6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEitfFRIDAY. MARCH 15. 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFJCH. NO 12 rBAHIj BTIIEET. rcllvcredbr carrier In Any Part of he City ft Twenty Cents lverWo k. II. W , TIMON. . . . MANAOKH. TKLKPHONKSl nr NKPS Orricp. No. . NIGHT KniTfm , No. J. T MiNOU MKMTIO.V. K. Y. Plumbing company. Coalandwood. E.E.Mt.yno,010B'wny.- 'llio commUsionors for Insnno hnvo ordered tlio rclcmso of John M. Philips , of this city , from the nsylum at Clnrimla. A mnrrlnRo license wns Issued yesterday to James J. Fitzgerald , of Now York city , nnd Mrs. M. J. McLean , of this city. United Guild will hold Its next regular meeting to-morrow nftcrnoon nt 3 o'clock , at the residence of Mrs. Harris , South First Btrcct , A full attendance is desired. Jnmcs Hllcy , a former resident of this city , died Wednesday ut Norfolk , Nob. The remains arrived In this city last evening , and were Interred In Pair-view cemetery. The beautiful decorations exhibited In the windows of tholloston store nnd the Council Bluffs Carpet company attract great atten tion. They arc ilno pieces of urtistlu window dressing. It is stated that the morning sorvlco of the cluctrlo motor line IB to bo improved by the addition of four trains. This will pjvo n twelve mlnuto service. The change will taUo effect nt onco. The funeral of .lohn Schwarz took place nt 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from ttio resi dence , 'Oil Hroiidwuy. The deceased dlcil Wednesday morning of pneumonia , nnd was in his eightieth year. The bcnctlt ball to bo given next Saturday evening ut Masonic tcmplo by the A. 0.11. ohould not bo forgotten by the lovers of tcrpslchorian festivities , as it will bo anecn- Joyuble affnir. The iifoceeds _ are to bo devoted - voted to St. Bernard's hospital. Uranchrs of the A. O. H. from Vail , Dun- lap , Atlantic and Dcninon will Join their brethren in the city next Saturday morning , nnd will leave the Northwestern depot for Omaha nt 00 : ! ! o'clock. They will go over the electric motor lino. > The proof of the advertising matter for the utato llrctnan's tournament has been received , nnd the matter itself will bo hero in a short time. ' It is also stated that the railroad com panies have finally given tha rules desired , which is ono faro for the round trip. An alarm from box 28 culled the fire de partment to the corner of Twenty-third nnd Urotuhvny about 4 o'clock yesterday after noon. Carelessness in filling the tank of a gasoline stove was the causa of the blaze. It was extinguished without much dlfticulty before the arrival of the dopartmont. The loss was merely nominal. On Wednesday evening last Mr. James M. Dunn concluded his temperance work In Council Bluffs. This series of meetings was ono of the most successful over hold in tha cltv. Nearly cloven hundred. names were added to the pledge , nearly two hundred of whom wcro previously drinking men. Mr. Dunn leaves to-day for Missouri Vulloy , in which pluco ho will engage In the same work. Mr. K. C. Smith , general agent of the Now York Life Insuarnce company presents some interesting facts for the consideration of Tin : Br.R readers in this Issuo. During the past year 33,000 policies covering $125OUCCO have been issued. This makes ' the total number of policies in force repre sent nearly $423,000,000. It has paid over J117OOQ)0 ( ) to Jts policy holders. See the statement of the company published in an other column. A vast amount of building is being done in the city , quite a largo proportion of which is going up in the now Council Bluffs. In the ofllco of ono linn of architects ( Boll & Bur- llnghof ) are plans completed and in hand for the following : Two store buildings for Mr. Landstrom , to bo erected on Broadway nnd Seventeenth street ; a $3,000 cottage forS. B. "Wndsworth ; a (1,200 cottage for A. Robin son ; two cottages for.I. J. Dickey ; a$2,000 house and a three-story block for M. Marcus. 9 Bboms to rent in the Merriam block. S. B. Wtidsworth &Co.ii3G Miiln street. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. E. H. Sheafo & Co. oiler bargains in 'city property , cither improved or un improved. Easy payments. Good lots on $10 payments. Bartlett < fc Norton for hardware , stoves nud.cutlory. 737 and 2315 B'way. S. B. Wad&worth & Co. loan money. Dr. C. C. Hazon , dentist , Opera house block. A Kuro Cluincc. I have for sale nearly 100 choice lots between Council BlulTs and Omaha which , in order to close out , I will offer for a short time at from $200 to $ . " 00 etiali and on the followiucr terms : $10 down nnd $5 per month. Lots full si/c and title perfect. Call and lot me show you the property. E. E. MAYNE , 010 Broadway. Personal Paragraphs. Mr. Joseph McWilliains.has . gene east on a business trip of some days duration. C. P. MUllgan , of the Now ORden , John Bohu and P. W. Ncill left for Blue Lake yesterday to slaughter u couple of car loads of ducks. Wells Cook , superintendent of the Hawk- cyo coal nnd oil company , is looking after the interests of that concern in Dakota and Wyoming. Ilov. W. H. W. Heese , formerly pastor of the Broadway M. 1C. church of this city , and now presiding older of the DCS Molncs dis trict , is visiting friends in the BlulTs. Mr. Ed Puller , In the employ of Mueller Music company , loft last evening for West- Hold , N. Y. , in response to u telegram an nouncing the dangerous Illness of his mother. Dr. J. A. Hansley , chief medical oxamlnrr of the V. A. S. fraternity , is In tlio city look ing nftor the interests of that , organization , und during his stay will bo the guest of his Blstor , Mrs. 13. Shubort , UOO Pacllic nvonuo. Porri'st Smith and .1. B. P. McUoo leave this evening for Huron , Dak. , und will bo absentROIIIO time. During their absence the will visit Plerro and n number of other Dakota cities , They regard Pierre as a very promising town , and invested considerable money thcro on the occasion of u former visit a few weeks ngo. * , Ono Pare For the Hound Trip * . Tlolcots on snlo April 8th , Oth nnd 10th , Rood for return from the llth to the litth inclusive for nil who wish to attend the state encampment of the G , A. 41. votormiB tit Burlington. Town , April ( Uh , 10th nml llth , 1889. The head quarters' train with the department commander nnd his stuff under the escort of Abe Lincoln Post G. A. R. , will lenvo Council BlulTs via the Chicago cage , Burlington & Qulnoy ruilrond at 0:40 : a. m. , April 8th , 1889. For furthci particulars , cull on 01 * address CAPi1. O. M. BKOWN , Ticket ngont , Cor , Pearl nnd Broadway. Council BlulTs. M. M. MAUSHAT.L , General Agent. AVc'Hlorii launhrr niul Supply Co. Between 18th and 14th streets , und 2d And yd avenues. Telephone lill. ' E. Vf , RAYJIOKD , Manager. Will exchange for cattle , hogs mid horses , I''O acres kind uour Sioux City. Clear title. No incumbrunco , L. I ) . FOWLKR , No. 10 Pearl St. Hotel property in Council BlnlTs , cen trally located , dome good business. U P , Ollicur , solo agent , No. 12 N. Muin St. , Council HlulTtf. Notice the beautiful llnlhli irlvon col lar ! * , ( 'ufTa und shirts by Cascade Laun dry company , J. 0 , Tiplou , real estate , 627 B'dwuy. HAPPENINGS IN THE .BLUFFS Property Owners Want Accurate Work From the Assessors. KICK ON A BASE BALL SCHEME. of tlie Toinpcrnnco Work Kulx Put On Trlnl Per- - noiinl . Mention News Caught In tlio Net. Will Call tlio AsscHHorB Down. A demand la being mndo by numerous property owners through the county for n meeting of all the assessors of the county at which certain grievances of the property owners may bo fully Investigated. In speak ing of ttio matter yesterday , n wc'l ' known stock raiser nnd heavy land owner expressed lie belief that the meeting should bo hold at once. Said he , "The manner in which land ins been assessed for the past fo'v years through this county Is altogether wrong and unjust. The assessors take the old books nnd assess from them , nnd this makes the trouble. "If I had been assessed for n quarter of a section tlio yonr before , they would chalk that down again this year , and if In the meantime I had sold ten acres to sotno other jiarty , Umtould Ilnd that nnd assess him Tor ten acres. They would not ciit mine down to 150 acres , so you see that ton acres s assessed twice in the same year. There nro numerous cases like this to bo found , and I recall ono in particular where three forties were thus assessed as 100 ncres , simply by duplicating recently deeded tracts. "It seems as if the assessors have been too lazy to look into the matter carefully , and the result has been that the farmers have boon imposed upon. Them are several things in connection with the assessment of real ostuto that should bo brought to the attention of the assessors , and I have not the slightest doubt but that they will bo remedied if this meeting is hold. " The finest line of spring goods to bo found in tlio market is at A. Roller's , No. 310 Broadway. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan ollico on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of till kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. They Wuitt to Piny Ball. "I like those follows who are always booming Council Bluffs with their mouths , and then patronizing foreign business houses and offering all their inducements to outside parties , when homo enterprises are entitled to It. Yes , I like these fellows iv good way off , " and the speaker chewed viciously at the end of un unllghtcd Senora. "Now then , perhaps you don't know what I am hot about 1" Tuo reporter had to admit that ho did not. "Well , I can tell you in n very few words. I want to see some .base bull in Council Bluffs this year and I want this city to put u coed team in the Held. It can bo done easily enough , for we have plenty of coed material. There is no trouble in getting n club , but the hitch comes in on getting suitable grounds. Mnnawa park was laid off nnd fenced last season und was a splendid place and it will undoubtedly bo u much liner place this year. Business inun were asked to take advertis ing space on the fence to help the club along and they did so. The club never got a cent , and now when n Council HlufTs ball team wants the grounds for another year , it is found that the manager has bpen trying to Jense the pnrk to an Omaha club. "When asked what the home club could have the grounds lor , he stated that 00 per cent of the gate receipts would be about the proper tiling. However , fyc finally agreed to como down to 40 per cent 'as it was a homo team. ' Now you seoiWhnt the kick is about. This Is building up Council UlulTs by throwing our grounds to Omaha. Wo can't ' pay any sueli per cent-age when we have to give visiting clubs from 40 to ( JO per cent of the gate receipts. Wo want to play Omaha clubs , but wo want to play them hero on our own grounds. Wo can support a good team if treated any way fairly , und it makes us sore to have anybody try to como wolf play on us so early in the season. " Money loaned on luinituro , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable doaling. A. A. Clark & Co. , olllcc cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Kutz nn Tflnl. The case of State vs Charles Kutz , alias Charley Cox , was called in the district court yesterday morning. Kutz is charged with an assault to commit rape. The prosecuting witness is the oloveii-ycnr-old daughter of "Salvation" Walker. The details of the case were given in TUB UKE several weeks at the time of the arrest , of the defendant. The case wns continued last evening anil com t adjourned at 4 o'clock , as two of the witnesses for the defense were in the coun try and could , not ho secured until this morning. Headquarters for builders' hardware , Odoll & Bryant , 613 Main street. Now and full line of spring goods at the London Tailors , 037 Broadway. A Gllt-Kclfird Crowd. Judge Aylesworth ground out a fine grist yesterday morning. Thomas Myers , drunk , scalloped , $8.10 ; John Brown , drunk , un- scalloped , $7.6'J ' ; Willinm Davis and Michael Leo , d runic , extra fringe , fS.20 ; Paddy O'Day , fS.'JO. Paddy is hardened sinner of seventy-six years' standing nud failed to properly appreciate the court's kindness in letting him off with costs on Tuesday morn ing. TKIUUHLK BOlLiKU EXPLOSION. Five Men Instantly Killed nnd Many Otlicrs Injured. PiTTsnuuo , March U. A battery of boil ers at the West Point boiler works of I { . Monroe & Sous , exploded shortly after 13 o'clock to-day , completely wrecking - ing the plant and burying a number of moil In the ruins. Four have occu taken out dead and three badly injured , nnd there are still In the ruins a dozen others who are qulto seriously injured , nud it is thought fatally. The dead are : August Lindcrbaugh , en gineer ; Charles Allenbach , laborer ; Daniel Clark and Jotiu Hcmholmor , bollormnkcrs. Martin Connors and ono other were taken from the ruin aliva. Connors , it is thought , will , die. The explosion occurred lust after the noon whistle hud sounded and many of the workmen had loft tlio worKs to go to their dinners. In a foxv minutes after tlio explosion n crowd had gathered about tlio wreck , and wlves.-mothers nud children ran about wringing their hands and crying and searching for loved ones. The work of res cue Is going on vigorously , but at 2 o'clock nn more bodies had been recovered. Four nro bollovcd to bo still buried beneath the debris , and it is feared many inoro were caught in the wreck. The cause of the ex plosion hus not been learned , At 3 o'clock the dead body of James Car ton , helper , was taken from the rums , The boilers wcro inspected six months ago and wore thought to bo In first-class condition. The real cause of the explosion will probably never ho known , as the engineer was killed outright und nobody has yet been found who was w the engine loom at the tltno of the disaster. The work of renouo continued until late this afternoon , hut no moro bodlos were found. All the employes have been ac counted for. Of tlio sixty-five workmen , flvo were killed and eleven Injured , H number of them qulto seriously , ono of whom is In a danger ous condition and will probably dlo. A cor rected list of the killed is ns follows ; Qua Linncbau. engineer ; Charles Aulcn- bavuo und Daniel Clurk , boiler makers , The cause of the explosion is still u mys tery , No Investigation has been made us yet. Kvorv ono spoxou to on the suolccl expressed confluence m tha engineer , und agreed that ho was a rnrcful und competent uiun. The boiler bus been in use eifut years. MADB A BIG ll\\Jli. Schemer Post Gets Awny Wltti Ijots of Money. CHICAGO , Mnrch 14. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKE. ] Further Inimlr Into the affairs of Alfred Post , the "freight claim bureau'1 gentleman whoso lluanclal exploits have bocn mentioned , shows that ho not only succeeded in getting shrewd business men interested In his scheme , but got thorn into it deeply. It Is claimed that his biggest victim Is one of the shrewdest capitalists in Chicago. Albert A. Munger , the grain elevator man , and the attorneys who have been Investigating the affair , assort that .Post secured from this gentleman nlono nearly $10.COO. ) Two or tnrco other well-to-do business men nro known to bo interested In Brother Post's whereabouts to the extent of-from $7,000 to $10,000 each , nnd the number of small fry is not known. It is now learned that In addi tion to his elegant apartments on Michigan avenue boulcvard'nnd his mugnlllccnt private stable , Post has for years pu t lavished Jewels nnd flno clothing on his pretty type writer artist , nnd as she has not boon seen since ho loft the city it Is doomed certain that she accompanied him. Ills wife has gene cast. A TilTO THIS GOVKKNMISNT. 1'nlluy Prom n Minnesota LjcgNlntor. ST. PAUL , March 14. In the state legisla ture yesterday n resolution was Introduced relating to the foreign policy of the general government. The resolution declares that the general government should adopt n vig orous foreign policy ; that the United States should compete for the commerce of the world ; that money should bo appropriated for the constant construction and operation of steamship lines. It was also resolved that the sea-coast fortifications should bo strengthened and multiplied ; that the treaty rights of thu United States should bo relig iously preserved , and that th ere Is causa for deep solicitude with regard to tlio acts of thu Gorman empire In the matter of Samoaii af fairs , inasmuch as the blows of thu Gor- mais : seem to be aimed at the commerce ef the United States and not at the savages of the Samoan islands. The representatives of thcstutoinconcrcss nro Instructed to use their Influence in carrying out the sugges tions of th o resolution. The Ni w Kldorndo. Los ANOIUS : , Cal. , March 14. [ Special Telegram to THE BII : . ] It is believed from stories of old prospectors who have come back from the now mining rogioa for sup plies , that the adverse stories sent out from San Diego a few days ago nro without foun dation. The prospectors assert that the diggings are rich. Two steamers sailed yes terday from Sail Diego to Knscnada loaded to the guards with miners and prospectors. Governor Torres telegraphed tlio Mexican secretary of war to-day for additional troops. Ho is fearful of bloodsi.ed. Mexican troops are hurrying to tlio mines. Some of the Mexicans have endeavored to prevent Amer loans from locating certain claims they wish. A conflict Is feared daily as the Amer icans express contempt for the ' 'greasers" and propose to work where the best wash ings and diggings aro. Sailed Under False Colors. CI.EVIL\NI > , O. , March II. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BIB. ] Nearly twenty years ago a well-bred German came to Cleveland , and soon took a prominent place in German society and prospered , and Mr. and Mrs. William Schuetrumuf became known in many German organizations. Yesterday they disappeared and with thoai their two children. The cause'of tliclc. flight is the fact that Schuctrumpf's genuine wife and grown-up son had learned of his prosperity and locution , and tlio latter hud como to America on u tour of investigation. Schuetrumpf and the woman with whom he lived eloped and left Germany in 180'J. AVrnkiicRs on tlio Hoiirn * * . PAIUS , March _ 14. The bourse is weak owinjj to a rumor that three directors , in cluding the governor of the Hank of France , have resigned. Comploir d'liscompto shares are now quoted nt Mio francs and Rio Tinto at 320 francs centimes. Murderer .Inckson Executed. UTICA , N. Y. , March 14. Virgil Jackson was hanged shortly after 9 o'clock this morning. The crime fjuwhlch hovas exe cuted was for the murder of Norton Motcalf in AURiistu Centre , .TniUmry 29 , 1888. nnd grow out of criminal relations between Jnck- son and the wife of hlsjyiotlm. niDN'V S1NIC llK N1PS1O. No Baal A For the Imported Fight nt Bnino'a. Ai-CKt.ANn , March 14. Advlcas Just re ceived from Samoa show there was no basis for the sensational rumor of the engagement between the United' States man-of-war Nlpslc and the German corv ctto Olga. Far from this , the Gormau , officials on the Island have entirely given up their aggressive policy. The proclamation of martial law has been publicly withdrawn nnd the Germans have abandoned nil claim to the right of searching Incoming vessels for contrabands of war Both of those steps have mot with the hearty approval of all the foreign residents at Apia nnd have had a quieting effect. Unusual tranqulllty prevails throughout the Island , Mataafn , however , has a force of troops estimated to bo six thousand strong. Tamasoso's army consists of about seven thousand men. Kntnl FiRht in Sine ; Sing. SINO SIN-O , N. Y. , March 14. [ Special Telegram to THE Bnu. | Two convicts , John Johnson and Theodore Hoborts , fought yes terday in the corridor in the upper tier of cells over some trivial matter. Johnson ran Hobcrts tip against the three-foot railing and bent his back over it. Before the keep ers could reach the snot they toppled over together. The guards looked down , They saw tlio men , locked In each others arms , turn over In the nlr. They struck tlio stone door thirty foot below , nml Johnson uttered n scream. Ho was underneath. An exam ination of Johnson's injuries showed that his thigh bone was broken and there wns n long ami severe scalp wound on the back of his head. Ho was carried unconscious to tlio hospital. Roberts was put away in u dark cell. Johnson will die. AValkcr nialno Helps Il Father. \V\SIIIXOTOK , .March 11. 12ugcno Schuy- ler , the nominee for assistant secretary of state , is nt present in Italy and is not expect ed to arrive in Washington for at least 'a month. Meanwhile Walker Blnlnp , whoso nomination us solicitor of tlio .state depart ment was continued yesterday , is acting as assistant secretary- Have to Cut Bait. Gt.ouflESTKii , Mass. , March 14. Reports from Now Foundland say the Issue of licenses to American vessels for thn purchase of bait and other necessary outfit will bo refused this season nud that the government will co incide with the Dominion government in this policy. Fishermen who have recently re turned from Fortune and Placentia bays say cutters are already patrolling t.ho coast nnd that every port'is strictly guarded so that no violation of the bait act can bo accomplished. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. Foil HUNT At f ? per month , the nlco house and two lots , No. 111corner of Mil st. anil 2t ) ave. Harare Rvcretti j j T710U HUNT onice No. S , over llalrVs cnn- J-A fectionery store , latalv occupied by Win. Ward , arcliltec-t. llornc Ifvcrett. FOU SALE On monthly payments , house mid lot In Van Brunts Idea's addition , by .l.V. I'ullcr. il'Jl'eailhtrefet. ' OK KKNr Possession clvon April 1st. tiio resldencu now ocnljiled Dy Uoburt Car penter , corner Uth at , nnfli'd ave. , JIJ per month. Horace Hverett. KENT Furnished and unfurnished FOH rooms , with 01 without board. Mis. K. A. Htirke , dJ ) Washington avo. or Kxt-hange An established general merchandise stock , and Mtoruln Taylor county , Iowa , forr Con jcil lllulfs pi-op- o ty. Kcrr \ tiray , 53 ! Tlrstave. EUHNISIIKH 'looms ' for rent ; becond lloor. No. 117 I'onrlh street. tr ANTED The people to try the City Steam > Laundry , HI North Main. FOit IIKNT Cheap. t\vo handsome , new , six- room cottages , north of transfer. Council lllnirs. Inquire Illund lllshtor , iitti nve. and 21st st. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK EVER BROUGHT WEST. Carpets , Curtains , Curtain Goods , " Rugs and Upholstery. V Mail orders will receive prompt and careful attention. " COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET COMPANY. STEAM HEATING OF PUBLIC & PRIVATE BUILDINGS BY JOHN GILBERT , 521 Main St. . TELEPHONE 221. I Estimates PurnlBhod Corrusnoudonco Solicited , | On Application. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY. GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. .NO. 33O BROADWAY , TELEPHONE NO. 260 MERCHANTS Who Will Snvo You Money IFYOUBUYof THEM. ( / } ADAMS CD CDO O & CO.'S * > * * u gow SHOE Ifi * ? w House , ? * T2 H = 417 Ilrondway , [ 10 ffi c Council lllnrts. THE BEST. Is AIvays H ss CHEAPEST ills As wo can prove toy hundreds. Lanzendorfer & Strohbehn , \o. aai co - FIELD & ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Particular attention given to nmbnhnlni ; . \o. 14 \ . 31 illll M. , CoillM-ll ISIilir * . rurnltuio repairing nontly clone. Ofllco calls attended pioiuptly day and night. T1112 ICKST ( /3 MEATS 3O = m , S ir a ° S O eg _ ! AT TUB _ E I I e LoweslMPrices ! J5 S ' 1 1 Poultry of nil kinds O r g . , dressed to order. § 3 gs 3 C/3 E3 S eig ( HVK MB A CAM * rr * * LiJ "S3 -S EMottaz ° 0 = .J = J „ - PM o No. lUE. roadw'y GO TO THE LONDON - TAILOR , And get Hie lies ! 11(11 at ; Mult you ever luitl. No 637 BroadwayCouncil , BMs TELLING FIGURES FllOM TI1K- FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT ( JANUARY 1ST , 1S89J or TIH : NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , 346 & 348 BROADWAY , NEW-YORK. WILLIAM H. BEERS , President. TOTAL INCOME , over twenty-five million dollars. - - - , . . _ - „ i million dollar * . .nooi-jio , over ninety-three million dollars. SUHPLuS , by Now Stnto Standard , thirteen and a half million dollars. NJ1 IX FOHGE , nearly four hundred and twenty million dollars. S IN 18HH. | Increase In Interest $ GO,7. > S CS j IniM-oaso In Hoiu'llts to Policy Uoldcni. . 1,4:17,850 : 3t Inciomo In Surplus for Itividonds lru. V HM H4 . Increase In 1'rcinluins 2,8IO,717'0.'J ! , Increase In Total Income.t. . 5tl48,4V ( > 71 liu'renso In Assets U.40I43 ) ) : 70 ! Increase in Insurance Written 18Jro,48i ! > ( X ) Increase In Insurance In Force 00,1)50,009 ) 00 RESULTS OF 44 YEARS. Received from Policy-holders lu Premiums in forty-four years , 1845-1888 $ 108,910,303 , 81 Paid to Policy-holders and their representatives $ U7a'J2,037 ftl Assets held as security for Policy-holders , January 1 , 188 ! ) 03,4SOlbO 65 Total amount paid Policy-holders nnd now hold us security fortheir contracts 210,703,12.1 70 „ Amount Paid and Hold Exceeds Amount Urcclved $ 11,7(12,7(10.117 ( ( ' Received from Interest , Kcuts , etc. , In forty-four years , 1845-18SS $ 48,2.)0.rJ4 80 Death-losses paid In forty-four years , 1S45-18S3 „ . . 45,000,701 10 Interest l Itcnts Exceeds Dentil-losses I'lihl S ) . (14 ( _ _ _ qn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . , ,28 ,5)a _ . i Dividends paid in forty-four years , 115-1883 $ Hl.O'iS.arj 09 Surplus over Liabilities , under now-State Law , January 1 , 1830 ltl.500,000 00 Amount Saved Policy-hold ) is From Table Kales $ 48,428/272.99 E. C , SMITH , General Agent , Council Bluffs , Iowa , , n II SAPP &KNOTTS Fuel Merchants. ? WatchTheSlGNS rTojT | Y\QY\l \ > xNo.3l South Main St. eTiMESr Courteous Attention. . Painted byI , O R.OOE1F * I . . . . .1 prompt Delivery- P.C.MILLEf ' E.B.GARD i N E : R We invite your pat ro n age . . ? . /VO. IO4- NOS.II&I3 Pearl St. . \ WMt a SMrt LOOK AT IT. ] f you had taken it to the City Stuam mnndry It wouldn't look so. Ul Main Street. Telephone 141. No. 27 Main Street , Over .lacqiieiiiiii's Jewelry Store O. R.GILBERT , TAXIDERMIST And dealer In - Jsl l * * eo as NATURAL HISTORY SPECI MENS , Orders filled for all kinds of mammals and bird specimens. Minerals nnd fosnils on hand. Hullalohorns. Deer nnd IMk antlers. 1'iiruml Deerokln nip * , artificial eyfn , etc , Taxidermy work done1 luttllits brauches. Bend for cala. logue. Tuos. UrnrEii. * V. II. M. I'usuir. OFFICER & PUSH , BANKERS. Corner Main nnd llroadwny. COUNCJIt , IlIjUI'Tti , 1O\VA. Dealers In forcltm end rtomestlo exchanze. Collections made und interest paid on tlmu de- foslts. t D.H.McDANEU ) & CO. , HidesJallowleltsJooUFiiis , Highest market rlces. 1'rornpt return nd SM Main _ u Council SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators ATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications and pstlmntei furnished forcomplote steam plants. Kcculutlon , Onralilllty Ouir anlvud. Can show letters from u&ersvli < -ro Fuel Kronomy In fijii'il ' with CorllH.s Nou-CoudeiiHliiK E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 3JO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs IF YOO WANT TO BOY A PIANO , ORGAN , SHEET MUSIC , MUSIC BOOK , OR ANY KIND OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. ( Jail on us. Wo kcup only the bc t and latest improved. Wo soil tlio Culobratcd HARDMAN , FISHER & EVERfcTT PIANOS , ROYAL AND CENTURY ORGANS. NOAK niCTTKIl JN TIM M.lItKIST. Wo faell for Cash and on Monthly Payments. Wo mumuilco batiHfactlon In PUJJK ( ANI ) QUALITY. COltTJl A\D SIW US , OB ttKfflt l > 'OIt VATAIMObK. ADUHBSS MUELLER MUSIC CO. , wo. ioa MAI.V NTitRirr , - - - COU.VCIL , itMJi-rs , IA. P. S. Planoa and Organs , to rent , tuned and repaired. Wo also furnish BtiiiiutoH on Pipe Organ ! ! . POST OFFICE MEAT MARKET H. PETHYBRIDGE & CO. , PROPS. MunufacUirurHand Wholesale Ucaliu-8 In of Ordoi-6 Promptly Filled and Delivered. No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. FT J. BREZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist. J'tliimiK-ntly Incrtlcd at No. U North KUth Street , ojjpcmlt1) pont- ontca , on motor llnb , Council Illnirn , luwa. ItlidD anil iinlniHlH inoiintrd imtnrally inn' In the belt method of the \VnrrjxntedtopreheiveforyearK. . I'drelun birdd nuppllod on bliort notice. lliliefit ( price liulil for wi und Jiuwkn of nil kliidn. rtn > on > neurtlun order * ftsiurtd of iiBi-fe ct imtlsfnUlou. a-urUre , lnu'ui > ftUUy Write for parcuhir ,