THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUKSDAY , MARCH 14. 1889 , T1IEIR FATE IS UNCERTAIN , JProspooto of the Bills Now Before the Loglalaturo. A VERY ROCtY ROAD TO TRAVEL. b The Present Session Knpldljr DrawIng - Ing lo n Cloflo Tlio I "lght Atjnlimt Tliuo in tlio Sonntc. No Ono on n Tell * L.IXOOM ? , Nob. , March 13. | Special to Tnn BEB. ] Innumornblo Inquiries are being made 01 (0 the prospect ot this or tlmt measure be fore thologlslaturo. To quote a homely but comprehensive saying ; "Only the Rood Lord knows , and ho won't tell. " Tno pay of the members stops after they have been In session sixty days , and they will n ot stay long be yond that limit. By sitting continuously the legislature can exhaust Its sixty davs on Fri day of Ihls week , and ) t Is reasonably sure that adjournment will not bo delayed beyond the woelc following , consequently tlio remaining - ing life of the legislature is'short. . As to the prospects of passing bills : The Appropriation bills must bo considered , and when they roach the sonata everything else will have to stand aside. Two claims have gone to the senate , one for the relief ol Will iam Wilson , of Tolcnhmu and the other for Doss Slout's extras , but not ono of the regu lar npproDriations. The Bonoral flies of the two houses are loaded with bills , over two hundred in num ber , and aboutjtbo saino number are yet m the hands of the commutes. In other words there nro between four hundred and five hun dred bills on the general flics , which signifies that they have just reached tno stage hi which they may bo discussed if ttuton up. Ono holfofthcso bills have not passed the house In which they originated , and anyone informed on legislative methods knows what a long and dangerous road they have to travel. The house Is six weeks behind. It Is now nt work on bills that were put oa its general fllo on January 30 , and , except tin appropria tions. Is taking thorn up In tbo order In which they wore filed. The procession be tween that duto and the present Is Inter minable. Among the flrst 100 are only a aozon or so senate measures , showing that most of the bills with preferred positions liavoa douplo gunllct to run. .Tho senate has about sixty bills on general lllo , only one-half of which have passed the house , and there will bo an effort on tlio part of the senators to give their own measures prefer ence in consideration. It will bo seen that comparatively few bills arc In advanced stage , ami tno further progress of some of those is likely to bo blocked by the necessity of giving attention to the appropriations. No steps have been taken as yet toward a sifting committee , and it would take a wiser man than the tradi tional Philadelphia lawyer to select those of the 500 bills which will ha von happy issue. The Slnto Prlntint : Bill. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 10. [ Special toTriB Bm.l : Representative Spccht Is taking an active part in the move to defeat the bill to nppoint a state printer , which is behoved by many people to bo the cover for u big steal. Mr. Spccht is bound to give the matter a careful scrutiny and thorough airing. Ho cent for Henry Gibson , of Omaha , to make some figures on the cost of printing unucr tlio bill and compare them with the cost under the present contract system. Mr. Speclit has had the result printed and Is cir culating the following statement : AMOUNT PAID ron 1887. 0,000 copies laws 3,714.24 2.000 house Journals S.751.43 2,000 senate Journals 2,2'JU.03 COST OP SAMB UNDHU STATE 1'IUXTCll HIM , . 0,000 copies laws $7,240.55 2,000 house Journals 5,103.40 3,000 senate journals 4,022.70 nm-ciiEXCK IN COST ONIUUKE ITEMS. Total cost under contract. $ 8,7157.70 Total cost under printer bill 10C0.03 : ! Saving to state by contract 7,593.03 Bills before- the legislature' would i cost under printer bill , per page of five hundred copies 3.45 Under contract It. costs 1.05 Other work.would cost In about the same proportion. _ Charter Changes. LINCOLN . Nob. , .March 13. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BUB. ! The Douglas county delegation mot to consider the proposed change In the Omaha charter. Mr. Berlin was absent , and Prank Morrlssoy was pres ent , making suggestions. By n , vote of six to four the delegation agreed on the following amendment to the clause giving the mayor und council control of the erection of public buildings : ' 'In the construction of such buildings , the council shall bo governed by the same methods of procedure In receiving bids , making contracts , iir.d granting esti mates as now govern the board of public works in the construction of nil public works or buildings. " The delegation was practically unanimous in agreeing on the following addition to the street railway clause : "Provided , that until January 1,1601 , such street railways shall only bo required to pave bctxvccn their raiis. " Borlln'N Kqunl lights Bill. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 13. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The following Is the full text of the equal rights bill introduced Id the house by Mr. Berlin and now on the journal fllo : Section 1. That section 1 of an act approved March 4 , A. D. 18 5 , entitled , "An act to pro. Tide that all citizens shall bo entitled to the same civil rights and to punish all persons for violations of Its provisions , " bo amended BO as to read as follows : ' Section 1. All persons within this state shall bo entitled f > the full and equal enjoy incut of the accommodations , advantages , facilities and privileges of inna , restaurants. ice cream parlors , public conveyances , bar l > er shops , theaters and other places of amuse incut ; subject only to tlio conditions and Him tatlous established by law and applicable alike to ovary person. " Section 3. That section 1 of an actap proved March 4 , A. D. 1W5 , entitled , "Ar net to provide that all cltUoiis shall be cntl tied to the same civil rights , and to punisl all persons for violations of lit provisions , ' bo aud the satna Is hereby repealed. Semite. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 18. [ Special to TUB Ben. ] The light against tlmo begun In tin senate this morning. Thirty bills were re ported from the committees , and liearly hall of iheuj were exiled Into indoilnlto postpone- " incut- The moat important of the latter was Fuuck's registration bill aud the inspcctloi of meat cuttle before slaughter. Tbo las provoked a long , uureportablo discussion ntid was killed by u vote of 1C to 14. Till docs not represent the true sentiments of cli collators on this measure. Some votei ugalust It because they thought there was n chance of passing it tliii session , ana some o their opponents wa tc'l the bill put on tli general lllo as an evidence of sincerity 1 : pending delegates to the St. Louis convuu tlon. tlon.Tlio senate concurred in the house resoh : tlon for thn appointment of committee-1 fix a duto for nual adjournment. A'memorial was received iroui the Nc Imtslca depart of the G , A. H. , urging th passavo of lirinU'A houDO bill for u soldier : relief fund hi cadi county. The senate pasted the following measure approved in commlttua of the whole yeatei dayi t'of the arbitration of labor disputes ; fo the condemnation of jMmofllca tiles ; coi : tributing S1.050 of university fees to It library fund ; reducing the comuthuiloii i > uj nbl to county trcaauror * for ccrlulu collm tlous. The noon recess was wliorteuoJ u hulf hou and the senate met at 1UO. AFTBUXOON SESSION' . > * The senate refused vo concur In the hous 1 nmcnduicnt to IIowo's PlnUorton bill. Howo's nlll , maUlnif a license board ot th fire and polloo commission of Omaha , cam mi ou ooncurrauco In the house nuienmi'iii Which strikes cut the clause requiring th consent of adjoining property owners bofor Jlocimmg a saloon. The vote urns U to ID , un the point was raised thut an uuieiiduicntcoul not bo agreed to with low than n majority of the whole senate. A vote to rceoniltlor wa carried , and the matter was laid as I do for n fuller attendance , The Bennto went Into a committee ot the whole and endorsed the house bill giving the library fund of the state normal shool the matriculation fee , which at present amounts to nearly $2.000. The next bill to conic up was BOM Stout's claim for 519,000 for extras. Senators Keek- ley , Sutherland and Paulson demanded In formation as to the value ot the alleged extras. Chairman Wethcrald and Senator Lindsay of the committee on claims explained that for the cost of the extras they had ba4 to depend largely on the testimony of members of the house committee because there was not tltno to call mid examine the architect , and seine Of the sub-contractors. Mr. Lind say explained at length the changes which necessitated the extras. Senator Sutherland moved an amendment reducing the aggregate of the claim to (25.000 and was seconded by Senator Keckloy. Mr. Sutherland explained that ho had boon con nected with works of construction for many yearn and ho believed the claim could bo cut In two and leayo enough to pay the subcontractors tractors n fair sum for their claims. Funck Did you always charge double for your world Sutherland It Is the business of a con tractor to get all ho can , and the architect generally allows the contractor's claims. Senator Kockloy said there was an absence of spcclllc Information as to cost of material and labor in this claim. Ho continued that there was no man Identified with more Jobs In Nebraska than this man Stout. It Is a notorious fact that anything ho torches Is tainted with fraud. The senator admitted that ho was making n broad assertion , but ho referred to Stout's testimony before the bribery Investigation , which was contra dicted by a man of honor ( Peter Her ) . Howe defended Stout , saying that u cer tain corporation had given him largo con tracts and found him unusually honorable for n contractor. Sutherland's amendment was defeated , aud the claim approved as it came from the houso. Later in tho'nftornoon it was read a third time and passed. Ayes 21 , Nays : Keckloy , Linn , Mahcr. Sutherland I. The committee of the whole approved the following : Providing that annual school elections shall bo hold hi Juno ; donning the jurisdiction of courts In cases of stolen prop erty brought into the state or taken into an other county ; Conner's bill empowering nine jurors to Und a verdict In civil actions In the district court. The senate concurred In the house amendment to Howe's bill making a license board of Omaha's flro and police commission. The bill now goes to the governor. In accord with a message from the gov ernor , Senator Ncsbltt introduced a bill pro scribing the method by which foreign cor- poratlons may Incorporate in Nebraska. The senate passed the bill for a normal school library fund , and the bill empowering cities to condemn sites for bublic buildings. Hansom , Nesbltt and Paxton wore ap pointed a committee- final adjournment. House. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 18. ( Special to THE Ben" ! Cady moved that a "sifting com- iiittee" bo appointed , which was adopted. Bills on third reading were taken up. The oliowlng were passed : House roll 14D , authorizing plate glass in- iuranca companies with a cipltal of $100,003 .0 do business in Nebraska. Honso roll 30 , to punish assessors for under valuation of property. A'bill authorizing subordinate lodges of 'rco ' Masons , Odd Fellows , Grangers and Good Templars to Incorporate. Senate lilo 173. directing the governor to ssuo an unconditional pardon on each Fourth of July to two convicts who have jeoii incarcerated for ten years or more and ivhosc conduct has been such as to entitle .hem to the benefits of the " good time act. " The house wont Into committee of the , vholo to consider the special appropriation bills and other special orders. The follow- ' .tig wore recommended for passage. Bills appropriating $75.000 to build two wings or additions to the Lincoln asylum for the insane ; $22,000 to purchase land ana llnish one building for the homo of the > iondloss at Lincoln ; ? 31,000 for erecting a jouth wing and necessary outbuildings to the homo for erring women at Milford ; $110.01)0 ) to buy land ami erect buildings for the institution of feeble-minded at Beatrice ; $12,000 for Improving the capltol grounds. The Cady bill proposing an amendment to the state constitution , providing for the elec tion of three railroad commissioners by the people , ana Johnson's bill providing for a re duction of the secretaries of tbo board of transportation from three to one , were also recommended for passage. . When the committee- arose Oelaney moved that the report of the commit-too bo not con curred in on tbo bill appropriating $7,000 for the hospital for the insane , and that the first section bo stricken out. AFTEIINOON SESSION. Dolanoy's motion to strike out the appro priation of $75,000 for the insane hospital was lost by the following vote ayes , 10 ; nays , 44. The question of adopting the report of the committee * rccomineudtng an appropriation of § 110,000 for the asylum for the feeble minded came up. Johnson moved to reduce the sum to $58,000 , and demanded the roll call , which re sulted as follows : Ayes Abrahamson , Berlin , BIsbco , Bo- hacek , Brancht , Brluk , Collins. Cushlng , Delaney , Dempster , Dunn , Farley , Gardner , Gates , Gilchrist , Hampton , Hanna , Harding , Hill of Butler , Hill of Gage , Hungato , Hun ter , Johnson , Novo , O'Sullivan. Sargent , Swartzley. Wellor , WhltoVhitford. . IS ) . Nuys Uakor , Ballard , Becttman , Berry , Burnham , Cady. Caldwell , Christy of Clay , Coleman of Autelopa , Corbln , Deiunan , Dickinson , Dillor , Elliott , Fieldgrovo , Ful ler , Gilbert , Malm , Hall , Hanthorn , Hooper , IC'iipor , Lee , Ley , Majors. Mattes jr. , Mc- Nickle , O'Brien , Olmstead , Potter , Uayiior , Rhodes , Robb , Seed , Sevcrin. Stlrk , Weber , Wcstovcr , Whitehead , Williams , Winter , Yutzy , Mr. Speaker. 14. The report of the committee was thot adopted. 'J'ho recommendation to appropriate ttu sum of S12.000 to. improve and beautify the state cupitol grounds was then considered. Several motions were made to reduce UK amount. A motion to cut the amount to $0,003 , was lost on a rising vote by ono majority. Gardner moved to strike out $12,000 aui insert fcS,000 , which was lost by a vote of 4' ' to 43. Hungato changed his vote to "no" Just bo foru the insult .wan announced , or the raotior would have carried. Johnson's bill providing for the roductiot of the number of socrctaries of the stati board of transportation from one to thrct was considered in committee of the whole The author of the bill argued that ono mai could do all of the work und u reduction ii the expense of the oIHcp should bo made it the interest of economy. Halt took the same view. Ho said tha either of the secretaries if put on their oath would bo compelled to admit that ono of thot : could do all the work. Ballard defended the commission am thought that three secretaries should bo re tulned. Cady said tlmt the present system shouli bo rotutnod until the olcctlou of now con misaionora us contemplated by his bill. IjnglMliitlvo Gossip. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 13. [ Special to Tin BEK. ] The hnusij met at H o'clock this morn ing and almost a full house was present. No chaplain appeared to open the mormnj session , and ihu spe.iUmasked if any mem bcr desired to ofildato in that capacity. Mr Fiuldgrovoof UulTulo wus suggested as t'l proper party to opun the session , but th ' BUuiarcic of tlio house' ' thought the stati hud better save tbo money , and declined. The motion by C idy to appoint n slftlni committee went through without any oppos tlon. tlon.Mr Mr Cameron , chairman of the house com mittuo on fixing a tiuio for final adjustment is anxious to go homo , und unless an oxtr amount ot tlmo U consumed with the npprc print Ion bills an adjournment will bo roacho by u wcolt from Saturday. The appropriations naked for by the var OUK hluto institutions and special interest fairly stuggor the members who favor ecoi oiny mid reform. liapp ot Johnson is a very valuable mor ; ber from n taxpayer's standpoint. Ho I careful aid vlgllait and keeps a sharp eye o the peopUVs interests , "Do you think the combine to put the nil proprlutlons through exactly ns reported oa1 bo broken I" la the query members are u lc iiiK themselves. Caldwi'll stands sponsor for every npprc priution of every character and description mid itt rtwily to assuru the doubter * "that I isall right and absolutely neces ary. " Action Talcon at Yesterday's Moot- In ff of Legislative Dolofftitoo. THE BILL TO BE RECOMMENDED. Harsh Measures to Bo Dealt Out to All Combines Having For Their Oljcct n monopoly In Any Direction. Closing Down on Combines. ST. Louis , March 13. The legislative con vention reassembled this morning and prac tically finished tholr preliminary work. Ad journment was taken until 4 o'clock this af ternoon to give-tho commlttoo on needed leg islation tluio to draft u bill which shall rep resent the eonso of the convention on the whole subject , and servo as a uniform meas ure to bo adopted by all the states. At 5 o'clock the convention was called to order and the commlttco on resolutions sub mitted n report recommending that nil reso lutions referred yesterday bo laid on the table , which was done. Tno commlttoo also begged leave to suggest that as the confer- cnca was called in reference to the boot and pork combine , or to trusts , as designated In tbo Kansas resolution , that. Is all thuro is for the convention to consider , and m the opinion of the committee the only affective way to reach It Is by legislation , If the same can bo done , without encroaching upon the organic law of the land. Thrf report was adopted. Too commlttoo on needed legislation pre sented as n desirable measure u bill sub mitted by the Toxns delegation , which will probably become n law in Texas. This bill deals with the definitions of trusts and pen alties to bo Indicted for a violation of the dot. The section defining trusts is as follows : "To make or enter into or carry out rxny contract or agreement of any kind or descrip tion by which they shall bind or have bound themselves not to soil or transport any article or commodity , or article of trado. use. mer chandise , commerce , or consumption , below the common standard figure , or by which they shall agree to keep the prlco of said article , commodity or transportation at a fixed or graduated figure , or by which thov shall in any manner establish or settle the price of any article or commodity In transportation between themselves or themselves and others , to preclude free mid unrestricted competition , nmoiig.themselves or others , or by which they "shall agree to pool , combine or unite any/ trust tbo.v may have in connection with the sales or trans portation of any such article or commodity , that its price might in any manner bo af fected. " The clause concerning tlio. infliction of punishment provides that any" corporation violating any of the provisions of this act shall forfeit its charter ana franchises , and its corporato'existenro.sha.r. oo'ajo. " Any for eign corporation under similar .conditions shall bo denied tbo do business in the state. Any violation is declared a conspiracy against trade , and upon conviction carries a line and imprisonment , -maximum being $5,000 and ten yetirs. After slight changes the bill was adopted by the following vote : . . , Yeas Colorado , 8 ; Iowa. 8 ; Illinois , 8 ; Indiana , 8 ; Kansas , S ; Minnesota , 8 ; Mis souri , 02-5 ; Nebraska , 4 ; Texas , ' S , Nays Missouri , 18-5 ; Nebraska-4r The various delegations were plo'dged to rocommcjid the bill to their legislatures. The second bill introduced by the commlt- co on needed legislation was practically the Nebraska bill providing for the appointment of local ius | > cctors and the inspection of all cattle , sheep or swine twenty-four "hours bo- ere slaughtering. Penalties are srescribed for evasions of inspection or sale of meat akcn from animals not inspected , It docs not apply to canned , smoked , cured or salt meats. . A. warm'dobate ensued , ' resulting in ad- ournment to 8 p. m. , in order that the bill night bo printed. Tho.Tcxas men claimed hat the adoption 'of the preamble would bo a fatal mistake"us , ittho _ .condition should amount , to the necessity of. legislatingto > rolect homo consumers aoralnst the sale of liseasod moat , it would result' in shutting American meats out of all foreign markets and bo a severe blow to producers. There vas a lively discussion of the bill by sections at the evening session. Finn , of Iowa , of- erod. a local Option substitute. Shaw , of vlissouri , considered it irrelevant. ' Ho thought the convention had assembled to afford relief to producers from "tho oppres sion of an alleged combine. .How this bill proposed to solve the problem , , he could not inderstand. Hutchiusou , of Iowa , strongly opposed the bill. " , After n prolonged debate , lasting until after midnight , in which * Texas , and -Illinois delegates were bitterly opposed to the meas ure , the bill was adopted by a yoje qt ,40 4-5 o 25)4i and the convention adjourned sine ale. The Stnto Farm Committee. LINCOLN , Nob. , March , 13. [ Special Tolo- ram to Ttic BBC. ] The- senate and house committees investigating the state farm and experimental station held a long meeting to night and agreed on a majority report in Favor of divorcing the industrial college from , bo state university , Senators Keckloy , Sutherland , Funk and Pdulsen and Repre sentative Uaynor votitfg therefore. They agreed on Hayncr's two , bills introduced ID the Louse for that very purpose. Raynot learned with surprise that they had boon Indefinitely postponed during his. absence from the house. Funk and Rayrier "wore made a commlttoo to ask the governor to send in n message reinstating them. There will bo n minority report probably , stating that the industrial collogn has not shown results commensurate with the money expended , but not urging its separation from the university. Due of Kayiior'o bills pro vides for relocating the industrial college outside of the First congressional district ; for the sale of the state farm ; to erect now buildings , and for it" management by nine curators , six appointed by the governor , and three cx-ofilcio. The other bill divides the usual state tax for the university equally bo und the college. It is asserted that the state farm can bo sold and the proceed ! used for buildings , because it is not a part ol the government grant for the college nor bought from any proceeds ot such grant The original farm was taken from na.lin < lands. U was sold or exchanged , and will the addition of $ j,000 from the general fund of the state the present farm was acquired At the AVhllt ) Houso. "WASHINGTON , March 13. The rush of office fico scckors continued at tlp | white house to-day. General Whittlwoy , ot the Indian commission , accompanied by Bishop Hare , at Dakota , and president of Uutgor's cologo [ , called to interest the president In a movn- sncnt to ticcuro u broad educational policy towards the Indians. Among the cullen was Representative .Dumvell , of Minnesota The president was engaged all foronoor with oftlcial visitors and iwllticiuns , and at 1 o'clock came down to the east room and re calved a largo number of persons who callei to uay their respects. The president has not yet been able t formulate any rules with regard lo the ro coptiou of visitor * . The present arrange mouts will contlnuo uutll something Upttoi is provided. Under It oftlclal callers , inolud ing members of congress and political dele gallons , will bo received -every day from H to 11 o'clock. ' Meetings of the cabinet wll behold cm Tuesdays "ml Fridays at 2 : ! ) o'clock , und public rocoptlons will bo held ii the east room on Mondays , Wednesdays am Saturdays at 1 o'clock p. m. 'Jhu OriitleiiKin's Aiireomunr. CIUCAOO , Mnrch 13. The board of managers gors of the Iiit-er-stutu Hallway ussophitlo to-day agreed on the outlines of the torrltor ; to bo covered by the auxiliary association under tlio president's agreement. The v.cst cm association will continue us at pro pnl aud the trans-Missouri imocUtion will oin brace all the territory west of the Mlssout river. Tholr CommlHrtioiMTd Sl nod. WASHINGTON , March 13-Tho presldon to-day signed the commissions of Pulmci Wuuhburu and > u-ift a.8 ministers to Hpalr SwiUcrlund und Jqpan , .respectively , " ati tbuUif Tluhcaor us asalsLaut secretary of th treasury. SI3WM AN I113TITIIN8. * \Vorlc.iPust nm rrospectivo En- thirMhfltla For Oinnhn , John P. Nownmn , Methodist bishop of Nebraska , ro iMicd to Omalui this morning from his foui ) , months' trip to the south. Ho took up his headquarters at the Paxtou hotel. His wffo did not accompany him ns was expected that she would. The bishop arrived from'Clilcngo ' , la which place ho dod- calcd Iho Sacrnmonlo nvonuo church last Sunday. In his oOlclal duties ho attended the annual conferences In Florida , Virginia mid the Carollnas , During the conferences about three hundred Methodist ministers wore stntloiibd'flvor the country. Literary Institutions , missions , charitable and educa tional works Mrero established. In Novem ber and DedtWfoor Bishop Newman , with fifteen other ilcttiodlst blshdps , was In Now York , Philadelphia and Boston. In Now York they \voro entertained by the widow of the late General Grant , and during tholr stay In Washington City they were the guests of Senator mid Mrs. Stanford , with whom Bishops Newman's wife Is now visiting. She will not come west uutll after the adjourn ment of congress. The reverend gentleman stated that ho would dedicate a now Methodist church Sunday morning In this city. It is located in the northwestern suburbs , in the even ing of that day ho will preach at the Seward street Methodist church. The bishop is highly elated over the St. Mary s nvonuo ohtirch Doing named after him. It will bo dedicated ouo week from next Sunday. After this ho will go to Illinois and Iowa to take part in missionary conventions. Dr. Newman has great hopes in the erection of the now First Methodist church at the corner of Twentieth and Davenport. The structure will cost $75OCO , and one-tenth of the cost of construction will bo paid by George P. Bomls. This morning at 10 o'clock the board of trustees of the church will meet nt the olllca of Mendelssohn , Lowno & Fisher , the architects , to oxamiuo the plans and specifications of the proposed edifice. Tlio cornorstono'df the now house of worship will bo laid by the bishop the latter part of April. Following this ho will attend u meet ing of the bishops , which will bo held lu Delaware , O. , May 1. Relative lo holding tbo Methodist general conference In Omaha in 1802 , the bishop stated that it donondcd on the hospitality of the citizens of the city , but ho believed that they could not well afford to lot such an opportunity pass. Whllo U depended upon the citizens ho was almost sure that the con- ft. enco would bo hold hero. It would bo an important body to visit the city and all coun tries upon the glebe would be represented. There would bo' 100,000 visitors , from the equator to the 'land of the midnight sun. In a certain sense the world would , look upon this great inland city , by its repre sentatives from all parts of the country at tending the conference. By the tnno that it is proposed to bold the conference , Omaha will have largo halls , suQlclcnt hotel accom modations and everything for the conven tion. The bishop is very enthusiastic for Omaha , and thinks within five .voars that it will bo n half-way place , ns ho terms it , for travelers going from ocean to ocean. Within n period of five or six years ho thinks that it will bo the greatest city between the two great bodies of water. OMAHA'S "cHAUTBR. City Attorney "Webster Gives Ills Opinion of the Amendments. As Tms Bii's reports of the legislative proceedings of yesterday , is a dispatch statlngXthat the Douglas county delegation , which1 revised Omaha's city char ter , met to consider the proposed change In the charter. * h ) ' the bill introduced a few days ago the 'following amendment was added , giving the mayor and council control of the crcction'of ' public buildings : "In the construction of such buildings the council shall bq governed by the same meth- idsof proe3durb4h receiving bids , making ' ontracts and tinting estimates as now govern the boar.l of public works in the con- itruction of nil fiitbllc works or buildings. " Regarding the original bill and the .aend- mont , City AttoYnC'y Webster was soon last night. Ho stated that ho had not seen the clause alluded tp , liut ho was of the impres sion , judging fronitho amendment , that the measure , if it pa pil the senate , would give io ma } or and cjpuucll Absolute power in the irectlnn of publlu'-Jiuildlngs , advertising apd making contra t4\.for the construction of iem and also in allowing estimates for such , vork as now govern the board of public .vorks. By the passageof the bill t is intended that the council shall have entire - tire control of the construction of public buildings such as the now proposed city hall. The Douglas county delegation has. also agreed upon au amendment to tbo street railway clause of a bill recently introduced. The city charter revision committee recom mended that the street railway companies bo required to pave nearly two foot outside of cacli outside rail of their tracks , nud also in the space between the double tracks. Heretofore , and ns it is now , the street rail way companies pave within the rails of each track , and not bctxvccn double tracks , nor are they compelled to pave outside of their outside rails. The umoudmcnt to the clause as agreed upon by the delegation is as fol- ows : "Provided , that until January 1 , 1891 , uch street railways shall only ba required o pave between their rails. " This is as the street inilways want it , claim * the city attorney. By the time that the year 1801 rolls around all the companies will have gotten upon all the paved streets that they deslro to run through. Consequently quently they will lose nothing by tbo passage Of the bill. Had the original measure , iis recommended by the charter revision committee - mittee , gene through the house and senate , it Is said that the slrcot railway companies of Omaha would have been compelled to ex pend from $18,000 to 520,000 in the proposed extra paving on the side of their tracks and between the double tracks. Hoard of Health. The board of henlih mot in the mayor's of fice yesterday afternoau , Councilman Leo and Boyd being absent. Only routine busi ness was transacted , Dr. Ralph aud Chlti Scavy reporting ou the present city du ips , The Jones street dump is all that is required , the garbage falling Into the river and being carried away , but tno Davenport street dumi | is not in such good ohapo , und at present several dead animals are lying on it and pol luting the atmosphere. As the river is still rising , high water -expected in a few days , which it is thought will carry them uway , The estimated amount of garbage deposited at the dumps is 150,000 loads per annum , Dr. Ralph suggested that the present pest house olllcor should be employed us a sani tary officer , and that his pay bo increased from 550 per month to that of a regular po lice ofilccr. The board thcu adjourned. A Justice Assaulted. It was reported on the streets last night that Charley Kosters had brutally assaulted Justice of 'tho ' Peace Krocger by striking bin in the face yesterday afternoon , in his court , It uppaurs that ICuauira was mixed up in i little civil case , auillhatin giving a xeportoi for u morning patter iho suit the Justice incl dentally mentioned that Kostora hud beet tried and acquitted 'of murder years ago which the reporter.used In his report. Thli enraged the young/inan and ho took his veil' ' goanco on the Jus Vice- who hud given out the information , . t , Mortuary Mutters. The rctualus ofi . "jHumolo arrived lu the city .yesterday from Duluth for burial nl Prospect HiU cemj\lpry beside his first wife Ho was an old resident of Omulm und dlei iu Duluth of lieartltUitcaan. The body wu ; accompanied by UIQ luisband'H second wife Mrs. Mary Spoixtawlfo of Henry Sport of the Union Pacific car shops , died yewtur day morning , She was thirty-nine years o ago. Her remains wore sent to .Schaller la. , for interment iiiat ulgiit. A Hcarlel Fuvcr lipidcmlc. ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 10. A Siou : Fulls , Dak. , special says that in Do La Plern township , Lincoln couiity.ton miles from tlm city , u scarlet fcvur epidemic is raging. On family has lost throe children und thrci olhars uro down. The rouiumilty in tenor stricken. No ono know * \iow \ many uro sluk ns the families who are yet untouched un afraid to visit those ttfllictod. Fatal result are known by seeing COO.IHH carried to tin cemetery. The schools ura still open. The West Vlrclnhi CIIAIII.KSTOX , W. Va. , Muroh 13. Tin case of Can- against W'ilsou , on maudamus lu the gubernatorial muddle , was argued h tlio Eunromn court to-pav und submitted , j decision U oxpactod on Thursday or Fndaj after which tbo court will udjourn. Sovou States Bopi-oaontod at the Dos Molnos Convention. SHOWING FOR THE LAST YEAR. Most of the liny Devoted to a Dis cussion of tub HlnUor Twluo Question Ornln Ela- vi\tor Burn od. Farmers In Convention. Dss Motxus , la. , March 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bun.j Uapreaontatlvos of the Farmprs1 nlltonco lu seven states and territories have boon In session hero all day , preparing Important recommendations to the different state orgauizalons. They report that branches of the Farmer * * nlllanco are being rapidly formed. In this plate there have been slxty-tlvo now lodges organized since last January , making a total ot nearly ono thousand In Iowa. The binding twlno trust occupied the atlentlou of the delegates for a good part of the day. Their discus sions were hold with closed doors , but they gave out the following as expressing tholr conclusion on the subject : "In vlow of the fact tint the prices of binder twlno had advanced almost beyond whcro it can bo profitably used , through the manipulation of speculators who have cor nered the entire sisal und manllla fibre , wu would recommend to our farmers that every practicable expedient bo resorted to for tha purpose of meeting the emergency by cutting oft iho use of twine whenever possible. * Wo recommend tha following expedients : " 1 , Changing binders into harvesters with platforms for hand binding. " : ! . Changing self-binders into headers , which can bo done nt a small cost. " 3. The curtailing of the small grain out put wherever the results for years have boon ot doubtful profit. " The mooting discussed the subject of start ing twiuo'faoiorlos by the farmers them selves , nnd they were greatly interested in a proposition to use n fibre from the wild sun- ilowor hs a substitute for manllla , but no ac tion was taken further than to adopt the recommendations above. A Preacher Drops Dead. DBS MQINKS , la. , March 13. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun BCE.J Rev. Hiram Jackson , of Barlliam , Madison county , dropped dead lu a dry goods store , on Walnut street , to day. Ho , in company with his daughter aud another lady , came into the store audvors attending to some shopping , matters. Mr. Jackson sat down upon ono of the revolving stools to rest , and soon after the clerks near est him were astonished to see him fall over upon the Hoor. Ills daughter , with help from others , raised him to a sltling posture , and Immediately summoned a physician , but when bo arrived life was oxtinet. The cause of the death was heart disease , with which ho had been troubled for some tlmo. Ho was sixty-six years of age. An Elevator Fire. Gituxnv CENTKU , la. , March 13. | Special Telegram to THC BEG. ! About 8 o'clock on Monday oven ing the grain elevator , owned by P. B. Ellis , took fire and was totally de stroyed. Tie elevator was full of grain , there being about twelve thousand bushels of oats and corn , which is almost a total loss. The building and contents wore partially In sured. Suicide at Clnrlndn. la. , March 13. [ Special Tele gram to TIIC BCB. | N. B. Cristcnsen , living near Coin , this county , committed suicide Saturday by jumping into a well. The day previous tye carried the chain for Surveyor Hartford , nud to all appearances was fully sano. Some seven years ago ho was in the asylum. Ho was about forty-fivo years old and quite a well-to-do farmer. ' - ' Insanity Catted by GrlelV OSKALOOSV , la. , March 13. [ Special Telo- ratn to Tin : BEE. ] Miss Amanda Dickey has been adjudged insane and sent to Mount Pleasant. She is n sister of Charles Dickoy. who committed suicide a few days ago , and er Insanity was produced by her grief ever bcr brother's death. It is now doubtful whether the feeble , grief stricken mother will survive this additional sorrow. Selllnz a Bankrupt Stock. DBS Moi.viw , la. . March 13. [ Spscial Tele gram to Tin : BEE ! Bids were opened to-day by the receivers of the late "B & L" store , which failed some weeks ago. The highest bid tor the entire stock was ono of . 23,13 * . by Lang Brothers , of Chicago. The stock invoiced at the time of the failure at ubout $45,000. Chasing Thlcvos. MASON CITV , la. , March 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bcu.j Of lalo several horses have been slolcn in the vicinity of North- wood. The sheriff Is now in the city on the troll ot an organized gang. Klro nt Duvnnport. DAVESPOUT , la. , March 18. The grain ele vator of Finch & Hayward burned to-night with contents. Los ? , $10,000 ; insurance , $10,000. .Tho Lincoln Monument a Kuln. Si'niNOFiui ) , 111. , March 13. Ex-Governor Palmer and Judge Hay addressed the senate committee on appropriations this afternoon on behalf of the Lincoln Monument associa tion In favor of the bill appropriating $50OOC for repairing the national Lincoln monument. They stated that the monument was very de fectively constructed aud fast falling into decay. Something must speedily bo done to prevent it from becoming u mass of ruins. It would be absolutely necessary to take down nnd rebuild the obelisk , ana many of the granite stonna in the base must bo rejointed nnd some replaced. The story of the rupid ruin of this tomb , which was intended to be air honor to the menory of the martyr presi dent , Is a fearful arraignment of the per sons who superintended it construction. The bill was referred to a sub committee. Aff ilr.4 nt Jlnytl. NEW YOIIK , March id. The William Coul- maun arrived from Gonalros to-day. Slio reports - ports thut on the 2d of February the Dessa- lines , of Lcgitlme's force , arrived und opened firoon both forts nt the enlranco of the port. The forts returned fire , and In a short time the Dessalines put out to noa. The general belief is that the Dessalinos has punk with all on board. On the evening of the 'Jitli u ( treat fire was seen frourtho towiii It turned out to bo Graiidestlnos. The fire wit * started by southern people , who at once abandoned the place. It uppearp tlmt tlio southern armv , getting possession of Grundcsllnes , treated the people very badly. Boycottliij ; Aiiusrloiui Inrrt. OTTAWA , March 13. The Inhnd revenue department have Issued u bullqtln relative tc the udultoration of lard. The American product comes In for general condemnation , Wuurlv every sample examined was found adulterated. It Is recommended that the duty lie Increased In ordur practically to iw- cludo the article from Cunaila. S10K Poiltl TPly Currd I tlie o l.lttlo I'JllB. I [ CARTERS They also relieve Dis | lime tress from Dyapopsle ! IcdiReztion und SVE Hearty KatlAg. feet remedy tv ] Ui/rsl-j PI UCM , Nausea. Urowal-l iteBS , IMA Taste la thcl jloutb.CoateUToDzue. ? l'olnInlhoSIJoTOri | PJD LIVER , Ac. Thejr regulate the Bowell and prevent Coritlpatlon aud 1'lles. Th amalleit nod oaileat to take. Only one pill i dose. 40inaTiaJ. I'urely Veeetable. 1'rlc SScenU. OABTEB UEDIOIRK 00.FroD'ri. BtvTork MKR'B SHIFTING SCENES. Tltojr ItrliiR nn Old Actor to the Plnco nflllii Kixrly Triumphs. Twenty ycnra ngo , the old Academy of Music , now the .People's theater , was man aged by "Old Man Corry. " That pontloumn 1ms sluoo mndo his llnnl exit from the etngo of life. In these daya the loading man was aoorgo Chanlln. Talented , Rontlomanly , handsome , ho was envied by his loss fortunate - nato associates , whllo ho was the admired of the fair ono In his audlouces. Last Monday night , few If any persons roeognUod him In Dandle Uiiunont lu "Mcjj Morrlllos" at the Grand. Ho played the chnractor admirably. A now generation had come since his early BUCCCSS here and not a hand greeted his au- lioaraneo. "Wo nro o soon forgotten , " ho said hall sorrowfully , later , to the writer. Continuing , ho said : "Walt till I go on , I eald to the madumo ( Juuuschalt ) whou wo were In Plttshurg nomO years ngo , and you'll see what n reception 1 will got. When I mademy appearance I didn't hoar n hand. It so unuorvcd mo that I realty wasn't able to go on with my lines. And yet I had ooon a great favorite In Plttsburg , having boon leading man thoro. Hut now people had como nnd I was no longer known. Wo notice this , of course. I have boon with the niadaino seventeen years. When she rotlroi BO will I. I have said that all along , Mar ried ? No , I'm still an old bachelor. Whvl well , " and ho said It sadly , "I was once engaged to a young lady but she died before the day sot for tlio core- luouy. I hnvo never felt like marrying since and don't think I ever shall , " Mr. Chaplin then detailed same of his ex perience In Omaha , all of which would bo found Interesting even nt thii late day. Among other things ho told of h's ' playing Hichard III. to nn uudlenco of twonty-llvo people. He had dressed for the piece ami shortly before tlio overture "Old Corry" wont to his room nnd informed Chaplin of the size of the audience. "Shall I refund the money I" usked the manager ; "It is rain- me icicles. " Chaplin put his eye to the peep hole in the curtain uml "took In" the empty seats und the twonty-llvo Spartans. "Kijcp the money. Men nud women who will turn out to SRQ a play ou a night like this , ouglit to have their curlosty satlsllod. " And it was. Chaplin playnd Ulchurd and retained his uu- dlouco till the close of the last act. Tlio I ol ' Donoflt. The boncllt tendered the pedestrian , at the Coliseum last night , so for ns the attendance was concerned , was not a very brilliant sue- cess. The programme , however , was all that could be desired. There were bicycle races , sprint races , fancy riding nnd other divert- isctncnts , that would have done credit to nti occasion of much moro moment , nnd which did not fall In the present Instance to evoke hearty applause from the few In attendance , but were not potent cnuugli to draw out the people. Art is Hi-re. The Art academy of Omaha , patronized by the Western Art association , will bo opened September : ! 0 , and will close the middle of the following summer. The aadomlo year will bo divided into three terms of throe months each. The different branches are painting , sculpture und architecture. John ISrlcs.sonM Itonmliis , WASHINGTON , March 13. The secretary of the navy has under consideration numerous appeals from prominent citizens of this coun try to furnish a naval vessel to convey the remains of the late John Ericsson to his na tive land.ln recognition of his distinguished services in producing the Monitor , which rendered such valuable aid to the gos-ern- incnt at u critical moment. On the other hand a request has also boon received that this bo not done on the trround that his na tive country failed to recognize his inventive genius , and his adopted country should au-o for his remains. A Virginia Hotel Uurucd. WIIRCMXO , W. Va. , March 13. The Gran ite hotel , at Wcllsburg , burned this evening. When the alarm sounded there was a pauic among the guests and there were many nar row escapes. "A number of guests In the third story , from which all escape was cut off , were rescued by means of ladders only a few moments before the walls fell. Several panic stricken men jumped from the tiiird story windows to the pavement below und wero'badly injured Six or seven ladies who were in tbo upper stories of the building were badly scorched. No lives were lost. The Fire Record. DCXVEK , Col. , March 18. The King block , occupied by the Knlght-McCluro music com pany , Denver & Rio Grandu Express com pany , two other firms und the upper floors as ofllccs , burned this mornlug. The loss is cs tiniated nt $200,000 ; partly covered by insur ance. Knight & McCluro's loss is $100,000. FONDLY WOOES. | | The Queer Autloa or a Sleepy MisV eourl Lnd. ( DICKENS' FAT BOY KNOCKED OUT. i'hyfllclnns Studying tlio Onso of n Youngster \Vho Nairn Walking or Walks Nnjiplnff AVUli SlrntiKO 1'qrslstcnoy. A Honiarkahlo SIocv > ar. ST. .TOSKPII , Mo. , March 18- [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : BIK : ] Ono of the most singu lar cases known to medical science has come under the notice of the St. Joseph physicians who sny In nil tholr study they hnvo heard of but two or three similar ones. The dis ease Is neurosis nnd the victim Is the twelve- year-old son of IJ. T. Robertson , n well-to-do farmer living four miles below this city. Three months ngo the peculiar symptoms wora first noticed when the bov fell nslcep ono day whllo playing. Afterwards it was nn ovcry-day occurrence for him to go to sleep whllo standing up or lying down. Members of the family say that whenever ho would fall to sleep lu bin way they would attempt to waken him but it would bo of no avail , as ho would generally sleep three or four hours nnd wake up of Ills'own accord. Ho seems , while sleeping , to bo In n mes- morio state or condition , knowing everything that is taking place around nnd about him. When the uoy goes to bed nt night ho no sooner lies down than ho Is , to nil appear ances , sound in loop , but In a few moments afterward he will urlso from the bed nnd commence perambulating through the houno. Ho does not conllno his slcup-walklng to tlio house , but , has been found at the barn , 1100 yards awny , feeding the horses , although apparently In n sound sleep , out of which ho cannot bo awakened. Ho Is let nlono , but watched , to awake nt his own will. The attending physician bus this to say of the case : "Thu disease Is n nervous one. At all times I find , that thu action of .voting Robertson's heart Is very Irregular. It scorns as though It Is Impossible for the boy to Ho down without going into this mcs- mcrla state. I noticed that when I placed him in my operating chair and pushed It back , bringing hit head In or near a level , ho Immediately wont Into this sleeping stale , Frouvuppcarnnccs and from the action of the patient , ho has too much Mood in the brain , causing it to bccomo congestive. It is u ques tion , I think , whether or not the blood Is not thrown there too rapidly , or carried a way too slowly. When the boy Is in'thls hypnotic state ho seems to bo perfectly conscious of everything going on about him. but nothing wakes nun up. "Ho seems to bo perfectly under the In fluence of the person talking to Mm. Yes terday when ho was in the ofllco lying In the chair I handed hlmii strlug and told him it was a llshing line. Ho umlcrsloo.l mn nnd pretended he was llshing. From all ap pearances ho has not the least particle of fepllng in his body , nnd yon can stick a pin in his llcsh anywhere without his giving tbo least evidence of having experienced pain. I believe tlio case curable nnd think the boy is improving , but it will bo Bonio time before ho is entirely xvell. " The father says the boy is frequently found sound asleep while standing on his feet. Dur ing his sleep he can go to any part of tlio farm and lind hift playthings ns ho left them scattered around while awako. Ono day last week he sat down in a chair and immediately tell nslcep. In this condition ha wont to a cupboard , got out a cigar which ho tiud seen there when awake , got n match , came bnclc to tlio chair and lit it , sitting thcro asleep smoking till ho had consumed the entire cigar. It did uot uinko him sick , al though ho had never before had a cigar in his mouth. The boy in every oilier way is as healthy as any child , and it is a hard matter - tor , according to the physician , to account for his being affected in thu manner iu which he is. The balance of the family nro in per fect health , mid uouu of them show any signs of being of a nervous disposition. The uoy , it Hccms , cannot keep those spells off. Ho Is brought to this city for treatment once every week , nid ) his physician is of the opinion that iu n few months lie will bo all riyht again. In all the boy's sleep-walking , which occurs every night to n certain ex tout , ho has never once hurt himself iu any man ner , but walks around .the different rooms of the house , ever tlio furin and all through the barn among the horses nswoll as any ono with both eyes wide open und wide awake. The boy has never been sick and was never subject to epileptic fits or anything of the kind. This makes the case even more strange. _ A Boy Tlilcf. NnmusKA CITY , Nob. , March 13. [ Special Telegram to Tins Bcn.l Kil. Gropp , aped seventeen , last night stole about ? 5'J from his employer und skipped to Omaha. S § § & &Jta5 co llutv - * DR. HORDE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ot Electric Science Sci ' entifically Made nnd Practically Applied- Gentlemen's Pelt with Eltrtrie DISEASEOUREOWiTHOilT MEDICINES Suspensory , .T 1'ulM In III * llMrli. Illpt , llruil or i. Km- WILL CURE YOU.i flv Vili fnl/v ' . l ' ° wifU.lVlDi.lia.i ! ! VL mm fi" " > WHEW ALL ELSE FAILS. . , . . . . . . . . . . nil. niuunuAii * v f. u * * i PV..TI. * .I .KI VJEAK , fciERVOUS PEOPLE. . . ( IB. , IIOnitR'8 . memo-Hid. - vii. nwr o lil flr eurua ATina.VmiiiuJii.iJv. XU , KlliIXT and ih u llnB hronlc dlicauxof bvth if IM. f luBUf " " lie ALSO , PK frliSV ; , Knilujftrifir4'E5S ' ! ! Ll"1r ( , , , BUi ' " * "SIT ffijino iia Baipcmoriix To'juforritcwmuE'iiEi.Tin frm wlib Mali Jlelti. til . bank , comtnbrclr.1 vitbmknv ftlUtm worth. -Anr igfney orxrold boinii comtuint i onrt tti < iilc cDi i liui < Jiu < i.JL'i.'i > ' iB'"iii,1 uujuiiooj. Lunoiu Txi'Mim ruit KITJL" " > coi > il Obloru- P.WW nxed Uouttuuaufarllliutr&Ud Fsmpmrt. DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Hardware and Cutlery , loola , Fine Jli'onto JJitlMera' GToods anil Buffalo 1405 Douglas St. , Omaha ,