THE OMAHA DAILY BEE-&ONDAY : , MARCH 11. ' 1889. "IN THE WIND RIVER VALLEY , General Briabln's ' Intorostln ? Ac count of a Rooont Outing , SOME TALL , TROUT STORIES. < JioiU Spoil In XVyomlnji Klronmn I'or Ilie "World's IHWHOVnltnntt * 1'onlH Which H-vnriu With ( ho Spucklctl licniitlcsi Tin- Fish Kept Them ltit y. KOIIT UoiiiNbON , Neb. , Muroh 8. ( Special to Tin * BIK. ] Leaving- the Hot Springs of Little Wind river vnl- ' ley , 1 crossed the rlvoi1 , nml utter rid- liij | aljuut a mlle " .long the Imnk cnino to llio Broat natural oil wclltj of Wyom ing. They arc eltuateil on u plateau and surrrouiulcil by high hills. Hiding up the slope I entered a basin and bo- pui to puss over a bed of nsphaltum , caused by the sun-dried oil. It rang bo- nciilh the horse's feqt as if I were rld- inj ; over silver bars. The asphaKum was bltii'k as tar. The load of asplml- luin is in boine places six or eight foot thick and contains millions of tons. The natives of the valley often use it for fuel and it burns as freely as pitch pi no with a bright red blare , but emits 1111 miploiibtint odor of coal oil. As 1 approached the wells the ns- plmltuni begun to got softer and bond beneath the weight of the horse and the guide warned me not to go any nonior. Dismounting , 1 picked my way on foot over a thick tough layer of m-it- tor that resembled dried tar , and which bent under my feet. The coppered oil completely covered the mouths of the wells , the dibchargo holes being no longer visible. The wells nro three in number , and not more than twenty feet apart. Over the mouths of those wells the oil was ngitated and bubbling up through the asphalUnn in about equal parts of oil and water. One of the wells had a spasmodic discharge and Boomed hotter than the feat. This well would bo still for a few moments and then , with a noise murh resembling thnt made by a inun when vomiting , only a groat'deal louder , the cantor \\ouldriscupaudabout a quart of oil and water bo emitted and loft on the congealed surfnco of former discharges. The oil was running in liltlo rivulets , showing all thu tints of the rainbo\vaml all that did not congeal before it got there , ran into the Wind river and floated on the water. The formation about the wells indicated that they had loon ) running for hundreds of years. Here , for ngcs perhaps , the oil has been wasting away in these far-oil mountains , INliilo millions and millions of people were burning dips or tallow candles and longing for oil lights. Some ono had built a cabin and laid out a claim about the wells , but no ono lived then ) . The guide told mo that the asphaltum when molted made good roofing material and would turn water perfectly. Wo melted some on a sliovol and mixing it with sand poured it on the ground. When dry it was almost as hard us stone and a layer an inch thick would bear the weight of a heavy man' It could not bo broken ' throug'h b. > stamping upon it. and it certainly would make good roofing or pavements. The next day was devoted to fishing for trout , of which there wore a great numltar in the streams. A short ride brought us to the north fork of Wind river , where we halted and some of our party went to llsh .up the river while the re tit fished down the stream. All wore soon busily at work with rod and line trolling huge grasshoppers over the surface of the water , and pur labors were rewarded by numerous bites and the capture of several speckled beauties. In abont two hours I had taken some twenty trout , aad my string was so heavy I put up my rod and lino. Major Russell , who was with mo , had taken nineteen , and deciding wo had enough , wo determined to go in , as the wind was blowing very hard and made it dilllcult to manage our lines. Wo found the other party in camp , they having taken in all only ton trout and then given it up on account of the wind. A hearty dinner on trout , nntclopo and fresh bread , with colleo and a sleep of two hours so refreshed us that \\c de termined , the wind having fallen , to ItiKo a fresh sUirt and fish for Ijig trout in the deep pools of the Wind rivor. The ambulances wcro Drought up , and wo wore oil for the stream about a milo distant. The. first line thrown in was taken under and the nook carried olT. A lieutenant near me at the sumo mo ment hooked a trout that would have weighed three or four pounJb , but he floundered oil the hook. Major Jack- fcon , who was just below us , called loudly for help and wo ran down to him , tie was playing a game trout in deep water but could not land him on ac count of the weakness of his rod. The line was K > blender wo feared every moment it would brnak , but it hold on wonderfully , resisting all the lunges niul plunges of the trout. After pfir- tially drowning him the major suo- cceded in drawing him into shallow water , so the lieutenant got hold of him and landed htm. When dressed ho weighed nearly three pounds and was a line specimen of Rocky mountain trout. Soon afterwards , while fishing at this Biumi spot , I hooked a trout that broke- my line. 1 hud the line tested and it showed a strain of twenty-eight pounds. ITow largo this lihh was that seemed to break it with ease 1 have often won dered. By sundown wo had taken an abundance of smaller trout and had enough to last us for two or thrco dayx. J found the valley of the Little Wind rh or about twonty-tlvo miles long , and from two to thieu inlle.s wide. There wore Bomo settlers , and the crops looked noil. Wheat , corn , onts and potatoes wore growing finely. There wore Fomo patches of melons , squashes , tur nips , tomatoes and radishes. Tno soil of the valley boomed excellent. The pasturage was abundant , and the cli mate bo mild , that I was told the cattle ran out all winter long without any other food than that which nature pro vided. All tlio cattle wo saw wore very fat. The land is on the Shoshone reservation , und 1 learned all the farms I saw belonged tobquuwmonand friends of the Indian * . A soldier in the evening brought in u bucket full of ripe rod wild raspberries anil wo found thorn excellent eating. Wild goosoporrlos , currants and earvis berries wore found in abundance alijng the crooks and occasionally a bunch of plums , Thu banks of the btroams were llnuil with bullalo liorriofi. Before leaving the valley itwaspro- ) > osodut should have a grand lish and tljo uoxt day was appointed for it. Crutch , thu guide , tola mo ho could taUu rno to a pluco where I could catch more trout than anyone ulbo. Itclying on this information I was boinowhat anx ious to bet on who could take the largest tiring. It was agreed wo should nu'ot at the cabin of Mr. Crutch at 1 o'clock the following day , and with umuy bets UB to who bhould bring in the largest fish , the most fish and the best ( tali , we wont to bed. Hy II o'clock on the followllif morning we had caught our grasshoppers and wcro romi.x to bo off. At Crutches hou o wo 'partod , two going up the Wind river and two down , while Majur , JiioKson and mym'lf went over to a little stream called IVont Crcok. This was thestirnm Indicated by Outeh as "so full of trout it could hold no more. " Wo wore eon on the ground and at work hauling out the speckled beauties. From the lirst hole Jackson took nine and I six' . As wo moved down the stream and the work became warmer the grasshoppers gave out and I sent two men to catch more. It was livcl.\ work , but b\ dint of perse- \ eianceo got enough , 'and after fish ing two and a half hours the driver of our ambulance came to bay If wo wished to ride home wo mubl stop fishing , as the ambulance was Illlod with trout. 1 wont to sec , and sure enough the space bctwoon the io.it8 was completely filled up , and when o'ir own weight was added the spring ? came down with a thud. We had taken ovorono hundred and llfty trout , and sati llcd that no ono would no better , wo sot out , for the camp The parti down the river had sixty- four and our friends up the stream about eighty. The lieutenant had taken the largest trout , having one that weighed quite three pounds. Mrs. Crutch had prepared an _ excel lent meal of toast antelope , fried fat bear , peas , siring beans , potatoes , fresh tomatoes , squash , mince pie , pumpkin pie , wild bcM-rips anil cream , good hi cad , nutter , colTeo and canned o\stor pie. Wo were all hungry and did ample jus tice to ibis peculiar frontier meal , which was : i& good and well cooked as if it had been prepared in A first-class restaurant. Crutch's wife was a half- breed Sioux squaw and quite a pretty woman. I had not. v t soon the plaster beds of which L had hoard much talk , and wo M > t out to visit thorn. Wo found on a mountain ridge that ran into the valley veins of pure white stone closely rc-cmbhng marble , only it was fcoftcr. We could cut it with our knives like a hard soap trfne , and when pounded up it smcllcd like ground plaster. When exposed to the sun it became hard , and when burned it turned into planter of parts , or a limey substance , if mixed with sand and water and dried it be came as hard as rock. 1 saw a hoiibc that had boon plastered with it , and the plastering was as hard as stone. The point of the sharpest knife hardly scratched it. What this stulT was I could not make out , but no doubt it is valuable , and some day will largely enter into the wants and conveniences of mankind. .Loins S. BuisiilN. Itflicf I'Toni Indigestion. Frank W. CJIIlett , 2J1 Second Ave. , New Vorlc , writes : "J doom it my pleasure to testify to the plicnomrnul effects of IJIIANDHKIII'S Pin , " , upon myself , in eradicating from my system the most acfjniv.itotl form of indigestion , the attacks of which wore nearly as severe as spasms. After a costly treatment two boxes of nitAN'iwETti's Pn.i.s have put mo in a bet ter condition than I hnvo been for years. g 1 4 II < Tt > . Apropos of the arrival of the alleged first spring month , the Chicago Herald makes the following suggestions : Take oft your winter underclothes and die of pneumonia , In the springtime gentle Annie still wearb her Mnl kin sack. Don't lot tho. furnace fire go out while you are writing spring poetry. Gentle spring is hero , but neverthe less keep the snow oil your sidewalk. Don't trust to the rosy promises of the alumnae. Look at your thermome ter. ter.March March came in like a spring lamb , and according to the old rule , it bhould go out like a roaring lion. Hail gentle spring ! Ethereal mild ness cornel unless , of course , you are unavoidably detained by bad weather. You might look out foi the early robin , but nrob.iblv if ho has got any bonsoyou won t see him for n month yet. It is spring , to be sure , but don't put your snow shovel whore you won't bo able to find it in a month or more later. Say "this is more like winter than spring1' rather than ' 'winter is linger ing in the lap of spring. " The latter is a chestnut. The Boring poet doth now appear. The Herald , however , has a largo stock of spring poetry leftover from last sea son. Sercnadors , unless afraid of influenza , will now ultimo their throats to the sweet strains of "In the Springtime , Gentle Annie. " In the spring the young man's fancy lightly turns to the tailor that ho can stand ofl for a spring overcoat and a new suit of clothes. A man in Now York who prematurely exulted over the delightful spring weather perished in the bli/zard of the 12th of last March. An Atisoluto Cure. The OHIOINAIj AUIET1NE OINT MENT is only put up in lunjo two ounce tin boxus , uml is an absolute euro for old soies , burns , wounds and chapped liuml ? , and all Akin eruptions. Will positively cuio all kltulsof piles Ask for the ORIGINAL AU STIN' E OIXTMEN'J , . Said by Ooodmaa Drus Uo , at ' . ' 3 cents per box by inuil an tents. Your Nails. Pink nails indicate indolence. Red nails , a warlike disposition. Narrow null1 } incline to mischief. Small round nails denote obstinacy. Crooked nails indicate n fiery nature. Filbert nails are associated with de ceit , Nails abnormally pulo. or with black spooks on them , denote sickness. Hroad nails are considered to bo indi cative of btihhfiil and gentle natures. Long nails appertain to those of a tumpori/ing disposition. Those are the nails of persons who hate scones , A Word About Catarrh , "ltl the mucous membrann that oiid > rfnl HiMnt-llulili < n\ulopu suriuumltnithudcllcoto th- Hiiei iiftlieiilr und roodp swgi"i , that Cutarrli uiat. - ltMB'iongliold. uncu t'stnbllshud , It eats Into \eryvltiiln. . and lumlcrs lira but n long- dniuii broatnof mUfry anil dlrtruso , ( lulling tint dense of hvurlni ; , trammeling thu pouvr of hiieecli.ile lioylimlliu f ciill > of smell , tainting tm-bieitli , uml Killing tlio lutlned plfaHiirus of tutti.- . Insidiously by creeping n Iromaslmplo rolillnthu heiiil. U axsniiUs tin membranouii llnlniuml envulouea thu bones , uutliis' tlirougli the ilcllcato i outs cunulng Inllammutloi ) , Hlomihlng inn ! ilna'Ji. ' .Nothing Hhort of total ernillciitlonwltli'ocuri'lioiilth to thu patient , mid nil ollclatheaiuo Klmnh procinnttniitodtuller- ! lng .le.iillnt-too fatal termination. HAVKIIID'.S IIDICM , CUIIK by Inlniliitlnn and by Interim ! udmlnlftiatlou Han never fulludo\eu ; ulien thu illHcuhohas iniidii filghtful linoail-i on dell-ntu ronstllutlons heailng. Hiiitlliunl tiisto ha\t < l > een HHOM'iO'l , uud the disease thoroughly ill hen out. " HvM'nun's HAPlcn.CtfiiK consists of one hot- tlonf liltUviucu. . Cuuu , ono box C\TUMIIIU , hoi.vr.ST , ninliiiio iMi'iuiVKii I.MI u.tii. neatly \\rapped la vilv I'.uk'iit'e , ultli full dliuctlom > ; rOMTI a Dllt'O & , CllKMIC VI , CO. , IIOSTO.V. WEAK , PAINFUL BACK * , Kiilney niul 1'teilne 1'iilns nnilVnk. . iii'-Mf * . ii'llev 'il innst : MINUTI. by the . . . . . . rriiULii * Asri-1'uN I'I.ISTKH. tlio II ft tlrnt ir.ul only imlu-lclllliiK pLuliT. Netv , iUMuiitiiiieoiin , Inrallllili1. The most puifcct iinililolu 'o 1'nlii. IntlAinmutlon niulVVnkiie3 rvurrniniMimilnl. V.i tlv Hiijieilor to all other lilrt tiH. . At nil ( IrngKlMN , Met llvo foi II , or i > 0"lai-tt fieo of I'urTtit JJnl'il AND CilEiiifAL Co. , llo > ton , ) | U ! > , nYF < > 5 ARE THE near THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , May Wheat Slnka Below the Dollar Lino. CORN CLOSES DULL AND LOWER. Anotticr Active Dny In Oalw A Small Decline In Provisions Mule Chance in Cnule HOKH Close HironK , CHICAGO PHODUCK M.YUKKT. Cittrioo , March 0 [ Special Telegram to Tun BnE.l May wheat pot below $1 to-day , and July was broken 16 Mtfc. ) The market opened about Ic off as comp ired with yester day , the oxcmo for the over night break being the panio in Paris the bears wore nlort anil aRRressiVe. They ill- rccted their attacks Mm to the distant fu tures , which wcro notoriously weak on crop repot ts. This started Mnv down , and it was not Ion ; ? before the crowd discovered thnt delivery was not well supported. Hutchlnson , who was the Inrjicit buvcr yesterday , figured to-dnv as the seller. Ho helped to start the bro.ik and nt the best was u moderate buyer after prices got down , llio receiving houses had a oed deal of wheat to sell for May delivery to-day. Indeed the sales by the recolx in ; ? houses have been on an increasing scale ever since the vvrather began 10 give promise of an c.irlj spring. This would seem to indi cate that there Is little wheat accumulating at the country points in readiness for shipment to Chicago. The fart that the prices now ruling for Mny are proving so attractive for pountrv holders may bo uno of thu causes leading to the dlsinellnation of the bull load ers to sustain the m.iruet. It hus been plain for several days that the party had not been lending the nmikot any material support , it lias been loft to run itself , so lines os Fall bank has been concerned , for all that anybody could detect. Hiiteliinson Is at the front once moio us n peisonallty woith con sidering. He is iiiitu | us ninth talked about as Falrhank , and in his great role as a dls- turulni ; factor ho may conclude not to let May go down to n point low enough to stop the country taiget praetice. which some people ple think is wlmt the Fairbank Dirty would ilkotoscc. There wag excellent buying of July wheat on the break to day. There has hern seemingly a good deal of "oiling ot that tuturo in this and other markets , on the theory that the ISb'J crop of wheat was not only going to bo the largest on reeord , lint thnt it was going to be har vested next week. The conservative opera tors , who do not lose their heads easily , me looking upon July with vcr" friendly eyes at the prices now ruling. They hold to the theory that in any event , no matter how largo the next crop may be , the reserves of old wheat at the end of the ciop year will bo drawn to a lower bed-rock level than has been reached in .Years , and that the llrsl month's receipts will go into Immediate con sumption , thus rendering the accumulation of the stocks during the month of July al most an impossibility , for that and other reasons they are disposed to think that the selling of the ciop that has not yet been raised , for delivery in July , may bo carried too far. Hence this class of operators arc as chary of shorting July as they are of touching May. May wheat opened nt S1.01W , with sales immediately at 51.01 'a' ' , ft then ran up to $1.02 and in successive breaKs declined to Sib/1 , the bottom tom being reached just aoout 1 o'clock. Hal- lies of J4f Jc were frequent , but the market gave wnv at any point under a pressure of free offerings. There was active trade in June , and the price at one st.-urc was down to ! U'fc. ' ( The transactions in July were on a larger scale , larger nroba'uly than in May. July opened at hSc , sold off to ST'-fc , up to 87c , and by Inegular jumps or jerky movu- ments to b ( > Xc. Jnno ! 314\ : and .lulv S KC. As compared with yesterday this shows u decline of U i' in Mnv , Do In Juno and IJfc in July. The weakness in the other markets af fected the speculative bianch of the corn trade to a limited extent , but the small re ceipts , which consist in the main of grades below No. 3 , were in active request for ship ment and are working gradually to a closer approximation to their consumptive value , as comuarcd with the price of con tract , grade , 'llio opening was lirni on the small arrivals , here and elsewhere , but for the reason already named , the offerings be came freer und trade lapsed into dullness. The local operators did the bulk of the bus ! ness , orders to buy or sell on outside account being reported by commission houses as scarce. The market held up well in the face of theseiious and disquieting financial con ditions reported from Puns , which hud such n depressing effect upon wheat , May closing a shade better than it did yesterday , but all other futures wcro from 1-1U to e lower. In oats another active day was recorded , with the decline in the speculative market unchecked. The further weakness was duo to the continued nrcssuro to sell evinced by u number of lunro operators , and in addition to the loputcd unloading of long oats , ut least one trader was credited with selling short to a liberal extent. The mteroj. , was ehielly in May , which opened stondc at SJ' e and Inter declined to 2.V < c , with n snbsu qnciil paitial iccovcry , while there was lather more doing in Juno than recently at a narrower discount of > 4 i8'c. The cash market was quiet and quulably } . | ( < e\e lower , with No. 'J iegularnroundi.MHfc. In provisions fair activity and u compara tively strong in irkct were the fcatuics of the day. Notwithstanding the closing showed a small decline from .vcstcrday's last llgnrcs , the bulk of business wan transacted nt an advance , c\uiing \ the iiioinltir. when the gi cutest animation was witnessed , and poik sold up 2"ic , lard 5c and slioil ribs lOc from the 11 rat quotations made , i ator , how ever , tne market , under fiee realizing , tiroko badly and the early advance was moro than lost , the resting prices for the session showIng - Ing an actual decline of ! > u en park and lard and 5@i c in shoi t ribs. CHICAGO ijivu sroon Cmc\oo , March 9. [ Special Telegram to Tun UBB.J CVTTI.B To day there was little or no change , . Prices were weaker , many salesmen declaring fair to good steers weio 25e lower than at the high point yesterday. Choice beeves , H S3 ; mcdlvm to good steers , 11 ! * > U to l.riOO pounds , $3.aOi.J ( OU ; l.'JOJ to 1,3-,0 pounds , fl. 20.t.(15s ( 050 to 1,200 pounds , f jjOix.iJ ( ) ! ; Htoclcers and feeders lower , t210@fi ) ; ; cows , bulls and mixed , 10J lower , * 1."U@J.'JO ; bulk , t 00 ( < ' . ' .50. .50.Hoos Hoes To-day there was a short upturn of fie on heavy and lOo on light , closing stiontr. Choice heavy shipping and packing , l,7."i ( < n 1 & ( ) ; light mixed , * 4 ; 55U.bij ) ussoited light , 1 1 7" > (3l bii ; nssoitcd light and singe soil , * I.COji4 80 : Bkips and roiiis-h lots , * 'l 50 ( < j.l.50 ; boars and rough stags , fa OJQJ.OO. NRW YOHK , March 0. fSpeciul Telegram to TUB J3KK.1 STOCKS The foreign houses had largo soiling orders in stock this morn ing , owing to the panic in the copper stocks at ParisTl.o Ilrst prices , as comnaied with last evening's ' figures , were from } to } per cent lower fur the general list , while Omaha common was an exception , with u loss of 1/4 / per cent. The Chicago houses and the pro fessional traders wcru large sellers of Grangers and Coalers , and thu longs in the Pacific group wcro getting out as fast as pos sible. Oicgon Transcontinental declined l\ , Union Pacific , Canada Southern and Tennessee Coal , KLaekuwanna \ and Louis ville & Nus'hvllle , } { . No change occurred la the temper of speculation , and at 11 o'clock the market wus active and weak at the low est prices reached. The commission people hail very fuw orders In. Apparently the only support to the mailcot was received from thu bear clement , who wcro willing to buy so as to secure the prollts on their sales. After 11 o'clock the market subsided into comparative dullness , the severe pres sure liding removed , aad some slight frac tional rallies were made. The movement was insignificant , however , and after the bank statement had been issued showing a $3,000 , 000 loss in the reserves , there was an other drive at values amj tUe decline was re sumcd with all iU fonfo , nnd still lower prices wcro reached nil over the list. * Itvns subsequently rumored thnt $3,000,003 , of gold had been engaged for "export , and this started fresh selling by the boars. At noon the nmrkot closed acthd ? ntid weak nt the lowest prices o ( the dny , which show Louis- vlllo & Nashville , 1'S ; KerJdlnR mid Union 1'aclflo , 1 ; Oregon Transcontinental , St. Paul nnd Lnukawnunn , J < i "sbY ) England , J { ; Northwestern , Lake Shora-iiul Missouri Pa cific , XTelcfranli \ , Burlington nnd Hook Island , * { per cent. The * total jjlcs for the day amounted to 210,000 shares. The folio wing were tha closing quotations ! U.S. 4s rwilar . .IsiijiXorthern Pacific. . 2T > ' 5 U.S , 4scounons. . .l.Mii donroferroil , . . . , . fiu" U.'s' HscoiliTOai .lOTVi dopraferrej' ' ! ! 140 1'aclIloCsof s 5 ,1A ) .V. V. Central Wi rontral I'ultlo . . .n T. . 1) . ScK , t . * * , ! 4'i CMcuiro A : Alton . 131 HocklMnnd . . . I'l'i ' Chlc.agoItiirllnfton ; V. " . M. . .ist. p . . . . n. JlQulucv . 0" < d .oprefcrrenl. I'S3 ' , I ) . . I > . . .VV. . .l.lS iSt. Paul .V Omahi . .11-1 lllinoU Central IHUU doprefcrroil Ul 1..II.AW. . . 114 UnionPacitle . . . Bl'i iVTo < c.ts . 1- " . W..SI.U Ai > 11 I , kc3aor . . . .107 Uo prefnrreil lil' Michigan ( 'mitral H7 Western Uulou Nt > 4 MOVBV os CM.U Kusy , with no loans. Pin MR MKiiOANTit.ri lUi'Ert 14 ; iSJ'j per cent. SIEIII.INO nvciuvnn Dull but siuy-Utn bllU , $ l.b5 > f : ilennud , * l. i > iioi > ijch MAiiicnrs. CnicAflo , March ' , ) . Wheat Wcalt and lower , c.ish , 9April. \ ; . ! ) ' ' < o ; Muy , Coin StCiidj ; u.ish , 'Jl. ' o ; April , " O\its liisier ; fish , 2JJ c ; May , 25 13 lOo. Kyo Mnv , t- c. Uiirlcy Notlilujt dolnp. Pritnu Tliuothi $ I.J > . Klax-SI.4'J. Whlskv-SI 03. l oik-iisv : ; c.is1i , ? ll 0 : Mnv. 512.00. I.ard bto.ulcash ; , $ i.s 'u ' ; M.iy , ? i ) 0 , " > , Flour Stoidv. Drv Salt Meats Steady ; short rib ? , ST.20. Chceso UiichntiRud ; full choldiui , IDJi't.'i'llo ' ; llats , ll c ; Voun Ainenc.n , ll1 - Uuttor UnchaiiKCilf croainory , 19 dairy , 1-irrwae. K-ps-Unfli.iiiBoil ( ; fidsh , Willl e. Hlilos Unchiincod : noavv Rrecn s.iltcil. f t . , . " , - salted bull , 4'4iSI ' } < L'BWiin bull , , ' 1' ' creun ( s.iltuJ c.xlf , ( iifo ; dry Hint , 7 viio ; ( -roan ' ltcll kip , -lo ; dry calf , Ti < J3t' ; dry B.xltu.l hides. 7c. Tallow Weak ; No. 1. sollil pokcd , -1 ® 4 > 4o ; No. 2 , ' Flour , bbla . 0.0)1 ) il.OJO WhontbU . : il.KK ( ) ffl.OOJ Coni.ou . lin.OOJ 12,1,0X1 Onts. bll . 7I.DJJ IH.UJO Ncxv Vork. March 9. Who it Kocoipts , 8KX ( ) ; oxXrts | , none ; spot dull and } n@fc loaor ; No. 2 red. ( .M& , ? ' . ) ijfc in uiuvator. tiO' ' c nlloat , O O'c i o. b ; No. Ilred , UUe ; options % diu lower ; March , Corn Kcceipts. UT.flOJ ; exports.1,0X1 ; spot dull mid wc.ikcr ; No. 2 , 4tZ4l"nU ( ! in ele vator , 4'sc ( ) ' allottt ; No. ! ) . 4i : ( iT4Sifc ; uiiirrndeil mixed , 42 ( < Jt4 V ; options dull and easier. Oats Receipts , 1S.OJO : exports. SCO ; spot linn and inileti nptloni steady and quiet ; March , aiHcAirll , ) , niVc ; Mav , ! ll > ic ; spot No. 2 white , .T."tff < i3.tjtfc : mixed western , 'M © Uc. Colteo ODtions opened steady and closed unehanped to r > points above M-sturday ; sales , 40r03 bai-s ; March. § 17OJ ( < 5ir 2J : May , $17.10 ( tl7.1.i ; spot Kio less llnu ; full1 earcoos , $11) ) 00. " J'etrolcuinQuiet and * steady ; United , closed at UJVc. Egf-4 Steady ; western , , U.fc. Pork Fiim. Lird Steadier and quiet ; western steam , J7.M ; March , $7.25. lluttorSteady mid in fair demand : west ern , 14C'J20Uc. Cheese Quiet and rleady ; western , 1) ) " fttll' c. Ijlvor oil. Miroh 9. [ Special to THE LtRi-.J-2.UO p. m. .close. L'oilt Holders offer iiiodorntelv ; prime me-s , eastern , Cos ; hteady ; aoj ncstcrn , 55s ; steady. Lint Holders offer spot niodaiatolv and futuiesspanuKly ; spot und March , 3 > s IM ; llrm : Aptil and May , : > Cs , lirm. Wheat Holders offer freely : now No. 2 winter , 7s SJ , ( inn : do spiinjSi , llrm. Flour Holders offer moderately : lit : ) d , steady. Corn Holders offer moileiately : spot , 4s i d. steady ; March , : ( s ll fd , steady ; April ind May , : i3 11 if 1 , steady. St. Ijouli. March ' .I. Wheat Lower ; cash. ' .Me ; May , ! )5j ) { ( < i,9' > " < e. Corn jisy ; cash , 2S c ; Muy , SOJ < c. Oats Quiet ; cash , 2Vfu ; Mai , 2"c. l > ork ( .luiet ntl2.37 ! > f. Lard $ .1 7.1. Whisky Stoidy at f 1.03. Hutter Quiet ; creamery , 24@iGc ; dairy , 2l@2c. ! Olnoinn.iti. March 9. Wheat Nominal ; No. S red. 9JC ' . ) c. Corn Weaker ; No 2 , mixed. : ) " > c. Oat < Quiet ; No. 3 mixed , 2j ( ; < Jc. \Vhisky-Quiet at * UU. Kansas City. March -Wheat Lower ; No 'J rod , cash. 33c as'ccJ ' ; Mij.Ol'cbid Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash , 21e hid ; May , 25X'1 bid : No 2 white , cish , no bids nor of- fetines May , 27Ju bin. Oats No. 2 May , no bids nor offerings ; May , 22c bid. March 9. Wheat Sample wheat easier ; roctipts , ] 4 loirs , shipments , ( I ! cars. Closing .No. 1 hard. March , $1.10 ; May , $ l.rJ , ' < ? ; on tradSl.ll ; No. 1 noit'i- ' orn , March , Ubc M.iyl ( ) K ; on track , $1.00 ; Np. 2 , noithern , Maich 9Jc ; May , 'JO e ; on track , 90c. _ M'/i' SI' > * J 4. Cuictoo , March -Cattlo - flccoipts , 2.00J : inarkot slow and woiker ; choice beeves , -51.00 ® ! ' ; steers , 5J90i < .J'JU ; htoc'kers aim feedeis , > J lOiji'l X ; LOWS , bulls unct mixed , $1 ror.7J.9i ) . Hogs Kcceipts 10,000 : market strong , higher ; mixed , f'l.liOi(4.b ( ) ; heavy , $ > 5i ( 4.b.Vv Ii0'ht , $ lb0.r l.9 , ) ; skips , $ ; i 75 4 60. 60.Shcop Hosolpts. 2,003 ; market slow nnd weaker ; natives , f J fiJi ? " > 00 ; woatcin corafed , ? 1.400i > l 0"i ; lambs , tl.7.iiflOO. ( KaiisasOity Alurdi ! ) l.'atilo KeceiDts , 151 ; shlpmentsi TiOt ; bmtdicssed beef and ship ping steers filu ul.mat . ; Uct ineilluni slow and \\cilc ; choice cows , steady ; common , dull ; Rood to choice coin-fed , - . ) 7T > ' 4.10 ; common to medium , fi 75it ( : 00 ; stockers and feed ing steers , slow and weak , ? 1 00@it.13 ; cows , Receipts , U.S03 ; shipments , ( HI ; market weak nnd full lOc lower ; common to choice , Jl.lT/iilfij. Nntionnl SIOL-IC Yards. Uint St. IjouN. .March 9. Catti1 Hccoipts , 100 , shipments , bOO ; MKU' steady ; choice heavy native steers , JJMJ4 ! 1J ; fair to good , $ ) KKiift 90 ; stookors und f cbdors , ? J 00 ! J 20 ; rangers , corn-fed , f..ToTfa 5Ugruss ; feJ , fl 9J . - - Hogs Ileceipts , 2,500 , shipments. 2,503 ; inaikot btrong ; choice lioayy und butcher * , il 70@I.KV , | mcl < iiiK , $ < .lAii | .75 ; light j-rades , Hlini\ City , March 9/TJCattlo Receipts , 220 ; shipments , 19J ; stioiiK ul > d uncliunged. JlogH Iecelnts,2l2jj { .ni rkot strong ut yesterday's juices. OMAHA Ii Saturday. iMarcli 9 , 1S89. There was n good run of 'cattle for a Sutu r day , both as to quality aU * ; numbers , but the miirket was rather slo\vwt burcly stoadj prices. The packers did not requlio many cattle to 1111 their orders und us shippers wcro generally looking for custom inurkcts to bo lower on Monday , they were not very strong buyout. However , between the pack ers and shippers the bulk of thu cuttle changed Imndtt before the close. The ma jority of thodrosscd beef und shipping steers sold ut ) .uOfU 'M , but a piece of u loud sold us high as S3 7U. The trade In butchers' stock was light us was also thu feeder trade. The buyers wanted to take off about fie when the market opunud und llio t radii was delayed for ayhllo , salesmen belli- ) very slow to nmlto any concussion. The truJo did not drag very long , but soon livened up und the Iiot-'ft sold Kt about yesterday's prices , closing strong. Late in thu afternoon a train of seven curs arrived and naturally had to sell a llttlo lower , Nearly everything sold at ft.4rKil4.tK ) with two trades ut $4 55 uud u loud at fl.OO. _ Hlieop. market uoa uctlvo with the BUUDlv liberal nnd nbout ovcr.vtlilnR clmnp-ed luinds nt prices not very different from the market during the earlier part of the week , Itocolpts. Ctti.lo. . * . . * . . . . l.OiX ) Ho us . i . . . . . . 5iOO Sheep . 1,050 The following la a table of prices paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned ! Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 lb . . . * .1.2 * > ( < M W > PrimestceM , HOOto lyooibJl.Ov ) ( jd.40 Nutlve feeders . a.7.i ( if 3 00 Common to good cows . 1 5'J ( --SO Choice to fancy cows . ' ' . ' .40 Kalr to choice bulls . 1 7.1 ( jf1.1 S5 Fnlr to choice light hogs. . . . . Ml ( if4.50 Fair to choice heavy hogs . . .4.45 O/'l.liO ' 1'alr to choice mixed hogs . . . . 440 ( ii4 M ) Fair to choice western sheep . 11 7.1 M4 IT Tnlr to choice Nobrnskns . a.W ( -M 10 Uuprcsentiitlvo 8T1.1.HS. No. Av. 1'r. No. AV. iv. n . uvi It Nl 11 l if i r UM l liKO .ill ) mi , 'wt'i ' 5 aw .14711 ano 1 1MJ HOJ r > , in ILII IB ' 1211) ) , uw 10u. Urt 22' 1171 u. .mi : i.-\ ) 3 aid u.M im ; i.i ni ; ) 11 I.IIO a : 11114 21 : i .to 1271 18 mi ! 1 , W i.uii 1 ! ) 1 ! M1 in. lit- ! 3.11 .1570 tl.70 in.l l 770 JI.TCI II. , inn . ' .H ) in 1IH 2."i 1 HVI 1.7 * . inn IWII 2 JO 1. < ni 2.00 u 11IH ) . . . . 1770 2.110 i 8M1 2.50 . f. . . 1110 2.2.i H urn wio 1 . . . .HriO.41 .HIM 2XI ( 1 . . . . . 17M 2.-.0 1 1 iii : : < IJvc Stock Notes. Cattle slow und baiely steady. Hogs sell at about yestoiday's prices. The he ivicst hog i cccipts of the week. K. Killov , from the town of the same name , topped the hog market. The ueek closed with hogs selling about 25o highei than at the ( lose of last week. On last Saturday the ho-s sold at ? 1 25fl ( > 1.80 with nearly everything1 at fl.2 C' < 1l.2" . The pi esent wcelc opened with u decided advance , the hogs selling on Monday , mostly at $ J.3J ( il 1 35. Tuesday's ' receipts sold at S4.IU < l.4i mid on Wednesday , the bulk of the hos biouaht i4.4"i with the top tit $4.50. The highest point of the week was on Thursday , whi'ii fl.iK ) was icuchcd and the bulk sold at SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basemen ! First National Bank , SOA Suulli litlli Street , Oiiialia NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Ca-ntui ? IOO,001 Surplub Jan. Ibt , 18ST , . . . M.OO'J III Mil 113 AMI IIIHLUIOIIS ; II. \ \ . V.VTI-S. 1'lUllllOllt I.I\MSS. : Itunii. Vlca Pn'aldunt. \V. ll.S lliuiiiifnsluar. : ! . DIIIIKTOHS : A. n. Toir/u.iN. W.V. MOIISF , .lOII.N b. I OM.1NH , J. N. II. 1'ArllH'K , U. 0 CU8II1X ! . THE IRON BANK , Cornvi l.'thniul 1'iunnm Sts. A ( in ill 111 Dii.n ( \ WI-HT'H Nnitvi : AMI HIIAI.V TIM : IT- MH.NT , agiiaranti'dlspaclllo for Hybtuila , Ilzl- HUSH , ConMilslons , fits. Nervous NciiialKlu , I > * , Nervous Prostiatlon diiiHvil liy tlio uao or alcohol or tobacco , \\akefuliictts. Nluiital Dcprcmloii , Sof i'iilni-of the llr.'Un , result lnIn liHunltvanil Imullnutn misery , ilerii ) ami dfalli. I'leniutmiiOlcl Age , llarionnc n. Loss of I'oAser Inollhersox , linolunhiiy I.QSH.IS nnil Kpi'imiit- uihci'n caused bv ovor-n\eitlonof Hit ) lirnln.Kilf- nbusn or oveimilnlKcncit. Dacli box lotitnlin nnoinonth'H liualment * l W u box , 01 Dlxlioxeg for f-'i ( M.sonl by millp1 epald on receipt of pi Ice. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES Torino any rase. Vtltli each older H'LOiveil liy us fnrulx bo\n. accompanied * " > . ( , uciulfl hnnil thepiirchuser our uriltiii gnalanteo to if- fund thu money IT tnu tro itment does not Direct urniu ( iiiariiutei-s IHHIICI' only by ( looiliiitin HriiK 10 , UniKulsN , yule Auenu , fltu runiam blrn'l , Omaha , Neb , Wyoming Oil Lands LOCATED , And all iivcensury papers ( Illeil W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Engineer , CAHl'KII. wro. . or OMA11A.NKIIIIAKKA of Trees ! of Fruit TreeH , fiinall Kriilts , Crape Vlnex , Drimmental Trees nnil hhruliH , Kvur- Krocn , Hones , utc , togi ther ullh 'ilarge iu > sort- munt of Ticoa and Bweils lor planting Timber Claims. LOW PRICES AND CHOICE STOCK , 1'acllltleg unmii passed. Vi'rlto for \\holeHale ami retail Until. NIli\AM : > ( > AII - D. S. LAKE , Proprlutor , . - . IOWA. _ AftrlcuUurnl Implomonts. cn vncin'u. , Dealori i Agricnllnial Implements , Wagons Rci and Mmslcv JOIIP > Ircol , Mtnron Dill anil JWh , Omniin , Nobrn k A .UK/ri/.r cn , Agricnlt1 Implements , Waaons , Carriages lllicslo' , etc.VhoVnle OninliH. Nrlna < kl rAitLix , OH fix n o 1 1 1 O/ / u ; Tix co. \ \ holtonle IkMlcr' In Agriciiltiiral IraplBnicnls , Wagoj _ HJI. 'W , I0 nnill" ' Jones 'Irocl. Onmhn Mntiufncturcr * nml JoMirr In Wagons , Busies , Rafts , How , ? Etc , Cor Wlininl l > artHe rtivcls Oninlii _ _ Artists' Mntorlnls. _ _ Ii noun : , 'Jr , ArtHts1 Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M1 Donclno-troel Umnlm Ncbrn kn. V.- ' Boots nnd Shoos. ir. r. . .iofsco / , Jotes of Boots ; nd Sliocs , 1101 , 11 in , 11115 Dnnalii * trod , Omnlm Miinnfnclur- uniiin'r lu' < I , IliKiiin Conl , Coke nnd Llmo. "OMAHA COAL , ro/r/j .C .n/B co.7 Jolitaoi Hard and Soft Coal , ntlitr , c'tOiiHvlii ! , .SctiriKhn rrur. co , ShiprcsofCoalaflCok 214until 13lh M. , tlmnlm , Nob. Crockery ontl Cl.isswnro. I'llllKlXS , ( lA'I'Cll . .VJ ir.U.UV , Imporlpr uml Jodlicri of Crockery , Glassware , Limps , Silverware Klc. 1SII Knrninn streetlien I'nxtiinti'lUlhii ; . Commission nnd storage. lUinniLLSt ItlDDliT.L , " Storae ami Coiniiiissioii Mercliants , bpcclultlt * Itititer , ivun , tin 00. pnultrT , lllllliitrunl 'tiec-t , Oninlm'.Sel ) . i > cii HOI ; DF.R&VO , Profince Commission and Cold Storage , ( Successor * to Mi hnnc A. Fclirovdvr. ) Uiiialm , .Ni-lira jUn _ Dry Goods nnd Notions. M. K. SMITH A CO. , Dry Goods , Fiiriiisning Goods and Notions 1IW nnd 1101 Doui.-1.iv cor. lllli street , Omnlm , Neb KIL1 > AT111C-I\-KO < : U DUV HOODS CO. , Importers ? nd Joliliers in Dry Goods , Notions ( Jems' furnt < ihlim KIMH ! ' COIIUM lllli nnil llnrnc- ftieel * < , Uni ihn , Nebrn kit ///.v , ry Inilioiler nnJ juW'eri of Woolens and Tailors' ' Triiiiiiiings , MT.-uutli 1'Hli streit. Furniture. jj-ir/r A &TO.V/ : , V liolesale Dealers in Fiirnitiire Knriuim "Irccl , Unmli.i. Nclinit.ku. VllAltLKS M Furniture , Cmaba > ebraflka. Groceries. _ ' l'A'xrOX , GALLACIllMl A CO. Wliolesale Groceries and Provisions. OJ,707TV.lMliiKllbomll 13tll st.Onl.lliu.Neli. Moconn , iniADY . .tco. . , Wholesale Grocers' uml l.cnvcnnurtli Urccti , Oin 1)11 ) , Nrbrn < kn. Hardware _ " 7r. J. intOA'n'ii. Heavy Hardware. Iron and Steel , bpiinu * < , iMiKon st'tca , Innl are , luintior , utc. 120J nnd Ull Iliirnuy Mruut * Oiniiliu. / / ; / ; , CLAUKI : , AXI > HIISIX UAIW- \\'A1U1 \ \ L'OMl'ASV. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metnl-i. iliect Iron , ctrAcenH fur llo c tile : < Ml.nnl pow.lLr un.l lj man lurlieil wire , oil , v 7VI YLOn. Bnllflrs'Ha'dwarcajil ' Scale Repair Stop , .Meilnuilcs' tool'nnd llnl'iln wnli i. HU'i IOUKUS ! , Noli Lumber. _ _ _ ° \\'AKirni.Dr \ \ Wliolesale Liimlicr , Etc , Imporii'il nnil Aincrlean I'nrtliinil ( Client btnte Blientfcr Jlllwn ikte hydraulic cement und yulniy lilli' lime. Dealer in Hardwood Lumlier , \VooJ carpcH and pirnuot lloorlnR , ! th Hijil Douitlai Mieeln , Omnlm , .Vel ) . _ _ _ _ OJTA11A l.UMlfiit C'OTT AHKinds of Building Material at Wholesale , Ititu bli ( et nn I Union ruclllc'l rnck.Unnlia , LOUIS ui Dealer in Liimher , Lath , Lime , Sasli , Doors , \ttril--Corner Till nnl Dotulm. Corner KHIi end Doii lmi ' ninn ii' on AY. Liimter , iime Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner till anil Douu ! M > , Ouuiliu , < \ x num. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber. lllli nnd Cnlirnrnlii bin ul . Ouiulm , Ni lir-isk Nllllinory and Notions. / . ommvnLnKii A "co. , Importers & Jobta in Millinery & Notions J .2111 nnU 2Ufcoutli lltli Rtreut. Notions. J. T. ItOlllNitON XOTIOX CO. , Wholesale Notions aid Furnishing Goods , 431 mid 4 < fi HiiuUi lOtli tlreti , OM.alni. Notions and Gents' ' Furnislilnz Goods , IIU5 llurney ilrei t , Oaiulm , Olla. " ' "foNSO'ui > A'l'ii : ) TASK LINK CO. , Wholesale Reflnei and Liricating Oils , Ailoureaie , ulv , Oni li , A. II llltliop , MunJiier Papor.f f m x'i'un PAi'im co. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Cnrrr riiilre Hock of piliithiif , Hr | ' | .lni : nml willing | * > er , hpcciul uttuiillon nivun to tur loml ordern. Storoso , Forwarding & Commission. AHMSTJIOXO , rnrnx A co , , Storage , Forwai'diiig and Commission lira c hiiuio uf Ilia lUunrjr Ilntr Co. lluvnlotttt vfliuliiiilennil retail IJJi , lilu , 1-nr.lttict.t , Uuniliit , Tulcpiunu ) ! . , /J Toye. " ' " " " 'u "llAHUl' A C07 , Jobber ! of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , JiOUie IurnUj ! | v tooJ , ctill lrtn' < rurrluiiei , ' .C. tlr ui , OmuUzNu * Boots ' _ . _ DA i I JOXKS'AGO. , pBcw ot tolleelJonn.'i Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Buots&Shccs AerDl * for llo ton > > ho Co , 1IIU. 1101 nd 1109 lUrne > Miect , Onmlm , .NrlT k . Drowors. , t ti.r.n , IUI North KlfMornth > trcel.Uni h , N Cornlco , VAGI.H COUXWK W'OltKS , Mainractiirers of Galvanized Iron ComlcB ow r | mill inolrtlc k-l Bhtu .lotm Kreiietcr * | ir | > iletor UK and llOMiuili lOIIi itrcet. ui j > Mannfactiireisofnveralls. Offlco Fixtures. GO. MHiinfactiiiorxof Offlcc and Saloon Fixlnrcs , > lnnlc ( Sili-lmnrii * Hook ( < - , , Drill ! KHtiiro- , Wall I ! - . rnrlllliiiu UnlMiiiCounter * . HiM'rnmlMn Oli'i , Mliniro , I I , I iirlnry nnil ntllro , ITtj nml 173J t-outli Llli HI , ( . 'MI.I'I.\ "iL-ltplmiioH'l Pjipor Boxos. . . . ,101IX L. l\rlll\llT \ rropricfor Omalia Paper Box Factory , Ni HUailil l.l'i liouelntrrrt , Onmbn , Not ) . Rubber Goods. co.t Maiiufactiircrs a"fl Dealers in Rnlilicr Goods Oil clullilnf nnil lonllirr liilllnK. 1KB 1 nnmm tlrcol Snsh Doors Etc. , , J _ _ _ . M. A. HI union' , t co t \yiiolo nlo limTUirnduiors of Sasli , Doois , Blinds and Mouldings , llrnmli olll < i\ Kill nnil linnl 'Irpct Uninlia , Nob. liOllX MAXIT-lCTl'ltlXO CO , Mannf clnrcrs of Sasli , Dooi's , Blinds , "Inlr nnr < nnil Inlirlor Imnl nooil Illllfb. .N.K corniTtlli imtl I PIU < n\u nil stttcls , Olnnhn , N Stuam FlttlnctB , Pumps , Eto. .1. L. S'l'ltAfill .t CO. , Pninps , PipBS anil Engines , Btr m. water , rnllnnr nnl nillilnc Mipplloi , Mi VfimiAVH Minium i-lrmi. Oiimlin. co. , Steam and Waic Snpplies , : ia liilay wind nilll" 'Jlfl nnil I ( i. 1 Itot ncllni ; i \ CO , Engines , Boilers and General Mech'nery ' , Bhcil Iron work. Mi'Mii pnnii'oiivv ' mills. lilt-IMS l.pHMMiwtirlh itrnt , Omniin. Iron Works. i iro/uc.v , Cftrtcr , V hon , rrop'p MunnfnUiircrH of nil klnili Steani Boilers , Tanks and Sid Iron Work" VVuik Sniitir.'Utli nnil II. .V SI. cro-i luK i niiuxao.v iroitKs , Wronglit and Cast Iron Bui ding Wort lTU- . bruin nnrk , ronrral fffiiutry. ntnililnc And blntksiullh wnrk u-lliu nnil w < ir ! . , U. r. lly. und Kill ntrcct , Uiuulm. OMA } A ironits , Manufacturers of Wire and Iroi Railings Dcak mil * , winctmr Kiiiinl . limn r ntunilnlro B vie ! . ' ' ! .Nurtb U 111trti't , Unmlm Matfrs of Fire andBnrElar f. Jnll vork , Iron > Uiitlpr anil Urn eirapof. (1. ( Anilri'i n , prup r. Cor. Mill anil Jniksua Hti. .Y \vinn \ WORKS. Iron nfl fire Fences , Railings , Guards and noroons for I nnl > , ullirm , ! liiru , n > > l loncocto. . Inipron'il iiiMilnc * , luckiinllli uniil Inorj unil ill ) wurltx. < Ul'-oulU lllli bl. j /-i// . ' , HICHMAX A co. , Live Stock Conunission Mercliants , Ctnrc ltooni24. < M'l'"lto ' ttxrliiniifc HnlMliiK , Unloa MouK Inul" , Hiutli Oniiiliti , Nob. UXION MOCK \'AllIii ) UO , OfOinaaa , Limiteil , John K. llo > il , t THE Council Bluffs The enly road to t ko for Ici Molnait , Mnribnllnwi Conar llnnliti , Cllnuiii , Dlion , Clilcntn. .Mllwaiikeo , ? Pi " ' . ' .P0'1' ' ' T the pifilo | of Kabmika.l olw r , lo. WyoialnK. Utah. llho. .Novii In. Orenm. VVa.lj. . IS ? ' * I ! , ' ( ra1"onlH. It prr n iupurlor Hdvantigoi iiiLio lli | ) by nr ntliurllno. Afiontr a few of the namprnix , points nf Bupurlortli' iiy the iiklronn of tlili n'Ril liiitwiun Omnhi ' ' , ' , . , c.fn"v ' | ar" I" thrno tmlnn a dnr of DAY | CUOIIKS which are lli llneit tluil Inininn nrt and liiKfiiully cnii presto. Ill lieiqiiAlorwliiriicnn not Mi lonnil cliowhore ' ouiitllllliirrj.t'lulmliu of tin , Unliiri I'arltla Hall" ny connccl In u ilon < l | .ot with thoio of Ibo Clil- - j" . * Nonliweitora Hy la < hlrniio tlui trnlni ot 'lili line ninko cloie coniiMtlun Itli tliosu of nil oilier , iitt lurn lliiiin. for U.lrnlt , Colnnibui , Incllnimiiolli. Cincinnati. J'l K-m Jnll , llut-alo. I'ltl.biirK. 'Jnrnnto. Ale itr" ! onion. No * York , riilliulelpliiu , llnlilmonVNib7 jiKlun , nu'l all point * In lliu Knit. Am for llcktiu > ! "NORTH WESTERN" fecynV.i l.1lrtllii . ( ! , .t,1)rci < } { ; . ' ! iod'i"onA" tu-i * I 11 Ull 1 1 ITT. B. P. WII.BON , ( iur , I Jtaimnc- ! . ileo'l I'au r Agent. " . N. . II tt IIAI.I < , TK.kol Aiient. , . , , . WK8T. Oliy P > co KOI Ht. Ow lia N * rni : OF THK Milwaukee & St ' Chicago , , Paul R'y , Thcllest Itouki from Omalm and Council Bluffs to TWO TUAJNB DAII.V 1IUTWKKN OMAUA AMI COUHOII. I1LUKKU Clilrngo , - ANI ) - MlltrauVcO | KU 1'niil , MlnncnpoIIg , Cedar ItnpMfj Kock Island. Frecpoit , Hockforil , Cllutou , Dubiiquo , DUTCH poit , Elgin , Madlsoii , Juntsrillr , llcloil , Wlnoiin , La ( Jrosof , And allollitr Important pulnti Ktil , Norlbomt ai < tioutumit. > orttiiou2h tlilrlt , ealion the tlckat icent at iM ) f annul ttruet. la llnrkvr UUck , or at Uulua 1'acio ] l > ui ut. * 1'ullii.nri S\etftr \ § and Hit Bneil nin'ogCnri ' la th worlil are run un the main line of tbe ClilraKo , Mil wiikeo . A . tit. l' . ul Hallway. an4 ietf altcolluali pall ' - - - - - - - - - - . . . . , . - aol Tlckol Ai UK' ' ) . K. lIKArTOUD. OcaenU ml 'I1o < et Avtul. , , Y " „ liittiarv tliiunidd ua&Tiy , nnlclc. . I lyuiiiltiarulyiuriMl ' liyDOi/l'imACap- unluri , Hoviral lanea curvil In Huven ilit\ . Hold I.COpi'r bix , nil dnmulntt , or by until fcoin Ooo ura ilfs Co. , 11- White St , NV , 1'ullillrectlaua