Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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CJronnda for Suspicion That an In
vestigation Was Foarocl.
Hn human and Brutal Trcatmotit of
I'atipor Corpses ly Maltottojr and
His Employes The Un
dertaker's Story.
Mora Hovelling Testimony.
' Last Sunday morning , in connection with
'Its ' expose of tbo misdoings at the i > oor fnrm
and county hospital , TUB Uun published an
'Interview ' with Mrs. Joseph Mqhr In which
she stated that a man named Gardner , an
Idiotic inmate of the hospital , was allowed to
wander out into the cold ono nlgltt during
the winter of 18SO-8T , thinly clad , and that
when found the man was dead frozen to
Did Mnliouoy Fear Investigation ?
Yesterday a reporter wont over the rec
ords of Coroner John Droxbl from the first of
Oetobor , 18SO , to the flrst of. May , 18S7 , but
could find no record of an Inquest upon the
body of this man. Mr. Drexel was asked If
ho had held an inquest upon the remains of
any man at the poor farm who mot ills death
by froezlni ? during the winter of 1330-87. Ho
snlil ho had not.
"It Is the duty of Mr. Mahoney , isn't it ,
Mr. Uroxol , to notify you in the case of the
violent death of nny inmates of the hospital
or almshousol" asked the reporter.
"It is" .
"And you nro certain that during the
winter of 80-7 .you hold np inquest upon
n frozen man at the poor farm.
"I um. "
Mrs. Mohr has expressed her willingness
to swear to the statements she. made.
DoHOcr.itcfi Undies of the Dead.
Charles Ulowo Is the proprietor of an
undertaking establishment at 1000 Farnam
street , and in the way of his business has
had more or less to do with Superintendent ,
John J. Mahoney of the Douglas county hos
pital ana poorfarm.
According to Mr. lilowo , a young Swedish
girl died at St. Joseph's hospital on the 10th
of October , 1337 , and after death , was taken
by the good sisters to Mr. Ulowo's establish
ment to bo properly laid out for burial. She
was without kith or Idu in Omaha , and be
ing without money it devolved upon the
superintendent of the poor , John J. Mahoney ,
to provide n burial casket ana attend to the
interment of the remains.
Mr. Riowo telephoned to Mr. Mahoney that
the body awaited burial , and that on account
of the heat and the fact that the remains had
already boon exposed many hours , that haste
was necessary. Mr. Mahoney telephoned
back that ho would come whoa ho got ready ,
The day was very warm and after waiting
some tlmo , Mr. Hlowo again called up the
superintendent with the request that the re
mains bo taken away for burial. Mr. Ma
honey replied that ho would lot ttio body Ho
in Uiewc's establishment forty-eight hours
longer if the undertaker dldin't stop tele
It Was nrutal.
Finally Mahoney came with his hired man ,
his wagon and a rickety collln.
Mnbonoy seized the dead girl roughly by
the foot wnilo the hired man grabbed the In-
nmitmto form by the shoulders , and then the
two burly brutes tossed the body roughly into
the cvftln face downward.
The poor body came into harsh contact
With the rough deal boards , and after the
poflln had been nailed up , blood was seen
poziug from the cracks.
Mr. Uicwo cited another case of cruelty to
the dead for which Mahoney , through his
hired man wns responsible. A young pauper
foreigner lay dead at his establishment ,
awaiting burial. Mahoney was notified that
p. six foot coflln would bo necessary , but when
the man came for the body ho brought a cas
ket only .five foot six inches in length. The
fact that the coftln was too short for the
body , made no difference to the ghoul to
Whoso tender mercies Mahoney had loft the
remains. Ho throw the body into the coflln
pnd although the bent knee * protruded above
} .bo upper edge , ho made the boay fit the
cofiln by forcing the Ha down and fastening
K with tonpcnny nails. As ho did so the
brushing of bones was heard.
Complexion powder Is an absolute ne
cessity of the rollnod toilet in this cli-
pmto , Pozouni's combines every ele
ment of beauty and purity.
ausi'ioia'AT EASE.
Only a few Oases Taken to Her for
A very peculiar case was put on trial be
fore Judge Graff and n Jury. The parties to
it are LSollo W , Quo and husband against
Abraham Sauor , who Is charged with having
refused to cancel , a certain mortgage after it
had been paid and the court is nskea to glvo
Judgment against him for (100 , tlio pon-
nlty proscribed for such an offense.
'J'lio plaintiffs petition alleges that
the mortgage of $225 , was paid in
1887 and that Souor was requested to release
it from the record , which ho promised to do.
Some months afterward J. W. Guo discov
ered that this request had not been complied
with and wont to sco Souer about it. borne
excuse for tlm neglect was given , and another
jtromtso was made at once. But it ran along
lind the irortgago still remains on record.
Bauer sets up as his defense a denial of the
Kotitlon together with a statement of his in-
UiHt.v , on account of absence to glvo the af
fair personal attention.
Wliltmoro against Payne ot al , a suit to
quiet the title to a lot In .Lowo's addition , is
on trial before Judge \Vakoly.
Two Jury verdicts wore rendered yester
day in the district court , in favor of the
plaintiffs in each case. Elbort H. Cochrau
\voro given a verdict for $150 in Ills case
Against Gdwln A. Lcavcnworth. Hello W.
( jure ot ol was given 8100 on a verdict against
Abraham It. Souer.
The following appealed cases were taken
to the district court yesterday from lower
tribunals ; Martin Keating vs Gotllub Zim
merman , from Head's court ; Frank O.
plulr ot al vs William Latoy et al , from the
county court ; State vs Oodfrod Hurlmltor ,
grand larceny ; State vs Ulchard liyuu , bur
John I. nedlck commenced suit against
pnruh Kltlott and M. K. Free to recover C < UO ,
nllovi'd to bo duo for rent of a building at
1511Vi Farnaui street.
County Court.
In tlio county court yesterday the plaintiff
In tlio case of Stain vs Andrews was given a
Judgment for'MS. ) .
Tuu court also gave a Judgment for fU3 In
favor of Gcorgo V. Asgobrigbt , who su od
K. H. Cochran. _ _ _ _ _
United States Court ,
D. H. Cwlriugo , Uoston , A. Thompson , o :
Hangar , Me. , and Catharine Conont , of Now
Vprk , huvo instituted equity proceedings
Iigalnst John L. Dunr ot al , of Pnwuea City
pn foreclosure of mortgages. Each plaintlf
> ucs for fUOO and Interest.
An Absolute Cure. *
MENT is only put up in lurga two ounoo tin
boxes , and is an absolute euro for old sores ,
burns , wouuds und chapped hands , and all
ikln eruptions. Will positively euro all
kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AU
IETINE OINTMENT. Sold by Goodman
Pruff yo.i at 33 ctsr.i * per box by mall ! H
Ohio Men.
The Ohio men who are forming an associu
tiou will meet Thursday night at the ofllco o
lr. Kobowatcr , lu the Continental block. A
this mooting H-constitution and by laws wil
bo bUbmlllod. A full itlendanco is therefore
requested ,
Do us you please when you please to
go right ; and you will always do the
proper thing lu talcing BiKOlaw's Foal
live euro lor coughs , colds , and all
ihroiil and lung troubles. Pleasant to
tuko and speedy cure. oOcenU und $1
Qooilnmn Drug Co.
Henry A. Turner , Charged With A
Terrible Crime , Disappears.
There has coma to light the clcaperato at *
empt of a furniture clerk named Henry A.
Turner to ravish a soventccn-yoar-old girl
Darned Hannah Anderson. Turner has been
of late In the employ of the Nebraska Furni-
lire company at GOO and COS North Sixteenth
street. His employer keeps his teams at a
> arn rented from private parties livingon
iVobstor street between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth streets. Turner takes care of
the horses ana Is about the barn consider
ably. Hannah Anderson Is employed by the
family to whom the barn belongs and whoso
name , by request , IH withhold. On Sunday ,
about 8 a. m.Turner watched Hannah
enter an outhouse near the barn ,
and then attempted to follow her.
She braced herself against the door and suc
ceeded for a time in Keeping him out. Ho
finally managed to force the door open and
attempted to overpower the plrl to accom-
nllsh her ruin. She screamed for help , but
it seems her cries wore unheard save by her
assailant. A desperate struggle ensued and
for half an hour the girt successfully resisted
lus efforts , \yhen she made her escape and
darted towards the house. Hushing In she
aroused her mistress and told the horrible
story of the assault. She was prostrated
from fright and the long physical strain and
lias since been unable to work.
The affair was reported to Mr. D. Smith ,
Turner's employer , but when ho questioned
the latter concerning it , Turner became
deathly pale and denied the charge. When ho
saw , however , that all was known , ho half
admitted it and inside of an hour disappeared
and has not been seen since. Even the wo
man with whom ho was rooming and whom
lie called his wife can toll nothing about
him.On another occasion It Is said that Turner
attcmotea to ravish the girl who formerly
worked at the same- place whore f lannnh Is
employed. Ho made Indecent proposals to
tier pursued her into the house and attempt
ed to do her violence. Hut this time ho was
also foiled.
Turner is a heavy not man about twenty-
flvo , with black hair , moustache and eyes
ana talks with an English accent.
Advice to Mntticr * .
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al
ways boused for children toothing. It soothes
the child , softens tUa gums , allay8'nil pain ,
cures wind coUc , and Is'tno best remedy for
diarrhoea. 25 cents a bottle.
is Dangerously 111.
From the very best authority it is learned
that Congressman Laird's friends have very
little , if nny holies , of his recovery. G. M.
Ciostwlckof Hastings told an Omaha man ,
Tuesday , that Mr. Laird's condition , all
other the contrary , Is inoro crit
ical ( than Uho public susuocts. Humors
to the effect that his mind
has been shattered are there , and sooner or
later the real facts concerning his nflliction
must be made-known. The most pronounced
evidence of his insanity was shown when
traveling to Washington two weeks ago. As
soon as bo boarded tlio car at Hastings , Mr.
Laird went into a state-room alone ,
locked the door , and would not
permit any person to sco or speak to him
until the train reached Chicago. liostwiok
receives Information from those- attending
the patient every day , and since arriving at
Washington his health has not improved.
On the other hand ho is growing worse
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Is made especially for coughs and colds
and will euro a cold in loss time
than any other treatment. It does not
dry up a cough or cold , but loosens and
relieves it. It is unequalled for croup
and whooping cough. No ono nlllictod
with a throat or lung trouble can use it
without benefit. Ttioro is no danger in
giving it to children , as it contains no
Injurious substance. For sale by all
Union Pacific Gravel.
Superintendent Rosscqulo and Assistant
Superintendent Touhy loft for Pnpilllon
where at a point about two miles from the
line of road a largo and select bed of gravel
Is reported. They will close arrangements
for the construction of a brunch track exten
ding from its main line to the pit.
Manager Kimball stated yesterday that there
were several points where gravel existed In
largo quantities and that preparations wcro
being made to develop them. The bed which
lies near Paplllion Is also traversed by the
Missouri Pacific. This will involve an out
lay of about ? i 3,000 but the income anticipa
ted is figured up in the hundreds of thou
sands ,
Palaces on Wheels.
The Union Pacific received two new coaches
built expressly for service on the Golden
Goto special by the Pullman company. The
cars arrived Tuesday night and yesterday
were ono of the striking features of the
palace train , as It pulled out for San Fran
cisco. Both coaches are equipped with all of
the latest improvements and especially do-
slgneb drawing rooms. They are said to bo
two of the llnost vehicles over turned ont by
the Pullman company and represent an in
vestment of nearly $ -10,000.
Tin Soldiers Mint Go.
The Union Pacific , it Is said , has concluded
to abandon the train agent service and tnat
nn announcement of the same will bo made
at nn early date. This system was Intro-
auced on the Union Pncilic about six months
ago and wns resorted to in order to prevent
the dealing In round trip tickets by the
scalpers. Th6so men were required to put
oft trains all who purchased scalpers' tickets
It , has caused the road a great dual of trouble
and ono case Is now pending against the com
pany in Douglas courts ,
Eddy Made Kccclvcr.
J. M. Eddy , formerly superintendent of
the Belt Line at this place , and also general
manager of the International & Great Nortfi *
ern , has been appointed receiver of the lat
ter road and nas qualified with bonas of
1100,000. It is stated that the receivership
movement is a scheme of Jay Gould to freeze
out the minor stockholders.
Railroad Noto-i.
No report of the clash between Union
Pacific und Northern Pacific laborers In Jef
ferson canon , 03 mentioned in tno telegraph
columns of TIIK Bcu , has yet reached the
headquarters in this city ,
The bids for the construction of tlio Union
Pacific shops at Clio.venno have been opened ,
but the terms have not as yet boon made
Information was received at the Missouri
Puclllc headquarters in this city yesterday to
the effect that Jay Gould and party would
yisit Omaha in a few days.
Our charming country women are not
only acknowledged to bo among the
loveliest of their sex , but capital cooks.
They declare unanimously that Van
Du/.or's flavoring extracts are the only
ones that impart to pies , puddings ,
calces , etc. , the genuine flavor. Why ?
Because they are made from the Uncut
fruit , without any doubtful aid from
cheap and hurtful chemicals used to
stimulate the real tusto. Grocers ev
erywhere sell those extracts.
A Valuable Work.
Rand , McNally & Ca.'s now indexed
county and township poctcet map and ship
pers' guide ot Nebraska , with its now and
original indexing system , is out. Aa Is usual
with the productions of this Arm it is very
correct and an almnst Indlspcnslbto work for
business and professional men , travelers and
tbo like. The special features of tbo manure
uro ; Locating tuo branch or particular di
vision of railroad upon which each station is
situated ; the nearest mailing point of all
local places ; designating money order post-
offices ; telegraph station and naming the ex
press companies doing business at the points
whore the several companies have oQlcos.
The wonder Is how so much Information can
bo crowded into so small a space.
Prominent clergymen , physicians , and all
classes of citizens arc umanluious in the en
dorsement of Salvation Oil , the greatest
cure for rheumatism.
No greater guarantee of llio excellence-
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup could bo furnished
than that It is recommended by all the lead
ing druggUU.
The Boo Again Shows Up the Filthy
Alloys of Omaha.
Mayor Broatoh Bays Ho Will Have tlio
Hoard of Health Attend to It-
Ford and Ilascall.
A Municipal Disgrace.
The alloys of the city of Omaha are In a
deplorably filthy condition at present and , so
far as can bo ascertained , there Is no pro
vision being made for cleaning them. In
sonio parts of the city , they nro really in a
horrible state , rcoklnq In the offal of stables
and pig-pens , the refuse from kitchens and
other sources innumerable. Garbage and
ash piles , old oyster cans , dead cats , hoop-
skirts , brick-bats , slop barrels and other
offensive wastes block up the way and fill
the nlr for squares around with
noxious and disease-breeding odors.
Citizens nro complnlnjng on ovary
hand , and yet , no ono can sco a remedy ,
as there is no olty ordinance governing the
matter. Only once In the history of Omiiha
have the alloys been cleaned by contract.
That was three or four years ago , and was
only done- then at a cost of $300 in a consider
able district. Slnco then they huvo been
but mcagcrly attended to , ( > y police- notifica
tion , and at the present tlino many of them
are little bettor than sluiceways or surface
St. A. D. Balcombo , chairman of the board
of public works , remarked to a reporter that
there never has been any arrangement for
cleaning the alleys. They have never boon
swept or nny contracts let for
this purpose. The policy of sending
the sanitary policeman rounds of Inspec
tion has alone been pursued. Those police ,
When in their estimation the case demands
It , notify the property holders to clean up
their abutting alleys or suffer a consequent
penalty in thu police court.
"Does not this police supervision over
alleys extend only to the removal of nuis
ances 1" queried the reporter.
"I suppose that Is fact , " said Mr. Ba >
combe , "but my understanding is that they
treat every thing found us a nuisance. "
"Has tholr service been satisfactory I "
"Not by any means , as the present condi
tion of our alloys clearly attest. "
"Is it a fact , Mr. Balcombe , that there Is
no municipal law regulating- this matter ! "
"Not that I know of. The board of public
works has only boon ordered by the cltv
council to lot contracts for sweeping and
cleaning the streets. This ordinance was
passed some five or six years njro , "
"Just what Is the clause touching this mat-
"That I nm unable to glvo you , from the
simple fact tlio city officials are perfectly Ig
norant , of our municipal laws. There Is not
n copy of that ordinance , or any other that I
know of in the city building. The
compilation of " the ordinances bus
boon choked off for some mys
terious reason , and If wo desire to know
anything about any particular ordinance wo
must go up to thu city clerk's ojUco rummage
over a prodigious pile of musty documents
until wo find it. .Tnis sometimes takes hours.
And what are wo to do ! "
"Give up. "
"Well that's Just what we'll have to do. "
Another city otllcial presout was very em
phatic in asserting that the alloys , especially
those paved , should , bo swept and cleaned
like tlio sheets ; that policemen were negli
gent , incnlolont and guilty of favoritism ; that
they removed only local nuslances , and consequently
quently could not keep the alloys inn decent
condition. Ho said further that the alloys wcro
In a horrible ctato at present and that their
overhauling and cleaning was absolutely ne
cessary to avert the pestilence. Under the
warm sun and soft southern breezes the refuse -
fuse blockading many of them was fast be
coming a hideous mass of putrefaction
and the atmosphere In many parts
of the city Js already redolent of
the virulent gases and inimical odors which
are tlio consequence of such a condition of
Mayor Broatch said that the alloys were
not paved like the streets , and were consequently
quently not swept like them. Ho said
tie was aware that the complaints
were loud und numerous and that
the board of health intenod to
take immediate action upon this head. Mr.
Broatch ulso said that the board consisted of
himself , the president of the council , Mr.
Lee ; chairman of the committee on police ,
Mr. Boya , the cliiof of the police and City
Physician Ralph.
"Tlio boara is to meet this afternoon , "
continued the mayor , "when this natter will
bo exhaustively discussed , and ways and
means devised for the immediate renovation
of nil the alleys in the city. "
"Why is it. Mr. Mayor.'i ' asked the re
porter , "that tno publication of the compiled
ordinances , ordered months ago , is not out ! "
Well , sir , " said ho and hi eyes sparkled
Indignantly , "suchobstructionists as Hascall
and Pat Ford are responsible for thin. They
have opposed every bill looking toward this
end , notwithstanding their knowledge of the
fact that the work has boon ordered , that the
ordinances are already in type and ready to
go to press. It is aa outrage and tuo citizens
should bring tholr Influence to bear upon
these fellows who seek to block nil meritor
ious work , "
"What are the special duties of the city
physician , Mr. Uroatcu , " the reporter
wont on.
"Attention to the police nna fire- depart
ment , .the city jail and the poor and Indl-
gnnt. Ah , ho Is kept pretty busy , 1 tell you ,
and Is out most of tno time. "
"Then ho earns the $ J,400 ho draws annu
ally from the city's exchequer I"
"Yes. Indeed , ho does. "
"And you are sure that the alloy question
will bo attended to this ufuruoon. "
"Perfectly. " _
For Seasickness
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. Price , of the White Star S. S. Germanic - .
manic , says ; "I have prescribea it in my
practice among the passengers traveling to
and from Europe , In this steamer , and the re
sult has satisfied mo that if taken in time , it
will , in a great many cases prevent sea
sickness. "
In Now Qunrtrrj.
The Western Tnlon Telegraph company
has taken possession of Its now operating
room in the fifth story of the Omahi Na
tional bank building- , where Mrnagor Levin
says ho has the mostcoinplotoquartors of the
kind in the country. They nro well lighted
from three sides , supplied with all modern
conveniences und appliances und contain
twenty-seven quartette tables , ouch of which
affords accommodations for four operators.
The bushiest office-on the first floor haft not
yet been finished , but It i expected in
ilrst class condition In about three weeks.
Ono word : Ono step inay make or
mar ono'a whole future. Dr. Jones' Rod
Clover Tome is the proper move when
you have dyspepsia , uadQbreath , piles ,
nimulos , ague , malaria , } o\v \ spirits ,
head ache , or any stomach or liver
troubles. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
BATDORF Grace May Batdorf , daughter
of Henry and I.evenla liatdorf , died ut
tholr residence , 937 North Twenty-sixth
avenue , aged D years , 5 months ,
Funeral Thurtday , March 14 , at 2 p , m.
Friends are Invited.
I've got It. What ! Why the best thing
yet , "Hello" Sane Hading volllnir by the yard
from 05o up , sold by all dry good stores.
A Now Company.
Article * of incorporation of tbo Adamant
Wall Plaster company witti Cleusnek H.
Collins , M. Doinllng , T. B. Purcell and Will-
lain M. Lurimer as corporators , were filed
with the county clerk yostarday. The capi
tal stock of the now concern is # 70.000. The
company is organized for an existence of
sixteen years , iiurlug which tlmo it will man
ufacture wall plaster and material for finish
ing ana decorating walls. ,
"Brown's Brunohlal Trooltcu" are
widely known as an admirable remedy for
Bronchitis , Hoarseness. Coughs , and
troubles. Sold only iu boxes.
A Queer Btory < ' Whloh the County
Physician Figures Prominently.
Sunday afternoon Officer HIUO , who pa
trols the Tenth street beat had his attention
directed to a case ( of extreme poverty on
Lcavcnworth strcft near Eleventh. The
officer repaired to q small cottage and Utcro
found Mrs , Mary .Johnson lying in a critical
condition without friends , money or food.
Ho at once telephoned Connty Physician
ICoogh but that gentleman , It is said , did not
put iu an appearance until Monday
about noon. Thowoman , , wai at thitt
tlmo attacked with labor pain , but'It Is said ,
the physician roAHbd to accout her state
ment of her condition and asserted that site
was n sorting woman and that ho would not
attona to that class of pooplo. Ho gave her
n few powders and then loft her to cot along
as best she could. Yesterday about day-
bicak she gave birth to a child. Dr. Smith ,
n physician on South Tenth street , hearing
of tno woman's predicament , tendered aid.
The mother and child nro In u critical cdnal-
lion *
Pears1 soap is the moat elegant tel lo
adjunct. _
Journeymen Tailors and Bosses Sub
mit Terms Without Kiisult.
At the meeting between the bosses and the
journeymen tailors yesterday the bosses
agreed to pay the old scale of wajoi provided
the journeymen would return to work at
onco. They also requested that in settle
ment both parties should give sixty days no
tice before a reduction of wages on ono hand
and before a strike on the other. Following
up this a meeting of the strikers was hold in
Green's hall last night which was largely
attended. The proposition of settlement was
discussed to some length but the strikers de
cided not to return under the terms and In
consequence the strike is still on. At the
meeting last nicht u scale of wages was
drawn up which is a trifle above the old
prices and the men decided that this bill
must bo recognized or no settlement would
bo reached. Another meeting of the Journey
men will bo hold to-night. When questioned
Isst night the men stated that they had taken
a stand and a settlement could only bo
reached by the bosses approving it.
Pears' soap secures a beautiful com
Following ara thu marriage licenses Is
sued yesterday iu the county court by Judge
Shields :
Name and Resilience. Age.
( James M , Koblnson , Omaha , . 10
I Mary Morton , Omaha. . . . . . IU
J George W. Jones Omaha . 23
I Lydla Leopard , Omaha . 23
( George H. Ashby , Omaha . ai
( Car rio Smith. Omaha . 2J
For n disordered liver try Beccham's Pills.
CondcniniiiK Cat Mo.
Stock Inspector Doi Johnson commenced
his good work Tuewiay by condemning two
lump-jaw cattle , shipped by Isaac Funk ,
Faribault , Minn. , to Savuqo & Green. These
nnjmnls wcro sold , for t3.5J each after con
demnation. Two l ifVd of cattle were condemned
demned to-day , onpj'consigncd to Palmer ,
Klohman & Co. The . consignor cannot bo
ascertained , neithe'j- ' has the name of the
consignor nor consignee been learned of the
second ono condemned" to-day. Beef eaters ,
commission men nn.d'packing ' house men uro
enthusiastic ovur this good move and are
giving the inspector every encouragement in
his work. The day 1b f'diseased beef is passed
in South Omaha , f i
Bohemian I/oil c of Forester ? .
About twent.v Bbliemluns met Tuesday
evening in the National hall , Twenty-fourth
and L streets to organize a Bohemian lodge
of Independent Order of Foresters. Charles
Snlger was elected chairman and V. Pivonku
secretary. Owlncr to the failure of the books
and blanks to arrive It was decided not to se
lect officers till another mooting. Adjourned
to meet in the same place Tuesday cveninir
the 10th.
Notes About the City.
Frank Supplee , of the B. & M. clerical
force , has resigned.
Mayor Sloano lies appointed Martin Spoet-
tlo a special policeman.
Policeman Joseph Humpat's new daughter
is the latest run of good fortune on the police
Ilubbl S. Benson , of Omaha , came down to
the packing house of Switt & Co. , Tuesday ,
and killed same sheep anil cattle according
to thu orthodox Jewish rites for moat food.
The grocers are uniting to protect them
selves against unfair exactions of wholesale
merchants and others , and will meet Satur
day evening in the Emonon club to discuss
thu matter.
Omaha ledge , No. 00 , A. O. U. W. , will
have an entertainment , with refreshments ,
next Tuesday overling , and will invite
Omaha , Union Pacilic , Gate City and Fore
man lodges , of Omaha , to bo present.
Captain John Murphy , the efficient and
popular foreman of the Armour-Cudnhy lire
company , Tuesday resigned , much to the
disappointment of hm many friends in South
Omaha. Captain Murphy will return to
Omaha und go on the lire force thero.
'ilio citadel of sin in South Omaha was
attacked by the Salvation army Wednesday
evening. Meetings will bo hold nightly in
Hunt's opera house.
Four of the touchers in the public schools
have been on the sick list. Misses Maud
Eastman and Mary E. Acker are yet off duty
and Misses Nettle M. Prichard and Dora K.
Squier have recovered sufficiently to resume
their work. Commencing March 29 there
will bo a vacation of ono week.
Isaac Levy , at the bearing Tuesday at
Papilllon on n charge of obtaining goods un
der false pretenses , after the plaintiff's case
was hoard , was discharged , A. W. Clark's
complaint stated that Mr. Levy defrauded
him out of $110 and on the stand ho swore
that Mr. Levy bought 1.20J pounds of butter ,
while Mr. Clark's shipping clerk swore that
only 700 pounds of butter were shipped.
J' . S. Carey lias sold his drug store to Dr.
B , F , Johnson of Atchlson , Kansas.
Mrs. Gilbert , n widow residing on K street
near Twenty fourth street , complains that
Tuesday a mar. giving the name of Phelps ,
robbed her of between $350 and $300 while
she was urcpirmg u meal ,
The Third Ward Iniloiiondont Political
club organized at tmTCIIfton house , Twenty ,
seventh nnd U streets by electing the fol
lowing officers ; president , Thomas Kin-
sulloj secretary , Johj ) Blnndon ; treasurer ,
Kd Gorman. The next meeting will bo at
the Clifton bouse Thursday evening.
At 10 o'clock this inorninc : the fire alarm
at the Armour-Chatty packing works
sounded , The company's lire company and
the city dcpartnient'woro on hand In a few
minutes. No ilro filso alarm. Edward A.
Cudahy says the company is putting in light
ening arrvstors anditho wires became crossed
givlni ; the local alarm. The general alarm
was then sounded. The A. D. T , was noti
fied and gave the Oafcrtia depot notice to bo
prepared to come. u-i
ilollls K , Hoglo onuiof the active und pop
ular young republicans 1s the latest aspirant
for the postinust tilp appointment. Mr.
Hoglo starts out Jjifp in the race , but the
smile of confidence no wears on his face Indi
cates confidencetho support given him
and knowledge of the intentions of thu pow
ers that bo.
Manager John F. Boyd , on being asked
about tbo live stock Inspection bill now before -
fore the legislature , replied : "I consider it
a very dangerous plooo of legislation , and
that it would if passed utterly ruin the pack
ing industries of Nebraska , and further I
think if thoroughly understood by the people
throughout the state there would bo a pro-t
test fro in.all stock interests against any such
legislation. "
At a meeting of the South Omaha Electric
Light company , held in John F. Boyd's oOlco
yesterday forenoon , a contract was con
cluded with the Wosimghousa Klectrlc Light
Manufacturing company for a complete in
candescent system. Thu plant ordered Is to
bo completed within sixty days. The con
tract calls for now boilers , engines and dyn
amos , Huftluicnt for 800 lights. Lines will be
run all over the city and every section will
bo buppllua More will bo begun ut ones.
Momorloa of the Tented Flold Bo-
vlvod- With Mirth , and Song.
There Wcro No Weary Sentinels on
the Ontpostn and No Rush-
.whacker Prowled About
For n Shot ,
A Great Bivouac.
Clark's hall on Fourteenth between Dqug-
las nnd Dodge streets never witnessed n
more enlivening scone than that which was
presented there Tuesday night. it
was a revel of mirth , music ,
patriotism , hard tack nnd elo
quence. The revelers were ox-soldiers nnd
the occasion wns n camp-flro gotten up by U.
S. Grant post , No. 10 , G. A. U. „
There were 800 rotamors'prcsont. Some
were the regulation uniform of the order ,
some appeared in civilians clothes , but the
breasts of all were bcdcoked with the simple
and symbolic badge of the Grand Army of
the Hopubllo. There wcro few among those
present who hud not passed tholr fortieth
year and some were venerable with ago and
hoary hairs. Amidst the throng wcro also
noted several members of the George A.
Crook post , Sons of Veterans.
In many places the walls were hung with
the national colors. On ( ho north sldo stood
an army tent , while in the middle was nn ad
mirable representation of ncnnip fire. A gas-
grate of iron , fashioned like n bundle of logs
with perforations , blazed with the fickle
ness of n pile subjected to the wayward
breezes. The gas was supported by a pipe
which had boon extended especially for the
occasion from the supply pipe near the entrance -
trance to the hall. Over the flames hung a
steaming Iron kettle which wns suspended
from a gypsy-Ulto arch composed of
thrco poles which met nnd wore fast
ened near the top , On either side
wore stacks of arms from the bayonet df
each piece of which hung canteens ami am
munition boxes which had evidently expe
rienced the vicissitudes of war.
Around these reminders of a glorious nnd
mcinot able struggle for homo and freedom
ranged the veterans. Nearly everybody
smoked. Very few rccraled themselves with
cigars , whllo Missouri mcorchnutns , other
wise cob pipes , wore readily patronized by
the human JKtnas. Ucnso clouds of- Dur
ham nmoko filled the tipper regions , but un
mindful of it the veterans talluul , lauchcd ,
joked , recounted exploits , renewed old mid
formed new acquaintances. It was not the
smokeof battle but the smoke of pence , a
dear but honorable pence , in securing which
thnra was not a breast which did not heave
with exultation iu considering the part its
owner had played In securing it.
Major ( Jlarkson ucted as chairman , Paul
Hersh acted as musical director extraor
dinary , leading in ull the grand old choruses
which have been so Identified with martial
life. Dr. Stone , ono of the managing com
mittee , in fact the originator of the undnr-
taking , hustled like an usher in a crowded
auditorium. Simeon Bloom , another com-
mlttecnian , with easy dignity held down a
chair of state upon the platform , whllo Com
rade Pimncioo made himself as useful as n
committceman is expected to .nake himself
under such circumstances.
Comrade Goodspecd , of Now York , a gen
tleman with florid features and snowy hair ,
made n forcible speech , commending the
achievements of the federal torces , the order
of the Grand Army of the Republic , nud
closing with the assertion that ho was proud
to bo a member of it , as also of the fact that
ho had aided In the suppression of the rebel
Comrade Burmcstor then placed a chuclc-
a-luck ciii-J upon thu carpet und , simultaneously
ously , half n dozen veterans squatted like
tailors , and the rattle of the dico-box thence
followed till the close of the entertainment.
Other groups disposed themselves around
the fire and played cards , while otlfers still
sat , smoked and looked reflectively into the
curling flames , as if reminded of those they
had ottcn studied In tholr bivouacks on the
Held. .
Comrade Burmester read from the Na
tional Republican an account of the enlist
ment In the Grand Army of Senator Kan-
dall , which was received with cheers. Ho
read also a "shot" by a contributor showing
that the effect of tbo attack upon Governor
Fifor , of Illinois , by his opponent , ex-Gov
ernor Palmer , In so far aj Its effect upon the
Grand Army was concerned was llkoned to
the Hole loft , in a bucket of water when ono
withdraws his finger from the tub.
Comrade Allo made an entertaining it
lengthy speech , which was Interspersed with
anecdotes , martial quotations and u defense
of the federal soldier against thu attack of
General Uos , who said that ono southern
soldier wns equal to two blue-belly Yankees.
Ho said that man to man , eye to eye , nnd
arm to arm , the federal was more than equal
to any rebel on any field during the rebellion.
Ho illustrated this by nn episode lu which he
had taken part , where 200 Yankees chased
for two miles n rei'iment of confederates.
Churlcs Burmester wanted to know if they
over caught up with them , and the sally
evoked hearty laughter and applause.
"Marching Through Georgia" was then
sung with n will , after which Comrade
Genlsch. chief of the pension bureau at
Washington , spoke for a few moments.
A mom. otner things he said that at this tlmo ,
so many years after the war , when it was
difficult to secure evidence , there was no
doubt but moro lonlbney in the matter of
pensioning soldiers should bo exercised.
There wns no doubt that thousands of sol
diers wcro denied pensions to which they
were entitled , That they were entitled to
them had In various votes been determined
by the people , nnd further in cases where
proof was reasonable the doubt should bo
turned in favor of the soldier.
Chaplain Richardson , a brother of Colonel
Richardson , of the 112th of Now York , made
a short speech , and then , the only real liva
general in the gatherlna was called to the
front. Ho re-ocnoed Comrade Allo's senti
ments m reply to Uossa and said that
ho had lived in South Carolina
for fifteen years after the war
und know Kossu's sentiments prevailed
there then as they prevail oven at the pres
ent tlmo. Ho then read a poem on the wood
pecker which brought down the house.
Frank Mores , as the original "Holo in the
Bottom of thu Sea"- was Introduced , sang a
stanza of that effort nnd then read Tom
Sharp's letter to Commissioner Blncic on the
subject of pensions. Ono who has hoarder
road the piece will readily understand why
the veterans howled ,
Beans , pickles , bread , butter , coffco and
hard tack wcro served and disposed of In a
manner which suggested u regular old cam
paign feast.
The blaze of the camp fire nnd the hilarity
of the veterans continued until midnight.
Bad Bookkeeping.
It only lacked a few minutes of 10 o'clock
last night when Judge Bcrka summoned up
the evidence- the case of Alva B. Cook ,
chanrcd * with ambozzllng $1)00 ! of Missouri
Paciflo monov. It all wont to show that tlio
books wore rather loosely kept prior to Cook's
term of ofllco , and that officials of the road
wore somewhat inclined to make short date
loans from the ofllco money , but as Cook
was in charge of the books for two years ,
the court held that ho should not have sent
in statements showing "cash on hand" unless
the cash or an equivalent "I , O. U. " was in
the drawer. Ho accordingly bound the
prisoner to the district court in a 1 1,600 bond.
which was at once furnished , Cook still
maintains that if there was any stealing
done , it was during the regime of his prede
cessor , Brlggs , and is confident that a jury
will say so.
BOSTOK , March 18. Noycs & Fish , boot
and shoes jobbers , have assigned. Liabilities
$110,000 , with nominal assets Ot H15.000.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Bby was tick , we gave her Cartorta.
Wben ebo vraa a Child , ho cried for CaitorU ,
When be became Miw , the dune to Cutorta ,
Wtia tbo La < ? Children , the gtro them Castoria.
"Say , Perkins , old boy , why don't wo goo you nt tlio club any
inoro ? lias your mother-in-law shut down on you ? " "No , Brown
( thp fact of the matter is , my homo is BO happy now that there ia no
inducement for mo to leave it. You look incredulous but it is a positive
fact. You BOO my wife used to suffer so much from functional derange
ments nnd weaknesses common lojior BOX , that her spirits and her
temper were greatly affected. It was not her fault , of course , but'it
made homo unpleasant all the saino. Iul now , since she has begun to
take Dr. * Picrco'a Favorite Prescription , she has been so well nnd ao
happy that wo nro having our honey-moon all over again. "
As an invigorating tonic , "Favorito Prescription" imparts strength
to the whole system. For overworked , "worn-out , " "run-down , " debili
tated teachers milliners dressmakers seamstresses " " housekeepers
, , , , "shop-girls ,
keepers , nursing mothers , and fccblo women generally , Dr. Picrco's
Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon , being uncqualcd
aa nn appetizing cordial and restorative tonic.
i " " i H "Favorite Prescription" Is the only mcdi-
l * 'O' K l 7 < 2Ej ? ! jl .B c' ' " ° 'or w ° i"nu's peculiar derangements ,
Li-.n..ii imi.iu. .i.i . .iiM Ji pniuful disorders and weaknesses , sold by
druggists , under n. positive guarantee , from thu manufacturers , of giving satisfac
tion , or money paid for it will be refunded.
Copyright , 18S3 , by WOULU'S DISPKNSAHY MKIUCAI , ASSOCIATION , Proprietors.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets
PELLETS : Unequaled as a LIVER PILL.
O O Wfev. 'Sp ' \ * V > 9 U > "V Smallest , Clicnpcnt , Easiest to tnlco.
\f I * < \ . QUO tiny , Sugar-coated Pellet a doso. Cures
Sick Headache , Bilious Headache , Constipation , Indigestion , Ulllous Attacks , and all
derang-cments of the Stomach and bowels. 25 cents a viol , by druggists.
Views and Interviews Caught In Hotel
Corridors and Elsowliorc.
T''o cable people expect to make several
important extensions of tholr various lines
this season , as well as to clmngo some of the
liorso car tracks , but , according to Mr.
Johnson , who questioned by a BEG man
last night , there Is no prospect now of any
attempt bclnR made to occupy Sherman av
enue. Said ho : "What wo do in the way
of bulldnif will bo'douo on the lines to the
south nnd west. To build on Shorutan av
enue would require the erection of another
power house , nnd thai we are not ready for
Just yet. " Tlio first extension will bo that
of the Hnrnoy street line to Ilanscoin park
and another txolnp south. Within a few
days tlio consolidation of cable and street
car property will have been completed , nnd
just us soon thereafter as it can bo arranged
the new company expects to have out a regu
larly arranged schedule for running trains
on better and quicker time than heretofore.
The Farnaui street line will not bo changed
to caDlo.
Judge Dundy says the oeoplo of Hastings
treated him royally while ho was out there
this week holding United States cjurt and
thinks they have a very pretty time. It was
a great term.
"You wont there , held court , finished all
the business and got through In ono day ! "
"O no , not by any means , wo wcro at it a
part of two days. The session commenced
at 4 o'clock Monday , and adjourned for ono
year , nt 9:10 : ! on Tuesday , "
Lon Bill has n great many stories to toll
of his recent trip through old Mexico by
mule. Speaking last evening about the ex
pense nf living in that country ho said beef
is dirt clioup , but hog meat comes high. You
can buy big fut bullocks for CIS a head while
bacon ranges Ironi 03 to 75 cents a pound ,
and is ccarcu at that.
Bishop Newman , who returned yesterday
from an extended trip through the east and
south says that ho is more than ever de
lighted with Ouinlm and the prospects of his
sojourn hero-being pleasurable as well as
profitable. Judging from the inquiries made
of him everywhere and the amount of talk
ho hoard about ( it , the bishop Is confident
that Omaha's future greatness is ono of the
Maduino Janauscheck's engagement came
to a close last night at the Grand opera
house , The audience comprised a number of
representatives of the leading social circlet
of the city , and was most demonstrative In
Its appreciation of the star and her leading
Mr. Chaplin appeared ns Maubcth.
The company appears in Fremont to
A. New Train.
The connecting link between Ne
braska and Kansas has just been placed
in service by the Union Pifciflc railway.
This train loaves Council Blurts dully at
4:4Ca. : m. ; leaves Omaha at 6:05 : n. in. ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with the ICuntms division
of the Union Pacific railway for all
noiniH in Kansas und Colorado west
bound , and for Topoku , Lawrence , Kan
sas City und points eust ana south via
Kansas City. Keturoing , train loaves
Manhattan ut 2:25 : p. m. ; arriving at
Beatrice at 02o ; p. in , , Lincoln at 7:60 :
p. in. , nnd Omaha at 11:20 : p. in. , Coun
cil Bluffs H:40 : p. in. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Tonoka
and the oust , und from Denver * Salina ,
Aboline and ail points west , enabling
to visit the principal points
CabBongcrB und Nebraska in the shortest
possible time. These trains have llrst-
clabs equipment , competing of smoking
earn and llrst-olusa day coaches of the
latest pattern. Tlio now train will fill
n long felt want , nnd is bound to bo
Fannlne&Slavnn niust Clean Them ,
Councilman Wheeler hub explained to a
reporter that his objection to the extension
of the street sweeping contract was based
upon the fact that it was not being compiled
with , and that the a consequencewas
compelled to pay money which might otherwise -
wise be saved. It has been the custom in
the early apt ing and fall wlion the broom ma
chines could not bo used for thu removal of
the muu upoa the streets to have them
scraped and shoveled , and the expense of
this is generally greater than that of swoop
ing , In this way &omu very heavy bills have
been footed by the city , Councilman Wheeler
holds that this work must ye done hereafter
under the street swooping contract , and Is
backed up by an examination of the contract
by other couucilmeu.
Charles M , Jordan
Successor to
( Late otllclleviK ) IIo8pltalNo\vYorkl
( Late ot the University of Now York City and
Howard UnlvowHy , Wustilngion , U , ( f.
No. 31O and 311 Rarasra Building
Corner llft [ onth and Hariiey ts. , Omiiua , Noli.
where all curable CHHM are tro.itoa
wl'li miccons.
Note Dr. Clnirlos M. Jordan has been real
dent physician for Dr. McCoy , In Omaha , foi
thopiut yuur ami in the pbynlclan who Imi
miNlo tliu curei that bavo btitm publlauod
Meekly In this vapor ,
Mftlk'nl ( ltsfinsc'3 treated Hltitfnll- , Deaf
ness , Conmimjitlou. HroncuttU , Anthniu , Dys
peptla , Uheumatlam and ull Nervous and
CONSULTATION at olllca or by mu'l ' , ft.
Olllco hours-B to H a. in. , t to i p. m. , 1 to 8n.
m. . Sunday olllce hours from V a. in. , to 1 1 > . m.
Con ospoiuleuco rvculvas prompt attention ,
MuuviUwasiH ure trtmed Hucceftufullv by Or.
Jordan throuun the malls.und It Is tnim poniilJll
forthona unaulo to make n Journov t obtain
" 8'I081u'J'Ab ' " "ww'Kin ' ! * *
Corner inth ami I'urmun Htreots , Chamber ol
Commurcu Jiulldlug.
Capital Block . $100,001
Liability of Btocklioldcrri . 800,00 *
Klo percent pal < l on depotlti. loam made pu ron :
cataUi and poromnl < ecurltjr | note * , vmrruuU , i
and bondi | iur < b * < l ,
ANDIIKW IUMKWATMII. Vice l > ro Ulent.
DtfVl'Ull Ii. TIIOMAS.CasUlM )
IIOAItl ) OK DlltlX-rOllS ;
Joliu U Mlloi , Krailui llcnion.
Haintii-l ditnvr , .liilinll.Kvaiu ,
Andruw lloinvrater , Vurrli KorrUon ,
W.A./llbbun. Uoo. K. Marker ,
( lur.Alvm Hauiideri , Itaxlur I..TtmniH ,
NuruiKii A. Kutin , Juniui'lliomuiuu ,
I. IJ. tiuliiuou , Jalinlluib.
Gco.G. Hubble.
Ol. uouu. liiruici , 181 W/uusa / AYL ,