SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. _ No advertisements will bo tnkcn fnv tlirfln columns nflcr 12:3O p. in. Terms Cnsli In advance. A Adrerttcomtnt * under tlili head 10 cents pet tine for the first Insertion , 7 cent * for each mil ) . rquptit Insertion , ami tl/X ) per Una per month. No advertisement taken for lens thnn 2r > cents the first Iniertlon. Seven words trill bo counted to the line ; they must rim consecutively and must bo paid lu ADVANCE. All ndvrrtlco- rnents must bo b.uuled in before 12:30 o'clock p. in. , and under tie circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by tolcpuone , rartlcs advcttuina In thesa columns and hav ing tholrnsw rs addressed In enroot TIIK HEM will please ask for a cliork to enable them to get their letterft. as none trill be delivered except on presentation of chock. All answers to ndvsr- llsoments should bo enclosoojln envelopes. All advertisements In the.io column * are pub lished In Ixith morning and ( jvunln ? editions of TIIK HER , the circulation of winch aggregated ffioro than 1",000 papers dally , ana gives the ad vertisers the benefit. not only of the city circu lation of TUP. Her , but also of Council Bluffs. Lincoln und other cities anil towns throughout this section ot the country. ' BRANCH OFFICES.5 Advertising for those columns will bo taken en the above conditions , at the following trail. poss houses , who are at thorlzed agents for TIIK II cr. special notices , and will quote the saint rate * as can be had nt thu main onice. ' Struct. . Btntloner and 1'rlnters. 113 J South Hth Street. _ _ _ liTTAUNSVVOHTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- ing Stroot. JTltUOHKS , Vliarmaclst. C24 North 16th . Struct. _ _ _ _ _ " KOr w7 PARR. Pharmacist , 1809 Bt. Mary'8 A\cnuo. WANTED MALE HELP. . "tXTANTl ! ! ) Younji unmarried clerk who TT speaks German and Swede : ulso , Hoho- mlan cloik who sneaks Uerman or Sttedo. Uumlm Meat Co. . Hth and Lcavcnworth. 203 13 * J A first-class tailor and tnlloross Unlou. prices paid. KUNHUhst. 22114 * "T\f A NTH J > Four llrst-class harness makers TT at onco. J. 11. llanoy & Co. , Hastings , Neb. 841 15- WANTED Tno good carriage painters at once , and ono flrnt-cluss carriage wood Worker. Win. It , Drumuiond & Co. , 131.1 llnrnoy. ! aai4 WANTED A good wagon maker , to no six iillleH from city. Inquire of 11. K. Rogers , JMth nnd Cutnlng sts. 261 lit WANTED Immediately , two young men to do janlto ? work for tuition at Valentino's Miorthaml Institute. 23.V14 WANTKD Two coat makers. Inquire Volz , tlio tailor , South Omaha. 232 14T W WANTED A boy to work In news stiuul at ' Wtsbstor street depot. 231 18 * WANTED Agont-j for our now patent Uro- proot safes , sl7o2SxlSxl8. uolgnt K ) Ibs. , retail prlco 53J , others in proportion. Highest uw&rd ( silver medal ) Cunteuulal exposition ; rarn chance ; permanent business. Our prices lowest. Wo nro not in the safe pool. Exclusive territory given. Alpine Sato Company , Cincin nati. O. 6IH Tidrs-Am. Dlst. Tol. Co. . 1301 Douglas. \\J ANThO A tlrat-class ii'Uill shoe man. ona \\ellacquamtcdlnthoclty. . 871. Dee. aoo in "WANTKU Partner with not less than $ SOO , \Miohas8omacxpcrluuco In slaughtering nnlmals , for market in Homo country town- Nebraska , Missouri or Iowa , Irom 2.0JO to 5.000 population ; have good shop outut and market experience : references oxchungod. Address J. A. , IOCK box No , 307 , Omaha. 191-18t TAT"ANTED Young man , retail salesman , noT - T > qualnted with crocki-ry and ulnsswaro. Address with reference , MorchiuU , Omaha P.O. 201 13 WANTED Position by an experienced coachman , boat ot references glen. . Ad- flrct- 08 , Hoe. 204 13 * WANTED Aaents Reliable wo'men to sell the "Original HyEela" Combination Shoulder llraco Corset , ( lost money making nrtlcloln the country. Satisfaction uuuran- tee < i. Apply for terms and territory to Western Cotsetco. , fit. Ixmla , Mo. 183-aIU WANTED Knorgt-tlc men and women every where for n genteel , money-making busi ness , ttu weekly profit guaranteed easier than IWO monthly otherwise. Expeilence absolutely unnecessary. Purmanout position and exclusive territory aaiurcn. $ J.OO samples free. Write for particulars. Address , wlthtttnmp , Merrill MTg Co. , H El Chicago. 170 alOt W ANTED An experienced stenographer. Aildieas box 37 , Lincoln. Neb. 151-1K WWANTED WANTED First class shoo salesman ; none but those having years of experience and good reference urod apply , at The Fair , 13th nnd llowaid. J. L Hraudcls & Sons. H5 W 'ANTED A good tailor. Address W. J. McKenzlo , Nelson , NOD. 131-13 ; WANTED-Cliicago book and paper lionso will establish their western uranch and tllstrlbutlng house at Qmaha about March 15 Vant a thoroughly reliable , energetic man as manager. No ono need apply , except ho can furnish the best ot references as to his charac ter and business ability and command t-.ooo cash. Address at once , E. S. Jewell25ri-257 Wabash ave. , Chicago. 135-13t " 1317ANTRD A good Joumeyman harness- T > inakoratouce. Call on F. A. tichuls , Scrlb- ner. Nou. U31 13t WANTED Reliable & onorgotlc Kalcsuion in Omuha'and unrthenihalt ot Nebraska to sell aurmachlnos.alHo 2 collottoi-s , uo capital or cxpeilonce necessary. The Singer Mfg. Co. Omaha. Neb. 717-al WANTED 10 traveling salesmen , salary one ] expenses. Address with stamp , Palmer & Co. , DCS Molnes , la. 724al \\rANTED Railroad laborers ror Washing- TT ton torrltory ; steady work , long Job , at Albright's Labor A coney , u o Farnam at. 740 OVB Ain. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas , 621 WANTED A good business mau to take the management of an o III en in Now Vork city , one tor Detroit and another for Cincinnati ; must Invest J..HKl : salary 31WX ) per year. Address GeorguS. Cllnc , Wuguer block , Dos Molnes , la. 074 A BUNTS wanted on salary. 175 per month and expenses paliL any active man or woimmlto sell our goods by sample and llvo at liomu Salary paid promptly uud expenses in advance. Full particulars aud. sample case free. Wo moan just what we say. Address Standard Silverware Co , lloston , ; Mais. ' " \ \ ; ANTED A good mau to coontnoroad ; T > mtiat bo wide uwako , full of energy , glvo ccurlty for money colluctod and deposit & 5for Bamples. Call on George H. Cllne. Room 511 , I'irat National bank building , Omaha , Nob. Ij ; AGENTS wanted in every 'town ami city in -cVtlio west for the Harden Hand Granado lire Extinguisher. Apply to F , G. Ciundall,310SoutU 15th st. bin _ \\7ANTBl > Agents In every city and town In TT the\\osttit < ell the Toy Calliope , the great pst ni'ller on earth ; 8ond 20 eta for sample. I1' Q Craiulall. 310 South 15th Bt. 87U "LJOME work allatiminer for ladles calling 1m J. JLmiidlatoiy.il to * H uockly. Materials fur niched. UOd N. latn ; up.-itnlH , uw ) M * for liousework,810 S.23d. a-a l\7 ANTr.D-Kltchen girl. lunuiro 400 Nortl TT aid at. Reference * required. asj 15 " \\rANTKIi 4.ompotcnt girl for genera T T house work , snmll family. Apply ' to < 4' B2 thavo. \\7ANTi : ! ) lend laundrt-sx , tai , capable o Tt taking full charge ; cook und second girl li Council HlutlN ; cook for Manning , lo ; kltch t'H aud laundry girl for South Omaha ; 3 smal Klrl , experleucoil ; 2nd glrlti. 3 dlnlng-roon iliHi ) for general house work. Mrs. llreg * , im anti7 217 m _ -Olrl , 1013 CWcngo st. 190-13' \\rAN'iED-Lady : agents. Two nnw Inven- TT tions for ladles' spring , summer wear. Outsell ovprythlnu. Pny $ lug monthly. ThtHo with our buatle-sklrts , rubber itoods , hose gup. vorlera , etc , , ruako boat business known. Ail- ilrcss with stump , E. H. Campbell It Co. . l 4 Itaudolph street. Clilcago. lit-21 * \\rANTED-At the Paxton note ) , two women T Tlio ran do tlio bread and pa uy work for the IIOUBA. MuBt-bo abls to cut out llrit-clasa work. Gi > od ua i's to satisfactory purtleu. T"ANTE D-A girl for get .jl hotuoworic T liKiulrelSlO Douglas Bt. , up stalre. DRESSMAKING. W todoUrcjanittklnK in families. Mlsa Hturdy.SUlI Luavoinvorth tosmSl * RE8S)2AKlNa lu , 1211 N )7th. ) 412 ui 2U < l 3HAKlNGcitttlnR& flttlniS317 . . . " * r ' A TIONS WANTED. SITUATION wanted by an experienced cus Otoin cuttor. Address 8 f.7 , lice. E ! SITUATION wanted by cxncrlonced dry poods ' -'salesman , now- traveling for wholesale notion house , llest of references. Address 8 73 , _ liee , " \\rANTRD-Sltuatlon by respectable widow T with a child , to work in * omo nice family it once ; $1.50 per week. Address S 05 , lleo of- W ANTED Situation as housekeeper In pri vate family , city or country ; goodrctor- ences. Hex 373 , South Omaha , Neb. 179 Mt WANTED-Sltuatlon liy an experienced business man , cither In the boiuio or on the road ) latter preferred. Address Bfil. tlee. H53-14 * _ ITKN i-oom iioaFiiTnR'limise. rent gin. 3 blocks JL from P O. furnlturo S > 00 , SiX ) cash. b l fJ3 per mo. IB-room liotel near Mlllard hotel , rent ( A ) , furnlturo with plauo tl.:0) . * WO cash , bal I'lOpermo. 0-rootn Hat furnished , rent of all KM , u-room boarding house centrally located , now full of boarders , rent $ CO , furnlturo t ( X ) . ? 4 cash. 10-room brick boarding house , rent $10 , furniture lVi , } ) oo cash , bal oasy. 14-room brick , rent tltt mo. No. 1 house , No. I location , : urnlturollncprlco $3,500 , VJ cash. Co-opera- : lvo Land &Lt Co. . SUS N lotn st. SJOU _ TIIOR HENT-n-room cottage , E9th and Dodge , V newly pitlntcd ami papered , $15. 2"J5 " 15 OR UHNT-S-room houso. $10 , 21st st. For rent. 11-roora house. 22d st. $ fiO. 1'or rent , C-room cottago. * 10 per , month. 1'oriont , u-roQmhouBo. * " 0. inquire , NctUertou Hall. it. 423. First Nat'l Imnk. ' 247 15 _ T OR SALE Pretty now coltaeo on easy JL1 monthly payments. Inqulro Netncrton Hall , room 423. First National bank. 210-17 _ " TI10R "HKNT Prottv now 5-room cottage , $10 J- per month : can sell thlsplacunn oojty month ly payments ; lot 50xl2t > , south front ; cistern , well , sheds , etc ; a bargain. Imiulro of Nether- ton Hall , room 42J , First National b uk building 245-15 TTIOR HUNT New Sroom house near car JL line , $ " per month. Inquire ot Nethertou Hall , room K ) , First National bank. 243-14 "OBAUTIFUL 8-room house , gas. clly wator. JJbatn room , hot and cold water , on paved streets with .street car , noaru good school , only Itl'i per month ; the house Is new. Apply nt onco. C. r. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank.JW7 JW7 FOR RENT When you wish to rent a house , store or olflco call on us. II. E. Cole , room C , Contlnmtal block. GW FOR RENT 0 room modern Improved house. A 1 locality ; rent moderate. Apply to M. Elgutter , 1001 Farnum Rtroot. 670 HUNT Cottages , 5 rooms. 2720 Charles street and 1521 South Fifth street. Inquire at room 212 , Sheely block. 071 FOR RENT fl-room brick , 114 8 2T > thst ; mod ern conveniences ; near cable line. J. W. Grlillth , U. P. headquarters ; ' 6J2 HORRENT Good basement. 1515 Douglas st. 1 ' KSi I7IOR HENT 5 , 0 nnd 7-room houses nt less J- than t\\o-tnlrda regular rental. Call nt oucr. J , II. Johnson , Uoom 618 , Paxtou building. T11OU HUNT Doslrablo fl room Hat with J steam heat ou 10th St. , cdtiventcnt to busi ness center. All modern Improvements. Apply to H. E. llobcrw , 10JO Chicago st. 101-lut TJ1OII KENT 10 room house on South 10th St. , -L with aUmodorn conveniences ; tuo ; i room Hats on North 17th St. , suitable tft light housekeeping - keeping ; two new 0 room Hats , corner 24th and Leavenvtorthst * . : will rent niasonably two 10 room houses with all modern Improvements , corner 2tth and Capitol nvo. Apply to Green & Williams , First Nnfl bank building. 10J- FOH HENT Nice 5-rooin house , cast front , halt block of cable cats. 112 S2 th st. DWuSt FO'I HENT 7-room Hat. WO month. Inquire at The Fair , 1'lth aud Howard. 974 I7OHltENT ! Cheap , a nice 3 and 5 room house , -t ! J53J S21st st.betwcen Center and Doicas st. 089 a 8 * TTIOH HENT Nice six-room cottage near cor- ' JP ner I'udllc street and Park avenue ; com fortable homo and splomltdnolghborhond ; rent KO per month. Hicks , room 40 , Darker block. 837 13 TrtOR HUNT 3 brick residences , n rooms each , JO fronting Hnnscom park , on Park avenue , with furnace , hot and cold water , b.itn aud alt conveniences. Heady for occupancy April 1. Price 10 and 815 a month. 1) . V. Sholes , 210 1st Nat. bank building. 041 T7IOR RENT Furnished honso for rent. Har- ' JO rifl , 411 First national bank. B03 T7IOH HUNT One 8 room house , with barn , S. -L ; d at. , near Leavcnv > arth st. Inquire at AVestern Cornice Works. C07-OU S. 15th st. C. Spccht. 83U-12 "OOH IlENT I 1at of seven rooms cor. S 13th J-1 and Pacific sts. Duggan's block. 877 LHIG LIST ot houbos for rent. S. T. Petor- son , s. e. cor , IGth and Douglas. 830-a4 HENT Now 7-room llat.corner letnand Jones. A. C Powell. 1201 Farnam. BJ7 TTIOU HENT 10-room hous , stehrn. gas , both. -L not and cold aud cistern water , good cellar and nice yard. $59. 200 824th. Inuulre207 8 24th. 714 "I710K RENT 10-room modern house near hlsh * - ' scliool cheap. G. E. Thompson , 212 Sheoly block , 15th and Howard. 103 rpr.X-HOOM house on 18th near Loavenworth J. Bt ; modern conveniences ; will rent to good reliable tenant at $10 per month. O. J. Storns- dorlT , rooms U17-31U First Nat. Utink building. 312 TT1UUN1SI1ED house for rent in Park Terrace , JL1 opposlto Hanscom Park , all modernn con veniences. Enquire , Leo Nlchol , 2ith ) and Leuvenworth. 03 FOR RENT-ROOIV1S FURNISHED. AKGE front room , furnrshod , every convon- also , small room. 2107 Douglas. 203 SOMETHING line In the way of elegant fur nished rooms for 2 or 3 young gentlemen at 1S2J Cas street Every modern convenience. 201 15 * IJHJH HENT Handsomely furnlMied U-rooni -i- house , acre of around : references required. Inquire ot Nctherton Hull , room 423 , First Na tional bunk. 214-15 IjMUM and board for two. location desirable , -LI rateu reasonable , modern conveniences. 2220 Leavenworth. 224 19t FUltNISIIED front loom ton gentleman of good habits ; location convenient to busi ness : bath , etc ; 518 S. 20th. second door from & . Mary's avenue. 230-19 * TJIUUNISHED .room to let with llrst-class X1 board ; southern exposure ; 1019 Uodgo street. 234-lir TTIUUNlrtllKDor unfurnished room , with gas JL ? and butli , board if desired. & 1U S 2 < ith St. , op posite All balnttt' church. & 4 Oil HKNT-Furnlshed rooms In GrueuUt blk , cor. 13th and Dodga sts. Inqulto ot ueo K. Davis , Mlllard hotel billiard room. 675 niOll HENT Fiont and back parlor , suitable J. for four gentlemen , all modern conveniences atlieiFarnum , 174 lit "TjlOlt HUNT Furnlshea rooms and board (5 J per week. SOU llarnny st. _ . m-13t N'ICELY furnished rooms , iU North 11th. | 1UJ 15 _ _ _ f OH HKNT-NlcPly furnlilied room .with -L' hunt , M per muulh , at 1JO William st. near U P. depot. HI _ FOK HENT rurnlEhad room , ull niodoru con\enlonces. 2 17 Faruikiu Bt. 134 TplUVATB family have several nicely turn- JU Uhcu rooms for rent with board , ills North tot is * fitrnUhod rooms , aUo name for light hoiisekonpliig , 1JI4 Capitol avenue. 80 20 * 171UHNISIIKI1 rooms by day. week or month. -D M. Clulr llotol. cor. 13th and Doilgu. au NICUItY furnished rooms and board ; utrlctly nr t-cl\asr ( : teieucearuunlreJ. ( 1911 Farnaui street. wo lu f urnibiiedTooms 1017 Capitol nve. ITIL'HSISIIED room for onti or two gentlu- Jmeu , Leslie * Lojlle , KJtli i and Dodge sts. UtW 14 "VTICELY furnished front ami bacic parlors Is heat , nan and bath-room ; also , IHst-rlaiia board ; 17-i" Cnpltol ao U01 1J F I OR RENT Four nice large rooms at rea sonable rate * ; 2oll t. Mur > ' - ave. 122-1U 1710R RENT A nicely furnished room , with JU all conveniences ; 018 Bo. I7tu t. 72a * 17U > R KENT-FurulBhcd front roe i 1815Dodge. JJ 4lffm34 * "M ICE furnished rooms & board , 1709 Doiiglai. SUlTof 2 furnished roonu. modern conven ience * , 3 blocks from P. 0. , private family. A. Hospe , jr. . 18U Douglas U , 420 rooms , 113 9 WtU ftt.nca Dodgo. nrroit RKNT-Nlcelv furuUheil rooms , with or JL.1 without bowd. Apply at 1721 Davenport at. l OOMS and Urst-clualiowe board.1718 DoilK ! JLi DM 14 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. URNISIt ED rooms , single or on suite , both and steam t tor gents only. 1519 Howard. I'M LAltflE front room with bed-room adjoining ; handsomely furnished , gas and heated dy steam , with usoof bath-room , lu ono of the handsomest residences in the city , wltliont board. Inquire n. w cor. liuh nnd Leavonwortli , 073 _ OR RENT Two furnished rooms on first lloor. 1810 Chicago st. _ 031 lit , TJOOMS Furnished or unfurnished , single of JL\en suite ; modern conveniences , 2227 Uodgo. fr Oll RENT Nicely furnished frontronmand JL'- alcove , all conveniences. 18) ) k'urrmm st. 120 _ 2NICIJI.Y furnished rooms , steam boat , gas , bath , etc. , on same lloor , $10 per montlt. 2 < J7 i 21th ; uo Hat. 678 _ _ r ARGE front room , nicely turnlshod , suitable JLJfora gentlemen , toll Farnam. 67 ; ) ELEGANTLY furnished parlor , steam heat , \\ltlibonrd. Apply or addressers. H. L. Randall. 1721 Dodge. 218 18' _ TJIURNISHED room. 1013 Cliloago st. FOR REHT-ROOmS UN FURNISHED OOM-UnfurnlshedTiitl Douglas sUlnHloor 38 FOR REiNT Rooms sultablo for housckcep- ipg In suites of from ono to four ; In conven ient location ; lowest prices. Iluttls Renting Agoucy , 1501 Faruam street ; telephone Nt'URNISIIEI ) rooms for rent on llrbai- way , Kmimitos rldo from lltn street. In qulro under Pnxton Hotel shoa shop. IfiS 13' Ij OR RENT Three unfurnlsnod rooms , also JD two basement rooms to families without children at 112JN 17thst. EOT _ FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICER filOR RKNT-Olllce sullo $25 a month. 2 single JO olllcoj $15 each , all fronting 10th st. Hush- man block , n. o. cor Ifith and Douglas. W. M. llnshman , 1311 Leavonworth. _ 071) ) FOR RENT store , s. w. corner 10th and Loavenwortli. IQMSt _ TIIOR RENT llrlck building , three-stories , on JE good retail street. Hicks , room 4 , Darker bla. _ 1K7 13 TTIOR RENT 2 stores 7 room Oat , 6 room JL : house 17th , nuar Nicholas. Inquire Schles- Inger llros. , 614 South lot list. _ O.a-m37 TTIOR RENT a Iloors 22x8J each.ln brick build- JO imr , with elevator , close to express oillco. cheap rent , just the thing for wholesaling , good location apply Geo. Heyn , 110S Farnaui st. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. OTOCIC Farm to Lease 1,280 acres or less for Otcrm of years at > 5 cts per acre. Good buildings. T. H. Gregg , AtklnsonHolt county. Neb. 170-15t FOR business purposes 2d lloor , 50x137. In Paxton building , entrance on Farnam ; pas senger and freight elevator ; north and south light ; wllldtvldo Into two If desired. Hey- man A : Dolches. 1518 Farnam st. 085 IS to Farmers and Gardeners For NOTICE the following pieces of-land : North h of northwest > i of soc. 1,115" , r' 12,11)3 ) acres : south JJ ot southwest U of sec. 10 , t'16. r 1fO acres ; cast ; n acres ot north ! j ot northwest U s 3. " ) , 115 , r 12,30 acresalso ; 47 acres duo south ot the poor farm and adjoining Edward Howell place lu city limits. Inquire ot John Ilamlln , V17 Ltnton block , Omaha. Neb. ' 875 31 CTOR HENT Well improved farm.of 80 acres JC near city. Schlesluget llros. , 814 South 10th. , C33-mS7 WANTED-TO RENT. for rent Several flvo or six room WANTED houses in the north part of the city Im mediately : also a number of larger house s. 1 have applications every day for Kountzo Place houses. List with mo if you want them rented. J , J. Gibson , room 3 Crclgnton block. 10810 * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "PARTI wanted to run a boarding house , no X money required. Call nt once. 1119 Saiiu- dors street , up-statra. 20fl3 WANTED Small family to take the two lower Uoors of modern house ; good loca tion. Address Room 20 , Arlington II lock. 10213 * - , women to nso "Wllcox's WANTED-10,000 Fancy Compound Pills. ' Perfectly safe and always olfcctuul. Bond .for 4o "Woman's Safe Guard. " WllcoxMedlcal Co. , Philadel phia. 114 A19 'k9 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE 1 hereby notify oil parties not to trust my wife , as I will not be responsible to any debts contracted'by her. Frank. Rob erts. , „ ' 237-lW THE banjo taught as an urt by Geo. F. Gel- lenneck. Apply at-llce Ofllce.13 * MIK public Ls especially rpquested to call .I-andseo J. J. Gibson's now system of hou&e renting. Hut one moment Is required .to find what you want. 10U MAI1A. Neb. , Fob. 14.1889. Notice Is nere- O by given to the holders ot all bonds issued by the Cable Tramway Company of Omaha , and bearing date of May 2d , 1887 , January 1st , 188S , and October 1st , 1884 , to present the same , for payment , with accrued internst. at the First National bankot Omaha , Nob. , the flfthidny of April , 1S81 > . Interest on said bonds will cease on that date , the company having availed itself of the right to redeem the same , by giv ing thirty days notice of its desire to do HO. S. R. Johnson , President. BCC-05 OMAHA Steam Dye Works 1531 Howard st. Dyeing , cleaning , etc. Lace curtains cleaned. C. T. Paulson prop. , telephone 047. 512-in25 IWANSON. Vallon & Co. , undertakers and S etubulniers , 1721 Cumlng st. Tel. 1000. STORAGE. WANTED Furniture , carpets , htcvcs 'and household gooas ot all Kinds. Omaha Auction Ic Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. 581) ) CJTORAGE At low rates at 1121 Farnam St. . OOraalia Auction & Storage Co. O'JJ npllACKAUK. storage , lowest rates. W. M. JL Uushman. 1311 Leavenworth. 591 [ RANCH A : CO. , storage , 1211 Howard. RENTAL AGENCIES. IF YOU want to liny , soil , rent or exchange , cull on or address , G..I. SternsdoiIf , rooms 1117 uud HIS 1 Irat National bank building. 580 G KO. J. PAUL. HUB Farnam 85 , , , houses , btores , etc. , for rent. C83 WEglvo special attention to renting nnd collecting routs , list with us. II ; K. Cole , room U Continental block. , 584 IF YOU want your houses ion ted placet them with ll-jnami & Co , 15th , opposlto postolllce. 585 LIST your houses and stores wltn me ; I have lots of customers. J. ILlMrrotte.lRul Qnlcago UH ! all I have nlu customer * wtio want to rent cottages tagos and houses right away. All good ten ants. List your housoi early. M. G. Macleoa , 1417 Farnaui. 213.13 FOR SALE-MISOELLAHEOUS. "IJTOirsALE-Youiiif parrot , talks some. $10. JU one , good talker. fcOU South 10th Bt , Itaom 8. 2 < 12 lltf T7IOH SALE or Trade A'good young team of JL liorrtou ; well broken ; wulght 2OM Ibs. For partlcuUia see A. W , Cowau , 717 N. loth sUoet , BAD THIB-$1,300 worth of mco furniture , entire outfit of tlio house , for $550 ; must neil on account of Blcknvss. Apply to J. 11 , Parrotte , IQUUChlciigo. 814 alt "PHYSICIANS Practice for Sale-Rare chance , J. $ .I.OuOpury ar ; county boat ; successor t < > buy team and otllco furniture , ouly about $400 . Addruss S 70 , Ilee olllte. ESS SALE An excellent- family horse. Hour. 11 , Gutllclis , ut Uiilou Trust company. 171(111 BALE A second hau'l phaeton , inquire J- City hotel , coniur lltrnuy und lotti Bt. "IjlOU SALE-A tlno combination billiard anil J-1 pool table for residence ; utmost ui > w ; abar- ualu , Room 22 , U. S. National bank building. FOR SAIiH-t'nr load ot young sound horses. _ 1510 California at. B. H. Wood. ! K1 * | J10R S A I.K-On terms to suit , tlio neat cot tiifjo , JL 2S20 Charles at. TelephonuKU , or W. T. tino.- man , Omaha's largest vurloty bugirios. wagoiiH , Ac. , cast aide IBtb t , north nt Nicholas nt. 4'xl TTUR HAr.E-ua3DH. ( P. portable boiler and JO 23 H. P. center crank engine. Including uteam pumi. lieuter , ic. Wl Douglas street. 0" TpOU 8AU5-1.000 tone 14 to 16 inch ice on JL1 track. Council lllnlTa , Glllart llroa. fl5u4 TJ10U H.M.I : or Leaio-- uiB bulldlni : about -U 40x50 with pow r. together wltti tlire years' lease of lot. UOl DouglM t. W " " ALAltGi : , licavy t'overnm it""wrtt'on , almost new , cuu be bought at your owu price. ( J. J. BteriiRilnrtr. roonu 'J)7 ) uud yi Firtt National Uelopiiouo ittt Ui PERSONAL. ATRANCK MKDtUM-Mmo. SandRll , the young Swede , tells full names ot callers and tlio full name of your future husband or wife , wltn date ot inarrlagoAnd tolls whether the ono you love Is trueccfnlss. Not a fortune teller , but a young spirit medium. Madame goes Into a perfectly < fjAl trance. Will brlnn back the parted husu.viil or lover , no matter If they IM > 10.003 miles reny. Will guarantee to settle family quarrel * , Q Parlors up stairs , 403 N. ICth St. . third floor.rjs 813 a B "R. . ' will " " PERSONAL A.MU' "bo there , sure , JL rain or shlno. Doirtjall. H. szl-lsj LOST-Sot of plana.Trrmr 9th nnd Douglas sts. Finder will bo sflfhlily rewarded by re- timing to room 631 Pimtin oulldlng. 18l-iit : IOST InTiorso car riFhr'SU Mary's avo. barn Air in or near Hanscom park. March 12 , ten- dollar bill. Please lenvo at lleo olllm. - ! 2-in | CLAIRVOYANT MRS. LENORMAN can bo consulted on nil alfnlrs of life through the innglo mirror. Satisfaction guarnntocd. 418 N 10th st. Upstairs. 775 a8 * ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. T\R7NANN1E ATWarran , clairvoyant , modi- J-/ cal and business medium. Female diseases a specialty. 110 N Iflth at. , rooms a and 3. KM MIDLAND Guaralitca & Trust Co. , IWVi Far- num. Complete abstracts furnished & title * to real estate oxauilnodvorfectcd Aguaranteed , 6i)3 ) AIJSTRACTS Llnahau Sc Muhonoy , room f > 00 , Paxton block , 61U OMAHA Abstract colnpany , 151D Farnam st. Most complete and carefully prepared sot of abstract books and plats of all real property lu tno city ot Omaha aud Douglas county. 595 MONEY TO LOAN. CITY Financial agency will loan you money on horsei. furnlturi' . Jewelry or securities ot any kind. 1JOO Howard St. , corner S. 13th st. 23J a 12 ; WANTED Fist class Insldo loans. Lowest rates. Cull and see us. Mutual Invest- nient Co. R 1 llarkor blk. 15th and Farnam. Elri T\f ONEY to loan. Harris. It K. & Loan Co. . J.U. room 411 , llrst National bank. COd EOPLE'8 Financial Enchango ITio fairest , quietest aua most liberal money exchange In the city ; loans made without delay or publicity. In any amount largo or Hiunll. at the lowest rates of Interest , ou any available security : loans may bo paid at any tlmo or renewed at original rates. O. Ilouscaron , mgr , room 50 u Darker blk. 15th and Farnam. 6U3 I CAN make a few loans on tlrat-clasa chattel securities ut rnasonablo rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 , Marker blk. Oil I711RST mortgage loaus at low rates and no JC delay. D. V. Sholes , 310 First National bank. 597 MONEY to loan on Improved property at first hands. No application sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined free of charge to borrowers , Lombard Investment company , SOU S. 13th st. 007 DELL I1ROS. & Co. . No. 312 So. 16th Bt. Chamber of Commerce building , loanmonoy at t ) , 0)4,7,7VS ) and 8 per cent , according to loca tion ot property. Unsurpassed facilities for placing largo loans on Insldo business nroporty. A special fund of several thousand dollars to loan on unimproved lots. 598 MONEY to loan on Improved real estate by Northwestern Mutual Lite Insurance Co. Lowest rates , uo commission. Address How ard Kennedy , special laitn agent , Omaha. Neb , i/io GOO DO YOU want to botroV money ? Read'tnls ' : It will saVa vou tlmo. It wlllaavfciyon money. You can borrow from a F.jM asters , successor ulW. R , Croft , Room 4Withnoll burg" " 15th and Ilarnoy sts. 810. $20 , $ JO. $100 , $ AO , < Wi J , $1,000. W.OOO. $10,000. In fuct , any sum you want on furniture , pianos , horses , mulcft.i xvapons , etc. , on easier tormt und at lower ratwsjthan any other oillco lu the city , without nnbliclty or removal of property from your possession. If on Instalment is due on your property and you cannot meet It. call and see me. 1 will pay it for you. If yoifHluve a loan in any other oillco call and getniy rdtos. I will take It up and carry It for you. I make loans for onotq , .six months , and you can pay a part at any time , reducing both prin cipal and interest. , All loans renewed at-qrlglnnl rates , and no chared for papers.j 'Jiil' ' . > , All business strlctlyJ confidential. Call and see me. , . ' Don't forget the number , Uoom 4. Wlthnell block. COS "VTE1IRASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a li loan on household goods , horses , w agons , land contracts , fine jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rates. Room 7 , Rowley block. South Omaha. Rooms 818-510 Paxton block , Omalm , Neb. 605 MONEY Loans negotiated nt low rates with out delay , and purchase good commercial paper and mortgage notes. S. A , Sloman. cor. 13th and Farnauu GOft ONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. . real estate aud loan agents , 1505 Farnam st. wrj LO.VNSmadoon real estate and mortgages bought. Lewis S. Reed & Co. , 1521 Farnaui. 020 BUILDING loans. Llualian & Mahoney. 019 MONEY to Loan Wo arc ready for applica tions for loans In amounts from $ JOO to $10- 000 on improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate Full Information as to rates. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call upon us. or write. The McCagua Investment Co. oio B UILDING loans. D. V. Sholes , S10 First Nat'l. Hank. 697 H.E. . COLE , loan agent. . OU PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange Large and small loans for long and short tlmo , at low est rates ot Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches and jewulry. Don't full to call if you wau't fair and cheap accommodations. 0 , Houacareii , Jlgr. , room 5IHJ , Darker blk , , 16th and Faruam. GOCy PER CENT money to loan Cash on hand. W. M. Harris , U. 20 , Frouzer block , opp. P. O. 013 TCT E. COLE , loan agent. 023 MONEY to loan in largo sums nt the lowest rates ; no delay. R. C. Patterson , 318 S 15th , 021 "IVTOtJEY to loancash ; on hand ; no dwlay. J. J.U.W. Squire , Ultl Farnam St. , First National bank building. Olf > ONF.Y loaned for 30. 00 or UO days , on any kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter est ; business contldoiitml. J. J. Wilkinson , 14)7 ) Faruam St. 017 MONEY to loan Lowest rates. Loans closd promptly. 11. E. Colu.lt. O.L'ontlnontal block. fll8 djSQO.OOO to loan at fl per cent. Llualma A : Ma- "Phoney , RoomflJfl , Paxton block. 019 plMI-ADBLPWA Mortgage & Trust Co , , JL cheap eastern money direct to borroworii. Make building loans , 'hitx-o ' or Hiuall ; perfect titles ; accept loans in their western olllce. Goo. W , P , Coates , representative , 13 Hoard Trade. Tint oio MONEY to Loan "oirf chattel security ; fair rate liuurest. J.'irjParrotte. I'M ' Chicago , to 214 all /1IIOICE loaiitt wanted nn improved city prop- \J erty. Klmball. Chump & Ryan room n U. 8 Nat bk bldg , lafi Fanfflfri st , 1 > 07 u3 MONEY to loan on furniture , Horses , wagons ntc. , or on any apucavod security. J. W' Robblns , 11.200 , Bheely-bU. , 15th and Howard' MONEY to loan at lau-eat ratns of Interest ou real estate in OmtittA and South Omaha. Titles ana property examined by us and lonns made at once. Cnuli ouTmml. Hates , Smith & Co. loom 20J Rftingo bl ( ) . _ m4 UILDING loans a 8cmlty. W. M. Harris , room 20 , Freuzer bliick. piipo lte P. O. . iq .100 DO YOU want money ? Lewis raarte on hoiua- hold fnrnltme , pluuos , lior.5s. . etc. , wHhout delay or removal , Pornons wUhluga loan of this kind will do well to call at our oillco before dealing eisawhero ; business strictly confiden tial. A. E. Greeiuvood & Co. . Room I. Cunning- 1mm block , 13th and Jackson attf. tno MONEY to loan on f urn ! ture , pianos , horsoa. wagomi. etc. City Loan Co , , 118 H 11th at. oppoaltu Mlllftn ) hotel. 17(1 ( DON'T borrow money on furniture , horse * , wagouit , etc. . or collaterals until you BOP U. 11.Jacobs , 410 First ; National bank building. iias * l.coo to 8M.OOO at o. bu and 7 wt cent , no Mid- Tldlomen ; tnouey direct from the Eauturn lu- vestyrV. . 0. Melklo , First Nat'i llnk building. 407 _ _ ' T 'OANSou buKlness property. $5.000 to V&fa ) . JLJnmitud. Provident Trust Company , room UW. Firm National Hank building. 1Q ) aOARDIN good table'b.oardlijijily 2307 Farnara. Vil * WANTED TO BUY.- WANTKD Oood hors and buggy , farms to exchange for city property nnd stocks ot Roods , lot to trade for a plauo. List your prop erty with us to sell or trnde. The A. N. Kagen Co. , real estate and loan broker , room 417 Sheoly block. 239 llt ! WAN'l'KU Hood nienlum Rlzrd.socond-hnnd combination safe. Inquire 0. G. McUouald , care W. L. Irish , telephone TH1 , Dolt lino. Hod- ford place- 229 15 * W ANTED To buy peed commercial R. C. Patterson. 318 8 15th st. t/lTANTEO For cashlicavy sound young scan T T of inaros , harness aud nagon , 31 Hi 8.15th. S18 13 * \\rANTKU To buy Good heavy young team , T T harness and wagon : part cash and balance monthly payments. Address 8 CO , Dee oillco. (3IIOIIT Time Paper Wantod-Wo have $30.000 C on hand to bo invested during this week , the paper to run from six months to two years. Hates , Smith & Co. , room KUO Itamgo building. 17017 WANTHD to buy 1 h ave customers tor houses and lots worth from SIMX ) to $ SOOO. property owners wishing to sell wilt consult thqir Interest by listing their property with mn. 1 can llnd you a purchaser. C. K. Helter , room C , 8. W. cor. 16th nnd Douglas. OJ3 / FOR EXCHANGE. mo exchange for city property or farm land J-and some cash , a small stock of groceries located in Omaha. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. 249 14 "filOR TRADE-40untncumborod lots hi Pop- JL.1 plcton Park and HrlgRs Place tor Improved prouerty. Will assume mortgage or pay cash. Tor Trade Good unlncumucrod farm for Omulm property. For Trade Three farms slightly Incumbered for Omaha property. For Trade 3.200 acres In n body for Omaha property. Will assume Incurabranco. llrounau , t Co. , Chamber of Commorco. _ aw 111 T7IOU EXCHANGE-A line stallion , halt Nor- -L man and half Messenger , a One horse , for sale on reasonable terms or fur good Omaha property ; see him at Derby stables , Uih aud 11 ai ney streets. itil-17 Foil EXCHANGE-For desirable residence property In Omaha , auy or all uf follow Ing : 40 choice Inside residence lots In Hastings. 100 lots In Lincoln. 040 acres line farming land. Lancaster county. Fine residence property. Lincoln , Good rental property , Lincoln. Cholcn family residence , corner , Los Angeles. A neat residence property lu Hauscom Place. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location nnd price of prop erty , J. K. li. , care Itanm Iron Co , . 1217 I.oavon- worth. ( K3 TTHJll EXCHANGE Danota , Hand county. JL ? What have you to offer for a good farm hero , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are rising In value , audits destiny cannot bo dis puted. Will take- vacant lot or Improved prop erty and assume some incumbrance , 0. J. Stenisdorfr , rooms 317 and 31S First National bank building. 024 WANTHD A fi-ioom cottage In Grlswold , la. , to trade for Omaha property or live stock. S 07 , Una oillco. 185 lit WANTED To trade a store building In Springfield. Nob. , for Omaha property , will pay cash dliroreuce. S 07. Hoe oillco. 18i ) lit V\7ANTED To trade a good square piano for TT part payment on Omaha proporty. 3 U7. lleeonice. 187 14t HOUSE and lot for tiado In North Omaha at a bargain. W. M. Harris , rreuzer block , . o. iB7 u TO KXCHANOE-Kqulty , In Kountzo place lot , for horse and buggy. Apply at Gibson's Rental Agency , room 3. Urelghtou blk. 10b-lM TJTlOlt ESTmANOE-U2tf acres In Salt Lauo -U City , Utah , 2 mlles from center of city ad joining lands owned by the C. , II. & Q. and U. P. Hya- directly In course of entrance to the city. Price $4,50J. Want Nebraska farm land. .1 ncros In Haricalow sub. < 0maha ) , clear of encumbrance. Price $ .1.000. Want Improved routing property. Will put In some cash. 3 clour lots in Albright's annur. Price 4-,000. Want house and lot in Omaha. House and lot in Drown Park , South Omaha. Clear o eucurnbrauco : ) and want Nebraska land. New 7 room house , lot 50x160 , In Walnut Hill addition. Price S1.DOO. Kncumbranco MOO. Want Improved farm. C. E. Keltor , room 5. s , w. cor. luth and Douglas. 110-11) ) SEE Sholes. 210 First Nat'l bant bnforo mak- Ing your loans. 650 TTIon EXCHANGK Whathave you to trade JP for good business lot on nth St. ( N. lj lot C , block 1W ) , with good 8-room house , no equities In outside property wanted ; would take good Inside reside nee property or merchandise and some cash. Address Uox7UO , Omaha. 02511 W ANTED Good span of horses in cxccnnge for olear lot. A. P. Tukey,15thnnd Douglas HW /"ILKAHlund , lota nnd stock for good house V aiul lot , Omaha ; must be unexceptionable neighborhood. Address 8 21. Hoe. TOO mo EXCHANOK Houses and lots , farm JL lands , merchandise , horses , cattle , wagonti , etc. Call or write C. E. Rcltor , roomC , 5W. cor. IMli and Douglas , 240 EXCHANGE Eighty acres of the finest : Umber land in Wisconsin , clear of lucum- brance. What have you to olfor ? G. J. Sterns- dor IT , rooms 317 & HIS. Flnt Natloaal bank building. G49 BUSINESS CHANCES. rpll REE restaurants , one for trade and the JU others for sulo only , centrally located , prlco reasonable. Cigar , tobacco and confectionery stoioon Farnaui St. , feed and Hour store 1300 , part time. Grocery store , good location , prlco about $1,000. part time. Co-oneratlvo Land isLet Lot Co. , 203 N. 10th sc. 218 14 _ Block of groceries , llxuirus for sale ; goo.l business , line location : rent rea sonable. Address , T 1 , Hee. K'M IS * TJIOR SALE Complete baker's outfit , nearly JO new , ? jr > . Apply from 10 to 12 mornings , 1218 Sherman ave. 218 13 * CD2.COO will purchase a nice grocery business In ipgood locution : stook just invoiced. M. G. Maclood , agent. 1417 Farnaui Ht. 213-13 OR SALE One of the best clear stands Jn the city. Address S 04 , lieu Olllce. 10413 * FOR'SALE A bargain for a good shoemaker. Splendid location , pionty of work , will sell cheap , no Inctimbranco. 1 moan bUBlnosi. Ad dress J , L. Crabtree , bprlngvlow , Neb. I00-15t POlfSAtiE In good western Nebraska town , good business , best location , doing t-0/X ( ) to $23,1100 cash per year , double store , stock con sists of groceries , hardware , quoonsware , Iron , etc. , in olio room , and dry goods , clothing , fur- nlshlnggoods.hats , caps.boots.shoeg , etc. in the other room ; only one other good stock of dry goods , etc. , in the town ; will soil one or both : a rare chance ; falling health the cause of wanting to 8(11. Address S 5D , lloo. UVJ in SALE A half interest lu Fremont can- FOR ; factory , Fremont , Neb. if.'I ] 4t MEAT market for sale : \iont paying stand In Omaha. Address "R 58 , " lice olllce. ' * 40Q-1I121 ANTED A partiH-r. either active o'r ijilent. In a well-established Need business , with a largo stock of all kinds ot Held seeds ; capital roqulrad , tf < liim , tq $10,000 ; a. splendid opportu nity for the right man. Address a ill ) , lleo olllce , Bl , | NEW roller mill for solo Inn good wheat bolt , mid good market fur Door. Tor terms address F , J , Andreas , Gorduii , Nob. iwrjinlH1- AMEMIIERSIIIP in the Omaha board of trade can bo had cheap at Room2J U. S. Na- tlonnl Imnk.building. . 128 * FOR 8ALEJ-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE The finest residence Bite in west Omaha ; just south of Fuinam on 37th street ; a corner 103x187 with Ibl root frontage on paved street and joining the Imndsomo resi dence ot Klikendull ou thoeust.uml llrndy , Eus- sou and Martin ou thu south ; a perfect gum and garden pilot far un ulegant homo , Ilurnoy mul 21st atrtiets , 14)xlG7. ) on pavenioiit within 3 blocks of the comt house ; room for sevou Hue houses that wouUl lent as rapidly us completed. A pewlld } pormunont luvebt- Faiimmand KM btreots. HJxKU , viith now 3 Btory brlctcBtoru building , rented to good per manent tenants. Rental receipts &I.1JJO per year. Slxteontli street near Nichols , frontage 01 fecttoallpy. Good business property. ' I'arnum fctroet between H4th und nutti , frontage - ago , 4S or t'uxliK ' to ulloy. soutl } front , 1 block fiom pnvement nnd street cum , PIIIIC nvunnuopposite Hunscomo park , 50x150 , price J..OX ) . asy terms. Paddock plucii truckage , 03x113 , $ , ' ,033 , easy lotli'struet Eontli of Vlnton st , , lot-/or sale or trade for md.iu or good farm laud , ' S , A i Sloiuaj' ' , 1 Xil 1 uriuun ut. 259 IjlOR SALE-Ou very easy terms , ( lm > can't K fiqnt on L'nllpnil4 ht.talilu Iliu , , . , , , . can'tm ) A bargain 111 Hauthoiuc , corner 1 , < m A - Biiiipin pa YII * . .i , . ( . . . . . . 1.200 aiftietuubt front Du'iiind , OIIQ lilock fioni nr n tars , , , „ . , , . . . . . . . 1,00) Lot on Lake HI near new depot in Hitch- rOck'H aili ) , , 700 Corner from depot , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bOO A uiimUi-r or cliulct ) lots lu IHU'licocks , $4(1J ( to. , , , . , . . W Full lot. south front , Jiibtoiffiatinders , , . . , I.OIO 1 have a large lluoof A1 property lu all pjirts of the city ou whcu | I can inaku ( urnis to suit purchaserH. from monthly payments to straight & 0 ar mortgage , J. It. Kvuos , llurknr bloclc. /"ILEAlt lot In Cottuge PlHce , Vftliie JI7.5. to ox \J chuugo for u good driving hor.io , CoOpor- utlvw Laud & Lot Co. . W > K lotli ttt , 251 U FOR BALE-REAL ESTATE. "ORAL Estate Iiarcalns JLV corner SOth and Vlnton 10,000 treautifui resldonco lot , Ilanscom Place , , .t.WO Choice ten-acre tnict , WostOniftha , nroj Itlegant east front lot , Hanscom Placo. . . . 3HX ) Finest west front lot , Hanscom Place S. < 00 Five acres closn to licit Line 2,100 nirco houses corner Don go andZOtn . . . . . IW feet on IBth nour Douglas , . 4R.OOO Corner , laixlco , 7 blks.trom court house , . 7,500 Trackage , 2iOxnoO , on Holt Line lly . . . . . . . 7.WO Thirty acres Just outside city limits 2I.OW Nice residence lot. South Omaha . . . . . . . MM Residence Iolnoar27tn and Ilarnoy 3.WQ C"oal and lumber yard location on Ilolt Ry n,00ti Elegant residence , llunscom place IJ.r X ) Oio acres choice l na flOOU Elflganttlvo-acrotract.i. . , , . . . . . . . . . . . , 2roo Hplenald location for homo aud poultry yd 4MO Huslness lot near depot , South Omaha , , , . " , N)0 ) Ifoto , block ft , South Omaha , 2,000 Corner , Kixl50. 24th and II st. . , S. Omaha.4.IXH ) Corner , mid nnd Popplcton , Hnnscom place 2,500 Rcsldeiico lot near Twentieth and Vlnton HX ) ( "orncr , south fronton lliuiscom park , . . , 7r < 00 < \rner.UM foot , nist aud Poppleton nvo . . 7W)0 ) Ten acres with house nnd barn , bargain . 7.NW Residence block , pays 8 percent on $18,000 Ifi.rJW Corner. 100 feet. Virginia and Popploton 7,000 Call and see the bargains wo otter. Houses , cottages and stores torrent. George N , Hicks , rooni 40. Ilitrkcr block. 210-14 ITIOR SALE or Trade The right to all orany J-1 part of the territory of Iowa , Missouri , Kan sas , or Nebraska ; a LUter cultivator , patented Dec.IV , l&s ( ; this will boar investigation at onco. Address , J.II. Scott , Oakland , la. TjlOll SALE or Exclmngo Imnrovod stock JL1 farm of ( WO acres In eastern Nebraska , near market ; also new 12 room house with all con veniences , in dcslrablo resldonco poitlon of Omaha. Andrew Having , attorney , 4'2 and 433 Paxton block. Omaha. Nob. IJ23 T71OR SALEChoap-Not for trade ; C43.rt ' ! acres JJ imd ( sec , n-12-Oitwo miles from Marquctte , Hamilton county , Nebraska. Frame house , sta ble. 800 acres under good barb-wlro tcnce , round cedar posts , two stays , living wator. Ito- foot channel , wells , itft ) barrel tank , corral , self-feeder , u natural stock ranch , lu n line corn belt. Prlco $ n.COO Cash In hand , 2,750 "years'tlmo fi per cent. ! ) ,2' > 0 Go and look over land. Address owner , F. K. Atkins , l.VK Larimer st , Denver , Col. ( # 7 FOR HAMlets : In Mayno Place at $1.800 each. M , A , Upton Company , lUtli and Far- nnm. goo OR SALE-Half section No. 1 land In Hurt county. Neb. , nlno mllo.s from Telcamali , nil under ilt-wlro fence , \\M watered ! price $7,010 ; K.,000 dowii , balance on tlmo , 7 per cent. In quire ot J. A. Llllle , 1808 Webster streetOmaha , Neb. 1WM8 I Oh ! Hero's an investment. 187 foot on corner ot 10th and Vlnton , both tmvod streets ; 7 stores that will nmt for $ lbOO jv year and for more after a while ; $18,000. Must bo snapped up quick at that price , M , A , Upton Compauv , 10th and Farnam. 1U7 AMES , Parnani street. Those wishing to invest' a Uttlo money in Omaha lots in such a nay as not to feel the outlay , can now do so. we Imvo good lots , splendidly located , surrounded by new build ings and Improvements , whlcn. you can buy , lmyl"S $15 down , balance ton dollars a mouth 1 Think of this I A chance to save your money 1 A chance to get the increase value on the lotas Omaha grovisl Think of it , good lots at $100. 8200 , $ m Can you find a eater Investment , n better way to save your money ? Can any bank pay you an equal Interest on your money ? You Can Eco these lots any tlmo you want to without charge. Wo have conveyances always ready to show property free $15 cash and $10 a month will buy your wife or ono of your children a lot that will make them more money than anything else you can do for them. Remember that it Costs You Nothing to come and see these lots to Investigate this matter for yourself. You can make up your own mind when you see this property and what sur rounds it , whether $100. $200. tiSO Is cheap for the lots or not. Your chance to maKe monnv in Omaha land Is as good and even Hotter Now than ever before 1 There Is uo question now as to our city's future growth I A postolllco build ing and a city hall are but a part of the contain- plated Improvements for Issu. Tneso cheap lots are put on the market becuuso they nro clienpl It would not pay us to show you the property unless It was choapl lu other words , It Does Not Pay to advertise chaap goods unless they uro what is claimed for them. Don't bo lacking lu courage - ago ; if you want to MaKe Money. Iluy on the terms we now offer you , aud no one can duplicate this property at the price named , but First of All come and see what it Is , where It Is. what sur rounds it , what a future it hnslll Penty of people ple Imvo made money In Just Huoh Investments as this one offered you I You run absolutolv no rlskl You get the easiest possible terms I You can investigate tha offer ! It costs you nothing ! A llttlo courage and a little money is all that U needed. Ames , 1507 Farnam Bt. 203 17 HERE ! Hero ) Look at this , yo home seekers. 8-room house , bath room , hot and cold water , gas pipes , lot COxlOO , in Ilanscom place , No. 1313 Vligmla avenue. Get prlco of SLA. Upton Company , ICth and I'urimm. 11)0 ) FINE residence for sale. N. E. coiner 22d and Ilurdettc. Lot3lxluU , lo-xoomhouse.b.vth room , furnnco , hot and cold water , connections , Moll and clbtorn , piped for gas , first-class cellar , good ham , walks all around. tr,500 , will take smaller lionso aud some cash , will assume some incumbrauco , M. A. Upton Company , 10th and Famam. 180 BUSINESS , business Two new brictc OIOCKS ou Leavonwortli street , east of 20th , tlmt are paying 10 per cent at a low nmUl. Got prices of Jl. A. Uoton Company , IQth and Far- num. ( ! 4J S " HOLES' Special largalns ) .50xlt)0. ) cast front , with 8-room house , on 31st ht , , Illmobaugh place. $ d.5UO , $2,700 cash , balance 0 per cent. Tula is (1,500 Icsathan market valuo. Wxluo , good 8-room house , furnace and all conveniences. No , 2813 Poppleton nvo. Investi gate this and make an oiler. Party going to leave the city. | 350 ft. on Dodge st. cable , and 83 ft. with house- , on 10th at. cable , clear of incumhranaes , to trade for first class Insldo property , Improved or unimproved. Humnlt olfer. Flue two-story brick block , renting for $2 , 400 per year , prlco Jil.OJO ; $11,000 at fltf pur cent , $7,000 cash , l\W ) In good InMdo proporty. This Is a rure bargain. BOx 15 J ft. on ! Wth and California streets ; In- cumbrance $2,600 , equity In rluar land or city M,5ijo buys a good newHroom house , with fur- nance , batu and all coiivtmloncU-s , lu Hauscom place. $ , IOUO In barb wire stock , paying a good divi dend , to exchange for a good lot , or house und lot. Thin Is as good as cash. 1 have lots and houses aud lots forwaPior tradoliiull paits of the cltv. It you wlth to purchase , exchange , or have anything for sul , please cull and list It wltn mo. Indications are favoiubla for un active teal oxtato market , and 1 dcMro a list of ull good Insldo property for sale or Ir.ulo. D. V. Sliolus. Room 210 First National Hank Hiilldlng. Hi ) T710R SALE or trade Ono 2 story frame bnllij- JL' jugU2xll)2 ) ; must b8 removed April 1st. In- qillro ut 12U'i Douglaa. ' 79.1-17 TTKIl3ALT5-7 ) roomoil house anil full lot , good JL ! surroundings , ou a street car lino. Will tuku in exchange Nebraska or ICHuais farm property with some Inpiinibranao , or vacant lot InuiiiftliaorSouth Otnnhu. Call nid | Investi gate now. O. F. Harrison , 401 uud 401 Mor- chants' National bank 7."i G ROVER STEVENS. 1J2J Farnam , has u number - ber of bargains In houses mil ( lots In nil partuot the city. It you wuntto buy , soil or trade.glvumoa call. 375 T710R BALE-Lot 19. In block U6jxl60 , on X1 Ilarnoy t. For particulars inquire of Win Binlger. Galena. HI. ; IDS mis 1ST > our IIOUHUS for renter ulu ut Gibson's I icntjl qguucy. room 3 , CrolBhton blk. 10 ! ) AT A Sacrlllco 11x150 i | , east' anil north' liont , coiner : nili nnd llounul via , ono block uustof CSIO'A And Kli'kendall'H tlna rc - linnets , tno blocks from pnvpd Htrout , two blockri &oulh of Furnam bt. : Just think of it , KOxIM ) ft , und a corner ut that , and only $ I , ' > UO. C. I' . Roller , room 5 , u , w. cor. 15h and Douglag T7IOR SAI'E Oil monthly or qijuiterly pay- JL' inonUjhomo nowO-rooui holism In Mllhud ( v ( Jaldttell's mid , , ji | ! > t IIJ mlles trom uostolllcf. If you want a home of your own pome and sqo me. C. C. Hpotsnood , : Ri6ii S. lutli Bt. U' > l $ 775ifftV ( ; ) cash , * iKW ! fi youru i ; jior cent , buyn J-story H room homo , furnace , Il.ith , etc. , lot fiUxlOOfuot , NO. 2ilJ I'opploton uve. , Haiiscom Place ; must go by March 1st , party coin ? away. f 1) . V. Slioles. 210 1st Nat'l bank. Cl T7VJR SALE 31 acres , comer Thirteenth and JL ? North Mropt * . Ouslrablo for platting. 0 , Good , Good bock ) , Dos Molnei , la. til8.m27 * \\rE3TOMAHA-Two elecant lots at a bar- TT gain , OroverBtuvonsJwl turfiam. 378 1 , OOK HERU-r l 00x149 , UJth street , just JJ eolith of l , a > enwojtli , paved etreot , strap earn. 'l > to-8tory 8-rooui noiuu ; uood collur aud cistern ; owner going west on March 15th , aud If not Bold by Hint tune wUI bo taken out of tlio market ! $7WO ; cheap. M , A , Upton Cow- ' 18th uud Vuruam. fit ! T71INTE qimrter section , Plieniian cQiinty , Lqti JL : lu thrlvlug low * city ; muo In Omalin. Ken tucky brt-d saddle horse , all the gaits. Bnlen- did fitnilly mart ) , carriage , etc.Viiut Imvo you to olftrAddrtasS 20. UBB olllce. 70 ? II. U. Cole , northbait uornnr ot 15Hi OALIiOn sts. , Omalm , for Kdwlu K. Al- alp & Co. ' * catalogues ot lauds of California. WO Al'rll U * FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE. SOUTH OM AHA-I Imvo a number or lots to various additions that must bo sold nt once and ran be bought at prices that will nult you. G , J. SternsdoriT , rooms 317 and 31S nrst National bank building. 653 T7IOU SALE Double corner , 120x157 , , on N. R. J-1 corner 34th nnd Hamilton , fronts 3 streets , $5,01X1. M. A. Upton Company , 10th and For- uain. | ) ? TflOR SALE Some awful nice Improved prop- JL.11rty on N B corner 25th and Coldwcll streets. Call for prices. M. A.Upton Company , lotli and Ftirnam SOS rnWENl-Y feet front busin ss lot ahalf"biocic J-of U. P. depot , South Omaha , $ IWO ; ITOi ) cash , balance S years straight. In tliero n big- grr Imrgaln than this on the markot. D. D , bmoatuu. llarkor block. Omaha. 257 17 IJUHC SALU : llargain 1'tnolot and residence J1 on South tlth street , LotiWvUlat grado. J - foot alloy ou south sldo and Ifl-footalloy In roar ; nlco shade trees lu front. Now it-room houao : hardwood aud oil iinlsh ; nlco homo : large lot and very cheap at JJ.OOO. M. A. Upton company 18th and Farnam. (60 ( I win sell tne following described property ou JL Wednesday. March 20lrt a. m.atpubllc auction to the highest bidder for cash or approved security. A now one story frame store building IWxSI , With basement aud living rooms. A new Mock ot About s.lXU.OJ worth of gen eral merchandise aud nbont JVW.OO worth ot now furniture. Tor particulars call on or address J. II. Kuhl , Chorter Oak , Crawford Co ln. _ MM3 . buys 3 houses and lot , 67xSi S. E. cor $4.oiiO llth audVlnton. 63J-ui31 "filOR SALE Nlup-room house , barn and lot JL ? in Ilanscom Placet also 2 houses nnd lots In Sunny Side. Harris room 411,1st Nat. biuiU. BXi HASTINGS. Nebraska llWacros land adjoin ing the city for sale by A. Vellh , Hastings , " " " " " " " Neb. SALE On-Mtli near Clark , goodcottaRO 'and ' Btablo : small cash payment : balnuco monthly , lletals aclmnca to got a homo ou easy terms. Prlco $4,000. A. P. Tukoy , 15th Douglas. ttlOnnd TOlfN F. FLAOK has removed from Fronzo'r U blocK to 310 S. intli st , , \ \ here ho lias opened a neat oillco In the basement of tlio Chamber of Commerce. Ills list of chotco real vstuto is com plete , embracing stuuo of the moit doslrablo business and rosldonco property In the city. Also a number of houses and lots for sale on uasy tnrma. or will oxchangu for good city lots. John F. Flaok. 310 8. lttlu G1U of your attention. Now boms completed on 2Jth st , north ot Loavon- worth st , two houses convenient to business , very roomy , grate , inaulal. furnace , gas. bath , tollot , 2 water closets , stationary wash tubs , hot and cold water , tlvo bedrooms. 10 closets ; only * . \KO , on turnwto unit. Telopuone 237 or W. T , aeamnn , Omaha's largest variety ot wag ons. carriages , etc. , cast side 10th st , north of Nicholas st. 4.U _ HOW Is this ? NorthoaBt corner of Jd nnd Charles st.s. lot 7lvl38K ! ( 1-room houso. well. clstotn , stable IBxSfl. $ , IXX ( ) . Note the ' - of thla lot aud that It lx n south front , .iar. M. A. Upton Comjiany , lath aud Faruam 103 Oil SALK-Lots 15 , SO and 37. tH.xllM ) . lot 2lT Wxino. in block 1J. on Haincy Bt , also lots i and 21 In block I , Uast Stda addition to Omaha. For particulars Inquire ofT. J , Ilerralnglmtn , Gnlona. HI. ' i TTIO1I 8ALR Lots ti , iiaudlD , blocs 1 1 , West JO Slilo mldltlon. Tnuau lots uruDKUJ each , lay very pretty , and the throa can bo bought forJI.OOO. Thoyaro actually worth twice that amount O. J. Stornsilorir. ItoomsUU ami 318 , First National bank building. ! K3 TjlOIl BALE Orlrarto , 8 now 8-room houses ; J- ! from llrst hnuds. Uoom < UO Itamgo block. _ 4SI in 32t C10U SAM ; Or exchange for Omaha prop- J-1 erty , W acres , suitable for plattlnt ? ; will make 400 lota.ull clear ; big money in it for aomo one who can push this : locntoil just outslila the city limits ot Counrll liluffsi. Inquire Goo. J. StotiiHilotir , rooms 317 and U19 , Fust National bank building. .173 QUICK sales tire secured by llhMng property \ \ Itli W , A. Spencer , loom 0 , llushman block. _ [ _ 1 0 1U fjion SALE or Tr.iilo-Tho very llno t ro-lduuco JL1 in Osccola , population MIX ) , county scut of ClarK county , louu. 1:1 : room brluk house , xteam heat , and overvcouvonlonce ; onoacro ot land. Cost 115,1)00. ) Mortgage ,00) ) for llvo yeais at 7 per cent annually. Will sell or tWulo eaulty. > I. A. Uiton. ) Company , investment bankers , Omaha , Neb. B37 SHORTHAND ANO TYPEWRITI..HQ , VALENTIN1V8 Shorthand and Typewriting institute , new Patton building , Omaha. The only exclusive shorthand school in the fctato. Over one hundred graduates lu good situations. The school is under the manage ment of C. C. Valentine , official stnuographor ot the llrd judicial district of Nebraska , and Prof. If. II. Iloyles , tin exnerloucRd teacher and ver batim reporter , Day and evening xoxslonq. Stu dents can enter at any time. Send for circulars. SS8 ml7 STANDAUD Shorthand School. 412 Sheoloy block ; teaches standard systems and usoa Humlngton typewriters. Circulars free. 6Qd w HITTUISBY'H Shorthand schoolii ! Itarkor block,3 mths' lnatiUGtloiiHtaclasa ( ; llmltod 731 ul * ' EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. O MAI1A cmp. bureau. 119 N . llith , cutab 8 yearn. Most reliable Incty II. B.WIi o. 70'J-a2 * THE REALTY MARKET. TN8TRUMUNT8 placed on record duilngyes- JL turdav. N E Conies to H Walstroam. lot 3 , blk 1 , ne , Cow lea proposed add to Valley , w d . , , . 9 323 City of Omaha to Omniin U'f'g Co. , al loys In Olson's add , n c d . A Lnreou unil husband to N and 1C An- doifion , o Vt at mid H lot 2 , blk 12 , KotmtzcAc Ruth"Hadd , qed . 400 J Kiivim and v Ifu to M Mlchaelsuii , lots 1J and II , blk 4 , llrou n pitrk , w d . 0,500 I W Drown and husband to It W Clayton , lot 21 , blk ir , Shull's 2nd ad. w d . 7,009 N O mown nud wife to H w Clayton , a 3-Jftofn42 ft lot - ' , Cobuni's sub-dlv. wd . 6,000 M M lull to L llrooks , u V low 17 to 20 In blk 11 , Ambler Place , w d . 1 li Iliooks mid husband to M M lull , lot 21 , blk I , llHiiscom Place , wd . 1 Win (1 ( Albright uiidlfo to K H Know , lot t > . blk-J. Iliirton'd hub div blk 17 , Al bright's Choice , w d . 725 Win FlUli , trtiatuo , to E Luay , lot 2' blk 2 , Mnnoodpatk. Soumaha. wd. , . . . 275 GNIIIckHaud wlfo to Omaha liaHkitc M'f'B ( Jo , lot 4. blk U , Wobt Lawn , os-U R rlirht-of-way , w d , , . . . 1 U N Hicks iiinlulfi ) toOmalni llnsket MuiiufactuilUK company , lot ; ) , blk H , West Lawn , ox.lt R rliht-of\Miy , w d. 1 Ilrron Reed ot al. tq M PPotcra.ux , lot 17 , ulic I , Campbell's add , wd . 750 W F Lalng and wlfo to J A Ilaney , o'/i aw C-IS-IO , wd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.000 J .1 Gibson and wife toM U Rognra , lot 6 , blk 1C , Wnlnut Hill , Wd , . , . 1,200 Omulm licit Railway compuny to M 0 Cumins , part lots 0 and 7 , blk lliUJi , Omaha , wd . 10,000 W Murilura and \vlfo to II Ht Felix , WJ4 lot 3 and ull lot 4 , blk 317 , Omaha , aim Vi > feet adjoining lut 4 , w ( I. . 23.000 Wllllim Daly In K Slenser , lot 83 , blk 6 , Wont bide , wd . , . too William Duly to 15. Stouger , lot ] , blk W , Hwith Omnlin , wd . . . . . J.SOO MBLIwlany nil wife to John Lof , lots , tilKl , Mayno'HKdadf ] , wd . , . J.200 II St Felix and wllu to N Mori lam , lot 13 and smith 10 fout lot 14. blk I , Hanncfim Place , nnd lot tt , blk 11. Wlloox's | Bt add , wd . . . . . . , . . . . , . , , . . M MUhaclson iill'l liusbaud to J Kavan , south loifvct lot 1 , blk 12 , Jmpiovoment AflHoclatlon ndil , w d , . . . . . . . . . . GOO PU iliinebaugh ut al , toM M Glixtavetfon , lot 0. lilk r. , gmaha HlglHH , w il , , , . 600 0 Crow to A (1 AtW'I ) Edwards , und 1-3 lot 3. blk il7 ! , Omaha , wd . 8,000 William ( 'oburii. heillf. to W T Graham , lotil. blk "Y."r hlim's3l ( udd , BhorllT'a ilou'd. . , , . . , . . , . . , . , . . . , . . , . C&T J Kent and wlfo to A McUavock , n H iQt il , blkl , ' , 8 K Rogers' add , wd. . . . . . . COO F Murphy ot nl I" A McGavock , no 14 lot ( i , hlk 7 , Kountzo'o mipplementary add , wd , . , . . , . 2,600 J H llanrnll to A McUavock. n 1 < lot ( I. Jillc . 7 , Koiint/o'n Mippliiincntnry add.q cd. . 1 R W Clayton and \Ufeto N O Drown , o49 fl lot f , bin 15. Patrick's Xml uilcl , 11 o a. 10,000 A G KdwuilHclaltoNO Jlrovvn. Iota. blciTQwttua | : | , 29,000 Thirty-one transfers , amounting to(130,837 BulldliiK 1'ormttn , The following building noruilta were granted yesterday ) j. iLjutobson , Fratno parnentqr siiop. Turkey und Twcntloth utroets , . . . . . . , ; . $100 Jnliu Huron , * tiainu dwoillnu , Ulilcauo , a'wonty-Blxth street. . . , , 1,503 Lars NoUou , one story frame xltchon. Hpauldlng. neur Tvycnty-eiglitli Htroot. . . 000 H. lloylo k Co. , frame addition to saloon , Twentieth , near Spence street/ 800 Fred King , brick addition to kitchen. Douglas , near Fftocnth street 200 Julia llojor ( , ono und-H-lialf-Btory frame Munilurson , near ElghteeutU street 4,000 , Mary II. llarrU. two-Ktory frame d\vell ? liiB. Bp ( us and Davouport stroets. . . . . ' . 2,000 l { . 0. Bnyuer , frame oinco building , Grace and Blvteeutli fctrocts . . . ; 75 ll * 3K&\ \ % " Nlnepprmlur , , . . . . . . , , , $ 23,605 n Gold Wave , Cinojioo , arch 13.--Tho slpnal service oQlccr bora reports p co)4 ) wfiyfl pomngr | > T tcmpornVuro will fall t > vcnty decree ? by morrow tuorol-g.