the condition of
affairs. The United States steamer Van
dalia arrived on February 23. The arrival
of the flagship Trenton was anxiously
awaited , us it was hoped that Admiral Kim-
borjy's instructions would empower him to
speedily terminate the uncertainty 09 to the
outcome of the struggle.
Mutaafa is Arm in his belief of ultimately
receiving the support of the Unltod States
government , and reiterated his determina
tion to do nothing until the admiral's arrival.
Tamnscso , with a force weakened by deser
tion , has sank into a secondary factor and
indeed has almost entirely disappeared from
the sccno.
Americans and Englishmen still accuse the
German officials of intercepting their mall
matter and reading the contents for informa
tion of their government. It is thought that
hereafter ono American man-of-war will meet
the mail steamer at Tutullln.
The American bark Constitution arrived
at Apia on February 2. The United States
ship Nipslc had gene to Tultilln , and on the
arrival of the Constitution in port , a boat's
crew from'tho Gorman corvette Olga came
alongside , demanded papers , and announced
an Intention to search the vessel for contra
band material. Captain Colley , of the Con
stitution , had only eight men aboard , but
Informed the Germans that the Constitution
was an American ship and that
if they attempted to board
her they would bo fired upon. After some
parleying the Gormuns withdrew. The Con
stitution was driven upon a roaf and
wrecked during a severe gale a low days
later , and the crow of the Olga , which ship
was lying close by , tendered no assistance1
lloats from the Nipslc , which was a mlla
away , rescued the croiv of the Constitution ,
Cnrvcr Wins by n Scratch ,
CINCINNATI , O. , Mnrch 10. The shooting
match between William F. Carver , the worh
renowned all-around shot , and Albert Han
die , of Cincinnati , for $250 osldo under the
Harllncton rules at 100 llvo birds , ground
traps , occurred tills afternoon. Score- : Dan
die 90 , Carver 01.
Preparing I'"or the Ueghtta.
CHICAGO , March 10. The executive com
uilttco of the Mississippi Valley Amatcui
Howlng association met hero this afternoon ,
The Salt Lake Rowing club , of Salt Luke
City , Utah , was admitted to the association ,
and a committee upK | > Intcd to arrange foi
the next annual regatta.
HarrlMHi'ti New Pupnr.
CANOJOIIOUIK , N , V. , March 10. Hussell
1) , Harrison , bon nf the president , has pur
chased an Interest in Frank Leslie's Weeklj
iroiuV. . J. Arkcll , of the Judge.
Missouri Produce * tx _ Fiend nnd Jiulgo
Iiynoli Kcopa'JJftndB OPT.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Mnrch 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BF.C.1 Katie Mound , eight
years old , the daughter "off ' respectable and
well-to-do people , living In'tho south part of
the city'was brutally outraged yesterday
evening near her homo and will probably
dlo. The lacerations arol vcry > eop and the
details as told by the girl arc 'disgusting nnd
revolting in tlio extremal ; She managed to
crawl to her homo and gnvo n mlnnto de
scription of her assailant *
At midnight the polloo-nrrostcd Robert
Moore , UVenty-two ycnrsibf ngo , and took
him to the Mound homo.'The ' girl identified
him nt once , ns did'her eleven-year-old
brother who saw him ctHIco his sister away ,
Moore claims to bo able 'to * prove nn nllbl.
This morning the grand fury returned nn in
dictment against him and ho will bo tried at
onco. Excltomcnt Is running high and if the
girl should dlo ho certainly' will bo lynched.
The outrage was peculiarly horrible and
brutal In its character. Moore is a bad case.
Ho has frequently bcon arrested as a vagrant
and fined. * y
Thn Confederate Home. .
NEW Yoiuc , Maroh lO. The citizens com
mittee to aid the confederate soldiers' homo
at Austin , to-day received a latter from Ad
miral Porter , in which ho says : "Tho con
federate veterans nro , ( yore , our fellow
countrymen , and in regard to the hostile feel
ing between the northern and southern sol
diers , the latter have long since forgotten It.
Out of the connect sprang ' 4inany good quail-
tics which wo might otherwise never have
possessed humanity , sympathy and
magnanimous feelings' * tor these
who warred against the union. The
north is full of prosperity , and the
south , under the now order of things , is rapIdly -
Idly following in her footsteps. The stars
shlno brightly for us all , and , having secured
the perpetuation of the union , it behooves us
of the north to nssist tb.oso who ar6 now
overwhelmed with adversity. Tills is the
best wav to make a united country. There
should bo no north , no south , but ono nation ,
over which the stars and'strlpcs ' should wave
"orover. " ,
Colonel Robert Ingcrsoll will deliver n lee-
; uro in aid of the fund I at the Academy of
Music on March " 5. \
* -T =
The Samonn. Commission.
WILMINGTON , Del. , March 10. Gcorgo H.
Bates returned from Washington to-day ,
whither ho wont yesterday in response to an
invitation from the stale department ro-
icived before he knew qfjiis appointment as
commissioner to the Berlin conforcnco on
Samoan affairs. To an Associated Press re
porter ho said : 4
'I had an Interview with Secretary Blalno ,
and I learned that the appointment should
have been made without any previous
consultation with .any . of the gen
tlemen named. In ) advance of
action by the senate oUxny appointment , 1
am unable to say anything more about it. I
do not know when the conference will meet ,
but when it does meet no matter who the
American commissioner'may ) be , I have no
doubt the subject wlllf bo approached In a
spirit which will lead to < a settlement of all
Questions at Issue. vOf.tcourso. everybody
who is concerned will } have the strongest
motives to bring about W conclusion satisfac
tory to all. " ' . jpftreV'- " " * ' ' " * * " * * "
The Court Insulted.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Marqh 10. [ Special Tele-
ram to TUB BEE. ] To-day John N. Willman
was tried on the charge of selling diseased
meat to his customers } In this city and ac
quitted. At the close of the trial and before
court adjourned , W. E&Shcrwood. prosccut-
ingattornoy , told W. F Davis , the live stock
commission man who sold the diseased meat
to Willman , that ho ( Davis ) ought to have
been the defendant In , the case , whereupon
Davis knocked Shcrwo'pd down. The attor
ney got upon his feet and proceeded to knock
Davis down and to blqW both his eyes. At
this point the fight was stopped. The court
fined Davis KO which ho paid. Sherwood is
a leading lawyer at this bar , and Davis is a
man of considerable wealth and standing in
this community. ' (
Will Probably End In n Duel.
PAIUS , March 10. There was an exciting
sccno In the chamber o'f deputies to-day. La-
guerre , of the Patriotic league , uiadn a
speech attacking ConJtans , minister of the
interior , whom ho accused of having en
gaged in a doubtful transaction while acting
as president of a financial concern in 168S ,
and ended by calling him a fraudulent min
ister. The speech created a tumult in the
chamber , nnd the speaker formally censured
Lagucrro for his utterances. Constans
made an Indignant denial of the charges. '
A Negro Colonization Scheme.
RtLCiaii , N , C. , March 16. The negro ex
odus from this statoy , in about to take the
form of colonization of the negroes in Ar
kansas. . The negroes are holding mass
meetings almost nightly , and negro orators
and preachers aro1 urging them to colonize.
A circular was issued,1 to-day calling a moot
ing to organize the "North Carolina Emigra
tion Association" for5tho purpose of securing
organised act Ion toward colonlzlngnll negroes
in the state of Arkansas , where" they are of <
fcrcd lands for a trifle.
Chicago Mayoralty Nominations.
CHICAGO , March ldf-Tho ; ropubl leans to
day rcnomlnatcd Mayor Roche.
The democrats this afternoon nominated
for mayor , Dowitt C. } Crelger , Carter Harri
son's old commissioner of public works , anil
later' superintendent b'f West Side strcoi
railway system. ( Bombard Rocsing , c
wealthy brewer , wa nominated for trcas
urcr. The labor party has nominated Sam.
uol E. Gross , a "cbeao homo" .real cstati
dealer. f { \
The MnhilhtH Defeated.
CAIHO , March 18 , 'A { messenger who ar
rived at AVaday Hiilf'a. reports that a battli
between the followers of Senoussi and tin
MahJUts lias takcrl-\ > lace at Slnan , to tin
southwest of Bard , nnd that the former was
victorious. Both sWt * suffered heavy losses
Among the killed wcro 4wo Mahdist chiefs
Hrijnnl to thb' tliidllliin Disaster ,
PiTTsnuuo , March Ifit The trial of rallwa.i
men charged with * criminal negligence li
causing the accidental Mud Hun , by whlcl
sixty-one lives wcro lo'st .last October , cndci
to-day In the aijuittal of Engineer Cook am
Flagman Hannlga i * The vubliu condcnii
the jury. >
7hoy Must flpncmnce Hoiilan cr.
PAUIS , March | 0.The Sotr asserts Urn
the government. tpsjTwuriicd certain wealth ;
foreigners residing In Franco who aroknowi
to have assisted ' .General . Boulanger In i
financial way tlfut they will bo cxpcllci
irom the couutryiunlcss they stop aupplylni
him with funds. '
A Vn'.UjUllo Silver Mini.
HUI.BXA , Mjiirf. , March 10. , Largo bodin :
of high gradt ) carbonate .silver ores luivi
been discovered In the Kllesor. district
thirty miles west of HeJenu. The find i
considered very iaiportant in mining citulrs
and is thought to bo as extensive as these o
the Leadville ores.
The Most Notable Being That of the
Fiery Boulangor.
They Opou War Upon the Loaders
of the Loaguo.
An Attempt to Reach the Great
Agitator and Crush Him.
Manifestly For the Purpose of Allow
ing the MlniHtry to Con I In uo
the Vigorous Fight
Now Opened.
The New In Pans.
[ CopiirtyM 1830 bu Jnmc ? ( lordon HcimeM.1
PAIUS , March. 10. [ Now York Herald
able Special to Tun BKE. ] The chamber
of deputies and the senate simultaneously
authorized the prosecution of Lnguorro ,
inlsnlnt , Turquot and Nuquct. Legal pro
ceedings against the leaders of the LIguo dcs
Patriotcs have boon Instituted without delay.
The prosecution nnd action of the govern
ment nro dlversly appreciated by the Paris
ircss. Boulangist organs have lssuo-1 a
strong protest in which a certain amount of
anxiety Is apparent. This , however , was to
bo oxpectcd nnd was only natural under the
Among that portion of the press whoso
position is sufficiently indopondonj ; to allow
, hem to discuss the measure impartially two
currents of opinion have manifested them
selves. On ono hand It is argued that the pro
ceedings Instituted against the liquc are not
suftlclcntly authorized by existing laws. On
the other hand it is asserted that the inop-
lortuno and Impolitic article 201 of the coda
ind these that follow relating to illegal as
sociations have long been a dead letter.
There are , at the present time , numerous
associations in Franco that have not boon
authorized. It is therefore manifestly unjust
n n certain sense to proceed against an as
sociation that has a right to expect equal
tolerance with others.
To this it may bo added that the decrees of
[ 843 on the subject of secret societies cannot
DO applied in the present case lor tlio reason
that the Liguo dcs Patriotes always existed
) penly , and far from being a secret organiza
tion always made enough noisoto make itself
nnd purposes known to everybody. Besides ,
such persecutions , politically speaking , often
defeat tbo end of those who order them.
They have in view universal suffrage and
cun novcr be intimidatedpr _ .turned aside by
Ijras ntlons.'bf.ftUia , sort "On the "contrary ,
the Vigorous law that may bo directed against
the Liguo dos'Patrlotcs nnd the leaders of
Lhe. Boulangist party may only have the of-
tcctof drawing the sympathies of the public
byenabling * them to poise as victims of un-
Whllo most conso-vativo organs nro ex
pressing themselves in this sense , many of
the republican ] o urn air are of the diametri
cally contrary opinion. They give unqualified
approval to the line of conduct the govern
ment is pursuing , nnd point out that the ar
ticles of the code under which the
prosecution Is to bo instituted have
never been repealed. They insist
that existing circumstances authorize their
application for the purpose of defending re
publican institutions. According to these
who hold this opinion the Liguo dos Datriotes
has repeatedly shown Itself ready to go to
any length , oven to resort to violence , It
has an army of moro than twenty thousand
men , which it has been organizing itnolf.
Paris i ? ready to rise nt the first signal. The
government cannot allow such an organiza
tion to exist without imperilling its own ex
istence. From a political standpoint , the
measures of the government may bo re
garded as the commencement of a moro gen
eral nnd detcrn&ned action. The Judicial
proceedings that have b on commenced have
been partof the object of collecting evidence
on which may bo founded un indictment
acralnst Boulangor and the leaders of the
Boulangist party , to bo tried by the senate
sitting at a high court of Justico. Such n
plan attributed to the ministry looks much
ns though there existed a * tacit understand
ing between the cabinet and a majority of
the chamber that the ministry bo spared all
parliamentary annoyance and allowed to con
tinue In power , In order that it may , during
the few months that intervene between cow
and the elections , apply onorgutio , not to say
violent , measures against the Bimlanglst
party , and against its chiefs , including the
brave general himself.
A Combination That Means Death to
Small Mine Owncr.s.
CHICAGO , March 10. Ono of the largest
holders and dealers in minim ? nnd railway
stocks in the northwest , who says ho has
been acquainted with the preliminary de
tails of the proposed steel mill combination ,
was scon by a reporter this evening. Will :
the stipulation that his nanio should not be
used , ho made EOIIIO statements that go to
show whether the association may or may
not be properly called a trust. It Is a com
bination that may mean death to amall mine
owners In the northwest. Ho said that quite
recently the Minnesota Iron company anil
the Dulnth Iron Range railroad wcro sold to
n largo pool headed by H. H , Porter , ol
Chicago. The entire property is now con
trolled and managed by tills syndicate
of which Porter is the leading spirit
The Minnesota company was last year the
largest shipper nnd producer of iron ere in
the Lake Superior region. The point to al !
thin , , ho said , is that thn principal ccisuacra
nf iron ere in tlio west have now combined
under or.o management In tills combination.
What have been conflicting interests heretofore -
fore nro unw harmonized , nnd the Mir.ncsot :
company has a certain market for its pro
duels. The sunply can bo adjusted to thn
varrylng demands of the new association.
The outlook for smalt miners is iiot at at
bright , and the new combination may drlvo
ninny of them to the wall ,
1'iolillm nchukml at the Poll" ,
COXCOIIH , N. II. , March ! ) , ' 'on.'letc | vo
turns from all but one place show all the
constitutional amendments adopted exccp
lha. prohibitory amendment and that striking
the word "I'roi'jsiant'1 from the bill o
Tln >
For Nebraska , unit Pa.tou-iViIr
warmer , southeasterly winds.
The Hoys Knocked Skysornpcrn nnd
the Britishers Wcro UollKhtciI.
[ Cop/rf07it | JSSJ by James ( Jordan Ittnnttl. ]
LONDON , March 10. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tuts Br.n.J The Chicago
md All-America teams played tholr farewell
Condon game yesterday on the oval of the
2ssox County Cricket club at Loyton , which
s about llvo miles from the metropolis.
There was n splendid audience to greet the
earns. The grounds wcro crowded with bo-
ween 7.000 nnd 8,000 people. The weather
vas cool , but desplto this discouraging cir-
iumstanco there were nearly ono thousand
ttdios in the nudlonco. Among the spoctn-
ors were Sir H. J. Seburyn Ibbotson , nnd
Mr , Theobald , members of parliament ,
and many members of the Essex
bounty Cricket club and tholr
adics. The trains from the Liverpool street
tatlou to Loyton Avcro crowded with people
rom 2 to 4 o'clock who wcro on tholr way to
ho game. Tlio gnmo was a one-sided affuir
nftcr the third Inning. In the fourth ,
Chicago by stiff batting pllod up six runs
and had the game won from that thno out.
Crnno kept putting slow balls over the pinto ,
vhleh worked his support so hard that Han-
on , who was determined on winning the
gnmo "kicked , " out Crnno refused
.o . incrc.iso his speed , and Chicago batted
out her victory. Crane's failure to pitch his
game , however , did not spoil the fun for the
ipcctators. Tlioy evidently liked the heavy
mttlng , to Judge from the applause they bo-
towed upon every whack , and wcro loud In
heir expressions of pralso of the lovely
loldlng It necessitated. Chicago failed to
jet a man further than second in the first In-
ling , but scored two runs In the second on
Burn's hit , nnd again in the sixth'tho "colts"
jot In tholr worK , pounding Crane for a
loine-run nnd five singles and a threo-bag-
ror , and hanging six runs on the
ilackboard. That was great fun for
ho crowd , who were enthusiastic
over the heavy cannonading and pretty base
running. With this lead Chicago ceased her
efforts , but Sullivan's three baggor nnd
'felffer's double netted another run In the
sixth , while Ryan's homo run , hit with Burns
ou second , brought in two moro runs in the
ovcnth , and singles by Anson and Pfoffor
n the eighth , posted the twelfth run of the
The All Americas started out the better ,
lanlbn led off with u single past short. Fo-
jarty nnd Brown rapped out two moro.
Then Carroll reached first in the play which
ctlrcd Hanlons at the plate , and Woods
rattling double to loft , sent Fogarty , Urown
and Carroll homo. This was slick work In
earnest and tickled the crowd Into loud huz
zas , When the Chicagos began to bat Crane ,
lowever , the All Americas seemed to lese
icart and the run getting thereafter was
very scant.
Crane said afterward that ho was saving
limself for the long distance throwing con
test , which was to occur after the game.
After the conclusion of the , name Crane waste
to have entered the long distance throwing
contest with G. B. Banner , the champion of
Australia , but Bonnor was sick , so Crane
gave an exhibition , and .throw a base bal 124
yards and two feet , -aud'-n crickut ball 110
yards and "four .Inches. - . , % ' ,
'Tho teams rest't6"day7nnd"attcnd"tho ser
vice at the Westminster Abboy. They leave
XD-morrow morning on the tour of England
and Scotland , in n special train composed of
, wo sleeping cars , n dining car , two sa-
.oon cars and two baggage vans.
This is the queen's tram , with
Lho exception of her own palvato car. Noth
ing approaching this turnout has ever been
attempted in England by any other athletic-
organization. Through the efforts of Stam
ford Parry and the courtesy of the London
& Northwestern railway , the train will bo
drawn by the engine Marmlon , of the famous
West Coast Flyer trnliu with n record of
seventy two miles nn hour. The party win
live on the train until they sail for Belfast.
They play to-morrow afternoon in Birming
Summary of the game at Lcyton , near
London , March 10 , 1SSO :
Chicago 12 , AH America 0.
Earned runs All America 8 , Chicago 7.
First base on errors All America : J , Chicago -
cage 4.
Left on bases All America 4 , Chicago 5.
Total Oaso hits All America 13 , Chicago
cage 2S.
Two-base hits Pfclffcr and Wood.
Threo-basa hits Sullivan 2 , Pfolffor and
Homo runs Ryan and Daly.
First base on balls Off Baldwin 4 , off
Crane 0. -
Stolen bases Hanlon , Fogarty , Wood ,
Ryan , Sullivan 5 , Pfoiffcr , Daly.
Hit by pitched ball None.
First base on illegal delivery 0 ,
Struck out By Baldwin 1 , Crane 0.
Double plays Anson , Pfeltlor and Hy.iu.
Passed balls Daly 2 , Earlo 1.
Wild pitches Baldwin 2 , Crane 2.
All America. . . . ! ) 7
Chicago 0 2 0 .0 0 1 2 1 * 12
AII. it. mi. si : . i'o. A. v.
Hnnion , of
Fogarty , Ifiss. , . . 5 1 1 n 2 1 0
Brown , rf
Carrel ) , Ib
Wood , b a 1 2 1 3 0 0
Hcaloy ,
Manning , lib
Earlc , c
Crane , p
Totals a ? a o a 24 IT n
An. H. mi. sii. ) ( > . A. i : .
Ryan , ss ( i 2 2 1 0 7 1
Pcttlt , rf ( i 1 1 0 1 0 0
Sullivan , If 6 2 a 2 1 0 0
Anson , Ib la M 0
Pfeffcr , 2b
Tetter , cf. 5 0 0 0 a 0 1
Baldwin , p 5 1 1 0 1 2 ( J
Totals 47 12 15 5 27 10 2
Time of inino ; "ill ) . Attetulaiwo 7,7j'J.
.U t OlH ! 1C8IICI.
Mr. CAUMIJL , Pa. , March 10. Peter
NcarslialHki , the last of the six imprisoned
minors , after fifty hours' imprisonment In
thu Black Diamond colliery , was hoisted to
tlio surface this afternoon. Ills appearance
was the signal for cheering by thousands.
His Injuries nre chiefly from nervous pros
tration , anil nro nol sorlous.
The I'nlrlntlu I/cnKii < ! .
PATHS , Marci 10. The police hava made
further searches of the residences of mom-
bcrs of tlio Patriotic league. It is reported
that they seized papers showing that u plot
had been matured for a descent by the mem
bers of thu league upon thu Palais Bourbon ,
whfru the sessions of the legislative cham
bers are held , and the Klysac , the residence
of the president.
lU'ocnt Jloml
\V.Miii.s'rroN ; ( , March 1C. The totul amount
of bonds purchased to ( Into under the dimilui
ol A ; rll 17 U ei-JS.'Jr.V.C'J ' , of which ? riil7 ) ; , .
awyoro 4 per cents and ? MSS JM , ( ! were 4'j
per cents , Tim total cost of thcso ooniV
wr. SnVJlVKK ) . of which ? * VJ' > , > 0 was
paid for 4 per rents aim $60,20U,0'J1 wcro 4 ; ;
per touts.
The Rolohstaff Still StrueRllnff With
Socialistic Problems.
Ho Can See No Nooosalty for In-
the Military Hatlmatoa.
Germans Confident of an Amlcablo
Adjustment of Samoau Troubles.
! onsldcraulc Discord ISxIatlnjc Bo
twooti the Chancellor nml His Col
leagues Servian Affairs Ilnii *
died in n Gingerly Mniinor.
The SoclnllsiH Protesting.
Copurtglit tEH ) t > u iftw I'orlc Atsoctatc < l TYwn.1
KIIUX , March 10. Tito Uclehstag has I
> con occupied with n dlicusblon of the au-i1
lual government report on the application of' '
ho socialist laws. The dabato has boon cou-
Incd to protests from social democrats. Ilorr
Schroder , progressist , expressed surprise
hut the government made no reply , and nn-
lounccd that his party would continue to op-
lose exceptional laws. Herr Mayor said that
ho national liberals had entered into no for-
nal engagement us to future socialist legla-
At Friday's sitting Dr. Wlndthorst com-
ilalncd of the continual demand for money
or military purposes. The estimates were
finally referred to a committee of twcnty-
DIIO , notwithstanding Herr Ulchtor'a cm-
tliatic declaration that the house ought first
o determine the sums to bo granted.
In receiving the central commitloo of the
United Trades guild to-day , Emperor Wll
lam declared that the solo object of his Eu
ropean tour was to maintain poacc , the only
means by which trade could prosper. llo beloved -
loved that ho had ensured this result for
. ears to come.
The Samoan conference Is not expected to
ircsont formidable dillicultlcs. Slight doubts
nro expressed ns to tlio attitude of America ,
mt the German government will do its ut-
nest to prevent friction , nt the same tiuio
maintaining Germany's full right to deal
with the Snnoan robals. Confidences is felt
tore that the peaceful disposition of all the
hrcc powers will render an agreement cosy.
iismarck ism now.iy inclined , in the present ,
state of European affairs , to bo drawn into
tolonial disputes.
The Vossischo Zeitung says : "It is to bo
regretted that the irruotlon beyond the ocean
has reached Its present extent und bitterness ,
and it is in a largo degree owing to the fault i
of the Gorman ofllcials. But U flies beyond
rcasonub'o expectation that' the conference
will lead'to any'bttior coi\cluif6n than'that
ihere hus boon a great deal of unnecessary
heat imported into the dispute. >
' 'In addition to the
now income tax , which
Is said to bo the subject of dissension bo- ,
; wcen Prince Bismarck and his colleagues ,
Minister Von Gosslcr disagrees with the
chancellor on the question of the state grant
ing financial support to the clorgy. The subject
ject of discord between Minister Von Scholtz
nnd Prince Bismarck is the currency ques
tion. The former ad vacates a gold currency ,
whllo the latter favors bimetallism. An
incident which 'occurred at the
last meeting of the provincial
council of Dauzlc would indicate a slight
difference between 'no chancellor and Minister -
tor Von Puttkamcr. Members of the coun
cil reproached the brother of the latter for
the wholesale expulsion of Poles which ho
had ordered. Minister Von Puttkumer , in
defending his brother , said that ho deplored
the consequences of the expulsion "on
economic grounds , but that ho was overruled
by Prince Bismarck , who considered political
Interests of greater importance. Th'o Tago-
blatt remarks that , in view of the Incident ,
people will not bo disposed to place much
confidence In ministerial declaration.
The odlclul newspapers carefully abstain
from comment on Servian affair * . It is re
ported that the government intends to recall
Count Von Bray from Belgrade , his intimacy
with Milan making him unwelcome to the
present radical government of Sorvla.
Austria will also bo obliged to recall Dr.
Hciifrclmullcr for the same reason.
Advices from St. Petersburg nro that the
czar has anvlsod ox-Quean Natalia not to
return to Sorvla. but to arrange for period
ical visits from her son at Odessa.
The Cologne Gazette comments upon the
marltod friendliness of the reception ac
corded to Prince Nicholas , of Nassau , In
royal circles during his visit to Berlin as a
favorable sign of the good relations botwcon
the house of Nassau and the Berlin court.
Emperor William has accepted an invita
tion to dine with Sir Edward Malot. who re
turned to-day , at the English embassy at the
end of next week.
The Priuco of Wales Is expected In Berlin
at Easter. Ho will puss a day tit Darmstadt
on route.
The Paris crisis nnd Servian affairs had a
depressing effect on the bourse throughout
the wnck. Only an nbumlunca of cheap
money prevented a stampodo. The fovv In *
vc.itors having an Interest in copper ulf.ilrH
appear to have withdrawn in good time , but
the heavy sales by Pans speculators doj
pressed prices , except in the case of Russian
Tito Mothur Tr | M Vainly to Bnvo IIor
Child Front Death.
ICANhxH CITV , Mo , , Mnrch jJ. ( ISpoclal
Telegram to Tim But : . | At 'J o'clooit this af
ternoon nt the corner of Fifth and Claremont
strcot , on Pcndlcton heights , a fashionable
pcctlon of the city , nn empty wagon was
standing ia n lot und Clara Hunter , n six-
ycnr-old girl , was playing In It , In fioino way
the wagon was started and went ever the
blulf. When the child screamed Mrs. Hun
ter attempted to Atop the vchlcln and was
also carried over the precipice. The wagon ,
girl and Mrs. Hunter were all thrown to ttio
bottom , Rome thirty feet below. The child
was killed outright , and Mm. Hunter was
fatally injured. Mr. Hunter had a very nar.
row escape ,
A Wnli'i-y Watering Plnor- .
ATMXTtoCrnr , N , J. , March 10. It has
bocn many years slnco the tlilo has been as
high hero as it was to-day , Tlio water is
away up among the cottages , and meadows
nro overflowed , Tim storm which has pro.
valU-d on the coast caused high water , ami
for n fovv hours Atlantic ) City wa out oft
from the world west of it by tbo Hooding of
the railroad trucks .vlilch cioss u.o
ows. *