Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Reacts Sharply and Oloeoa
At an Advanoo.
* '
A Slight Advance In Onts Provls-
IOIIH Take a Tumble Good
Cntilo Stronger An Up
turn in lings.
CniCAcio , March 13. [ Special Tcloirrnm to
Tun Unn.1 Tlio wheat market reacted
sharply to-day , which was only to liavo been
expected after the slutnpy markets of the
past tew days and the steady shrinkage of
the past three weeks amounting to 17c In
May anil lOc in July. Tno bulletins of the
Approach of the cold wave was the first thing
to tnako a change In scnUmont. This cauncd
n very flrm opening and RUVO the bear party
the shivers. The market wixs discovered to
bo In n over sold state , and enough shorts
were moved to cover to produce decided
nervous strength. Then , on sober second
thought , the conclusion was reached that the
government estimate ( which should not bo
entitled tct anything lilco the consideration It
11 receiving In uii.s' event ) Is really a bullish
document. Later It xvus whispered around ,
Bill ) rosn , that the supposed Fair-
bank 'wheat which was sold yes
terday and the day before was
not his wheat after nil , though It was sold
by a concern which has been counted as a
leading ITulrbank house. The philosophy of
thli reasoning was that Fnlrbank has not
Fold out his wheat or changed his position.
Indeed , ho declares that from the result of
careful Inquiries from all sources , end
a searching investigation put on foot by him-
oclf , ho Is inoro strongly fortified than over
in his opinion that values will yet attain u
high piano before the next crop can become
available. A rattling business was trans
acted In the wheat pit the first couple of
hours. May wheat opened nt IHJc , with very
few trndca nt that quotation. The opening
was ragged and should bo described ns ex
tending over u J c range , from OCc to OO c ,
The price jumped at once to 97c , but broke
off OOJ c under frco realizing by
the scnlpcis , aided by selling by the leading
bear houses. An advance to 97 > < @ ! l * o was
the next decided action taken. At the recov
ery Hutchlnson , who was a buyer early on a
largo scale , turned seller and tilled the crowd
up. For quite n time tT ) > c was the battle
lino. At and above that point thcro was
plenty of wheat for sate , and below it thcro
was good.buying. Alter n while , however ,
the market was hammered down to 'Mc.
Boyd Bros. , Irwin , Green & Co. , and several
Btrong houses had big buying orders at and
around iG ) ) c , and the market reacted shortly
to l)7c. ) During the last hour
the price averaged 07c and above. The
close was 07 | o , orc higher than yester
day's llnal quotations. July was fairly ac
tive all day , and trading was on a materially
higher plane than yesterday , though the
rnngo of fluctuations was narrower than in
May. The opening was STJifc and the total
range for tno day 67J @ 88c. The close was
87c , a chnngo for the oetter of % a on the
The predicted change in the weather was
considered by the bulls In corn as an argu
ment in their favor. The strength displayed
by the wheat market also lent sympathetic
assistance to the other cereal , and made the
opening strong with a good inquiry , princi
pally , however , from the shorts. The late
government report , however , is prob.ibly
chiefly accountable for the change in the
speculative sentiment , which was apparent
yesterday and continucu to-dnv. Only
787,000,000 bushels remaining In the hands of
farmers out of a 3,000,000,000 bushel crop
was recorded as a good reason for an ad
vance , if the llcurea wore reliable , and it has
undoubtedly found mtity believers m its ap
proximate accuracy. There was a fair
amount of activity in the trading early , and
from 30o May advanced to ! ifi ? c , but later the
demand foil off nr.d business was dull ,
while the priio settled back to iW&c ,
which is a gain , however , over yesterday's
close , of # o per bushol. The outsldo mar
kets were also firmer , and the lower grades
were again taken freely for shipncnt.
Another quiet and nearly steady day was
recorded in oats , with only a moderate specu
lative interest. The slight show of strength
in May was largely because of the scarcity
of sellers , with some purchasing for account
of shorts , and # @ ? o advance was noted ,
touching SO c , followed by a later' easier
tone and closing fullyllrm. Juno and July
maintained their fractional premium and the
near months were inactive. Kegular No. 2
oats were in some demand with 21XC ° Id , era
a slight advance.
The provision trade opened with a strong
bull feeling in control. In pork , the llrst
transactions reported were mada at prices
lOo above yesterday's closings , while in lard
the initial sales showed an advance of 2 } c ,
and in short ribs of 7 > c. From the first
quotations made pork improved an additional
12)50 ) and lard Zc. Short ribs hold their
own. The high prices ruling , however ,
speedily developed a selling mania. The converted bulls , finding unex
pected profit In their holdings ,
took hold to realize. The number of sellers
in the pit , in fact , soon exceeded the quota
of buyers , and under the excessive offerings
the market suffered a severe brenlc. Before
the rally occurred pork sold off 40o from the
morning's highest figure , lard lOc and short
ribs inc. Liter there was an occasional
rally , but the upward turns mot with poor
support , and lard and short ribs rested at
around the bottom prices , and pork only a
trillo better. In iiork the day's closings
showed an actual decline of 12) c , and in
short ribs of TJ-jQlUc. Lard closed un
changed to 2c lower.
CniCAOO , March 13. | Soecial , Telegram
to TUB 15ER.J CATTLK There was u largo
volume of business to-"day , and prices for
food grades were stronger. Common to
fair Block did not sell very actively , anil at
prices so low that salesmen were not willing
to admit that there was any Improvement
except in the general tone and movement.
The quality lately has boon poor , and there
liavo been no cattle here this week to com
pare with the tine Iowa steers which sold
last week at $4. S3. Owners ura astonished ,
however , to BOO what good 1400 to 1500 Ib
cattle soft nt f3.50C J3.T5 , Choice beeves ,
W.00@4.40 ; medium to good steers , 1,850 to
J.MXJ pounds , t3.-C@J.bO ) ! ; 1.200 to 1,8M
pounds , t3,25@3.GO ; M'J ' to 1.300 pounds. $3.1)0 )
( ai.l : ! ! ) ; stockers aud feedois , W.WX&t.SS ;
cows , bulls aud mixed. * l.WJ.OOj ! bulk ,
12 HKiftMO.
Hous Business was brisk , with an up
turn of a strong 5o in many cases , with the
great bulk of the stock soiling around M.7i > @
4.tO. a few funny heavy at (4.b5Q4.87Ji.
Light sorts sold largely at $4.SO < 3M.83.
liIVK H ) U i.
CHICAGO , March 13. Cattle Receipts ,
0,500 ; market ptrongnri choice beeves ,
fl.OOQjMOj Btcois , * 2.VK3.SO ) ; atockera
ana feeders , $2UO@3.i3 : ; cows , bulls uuu
mixed , $1.03@3.yo.
Hogs Kccolpts 23,500 ; market strong , 5u
higher , mixed. fi.r4.SO ; heavy , W.05S4.85 ;
light , $ l.OJSI.OO ( ; skips , * ) .5XI.50. (
riheop Receipts , 0.000 : market steady to
strong ; natives , (3 uO@5 00 ; western corufeJ ,
I OCsk-4 S3 ; lambs , $ U5(35.7r ( .
National HlouU Yur.N. Kim St.
I/oulM. March 13. Cuttla-llecelpts , 1,800 ;
shipments , 200 ; active and strong ; cuolco
heavy natlvo steers , f3.SOi34.40 ; fair to good ,
fl.OOQ3.05 ; Mockurs and fooders. f..OOQ
tUO ; rangers , corn-fed , fJ.TOdja.DO : grass-
fcd. (1.50 < u2.0
JIORS Hocclpts , 7,500 1 shipments , 1,000 ;
maiket usliado higher ; choice heavy , (4.7C
54.0084.76 ; light grades ,
Kloux City , March 13. CutUo-Hoeolpts ,
1S5 ; shipments , CO ; marltet steady and uu-
Hogs -Hecclpts , 1.800 ; market 5o higher ;
light uud mixed , 14. IOSlW > ; heavy , H50Q
4.65 ,
GUy , March 13. Ualtlo Re
ceipts , a ' .IK ) ; shipments , 3.100 ; choice dressed
beef ami bhlpplng steers linn , others a little
slow ; cow * steady ; good to choice corn-fed ,
t3.75Q4.00 } common to medium , I37UQ3.0
fttockcr * and feeders strong nt $1.60(33.20 ( ;
cows , tM.80Gl2.70.
Hogs Uocoipts , 0,303 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
market active and closed lOo higher ; com
mon to choice , f l.lij'
NEW YOHK , March 13. fSpoclal Telegram
: o Tun Hnnjl STOCKS Notwithstanding the
favorable developments In railroad circles
yesterday thcro appeared to bo no feeling of
incotiragomcnt among Investors this morn
ing. The stock market opened In such n
dull way that the bears were encouraged to
make further war on the list. First prices
were not materially changed' from the close
of yesterday. Interest in the list was di
rected chiefly to the coal stocks and Grang
ers. This caused special activity for the
time , which resulted in fractional declines
for most of the list. Lackuw.inna and Mis
souri Pacific suffered most , each losing
nearly I per cent the llrst hour , while in the
less actlvo list Manhattan lost \yt \ and Pull
man I/ per cent. Later In the forenoon the
market became oven more quiet , with only
St. Paul and Heading slightly active to re
lieve the monotony. At noon everything
was dull , and no recovery from the bottom
urlccs'SL'omcd probable. There was no fea
ture of significance during the closing hour
of the stock market. The effect of the 2 per
cent dividend on St. Paul preferred stock
had n llrm effect on the list.
Thofollowing were the closing quotations !
IT.S. 4s rosiiHr..lsfl' ' ( Northern 1'aclOe. . 2.V
U. H. 4scout > ons. . . iloproferroa rojj
C. * N.V HH
. < lo preferredSS \
rnrlllcBsof Vi . . .1-M N. V. Central IDS.1 *
Central Pacific. . . . .1I P..U.&I : - *
Chicago lc Alton. . .131 lUwlc Island Ulj ;
Chlcago.llurllngton C. , M.&St. I * . . . G3'i
do prefcrroil ft' ! *
! > . , & . * W . iWU : St. Paul * Omali.1 . 3li !
Illinois Central. . . . 11 i't iloproferred 02
1..H.&W . lUf Union 1'acitto Gl'i
Kansas JcTuxiis.'i'i \ W..SI.L. AsP ri }
Iake3Uoro do preferred. . . . SI
Michigan Oontrat. . .1" Western Union b > r > U
Mlesourtl'Acillo . . . 7t'i '
MONET ox CA.LIEasy at 2 03 per cent.
PniMB MEUOVNTILB PAi > 2 1 'J'J ' } per
changed ; sixty-day bills , $ i.S5X ; demand ,
March 13. Wheat Firm ; cash ,
Ooo ; April , Oiio ; M.iy , 07)4'o. )
Corn Steady ; cash , UlXc ; April , 33Wo ;
May , 1M } < ; .
Oats Steady ; cash , StJ o ; May , 25'Cc. .
Ilyo May , 45c.
Barley Nothing doing.
Prime Tlmothj $1.31.
Flax ? 1.5 @l.t50.
Whlskv Sl.UJ.
Pork-Lower ; May.S12.27 > ; July , * I2.37X-
Lard Easy ; cash0.02 ; May , * (1.02 ( > f.
Flour Steady.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders. $3.37X@'j 50 ;
short clear , $ < 502 > f5.75 ; short ribs , * 0.23J $
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 20J29i5 ;
dairy , 15@21c.
Cheese Unchnnccd ; full cream choddats ,
10) ( ) lle ; tlats , 10@llc ; Young * Americas ,
HW c : flats , 10 irfllc.
Ecgs Unclmnccd.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
G ? ciight ; ; Rrc'on salted , 5c ; green ,
salted bull , 5'fc ' ; green salted calf , ( ) ,
dry Hint , 7Mi8c ; green salted kip ,
dry calf , 7WSo ; dry salted hides. 7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
@ ! tfc ; No.-2 , # @ < c ; cake , 4.Kc.
- itucoipn. stiiumcnts.
Flour , bbls . 13.030 0.000
Wheat bu . 2J.OOO 2J.OOJ
Corn.bu . 10J.003 OO.OJO
Oats , bu . 109.00 ! ) 52,000
Now Vork. March 13. Wheat Receipts ,
2,200 ; exports , none ; apot dull but n trillo
firmer ; No. 2 red. 92i3'J3e in elevator ,
04fc afloat , 03K@'J-V < c o. b. ; No. a red ,
88c ; ungraded , 0ic : ; options less active , but
Corn Receipts. 203,000 ; exports. 123,000 ;
spot steady and less active ; No. 2 , 43 , ' ®
43o In elevator , 44 > c afloat ; uiicraded
mixed , 42@44 } ii ; options flrmer , but dull.
Oats Receipts , 20,000 ; exports. 1,000 ;
spot quiet and Iicavy ; options stouly , but
dull ; April and May , 30 c ; snot No. 2 white ,
33@33c ; mixed western , 29@'J3c.
Coffee Options opened steady and closed
steady and unchanged to 10 points down ;
sales , 39,750 bags ; March , April and May ,
fl7.35@17.80 : spot Ilio unchanged ; fair
earuoes , $10. 12 .
Petroleum Quiet and steady ; United
closed nt89s'c.
Eggs Lower ; western , 14c.
Pork Firmer.
Lard Stronger , but quiet ; western
steam , 87.35March , $7.30.
Butter Steady ; western dairy , 15@21c ;
western creamery , 18@ii > e ; Elgin , 23i@
Cheese Steady and quiet ; western ,
Liverpool. March 13. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB BRB.J 8:30 : p. m. close. Pork-
Holders offer sparingly ; prime mess , east
ern , Cr > s , steady ; do , western , 553 , steady.
Lard Holders offer sparingly ; spot and
March , 3tis. llrm ; April and May , 3Us 3d ,
Wheat Holders offer freely ; now No. 2
winter , 7s Sd , tirui ; do spring , 8s , llrm.
Flour Holders offer moderately at Us 3d ,
Corn Holders off or spot moderately and
futures sparingly ; spot , 4s &U , steady ;
March , 3s ll d , steady ; April , 3s lid ,
stead. ) ; May , 3s lid , steady.
Milwatikon , March 18. Wheat Firmer ;
cash , 8 Xo ; May , 83tfc. ;
Corn Firmer ; No. 3. 8233J o.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2. 27@2r xi ;
Rye More active : No. 1 , 43 ;
Barl-iy Dull ; No. 2 , 57c.
Provlsions-Shoady ; pork ,
Minneapolis. March 13. Wheat
Higher ; receipts , 79 cars ; shipments , 90
cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , March and May ,
$1.10 ; on truck , $1,10 ; No. 1 northern ,
March , 9So ; May , O'J ; No. 2 , northern ,
March 89o ; May , U0)fo ; on track , 90c.
St. I jo iili. March 13 , Wheat Higher ;
cash , 94c ; May , 04 } u.
Corn-HlBlier ; cash , 25J @ 25ic ; May ,
Oats-Firm ; cash , 25tfo ; May , ! . ' ( S27c.
Pork Better at f 12.50.
Lard Higher nt * J.7fig ( l.UO.
Whisky Steady nt * l.u3.
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 2i@20c ;
dairy , 14Q240.
nClnoltumti , March 18. Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 red. 03e.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , mixed. 31@3t ) c.
Outs Buroly steady ; No. U uiixoa ' 20 ®
Whisky-Quiet at $1.03. .
Kansas City. March 13. Wheat-
Steady ; No. 2 rod , cash. SSo asked ; No. 2
soft , cash , no bids nor offerings ; May , OOJ o
Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 24 o bid ; May ,
25 o bid ; No. 3 white , cash , 25Ko ; May ,
l > 7 j'u bid.
Outa No bids nor offerines.
Wednesday , March 13 , 16S9.
There was no very noteworthy change In
the market to-day , but tlio low prices of yes-
tcrilay were fully maintained and in the ma
jority of cases salesmen were calling the
trade still lower. The receipts were almost
ns heavy as yesterday and the market on
beuf und shipping steers was slow to open ,
and when it it id open thoru was no Ufa to the
trade. Tlio buyers avtmt around selecting a
few such cattle as pleased their fancy and
neglecting the balance , and there woru a
good many cattle which did not oven receive
a bid until late in the day. The average
quality of the offerings was pretty fair and
there were some steers good unough to bring
(3.GO. The bulk of the dressed beef and ship
ping steers sold at ( J.t > 0@3.30. Butchers'
stock sold a little more readily but the re
ceipts wore not very heavy , while there was
a very fair demand , Oows sold for the most
part at prices ranging from $3.00@2.50 with
a bunch of holfurs at (3.52) . The number
of bulls sold was small , but the prices ranged
from Jl.50to3.75. Veal calves arc selling
quite readily at $3.00.
Tno market was In a very satisfactory con-
dltlon so fur as the salesmen were concerned ,
' the trade being quite active at un advance of
5@10o. The offerings were all taken and the
market practically olosed by 11 o'clock In the
morning. The prevailing price for nil kinds
of hogs was fl.W , but quiteanumborof loads
brouuht $4.55. There Is a very small range
in prices and very lUllo distinction is made
between fair mlxol loads nnd good heavy or
light weights. The common hogs bring n
certain price nnd it is hard work to get anymore
moro for good hogs. _
There was not n load of sheep In the yards
and nothing to make n market , There were
no fresh receipts nnd the sheep received yes
terday were either sold or shipped out.
The following Is a table of prices paid In
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1533 lbs..M.lD
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibi. . 2.80
Natlvo feeders . 2.75
Common to good cows . 1.53
Choice to fancy cows . 2.43
Fair to choice bulls . 1.7o
Fair to choice light hogs . 4.50
Fair to choice heavy hogi . 4.50
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 4.45 ( jt'-SO '
Fair to choice western sheep. . 3.73 @l.l * >
Fair to choice Nobraskas . 3.50 ( < 4.10
Itcprcsoiitntlva Sains.
No. Av. Pr. Xo. AV. Pr.
OTJ.7r ) 40 . 12S1 JI.UU
111 ! ) 2.7'i SJ . ! ! : i.'lU
mis : i.8. > in . lUJi : i.o.-
ion ) : > .ffl yj . . . .iivi n.iii
1017 . . . - . in . , . i w : uo
Hill 2.W y . I4'.U ' il.13
ins 2.W . . . , . . . , . . . . , ' : i.n
40 . 1175 iTi 31 . l-'ul 3.l'i
17 . 1I5J 2t 1 ! . 14IH : l.ffl :
21 . io < ti s/.n r > . ituo : i.'i' ' )
3 . 10M 2.R6 . llt'l ' 'J.0
II . 1U7U .M'j
.15 . IJI'J ! l.2fi
l.2fiII U M.S.
1 . 17W ) l.W 1 . ICO ) 2.3) )
2 . r,74 2.IU " . ITil'i "M
\ < VU 2.'J ) 1 . 2J1I 2.V )
1410 2.2 1 . 1'JtO 2.7 :
MIM'.l ) .
7 . 88.i 2.0J 7 . 11SO 2.3i
1 . 1KQ 120 2 . 213j 3.2J
' '
1 . 2 : M lT. . US C.OO
4 . 107 5.1)0 )
1 . 104) l.flO ll < . B o 2.CO
4 . M7 1.7S 0 . 1 ( 7 2'J.I
i . lo-jj I.K ) i . iir > ) 2.-r >
10 . NH ) I.9J IT. . ' .in 2.9) )
1 . 124) ) 2.0U 4 . 102.n ! :
2 . ail 2.0) ) 2 . in2.n ;
1. . , , . 71H 2.0J 1 . 111 ! 2.W
22 . 8)7 ) 2.03 3 . lU'IO 2.4'i
10 . 1041 2.0) ) 2 . l.MI 2.W )
44 . WJ 2.0) 3 . l.vil 2.f,0
13 . ic ; 2.u in . uo : 2. u
in . ins 2.10 3 . isj f.r , )
ft . 1IUJ 2.10 21 . 1117 25.15
20 . lir > 7 2.I2J5 4 . 11SJ 2.M
21 . Wll 2.20
1U . Uli 2.70 8 . . . . 0.2 2.73
10 . 711 2.70
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Silk. IT.
BO . 2IS ! : tSI JI.40 lil . 2 > 1 8J 8l.r,0 ,
iVi . 313 24D 4.O 01 . 2X4 40J 4.5J
fiO . ; l 3X > 4.4"i Oi . S.M IM 4.VI
7:1 : . 2:11 : I < M t.i ; ti . . . , : im to v-o
01 . 2.W 240 4.47i ! ' . . . . -0 10 4.RJ
GO . r.7 UK ) 4..V ) 6. . 2 = ti 4..VJ
68 . 210 4.W ) 7" > . 24-i 210Mil
7J . 2l W 4.50 a . 22" . 12J 4.50
Ci . 275 200 4.W fiU . 2S5 40 4.)0
M . 241 40 4.5-1 Wl . 2J7 K ) 45) )
CO . . . .2W ) 4.fO CD. . . .2VS H ) 4.5) )
u227 n-jo 4. 1 ci . . .TO ) I.WH
70 . 241 1(0 ( 4.50 lit . . , .2iU Kfl 4.VVi !
G4 . 270 IdO 4.50 J. . . .2M I'D 4. " . . " /
IU . H 24 ! ) 4.50 fi'.l. . . ,24' > N ) 4.f.2i !
hJi . 257 160 4.5) ) l . . . . : ili 4.V
HI . . . .21l ! llll 4.50 OJ . . . -'till H.I ) 4.5-1
70 . 24 ! ) 40 450 75 . 2.V > 4.Vi
M . 218 ll ) 4.5) ) 70 . 2Ti H ) 4.V ,
M ) . 211) ) 120 4/.0 HO . 304 4.M
54 . ! IU 1ft ) 1.50 51 . 2VT 4.55
07 . 2n S ) 4.TO OS . 2II 4.m
74 . 2)4 ) m 4.5) ) ell . . . .21) 40 4.iVi
Ul . 22 8) 4.M ) 68 . ZM W 4.V ,
70 _ 247 160 4.50 CO . 2S5 4.M
lilvo Ktook Note- ) .
No shcop to make a market , .
A weak and dull cattle market.
A sharp advance in the hog market.
The firm of Martin Bros , will continue
business without any change being caused by
the death of L. T. Martin.
The hog market is back now about n'lioro
it was attho beginning of the week , but as
compared with last Wednesday , there is a
gain of about 5u in the prises paid.
Shippers must not send in big jnw cattle
oxpcctinir to receive beef prices for them.
Such cattle are now condemned by the inspector
specter nnd sent to the rendering hou o
where they will bring only about * 'J.53@.00
per head. _
Fruits , Produce , Ktc.
BUTTF.U Creamery Fancy print , 22@2lq ;
choice print , 20@J2o ; fancy solid PJUKCU , IS
@ 19c ; choice solid packed , 15@17c. D.ilry
Fancy roll , 17il'Ji ( : ; choice , 15 ( < SlOe ; good , 12
@ 1 Ic ; low grades , 10@llc.
CIIRKSK Full crti-iin cheditnrs , choice , 12@
12 > e ; full cream flats , two in hoop , 12g (
l c ; full cream Y. A. , choice. i2) < J@13u ; oil
grades nnd sUims , 5@9c ; limburger , 13@
13 > c ; brick and Swiss , 14 15c.
Koos Strictly fresh , ll$12c ( ! ; cold stor
age , 8@9c.
LIVE POULTIIV Chickens , per doz , $ . ) . . > 0@
3.75 ; ducks , SJ.25'a3.50 ; geese , ? 3.5D@9.)0 ( ) ;
turkeys , per Ib , 9@10c.
DIIKSSKD POUI.TIIV Chickens , per Ib , 9@
lie : turkeys , ll@13c ; geese , ll@12c ; ducks ,
VKAU Heavy grassers , 15J to 200 Ibs , 5@
Co ; inferior culvcs , 50toi01bs ( , : J@3o ; medium
to good , 70 to 85 Ibs , 4@Gc ; clioicu to fancy ,
100 to 130 Ibs. (5Tc. (
VnoiyrAiii.Eij PotatoesColorado and Utah ,
60@05c ; Wyoming , 50@53c ; Noor.ishu aiul
Iowa , ghoico large , ! iO@33c ; common. t3@30c ! ;
swcot potatoes , .fersuys , per bbl. $2.75@d 00 ;
beets , per bu. , 55@JOc : ; carrots , US lOc ; cab-
b.ige , California , per Ib , 2 < < fc ; parsnips , 5' ' ) @
COu ; onions , red choice , 5u@ > 3c ; silver skin ,
00@73c ; turnips , 20@25c : rtitabagaR , 3o@lOe :
radishes , asjc-lUo ; luttuce , 23@3)c ) : cucum
bers , $1.GO@2.00 ; string beans , per box , $1.75
02.25 ; celery , 25@30c ; spinach , ? 1.50@2.00
per bbl.
GAME Mallard , per doz , ? 3.00i23.50 ; red
head , per doz , $2. . > 0 ( < 3.00 ; teal , per doz , * l"i
@ 2.00 ; common small , per doz , S1.00@l.50 ;
rabbits , per doz , lOc@$1.0J ) ; Jucli raubils , per
doz , ? a.00@3.50 ; squirrels , per doz , U0c(21.00 ( ;
Jack snipe , * 1.X@I.25. ( )
Ari'j.ES Per bbl , fancy New York and
Michigan , S.J.50 ; choice , $3.00@J.'JO : choice
Missouri , $ ' . ( )0@2.25 ) ; good , ? l.7.- > @ 2.00.
POUKION fuuiTS Malaga grapes , kegs , -10
to .Vj Ibs , lOc per Ib ; bananas , per bunch ,
fl.50@3.00 ; lemons , fancy now , ! IOO to 'MO s ,
53.73fre4.50 ; oranges , I.os Angeles , | 3.f)0@
2.75 ; Utvorsidcs. $3.75r4 ( 00 ; Navels , * 5.00 ( < fi
5.50 ; Ilanchito , fi fOfJ.75. ) .
CiiAMiciiitins UollA : 13uglo , choice , $7.50
@ 7.75 ; Hell & Cherry , choice , . * 0.50 ( < ru.7D ;
choice Jersey , $ S.KS8.25. ( )
HinKS Grcun saltrd , No. 1 , 5@3 } c ; No.
2 , : t@3 > 4'o ; calf , ngfij o ; dry Hint , 7 sc.
13nAN Navies , hand pluUcd , per bu , $2.10
( 2.20 ; good clean country , $1.03@j.OJ ; offer
or poor stock , $1.00@1.50 ; California , ? -.W@
. CiDKit Mlchlgun , per bbl , * J.50@ ' > .00New ;
York , per bbl , $ .i.UO@3.50 ; half bbl , $ . ' .75@
FKATIIEHS Per Ib. prnnolivogcosc , whlto ,
35iiOc ! ; mixed with gray , 23@3'Jo ' ; damp ana
musty , 10S2JO ; prime live domestic duck , 20
@ 25e ; wild duck. 15 ( < ( 'JJc.
SlUEKKinuT Per bbiUOgal , cholcj , M 00 ;
per half bbl , $2.23.
Poi'coitN Per Ib , rice , l@l c ; common ,
HONEY Mb frames , choice whlto , I5@10c ;
dark , 13@14o ; strained , 10@12c.
Ji ; I.I.IKS l@l > o per Ib ; preserves , 10l''o
per Ib.
LXHD 7 0 In 50-lb pkgs.
MI.NCUMEAT < JK@7o I'er ' Ib.
Revised prices are as follows :
BAGGING-- Stark A , seamless , 23c ; Amos-
koag , seamless , 17 > c ; Lowlston A. seamless ,
l'Jj ; American , seamless , 17o ; burlaps , 4 to 5
bu , ll(3Hcj ( gunnies , single , 14c ; gunnies ,
double , 23o ; wool sack , 40c.
TWINES Flax , 20o ; cotton , 18@23c.
DUIED FIIUITS t Igs , in boxes , per Ib , 11 ®
14o ; dates , In boxes , 7@10c ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , $5.00 ; Malaga loose
raisins , $2.80Q2.50 ; now Valencia raisins ,
per Ib , 7 0 ; California loose muscatels , l > er
box , ? lo@3.30j ( Calif ornlu Loudons. 18 .
$3.40 ; pitted cherries , jwrlb , 17o ; California
pitted plums , ) > cr Ib , 12 < < $ Ua : dried .black
berries , per Ib , ( X < J7c ; dried raspberries ,
per Ib , 27a ; evaporated apples , 0@7 > o ; Cali
fornia unpaired evaporated peaches , 12@l4o ;
evaporated California apricots , 17o ; currants
Bf@5j4j05 ) TurkUh prunes , 4 ? < @ c ; citron
22324o ; orange peel , 15u ; lemon pool , He ;
California French prunes , 7JfVtll ( ) < o.
PICKI.ES Medium. In bbls , 5.00 ; do , In
half bbls , $3.00 ; small in bbls , JO.OO ; do In
half bbls , (3.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00. do ,
In half bbls , $1.00.
COKHEES Gorman , 2 < Ko ; Mc-
Laughlln's XXXX , 21 0 ; Arlosa,24K .
- Green Mocha , 25 ( 30c ; Rio
good , lS@10c ; Mandahllng , 2flr12So ; roasting
Hlo , 17W18oO. ; G. Java , iH 'Oc ; Java In
ferior. 2-2@23o ; Hlo. fancy , # Uf.32c : ; Santos
nnd i\larncnlbo,17Q19 ( ? . . . - /
Sue n Grantilntcdf 7(37'tcj ( 'ronf. A. 7V < S !
White extra C. O'fc : extra CVflf c ? yellow C ,
Ocs cutloaf. 8 ( ij9o ; powdered , ) ( ® tc\ \
cubes , 7Jf(33c. ( .1
BEESWAX Choice yellow ' dark
, $9 < 23Jlo ;
colored , 13@14c.
Tontcco Plug , 20S3- ; smoking , lO lOo.
SAt.T-$1.35@1.40 per bbl.
Horn 7-10 , 14 0.
MAPLH SUOAU Bricks , Jll2o ( per Ib ;
penny cakes , I2fll3i ( ! per , Jl ; pure mnplo
syr jp , f 1.00 per gai. ,
Srovn Svnurs 34@35o per gal.
Wu\rriNO PM-EU Manilla , O''c nor Ib ;
straw , ljaij ( < c iwr Ib ; rng,2 , epcr Ib.
TKAS Voung Hyion , conjiion | to fair , 19 ®
SJie ; Young Hyson , good to futtcv , 30(4" > 5c ;
Gunpowder , common to Rood , 22(425c ; Gun
powder , choice to fnncv. 40 I05o ; .Japan , com
mon to medium. 12 < il2Jc ; Japan , choice to
fancy , 30@45c ; Oolong , common to irobd , 85
@ 40c ; Oolong , choice to fancy. 50gT70c ; Im
perial , common to medium , 2o@35c : Imperial ,
good to fancy , WtitSQc.
CitACKmis ( ' . © To per Ib ; assorted cakes , 8
@ ! 5c per Ib , as per list.
CAJCIIV Mixed. 0 } @ 12 } e ; stick , 9 rtllc ;
rock candy , ll'f@13c ) ; fancy candy , 7ii2Sc ( ,
Iloi.i.vs'i ) Hnuiti.Nii fttri.Mo. ) )
M Miuunk Family Hnbls , $12.50 : No. 1 ,
Coi ! Fisit-5K3 , ' c.
NfT1 * Almonifs , lfl. ? 18o ; Pecans , 13c : Bra
zils , Jlu ; pa.uiuts , US' lite.
Dry GooiN.
COTTOX Fiaxxnt.s 11) ) per cent trndu dls-
fount , UnbloachO'l ' L L , a'.o ; O C , lyfe ; S
S. 74ff ; H E. bfc ; G G. n o ; X X , lo c : O
O , 11M ; N N , liUc ' ; A A. 14u ; O U , lajs'e ;
TT , lii > .fc ; YY.'lho ; H 11. llu ) ; blcnelii-d.
20. S < 4c ; ill , 12 , c ; bO , W c. Brown anil
shite , r.O. ! 'o : 70 , 12' ' e ; S'o , lOc.
Cutrr.T W.Mii1 Bibb , white , 19c ; colored ,
Ui-m Standard , So ; Gum , IDc ; Beauty ,
' o ; Uoone , 14o ; B , cased. 5U.53.
I'uiNTM Solid colors Atlantic. Oic ; Sinter ,
Oc ; Berlin oil , 0 > ic ; Garner oil. Cre. (
PIII.NT Pink nnd robaj Allen , Oc ; River-
point , . " > Kc ; hteol River , ( l > jc ; Richmond ,
0'jc ' ; PiU'ille , 7c.
J'ltixrs Dress Charter Oak , BJfc ; R-im-
npo , 4 ; Lo'li , 5'4o ' ; Allen , ( 'c ; Richmond , Cc :
Windsor , 3 < e : Edljstonu,0 > fc ; Paclllc , 0'2'c.
1'uiVTs. IVDIOO BLUI : bt. Laser , 5K''i
Arnold , ( 'i ; Amcrlcun , 0) ) e ; Arnold C.
long cloth. Uo : Arnold B. IOIIK cloth , lOJ/o ;
Arnold , Gold lOJfc ; Stcifel A , 12o ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , lU'rfc.
UINOIIAM Ptunkutt , ch'ecks. 7cVhltten ;
ton , 7i" York , 7o : Normandi dross , Sc ; RJII-
frovv dress WQI'J u ; Whittcnton , Sc ; C.U-
cutt.i , 7e.
CKMIIHICS Slater , 5e ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , 5j ; Peacock , . " > c.
Bi.nxciir.n Siinr.Tixo Kllcrton. TJifo ;
Housekeeper , fc } o ; Now Candidate , S ) L % ;
Bor.ssley c.T.nbric , No. 0 ) , O'fe ; Uiit. Yut ,
4-4 , iyfi ; Buttercloth. CO. 44c } ; Cabot , ij c ;
Farwull , hulf bleached , hV o ; Fruit of Loom ,
S'c ; Ciroun G , Oc ; Hopc/ij u ; King Philip ,
cambric , lOc : LonsJulo c.imbric , 10e : Lona-
ilalobJi New York mills , 10 > o : I'ep-.iarell ,
42 in , lt ) > . ; c ; Pcpperell , 45 in , lijPepper ; -
ell , 114 , loj-jo ;'ll , S-4 , 2te : Popparull ,
! ) -4 , 2 c ; Pcpprrcll , 104 , ' . ' 5c : Canton. 4-1 ,
S'i'c ; Canton , 4-4. ! ) } fc ; Triumph , Go ; Warn-
HUttu , lie ; Valley , uj.
Dnow.s SIIKCTIVO Atlnntiu A , 4-4. T ji. ' ;
Atlantic H , 4 4 , 7c ; Atlantic n , J-4,0',1.1 ' , : At ,
luntlc P.ll , do ; Aurora IjL 4-4 , Oc : Aurora
C , 4-1 , 44'c ; Crown XXX. 4"4 , Ui4c : Hoosier
Lu , 4 I , ( ic ; Indian Hoail.'f t 4. 7'4i' ' : Lawrence
renco LL , 4-4 , tic ; Old Dominion , 4 I. . " > } ; c ;
Pcpporcll E , 40 inch , U.c ; , l'opl > ' 'rell , h 4 ,
18j ; Pcpperell4 ! ) , 'Jlc ; P.-pjercll , 104 , 2Jc ;
Utio.i C. 41 1 , 4 c ; Wiichusbtt , 4-4 , 7 4c ; Au-
ror.i R , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora Hl-4 , 0'ije.
FI.VNMLS , PI.AIO it.ifrenien.2Uj , Gohen ,
3J } c ; Clear Lake , 110 , c ; 'Jron Mounuin ,
° c '
G H No 1. % , 2 < l c ; B H > 'p. 2. 2''K : H H
No 1.if , ! IOtQiiecliej No , 1 , ,4 Jo : Quo-
clicuN . . 2 , Jf , 37 ' < QiiOn6p ; ! No 3 , ,3J , ' < o ;
Anawan , h2Kc ; Windsor , ' 22J < " 'c.
FIAVXKIJJ , RCII c , a - lnih"mK ; ( - ; E , 24-
Inch , 21 > . " < u ; G G. 24-mi'i.\flo ' ) ; si A F ,
20c ; .1 ) t"F , Jf , 27c ; G , ? f,252.
DL-CK West Point , 2'J-iii , S oz , lO u ; AVest
Point , 2'J-ln. 10 oz , I2' ' cWiist ; Point , -Ja-ln ,
12 or , l.'ic ; West I'oint , 40-in. 11 oz , Ilio.
Cousins , IIVNS : Andros'cogcin , yc ; Kcar-
sargc , 7 < o ; Rockport. OJfl'V Conetosra , imc.
TICK' ? York , : ,0 in. 12 , York , 3J In ,
133 < c ; Swift Kiver. be ; Thorniltlto , OO , bc ;
Thonidikc , EE , Skc ; Thorndikc. 120 , UJtfu ;
Thorndlkc , XX , lee ; Cordis , No. 5 , UJ c ;
Cord is , No. 4 , lO c.
DKNIM Amositca ? , 0 oz , 10 , ' c ; Everett ,
7 oz , 13l c ; York , 7 oz , IJiMc ; Hnvnmkcr ,
b > , 'o : Jiitfroy XX , llj c ; Jaffrey XXX , V'y.u ;
lloavur Crack , AA , 12-j ; Heaver Creek , 1SU ,
lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lllc.
KKNTUCKV Juixs Memorial , 15o : Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , " Hc ; Hercules , l u ; Leam
ington , 22 > jfc : Cottswold , 27J < o ; Melville ,
Ciusn Stevens' B , 5' < fc ; Stevens' B.
blearhed , 7o ; Slovens' A. 7 i ; ; t > te vans' A ,
bleached , ' o ; Stevens' P , i > fc ; Stevens' P ,
blcacaud , tj-4'o ; Stevens' N. Uo ; rflovons' N ,
bleached , l c ; Stevens' SUT , 11 < \
Sit tnl autl Tinners' Stocif.
Block tin , small pig . $ 28.00
Block tin , bar . 2l'.M ' )
Copper , planished boiler siz.-s . I4.00
Copper , cold rolloi . 31.10
Copper , fttic.ithing , . 30.00
Copper , pilt.s . , . ; iO.OU
Copper , Hats . 31.0J
Gal. sheet iron , Junlata , 50 , 10 nnd 5
per cent discount . , .
Put. planished iron , 31 to 27 A . 10' ' < /
Pat. ptanisbed iron. 24 to 27 B . Oj ;
Rooting , 1C , 14\20 , 112 sheets . d.OJ
Rooting , IX , 14x211 , 112 sheets . 7.50
Rooting , 1C. 20x23 , 112 sheets . ll.'JO
Roollnir , IX. 20\28 , 112 sheets . 14 5J
Sheet iron No. 2J . 340
Sheet iron No. 27 . 3.f.0
Solder . 1 i ( U
Tin pinto , best charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets . 050
IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets. . . ' . t-,25
Tin pmto uoko
IC.10xl4 , 235sheets . fl.25
Steel nails , per le . 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg . ' 2.75
UH iiiKl'ClicinlcnlH.
ACIDS Sulphuric , l ; c ; citric , 5Sc ; oxalic ,
lee ; tartanc , 40j ; Am. care , 12c ; alum , 2 | < fi5 (
3c ; arrowroot , 'Wo ; balsam capabu , Or @roy ;
borav , 10@13c ; calomel , sO.1 ; castor oil , tl.0 >
@ 1.10 ; cream tartar , 32 , : : corroslvo sub , &Uc ;
chloroform , 45 < riVc ) ; cxt logwood , 12c ; uly-
cjrine , 2lo : gum arable , i)0o ) : gum camphor ,
35u ; Rum opium , $3.15 : morphia sulph. fJ.liU
@ 2 85.
OILS Bercamot , $3.603.00 ( ? ; lemon , $2.00 ;
peppermint , $ J.OO ; > ( . ) f > 0 ; 'wlnlGrgrcen , ' .40 ;
olivo. $1.01) ) ; ( julnlno , 35i4Sc ( ; strychnia , J1.03
@l.ll ) .
Dimension and Timber
12 ft 1 1 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 2.2J fl
2x4 . eiSOJ 15.0J 15.00 1DOJ 17.0J 20,00
2x0 . 15.00 15.011 15.00 111 00 17.00 2D.OJ
2x8 . 15.00 15.0,1 15.00 ld.00 17.1K ) 20.00
2x11) ) . 15(10 ( 15.00 15,00 1000 1700 2000
2x13.- . 15.00 15.00 15.001000 17,0) ) 20.00
4x8 8x8 10.00 10,00 10.0 17,00 17.0J 20.00
Fencing , , ,
No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 and 14
feet , i-ouch . " . $ IOOO@10.50
No. 1,4 and 0 inch , 10' feet. . . . 17.00ti > 17.50
No. 2 , 4 unU I ) Inch , 12/nd 14
feet . 13.50@14.00
No 2 , landO inch , 10J ct . 15.WjilS.OO ( (
Finishing- . , M
1st and Ul clear , It/ inch s. 2s 49.00@51.00
1st and 2J , clear , IV and 2
Inch , s , 2s . . ' ' . 47,00rt35 00
3d , clear , 1 } inch , s.'Ss. ' ' . . 4.00 : ) ( > i-UJ.UO
3d , clear , \\i \ and2inuhB. ! 2s. . 43.00W1UOO
B select , l } { , 1 , andiSlncli.s.
2s . l.i' ' . . 37.00 ( < ? 3S.OO
Island 2a , clear , 1 Inctus. 2s. . 4 > 00
A select , 1 inch , s. 2s. * ji . 38.00
B selecl , 1 inch , s. 2sa. ; . 'Jl.OO
Flooring v <
1st com G Inch whlto pine . 34.00
2d " " "
- . 31.00
Sd " ' . 2000
D " " "
. 2000
Com 4 and 0 in yellow pine . 15.50
Star" " " . . . . ib.OO
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4
and 0 inch. . , . 20.00
Lime , etc.
Qulttcy whlto llmo , best . .00
KnglUu and German Portland
cement . , . 3.40
Milwaukee and Louisville. . , . . 1.30
Michigan and Ft. Dodge plaster 2.2.1
BluoRaplds plaster . . . . . . 1.03
Hair . .20
Sash . 00 and 10 pur cant discount
Doors , blinds , mouldings.&Oand 10 per cl dis
Tarred felt , per cwt. . . , , . 2.00
Straw boards , " . , . j.05
Poplar Lumber-
Clear poplar , box boards , } ( in
s2s . . . . . . . . . 3500
Clear poplar , % ln panel. . 80.00
" " X . 25.00
" " 1 { " slock
wide , s 2s . 28.00
Clear iwphir corrugated coll-
Posts . '
Whlto cedar. G Inch , halves. . . . 13
" " 5K " " nnd
8 Inch q'rs . . . 11
White codar,4 Inch , halves , . . . lf (
Tennessee red cedar , split . . . . 10
Kpiltoak , ( white ) . . . , . , . , 8
Sawed oak , " . . . . 10
Shingles , Lath , per M
XX clear . t . 3.20
Kxtra "A * . 2.SO
Standard A . . . . . . 2.00
5 inch , clear , i . l.fiO@1.70
OInch , clear . 1.75W1.80
No.l . l.lOdfl.15
California red wood , dimen
sion widths . 4.50
Cypress , clear heart , dimen
sion widths . 3.10
Lath . 2.50
Ship Lao-
No. 1 , plain , SandlS Inch , . 17.50
No. 2 , " " 10 " . Ifi.fiO
No. 1 , O. G . 18.0J
Isl com , W and 10 feet . 22.00
2d " " . 19.00
3d " " . 15.00
Fence " " . 13.00
Stock BoM'ds
A 12 inch , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and If. ft 40.03
B " " " " 4l.tH )
C " " " ' : m. X )
D " " " " 23.IH )
No. 1 com. 13 in. s. 1 s. 13 feet 18.00
No. 1 " " " 14 nnd
10 foot . 17.50@18.60
No , 1 com. 12 In. H. I s. 10 , 18
nnd 2J feet . 10.50
No. 2 com. 12 in. s Is. 14 unit
Klfcet . 17.00
Celling and Partition
1st com. * f In , white pine parti
tion . 82.00
2d com. ? / in. white iittio parti
tion .
Clear % in. yellow pine ceiling 2(1 ( DO
Clear > ' „ in. Norway . . . . . . 14 BO
2d com. > ' , in. Norway . 1U.OO
No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft ld.50
No 2 " " " " 14.50
No. 3 " " " " 12.00
No. 4 " " " "
( ship'gcull ) . 13.00
Add 50 cents pir M. for rough.
Battens , Well Tubinjr , Pickets
O. G. Baits , 21 f inch . CO
O. G. Batts , J < fs3 , SIS . 35
3 in. well tubing , D. te M. nnd
bev . 20.CO
Pickets , 1) . & II. Hut . in 00
Pickets , D. A : II. sauure . 22.00
P revisions i Stocks
First National Bank ,
: iO5 Sonlli I : tfli Direct , - Omalia
Leave. | Ai rive.
A No.2 . . , fiOJp. : ra.'A No.l 7:00 : a. m.
O No.D 0:0 : > a. in. U No n 6Hp.m. : )
A No. 4 . . . , UOa.m.A : ( No.a :
No. 8. . . . , . u3n. : ! in. No. 7 . HCia , in.
No. 8 . 4:15 : p. m No. a . tit ; > j u , m.
No. 4 . D : ID p. mNo. | 6 . 0:1 : * ) ] ) . m.
All Trains Dolly.
A No.2 . 'J:40a.iivA : No.l . o:5Us.m. :
A No.4 . 7 : < Wp. in. A No.i : 7:10 : p. in.
lll.ur rH.
No.2 a. m.lA No.3 . ( l.TOa. in.
No.4 . 'J' A No , 1 . flUJp.m. :
No. 10 . 7U5 : a. m.lA No.i . 8V. : a. m.
No. 13 . 7OJn. : m.A No. 11 . 0:00 : p. in.
A No.B . . . ,4ii P.IU.IA No. 7 . 12:00 : m.
A dally : H ( tally except Saturday ; U except
Sunday ; I ) except Monday ; fantmnll.
Tlio time given aoore U for Transfer , there
being from nva to ten minutes between Trans-
er and local depots.
Itiiniilng between Council Illulfs ana AU
brluht. In addition to tha stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth nnd Twenty.fourtU
BlreotB , and at tno binnm It In Oinaht.
II road Trans Omaha "TSouth Al-
way. fer. depot. Sheely. Omaha bright.
"ATM ? A.M. A. M. A. M. A.M. A.M.
6:45 : 5:51 : CU : ) 0:0 *
oio : 8:17 : 6io : ; 6:37 : 0:50 : 0:55
0:55 : ' , ; 0 ! 7:15 : 7V2 : 7:33 : 7:40 :
7:45 : 7:12 8V : ( U:25 : 8:3) : )
8:45 : u:25 : U'lO
10:25 : 10.30
11:12 ' 11:3 : ]
11:45 : - ' * ' P. M. p. J'L I' . M.i
r. n. P. M. > ; 12:12 : 12.-2. '
12:41 12:52 1:05 1:12 1:26 : 1W :
1:45 : 1:52 : 2:0. : , 2:25 : 2:30 :
2:45 : 3a : > 3:25 : 3:30 :
U:4J : yS | 4:12 : 4:25 : 4:30
: 5:30 :
6J52 6:05 : :25 : 6:30 :
e-,53 7:0- : . 7:12 : 7:25 7 : JO
7:45 : 7:53 8:05 : B:25 : 8:30 :
B:4f : > 8:62 : 0:05 : 0:26 :
10:05 : 10:12 : 10:25 : 10:30 :
10 Ui Mhlrll- ! 11:051 : 11:30 : 11:45 : 11:30 :
from the
TOYMEN effects of youthful
errors , early d oy (
-m v > lost tuftuJiocxl. rtff.
t will und valuably trtAtUo ( iralcd ) oouUloiiu ; full
for tu > me cure , free of charre.
. O. JrO WJJIll , MOt5fiUS COUU *
_ ABrlculturnl Implomonta.
Dealer 1 1 Agriciiltinal Implements , Wagons
Cnrrlfipo mid bucitlo , , tonc lrpct , brtnccii Stli nnd
, f .VK7 CM LFco
Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages
B uglily , etc. Wliolo nlO. Omnlin , Nrtuntkn ,
1'AHLIX , OllNXDUlW , t .I IKT/.Y CO.
Whole lo Donlcr * In
Agricultural Implements , f agons& Buggies
Hl ) , nn , 101 nnd POT Jonc < Httat , Oiunhn ,
&si OI > DA iw cu ,
llanufnctiircn nml Jutibpri In
Wagons , Buggies , Rate , Hews Etc ,
Cor. lull mid I'nclHc Mroct' , Omnlia.
t'll , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1.V13 Doiiulna Uruct Omnlm ,
Boots and Shoos.
- Jobbers of Boots f nd Shoes ,
1101,11(11,1105 ( IMnglni tlrod , Dinnlin. Miimifnctnr' ,
Summer utici't , lloton.
_ Conl , Coke end j.lmo.
b MAiiA cdAj. < * < : oKi : , v Ibco. / ? ?
Jokers of Ham and M Coal ,
i tldi street , Oinnha , Nebra < in.
211 Soutli nth S-t , , Omiiliu , Nuti.
Inil'orlcr * nnd Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassy/are / , Lamps , Silverware
Ktc. 1514 Kiirnnm ttrrct , new I'nxton bulldlni ; ,
Storage and Couimhsioa Mercliants ,
s Ituitcr. CKKR , clicosn , pnultrr , ffanio.
jiuHuwaru t oct OinnhnNob.
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
( Successors to McSlimin A. f cliroeder. )
Uniiilm , Ncbrnskn.
_ DryjCooda and Notions. .
M. E. 'sUnrir , t co. ,
Dry Goods , Fiiriiisiiing Goofls and Notions
llff-'niidllOHIouxlua. cor. lltli street , Omnlm , Neb.
KiLPA'riticK-Kouii i > nv uoous co. ,
Importers ? lift Jotte in Dry Goods , Notions
Gents' furnlsbluc Kmul . Corru'r lilb utuI Harncy
HELIX , 3770.irr.VOA * A CO. ,
Importers nn I Jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
.117 toutli lllli street.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Karnuni street , ( Jrantirt , Ncbmkn ,
CJ1AKLKS .S7// KJSH/t'/i ,
Furniture ,
Craiiln Ncbrustia.
Wholesale Groceries ami Provisions.
TOi , 70T , 70 ! ) nnrt 711 South 10th ft. , Omaha. Noli.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th nml Lcuvcnworth street * , Omnlm , Ncbrnikn.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Stsel ,
gs , wncon ttoclt , Imrclwurp , liimlipr , etc. 1MO
uiul I''ll llurney xtruut , Omaha.
Lin , CLARKE , AXnilEDSEX 11A1W-
Wholesale Hardy/are / , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , iilioct Iran. etc. Aucntn for Ilnwo xcnles.
Mlnml poivilcrunil Lyiiinn b.irlied wire ,
BniM rs1 Handwareaiu : Scale Repair Sbop ,
Mechanics' tools nml ItnlTiln nrnles. HUJ UotiKlns
ntruetOmiil > , Null.
. Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported and American Portland cement , btnto
ttf nt fcr Mllnnukeo nytliHulIc cement nnd
( julncr nmto llmo.
uiiAS n.
Dealer in HaruWooi Lniier ,
Wooacurpi't ninl pirquctllnorliig. WU and Douulaa
rtruutB. Onntnu , Nob. t
co. ,
All Kinds ofBnililliigMaterial at Wholesale ,
IStl ) Street MIIJ Unlunl'acIHe Track , Omnbn ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Ktc , Yardt-Cornor Till nuil Douglm. Corner
lOtli and Duu lnn ;
Luinler , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Uh mid DouflusSU , Uimiliii.
c. x
Dsaler in All Kinds of Lumber ,
11lh and CHllfornlu Etreeli , OmHhn , Nebraska.
_ Millinery and NotlonB. _
' "
/ . omriwr DKJi A CO. ,
Importers & Jotiliers in Millinery & Notions
. . 2IUnnd jr.'Miuth 1 1 th itreut.
Wholesale Notions aid Furnishing Goods ,
OI mid ( USKuutli 10th itrcet , Umahii.
Notions and Gents' ' Fnrnisiin2 ! Goods ,
110S llornej trett , Omnha.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo ercaie , etc. , Oinnlin , A. II , Illthop ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry A nice Hock of printing , wrapplnz and writing
paper , Dtieclil altonllun Klvvn to car load l ordtri.
Storage } , Forwarding * Com ml as Ion ,
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
lirauc bouio of the Iluriicr llugcr Co. llujiglen
wUuleiale anil retail. Uri. U1J. llli IsarJttrutt ,
Urn aha. TeUpUuna No , 7iJ.
J1ARDV & CO. ,
Jubtiori of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Home furnliblnit cool. ciilMren' * cnrrUuvi , .C
l , Omlia.H B.
, Burcctiori to ItcoJ.Jonci A Co.
Wholesale Mannfactorers of Boots & Shtes
Agcnta for llo-lon lludhfr Phoe Co , ll . 1101 and 11M
llatnoj f ttecl , Omaha , Nebratia.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1U1 North KlRliIecnth ftroet , Omaha.
Hann'acturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Wlndon-capa and mefallo ikjrl'Khti. John Kponettr.
proprietor. 1(8 and liutnuth 10th itrocU
" '
Manufacturers of Overalls.
loan . Pants , Slilrt , etc. U1W Douglas strcct
Omnlia , Neb ,
Offloo Fixtures.
Manufacturers of
BM , Office and Saloon Fixtnres ,
Mnntlrs , SldclminU. Hook Own. llrim Klxturrn. Wall
rn i' , Partition ! . Unlllne * , Counter * , Itrnriiiid \ \ Ina
foolorj , Mlrror , nrtnry nnd offlrr , I"JO nnd 1WJ
South loth St. , Unmlin. Tclciihono ll.u.
Pnpor Boxes.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Ko . l"17 ad.l 1113 DonBlai tlroct , Omnhii. Neb.
Rubber Goods.
Maiinfaclnrers a'1 Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 clolhliiR and leather telling. 1003 Knrnnm ilrenl
Sash , Doors , Etc.
jV. 1. DISliROW A CO. ,
Whotottlc manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llrnmh ofllec , lth nnd Itnnl rtrccl Omaha , Neb.
Mannfctnrers : of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MoulOInc * . Klulr-noric nnd Inltrlor hanl irood flnlBh.
.N. 13.corner Slh nnd l.cnrenvu rth itrccta ,
Oinnlin , .Sell.
Pump ? , PI'PBS and Engines ,
Jtearo , natpr , rnlltrny nnd raining iippllci , eta.
KO. Ita nnd UJ4 Inrinim urtut , Omnha.
Steam and Wate Supplies ,
nallidax Kind mill * . Si = t nnd 121 Jones St.Omaha.
U. I' ' . Ituts , noting lunnnKor.
Engines , Bute and General Mschinery ,
Sheet Iron work , ntenin pump * , i.iw mills. 1213-121J
I.e.tveiiworlh BtrcLt , Oninbn.
Iron Works.
Carter & Son , Prop'v .Mnnufnt turers of nil kinds
Steahi Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron Wori
Works South 20th ami I ) , i M. crossing.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding Wort
Engines brnni work , ponrral foundry , mnchlne and
blacKMUlth work , onicc unit noriu , U. I * . Hy.
nnd lith strcot , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
UcsknilK window Biinnls , Mower stand * , wlresliina ,
etc. lil.North Hitli nnetOmnha.
Mauf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Protf Salla.
Vaulfv J.ill work. Iron shutters and tire escapes.
U. Andrecn , prop'r. Cor. 14th and Jackson fts.
Iron nd Wire Fence ; , Railings , Guards
and screens , for bmik * . onice * , storo9rflrhlencc etc.
Imuro.-Kl nwnlng" , loekmnlth nmchliirrr nnd
blacksm Uh worbt. 40) < puth llth t.
Live SlocK Commission Merchants ,
Ol&co Itoom 1M , Oppoitlta Etelmnco Dulldlnc , Union
block Viuds , bouth Onmha , Nub.
Of Omana , Limited ,
'John ' r. lliiyd , Superintendent.
Til n-
OF Til 13
Chicago , Milwaukee t , Paul R'y ' ,
The Host Jtoiilc from Onmlin nnd Council
Itliiil's to
Clilt'no [ , AND Mi'.wankco ,
.St. I'nul , .Minneapolis , Cellar
Kock Ihlitnil , I'Yecporl , Kockfonl ,
Cllntun , liiliiiie ) ( | , Djucnport ,
Elgin , .Aliidison , , Jaiios\lllc ,
Iteloit , Wlnona. Ln Crussc ,
And all other Important polnti K t , Xorlheatt nna
Kor tliroiiKli tlcketB , mil nn Ilia ticket imentnt IJOl
Kurnniu atruut , In llurkcr ni Union I'atlllo
1'ullmun lcopor nnd the llnoft Dliilnv Can In tha
norlil nru run un the m iln Una of tlio ( lluui > , .Mil-
wuukcu \ M. r.tul Hallw.iy , unit nver/ attention Is
pain to p.itjiMiKerii b } counooua uiniilioen of tha
uiiii'.iian ) .
H. . > lM.IKItGcnPral Miuiiiffr.
J. K. TIIUKi.U , AuMiintOeneral Mnnneer.
A. V. It. CAUI'K.Vl'KIt , ( Juilural l'a seii er nnd
TlckDt Ak'Uiit ,
i.KO. 1C. HUAI-TOllI ) , A Utuul fioncrall'imsoujjcr
nml Ticki t .W'ent.
T. J.CI.AUK , General Supcrlntcndunt.
, .
Council Bluffs
. And Chicago ,
. ,
Kllfll Mll'l 1 IUII./I HIM II II ' | TB
t pcmll lu by nny othur llnu.
Anionj a lownf thn nuiiiurnui points of suneilorltr
e'ljoypilliy ( hopiilipiiiiif this road betnvini Omnlia
nnd Clilniuo. nro In thri'o trnln 11 ilar or DAY
( o CIIKS , hlch nretliD llnett whlth Ininian urt unu
Iniri'iiiilly run create. ll I'AI.ACK KI.HKI'INO fAll- " ,
the c'lniil ui which can not uu found cl > o > Tlu > ru. At
Couiull Illufln. tliulriiln * of tha Union 1'iiclllc ll.ill.
wny ciimipi I In unldii ilopcit with thnio of tint Chit
Lniii.VN > irllitTi < > U > rii ll.illwny. In C'lilc.un ihu trnl.n .
ut tlili Utie iiniku cloio CDiinii-llo.i nlth tlnmo of all
other Kii lMni | liu > > .
for liairrill , 4'iilunibu * . Indlnnaiiolls , Clnilnn'itl ,
Nlaitiira lulls , Ilumild , I'lttil.urii. riiionto.lluiiirbnl ,
lliiatiin.Noir Yurk. I'lillifloliihlii , llultlni.iro , WM | I'
Inuion , and nil points lit Iliu IH : I. A < k lor llctuts tin
If yon l h the Le t nicoiiiiuudulloii. All tlcict
in.-cni sell Hi kits vhi III s line
ii.iiu.iiuri1. i : . i WIUSJN ,
I.on I Mnniincr. ( iuii'J IM s r Aucut.
W. .V. lUlirO.'K./fn'VAvuitcrn'Aitciil. '
I ) , i : . KIMIIAI.I..TIcknt AKunt.
(1 I' . WKbT , City I'usuciiuor Ascnt.
HOI r.tinain f tieet , Omnlm , Neb ,
rt luftrd dUtliicilf * tcutfoit tU
ttrrfclUUi.ue if riu MlutlritcJ lock 4) ruoU