Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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PI ?
Hutchlnson Starts a Hnid and Buys
on the Docllno.
OotH 111 K ( r llcquest niul StroMRcr
Vrovlslons Blow-Cnttlo Dull ,
\Vcnlc and Ijowur HOK'H
o , March 15. [ Special Tclosram to
THE UKB.I Wheat opened steady at about
u J c ( Icollnc , and seemed strong around W5J ,
@WXc ) for Mny nnd Sfljf(387o ( for July.
There wns ruther spirited trndlnR for a time
on this basis , but the market soon began to
look tired. The brilliant weather exerted a
depressing Inllucnco on the uplrlt of the
trader * , and everything looned weak nud
soft. Hutchlnson looked over tlio crowd ,
traded nllttjoon both sides of the market fern
n few minutes , and then turning to tils broker ,
Kytlcr , said In a dlspuptcd tone , so that tinlf
the pit could hear him , "Sell 'cm what they
want. " It wasn't long until May was down
to 05tu ! and .July to 8 JOn the dcollim
tlicro was a rattling small llro of IOIIR wheat
and of speculative ofTermps. Under P.Uj'c
for May Hutuhlnson lurried buyer and
took In over 1,000,000 bushels. Indeed , It
wus freely claimed that Hutchlnson had
started the raid to buy wheat at an advant
age. Some trailers luivo been of the opinion
that for several ( lays several very influential
tiadcnt huvo been more Interested In weaken-
lug the murket to buy on , limn they have
boon to support It to sell on. As the dny ad
vanced this view of the speculative situation
seemed to grow into popular favor , and the
tone of the local market hardened decidedly.
tl'ho changed tone was not strikingly mani
fested until May had broken tolUJftc acounlo
of limes. It then worked up to flojfc and
held flrmly around and above 95'tfc until
nearly 1 o'clock , when It Jumped to We.
July ' was In demand above SO ; < | C. The
close was 95i ( < 9 < io for Mav and & ( } % a
for July. This shown a loss
ns compared with yesterday of Ic
in May and % c In July. The volume of trade
In the pit was not above the normal. The
neW.s was not of a sensational character and
aside from the cables nnd the weather , two
very Influential factors by the way ; it leaned
to bullishness. Neither were the cables and
weather nltogother bearish. There is n
foreign demand for wheat "on deposit" at
the seaboard around the current prices , and
every day brinps reports ot new business.
The clearances of jlour nnd wheat posted to
day aggregate 1 < V3 , )0 ) bushels. Then again.
rompltklnts are coming in of the lack of mois
ture nt many points of the winter wheat ds !
trlcts nnd the need ef rain is frequently men-
tloncd in the country advices. This , how
ever , is not. trun of California , where the
rains are copious. The millers are
picking up good wheat at the Interior
points of accumulation nnd paying
round prices for it. St. Louis advises that
the millers thereabouts nro paying May
prices for No. 2 wheat , and In some cases
nro offering a premium over May for choice
lots. Two country millers took 25,000 bush
els to-day. Tlio millers are also availing
themselves of the decline to buy wheat in a
scattering way nt every winter wheat mar
ket in the west. The spring wheat points ,
too , are sending rather strong dispatches. In
brief , wheat appears to have n good many
friends around the present prices hero nnd
elsewhere , though the bear party insists that
prices in tlio west are yet away out of lino.
The receipts of corn wore 85 cars in excess
of yesterday's estimates , nni S3 per cent of
them were of contract grade. This , with
the brilliant weather , the continuance of
which assures nn early planting season , and
the diminished present consumption , the eai-
icr lorcign markets and the weakness in the
wheat market were all in favor of lower
prices , nnd induced some selllnc of futures
and weakened also the cash demand for the
poorer grades. The trading after the first
few minutes of the session was of the most
meagre description , nnd wholly local in char
acter. There was neither life nor strength
in the limited trade done. Fluctuations were
narrow , and a reduction of J e was estab
lished on the leading futures.
Oats were In fair request nnd stronger.
Tlio opening in May was weak ai25V@&W ! : >
with n subsequent advance of % < < i } etoJ5'c : ,
which was not fully sustained to the close.
Juno was substantially the sumo as May ,
while the other months were dull. Strength
followed an absence of the pressure to sell ,
and some operators that sold yesterday were
to-day buyers. The Interest Is gradually
extending Into the longer futures. For No.
a regular cash oats 2 l e was bid , but there
was notnlng of consequence offered nor were
there any withdrawals from store posted.
Provisions were again slow. Less In
terest , if anything , was shown than yester
day , and the business transacted was not
only under the ordinary volume , but failed
to exhibit a single noticeable feature. Trade
in fact appeared to have little or no attrac
tion , and consequently values covered a nar
row rangu In their Iluctuatloiis. In pork the
changes experienced were only 15o and in
lard nud short ribs 5o. In a general way the
market favored the buying clement , though
as the demand was too light to encourage
HclHng no serious , break occurred. The
prices for the speculative lines ut the close
were barely 2xQ5o lower than yesterday's
final figures. _
CHICAGO , March 15. | Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ) CATTLE Thu market was
dull , weak and lower. The vim-of yester
day's market was all lost and more too.
Heavy cuttlo were especially neglected ,
there being no export demand and very little
shipping demand. Onoload of fancy cattle
Bold at the outside price of $4.05. Some sultM
of cattle lute in the day were 10@15o lower
nnd a clearance was not made. Only 13,800
cattle wci'Q ut. all the western markets , bul
the beef channels were all full and the
buyers were figuring on excessive supplies
next week. The Iunn export cattle , 107
head , averaged 1.UI5 Iba this week and
cost $4.11 , against 1,551 Ibs and ? 3.Q3
last week , but the quality this
week was considered lOo bettor than
last. The general market closed lowoi
and the best cattle seemed to suffer most.
Choice beeves , ft.00i-l.5 ( ; ! ; meilum | to peed
steers , 1 50 to 1501) ) Ibs , * 3.50@3.SO ; 1200 to
1350 Ibs. ja.25@.CO : ; 9JO to 1200 Ibs. (3.00 ®
3.40 ; stackers and feeders , $ ' . ' ,00'i.40 ( ; cows
bulls nnd mixed , * 1.60@3.00 ; bulk , iM.OO ®
2.45 ; Texas steers , (2.40 ( 3.00 ; cows. fl.75Ci
2.20.lions Slow nnd 5 ( < § 10o lower , .closing nt
(4. ( > \ > MTO for mixed , with oomo tnlcB na low
usJ-I.GO. A largo number wont over the
cotes In the Northwest division at ? 4.(15 (
Best heavy sold at H.72KQI.75. Light sorts
underwent little or no chungo at l.75@l,05
There was n large number left ut the close
and the general uim-Ket was weak and un-
NF.W YOIIK , March 15 , [ Special Telegram
to TIIK HBB.I STOCKS The opening of tbo
stock market to-day was not unlika its aclloi
on Thursday. The tamper of the room was
bearish , and London was a eellor. There
was souio fovcrUhncss growing out of the
continuous depression of values , whllo there
was but moderate activity. The opening
prices were fractloually lower , with St. Pau
\i per cent off. As the morning advanced
the weakness became more apparent , and
Pullman and Teiincssoo coal lost fully 1 per
cent cuch , and Hock Island and Northern Pa-
cltlo preferred declined Jf per cant. The no-
tlvo stocks of tno morning were St. Paul ,
Northwestern , Heading , Lackawanna , Lake
Shore , Union I'aolllc and Northern Pacllin ,
About 11 o'clock there was loan activity with
more llrnmess , and blight rallies from the
botlom llgurcs. Laier In the dny there was a
second spurt of uctlvllv , accompanied by extreme -
tromo weakness. Now England showed a
loss of l } ( per cent , Hock Island Itf per cent
and Manhatlan a net loss from the opening
of 1 # per cuut. The market becauio heavy ,
nnd prices were about the bottom for the
day. The selling epidemic cintlnued In
stocks to tr.o clouo , The list was generally
depressed. In n few Instances there was a
slight reaction from the bottom figures , but
the success in this direction was very sickly.
The per cent of loss In n part of the list was
ns follou-s : Northwestern4 ; St. Paul , 1H !
Hock Island , 1 ; Chicago , Uurllngton ft
Qulncy. 1 < S ; Pullman , 2 ; Missouri Pacific ,
1 ? ; Northern Pacific preferred , 1 ; Now
England , l > tf ; Manhattan , a f ; Illinois Cen
tral , 1. The toUtl salts were 819,357 shares.
The sales were Northwestern , 23,100 , ; St.
Paul , 27,700 ; Lake bhorc , 12,900 ; Lnckn-
wanna , 20,9.50 ; Heading , 40,200 ; Missouri Pa
cific , 15,700 ; Hurlington , 8.700 ; New Eng
land , 12,000 ; Hock Island , 10,200.
The following wore the clojlni ; quotations !
17. R. 4s regular..Ul > li Northern 1'acinc.
U.S. 4scounons..isi'j ' ( loprefcrreil. ,
- - - - . . . . 107 %
U.S. 4iicotiponi.107i ! do preferred 138
I'acIIlcCsof % il } . . .VJO N.Y. Cent ral HW
Central Pacific. . . . ai IV.D.AK. . . SHi
ChlcapoAlton..m Itoclc Islnml WW
ChlcaRoJIurllngton C. . M. &St. 1' RIM
ft ( Jiilticv. tlopreferred
l.Ij * V . . . . . . . , , . St. Paul * Omaha . 31
Illinois Central..KM doprefcrreJ SI
- - , IIH Unlonl'acillc Cl .
Knnsns ATexas. : . . r..4 W..St. I , , ft I1 VI1 *
IrftkcShoro lOUHi 'o ' preferred.iV
MichiganCoiurnl. . HI Western Union. . . . . M
MIsRotirll'.icillo . . . fft.Ul
MONBT ov Oii.ii- ( < t2J per cent.
PHIMB MnnovNiiLE PAI-EH IJ 30) ) < j per
BTKIIMNO EXCIIVXOR Dull but steady ;
slxty-uay bills , ? l.s5f : uemantl , ; "
CIIICAOO , March 15. Wheat Easier : cash ,
y7-lic ( ; April , 01 7-lilc ; Mny , 05 l.VHio.
Corn Steady ; cash , Ul'a'e ; April , 35o ;
May , . ' . ' ) ? / .
Oats Firm ; cash , 24c ; May , 250-10o.
Hye May , 45c.
Harley NothinK dolne.
Flux No trading.
Whisky-Sl.o:3. :
Porlc Firm ; May , S12.20@12.22M ! July ,
Lanl Firm ; cash , * 0.87Ki May , $0.0.1 ®
Flour Steady.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders. M-SO ® . ' . " " ) ;
short dear , $ ' 5KX(3l ( ( .75 ; short ribs. ttur > $9
13ultcr Quiet ; creamery , 15S20i ( ! ; dairy , 15
Cheese Finn ; full cream chodtlnis ,
( "Site ; ilnts , llll > 4c ; Vountf Americas ,
Epps Easier ; fresh , iftii : ! ( : ) c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
SJi'c ; light preen salted , 5c ; green. 4@H c ;
salted bullS fc ; green salted calf. /aIJ.Jc ( ( ;
dry Hint , 7J Ce Sjo ; green salted kip , 4 ( < t4Kc ;
dry calf , 7f < ? So ; dry salted hides. 7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1. sollu packed ,
4@4 o ; No. 2 , U , @ : Ufu ; cake , 4c. ? .
itecAints. bulDmcnts.
Flour , bbls 8.000 8,000
Wheatbu 53.000 20,000
Corn. DU ISti.OOJ 59,000
Oats , bu ; GI.OOU 09,000
Now York , March 15. Wheat Receipts ,
2,000 ; exports , 1.000 ; apot heavy and quiet ;
No. 2 red , 91Ki3'J'We in elevator , IKl C ®
03Vc afloat , 'JIlJ c f. o. b. ; No. U red , Sic ;
options lower ; March , 91c.
Corn Hoceipts. 711,000 ; exports. 10S.OOO ;
spot dull and JiOJjC lower ; No. 2 , 42 } < J@
4c ! ! in olex'atorlU O Ic alloat ; No. 2
white , 4 Xo ; uiigruded mixed , 40 i@44c ;
options dull anil } B@'SC lower.
Oats Receipts , none : exports , none ;
spot dull nnd lower ; options lirm.March and
April , SO c ; May , SOJg'c ; spot. No. 2 white ,
ai ; < @ 32) c : mixed western , 2lt@3ic. :
ColTee Options opened steady ami closed
steady , anil 20 to 150 points below yester
day ; sales , 73,250 b-igs ; March , S1IS.SO@U > 85 ;
April , $ IO.bO@lll.JO ( ; May. $10.S3@10.U5 : spot
Kio easier ; fair canrocs , $111.00.
Petroleum Quiet and steady : United
closed atS'JJ ' c.
Eggs Quiet and weaker ; western , 13J c
Pork Strong ; now , $13.50.
Lard Dull and lower ; western steam ,
S7.80 ; March , $7.20S'7.2S. ( '
lJutter Quiet and easy ; western , 14@
Cliecso Firm ; western , 9K@
Ill vcrnool. March 15. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB BKE.J 3:30 : p. m. close. Pork
In fair demand ; primu mess , eastern , Cos ,
steady ; do , western , 65s , steady.
Lard In poor demand ; spot and March ,
'iCs , firm ; April and May , 30s 3d , firm.
\Vhcat Inpoordemand ; new No. 2 win
ter. 7s Sd , firm ; do spring , 8s , firm.
Flour In poor demand ; 11s 3d. steady.
Corn lu poor demand ; spot , 4s , dull ; .
March. 3s lltfd , dull ; April , 3s IJfd ,
dull ; May , 3s 10 > < fd , dull.
Minneapolis , March 15. Sample wheat
dull and weak ; receipts , 129 cars ; ship
ments , 71 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , March ,
$1.0 ! % ; May , $1.10 ; on Irack , $1.0U@1.10 ;
No. 1 northern , March , 97c ; May , 98 ; on
truck , ' . )8 ) No. 2 , northern , March 88c ;
May , Sfl > , on Irack , OOc.
Dlilwa tat' , March 15. Wheat Easier ;
cash , 80lji ( , May , S7 ? c.
Corn Firm ; No. 8. 83K33c.
Oals Steady ; No. 2 , white , 27'rf@2Sc.
Rye Firm : No. 1 , 44o.
Barley Dull ; No. 2 , 5Se.
Provisions Easy ; pork , | l2.12'/i. !
St. r/oniM. March 15. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 92Xc ; May , 92X@92 e.
Corn Lower ; * cash , 2y ) c ; Mny , , " 0
Oats Lower ; cash , 25o ; May , 25 @ 20c.
Pork Steady al $12.50.
Lard Quiet at M.70@i1.75.
Whisky Steady at $1.03.
Butter Dull and unchanged ; creamery ,
24@iOe ; dairy , 21 < 323c.
Cincinnati , March 15. Wheat In mod
erate demand ; No. 2 red , 95c.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , mixed , Sic.
Oats Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 2UK@27c.
Whisky-Steady at1.03.
Knnan City , March 15. Wheat-
Steady ; No. 2 red , cash. 83 > c ; Mav , 85c
bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , 91c ; May , SSJfo bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 24c bid ; May ,
25 fo bid ; No. 2 white , cash , 25c.
Oats-No. 2 cash , 21 c.
CIIICAOO , March 15. Cattle - - Receipts ,
9,000 ; market dull and lOa lower ; choice
beeves , $4.0'JH35 ' ( ! ; sleors. * 3.00 ( < r3.M ) ;
stackers ana feeders , $2.00@3.40 ; Texas
steers , $1.7503.00.
Hogs Ucccipts 2,000 ; market slow , heavy
nnd 5c lower ; mixed , f4.55@4.80 ; heavy , $4.55
@ 4.S5 ; light , Ct.CO4.Ui ! ; snips , $3.5U@I.15. !
Sheep Receipts , 5,000 ; market weak ;
natives , $3.50(35.00 ( ; western cornfed , $4.40 ®
4.75 ; lambs , | 4.75ft5.bO. (
KniiHan City. March 15. Cattle Re
ceipts , 2,700 , ; shipments , 1.2CO ; best grades
heavy steers actlvo nnd 5@10o higher ; me
dium about steady ; good to choice corn-fed ,
$3.90(24.15 ( ; common to medium , $2.75tf1.rx ) :
stackers und feeding steers steady tuidSMlOe
higher ; COWH. 2.15 ( < 2 75.
Hops-Receipts. 5,600 ; shipments , 15 ;
market weak ami 2li < goo lower , closing dull
and weak ; common to choice , $ I.10@,52) | ) .
SloiivClty , March 15. Cattle Receipts ,
225 ; Hhlnmciits , 100 ; market strong ; fat
4.00.Hogs Receipts , 1.800 ; market a shade
weaker ; light uud mixed , $4.30 4.50 ; heavy '
Natmnnl Htonlc Yards , Knit St.
IxniU. March 15. Cattle Receipts , 500 ;
shipments. 400 ; market strong ; choice
heavy native- steers , | 3.80@4.40 ; fair to peed ,
$ J.OO@4.00 ; Mockers and feeders , $ 'i.00@
H.20 - , corn-fed $2,70M3.40
; j-anpers - , ; Brass-
fed , ll.WGV-MIO.
Hops Hoceipts , 3,200 ; shlpmonls , 3,200 ;
market steady ; choice heavy , $4.70@.SO | ;
packing , $4.tJO@4.75 ; light gmdos , $4.55 ( < 4I.70.
Friday , March 15. 188'J.
There were no very essential changes In
the situation governing the cattle trade , but
prices , on nn average , were about steady , al
though no two traders were looking UK | > II it
in the same light. Some thoupnt prices
stronger , and others quoted the market
lower. One thing is very evident , and that
is that cattle of all kinds are very low. The
supply to-day was quite liberal , more than
double the receipts of ycslcrduy being on
sale , nud though the demand was not BO
very heavy , the pens were about cleared be
fore the close. The dressed beef and ship
ping steers sold nt prices ranging from $3.00
OJ8.bO , but principally at | 3.UO@3.40. The
trading iu butchers' stocK was uot very
heavy , but what did sell went at firmer
prices. Tuuro were a few pretty coed cows
r.mong the offerings , nnd ono load sold at
$2.75. A few stackers changed hands at
$2.70. but the supply a ? well as the demand
was limited.
The market opened steady and , perhaps ,
nearly half the hogs sold on that basis , but
the lower markets nt other points nnd the
decline In pork caused prices to weaken , nnd
the market closed 5c lower. At the close
about all packers would pay for hogs of any
kind was # 4.40 , and a good load ot heavy
hogs would not bring any more than n
common mixed load. Salesmen were slow
to accept the prices , nnd for that reason the
trade was n drag all day , and Iho pens wore
not cleared until afternoon. A very prlmo
load of heavy lions and n choice load of light
weights brought $4.55.
The thrco loads received were sold Im
mediately on arrival and before they were
yarded , the demand being strong. The price
paid wus about lOo higher.
Ctttlo 1,000
liojs 8 , MX )
Sheep 250
Mlllc3 18
Prevailing Prices.
The following Is a table of prices paid In
this market for the graJcs of stock men
tioned :
1'rlmo steers , 1300 to 1500 Ib9..1.23 ( T ? l.SO
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 2.UJ ( ! ? 3.3J
Native feeders 2.75 MIIOO
Common to good cows 1 5 ! ) ( (12.4)
Choice to fancy cows 2.5'J ( < S i.75
Fair to choici ) mills 1.75 ( if2.75
Fair to choice light hogs 4.45 ( if4 55
Fair lo choice heavy Ifo s 4.45 @ 1.50
Fair lo choice mixed hops . . . . 1.40 MI.45
Fair lo choice western sheep. . 8.75 ( ftl.U
Fair to choice Nebraska * 3.50 c < 4.10
0 101X1 IMS 1 102u 2.25
- ion 2.33 a t'l'i ' ' 231
2 hVi S.'B 3 1UV ) i'.lO
6 laii 2.f > 4 1 2.45
IS W1I 2.75 IU 1342 ' . ' . "o
1 ft } ) 1.&J 4 1142 1.90
43 'MS 2.Uo
Bl Ul.-i 2.7J 49 704 2.70
1- tsV ) U.75
U.75ST.KIS. .
1 1000 i75
i75OXKN. .
17 1508 2.0J
1 180 4.1W y 220 4.50
3 i3iu ; uu i i.'to 3.00
4i4 > !
4.1 }
4.4 : >
4. in
4.4' .
4.1.- .
4.1.- ,
Ijivo Stock Notes.
Sheep higher anil in demand.
Hogs opened steady , but uloscd lower.
No decided change iu the cattle market.
P. M. Siickett , Albion , marketed a very
finci load of hogs at $4.55.
Harris & Uattelle , Hancock , la. , marketed
a load of 227-lb nous at the lop price , $4.55.
S. Losckc , Columbus , market-oil a load of
cattle of his own feeding at the top price ,
The packers nwlcn very little distinction
between the best heavy hogs nnd the fair
mixed , or oven common mixed loads. They
will Day a certain price , nsI0c , fora common
toair load , " und not a cent more for ho 3 u
good deal Better.
Fruits , Produce , Etc.
BUTTKK Creamery Fancy print , 22@24c ;
choice print , 0@Jio ; fancy solid paciied. 18
@lSo ; choice solid packed , 15@17c. Dairy
fancy roll , ! TrJc ( ? ; choice , 15 ( < tlt5c ! ; good , 12
@Hc ; low grades , lO llc.
CiinnbB Full cream Cheddars , choice , 12@
12 > c ; full cream Hats , two in hoop , 12 } $ ( !
13o ; full cream Y. A. , choice , i2) ) < r ( < nic : ; ott
grades nnd skims , C@'Jj ; limburgcr , Hi ®
l'&ycbrick \ and Swiss , J4S > I5c.
Eonii Strictly fresh , lli ( 12c ; cold stor
age , 8 ( < i9c.
LIVE POUI.TIIV Chickens , per doz , $3.50@
3.7r > ; ducks , $ J.2. > 3.50 ; geese , $ S.50@'J.OU ;
turkeys , per Ib , 0@10t ! .
DitES3Ei > Poui/ntv Chickens , per Ib , 0@
llo : turkeys , ll@Wo ; geese , ll@12c ; ducks ,
VKAI. Heavy grasscrs , 1.10 to 200 Ibs , 5@
6c ; Inferior calves , 50 to 00 Ibs , K@5o ; medium
to Rood , 70 to 85 Ibs , 4@Jc ( ; choice to fancy ,
100 to 180 Ibs. C.7c.
VinnTAm.cs--lJoUitocsColorado and Utah
: - - , ,
CO@lS5u ; Wyoming , 5055c ; Ncoraskannd
Iowa , choice large , 30@i3e : ; common. ! > A@30c ;
sweet potatoes , Jersuys , per bbl. 2.75J.OO ;
beets , her bu. , r > 5@30i : ; carrots , Sfl lOe ; cab
bage , California , per Ib , 2fc : ; parsnips , 50@
t'.Oc ; onions , red choice , 5U@55c ; silver skin ,
00rtl75c ; turnips , 20 ( < ? 25o : rutabafjas , 35@40o ;
radishes , 35U4 ; ! ( > o ; lettuce , 2.j@Jc : ) ; cucum
bers , $ l.50@2.00j string beans , per box , $1.75
(32.25 ( ; celery , 25@30c : spinach , $1.50@2.00
per bbl.
O AMK Mallard , per doz , ? 3.00@3.50 ; redhead -
head , per doz , $2.50 ( 3.00 ; teal , per doz , $1.75
@ 2.00 ; common small , per aoz , $1.X1.50 ( ) ;
rabbits , per doz , yOc@fl.UJ ; jack rabbits , per
doz , ? : i.00@3.50 ; squirrels , per doz , OOc@tl.OJ ;
jack snipe , $1.0u@l.25.
Ari' 1'or bbl , fancy New York nnd
Alichigan.W ! ) ; choice , $3.00@X2. > ; choice
Missouri , S..00@2.25 ; good , $1.752.10 ,
FOIIKION FHUITS Malaga grapes , Itegs , 40
to 55 Ibs , lOo per Ib ; bananas , pur bunch ,
$1.5Uu3.UO ( ; lemons , fancy now , 300 to 300 s ,
$3.75 ( 1.50 ; oranges , Los Angeles , $2.50(7 ( $
2.75 ; lliversides , $3.75@4.00 ; Navels , $ j.00@
5.50 ; Uanchito , & .50 ( i75.
CiiAXiir.HltlKa Hull & IJilijlo , choice , $7.50
@ 7.75 ; Hell & Cherry , choice , $0.5U@0.75 ;
choice Jersey , * 3.00@S.25.
IliDKS Urcun salted , No. 1 , f @ .r > e ; No.
2 , 8@3 > Jo ; calf , 5@5 } c ; dry Hint , 7wdc.
HKVNS Nuvios , hand picked , per bu , $2.10
( 2.20 ; good clean country , $ > ( < iX2.0J ; oil
or poor stock , (1.00@1.DO ; Callfoniu , $2.00 ®
" ' Michigan , per bbl , Sl.50@3.00Now ;
Yort , per bbl , fj.00@3.50 ; half bbl , . ' .75 < < ?
3.00.FBATIIEIIS Per Ib. pnmo live geese , white ,
35@40o ; mlxdd with gray , 25@30c ; damp and
musty , lUC'i'JJc : pritnu llvu uoinc&tlo duck , 20
@ 23c ; wild duck. 15 { 2Jc.
SAUKIIKIUUT Per bbi,30gal , choice , $4 00 J ;
per half bbl , $2.23.
1'orcoits 1'or Ib , rice , l@lKot common ,
HO.NKV Mb frames , choice white , 15@lOo ;
dark , 13@Hc ; stramod , lli@12c.
JKI.I.IKS K ljtfc IM.T Ib ; preserves ,
per Ib.
LAUD 7)V ° hi 50-lb pkgs.
MIXC-UME VT K ( 7o per Ib.
He vised prices nra as follows :
UAOiiixa Stark A , seamless , 22a ; Amos-
keag , seamless , 17 > 'c ; Lewiston A. seamless ,
lOc ; American , seamless , 17u ; burlajia , 4 to &
bu , ll@14u ; gunnies , single , 14c ; gunnies ,
double , 2Uo ; wool suck , 40o.
TWINES Flax , 20o. cotton , 18@22c ,
UHIII > FHUITS f 'Ips , In boxes , per Ib , 11 ®
14c ; dates , iu boxes , TdJIOc ; London Malaga
layer ruUlns , per box , 15.00 ; Malacu loose
raisins , $0.30(32.50 ( ; no Valonela raisins ,
pcrlb , "Xo ; California Irlott ) nuncntols , nor
box , $ l.bOjj2.30 ( ; California Ix > ndon , 1SSS ,
$2.40 ; pittcu cherries , jxirlb. 17c ; California
pitted plums" per Ib , 12ijl3c ( ! ; dried black
berries , per ib , < X'(7e ( { tlrlcd raspberries ,
per Ib , 22o ; evaporated apue.i ) , 0@7'j'c , ; Cali
fornia unpaired ovaporatd'l jxjaahc * , 12$14c ( ;
ovanomtod California apricot * , 17e ; currants
L iTe ;
PICKLES Medium. In bbls , ( .VOO ; do , In
half bbls , f.1.00 ; small In bbh , $0.00 ; do , in
half bbls , $3.50 ; gherkins , fn bbls , $7,00 , do ,
In half bbls , fl.lK ) .
HtmTBD Corrr.Ks German , SlWc : Me-
Laughlln's XXXX , 31 Wo } Arioso , 2lKe.
CoFFcn Oroon Mochn , ? 2 , " > S''Oc ' ; Itlo
peed , 18@10cj Mandahllnfj , 20 < vi W < j ; roasting
Hlo , 17yjlSe ( ; O. G. Java , 2lg'JOc ( ; Java In
ferior , 22ii2c ( ; Klo , fancy , 21cif22c ; Santos
nnd Marac.iibo , 1719 < v. Granulated , TQTk'c ; ronf. A. Tjj'c ;
' .vhlto extra C , OJfc : extra 0 , f % yellow \ C ,
Oc ; cutloaf , 8fljj.0c ; irawdcrcd , 7Jf@3c ;
cubes , * ( ( Sa.
IJruswAX Uholceyellow , 20(222 ( c ; dark
colored , Kl4c. !
Ton cco Plug , 2o\33.1 > o ; smoking , 10 < 2lOc. !
SALT-l.i.V : ? l.40 per bin.
Koi'i : 7-10,14) ) 0.
MAI-I.U SUOAII Urlcks , 11Q120 per Ib ;
penny cakes , rJC'fUSo per Ib ; iniro maple
syrup , f l.OD per K" ' .
SfOAlt SYlil'l'S-34@.IV5c ' per gal.
WuirriNo I'.u'Kit Manilla , O' 'c per Ib ;
traw , Iji2lj ( < c per Ib ; rng , U 'cper Ib.
TK\S Young Hyson , common to fair ,
25c ; Young llvson , good to fanc.v ,
Gunpowder , common to coed , ii2ir25c ( ; Gun
powder , c'holce to fancv , 40/ttoc ; Japan. vein-
men to medium. 12 ( 2Jc ; Japan , cholro to
fancy , 8i'ii(5o ) ( ; Oolong , common to t'ood , 2)
( /7)4Uo ) ; Oolong , choice lo fancy , . " > UfiOi ( ; : Im
perial , common lo medium , 25@35e : Imperial ,
good to fancy , -IdCitnoo. ii@7c perlb ; assorted cakes , 8
@ 16c per Ib , as par Hsl.
CAXDV Mixed. t 'iS12Kc ( ; slick , 0 @lle ;
rock candy , ll'@lis ( ! ; fancy candy , 7i2Sc. (
M u-Kiur.ij Family HIJuls , $12.50 : No. 1 ,
? ll ! 50.
Con FiaiiSJflgj'a. .
STIUCII 4Q7)fc. )
Nrrs Almonds , lO lSo ; Pecans , 13c : Bra
zils , IM ; peanuts , "Ji'ajlOo.
Dry Unodx.
COTTO.V Pi.ANXii.s : 10 per cent trade dis-
rount. Unbleached L L , itUo ; C C , Xc ; S
S , 7'fe ; E E , S"fo ; G G , IVJfo ; X X , lUe : O
( J , HKo ; N N , 1'JJ-ic ; A A , 14c : I ) D , IC.iJc ;
TT , lOJ c ; Y Y , ISc ; U li , lite ; blcacnud ,
20. 8 c ; 01. 121'e : SO , 13' c. Urown and
shite , 50. Oe : 70 , TJMc : .10 , Hie.
CAIIPIIT WAIHUibb , white , lOc ; colored ,
UATTS Standard , So ; Gem , lfc ) ; Beauty ,
12 , ' < ? c ; Boone , 14o ; B , cased , 5(1.50. (
1'HiXTs Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater ,
Go ; Berlin oil , UVjc ; Gurneioil. . ( i@Tc.
PiusTa Pink and robes Allen , Oc ; Hiver-
point , 5)fc ) ; btcol Uivcr , Okc ; lilchmond ,
U > 'c ; Pacific , 7c.
I'ltiXTS Dress Charter Oak , 5 ! c ; Ham-
npo , 4o ; LoJi , 5)40 ) ; Allen , Cic ; Richmond , Oc :
Windsor , o ; < e : Kddystone , OJ e ; Pacific , 0 } < fc.
PKIXTS. iNiiiuo Bi.ui : St. Leger , 5 > c ;
Arnold. 0 c : American. 0) c ; Arnold C ,
long cloth. tc ) : Arnold B. long cloth , lOJ c ;
Arnold , Gold Seal. lOJ o ; Stcifel A , Wo ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , lO e.
UiNfliiAM Plunki'tt , checks , 7c ; Whitten-
ton , 7c ; York , 7c : Normandi dress , Sc ; Uen-
frow dress , @ 12j u ; Whiltcnton , Sc ; Cal
cutta , 7e.
CAMIIHICS Slater , 5cj\ Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c. ' < !
Hi. I\CMEII SIIIIUTIXO - Ellerton , 'i c ;
Housekeeper , Sj c ; New Candidate , t > c ;
Berkelev i-ambfic , No. (5t- ( ! ) l c ; Bast Yet ,
4-4 , ( IJi'c ; Hutteri'loth. OO. 4' ' c ; Cabot , . . ,
Fnrwull , half bleached , hK ° ! Fruit of Loom ,
S > ( c ; Green G , Oc ; Hone , 1 } Jc ; Kins Philip ,
cambric , lOc : Lonsdulu cambric , lOc ; Lons-
daleS < c ; New York mUIs , , lO c : Pcpperell ,
42 in , 10)e ; Peppcrell , 40 in , 11 , ' c ; Pepper-
ell , 0-4. like ; Pepperoll , S-4 , 2lc ; Pepperoll ,
U-4 , 23C ; Pcpperell. JIM , 25c ; Canton , 4-4 ,
Sife ; Cnnton , 4-4. ! ) ) < ; c"rriuuiph ; , lie ; Warn-
suttii , llo ; Valley , 3c. " ,
Hnows SIIKITISO : Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7J'c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; At ntitic U , 4-4 , ti.i c ; At
lantic P14 , ISc ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , lie. ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 49f < v , Crown XXX , 4-4 , O fc ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , tic ; Indian Head , 4-1. 74'c ' ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , lie ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5l < je ;
1'eppcrell E , 40-inch , IV c ; Pcpperell , S-4 ,
18c ; Pcpperell , J.-i , 21c'PcpperoU ; , 10-4 , 2.Jc ;
\Jtica C , 4-4 , 4j ) c ; Wuchusett , 4-4 , "ifc ; Au
rora K , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora IJ , 4-4 , 0 > c.
Fi.iXNKLS , PIAIU ltuftstncn,20j ; Goshen ,
32 > , o ; Clear Lake , SG' c ; Iron Mountain ,
2 Kc.
FI.AXXEI.SVnni : G 11 No. 2 , J22 } < c ;
G H No. 1 , JS4' , ( % ; 13 II No. 2 , 22 c : U H
No. 1. ? 4,10o ! ; Quecheo No. 1 , % , 42c : Quc-
chooNo. 2 , Jf , 37 ! i > ; Queeheo No. 3ji',32L ! < c ;
Anawan , U2) c ; AVindsor. 22 ! c.
Fi.AXXni.8 , Hin C , 24-inch , IS c ; E , 21-
inch , 21 > c ; G G. 24-mch , 20c ; H A F , % ,
23c ; J H F , Jf , 27c ; G. J , 25c.
DUCK West Point , Lin. . S oz. 10 > c ; West
2'J-in. 10 West Point 2'J-in
- oz , 12Jtffr : , - ,
5c ; West Point , 40-5n , 11 oz. ICc.
Cousi'.TS JK\NR Androseo sin , 7 c ; Kear-
sarge , 7 * c ; Hoekport , ( ! ) fc ; 0 > nestoira , tijrfc.
TICKS York , : ! 0 in. Ivii c ; York , 82 in ,
lKc ! ) ; Swift Hiver , 8e ; Thorndikc , OO , SJ c ;
Tlionidike , EE , SMo : Thorndiko , 120 , WAu\ \
Thorndikc , XX. 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , 'Ja ;
Cordis , No. 4 , 10) . c.
DBXIMS AinosKctig , 0 oz , lGijc } ; Everett ,
7 oz , liiKu ; York , 7 oz , 18Uo ; Havniaker ,
b' u ; Jalfrey XX , ll c ; Jtiffrcy XXX , l-J c ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , Bt3 ,
He ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc.
KiXTfcuv JBVX-J Memorial , 15o : Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 'Ji e ; Hercules. ISc ; Leam
ington , saXir. Cottswold , 27" o ; Melville ,
25c.Cinsn Stevens' B , 5'sj'c ' ; Stovona' B ,
bleached , 7e ; Slovens' A , l c ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , 8 c ; Stevens' P , T fc ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , 5 > % e ; Stevens' N. Do ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , 'Jc ; Slovens' SHT , HJ c.
Metnl niul Tinners' Stool : .
Block tin , small pip . $ 2S.OO
Block tin. bar . 2'J.OO
Copper , planished boiler sizes . " 4.00
Copper , cold rollcJ. . ; . 31.00
Copper , sheathing . 80.00
Copper , pitts. . 80.00
Copper , Huts . 31.00
Gal. sheet iron , Juniata , 50 , 10 nnd 5
per cent discount .
Pat. planished iron , 2 1 to 27 A . 10 }
Put. planished iron. 24 to 27 B . 11)4 )
Hoofing , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets . O.OJ
Hoohug , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 7.50
Hoofing , 1C , 20x23 , 112 sheets . 11.00
Hoollng , IX. 20x28 , 112 sheets . 14.5'J
Sheet irou No.2il . 840
Sheet iron No. 27 . ' . . . 3.50
Solder . 14@10
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets . 0.50
IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets . S.25
Tin piato. coke
1C , 10x14 , 2-25 shcols . 0.25
Steel nails , per keg . 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg . 2.75
Drugs nnd Chemicals.
ACIDS Sulnhuric , l c ; citric , 5So ; oxalic ,
15c ; tartarlc , 40o ; Am. curb , 12c ; alum , 2 } < @
Do ; arrowroot , 30o ; balsam copabia , 05S7.'w ( ;
borax , lU@13c ; calomel , ' 80j ; castor oil , f 1.05
@ 1.10 ; cream Tartar , 82j ; corrosive sub , bOe ;
chloroform , 45 ( < ? 5Uc.iO ; > .t logwood , 12c ; gly
cerine , 2lc : gum nraliio ; OOo : gum camphor ,
85c ; cum opium , $3.15 ; morphia sulph. J'i.liU
OILS Berpamot , JJ.WQS.OO ; lemon , $2.00 ;
Iieppermmt , fl.OOW3.5ll ; ; wlntergrccn , $2.40 ;
olive , Sl.0.1 ; quinlnei85.J4Scj strychnia , $1.05
Dimension and Timber
12ft 14 It Ii5 ft IS ft 20 ft 23024 ft
2x4 . $15.03 15 OJ .MOO III 00 17.0J 211.00
2x0 . 15.00 15.0J ' 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.0J
2x8 . 15.00 15.00 15.XKJ 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x10 . 15.00 15.00 ' 15.00 lli.K ( ) 17.00 20.00
2x12. . . - . 15.00 15.00 13.00 lli.OO 17.0J 20.00
4xo 3x8 10.00 10.00 'I'O.OO 17,00 17.0J 20.00
' "
No. 1. 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14
feet , rough . ' . ? 10.00@lG.fX )
No , 1,4 and 6 inch. Ill feet. . . . 17.0017.50
No. 8 , * and 0 inch. 13 and 14
feet . . . . . . . 13.50 ( < M4.00
No. 2 , 4 and 0 Inch , 10 feet . J5.00(5lb.OO (
1st and 2d clear , l } ( Inch s. 2s .49.00@51.00
1st and 2d , clear , li and 2
Inch , s. 2i . 47.00f350.00
3d , clear , Vf inch , s. 2s . 43.00&J 10.00
8d , clear , \yt \ and'Jinch. s. 2s. . 43.00 10.00
H select , IIK , and 2 incli.B.
2s..V ! . . . . . 37.00a3S.OO (
1st and 2U , clear , 1 inch , s. 2s. . 45 00
AbOlect , 1 inch , s. 2s. , , , . :18. : ( > 0
B select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . 31.00
1st coin 0 inch white pine . 34.00
2d " " " . 'il.OO
3d " " " . 2tl.HO
O " * * * * . 20 00
Com 4 nud fi In yellow pine' ! ! ! ! isiso
blur" " " . . . . 18.00
Ibt and 2d clear yellow pit' . ' , 4
andl Inch . 20.00
Lime , etc.
Oulncy whltollmo , best , . . .00
KngiUh and German Portland
cement , 3.40
Milwaukee and Louisville l.UO
Michigan nnd Ft. Dodpro plaster 3.25
Blue liaplds plaster l.Oo
Hnlr , . . .20
Sash OOntul 10 percent discount
Doors , blinds , mouldings,50nnd 10 per cl ills
Tarred f cl t , per c wt 2,00
Straw boards , " 1.05"
Poplar Lumber-
Clear poplar , box boards , % In
s2s 3500
Clear poplar , ? < ln panel 30.00
" " % " ' . ' 3.00
" " Jf " slock
wide , s 2s. . . . 23.CO
Clear poplar cortiigatuit cell-
Ing.X 30,00
White cedar. 0 Inch , halves. . . . 12
" " 5 > f " " nnd
S Inch a'rs 11
White cedar , 4 inch , halves. . . . 10
Tennessee red cedar , split 10
Split oak , ( while ) 8
Sawed oak , " 10
Shingles , Luth , per M
XX clear .1.20
Exlra A * 2.SO
Standard A 2.150
5 Inch , clear l.fiOcjil.TO
clinch , clear 1.75W1.SO
No.l 1.10 ( 1.13
California red wood , dimen
sion widths 4,50
Cypress , clear heart , dimen
sion widths 3.40
Lath 2.50
Ship Lap-
No. 1 , plain , S nud IS Inch 17.50
No. 2 , " " 1(1 ( " 15.50
No. 1 , O. G 1S.OJ
1st com , 12 nnd 1(5 ( feet 22.00
2d " " 10.00
3d " " 15.00
Fence " " 18.1H )
Slock lior.rds
A 12 Inch , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft 40 00
H " " " 41.00
C " " " " 30.00
D " " " " 211.00
No. 1 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 feet 18.00
No. 1 " " " 14 nnd
10 foot 17.50@IS.50
No. 1 IPOIII. 12 In. s. 1 s. 10 , 18
nnd 20 feet 10.50
No. 2 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 14 anil
lOfeot 17.00
Ceiling anil Partition
ist com. 9in. . white pine parti
tion 32.00
2d com. ? / in. white pine parti
tion. . . . 27.00
Clear % In. yellow pine ceiling 20.00
Clear > 'g in. Norway 14.50
2d com. % In. Norway 13.00
No. I com. s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft 10.50
No. 2 " ' " " 14.50
No. 8 " " " " 12.00
No. 4 " " " "
( ship'gcull ) 13.00
Battens , Well Tubinp , Piekets-
O. G. Baits , 2K inch CO
O. G. Balls , i x3 , SIS 35
3 in. well lubing , D. & M. and
bcv 20.00
Pickets , D. & H. lint HMO
Pickets , D. & H. square 22.00
Add 50 cents per M. for rough.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
3O5 Smilli Biith Street , - Omar a
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
BamplcH for trinl of 12 different ntylCT liy mall , on
rcccli-tof IU cvuu iu otni | ' . Aik for card J > o. tt.
Old Chlcniro Klnanolcrs Victims of
the Post Swindle.
CHICAGO , March in. | Special Telegram to
THE HER. ] The developments in tlio Post
swindle were astounding to Chicago business
men. That'so careful a financier as Albert
Mungcr should have ucen taken in is amazing.
Now comes the story that the vice president
of quo of thu largest banking institutions in
the city is another "sucker" to the extent of
nearly 40,000. The cashier of another bank
is short $15,000 on the deal. In addition to
this it is asserted that ho was so well gulled
that he allowed his mime to ho used as an en
dorsement of the "bureau. " Tlmt-Post nmdo
an enormous haul there is no longer any
doubt nnd the only question in the minds of
financiers is how much over $200,000 ho getaway
away with. An inventory of his private sta
ble and dog kennel shows that these two
fancies cost Mr. Post nearly ? 40,000.
A dispatch from Washington ays that
Mrs. Post arrived there yesterday nnd is
completely broken down and without funds.
She refuses , however , to believe that her
husband Is guilty as charged and asserts lie
will soon return and make things warm for
his traduccrs. She has not heard from him
since February 1(1 ( , when ho wrote her from
New York that his physician said ho was
threatened with a general create down anil
must have absolute rest , therefore he was
going away for a tinio where nohody could
llml him und where the cares of business
could not worry him. Ho would not even
tollIlls wife where ho wus going , but aha
thinks ho will turn up nil right.
Smith Sioux City's Depot Iliirncil.
DAKOTA CiTYNcbMnrch 15 [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK HKE. ] The new depot at South
Sioux City was burned about 2 o'clock this
morning. There are different rumors re
garding the origin nf the fire. One report
charges Covington people with setting the
( Ire , while another one says trumps set , lire
to a box cnr , In which they were sleeping ,
from which the depot caught.
Another Forty-Day Faster.
ATMXTIC , la. , March 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : 13iK. ] A religious enthusiast
at Urfdgewatcr , Aditir county , has been
preaching and fasting for forty dnyn and
nights , and closed his term of fasting on
Tuesday with u splendid supper. Ho has
created much interest und excitement ut the
place named.
* -
Trlplo HnnciiiK In
L.ITTM ! HOCK , Ark. , March 15. William
Green , Anderson Mitchell and Daniel Jones ,
ull colored , were hanged nt Arkadolphla ,
Ark. , to-day for the murder of a negro
preacher , named Arthur Horton , May Ul ,
Union 1'noillo'n Inurpntird
HOSTOX , March )5. ) The January earnings
of the Union Pacific railway's entire system
show an Increase of t'JVJ.OOO over the same
month lust year , and an increase in the sur
plus of $1113,000.
1 -T
Kxtrndltcd Ity Cniindn ,
OTTAWA , Out , , March 15 , The department
of justice has issued a warrant for the extra.
ditlon of Aldrldb'O , who Is wuntod by the
Ohio authorities , and who is now in custody
ut Windsor.
Nitvul ViHJfls Ordfrcd Out.
WASHINGTON , March 15. Orders have been
given to prepare the Adams at Mare Island ,
Cal. , for u year's crulso , and the Jrouuois , ut
the same yard , for a turuo years' cruise.
_ AgrlpulUirol Implements.
ciwncmLi , PAKKRU'
Dealer la AaTicnllnial Implements , Wagons
Carrlnitci anil Inicgln , .lone * Irool , between Oth nml
linii , Unintin. N
L t A'/iVo Kit jinr/ri / M' uo. ,
Agriciilt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages
\Vliulrnto. . Umalia , N
U holc le Dcnters In
AgricnltiiralImiileiiieiitslWagoiis& Buggies
101UO lOUnOOTJonca Mrcet , OniMia.
MOLUfKMlI.lluliir&lilODDA'ltD CO , ,
unniifajturcrs itml Jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rate , Flows Etc ,
Cor.Vth and I'nclflc Mrccts , Omntu.
Artists' Mntorlnla.
A. 110S1'J3 , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 Douglas street Onmlin , Ncbrn kn.
_ _ _ Boots nnd Shoos.
r ' " " "
ir.'r. .worftSBW'd.
Jofc of Boots End Shoes ,
1101 , lltXl , lU > i Dotizlni Mreet , Dmnhtt. MnntifnctorT
Summer struct , lli > ion.
_ , ondj.huo.
Jotes of Hard anit Soft Coal ,
aiil jjnulli ISlli ftroot.Omnlm , Nclir : > kn.
VUK1. CO. ,
of Coal a d Coke ,
uutli 13th bt.Umnlia , Nub.
_ Crockery nnd Glassware.
' " ' '
Importers nnd Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Ktc. l.Ml Furnatu street , tu'w rnxtoii biillillnjr ,
Commission nnd Storage.
and Commission Merck-ants ,
Prodnce Commission and Cold Storage ,
( Successors to McSlmnc A EcbroeJer. )
Omalin. Nebrn kn.
_ Dry Goods nnd Notions.
' "
5f. K. SMITH & CO.
Bry Goofls , Fornisiiing Goo3s and Notions
111K nnd 1101 Dotiglns. cor. lltli street , Oinnlm , Xnb.
Importers end JoMers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
( icnts1 furnl hlnir goods. Corner 1Mb and llurney
streets , Onmlm , NubrasUii.
x' & co. ,
Importers nml Jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
317 Houtli lotli street.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
rnrmim street , Omnlin , Ncbr.isku.
Furnitnre ,
Cruaba KebrnsVa.
pAxroKaALLAoij-n : .t co.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions.
T05:07,709nnd7IISuutli IQtli sU.Ornnhu , Neb.
3/ccono , nn ADI" & co. ,
Wholesale Grocers'
13th and I.onvonworth streets , Omiiba , Nebraska.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlnus , wngon stock , bnrdniirc , lumber , etc. 1303
anil 1211 Ilnrnur struct , Omaha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , sheet Iron. etc. Au'i'ritfor Howe scales.
Mlnml powilerand I.ymitn barbed wire ,
Bnilfl rs' ' Handware aid ) Scae : Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' tool : and IlufT.ilo scuh-s. 1105
struet.Omitba. Nub.
Wholesale Luinher , Etc ,
Imported and American Portland cement. State
t ; nt fertility aiikeu hydraulic cerucut and
Qulncjr wlilto lime ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lifter ,
Wood carpetl and parquet flnorlnn. 1HU and Douglas
ttrects , Umiiha , Neb.
All Kinds ofBnilflingMaterial at Wholesale ,
lEtli Street and Union I'tUHcTrnclt.Omnlm.
Dealer in Lnmhor , Lath , Lime , Sash , fc
Doors , Kto , Yards Corner "til unj Douglas , Corner
llltb and Duutslas ;
Lnraler , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Cth and Douglas Sis. , Omaha.
C. X. DIET'/ .
Dealer in All Kiiifls of Lumber ,
13111 and California Streets. Omaha. Nebraska.
Millinery and Notions.
/ . OllEJlt'ELDER & CO. ,
'Importers & Johhers in Millinery & Notions
VJV.'lUnnU VUboutU llth street
Wholesale Notions aid Furnishing Goods ,
tut and ( OJ fc'outti lUth ilruct , Omaha.
Notions and Gents' ' Fnrnis'iing ' Goods ,
HUi llarnor street , Ooialm.
Wholesale Refinei and Luhricating Oils ,
Ailo arcaie , etc. , O.iiaun. A , II. Illshoti , Monufer.
xTEll PAl'Jw C0
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Cnrrj a nice dock at printing , wrapplni ; and writing
paper. M'i'clal ulti'ntlun Kivtu lu car [ ua < l oiders.
Uorogo , Forwarding & Commission.
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
llrauc liomo of tbo llenanr Hurtay Co. Untile * at
wtiule > al anil retail. UJ ; . . Ull , I Hi IrurJ Ulcct ,
Uiuiiba. Tclupbonn No. 'M.
co ,
Toys , Dolls , Alte , Fancy Goods ,
uo * <
Boots and Shoos.
8uroc arf to Itco.1 , Joncn A Co.
Wholesale Mannfactorers or Boots & Slices
Agouti for lloilon ltubb < TSIio ( V > . HOJ. 1104 and 11M
llnrn j direct , Onmtm , Nrbrimv
. . _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ Prowors. _ ,
STOtttf , ILER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1UI Kotth KlBhlfcnlh Hrc tUmmh .
Maiiiifaclorers of Galvanized Iron Cornlco
\Vlndnivc p nd mplnllo kyl'BM ' . John Kreneter ,
proprietor. lUSnnU IKUnuth 10th troet.
Mannfaclnrers of Overalls.
Jcixti" . 1'nnts , Shlitt , etc. 1AW Douglas struct ,
nmnhn. Nob.
Offloo Fixtures.
Mnnufncturora ot
Bank , Office anil Saloon Fixte
llnntlc * . SliiolioimlK. Hook CnvMi , DniK llilurm , Walt
C e , Partitions , HMIUuts , Counter * , llpcrniut \ > Ina
Conlor , Mirror' . K\f \ Fid tnrj unit oilier , I7W inn ! 1733
yuulll l.Uli St. , Unmlm. IVIf-iiliono IUI.
Pnpor Dpxca. . . . , , J ,
Pronriclor Onialia Paper Box Factory ,
NUB. 1317 BilJ 1319 Douulfn Urcct , Onmhii , Xcb.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers a-fl Dealers In Rubber Goods
Oil clotlilni ! niiil leather belting. 1009 Fnrnnm tlrcct
_ Snah ' , Poorj JEtq. _ _ _ _ _ .
M. A.'DISRROW . .tco. . , .
\S'lioo ) lo manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Monlngs.
llrnnch onico , lltu nnil Until Mrcct Oiualia , Neb.
noux c ,
Mannfsctnrcrs of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldlnc * , Mnlr-nork nnil Interior liard noort finish.
N. 1 ! . cortiurSth nmt l < pnvent\f rtli itrrott ,
_ Oninha , Neb.
Steam Fjttlngs , Pumps , Eto. '
" " "
A. L. sf/MAVr A "CO. ,
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Btcam , water , railway nnil mining luripllo , tio.
_ nd 1124 frntnam itrcct. Omaha.
Steam and We1 Supplies ,
HaMldaj wind mill * . PIS and I2J Jones St. , Omah .
( J. K. Hois , ncttni ; mnmiKftr.
jtRowxiiLL .t cd
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bticct-lron work , Mcnm puuip ? , nnn mills. 1 131215
l.cacnwortli itri ft , Omaha.
Iron Works.
Carter A. on , Prop1' . MantifnctuiviBof nil kin Ji
Steau Boilers , Tanks and Sliest Iron
Worfcs South ailli nn J U. A M. cronlag.
Wrongut and Cast Iron Bui ding Wort
Knylne ! ! , brass work , general fonnilry , machine nod
bluiKsmlth work. OHIce nnilT ris , U. 1 * . ItJ.
uiul itl > mrcet , Oiualia.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
lcL rails , wlndnir i-iianls. tloner stanili , wire signs. j
etc. Kl North lull Urcet. oinaha. .
Maif'rs ' of Fire aniBurglar , Proif ? afes ,
VaiilK jnll work. Iron sbuttera and tire cucapoi.
U. Anilrccn , prop'r. Cor. 14th nnil Jackson SU.
Iron nd Wire Fences , Railings , Gnards
and screens , for bank * , o'llrcj. stores , rn ldence' , cto.
luiprovctl annlnffs , locksniltti inaclilncrj and
Mack-m lib work401 South lltb St.
Live Slock Commission Merchants ,
Oflise Itoora 24 , Opporlto Kxchanco Hiitlctlns , Union
block Yardr , Soutli Uuialm , Neb.
OfOraaua , Limiicd ,
'John V. II")0 , Superintendent.
or THU
Chicago , Milwauke & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The Heat Kuulc from Oiualia nnd Council
IMnfls to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar ItupitlH ,
Hock Inland , Frcpptirl , Kockfonl ,
Clinton , ) > iili ) iiic , Davenport ,
Ivlgiii ) Madison , ' Janes > illo ,
licloit , Winoim , LaCru.ssc ,
And nil otbcr Imporlmit polnti East , Northcait an (
Kort'irnuk'li tickets , i-nll nn thu ticket nitont at 1601
Kiirniim street , In llurkur Ulock.or nt Union I'ucltlu
I'ullinun Slecpcrn and tlio finest Dlnlriu Cart In tlio
wnrltl arc run on Hie m ln line of tlio CUIcuo , Mil.
tvitukoo \ . M. I'uul Hiilliruy , uml urcry uttcntlon H
imla to pnrsi'iiiier ! ) bjr cuurtcuuu uniployus ut tbu
It. Ml I.I.Kit , < J ncrnl Miinaifer.
J. ! ' . TUCKKll. AKilKinnt Minmk'cr.
A. V It. OAHl'KNTKlt , ( ivuvrul russomior nnd
( iKil. B. HKAKKIHD , Asslltnilt CoucrulrusicriKCt
T , J.CI.AHK.iicnerul fiupcrlntenJcnt
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
u'io. ' iiiiiiiiik't t i.iii. iniiiii' . i\vviiiin , iTu iin , ivn.ii *
iiKlon HIM ) Culirciniln. It ntcri tupi-rlur lulrnntagei
idt | in ill.lul > raiir ) nlliur linn ,
JIM few cil tliitiiiiiiii'riiur piilnlior nipcrlorlty
nj < ijr i | IT the pntrn.iii nf tbln ruml Lotwi-rn Onmliit
u ml Chlruiin. nru It * tliruu lnlln u ilHr nt LAV
IXIAI'IIKK wlilcli arullir ) llni'Ht wlilcli liiuiiun artnnit
liuoiiiillrcniuriMilK. lt I'AI.ACKril.KKI'IN't ; CAIIH.
tlm c-'iiiiil of wlilcli run not dv fniiii t l swi re. At
CtiuiKll IIHilfn. thotnilnii nf the Union I'm I llo Hall-
y I'oniiucl In nnliin iluimt with Ilioiu ill tlm Ulll-
( nun \ .NnHlinpni'rii It lllwux. Ill I'lilc.iuo Ihu truln *
of thl line niiiko cloi ) uiionuctloi irllli those of all
otburKiiktriii llnu .
lor IlBiriilt , < Jliiiiiliu < . lii'llniniiolli , Clndnnatl ,
Miiiiiini l-ull . liuiful" . J'lttnlJiirit , Ti > ronliMunirual ,
H < < < l n , NorYork. . I'lilln lelpli ! , lla'tlmoro , Wmh'
Inutoii , irirl nil Jiolill" III Ilio Kant A k fill tlctcti Tla
If yiui wlili thu U'tt uccuiniiiotalluii. All ticket
" " ' ' ' * V " ' " n"
"uVilT"1. . ! ! ! ! ! n"K. . I1. Vj'IJ. JV , .
" ( ll'lCXJU , II. 1.8 ,
> V. N. IIAHi/Of-K.Heii'i WoM.-in Aui .
\ > . u. kiMiiAi.i.'riik iAuMii.
li. K , WKbT.Oljr I'umeiii-cr > BI-C |
110) ) K.uniiiii htreet , Oinuhu , N'ob ,
Peerless Dyes AUUTIII uy AH UKS'C