Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Collodions of Internal revenue ycs-
torduy wore $2,700.80.
The cold woiitlior signal wns run up
yesterday , and a fall of 15 doff roca pre
Goorco Kelly , a milkman , Is in dur-
nnco vile for lonving his team un
Mrs. $ . M. Moalio , 1619 Hnrnoy street.
is recovering from a severe enoll of
The funeral of Danlol Sullivan will
talto plnco teat 8 o'clock from
St. I'hiloinoim's.
Onlcor Curry is reported to ho very
dangerously sick , with the chances of
recovery decidedly slim.
For Sale or trade , for inside improved
property , Kountzo place profcrrcd.awoll
established business. Box 518 , Omaha.
Ofllcor Foley killed a dog on Sixteenth
street at 70 : ! ! a. m. yesterday. The ani
mal exhibited symptoms of hydropho
John Mollu , clerk in the freight de
partment of the Union Pacific , died
Tuesday. 'I1 ho funeral services will beheld
hold tiiis forenoon.
The Emerald Hand-Ball court at
Twelfth and Chicago was completed last
> vcok. It has a gallery that will accom
modate 150 spectators.
Judge Dundy returned from Hastings
yesterday. The tioxt term of the court
will bo in Norfolk , and will commence
the second Monday in April.
Councilman Lee , Bally , ChalToo ,
Davis , Ciibncr , Lowry , O'Connor , San
der and Shrivor left last evening for
Chtc.igo to inspect underground con
1 ho Wobbler btrcot depot now con
tains two largo blackboard bulletins
announcing the arrival and departure
of the various trains , an improvement
that is appreciated by the traveling
The Society St. Vincent Do Paul will
give an entertainment for the benefit of
the poor on March 10th at Croighton
college hall. The programme will con-
Bint of vocal and instrumental music und
a lecture on "General P. II. Sheridan , "
by T. B. Minnehan , csq.
Mr. .T. G. Galo. representing the
Archer and Pancoast manufacturing
company , has boon awarded the con
tract for furnishing the Combination
Electric Light and Gas fixtures for the
now Br.B building. This same company
will put the fixtures in the Now Yorlc
Life building.
J. B. Harnos , of Norfolk , is at the Millard.
\V. E. Hill , of Nebraska City , is nt lUo
E. U Stuart , of Lincoln , is n guest at the
A. II. Sclincfcr , of Orrt , is stopping nt the
L. H. Kogcrs and wife , of Fremont , are at
the Murray.
C. K. Bnrdwcll , of Tokamah , is stopping at
the Millard.
J. S. Asny , Jr. , of Pine Hidgo Agency , Is at
the Paxton.
Andrew NorJcn , of Iloldredgo. is stopping
at tlio Paxton.
George Walnwright , of Blolr , is stopping
nt the Millard.
Cnrl Alprton , of Nebraska City , registered
nt the Murray.
Louis A. Kent , of Mlndon , Neb. , is a guest
at the Paxlon.
D. J. Anderson , of Ncllgh , Nob. , is stop-
ptpg at the Paxton.-
Mrs.V. . H. Thorpe , of David City , regis
tered at the Paxton.
J. tt/Wngnall , of Bradford , England , is a
guest at the Paxton.
13. P. Locke , of Norfolk , jvas among the
guests nt the Paxton.
John M. McFiirltiml , of Columbus , ( Ncb. , is
u gucatat _ the Pniton
Thomas Wolfe , of David City , registoiodat
the Mlllard last night.
Charles Wasmor , of Grand Island , regis
tered at the Paxton yesterday.
W. C. Stroher and wife , of Beatrice , reg
istered nt the Paxton yesterday.
P. J. Carney and W. A. Vollmor. of North
Platte , wcro at the Paxton yesterday.
Mrs. J , II. Bell ana Mrs. M. J. Stevenson ,
of Aurora , registered at thu Murray last
Bolter Sewer Work IVixntoiI.
J. C. Elliott has been notillca by Chairman
Balcomboof the board of public worUs of de
fects in sewers laid by him in districts 00
and 63 , und ordering him to remedy the
Hand Hull.
There will bo an Interesting ganio of hand
ball played on St. Patrick's day nt the Emer
ald court. The entries nro J. J. Byrns , P. J.
Kirby , M. Tigho , anil M. Larey , John Bairgs
and M. KilguTlon. The stakes are $ ol ) a Bide.
A Ijtttln Rlnze.
There was a $ i5 flro oa Paclllo street yes
tcrday afternoon , in a building owned by
Mrs. Albert and occupied by John Corey ,
Tlio lire brigade was on hand in response tea
a call from the box at Twentieth and Pierce
streets. _
Fust Driving.
John Bnrbeck was arrested yesterday af.
tcruoon for fust driving. Ho ran over u
child of Lcc Hartley , 120S Davenport street ,
but claimed that the liorso had run away ,
and im the child was not sciiously Injured ho
was allowed out on ball.
Got Away.
A follow registering nt the Metropolitan
hotel us John Wurtoon , St. Paul , was caught
while attempting to go through rooms of
boarders with the evident Intention of plun
der. When caught Wartoon lied , having sue
cccdcd in getting very llttlo booty.
Mollnd Ice.
Tuesday afternoon about 4 o'clock Ham
mond's ice house was found to bo on llro.
The llro department was helpless as thcro
wore no hydrants near the placo. A locomo
tive wltli u tank full of water came to the
rescue and the mimes wore extinguished
after $ " 50 worth of damage was dono.
A. Imiiiulo ilt
An escaped lunatic from tlio hospital for
the Insane at Lincoln was at the Webster
etrcot depot yesterday. His name Is James
Gibson. Ho was formerly a nowa agent on
the Elkhorn road. Ho was sent to the
asylum two months ago , but has escaped two
or three tluios. _
There has been a marked decrease In the
number of arrests made since the announcement
mont In TUB BBB that the mayor is Investl
eating the cause of many seemingly needless
detentions. Monday thcro were thlrty-sovun
cusos in the police court , Tuesday seventeen ,
.and up to a p. m. yesterday , only eight.
The Liverymen.
The Liverymen's association hold its serai
monthly moating ycstorJay. Only hSsU'm
routine business wns transacted. The object
of this organization Is ono of mutual benefit ,
by Icoonlng up the price of carrliiRO and horse
biro , and l > y blackballing certain employes
who uro VfortblcsB , drunken und dishonest.
Bliorinatt Avonua us A Drive.
U has oecn riunoroJ that the motor
line company Intended to construct a track
on Sherman avonuo. The rumor created a
ci-eat of excltoment among property
owners and residents of that thoroughfare
and novorul of thorn made Impiiry a to the
reliability of- the Information. All were op.
\ > osod to the Innovation ami said tnoy wouia
oppose It to the last. It Bcems , however.
* that the mptor company has no Intention of
bulldlup on the iwenuo , not beeaURO It would
not bo plcuund so to do , but because of an
UudorBtanding with tha council that Sher
man avenue Is to bo preserved us a driveway
Md that street car line will not bo built on
that avenue without tba consent of throe-
tfihs of tUo abutting property holders.
It Will bo Cclrbrntcil nt the Crulictlrrxl
nml by n I'rncrBilon nncl Concert.
Tbo Nntionnl holiday of Ireland will , this
year , bo celebrated In Omaha In n manner In
keeping with the patriotism of Ireland's
exiled children nnd their strong hopes of nn
cnrly recognition of their country's Jndo-
The celebration Is being arranged and Is
under the nusplccs of the A. O. H. The
committee in charge is untiring In its efforts
0 niuko next Sunday , the seventeenth of
March , In Oinnlui n tiny to bo remembered
with pride by every Irishman. Uoyd's opera
louse ht > s boon engaged for the occasion and
1 specially select programme Is being pro-
[ inrcd.
The following Is the order of. the day's ob
servance : Atl ) a.m. the members of the
society will meet nt their hall nnd march to
St. IMiilamcnn's cathedral to attend IUUU :
o'clock mass , The services will bo on a
icnlo appropriate to the occasion. Professor
Schonck , whoso ability ns nn organist ns dis
played on last Ghrlslrr.its day is remembered
with pleasure , hns kindly consented to pre
side. The choir will render Mozart's mas-
.erplcce , "The Twelfth Mass , " with Lieu-
: cnarit Kindle. Mr. Jules Lombard and Dr.
EOward Arnold ns principal soloists. Flo-
: ow's ' "Tnntum Krgo" ( duet ) will bo sung
l.y Ltoutcnunt Klnzlo and Dr. Arnold durinti
the offertory. The panegyric will in nil
probability bo preactied by Uuv. P. F. Me-
After service , a procession will form on
Ninth street nnd parade the principal streets ,
returning at the closa to the hall whore din
ner will bo served to the visiting delegations
from South Otnnhn , Council HlulTs , Atlantic ,
Uunlap nnd other Iowa cities. In the evenIng -
Ing , the various divisions will assemble nt 7
o'clock In the hall , and march to the opera
house r.t 8 o'clock. The programme and ex
ercises will bo of a superior kind. The In
dies nnd gentlemen of St. Phllomcnn's choir
have kindly undertaken the prepa
ration of the programme and their
individual and united efforts to make this a
memorable event nro untiring nnd uro sura
to bo attended with success. The chorus
alone will contain over thirty voices und
sumo exquisite solos will bo rendered. II is
so nrrangcd that only Irish muslo will bo in
troduced. .
The committee extends a cordial Invitation
to the clti/ons generally of Omaha to bo
present on the occasion. Speakers of ability
will deliver addresses and nu enjoyable time
is assured.
The programme in detail will bo published
In all the Sunday morning papers.
That Tired Pcollns
Afllicts nearly every one in the spring.
Tlio systoin having become accustomed
to Iho bracing anof winter , is weak
ened oy the warm days of the changing
season , and readily yields to attacks of
disease. Hood's Sarsaparillais just the
medicine needed. It tones and builds
uj ) every part of the body , and also expels -
pols all impurities from the blood. Try
it this season.
He Will Furor Hcporters Invcstlgn *
lliijr tlio County i'oor Houso.
Commissioner Mount wore n pale and nn-
pry look yesterday when txsked what lie
had to say in reply to the statement pf Theo
dore Galligher , that It was useless to go be
fore him with complaints without an accom
panying money consideration.
"All I have to say is that there may bo
greater liars than Mr. Galligher , but ho
makes a very absurd and foolish statement
in the beginning of his interview about , be
ing afraid that we would cut up , j
his property by running roads through
it and thus increasing his taxes. Ho ought
to know that the commissioners have noth
ing to do with laying out roads ivltkm the
city limits of Otnuhn. and ever filnce I came
hero , Galligher's property has been outside
of our jurisdiction. Lot somebody come in
and make complaints to the board and , in
that way , ascertain whether the board will
not consider them. "
Commissioner O'ltcefte said that a com
mittee will bo appointed to investigate
matters at the poor hdifse , but 'ho thinks
there ought also to bo a committee of citi
zens to assist the commissioners.
"I nm in faVor also of'u reporter from each
of the papers having a hand in it. They will
bo thcro anyway and might as well have the
authority to suud for witnesses and ask ques
tions. "
At that moment Mount walked into the
room nnd O'Kecffo asked :
"What do you think of that scheme ! "
"What scheme ! "
"Of letting the reporters m on this Investi
gation ! "
"I am In favor of letting them in on every
thing and having the fullest Investigation
that can bo had. " _
Woodruff Granite Q.inrry.
I am prepared to furnish Woodruff
granite ill paving blocks , door sills and
stops , or blocks of most any dimensions
at cheap figures. Also handle at my
Lincoln yard all classes of cut stone- for
any part of the state. Ask for figures.
Tlibmas Price , Lincoln , Nob.
Will Kcsl ti the Clmrtcri.
"We are going to have another railroad
bridge over the Missouri , " said a gentleman
a few days ago , and then immediately left
for the east.
John A. McShane was questioned upon the
subject of another bridge and said that , as
far as ho knew , no now bridge had been de
cided upon. Several weeks ago , however , It
will bo remembered , a committee of mem
bers of the board ot trade , with roprcsenta-
ntlvc" citizens , was appointed to con
fer with the railroad companies with
a view to erecting e. union depot and anotljer
bridge at this point. Mi A. Upton was one
of the members of the committee lie told a
reporter that in about three weeks ho would
have something to disclose that would bo ot
interest , but that the committee had
promised the railroad companies to say
nothing in regard to the negotiations.
Mr. McShano stated that ho still hold char
ters for two bridges of different styles nt
this point. The charters were secured In the
Interest of the Nebraska Central nillrontl.
nnd provided In ono case for the erection of
n wagon , nnd in another case for a combined
railroad nnd wagon bridgoovcr the Missouri.
Tlieso charters , ho said , ho would bo willing
to glvo to any combination of citizens or rail
roads who might bo disposed to build a
bridge nt Omaha free of'chargc ,
Of Interest to All Who Wish to Daco-
rnto Their H.tro Wnlln.
The demand for etchings , ongrnv-
ings , water colors , oleographs , chromes ,
and arlotypes advertised in Tin : Buu
on Sunday by A. IIospo , has boon far
beyond that gentleman's expectations.
All this week ho is giving 25 per cent
off the amount purchased and It is cer
tainly a drawing card.
Monday and yesterday customers
flooded his art store at No. 1613 Doug-
Ins street , many customers being from
surrounding localities.
Mr. Hospo has boon established fif
teen years in Omaha , and when ho ad
vertises 23 per cent off ho gets a big
trade as the public knows that it gets
the best grade of goods and their deal
ings are always agreeable.
In picture frames A. IIospo can't bo
excelled and his prices are always the
His is an exclusive art store in the
strictest term and Mr. tlospo personally
attends to the trado.
His 25 per cent olT sale continues this
week only.
Ho Gets Nearly n Thousand Dollars
Tor Wnrm'iut n Clinlr.
This agitation of the loose manner in
which county affairs is being conducted by
the board of commissioners Is beginning to
show upon some of the members. Mount
may bo said to bo In n state of Irrritntlon ,
which must soon lead to an explosion.
Yesterday O'lteoffo was putting In his time
looking over the voucher records nnd check
ing off such accounts as ho thinks have any
appearance of irregularity.
A now feature of the general controversy
comes out now in reply to inquiries concern
ing the employment of n man by the nauio of
Ximmer , who nttends the drug store nnd
draws from the county for his ser
vices ? 33X a month besides S25
month from the city. Inasmuch as ho sits
In n chair nine-tenths of his time doing noth
ing , some people wonder how the commis
sioners can afford to pay out $900 n year for
such scrvico. O'Kcoito says ho was em
ployed ns nn assistant to the
export accountant with an understanding
that two hours a day , ono
at noon nnd ono in the evening should bo devoted -
voted to the drug store. Since last
over , ho has not boon doing anything in the
accountant's oftlce.
Fisher Printing Co.1Q11 Fnrnamst. ,
telephone 1201 , blank book makers , etc.
Unique Entertainment
The Women's Christian association is
working to perfect a novel entertainment for
the benefit of the body. The entertainment
is to consist of u "merchants' carnival. "
Prom thirty to forty of the most popular and.
handsome young ladles of the city , repre
senting ns many different business houses ,
will perform n drill under the directions of
an experienced person. Their costumes are
to bo furnished by the business house they
represent and will bo very unique and at
tractive and will give a good opportunity to
display great skill nnd taste. Tliii enter
tainment has been given in many cities with
great success and perfect satisfaction to the
merchants and tradesmen who adopted this
method of advertising. As not more than
two houses in the same business will bo rep
resented , some of the most prominent ones
from each line of business lyjll bejihosen ,
nnd among those selected the ones offcnng
the highest sum will .be represented ut this
cmtertainment. Ladles will call on the mer
chants in a day or two to maito suitable ar
Grass , garden and field seeds. Wm.
Sievors & Co. , Kith and California.
Met on the Grousing.
Yesterday , while crossing the Union
Paclric tracks on South Tenth street , a cable
coach was struck by n box car that was being
set in on a side-track nnd the rear portion of
the coach was badly smashed. Thomas
Kinkado , the cripman , and J. B. Pravcn , the
conductor on the cable train , it is said , exer
cised the usual precaution of ascertaining
that no danger was imminent from moving
Special short tour to the capitals o
five European countries England
Scotland , Holland Belgium and Franco
Costing $200 ,
which includes all necessary expenses ,
embracing more travel and better ac
commodation than over offered by any
Longer tours , including Germany and
Switzerland , costing $3GUind $450.
Send for circulars.
M. ,1. WOOD & Co. ,
1223 Furnnin St. , Omaha Nob.
31 Broadway , Noxv York.
Kim Over.
A boy whoso name could not bo learned
was run over by n team and wagon on the
Tenth street crossing of the Union Pacific
yesterday , The youth was picked up in a
semi-unconscious condition and token to
Hell's drug store , whore his Injuries were
attended to. Ho was cut on the head and
face , but the Injuries are not regarded sen
ous. His homo is on Pierce street.
Q Washed with Common Soap
Q Washed with Pyle's Pearline
Dr. A. N. Bell , Editor of thp Sanitarian , New York ,
writes : " Pearline has gained , special ascendency in my
household and in many others to my knowledge , for
cleansing flannels. Your own directions for its use arc
those we abide by : ' Wash flannels by hand in luke-
ivarm Pearline suds ; rinse thoroughly in warm water ;
wring dry ( by pressure : through clothes wringer ) ; pull
1 and shake wdf ; dry in warm temperature and they will
keep soft without shrinking.1 "
T ' As wash is sufficient to ruin flannels ,
n * " * rv'a 4 + one
i JA.l IM t"l great care should be exercised as to the
C5 use of the many imitations which arc being
offered by unscrupulous grocers or peddlers ,
PKARllNE It cercr peddkd. 141 JANES PYIH , New Vo
A Stmsj Kortunc.
The pstnto of XnoH ; Tnomnson ,
1ms been wound uji Irttho county court. The
estate I * valued nt ftiDO.OOO , and this snug lit
tle fortune Is loft to ) two daughters , the only
survivors of the fatdilv. Ono Is n Mrs. Kuy-
{ ondnll , of Clioyonno ( nnd the other Is Miss
Mlnnlo Thomnson , ivlio boards at the Mil-
lord hotel. There i MO.OOO In cnsh In the
estate nnd the bill n tree of the fortune is in
Omaha rcnlty. Uun < Wood , cashier of the
Merchants' Nntlotmirbnnk , > s the executor of
Lho will , mid will neb ns trustee for the two
heirs of the late MK.Thomnson.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity
strength and wholesomonesi. Moro economical
than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo said In
coniDctltlon with tno multitude ) nf low cost ,
fihortn eight alum or phosphate powders. Sold
only in cans. Koval Ilaklng Powder Co. , 1 0
Wallstroet Now Yorfc
ESTABLISHED 1851 ( 183 So.
Chloag0) m8. \ ciarkct.
The Regular Old-Established
It itltl Treating with the Greatest
ChroHic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
Kf NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lo t Monhood ,
Calling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect !
leading to early dccuy-aml perhaps Consumption or
Insanity , treated scwniifically Ly new methods with
never-failing uccesi _
O3- SYPHILIS acdiall bad Blood and Skin Dis
eases permanently , cured.
3-KIDNEYand URINAP.YcomplainUGleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricttnc , Vnrlcocele and ail diseases
of the Genlto-Urlnarr Organs cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or o'her Organs.
tCf * No experiments. Age and experience Im *
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
03- Send 4 centi potoge for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervoua and Delicate Diseases.
Ojf Those contemplating Mairiace send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , both as cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly lelttr or call may save future suffer-
lag and shame , and add Rolden years to life. aU"Book
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicina
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sund y 9 to iz. Address
F. D. CL'ARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark.SI. . CHICAGO , ELL.
Tie Laod of Discoveries !
Santa-Abie and Cat-R Cure
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Company.
Iluom OS Tradori' Ilullcllns ; ,
B blMI t 4 tire *
J 4UcrUenf or
or um.lUHOMir. iUd.for
tdl , iKrlDa lurim. . . rtlllK or
lO OIMiHlTII K WliKhESS.tltlor
r diftettr ibrouglt | | weak parti , rciter-
JU.IU iat Tl(0rou < blr * rlb. Plcclrlg
ST.IOUIS , MO. , U.S. A ,
lUlcri oflfltt UhT r l Slj IM cf
VinilCVundalIurlnarrtroubl s easil ,
MUNtYlyan.l Baf lyrured UyUOCTtflCA ( Jar , .
. Se > ur Hi canei cured In naYruuars , bold
tlM per box , ull druidfUU , 01 liv mull from Hoc-
ura Mfc Co. . 112 WUIleat.I.N.y. 1'ullUlrecUonj.
"are the argument we have always used to influence trade and these
telling figures have always brought us the customers , and we will al
ways depend on them for the biggest share of the clothing trade. Our
business has been built up on the plan of low prices and we mean to
continue on the same plan , Our stock this season is unlimited and this
gives the buyer unlimited choice. We display hundreds of styles of
spring suits. Here are a few of the bargains we start the season with
One lot of nice all wool Cheviot Suits , lined with good farmer's satin ,
at $4.75. This is an honest suit , well made. At no time has such a
suit been sold at less than $7.50.
One \oi \ of really nice cassimere suits , a neat dark mixture at $5.90.
This suit is lined with good serge , made substantially'and we recom
mend it for excellent wear.
We have always had the reputation for the best line of well-made medium priced suita
say at $8 , $9 and $10. Knowing that the great majority of customers prefer that price , we
have always taken pains to give the greatest possible value that could be put into a suit
at that price. The line of $8 , $9 and § 10 suits which we display this season is far ahead
of anything shown formerly. We unhesitatingly claim that with every suit you buy of
us at that price you save at least from $5 to $6. Wo have this season added to our line of
$10 suits an extraordinary bargain in the shape of a splendid corkscrew suit. The mate
rial is all worsted and of very fine quality , lined with best farmer satin. We have them
in sacks and frocks , all sues , from 35 to 42. The suit is of good weight and will make an
excellent dress suit. At ten dollars we pronounce it the greatest bargain ever offered , and
we guarantee it is in every respect as good as any suit for which other houses are asking
$10 or $18.
Price menus nothing until j'on POO the goocK We want ever } ' careful buyer to take time tc examine our gar
mcnts ami note every every detail o lining , trimming and finish.
MAIL ORDERS deceive prompt attention and we send samples and iles for measuring on application.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
s what wo want to pho to every peison that
visits our htore. Slionlil you ut any time
pmcnase on article that ( lees not pto\e
just as represented , w e would consider It a
crent favor to bo allowed the opportunity oti
makingyoiisatislied. Itemcmberourspiing
stock Is arrivliiK dally. Wo have t o floors
veil lighted and stocked \\lth llrst class
Capital W00.003
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 62,000
U.V. . YATFS , President
LEWIS S. Keen. Vlco President.
W. U.S. HuaiiES , Caslnor.
* "
H. C. CUBHI > n ,
Corner 12tlt niul Fnrnam Sts.
* A Geneml Jlnuklne HtiHlness 'I'
London , Ihitflaml.
Amsterdam , Holland.
Trnnmct n Kcnoruf banking bu lnou. Socurltlai
houiilit anil told nn coiiuulmilon , Forulun oxctmiiuui.
Commercial and ttuvolor't letters of credit.
Orders for bond und mocks oxeculoil un commls
flon In Ixindon uud'oii all Continental Ilotmes ol
NoiiOtlutloni of Balltrsy , Btato , City iinJ Corpora
tion IXJHIIS u epcihiltv.
A large amount of money to loan on Im
proved real estate In the city of Omnhii. These
funds u 111 bo distributed In sums to suit , but
largo loans are prefurrod. Applications may bo ,
E , S , BISBEE ,
1'lrst National Jlanlc Hulldlnt , ' . Kcpresehtlng
Alex. 8. I'ortcr , llostoni' -
( Succeusora 16 John 0 , Jucoba. )
Undertakers and Embalmer
At tlieold stand HOT i'ariiam fit. Orderi by
irlegrapli solicited and promptly attended.
Telephone to No , . ' .
- . OuoiiHICU. Arrotixi ! r.AT-i.A > r
DlVOKOKd-A. bu , Cuicuo : uaflcefr tfi 1 je rj
txpcrlcoc9i bui/tcji Qul0Uftod Ictfunj irin'Actv
PATENTED Auc. 16 , 1887. IMPROVED FED. 1,1880.
rutMDtcei to cure the following -
-lowing dliftiei uameljiAll
Rheumatic Complaint ! .
Lumbago , General anil
: Ncrvoua Debility , 3o -
; 3 § tlveneji.Kidnpy Eiseaie
Kervcuincn , Trembling ,
ing of Body , Diieaiei
: ndl cretlpn In Youth , Agf , Mar-
; le Life. I" < > all diicuti i crtilnini
_ . . jr trnltnl err Di of mtl or femile.
TO iiF.siosHiiii.K i-Aimra nID UAYS TIIUL.
Y A PAIR of ri rnTDIO tUCftl CC I'nu r.
En. OWEN'S LULU I nib InoULuo i VKU I'AIR.
Dd B . poitaK * for rttti llluitrAted r mrbet ) , wbleh Mil be
Dt you In pltlD levied CDTelope. UcDtlon tblt puper. addrcil
30O Noitli Broadway , BT. LOP1U. MO.
Owen's EleoMo Belt Attachment. ' )
worn with eate and comfort. The ciir.
m J mild or i trunkTbli It th < onljt
tlrctrle trusi aoil belt ercr mtde. It
llnplurrln from SO lo Oil liji. ( or full ilticrlpllon of Dr.
Owen1 ! Flcctro OalTanlc Hrltt Spin.I Aipll [ nttiTriinti nj
Iniot arod 8c. for ratB IlluilraUd piniphltt which will b *
kcotyott ID plain icnleil roTfloiie. Hold oulr br thfl
3OO North Uroadwar. BT. l.OU18.Ma
Health is Wealth !
MENT , aguar.tiiteol spoclllo for Ilyati'iln. Ulzzl-
iiefH. OonvuUlous , fits , Nervoua NcumlKln ,
Iloailucho. Nervous Prostrntlou caused liy the
use of ulcoliol or tobacco. Wiikefulni'SM , Montnl
Depression , Sotrnntiuot tlio llrnlu , rosultluKlu
Insiuiltvnnil Inaillntrtn misery , decay and denth.
1'ieinatuio Old AKO , llurionnfhs , Loss of I'ower
In either hex , linoluntnry Losses and Spermat-
orlKi-acaused by nrm-uxui lion of the briiln.sel f-
uliusti or ovcilntlulijfncn. Hach box t-nntaini
ono month's treatment. JI.fKl iv box , or six boxes
for V.Ui.ent by mall prepaid onretelptotprlro ,
To euro any case. With each otder received by
us for six bovcs , accompanied with fi.OO , \ > o will
head the purchaser our rlttjil Ktiaiitnteo to re
fund the money If ttio ti ( Utmejit docH not cirect
a euro. Guarantees Issued only b > ( ioodinun
Drug Co. , UriiKKiits , Sole Au'enU , Ilia 1'aruam
ttreet , Uinalm. Nub.
Millions o ! Trees !
ronsIstlnR of Prnlt Trees , Small fruits. Qrnpe
Vines. Onuiinental Tro.-a and SliruU , J.vt'r-
creona. Hones , etc , together with n Ur o ukwrt-
mont of Tieeinnd Seeds for
Timber Claims.
I'acllltles unstuimssoiJ. Wrllo for wholesale }
and retail IHts. Addr.-h * .
Ai\ix > Aii - afuiB.siuiis : ; ,
D. S. LAKE , Propriutor.
- - 10\VA.
Steck Piano
Itenmrkuhlo for powerful sympathetic
toiio , nlinblc- notion and ubsoluto dura
bility ; 80 years' record tbo bet jjuurun-
tec of the oxcellouco of these instru-
Wyoming Oil Lands
And all necessary lupont HHe 1.
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Enginear ,
CABVKlt , WVO..or OMAHA. NlillltASKA
N , W. Cor. 13th & Dodcro Sts.
AppHancas for Deformities and Trusses
Best facilities , apparatus unit roinfillus for tucceif
ful truftlniunl of over ? iunn of Olsousu ruqulrlnf
Mixllcftl or Surv'lcal Treatment.
Hoard and rtttend&noe ; best Uospltfil aocommoda *
tlonitn thu vre-.t.
WHITE roil OiitcULAns on Doformltloimd Urnoei ,
Tru e > , Club Feel , Curraturo uf thu bptno , 1'llet ,
Turuon , C'nncur. Catarrh , llroncMtis , InlmliUlon ,
Kloclrtcltjr. 1'nralrils , rCpltopur , Kleiner. lllaiMur ,
Eje. Kar , Skin and Ulood.ftud allSurglcal opor.Uloni.
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
All Ulood IMieaiOsiucceiifiillr troitnd. Srpblllllo
PoUon romovoJ from the srntaiu without mercurr.
New rastonitlvD treatment for loss or Vital IMwer.
foriioiii unable to Tislt us majr bu troittod at bomu br
eorreiuondencc. All communications confidential.
Medicines or Instruments > ont by mall urnxpresi ,
sonurelr packed , no marks tu Inulcato contents or
icndor. Ono parsonal Intervloir preferred. Cell and
conrultns or send history of rour casu , and no will
tend In plain wrapper , our
Upon Prlvato , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impo-
tcncy. Syphilis , Ulcot and Varlcutole , irltli qncsuon
lltl. Addreis
Omaha Medical nnd Hitrglcal Institute , or
Cor , 13th Qua Doilgo.Sta. , . . OMAHA , NHfl ,
MII.V und WOM1S.V siHcuiuriillr trcutoJ.
Surrcrlngfrom IIio < ( Turin of vniilliful follies nrlmtls
irutlunn , or uru trouble I with \Vuiknc i , Neurons
l > euilllyl < os of Memory , Hnnixjndi.'iivy , Avunlontp
r'oclcty , Kidney Troiibli r niiy rilnune of tbo ( iunl-
tO'lJrliuiiy Orjiiiitiuui here Hint nito niiu poedjr
luro. Clmrijcn reusunitUlu , efpicliill ) ' to Hie pour ,
HUTU lire ninny troubled nltli luo frcciuunt evucua
tloni of Ibo IiluJikT , often nicumimnliil liy it sllutit
umrtliiK "rburning si'mnllonnnd wi'itkenlnum tnu
nyiteni In H iniiiiniT the imtlunt conniit ntcouiiiiur.
On i-xiimliiln , . ' [ ho urluury deposit ! u lupr eillmmit
lll uilmi be fuunil , iindnoiiieUmea miillelejorulbu.
men will nppc'iir nr tlio rulur l > u "I u tmiiimlklsli
hue , iniulii LimnnliiK td a ilark or loriilit uupeariincB.
Tlieru uru nianv muii wboillo iif llilndllllculty , Ixnor-
nnlor Uiecililsu tthlrli l * Ihu ictiin I Mnuo of om | .
nnl rnkn . 'Jhedoitor will Kiniuntooii I'orfitct
i nre In nil mich in n .m > 'l ' n lienllhr runiiiratlcin of
thu KI nlto urluurr oriwii . < 'iiii ulimloii fre . * jend
/ ( Hiit stHiniHiir "Yoiini. Mann lrlvnilor tliiluo to
Wedlock , " lioo loa'l. AMrtss
Main nnd 1'Jtli St.KuiiBits City , Mo.
rir"\lullon tuli paper.
For Sale or Trade.
Itabldi-ncu property , orange eiovt-H. town lots ,
nnd desirable unimproved Imi'li Hiillablii for
w Inter homos , for kale or to truda for \\tiatern
Impiuved farmlands , ( JorrexpondoncoiioUcltiia
L .0. GARRbTT ,
Orlando , Florida.
ucco fuliy u xl uioutlily ty over IQ.ttX )
. F-caled
-J'arllnUari S pontngn ttaintx. Adilra&v
TUB Uuiuuu VUS.UVM , Co. , DUTOOJT , Mica.
L'o > - Kule ( iinl liji indll l > Jootlmtn