Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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July Wheat Decidedly the Favorite
For Investment.
Uftts Suffer Another Itniliiotlon I'ro-
visions Iicsi Attractive Thnn
During Ijnst Week CJnttlo
CIIICAOO , March ll. f Special Tcloeram to
THE Ur.B.I The visible supply of wheat
only decreased C2 1,000 bushels last week , Ac
cording to the postings to-day. Cables were
easier , the weather everywhere Is reported
flno , and advlcos from the country contlnuo
to represent the crop prospects ns most bril
liant , and added to those bearish factors
must bo mentioned the development of the
local speculative sentiment fnvorablo to
further depreciation In values. Belling * jy
Hutchlnson was the principal moving cause
of the early decline in prices to-day nnU In
this nttaclc tha glnut operator was materially
nsslstcd ny the local crowd nmd professionals
from other cities. At ono tttno ijulto a
panicky feeling developed In wheat , par
ticularly In May , The opening pr'-o ' was
03J < c for May and 8Co for July. Mav sold
down rapidly to 03 ' + ' 0 , but July got no lower.
A sharp rally carried Mn.v up to 0'JXC nn'l
JulytoSTc. Mav sola off to OSJfc and July
only settled baclc fractionally. The next
rally landed May at 9.1 0 again and
July ntSIJ c. On the bulge Ilutchlnson and
SchwarU & Dupca wcro heavy sellers.
About this time It bccamo evident that the
visible decrease would bo small , outside ml-
vices took on an exceedingly bearish tone
nml an epidemic of soiling occurred , ns a re
sult of which May sold down to U7ifc. ! July
was dragged down once inoro to 80f c , but It
broke reluctantly and In the face of heavy
buying by good people. July was decidedly
the favorite for Investment to-day and con
tinued so throughout the session. There
was only a light tradeat the bottom on this
brcnk. and the market took u sudden upturn
shortly before 13 o'clock on the reports of
wheat being worked at the seaboard for ex
port mid on the Bale of ' . " 0,000 sacks of Hour
nt Minneapolis for direct foreign shipment.
Now York llrst sent In "six boat loads
worked. " The number was raised to ten
presently , and shortly before the close
Clarke wired that bids were In for thirty
boat loads and that it was only a question
of freights. It seems qmto plain
that the foreigners nro beginning
to want cheap wheat at the seaboard , though
it is noticed that none of the big lot "taken
for export" last week In Now York 1ms yet
been shipped out. This fact is attracting
the attention of the scoffers. This sort of
information moved May up to 09)/c ) and July
to 8"Ko and gave the market , to tlic close , a
firmer tono. Trading was rather quiet and
of moderate proportions during the last half
of the session. The day was fruo from sen
sational news ana the closing prices , 9Sc
for May , 9 J c for and STc for July.
mark no important change , ns compare
with Saturday , except that the difference be
tween July and May shows a narrowing of
J c. The government estimate of the amount
of grain in the farmers' hands March 1st
was expected to-day , but it wnsnnt bulletined
up to J o'clock , and no ofllcial Information
about it wan obtainable.
The feeling of the local operators in the
corn market at the opening was influenced
by the line wentbor toward weakness , and in
the contrary direction by the heavy exports
from the Atlantic ports , and the clearing of
150,000 bushels In addition thereto from Now
Orleans. Between the opposing Influences
opinion was divided , and while leaning to
the weak side there wns at llrst no decided
pressure of selling orders. The latter want
wns abundantly supplied , however , when In-
dtcntlorm of Increased stocks at the points of
accumulation wcro 'n favor of a heavy ad
dition to the visible supply ilcures. These
forebodings were borne out by the subse
quent figures of u l.'J'J-J.OOO . bushel Increase
of the stocks in sight. The estimated re
ceipts for Tuesday were 5511 cars , which was
an additional Incentive to sell , and Influential
operators wcro trying to dispose of largo
blocks for May delivery. The unchanged
good demand from the shippers assisted the
speculative market towards the close , and
caused a slight reaction , but in the e.ul the
prices showed a loss since Saturday of from
% c to ] c on the leading futures.
Oats Buffered another decline to-day , with
May , which was the principal speculative op
tion , selling down JiCyJfc , and the latter re
covering In u degree. Trade was active and
n large business was recorded , with the in
terest extending Into June. That month has
for some days remained more nearly steady
than May , and , as a consequence , the wnait-
ncss in the latter , places Juno at a level to a
fractional premium. To-du.v's selling was
again largely credited to the unloading of
long oats , with the shorts covering the chief
Buppuit and check to the decline. After
opening steady at25Jic ; , may sold down later
to SSJ c , with only a trade or two
nt that point , and later a fractional
Improvement. The local Blocks Increased
IJij.SOG bushels during the week , with the
current posted receipts loss than recently.
Oats to go to store wore weak , in sympathy
with May , nt 2 Itf < T,2 ( t-tfo. A largo lot of No.
2 onls to go east was sold on private terms.
The provision trndo oponoa weak In n slow
innnner and operators of nil classes found the
nmrl'et less attractive than during the past
week , nnd as there was little or no trading
on outside account , the moderate business
transacted was mainly between the profos
sionuls. The day's movement , in fact , was
featureless , though the feeling was quite
Btrnii ) . ' , and no radical change occurred in
jiriccs. Short ribs and lard closed pructi
cally the uniue as on .Saturday , while In pork
the decline suffered was only J e.
CIIICAOO , March 11. ( Special Tolcgran :
to Tun BCB.J CATTLE The market to day
was generally considered by the salesmen to
bo as dull and weak as it has ever been , and
noun ) men thought the general trade to-day
wns In worse shape than It 1ms over been.
Common to fair cattle , such as sold at $3.2."i@
8.50 , sold lower than at any tlrno last week ,
except porhnps on Saturday. The London
cattle market was steady. Cattle wore
steady nt Jowoy City , rnthor Htrong at
liuffalo and sternly nt Omaha and Kansas
City , with a light run , so the salesmen hero
were disappointed at the dull trado. The
best cattle liorosold at Mir > ( il. ' - ' " > , nnd some
1018-pouna steers sold at f.'lt > 0. The prices
were generally 10@l ! > u lower than on Friday
last. Choleo beeves , M.OO < VM.SA ; medium to
dull , $ 'J.ll'@XW ; cows , bulls and mixed , tl
( JiaiK ) ; built , t3. < KKftB. ) .
Hogs Trade opened active nnd n nlckol
higher , but the regular buyers , and so far as
Dial goes , the speculators urn as regular as
any , failed to follow the advances and left
tlui bpeculators with their high-prico titock
on tltoir liamU , which In turn they throw on
the market , breaking prices Ofg'lOii ' from the
i-arl.v sales of | lu < moriilnir. The Northwest-
rrtiluMon \ failed to got n share In the boom.
1'rlcos wore no hiuliur than on Saturday.
The bulk of the early sale * of mixed , heavy
Mill packers \va fl,7ft ( < 51.SO , cloiilngnt fl,70
IH75.Wit sorts uru In good demand ut
| 17.V < M VK ) , no inquiry to-djiy for feather
N w YoiiK.'Mnrch U , fbpecinl Telegram
to TUB UKE.I STOOKO The stock market
had nt least emi marked feature at tha open-
lug , nnd Unit was unusual uctlvlty. The
activity was accompanied by considerable
pressure on the prominent list of Saturday ,
nnd th first prices were f to per cent
lower than the cloning llgurcu. "U'hllu
Northern \'acllh \ < preferrud suffoied most ,
there was much stubborn ess on tliu part of
the Granger * , coal stocks and Union 1'acillc.
It U thought there wore largo sales of long
stocks In Heading. The llrst half hour wit-
nosacu u ute.ulv decline in tliu general list.
Heforo the end of the hour them was a fairly
good recovery , and at 11 u. in. the market
bucamu more quint , with prices on tbo wliolo
ashudo better than at thu opening. Toward
noon Ihero was a further show ot strength
In several stocks , Chicago Gas nnd Lnckn-
wnnrfa being most conspicuous. At 13 o'clock
the market wn itcady nt the best prices of
the morning. The sales to noon wcro 201,105 ,
Thofollowlng wor * tha ctoiln i quotations :
tT.8. 4s roKiiUr. , .la < 4 , Northern 1'nclflo. . SO
U.tM coiiprmi.l.r.lii dopreferroJ . "I
U.H.44srexulnr. . 10TVIC.N. W . IM' {
tl. 8.4liscotipons. \ 'l > do pro for red , . . . .1'li'i
I'nclncosot TO . . .IJ ) , N. V. Central . IOSU
Ontrnl IMiItlo . . . .11 > { P. , 1) , &K
. , , . , . . . . . . . . , . .
Illinois Central. . . Itt ) doprof rred . 1C
J..1I.&W . ll'S ' Union I'ftoitlo .
Knnsas&TexRi. . . HI U'.Ht.I. . 4 I' . . .
LnkcShoro . 10I i clo preferred. . . .
MlchlgnnOntral. . 1V Western Union .
Mlspouril'iicitio . . . 71'ii
MONET ox CAI.I. ICasy nt 2if@3 per cent.
STKIIUXO ExcruyoB Dull but steady ;
sixty-day bills , Sl.Siil * ' : demand ,
Cntovao , March 11. Whou About
steady ; c.ish , M'f ' ; April , OPtfe ; May. 8.'l ? a
Corn Steady ; cash , < ' H' < c ; April , : i5o ;
May , 59.
Oats-Firm ; cash , 2 < { c ; May ,
July SoJCc.
HyoMay)3J4'c. ) .
Harley Nothing doing.
Prlmo Timothj ? I.VJ. :
Whiskv Sl.0.1.
Porlt-StnaJv ; cash , SILOH * ; May , SI2.1'JJ <
r.nrd Stonily ; cashl.SO ; May , $180.
Floup Unclmnucd.
Dry Salt Meats Steady ; short ribs. S0.20.
Cheese Firm : full cream choddais , 10' '
C'llcj llats , 10)f@llc ; Young Americas , ll'tf
Uutter Fir1 \ \ creauiory , 21@23iJ ; dairy ,
Kugs-Flrmer ; fresh , l ' 4Ue.
Hides Steady : heavy green salted ,
light green salted , 5)o ; green ,
salted bull , nKo ; green salted c.ilf.
dry Mint , TJ C So ; green wilted kip , -KrelMe ;
dry calf , 7QSc ; deacons , 'JSOlOc ; dry salted
hides , 7c.
Tallow Weak ; No. 1. solid packed , 4@
lc ; No. ' . , il' ' S c ; coke , 4c.
itecaiDti. Shipiucnts.
Flour , bbls . 12.00 ! ) H.O'IO
Wheat bu . 2-1,000 30,000
Corn.ou . 80,000 110,000
Oats , bu . C'ODJ 70,000
Ijlvarnnol. March 11. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB Ur.K.J 3:80 : p. in. close. 1'ork
In poor demand ; prime mess , eastern , Cos ,
steady ; do , western , Ms , steady.
Lard In fair demand ; spot and March ,
a s Od , llrm ; April and May , 1)03 ) , linn.
Wheat In poor demand ; now No. 2 win
ter. 7s 8d , llrm ; do spring , 8s , firm.
Flour In fair demand ; 11s Ud. steady.
Corn In poor demand : spot , 4s i d ,
steady ; March , ! is lljJfd , steady ; April und
May , : ts ll 'l. steady.
The receipts of wheat the past week from
Atlantic ports Is 200 quarters ; Pacific ports ,
4,000 ; other sources , 0,030. Receipts of
American corn , : Q,000.
Now Vork , March 11. Wheat Uecolpts ,
10,000 ; exports , none ; spot moderately
active , but easier ; No. a red , Ol'fuVJSj in
Dictator , 03 ( ! 5 Jo alloat , 94J < J@ o f o. b ;
No. . ' 1 red , 89c ; options fairly active , but
Irregular and lower , closing llrm and ) ij@a
under Saturday ; March , yy c.
Corn Receipts. (13,000 ( ; exports. 210,000 :
spot lower and quiet ; No. 2 , 43 ; 4 u ; 41 %
( S44c nlloat ; No. it , 42'4'@lt.1 ; ui.eraduu
mixed , 42@l4 fc' : options dull and * & @ ' < jc
lower , but steady.
Oats - - llcccljits , 20,000 ; exports , none ;
spot dull nnd weaker ; options dull and
easier ; spot No. 2 white , 32J @y3c ; mixed
western , 'J'i'5c. ) :
Coffee OiHions opened linn but closed
easy to 'J0@2. > points above Saturday ;
sales , 4 ( ,230b.iBs ; March and April , § 17.20 ®
1730 ; May , Sl .20ii)17.u ( ) ; ! : spot Kio stronger ;
fair carnocs , ? 10.12K-
Petroleum Lower ; United , closed nt
SSS Quiet and steady ; western ,
luc.Pork Firm- new , $13.00@13.23.
Lard Dull and easy ; western steam ,
.22K ; March , $7.23.
Uuttor Steady ; western , 15@J9o.
Cheese -Quiet ; woatorn , O jglt } jc.
St. Ijoiil' . March U. Wheat Lower ;
cash and May , UlJ o.
Corn Lower ; cash , 23Kc ; May , 30c.
Oats Lower ; cash , 25u ; May , 20o.
Pork Quiet atS12.7 ! ! .
Lard Nominal at $0.05.
Whisky-Steady ntSl.OU.
Butter Quiet ; creamery , 2l@2flo ; dairy ,
Cincinnati. March 11. Wheat Dull and
nominal ; No. 2 red , 05c.
Corn Eusy ; No. 3 , mixed , 3i ) < fc.
Onto Easy ; No. 3 mixed , 2 @ 20i c.
Whisky-Steady at * 1.03.
MiiinitnpollH. March U. Wheat Sample
wheat , dull , slow and lower ; receipts , 1U5
cars ; shipments , 85 cars. Closing : No. 1
hard , March , $1.10 ; May , SI. 12 ; oa track ,
$1.10 ; No. 1 northern , March , 9S > c ; May ,
$1.00 ; on track , 9S ) c ; No. 2 , northern ,
March 9Uu ; May , OlJ c ; on track , 9'Jc ' < 3fl.OO.
Slllwiiiiko , March 11. Wheat Eusy ;
casliS7 ! v ; May , oS-ifc.
Corn -steady ; No. 3 , 31V < K333o.
Oats Easier : No. 3 , 'tii-if u.
Kyo Dull : No. 1 , 43 , fo.
linrloy Dull ; No. 2 , oOc.
Provisions Steady ; pork , $11.80.
KunniiHCily , March 11.- Wheat Lower ;
No. 3 rod , , cash , ! Mo ) asked ; May , 90c ; No.
2 soft , cash , UOc asked ; May , S9c bid.
( Jorn Weaker ; No. U cash , 2io bid ; May ,
25Ko bid : No , 2 white , cash , no bids nor of
ferings ; May , 2rJ c bid.
CIIICAOO , March 11. Cattle - - Receipts ,
12,000 : market Blow and woiker ; choice
beeves , ? l.00@4.2r > ; steers , * 3.90@t,90 : ;
stockurs and feeders , $2.10ig32j ( ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , Jl.70@3.00.
Hogs Kccoipts 24,000 ; maritot weaker ;
mixed , $4.05@4.S3 : heavy , $4.l)5@4S5 ) ; light ,
ll ( j4.00 ! ! ; skips , $ J.50@I.40.
Sheep Uucolpts , S.50J ; market steady ;
natives , $ : iii , > iit3.00 ; western corn fed. $4.25
(0)1.35 ( ) ; Toxuns , fJ.OO@1.2 : ) ; lambs. J4.75yJ (
U.OO.Tho Drovers' Journal's London cablegram
quotes American cuttlo steady ; beat nt 12X < 5
dead weight.
KIIJISHH City. Alarch 11. Cattle Re-
colptH , 2,100 ; hhlpmunts , none ; market slow
but steady ; good to choice corn-fed , $3.80 ©
4.1(1 ( ; common to medium , $ 'i.70@3.SO ; stock-
era and feeding steers weak , ? 1.00t3r20 ;
cows , 51 256J2.70.
Hogs Receipts , 7,400 ; shipments , none ;
market steady to 2Jc lower , closing nctlvo
and strong ; common to choice , $ l.3j'ai,50.
Nntionnl Slock YariU , l-jmt St.
Louis , March 11. Cattlu Receipts , POO ;
shipments , 100 ; market firm ; choice
heavy native steers , $3.7531.35 ; fair to good ,
M.OOtitlt.tR ) ; Btockcrs and fuudors , flOOC iH ) ;
rangers , corn-fed , $ . ' .70 3.50 ; gruas-fod , $1.DJ
@ 2. ! > 0.
Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
maihot ; choice heavy and butchers'
Sl,70@ . ! 50 , packing , f I , IJO f 1.75 ; light grades ,
Sioux City , March 11. Cattle Receipts ,
100 ; shipments , CO ; market ateudy und un
Hogs Receipts , 00 ; market 5o higher ,
light nnd mixed , & .KX&MW. heavy , fl.45
QJ4 50.
Monday , March 11 , ISS'J.
The cattle uuirkut to-day was not in u very
good condition , although the cattle wera
about all sold before the closo. Thu reports
from custom markets were not reassuring ,
which naturally enough caused the snippers
to go very Mow and the puckers were vwr.v
Indifferent buyers. Thu d reused beef and
shipping stuers were HOW ! nil day , and while
n few into tmvi < sold In the morning at fully
Saturdi'.yV prices , tliu market weakened
Inter and closed lowor. Theiuwero some
very good enttlo ntnnnu : the offerings and ono
bunch sold us lityli a $ ' ) S3. The bulk of the
stcors , however , sold from $2UO to $3.40. The
demand for butchers' stock was moderate ) ,
ami though the receipts were Ik-lit the mar
ket was rtlow. Some little trading was done
In the morning ut fully steady prices , but the
market closed 1V ( lower , A very ehoieo
huncli of holfors sold early at $ J.70 , but the
general run of the stuff \yas not very dcslr-
ublo. A few feeJers changed bunds at about
stonily pi iocs , but the offoriiign wcro light
and the trading necessarily limited.
Th shcop tnurl.'tit wiis In n very healthy
coudlium , lUu douiund being coo j and the
market nctlvo nt steady price * . The few
sheep hero changed hands early In the day ,
Cuttlo . i.noo
loir * . , . 2fiOO
Slice ) ) . . . . 4 . . . 800
Prevailing Prices.
The following la n table of prlros paid in
.his market for the grades of slock men
tioned :
Prlmo steers , 1300 to 1300 lbs.$3.25 @ 3.93
Prlmo steers , 1100 to 1HOO Iba. . 3.03 3.40
Native feeders . 2.75 03.00
Common U ) good cows . 1.50 W2.W
Choice to fancy cows . 2.40 ® . ! .SO
Fair to choice Dulls . 1.75 W2.83
Pnlr to choice light hogs . 4.40 < jc4 CO
Fair to choice heavy hogs , . . . , 4.45 @ 1.55
Fair to choice mixed hogs . . . . 4.40 M4.r > 0
Fair to choice western sheep. . 8.75 © Lin
Fair to choice Hobraskas . 3.60 ( < J4.10
ItcprcHOtitatlvo Sains.
1 . 1520 I.8T , 17 . 1 70 2.45
5 . irr > i 2 . ir v ) 2.W
2 . 1715 2.0) ) 1 . 17 0 - ' / , >
3 . 1303 2.UO 1 . \TM 2.H
T ) . 013 2.83
10 . 1174 2.35
IC'JO B.23
imn.- ;
Xo. Av. Shk. Tr. No. Av. Shk. 1'r.
150 . 1I7 ! 4UO $ UO W ) . 211 KO H.IW
3 . tHI 4.40 70 . 2i' , Rl 4.M )
13 . 217 4.40 M . I'M I'-'O 4.rO
Kl . U5l ! 2(10 ( 4.40 WJ . Jill 4,50
03 . 2.-0 W ) J.45 III . 313 40 4.f
CO . 2'.ll N ) 4.45 (14 ( . 2.VJ 40 4.HO
01 . 2T2 120 4,45 tl . B 1GO 4'fl
M . 2S7 W 4,45 Si . 2 < B 4.ryi
firt . 2.U 121 4.45 fit . -Nil 1(1 ( ( ) 4.iO
OT , . 21(1 ( IfiO 4.45 00 . 2.-C. 12U 4.W
Ifl . 274 1IW 4.47SS fi8 . 270 4.f > 0
67 . . . . 2W 40 4.50 m . 2111 80 4.10
rw . : in OJ 4o uo . : ci7 KM 4.w
02. . , M2 Nl 4..Y ) Ho . 272 40 4.Wi !
f,7 . 2MI 40 4,50 50 . 3111 4.WM
61 . 313 to 4.50 511 . H4H 4.B5
r > . . .2X1 J 4.50 54 . 3'0 4.55
70 . 2il 40 4.50 50 . 3IJ 4.55
No. Avo. 1'r.
80 . 13J S4.15NiniUASKAS.
No. Avo. 1'r.
MO . 72 J.I.JI3
ThnWnok's Itccorcl.
Showing the number of cattle , hogs nnd
sheep purchased by the different buyers
during the last week :
Swift & Co . 2r > OS
George II. Hammond & Co . 1,21(5 , (
The Armour-Cudahy company. . SGO
Steven , Hamilton ft Co . 403
Omaha Packing Co . 22
Shippers and feeders . 4,017
( Total . 0,001
Armour-Cudnliy Packing company. . . 10,34S
OmaliaP.tcklngcompun.v ( iS5l
GeorgoII. Hanimontl & Co " , S'M
Swift & Co 'J.7W
East St. Louis P. & 1' . Uo 170
* otal. . . . 23,827
SlIEi1. !
Swift &Co 1,7.10
Loa Kothschilu 4'JO
G. II. Hammond & Co 100
Armour-Ctidaliy Packing company. . . . 2SHJ
Sll'jorton & Co a.I
M. Doiipgan U
I3oogo Packing Co UO
Total . 3,313
Ijivo Stock Notes.
Cattle close lower.
Sheep active at steady prices.
Hog maritut opened steady but closed
At the opening of last week the hogs sold
at a range of $ l.23ffi4.37 ( , while the great
bulk brought $ 1.3 J@t. 35.
Nine thousand head of cattle and over
changed hands on this market last week.
The sales of hogs amounted to 22,827 , and of
sheep 3,313.
Charles H. Johnson brought In two loads
of sheep from Uosclnnd , Neb. , which sold on
the market , Mr. Johnson fed 1,000 at that
point and they are all sold now.
Fruits , Produce , Ktc.
BUTTEH Creamery Fancy print , 22@24c ;
choice print , 20@J2o ; fancy solid packed , IS
@ 19c ; choice solid packed , ir > ( $17o. Dairy
b'ancy roll , 17fil9c ( ( ; choice , 10ilUc ( ; good , 12
( < ? ' 14c ; low grades , 10@llc. .
'CIIEIMC Full cream Cheddars , choice , 12@
12 > c ; full cream lints , t\vo in hoop , 12 > $ ( j4
13c ; full cream Y. A. , choice , 'i2' ( ( J13c ; nlf
grades and skims , 5@9c ; limburger , 13@
13j c ; brick and Swiss , 14 ( ir > e.
Eons Strictly fresh , IKwl-Jc ; cold stor
age , bi ( 9c.
Livi : Pot'LTiiv Chickens , par doz , 83.50@
3.75 ; ducks , $ ' ) .23 3GO ; geese , $3.5U@9.00 ;
turkeys , per 11) , 9(3(100. ( (
Dunssnu POL-LTKY Chickens , jer ) Ib , 9@
lie : turkeys , ll@iic : ; geese , Ilijl2c ( ; ducks ,
VIIAI. Heavy gra scrs , 15J to 203 Ibs , 5@
Oc ; inferior calves , GOtoOOlbs , y@.5o ; medium
to good , 70 to S5 Ibs , 4@l5c ; choice to fancy ,
llil ) to lao Ibs , C@7c.
VIOITAIII.CS : Potatoes , Colorado and Utah ,
COW)5c ( | : Wyoming , 50(2 ( We ; Nebraska nnd
Iowa , choice large , : iO@35o ; common , 2"i@0c : ! ;
sweet potatoes. Jerseys , per bbl. ? 2,7.r > © 3.0 ( ) ;
beets , per bu. , ri5@50i ! ; carrots , WUtUoj cab
bage , California , per Ib , 2' ' < jc ; parsnips , 5J@
( ioc ; onions , red choice , 5U@ Wo ; silver skin ,
( H7.r ) c ; turnips , 20 ( < ? 23c : rutabagas , 3j@IOc ;
radishes , ii55 < ! 10c ; leltueei 2)3Jc : cucum
bers , $ l.ftO@2.00 ; string beans , per box , $ .1.75
02.23 ; celery , 23@3Uc ; sjiinach , Sl.OOfeAUO
per bbl.
GAMH Mallard , per doz , Sl.OOgS 50 ; red
head , per doz , $2.50 ( 3.00 ; teal , per do. ! , $1.75
@ 2.00 ; common Huiall , per doz , $ l,00@l 50 ;
rabbits , per do ? , 'J0a@tfl.0i ) ; jack raubitH , per
doz , $3.00@3.50 ; squirrels , per doz , 90u ( tfl.OJj
jack snipe , $1.00@ 1.25.
Ai'l'i.ES Per bbl , fancy Now Vork and
Michigan , $3.60 ; choice , $3.00 ® J.25 : choice
Missouri , $ J.OO@3.25 { good , ? 1.7f > ( < J.UO.
Fonr.ios Fiiuns Malaga grapes , kegs , 40
to P5 Ibs , lOa per Ib : bananas , per bunch ,
$ I.GO ( < M.OO ; lemons , fancy now , 300 to 300 s ,
SI.75ftC4.Btl ; oranges , Los Angeles , f2.50@
2.75 ; Kivorsides , $3.75@4.00 ; Navels , ? 5.00 ( <
5.50 ; Hatichlto , $3 60(583.75. (
CiiAXiimtuiES Uolt& Uuglo , choice , $7.50
© 7.75 ; Hell & Cherry , choice , W.50@0.75 ;
choice Jersey , ? 3.l)0@b.23. )
HIDF.S Greun salted , No. 1 , G@6)4o ) ; No.
2 , JMftiKc ; calf , 5@5) < io ; dry Hint , 7 ( . < i3c.
UmNs Navies , hand picked , per bu , 83.10
( 2.20 ; good clean country , Sl.)5@i.OJ ( ) ; offer
or poor stock , if 1.00@1:5J ( ; California , $2.00 ®
2.10.Jinr.ii ( Michigan , per bbl , $ J.50@3.00Now ;
York , per bbl , # VO ( ) 3.50 ; half bbl , $ . ' .75i ( ?
FitTHKits : Per Ib. prime llvogoeso , white.
tl5j ( | lo ) ; mixed with gray , 2530o ; damp and
musty , 10i(2 ( Jo ; prlmu live ilomestlo duck , 20
© 230 ; wild duck , 15ftt20o.
SIUKIIKIHUT Per Ubi , 30 gal , choice , f4 00 ; '
per half bbl , * 2.25.
Poi-coKN Per Ib , rice , l@ljo ) : common ,
HONEV 1-lb frames , choice white , J5@HJo ;
dark , 13c < l'l4o : stramcil , 10@12c.
JKI.I.IUS ) @ 4 > u per Ib ; preserves , 10@l2c
per Ib ,
LAIU > 7 } o In 60-lb pkgs.
MINUUVBAT 0 ft57o per Ib ,
HoviBcd prices arc ns follows :
IJuHiixu Stark A , seamless , 22o ; Amos-
kuag , seamless , 17 o ; Lowlston A. seamless ,
1'Jo ' ; 'American , suamloss , 17o ; burlaps , 4 to S
bu , Il@l4u ; gunnies , single , 14e ; t'unnies ,
double , 23o ; wool sack , 40c.
TWJXKS Flax , 20o ; cotton , 16fif23a
Diiir.D FHUITS Hgs , In boxes , per Ib , 11 ®
14e ; dates , lu boxes. 7@10u ; London Malugu
layer raisins , per box , 5.00 ; Malaga loose
raisins , f2.tHK22.50j now Valencia rulsins ,
per Ib , 7 V : California loose muscatels , per
box , $ l.bfi.30 ( ; California Londons , 16 3 ,
$ J4U ; pitted cherries , per Ib , I7u ; California
iilttcd plums , per Ib. 12i$13c ( ; dried black
berries , per Ib , 0i$7c ( ; dried raspberries ,
per Ib , 2Jo ; ovaporatoil apples ,
fornla unpaired evaporated pcaohos , l.14o ;
ovuporatod California apricots , 17o ; currants ,
, Turkish prunes , 4 % ® cltroiil \
22(32ic ( ; oi-ango peel , IScj lemon pool , 14c ;
California French prunes , . VrtllV1.
PICKI.ES Medium , In .bbls , M.OO : do , In
half bbls , f3.00 ; small In liblh. (000 ; do , In
half bbls , 1.50 ; gherkins , fu bbls , ( r.UO , do ,
in half bbls , $1.00.
KnAiTen Corrr.r Ocrmnn , 24l4c ; Me-
Luughlln's XXXX , 24 > tfo ; Ariosu , 24Kc.
COFFRKOrcen Mocha , 23ii30i ; ) ; Hlo
good , 18@10o ; Mnndahllng , 20'jt3so ( ; roasting
G. Jnvu , S gjtlo ; Java In
cues ,
HtnsWAX Choice yellow , 20(322Mo ( ; dark
colored. 13@l4c.
TOHACCO Plug , 26Sv' ; 5i smoking , lOfiilOc.
KOI-E 7-10 , Tl c.
MM-I.B SmiAii HrlcksS120 ( per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12 ( < U8c per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , f 1,00 per gal.
SfOAii STittn-s )14@35c ) per gal.
WIIAITINIJ I'Ai-Eit Manilla , 0l , c nor Ib ;
Ounixjwder , common to good , 22 ( < ? 23c ; Gun
powder , ehoieo to fnncv,40iiJU3c.lnpaii. : com
mon to medium. 122Jc ; Japan , choice to
fancy , 30@15o ; Oolong , common to irood , 2.3
@ 40c ; Oolong , choice to fancy , fiO 'Oo : Im
perial , common to medium,23@.J5e : Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40 ( < J50c.
CMAUKKIIS ( J@7c per Ib ; assorted cakes , 8
@lflo per Ib , as per list.
CANDY Mixed. } s@12)c ) ; stick , OK@Hc ;
rock candy , llV@13e ( ; fancy candy , 7ij-'Si ( ; .
Hoi.MNii .WiJlKJc.
JsHcKiiiii : ! . Famllv J bb'ls , $12.60 : No. 1 ,
$11 o'J. '
Con FI H njflasjfc-
STUICH 46f7 > c.
NUTS Almonds , IC.J lSc ; Pecans , 13c : nra-
zlls'Jc ; peanuts , UiP10o. ( ,
COTTOX Pi.vsxii.s-10 : per cent trade ills-
count. Unblonolicil L L , fii-jo ; C C , ( ijc ; S
S , 7 c ; K K. S 4'c ; G G. O o ; X X , Hi c : O
U , ll'tfe ; N N , l-i' es A A , Ho ; U 1) , l.i'tfo ;
TT , lOKc ; V V , ISo ; H U , lOc ; bleached.
20 , S'tfc ; tW , 12VTo ; 80,1.1' c. UrowU aiitl
slate , fiO , lie ; TO , VJkc ; W , Kio.
CAIIPHT WAIIP Uibb , white , 19c ; colorcil ,
UITTS Standard , So ; Gem- lOc ; Ueauty ,
12' ' c ; 13oono , Ho ; U , cuscil. $ , ' .60.
PIIINTS Soliil colors Atlantic. Oc ; Slater ,
Go ; Uorlin oil , t ! ) < , o ; Garner oil , 0@rc.
PIIINTS Pink ami roboa Allen , Oc ; Illver-
polnt , SJi'c ; fcitcellUvcr , tljjo ; itlclimond ,
U ) c ; Pacific , 7c.
PIIINTS Dress Charter Onk , fijfo ; Ham-
npo , 4c ; Lodl , Sj c ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond , Oc :
M iiuiu. ' 3 - , vuiuiiittu. ugu , j\.i t
long cloth , tic ; Arnold H. long cloth ,
Arnold , Gold Seal. 10o ; Stulfol A , 12c ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , lu c.
GJNOIIAM Plnnkett , checks , 7c ; Whlttcn-
ton , 7c ; Vork , 7c ; Normandi dress , Sc ; Hen-
frow dress , S < @l2 > c ; WhUtenton , Sc ; Cal
cutta , 7c.
CAMIIKICS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , Be ; Peacock , 5c.
HI.CVCIIII > Siir.iiTiSfl Ellonon , 7J c ;
Housekeeper , SVrfc ; Noxv Candidate , birfc ;
Hcrkeley cauibric , No. 0) ) , 9' ' < fc ; Host Yet ,
4-4 , ( % c ; Hutterclotli , OO , 4J/c ; Cabot , 7 o ;
Farwcll , liulf bleached , S o ; Fruit of Loom ,
SJ c ; Green G , Oc ; Hope , 7 Cc ; Klnu Philip ,
cambric , lOc : Lonsdalo cambric , lOc ; Lons-
dalebj c ; New York mills , Ki ) c : Peppurcll ,
4'J in , lU t1 ; Pcppcrcll , 40 in , ll } c ; Popper-
ell , 04 , lo'sc ' ; Pcpperoll , 84 , 21c ; Pepperell ,
! M , 'J3c ; Peppcroll , 10-4 , 25c ; Cnnton , 4-4 ,
8' ' c ; Canton , 4-4. U } < fo ; Triumph , Oc ; Wam-
suttn , llo ; Valley , 5c.
Hitowx SIIIITIso : : Atlantic A , 4-4. 7J c ;
Atlantic II , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic 1) , 4-l,0 } c ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , ( ic ; Aurorj.'LTj. 4-4 , Cos Aurora
C , 44 > fc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OKo ; Hoosier
LU , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4. " , ' 40 ; Lawrence -
renco LL , 4-4 , ( ic ; Old Dominion , 4-J , S c ;
Pcppcrcll E , 40 inch , 7J c ; Pcpperoll , H-4 ,
ISc ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 21c ; 1'cppcrell , 10-4 , 2lc ; ;
Utica C , 4-4 , 4cVacliusctt ; , 4-4 , 7 , ' c ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora U , 4-4 , O'tfo.
FiAN.NCi.9 , PI.AID i.lftsmcn,20c ; Goshcn ,
32 0 ; Clear Lake , : iGj < Jc ; Iron Mountain ,
FI.AXSKI.SVniTiG : | 1 No. 2 , % * , 22Kc :
G H No. 1 , f , 20Jfc ; UH.No. 2 , Z' c : H II
No. 1. $ r. 30c ; Quechee.No. 1 , % , 4''c : Quu-
cheoNo. 2 , % , 3T ! < Qticc-hee No.3,32K ;
Anawan , 83 c ; Windsor. 22e.
FHNNII.S. : HED C , 21-inch , 15Kc ; E , 24-
Inch , 21 } < fc ; G G. 2t-mch , 20c ; H A F , { ,
23o ; J U F , $ { , 27c ; G , y 25c.
DUCK West Point , 2J-m. S oz. 10J c ; West
Point , 2'J-in. 10 o12 > ic ; West Point , 29-in ,
12 oz , 15c ; West Point , 40-iu , 11 oz , ICc.
CORSETS JKAXS Androscoggin , 7c ; Kcar-
sargo , 7 fc ; Hockport , OJfo ; Con(3stoia , O c.
TICKS York , hO in , 12 > c ; York , 32 in ,
13 c ; Swift Hivcr , Su ; Thorndlke , OO , S c ;
Thorndiko , EE. S > tfc : Thorndiko , 120 , 9 > Jc ;
Thorndiko , XX , Iflc ; Cordis , No. 5 , > c ;
Cordls , No. 4 , lofc. ;
Amosltcag , 9 oz , lO c ; Everett ,
lie ; Ueavcr Creek , CC , lOc.
KEXTCCKV JnvN Memorial , 13c : Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 2"Kc ; Hercules. ISo ; Leam
ington , 22J < fc ; Uottswold , 27 o ; Melville ,
Citvsn Stevens' n , 5J < c ; Stevens' H ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , " % ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , S' c ; Stevens' F , 7 i'c ; Stevens' P ,
bleached Stev-ciis' N. Uc Stevens'
, tjfc ; . ; N ,
bleached , 'J'.ic ; Stevens' S1U\
Alctnl nnd TiuncrH * Stock.
Block tin , small pip . S 2S.CO
IJlock tin. bar . 29.00
Copper , planished boiler sizes . ! ! 4.0 ( )
Copper , cold rolled . 31.00
Copper , sheathing . 'iO.OO
Copper , pills . flO.OO
Copper , Huts . 31.00
Gal. sheet iron , Juniata , 50 , 10 nnd 5
per cent discount .
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 A . 10' ' $
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 U . ( I' \
Hoofing , 1C , 14-C20 , 112 sheets . (1.00 (
Hoohng , IX , 1 1x20 , 112 sheets . 7.50
Hooting , 1C , 20x28 , 112 sheets . 11.00
Hoollng , IX. 20x23 , 112 sheets . 14.50
Sheutiron No.2r , . 340
Sheet iron No. 2 . i . 3.60
Solder . 14@10
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C , lOtil , 225 sheets . .50
IX , 10x14 , 223sheets . B.25
Tin pinto coke
1C , 10.\14 , ! > 2.i sheets . 0.25
Steel nails , per keg . 2.25
Steel wire nulls , per keg . 2.75
ilH anil Clioiulonln.
ACIDS Sulphuric , IJfc ; citric , 5Sc ; oxalic ,
15c ; tartnric , 40j ; Am. carb , 12c ; .alum , 2 > i@
3c ; arrowroot , 30o ; balsam capabiu , 03@7 u ;
borax , 10@13u ; calomel , SOc ; castor oil , j'l 05
@ 1.10 ; cream tartar , 32j ; corrostvo sub , bOc ;
chloroforin. 45 ( < i50c ; cxt logwood , 12o ; gly
cerine , 2lo ; gum arable , ' .Wo : gum camphor ,
! i5o ; ium opium , $3.13 : morphia sulph , JJ.OJ
( 2.S3.
On.b Bergamot , S3.SO ? 3.00 ; lemon , J2.00 ;
peppermint , ifU.OOvftJl.SUj wintergreen , $2,40 ;
olive , § 1,00 ; qulnlno , U3 ISc ; strychnia , $1,03
Dimension and Timber ,
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft CO ft 2 : > @ 2I ft
2x1 . $1500 150J 15.00 Ki.O. ) 17.0J 2J.1K )
2x0 . 15.00 15.00 1S.CO 1(1.00 ( 17.00 30.IK )
2x8 . 15.00 15.00 13,00 111.00 17.00 20.00
2x10 . 15.00 15.110 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x12.- . 15.00 15.00 15.00 Kl.UO 17.0J 20.IM )
4x8 8x8 lb.OO 10.00 IfTltjO 17.00 17.00 20.00
No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 < and 14
foot , rough . , , , , . ? 10.00 ( il0.60
No. I , 4 mid 0 Inch , JO feet. . . . 17.00Vcl7.50 (
No. 2 , 4 and I ) inch. 13 and 14
feet . . . , ' . 1R.50@14.00
No. 2 , 4 and U Inch , 10 feet . 1G.OO ( < A18.00
1st nnd 2d clear , I/ ! Inch s. 2s 49,00@31.00
1st and 2d , clear , " \yt \ and 2
inch , s. 2s . ; . 47,0-3 ( 50,00
3d , clear , Itf Inuh. s. 2s . 4i.UO ! ( < MO.OO
3d , clear , 1 % nnd2inch. H. tM. . 4..00 ) 10.00
U select , l } { , 1)4 ) , and 2 incli , s ,
2s . 37,00a'iS.OO (
1st and 2d , clear , 1 inch , s , 2s. , 45 00
A bcloct , 1 inch , a. 2s , . , 33.00
li select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . Di.oo
BUt com Cinch whlto pine . 34.00
2d " " ' '
. 3100
M " " " . . . . . . 2UKJ (
D " ' . ! > D.oo
Com 4 nnd 0 In yellow plno . 15.60
Star" " ' " . . . . is.tX )
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4
nndUlnch . , . 20.00
Lime , etc.
Qulnoy whlto llmo , best . .00
EngiUh and German Portland
cement. . . . . , , n,40
Milwuukco und Louisville . 1.80
Michigan and Ft , Dodga plaster 2.25
Uluellaplds plaster . 1.V5
Hnlr , .20
, . . . , . , . . . . ( and 10 percent discount
Doors , blinds , mouldlngs,50nnd 10 pcrct dls
Tarred foil , per uwt 2.UO
Straw boards , " 1.05
Poplar Lumber
Clcnr jwplnr , box boards , J < J In
s2s , . MOO
Clear poplar , > { in panel JW.OO
" V 25.00
" " X " stock
wide , s 2s. . . . 23.00
Clear poplar corrugated cell
ing , 30,00
Whlto cedar. 0 Inch , halves , . . . 13
" " " " nnd
> } {
8 Inch ( I'rs./t. , 11
Whlto cedar , 4 inch , halves. . . . 10
Tennessee red cedar , split 10
Spilt oak , ( whlto ) 8
Sawed oak , " 10
Shingles , Lath , per M
XX clear 3.20
Extra "A * 2.80
Standard A 2.00
Blnch , elenr l.Wa.70 ( ( )
( .inch , clear 1.73W1.80
No.l 1.10@1.I5
California rod wood , dimen
sion widths 4.60
Cypress , clear heart , dimen
sion widths 3.40
Lath 2.60
Ship Lap
No. I , plain , S and IS inch 17.50
No. 2 , " " 10 " 1550
No. 1 , O. G 18.03
1st com , 12nndlOfcet 22.00
2d " " 1)00 ! )
3d " " 15.0J
Fence " " 13.1HJ
Stock Hor.rds
A12 inch , s. 1 s. 12 , 11 nnd 10 ft 40.03
H " " " " 41.CO
C " " " " 30.00
D " " ' " 23.X1 (
No , 1 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 feet 18.00
No. 1 " " " 14 and
10 feet 17.GO@IS.50
No. 1 com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 10 , 18
nml 20 feet lil.SO
No. 2 com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 14 and
lOfeet 17.00
Celling nnd Partition
ist com , ' In , whlto pine parti
tion. , . . 32.00
2d com. JIn. . white plno parti
tion 27.CO
Clear % in. yellow plno ceiling 20.00
Clear ? „ in. orwny 14.50
2d coin. % In. Norwny..v. . . . . W.M
No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft 10.50
No. 2 " " " " 14.5(1 (
No. 3 " " " " 12.00
No. 4 " " " "
( ship'gciill ) 13.00
Add 50 cents per M. for rough.
Hattens , Well Tubing , Pickets
O. G. Halts , 2 ! < mch 00
O. G , Halts , J x3 , SIS 35
3 in. well tubing , D. & M. und
bev 20.00
Pickets , D. &H. ilut 111.00
Pickets , D. & H. square 22 00
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
3O5 South lillli Street , - Onialia
T. E. GBi-PEN ,
Room 0.1 Trailers' IlulUlInz ,
tieforODCCB Mccronolltnn National Itanic.
U. U. Dun & Clo. 'lo Urnrtttrnct Oa
Arrests ( llscharpca Irom Hie urinary -r-f
gnus In either box ! ; -18 Isoiirn.
It Is superior to i opalbn. Culiebs , it
InJPCtloiiH , nml frro from all bad wv si.
orolhcr Inconvptiic'iiccs.
* > contained X \ '
lu 'Hinll . -.m.j\
, wlilcli liear the n ino lit fill ' ) ) " 3
121 Ueurjorn su , Oaiciijoi ii.utco froo1 ; year <
pL'rlciica : buaiucsj uulctlir ami legally triinuotoJ :
Sirs. IjiuiKtrj- IjiiHt Weds the J3n-i-
linli Diulo.
Nnw YOIIK , March 11. [ Special ToloRram
to Tin ; 13ii : : . Mrs. Lungtry is now Mrs.
Frederick GoblianU. At least that is u
whisper Unit pot nbroiul lust evening. It is
said the inai Hugo ceremony was performed
lu this city Tuesday , and if the lady did not
iidm it it verbally when ( luostioncti , she was
careful not to deny it. The couchnian ot
drunlc , the story frocs , nnd told It in iv res
taurant. The yiiru ho spun was that her divorce -
vorco was granted by tlio California court
nnd was received lust Monday , and Tuesday
morning the union between the lady mid
Uohhardt xvas solemnized.
When a reporter reached the charming
llttlo transplated I2iigllsh homo on West
Twenty-third street , Mrs , Lnngtry received
him as courteously us over.
"J have always been willing , ns you
know , " she said , when naked it the story
weru true , "to give you any information
about my public self in which any one can
tnltu any Interest , lint really , pon't you
know , wo have decided not to givu any par
ticulars about this matter at all , "
WcHtern Cntllu Pro.spi-otH.
Cuic.tco , March 11.John Clay , Jr. , a
prominent ranchman , was In the city to day
after a six weoks' trip in the cattle nilMii' , '
regions of the west. Ho said that in " 'uxas
the cattle are in excellent condition , anil the
general agricultural outloolc is good. In the
I'anhamllo , New Mexico ami Colorado the
winter has been favorable , as It w s also in
Wyoming anil Montana. The only com
plaints came from Western Wyoming , where
thu grass was short last fall and snow con
tinues heavy. Clay thinks that range beef
will arrive on the markets earlier than
during any year in the history of the trade ,
and during all tiie years ho has been con-
nectcd with the business ho never found
western cattle inun In bolter spirits.
or Sy nniiit liy.
CIIIUAOO , March 11 , The ministerial asso
ciations of the various evangelical denomina
tions yesto'-day wore taking concentrated
action on the prohibition question. At the
weekly meetings of the Methodist Episcopal ,
Presbyterian , Uuptlst and Congregational
bodies to-day resolutions wcro adopted pro
viding for the appointment of n committee
from each body to meet In joint seaalou nnd
consider thu propriety of culling n mass
meeting In Chicago to extend svmputhv and
to help the states "struggling to free them
selves from the bondage and degrading inllu-
encn of the liquor trntllc. "
The VlHlDIo Huptily.
CHICAGO , March 11. The vUlblu supply far
the week ending March U , as compiled uy
the secretary of the Chicago board of trade ,
is as follows ;
, , Bushels.
„ 4
Wheat . , . m,7T4X ( > ( )
Corn . ] 0D.V5HKJ (
Oats . 7,7&JCOJ
Hyo. . i.iw.iHX )
Uarloy . 1,7KJ,000 ,
AiuUnilturnl Implomonta.
CJi viwniu , i'
Dealori i Agricnlinial Implements , Wagons
Cftrrlngca nml l'iiialc ' . ,1oncln < pt , tiotwocn fill unit
imli , Umnlm ,
Agricnll1 ImplciiiGiils , Wagons , Carriages
i > li' . Unmtm , Ncbr k ,
\Vhnlo nlo Denlcr ln
Agricnllnral luiple'Dicnts , WagonsS Bnggi.cj
nil. I'll , 101 mid Hi ; Jonc < < lri ot , Onmbn.
> tnnuf curcr nml Jolil > ori > In
Wagons , Buggies , Ratos.llowj . Etc ,
Cor. Wli anil Tactile street' , Umnlm.
Artists' Mntorlnls.
A. llOSl'U , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1.M1 Duuiilns street Oinnlin , Nobrnskn.
Boots and Shoos.
n7. " r. MOHSI : .v ro. ,
Jotes of Boots nid Shoes ,
1101 , 1101,1KC PniiBlni strort , Om-ilm. MnnnfnctnrT ,
Miinnicr > lioot , lUi-lnn.
Con ) , Coke nnd l.lmo.
Jotes of Hard and Soft Coal ,
i t.'ltlislrcol.Oinnhn , Xel > .
Sliipte s of Coal a ( I Coke ,
-'II .South nth St.mnlinNcb.
CrocUpry and Classvvaro.
IWlUtlXli' GATCll A LAlWJ\lT \ "
IniporlPrs nntl Jobliors of
Crockery , Glassware , Laums , Silverware
Ktc. K > H Kurnnm struct , nuw I'nxlun liulldlntt.
CpmiTilsolotand Storngo , .
Storage and Commission Mercliaiits ,
Sicclnlik | > Rnitor. cgo , chi c p , poultry , game.
llljllonnnl Mrct-t , ( liniiliii , Nob.
Kntii , t co. ,
Prodnce Commission and Cold Storage ,
( Succi'S'ors In McSlinno ,1 Pclirocilcr. )
Oinuhn , Nobriinkn.
DryjCoocis and Notions.
" .u j ; . s3imi Aco.T
Dry Goods , Fiirnisning Goods and Notions
1ICU nml 1101 Dunlins , cur. lltli streetOmulm , Neb.
Imporlois ? nd Jooliers in.Dry Goofls.Mions .
Cents' furiil lilni ; encul * . Cnincr tllh nml llarney
jilrcolK , Onrilin , NVlirnsku.
lni | ) rtop > and Jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
,117 Fouth l.Mli street.
m\vi-Y \ A K'roxj- : ,
WliolGsale Dealers in Furniture
Knrnnni Krecl , Onmlin , Jicbrn kn.
Furniture ,
Cmnhiv Ncbruakn.
P'AXTOX , OALLAdujjit A co.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions.
'M , ur , 7U-J nml 711 South mill St. . Oinnlin. Neb.
Wholesale Grocers'
ICth nii < l Ijcnvonuorth streets , Omnlin , Ncbrn kn.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Stsel ,
Springs , vitiion Ktcirk , linritwnrc , Innilier , etc. 1209
anil 1211 llurnej- street , Omiilin.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Mctil1 * , ilip ( l iron. ot * * . AKt'titt for Howe fculoi.
Mlunil powder ivnil l.yinun burhcd wlru ,
Build rs1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
AlcclmnlcV looln nnd HtilThlo K'ulos. UT ( > l ) < ) HKlU3
Mreet , Omnlm , Nul ) .
_ Lumber. .
" " "
"foil X A. WAKEl'lELI ) ,
Wliolesale Lninlicr , Etc ,
Import Pit nnd Atncrlcnn 1'nrtlinul crinrnt. finite
a ant icr Mllw.uiUco Iiytlniullo cement and
Qutney uliitu Mine.
CJIAS n. ,
Dealer in Hamvood Lnmler ,
Wood cnrpcln nml pTrqtiot llnorlny. ! Ill and Douclnt
Urcels , Umiilin , .Nell. _
All Kinds of Building Miteria' ' at Wholesale ,
ISth blrci'luuil Linlun I'nc-lllcTrucL.Oci.ilia ,
"Dealer in Liimlier , Latli , Lime , Sas'j ' ,
. Ktc , Yards Corner Till imil Douglas. Corner
lOlh mill
wtui ) i' IIA r.
Lnraler , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Clli "nil Doiiclun .Sl . , O'liitha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lifter ,
llllinnd Ciillfornli Hlri'uto , Oinalni , Nibnukn ,
' "
Nlllllnory anti riotioriai.
Iin0ores ! : & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
3J3111 unit ifliSoutli lltli Btrcct.
Wholesale Notions aid Fnrnishiiig Qcofls ,
101 mid 4UT > Hnuth I'Jth HriH-i , Oinuhn.
. \'JXYA \ 111) A KUllXEIDKR ,
Notions and Gents' ' Fnrnisliiiis Goods ,
llUi lluruuy Hreit , Oaialm.
/ ; / ) TAXK Lixuo. ,
Wholesale RelineJ and Liiliricating Oils ,
Ailo urcnto. etc , Umnlm , A. II , Illshop , Xluiuiccr
_ _ Paper.
CARl'EN'l'Ell PAPER C'b.7
Wliolesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry nnlre untk or printing , Hropplni ; nnil writing
paper , Hm'Cinl ulti'nlljii tclvru lu i r louil orderi.
Btornao , ForwardlnR & CommlosIorT
AitMSTROxa , 1'Krm A'VO. ,
Storage , Forwarding and Coinniis flii
llrnui ! houxi of the Ilonnuy lluffvr Co , Jluiilo ut
wlioltealu uml retail , lJ.T9.lilj , H12 l/ur > Utruct ,
Omulm , 'IVU'pliunu No. 7W
_ Toys.
ii. HARUV A vo. ,
Jobber ! of
Toys , Doll ? , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Boots and Shoos.
KIRKtiXDALI. , JOXES A (70. ( ,
Snppp ors to Itco I , JonM A Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of B-jots& Shces' '
J\Brnt < forlloiionltutit ( > erShoero , III ) ? . HO ( n < JllW
lliirner Sltoot , Om tis , Nebraskn.
STORK & 11.ER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ;
1U1 North KlKlitrcuth rtrrct , OmithN , X
Mannttrers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
\Ylmlnir-fnrK nnd iiirtnllc iky I nhts. Jolin Kpencter.
| iroirlclor. | 1U8 nml Itutnutli Idtli itrcot.
Mannfanlnrers of Overalls ,
leniis runt" , Shirts , otc. 11X18 Douglas street *
Omulm , Neb.
' " °
Bank , Ofllce and Saloon Fixtures ,
Alnntlr * . KlilebonMv ItooV C c , Driiu nxliire' , WMl
Cu rn , I'nrlllldiiv UnlllniiiUouiitori , llrvmnil Wlnq'
Conlcni , > llrror , Kla' Knrliirj uml oftlro , IM ! nnd ITIa1
funlli IHh St. , Umalin. Tvlvplionu 1124.
Paper QOXCQ.
JOHX L. WILKli : ,
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Noj.l'ltinlil r ! 9 lou ln Mrect , Omnlm , Nob.
_ Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers a Dealers in Rubber Goofls-
Oil clollilnR nml Icnlner lii'ltliiit. 1 B Kamiimtrcel
_ Sash , Doors ,
' " '
"M A llSiROW'A CO. ,
Wliulcrnlo nminifnclmcri of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llranch unice , l"tli nml linnl ulreel Omnlin. Neb.
nox zAXUFscri rRixica ,
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding * , ( nlr-work nml Inlcrfor Imnt wood flnlnh.
N , K. corner Etli uml IAMVTUIUM rlli ilrccln ,
Uniiihn , Nub.
Fttlngs , Pumps , Eto _
Pninp ? , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam , wkter , rullvnT nnd mlnlnc nuppllon , eta.
' . ' . 'O ' , l niulW4 Kirnnni street , OinuliH.
Steam and Wate Supplies ,
Jlnlliclnj nlnd inllln. SH8 nnd 121lone. ' St. , Omahft.
C. K. Itooa , actln ; iimnuu'er.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet-Iron work , ctrnm pumps , : iw mill * . 12U-1215
l.tMTenwurth Btrrct , Omnlm.
Iron Works.
Cnrtcr .V Son , I'rupV. .Mann tuclurers at nil kinds
Steaiii Boilers , Tante and Sliest Iron Wort
Works South VUlli nnd U. & M. crowing.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding Wort ,
Bnplno' . brnM wurk , Rpnprnl foundry , mnrlilne nnd
blucksmltli trork. Ollicu uml < v iris , U. I' . HT.
iiiul lUn ctioct , Uniabn.
Manufacturers of Wire and Inn Railings
Desk rails , window Kiinrds. Honor Blnnd1 * . wire BlKnf.
etc. UMNurtb Htli Mnet , Umnlm.
Mait'rs : ' of Fie ? and Burglar Prof Safes ,
VnnllP. jnll work. Iron shutters nml lire cicapes.
U. Andrucn , prop'r. Our. lull nml JiukNon His.
Iron nd Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
nnd tcreoin , torlnnk * , nHkes , itoro' , rci-l lonco , cto.
luiuioveil nwnlne' . lorkniultli imiclilnc'ry nnd
bliick raltk nurki , . ( Ult-oiitli Hill M.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Oiflco Ilooin 21 , iliio | lln KTClinnca UtilMliiif , Union
block Ynrdx , huutli Umnlm , Nub.
JJXJOX 'sTOCjf'i'A RDS c'57
OfOmana. LiiuM
John I' . llril , Mipvrlntcndpnt.
* * 7
r iJ ° i"iT.M.liaA8tr'ke * n'noMolnBMnrnlmltnwa
nilVS/n / ? . ' ' 0".ntW < VllonClilc iro. .Mllwmikco ,
f n ii , if ? . "V1 , Tot' ' ' liBoplo cif Nobrnikn.i'olO'
Ii ? tr5nVnTrSfiV ? ' " ? ' Ill."h2.Neiutn > " " - ' " " . ?
SBi'Sff.B''FJSH '
fi ' , < i ( , ! l.iKH'"lllctlftre * Hno t tlinl > > ' " "
'horriiitfoTwiiuT U" 1'AI'AOK " l"l"'UCAl"s ]
J'f,1.ConiL1J ) [ < ch'Mli"lon ' 'I'-'f'0. ' ' WIUl " " > ' of Illp UUN
! ! , nvfn .Sit iltera llfl | B t'l'IC'Bo ' Ibu tinlni ol
BHyicrn " co"uectlon " ' " ' the oof nil other
' ; '
'For Dciriilt' Columbup. liiillannnolli.
f lacurn . Hilli , Iluiru o , rulinurk' Tiinmtn Clnclnnktl. M. ,
o.lon , Nuw'vork. l'nllilclim ! | , , imSiorJ Vaia !
lon , BUJ ill . /
jn polntiln tliu Kn.t , n
ir "fflll % r , ' . 'NO9THWESTERN" . . . . . J . ,
| | f. | |
u. t ,
Ucn-l M n , o
:4 :
0. .
Chicago , Milwaukao & St , Paul R'y. '
Tito Best Itout * from Onmltn nud Council
IfltifTs ( o
C'hlcnt'o , AND WHwRukco.
St. Paul , Mliiuenpolls. Ccdur " ' *
Hock Iblaud. Frocport ,
CHulon , Diibiiijiio ,
Kit-In , HKdisou , , Tuncsrill ( > , '
, lic.'olt , WinCim , Ln ( 'rosse ,
Auil ulloliief Important tiolnti E il , Nurtheuit d
rortbrouuh tlikett.eill wu tli < tlckotnyont fit 1M
I | )5'o | . * ' " ' " " ' UUcl1' or 6' U"00 ' l'ac'lt '
XX ? t. ! f. ! A f > J' ' ! ' ° tCf tai
. , , .
i to . 'L'r ' r.- . ' " " .TW niioa Ii pall
1. 1. CLA Kk.
. .
O B " Hll > tr. - lirinl - ili.ll.illj. rouloiulilg.
l vtclt til llroclif > rtn . lllmirtigil kotk ll fital *