Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1889, Image 1

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Ex-Govornor Alvin Baundora Very
Strongly Rocommonclod.
Tlio Nebraska Delegation Urge His
Appointment as Minister to Mexico
Harrison AVI11 llccommcml
n 81 ton K Navy.
R OMVHV Bnc. )
Gin FouiiTBBXTit Sriienr , J-
WASIIIXOTO.V. D. C. , Mivrch 13. )
To-day It Is understood that n number of
important offices were consldnrcd , the names
of canStflatcs agreed on , and that recom
mendation for their appointment will bo
made. Thoilrst of these Is Unit of the Hon.
Alvin Saumicrs to bo a inumber of the Utah
commission The Nebraska delegation bo-
ttuno satisfied that no citizen of Nebraska
except Governor Saunders would stand n
possible ? vV'tiico for appointment to this very
eligible and Inornttvo position. This conclu
sion \Vas arrived at after a thorough convass
of the situation and Interviews with n
number of prominent politicians In close as-
soclatlon with tno administration. It was
felt that the ofllco was ono to which Nebraska
is entitled , as ono of the original comrnls-
Blotters , Senator Paddock , c.imo from that
state , and since his Incumbency Nebraska
has been unrepresented on the commission.
Senator Saundcrs. It was understood , was
not averse to bo considered as a candidate for
collector of Internal revenue , but there
was a Roneral "fooling Unit the high
position which ho has hold In the
state and In the national gqvcrnnient entitled
him to a more honorable position than that
which the collector of Internal revenue would
.lave afforded him. The recommendation
was therefore inndo , nnd his appointment
strongly urged upon the president. There
nro good grounds for Urn belief that his nom
ination will follow. The second upK | > intment
recommended was that of E. K. Valentino
for an auditorshlp of the treasury , and a
third , Hon. John C. Wilson , speaker of the
house of ropiosentatlves , for assistant attor
ney for the department of justices. Hon.
John Peters , of LJoono county , was agreed
upon for appointment as collector of Internal
rovonuo. Mr. Peters' indorsements were
very strong nnd lie was the only candidate
for whom Senator Paddock has fought per
sistently since the beginning of the session.
The reported candidacy of Senator Saundcrs
at ono time threatened to make a complica
tion , but this was happily avoided by the
suggestion of his name for the Utah commls-
Bloncrship. For the United States marshal-
ship there have been u number of strong
delegates. Among them lion , .1. Dew , Alfred
Hastings , of Lincoln , and Brad D. Slaughter
prctent clerk of the house of representatives.
Mr. Slaughter was agreed upon by the dele
gation ns Its choice , and his name was to-uay
presented for consideration.
Patrick Kgan was also presented as a
candidate for minister to Moxlco. Ho had
the unanimous endorsement of the Nebraska
delegation , and his candidacy is supported by
the most influential Irish republicans
throughout the country. No federal ofltccs
in Nebi-ashn were decided upon. It is under
stood that the chol6o for United States dis
trict attorney for Nebraska lies between Mr.
linker , of Jefferson county ; Mr. Heaves , of
Hamlolpn county , and State Senator Nesbitt ,
of North Platte. As the present district at
torney's term has not yet expired , and it is
not known what position General Harrison
will take on the Question of unexpired tenure
of ofllco , no decision was reached with re
gard to this appointment. This is also the
case with regard to the various land ofllccs.
There are a score of applications for office ,
including fully half of the present legisla
ture. It was decided by the delegation that
nil postofllco appointments , except those at
Omaha , where Senator Mnnderson resides ,
at Beatrice , where Senator Paddock resides ,
nnd at tiio state capital , shall bo relegated to
the congressmen of the state in their ra
sncetlvo districts , and that the senators re
fuse to make recommendations for the samo.
This , which is the universal custom , docs not
seem to bo generally understood in Ne
braska , ns each of the senators are
daily deluged with petitions for
postmnstorslups and with applications
for consideration , all relating to matters
whoso consideration lies with the congress
men In the respective districts. There will
bo quite a number of additional recommend
ations within two weeks for heads of
bureaus In executive departments nnd also
for appointments In the foreign service. The
necessity for Immediate action , so far as sev
eral appointments were concerned in the de
partments , compelled the delegation to act ,
mid thqir choices worn by unanimous consent
of all who were present.
President Harrison will not bo content
with the eight new war vessels which will bo
let to contract shortly after Juno : { ( ) , the ox-
plrntlon of tno current fiscal year. Ho will
ndvocato In his message to congress the
building of n very strong and modern navy.
It should not bo believed , however , that the
president is of a ferocious or pugnacious
turn. Ho simply thinks it wise toboicady
to back up diplomacy and good commercial
treaties with physical force If necessary.
There nro other new steps which President
Harrison is ready to advocate In his message
to the Fifty-first congress. Ho believes in
the success of the direct tax bill which failed
in the congress whch expired March 4 last.
Ho wants bettor laws to protect the honest
voter In the south and elsewhere. Ho will
recommend the establishment of American
shipping interests and closer relations with
our South and Central 'American neighbors.
He is opposed to class legislation and would
not countenance n law to affect ono interest
utono. He believes a law should apply to
everything In Identical conditions.
vr.nuitu. TiiiuiiTouiAii IXTEIIESTS.
The president has indicated that ho Intends
to take Immediate steps to recognize federal
interests In the territorial. President Cleveland -
land uindo some very unwise appointments
in two or three of the territories , and the
people and their interests nro badly demor
alized , as n consequence. Thu Inhabitants of
North and' South Dakota nre anxious to gut
under their now regime. The governor ,
umler the law that was passed two or three
weeks ago , must appoint commissioners to
apportion the dubt of the territory , which ls
to bo assumed by the states of Norlh.und
South Dakota. Tills Is ono of the strong ar
guments In favor of a republican governor
tali in i,1 hold there ut onco. There is n de
plorable condition of the Judiciary in the
territories , and tnero will be almost a clean
sweep of the federal Judges. All of the ton
territories Imvo representatives hero work
ing for appointments , nnd It is understood
that their wishes will 1.0 gratlflod during this
month , that is the appointments which are
to bo mudo In the territories will bo reached
as soon as possible.
Senator Palmer has not yet decldea
whether to accept tlui Spanish mission. Hn
is very much inclined to do no , because ho
feels that ho ought to show lib appreciation
of the manner in which the president has
honored him , lie has also a deslro to revisit -
visit Spain , and could not do so under more
favorable circumstance * , but Mrs , Pnlincr Is
not yet reconciled to the appointment , nnd
the senator Is receiving many dispatches
from Ida political friends and supporters in
Michigan bogging him to come then ) and
become a candidate for governor of the
state. But ho will Icava the decision cm
tlrely In Mrs. Palmer's hands. If Mia says
yes , ho will accept and go , and it she says
110 , ho won't ,
The Bcmtta remolued In session , with a
recess or two , until nearly 8 o'clock to-day ,
expecting to receive the nominations of
John S. Clurknon , of Iowa , to bo first oasUt-
nut poitmaster general ; Cnrporul Tanner , of
New York , to bo commissioner of pension * ' ,
and A. U. Wyman. of Omaha , to bo treasi
urorof the Untied States. But there seems
to have been some hitch. After the first
Bhoct of * nominationsAVUS brought In by ROO-
retary 1'rudeu , n tciephouo message was
sent lo the whlto house asking if any moro
were coming that day. The reply was tbat
another batch was nearly ready , but after
waiting an hour and n half for them the
senate concluded to adjourn. All the nomi
nations up to date have been confirmed , ex
cept the three which went in yesterday , and
there will bo no trouble about them.
HAiiv M'Kr.n.
Haby McICeo has been creating a sensa
tion at the whlto house , not because of any
deslro to make mischief , it should be said , but
simply because of his Inexperience In public
affairs. As has been repeatedly announced
In the newspapers , the president of the
United States Is fond of Baby McICeo , nnd
Baby McKee is fond of the president of the
United States. These profound sentiments
of distinguished consideration being fully re
ciprocated , Baby McICeo Is allowed moro lib
erties with the head of this government than
the ordinary ofllco sooner , or even n cnblnnt
member , among which may bo Included the
privilege of entering the llnrary of the presi
dent at all times nnd wandering
about at his own sweet will.
There are on the desk of the president , the
desk presented by Queen Victoria and tnudo
out of the timbers of the ahlo Hesoluto ,
which brought from the Arctic regions the
remains of the Sir John Franklin expedi
tion , u series of Ivory keys which connect
with electric bells In different parts of the
building , so that ha can summon his secre
taries nnd attendants at any timo. Ono of
thesn six keys calls the private secretary ,
another the executive secretary and the rest
the telegraph operator , tbo stenographer , the
telephone man , the messenger , the door
keeper nnd so on , and all of these officers , In
fact almost ovcry member of the ofilclal
staff at the whlto house rushed in
to the president's room in frantic haste yes
terday afternoon , not knowing whether the
president had been assassinated , but sus
pecting the worst had happened because of
the violent ringing of the bolls. But it was
only baby McICeo who had found a now play
At dinner nt the Whlto House on last Sun
day there were gathered , and nt future Sun
day dinners ut the same place indefinitely ,
there will bo gathered four generations , Just
as In the palace nt Berlin before the death nf
the venerable emperor n year or so ago.
Great Grandfather Scott who still holds his
plnco In the pension ofllcc , and would not re
sign it for any reason , President nnd Mrs.
Harrison , his daughter , and their two chil
dren and grandchildren. I believe it i < ! the
first time such n gathering over took place
within the historic walls.
Jt is very probable that Judge Spencer , of
Dakota , will soon bo removed Irom the fed
eral bench. Senator-elect Edgcrton , of
Mitchell , who Is booked for a scat in the
upper house of coutrrcss from the stnto of
South Dakota , is mentioned as likely to bo
appointed to succeed Spencer , and ex-Dele
gate Prank Pcttlgrcw , of Sioux Falls , may
bo elected senator Instead of Edgorton who ,
it is said , prefers a scut on the bench to ono
In congress. Pcttigrew knows the ropes nt
Washington and would make a good senator
and is solid witli the people.
Miss Clulro Rustin , who has been spending
the winter as n guest of Senator and Mrs.
Paddock , leaves to-morrow for Now York In
company with Lieutenant and Mrs. Barbour ,
of'tho United States navy , and will sail on
Saturday on the French line of steamers for
Paris , whore she will spend three months or
moro. At Paris the party will join Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick and Miss Kountzo ,
who will have preceded them by about two
First Lieutenant Gcorgo S. Young ,
Seventh infantry , has boon ordered to con
duct a detachment of recruits to the Depart
ment of the Platte and then Join his com
Private Reuben L. Kase. company A ,
Eighteenth infantry , now with his company
at a post near Denver , is transferred to
company C , Seventh infantry , nnd will bo
sent to the station of that companv at Fort
Larauiio , Wyo. PuuuvS. HEATA.
* >
Tlioy Are Trying to Set Their Heels
Upon South Piikotn.
HUUON , Dak. . March 18. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : BEE. ] The prohibitionists of
South Dakota surprised themselves by turn
ing out a thousand strong to their three
day's ' convention in session hero. Their ob
ject is to put prohibition in the state consti
tution without making a party move ot it.
All are Invited to co-operate , regardless of
party ties. They resolved to use every pos
sible effort to huvotho Sioux Falls constitu
tion of 1S85 ro-onactcd , will vote for no dele
gate to the convention who does not pledge
himself to vote for tiie proposed measure.
They appointed as a state committee of
Boven , Barnes , of Ynnkton ; Busline ! ! , of
Huron ; Hngcrty and Starling , of Aberdeen ;
Cliiuo , of Watertown ; Cranemer , of Ipswich ;
Mrs. Johnson , of Hlghmoro , together with
an executive com mil too of thirteen and a
committccman from each county.
An encouraging letter from Governor
Larrabee. of Iowa , caused intense excite
ment , and in it ho showed the benefit proln
bition had been to his state In lessening sa
loons , reducing penitentiary population , In
creasing values and population , banks and
Records ot the Nominees.
WASHINGTON , March in. Schuylor , who
was to-day nominated to bo first assistant
secretary of .state Is about forty-soven years
of age. Hois generally well known as an
author and a diplomat , and In the last men
tioned career he has lillcd almost every
grudo in the service.
Cyrus Busscy , who was to-day nominated
by the president to bo assistant secretary of
the Interior was horn in Ohio In 18:1-1. : Ho
was a delegate- from Ohio to the Baltimore
convention which nominated Stephen A.
Douglas for president. He served with dis
tinction throughout tha war and was b re
vetted major-general in 1805. General
Bussoy engaged In business in New York
City InlSSl and has since taken a prominent
part in national politics ,
Steanmlilp Arrivals.
At Now York The Kibe , from , Bremen ;
the Egypt , from Liverpool.
At Bromorhavcn The Ems , from New
At Liverpool The Roman , from Boston ,
At Hamburg The Oovelgonno , from
At Lirerjwol Tno Bavariii ; from Boston ,
At Glap.gow--Tho Lord O'Nell , from Bal
At Hamburg The Gollort , from New
At Now York The State of Georgia , from
Glasgow ; the Franco , from London.
A Western I'rlzn Fight.
SAN FIIAXCISCO , Gal. , March 13. A fight
between Sailor Brown , of New York , and
Young Mitchell , of Ban Francisco , for
u purse of $1,500 and the middle
weight championship of tno Puclllu
coast took place at the rooms
of tha Golden Gate nthletlo club to-night
beginning at 11 o'clock. The doors wcro
Kept locked by the managcmpnt and but faw
were allowed to enter. Brown was knocked
out by Mitchell in the 22ml round.
to Kosliju.
WASIIISOTOX , March 13. In the case of
district attorney Watts , of West Virginia ,
who notified the department that ho docs not
propose to comply with the request for his
resignation , Attorney General Miller bald
this afternoon that no ono has yet boon se
lected for the plaro. nnd Watts will probably
bo allowed to remain until Ills successor has
been named and continued.
Huuldcd to DiMt'li.
STKOMSBUUO , Nob. , March 13. ( Special to
TUB BiiK.J A. three-year-old son of Ncls
Oborg fell Into a tub of hot water , and bo-
faro ha could ba taken out was so badly
burned tbjit ho died this morning.
U Hot COIUCB to.Qniaha.
Cmcvoo , March 13. Jolm'H. Erby to-day
sold to Nat Brown , proprietor of the Mer
chants' hotel , Omaha , the fatuous pacer U
Hctundjuunliig unote , " record D.OT'f. The
prloo was J700.
Ireland Rapidly Bmorglns Prom
Darkness Into Light.
The Grasp or Her Foc : 8Uclnxlnc ; null
a heir Power About to Bo
Wrested From Them
An Ovntloii to Parnoll.
LONDON , March 13. St. James hall was
crowded with people this evening anxious to
hear Pnrnoll's speech. Parnoll received an
ovation. Ha expressed gratitude and said ho
felt that his countrymen in Ireland , America
and Australia would bo equally glad On hearIng -
Ing of this reception. Ho would not outer
into the details of the charges against him.
Ho had not said his last say on the subject ,
but ho wished to rcsarvo the last word for
the witness box nnd house of commons. The
commission had been u scandalous waste of
The hall was handsomely decorated with
flags and mottoes. In opening the meeting
Chairman John Morley said ho never saw so
great n meeting as this , nor ono in behalf
of a nobler causo. "I boar a message , " said
Morley , "from the great chief , who , desplto
his years , would have attended had ho not
been entreated to spare himself. . Ho would
not spare himself of his own frco will , be
cause ho sees the time rapidly approaching
when wo shall cautiously and deliberately ,
stop by stop , but surely , unfalteringly and
unflinchingly , got to the bottom of those
Irish proceedings. The resolutions which
our committee have formed exptessdellborato
Judgment , deep feeling , and a stern , reso
lute , deliberate purpose of n great party
which has not yet taken up a cause without
carrying It through. I do not want to under
stand Pnrncll's presence to-night as binding
him and his friends and countrymen to
our party. Parncll's llrst duty is to
Ireland. Ho has no right to
think of our parties except in
relation to Ireland. I look forward to the
day when the still remaining first Irish
leader and statesman , Parnell , will bo nblo
to partake and draw united Ireland into the
great fabric of frco government of the em
pire of which wo are striving to make Ireland
an integral , incorporated , united , reconciled
and equal member , [ Chojrs.l
'Whether the lories or liberal carry homo
rule , there is one glory of which they can
never deprive us. The toriei can never de
prive the liberals of the g"lory of being the
fiist to soothe Irish distrust , extinguish
prejudice and extend the right hand of fel
lowship ; the tlrst to speak to Ireland In ac
cents of manhood and to show her we nro re
solved to act upon the principle of doing to
others as wo would bodono to. " fCheers.l
Referring to the Times case , Mr. Morley
said : "A moro scandalous betruy il of a great
trust has never ueeu made by a great Jour
nal. A moro desperate exhibition has never
been made of a blind , headstrong , malevo
lent , practical passion. [ Loud cheers. ] Lie-
fore many days the commons will bo asked
to pronounce what the Times has boon guilty
of probably false and malicious libel. If the
government will not do so , the opposition
will. [ Cheers. ] The publication of this
falsa and malicious libel on the marnin ? of a
division constitutes an aggravation of offense
which oven this government Is bound to no
tice nnd punish. There will be other morns
of retribution. The Times that great Ju
piter that docs indeed forgo thunderbolts
[ Lauchter and cheers | Is 'much loss impor
tant than her majesty's government. If the
ministry had possessed a spark of that aus
tere neutrality which ought to belong to the
government ; If it had possessed anything but
the meanest , most virulent and vindicative
partisanship , it would have stood aloof and
left the newspaper to prove a charge , which
it ought never to have made if it had not
proofs. "
Morley severely censured the conduct of
Attorney General Webster , which , ho said ,
would bo discussed In imrlhiment on Monday ,
and denounced the assistance given by the
government to the Times. The honorable
customers of the Times were mortified and
chagrined because nn honest man had cleared
himself of infamous charges , and they were
base enough still to liooo that something
might bo found out. The home rule con
troversy turns upon the questio.n whether
tneso wealthy classes represented by the
Times' customers , so greedy and ferocious
for calumnies against Ireland , nro fitted to
make laws for Ireland. It is monstrous that
the house of lords should have a decisive
voice in such a matter , and Parnoll no voice
at all.
In his peroration , Morley reminded his
hearers that the whole matter rested with
the nation , and tint triumph depended upon
each man making himself a centre for right
Parnell was unable to speak for several
minutes after ho stood up , owing to the vol
leys of cheers. When quiet was restored he
warmly expressed gratification , and went on
to speak at length , in the course of his re
marks ho said :
"I will not enter Into the details of the
charges and allegations mudo by the Times ,
but , speaking generally , I want to know why ,
if these charges and allegations had anv
foundation , the government of the country
did not take thorn up themselves and investi
gate them to their source by the ma
chinery at their command , and if
they wanted special machinery why did
not they construct it with the power at their
command I When were tlicso charges first
started ) It was at the vary moment when
Lord Carnovan was Inviting us to confer
with him on the future government of Ire
land , and as to a now constitution , for those
were his words in opening his convention ,
which was to bo given to Ireland , establish
ing her parliament. That was ono of the
reasons why this business of unearthing
crime was left to amateurs [ laughter ] , and a
pretty mess they uiado of It. Why , again ,
whoa Lord Carnovan was driven from ofilce ,
owing to the failure of his colleagues to
carry out the pledges ho had given us , with
the charges strengthened by proofs of the
forged letters , did not the government
undertake the Job ! Why , again , did
not the government , instead of fighting
behind the petticoats of the Times , say
boldly : 'Wo think these matters worthy of
clearing up , and will ourselves appoint a tri
bunal for that purpose ! ' But no ; they had
recourse tj ovnry subterfuge and aodgo.
Indeed , they pretended that they had estab
lished the commission to enable mo to * dis
prove the letters , but they so carefully
framod-tho terms of the act that the Times
was unable to compel us to appear in court ,
day after day. for nearly six months for
fifty-two actual sitting days of the commis
sion whllo every charge , every allegation
devisable by the cupidity and ingenuity of
the Informers and Jail birds against every
body clso but ourselves , was brought for
ward and Investigated , until at length they
approached the letters most unwillingly and
gave us for the llrst time an opportunity *
The skill of Sir Charles Russell and the
oilier gentlemen was promptly used for ex
posing what , without disrespect to the
Judges , I shall venture to call ono of the
most scandalous wastes of public time and
money ever Instituted under the guise of a
Judicial investigation , [ Cheers.J
"Why do our political opponents go to all
this trouble to attempt to throw discredit
upon the representatives of Ireland , and
necessarily upon the cause they represent
and their allies ? Well , I think the plain an
swer is because of the people of England not
being In contact and communication with ,
and understanding the real wishes , thought ;
and aspirations of the people of Ireland. It
Is comparatively easy to lead them astray on
any political question in Ireland.11
Coining down to the question of a govern
montfor Ireland , Mr. Parnell sold : "Clio
land question , for instance , 1s only ono ex
ample of the bungles every English govern
ment makes in an attempt to rule Irclani
from Westminster. I do not say that the
land question is the Irish Question , but brink
it forward as the most salient example ol
the unfortunate capacity of the English par
liament to do Justice to Ireland.1' '
Referring lengthily to the history of the
land question , the speaker proceeded : "You
English men nnd women ougtit to reflect
vhen you read of "forcible resist
ance in some cases by' Irish ten
ants against armed force , that it
R not real assistance , because it amounts
o such resistance as 0. fly might tnnko to an
elephant about to crush it'under Its foot.
Laughter. ] Bat when you hoar thcso things
on must reflect that , after all , Ihoso people
ire being expelled from homos they have
jullt themselves .and which nro
their own property. You must see that It is
sometimes not human nature to endure nnd
withstand this provocation , as wo desire
they would for the snke'of the future of the
country , nnd that sometimes tholr manhood
revolts nnd they strlko n blow In tholr own
defense. It is an honorable thought that I
Tccl to-night , that since the Introduction of
I3SS Ireland has definitely turned her
jack upon nil base , hopeless nnd
desperate courses ; that she is confident in
the ways of the constitution lies her safety ,
and under the genius nnd guidance ot that
great and devoted Englishman , Gladstone ,
( prolonged cheers ) with the now hope that
has come into all our hearts and breasts , the
day of ultimate freedom for Ireland cannot
bo long deferred. Wo ar& now on the eve of
n great popular upheaval a movement
which will not subside , until you have en
abled your great loader to carry through the
legislature of the empire a measure which
.vill give Ireland nil legitimate control ever
her own Interests nnd her own welfare ,
without nny shadow of harm br 111 to your
own greater Interests. "
Parnell resumed his scat amid loud nnd
[ irolonged cheering.
Hogs Are Still Movlutr to Market
Very Frnely.
CINCINNATI , March 13. [ Special Telegram
Lo Tun BBC. ] To-morrow's Price Current
will say : Hogs nro still moving to market
very frcoly , the western packing indicating
a total of about 230,000 for the week , com
pared with 215,000 the preceding week , and
155,0(10 ( last year. From March 1 to date the
packing returns indicate a total of about
,155,000 against 2.25,000 a year ago , an Increase
of 130,000. The comparative packing since
March 1 at the places mentioned is us fol
lows :
Another Chicago Marl Takes French
Leave ol' His'Credltori.
CHICVOO , March 13 A local paper says
that Alfred Post , who for some time past
has been running a "freight claim bureau"
hero , has loft the city for parts unknown ,
leaving behind him a largo number of cred
itors , besides taking awayn sum of money
secured from Investors In t'ho "bureau , " esti
mated at upwards of S 100,000. Post came
here a few years ago frona the cast , and ob
tained employment ns r.'clerk in the freight
claim ofllco of the Chicago ; Burlington &
Quinoy railroad. A couple of years ago
ho was dismissed , ' but in a short
time organized his "bureau" for the alleged
purpose of collecting'rebate and damage
claims aeninst railroads. By specious and
nnd plausible representations he induced a
number of well-to-do men in this city to in
vest in the affair. HQ told' them ho could
buy up claims from , merchants for say a
fourth or half of their face vuluo and then ,
by the influence ho pretended to have with
the railroads and his intimate knofrledgo of
the inside workings , would bo enabled to col
lect in full nnd rapidly. To the first in
vestors he paid ono or two largo dividends ,
and thus induced them to go in heavier.
The bureau has been running now a year
and a half. Everything went on swimmingly
for a time , but recently events occurred
that led to an Investigation , nnd this not
being quite satisfactory , it is stated that
Post quietly left the city , having secured ad
ditional sums of money from several gulled
investors. The collapse fully came on Mon
day night , when a deputy sheriff levied on
the elegant apartments and stables , while
Mrs. Post was holding a farewell reception
prior to her departure for the oast.
An attachment was secured by New York
Jewelers , of whom Post had purchased uuaut
§ j,0 > H ) wortn of diamonds in the past year.
Post has been living in elegant style on
Michigan avenue , and keeping a private
stable second to none in the city. When
working for the railroad ho was in very
humble circumstances , and lived in a modest
manner. Several railroad officials say they
had little confidence in Post , and had refused
from the first to have anything to do with
his ' 'bureau. "
lie Will Sot Up n'l'loa of Heir-De
le n He.
CiiAHLESToy , S. C. , "March 13. Dr. Mo-
Dow , when son to-day regarding the mur
der of Captain Dawsorf , oJltor of tha NJWS
and Courier , declined at first to make any
sutoment , but avontu.llv | suld : "Captain
Dawson entered my ofllse , use ! abusive lan
guage nnd knockol mar down with his cane.
I got up and no was abDUt to strike mo
again when I shot him. " Me-
Dow then went on to say that
Daivson won not killed instantly ; that ho
remained altvo for half 'to three quarters of
an hour , during wnich time ho ( McDow ) re
mained in the room making ut ) his mind What
to do. The discovery was made to-day that
the doctor had endeavored to dig a grave in
a recess under the stairway which loads
to the second story of the building , and
finding ho could not do so , because of ob
structions , gave himself up and plead self-
defense. MoDow can show no marks of
violence from being knocked down , as ho
assorts ho was. All the flags of the city nro
at half-mast , and telegram * of sympathy
are pouring in from all parts of the country.
The polios have positive proof of McDow's
Illicit connection with pnwson's maid ser
vant , but the latter Is still in the service of
the family , her mistress not being Inclined
to believe her guilty , ftlcssagos of sympathy
poured in to Mrs. Dawsotf all day , Including
ono from ox-Prcsldontf Cleveland. The fun
eral this afternoon was ] attended by un im
mense crowd , representing all clu ? es.
i .
A Nebraska Hwmdler Oapttirml.
ASPK.V , Col. , March lit [ Spacial Telegram
to TUB BKE.I Sheriff1 WJnto to-day arrested
W. II. Peck , alias W i'Sanson ' , a Nebraska
fugitive , on a requisition from Qovcrnor
Tnayor of that state. T/id / fugitive Is charged
with forging Insurance checks on the people
nt Table Rock , Neb. , Vijhero ho represented
n number of insurance companies. Peak has
succeeded In eluding the authorities for three
yours and was overtaken in u restaurant
where he wus employed.1 A missing too established
tablishod his identlty'aud ho wus taken east
to-night In custody of " .William Fellers , ono
of his victims. - f *
A Camp Meeting Proposal.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB JBK.J ) Delegations from Milford -
ford , Crete and the managers of Cusliuxan
park , near this city , appeared before a com
mittee of the MethoilUt conference to-day
and received u. proposition * for the location
of tbo next camp mootiug. The offers wcro
taken under advisement and their decision
will bo reached in a day or two ,
Physician } * M ty AJvortiRO.
CHICAGO , March' 13. Tho" appellate court
to-day affirmed the dpctsiun that , notwith
standing the opposition of the state board of
health , a physician may advertise. A special
ist physician advertised largely ana the state
board revoked hurllcinse ; According ti ttia
appellate court , Um board is now prohibited
from interforhrg with advertising physi
cians. / 4
/ I
Ho Doulos Boingr the Nebraska
Ho Explains HU Ijnino IJCR. etc. ,
In Various AVays Nearly Burled
Alive A Whlto Cap
Zimmerman Or No ?
Mixnnx , Nob. , March 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BED. | The city Is yet greatly
oxcltod ever the fact that Matt Zimmerman
is hero. Largo crowds of people came to
the city to-day to get n glimpse at the noted
criminal , who was n terror to every inhab
itant In 1SS2.
W. Blaynoy , who was chairman of the
Jury that convicted Xltninorman , is willing
to swear that It Is ho , ns nro also several
moro old settlers , whllo n few think the
prisoner is not Zimmerman. Ho tolls sev
eral different stories ns to how ho got his
marks , which are Just like the ones Zimmer
man had. Nothing definite has been done as
yet to Identify him , nnd It may tnko several
days before this Is done. Parties Imvo been
sent for In Kansas , where ho has worked
since leaving Mlndon , who. it is snld. can
identify him. The prisoner Is closely guarded ,
and will bo held until ho can prove clearly
that ho Is or is not Zimmerman. Ho docs
not want to speak any , and this Is ono thing
which makes the authorities think ho is the
man. That ho trl s to disguise his walk has
been notlceiLby several.
Sheriff Hill thinks htm not the man , but
brought him on the ndvlco of ox-Governor
Nance. ICrickson , who wus sheriff at the
time the crime was committed , can not Iden
tify him. Judge Gaslln expresses no opinion.
Many photographs have been brought out ,
yet no ono feels dec'dcd. '
A Farmer Disappears.
McCooi , JUNCTION , Neb. , March 13.
[ Special to Tun BKU. | Jacob Glltnore , nn
old resident of this county , who lives about
ten miles cast of this place , came to town
last Friday morning , remaining until Satur
day morning , when ho disappeared. Satur
day afternoon two of his sons came to town
in search of the father , stating that ho" had
left homo Friday morning ; that ho was com
ing to McCool Junction , nnd wanted to take
the train from hero to Fremont , where ho
had some business to attend to , and would
return homo in the evening. Not returning
homo as stated his family became nlnrmcd
and commenced a search for him. Nothing
has yet been learned of his whereabouts.
Mr. Uilmoro was badly in debt nnd lost his
farm a short time agu , which is supposed to
have caused his strange action. Ho had not
been well for some time past and had become
somewhat dissipated. Mr. Gilmore is n man
of about fifty-rive years of atre ; weight 1C"
pounds ; height about six feet and three
inches ; wears a full beard and is of rather
dark complexion. His family are greatly
worried over his strange actions and nre
very anxious to learn of ins whereabouts.
Ho had with him wticn leaving town about
? 2J"P in cash. _
A Huso Bill Association.
Giusn ISI.AXD , Nob. , March 13. [ Special
toTnn Bnu | An enthusiastic meeting of
citizens of tills clty.was hold at the Palmar
house to qrgunlzo u base ball association and
' " " ' ' ' intcr-stu Q. league. Two
thousand dollars was subscribed
in stock , which' ' is to bo Increased to
§ 5,000. A committee was appointed to secure
grounds and make contracts for the erection
of suitable stands and fences. It is proposed
to secure four or five professionals , the
rest of the team to bo selected from last
yedr's club. Grand Island proposes to
sustain the reputation it earned last year as
a base ball town , nnd would like to hear
from Fremont , Plattsmouth , Lincoln , Hast
ings , Beatrice and all other towns which
are desirous of Joining an inter-stato league.
The following officers were elected : Presi
dent , N. II. Cohen ; vice president , J. H.
Foley ; secretary and treasurer , E. C. Hock-
cnbcrger. Board of trustcesCohon , Lamon ,
Briningcr , Miller and Foley.
Unn Cr.oun , Neb. , March 13. [ Special to
Tnu BEE. ] Physicians of the city were tele
graphed Monday to go to Guido Ilock to hold
a post mortem examination on n Mr. Fairfield -
field , who was said to have died at G o'clock
in the morning. Arriving there In the even
ing , the physicians discovered that ho was
not yet dead , though the undertaker had
procseJod to prepare for the funeral cere
monies. the man having been laid out and
uiado ready for burial. The physicians re
turned homo and this evening were again
notified to go back , and it is thought the
man is now dead. Hjid the discovery not
been made it is more than possible ho would
have boon buried yesterday and probably bu-
fore 11 fo had entirely gone. It is thought
the trouble was heart disease.
Bound to Kct nn Kduoutlnn.
BAUTW.V , Neb. , March 13. [ Special to
Tint BED. ] A young man named W. W. G.
Rockwell entered school hero last full , for a
six monthscourso In short-hand
- , typo-writing
and other studies. Continuing till as near
the end of the present term ns possible with
out Bottling for tuition , and keeping ns far
behind on board ns his good naturcd landlady
would allow- was believed ho had made
preparations to abscond. A writ of attach
ment , hold his effects , without which ho made
a short trip to some near point and procured
funds to settle his board. Disposing of his
trunk , he gathered the remainder of his
property and loft "between two days" to
avoid the college officials , owing them $25.
Ho formerly attended school at Hastings.
Lmylnca Corner Stone ,
BKATIIICB , Nob. , March 13. [ Special to
Tun BKU.J Next Monday afternoon nt 2:30 :
o'clock will occur the laying of the corner
stone of the now & )5,000 ) Episcopal church.
A 'special train will run from Wilber to Do-
wltt for the benefit of the Masonic fraternity
and others. Governor Thuyor , Bishop
Worthlngton and J. M. Woolworth , chancel
lor of the diocese of Nebraska , will bo present
to assist in the exercises. The grand lodge
of Knights Templar , of Nebraska , Gcorgo B.
Franco , grand master , will conduct the ex
ercises. This church will bo finished by
Christmas and will bo the finest in the
city. Senator Paddock nnd the Smith Bros , ,
bankers , are the leading members nnd have
contributed largely towards tbo erection of
the church.
Atkinson Notes.
ATKINSOX , Nob. , Mareli 13. [ Special to
TUB BISK. | Conrad Barrlsh , ono of the
pioneer settlers of this part of Holt county ,
died lust Friday , aged fifty-nine years.
The prairie fire which raged ever the
country southwest of this place Sunday and
Monday was finally conquered Monday night.
The tract burned over was from six to
twelve miles wide and about twenty-five
long. Several thousand tons of hay , two
dwellings and a number of stable sheds were
consumed. Among the principalo losers are
are Colonel B. W. Johnson , D , Brudshaw ,
A , 8. Schuotz , David Schuetz , Jerry Henry
and Mr. Walker ,
Ouvo Him ( i Cano.
1 K KAiiNur , Nob. , March 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BCB.J | This evening the Jurors
of the district court presented Judge Homer
with a gold headed cane as a token of their
appreciation of the manner in which he has
treated them.
A Double-Headed Calf.
Ren CLOUD , Nob. , March 18. [ Special to
TUB BKE.J A cow belonging to Mr. Mayfield -
field , of this city , has given birth to a. double-
headed calf , The heads are both perfect and
nro joined together like twin apples. Each
head lias a separate pair of ours nnd nftcr
detaching the member from the offspring ,
which unfortunately died , It was found the
double throats Joined together lu the nock ,
making ono passage for food to the stomach.
As the member U so perfect it is regarded ns
n great curiosity.
Representative McNIoklo's Trouble.
Wiuiuii , Nob. , March 13. [ Special to Tun
Bnn. ] Representative MoNloklo's troubles
will never conao. Since his vote on the sub.
mission question ho has been hung in effigy
at Wllbor , tried before the church at Court-
land , Nob. , for deceit and lies , nnd this
morning the neck o' the woods about Tur
key creek brldgo was astounded by finding
his body suspended In effigy. This Is n much
traveled road , hundreds of teams passing
there daily. .
Neglecting a Mother.
KIIAIINKV , Nob. , March ! . | Speclal Tele
gram to TUB BKK. ] Mrs. Prlcllla Miller ,
bailing from Nowburch , , N. Y. , was found
on the streets this morning In a pitiable con
dition. She loft her homo some time In Feb
ruary to visit her sons at Blm Creek and was
hurt In n wreck nt Cedar KnphK la. Upon
reaching her destination she learned that
her boys had gone west and no ono could In
form her where they located. She is sixty-
seven years old , In poor health and penniless
nnd hungry when noticed hero by her bene
factors. In her distraction oho boarded the
early morning train for her homo and was
put off the train nt this placo.
Made o Face the
BUUWEM , , Nob. , March 18. [ Special to
Tun Br.n.1 Deputy Sheriff Price has re
turned from Lootn. Kan. , with George W.
Halo , charged with removing mortgaged
property. Halo loft Gurficid county about
three weeks ago leaving various creditors.
The Ord National bank being Interested to
the extent of 51,000 , had him brought back ;
His preliminary examination has not yet
been hold.
A Whin Cap Circular.
DAVIII Cirr , Neb. , March 13. [ Spaclal
Telegram to Tun Bnn. ] There was oxelte-
mcnt on the streets this morning , caused by
the White Cap circular tacked to u barber
pole , a picture of n man hanging to a , tree ,
with the words :
"This here feller paid the penalty for trlon
to hunt down us Whlto Caps , so you bo-
ware. WHITE C.U's. "
There were other pictures of a skull , pis
tols nnd n hangman's knot. Some tnink it a
hoax. Others regard It moro seriously and
think it Is directed nt ono of the county
Will Make Windmills.
Coi.UMiius , NOB. , March 13. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEB.I The contract for
the erection of five brick buildings for the
use of the Gilt Edge Windmill manufactur
ing company was let this evening to James
Peat-soil. Work will bo begun nt once.
Gcrrard & Whitmoycr donated the location
in the western part of the city on the Omaha ,
Niobrara & Black Hills railway. Twelve
thousand dollars will bo expended in build
ings , nnd in sixty days the mills will be
turned out. _
A Suspicious Absence.
NOKDEX , Neb. , March 11. [ Special to
THE BEE , ] This town has been In an up
roar for the past two weeks caused by the
absence of T. K. Evans. Evans is a leading
man in these parts and his business relations
were with hundreds of people. Ho left two
weeks 030 for Ouinlia with stock and since
his departure all nis property here has been
attached for debts. His friends nro confi
dent that ho will return and straighten up
matters. . . - .
iV Woman County Superintendent.
POXCA , Neb. , March 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The board of super
visors of DIxon county in session this day ,
accepted the resignation of County Super
intendent Ward and appointed , after twelve
ballots , Miss Mary Schroer to succeed him.
The appointment Is a good ono , as Miss
Schroer is ono of the best teachers in the
state and has acted as assistant principal of
the Pouca school for years.
mysteriously DlHiippcured.
RED CLOUD , Nob. , March 13. ] Speclal to
THE BEE.I G. N. McDanicls of this city ,
who , for some time past has been demented ,
disappeared mysteriously Monday night nnd
no truce of him has yet been found. Ho was
seen abouUho depot about midnight the last
known of him. The sheriff has telegraohed
in several directions. It is supposed he
boarded one ofthe night trains.
New Kntorprlsa for Cralfj.
CUAIO , Neb. , Mareli 13. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] E. B. Shutt , a prominent stockman ,
nnd H. 1C. Eaglesm , formerly with A. H.
Eaglcsm & Co. , of this place , have lot the
contract for erecting u largo implement
house , and both are now in Omaha purchas
ing their stock. This will make two now
firms for Craig this spring in this line.
Found Dead.
BEXKELMAN , Neb. , March 18. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Word has Just boon
received at this point that James Conway , n
batchelor living thirty-five miles in the into-
r'or ' , was yesterday found dead In his house
lying partly on the bod. Conway was an old
soldier about fifty years of age , and owns
considerable property. It is thought that
heart disease was the cause of his death.
T vo Sharpers.
STHOMSIIUIIO , Nob. , March 13. [ Special to
TUB BEE. ] Two neatly dressed men came to
town about ten days ago claiming to repre
sent the American Building nnd Loan asso
ciation of Minneapolis , Minn. , and worked
the town thoroughly. The amount nf shares
of stock sold was about 200. for which they
got $1 each , and this morning they left with
out delivering any certificates of slock ,
Hopklnf ) UlHoharitrd.
DAKOTA CmNeb. . , March 18. [ Special
Telegram to THE BnE , | The preliminary ex
amination to-day of Hopkins , McCutchcon
and Murphy resulted In Hopkins' discharge.
McCutchcon and Murphy wcro sentenced to
ten days in Jail for carrying concealed
weapons , by which time it is believed sufll-
clent proof will have bean secured to hold
them for burglary.
Court Aujouriiod.
KKAIIXEV , Nob. , March 13. [ Speolal Teln-
gram to TUB BUR. ] The adjourned term of
the November court adjourned this evening
without finishing the business that has been
waiting for it. Judge Homer snnloncod
Frank Hpccke , aged fifteen , and covlcied of
horse stealing , to the industrial school ,
A Satisfactory Appointment.
PKXDKII , Nob. , March 13. [ Special to T n
BEE. ] The appointment of T. P. Hluok as
postmaster hero will glvo general satisfac
tion. Though ho U a young man and has
been hero but u little over a year , he ha *
shown himself a ihorons.'h business man and
has made many warm friends.
Died of Brlcht'H Disease ,
Nouroi.K , Nob. , March 18.--Hpeclal [ Tele
gram to TUB Bic. : ] Mr. J. D. UU > y , the
Hurt street uptiolsleror , died In this city at ! i
o'clock this afternoon of Bright's disease , at
the residence of ( Jeonro P. Moore , his son.
in-law. whom ho was visiting , The funeral
will take place ut his rcMdcncc , 951 Montana
street at ii o'clock p. in. Thursday , March 14 ,
Never Come Singly.
GKXONeb. . , March 18-Special [ Tele
gram to TUB Hnu.t \ D. Goodwin and L.
B. Hulsby , general merchants here , have
placed their goods In the hands of receivers
for the benefit of their creditors , Balsby'a
liabilities are about M.OOO , jisioU probably
less. 4j < k > dwin'n liabilities are not known.
These failures are a general uururUo to all.
The Captain of the AU-Amorloa
Abandons His Team.
A Mysterious Sllciiuo 1'rcsorvcrt n
to the Nature o ( * lUs HiiRlnosa
on This Sldo of the
Tim ilnso Itnll Tourists.
[ Oni > iirlgM 18f9 l > v Jamt fJontmiteiirlM 1
LONDON- , March la. [ Now York Herald '
Cable-Special toTiinBr.i.l-Captftln John M.
Ward's intention to Icnvo the Spaldlng ball
party and snll for Now York to-morrow has
been no secret among the members of tha
two teams or to Mr. Spaldlng for some days
past. When questioned as to the causes
which necessitate such action upon his part ,
Ward simply said : "I nm called homo upon
matters of a purclv private nature , and , ns I
have assured President Spaldlng , nothing-
but the most urgent reasons could Induce mete
to Icavo him nt this timo. "
Although little has boon snld about the
matter among the plo.yors , they have In
dulged In much speculation as to the trno
cause of Ward's departure. "Johnnie Ward
know that the Brotherhood of American
Ball Players wants him nt home , and ho Is
going there ; that .Is all there Is to the mat
ter , " snld ono of tha All America team to
"Aro there nny complications in the broth
erhood's affairs 1" was asked.
"No. The brotherhood Is as It ever was ,
and If it had not been for the action of the
national league clubs in undertaking to put anew
now yoke upon the nocks of ball players ,
Ward would not bo going homo at present ,
in my opinion. "
"To what do you refer I"
"Tho classification echcmo. You know
that every ball player in this tour has boon
exempted from classification until fifteen ,
dnys after wo have returned to New York.
in making this 'exemption the league has
shown its weakness. There are those among
us whom the league have not the nerve to
classify , lilco so many sheep in n stookydrd
pen. They knew that the president of the
brotherhood was with us , and they thought
to pacify us with this exemption snap , but It
won't work. "
"What will Wura do on reaching Now
York ! "
"I don't know , but you can rest assured
that ho will act promptly. The league has
made a mistake and they have got to correct
it before nny man of this party not already
signed puts his name to a contract for the
coining season. "
It is also intimated that the absence of
Mrs. Ward , nee Helen Dauvrny , has much
to do with Ward's eager haste to return to
America. She Joined the Spaldlng party nt
Denver when the Spaldiug party were trav
eling west toward San Francisco last Novem
ber. It was understood that she would go
through to Astralia. She loft him nt Salt I
Lake City , however , to return to Now York ,
and Captain Ward sailed for the antipodes
without his newly made wife. It was tljen
reported'fhiYt'sho would rejoin lr. Ward In
Europe and return with him to America
Although she has recently been
to Paris and London she re
turned to Now Yorkx before her
husband reached Italy witli the ball t urns. M
Since leaving her husband In America , Mrs ,
Ward.has announced her intention of going
back to the stage. It is believed that Mr.
Ward is opposed to any such arrangement ,
nnd is therefore Journeying homo to oxerotso
his authority in the promises. r
Concerning Ward's ' departure , President
Spaldlng said to-night : ' ! deeply regret it.
Ward tolls mo that nothing can alter his de
termination ; that matters of a private nature
of vital importance demand his presence in
New York , and with this explanation he
leaves mo. "
"Do you know the nature of the business
that calls him there ) "
"No , he has not chosen to tell mo moro
than I have told you , and 1 have naturally
rgfralned from asking him. "
A game of base ball was played bctweon
the two teams on the lords' cricket grounds
to day. A largo crpwd witnessed the game.
White , secretary of the American legation ,
showed the members of the teams through
the two houses of parliament , and the crypt.
The dean of Westminster has invited them
to bo present at a special service In the abbey
on Sunday. _
Slowly Hut Stiroly Its
Cells About tht ; Far mo i4.
March 13. Slowly but
surely the binding twine trust Is tightening
its cells about the tanner. Already the effect
of It is seen hero , where most of the twlno
in stock has been bought up for the trust ,
and now lies in u Minneapolis warehouse ,
whore the price has already advanced mate
rially. An agent of the Dakota runners'
Alliance , which last year bought Its twlno
direct from the factories , was sent east to
contract for this year's supply. Ho dlsc9V-
crcd that the whole output had been bought
up by the trust , and twlno which last year
could bo bought for 0 cents pur pound would
coat 25 cents this year. The only remaining
plan left the farmers Is to boycott the trm > t ,
and this they seem inclined lo do.
Minneapolis twine dealers are In the sarno
fix as are the farmers. About two months
nfjo a man came here and bought up all the
twlno In the hands of dealers before it wus
discovered that ho was an nennt of the trust.
If the farmers get no twine it is likely to
have a bad elfcct upon tlm wheat crop , as
that ceieal cannot ho harvoUod in goou con
dition without the use of twine.
Ol'lUM SMJJ a"L'l3KB.
That the Whole GIUR
Will Coinn to Gi-lof.
if , Dak. , March la. [ Special Tpl-
cgr.iin to TUB Br.B.J The opium smuggling
trial was closed In the United States court
hero this evening. In the case of Curran ,
the old man first nrnuted for transporting
the opium from Canada lo Dakota , the Jury
disagreed , standing eight for acquittal anil
four for conviction.
Cm-ran then changed hU pleadings of not
guilty and pleaded guilty to the charge of
facilitating in the transportation of tha
opium , but not to intentional wrong-doing.
After a conference with the attorneys , the
case against Cm-ran was dismissed and sen
tence un the charge to which no pleaded
guilty wan suspended. Leonard , the Don.
ver man to whom the opium was consigned ,
was sentenced to seven months In the pent'
tent la ry.
It Is believed that the action In the case ol
Curran menus that ho furnished evidence
which will lead to the arrest of the entire
gang which lias econ engaged In umut'gliiiK
opium for years. It Is undoubtedly a glgantlo
romblnutimi and its dishonest gains rcuoh
Into the millions. Its members have been
operating all along the Canadian border ,
The C'hurlosion About Oomploloil.
uy , March 13.The contractors
liiUMIng the jiow omisor , Charleston ,
Saif liViiiUco ! .lmvo Informed the navy do.
partiiKint Uiu.t the vessel will bo ready for
trial 1 two or .tlaco wcok .