THE OMZHA BAILY BEE : THUKSDAY. MARCH 14 , 18S9. THE DAILY BEE. ' I'UliblSHEO UVIillY MORNING. THUMB OP BUU8CIUPTION. Cully ( Morning Rdlllon ) Including SUNDAY llKK.Ono Year . tlO 00 For 81 * Month * . . . . IS JO 'or Three Months . . . 260 THK OMAHA BHNDAT ller mnllod to auy iwldrosj , On Year . , . ZOO tVr.itKMr Ur.K , Ono Your . . . * > OMAHA Orr JCK , No .914 nnrt 918 I'AHNAM StntBT. CiiicAioOrrtcR , fiJ HOOKBIIV IIUIMMMO. NKW route orricK. Hoonsl4 AND in Tijino-v * liuii.uiw ) . WASIIINUTO * Omen , t o. CIS BTUBBT. conur.spoNDKNcn. All communications relating to news nnd edi torial matter should be addressed to the KDIXOH . should be All linslneu letters and remittances nrtflressoiUo TUB HUE PUIIMSIIIMM COMPANY- . OMAHA. Drafts chcr.ks nnrt poUolttco orders to bo made payable to the order of the company. Viic BED PflWIshlne Company , Proprietors , E. ROSEWATEU , Editor. THE UEE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Btato ot Nebraska. I. , County of Douglas , ( " Oeorcon. Tzschuck , secretary of the flee Pub lishing company , docs solemnly swear that the octuiJclrculaUon of Tim DAII.V linn for the veek ending March U , 1889. was as follows : Fmiday. March a Monday. March 4 Tuesday. March C > Wednesday. March 0 | 8.H Tlmrndav.MarcnT j .g < J rntlay.MnrchB } 8.W1 Saturday , March 0 .I8.P1J Avcrugo 18,807 unOKOH B. TZSCHUUfC. Bworn to before mo nnd subscribed to In my trcsonco this Oth day of Mnrch. A. 1) , JR80. Seal. N. P. F151U Notary Public. Btnto of Nebraska , I , , County ot lon lns. f D3 > George II. Tzschuck. bolnjc duly sworn , do- POBCH nnd says tlint ho Is secretary ot the HOB Publishing company , tliat the actual nvcrnpo daily circulation ot TUB D tv UKK for the month ot Mnrch , 18SS , J9Ct copies ; for April , 186R 18,744 copies ; for Mnjr. 1S88 , IMS ) copies ; for Juno , 18" ? , ISV-'tl copies ; for Jtilv , l&H. 18 , ( ) copies ; for August , 1888 , J8.1S ) coplos ; for 8opt mber. 1883,18,154 conies ; for October. 1883 , 1WM4 coplev. for Novem. licr. 1888 , IH.nfO copies ; for December , 1888.18,22) ) copies ; for January , 1889,18,674 copies ; for Feb ruary , 18311 , 18.0SO copies. GEOHOn R TZSOHUCK. Bworn to before mo nnd subscribed In my yreisenco this 2d day of March. A. I ) . 1889. N. P. FEIfc Notary Public. TIIK county commissioners uro as si lent 03 a vault. THE vaulting ambition of certain county commissioners cannot bo held up by steal props. IT is high time for the legislature to. put on the brakes. The appropriation train is on the down grado. THAT story of the massacre of five French tourists in the Yellowstone Na tional park was sprung a little too early in the season. WANTED An assistant commissioner of agriculture ; salary four thousand five hundred a year. Apply to Farmer Jero Rusk , Washington. MONTANA , like Dakota , wants to bo- pin with a new slate of territorial offl- ' cors , and 'it is highly probable that Montana's wishes will bo gratified. EX-GOVEUNOK FUKNAS does not ' want to play second fiddle to the secre tary of agriculture. Nebraska takes first place or none in this instance. IT is useless to consider the whipping if post , the rack and other ancient modes I ot punishment for wife boaters , while IK wo have the Douglas .county poor farm , K ( ' "f THE American spool and bobbin trust has gone to pieces , and hereafter each member of the combine will wind his I bobbin and thread his spool in his own . way. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MAYOR BIIOATCH and the council t have wisely concluded that it would ho poor policy to put an embargo on Coun cil Blulls bread if our people want to buy it. / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE Illinois Central is said to be vig orously sniffing Nebraska air , and in the event of its building on the west bank -of the Missouri , that road cannot ignore Omaha. IF it bo true that Oklahoma has boon overrated for speculative purposes and its soil is poor and thin , the homo-soolt- or's paradise is certainly not to be found in that promised land. THE throe dollar dose prescribed by the state for the druggists produces a lively commotion in the tills. There is no avenue of escape. They must swal low and pay for the medicine. THE dividends declared by the di rectors of the Pennsylvania railroad must have boon uncommonly gratifying if the annual mooting of tlio stock holders at Philadelphia consumed only seven minutes. WITH the farmers planting their backs hard against the doors of the tttato treasury , it ought to bo a dilllcult task for the jobbers andschomorsat the legislature to make u raid on the people's money. JAY GOULD would show great fore sight if he oxtondud the Missouri Pacific from Omaha to Huron , Dale. , ahead of his rivals. Tapping Dakota would bo of Inestimable value to Omaha as well as the Missouri Pacific. THE conference of the National Farmers' alliance of Iowa , now in ses sion at Dos Molnos , proposes to consol idate all the state alliances into a single organization. The success ot this movement will be watched with considerable interest by the farmers of Nebraska ns well as of other states. EVEN members of tho.loglslaturo are compelled out of eoU-resyoct to pro test against the action of that body in frittering away the time of the ses sion. It will bo to the everlasting dis grace of the legislature U the appro priations are cuuiiingly put off until the last momunts and then passed in a lump , with every evidence of jobbery on their face. Mlt , P , FOHD is needlessly alarmed about the work done by the street com missioner without the consent of the Btrcot swooping contractors. This la not surprising. The determination of the council to make the interests of contractors and Jobbers.&ubordlaato to thu interests ol the otty is mioh a radl- ' cal departure from psut methods that the old fool an nohlng void in the region of the pocketboolc. T1IE PHOPOSKD PttltfTIXa STEAL. ' The bill for a publio printer is a steal on its face. Fraud Is masked in every lino. The bill provides that the publio pnnlorfihall hold office for four years , that ho shall bo n resident of the slate nnd a practical printer doing business In the atnto. The state id required to furnish nil material necessary for books , blanks , and other printed state work , places everything in the keeping of the public printer , nnd gives him fancy prices for composition , press work , stitching , binding , etc. The prices are so high nnd the opportunities for "phnt" RO numerous that any printing house in the state would jump nt the job and dis count the prices twenty-five per cent. The item of ton per cent allowed for wastage would alone not a comfortable income in the hands of an expert. Dut the job lies in the measurement. It is folly to expect that the secretary of state , auditor of publio accounts and state treasurer , constituting the board of printing , would possess the export ability of mea surlng plainer or complicated composition , the wo ight and quality of paper or count the num ber of books , blanks and pamphlets printed 'on a given order. Here is whore the public printer would work in complete harmony with himself. The present laws governing the letting ting of state printing arc fair and just , if honestly enforced. All printers have , apparently , an equal clmhco for * the work , but by the connivance of olllcials , Mr. Hathaway's con cern manages to underbid all competitors and secure the bulk of the work. But Mr. Hathaway evi dently is not satisfied with the lion's share of the business. Every man who aids this fraudulent measure will do an injustice to every printing office in the state , and lay himself open to the charge of being a sharer in the plunder. THE BEE has no job office attachment , and has no other than the taxpayers' inter est to servo in opposing the creation of n printing monopoly for the benefit of avaricious schemers. The following exhibit shows 'the ad vantages to the state of the present sys tem of state printing , compared with the proposed law : AMOUNT PAID ron 1S37. Six thousand copies laws $3,714.24 Two thousand house journals ! 3,75t.-JS Two thousand senate Journals 2S93.03 COST OF SAME' WOllS. UNDEU STATE 1'llINrEll 1111,1 , . Six thousand copies laws $7,214.55 Two thousand house journals r ,109.-10 Two thousand sonnto journals 4,023.70 nirPKKESCU IN COST TO THE STXTIS OX THESE TllUlili ITEMS. Total cost unilorcontract $3,707.70 Total cost umlor printer bill 1C,80'J.C5 ' Saving to state by contract 7,503.05 13111s before the legislature would cost under printer bill , per page ot 500 copies 245 Under contract It costs 1.05 Other work would cost in about the same proportion. THAT ALLIANCE MEMORIAL. The reference made a few days ago in the state senate to the memorial of the farmers' alliance presented in congress just before adjournment , characterizing the statements of the memorial as false , will , not accomplish much by way of averting any ill effects which such statements might have unless facts are produced to show that the memorial misrepresents the condition of thofarm- ing interest of Nebraska. The state ments contained in that document wcro certainly of a very serious character , and if they can bo shown to bo generally incorrect , or oven the Inoro important of them can bo proved misrepresenta tions , it should bo done. Unrofuted statements of this character are very likely to bo used to the prejudice of the interests of the state bv those who are interested in the withholding of capital from western investment. There is a very largo class so interested , and its influence is being vigorously exerted in the east ; to secure legislation that will restrict the outflow of capital from that section to the west. The memorial of the farmers' alliance supplies it with a rather formidable argument. It will bo successfully nnd convincingly answered only by indisputable facts and figures. The statement that the farm mort gages of Nebraska amount to one hundred and fifty million dollars wo have no doubt an investigation would show to bo wildly erroneous. The number of farms in Nebraska may bo stated approximately at one hundred thousand. So that to obtain the sum of the estimated value of farm mortgages it is necessary to assume that the aver age of every farm in the state is fifteen hundred dollars. No intelligent man having anv information on the subject will question for a moment that this average is far to high , doubtless at , least double what would bo found to bo the true amount. According to the re port of the state bureau ot labor and industrial statistics for 1837-88 about fifty per cent of the farms of Nebraska were mortgaged , and there is no reason to suppose that the proportion has been increased. But making a liberal al lowance for possible misrepresentations , let it bo assumed that sixty per cent of the farma are mortgaged , and that the average for every farm is fifteen hun- crod dollars , and there is obtained as the aggregate amount of farm mortgages in Nebraska ninety million dollars , or sixty millions less than the estimate of the memorial , requiring an annual in terest payment of over six million dollars lars instead of moro than ten millions , as claimed by the same authority. Wo have very little doubt that these reduced figures are extreme , but at any rate they are undoubtedly much nearer the correct amount than the figures of the alliance memorial , and they make n suf ficiently formidable showing to do away with the necessity of exaggeration in order to render them Impressive. Add ing ton million dollars to this computa tion to cover the mortgages on farmers' chattels , and we have n round hundred millions to represent the mortgage debt of Nebraska's farming interest. The assertion that the number of tenant - ant farmers is rapidly increasing may also bo regarded as untrustworthy , though if true it is by no moans to bo concluded that it is wholly the result of the admittedly op pressive conditions under which the farmers of Nebraska , rather moro than those of mo-it other western states , have boon forced to labor. The failure of farmers must bo in u measure accounted for by the want of business capacity , by careless and imprudent manage ment , nnd by a want ot the knowledge , experience nnd industry required for successful farming. The opinions of farmers submitted to the labor commis sioner cite nil those ns among the causes leading to the ( allure of men engaged in farming. There were olghty- ono thousand farm owners working their farms in Nebraska last year and about nineteen thousand tenant farmers. It may fairly bo doubted , in view of the generous crops of last year , whether there has since been any ma terial change in the relative numbers of these two classes. It is unquestionably true that the farmers of Nebraska need relief from excessive railroad charges , from usuri ous money lenders , and from other ex actions that unjustly deprive them ot a portion of the fruits of their labor nnd retard their prosperity. They should not cense to vigorously battle for this relief , carrying the contest if need bo into the national legislature , but it is not necessary to success that the mis fortunes of their situation shall bo vastly and obviously exaggerated. On the contrary such a policy is far moro likely to work evil thau. good. Nor is it wise to cultivate the1 already widely prevalent idea among the farmers of the country that the national goveriir meat might promote their interests by increasing the circulating medium of the country. Inflation that would ad vance the price of what the farmer haste to sell would certainly operate in an equal or greater degree to in crease the price of the commo dities ho has to buy. The ur gent need of the producing classes is not currency inflation , stimulating speculation ana giving larger oppor tunities to monopoly , but relief from the exactions of coruoratlons and trusts , from the wrong of unjustly distributed taxation , and from the demands of national and state governments far be yond the necessities ot economical and efficient administration. Reform in those directions would give a substan tial and permanent benefit to producers impossible to bo obtained from simply swelling the volume of the country's currency. THE CHARTER AMEXDUEXT. The clause amendatory of the Omaha charter , giving the mayor and council control of the erection of public build ings , may'bo regarded as secure against the opposition of the schemers whoso chief solicitude in the matter grows out of their desire and purpose to obstruct and delay the construction of the city hall if permitted to havoanj'thing to do with the erection of that building. Ev erybody understands the true meaning of the anxiety of Balcotnbe , Furay and Jim Creighton to retain in the board of public works its present authority regarding the construction of public buildings , und all understand what would bo the consequence of con tinuing that authority so' far , at least , as the city hall is concerned. The in genuity of these men would bo strained to its utmost capacity in devising diffi culties to block the progress of this im provement and as far as pincticablo to thwart the will of the .people. A ma jority of the Douglas county delegation in the legislature refuse to be used by the cabal which would not hesitate to keep Omaha without a city hall for the next ten years , if its mem bers believed that they could thereby finally effect a change of the now over whelming popular sentiment against them , while at the same time gratifying their personal animosity. The Douglas county delegation by a vote of six to four has agreed to an amendment to the clause giving the mayor and council control of the erec tion of publio buildings , which pro vides that they shall bo governed by the same methods of procedure in re ceiving bids , making contracts and granting estimates as now govern the board of publio works. There can bo no objection to this , oven if it bo not absolutely essential. If the proposed change in the charter passes the legis- isluturo and with the approval of the majority of the representatives of this county in the legislature there ought to bo no doubt of its passing the con struction of our city hall will go for ward with the least possible delay. Oth erwise the erection of that much need ed building may bo postponed indefin itely. The citizens of Omaha by a ma jority of over four thousand have ex pressed their will in this matter , and it is the duty of the legislature to see that nothing is allowed to thwart it. WEALTH. Few regions in the west afford such opportunities for the investment of cap ital and energy as Wyoming. The es sential minerals to build up a great manufacturing commonwealth are there in abundance. Oil saturates the surface of thousands of acres , coal abounds in inexhaustible measures ; gold , sllvoriron and copper exist in paying quantities. Development is going on steadily in nil theao rich fields. The agricultural re sources of the territory are in their in fancy , but the construction of hundreds of miles of irrigating ditches lust season will bring under cultivation { his year thousands of acres of fertile land. The great plains and foothills support count less herds of cattle and flocks of sheep , providing an unfailing source of supply for the Omaha market. All these great interests cannot fail to attract capital seeking profit able investment. The railroads recognize that the resources of the ter ritory cannot long remain undeveloped. Four great corporations are now plan ning to extend their lines and secure control of the best sections. This year the Northern Pacific will push a branch from the borders of Montana southward in the direction of Lander , and will en deavor to control the traffic and settle ment of north Wyoming. The' Wyom ing Central extension of the Elkhorn Valley road will move west from Casper through the Swcotwator Vulleyand may possibly reach Lander before the close of the year. This will force the Union Pacific to extend the Cheyenne & North ern into the central coal and oil regions , us u mutter of self protection , It is possible that the Burlington will bo compelled , by the activity of rivals , to cross the Wyoming lno | with u brunch of the Broken Bow road" .from Alllanco , Neb. The Black Hills , extension now under way wilt tax tho. Anorgios of the company for several months , but it can hardly afford to delay the advance on Wyoming an other ycariJa Speculative corporations nnd boomers threatened last year to build a roa'd'from the southwest corner ot the torrlTofy northeast into Nebraska , nnd claimed that$100 , $ > 00had boon spent on survoys.aqd grading. Those concerns - corns worn .pupposod to bo in the in terest of tlio Central Pacific , but prac tically notjijhg has boon done to glvo them substantial character. The activ ity displayod'in ' other directions is but a beginning. Immigration will keep pace with the advance of the railroads ; the mineral products will bo brought within roach of the markets of the world , and thriving communities will spring up in every direction. It is the history of western settlement , which will bo repeated in Wyoming. Omahtvand Nobraslcivuro vitnllyinter- ostcd in the devolopomont of thu terri tory. Both have contributed the money and energy which resulted in discovering the extent nnd importance of the oil fields , and both control the best wells in that region. It is natu rally tributary to Omaha , and its growth nnd prosperity cannot fail to substantially assist in the progress of this city and state. THE bill passed by the housa author izing the organization of county mutual insurance companies is an important one for the farming interests. It pro vides that not less thin twenty-five per sons residing in one or in font-adjoining- counties , owning collectively property valued at not loss than fifty thousand dollars , may form an incorporated com pany for the purpose of insuring the property of tho'mombors against loss by fire , lightning , hail or tDrnu'Jo. Those companies cannot do business in cities and towns , the purpDsa ot the act being to confine its operation to farmJH. The management of' the business and the manner of levying nssossmoiits for the payment of losses incurred are defined in the act and reasonable safeguards provided for the members. THE treasury department has issued a statement of the money in circulation on the first of the current month which should go far in satisfying those clam orous for an "expansion ot currency. " It appears that the total amount of money in circulation ag-jrog'atos one billion four hundred millions , which is an excess dfVtliirty-throo millions as compared \VAtH the statements pub lished a yqar , ago. It would soem. furthermore that during the adminis tration of President Cleveland the sil ver circulation of the United St'.itos oxuctly doubled , increasing from one hundred and'juty-two millions to three hundred antmur , , millions. Even the silver men mvi t ba silenced in the face of this showing. THE state 'should not cripple savings batiks by imposing needless restrictions. The main object is to provide for fre- quentoxamiiiation of tlu condition of the banks , andrthe security upon which money is.lo.inud. "First class bonds aiiji' paper readily convertible into cash would answer every purpose as a re serve , and utford the banks a source of revenue. Honorable savings institu tions should ba encouraged by every means consistent with safety , but wild- catconcers and cent par cent sharks should bo hedged in by stringent rules und regulations which would make a repetition of the Valparaiso and similar robberies impossible. THE Douglas county delegation in the legislature is said to be nearly unani mous in favor of an amendment to the Omaha charter providing that until January 1 , 1891 , the street railways shall only bo required to pave between the rails. Loss could not bo demanded of these corporations , nnd the conces sion is a very complete victory for them. The effect , however , will be to stop their fight on the charter , and the majority of the delegation being ugreed as to other changes the legislature ought to bo able to speedily dispose of that instrument. EASTEUN railroads , notably the Pen n- sylvania pystem , have learned to depend more and more on local business as the source of profit. Long experience has proven that profitable returns coma solely through developing local traffic. Here is a strong contrast to the policy so long adopted 'by the reckless management ot western rail roads which sacrifice every considera tion of local business for the carrying of through freight. WE have not scon Miss Hoyce's receipt for the $4,000. UepuMlmn. The editor of the Jlspublican can sat isfy his overweening curiosity by call ing at the business office of THE BEE and requesting to see the receipt of Miss Royce for the four thousand , three hun dred and fifteen dollars and seventy cents. t y I'rnxy. CtnHlfnilt Kniiitrcr , How would it UAf'for ' a United States presi dent to employ B o ouo else to shako hands for hluit „ _ A Barbarous Praatlcn. Clftthliu Tribune. In Russia , it'iijpears | | , traiu robbers are promptly capturpd. As Hussia becomes more civilized th&custom will fall iuto dis use. " Jerry Won't Stand 'Em. New 1'ork H'orW. It Is generally understood that the now secretary of agrlbulturo will civp no encour agement to the kroH'vth of mushroom aristoc racy. Jerry Uu/iat | ( ( | style ot man. i * Not to Do Trifled U'ltli. CMcau" Inler-Octan. The nevr English minister to the United States is six feet liiKh , weighs 200 pounds and understands ttio Quueusberry rules , Lotter-wrltcrs wanting aclvlco would do well to take note of the ubovo facts. The Olllco-Suokor. St. Lwls ( Jlulie-Dcmacnit. It Is not to bo denied , of course , tbat a great many seek onlco under false conditions and according to disruputablo methods , and that they frequently succeed , whereas they should always full. Hut this docs not signify that onlca-neoUiug in general U a reproach and a degradation. fcYr Is U true that any considerable proportion of those who tecura appointments nro incapable nnd undeserving. As a rule the selections ftro wisely made , owing In a largo measure to the very aspect of the case which provokes much criticism. * The Now South. Atlanta Cotuflfiitfon. The cotton mill Is getting nearer and nearer to the cotton-patch , and this fact Is having Its Influence In Now England. All the Now England factories will not como hither at once like a flock of sheep , but tnoro Is npt n doubt that competition will compel thorn to como nftor awhile. THE APTEHNOON TKA. Hussct leather shoes for ladles promises to bo as popular as ever during the coming spring and summer season. Mary Anderson Is said to partake of a "smothered Vonus" every afternoon nt 8. A "smothered Venus" Is a Dcofstcak fried with onions. Mrs. Frank Leslie denies the rumor that she was to soil the business of her house for $050,000 , , nnd says further she shall novordls- soclato herself from It. Mrs. Harrison Is growing dally taoro and moro annoyed nt the gossip about her nnd her habits In the newspapers. She oven con templates spendlug the next two years in Europo. Mrs. Topploft Do you over have nny trouble In getting money from your hus band I Mrs. Oldboy None In the least. I accuse him every once In a while of talking in bis sloop. Hose Elizabeth Cleveland Is living quietly lu n cottage In Florida surrounded by an or- nngo grovo. She rises earlv in the morning , takes n short walk , breakfasts , and then devotes - votes four hours to lllcrary work. Mrs. Paran Slovens really did Intend to ROte to the costume reception Cleopatra , but the newspapers mndo so much fun of the idea that she put on an extra black dress under the Cleopatra nnd called U Night. A diamond rlr.g containing a stone of un usual size nnd beauty was sent to little Elslo Lesllo the other day. She will not wear it for four years to come. The unknown sender - dor addressed it to "My Sweetheart , Elslo Leslie. " The dutches of Malborough has Just sent Ward McAllister n cabinet-sized photograph of herself signed with her autograph , "Lil ian Spencer Churchill. " It Is an excellent likeness , nnis'bcd like an engraving , and stands on n little easel in the drawing-room of its owner. Miss Jonuio Flood , daughter of Bonanza Flood , who died the other day at Heidelberg , is the heir to all his immcnso wealth , and is ono of the richest women in the world. Miss Flood is about twenty-six years old , and is said to bo a uiodest , sensible girl. "Only a lock ol golden hair , " The lever sighed : Perchance to-uighl It formoth o'er her pillow fair A halo bright. " "Only n lock of golden hair , " The maiden , smilingly sweetly , said , As she laid it over the back of a chair And went to bed. HTAJTE AND TEIlltlTOKY. Nebraska Jottings. Rumors of more railroads are rife at Grcc- ley Center. A lifty-barrell flouring mill Is to bo In operation - oration at Urayton by May 1. A branch of the Equitable Aid Union has been established at Grand Island. Diium lodge , ICnichts of Pythias , ot Beat rice , has moved Into its new und elegant hall. The A. O , U. W. lodge at Ohiowa has a membership of twenty-five , and is only n month old. .Tbg.C.ias county district court Is In ses sion nt Pluttbinouth with Judge Chapman on the bench. What Ohiowa wants and must have , ac cording to the Ohiowan , is a mill or factory of some kind. Teams have stopped crossing the Missouri river on the ice at Niobrara as it is consid ered dangerous. Dry goods boxes and other sidewalk ob structions have been ordered removed from the streets of Beatrice. Dr. A. L. Childs , for many years a resident of Plattsmouth. und once judge of Cass county , died at Kansas City recently. The town board of Ohiowa has agreed to pass un ordinance compelling all lot owners to plant at least three shade trees in front of each lot. Geneva has been incorporated as a city of the second class and divitlou into three wards. It has a population of 1,400 , , an increase of 1 , ISO in four years. A party of government engineers nro at Xvorlc surveying the bar and river in front of Plattsmouth in preparation for the improve ments to bo mudo with the government ap propriation. Edwin Ucntly , aged fifteen , while cross ing the railroad track ono milo west of Wymoro , was struck by a passing freight train nnd killed. Both the horses attached to. the wagon wcro also killed. I own. Nearly all the ICnoxville miners nro idle or working on half time. Thirteen Iowa cities arc actively carrying on Y. M. C. A. work. The Presbyterian church at Lake City will bo dedicated on the 21th inst. Nearly enough money has bcou subscribed at Woodbine to build u Methodist church. The average number of convicts in the An- unmos penitentiary during February was ! M1. M1.Tho The revival In the Methodist church nt Cedar Falls resulted in over flvo hundred converts. There are 303 civil actions , 00 probate and 40 criminal cases on the March docket of the Linn county district court. The Domocrat-Guzotto says that Daven port is the oicctriu headquarters for a great extent of country. It lias more olcctrlcul in ventions in practical USD than any other city iu the west , not oxcoptiug Chicago. The young ladles nt Port Madison got to gether some tlmo ago and decided thut they would send their beaux homo promptly ut 10 o'clock. Tlio boys stood it fora night or two. but ara now on a strike and the girls uro said tf > bo weakening. ' .Three citizens of Davenport bold a pie eatIng - Ing contest the other day for u $10 prize. A man named Alton captured the stakes , but it was thought for a time that ho would choice to duuth. Ho devoured the pastry lu two minutes and flvo seconds , Mrs. JnckKon , of Hampton , wfillo running a sewing machine ono day last week , acci dentally drove the nocdlo through her thumb uud thus diverted it from its course enough to bit the pluto below und bend It so tbat she could not rui&o It. After endeavoring for BOino time to free borsolf she drew the ma chine to the front door and culled for help. Two men came in , and by taking the machine apart managed to extricate her from her painful situation. Wyoininc. A cubic foot of Rock Springs coal weighs exactly olt'lity-two pounds. A $3,500 plpo organ Is on Its way from Bos ton to St. Mark's church at Choyonno. About forty families from Kansas aspect to settle in Sheridan county early this spring. Fifty thousand rainbow trout bavo been shipped to Fish Commissioner Millur at Lar- uuilo from Virginia. There are niiiety-nmo cases on the docket of the district court now In session ut Lara- mlo , most of them being civil actions. March has proved a memorable month for Choyonno. liottled boor has been sold for a niuklo a plugs and a two-headed calf has put iu an appti.ranco. Mozo Doze und Charles Dutton , two Glen- rock cowboys , lassoed a bear in the mount ains last week , but were uuablo to handle the brute with a rope nnd were obliged to dis- imtcli it with a six-shooter. Tlio Cheyenne Stock Journal soys that although by actual death will , ihl spring , bo lUtnoat nothing , the loss in flesh that will go through ulivu will bo Immense , And thU loss could Inivo been to a great exr teut uvorted by providing forage. , BRECR RETRACTS TUB CHARGE Bottom Faota In Connootlou With the Lincoln Scandal. IT LOOKS LIKE BLACKMAIL. Proceedings In the Supreme and Hist- trlot Courts Now Nobrnskix Cor porations Cnpltnl City Notes ami Gossip. LINCOI.X UUHEAU orTiiKOsuiu fJen , ) 1029 1 StllBBT. V LiNcoi.X , Mnrch 13. ) Slnco the denouement of the Valentino- Brock scandal , the bottom facts of which bccamo known this morning , tongues have boon busy In all parts of the city. While highly sensational on the surface , there U , nftcr all , nothing In It when probed to the bottom. Ex-Congressman Valentino arrived In Lincoln yesterday , ostensibly to transact some legal business ho had In hand before the supreme court. During the afternoon ho called upon the LJrock family , who formerly resided at West Point , the ox-congressman's homo , but the bead of the family happened to bo absent. Valentino's business there , however , hud to do with Mrs. Uroolr , who Is a witness In a case Involving West Point parties In which ho is an employed attorney. This was soon transacted and ho departed as ho went. In the broad light of day. Uroclc appeared at the Capital hotel between 7 and 8 o'clock last night , scanned the register and departed , returning shortly afterward with Constable Al Beach with a warrant for Val entino's arrest. They wont to the "wanted" man's room , whore Urcck announced that ho had a warrant for Valentino's arrest on the charge of Illicit Intlmuoy with his wife. The wrath that followed know no bounds. An expressman happened to bo in the room at the time , and on hear ing Valentino's explanation and the evident attempt to blackmail , proceeded to knock Ureck out , nt-d was helped In his efforts by the constable himself. Ho howled like a baby and left the hotel bleeding like a stuck hog. Urcck stated ut a later hour that his wife had acknowledged to htm that Valentino tine had paid her $3 "for service , " and that ho did not propose to have his domestic hap piness ruined. Breck is a printer In the ofllco of the Frolo Prosso , of this city , of which Major Klcutsch is the editor and publisher. Ho was scon by TUB UIR : representative this morning , nnd said : " 1 have known Urcck and his family too long nnd too well to bcllevo there is any thing In the charge ho makes uiralnst Mr. Vnlentine. Ho evidently intended to score a point against Valentine , nnd smirch him to oven up on some old grudge. Ureck and wife used to live at West Point. " lirccic , llnding himself in a close quarter to-day , makes unidavlt that there is nothing in his charge. Small SccdH Grow linrgo Trocs. The verdict In the Hlckman liquor case was for the defendant. The Jury decided that defendants had no right to pay for goods they did not receive , although they might have recourse. Judge Field and n jury yesterday after noon and most of to-day heard the case of James Giles vs. James 13. Huff. The parlies are farmers living In Douton precinct. The defendant , besides bis own land , had for several years leased adjoining him a quarter section of land ; nnd In March , 1S89 , ho leased a second quarter. The plaintiff , by his sou , had in charge a herd of Hi cattle. On April 34 , 1833 , the defendant caught the cattle trespassing , and impounded them there and then , refusing to give them up , unless ho were paid $5 for the trespass nnd damages. 'n10 cattle were on the land last leased , and plaintiff aald that ho did not know of the lease , nor could ho see that any damage had been done to the sprouting grass while the cattle had been driven over it testate state land adjoining , wherefore ho refused to pay the mono ) ' . Defendant said that ho bud been much annoyed by plaintiff's herd going upon his land and had suffered consid erable loss , and ho determined to end the trouDlo by insisting on his rights. Plaintiff denied that any trouble had been caused him that way ; and so ho called on the sheriff who roplovined the stock for him. Out of the little seed grow this trco of an expensive lawsuit. The question at issue on the trial being which of the two men have the right to the possession of the cattle at the time they were replovined. The trial occupied a full day , and the momentous Issue is not yet settled. Supreme Court Proceedings. The following gentlemen wore admitted to practice : J. F. Loseh , J. C. Hobinson , E. M. Love. Union Paolfic railway company va Ilay- motid I3ros. Dismissed. Uetts vs Sims. Motion for leave to tile mo tion for rehearing overruled. In ro Uorghoff. Writ denied. Missouri Pacific railway company vs Young. Motion for time to fllo motion for rehearing overruled. Comstock vs Cole. Motion to substitute party defendant overruled. State ex rol , Bryant vs Lanvor. Demur rer sustained with leave to amend relation granted. Stnto ex rol , Attorney General vs Madison county. Continued. Frunso vs Armbustcr. Plaintiff to file briefs in tlfteon days or cause dismissed. The following causes were argued and submitted : Durland vs Soilor , Stevenson vs Valentine , Uoyd vs WilcoxLumber company. Motion to dismiss , Alexander vs Alexander. State ox rol. , Nichols vs. Fields. Man damus. Judgment for plaintiff. Opinion by Mr. Justice Maxwell. 1. Where n now county is created by the division of u larger one the county commis sioners elected at an election ordered by the governor in such now county for the election of ofllcers , merely continue In ofllco until the next general election for such officers , and until their successors are elected and quail- fled. Anderson vs. state. Error from the dis trict court of Brown county. Sentence mod ified. Opinion by Mr. Justice Max well. 1. Under the provisions of the act ap proved March ill , 1SS7 , it is made the duty of the supreme court in all criminal cases pend ing therein on error , where the sentence is excessive- reduce the same and render such sentence against such person convicted as is warranted by the evidence. 2. To sustain u conviction of murder in the first degree , it is necessary to show Pre meditation and deliberation on the part of the person convicted ; therefore , where the proof shows that the person convicted killed another purposely , there being no proof of deliberation uud premeditation , a verdict of murder in the first degree cannot bo sus tained , nnd It is the duty of the court either to rovcrso the judgment and remand the cause for a now trial or render such a judg ment reducing the sentence as is justified by the evidence , viz ! imprisonment in the pom- entlury. I ) . At common law , the Intentional kill ing of a human being , without explana tory circumstances In murder ; but under sec. lion 4 of the criminal code , such killing la murder In the second degree. The first and second degrees of murder as provided in sec tions 3 and 4 of the criminal cede are In tended to indicate the degree of the atro city of the crime ; but a vordlct in either degree is for murder ; and If the degree found IB higher than It warranted by the evidence , the portion con victed may as u right , insist upon a modifica tion of the sonicuco to confirm to tnu proof , and it U the duty of the court to reduce the sentence and and impoio such sentence us It warranted by the ovidonco. . 4 , The act referred to IK remedial lu Its na ture nnd is intended to upply to all cases of a criminal character pending in the supreme court on orror. C. The act of reducing a sentence under the Htatuto of 1887. and rendering such un ouo as Is warranted by the evidence Is lu no uiifco u commutation , nor the exorcise of clemency. Tnat is an act of grace to be exercised or not by the executive alone in hi * discretion. But the reduction of u puutouce and the imposition of a now one based upon the testimony is u right which ovary ouo con victed of n crime und upon whom a nontenco higher than Is warranted by the testimony has boon com | > osed , uuy demand under the act referred to. lieu-mop Canning Company , i A canning company wan organised at Boemur j Cumlug county , u day or two ape , Build- lugs uro now going up , with other necessary nroparutious for the canning teuton , There is evidently a live class of buulneas men at that little burg , und it Is whispered ihatuomo of them are buzzing county neat aspirations. The company organlios with n capital stock of $10,000 , nnd articles of Incorporation will bo filed In the oftlco of the secretary of state In n very short tlmo. Following are the principal stockholders and Incorporatorsi Fitzgerald ft Frailer , Hoansor ft Laughton , Mlchnol MoNamoyor , William Nedomyor , O. F. Arnold , Jap Huoy , Lowli Do Vaul , W. L. Dcutschor , Dr. Gibbon , Bank .of Boomer , Mr. Follmnn , N. Coy , W. M. Watson and John Urlggs. A board of director * has been appointed , nnd everything moves forward with promise of success , City News nnd Note * . John Dundas , editor of the Auburn Gran- gcr , was a Lincoln visitor to-day. The remains of Attorney Chamberlain wore sent to Rutland , Vt. , his old homo , for burial via the Burlington to-day. William Daily of Peru , looked In upon the law makers In session to-day. Tondar rcml- nlsconscs of other days doubtless crowded upon him. Mtnopart says ho Is ready for his "Inquisi tion. " It Is understood that his trial will commence to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interesting developments are confidently expected. The Eden Musoo will soon bo here lu all Its glory. It Is learned that this is to bo one of the permanent nminomont attraction * of the cltv. Thli , however , will probably hlngo upon the encouragement . given It. Hon. John " . Spoors , of Talmago ! Al Boomer , of i Boomer ; M. E. Shultz , of Boa- trice , and I Prof. John T. Mollallon , of ICoar- noy , were nil here to-day looking after poU- tics nnd other business Interests , THE ST. I'AUIi 110AU. Directors Declare n Dividend or $13 Per Sharp. Nnw YORK , March 13. A dividend mootIng - Ing of the St. Paul directors was hold to day. Their action on dividends was subject to n great deal ol discussion , nnd although predictions that 3 per cent on preferred stock wouttl bo declared wcro current , they were not believed , as the surplus applicable to dividends amounted to less than 1 per cent. Heretofore the fiscal year of the company has boon the same as the calendar year , and dividends have always boon calculated for the year ending December 31. The directors to-day made a dividend possible by passing the following : Whereas , By act of the legislature of Wis consin the date of the closing of the fiscal year lias boon changed from December 31 to Juno tlU ; therefore bo It Hesolvod , That hereafter the yearly ac counts of the company shall bo closed and annual reports of the board of directors shall bo made for the year ending Juno 80 , em bracing the same period as Is now covered by the reports required by law to bo inudo to the Intor-stnto commission ami railway com missions of the various states. After the passage of the preceding resolu tion , a dividend of $2 par share was declared on preferred stock , payable April 20. The action of the board will complete the rotation of the common stock to preferred stock. Preferred stock is entitled to divi dends of 7 per cent per annum before com mon stock receives anything. If the divi dend paid last spring of i ! per cent on com mon stocic Is charged to the earnings of the preceding1 year , and the dividend UJfner cent declared last September is charged to the earnings of 188 ! ) , then 5 per cent will have to bo paid on preferred stock next fall in order to place common stock in a position to receive dividends. Or , If the 2S } per cent declared lust September and the 4 percent just declared should bo calculated in the fiscal year ending June 30 , 18311 , then com mon stock would roccivo nothing until pre ferred stock received 7 per cent in the fiscal year ending Juno 30 , 1890. Illinois Central Gliiuigos. CIIIOAOO , March 13. At the annual meet ing of the Illinois Central railroad to-day George Bliss , of Now York , was chosen di rector , to succeed John Elliott , deceased. A successor to Vice President Morton , who re signed from the directory , will bo ctioson to morrow. The session was mostly given up to discussion. F. B. Cooley , of Hartford , Conn. , and E. G. Mason , of this city , repre sented a number of stockholders dissatisfied with the present management of the Illinois Control , and those gentlemen fought against re-election of any of the old board. But Uiey represented only about 7,000 votes of 303,000 , and only carried their point in the election of Bliss. Three of the old directors Ayer , Luttgen nnd Auclnncloss were ro- elected. The minority also secured the adoption of a resolution providing that no now lines shall bo constructed or leased dur ing the year 1839. President Fish was con siderably irritated by this resolution. Ha was the only one to vote against it and after wards changed his vote. A Scarlet Favor ISpldomla. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , March 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bui : . ] A bad scarlet fever epidemic prevails in Dolaporo township , ten miles southeast from this city. The disease broke out three weeks ago , and was thought to bo measles until one or two deaths occur red. Physicians were then called and learned the true character of the disoaso. Children from the aftllctod families have been going to school till the whole neighbor hood is afllictcd , Three funerals took place to-day , and u resident of the township says they uro dying like sheep. Still the county oftlcials have taken no notice of the conta gion , and the school is yet open. Three ItollurH Hxplodo. RIJADINO , Pa. , March 13. Three boilers in the St. Nicholas colliery , near Mahonay City , exploded this morning , wrecking a black smith shop and bailer house , Mrs. Louisa Hoffman , with a child in her arms , was pass im ; at the tlmo. A fragment broke her hip and killed the child. James Doonoy , a driver , passing with n team , had bis skull fractured. Michael Walsh had his thigh broken nnd log crushed. Edward Seltzer Imd liis skull crushed , Several others were scalded and injured. Got Oft ICaiy. P. M. Gilchrist , postmaster of Arcadia , came In to transact business yesterday , Al } though old and gray-headed ho concluded to see the Bights , but did nothing worse than got drunk. Ho got into a hack with two strangers , but becoming frightened called for the police , who name only too soon and arrested him and bis companions. Ho told Judge Borka that ho had not buun robbed , but had been drunk , and was fined $2 and costs , while the other men proved they wera lionest nnd were allowed to go. Ho begged the judge not to fine him moro than ho had about him , as otherwise he could not got [ tome and ho was accommodated. Public Works. The board of public works mot yesterday , Faray being absent. The folip'.ying reserves were recommended,1 A. H. Hoc , fcowor No. 4. * 593.44 ; Mount & Griflin , $01.43 ; Hugh Murphy , * 217.UO , and John McDonald , S'JO.JB. I'ho board then adopted a system of speci fications to bo used by contractors making tilds for city work , and adjourned. A Word About Catarrh , It li the mucous membrann thut wombrfu- HomMlulil envelope HUrroundliiKUHidollrute t' ' HIICH of the nlr nd foodpas ageH. that Ciitai rU nukes HH BtroiiKliola. Once established , 11 ejta nto tlio vary vitals , and ruodera Ufa but it l nu Iruwn brtuin of mU ry unil dUeiisc. diilllnx thu . tramrncllOK the . ewer . of of bearing. tuuno u * * * ! > § * * - " " " , , , " " im)6ch.dostroylni.'llio faculty of smell , tuliitlrift tlie breath , and Killing the rullnr.l pleanuroi ot : ustt ) . Invlillously by creeping nil f rom uslmpla xjldlntlie head , It usiiuulU the inumlirfiiioua InluK nnd < mvel < > t > es tJie ooues , eating tlirougli he delicate ( oata nnd ruiibliiK Inllamiiiatlun. alou hUii { nn'rt.rteatlj. NotWiiBHliort of total jraillcutlon will aecure healtn \ the patient , und ill ullovlatlve uOHlmply | procrastinated Miner. iiua ! . leaillni ! ton . fatal . . . . . teruilnatlon. , . . .I/ , . , . „ „ , , 1. HANKOIUJ'H . . f.f . , . , , III/ . udmlnlitmtlon lias nov r fulled ; oven \ \ hen the dlbi-nhfl has made flight Ml lu o il on dollcnto coiiKtlf utlon , licarlujr. Miiril nnd luntu have boon woverftd , uiia the dlswixe thoroughly driven OIH/iKnlil / 'S lUDlOAljCUHBConMatsofouH bot- luof tliDlUl'iiMk CIIIIK , ono box ( jAT.uiuiiAr , oi.vKMr.iuulouo lui'Hoviiii iNHAbKii. nwttly vrnpport In ono pnckHgc , with Mil dlwtloiw ; 'OMTKII DlUNl It ClHillUAl.COH ! IIOHTOX. Kidney anil b'lrrlnti I'ntiu und lutisuK. iclluved IIIONK MINUTK by llio . , , , . CuriciWA ANTI-I'AIN J'I.ASTISII. tha //'M / / Urst nnd only milii-kllllng pliuler. New , liHtiiiiliinl'ouK , fiifHlllblv. The wont perfect intliloUt lo ruin , Inlliinimatlon and \Ver.knc 8 juudfl'l , Vnitly mipmlor to all other At U ilrnggbts. i5cj live fwll.or "f 1'ormi Dnua AND