Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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P. H. Cnsoy was fined 920 nnd posts
for resisting nn olllcor , nnd npponlcd
his otiso.
Sergeant Mnt7.ii nnd Onioor Druminy
hnvo both boon ntldod to the list of sick
Durt Johnston stole $2 worth of lumber -
bor , but will Imvo to work out n $15 flno
to pny for It.
Charles Hnrnoy hns boon arrested for
Boiling lottery Uekots , nnd will bo tried
for that offense March 21 lit 2 p. m. At
present he is out on $100 bonds.
Allttlo two-yonr-old child of P. II.
Douog , 101/5 / Cns < j , wandered nwny from
homo Wednesday evening and hns not
boon soon since. The police are looking
for him.
A warrant for the arrest of Harry
Crousior , n man who hns been cutting
government timber in Cheyenne county ,
wns Issued yesterday by United Status
Commissioner Anderson.
According to the provisions of the
now coal ordinance Inspector Turnbull
tiayH th at all coal handlers must hereafter -
after pay the regular licenses paid by
the owners of express wngona.
Samuel Davis , of Ainsworth , wns nt
the police station yesterday looking for
T. H. Evans ) who a few weeks ago
shipped a car load of hogs to Omaha , on
which Davis hold a $500 mortgage.
John Biorbeck , charged with fast
driving and running over n young son
of Leo Hartley on Davenport street ,
wns fined $15 and costs. Ho did not
think'the costs wore enough and ap
pealed the case.
Bill Braey owes a bill for horseshoe
ing to Walter Bennett , nnd was striking
out for Iowa yesterday without settling.
A writ of replevin was i&sued , and now
Brncy can have his shotgun back by
applying at the olllco of Justice Kroogor.
The Society St. Vincent Do Paul will
give an entertainment for the benefit of
the poor on March 10th at Croighton
college hall. The programme will con-
Bist of vocal and instrumental music and
a lecture on "General P. H. Sheridan , "
by T. B. Minnohnti , esq.
K. Whcclcf , of Lincoln , is at tlio MUlnrd.
D. K. Hopkins , of Crete , is i\t the Paxton.
W. U. Kelley , of Lincoln , is stopping at tlio
H. S. Hold , of Lincoln , was at the Millard
J. N' Paul , of St. Paul. , Nob. , roistered at
the Pnxton.
J. M. Hasan nnd wife , of Hastings , ate at
the Paxton.
H. A. Gibson , of Weeping "Water , is a guest
at the Pnxton.
Itobcrl M. Summus , of Lincoln , is n guest
at the Millurd.
E. P. IVnrron , of Nobinshu City , Is stop
ping at the Paxton.
H. S. Llppincott , of Lincoln , registered at
the Paxton lust night.
J. C. Crawford , of West Point , is among
the guests at the Pnxton.
\V. H. Hooper and G. P. Price , of Grand
Island , are at the Millard.
T. S. Smith has returned to Omaha , after
nn extended tour in the oast.
H. A. Thompson , of Thompson , Hcldcn &
Co. , returned to-day from Now York.
Lcavo of absence for one month has been
granted Captain Abncr Unities , jr. , Second
infantry , Fort Omaha , to take effect about
the 20th inst.
In Jail.
James Gannon and S. Kirk , two members
of the gang of tramps and thieves who infest
the north end of the city , and from time to
time brc.ik into the ears of" the Missouri
Pncltlc , have bccu arrested and each given
live days.
The Uoy Is Gone ,
Mr , White , father of young Pat White ,
who was accused of embe ling' from 'Hell-
man , the clothier , was in town yesterday
looking for his son. do is willing to refund
ttio amount , which is not largo , but is unable
to lind any trace of the missing boy.
A ScrloiiH Charge.
Luther P. Owens , the druggist at oOJJ
North Sixteenth street , was arrested yester
day by Deputy United States Marshal Allen or
n bench warrant. Mr. Owen is wanted at
Uubuquo , la. , to answer the charge of per
jury , and will bo taken there this evening ,
Strikers Still Out.
Up to 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon
the striking tailors were still hold
ing off , and there was nc
change in the situation , or prospect of any ,
The Journeymen say that they can hold out
for two months yet without discomfort tc
AInrrlnuo licenses
Following are the marriage licenses Is
sued yesterday in the county court by Judge
Shields :
Name and Residence. Age ,
( William Swanson , Omaha : >
I Annie Lindahl , Omaha 21
J Edward N. Mutson , Omaha 2 ;
} Christina Johnson , Omaha a :
Zliiiinor's Hillary.
The item in Wednesday's Bnn having re
fprenco to Zimmor's salary as county drug
gist contained an error. Ttio amount drawr
monthly from the county should have bcci
S&IK instead of JU.1X , and this in addition t <
$25 paid him by ttio city , Zlminer cluimi
that thonumbcrof subscriptions compoundci
by him Is Biiillcieiuly large to keep him bus'
and cause him to earn his balary.
Omaha Schools In Paris.
Superintendent James has received a per
sonal letter from C. Wcllman Parks.suporin
tendcnt of the United States exhibit at th
coming Paris exposition , asking him to prc
pure nn exhibitor that great fair. The ox
lilblt is to include a set of school report ?
manuals , specimens of scholar's work , etc
Superintendent James will comply with th
request , and Is preparing tlio articles for th
Catered to Baby Trade.
Anton 1C. Jensen is proprietor of a saloo ;
at 1115 Snuiulcra street , and Is willing t
take In a nickel wherever ho can got It. Uoy
of all ayes are among his patrons , and dcspit
the warnings of their parents , ho has alway
made them welcome. Ho made them wo !
come to his pool and card tables , until a
last Mr. J. Scholl found his fourteeu-ycai
old sou sitting In a game of poUor , with
pile of chips nearly as high as Inmsol
atnukod up in front of. him. The boy wa ,
taken home nnd the saloon kaopcr ngai
warned , but without effect , as yesterday h
was found with the same boy playing canli )
Mr. Scholl at once applied for u warrant , an
Anton K. Jensen will try and explain , wh
ho should run a saloon In the future.
"Who Wan the Officer ?
Jiuncs W. Day makes the following con
plaint , regarding a member of the polio
force : Wednesday at the corner of I'iftli
tccnth nud Farnaiu , a young man wns ham' ll
Ing to the passcra-by bills of a series c
meetings to bo held at the Young Men' ' '
Christian association building , from Marc
12th to the 20th. Ho performed his work I
n ipilct anil gentlemanly manner , not ihte ;
fering with the rights or privileges of an
one , pnly Riving the bills to gcntlmnitu wh
\vero willing to take them. Presently , thet
cumo ulung one of the "tlnost1' that Is , 01
of Owutiu's metropolitan police. In u vet
pompous and nrroyant manner , ho con
inundcd the youiig man to stop the dhtt
button of the bills , threatening tu Jail him
did not. What Is the mutter , In It control
to luw to advertUu religious meetings I
Omahul or are the "lliiusl" opposed toll
effort * of the Young Men's Christian us&i
rUtlon to provide rollglou * instruction U
the ticoiilo. Please oiiliihtea ! _ thu Igncrai
t/ul wlllioff to Icurn ,
Upectium1 * Pill * su like raaglo on n wea
toui cht
AsBattltft Ills rinnoco nnd Hobs Ills
It was a quiet little homo In the southwest
ern part of the city. The mailer nnd mistress -
tress having returned from services at the
neighboring church haJ retired. In the sit
ting-room a bright flro burned la the grate ,
nnd the lightn wore turned low , giving the
place a cheery uipoct oven from without.
The light wns loft burning for the servant
girl , who , with her lover , was expected on
their return from u visit to a friend , Mrs.
W. P. Eiible , at the corner of Thirteenth and
Howard streets.
The couple arrived , but n demon , it seems ,
accompanied the swain , because the young
woman had scarcely divested herself of her
iloak nnd bonnet when her escort seized her
ivlth a suddenness nna fury which caused the
ivomnn to scream In a most piercing manner ,
The master of the house ruined to the pur
er. The girl was panting from the exer
tion required to save herself from her assail
ant. The escort was cowering and blanched
"n the gaze of the rescuer.
"What Is the matter11 ! inquired the girl's
"I want that man to leave the house. "
"Uo us the young woman wishes , " saliltlio
owner of thu home.
The fellow sullenly disappeared. The
story is an old one , but it served to reveal to
the young woman the scoundrel upon whom
she had bestowed her affections.
The next day the fellow , whoio name Is
Gus Israel , dlsappcaicd. Yesterday word
was received hero that ho was In Denver
and asking his inamorata to go to him , where
they might build a little homo at the foot
hills ot the Rockies , 13ut his appeal will bo
iniulo in vain.
Uoforo leaving here , Israel borrowed from
W. F. Xnblo $75 in good cold , silver and
greenbacks. For this Gus gave his check.
It was borrowed on the representation that
ho was going to start a restaurant on Cum-
hig street near Twenty-third. He was to re
ceive from his father , who lives in Indiana ,
near Cincinnati , a certain amount of money.
When that money should arrive Zublo would
bo"remembered. . Hut no restaurant was
started , no money came from the Indiana
father , but Pablo's money did disappear , and
now Zabla is debating ns to what ho must dote
to have It returned. The last mentioned is
city salesman for Flcischmann. the com
pressed yeast man at 11113 Howard strcot.nml
lives at the corner of Howard and Thir
Israel is a low , heavy-sot yovnp man , about
twenty-throe years of ago nnd wears a small
black moustache. His patents are said tu bo
rcspcctab'o ' and well-to-do in the vicinity
ubovp referred to. Gus has worked In a fur
niture store here and later ns u waiter in the
restaurant at 418 South Thirteenth street.
A Weak Back Kept Strom * .
U. II. Gilliam , Hlxburg , Appomattox coun
ty , Va. , says :
ALLCOCK'S PIASTERS have enabled mo to
work nnd labor for the last two years. I
have been troubled with n pain across my
kidneys nnd n weakness of the spine which ,
at times , rendered me almost helpless. The
first relief I obtained was by wearing two
AILCOCK'S PI.ASTKHS , and I use about two
every month , and I have no pain or ditllculty.
I consider them the best plaster in use. I ,
for one , cannot do without them.
Several Suits For Damiiccq Grow Out
of the Fai'tiam Street Disaster.
Three suits for damages on account of per
sonal injuries received in the late Farnum
street horror have been llled in the district
court , the aggregate amount sued for being
$ ! > 1OS3.50. , Elizabeth Hengen , Willis Dan
iels and Edward Show as administrators for
the estate of Samuel Lombard are the plaint
iffs , and they make Max Meyer , the city of
Omaha , Gcorgo C. Whitlock , Alexander
Pollock , E. U. Welst nnd John A. Wakelloid
defendants. The last three gentlemen como
in as the signers of Mr. Whitlock's ofllcial
bond. Allegations are made in the petition
tending to show that the catastrophe of Jan
uary 11 was duo to negligence on the part of
Mr. Meyer , the city and Mr. Whitlock in
permitting the walls of the burned building
to remain standing in an unsafe and danger
ous condition , which , when exposed to the
force of a high wind was blown over onto
other structures occupied by the plaintiffs.
They were .crushed beneath the weight ,
nnd in various ways rendered cripples for
life. The injuries sustained by Hengen and
Daniels are described , the death of Lom
bard noted and judgment asked for. Mrs.
Hengen wants $11,083 50 , a portion of which
is for loss of property , her household effects ,
clothing , etc. , each article nnd its value
belns mentioned. The sum asked for by
the other two is So.OOJ cacti.
Belle Anderson wants release from her
husband , Ncls Anderson , and has filed a
petition asking tlni district court to grunt
her a divorce. They were married October
10 , 1SS1 , and Hello alleges that beginning
nbout six months after tncir marriage nnd
continuing up to the present time , Nels
has been nn habitual drunkard , has
been guilty of extreme cruelty , frequently
striking hcrnbout the head , face und shoul
ders with his fists ; has often thrown dishes ,
pan's , chairs nnd other articles at her , and
ahu lias been left , numerous times , in n cut ,
bruised nnd bleeding condition. It is ulso al
iened that ho threatened to kill his wile , and
that she Is now la a fecblo condition.
Ono night , about the middle of last July , nt
North Bend , Granville Jnmcs , a Union Pa
cific brakcman , wns run over by nn engine
and one of his legs was so badly crushed that
amputation was rendered necessary. Ho was
loft a cripple for life. Mr , James now brlngs
suit against the company for $20,000. Ho
says that the company is wholly to blame for
the nccldcnt because of the bad condition of
n frog in which while walking across the
track his foot wns caught.
The county attorney arraigned three
prisoners , two of them being fresh
from the commission of their offences. They
were Hobort Uynn , Godfrlccl Ueorhalter anil
William Ncbc. The latter has been in Jail
since January IB , 18bS. Ho is charged of
living In open adultery with Clara U , Iturko ,
the wife of Daniel Hurko. The tnfoi mutton
against Ilynn is to the effect that , on the
night of March r > ho stole from A. ICellncr'a
stable n sot , of harness. Ucorhattcr Is
charged of steallnii Wl from William
John I. Hcdlck commenced suit against
Sarah Elliott nnd M. E. Free to iccovcr $310 ,
nlleued to be duo for rent of a building at
13HK Fnrnnm street.
In the case of Nathan bhclton against John
C. Gladden and John F. Coots , the Jury ills-
charged the liability ns to the last named de
fendant , and rendered n verdict for Jl.OOO
against Gladden.
Elizabeth A. Roberts commenced suit for
divorce from her husband , Frank A. , on the
grounds of cxtrctuu cruelty and brutality ,
They wore mnrrlod In this olty four years
ngo. The wlfo also asks for the restoration
of her innldon name , Elizabeth Ann Ed
M. E. Free aucd Low Plxloy and others
fdr420 for the furnishing of steam heating
and plumbing In a certain building.
Jnmcs T. Huston filed a bill ngnlnst George
A. Crnnccr to foreclose a mortgage nn a lot
In Patrick's addition , upon which is duo (291.
The Jury In the cnso of Charlotte Smytho
against Fred W. Losscntlno nnd others gave
the plaintiff n verdict for fi37 yesterday.
County Court.
Judge Shields was Interested In the trial of
a peculiarly Interesting caso. Once upon a
time Frank Itamgc leased a certain store
room nnd basement to Haydcn Bros. , who ,
In their contract , stipulated that only boots
and shoes were to bo stored therein. Uoforo
the lease expired they vacated the promises
to occupy quarters of their own , and some
tlmo thereafter nttcmptcd to put n stock
of Imv into the Uningo building. To
this Hamgo protested and by force of ar.ns
prevented them from carrying out their In
tentions. On the strength of this entry
Iluydon Bros , claimed that then and there
ended tholr obligation to pay any more rent ,
and having refused , Hnmge brought suit.
The case was argued nnd Judge Shields hold
that Judgment would bo rendered for rent ns
well as the damages.
The court also gave n Judgment for $412 In
favor of George V. Asgourignt , who sued
E. II. Cochran.
In the case of William J. Mnuflin against
Jeff W. Bedford and others , a Judgment for
$385 was rendered for the plaintiff.
host. "I don't know whore , I can't
toll when , I don't ' see how something
of great viiluo to mo , nnd for the return
of which I shall bo truly thankful , viz. :
a good appetite. "
Found. "Health and strength , pure
blood , an' appetite liku a wolf , regular
digestionall by taking that popular and
peculiar medicine , Hood's Sursaparllln.
I want everybody to trvlt this season. "
It is sold by till druggists. One hun
dred doses one dollar.
* Mr . Johnson's Cane.
The assistant county physician who at
tended Mrs. Johnson on Eleventh and
Lcavcnworth denies that she did not receive
prompt and immediate attention. The order
to visit her was'not received by the county
commissioners until Monday morn
ing. The physicians called upon
her Monday noon. He found ,
treated her , nnd gnvn instructions that if she
was attacked again with the pnlns to sum
mon him. Ho heard nothing more from her
or anyone else as to her condition. On
Wednesday morning the physician called
again uud found that stio had been delivered
of a child. Ho denies the statement that lip
said the woman wns a prostitute , uud that
he would not attend such women.
Art Sale.
Don't fail to attend Hospo's discount
sale on pictures. Roincmbor 25 per cent
olT this week.
F.nmiinir fc Slavnn Must Clean Them.
Councilman Wheeler has explained to a
reporter that his objection to the extension
of the street sweeping contract was based
uuon the fact that it wns not being complied
with , and that the cityns u. consequencewas
compelled to pay money which might other
wise bo saved. It has been the custom in
the early spring and full when the broom ma
chines could not bo used for the removal of
the mua upon the streets to have them
scraped and shoveled , nnd the expense of
this is generally grc-iter than that of sweep
ing. In this way some very heavy bills have
been footed by the city. Councilman Wheeler
holds that this work must bo done hereafter
under the street sweeping contract , and is
backed up by an examination of the contract
by other couucilmcn.
Grand opening for spring of ' 89 .
American Tailors Monday , March 18.
Paxton hotel.
The Fort Lioontlon. ,
The board of trade committee , consisting
of John A. Wnkelleljl , Charles H. Brown ,
John Evnns , G. M. Nattinger and D. H.
Wheeler , which was appointed by the presi
dent of the board last Tuesday to confer
with Senator. Manderson in regard to the
selection of a now site for Fort Omaha , mnt
yesterday afternoon in G. M. Nattlnger's
ofllce for the purpose of considering the
course to pursue. Nothingdollnitc wasdone.
Whether the committe'i will po to Washing
ton to co-operate with Senator Manderson or
not was not decided.
Woodruff Granite Qanrry.
t am prepared to furnish Woodruff
granite in paving blocks , door sills and
stops , or blocks of most any dimensions
at cheap figures. Also handle at my
Lincoln yard all classes of cut stone for
any p.irt of the state. Ask for figures.
Thomas Price , Lincoln , Nob.
SCOVILLE At the residence of her grand
son , H. S. Wiggins , 3403 Fuinam street , nt
2 o'clock n. m. , Thursday , Murch 14 , 1SS9 ,
Mis. Sophronta Scoville , aged 9J years.
Mrs. ScDvillo had boon visiting her ; daugh
ter , Mrs. J. Wiggins , in western Nebraska ,
and her grandsons In Kansas City nnd
Omaha , and expected soon to return to the
homo of her only son , John S. Scovitlo , of'
Geneva , O. The remains will bo tnkon to
Cnmden , N. Y. , for burial. Her death was
painless and peaceful ; simply the trusting
chmtian laying down the burden.
Grass , garden and field seeds. Win.
Siovors & Co. , IGJh and California.
A Correction ,
In reporting his' interview with Bishop
Newman , the reporter made the bishop say
that ho Is elated because St. Mary's avenue
church is to bear his name. The good bishop
simply expressed himself as pleased with tlio
prospective dedication of the church. Ho is
opposed to naming churches after living men.
Grand opening for spring of ' 89
American Tailors Monday , March 18.
Paxton hotel.
GiiHfilino Again.
A Mrs. Hughes , residing- Fifteenth
street between Williams und Plorco , was severely -
vorely burned by the explosion of u small
gasoline hove lute Wednesday afternoon. She
was jreparint ; an evening lunch when the
explosion occurred and the burning oil ig
nited her clothing and she was badly burned
about the lower limbs aud body before as
sistance arrived ,
,9o ,9n
l- i 0 CREAM
ry 10o n FIAYORING
11.if 10y EXTRACTS
it U"'l , > y the X'nltM BUlc Oovftnroent. Hoilorted by the liendi of the fireat Unlvemltlf
' .Y ullc 1'ood Au l > sts , us the htronceH , 1'urckt and most Healthful. Dr. 1'rlcc's Cream
" ! " ? ' < J lerdoe not contain Ainmuula.I.luieorAlum , Dr. 1'rlcc's DellclouuJ'lavorlnitlU-
tracts , \nnlllu , I.cmou , Oraucc , Almouil , Rote , etc. , do uot coutalu i'olsonoui Oils or Chemicals ,
PRICE HAVING POWDER CO. , N w York. Chlcosto. 8t. Uoule.
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity
strength utid wholosonioiiosi. Jlore economlcnl
than the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot bo n hl In
comoetltion with tnn inultltudes of low cost.
Miortwelghtitlum or phosphnto powders. Sold
only In cans , lloyal Unking Pan dor Co. , UO
Wallstroct Now York
SWIKT'B Si'iintfio cured mo of malignant
Blood 1'ohon after 1 had been treated In vain
with old so-tnllcd remedies of Mercury and
Potash. S. S. S. not only cured thn Ulood Pol-
son but relieved thu Illieumatlsm uhlcli wa
caused by the iioimnnus mliimul.
OIH ) . llOVIILh , M'-SJlcl Avcliuo , N V.
Scroftil adevcloped on mv daimhter-BwellliiK
and lump son her neck. Wo BII\O her H\M IT'S
HTKCIFIC , and the result was noliilerlul nnd the
euro prompt. A , DlIAH.MOND.CIcveland.Tonti.
Swi rr'sSi'Kcmo Is entirely n vegetable rem
edy , and Istho only remedy which permanently
cures Scrofula , Hloort Humomj CanroriindCon
tailous Ulood Poison. JunO ? for books on
blond and skin diseases , mailed free.
TllKSuiKTHl'Kcit'iorn. . Drawer ! ! . Atlanta , ( ia
Ask Your Retailer for tlio
OK Tim
According to lour Needs.
Bis light and styllso. Itntslikon
slocJilnf ; , RIM KEOOIKIM
1 Ing perfectly ca y the urst Umc It
It worn. JfnrilUctlsrjrtho tnoct
tldlonn. iTAMKS MEANS
SIIOJ2 It absolutely tha
, only shoo of Its prtco which ,
has ever been pliccd cx-
itcntlvelyon the market
la which durability
_ ls considered before ,
mere out-
wan !
llcani $2 Shoo for nays
J. DIKAXS & CO. , Boston.
Full Hues of thu ub < wo shoes for Halo by
Norris & Wilcox
and Geo.S. Miller
Only Ocnulno Sysjtcm ofjilcmory Training.
Four -llonha Ijcarncil in one rcadlnt.
niiud ivaiulorine cured.
Evry child anil nilult crcntly benrfltted.
Great Inducements to Correspondence Classes.
Prospectus , nllh opinions of lip. Win. A. Hum-
mo ml , the world fainnl Specialist in Hind IJIfesww. .
Dlinlrl ( i rrpnlrn fTlininpioii. the Breat Psycliol.
octal .1. HI. Ilnctclp . . ! > . ' odltnrof the Cliriftian .
T&a"Iv.'j'f Hlclinril I'roi-tor. the So.entlst
ui'.i ' .
- - i'.i n'JitiMoii.Jiuluhl'.JlciiJnuiiu.anil
: , 237 riftli Avc.i N. T-
TknLion"Hiffh Pressure Hose
TlioJScst In tlio Cheapest !
following Plmnte
Hiiggey & Day Co. ,
JI. A. Free ,
( iralinw Park ,
J. J. llnniglmn.
J. I. . Wc'simns ,
J. It. Uiinmule ,
S. I * Morrison ,
Itoso & Knife ,
And all lending
plumbers throughout
tlio west.
The pressure guarantee Imprinted In the body
of tliu cover IH n pi election to the consumer
against common hose.
Millioos of Trees !
ronststlnp ! of Fruit Tress , Small Triilts , ftrapo
VlneH. Ornamental Tie s and Slirubf , Kver-
Krpt-ni , Hoses , etu , tosetlier with n largo assort
ment of Trees uii'l Seeds for planting ;
Timber Claims.
I'acllltlcB unsurpiiHHeil. Wrllo for wliolesaio
und retail lists. Address ,
D. S. LAKE , Proprietor.
A largo amount ot money to loan ou Im
proved real estate In tlio city of Omaha. Those
nimlswlllbo distributed In euins to suit , but
large loaus lire preferred. Applications may be
inadu to
teE , S , BISBEE ,
I'lrgt National Dank Hutlillng. Kepresentlng
Alex. B. I'orter. lloalon Mass.
Cnnital JOO,003
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 52,000
HKSHV W. VAT1W , J'resldeut. '
ItKWIB B. 11KRI ) . Vice Pn-bldoflt.
A. 15. TOUXAMN ,
J.N. II. 1'ATltlCK.
W. II.H. I1UUI1KS , Cnshler.
Corner litii and 1'arnam Sts.
A General llanklnir Ilunlness Traaacte.d
and 1 HMora cured , lit > jtnn *
ctl rlrncr. fi * Knife. Hook
CANCER Fre . J.I > .UeUlCHiKl , .D.
1U1 Wubub Av..Cktc no.lU.
Our full line of Spring Overcoats is now ready for inspection , comprising the choicest fubrics nnd most cor
reel styles. Our aim is to furnish garmoiits perfect in fit nnd workinimaliip at n reasonable cost. Our show
windows are very attractive this weolc by the display o this line of goods.
Men's Suit Department.
A special offer for this week is a line of men's all wool bine cheviot sack and srock suits , inndo from a good-
ordered especially for our trade and recommended to business men as a very desirable and perfect fitting auit ay
the reasonable expense of § 10 par suit. Sacks and f robks , all sizees.
Our new goods are coming in every day. Our stock at present is more complete than at any date since the
Continental was opened , The sale in our children's department last year , was far beyond our expectations , and
by keeping the largest stock and selling only first class goods , and at prices ihat only largo manufacturers can
oiler we expecb to double our business this season. One of the choicest suits we have ever offered for thu piico is
shown this week as .a special bargain , a neat brown check in Scotch Cheviot at § 5 per suit. AJJCS 4 to 14.
All request for spring samples will be filled this week. Send for any article in our establishment audit wi ]
be sent you by express and if not satisfactory crn be returned and we will pay all charges.
OMAHA Freeland Loomis & Co.
Proprietors ;
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets ,
s hat v o v unt to ulvo to pvery person that
visits our storo. Should you lit any time !
puronase nil article thnt does not prove
juht as reptoseiiteil. vo would con laor It a' '
crent favor to be allowed the opportunity oft
raakliiKyousiitlsHi'd. Kemcmber our spring
titock IH arrlx IIIR dally.'e h ivo two Hours |
well lighted and stocked ultli tlrst clius
goods. ,
Mas Meyer-Established 1835-Adolpb Moyar
Max Meyer
& Bro. ,
General Agents for
I 111 ] ,
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & ClarU and Siionto-Bcll Organs
Write for Catalogue
C. ' tbe I.lauar Habit. I'odllrtilr Cored
br AdmlaUlerliiu Ilr. llulue * '
Uolilen MpcclOc.
It can be given In u nip of coiree or In art
cletuit foot , without tlio Kilonlcdgo of the pa
leu It Is ubHOluicly harmless , and Hill ef
iecta perniunfiit andI'peedycure , whether thu
patient Is a inoileratu drinker or tin alcohol
wreck. IT NWKH KA1I.H. Over IOO.OOO
drunkards Imvo been made temperate men who
have taken ( JoMen Ppeclllo In their coireo with
out their kuon ledge , and today believe they
quit drinking of thela own accord. 4S pagu
book or particulars free. Kuhn Ar ( 'o , agents
16th and Douglas at s , 1 8th and Ciimlnt ; htreeta ,
Omaha , Neb. : Council llliiirs , loiva : Agents , A.
U. roster & Hro.
Steck Piano
Roirmrknblo for powerful sympatholio
tone , pliable action nud ub.soluto dura
bility ; 30 years' record the best guuraii'
too of the excellence of thcso instru-
mo nts.
I V VIGOR , telS3S ? ! < S5S !
l . . tb uev
f bjr .
LI - , Remedies.
i KnI fur our litw ilfu ti t if J its.
tut. > it oiuii iccitcj" , Varlco *
curtd without tiala or ofxrstlon.
eslon-Dupre fcllnique , JUTccueM St. ,
MiN : anil WO.MUN successfully trciitoJ.
Suircrlnu from tlie effects ofyotitliful follies or Imlls
crollon" , or nro troul > lc < l with Weakness , .Nervoun
Debility , l/os * of .Memory , Despondency. Aversion to
i-oclcty. Kidney Trouljlrs or nny dl a B of the lienl-
to-L'rlniii > OWIIIIH , c n hero tlml n snfo nml speeuy
cure. Clmrues rensonnble , especially to the pour.
Tliiro lire ninny troubled ltd too frequent evncna
tlons of llieb udder , often iiceompiinled by n
smnrtlnsorliuriiliijKi'iis-itlon.miil vciikenliit'Of Hie
H ) tein In 11 iiuinnor the imtlent tnniiot iiccotnit for.
On ex.'iiiliilnu the uilniiry depoiltt n roi > > rcdlnuMit
will olti'ii be found , nnd souietlinet iiiutlc'es of iilbu-
men will nppenr or tbe color bo ot thin , lullklsh
IHIIiwiilii t iniulru to a iliuc or torrid ai > paarimco.
Tlien- are ium > IIIIMI w ho illiof this dlfllciilty. iKntir-
nnt of the uuiso which it tlio nccon I st.iiru of neinl-
nnl wciikne" . Tbo doctor will iruarnntoo a perfect
runIn all IILI ( ii os.nnd n hiMltliy renlorntinn ot
theeenltoiirEntry urciiiK. Consultation freo. end
2 rent Mninptor "Voum : Mnn's l-rlend.or t.ulde to
Wedlock , " ireo lo u'l. Al.lrcss
Main and 12tb St. , Kansas City , Mo.
ClTMcntlon this pupcr.
20to6O DAYS.
Thib is u disease which has heretofore
Bullied all Medical Science.
When Mercury , lodiito of I'otaislum , Sarsnpa
illl.i or Hot Springs fall , wo guarantee u curt' .
\Vo have a Kennedy , unknown to an yt > > e In tlio
World outaldo of our Cwnpuiiy , and out ) that has
\uviu : FAIMJO
to cuie the mo-it obstinate cases. Ten days In
recent cusen does the work. It IH the old chronic
< U'ip heated cases that we Bollcit. Wo have
fiirvil hundreds who have been abandoned liy
I'liyslcluns. anil pronounced Inctirablo , and wo
challenge tlio world to ui limns a case that wo
will not cure in less than blxty days.
Hlnce HID history of meulelne a true specific
for Syphilis has been sought for but never
found until our
n OH discovered , uud euro Justlllod In saylns
It is the only Uumuiiy in t h Woild tnat will pos
itively cure , biunuio the latest .Medical Works.
published by the best known authorities , bay
tliero ttuBiioverutruoHpeclilcliefoio. Ourrmii.
erty will cure wlinu /erythlng olno linn failed.
\\hy waste ) our time and money with patent
medicines tnat never had \lrtue , or doctor with
physicians time cannot euro you , you that have
tried everything else should ( omo tousnowaud
Ift permanent lellef , > ou never can get It else
where. Mark what we nay , in the end yon
must tukoonr remedy or NKVIilt recover and
> ou that have been alllleted but a short tlmo
should Ijy all means como to us now , not one In
tenof niiw cases over got permanently cured.
Many uet help and think they aio free from the
disease , but In one , two or three years after it
appears igain in a more horrllila form.
This is u blood Purlfior and will Cure
any Sltin or Ulood DiHcuso when
Everything Else Fails.
liooui 10 and 11 , U. S. Xnlloiiiil Dank
Hiillillnt , ' , Ojimlia , Nob. _
DUEricGrew ,
One of ( lie Most Siiccesiful
In the Treatment of all Ciuonlc , Spe-
. eial and Private Diseases ,
ttaxuul Organs , absolutely cured.
anteed ,
OVIU I1ICACCC till treatment for
OMPI UlJLnOuOi Klvfg tlio mott beautiful
complexion , anil u perfect skin ,
Bend blawp for reply , ,
OftlOGBu8hman Bloc * , 16tli and
Pouulas St9i Omaliu , Nee
N. W. Cor. 13th St. Oodso Sts.
Appliance ; for Deformities and Trasses.
IK'sl'mcllltles. iippsrstii' und remedies fur snrcesi
fal treatment ot every form of disease roqulrlni
MediialorSurgieal Treatment.
Uonrd and attendance ; best liospitnl accomuiodiy
Horn In Hie west.
WHITE run Cmci'f.AHS on Daformltles nnd Uracos ,
Trusics , ( 'lull Feet , Curvature uf tlia Spine , riles ,
Tmuurs , COM cor , Ontiirrli , llroncMus , Inhtlallon ,
Klcclrlclty. 1'nrnlrsls , Kpllepsr , Klilncr. Uladdcr.
Kye. Bar , Skin und Ulood , and all SurKlcal operations.
Dioeascs of Women n Specialty.
All Ulood Ul ea e9 successfully trontud. Syplillllla
I'olion remove I from tue sysloni wliliout mercury.
Nuwru toratlTetrc tmoiit for loss of VltsllMirer.
Persons unable to r'.sll us mnr ' " > trentod at tinme br
corrcsDcndence. All coimnunlcttlons rontldontlal.
Medicines or Instruments sent l > y mall or express ,
soTireir piokcJ , no marks to Indlcatv rontents or
sender. Ono persoaal intcrTlHW iirefcrred. Call ana
consult us or send lilstorrof your case , and wo will
> nd In plain wrapper , our
Upon I'rlrnto , Special or Nervous Discuses , Impo-
tency.Sypbllls , Ulcct and Varlcucele , wltli question
list. Address
Omaha Jfcdical and Surgical rnMtule , or
Oor. 13th auil Dodge bts. , - - OMAHA , NEB.
D ! & . OWEN'S
PATENTID Auo. IS ) 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1889.
' , Kuarantred to cur * Ibd fol.
Inwlof dlieufli. I ameljt All
gJCIUieumatio UompUInU ,
I'.Lunbago , Oenfril and
ktHtrvoui Debility , Oos-
Nerrouintsi , Tftmtilinr ,
Sexual Kxbsustlon.Wast'
r'i"fl4iir \ > J ' i"ft of BodT. BisfRsei
caused _ lpnj In Youth , Ago , Mar.
rieclorSln- . ' " ' " " * i" " I "tlilm
lo tht woml > - . - - . „ Dlul or , ni ot male or rtmtlc.
. . . I'Oitiiefor r > n llluilr.led | n , | bid , hlfli
slot fou ID pUlo cifcled enTelopa. MebllcolUi \ \ + r. fldrnt
3OO North Uroadwuy , BT. i.OUIU. Ma
Owrn's Electric Belt AHiclimcnt. j
worn wllli mi > ni ] eointotl. TH fur. '
made mild or Itronr. TbU I. thrt Ctblr' .
leclrls trim aoi Irll etir mal * . II . - - -
Kaplan IB r B 10 la III diri. I or full drieilptloo of Dr.
Owen'i Eltelro-datisnle H ' 'i. Hilu.l Aliinr > i.Triii > iiii4
lojolrl tcod c. fur run lllu.lratlamplil.t l l n will k *
l Dt you In plain icalrd riifilopr. Hold onlj I. ; II , .
y ) r1 rttl Hrou'lu'iiT FT IiOlMH.MO ,
To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin
and Liverpool ,
iV VOIIK r.vjiivTiiitiiHi/AV. :
Calilu pusniiK fJ5 n ' 1 W nctoulliiK to Ioct
tlon o ( htittcioom. livcumlon * w to t A.
BteciuKoloanilfiem Kuroiiu tit lcmrl Itnlun ,
AUrtl'IN IIAI.IAVIN .V CO. . ( iiiiniiil Aitunta.
Kl IlliuiUMiy , NiuVoilf ( ,
Jnliu llU'iruii , Convnil Wo torn Auut , KU Ituu1
ilolph HI. . C'liUuuo. Hurry I. . MOOIOH
II ,
For Sale or Trade.
liU nr nropt'i ty. , town Iota ,
nnd di'slrttmu unlinpr tveil lumli gultnlilo for
\v Inter IIOIUOK , fur M I < ir U > inujit for went. iru
IinpiovrO farmlands. Uurroftioiiduiirft ) solicited
OrlnnclOi Florida ,