THE DAILY BEE. COUNClETiBLUFFS. 12 /icllvcred / b arrjcr In ; /nv j.ftrt Of to City A 4. . enty Cents 1'erWcek. . . _ , , . . 11. W. T1LTON . . . . MANAGE ! ! . TKLKl'IIONKSl IltJPiNrPS OFFICE No. 43. Ntoiir Kniroit , N'o. ' t. Ml.NUU MKNT1O.V. N. Y. Plumbing cdmpany. Conlnntl wood. E.K.Mnyno , 019 B'wny. Messrs. Domsy & Hutlor is the nnmo of n now firm located at. Pearl street. Tlioy will run an old fashioned "candy kitchen , " and the purest and best can dles will bo always on sale , fresh made every day. Too much election nxcltcmonl pre vented the aldermen from assembling in council lastovonlng. Mayor Hohror and Alciorman Wntorinan wore present , and an luljoarninont was taken until to-morrow ovonlnp. The Council Bluffs Investment com- panv has dissolved parlurshlp , and tholr ollle'b at No. 10 Pearl slreot will horc- after bo occupied byGuorgo Motcalf ami Judge W. C. James , rcul estate dealers , the Tatter having bought out the inter ests of Messrs. Fowler and Addis , of the investment company. A fire at the house of William Ilaff , on Highteonth avenue , called out the department at 5:15 : yesterday morning. Hwasa long run , but the department arrived in time to Iceop the lltunoa from spreading. One wing of the house was completely gutted , and the loss will amount to about $ > UO. Tlio cause of the blaze is unknown. Eddie , son of William Gibson , pro prietor of the K. C. house , on South Main street , died yesterday afternoon at 4:15 : o'clock of lung fever , after a two weeks' illness. The deceased was lu Ills twenty-second year. On account of the borious illness of his mother , the fu neral will lake place from the Broad way M. K. church to-morrow afternoon at U o'clock , Rev. Mr. Franklin ollici- atlng. Friends are invited to attend without further notice. The school election passed off very quietly in the BlulT.s. Very little in terest was manifested , consequently a very light vote was polled. The can didate , themselves were quite busy , looking after their interests in the various wards , but the usual ward F workers wore conspicuously absent. The lack of enthusiasm was undoubtedly owing to the fact that all of the nomi nees wore men of good standing in the city , and it was conceded that the public interests would not suitor , no matter which way the election resulted. HCI'OlHtll. Captain Ray , United States army , who spent two years in the Arctic re gions , will toll the story of his life while there in Saint Paul's church Thursday evening , March 14. Admis sion 10 cents. Under the auspices of Saint Andrew's Brotherhood. The public invited to attend. Dr. C. C. Ilazen , dentist , Opera house block. * Blank books made to order. Can fur nish patent binding for parties wishing the same. Call and see samples at room lEvsrott block , Pearl street. MoiiKitoubi : & Co. Rooms to rent in the Merriam block. S. B.Wadsworth &Co.l30 ! Main street. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Curd ol' ThankK. The proceeds of the "Peep o' Day" entertainment , given by the Innisfail club , for the benefit of St. Bernard's hospital , were delivered to the sisters in charge last ovonlnsj by the club in a body. It will bo used to defray balance duo on the coal and plumbing bills. The sisters are very grateful to the club and public in general who assisted them in making it n grand success" . The club ollored to assist at the * coining bazaar , and they will furnish the In nisfail table and give an entertainment one evening. Money loaned at LB. . Craft's & Co.'s loan ollico on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kiiuls , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Try our XXX bottled beer. Special rates on all orders from Iowa. L. M. FJNKKLSTKIN. Bnrtlott & Norton for hardware , stoves and cutlery. 787 and 2315 B'way. Free Co ITue. ACJIK COPKKH free this forenoon at M. OCalef's , 580 Broadway ; this after noon from 2 to 6 o'clock at S. T. Mc- Atoo's , 600 Main st. , ami this evening from ( I to 9 at K. L. Landsborg's , 1UU Broadway. ColToo will bo made by . ) . A. Bellman , agent for Thomas Wood & Co. , Boston , Mass. , manufacturers of Acme Cotleo. Personal I'lii'i IA. . Soiborhng , of Akron , O. , is vis iting friends in the Binds. G. A. Frederick , editor of the Mc- Cook ( Nob. ) Ga/.otto , spent Sunday in llio BlulTs. Clmrlod Shinklo , of Richmond. 111. , a nephew of Mr. John SUinklo , of this city , is hero on a visit , and there are probabilities of his making this his per manent residence. The finest line of spring goods to bo found in the market is at A. Roller's , No. a 10 Broadway. For Exchange For cattle or horses. .Fivo room cottage , nearly completed. Alto vacant lot. L. D. Fowler , No. 10 Putirl street. Parties having temperance billiard hallH and restaurants will do well to take the oxclublvo sale of my to in per mit-o boor. L. M. FINKKLSTKIN. Send all orders for bottled beer to L. M. Finkelfitohi , Omaha. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'dway. l.iunlifi1 null .Supply Co. B'jlwoon KUh and llth streets , and -a und id ! avoiuios. Telephone 211. 13. W. RAYMOND , Manager. Money loaned on futnituro , pianos , cUiuiumds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fall- and honorable dealing. A , A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway and Main , over Aiuorleau express. For Sale nt Itarculn. Hotel property in Council BlulTs , cen trally louatod. doing good business. R , P. Oilleor , solo agent , No , 12 N. .Main St. , Council BlulTs. Notice the beautiful llnlsh glvoii col lars , uuFfsand shirts by Cascade L.ui.- dry company. Headquarters for builders' hardware , Odell & Bryiuit , Sl.'l Main street. S. 13 , Wadsworth & Co. lonn mouoy. PI ? . A Number of Crooks SontonQOd In Duo Form to Hard Labor. FINING A NOISY HACK LOAD. An OIHocr nittcn fty n Horne Xo Smallpox In tlio The Nc\v School Hoard. Mu t Wear Stripes. Judge Thornoll roturnoil yesterday morning from Sidney , whore ho spout Sunday with his fnmlly , and resumed the trial of the Collins case in the dis trict court. When court convened in the afternoon the was sheriff ordered to bring in the prisoners who wore con- vloted lust week to receive their sen tences. Shortly afterward six prisoners were ushered in and assigned scats di rectly In front 6f the judge's bench. "It Is always a pain fill duty1 ' said the court , "to impose sentences upon crimi nals , and I am sure that those who are brought in hero to-day are awiiro that either the court nor the prosecuting ttornoy has any por.Diml fooling In lonnootion with tholr conviction. I see n this number some naturally smart ncn one in particular ; with whoso ccortl t am somewhat acquainted , who ins as much brains as any man in this ourt room. I am unable to understand ivhy they sopk to make a livinp by iriino , when they < jpuld succeed so nuch bettor without breaking the law. lowover , the law must bo enforced for he good of those who are not law breakers and the community in general. The punismnotit of those onmluals must servo as a check and u lesson to other * . William Muhor. you have been found ruilty of obtaining money under false irotuilsos. Have you anything to say y sentence should not be pronounced .ipon you ? ' * "I have a mother to support , and I , iopo you will make it as light as possi ble. " "This is a very serious charge , and ho law punishes it severely. In view of the circumstances in this case , it is .ho . sentence of this court that you bo ; opt at hard labor for the period of four years. " Charles'Bonson , whoplcndod ? guily to arcony from a building in the day time , ivas sentenced to sixty days in the county jail , and a line of $100 and costs. R. L. Thorp , who was found guilty of 'orgery , pretended that his tongue was laralyzod , and wrote on a slip of paper lis replies to the questions of the court. IIo was sent to the pen for three years. Dr. L. King , who was convicted of 'orgery , was sentenced to throe years at Fort Madison. George Wallace , who pleaded guilty to the charge of burglary , made quite a "cngthy harangue , setting forth the act that he was sixty years of ago and ought to be let oft'easily. . The court stated that his nast record was against him and gave him two and half years in the pen , stating that that was a very lenient sentence. Ed. Middleton , the forger , will bo sentenced this morning. It will require another day at least to complete the trial of the Collins case. When court adjourned last evening the state had just rested its case , and the defense will take the stand this morn ing , after which the state will introduce some rebutting evidence. The attorneys for the defendant are making a hard fight to keep theil' client out of the penitentiary. The next case to bo tried is that of State vs Sirute , for larceny. A Tottsh Quartette. A couple of boo/.o fines were assessed by Police Judge Aylesworth yesterday morning , after which the case of the pugulistiu quartette arrested Sunday iftcrnoon for fighting in a hack on Lower LJroadway was called. The out fit presented a very tough appearance , for although the blood had boon washed oil , the bruises and scratches showed more plainly than before. There wore three women and one man. The latter was ( i stranger , but two of the women are Known to the police as a pair of the 'most vicious prostitutes who over fro- quontoil this city. It scorns that the party created a dis turbance on the streets of Omaha , but gave the police the slip , and slapped across the bridge to this side of the river. Their.disgraceful proceedings on Lower Broadway attracted thoatton- tion of parties who wore out ploasuro- ridlng. and the police wore sent for. The parly was coming up into tlio city , but on reaching tlio Northwestern depot the man became alarmed and jumped from the hack. It continued up Broad way with the women , andOlllcor Austin boarded it at Eighth street , and com pelled the johu to drive to the police station. Ollicor Isenborgor captured the man at Eleventh street , and had a lively tussol before the 230 pounds of ugliness was subdued. The ollicor throw his man easily but was unable to hold him down and they had it up and down for several minutes until the arrival of the patrol wagon. In court the follow gave the name of C. Gordon , and ho was a most repulsive looking object. One eye was artistically adorned with a Queonsbury'fro-icoin [ blue and blacktho corresponding chock was bulged out about an inch beyond his nose , a deep cut was visible over his other optic , one car broke a striking resemblance to a wet dibhrag and his proboscis had gotten altogether out of place in a futile at tempt to crawl down under his chin , lie claimed to know nothing of the atTair us ho was very drunk. IIo was lined SjH.liO for disturbing the peace by lighting and $15 for resisting an ollicor. The woman , Kittio .TaokbOn , Annie Sohrump and Maud ChriHtonson , ploud : cd guilty to disturbing the peace and wore each lined $11) ) 10. None of the party had any mouoy and wore locked up again. Tno females wore stowed away on the second Hour whore they at tached u largo crape veil to the bars of their window as a signal of distress. Itlttcn Ily a Homo. Ofllcor Isunhorgor now wo nrs his neck in n sling. Ho was lighting the gas in the patrol house Sunday even ing , preparatory to assisting in unhar- imssiiiff the horses after a run. Onu of the horses evidently thought ho had no business thoro. and without a moment's warning .sub-.ocl him by the throat. The pcclur was highly pleased when the order came to ' 'brcnk ' uway. " For the ' next few days ho ivill woar'a huge piece of court plaster over a blister larger than the palm of his hand , and will turn carefully around when ho wants to look behind him. No Hmullpox. City Phyalciun Soybert furnishes a bit of information that will bo greatly appreciated by Council Bluffs citizens. It is to the olToct that the lust trace of amr.Hpox in this city 1ms teen stamped out , nil infected clothing buying beou destroyed and buildings fumigated and disinfected. The last quarantine has boon raised , and all nangor of another outbreak from the old source is at an end , The New Soltnnl Hnnrtl. The course of tho/now board of edu cation will be watched with interest , riils will be especially so in regard to , ho election of tcnchers. It remains to jo so6n whether those appointments \ro to bo parceled up and each member allowed to select a certain munbou. The > coplo are gutting very weary of this lort of lottery scheme in the selection of teachers. Its workings have been quite fully explained and its dlsndvan- ttgcs portrayed. The city has elected n joard , and they expect tha board to act us such , instead of as individual mem bers. Now and full line of spring goods at the London Tailors , 037 Broadway. Now Pay Over the Money. After stubbornly maintaining for sev eral days that the Molvlllo woman loft this city lust Tuesday evening and had not returned , the Ilorald ignores its $100 "blult" of Saturday morning , and came out yesterday with the startling isscrtioii that tlio woman was in the city and had been interviewed by a I3in : reporter on Wednesday last. As soon is the Herald man ascertained this un- mportant fact ho sought an interview , Irst securing the services of an ollicor ,6 accompany him , fearing that the righteously indignant female might ut- .ompt to assassinate him for his sense- ess stupidity in not finding out the truth before. After "much pumping" the interview appearing previously in Til 15 Bun was verified , when the woman suddenly concluded that she "had mndo no state ments to Tin : BISK and would make none to the Ilorald. " As the Ilorald i s now apparently satisfied that Tin : IJuis interview was actually had with the woman at the time stated , it is possible that that "authorized olTnr" of $100 will soon bo forthcoming , although for some .inuccounlablo reason the "alleged in terview , " "great precautions of the po- .ice , " "roportorial fake , " and other similar phrases have suddenly disap peared from the columns of the Council [ 3lull's department of the Herald. E. H. Sheaf & Co. oiler bargains in : ity property , either improved or un improved. Easy payments. Good lots on $10 payments. Itcsulr , of tlio Election. The battle of the ballots closed at 6 o'clock last evening , and the following s the result of the count in the various wards : First Ward Schoentgon 197 , Hunter 211Odell 180Beobo 18'J. Second Ward Schoentgon 252 , Hun ter 211. Odell 200 , Becbe 200. Third Ward Schoentgcn 251 , Hunter ° 3 ! ) , Odell 104 , Bccbe 100. Fourth Ward FirstprccinctSchoont- _ on 214 , Hunter 104 , Odell 203 , Beobe JOS. JOS.Second Second precinct , Schoentgon 117Hun- for 104 , Odell 51) , Beobe 00. The totals received arc as follows : Schoentgcn 1,031 , Hunter ilS'J , Odell "o'J , Beobe 773. The two democratic nomi nees are elected by nearly two hundred ind fifty majority. This will make the board entirely democratic , the two re tiring members , Atkins and Couch , being the only republicans on the board. The two following propositions carried by immense majorities : First Proposition Shall the board of directors of the independent school district of the city of Council Bluffs , Ia.j bo authorized and directed to issue bonds of said district in the sum of $20,000 or so much thereof as shall be necessary to construct a school building near the Cochran tract in the western part of the city i1 Second Proposition Shall the board of directors of the independent school dis trict of the city of Council BlulTs , Iu. , be authorized and directed to sell lots G and 7 , in block 1 , Glcndale addition to the city of Council Blull's , la. , and the proceeds thereof bo used to purchase ground and erect a school building near the Cochran tract in the western portion tion of saidcitv ? No News From Saniojf. WASHINGTON' , March 11. At the stsite and navy departments no information Jias been received regarding the alleRCjl destruction of-tho Kipsto at Samoa. Walker Blaine says that the department of state entirely dis credits the story and is free from apprehen sion on the sublcct. Bis HontlH Demanded. NEW Yoitic. March 11. Recorder Smyth to-day lixcd bail in the case of tlio electric suctar swindlers at § 7,000 on each indictment. There are three indictments npalnst cacti of the nocused , which makes $ -,000 ! ! , bail to bo given for each prisoner. ( urgs STIFFNESS- m WOUNDS , CUTS , SWELLINGS . . . 5apeIycrdPeprrQr7entIy ) % DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. „ TlfiCHAS.A.VOGELER Co.BALTO.Ma SPECIAL NOTICES , WANTS. 171OU HRNT At * i.OJ per inontli , the now -L lioiisunnd tvo lotn , No. SIJI. corner of Mil Bt. iuur-Il ( iiveiuio. Olllro No. , over llaird's coutcctloniry stole , lately occupied by Win. Ward , architect. FOK HIINT-t'osses'donKlvoii April 1st. the residence now occupied by Hobert Car- poutercorner Ullist. ancl-'a uve. . JJ ) per month , lloraca Kverott. FOIt HUNT KnrnlHhed iiiid unfurnished rooim , ltli or wltliout board. Mr . 1' . A. lltirlco , i > J Wuiihln ton ave. PPK BAM2 or Kxcliann An esthblhhed Kfiierul merchuimlso stock and htore In Taylor county , Iowa , for Council HUilIs prop- erty. Kt-rr \ ( iray , WU Klrt nvu. I71UIINIHH1JD HooniH for rcntj second Door , JU No. 117 I'ourtli mreet. WANTED The people to try the City Steam Laundry , ill North .Main. TTVIH HUNT Clieap. two handsome , new , six. -L1 room cottages , nortli of transfer , Council lllutld. Imjuiro llland Itlshtor , Dili ave. and Zlstst. No. 27 Main Street , Over Jacquumlii'tj Juivolry .SIore MERCHANTS Who Will Snvo You Money IFYOUBUYofTHEM. ADAMS f A : CO.'S d VJ * LJ ta * 51 & 68 SHOE OQ'K ' House , 3 5 a 417 Krbmlwar , OQ Council Ilhilfs. THE BEST , Ul to "H Id Always CHEAPEST 03 As 1 can prove by . Jg era hundreds. Lanzendorfer & era CO Strohbehn , CD ti No. 221 OQ MAIN STIIUKT. FIELD & ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Particular attention given to lltnlmlmlnj. \o. II N. ItHiUii St. , Council tJlulls. Furniture repairing uontly dono. Oillco calls uttcndcu promptly iliiy ami night. MEATS mnO Hill AT THE s a : : 2i LowestJPricBs ! s ei' ' C-D o s -sj rt ri'g Poultry of nil klml * n &n o Cl k ? dressed to order. < g 15 < * > 0 51 S oivi : xu : A CAi.t , . LU a -Kffi .o or 2 Tu E. Mottaz orO O No. 114 K. Ilrontlw GO TO THE LONDON - TAILOR , And get the licot lining Suit you cycr liail. No 397 BroadwayCouncil Bluffs Electric Trusses- , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc. Apcnts wanted. , , C. B. JUI > D , Council B lull's In , Tnos. OKFICBII. W. II. .M. Puser. OFFICER & PliSEY. BANKERS. Corner Main and llroadway , COUNCLli liljUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign r.nd domestic exchaiiRO. Collectloilb made and Interest paid on tluiade- D.H.McDANELQ & GO , , HiteTalloiff , Pelts , llfool&Fursi Highest market price1) . Prompt return and K3 Main St. . Council UlutTd. low AT YESTERDAY'S SPECIAL SALE -AT TUB- BOSTON STORE. Has compelled us to continue the sale for to-day. Dress Goods ! Dress Goods ! /U / mi150 pieces 36- /If / OOn ° 8 Pieces Roman HI IU2b i 11 o h Cashmere HI 00 U Stripes , Oho ok Twill ; worth I7c. and Combination Suitings1 , all wool 5 36 inch Cashmeres ; worth COc. flt ( Rl * pieces HI IDb Cashmere ; Beiges in stripes , plain flj | n 30 pieces -Hi-inch and plaid ; worth HI Tib nil wool Scrged ; in all the newest spring . shades ; worth 76e. pieces 44 inch Jit 27 pieces 52 inch Suitings in stripes HI all wool Ladies' and mixtures . ; Cloth , in all the worth 3Jc. : latest shades ; worth 05o Don't ' Fail to Attend This Great Sale at the Boston Store ! The Wloat Modern Novelties In PAPERHANG1M GS. AN't ) Artistic Decoration ! AT PETER G. MILLER'S. ' Sign , House unit Ornamental Painting , ICalso- miningiramlng , etc. Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS AHU JN V1TKD TO CALL AT Mrs. C. L. GILLETT'S ' And see her flue line of Hair Uoods. I'lNKST HAlll OUNAMKNTS In the city Wins. llt'mdf , etc. , for Kent or&ilo. Gluth and Coylo nnd Myers Orcii'-o I'Hlnts. Hair Dreivlni ; , Ktc. IVo. 29 Muiit ( si. , I'ouueil ItltiiiN. Orders by mall receive prompt attention. Carpets , Curtains , Curtain Goods , Rugs and Upholstery. Mail orders will receive prompt and careful attention. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET COMPANY. HE ! IRTJSSIEILjILi SIZES FROM especially Adapted for 25 TO 300 HORSEPOWER , Z Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE gpocllleatloni and I'ltlmtUcs turulshoil for complete Rtnam plants , KeKulntlon , Durability Ouur uuleuil. t.'uu xhow lutters from users \vliero 1'uel Economy | s urjuiil with Corlliu * Nuu-Coiulonsliit' E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send tor Catalogue. No. 51O Pear-1 Street , Council Bluffs THE ORDER W\3 BILLS ! V OUN BROADWAY S TAT I ONE/ / ? SCHOOL SUPPLIES. o ; Sff % * 'VY. SWUTH & BROS. W&v&i-ft < n 'C6 ' ! IVo naar\ \ 0 V 5. Ba th fQ ( 0 in s. t $ < &Giff ri r - 9 MK ° f ip ' $ & . 'iS't ' a ) rn\shed X4w ' nat' ' < . < $ ! j s > 'Oe X 'iS'tQi5 SHOP TV\e C i .yi tws kbaSBfess PI/\NOS / \ ( aofi&A s , PLUMBERS , SWANSON MUSICS- o. A PiercePrDirictor. o ( /Vo.23t ? Broadway. No.H4MainSf. FurnifurQ fl : Stoves on wcc/f/y / payments. Best Selections. Loncsi s. Liberaldiietunt Faff CASA/ . A.J.MAN DEL OTALER IN cS BROADWAN. M.Mam St. SEE HOW THEY OBEYED IT NEW CURIOSITY SHOP , B UT.TS IMP-HAS fiDNE TO i r.pMMMnJg -j j > : ! - * * J | > l u ( 11 sisa gp' g i TRANSFER CO COA. A. Under IstHsWBU'gffi ' TI MnMS'ao ira A DAISY FARM ! The nicest eighty acre fai-rn on the slope in Iowa , 9 miles south of Creston , 100 miles east of Omaha. Good G room houso. Barn with room for eight horses , and cow barn , shoda graineriea , orchard , eto. Good wells , living water , tame grass. Near school , church , etc. Easy terms. * Write C. J. COLBY , 522 Paxtou Block , Omaha , or Broadway and . ' 50th Sfc Council Bluffs , Iowa. GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 33O BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 26O