Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat dcnorally Steady at a Slight
* 'A Ijnrgo Trndo In Onts1'rovlflions
Without Special FcMure Cattle -
tlo More Active A Down
Turn In Hogg.
CHICAGO , March 14. fSpoclal Telceram to
TUB UEB.I Wheat ruled generally steady
to-day at a shade lower range of values than
.ycstcrdny. Trade was moderately actlvo
and to a great extent professional In Its char
acter. Hutchlnson was thofrrcntcal buyer of
wheat in this market , and ho was a good
buyer In S't. Louis and Now York.
Ho looks upon July wheat In St.
Louis at the ruling prices us a
good Investment , and Is discoursing bulllshly
on the general situation. Cables were barely
steady as a rule , though some private ad
vices represented Puns as higher. This lut-
tcr Information is In Hat contradiction of the
private cables received yesterday , quoting a
ehnrp decline In Purls. The market was
noticeably firm early around
07 } < o for May and 87 > @SiJfo for
July on the good buying on
the threatened cold wave. This is the same
wave that was promised yesterday. It is
Blow getting hero , but the weither prophets
give warning of u complete revolution In the
weather conditions within the next few days ,
the slowness of Its coming causing tliem to
believe that It will stay. Ono of the
'weather breeders" on the floor says it Is
going to bo a "constitutional change , " by
which ho means that the long season of un
seasonably brilliant weather will be suc
ceeded by an equally protracted season of
cold , wet , stormy weather. No guaranty or
insurance goes with these statements of im
pending meteorological convulsions ; how
ever , the tone of the maricot chiui gcd from
strong to weak. May worked down to Ofi ) c
and July to8(5X@8"c ( , without there being
nny particular pressure to sell and with good
buying by Hutchinson on the decline ana
by Falrbnnk's brokers around the
bottom. About 11 o'clock re
ports were received by Warren , Poole
nnd others that ' the Associated press dis
patches this afternoon would con linn the re
ported sinking of the United States vessel
Nipsio by the German Iron clad off Samoa.
This started the market up. May climbing to
Ui ? o'nnd July to S % ti. Just why apprehen
sions of a conflict beuvcen Germany and the
United States should bo a bull argument was
not clear , and this Idea seemed to strike a
good many , causing free selling on the bulge.
The market snttled back under the pressure ,
but recovered and continued llrm during the
last hour of the trading session. The close
watt 'J"o for May and 87Js@57 > . { b for July.
This makes u very slight cnango in May and
a shrinkage < 5f Kc in July. Ono ctlcut of the
decline in prices has been the striking fall
ing off In the interior movement of
wheat. The receipts at. western points are
getting very small again. The bulls con
tend that this shrinkage in the primary rc-
.cclpts is duo to the exhaustion of the sup
plies , and that it would have occurred just
the siimo if prices had been maintained on
the 20o higher level. This is conjecture.
The continued mild , dry weather , and the
improvement noticeable in the inspection of
the day's receipts were primarily the cause
of the weakness which induced the bears to
offer May futures In larger quantities than
the buying orders on the market could ab
sorb. There were also heavy sales of May
ugalnst the purchases of April , which was
used as a means of depressing the market
and with the hope of being able subsequently
to pui'cbaso May futures at a smaller pre
mium than it was sold at. The foreign mar
kets wore llrmor and the exports were phe-
nominally largo. The reports from the sea
board noted also a continuance of the
foreign demand. The inquiry from shippers
hero also suffered no diminution. The busi
ness done after the first hour was very lim
ited and confined as of late , in a great meas
ure , to the local speculators , with the close
showing a fairly lirm feeling to prevail at
the slight decline which took place. May
closed at 35 } e , which is * ( o below yester
day's resting point , and the other futures
were about equally affected.
After a day or two of quietude there was a
largo speculative trade in oats centered In
May , with prices ranging > ' @ clowur. , In
addition to some effort on the part of the
longs to realize , there was Increased short
nelluiF , with one operator placing 800,000
bushels at" 25 , c , which was the in
side price , after opening weak nt ! > % ( : .
The buying was chlelly in the way of cover
ing outstanding contracts , nnd was quite
general , The other months were dull , with
Juno substantially the same as the month
named , while March was quite neglected.
No. 3 oats in store or to go there were weaker
nt : M@21 , ' i' . - '
in provisions the day's business was a lit-
tie quiet and without special feature. The
"country" and the outsiders furnished fewer
buying or selling orders than is customary of
late , white among the professionals the tradIng -
Ing Indulged in was wholly of a scalping
character. From the start , a slow feeling
controlled the market , which was also in-
cliiicd to rule easier , though the closings
wore not materially different from yester
day's last prices. Short ribs at the adjourn
ment showed u decline of only 'JXi$5c ( , and
lard of 2 o. 1'ork closed unchanged to 2J c
CHICAGO , March U. | Special Telegram
to TIIIJ llKB.J CATTI.B The demand was
more actlvo nnd prices were rather strong ,
yet there was really no substantial advance.
Prime heavy export steers wore scarce , and
the demand was active for that class onlyj
the other classes moving along about the
auio as heretofore , with chances that about
everything would bo sold. The decrease ol
4,000 ugalnst the same time last week is be
ginning to toll. Cow stock did not share in
the firmness notable In steer stock , yet there
was little or no change. The shippers nntl
buyers of cows must remember that from
this time on cows arc liable to sell
chcau. The season for the demand for
vcul calves IK about to open , and the article
that sells best is the calf that is four to six
weeks old , n milk fat animal that has never
lost Us original fat. Choice to extra beeves ,
f.0 ( < HOO ; nunUum to good steers , l.a.V ) to
1.60011)9. , Sa.liU ; 1,1200 to l.a'.O lbs , ) .bO < 33.G5 ;
WiOto l.'JOOlhs. , J3.00fijy,40 ; stockers arid
feeders , $ i. 5@i.l5j : ! cows , bulls and mixed ,
Huos. Trade was actlvo , with down turn
Of 5o on mixed and heavy , the bulk selling
within a ramje of SI.'T CtTS , a few fancy
heavy at f4.SU. Light suits sold largely nt
H.SOQ-I.S5 , _
NEW YOIIK , March H , [ Special Telegram
to TUB HER.I HTORKS The stock marltot for
ttie morning hours was duller than on the
previous days. Lsndon had soiling orders ,
Hid the temper ot the "room was bearish ,
First prices were either unchanged or frac
tionally lower , and the pressure later , when
n few stocks became active , unused further
decline * . It was a mutter of comment , bow-
ever , that the list yielded so little la the face
of what was regarded as a very bearish
sentiment. St. Paul was the exception .to
the list , and showed some strength , without
material changes in prices. Reading , Texas ,
Pacltlc and Pullman lost X lier ceut before
11 a. m. , and aside from , these the changes
were Insignificant. Hoforo noon there was a
( light spurt of activity , with most of the
business In a few stocks , St. Paul , Reading ,
Lacl < a\vuna and Lake Shore wore animated.
With the activity came a weakness , wh'.ct
jvas communicated to the entire list , ani
prices generally were carried 'below the
opening llguriw. The sales at noon wore
llil.'JOO shares.
the closing quoU'.Uuu :
UB. 4s ro3nl r..1S9W'Nort1iernPiiclfle. ' .
U.S. 4 cotirxirn..l iH dopfef erred
L'.S. U"rejrular. . 108 . . . . . .
[ J. fl. 4 couponi. .108 do preferred , . . . .13.
I'acincosof gj . . .120 N.T Central . IO U
> ntral IMMlio , . . . a I I'I > . &K . 21 .
lilcapo * Alton.iai Hock island , . Vl > {
JhlcAgo.llurllnirton C..M. Asm1. , . . . . ra
AQulncy . . . . . . . jij uo preferred .
n L. * W. . . . . . . .las St. J'aul 4 Oraalia , 3l'i
Illinois Central..ID1 ! dopreferred . Ol't
1..U.&W. . . 1 Pi , Union Puerto . KJ ?
Kansas ftTiixos. . . 12UW..St.U , * ! ' . . . W4
I.nkcShoro . . . . .101'i ] do preferred.V <
MIchlgnnOntrAl. . Ki > { iWoitern Union . Ki',1
MIsfoiirll'Acillc . . . 7U'i |
MOSET ( IN C ILL Easy at 2@3 per cent *
PKIMB MBKOisrn.R IMp.tit > > { ! $ > , * pjr
STEHUNO EXOIIANOB Dull but steady ;
sixty-day bills , It.bS : itemnnd ,
CmoAfio , March 14. Wheat Firm ; cash ,
ODc ; April , Mo ; May , J7c.
Corn Steady ; cain , 8l e ; April , 35 * c ;
May , tyfft.
Oats About steady ; cash , 2icMay \ ,
Hyo May , 45c.
llarloy Nothing , doing.
Prime Tlmothj $ l.80@1.33.
Flax $1.00.
Whisky * l. 0.1.
Pork Steady ; May , $ t3.25@12.27. < ; June ,
Lard Steady ; cash , tJ.87 ( > ; May , J7.00.
flour Stonily.
Dry Salt Moats Shoulders , & > .U7J 'iI.'i. . ' > 0 ;
short clear , $ 'VUK@0.75 ( ; short ribs. * iJ.25' # Unchanged ; creamery , 2029ij ;
dairy , 15@3lc.
Cheese Unchnngod ; full cream cheddms ,
10J/iille ( ; Hals , lo.flie ; Young Americas ,
Il'hiil2o : lints. lO opllc.
K gs Firmer ; froah , 13J-3@l4i' .
Hides Unchanged ; nonvy green salted ,
56 ; light gruon salted , 5c ; green ,
gmtcd bull , 51 0 ; green salted calf , fij _
dry Hint , 7J Su ; green salted kip ,
dry calf , 7ftbo } ; dry united hides. 7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1. solid packed ,
4@lJ o ; No. 2 , 8 @ 3J o ; cake , -J.V i ; .
iiucoint . biiluincnts.
Flour , bbls 11.001) r.,000 .
Wheat bu 21.000 2J.OOO
Corn.OU HMJ.tKX ) 'feO.OOO
OatB. bu Oi.OOJ C'J.OIX )
Now Vorlc. March 14. Wheat Uceolpts ,
" " " " ' ' * '
1,000 ; exports ,
nctivo fo
elevator ,
No. 'i re _ '
tlons fairly active , llrm aiid unc'lfaiigcd ;
March , 03j > tfc.
Corn Hocoipts. 121,000 ; exports. ! M ,000 ;
spot dull and , ' 4@Ke lower ; No. 2 , 4-j@ ! ) )
4 % o in elevator , 44tf@44Ji'c nlloat ; No. a ,
42M4I1K ; uiicrnded , 42 ( ( 42 > ic ; options dull
unu J/rfK ( ° lower.
Oats Receipts , 32,000 : exports , 3.000 ;
spot moderately active but Kiie ( lower ;
options lower nnd weak ; Murcn , 5Ul < o ;
April , RO o ; May , UO c ; spot , No. 2 white ,
31jt @ ! KJc ; mixed western. 2SJ ( iZ:3c. : ; !
Oolteo Options opened barely steady and
closed steady and 15 to 20 points below yester
day ; sales , : ! li,750 bags ; March , ? > @ 17 10 ;
April , S17.00@17.10 ; May , $ ir.05@17.15 ; spot
Hioeasy ; fair oes , Jl'J.OJ.
I'otroleum Quiet uud steady ; United
closed nt b'.l c.
Kggs Quiet ; western , 14c.
Pork Firm ; now , $13.50.
Lard Quiet and easier ; western steam ,
$7.J5' ! March , $7.3' ' ) .
Uuitor Weak ; western ,
Checso--Steady ; western ,
tilvorpoo ! , March 14. [ Special Cablegram
to THE BEE.J 3:30 : p. tn. close. Pork
In poor demand ; prime mess , eastern , CDs ,
steady ; no , western , This , steady.
Lard In poor demand ; spot and March ,
30s. llrm ; April and May , 30s 3d , llrm.
Wheat In poor demand ; now No. 2 win
ter , 7s 8d , .flrm ; do spring , Ss" , llrm.
Flour In poor demand ; 11s 3d , steady.
Corn In poor demand ; spot , 4s , dull ;
March , 3s ll' d , steady ; April , 33 lid ,
steady ; May , 3s 10 , ' d , steady.
Minneapolis. March 14. Sample wheat
showed improvement for higher grades ;
receipts , 7 $ cars ; shipments , 43 cars. Clos
ing : No. 1 hard. March , $1.00 ; May , 81.11 ; on
track , $1.10 ; No. 1 northern , March , $1.27 ;
May , $1.33 % ; on track , $1.28 ; No. 2 , north
ern , March SSc ; May , DOc ; on track , 90c.
AliUv.uittoiMnrch 14. Wheat Easy ;
cash.SO'tfc ; May , 8Sc.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 31K@32c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , 27 (2,23c. (
Hye Quiet ; No. 1 , 43ii544c. ( ?
Harliy Firm ; No. 2 , 57 o.
Provisions Steady ; pork , 812.17 ! .
St. IjouU , Murcn 14. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 92c ; May , 93) @ 'J3Ke.
Corn Firm ; cash , -'J > .fe ; May , Sic.
Oats Higher ; cash , ! tt $ u ; May , 'Mo.
Pork Quiet nt $12.f > 0.
Lard Lower at $0.05.
Whisky -Steady at $1.03.
Butter In good demand ; creamery , 24@
20c ; dairy , 21s23c. ( H
Cincinnati. March 14. Wheat Firm ;
No. 2 red. U5@97c.
Corn In moderate demand ; No. 2 , mixed ,
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 mixed. 20@20Kc.
Whisky-Firm lit $1.03.
KniihiiH City , March 14. ' Wheat-
Weak ; No. 2 red , cash , 87c asked ; Mav ,
8"c bid , SJ ! ) c asked ; No. 2 soft , cash , 'no bids
nor offerings.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash , 23e bid ; 24c
asked ; May , no bids nor offerings ; iMo. 3
soft , cash , no bids nor offerings ; Nu. 2 white ,
cash , 25c bid.
Oats No. 2 cash , no bids nor offerings ;
May , aitfcbld ; 23e asked.
lilVh H V > U.l.
CHICAGO , March 14. Cattle Receipts ,
8,500 ; market strong and lOc higher ; choice
to extra beeves , $4.2Ufji.iJO ( ; steers , J-3.0J
( < i(4.00 ( ; stonkers and teoders , $2.25ri U.U3 ;
cows , bulls ana mixed , $1.03 2.00.
Hogs Kecelpts I'J.ODO ' ; marltet active , 5c
lower ; mixed , $4.0U@4.SU ; heavy , $4.00 ® J.S5 ;
light , $ I.OOt 4.'J5.
Sheep Hecplpts , 0,000 ; market * weak ;
natives , * 1.5Ju-J.10 ( ) ; western coruled , $4.50 ®
4.77,1 * ; Texans , { 3.0 J@4.25 ; lambs , S4.75&5. 75.
KnnsnH City , March 14. Cattle Re
ceipts , 1,000 ; shipments , none ; good of all
classes strong and active ; best dressed beef
nnd shipping steers fully lOc higher ; cows
5 to lOc higher ; corn-fed , $2.80@4. 10 ; stockers -
ers and feeding steers , S1.00@3.2U ; cows , $1.50
© 2.7.7.
Hogs Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
market weak ; good to choice , $ l.50@4.55 ;
common to medium , $ l.25@l.4.r > .
Slinix City , March 14 , ( Jattlo Receipts ,
400 ; shipments , 100 ; market steady and un
Hogs Receipts , 1,123 ; market opened Do
lower but closed stronger ; light uud mixed ,
I4.405.i.5 ; heavy , 4.47 @ 4B3.
Niiiiointl Sdick Vuril.-i , Jtst ; ; St.
Ijonis , March 14. Cattle Uecoijits , none ;
shipments , none ; market stronger ; choice
heavy native stcer.s , $3.9Jv'g4.35 ; fair to good ,
) .00@4.UO ; stockers and feeders , $ 'j.00@
3.10 ; rangers , corn-fed , f2.SO@3.00 ; grubs-
fed , 1. ! > 0 < 83.S5.
Hogs Receipts , none ; shipments , none ;
market weak ; choice heavy , 1.70@l. 0 ;
packing , $4.00 4.75 ; light grades , $4.55 ( J.70.
Thursday , March 14 , ISS'J.
It Is either a feast or famine so far us the
receipts of cattle are concerned. For some
days back the yards have been full of cattle
all the time and it has been no easy matter
to find buyers for everything , buttoalay
there were only about twenty-two fresh
loads on sale. Whllo there was not n very
heavy demand It was largo enough to spring
the market about lOe on beef steers and
butchers' stock. With the receipts heavy
there is no reason for believing that the mar
ket would have been much if any better
than It was yesterday , As It was/ the few
cattle here were about all disposed of before
midday. The dreised beef mid shipping
steers sold at S'J.'JO ® 1.20 and the bulk at
j 05(33.10 ( , but the quality was only fair and
there was not a really good bunch of cattle
In the yards. The cows sold mostly from
? 2.23 < & 3.50 , with n good load at * 3.7CK. The
trade In stockers and feeders was limited to
s very few head , and both the receipts and
dcuiuud were light ,
The packers set out in the morning to buy
their hogs , and though talesmen were slon
to give in and it required an immense
amount of hammering , they dually sue
ceodcd In gaining their point , It took them
nil the forenoon , however , to get the market
down 5c , Tim bulk of the hogs sold nt M.43 ,
with a few trades at $1.50 and the top at
H.C.vhllo the. bulk of the IIOKS brought
$4. CO yesterday and qullo a good many H.f > 5 ,
The yurds weru cleared and thu murkol
closed by uildday. _
There were no sheep offered on the mar
SSS3& &
kct nnd only one loud received , which was
consigned direct to a packer- The demand
Is good and anything desirable would with
out a doubt find a ready buyer nt steady
prices. For some reason the receipts of
sheep liavo been extremely light , anil n largo
proportion of the few received were not of
very desirable quality.
. . . . .
* . . . . 0-rJO
Sheep. . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . . . * 100
Prevailing Prices.
The following Is a table of prices paid In
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Prlmo stccrt , 1300 to 1500 lbg..1.20 @ 3.SO
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ib * . . 0.9 J W3.3) )
Native feeders. . . , . . . . . . . . 2.75 3.00
Common to good cows . . . 1.53 § J.4J
Choice to fancy cows . . . . . 2.59 . ' .75
Fair to cholco nulls , . 1,75 M2.75
Fair to choice light hogs . 4.45 W4.55
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 4.45 @l.50
Fair to cholco mixed hogs . . . . 4.40 § 4.45
Fair to choice western sheep , . 3.75 WI.15
Fair to choice Nobraskas. . . . . . 3.50 ( S-UO
Ilcprcuciitaltvo Bains ,
Ijlvc Stock Notci.
A scarcity of sheep.
Hogs sull nt a decline of ot : .
Everything in the yards sold.
Light cattle rccaipts udvanco prices.
A few good sheep would be appreciated by
the packers.
M. Hccarty , Neoln , la. , and P. Enters ,
Mindcn , la. , sold hogs at thu top price , 4 r > 3.
As compared with Thursday of last weelc
there was a falling oft in the receipts of hogs
of about 1,5'JO , wlillo there was a heavy de
cline in the market. A week ago the bulk
of the ho s sold at $1.55 , with the top at
Fruits , Produce , Ktc.
BUTTHK Creamery Italic. ? print , 2@2
choice print , ! i@J-2u ( ) ; fancy solid paukctT , IS
@l'Jc ; choice solid packed , 15@irc. Dairy-
Fancy roll , ITO tUc ; choice , loMlUc ; good , 12
@Hc ; low grades , 10rtllc. (
CIIIISK Pull cream Cheddars , cholco , 12@
12Xc ; full crcani Huts , tivo in hoop , 1
We ; full cream Y. A. , choice , i2) ) < ; ( ( iic : ; nit
grades and slsiins , 5@'Jc ; liinbuffe'cr , i
lyj c ; brick and Swiss , 14j515c.
KG GS Strictly fresh , ll ( < $ rJc ; cold stor
age , Si/.lc. (
Livn 1'ot'i.Tiiv Chickens , per doz , $ .1.51) ) ®
3.7r > ; .ducks , $ 'i.2o'jli.rjO : ; geese , $ S.5'J@'J.)0 ' ( ) ;
turkeys , per Ib , 0@10j.
DitKSsRi ) Pon.Titv Chickens , per Ib , ! ) @
lie : turkeys , IKgUe ; geese , ll@l-c ; ducks ,
VBAI. Heavy grasscrs. 15J to 200 Ibs , 5@
Oc ; inferior calves , DO to CO Ibs , : ! @ . > o ; medium
to uood , TO to 85 Ibs , 4@lc ) ; choice to fancy ,
100 to 130 Ibs , G@Te.
VKOBTAUI.BS i'otatoes.Colorado and Utah ,
C0@03u ; Wyoniing , 5UJ5Tc ( ; Ncoraslta and
bagc , California , per Ib , 2 < e ; parsnips , 5U@
OOc ; onions , red choice , 5U@55c ; silver sltin ,
( iU@T."ic ; turnips , 20il25c ( : rutabagas , ! J.@IUc :
radishes , itS.iOIDc ; lettuce , 25@3Jc : ciicuin-
burs , f l.DO@2.UO ; string beans , pur box , $1.75
© 2.25 ; celery , 2a@30c : spinacli , S1.5U 2.0U
per bbl.
GAMI : Mallard , per doz , S3.0033. ; : > ( ) ; red
head , per doz , 2.50 ( 3.00 ; teal , pur doz , § 1.7. >
( ga.OOj common small , per do/ , * l.l)0@l,5U ) ;
rabbits , per doz , 'JOo@fl.OJ ; jack rabbits , per ,
-3.00@3.50 ; squirrels , per doz , UOuQSl.OJ ;
jack snipe , $ l.00@ 1.25.
AITMIS Per bbl , fancy New York and
Michigan , $ ' ) .50 ; choice , $2.00 ® J.25 : choice
Missouri , S..00@2.25 ; good , $1.75 2.00.
FOHISION FIIUITS Malaga gniDBS , kegs , -10
to 65 Ibs , lOu per Ib ; bananas , per bunch ,
$1.50@3.00 ; lemons , fancy new , 300 to 3liO s ,
choice , $7.riO
( > 7.75 ; 13oll & Cherry , ehoico , -0.rjOii0.75 ( ;
clioico Jersey , $8.00@8.25.
Ilinus Green salted , No. 1 , r > f5J ? e ; No.
2 , . ' { ( ittl u ; calf , 5Vr.i ( e ; dry Hint , 7ot.Sc.
UH\NS Navies , liand picked , per bu , $2.10
@ 2.20 ; good clean country , $1.0. > © 2.0J ; oft'
or poor stock , * 1.00@1.50 ; Callfornm , ? 2.0U@
2.10.Cinnn Michigan , per bbl , $ I.CO@.09Now ;
York , per bbl , * j.UO@3.50 ; half Ubl , * , > .75i ( ?
3.00.FKATIICIIS Per Ib. prime live geese , white ,
! ! 5iT-Ue ( ! ; mixed with gray , 23i ( 3Ja ; damp and
musty , 10@2.o ) ; prime live uomcstlc duck , 20
@ 23c ; wild duck. 15Q2Ja x
SAUHUKIIAUT Per bbl , uOgal , cholco , ? 4 00 ;
per half bbl , $2.23.
Porcoiix Per Ib , rice , 1@1H ° ! common ,
HOXKV Mb frames , cholco white ,
dark , 13@llo ; strained , 10@12c.
Jm.i.iKd J@0io per Ib ; preserves , 10@l2c
per Ib.
LAHII 7 } o In & 0-lb pkgs.
MISCKMEAT 0 } < j(27u ( per Ib.
Revised prices am as follows ;
U.UIOINU Stark A , seumluss , 22o ; Amos-
koag , seamless , 17 > c ; Lewiston A. seamless ,
llc ) ; American , seamless , 17o ; burlaps , 4 to 5
bu , ll@14u ; gunnies , single , 14e ; gunnies ,
double , 23e ; ' < wool sack , 40c.
TWIXBS Flax , 23o ; cotton , 18@22o.
Dninu PJIUITS B'lgs , lii boxes , per Ib , 11(5 ( !
Me ; dates , In boxes. 7@10c ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , $5.00 ; Maluga loose
raisins , * 2.30@3.50 ; now Valonclu raisins ,
per Ib , 7 } u ; California loose muscatels , per
box , ( l.HO@3.30 ; California Londons , 18iS ,
(2.40 ; pitted cherries , per Ib , 17c ; California
nittcd plums , nor Ib , I2@13u : dried black
berries , ] ier Ib , Ij7e ! ( ( ; dried raspberries ,
per Ib , 22c ; evaporated apples , U@7 e ; Cali
fornia unpaired evaporated peachus , 12@14c ;
evaporated California apricots. 17c ; currants
5f@Wic ! ; Turkish prunes , 4H@lte ; citron
' . © Jlo ; orange peel , 15c ; lemon peel , 14o :
California French prunes , 7 } ( VjllJ-4c. !
PICKI.ES Medium , in bbls , $3.00 ; do , In
half bbls , $3.00 ; small In bbls , $0.00 ; do In
Half bbls , $3.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , $7.00 , do ,
In half bbls , $1.00.
HOAETCD COPFRCS Gorman , 24 } < o ; Mo-
Laughlin's XXXX , SlKo ; Ariosa,24Xc.
CofruB-Oroon Mocna , 25S 30e ; Hlo
peed , 18@10o ; Mandnhllntf , EOte'iTo ; roasting
Hlo , 17 ( l8c ; O. G. Java , 24@'Jiio ; Java in.
ferior. 222Jo ; ; Hio , fancy , 21 ( < rj-Jo5 Santos
and Maracalbo , 170IOn.
SUQAK-Granulated , 7@75f'c ; conf. A.7J < e ;
.vblto extra C. OJ/o ; extra C , OJ o ; yellow C ,
Co : cutloaf , S i'tfOo ; iwwderod , % @to\ \
cubes , 7 f(38u. (
> ! low , 20@'J'yfc ; Uarlt
colored , 13 < < Jl4e. I'
Ton-icco Ping , 2035o ; smwin ? , 10 ( < MOc ,
1.40 per bbl.
Horn MO ,
MAPI.R SfrtAn Hrlcks , 11TOJ20 per Ib ;
penny cnkc9 ( I2@13o per TCV pure tnnplo
syrup , $1.00 par gni. *
SfOAit Svnurs 34Wo per gnl.
WKAPPIXO PAPEH Mnnllln , OJ c per Ib ;
Gunpowder , common to good , S2@23c ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 40y * l3c ; Japan , com
mon to medium. 12 ( < Mc ) Japan , cholco to
fancy , 30@45c ; Oolong , common to peed , 25
@ 40c ; Oolong , choice to fnn'6y ! 60@70c ; 1m-
pcrlal , common to medium , 23@3Bc : Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40 ( < ? 50o.
CitACKEiis ® 7c nor Ib ; assorted cnkcs , 8
@lBc per Ib , ns per list. '
CANDT Mixed. OX@12M < J ! stick , OJ5@Uc ;
rock candy , 10 @ 13c ; fancy randy , 7ij88c. (
MAUKKIIEI , Family Jibbls , $12.50 : No. 1 ,
NUTS Almonds , 16(318c ( ; Pecans , 13c : lira-
zlls , Oc ; peanuts , 0@10e.
Dry UooiU.
COTTOX FI.A.XXKI.S 10 | ier cent trade dis
count. Unbleached L L , 5Ji'o ; O C , O'/c ; S
S , 7-jfc ; E E. 8 fc ; G G , We ; X X , U at O
U , ilyvj ' ; N N , 12) ) o : A J11U ; D AluU > ;
T T , l ( ! < fo ; Y Y , 18e ; H B , lOc ; bleached.
20 , 8,1'e ; OO. 12'ifc ; 80,13) ) 0. Urown and
slate , r > o , He ; 70 , I'JJtfc ; 00 , 10o.
Cuu-nT WABP Bibb , white , lOo ; colored ,
IJATTS Standard , So ; Gem. lOu ; Beauty ,
12'sj'c ' ; Uoone , 14u ; H , eased. $ ( > .5D.
PUIXTS Solid colors Atlantic , Cc ; Sinter ,
Oc ; Berlin oil , 0 > . , 'o ; Garner oil. < ! ( > K ! .
PUIXTS Pink nnd robes Allen , lie ; River-
point , Bjfc ) ; tjteol Hivor , tUrfc : Hlchmond ,
OJ. < e ; Pacillc , 7c.
I'liiXTS-Drcss Charter Oak , b\c. \ ; Ham-
npo , 4c ; Lodi , O'i'u : Allen , lie ; Hlchmond , tic :
Windsor- < cKddystoneOKe-Paclllill'fc. : ; (
PUIXTS , ixniiio Ui.ui : St. Leger , " > kc ;
Arnold , Oj c : Ainericuii. ty „ c ; Arnolil C ,
long cloth , no ; Arnold 13. long cloth , ,
Arnold , Gold Seal. 10ts ; Stclfol A , 18e ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , lo c.
UIXOIIAM Plunkftt , checks , 7c ; Whittcn-
ton , 7e ; York , 7c ; Normandl dress , 8c ; Hen-
frcw dress , 8i < ; @ 12Xe ; Whittenton , So ; Cal-
cuttii , 7e.
CAMIIIIICS Slater , Bo ; AVoods , Gc ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , Be.
13i.EACitti : > Sitr.BTtxn Ellonon , TJ c ;
Housekeeper , 8) e' ; Now Candidate , bj e ;
Berkeley cambric , No. 0 > , 01-/c ; Best Yet ,
4-4 , llJi'e ; BuUcrcloth , OO , 4'j'i : ; Cubot , 7J c ;
Fnrwcll , half bleached , SJ-fo ; Fruit of Loom ,
SJ c ; Green O , lie ; Hope , 7Jic ; King Phili | ,
cambric , lOc : Lonsdalo cumbric , lOc ; Lons-
daleSiJc ; New York mills , 10 } c : Peppcrcll ,
42 in , luKc ; Pcppercll , 40 in , lllfc ; Pepper-
oil , 0-4 , 15'4'ct ' Pcppcrell. 8-4 , 2o | ; Pcppcrell ,
0-4 , 2c ; ! ; Pcppcrell , 10-1 , ' 'Cc ; Cnnton , 4-4 ,
8 > c ; Canton , 4-4. OJtfc ; Triumph , Oc ; Warn-
sutta , lie.Valley ; , Be.
Buowx SitKCTIXO Atlantic A , 4-4 , < Ku ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4,0.Jc ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , lie ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , Ho : Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4fc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJ/c ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , lie ; Indian Head , 4-4. 7 , ' e ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , B e ;
Pepperell K , 40-inch , 7ifc ; Pcpporoll , h-4 ,
ISu ; Pepperell , 'J-4 , 21c ; 1'oppercll , 10-4 , 2'c ) ;
Uticn C , 4-4 , 4 c ; Waciiusutt , 4-1 , 7'fc ; Au
rora K , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora H , 4-4 , Oi.Jc.
FI.ANXII.S : , PI.AID Kaftsmcn,20e ; Goahen ,
! )2 > 'i ! ; Clear Lake , ! ! 0 > ic ; Iron Mountain ,
" '
. , Witni : G IlNo. , 2 , / , 2-fc ) ( ;
G II No. 1 , i , 2il > tfc ; B II No. 2 , 2'J' o : B H
No. 1 , ! , lion ; Qucchoa No.,1 , % , 4'.V : Qno-
choeNo. 2 , Jf , : ! 7' < i ; ; Queclice .Q' ' e ;
Anuwan-33Ujc ; Windsor. 231ft ; .
. - . 2t-inch.t'irio E 24-
FI.AXN-II.S : , Hmi-C , - ' ; ; , -
inch , 21Ke ; GG , 24-inch , 20e ; 'il A F , ( ,
20c ; J U F , Jf , 27 < : ; G , , 2.V-
ULCKWest Point , 2-m. ! ) Hpz. lOJ c ; West
Point , 2'J-in. 10 oz , 12 > c ; West , Point , 2'J-in ,
12 oz , 15c ; West Point , 40-iii ; 11 oz , 10e. 4
COIKKTS JIHXS Androsfoggin , 7 ; ! c ; Kcar-
sargo , 7 > 'fc ' ; Hockport. lllfiCdnostoira ; , ( ij.'c.
TICKS York , : > 0 in. 12H - " 'York ' , 32 in ,
13l. , < c ; Swift Hlvt'r , 8c ; Tlmnidike , OO , SJtfe ;
Thorndike , ISU. S c ; Tliorudikti , 12J , 0 , ' < e ;
Thorndike , XX , l.'iu ; Cordis , .No. 3 , Djie ;
Cord is , No. 4 , 10 > < Je.
DIJXIMS AmosKcair , 9 oz , ,11'O c ; Everett ,
7 oz , 13 > .jc ; York , 7 oz , llij ! ) ( : ; Havmukpr ,
8 } < Jc ; JatTroy XX , HKc ; Jnttrty XXX , 1'c ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 18c ; Bcavor Creek , BU ,
lie ; Beaver Creek. CC , lOc/iui
KENTUCKY JmNs Memorial-15c ; Dakota ,
ISu ; Durham , " 7 } c ; Hercules , ISe ; Leam
ington , 2' ' > c ; Cotlswold , 27J c ; Melville ,
25c.CUASII Stevens' B , 5XC ! Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7e ; ytevens' A. 7Ke ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , Ske ; Stevens' P , 7 fe ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , Sc ; Stevens' N , tie ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , 'Jjic ' ; Stevens' SHI' , ll > e.
und Tinners' Stuck.
Block tin , small pig $ 28.00
Block tin. bar 211.00
Copper , planished boiler siz.'s JM.OO
Copper , cold rolled HI.DO
Copper , sncathing 3H.OO
Copper , pitts 30.00
Cupper , Hats 31.00
Gal. sheet iron.Juniata , 50 , 10 and 5
per cent discount
Put. planished iron , 2-1 to 27 A lOJ.j
Pat. planished iron. 24 to 27 B J {
Hoofing , 1C , M\20 , 112 Bheoti" li.O , )
Hoolmg , IX , 14x20,112 sheets 7.W
Koollng , 1C , 20x28 , 112 sheets 11.00
Hooting , IX. 20x8 ! ; , 112 shecla 14.r > J
Sheet iron No.2i ( 340
Sheet iron No. 27 3.IK )
Solder 14@'li
Tin plate , nest charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 22 , " > sheets 0.50
IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets 8.23
Tin piute eoko
1C , 10x11 , 2 * > sheets U.2B
Stcol nails , pi-r keg 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg 2.75
DrusH and
ACIDS tjulnhuric , IJ e ; citric , 5jc ; oxalic ,
IDc ; tartaric , -JOu ; Am. curb , 12c ; alum , ' } 4iQ (
3u ; arrowroot , 30o ; balsam cap.ibia , C37i ( < .i ;
borax , 10@l3c ; calomel. & 0j ; castor oil , tfl.03
( rgl.10 ; cream tartar , 32 j ; r.-orrosive sub , SOc ;
chloroform. 4-V/50c ? ; ext logwood , 12p ; gly
cerine , 21c : gum arable , OOc : gum camphor ,
: t5o ; ifum opium , $5.15 ; iiiorphla sulph. $2.0J
OILS Borc.liuot , $ ' 2.60@3.00 ; lemon , $2.00 ;
peppermint , § 3.00(2.3.60 ( ; wintergreen , 5-2.40 ;
olive , $1.00 ; iiuitiine-35@4ij ; btrychniu , $1,03
Dimension and Timber
12ft 11 H 10 ft IS ft 20 ft 22@2 ft
2x4 . S1S.O ) 15.00 15.00 lli.OO 17.0J 20.00
2xli . 15.110 15.0 ! ) 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.0. )
2xS . - . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x10 . 15.00 15.00 15.00 Jli.OO 17.00 20.00
2x12.- . 15.0J 15.00 15.00 lli.lll ) 17.03 20.00
4xS Sx8 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.0J 20.00
No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 and 14
feet , rough . $ lfl.OO@U5,50
No. 1,4 and 0 Inch , 10 feet. . . . 17.00 ( 17.50
No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14
feet . 13.50@14.00
No , 2 , 4 and U inch , 10 feet , . , . . . 15.00 18.00
Finishing , , i | >
1st and 2(1 clear , l } { lncb.,5 , , 2s 40.00@il. : )
1st and 2d , clear , \y \ iiud 2
inch , s. 2s . , ' , , ' , . . . 47.00 5'J.OO '
3d , clear , 1)4 ) inch , S.2S,1. ' . . . 43.00M40.00
3d , clear , \y nnd'J Inch , s'-'js. . 43.00Vj ( Ili.OO
B select , l i Utf , and 2 Incli.s.
2a . . . . . . : . - , . / . . . . 37.00S3.S.OO (
1st and 2u , clear , 1 lncliis. 2s. , 45 00
Abclcct , 1 inch , H. 2s . j. , , . . : i8.0 ( )
B select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . , . . . Ul.OO
1st com 0 Inch white pine. ' . . 34.00
2d " " " . 31.00
3d " " " " . . lilUMI
U " " , ' , ' , . yil'IM )
Com 4 and 0 In yellow" pliie" . . . . 1 5.50
Star" " ( tn . . . 18.00
1st and 3d clear yellow nine , 4
and 0 Inch . } . , & . . . 20-00
Lime , etc , i
Oulncy white llino , bostlV , . . . . . .00
Engilsii and Gorman PAHinnd
cement . . ' . 3.40
Milwaukee and Louisville . 1,30
Michigan and Ft. Dodpo plaster 2.25
Blue Haplds plaster , . , . . . 1.113
Hair . .20
Sash . ( JOand 10 percent discount
Doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 and 10 per ctdfs
Tarred felt , per cwt . 2.00
Straw boards , " , . 1.G5
Poplar Lumbei
Clear poplar , box boards , Jf In
* 2s . 11500
Clear poplar , % In panel. . . . . . . Hii.OO
" " ? ' " . . . . . . 25.00
" X " Block
wide , s 2 s . 23C < 1
Clear poplar corrugated cell-
ing , . , . 30,00
\Vhlioccdar.Oinch , halves. , , . 12
" " 5 > " " nnd
Slnch a'r . . . 11
Whit ? cedar , 4 inch , halves , . , . Hi
Tcauetsee red cedar , split , . . . . IU
Splltoak , ( white ) . 8
Sawed onk , " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Shingles , Lath , per M
XX clear . . . . . < n.20
Kxtru * A * . 2.SO
Standard A 2.00
Cinch , clear 1.00al.70 (
0 Inch , clear 1.7 @l.vX )
No.l ; , . . . 1.10Q1.13
California red wood , dimen
sion widths , 4.50
Cypress , clear heart , dimen
sion widths .1.40
Lnth , , . . , , , . . 2.50
Ship Lan
No. 1 , plain. 8 mul IS Inch 17.50
" '
Nn . 2 , u ' u in " 15.50
NO.I.O.G 18.00
1st com , 12 and 18 feet 22.00
2d " ' " 10.00
3d " " 1B.OO
' ' ' '
Fence " " I ! . . . ! . ! ! 13.00
Stock Uof rdn
A 13 Inch , s. 1 B. 13 , 14 and 10 ft 40.0,1
Q II II II II 30.00
1) II II II II 23.00
No. 1 com. 12 In. B. 1 s. 13 feet 18.00
No. 1 " " " 14 and
10 feet 17.518.50
No. 1 com. 18 In. s. 1 s. 10 , 18
nnd 20 feet 10.BO
No. 2 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 14 ana
lOfcot , 17.00
Coiling nnd Partition
1st com. 2f in. white pine parti
tion 32.00
2d com. * / in. white pine parti
tion t 27.00
Clear % In. .fellow pine ceiling 20.00
Clear % In. K orviy 14.30
2d com. pj' In. Norway 13.00
No. 1 com. B. t s. 12,14 and Hi ft Ifi.BO
No. 2 " " " " 14.50
No. 8 ' " " " 12.00
No.4 " " " "
( shlp'gcull ) 13.00
Add BO cents pjr M. for rough.
* *
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
8O5 South littli Street , - Oinnzrii
No. 8 St. L. Hxp. Dally. . 4:13 p m , 12-0 :
Wi'si w ! ( ! .
Running bettviion Council lllnirs nna Al-
bright. In addition to the stations mentlonoil.
trains stop at Twentieth nud Twenty-fourth
sireiits , anil at tnu Summ It In Omalia.
Kant ward
Leave. | Arrive.
A No. 2 fi0)i ; ) . tn.A No.l 7:00 u. in ,
U No. 6 C:00a : , m.jl ) No , 5 6Wn. ; in.
A No.4 V:4Ua. : m.A No. U ,
A No.4 Hilda. m.A No. r , 73)u. ; m.
A No. 8 5i5p.m.A : : ) * No. 7 5Kp ; : ) , in.
A No. 0 0:5' : ) p. in. IA No.i : 0:50 : p.m.
No , 8 0(0a. m.iNo. 7 ( i45o. m.
Nu , 8 4:15 : p. m. No. i ) , .0Uu. ; m.
No.4 8:40 : p. m. No. G 0:151) : . m.
AllTralim Dally.
A N'o.2 OMOa.m.iA No , 1 0f,0a. ; m.
A No.4 7:00 : ] ) . in , A No.U 7:10 p. m.
A No , 3..0:25 : a. m.A , No. 3 0:30n. : m.
A No.4 0:8. : ) p. m.A No.l 8:3Ju. : m.
Biouxcm- & PACIFIC ,
A No.10 7 ; ( > 5n.m.A | No.O 8:55a.m.
A No. 18.7:0) n. in. A No. 11 0:1)0 : ) p. in.
OMAUA Sc faT. L01I18.
A No.8 4'J\p.mA \ | No. 7 1200 ; in.
A dally : I ) dally except Saturday : U except
Sunday : 1) except Monday ; * fait mall.
The time ulven noore la for Transfer , there
being from tlv to ten mluutes between Trail- !
r and local depots.
AgHoulUirnl mtilornonts.
Dealer ii : Agricnltnial Impleincnts , Wagons
Carrlaccs and bnnclcv Jonc trcrt , between Pth nnJ
. _ loth , Omaha , Nebraska.
Agricnlt1 Imjilcnients , Wagons , Carriages
\Vholf < nlf. Omalia , Nrbmrkn.
\Vholc. nla Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , WagoisS Bnggics
roifttlH'inn ) < IH)7Joiic street , Omalia.
Manuracturcri ami Jobber ! tn
Wagons , Bnggies , Ra'es ( , How Etc ,
Cor. I'th anil 1'aclHo itrcet ; , Omnlia.
E , r. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 D iiKlt.i Mrecl Omaua , Ncbrnslu.
nMotsK A co. ,
Jobbers of Boots Fii
lini , 110llUl Donpln Mrect , Omnlia. Mnnutnclorf ,
_ _ Summer uttci't , llmlun.
Jolliers or Hard ani Son Coal ,
Mloiilli ! 13lli street. Oiniiha , Nebraska.
Slaps or Coal ad Cote ,
211 Sonlb 13th St.,0ninlm , Nob.
n'A LA"
Importers anil jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. 1M4 Knniam street , new 1'nxton tfiilldlnc.
Storae and Commission Merchants ,
Speclnltlcf lliittor , CUE * , clirosc , poultry , Bnmc.
lllnioniml trcct , Oiimha , Nob.
Prodnce Commission and Cold Storage ,
( Sucecesors to McSliano & Fclirocilcr. )
Omnlia , Ncbruskn.
DryCoods _ an l Notions.
" " "
Dry Goods , Fimiisning Goods and Notions
1102 nml 1101 DouKlna , cor. lltli atrcet.Omnlia , Nob.
Importers end Jobbers in Dry GoodsMions ,
Gents' furnlshlriK cnoJi" . Corner llth unil Iluinoy
EtreolB , Uninliii , .Nobr.v'kn.
Importers nnd jubhct * of
Woolens anil Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
HIT foutli )5th ) Mroct.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
I'nrnnm Mrect , Onialni. Ncbrntka.
Furniture ,
Coinhu Ncbrnskn.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. .
; 05,707U Jiinil711Soutli lUth st.Om hnNeb.
J/cC'O/ZD , 1JRADY A CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers'
13tli nml I.cnvennortb streets , Oinnbii , Ncbra kn.
_ Hardware
Heavy Hardv/are / , iron and Steel ,
Sprint's. niKon tnrk , Inirilwnri ! , liunlicr , etc. 1K > 3
: iiiU)211 llarncy siruut , Unuilia.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
JlclHls. shout Iron. etc. Airi'lits fur Hnwc sculus.
Miami iiowdvrunil l.yninn liurbud nlre ,
Build rs' ' Ha'lwareand Scale Repair Shop ,
Muclnuilcs' tools nml Iliitrilo HCIIS. : | 1405 Doutfliis
stiUL-l , llnnlliii , Neb.
Wholesale Liimlier , Etc ,
Imported anil American I'nrtliiml cement. KUilo
etoiit fcr illlivnulci'O tirdriiullcouuivnt und
yuhicy wbllB llino.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood rarpcta unil parquet llnorlnir. VIIi uncl Douitl&a
struuls , Oiriaha , Nob.
' O'STA'lfJri'JJMTlER CO. ,
AllKinflsofBnililiDgHiterial at Wholesale ,
18th Street nnd Union I'acHlc'l'rnck.Omalin ,
Dealer in Liimher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Ktc , Yurdi-Corncr "Hi nntl Doiik'liu. Corner
IQtli and DuuilH i
Lnmter , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner IHIi nnU DuuKlr-n Sis. , Oiimha.
C. N. D1ETX.
Dealer In All Kfods of Lumher.
il Cullfornla Hrcct , Onmliii , Ncbrmkn.
_ Klllllnory and fJotiona.
/ . OllliRVELUER' ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
IMS.iilUnnd-mKouth Hluntrout
Wholesale Notions aid Furnishing Goods ,
ll und 4UJ Sim tli IQtli itrect , UiualiH.
Notions and Gents' ' Fnrnisiiing Goods ,
llllfi llarney ttrei t , Ouialm ,
plls. '
Wholesale Rcflne'l and Lubricating Oils ,
A lu'ercaio , etc. , Onialin. A. II , llliliop , Mmiater
Papor. _ _ _
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Tnrrj n nice utock of printing , nrnpplnii and nrltlni
paper , tiiiecml allinll' > n Kiven lu tar loud tirdvrt.
Storage , Forwarding & CommlsBjon
" ' ' ' '
'ARM'STROXO , pih'fix ico. . ,
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
llrauc boiiie of tbo llcnncr Iluifny l.V ) , Ilnnclei n
wbolfiHlaHna retail. IM , MM , liU l/nr.Utru t ,
OniHlia , Tcluphone No , 'M.
Jliblicr * of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goads ,
Uouie lurnltbliiK KOOJ , clill ire.r rarrlajtci , ' .o
'MU Vriuu
Boots nnd Shooa.
Sufccuort to Hee.l , Jonti A Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of BootsS Sbtei
Agents for BoIon HubbcrSnoe Co , 11(0. HOIaDdlKv
llarnoj Street , Oraab * , Ntbrtii * .
Lager Beer Brewers ,
mi North KtRhlernth ftrot , Omahl ,
Mannactnrers : of Galvanized Iron Corntca
Wlndow-car > i anrt mrtalle tkrl'Rhts ' , John Kpenettr ,
proprietor , Utjamlllufcnuth lOthitreeU
Manufacturers of Overalls.
Jerui" , rants , ShlrtH , otc. 1103 Douglas street'
Onmlm , Neb ,
Office FUtiiroB.
Manufacturers ot
, Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mnntlci. Slilolionnlii. Hook CMP , Druii Kutnni > . W lt
( : > ( , Partitions. UnUlngiCounter * , llrvritnil Win *
Cooler , Mirrors , KtsFmlorj nml nniro , ITHUnndiraa
y ulli l.nii St. , Unmlin. Telephone ll.'l.
Pnpor Doxos.
Pronrietor Omaha Paper Box Factory
Nun. 1317 add 131 ! ) DoiiKlaji ilrect , Omaha , Neb ,
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Oil elothliiK and leather belting. 10(13 ( Karnam ttroot
Sash , Doors , Eto.
M. A. DIS11ROW A CO. , "
Wholesale manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Monldings ,
llraiich ofllcc , Kin and It.-ml street Omalia. Neb.
Mannfsctnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Ftnlr-wnrk and Interior hanl wooil tlnlih.
N,1C. corner bill anil l.pi\von\\f rib streets ,
Unniha , Neb.
Steam. Fittings , Pumps , Eto.
L. STltANJ A CO. ,
F , Pipes and Engines ,
Btetm , water , rnllrrnT nml nilnlnff nupnller , tt L
_ 'J8U. yst mill fc'4 Knrnam ttrccl , Oninhii. _
17. S. W1X1) KXQ1KJ2 , t PUMP CO. ,
Steam and Wate-1 Supplies ,
n : ilU y wind mllK ! < 1S nnd I2J Jones St. , Om h ,
( J. K HOBS , nilliiK mnnuiier.
.t CO ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet-Iron work , clcnm pump * , saw mills. 1213-1211
l.piivi-nworth nircd , Uiunlia.
Carter A. Son , I'rop's. .Maniifnc'turcrnof nil kinds
Steaiii Boilers , Tanks and Sliest Iron Work
Work South 2Ulh and 11. A M. croiMng.
Wrought and -Cast Iron Bni ding Work ,
Knitne . brass \rork , RChernl foun < lry , niaclilnoanil
lilncustullli work. Oltlco nml worXt , U. 1 * . Hjr.
mill 17ti ! street , Onmlia.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk mil' , wlmlow eunrils. Mower Ktnnds.flro signs.
etc. ia Nurtli ltUi atrcot. Uinnlm.
Maal'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proif Sales ,
VanllN Jnll vfork. Iron Milliters nnil tire e rape .
O.An' - , prnp'r. Cor. 14th nnU Jnckson Bis.
Ironud Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
ami scrpcim. rnrlmnkK , onices , stores.rclilorcc\ .
Imurorcd nwiiln " , lockMiilth initclilncrr n4 '
blackMnlth works. ( UJhoiitti lUbHt.
R , momrAX & co. ,
. Live Slock Commission Merchants ,
ORice lloom 21 , OpsioKltu Kxclmngc llullJIni ; , Union'
flock Vardi , Suutli Oiuulia , Nob.
OfOniaiiajLiuiiied ,
Uohl ; I' ' , llord , HupcrlfitcuJcnt.
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The Ilcst Route from Oiualta : tuil Council
Itluirs. ( o .
Chicago , A.ND- iMilwatikoo ,
St. 1'aul , Iliincniiolts' Cctlai' '
Kock Islauil. Freoiinrl , Jtnekfori ] ,
C'llntoiit Daliiique , Iiivciiiort ) ] ,
lielolt , Winona , Lu Crostjo ,
Ana all oilier Important points Kiist , Nnrtlioast anfl
Fort'iruiisli tickets , ' "ill on tliu tlckotiiucntat J.MJ
Knriiuni BtriUt ! , In JIarkor IIKick.or nt Union L'ucltlo
llpot. .
I'tillninn Hlccpori nml the tlncjt Dlnlnx O.n In tlin
Wdril : nru inn mi HID in.Un llnu of iliu UilcnKoMil.
wiiiikuu .V M. I'aul Itiillwax , nml ijvcrr nttoiitlon In
piuii in pi : 3tiiK'ei3 lif cuurtuuua unijloyua | of Ilia
U..MlI.I.KIUit'noritl Mummer.
,1,1' . TUi'KKII , Aml'tunt ( icnor.ll Mlinmor.
A. V. 11. UAHl'JiNTISlI , IJuniTUl ru cngar nn4
U'lcUet Avcnl.
liK.H. 1C. IIKAKKOHl ) , A latant
unit TlcWi-t Atom.
T. J , C'I.AHKifioril ; Eiiperliitondcnt
Qmalia ,
Council Bluffs
. And Chicago ,
The only nm.l tn take fur Dei Moliion. ilnrihnltown ,
IVilur lUi'lili ' , Cllnliin , Duun , riilciiun. Mll iui e ,
unit nil Jinliili ; : ( . lu tlin p Dilo | < if Nulinmka. Cola *
null i , Wyiiinlni. ' . Uliin , Mnliu. Nisrinln , Oruvmi , Winh >
liialun nii'l ulem tniiurlur adruiiliiKei
nnl po ill.u | hy HIIV ntliur llnu.
AIIIUIIU u few ol tin' muiu'rmn points of lupcilorltr
nnjnyii.l Uf tlio | iitronifif : Dili ru i | totworn DniHlik
und ClilciiKO. uru Im tlirnu trulim 11 ilur of DAT
l.'iAl''IIKS , nnlvh uriiliio Uncut lilli IIIHIIHII art and
Injunult * ciiiiciuulo. UK I'AI < AIK ! HI.Kii'IN ( ) < ; AIIM.
llioaiiiH ) nl ulildli'iaiinut hu fonn I nlipwlicru. At
Council llluin , tluilrnlni iif tlio Union I'm-lac Hull-
wjy oiiini-i t ! n union ilonol witli Unite of thu l.'lil-
cnvo A Nuitliwuttvrn Hulhiar. In Clilcu.-u Uni trulno
nf tiilt llnu iiiikiovi \ > ! cuniiuctlu i with thiiii ) ol all
oilier Kunlnrii llr.of.
lor lielioll , ( ' ( iliiiiilnii. Iiullnnipulli , Clnclnnotl ,
Miiinmi l''ull . HniTiilo. I'ittnliuri : , ' ) 'uriitn : , Muiiiii' l ,
llotiun.Nvw York , I'l.llu li.-lilil | , llaliliniiio , Wuih'
liik'tou , mill all I'oliitb In iho Kuit , Ai-k lor tlOktie via r
If jroii wl li llio lent nccontiiioiSullon , All
Hxunuii'll ilikftt via tlili line
n.jiU'tiurr. K , i' . WILSON ,
liuu'l Mftnaitor. ( Jen'l j'a ir
\V. N. HAIIITM'K , iMi''Wefun Ancnt.
H. K. KIMIIAI.ITlckrt Acent.
(1. K , WKST , CttjI'uiKngcr ABCDt
14U1 Karnuui Htrcet , Omiihu , Neb ,
Tlvfict AIUITHK 1IK31 <