Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Collections of internal revenue yes-
tcnlny wns $ ' 2,037.07. „ _
A printer rmmocl P. L. Pntco clnlmo'd
lie wfta hold up by foot puds Monduy
night nnd relieved of $ l."o.
Ferdinand Schmidt yostordny sold his
ono-linlf interest in the saloon nt the
northwest corner of Fifteenth und IIow-
nrd streets , to Arthur Rothory , for the
euin of 9500.
0. Hixynos , of 008 Davenport street ,
complains of belnp bothered by inquir
ies about the murdered man Do Gootlo.
Ho says ho knows nothing about him
nnd never kept boarders.
Rev. Joseph T. Duryoa , D. D. , will
lecture on the subject of "How the
Yankees Kept America , " at the Beth-
Eden Baptist church , 816 Park avenue ,
on Thursday evening , for the benefit of
the Indies' aid society.
A test of the pressure ol
the water in the various hydrants in
the city showed a variation of from
ninety to one hundred and twenty-five
pounds , according to the location. The
highest IB in a 1'iorco street hydrant.
Ten new members wore added to the
Omaha Mutual Protective Union , and
now there are thirty members. It takes
in the organizations of llofman , Thlolo
Rohr and Shunk , and a few from the
opera house orchestra. The regular
meeting will bo to-day.
Judge Borka has come to the rescue
of the reporters once more. This time
ho defends them from the unllcdped
lawyers that haunt the police court , and
for want of something bettor to take
bogus notes of proceedings at the repor
ters' tables. Ho has ordered the repor
ters' chairs to bo painted rod , and no
one else can occupy them.
HOBO Onrt Upset.
In RolnR to the flro yesterday morning hose
cart No. 2 was upset whllo making the turn
on Sixteenth street. The vehicle wns slightly
Injured nnd the llromcn wore bruised but not
badly hurt. _
The Effects of Vice.
John Poll , the vngrnnt whoso vices are de
stroying his mind , but who Is hnrdly Insnno
enough yet to bo cnretl for by the state , wns
given twenty-five dnys In the county Jail.
A Bawdy Ilotmo Nulsniico.
Property owners on Hnrnoy between
Elphth and Ninth streets complain that the
building used ns n bawdy house is a nuisance
nnd hnvo sent n petition to Chief Scavy to
linvo the occupants notified to leave. TUo
inmates will bo compelled to emigrate.
Chattel Mortgage.
William J. Evn , of Manawa county , Town ,
yesterday gave n chattlo mortgage on his
livery stock nt 420 North Sixteenth street ,
to Ballon Bros , for the consideration of
$1,850. The stock Includes thirteen head of
horses nnd n number of buggies und car
riages. . _
Visitors From Vnlley.
Charles Curtlsa and Henry Adams , two
croolcs who stole n largo quantity of cloth
ing nt Vnlloy n law days ngo , wore placed in
the county jail yesterday to servo a thirty
days' sentence which they received for the
off'jnso. Thoy'woro tried boforc a justice at
An Obstruction to Firemen.
J. J. Gullignn , chief of the flro department ,
has asked Chief Seavcy to have his ofllccrs
BCO that the vehicles that form an obstruc
tion in the alloy between Ilarnoy nnd How
ard and Thirteenth und Fourteenth streets
be removed , as they are dangerous. Last
night the assistant chief of the fire depart
ment ran into one of them. .
- -
Flocccd by Auction Shnrks.
D. U. McDermott , a Scotchman , who has
Just coma to Omaha front Canada , was a
victim of the Tenth street auction sharks.
Ho was invited into the establishment and
through the encouragement of cappers was
induced to pay $ M for a lot of worthless Jow-i
clry. A. E. Oborton , who wrote the ro-
colpt , is to bo arrested for getting money un
der falco pretenses.
Looking After the Fort.
President Martin , of the board of trade ,
yesterday appointed John A. Wnkcflold , G.
M. Nnttingcf , Charles H. Brown , John
Evans and D. H. Wheeler , as a committee to
co-operate with Senator Mantlorson 'In ob
taining information looking to the further
enlargement or relocation nnd improvement
for suitable grounds for Fort Omaha in ac
cordance with the bill already enacted by
The First M. E. dim ran
The plans for the now Methodist church
which will bn located on the southeast cor
ner of Davenport ana Twentieth streets , nnd
tohor drawings pertaining to the structure ,
are nearly' completed at the ofllco of Men-
dchsohn , Fisher & Lawrlo , architects. The
exterior walls will bo laid of Roman bricks
of a pattern the HUe of Which. lias never
been used In this city , and the ornamental
trimmings will bo of ucorresponding color of
terra cottn. Tills house , when reared , will
bo nn ornament to the part of the city in
which it Is to bo built , und a central meeting
place for the peopleof the denomination who
will own it.
A Lively Morning Fire.
An explosion about 4 o'clock startled the
people In the vicinity of Sixteenth and Izurd
streets vcstorday , and a few moments
later Miller's restaurant and Gcorgo Strut-
man's saloon were enveloped in flumes. Mr.
Miller was thrown a number of foot by the
force of the explosion , but was not seriously
injured , and but slightly burned , The head
quarters of hose company No. 0 Is only across
the street , but the dry boards burned llko
tinder and the restaurant building wns con
sumed In nn , . Incrndlbly short space of time ,
The saloon , however , was saved after about
$300 worth of damage had been done. The
building consumed was owned by Otto
Lang , and could bo replaced for f.'SOO. It
wns Insured. The fixtures in it were worth
nbout $150.
Thn laiveliulyH Corralled.
TUB liKii's Investigation ol the mystery at
tending the disappearance of the Lovolady
family was read fur and wldo Monday and
late last night telegrams from interested
parties wore received from points in lown
asking for further particulars concerning the
mysterious family. Tun BBC , , however ,
did not content itself with Its exposition
of the disappearance , but sent telegrams to
half u dozen uoints asking for Information
concerning the missing people. Answers
wore received to all , und , with ono excep
tion , none of the correspondents know any
thing about the Loveludys. Finally , however -
over , THIS UKK'B enterprise was rewarded nnd
from T. O. Harris , postmaster at Bartlett ,
la. , was received the following telegram :
"Mr. and Mrs. Lovelady are nt L. N.
Curtis' , two miles southwi'st of this place. "
No explanation of their disappearance was
vouchsafed. The lact of their being found
will us greatly surprise tholf old neighbors
8 would the announcement of their mur
der. They have boon found , however ,
through the enterprise of THE Hue.
IllicuinatUin in the Shoulder.
The majority of mankind suffer more or
less from rheumatism In the shoulder. ALL-
COCK'S Poitous PLABTEUS will cure It. John
J. Hnllcnback , of Hallcnback & DuvlsUnlon ,
StQck Yards , Now York , soys :
"I have used ALLCOCK'S Pououa PLASTKIIS
for rheumatism in the shoulder. It was so
severe that I could not raise my hand to my
head , and occasionally kept me awake most
of the night. I am nlad to say that I found
ready relief from AI.LFOCK'S ' Poiious Pus-
tors In loss than-two hours , and was entirely
cured In three dnys. "
State Hhootlnu Tournament.
Tbo flltecnth annual tournament of the
Nebraska State Sportsmen's association wit
bo. held at WcrJolk. Ju May next. The exact
date nnd programme will bo announced later ,
Five thousand live pigeons have been gifar-
antccd by the North Nebraska Sportsmen's
association , nnd artificial targets enough to
afford unlimited sport for all who mav1 attend.
Shooters will bo ilaiMflcd according to
record , so that nil will hnvo a fair chance ,
anil amateurs will not bo compelled to com-
> cto with professionals. A number of the
jest shots in the United States will bo pres
ent , nnd the best tournament over held by
the association Is expected * This announce
ment is made by J. U. Barnes , president ,
and U. F. Locke , secretary.
A New Trftln.
The connecting link between No-
jrnska and Kansas has just bcou placed
in service by the Union Pacific railway.
This train leaves Council Bluffs daily at
4 : > i5a. in. ; leaves Omaha at 0:05 : a. in. ,
ind runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections thcrovlth the Kansas division
of the Union Pacific railway for all
points In Kansas and Colorado west-
joutid , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan
sas City nnd points cast ana south via
Kansas City. Returning , train loaves
Manhattan at 2:25 : p. in. ; arriving at
Beatrice at 0 : 5 p. in. , Lincoln nt 7:50 :
| j. MI. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. in. , Coun
cil BlulTs 11:40 : p. ra. , making direct
connection with Kunsns division trains
from Kansas City , Ltvwronco , Topeka
and the east , and from Denver , Salina ,
Abollno and all points west , enabling
passengers to-visit the p'rlnclpnl points
In Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest
possible time. Thcso trains hnvo first-
class equipment , of smoking
cars nnd first-class day coaches of the
latest pattern. The now train will fill
a long felt want , and Is bound to bo
Of Interest to All Who Wish to Deco
rate Tlmlr Bare Wall * .
The demand for etchings , engravings - '
ings , water colors , oleographs , chromes
and nrtotypcs advertised in THK BKE
on Sunday by A. IIospo , has been far
beyond that gentleman's expectations.
All this week ho is giving _ ! o per cent
oil the amount purchased and it is cer
tainly n. drawing card.
Monday and yesterday customers
flooded his art store at No. 1613 Doug
las street , many customers being from
surrounding localities.
Mr. Hospo has been established fif
teen years in Omaha nnd when ho ad
vertises 2-3 per cent off ho gets a big
trade as the public knows that it gets
the best grades of goods and their deal
ings are ulwiys agreeable.
In picture frames A. Iluspe can't bo
excelled and his prices are always the
His is an exclusive art store in the
strictest term and Mr. IIospo person
ally attends to the trade.
liis 2o per cent off sale continues this
week only.
mount , Anderson < : r al nnd Their Use
of the People's Money.
Since the outbreak and discussion of last
Saturday , matters have assumed a funereal
aspect in and about the county commission
ers headquarters. The loud talk , guffaws
and general levity of other days have given
away to whispered conversations , gloomy
looks and inharmonious grunts.
O'Kccffo , Mount and Anderson wcro nt
the room a while ycsterdny , but they had
very little to say. To Mount nnd Anderson
the Bcc'reporter is becoming , if appearances
bo not deceptive , a very unwelcome caller.
Still , they condescend to answer questions
that pleases them , though convcrsotion on
matters In which irregularities
are alleged , fall to receive
satisfactory consideration. Ilecent exposures
have closed these functionaries up tighter
than over. But it is asserted there is a grand
explosion coming and it is claimed not to bo
very"far away. An accounting , it Is claimed ,
must bo made sooner-or later , nnd since two
of the bonrd have arrayed themselves against
O'KecfTo nnd the struggle has narrowed
itself down to a contest of strength and
popularity between them , the latter propose
to force the matter to nn issue nt nn early
dny.rJ ho vault crookedness , which Is to bo
examined into , will not be postponed much
longer. O'Keeflo says ho is satisfied the
balcony , which cost SlfiOO , can bo duplicated
for just one-fifth that amount , or
$300. Kunnlng measure , the balcony
is Just fifty-six feet in length.
All tno railings nnd supports
are of gas plpo , the flooring is cast iron and
the book rack sheet Iron. There is nothing
about the work , theroforo.tlmt may be called
Architect Myers has boon no titled that ho
must either bo here by next Saturday or
send on his statements in refcrenco to the
charges against Superintendent Shane , or
the board will not wait on him any longer.
They say that work on the hospital must bo
Woodruff Granite Qanrry.
I am prepared to furnish Woodruff
granite in paving blocks , door sills and
stops , or .blocks of most any dimensions
at cheap figures. Also handle at my
Lincoln yard all classes of cut stone for
any part of the state. Ask for figures.
Thomas Price , Lincoln , Nob.
Daniel Sullivan Dnnil.
Mr. Daniel Sullivan died at his late homo ,
13115 Chicago street , shortly after
midnight , Monday. Ho had been
suffering for several months and
for thrco weeks past had been bedrid
den. Mr. Sullivan was n well known and
respected citizen ana had been a resident of
Omaha for twenty years. Ho was born in
Kcnmore , county Kerry , Ireland , Just sixty-
nine years ago. Ho came to America
while young , and wns married to Miss
Margaret Hmos at Xnncsville , O. ,
September 2,1852. Later the young couple
came west and settled in Iowa , and in lbO',1
they took up their -residence ) in Omaha. Ten
children were born to them , three of whom
have died. Mr. Sullivan engaged in the
lumber business , having been connected
with W. J. Young for fifteen years. During
the last two or thrco years ho has been en
gaged 1 publiu work. Ho was the father of
J. H. Sullivan , the tinner on Capital avenue ,
near Sixteenth street. The funeral will take'
Claco on next Thursday. Ito < ] uiom mass will
o celebrated at St. Phllomuna's at 8 u. in.
Interment will bo in Holy Sepuluhor ceme
The Public Works Which Are About
to Ho Commenced.
Last year the amount of public works
done in this city , great at It was , was by no
means nil that was ordered. A great deal
had to bo left over until this season , nnd con
tractors nro now getting ready to complete
what they wcro unable to attend to last
This will give employment to many men
who are no\v idle. The work to bo done is
ns follows , the showing comprising the
streets , blocks , material nnd contractor for
paving , sewering , grading and curbing.
Paving district 20) , Fifteenth street from
Howard to .Tanitson , with cypress blocks.
contract with Hcgan Bros. & Co. ; Nine
teenth street , Davenport to Dodge , with cy
press blocks , Hcgan Bros. & Co , ; Tenth
street , Martha to ' Castollar , with
cedar blocks , J. II. amlth &
Co , ; Twenty -second street , Davenport tote
to Cnlifornln , cedar blocks , J. B. Smith &
Co. ! Nicholas street , Tenth to Twelfth. Col-
oriulo sandstone , Hugh Murphy j Pierce
street , Fourth to Fifth , sumo : Fourth street ,
Pierce to alloy north , snnio ; Eleventh street ,
Mnson to Williams , snmoj Leavcnworth
street , Twelfth tq Thirteenth , same ; College
street , St. Mary's ' avenue to Johnson , with
cedar Blocks , Murnhy , Crclghton & Co.
Also In the folio wing alloy paving districts ?
39 , block 107 , Sixteenth nnd Seventeenth
streets. Dodge to Douglas , Colorado sand
stone , Huijli Murphy ; block 10 , Sixteenth
nnd Seventeenth streets , Cnlifornln to Web
ster. Sioux Falls granite , Hugh Murphy ;
blool : ) ! ! , Sixteenth nnd Seventeenth streets ,
Chicago to CasB , same ; block 50 , Sixteenth
and Soventccth streets , Davenport to Chicago
cage , snnio ; block 0 , Fifteenth nnd Six
teenth streets , Cnlifornln to Webster , same ;
block C7 , Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets ,
Davcnoortto Chicago , same ; block lltl , Ninth
nnd Tenth streets , Licnvenworth to Jones ,
same ; block 192 , Tenth and Eleventh streets ,
Leavenworth to Jones , same ; block 200 ,
Thirteenth and Fourteenth , Lcnvonworth to
Marcy , same ; block 204 , Ninth to Tenth ,
Leavenworth to Muroy , same ; be
tween blocks 215 anO 337 Six
teenth to Seventeenth , Hurt to Curaliig ,
same ; block 3M , Eleventh to
Twelfth , Pierce to Pacific , same ; block 10S ,
Fourteenth to Fifteenth , Jackson to Howard ,
J. E. Hilcy & Co.
The following curbing districts : 192 ,
Fourth street from Pierce to alloy north ,
Colorado sandstone , contract with Hugh
Murphy ; Pierce , Fourth to Fifth , same ;
Eleventh street , Mason to alley north , sand
stone , C. D. Woodworth ; Clark street. Six
teenth to Twenty-fourth , same ; Nicholas
street , Sixteenth to Twentieth , same ;
Tenth street , Martha to Cnstellar , Hercn
sandstone , J. E. Hlloy ; Fifteenth street ,
Howard to Jackson , same ; Nineteenth street ,
Dodge to Davenport , same.
The unfinished grading to bo done is on
Sixth street , from Hickory to fiOO foot south
of Credit Fancier addition , with earth , etc. ,
contractor Ed. Pholan.
In the following sewer districts ; S-l , thirty-
inch brick , J. Hyan & Co. ; 88 , pipe , P. H.
Stone sidewalks In pormnnent sidewalk
district , Hercn sandstone , J. E. Hiley.
ABylccr Knocks Out n Pedestrian nt
the Coliseum.
John Hourauan , the sprinter , went into the
coliseum yesterday with his fighting togs on
and his hide soaked in horse liniment. Ho
was noisy and boisterous nnd greatly annoyed
the lady bykcrs in training there. Manager
Eck remonstrated , but John wouldn't hnvo
it. Ho said the § 10,000 beauty , Prince or no
ono else could stop him. Eck protested and
John pulled off his coat nnd wanted to scrap.
Eck said "no. ' ' All ho wanted was respect
ful conduct on John's part , but the pcd was
out for gore. Ho followed Eck
round for a period ot n half hour , continually
bantering him to flght. Hut Eck refrained
until Ilourahun made n break at him , and
active hostilities began. The sprinter
promptly stopped Eck's right with his nose ,
then grabbing his antagonist by the neck ,
John threw himselfjieavilyunder the bicy
cler. Then John was scientifically thumped , '
and after Eck had administered enough , trio
crest-fallen and bruised hero of the sawdust
track was grabbed up by the Coliseum at
taches and fired bodily into the street.
The Hruntn Brigade to Open Its Sum
mer anil Pall Campaign.
The long-needed work of street sweeping
which has long been delayed will bo renewed
to-night. The following nro the
streets swept nnd the nights on which the
work will bo done :
Sunday Night Sixteenth street , from
Izard to the viaduct ; Webster , Fourteenth to
Sixteenth ; Farnnm , Sixteenth to Twentieth ;
Leavenworth. Seventh to Tenth.
Monday Night Ninth , from Harnev to
Union Pacific depot ; Tenth , Fiirnnm to
Martha ; Eleventh , Farnam to ttio viaduct ;
Twelfth , Farnam south to Union Pacific
tracks ; Jackson , Seventh to Thirteenth.
Tuesday Night Douglas , Ninth to Six
teenth ; Dodge and Capitol avenue , Ninth to
Sixteenth ; Ninth , Dodge to Harnoy ; Tenth ,
Eleventh , Twelfth and Thirteenth , Daven
port to Farnam.
Wednesday Niirht Farnam and Harnoy ,
Ninth to Sixteenth ; Howard nnd St. Mary's
avenue , Ninth to Twentieth ; Fourteenth ,
Howard to Davenport ; Thirteenth , Farnam
to Leavenworth.
Thursday Night Fifteenth , Howard to
Webster ; Davenport , Ninth to Sixteenth ;
Thirteenth , Loivcnworth to Vinton.
Friday Night Sixteenth , Izard to Ohio ;
Cumlng.Slxtccnth to Twenty-sixth ; Twenty-
fourth , Cuming to Patrick.
An Abso'uto Cure.
MENT is only put up In largo two ounce tin
boxes , and is an absolute cure for old sores ,
burns , wounds and chapped hand ? , and all
skin eruptions. Will positively cure all
kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AB-
IETIN E OINTMENT. Sold by .Goodman
Drug Co. , at 23 cunts per box bv mall 30
cents. _
Marriage Licenses
Following are the raarnago llcauscs issued
yesterday in the county court by Judge
Shields :
Nauio and resldcnco. Age.
I Fryo M. W. Chrlstenson , Omaha , .28
) Annie Thompson , Omaha 20
j Michael Hancock , Omaha 31
I May Dorsoy , Omaha 18
I Flethor H. Brown , Fulls City , Neb . . . .2(5 (
I Cora M.-Buruo , Kellogg , la 27
I George W. Jones , Omaha 28
| Lydlu Leopard , Ouinna U2
j Andrew Welch , Irvlngton , Neb 24
j Rachel Chapman , Irvington , Nub. 25
pn cr $
, , . , , , , . , ,
Absolutely Pure.
comDotltlon with ttio multitudes ot low cost.
BhortwolRht alum or phosphate powders. Sold
only In cons , Iloynl Making Powder Co. , 120
VVallstroet NOW York
SWUT'S Si'KMKiG 1ms cured mo of a
InUgnantlirctiklimoutonmy leg , which
Icausvil Intolerable pnln. It was culled
1 Ijcxumn by the doctors four of whom
I treated mo with no relief. 1 candidly
I confess that 1 owr my present good
I health to S. S. H. which In my estimation
I lo Invaluably ns ix blood remedy.
Miss.lut.iA li\viTT.
S2JT N. lUth St. , Bt. Louis , JIo.
. Our baby when two months old wns
I attacked with Hcrofnla. wlilili torn long
I time destroyed her eyesight entirely ,
I ami canned toilpspnlr of her life. The
I doctors railed to relieve her. nnd wo
liravolierHwirr'H Si'ix'inc , which soon
I -nrert her entirely , anil she Is now halu
l au l l '
, , KMt WlU's Point. Texn- ? .
CBTSeiul for book Hiving history of
. llooil Diseases nnd tuivlco to sufferers.
| mailed free. TIIF. SWUTKi'KCmo Co. .
Drawer U , Atlanta , Ga.
Warranted abfoliilely } > ro
Cornn. from uhich the excess ot
Oil been removed. Itli.ismoro
than , ttitcc times the strength
of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrow
root or Sugar , and is therefore far
more economical , costlnijicsi than
one cent u cup. It is delicious ,
nourishing , ctrengthenins , easily di-
KcMc J. and admirably adapted for in *
valids as well as 'or persons in health.
Sold by Grocers ocrpilioro.
W , BAKER & CO , , Dorchester-Mass ,
awarded //lehff/hcitilfKHiirihni / / by a medical Jury
nt tne International Exhibition nt Hrussels.havo
proved to lie a llrst-cln-s remedial ngantlnall
Catarrhs of tlio organs of respiration wild diges
scrfbc-U bFphys'iclans 1" < Vsouses of tlio lungs
ami clwst mm nsthnia/'l'he bczuflt ilerivail from
th ir use Is unsurpassed , and even In the. most
chronic cases they soothe , case , nnd stimulate.
ble to all similar preparations , bacaiiBO they nro
a natural remedy , an unadulterated product of
the sprlnirs , contnlnliiK 111 nn undlmlnlshetl tie-
jjree of all sanative principles of tlieso springs.
pared exclusively under the personal supervis
ion nnd control orV. . STOKLI'XING , M. U. ,
K. 1C. Sanitary Councillor.
qunlleil ns a solvent In coughs and catarrhs.even
In the most chronic cas > es. 'i'lielr success Is un
lorremcdy In whooping-cough and cllphthnrla ;
In tlio former they lesson tha paroxysm of the
attack , while preventing the latter diseasewhloti
cannot take hold In a throat not allected by
created value from the fact of hiving a very
favorable Inlluence upon the origan ] of diges
be kept In every home. All mothers nro recom-
inentleil to urge tltclr clilld-en dnrlUR tlm cold
season to allow a pastille slowly to melt in their
mouths while out on errands or going to scliool.
at nourlv all druggists utii 'c a box. Should your
druggist not keep them , kindly aildross the
Soden Mineral Springs Qonipnny
* . ( Limited )
IB Cedar- Street , New York.
' MtSN and WOMK.V euccessfullv trcutoJ.
SutTerlriK from the effects of youthful follies or Imlla
crctlonn , or nru troubled with Woiikncbi , NorvoiiH
Debility , tats of Memory , Despondency , Aversion to
t-oi'lcty , Klilnoy Troubles or nuy disease * of the ( ionl-
to-Urlmiry Or.nius , run hero find snfo unil njioeily
cure. L'liarKCs reimonnble , cspvcmlly to ttio poor ,
Thcro nro many troubled with too frequent ovacim
tlont of tuu b.ii'.uicr , often accompanied by u BllKht
enmrtlmr or burnltiu nuntuitlon , nnd woitkunlni. of thu
y tem In n manner the patient cnnnot account lor.
On ezumlnliiK the nrlnnry iloposlun ropy soillincnt
will olteu bo tmintl , und Bomctliuun imrlldos of ulliu *
men will nppimr or the rolonliuni n thin , mllklsh
hue , UKiilii cmiMxInK to n dark at torpid nppcarance.
There urn nianr niun who din oMhli dllllculty , Ik'nor-
nt oi tlio cuuso. which is thonooont otuicoof semi
nal weakness. The doctor will 'guarjuitou n perfect
cure In all ftuch caves , nnd n healthy restoration of
the Kcnlto-urinary nreutin. Consultation free. Honil
--cent stamp for "Vounv Man's'Ktlunil , or OulJo lo
Wedlock , " free to all. Address
Main nnd 12th St.Kansn3 City , Mo.
IBOU'iiHon tbli paper.
. , , ,
Ono of tlio Most
In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe
cial and Private Diseases ,
b'exual Organa , absolutely cured.
PRIVATE DISEASES , acurowlll0bo' ' iar-
aiitot'il ,
Q IW niPAQPQ his treatment for whl'ili
OMN UlOCAOLOi ulvcs thu most beautiful
complexion , and n perfect suln.
Send stain } ) for rejily.
Offlco Bushman BlocK , 16th and
Doualas Sts. Omaha , Noa
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
NESS CUnEDrrttV'V * .
U < < r > k < > r < l < UlUUI ; . CouIoruUe.
of our spring gootls have now arrived .and vro liavo thorn on our countoi'3 ,
As lenders in the clothing trade wo are expected to be ahead in quantity of stock and
variety of styles. Our exhibit will show that wo have fully realized these expectations.
We invite inspection of our grand stock which by far exceeds that of any former season
Three immense floors full of now goods. Such a stock was never showai in Omaha before
At the opening of the season it may not be but of place to emphasize the fact , that
in the face of constantly increasing competition , our business has kept on growing ,
larger and lafcger until now it is conceded by all that the Nebraska Glotjiing Company is.
the leading clothing house of the west , and sells more goods than any two or three of the
largest houses in Omaha combined.
"We mention this for the benefit of those who have not yet traded with us , It should go
a long way toward convincing them that a house who is thus able , not only to hold its
trade , but to in crease it from season to season MUST offer inducements which can not be
had elsewhere. Close buyers have recognized the vast difference between our prices and' '
those of other houses.
To new customers we wish to say : wo want you to try us ; You take no chances in trad
ing with us. We offer no goods that we can not warrant to give entire satisfaction , and
we were the first to establish the rule of refunding your money in case your purchase is
not entirely satisfactory.
We have always sold goods cheap but this season we will break the record. Prices tall ?
and our prices this season will do more advertising for us than the newspapers.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
V msm M B jA m j k w
_ !
A Spring Overcoatings , A
A Suitings and t
A Trooseriiigs , A
Hundreds of styles from A
the best mills at home and
A abroad
. $
A Not another such collec-A
f tion under one roof within y
A 100 miles. ?
g f
J We are the advance guard f
* in our field of enterprise11
f and you may expect to see f
I the first in fashions here. f
I You profit by ordering i
f early.
fTrowsers to measure $5toIO |
t Suits , " $20 to $451
J Spring Overcoats " $18 to $ 40 j
1409 Douglas Street , f
Omaha. I
lias Meyer-Established ISsS-Auolph Meyer
Max Meyer
& Bro. ,
General Axilla Cor
and JAS , W , STARR
Writ * ( r Catologiw ,
spvhnt wo want to jrlvo to every person tlmt
visits our Btoro. Should you ut any time
ptircnabo nn article that does not prove' '
gust as represented , wo would consider It a |
creat favor to bo allowed the opportunity of ;
H nfclilK you satisfied. Kemomuer our spring
stock is arriving dally. Wo have two Iloois |
well lighted and stocted with first class
Rare Chance for Settlers ,
Tlio n llro d Syatom of Texas Imvlnc developed teas
as to In inn \\ltliin i > aiy accreauf gootl Interior and
keaboarcl uiarkota tliolandu giiinteu to tte
It lini been determlucd to offer to Bcttlcro tbe
Renowned Agricult'l Lands
Located along the line of tlio Fort Worth i Dcurcr
City it. It. , befduninK nlth Wilbarger
. County , comprising
200,000 ACRES6
In fnrmn of l&O acres and upward , Them lands were
located by the Company among tlio furlhst , with
enpoclnl care an to soil , timber and uittcr , They aie
nuipted totho ( 'routh of colloncornoatc , wheat ,
barley , rye , veKflnblrs , orchard ! and gardens and
the various domestic ciavecs ,
Bituatwl In the KleiHtfd and liwlhy region known
as the tvmthorn ranlmndluof Texas , they | > ot6c 8 a
lienidlcliiiHite , favorable to niun nnd bca tu hero
outdoor work can lie carried on thu ) rar round , autl
are In nmrktd contrast with lofilonnof early und late
friiKtaorof dfstructho "hllzznnle. "
1'opulation In fast pouring In , and local government
Is already established , \tlth nchooli. churches , &c.
Trims OF DAI K : Onu-tlflh cukh , bnlnnce In four equal
yearly payments , \\ith Interest ondrlemd raymenti.
For further Information as to tin no and lands la
adjacent couutio , apply to .
J.S. ! NAPIER , Vernon , Texas , *
( who Is prepared to show to purchasers ) ; or to
C. C. Q1BBS , Land Afc't , Houston , Tox.
Health is Wealth !
n.n. 0. Wear's Nunvu ANI HKAIN IIKATI
T , agnaruntoo'liipoclflcfor llyxtorla , DI//.l-
s. Convulsions. FltH , Nervous Nvnrulgla ,
jloaducho , Nervous Prostration caused by the
uuo of itlcohol or tobacco , \VnkefiiliifHs , Mnntnl
Depression , HofinnlliKof the llruln , rosultliiKtn
Insunltyand leacllutxto misery , docuynnd dcuth.
I'leinaturo Old AR . llarronne.s' ) , I.ohH of 1'owcr
In either BOX , Involuntary J.ossoi and Kpcriniit-
orhiuuvnnsod by over-oxertlonot Hie lirulnwolf-
abuuo or averlndnleenro. Kacli box eontnltn
one month'H troittinent , tl.OO u boxer six boven
for M.W.sont by mall prenaltl on receipt of prlco.
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for six boxes , accompanied with ti.lW , Wfuvlll
henil the purchaser our written KUivrantoo lo re.
fund the money if ttio treatment derv not cifect
a euro. Uuarantoos Issued only J > y Upotlman
DnicCo , . DrncKlst * , Hole Au't-'ins , lily 1'uniaiu
fctreet. Uinaha. Neb , _ _ _ _ _
tf inUCVniitlnllnrlnarvtroubles easily , oulck-
MUltIlynndhaf ( lycurudbylOWl'itA < : ttp.
fctilet ) . Huvcrul runes cured In Hewn dave. Hold
tl JIO per box , nil druggists , or by mall from Doc-
ura &tit Co.,113VUIto ! it.N.y , i'ullUU ctlOM.
N , W. Cor. 13th & DoclRO Sts.
Appllanco : for Deformities and
Beit Incllltlcs , npp.nratu * nnd remedies for i
/ul treatment or over ? form of disease roiiulrlnf
Hectical or HurclCHl Trontmcnt.
lio.inl and nttendauce ; best hospltnl nccommoJa-
lions In Hie null.
WHITB roiiCinci'LAnson Deformities nml Ilrncos ,
Truiics , Club Koct , Currntnro ot tbo Hnlno , 1'lles ,
Tumora , Cancar , Catarrh , llronchttla , Inhivlntlon ,
Klectrlclty. IMrnlrBls , Knlloi y. Kldnejr , lllnilil r ,
Kyo , Ear , Skin nnu lllooilanil HllSurnlcu ! oiieratloiu.
Diseases of Women a Spoclnlty.
> iAi < i > ; n A srmAi.TV OP
All Blood Dlsumes successfully irentod. Hyphllltlo
Poison removed from ibo nyntom without murcnrT.
New restorative treatment tor Ions of \ Hfil I'aner.
Pcrioni unable to T'.nlt UK mnr bo trontad nt hnma by
corrcsnondence. All communications conndeutliil.
kleillclnen or Instrumonti cent by mail or exrirci * .
M-urely pitckcd , no iiiniki to ImllcHta rontunli or
Beador. Ono puraontil Interview preferred. Call nnrt
consult ns or send history of your cusu , nnd wo will
end In plain wrapper , our
Upon I'rtrnle , Hnoclol or Nervous Dlnenfts , Imnc"
tcncy , Srphllls , Uleet and Varleucolo , with qnveUon
list. Addresi
Omdlia Medical and Surgical Institute , or
Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , , - OMAHA , NED ,
A Sure Cure
20to6O DAYS.
This is tt disease whlcli Ims horatoforo
Buniud -Medical Sulcnoo.
When Morciirv , lodltlo of I'otuhfiltim , Hm-sapa-
rllln or Hot Hjirltik's full , wo gimruntt'o n cure.
Wolinvon Homed ) ' , unknown to nnyono lnth
World outside of our Company , und ouu that haste
to cine tlio moil oliitlnato cauci. Ten dnys In
recent cuscs does the work. Itlstlio oldclirdnlo
deep tieatotl CUHC.I that wo Hollfit. Wn iiavu
cured InimlrcilH who have lit-on alumlonrtl by
1'liyblclann. and jirononncul Inciirnblo , nnd wo
challciiKO tlio world to hrlne nn a. case that wo
will not euro In less than ttlxty daj'H. .
Klncotlidltlhtoryof incdlc'.no it trno epecino
for Hyphllls lins been uutiu'lit for but iievor
found until our
wna dlHCOvi'red. nnd wo are Jtistjlleil In
It IH Ilio only Itomcuy in llu > World tnnt \ \ 111 poic
Hlvely cur - , IJIH-UUHO Ilio latest Medical Works.
ptibllstiud by the best known unthorltfm , miy
tliero wiiiiiiiveriitfilo8i 'cllloboforo. Otirjem-
cdy will euro wlii-n I'VoryttiltiK else lina fnllert.
Wliy witutoyonr lime und iniinuy with patent
mejlciuea tnnt never Imil vlrltio , or iloctortvltli
iihyHlcluiw thnt ( iaoiiot cnrn yon , you that , liavo
tried everything else fdionld conio to iliiio\Yunil )
K tpcnnanent lollef , yon novorcnn get It ulae-
where. Murk wlmt wo nay. in the end you
iimiit taka our remedy or NKVliU recover and
you that luiva been ullllutrd but n nhort lima
Hhotihl ky nil niu.uis como to tin now , not one In
tcnof now crises over uet iiunnunoiiOy cured.
Many uctholp nlid think they nro free from tlio
disease , lint In one. two or thro * yuiiw ofttr 1C
appears t'.iln In a inoro horrlblo form.
Tliis is ft blood rurilior mid will Cure
uuy Skin or Tlood ? DIscuso when
ISvorythlnt ; Klso Fails.
llooiii 10 anil 11 , I' . S. National Dank
Oniului , Ncj. )
1,1 PM loittliroiicti tnonrr
. III Lit Mil pr.clku. u. y U
VIGOR iitrlictlr fccalurd Ir tin pew
bCSLON-DUpnE Method.
BiiKllor tiuriitciiluitiBtcd Tluiiuio
, ll IUi. " Aluoltito tttyti. VurlCO'
le cnnd willwut wlo CTOIi iU.n ; , Adqrt.ii . (
B o on-Dupre C Inlquej 1